भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute

IARI Research Publications

Year Title DOI Link
2024 Buswal M.K.; Punia R.; Kumar M.; Tiwari R.K.; Lal M.K.; Kumar R. (2024). Systemic acquired resistance inducing chemicals mitigate black scurf disease in potato by activating defense-related enzymes, PeerJ, 12(11) DOI
2024 Gupta S.; Aski M.; Mishra G.P.; Yadav P.S.; Tripathi K.; Lal S.K.; Jain S.; Nair R.M.; Dikshit H.K. (2024). Genetic variation for tolerance to pre-harvest sprouting in mungbean (Vigna radiata) genotypes, PeerJ, 12(7) DOI
2024 Shiva B.; Srinivas P.; Khulbe D.; Rithesh L.; Varma P.K.; Tiwari R.K.; Lal M.K.; Kumar R. (2024). Isolation and characterization of native antagonistic rhizobacteria against Fusarium wilt of chilli to promote plant growth, PeerJ, 12(6) DOI
2024 Wani O.A.; Akhter F.; Kumar S.S.; Kanth R.H.; Dar Z.A.; Babu S.; Hussain N.; Mahdi S.S.; Alataway A.; Dewidar A.Z.; Mattar M.A. (2024). Pyrolyzed and unpyrolyzed residues enhance maize yield under varying rates of application and fertilization regimes, PeerJ, 12(6) DOI
2024 Singh A.; Kumar A.; Prakash J.; Verma A.K. (2024). Similar and divergent responses to salinity stress of jamun (Syzygium cumini L. Skeels) genotypes, PeerJ, 12(5) DOI
2024 Kumar B.; Pal M.; Yadava P.; Kumar K.; Langyan S.; Jha A.K.; Singh I. (2024). Physiological and biochemical effects of 24-Epibrassinolide on drought stress adaptation in maize (Zea mays L.), PeerJ, 12() DOI
2024 Saleh H.M.M.; Al-Khalaf A.A.; Alwaili M.A.; Dey D. (2024). First record of Apanteles hemara (N.) on Leucinodes orbonalis Guenée and biodiversity of Hymenoptera parasitoids on Brinjal, PeerJ, 12() DOI
2024 Kumari N.; Mishra G.P.; Dikshit H.K.; Gupta S.; Roy A.; Sinha S.K.; Mishra D.C.; Das S.; Kumar R.R.; Nair R.M.; Aski M. (2024). Identification of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) regulating leaf SPAD value and trichome density in mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) using genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) approach, PeerJ, 12() DOI
2024 Kohli M.; Bansal H.; Mishra G.P.; Dikshit H.K.; Reddappa S.B.; Roy A.; Sinha S.K.; Shivaprasad K.M.; Kumari N.; Kumar A.; Kumar R.R.; Nair R.M.; Aski M. (2024). Genome-wide association studies for earliness, MYMIV resistance, and other associated traits in mungbean (Vigna radiata L. Wilczek) using genotyping by sequencing approach, PeerJ, 12() DOI
2024 Kumar R.; Kumari V.V.; Gujjar R.S.; Kumari M.; Goswami S.K.; Datta J.; Pal S.; Jha S.K.; Kumar A.; Pathak A.D.; Skalicky M.; Siddiqui M.H.; Hossain A. (2024). Evaluating the imazethapyr herbicide mediated regulation of phenol and glutathione metabolism and antioxidant activity in lentil seedlings, PeerJ, 12() DOI
2024 Praveen K.V.; Singh A.; Jha G.K. (2024). Moving Towards Sustainable Production through Access to Extension Services: Evidence from Rice Growing States, Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 79(1) DOI
2024 Kumar P. (2024). Sustaining Food and Nutritional Security in India: An Assessment of Agri-Food Systems and Scoping for Future*, Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 79(1) DOI
2024 Naik S.; Rohith S.; Mondal I.; Nayak S.H. (2024). Household Access to Institutional Agricultural Credit: Performance and Key Determinants, Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 79(3) DOI
2024 Pavithra S.; Singh A.; Singh H.; Burman R.R. (2024). Can Access to Institutional Credit Promote Adoption of Improved Technology? A Case of Biofertilizer Use among the Indian Paddy Farmers, Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 79(3) DOI
2024 Nandi S. (2024). Impact of Formal Seed Sources on Smallholder Farming in India: Evidence from NSS Survey using Propensity Score Matching, Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 79(3) DOI
2024 Perumal A.; Mazumdar C.; Srinatha T.N.; Rath S.; Likhitha S. (2024). Mitigating Climate Impact: A Machine Learning Approach to Forecast Methane Emissions from Indian Livestock, Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 79(3) DOI
2024 Kumar S.; Yeligar S.S.; Venkatesh P.; Kingsly I.; Nain M.S.; Paul R.K.; Madhurima U.; Mouzam S.M. (2024). Impact Analysis of the India-EU Free Trade Agreement on Indian Horticulture, Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 79(3) DOI
2024 Kumar A.; Sonkar V.K.; Aditya K.S.; Mishra A.K. (2024). COVID-19 and Dynamics of Food Insecurity in Eastern India: Evidence from Analysis of a Panel Survey, Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 79(2) DOI
2024 Rao D.; Yadav S.; Choudhary R.; Singh D.; Bhardwaj R.; Barthakur S.; Yadav S.K. (2024). Unveiling the potential of silicic and humic acid priming in alleviating salinity stress on lentil (Lens culinaris) seed germination in a hydroponic system, Journal of Food Legumes, 37(3) DOI
2024 Sharma P.; Chaudhary H.K.; Kapoor C.; Manoj N.V.; Singh K.; Sood V.K. (2024). GENOTYPIC INFLUENCE ON CROSSABILITY OF WHEAT X HIMALAYAN RYE HYBRIDS, Agricultural Research Journal, 61(1) DOI
2024 Parihar S.G.; Mahapatro G.K.; Gautam R.D. (2024). A Case Study of Rat (Rattus rattus) Menace in Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum Linn) in Urban Environment and Management, Pesticide Research Journal, 36(1) DOI
2024 Kundu R.; Shakil N.A.; Rana V.S.; Tripathi K.P.; Ajith M.; Kamil D.; Kaushik P. (2024). Synthesis and Antifungal Activity of Enaminone Derivatives against Sclerotium rolfsii and Fusarium oxysporum, Pesticide Research Journal, 36(1) DOI
2024 Singh S.K.; Gupta S.; Ranebennur H.; Harshita; Kumar G.; Rao G.P. (2024). Molecular characterization of a ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma trifolii’ strain associated with little leaf and decline of ashwagandha from Eastern Uttar Pradesh, India, Phytopathogenic Mollicutes, 14(1) DOI
2024 Pavan J.S.; Patel N.B.; Rajarushi C.N.; Gouda M.N.R.; Raghunandan B.L. (2024). Exploring the influence of weather parameters on natural nucleopolyhedrovirus (NPV) infection in fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith) larvae in maize ecosystems, Journal of Entomological Research, 48(3) DOI
2024 Gopalakrishnan R.; Kalia V.; Singh J. (2024). Association of toxicity of native Bacillus spp. with its total protein content against neonates of fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda, Journal of Entomological Research, 48(3) DOI
2024 Wesly J.L.; Kalaiarasan P.; Devrajan K.; Sugumari M.P.; Arun A. (2024). Effect of Micro and Macronutrients on Meloidogyne incognita Infestation in Carrot Under Glasshouse Conditions, Indian Journal of Nematology, 54(1) DOI
2024 Na R.; Sankari M.K.; Sabarinathan S.; Berliner J.; Pokhare S.S.; Chakraborti M.; Pandi G.P.; Keerthana U.; Prabhukarthikeyan S.R.; Sanghamitra P.; Bag M.K. (2024). Evaluation of Resistance to Root-knot Nematode (Meloidogyne graminicola) in Asian Rice Varieties and the Associated Biochemical Changes Induced due to Nematode Infestation, Indian Journal of Nematology, 54(1) DOI
2024 Basu S.; Bandyopadhyay K.K.; Chakraborty D.; Chakrabarti B.; Pandey R. (2024). Effect of Tillage, Residue, Irrigation and Nitrogen on Growth, Yield and Nitrogen Use Efficiency of Wheat in an Inceptisol, Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science, 72(1) DOI
2024 Modak K.; Biswas D.R.; Bhattacharyya R.; Maity P.P.; Das T.K.; Basak B.B.; Mandal M.; Singh B. (2024). Phosphorus Adsorption and Desorption as affected by Long-Term Fertilization under Rice-Rice Cropping System in an Acidic Inceptisol, Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science, 72(1) DOI
2024 Upadhyay D.; Tamboli P.; Kumar A.; Singh K.K.; Mahanta S.K. (2024). Berseem hay supplementation to improve productivity of Bundelkhandi goats in winter season, Range Management and Agroforestry, 45(1) DOI
2024 Porwal M.; Kantwa S.R.; Singh S.S.; Govindasamy P.; Verma B.; Ramakrishnan S. (2024). Effect of intercropping and zinc management on weed density and foddeyield in oats, Range Management and Agroforestry, 45(1) DOI
2024 Paul S.; Barman M.; Das D. (2024). Effect of potassic fertilization on yield of fodder sorghum-sudan grass hybrid and selection of extractants for determination of plant potassium availability, Range Management and Agroforestry, 45(1) DOI
2024 Yathish K.R.; Kumar S.; Rao T.V.; Kumar P.; Karthik M.; Das A.K.; Chikkappa G.K.; Singh P.; Mahanta S.K.; Sekhar J.C.; Bhushan B.; Jat B.S.; Rakshit S. (2024). GGE biplot and AMMI analysis for stability and adaptability of dual-purpose maize hybrids tested across multi-environments for baby corn and fodder yield, Range Management and Agroforestry, 45(1) DOI
2024 Bagdi G.L.; Nathawat N.S.; Arya S.L.; Sundarambal P.; Prakash O.; Bihari B.; Patii S.L.; Ramesha M.N.; Kumar A.; Singh A.K.; Meena R.B.; Kumar R.; Shekhawat R.S. (2024). Post-Adoption Response of Farmers toward Agroforestry Based Soil and Water Conservation Measures for Watershed Management in India, Annals of Arid Zone, 63(1) DOI
2024 Verma S.; Kumar H.; Ramani R.; Chadra R. (2024). CULTURABLE ENDOSYMBIOTIC BACTERIA FROM THE INDIAN LAC INSECT, KERRIA LACCA (KERR), Indonesian Journal of Forestry Research, 11(1) DOI
2024 Umesh S.R.; Naik B.S.; Karthik V.C.; Chethan Kumar K.B.; Veershetty; Hadimani B.N.; Vyas A.K.; Gangaraj R. (2024). Efficacy of botanicals against red pumpkin beetle and their impact on pollinator diversity in pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L.) cultivation, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 81(3) DOI
2024 Saraswati; Singh M.K.; Namita; Sindhu S.S.; Pandey R.; Meena M.C. (2024). Nutrition for commercial flower production of Longiflorum asiatica (LAhybrid under northern plains, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 81(3) DOI
2024 Rout B.M.; Sureja A.K.; Subramanian S.; Dash P.K.; Munshi A.D. (2024). Studies on the transmission of Squash Leaf Curl China Virus causing yellow mosaic and leaf curl disease in pumpkin, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 81(1) DOI
2024 Aruna T.S.; Srivastava A.; Tomar B.S.; Khar A.; Yadav H.; Jain P.K.; Pandey R.; Singh S.; Behera T.K.; Mangal M. (2024). Insights from morpho-physio-biochemical and molecular traits of hot pepper genotypes contrasting for heat tolerance, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 81(1) DOI
2024 Chaithra T.S.; Singh K.; Prakash J.; Singh S.K.; Hussain Z.; Gupta N.C.; Kumar R.R. (2024). Development of sex-linked PCR markers for gender identification in papaya, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 81(1) DOI
2024 Sarkar K.A.; Jaggi S.; Bhowmik A.; Varghese E.; Varghese C.; Datta A.; Dalal A. (2024). Trend Resistant General Efficiency Balanced Block Designs for Two Disjoint Sets of Treatments, REVSTAT-Statistical Journal, 22(3) DOI
2024 Kumar P.; Sharma J.; Sharma A.; Garde Y.; Kumar R.; Sharma V.; Singh B. (2024). GROUNDWATER QUALITY INFLUENCING THE POTATO TUBER YIELD IN DOABA REGION OF PUNJAB, INDIA, Potato Journal (Journal of Indian Potato Association), 51(1) DOI
2024 Sinha A.K.; Bhavana P.; Singh A.K.; Choudhary H.; Ranjan J.K.; Mishra G.P.; Shinde R.; Anjum N.; Ekbal S.; Mohanty G.K. (2024). Genetic diversity in pointed gourd (Trichosanthes dioica) genotypes for fruit yield and quality traits under eastern plateau and hill region, Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 94(7) DOI
2024 Alekhya G.; Das T.K.; Kaur R.; Raj R.; Sudhishri S.; Bhatia A.; Biswas S.; Sen S.; Saha P.; Sudarshan S.; Rajpoot B.S. (2024). Productivity, nutrient uptake and nitrogen economy of wheat (Triticum aestivum) in a conservation agriculture-based cotton (Gossypium herbaceum)–wheat system, Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 94(7) DOI
2024 Lekshmi S.G.; Sethi S.; Asrey R.; Nagaraja A.; Singh K.P.; Namita; Kumar R.; Anagha P.K. (2024). Edible coating functionalized with ornamental plant extracts affect the postharvest quality of guava (Psidium guajava) during storage, Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 94(7) DOI
2024 Manivannan S.; Thilagam V.K.; Yaligar R.; Manoj K.N. (2024). Crop planning using innovative trend analysis of 62-years rainfall data, Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 94(7) DOI
2024 Swain S.; Bal L.M.; Singh S.; Kumar N.; Devi M.; Gangaiah B. (2024). Change in Phytochemicals and Antioxidant Activity of Silk, Husk and Cob of Baby Corn (Zea mays L.) during Four Phenological Stages, Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 83(3) DOI
2024 Waghmare C.D. (2024). Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Detection of Root-Knot Nematode Infestation in Mungbean under Various Management Strategies, Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 83(3) DOI
2024 Vinod Kumar S.; Singh C.D.; Ramana Rao K.V.; Rajwade Y.A.; Kumar M.; Asha K.R. (2024). Development and Evaluation of Smart Drip Irrigation System for Egg Plant using Internet of Things, Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 83(3) DOI
2024 Mahore A.; Singh K.P.; Jyoti B.; Agrawal K.N.; Kumar M. (2024). Microcontroller based Automatic Spot Granular Fertilizer Dispensing Machine for Orchards, Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 83(2) DOI
2024 Edde M.; Mohapatra D.; Kate A.; Naik R.; Tripathi M.K.; Singh K.P. (2024). Infrared Heating Influences the Amylose and Bioactive Compounds of Kodo Millet (Paspalum scrobiculatum), Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 83(11) DOI
2024 Mam S.; Rudra S.G.; Singh S. (2024). Comparison of Starter Spices for Retention of Sensory Attributes, Appearance, and Antioxidants in Red Cabbage Sauerkraut, Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 83(11) DOI
2024 Vinod B.R.; Asrey R.; Meena N.K.; Menaka M.; Ahamad S.; Avinash G. (2024). Does UV-C Irradiation Help in Suppression of Anthracnose and Maintain Quality of Stored Papaya Fruit?, Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 83(11) DOI
2024 Yamagar S.G.; Kumar A.; Kushwaha H.L.; Singh A.K.; Ramasubramanian V.; Sahoo R.N.; Poojith S. (2024). Design and Development of Electrical Multi-tool Carrier and its Compatible Equipment for Protected Cultivation, Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 83(10) DOI
2024 Yadav P.; Padaria R.N.; Burman R.R.; Sarkar S.; Yadav R.; Biswas A.; Kumar S.N. (2024). Farmer-led conservation of paddy landraces in Western Odisha, Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, 23(8) DOI
2024 Sarkar S.; Sangeetha V.; Gurung N.; Mahra G.S.; Priya S.; Venu L.; Joshi P.; Barman D.; Singh P. (2024). Exploring the role of diverse underutilized nutri-crops on food and nutritional security of ethnic communities in Eastern Himalaya, Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, 23(2) DOI
2024 Radhakrishnan N.S.; Singh S.P.; Kushwaha H.L.; Kumar A.; Sarkar S.K.; Shekhawat K. (2024). Innovative fabrication methods for agricultural equipment: The case of a 3-D printed paddy drum seeder-cum-fertilizer applicator, Indian Journal of Engineering and Materials Sciences, 31(3) DOI
2024 Jha A.; Garg S.; Satpute S.; Singh J.P.; Singh D.; Phutela U.G.; Chowdhury M.; Singh D. (2024). Isotherm and kinetic modelling for assessing the effectiveness of economical adsorbents in sewage water treatment, Indian Journal of Chemical Technology, 31(3) DOI
2024 Thakur S.; Ekbal S.S.; Pandey S.; Sharma S.; Gopala Krishnan S.; Saharan M.S.; Bashyal B.M. (2024). In silico analysis and expression profiling for Resistance Gene Analogues (RGAs) and defence-related genes in early germinating conditions of rice against bakanae disease caused by Fusarium fujikuroi, Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 61(11) DOI
2024 Randive P.; Khambalkar P.; Khandagale K.; Bhangare I.; Chandrashekhar K.; Singh M.; Gawande S. (2024). DETECTION AND PHYLOGENETIC ANALYSIS OF WOLBACHIA IN ONION THRIPS (THRIPS TABACI LINDEMAN), Indian Journal of Entomology, 86(1) DOI
2024 Ramaiah M.; Naik S.; Meshram N.M.; Bhagyashree S.N.; Shashank P.R. (2024). FIRST HOST REPORT OF EARHEAD WORM, AUTOBA SILICULA (SWINHOE, 1897) ON MAIZE, Indian Journal of Entomology, 86(1) DOI
2024 Kalleshwaraswamy C.M.; Karthik C.M.; Meghana K.J.; Durga G.; Madhu G.A.; Ratnakala B.; Meghana A.; Pavani P.S.; Adarsha S.K.; Mallikarjuna H.B.; Shashank P.R. (2024). OUTBREAK OF ARMY WORM, LEUCANIA ALBISTIGMA MOORE ON MAIZE WITH NOTES ON TAXONOMY AND MANAGEMENT, Indian Journal of Entomology, 86(3) DOI
2024 Uma G.S.; Keerthi M.C.; Kalia V.K. (2024). BIOLOGY OF APHIS GOSSYPII GLOVER ON COTTON AND BRINJAL FOR MASS REARING, Indian Journal of Entomology, 86(1) DOI
2024 Thube S.H.; Pandian R.T.P.; Jose C.T.; Bhavishya A.; Paichal S.; Navik O.; Nikoshe A.; Mahapatro G.K. (2024). A NOVEL DAMAGE INTENSITY INDEX FOR TEA MOSQUITO BUG HELOPELTIS SPP. INFESTATION IN COCOA, Indian Journal of Entomology, 86(2) DOI
2024 Nikhil R.M.; Anil Kumar S.T.; Subramanian S.; Mahapatro G.K. (2024). PROTOCOL FOR TEMPERATURE TOXICITY INVESTIGATION ON WHITEFLY BEMISIA TABACI (GENNADIUS), Indian Journal of Entomology, 86(3) DOI
2024 Arya P.S.; Chander S.; Rajna S.; Tenguri P.; Yele Y. (2024). POPULATION DYNAMICS OF THE RICE LEAF FOLDER CNAPHALOCROCIS MEDINALIS GUENEE: A LIFETABLE STUDY, Indian Journal of Entomology, 86(3) DOI
2024 Shankar M.; Gowthami R.; Tripathi K.; Chander S.; Deepak D.A.; Agrawal A. (2024). CRYOPRESERVATION PROTOCOL FOR COWPEA POLLEN STORAGE, Cryo-Letters, 45(6) DOI
2024 Danodia A.; Patel N.R.; Sehgal V.K.; Singh R.P. (2024). Surface energy fluxes and energy balance closure using large aperture scintillometer-based ET station on heterogeneous agricultural landscape in North India, Journal of Agrometeorology, 26(1) DOI
2024 Painkra A.; Shamim M.; Puranik H.V.; Ravisankar N.; Ghasal P.; Kashyap P.; Prusty A.K.; Dutta D. (2024). Microclimatic study under wheat, mustard and chickpea crops in western plain zone of Uttar Pradesh, Journal of Agrometeorology, 26(1) DOI
2024 Kumar A.; Sarangi A.; Singh D.K.; Mani I.; Bandhyopadhyay K.K.; Dash S.; Khanna M. (2024). Evaluation of soft-computing techniques for pan evaporation estimation, Journal of Agrometeorology, 26(1) DOI
2024 Gupta S.; Vashisth A.; Krishnan P.; Lama A.; Shivprasad; Aravind K.S. (2024). Weather based wheat yield prediction using machine learning, Mausam, 75(3) DOI
2024 Sangilidurai K.; Karuppusamy S.; Periyasamy D.; Krishnaraj R.S.; Narayanasamy C.; Arunachalam L.; Kamalam D.G. (2024). Ecological risk assessment of microplastics in agricultural soils of Coimbatore region, India, Natural Resources for Human Health, 4(2) DOI
2024 Ali W.; Garai S.; Maiti S.; Lepcha C.Y.; Meena D.C.; Roy S. (2024). Attitude and Knowledge of Belahi Cattle Rearers for Improve Dairy Farming Practices in Haryana, Indian Journal of Extension Education, 60(4) DOI
2024 Godara S.; Bana R.S.; Marwaha S.; Parsad R.; Nain M.S.; Sahu S.; Mehta A.; Singh D.; Kumar R. (2024). Uncovering Farmers’ Information Need through Kisan Call Centre Data Analytics of Haryana State, Indian Journal of Extension Education, 60(4) DOI
2024 Madhavan M.M.; Sankhala G.; Maiti S.; Smitha S.; Chandrakumar A. (2024). Risk Perception and Perceived Effects on Environment vis-à-vis Dairy Animal Waste Management in NCR, India, Indian Journal of Extension Education, 60(2) DOI
2024 Roy P.; Maji S.; Jirli B.; Singh P.; Nain M.S. (2024). Scopus Indexed Indian Journal of Extension Education: Crafting Improvement Strategy through Altmetric and Bibliometric Analysis, Indian Journal of Extension Education, 60(2) DOI
2024 Dwivedi S.; Singh A.; Chandel B.S.; Patel D.K.; Dube A. (2024). Economic Performance of Selected Dairy Breeds in Ayodhya Mandal, Uttar Pradesh, Indian Journal of Extension Education, 60(1) DOI
2024 Nain M.S.; Singh R.; Mishra J.R.; Singh A.K. (2024). Developing Model for Diffusion of Farmers’ Innovations for Maximizing Farm Income: Indian Agricultural Research Institute Experiences, Indian Journal of Extension Education, 60(1) DOI
2024 Godara S.; Bana R.S.; Godara S.; Bishnoi S.; Nain M.S.; Parsad R.; Marwaha S. (2024). Data-Driven Insights for Agricultural Extension Services in Rajasthan: A Study of Kisan Call Center Queries, Indian Journal of Extension Education, 60(1) DOI
2024 Kademani S.; Nain M.S.; Singh R.; Roy S.K. (2024). Analysis and Profiling of Agri-Entrepreneurship Promoting Institutions, Indian Journal of Extension Education, 60(1) DOI
2024 Mukherjee S.; Jha S.K. (2024). Utilization Pattern of Information and Communication Technologies among the Farming Community of West Bengal, Indian Journal of Extension Education, 60(1) DOI
2024 Sarkar S.; Padaria R.N.; Burman R.R.; Gurung N.; Barman D.; Chatterjee S.; Dutta S.; Debnath S. (2024). Conceptualization, Characterization and Establishment of Model Large Cardamom Village in Eastern Himalaya of West Bengal, Indian Journal of Extension Education, 60(1) DOI
2024 Baishya M.; Kumar R.R.; Avinash G.; Veershetty; Harish Nayak G.H. (2024). Advancing Finite Population Inference: Integrating Sample Surveys and Big Data, Economic Affairs (New Delhi), 69(2) DOI
2024 Vandna; Sharma V.; Usha K.; Singh D.; Gupta R.; Gupta V.K.; Singh B. (2024). Nitrogen Nutrition-Induced Changes in Macronutrient Content and Their Indirect Effect on N-Metabolism Via an Impact on Key N-Assimilating Enzymes in Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Nature Environment and Pollution Technology, 23(3) DOI
2024 Dhull P.; Lohchab R.K.; Kumari M.; Singh K.; Bhankhar A.K.; Shaloo (2024). A Facile Method for Synthesis of α-Fe2O3 Nanoparticles and Assessment of Their Characterization, Nature Environment and Pollution Technology, 23(1) DOI
2024 Saraswati; Singh M.K.; Namita; Sindhu S.S.; Meena M.C.; Pandey R. (2024). Optimizing nutrient sources for quality bulb and bulblet production in LA hybrid lilium: A study in the North Indian plains, Journal of Applied Horticulture, 26(2) DOI
2024 Pandey R.; Kaur R.; Goncalves I.Z.; Neale C.; Khanna M.; Singh M.; Sehgal V.K.; Sarangi A.; Math M.K. (2024). Single vs dual source surface energy balance model based actual evapotranspiration estimation, Environment Conservation Journal, 25(1) DOI
2024 Gaddikeri V.; Rajput J.; Dimple; Jatav M.S.; Kumari A.; Rana L.; Rai A.; Gangwar A. (2024). Estimating crop water requirement in Madhya Pradesh's agro climatic regions: A CROPWAT and CLIMWAT software case study, Environment Conservation Journal, 25(1) DOI
2024 Bhargava K.; Naveen A.; Akhil V.S.; Lingireddy H.; Gowtham K.V.; Mudhale A.; Sri B.G.; Abhishek E. (2024). Artificial intelligence (AI) and its applications in agriculture: A Review, Environment Conservation Journal, 25(1) DOI
2024 Singh J.; Din M.; Agrawal K.N.; Jyoti B.; Roul A.K.; Pagare V. (2024). Assessment of morphological attributes of Guava tree for design of a novel tunnel spraying system, Environment Conservation Journal, 25(1) DOI
2024 Chinyo M.; Singh R.; Gond S. (2024). Effect of weed management practices on growth dynamics and productivity of rainfed pearl millet under conservation agriculture, Environment Conservation Journal, 25(1) DOI
2024 Naik S.; Srivastava S.K.; Kishore P.; Ray M.; Nithyashree M.L.; Kingsly I.T. (2024). Impact Analysis of Formal Agencies on Price Realisation and Farmers' Income in Odisha, Indian Journal of Economics and Development, 20(2) DOI
2024 Renjini V.R.; Kumar R.R.; Asha Devi S.S.; Balasubramanian M.; Nithyashree M.L.; Mazumder C.; Singh H. (2024). Export Potential of Millets from India: Current Status and Short-term Forecast, Indian Journal of Economics and Development, 20(3) DOI
2024 Rath S.; Sarangi K.K.; Behera J.; Rout D.S.; Anbukkani P. (2024). Agricultural Solid Waste and its Management: An Overview, Indian Journal of Economics and Development, 20(1) DOI
2024 Haritha K.; Bhandari G.; Sendhil R. (2024). Effect of COVID-19 Pandemic on the Economics of Milk Production in Kerala, Indian Journal of Economics and Development, 20(1) DOI
2024 Singh P.; Sehgal V.K.; Dhakar R.; Neale C.M.U.; Goncalves I.Z.; Rani A.; Jha P.K.; Das D.K.; Mukherjee J.; Khanna M.; Dubey S.K. (2024). Estimation of ET and Crop Water Productivity in a Semi-Arid Region Using a Large Aperture Scintillometer and Remote Sensing-Based SETMI Model, Water, 16(3) DOI
2024 Padhan S.R.; Saini S.; Jat S.L.; Rathore S.S.; Gathala M.K.; Radheshyam; Padhan S.R.; El-Hendawy S.; Mattar M.A. (2024). Bibliometric Trends and Insights into the Potential of Maize (Zea mays) under the Framework of Conservation Agriculture, Sustainability, 16(19) DOI
2024 Vemulakonda A.L.; Saad A.A.; Kumar S.S.; Wani O.A.; Singh L.; Babu S.; Khan I.M.; Wani F.J.; Jan S.K.; Elhindi K.M.; Mattar M.A. (2024). Revealing the Nexus between Fertilizer Composition and the Performance of Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Genotypes in the Himalayan Heartland of India, Sustainability, 16(14) DOI
2024 Mahapatra J.; Tiwari P.S.; Singh K.P.; Nandede B.M.; Sahni R.K.; Pagare V.; Singh J.; Shrinivasa D.J.; Mandal S. (2024). An Adjustable Pneumatic Planter with Reduced Source Vibration for Better Precision in Field Seeding, Sensors, 24(11) DOI
2024 Rani A.; Sinha N.K.; Jyoti B.; Kumar J.; Kumar D.; Mishra R.; Singh P.; Mohanty M.; Jayaraman S.; Chaudhary R.S.; Lenka N.K.; Kumari N.; Srivastava A. (2024). Spatiotemporal Variations in Near-Surface Soil Water Content across Agroecological Regions of Mainland India: 1979–2022 (44 Years), Remote Sensing, 16(16) DOI
2024 Saini R.; Manjaiah K.M.; Roy D.; Kumar R.; Gawdiya S.; Meena S.; Naveenkumar A.; Kumar A.; El-Hendawy S.; Mattar M.A. (2024). Synthesis and Evaluation of Starch-Grafted-Poly[(Acrylic Acid)-Co-Acrylamide] Based Nanoclay Polymer Composite Fertilizers for Slow Release of Nitrogen in Soil, Polymers, 16(21) DOI
2024 Mazumder P.; Mondal F.; Sarkar M.; Majumdar A.; Biswas K.K.; Sharma S.K.; Lal M.K.; Tiwari R.K.; Kumar R.; Roy A. (2024). Biological and Molecular Characterization of a New Isolate of Tomato Mottle Mosaic Virus Causing Severe Shoestring and Fruit Deformities in Tomato Plants in India, Plants-Basel, 13(19) DOI
2024 Premakumar; Mohanapure P.; Chavhan M.; Singh D.; Yadav J.; Somvanshi V.S.; Gopala Krishnan S.; Vinod K.K.; Bhowmick P.K.; Bollinedi H.; Singh A.K.; Rao U.; Ellur R.K. (2024). Identification of a Promising Novel Genetic Source for Rice Root-Knot Nematode Resistance through Markers Associated with Trait-Specific Quantitative Trait Loci, Plants-Basel, 13(16) DOI
2024 Sampath P.; Rajalingam S.; Murugesan S.; Bhardwaj R.; Gupta V. (2024). Evaluation of Chemical Composition among the Multi Colored Germplasm of Abrus precatorius L., Plants-Basel, 13(14) DOI
2024 Mangal M.; Srivastava A.; Mandal B.; Solanki V.; Mirajkar S.J.; Shashank P.R.; Kalia P.; Rana J.C.; Sharma V.K. (2024). Exploring Host Resistance against Chilli Leaf Curl Disease in a Tolerant Chilli Genotype, Plants-Basel, 13(12) DOI
2024 Chattopadhyay A.; Jailani A.A.K.; Roy A.; Mukherjee S.K.; Mandal B. (2024). Expanding Possibilities for Foreign Gene Expression by Cucumber Green Mottle Mosaic Virus Genome-Based Bipartite Vector System, Plants-Basel, 13(10) DOI
2024 Jayarajan S.; Sethi S.; Awasthi O.P.; Sharma A.; Bukvički D. (2024). Synergistic Influence of Melatonin-Hydrocolloid Coating on Decay and Senescence of Nectarine (Prunus persica var. nucipersica) during Supermarket Storage Conditions, Plants-Basel, 13(6) DOI
2024 Vishwakarma C.; Krishna G.K.; Kapoor R.T.; Mathur K.; Dalal M.; Singh N.K.; Mohapatra T.; Chinnusamy V. (2024). Physiological Analysis of Source–Sink Relationship in Rice Genotypes with Contrasting Grain Yields, Plants-Basel, 13(1) DOI
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2024 Nallathambi P.; Umamaheswari C.; Reddy B.; Aarthy B.; Javed M.; Ravikumar P.; Watpade S.; Kashyap P.L.; Boopalakrishnan G.; Kumar S.; Sharma A.; Kumar A. (2024). Deciphering the Genomic Landscape and Virulence Mechanisms of the Wheat Powdery Mildew Pathogen Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici Wtn1: Insights from Integrated Genome Assembly and Conidial Transcriptomics, Journal of Fungi, 10(4) DOI
2024 Singh S.; Prakash G.; Nanjundappa S.; Malipatil R.; Kalita P.; Satyavathi T.C.; Thirunavukkarasu N. (2024). Novel SNPs Linked to Blast Resistance Genes Identified in Pearl Millet Through Genome-Wide Association Models, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 25(22) DOI
2024 Kumar P.; Choudhary M.; Sheoran S.; Longmei N.; Kumar B.; Jat B.S.; Dagla M.C.; Bhushan B.; Aggarwal S.K.; Bagaria P.K.; Sharma A.; Singh S.B. (2024). Teosinte-Derived Advanced Backcross Population Harbors Genomic Regions for Grain Yield Attributing Traits in Maize, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 25(19) DOI
2024 Kumar R.; Kumar C.; Roy Choudhury D.; Ranjan A.; Raipuria R.K.; Dubey K.K.D.; Mishra A.; Kumar C.; Manzoor M.M.; Kumar A.; Kumari A.; Singh K.; Singh G.P.; Singh R. (2024). Isolation, Characterization, and Expression Analysis of NAC Transcription Factor from Andrographis paniculata (Burm. f.) Nees and Their Role in Andrographolide Production, Genes, 15(4) DOI
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2024 Chaukhande P.; Luthra S.K.; Patel R.N.; Padhi S.R.; Mankar P.; Mangal M.; Ranjan J.K.; Solanke A.U.; Mishra G.P.; Mishra D.C.; Singh B.; Bhardwaj R.; Tomar B.S.; Riar A.S. (2024). Development and Validation of Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy Prediction Modeling for the Rapid Estimation of Biochemical Traits in Potato, Foods, 13(11) DOI
2024 Singh S.K.; Singhal S.; Jaiswal P.; Basu U.; Sahi A.N.; Singh A.M. (2024). Physico-Chemical and Rheological Trait-Based Identification of Indian Wheat Varieties Suitable for Different End-Uses †, Foods, 13(7) DOI
2024 Singh A.K.; Kumar D.; Gemmati D.; Ellur R.K.; Singh A.; Tisato V.; Dwivedi D.K.; Singh S.K.; Kumar K.; Khan N.A.; Singh A.V. (2024). Investigating Genetic Diversity and Population Structure in Rice Breeding from Association Mapping of 116 Accessions Using 64 Polymorphic SSR Markers, Crops, 4(2) DOI
2024 Hamidi S.M.; Meshram S.; Kumar A.; Singh A.; Yadav R.; Gogoi R. (2024). Biochemical and Molecular Basis of Chemically Induced Defense Activation in Maize against Banded Leaf and Sheath Blight Disease, Current Issues in Molecular Biology, 46(4) DOI
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2024 Kumari M.; Prakash D.; Sheoran S.; Yadav P.K.; Ankit; Yadav H.K.; Apurva; Gupta R.K.; El-Hendawy S.; Mattar M.A. (2024). Long-Term Manuring and Fertilization Influence on Soil Properties and Wheat Productivity in Semi-Arid Regions, Agronomy-Basel, 14(10) DOI
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2024 Chakrabarti B.; Sharma S.; Mishra A.K.; Kannojiya S.; Kumar V.; Bandyopadhyay S.K.; Bhatia A. (2024). Application of additional dose of N could sustain rice yield and maintain plant nitrogen under elevated ozone (O3) and carbon dioxide (CO2) condition, Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 8() DOI
2024 Harshitha B.S.; Singh V.J.; Nandakumar S.; Shekhawat S.; Dixit B.K.; Ragi S.; Saran D.; Vinod K.K.; Krishnan S.G.; Ellur R.K.; Nagarajan M.; Bollinedi H.; Mondal T.K.; Singh A.K.; Bhowmick P.K. (2024). Uncovering QTLs for uppermost internode length and panicle exsertion in rice (Oryza sativa L.), Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 8() DOI
2024 Sunil Kumar T.; Virdia H.M.; Patel K.G.; Ragi S.; Chowdhury M.; Kumar P.; Elbagory M.; Omara A.E.-D.; Salem A.; Elbeltagi A.; El-Shinawy D.M. (2024). Effect of summer legume residue incorporation and fertilizer regimes on rice growth, yield, and nutrient uptake, Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 8() DOI
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2024 Rao K.K.; Samal S.K.; Kumar S.; Singh N.R.; Kumar R.; Mondal S.; Kumar S.; Mishra J.S.; Bhatt B.P.; Ravisankar N.; Kumar S.; Upadhyay P.K.; Jadhav S.K.; Choubey A.K. (2024). Decade-long effects of integrated farming systems on soil aggregation and carbon dynamics in sub-tropical Eastern Indo-Gangetic plains, Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 8() DOI
2024 Garg K.; Dhar S.; Azman E.A.; Sharma V.K.; Meena R.P.; Hashim M.; Rajawat M.V.S.; Ali G.; Hindoriya P.S.; Kumar Y.; Athnere S.; Kumar S.; Om H.; Tuti M.D.; Kumar B.; Kumar S. (2024). Exploring the potential of enhanced organic formulations for boosting crop productivity, nutrient utilization efficiency, and profitability in baby corn-kabuli gram-vegetable cowpea cropping system, Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 8() DOI
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2024 Sahu S.; Bishnoi S.; Sharma P.R.; Satyapriya; Mahra G.S.; Burman R.R.; Barua S.; Misha Madhavan M.; Sangeetha V.; Sinha S.K.; Singh R.; Wason M.; Joshi P.; Sharma S. (2024). Exploring popular information sources and determinants of farmers’ access to agricultural extension services in the Indo-Gangetic plains, Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 8() DOI
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2024 Kumar K.; Parihar C.M.; Sena D.R.; Godara S.; Patra K.; Sarkar A.; Reddy K.S.; Ghasal P.C.; Bharadwaj S.; Meena A.L.; Das T.K.; Jat S.L.; Sharma D.K.; Saharawat Y.S.; Gathala M.K.; Singh U.; Nayak H.S. (2024). Modeling the growth, yield and N dynamics of wheat for decoding the tillage and nitrogen nexus in 8-years long-term conservation agriculture based maize-wheat system, Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 8() DOI
2024 Dinesh G.K.; Sharma D.K.; Jat S.L.; Venkatramanan V.; Boomiraj K.; Kadam P.; Prasad S.; Anokhe A.; Selvakumar S.; Rathika S.; Ramesh T.; Bandyopadhyay K.; Jayaraman S.; Ramesh K.R.; Sinduja M.; Sathya V.; Rao C.S.; Dubey R.; Manu S.M.; Karthika S.; Singh A.K.; Kumar B.; Mahala D.M. (2024). Residue retention and precision nitrogen management effects on soil physicochemical properties and productivity of maize-wheat-mungbean system in Indo-Gangetic Plains, Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 8() DOI
2024 Jain S.; Srivastava A.; Vishwakarma D.K.; Rajput J.; Rane N.L.; Salem A.; Elbeltagi A. (2024). Protecting ancient water harvesting technologies in India: strategies for climate adaptation and sustainable development with global lessons, Frontiers in Water, 6() DOI
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2024 Rai P.; Prasad L.; Mehta S.; Yadav P.; Sharma A.; Mishra D.N. (2024). Transcriptional, biochemical, and histochemical response of resistant and susceptible cultivars of Brassica juncea against Albugo candida infection, Frontiers in Plant Science, 15() DOI
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2024 Patil B.L.; Tripathi S. (2024). Differential expression of microRNAs in response to Papaya ringspot virus infection in differentially responding genotypes of papaya (Carica papaya L.) and its wild relative, Frontiers in Plant Science, 15() DOI
2024 Garg K.; Dhar S.; Sharma V.K.; Azman E.A.; Meena R.P.; Hashim M.; Kumar D.; Ali G.; Karunakaran V.; Kumar Y.; Athnere S.; Kumar S.; Om H.; Tuti M.D.; Meena B.L.; Kumar B.; Meena V.K.; Kumar S. (2024). Optimizing agricultural sustainability: enriched organic formulations for growth, yield, and soil quality in a multi-crop system, Frontiers in Plant Science, 15() DOI
2024 Chandana B.S.; Mahto R.K.; Singh R.K.; Bhandari A.; Tandon G.; Singh K.K.; Kushwah S.; Lavanya G.R.; Iquebal M.A.; Jain N.; Kudapa H.; Upadhyaya H.D.; Hamwieh A.; Kumar R. (2024). Genome-wide association mapping identifies novel SNPs for root nodulation and agronomic traits in chickpea, Frontiers in Plant Science, 15() DOI
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2024 Singh K.P.; Kumari P.; Rai P.K. (2024). GWAS for the identification of introgressed candidate genes of Sinapis alba with increased branching numbers in backcross lines of the allohexaploid Brassica, Frontiers in Plant Science, 15() DOI
2024 Danakumara T.; Kumar N.; Patil B.S.; Kumar T.; Bharadwaj C.; Jain P.K.; Nimmy M.S.; Joshi N.; Parida S.K.; Bindra S.; Kole C.; Varshney R.K. (2024). Unraveling the genetics of heat tolerance in chickpea landraces (Cicer arietinum L.) using genome-wide association studies, Frontiers in Plant Science, 15() DOI
2024 Singh J.; Munshi A.D.; Singh D.; Meena B.R.; Singh A.K.; Nagar A.; Lyngdoh Y.A.; Tomar B.S.; Dey S.S.; Ranjan J.K.; Singh N.; Kumar N.; Mahajani K. (2024). Identification of new stable resistant sources and assessing agro-morphological performance of sponge gourd germplasm against Tomato Leaf curl New Delhi Virus incidence, Frontiers in Plant Science, 15() DOI
2024 Rane P.; Thakre M.; Verma M.K.; Kumar C.; Prakash J.; Srivastava V.; Shashank P.R.; Murukan N.; Chawla G.; Mandal P.K.; Kumar H.; Jadhav A.K.; Varghese E.; Patel V.B.; Singh S.K. (2024). Studies on pollen micro-morphology, pollen storage methods, and cross-compatibility among grape (Vitis spp.) genotypes, Frontiers in Plant Science, 15() DOI
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2024 Lakhani K.G.; Hamid R.; Gupta S.; Prajapati P.; Prabha R.; Patel S.; Suthar K.P. (2024). Exploring the therapeutic mechanisms of millet in obesity through molecular docking, pharmacokinetics, and dynamic simulation, Frontiers in Nutrition, 11() DOI
2024 Warwate S.I.; Awana M.; Thakare S.S.; Krishnan V.; Kumar S.; Bollinedi H.; Arora A.; Sevanthi A.M.; Ray M.; Praveen S.; Singh A. (2024). Exploring the synergy of enzymes, nutrients, and gene networks in rice starch granule biogenesis, Frontiers in Nutrition, 11() DOI
2024 Jat G.S.; Behera T.K.; Singh A.K.; Bana R.S.; Singh D.; Godara S.; Reddy U.K.; Rao P.G.; Ram H.; Vinay N.D.; Kumar S.; Tomar B.S. (2024). Antioxidant activities, dietary nutrients, and yield potential of bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L.) lines in diverse growing environments, Frontiers in Nutrition, 11() DOI
2024 Ram S.; Malik V.K.; Gupta V.; Narwal S.; Sirohi M.; Ankush; Pandey V.; Gupta O.P.; Misra A.K.; Singh G. (2024). Impact of foliar application of iron and zinc fertilizers on grain iron, zinc, and protein contents in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Frontiers in Nutrition, 11() DOI
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2024 Bhardwaj R.; Gayacharan; Gawade B.H.; Pathania P.; Talukdar A.; Kumar P.; Khan S.; Singh G.P. (2024). Identification of heat-tolerant mungbean genotypes through morpho-physiological evaluation and key gene expression analysis, Frontiers in Genetics, 15() DOI
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2024 Showkath Babu B.M.; Lohithaswa H.C.; Mallikarjuna M.G.; Mallikarjuna N. (2024). Mapping of QTL for resistance to fusarium stalk rot (FSR) in tropical maize (Zea mays L.), Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 84(1) DOI
2024 Singh S.B.; Kumar S.; Kumar R.; Kumar P.; Yathish K.R.; Jat B.S.; Chikkappa G.K.; Kumar B.; Jat S.L.; Dagla M.C.; Kumar B.; Kumar A.; Kasana R.K.; Kumar S. (2024). Stability analysis of promising winter maize (Zea mays L.) hybrids tested across Bihar using GGE biplot and AMMI model approach, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 84(1) DOI
2024 Nandakumar S.; Singh V.J.; Sonu; Vinod K.K.; Krishnan S.G.; Dixit B.K.; Harshitha B.S.; Ragi S.; Ellur R.K.; Bollinedi H.; Nagarajan M.; Singh A.K.; Bhowmick P.K. (2024). Genetic mapping for flag leaf shape in new plant type baserecombinant inbred lines in rice (Oryza sativa L.), Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 84(1) DOI
2024 Dixit D.; Siddiqui N.; Bollinedi H.; Gopala Krishnan S.; Malik A.; Bhowmick P.K.; Ellur R.K.; Nagarajan M.; Vinod K.K.; Singh A.K. (2024). Allele mining for Granule Bound Starch Synthase1 (GBSS1) gene governing amylose content in aromatic rice (Oryza sativa L.) germplasm, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 84(1) DOI
2024 Boraiah K.M.; Byregowda M.; Keerthi C.M.; Basavaraj P.S.; Singh C.; Naik K.B.; Harisha C.B. (2024). Unraveling the inheritance of powdery mildew disease resistance in blackgram [Vigna mungo L. Hepper], Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 84(1) DOI
2024 Veerala P.; Chand P.; Das T.R.; Gangwar L.K.; Kumar R. (2024). Leaf rolling and senescence scores as selection criteria to identify drought-tolerant genotypes in basmati rice (Oryza sativa L.), Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 84(1) DOI
2024 Amaresh; Krishnan S.G.; Vinod K.K.; Viswanathan C.; Mithra S.V.A.C.R.; Ellur R.K.; Bhowmick P.K.; Bollinedi H.; Nagarajan M.; Dhawan G.; Kumar P.; Singh A.K. (2024). Analysis of inheritance in a novel seedling stage zebra leaf mutant, Pusa Zebra 18 in rice (Oryza sativa L.), Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 84(1) DOI
2024 Ramya Sree M.; Singh S.K.; Prakash J.; Kumar C.; Mishra G.P.; Mithra V.S.A.C.R.; Kumar A.; Anagha P.K. (2024). Evaluation for powdery mildew resistance in grapevine (Vitis venifere L.) parental germplasm under in-vitro and natural field conditions, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 84(1) DOI
2024 Deeksha M.G.; Nebapure S.M.; Sagar D.; Bhattacharya R.; Dahuja A.; Subramanian S. (2024). Revealing the Role of CYP346 Family Genes on Phosphine Resistance in Indian Populations of Tribolium castaneum, Frontiers in Bioscience - Landmark, 29(6) DOI
2024 Bhowmick R.; Paul K.; Bhattacharjee S. (2024). Identification and Validation of Intra-Species Transferability of Genome-Wide Functional SSR Markers in Glycine max, Cytology and Genetics, 58(5) DOI
2024 Akhtar S.F.; Wani M.A.; Jamja T.; Saatu M.; Tabing R.; Uike A.; Rao E.G.; Chandan A.S.; Kumari P.; Nabi S.; Tahir M.; Qureshi A.M.I. (2024). Combining ability of quality protein maize (Zea mays L.) inbred lines for agronomic, yield and quality traits in temperate hilly regions of Kashmir, India, Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 16(3) DOI
2024 Tiruye A.; Ditthakit P.; Pham Q.B.; Wipulanusat W.; Weesakul U.; Thongkao S.; Kushwaha N.L. (2024). Satellite and Model-Based Estimation of Crop Water Requirement of Major Irrigated Crops in the Koga Irrigation Scheme, Ethiopia, Engineered Science, 30() DOI
2024 Pinthong S.; Ditthakit P.; Salaeh N.; Wipulanusat W.; Weesakul U.; Elkhrachy I.; Yadav K.K.; Kushwaha N.L. (2024). Combining Long Short-Term Memory and Genetic Programming for Monthly Rainfall Downscaling in Southern Thailand's Thale Sap Songkhla River Basin, Engineered Science, 28() DOI
2024 Kumar H.; Sagar D.; Keerthi M.C.; Subramanian S.; Reshma R. (2024). Impact of different hosts and meridic diet on biology, reproductive fitness and demographic parameters of Spodoptera litura (Fabricius), Allelopathy Journal, 62(2) DOI
2024 Mukhopadhyay A.; Chaudhary S.; Somvanshi V.S.; Nebapure S.M.; Babu S.; Singh A. (2024). Field efficacy of Steinernema abbasi-nematodes enriched bio-insecticidal powder to control termite in wheat and chickpea, Allelopathy Journal, 62(1) DOI
2024 Waghmare C.D.; Pankaj; Paul S.; Sharma H.K. (2024). Effects of management practices of root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita on growth of mungbean [Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek], Allelopathy Journal, 61(1) DOI
2024 Hitesh G.R.; Suroshe S.S.; Nebapure S.M.; Keerthi M.C. (2024). Behavioural response of C. sexmaculata to the volatiles from B. brassicae and cabbage, Allelopathy Journal, 61(1) DOI
2024 Chandra G.V.; Meenu S.; Shiv P.; Nath M.B. (2024). Optimized yield of fermentable sugar from chemical hydrolysis of rice straw for application in ethanol fermentation, Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment, 28(1) DOI
2024 Kumar M.; Neeraj; Hada A.; Somvanshi V.S.; Singh A.K.; Yadava Y.K.; Jain P.K.; Gaikwad K.; Sirohi A. (2024). A Draft Transcriptome Announcement of Anguina tritici, Journal of Nematology, 56(1) DOI
2024 Swamy N.G.; Reddy M.K.; Maheswari U.R.; Naresh P.; Reddy L.D.C.; Acharya G.C.; Pratibha M.D.; Singh T.H.; Santhosh G.; Sulochana K.H. (2024). Evaluation of F1 hybrids against root knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) resistance in Brinjal (Solanum melongena L.), Journal of Horticultural Sciences, 19(2) DOI
2024 Kiran K.N.; Singh A.; Singh S.K.; Awasthi O.P.; Yadav P.; Badhei S.K. (2024). Morpho-physiological characterization of second generation colchiploids in sweet orange (Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck) cv. Mosambi, Journal of Horticultural Sciences, 19(1) DOI
2024 Amulya S.; Prakash J.; Singh S.K.; Verma M.K.; Patel V.B.; Thakre M.; Kumar C.; Shankar K. (2024). Response of selected scion and rootstock grape (Vitis spp.) genotypes to induced drought stress, Journal of Horticultural Sciences, 19(1) DOI
2024 Narayana Swamy G.; Madhavi Reddy K.; Uma Maheswari R.; Naresh P.; Lakshman Reddy D.C.; Acharya G.C.; Pratibha M.D.; Singh T.H.; Santhosh G.; Sulochana K.H. (2024). Evaluation of F1 hybrids against root knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) resistance in Brinjal (Solanum melongena L.), Journal of Horticultural Sciences, 19(1) DOI
2024 Rajput S.; Suroshe S.S.; Yadav P.R.; Kumar A. (2024). Assessing the defense role of phenoloxidase in Spodoptera litura (Fab.) challenged with entomopathogenic fungi, ScienceAsia, 50(4) DOI
2024 Kumar H.; Sagar D.; Keerthi M.C.; Sharma M.; Singh S.; Subramanian S. (2024). Impact of different natural hosts and meridic diet on fatty acid profiling of Spodoptera litura (Fabricius) vis-à-vis reproductive physiology, Journal of Environmental Biology, 45(6) DOI
2024 Khokhar S.K.; Goyal V.; Kumar N.; Usha K.; Pandey V.; Sharma J.; Gupta C.K.; Singh B. (2024). Enriched Linz-Donawitz (LD) slag application for improving grain yield and quality of wheat grown under nutritionally poor degraded soil, Journal of Environmental Biology, 45(6) DOI
2024 Patil K.; Biswas S.; Mahapatra P.; Purakayastha T.J.; Das D.; Raj R.; Maity P.P.; Singh P.; Rahaman R. (2024). Long term impact of manuring, fertilization and liming on soil resilience, enzyme activities and productivity under maize-wheat system in an acidic Alfisol, Journal of Environmental Biology, 45(6) DOI
2024 Pervez R.; Sagar D.; Rajkumar (2024). Screening of newly isolated indigenous entomopathogenic nematodes against Spodoptera litura Fabricius (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), Journal of Environmental Biology, 45(5) DOI
2024 Indhu S.M.; Ravikesavan R.; Senthil N.; Thiyagarajan C.; Hossain F.; Joel A.J. (2024). Kernel density as a population-screening tool for low phytic acid content in maize (Zea mays L.), Journal of Environmental Biology, 45(4) DOI
2024 Rudra Gouda M.N.; Rajna S.; Gambhir S.; Subramanian S. (2024). Unravelling genetic diversity of whitefly species on different host plants from New Delhi, Journal of Environmental Biology, 45(3) DOI
2024 Pervez R.; Eapen S.J.; Devasahayam S. (2024). Description of a new species of entomopathogenic nematode, Steinernema ramanai sp. n. from Kerala, India, Journal of Environmental Biology, 45(2) DOI
2024 Kumar P.; Sethi S.; Nayak S.L.; Varghese E.; Chand G. (2024). Evaluation of physico-chemical, microbial and sensory attributes of minimally processed litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) under low temperature storage, Journal of Horticulture and Postharvest Research, 7(1) DOI
2024 Veesam H.; Nikam V. (2024). What Determines Farmers’ Participation in the Farmer-Producer Organizations: Empirical Evidence from India, Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 26(6) DOI
2024 Shah T.; Chaudhuri R.R.; Soni U.; Shrivastava M.; Venkatesh G. (2024). Characterising Rice Straw Ash: Unlocking the Potential of Agricultural Residues; [Właściwości popiołu ze słomy ryżowej – wykorzystanie potencjału odpadów rolniczych], Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae, 22(4) DOI
2024 Rajput J.; Kushwaha N.L.; Sikka A.; Alam M.F.; Mahapatra S.; Sena D.R.; Singh D.K.; Sahoo P.K.; Mani I. (2024). Water accounting of groundwater over exploited districts in Haryana and Punjab states to analyse impacts of water conservation measures on water availability, Water Supply, 24(9) DOI
2024 Bisht M.; Shirvastava M.; Pooja L.R. (2024). Seasonal dynamics and hydrogeological assessment of Najafgarh drain and its irrigation channels for agricultural purposes in Southwest Delhi, India, Water Practice and Technology, 19(10) DOI
2024 Dalavi P.; Bhakar S.R.; Rajput J.; Gaddikeri V.; Tiwari R.K.; Shukla A.; Vishwakarma D.K. (2024). Modeling runoff in Bhima River catchment, India: A comparison of artificial neural networks and empirical models, Water Practice and Technology, 19(7) DOI
2024 Rajput J.; Kushwaha N.L.; Srivastava A.; Pande C.B.; Suna T.; Sena D.R.; Singh D.K.; Mishra A.K.; Sahoo P.K.; Elbeltagi A. (2024). Development of machine learning models for estimation of daily evaporation and mean temperature: a case study in New Delhi, India, Water Practice and Technology, 19(7) DOI
2024 Kumari A.; Singh D.K.; Sarangi A.; Hasan M.; Sehgal V.K.; Kumar S.N.; Verghese C. (2024). Integrated sensing device for irrigation scheduling: field evaluation and crop water stress index estimation of wheat, Water Practice and Technology, 19(5) DOI
2024 Dimple; Singh P.K.; Kothari M.; Yadav K.K.; Bhakar S.R.; Rajput J.; Anvesha (2024). Assessing groundwater quality in Nand Samand catchment, Rajasthan, India: a GIS-based multi indices approach for drinking and irrigation water suitability, Water Practice and Technology, 19(4) DOI
2024 Arockia Anusty J.; Singh M.; Khanna M.; Krishnan P.; Shrivastava M.; Parihar C.M.; Rajput J.; Hari Krishna B. (2024). Trend detection and change point analysis of inflows in Karuppanadhi and Gundar dams of Chittar River Basin, Tamil Nadu, India, Water Practice and Technology, 19(1) DOI
2024 Singh M.; Wadhwa V.; Batra L.; Khyalia P.; Mor V. (2024). A chemometric and ingestion hazard prediction study of groundwater in proximity to the Bandhwari landfill site, Gurugram, India, Journal of Water and Health, 22(1) DOI
2024 Gaddikeri V.; Sarangi A.; Singh D.K.; Jatav M.S.; Rajput J.; Kushwaha N.L. (2024). Trend and change-point analyses of meteorological variables using Mann–Kendall family tests and innovative trend assessment techniques in New Bhupania command (India), Journal of Water and Climate Change, 15(5) DOI
2024 Bisht H.; Shaloo; Kumar B.; Rajput J.; Singh D.K.; Vishnoi L.; Singh R.N.; Tamta M.; Gautam S. (2024). Impacts of climate change on phenology, yield, and water productivity of wheat in a semi-arid region of India using the CERES-Wheat model, Journal of Water and Climate Change, 15(10) DOI
2024 Tilgam J.; Bhattacharjee S.; Paul K.; Jaiswal S.; Saakre M.; Kumari P.; Vijayan J.; Sreevathsa R.; Pattanayak D. (2024). Development of an Efficient and Reproducible Embryonic Axis-targeted Tissue Culture-based Transformation Protocol for Pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan), Legume Research, 47(11) DOI
2024 Roopashree B.; Prasad S.R.; Kumar M.K.P.; Nethra N.; Shivaranjan C.S. (2024). Divulgence into Mung Bean Growth Promotion Potential of Endophytes Isolated Across Different Geographical Regions of India, Legume Research, 47(10) DOI
2024 Yadav S.; Yadav R.; Ravika; Reddy S.B.; Samita; Kumar D. (2024). Assessing Genetic Parameter, Correlation and Path Coefficient in Spontaneous Mutant Progenies of Lentil (Lens culinaris Medikus ssp. culinaris) Variety DPL 62, Legume Research, 47(2) DOI
2024 Noor Mohamed M.B.; Shukla A.K.; Mehta R.S.; Keerthika A.; Gupta D.K. (2024). Effect of Presowing Treatments on Seed and Seedling Quality Attributes of an Endemic Agroforestry Tree Acacia nilotica subsp. cupressiformis (J.L. Stewart) Ali and Faruqi, Legume Research, 47(6) DOI
2024 Sooganna; Jain S.K.; Lamichaney A.; Saha S.; Anand A.; Lal S.K. (2024). Tocopherols and Antioxidants Assay to Understand the Mechanism of Soybean Seed Longevity, Legume Research, 47(3) DOI
2024 Manjunatha L.; Srinivasa N.; Basavaraja T.; Keerthi M.C. (2024). Characterization of Chickpea Chlorotic Dwarf Virus (CpCDV) Associated with Chickpea Stunt Disease, Legume Research, 47(3) DOI
2024 Jaiswal S.; Sudhishri S.; Singh M.; Sehgal V.K.; Mishra A.K.; Dass A.; Sharma D.; Venkatesh P.; Kumar L.; Singh P.; Yadav R.; Sangeeta (2024). Multi-criteria based hydrological zonation for water harvesting site suitability in Nuh watershed of Haryana, India, Current Science, 127(4) DOI
2024 Roy S.K.; Satyapriya; Lenin V.; Bishnoi S.; Jha G.K.; Kumar P.; Kademani S.B.; Abrar P.N.F.; Ranjan A. (2024). Nutrient intake disparities among public distribution system beneficiaries in the Bundelkhand region, Current Science, 127(2) DOI
2024 Satpute A.N.; Patel N.; Mishra A.K.; Singh D.K.; Chinnusamy V.; Varghese C. (2024). Design and evaluation of an automatic control system for hydroponics cultivation of mint, Current Science, 127(11) DOI
2024 Agashe N.W.; Varghese C.; Harun M. (2024). Mating-environmental designs for breeding trials using bi-hierarchical incomplete block designs, Current Science, 127(10) DOI
2024 Biswas S.; Paul A.K.; Yeasin M.; Paul R.K.; Roy H.S.; Kumar P. (2024). Mustard price dynamics due to ban on blending: time series intervention model with nonlinear function, Current Science, 127(10) DOI
2024 Sangeeta K.; Nebapure S.M.; Rajna S.; Subramanian S. (2024). Fumigation toxicity of phosphine against sawtoothed grain beetle, Oryzaephilus surinamensis, Current Science, 127(1) DOI
2024 Ramya N.; Padala V.K.; Sagar D.; Rupali J.S.; Kumar H.; Reshma R.; Yadav P.; Subramanian S. (2024). Decoding the copulation and courtship patterns of an invasive pest, Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith, 1797) from India, Current Science, 126(9) DOI
2024 Garai S.; Paul R.K.; Yeasin M.; Roy H.S.; Paul A.K. (2024). Machine learning algorithms for predicting rainfall in India, Current Science, 126(3) DOI
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2024 Rakesh V.; Patgiri P.; Borah A. (2024). Laboratory Study of Repellent Property of Bhut Jolokia Chilli against Sitophilus oryzae (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in Stored Wheat, Journal of Entomological Science, 59(2) DOI
2024 Nagdev R.; Khan S.A.; Dhupper R. (2024). Assessment of Physico-Chemical Properties of Biogas Slurry as an Organic Fertilizer for Sustainable Agriculture, Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences, 12(4) DOI
2024 Kumar R.; Sharma N.; Dubey A.K.; Sharma R.M.; Sethi S.; Mishra G.P.; Mathur S.; Vittal H.; Shivran M.; Sharma N. (2024). Fruit Quality Assessment of Novel Hybrid Pummelo × Sweet Orange and Its Molecular Characterization Using Acidity Specific Markers, Food Technology and Biotechnology, 62(1) DOI
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2024 Dhiman M.R.; Kumar R.; Kumar S.; Prakash C.; Rana A. (2024). Development and characterization of elitdoubled haploid lines of ornamental kale, Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology, 24(2) DOI
2024 Ajith M.; Tripathi K.; Yadav D.K.; Kaushik P.; Rana V.S.; Shakil N.A.; Pankaj; Koli P.; Ren Y. (2024). Nematicidal Efficacy of Cymbopogon nardus, Pelargonium graveolens Essential Oils and Annona squamosa Extract against Meloidogyne incognita and M. graminicola, BioResources , 19(4) DOI
2024 Oluwamodupe C.; Sb S.; Olayeriju O.S.; Suresh K. (2024). Phytochemical characterisation and toxicity effect of Tithonia diversifolia (Hemls.) A. Gray leaf extract on fall army worm Spodoptera frugiperda (JE Smith) larvae, Journal of Complementary and Integrative Medicine , 21(3) DOI
2024 Stanishkar T.S.; Sharma A.; Praveen K.V. (2024). Crop variety valuation for technology transfer through licensing: a systematic review, International Journal of Revenue Management, 14(1) DOI
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2024 Glotra A.; Jat S.L.; Singh A.K.; Parihar C.M.; Pooniya V.; Kumar S.; Meena M.C.; Padhan S.R.; Ramniwas; Kakraliya M.; Mandal A. (2024). Influence of tillage, residue and nitrogen placement on maize growth and yield under conservation agriculture, Plant Science Today, 11() DOI
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2024 Deshahalli Divakara D.; Gore P.G.; Tripathi K.; Katral A.; Choudhury D.R.; Abhishek G.J.; Ragi S.; Thippeswamy D.; Muthusamy V.; Sharma D.K.; Singh R.; Bhatt K.C. (2024). Exploring genetic diversity of potential legume, Vigna angularis (Willd.) Ohwi and Ohashi through agro-morphological traits and SSR markers analysis, PLoS ONE, 19(12) DOI
2024 Kumari N.; Aski M.S.; Mishra G.P.; Roy A.; Dikshit H.K.; Saxena S.; Kohli M.; Mandal B.; Sinha S.K.; Mishra D.C.; Mondal Md.F.; Kumar R.R.; Kumar A.; Nair R.M. (2024). Development of infectious clones of mungbean yellow mosaic India virus (MYMIV, Begomovirus vignaradiataindiaense) infecting mungbean [Vigna radiata (L.) R. Wilczek] and evaluation of a RIL population for MYMIV resistance, PLoS ONE, 19(10) DOI
2024 Shivaprasad K.M.; Aski M.; Mishra G.P.; Sinha S.K.; Gupta S.; Mishra D.C.; Singh A.K.; Singh A.; Tripathi K.; Kumar R.R.; Kumar A.; Kumar S.; Dikshit H.K. (2024). Genome-wide discovery of InDels and validation of PCR-Based InDel markers for earliness in a RIL population and genotypes of lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.), PLoS ONE, 19(5) DOI
2024 Singh R.K.; Upadhyay P.K.; Dhar S.; Rajanna G.A.; Singh V.K.; Kumar R.; Singh R.K.; Shekhawat K.; Rathore S.S.; Dass A.; Kumar A.; Gupta G.; Rajpoot S.; Prakash V.; Sarkar S.; Sharma N.K.; Rawat S.; Singh S. (2024). System of wheat intensification (SWI): Effects on lodging resistance, photosynthetic efficiency, soil biomes, and water productivity, PLoS ONE, 19(04-Apr) DOI
2024 Patidar P.; Prasad L.; Sagar S.; Sirohi A.; Saharan M.S.; Dhillon M.K.; Singh V.K.; Bag T.K. (2024). Chemo-profiling of Purpureocillium lilacinum and Paecilomyces variotii isolates using GC-MS analysis, and evaluation of their metabolites against M. incognita, PLoS ONE, 19(02-Feb) DOI
2024 Biradar S.S.; Patil M.K.; Desai S.A.; Singh S.K.; Naik V.R.; Lamani K.; Joshi A.K. (2024). Nitrogen use efficiency in bread wheat: Genetic variation and prospects for improvement, PLoS ONE, 19(04-Apr) DOI
2024 Lalremliana J.; Srinivasan M.R.; Saminathan V.R.; Chitra N.; Mohankumar S.; Sabatina P.; Suroshe S.S.; Kumaranag K.M. (2024). Variation in the Morphological Characters of the Hill and Plain Populations of Indian Honey Bee, Apis cerana indica (Fab.) in Tamil Nadu, India, Sociobiology, 71(4) DOI
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2024 Duraimurugan P.; Bharathi E.; Dharavath N.R.; Selvam H. (2024). Pathogenicity of native strains of Bacillus thuringiensis, Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium rileyi as entomopathogens against the polyphagous borer, Conogethes punctiferalis (Guenée) (Crambidae: Lepidoptera), Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest Control, 34(1) DOI
2024 Das D.; Dutta G.; Jahnavi J.; Patra P.; Bhuniya O.; Ramlal A.; Samanta A. (2024). In silico study of some bioactive compounds of Pleurotus sajor-caju as antidiabetic and antiviral agents, Nutrire, 49(1) DOI
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2024 Gurumurthy S.; Ashu A.; Kruthika S.; Solanke A.P.; Basavaraja T.; Soren K.R.; Rane J.; Pathak H.; Prasad P.V.V. (2024). An innovative natural speed breeding technique for accelerated chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) generation turnover, Plant Methods, 20(1) DOI
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2024 Mazumder A.K.; Budhlakoti N.; Kumar M.; Pradhan A.K.; Kumar S.; Babu P.; Yadav R.; Gaikwad K.B. (2024). Exploring the genetic diversity and population structure of an ancient hexaploid wheat species Triticum sphaerococcum using SNP markers, BMC Plant Biology, 24(1) DOI
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2024 Roy A.; Chaurasia H.; Kumar B.; Kumari N.; Jaiswal S.; Srivastava M.; Iquebal M.A.; Angadi U.B.; Kumar D. (2024). FEAtl: a comprehensive web-based expression atlas for functional genomics in tropical and subtropical fruit crops, BMC Plant Biology, 24(1) DOI
2024 Patial M.; Navathe S.; He X.; Kamble U.; Kumar M.; Joshi A.K.; Singh P.K. (2024). Novel resistance loci for quantitative resistance to Septoria tritici blotch in Asian wheat (Triticum aestivum) via genome-wide association study, BMC Plant Biology, 24(1) DOI
2024 Dutta T.K.; Rupinikrishna K.; Akhil V.S.; Vashisth N.; Phani V.; Pankaj; Sirohi A.; Chinnusamy V. (2024). CRISPR/Cas9-induced knockout of an amino acid permease gene (AAP6) reduced Arabidopsis thaliana susceptibility to Meloidogyne incognita, BMC Plant Biology, 24(1) DOI
2024 Singh K.; Sharma P.; Jaiswal S.; Mishra P.; Maurya R.; Muthusamy S.K.; Saharan M.S.; Jasrotia R.S.; Kumar J.; Mishra S.; Sheoran S.; Singh G.P.; Angadi U.B.; Rai A.; Tiwari R.; Iquebal M.A.; Kumar D. (2024). Genome and transcriptome based comparative analysis of Tilletia indica to decipher the causal genes for pathogenicity of Karnal bunt in wheat, BMC Plant Biology, 24(1) DOI
2024 Ashajyothi M.; Mahadevakumar S.; Venkatesh Y.N.; Sarma P.V.S.R.N.; Danteswari C.; Balamurugan A.; Prakash G.; Khandelwal V.; Tarasatyavathi C.; Podile A.R.; Kirankumar M.S.; Chandranayaka S. (2024). Comprehensive genomic analysis of Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus paralicheniformis associated with the pearl millet panicle reveals their antimicrobial potential against important plant pathogens, BMC Plant Biology, 24(1) DOI
2024 Balamurugan A.; Mallikarjuna M.G.; Bansal S.; Nayaka S.C.; Rajashekara H.; Chellapilla T.S.; Prakash G. (2024). Genome-wide identification and characterization of NBLRR genes in finger millet (Eleusine coracana L.) and their expression in response to Magnaporthe grisea infection, BMC Plant Biology, 24(1) DOI
2024 Khan Z.A.; Sharma S.K.; Gupta N.; Diksha D.; Thapa P.; Shimray M.Y.; Prajapati M.R.; Nabi S.U.; Watpade S.; Verma M.K.; Baranwal V.K. (2024). Assessing the de novo assemblers: a metaviromic study of apple and first report of citrus concave gum-associated virus, apple rubbery wood virus 1 and 2 infecting apple in India, BMC Genomics, 25(1) DOI
2024 Singhal P.; Diksha D.; Baranwal V.K.; Singh N.; Ghosh A. (2024). Evidence of true seed transmissible nature of turnip mosaic virus in mustard species, BMC Genomics, 25(1) DOI
2024 Thenappan D.P.; Pandey R.; Hada A.; Jaiswal D.K.; Chinnusamy V.; Bhattacharya R.; Annapurna K. (2024). Physiological Basis of Plant Growth Promotion in Rice by Rhizosphere and Endosphere Associated Streptomyces Isolates from India, Rice (Springer), 17(1) DOI
2024 Su-Mon M.; Asrey R.; Meena N.K.; Sethi S. (2024). Attenuating sugar spot and retaining quality of banana fruits by combined use of hot water and calcium lactate during storage, Food Science and Technology International, 30(1) DOI
2024 Kiran P.R.; Jadhav P.; Avinash G.; Aradwad P.; TV A.; Bhardwaj R.; Parray R.A. (2024). Detection and classification of spongy tissue disorder in mango fruit during ripening by using visible-near infrared spectroscopy and multivariate analysis, Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy, 32(04-May) DOI
2024 Saini V.; Debjani D.E.Y. (2024). First record of subgenus Corynopus Lepeletier and Brullé, 1835 (Genus Rhopalum Stephens, Hymenoptera: Crabronidae: Crabronini) from India: a new species and a key to Asian species of the subgenus, Zootaxa, 5507(3) DOI
2024 Naik S.; Shashank P.R. (2024). Discovery of two new species and three new records of the tribe Archipini (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) from India, Zootaxa, 5492(3) DOI
2024 Nandhini D.; Shashank P.R.; Joshi R.; Reddy K.M. (2024). A catalogue of Indian Gelechiidae Stainton, 1854 (Lepidoptera: Gelechioidea), Zootaxa, 5420(1) DOI
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2024 Venkadesh G.; Kumar S.; Rawat S.; Vyshali G.; Somvanshi V.S.; Khan M.R. (2024). Paramerlinius shamimi n. sp. (Nematoda: Merliniidae) from India with a tabular key for the genus Paramerlinius, Nematology (Fundamental and Applied Nematology, Nematologica), 26(8) DOI
2024 Kumari P.; Choudhary J.S.; Dey D.; Dhakar M.K. (2024). Diversity, Abundance, and Foraging Behaviour of Insect Pollinators in Litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) under Hot and Subhumid Conditions, Psyche: Journal of Entomology, 2024() DOI
2024 Upadhyaya H.D.; Wang L.; Paterson A.H.; Gowda C.L.L.; Kumar R.; Li J.; Wang Y.-H. (2024). Association mapping identifies stable loci containing novel genes for developmental and reproductive traits in sorghum, Genome, 67(12) DOI
2024 Shahid S.; Arshad M.; Khan M.S.; Asghar B.H.; Akhtar M.S.; Karim A. (2024). Design, Synthesis, Characterization, Antimicrobial, Anticancer Studies of Novel Thiazolidin-4-one Derivatives, Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry, 50(4) DOI
2024 Archana H.R.; Vijay D.; Prasad C.T.M.; Ahmad D.; Bhowmick P.K.; Kumar M.B.A.; Sinha S.K. (2024). Effect of Imbibition Phase-Based Low Water Potential Seed Priming on Seedling Vigour in Rice (Oryza sativa L.), Russian Journal of Plant Physiology, 71(4) DOI
2024 Ghosh T.; Yadav S.K.; Choudhary R.; Rao D.; Sushma M.K.; Mandal A.; Hussain Z.; Minkina T.; Rajput V.D.; Yadav S. (2024). Effect of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticle Based Seed Priming for Enhancing Seed Vigour and Physio-Biochemical Quality of Tomato Seedlings under Salinity Stress, Russian Journal of Plant Physiology, 71(1) DOI
2024 Sneha G.R.; Govindasamy V.; Abraham G. (2024). Identification and Characterization of Desiccation-Tolerant Cyanobacteria from Pokhran, India for Their Potential Application as Biofertilizer, Microbiology (Russian Federation), 93(6) DOI
2024 Katral A.; Hossain F.; Zunjare R.U.; Mishra S.J.; Ragi S.; Kasana R.K.; Chhabra R.; Thimmegowda V.; Vasudev S.; Kumar S.; Bhat J.S.; Neeraja C.N.; Yadava D.K.; Muthusamy V. (2024). Enhancing kernel oil and tailoring fatty acid composition by genomics-assisted selection for dgat1-2 and fatb genes in multi-nutrient-rich maize: new avenue for food, feed and bioenergy, Plant Journal, 119(5) DOI
2024 Thakro V.; Varshney N.; Malik N.; Daware A.; Srivastava R.; Mohanty J.K.; Basu U.; Narnoliya L.; Jha U.C.; Tripathi S.; Tyagi A.K.; Parida S.K. (2024). Functional allele of a MATE gene selected during domestication modulates seed color in chickpea, Plant Journal, 117(1) DOI
2024 Gautam P.V.; Agrawal K.N.; Roul A.K.; Mansuri S.M.; Subeesh A. (2024). Predictive modelling of sweep's specific draft using machine learning regression approaches, Soil Use and Management, 40(1) DOI
2024 Dey A.; Dwivedi B.S.; Bhattacharyya R.; Datta S.P.; Meena M.C.; Jat R.K.; Jat M.L.; Sarkar D.J.; Kumar R. (2024). Functional groups and mineralization kinetics of soil organic matter under contrasting hydro-thermal regimes under conservation agriculture-based rice–wheat system in eastern Indo-Gangetic Plains, Soil Use and Management, 40(1) DOI
2024 Afreen U.; Pandey A.; Jha S.K.; Kumar M.; Mukhopadhyay K. (2024). Comprehensive analysis of hairpin small RNAs involved in resistance and pathogenesis during wheat–Puccinia triticina interactions, Physiologia Plantarum, 176(5) DOI
2024 Pathak D.; Suman A.; Dass A.; Sharma P.; Krishnan A.; Gond S. (2024). Enhancing wheat growth and nutrient content through integrated microbial and non-microbial biostimulants, Physiologia Plantarum, 176(5) DOI
2024 Singh D.; Maithreyi S.; Taunk J.; Singh M.P. (2024). Physiological and proteomic characterization revealed the response mechanisms underlying aluminium tolerance in lentil (Lens culinaris Medikus), Physiologia Plantarum, 176(3) DOI
2024 Nivetha N.; Asha A.D.; Krishna G.K.; Chinnusamy V.; Paul S. (2024). Rhizobacteria Bacillus spp. mitigate osmotic stress and improve seed germination in mustard by regulating osmolyte and plant hormone signaling, Physiologia Plantarum, 176(1) DOI
2024 Poria V.; Jhilta P.; Adhuna K.P.; Somvanshi V.S.; Rana A.; Singh S. (2024). Multistress-tolerant Pseudomonas aeruginosa SSVP3 uses multiple strategies to control Meloidogyne incognita in tomato, Plant Pathology, 73(9) DOI
2024 Jatoth R.; Kashyap A.S.; Babu P.L.; Singh D.; Gogoi R.; Manzar N.; Geat N.; Muthusamy V.; Padaria J.C. (2024). Unravelling the aetiology of Dickeya zeae using polyphasic approaches for bacterial stalk rot in maize, Plant Pathology, 73(4) DOI
2024 Dutta T.K.; Akhil V.S. (2024). The relative infection potential of Meloidogyne incognita and M. graminicola in the basmati rice cultivar PB1121, Plant Pathology, 73(2) DOI
2024 Kumar K.; Durgesh K.; Anjoy P.; Srivastava H.; Tribhuvan K.U.; Sevanthi A.M.; Singh A.; Prabha R.; Sharma S.; Joshi R.; Jain P.K.; Singh N.K.; Gaikwad K. (2024). Transcriptional Reprogramming and Allelic Variation in Pleiotropic QTL Regulates Days to Flowering and Growth Habit in Pigeonpea, Plant Cell and Environment, () DOI
2024 Zunjare R.U.; Muthusamy V.; Chand G.; Chauhan P.; Rathore A.S.; Katral A.; Mishra S.J.; Hossain F. (2024). Genetic Evidence of Recessive Epistasis Among Sex Determining silkless1 (sk1) tasselseed1 (ts1) and tasselseed2 (ts2) Genes and Its Utility in Maize (Zea mays L.) Breeding, Plant Breeding, () DOI
2024 Senapati M.; Tiwari A.; Vinod K.K.; Bashyal B.M.; Amaresh; Nagarajan M.; Dhawan G.; Gowda M.M.; Ellur R.K.; Bhowmick P.K.; Bollinedi H.; Singh A.K.; Subbaiyan G.K. (2024). High-density single nucleotide polymorphism-based linkage mapping reveals novel quantitative trait loci for rice (Oryza sativa) sheath blight resistance from wild rice (Oryza rufipogon)-derived introgression line, Plant Breeding, 143(6) DOI
2024 Veerala P.; Chand P.; Das T.R.; Gangwar L.K. (2024). Prediction and validation of putative candidate genes underlying drought-tolerant QTLs through in silico and RT-PCR approaches in rice (Oryza sativa), Plant Breeding, 143(5) DOI
2024 Shailaja D.S.; Lohithaswa H.C.; Sowmya M.S.; Mallikarjuna M.G.; Banakara S.; Likhithashree T.R.; Kirankumar R.; Basanagouda G.; Patne N.; Vivek B.S. (2024). Identification of drought tolerant inbred lines and assessment of combining ability in maize (Zea mays L.), Plant Breeding, 143(4) DOI
2024 Mudhale A.; Sar P.; Kumar J.; Bhowmick P.K.; Banerjee A.; Chakraborty K.; Basak N.; Patra B.C.; Bisht D.S.; Iquebal M.A.; Priyamedha; Vinod K.K.; Gopala Krishnan S.; Kumar G.; Mandal N.P.; Roy S. (2024). Characterization of rice (Oryza sativa L.) landraces from Majuli and surrounding riverine ecologies in Assam: Assessment of morphogenetic variability and submergence tolerance, Plant Breeding, 143(4) DOI
2024 Sulochana K.H.; Saha P.; Tomar B.S.; Behera T.K.; Ghoshal C.; Verma V.K.; Verma A.; Gopala Krishnan S.; Saha N.D.; Ray S.; Singh S.K.; Madhav M.S. (2024). Genetic analysis and molecular mapping of fruit-bearing habit locus (Bh1) in eggplant (Solanum melongena L.), Plant Breeding, 143(3) DOI
2024 Shivaprasad K.M.; Dikshit H.K.; Mishra G.P.; Sinha S.K.; Aski M.; Kohli M.; Mishra D.C.; Singh A.K.; Gupta S.; Singh A.; Tripathi K.; Kumar R.R.; Kumar A.; Jha G.K.; Kumar S.; Varshney R.K. (2024). Delineation of loci governing an extra-earliness trait in lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) using the QTL-Seq approach, Plant Biotechnology Journal, 22(10) DOI
2024 Garg V.; Barmukh R.; Chitikineni A.; Roorkiwal M.; Ojiewo C.; Bohra A.; Thudi M.; Singh V.K.; Kudapa H.; Saxena R.K.; Fountain J.; Mir R.R.; Bharadwaj C.; Chen X.; Xin L.; Pandey M.K. (2024). Celebrating Professor Rajeev K. Varshney's transformative research odyssey from genomics to the field on his induction as Fellow of the Royal Society, Plant Biotechnology Journal, 22(6) DOI
2024 Pal D.; Kumar S.; Bhardwaj S.; Gangwar O.; Pal A.; Patial M.; Watpade S.; Harikrishna; Mallick N.; Fandade V.; Roy J.K. (2024). Identification of Rust Resistance Genes in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Using Molecular Markers and Host–Pathogen Interaction Tests, Journal of Phytopathology, 172(5) DOI
2024 Jadhav S.; Kumar A.; Akthar J.; Patted P.; Mishra G.; Aski M.; Tomar S. (2024). Seed Treatment With Fungicides and Biocontrol Agents for Fusarium Wilt Management and Improvement of Seed Quality in Lentil, Journal of Phytopathology, 172(5) DOI
2024 Sreenayana B.; Mondal K.K.; Kumar S.; Mathiyalagan N.; Reddy M.S.; Nagaranai Shanmugam K.; Amrutha Lakshmi M.; Echalukoppa Ratnakara R.; Mani C. (2024). Virulence profiling of emerging Indian strains of Burkholderia glumae causing panicle blight of rice, Journal of Phytopathology, 172(2) DOI
2024 Kiran P.R.; Aradwad P.; Arunkumar T.V.; Parray R.A. (2024). Enhancing mango quality control: A novel approach to spongy tissue inspection through image clustering and machine learning models via X-ray imaging, Journal of Food Process Engineering, 47(6) DOI
2024 Chandrakumara K.; Dhillon M.K.; Singh N. (2024). Aphid-induced phytochemicals in Brassica juncea (L.) Czern & Coss. afflicting host preference and bionomics of Lipaphis erysimi (Kaltenbach), Journal of Applied Entomology, 148(5) DOI
2024 Kakanur Jagadeesha Y.; Navathe S.; Krishnappa G.; Ambati D.; Baviskar V.; Biradar S.; Magar N.; Mishra C.; Mamrutha H.; Govindan V.; Singh G. (2024). Multi-Environment Analysis of Nutritional and Grain Quality Traits in Relation to Grain Yield Under Drought and Terminal Heat Stress in Bread Wheat and Durum Wheat, Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, 210(5) DOI
2024 Adireddy R.; Manna S.; Patanjali N.; Singh A.; Dass A.; Mahanta D.; Singh V. (2024). Unveiling Superabsorbent Hydrogels Efficacy Through Modified Agronomic Practices in Soybean–Wheat System Under Semi-Arid Regions of South Asia, Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, 210(4) DOI
2024 Zhiipao R.R.; Pooniya V.; Kumar D.; Biswakarma N.; Bainsla N.K.; Saikia N.; Duo H.; Dorjee L.; Govindasamy P.; Lakhena K.K.; Jat R.D. (2024). Late-sown stress afflict post-anthesis dry matter and nutrient partitioning and their remobilization in aestivum wheat genotypes, Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, 210(2) DOI
2024 Ahamad S.; Sagar V.R.; Asrey R.; Islam S.; Tomar B.S.; Vinod B.R.; Menaka M.; Kumar A. (2024). Nutritional retention and browning minimisation in dehydrated onion slices through potassium metabisulphite and sodium chloride pre-treatments, International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 59(8) DOI
2024 Yadav B.K.; Rudra S.G.; Joshi A.; Bhowmik A.; Goswami A.K.; Bhardwaj R.; Pal P. (2024). Deciphering the role of fruit maturity, calcium and freezing on the nutritional and textural attributes of crisps from red guava, International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 59(8) DOI
2024 Ahamad S.; Asrey R.; Singh A.K.; Sethi S.; Joshi A.; Vinod B.R.; Meena N.K.; Menaka M.; Choupdar G.K. (2024). Melatonin treatment enhances bioactive compound retention, antioxidant activity and shelf-life of bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) during cold storage, International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 59(10) DOI
2024 Mushineni A.; Yagavachintapalli Narayanaswamy V.; Yadav A.; Alexander B.; Kumar N.; Venkidusamy K.S.; Handa A.; Ayyanadar A.; Aundy K. (2024). The outbreak of teak leaf blight disease caused by Alternaria alternata in the semi-arid Bundelkhand region of India, Forest Pathology, 54(4) DOI
2024 Shashank P.R.; Parker B.M.; Rananaware S.R.; Plotkin D.; Couch C.; Yang L.G.; Nguyen L.T.; Prasannakumar N.R.; Braswell W.E.; Jain P.K.; Kawahara A.Y. (2024). CRISPR-based diagnostics detects invasive insect pests, Molecular Ecology Resources, 24(1) DOI
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2024 Godara S.; Avinash G.; Parsad R.; Marwaha S.; Faiz M.A.; Bana R.S. (2024). Development and Assessment of SPM: A Sigmoid-Based Model for Probability Estimation in Non-Repetitive Unit Selection With Replacement, IEEE Access, 12() DOI
2024 Godara S.; Bedi J.; Parsad R.; Singh D.; Bana R.S.; Marwaha S. (2024). AgriResponse: A Real-Time Agricultural Query-Response Generation System for Assisting Nationwide Farmers, IEEE Access, 12() DOI
2024 Bhooshan N.; Singh A.; Sharma A.; Prabhu K.V. (2024). Meeting the challenges of wheat production through a skillful mix of new varieties, commercialization and technology adoption, Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management, () DOI
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2024 Weng Y.-M.; Shashank P.R.; Godfrey R.K.; Plotkin D.; Parker B.M.; Wist T.; Kawahara A.Y. (2024). Evolutionary genomics of three agricultural pest moths reveals rapid evolution of host adaptation and immune-related genes, GigaScience, 13() DOI
2024 Kumar D.; Venkadesan S.; Prabha R.; Begam S.; Dutta B.; Mishra D.C.; Chaturvedi K.K.; Jha G.K.; Solanke A.U.; Sevanthi A.M. (2024). RiceMetaSys: Drought-miR, a one-stop solution for drought responsive miRNAs-mRNA module in rice, Database, 2024() DOI
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2024 Nivedha R.M.; Prasanna R.; Bhardwaj A.; Bavana N.; Singh A.K.; Shivay Y.S. (2024). Cyanobacterium priming of tomato and spinach nursery stimulates seedling vigor and yields, International Journal of Vegetable Science, 30(3) DOI
2024 Bendi A.; Khandelwal K.; Sharma N.; Dorjee L.; Gogoi R. (2024). Ultrasound promoted synthesis of 2-methylthio-3H-1,5-benzodiazepines using CaFe2O4 NPs as heterogeneous catalyst and their in-vitro experimental and theoretical studies as antifungal agents, Journal of Sulfur Chemistry, 45(6) DOI
2024 Naik M.A.; Kumar A.; Gupta S.; Kushwaha D.K.; Kushwaha H.L.; Singh A.K.; Vaidhyanathan R.; Hasan M. (2024). Potential dermal exposure and ergonomic assessment in greenhouse spraying, Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 21(11) DOI
2024 Watts A.; Raipuria R.K.; Chaudhary A.; Chauhan M.; Joshi K.; Singh N.; Bhattacharya R. (2024). Understanding life cycle of parasitic weed Phelipanche ramosa infesting Brassica juncea in India: new host species and seed coat structure, Journal of Crop Improvement, 38(4) DOI
2024 Ahlawat O.P.; Walia N.; Venkatesh K.; Yadav D.; Sheoran S.; Arora N.K.; Singh G. (2024). Variations in chemical constituents of the rhizosphere of bread wheat genotypes and their significance for using as markers for heat and drought tolerance, Arid Land Research and Management, 38(1) DOI
2024 Sharma C.; Rani J.; Kapoor M.; Kaur N.; Gawdiya S.; Pradhan S.K. (2024). Comparative metabolomics-based screening of fruit extracts of less-known melon (Cucumis melo var. agrestis) accessions collected from dry terrain of North India by using HPLC–DAD, Natural Product Research (Natural Product Letters), () DOI
2024 Chakraborty S.; Beura M.; Sarda Devi K.; Ratankumar Singh A.; Keerthana C.S.; Sharma S.K.; Singh A.; Dahuja A.; Krishnan V. (2024). A novel method for detecting conformation-dependent β-glucans—single, double, and triple-helical from Shiitake mushroom, Natural Product Research (Natural Product Letters), () DOI
2024 Bishnoi P.; Thakre M.; Maurya P.; Jagga S.; Gangappa N.D.; Nagaraja A.; Verma M.K.; Krishnan S.G.; Varghese E.; Mithra Sevanthi A. (2024). Pulp colour and pigment composition have no genetic correlation with seed hardness in guava (Psidium guajava L.), Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, () DOI
2024 Sen S.; Kaur R.; Das T.K.; Shivay Y.S.; Nath C.P. (2024). Weed control for sustaining rice production under dry seeding systems in North-Western India, International Journal of Pest Management, 70(4) DOI
2024 Kumar S.; Singh D.R.; Singh N.P.; Jha G.K.; Kumar S. (2024). Impact of natural resource conservation technology on productivity and technical efficiency in rainfed areas of Southern India, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 67(2) DOI
2024 Nain P.; Purakayastha T.J.; Sarkar B.; Bhowmik A.; Biswas S.; Kumar S.; Shukla L.; Biswas D.R.; Bandyopadhyay K.K.; Agarwal B.K.; Saha N.D. (2024). Nitrogen-enriched biochar co-compost for the amelioration of degraded tropical soil, Environmental Technology (United Kingdom), 45(2) DOI
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2024 Harun M.; Varghese C.; Dalal A. (2024). Generalized extended triangular designs: Construction and online generation, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, () DOI
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2024 Agashe N.W.; Varghese C.; Harun M.; Dalal A. (2024). Tri-hierarchical incomplete block designs, Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation, () DOI
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2024 Sethi G.; Saini R.; Banerjee T.; Kumar R.; Sahu S.R.; Singh N. (2024). Kinetics and sorption behavior of glyphosate and tricyclazole for their efficient retention in biomixtures, Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part B Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes, 59(10) DOI
2024 Ghoshal D.; Dixit M.; Narayanan N.; Mandal A.; Saini P.; Banerjee T.; Singh N.; Kumar A.; Gupta S. (2024). Persistence and degradation of tembotrione in loamy soil: Effect of various organic amendments, moisture regimes and temperatures, Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part B Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes, 59(10) DOI
2024 Bisht M.; Shrivastava M.; N Kumar S.; Singh R. (2024). Evaluation of the drinking water quality and potential health risks of nitrate and fluoride in Southwest Delhi, India, International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 104(20) DOI
2024 Kumari U.; Banerjee T.; Narayanan N.; Yadav S.; Singh N. (2024). Ash and biochar mixed biomixtures to degrade co-applied atrazine and fipronil in bio-augmented biobeds, International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 104(9) DOI
2024 Khandelwal A.; Nain L.; Singh S.B.; Varghese E.; Sharma A.; Gupta S.; Singh N. (2024). Bacteria and fungi mediated degradation of poly aromatic hydrocarbons and effect of surfactant Tween-80, International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 104(1) DOI
2024 Paul N.C.; Rai A.; Ahmad T.; Biswas A.; Sahoo P.M. (2024). GWR-assisted integrated estimator of finite population total under two-phase sampling: a model-assisted approach, Journal of Applied Statistics, 51(12) DOI
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2024 Karadihalli Thammaiah M.; Sharma V.K.; Parihar C.M.; Barman M.; Dey A.; Chopra I.; Chakraborty D.; Pradeep S.D.; Nithin S.; Kotari S.; Reddy T.G.S. (2024). Effect of long term conservation agriculture and nitrogen management on soil nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur fractions under maize–wheat–mungbean cropping system, Journal of Plant Nutrition, () DOI
2024 Tyagi V.; Nagargade M.; Govindasamy P.; Babu S.; Singh M.K.; Kumar A.; Singh P. (2024). Precision nitrogen management strategies and high yielding genotypes for enhanced growth, yield, economics, and nitrogen use efficiency in wheat, Journal of Plant Nutrition, 47(19) DOI
2024 Karadihalli Thammaiah M.; Sharma V.K.; Parihar C.M.; Barman M.; Dey A.; Chopra I.; Chakraborty D.; S N.; Kothari S.; Reddy T.G.S. (2024). Effect of long-term tillage practices on soil nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur release under different nitrogen management options, Journal of Plant Nutrition, 47(19) DOI
2024 Jangir C.K.; Sangwan P.S.; Panghaal D.; Kumar S.; Pareek S.S. (2024). Soil micronutrients (Zn and Fe) fractions and response of rice (Oryza Sativa) in different soil of Haryana under rice-wheat cropping system, Journal of Plant Nutrition, 47(19) DOI
2024 Paramanik B.; Mahanta S.; Das B.; Patra P.S.; Choudhury A.; Ghatak P.; Layek J.; Dutta G.; Saikia N.; Biswakarma N. (2024). Enhancing rice productivity through holistic nutrient management: integrating vermicompost and Azolla for improved agronomic performance and sustainability, Journal of Plant Nutrition, 47(17) DOI
2024 Srivastava P.C.; Pachauri S.P.; Pathak A.; Labanya R.; Shukla A.K.; Shrivastava M.; Srivastava P. (2024). Residual effect of micronutrients and sulfur enriched phyto-biochars soil applied to fodder maize on yields, tissue concentration and uptake of nutrients by rice and post-harvest soil properties, Journal of Plant Nutrition, 47(16) DOI
2024 Tamuk P.; Pandey R.; Purakayastha T.J.; Barman M.; Chakraborty D.; Gurung B.; Choudhury S.; Trivedi A.; Singh B. (2024). Grain and shoot iron (Fe) content and root phytosiderophore release are the major determinants of Fe-deficiency tolerance index (FeDTI) and the reliable screening markers to breed Fe-efficient rice (Oryza sativa L.), Journal of Plant Nutrition, 47(11) DOI
2024 Vijayakumar S.; Kumar D.; Ramesh K.; Bussa B.; Kaje V.V.; Shivay Y.S. (2024). Effect of split application of potassium on nutrient recovery efficiency, soil nutrient balance, and system productivity under rice-wheat cropping system (RWCS), Journal of Plant Nutrition, 47(10) DOI
2024 Rai A.; Singh V.K.; Sharma N.K.; Singh J.S.; Singh V.K.; Dwivedi B.S.; Rai P.K. (2024). Effect of fluorescent Pseudomonas on plant growth promotion of Aloe vera, Journal of Plant Nutrition, 47(7) DOI
2024 Tripathi R.; Mohanty S.; Swain C.K.; Das S.; Nayak P.; Moharana K.C.; Mohapatra S.D.; Goud B.R.; Raghu S.; Sahoo R.N.; Ranjan R.; Nayak A.K. (2024). Predicting chlorophyll and nitrogen content in rice using multiple regression models, Journal of Plant Nutrition, 47(6) DOI
2024 Garnaik S.; Samant P.K.; Mandal M.; Sethi D.; Wanjari R.H.; Mohanty T.R.; Dwibedi S.K.; Parihar C.M.; Nayak H.S. (2024). Long-term assessment of diverse nutrient management strategies in a rice-rice cropping system: analyzing yield trends, resource use efficiency and economic viability over a sixteen-year period, Journal of Plant Nutrition, 47(6) DOI
2024 Thakur J.K.; Mandal A.; Sinha N.K.; Singh A.B.; Jayaraman S.; Shirale A.O.; Patra A.K.; Rathore A.; Das A.; Amat D. (2024). Culturable Diversity of Endophytic and Rhizoplane Colonizing Bacteria of Indian Mustard (Brassica juncea (L.) Czern & Coss), Affected by Soil Types and Assessment of Plant Growth Promoting Attributes, Geomicrobiology Journal, 41(5) DOI
2024 Sahoo R.N.; Kondraju T.; Rejith R.G.; Verrelst J.; Ranjan R.; Gakhar S.; Bhandari A.; Chinnusamy V. (2024). Monitoring cropland LAI using Gaussian Process Regression and sentinel–2 surface reflectance data in Google Earth Engine, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 45(15) DOI
2024 Lavanya A.K.; Nivetha N.; Abraham G.; Asha A.D.; Chinnusamy V.; Pandey R.; Kansal R.; Singh B.; Kundu A.; Alam N.M.; Paul S. (2024). Interactive effect of rhizobacterium Bacillus sp. strain MRD-17 and macro-nutrients on the amelioration of drought stress in mustard (Brassica juncea L.), New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science, () DOI
2024 Bhardwaj A.; Prasanna R.; Bavana N.; Kokila V.; Nivedha R.M.; Gaur Rudra S.; Singh A.K.; Shivay Y.S. (2024). Foliar application of cyanobacterial formulations stimulates plant growth and fruit quality in tomato under protected cultivation, New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science, () DOI
2024 Hadimani B.N.; Dey D. (2024). A new species of Tetragonula (Apidae: Meliponini) from India with description of males of Tetragonula ruficornis (Smith, 1870), Oriental Insects, () DOI
2024 Saleh H.M.M.; Dey D. (2024). New records of family Chalcididae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) on vegetables ecosystem from New Delhi, India, Oriental Insects, 58(4) DOI
2024 Fatima M.; Anjum Bhat H.; Rebekah N.; Murugasamy S.; Makandar R. (2024). Genome-wide search and gene expression studies reveal candidate effectors with a role in pathogenicity and virulence in Fusarium graminearum, Mycologia, 116(5) DOI
2024 Kamruzzaman M.; Rees R.M.; Islam M.T.; Drewer J.; Sutton M.; Bhatia A.; Bealey W.J.; Hasan M.M. (2024). Improvement of Physical and Chemical Properties of Calcareous Dark Gray Soil Under Different Nitrogenous Fertilizer Management Practices in Wetland Rice Cultivation, Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, () DOI
2024 Srivastava P.C.; Joshi D.; Pachauri S.P.; Mehetre S.T.; Shrivastava M. (2024). Assessing Micronutrients in Soil with a New Chemical Extractant Using Isotopic Dilution Techniques: Linkages to Labile Fractions in Soil, Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 55(18) DOI
2024 Singh P.; Ghosh A.K.; Kumar S.; Kumar M.; Yadav S.; Nagargade M.; Seema (2024). Revegetating Mine Soils with Different Tree Species Influences Molecular Characteristics of Soil Organic Matter, Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 55(17) DOI
2024 Jangir C.K.; Sangwan P.S.; Panghaal D.; Kumar S.; Meena R.S.; Bharti; Jat R.D.; Singh N. (2024). Spatial Variability and Statistical Analysis of Soil Properties in the Rice Wheat-Based Systems of North-West India, Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 55(8) DOI
2024 Mukhopadhyay R.; Mukhopadhyay A.; Paul S.; De N.; Singh R.K. (2024). Urea and Trichoderma harzianum Loaded Clay-Polymer Composite in Conjunction with Farmyard Manure Sustains Soil Moisture and Nitrogen Availability to Manage Fusarium-Meloidogyne Disease Complex in Lentil (Lens culinaris), Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 55(7) DOI
2024 Barman M.; Das D. (2024). Nitric Acid and Organic Acid Mixture Show Less Deviation in Extractability of Potassium Between Field-Moist and Air-Dried Soil, Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 55(7) DOI
2024 Mourya K.K.; Purakayastha T.J.; Ahmed N.; Kumar S.; Trivedi A.; Husain K.; Ravisankar N. (2024). Assessment of Carbon Pools and Stocks in an Inceptisol Under Long-Term Manuring and Fertilization in Rice-Wheat Cropping System: Comparison of Different Methods, Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 55(2) DOI
2024 Khobra R.; Sheoran S.; Sareen S.; Meena B.K.; Kumar A.; Singh G. (2024). Augmenting the basis of lodging tolerance in wheat (Triticum aestivum) under natural and simulated conditions, Functional Plant Biology, 51(9) DOI
2024 Mehta B.K.; Chauhan H.S.; Basu S.; Anand A.; Baveja A.; Zunjare R.U.; Muthusamy V.; Singh A.K.; Hossain F. (2024). Mutant crtRB1 gene negates the unfavourable effects of opaque2 gene on germination and seed vigour among shrunken2 -based biofortified sweet corn genotypes, Functional Plant Biology, 51(2) DOI
2024 Singhal T.; Satyavathi C.T.; Singh S.P.; Sankar M.; Mallik M.; Thribhuvan R.; Yadav S.; Bharadwaj C. (2024). Elucidating genotype × environment interactions for grain iron and zinc content in a subset of pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) recombinant inbred lines, Crop and Pasture Science, 75(3) DOI
2024 Kumari J.; Gupta R.K.; Gupta A.; Honrao B.K.; Vaish S.S.; Sharma A.; Ram S.; Krishnappa G.; Sharma S.; Bhardwaj R.; Jacob S.R.; Kumar S.; Vikas V.K.; Pandey S.; Rana J.C.; Kumar A.; Singh G.P.; Singh K. (2024). Multi-environment analysis to unravel bread wheat core collection to identify donors for grain quality, phenology, and yield traits, Crop and Pasture Science, 75(8) DOI
2024 Rana A.; Pathak S.; Kumar K.; Kumari A.; Chopra S.; Kumar M.; Kamil D.; Srivastava R.; Kim S.-K.; Verma R.; Sharma S.N. (2024). Multifaceted properties of TiO2 nanoparticles synthesized using Mangifera indica and Azadirachta indica plant extracts: antimicrobial, antioxidant, and non-linear optical activity investigation for sustainable agricultural applications, Materials Advances, 5(7) DOI
2024 Kushwah A.; Sharma P.K.; Kushwaha H.L.; Sharma B.B.; Shrivastava A.K.; Nag R.H.; Chowdhury M.; Carpenter G.; Yadav R. (2024). Hybrid taguchi-grey relational analysis approach for optimizing cutter operational parameters in selective cauliflower harvesting, Scientific Reports, 14(1) DOI
2024 Godara S.; Begam S.; Bana R.S.; Bedi J.; Jain R.; Haque M.A.; Parsad R.; Marwaha S.; Patial M.; Shirzad S.; Nirmal R. (2024). TPTC: topic-wise problems’ trend clusters for smart agricultural insights extraction and forecasting of farmer’s information demand, Scientific Reports, 14(1) DOI
2024 Rajarushi C.N.; Nebapure S.M.; Biswas A.; Rajna S.; Subramanian S. (2024). Contact toxicity of insecticides against rice weevil, Sitophilus oryzae L. and its effect on progeny production, Scientific Reports, 14(1) DOI
2024 Nanavaty A.; Sharma R.; Pandita B.; Goyal O.; Rallapalli S.; Mandal M.; Singh V.K.; Narang P.; Chamola V. (2024). Integrating deep learning for visual question answering in Agricultural Disease Diagnostics: Case Study of Wheat Rust, Scientific Reports, 14(1) DOI
2024 Gouda M.N.R.; Subramanian S. (2024). Decoding the genomic terrain: functional insights into 14 chemosensory proteins in whitefly Bemisia tabaci Asia II-1, Scientific Reports, 14(1) DOI
2024 Gupta S.K.; Mandal A.; Ghosh A.; Kundu A.; Saha S.; Singh A.; Dutta A. (2024). Evaluating the insecticidal potential of alkaloids for the management of Thrips palmi: in vivo and in silico perspectives, Scientific Reports, 14(1) DOI
2024 Mondal P.C.; Salim R.; Kumar V.; Kaushik P.; Shakil N.A.; Pankaj; Rana V.S. (2024). Aphidicidal activity of nano-emulsions of spearmint oil and carvone against Rhopalosiphum maidis and Sitobion avenae, Scientific Reports, 14(1) DOI
2024 Monika M.; Tyagi J.S.; Sonale N.; Biswas A.; Murali D.; Sky; Tiwari A.K.; Rokade J.J. (2024). Evaluating the efficacy of Lactobacillus acidophilus derived postbiotics on growth metrics, Health, and Gut Integrity in broiler chickens, Scientific Reports, 14(1) DOI
2024 Mondal S.; Purohit A.; Hazra A.; Das S.; Chakrabarti M.; Khan M.R.; Lopez-Nicora H.; Chakraborti D.; Mukherjee A. (2024). Intraspecific variability of rice root knot nematodes across diverse agroecosystems for sustainable management, Scientific Reports, 14(1) DOI
2024 Msango K.; Gouda M.N.R.; Ramakrishnan B.; Kumar A.; Subramanian S. (2024). Variation and functional profile of gut bacteria in the scarab beetle, Anomala dimidiata, under a cellulose-enriched microenvironment, Scientific Reports, 14(1) DOI
2024 Madhusudan B.S.; Kushwaha H.L.; Kumar A.; Parray R.A.; Swain S.S.; Chowdhury M.; Nag R.H.; Asha K.R.; Rathod S.K.; Kumar P.; Anand R.; Al-Ansari N.; Dewidar A.Z.; Mattar M.A. (2024). Critical assessment of furrow openers and operational parameters for optimum performance under conservation tillage, Scientific Reports, 14(1) DOI
2024 Mir M.S.; Singh P.; Kanth R.H.; Shah Z.A.; Dar E.A.; Bhat J.A.; Nazir A.; Amin Z.; Lone A.H.; Nain M.S.; Yousuf D.; Alie B.A.; Ahngar T.A.; Abd-ElGawad A.M.; Mattar M.A. (2024). Influence of sowing dates and weed management practices on weed dynamics, productivity and profitability of direct seeded rice, Scientific Reports, 14(1) DOI
2024 Bedi J.; Anand A.; Godara S.; Bana R.S.; Faiz M.A.; Marwaha S.; Parsad R. (2024). Effective weight optimization strategy for precise deep learning forecasting models using EvoLearn approach, Scientific Reports, 14(1) DOI
2024 Nayak G.H.H.; Alam M.W.; Singh K.N.; Avinash G.; Kumar R.R.; Ray M.; Deb C.K. (2024). Exogenous variable driven deep learning models for improved price forecasting of TOP crops in India, Scientific Reports, 14(1) DOI
2024 Mazumder A.K.; Yadav R.; Kumar M.; Babu P.; Kumar N.; Singh S.K.; Solanke A.U.; Wani S.H.; Alalawy A.I.; Alasmari A.; Gaikwad K.B. (2024). Discovering novel genomic regions explaining adaptation of bread wheat to conservation agriculture through GWAS, Scientific Reports, 14(1) DOI
2024 Karthik R.; Ramana M.V.; Kumari C.P.; Prakash T.R.; Goverdhan M.; Naik D.S.; Chandra M.S.; Kumar M.S.; Kumar N.V.; Raising L.P.; Baral K.; Bhatt R.; Al-Ansari N.; Elhindi K.M.; Mattar M.A. (2024). Designing a productive, profitable integrated farming system model with low water footprints for small and marginal farmers of Telangana, Scientific Reports, 14(1) DOI
2024 Gouda M.N.R.; Subramanian S. (2024). Variations in the expression of odorant binding and chemosensory proteins in the developmental stages of whitefly Bemisia tabaci Asia II-1, Scientific Reports, 14(1) DOI
2024 Malik A.S.; Sharma N.K.; Chandra A.K.; Kumar P.; Tyagi S.; Raghunandan K.; Murukan N.; Mallick N.; Jha S.K.; Vinod (2024). Conversion of superior bread wheat genotype HD3209 carrying Lr19/Sr25 into CMS line for development of rust-resistant wheat hybrids, Scientific Reports, 14(1) DOI
2024 Ali A.; Das B.; Dhakar M.K.; Naik S.K.; Patel V.B.; Mishra G.P.; Sarkar P.K.; Shinde R.; Jha A.K.; Bhatt B.P. (2024). Enhancing soil health and fruit yield through Tephrosia biomass mulching in rainfed guava (Psidium guajava L.) orchards, Scientific Reports, 14(1) DOI
2024 Kumar M.; Sahoo P.K.; Kushwaha D.K.; Mani I.; Pradhan N.C.; Patel A.; Tariq A.; Ullah S.; Soufan W. (2024). Force and power requirement for development of cumin harvester: a dynamic approach, Scientific Reports, 14(1) DOI
2024 Kumar K.; Parihar C.M.; Nayak H.S.; Sena D.R.; Godara S.; Dhakar R.; Patra K.; Sarkar A.; Bharadwaj S.; Ghasal P.C.; L.Meena A.; Reddy K.S.; Das T.K.; Jat S.L.; Sharma D.K.; Saharawat Y.S.; Singh U.; Jat M.L.; Gathala M.K. (2024). Modeling maize growth and nitrogen dynamics using CERES-Maize (DSSAT) under diverse nitrogen management options in a conservation agriculture-based maize-wheat system, Scientific Reports, 14(1) DOI
2024 Puneeth G.M.; Gowthami R.; Katral A.; Laxmisha K.M.; Vasudeva R.; Singh G.P.; Archak S. (2024). On-farm crop diversity, conservation, importance and value: a case study of landraces from Western Ghats of Karnataka, India, Scientific Reports, 14(1) DOI
2024 Joshi B.; Singh V.K.; Vishwakarma D.K.; Ghorbani M.A.; Kim S.; Gupta S.; Chandola V.K.; Rajput J.; Chung I.-M.; Yadav K.K.; Mirzania E.; Al-Ansari N.; Mattar M.A. (2024). A comparative survey between cascade correlation neural network (CCNN) and feedforward neural network (FFNN) machine learning models for forecasting suspended sediment concentration, Scientific Reports, 14(1) DOI
2024 Chowdhury S.; Bansal S.; Jha S.K.; Saharan M.S.; M N.; K R.; Choudhary M.K.; Agarwal P.; Mallick N.; Vinod (2024). Characterization and identification of sources of rust resistance in Triticum militinae derivatives, Scientific Reports, 14(1) DOI
2024 Kaushal K.; Rajani K.; Kumar R.R.; Ranjan T.; Kumar A.; Ahmad M.F.; Kumar V.; Kumar V.; Kumar A. (2024). Physio-biochemical responses and crop performance analysis in chickpea upon botanical priming, Scientific Reports, 14(1) DOI
2024 Nagargade M.; Singh M.K.; Tyagi V.; Govindasamy P.; Choudhary A.K.; Rajpoot K.; Kumar A.; Singh P.; Sarangi D. (2024). Ecological weed management and square planting influenced the weed management, and crop productivity in direct-seeded rice, Scientific Reports, 14(1) DOI
2024 Biswas B.; Ghosh T.; Chakraborty D.; Banerjee S.; Mandal B.N.; Saha S. (2024). Modelling the impact of different irrigation regimes and mulching on strawberry crop growth and water use in the arsenic-contaminated Bengal basin, Scientific Reports, 14(1) DOI
2024 Purakayastha T.J.; Bera T.; Dey S.; Pande P.; Kumari S.; Bhowmik A. (2024). Biochar aided priming of carbon and nutrient availability in three soil orders of India, Scientific Reports, 14(1) DOI
2024 Swain S.S.; Khura T.K.; Sahoo P.K.; Chobhe K.A.; Al-Ansari N.; Kushwaha H.L.; Kushwaha N.L.; Panda K.C.; Lande S.D.; Singh C. (2024). Proportional impact prediction model of coating material on nitrate leaching of slow-release Urea Super Granules (USG) using machine learning and RSM technique, Scientific Reports, 14(1) DOI
2024 Manjunath K.S.; Singh S.; Kalia P.; Mangal M.; Sharma B.B.; Singh N.; Ray M.; Rao M.; Tomar B.S. (2024). Commercial suitability and characterization of newly developed Erucastrum canariense (Can) sterile cytoplasm based cytoplasmic male sterile (CMS) lines in Indian cauliflower, Scientific Reports, 14(1) DOI
2024 Upadhyay P.K.; Dey A.; Singh V.K.; Dwivedi B.S.; Singh R.K.; Rajanna G.A.; Babu S.; Rathore S.S.; Shekhawat K.; Rai P.K.; Choudhury N.K.; Budhlakoti N.; Mishra D.C.; Rai A.; Singh A.; Bhardwaj A.K.; Shukla G. (2024). Changes in microbial community structure and yield responses with the use of nano-fertilizers of nitrogen and zinc in wheat–maize system, Scientific Reports, 14(1) DOI
2024 Khan A.W.; Garg V.; Sun S.; Gupta S.; Dudchenko O.; Roorkiwal M.; Chitikineni A.; Bayer P.E.; Shi C.; Upadhyaya H.D.; Bohra A.; Bharadwaj C.; Mir R.R.; Baruch K.; Yang B.; Coyne C.J.; Bansal K.C.; Nguyen H.T.; Ronen G.; Aiden E.L.; Veneklaas E.; Siddique K.H.M.; Liu X.; Edwards D.; Varshney R.K. (2024). Cicer super-pangenome provides insights into species evolution and agronomic trait loci for crop improvement in chickpea, Nature Genetics, 56(6) DOI
2024 Nayak H.S.; McDonald A.J.; Kumar V.; Craufurd P.; Dubey S.K.; Nayak A.K.; Parihar C.M.; Peramaiyan P.; Poonia S.; Tesfaye K.; Malik R.K.; Urfels A.; Gautam U.S.; Silva J.V. (2024). Context-dependent agricultural intensification pathways to increase rice production in India, Nature Communications , 15(1) DOI
2024 Ngasotter S.; Xavier K.A.M.; Porayil L.; Balange A.K.; Nayak B.B.; Ninan G. (2024). Facile Green Production of Chitin Nanomaterials from Shrimp Shell Chitin Using Recyclable Maleic Acid and Microwave Irradiation, ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, 12(47) DOI
2024 Pande H.; Kapse S.; Krishnan V.; Kausley S.; Satyavathi C.T.; Rai B. (2024). Prediction of Shelf Life of Pearl Millet Flour Based on Rancidity and Nutritional Indicators Using a Long Short-Term Memory Network Model, ACS Food Science & Technology, 4(3) DOI
2024 Sivaramakrishnan N.K.; Kothandaraman S.V.; Perumal R.; Ganesan M.V.; Nallusamy S.; Kee T. (2024). Deciphering Temporal Metabolome Dynamics in Response to MYMV: Contrasting Patterns in Resistant and Susceptible Blackgram (Vigna mungo L. Hepper) Cultivars, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 72(46) DOI
2024 Gurumurthy S.; Mamatha B.C.; Basu P.S.; Rudresh K.; Basavaraja T.; Bheemanahalli R.; Pal M.; Jha P.; Soren K.R.; Nidagundi J.M.; Reddy S.K.; Rane J. (2024). Identification of photothermo-insensitive with climate-smart early-maturing chickpea genotypes, Plant Genetic Resources-Characterization and Utilization, () DOI
2024 Padmanabha K.; Choudhary H.; Mishra G.; Mandal B.; Solanke A.; Mishra D.C.; Yadav R.K. (2024). Genetic characterization of new source of resistance for tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus (ToLCNDV) from snapmelon (C. melo var. momordica), Plant Genetic Resources-Characterization and Utilization, 22(2) DOI
2024 Naik Y.D.; Sharma V.K.; Aski M.S.; Rangari S.K.; Kumar R.; Dikshit H.K.; Sahani S.; Kant R.; Mishra G.; Mir R.R.; Kudapa H.; Elango D.; Zwart R.S.; Varshney R.K.; Thudi M. (2024). Phenotypic profiling of lentil (Lens culinaris Medikus) accessions enabled identification of promising lines for use in breeding for high yield, early flowering and desirable traits, Plant Genetic Resources-Characterization and Utilization, 22(2) DOI
2024 Panday S.C.; Parihar M.; Meena R.P.; Choudhary M.; Meena V.S.; Mondal T.; Khati P.; Singh A.K.; Bisht J.K.; Kant L.; Pattanayak A.; Singh R.D. (2024). Long-term fertilization strategies for improving productivity, profitability and water-use efficiency of soybean–wheat cropping systems, Journal of Agricultural Science, () DOI
2024 Garai S.; Khandelwal A.; Arora A. (2024). Valorising hemicellulosic fraction of corncobs concomitantly into ethanol and xylitol using Candida tropicalis Y6, Waste Management Bulletin, 2(4) DOI
2024 Thava Prakasa Pandian R.; Bhavishya; Kavi Sidharthan V.; Rajesh M.K.; Babu M.; Sharma S.K.; Nirmal Kumar B.J.; Chaithra M.; Hegde V. (2024). From the discovery of a novel arepavirus in diseased arecanut palms (Areca catechu L.) in India to the identification of known and novel arepaviruses in bee and plant transcriptomes through data-mining, Virology, 600() DOI
2024 Mohana Pradeep R.K.; Rakesh V.; Boopathi N.; Siva M.; Kousalya S.; Nagendran K.; Karthikeyan G. (2024). Emerging challenges in the management of Orthotospoviruses in Indian agriculture, Virology, 593() DOI
2024 Lalchawimawia B.; Banerjee T.; Dutta A.; Choudhury P.P.; Singh N.; Mukhopadhyay R.; Sahoo D.; Dixit M.; Mandal A. (2024). Removal of tricyclazole residues from water by sorption on metal organic frameworks (MOFs): A theoretical insight of the experimental data, Surfaces and Interfaces, 54() DOI
2024 Sharma S.; Yadav G.K.; Shakouka M.A.; Yadav M.K.; Subbaiyan G.K.; Saharan M.S.; Gupta A.K.; Bashyal B.M. (2024). Assessing the long-term survival of bakanae pathogen Fusarium fujikuroi in rice-wheat cropping system in Northern - India using advanced metagenomic and qPCR techniques, Plant Stress, 14() DOI
2024 Gautam K.; Singh P.; Singh R.P.; Singh A. (2024). Impact of rice-husk biochar on soil attributes, microbiome interaction and functional traits of radish plants: A smart candidate for soil engineering, Plant Stress, 14() DOI
2024 Shankar K.; Awasthi O.P.; Saha S.; Prakash J.; Pandey R.; Murugan T.; Dolatabadian A. (2024). Unravelling metabolomics and antioxidant potential of sweet orange cultivar Pusa Sharad grafted on various citrus rootstocks under sodium chloride stress, Plant Stress, 14() DOI
2024 Dokka N.; Bagri J.; Rathinam M.; Tyagi S.; Prathibha M.D.; Vinutha T.; Prashat G.R.; Sheshshayee M.S.; Dash P.K.; Pareek A.; Sreevathsa R. (2024). Decoding nature's defense dance: Mechanistic insights into biochemical and metabolic shifts in Cajanus cajan and Cajanus platycarpus during combat with the lepidopteran pest Helicoverpa armigera provide evidence for non-host plant immunity, Plant Stress, 13() DOI
2024 Singh D.P.; Rai N.; Farag M.A.; Maurya S.; Yerasu S.R.; Bisen M.S.; Prabha R.; Shukla R.; Behera T.K. (2024). Metabolic diversity, biosynthetic pathways, and metabolite biomarkers analysed via untargeted metabolomics and the antioxidant potential reveal for high temperature tolerance in tomato hybrid, Plant Stress, 11() DOI
2024 Pappula-Reddy S.-P.; Kumar S.; Pang J.; Chellapilla B.; Pal M.; Millar A.H.; Siddique K.H.M. (2024). High-throughput phenotyping for terminal drought stress in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), Plant Stress, 11() DOI
2024 Vishwakarma H.; Sharma S.; Panzade K.P.; Kharate P.S.; Kumar A.; Singh N.; Avashthi H.; Rangan P.; Singh A.K.; Singh A.; Angadi U.B.; Siddique K.H.M.; Singh K.; Singh G.P.; Pandey R.; Yadav R. (2024). Genome-wide analysis of the class III peroxidase gene family in sesame and SiPRXs gene validation by expression analysis under drought stress, Plant Stress, 11() DOI
2024 Kumar D.; Mulani E.; Singh B.K.; Dutta B.; Singh A.; Solanke A.U.; Sevanthi A.M. (2024). Understanding the role of miRNAs in governing the drought sensitive response of a rice mega variety, Swarna at reproductive stage, Plant Stress, 11() DOI
2024 Swain S.S.; Chobhe K.A.; Rajput J.; Bandyopadhyay K.; Sahoo P.K.; Parray R.A.; Kushwaha H.L.; Lande S.D.; Khura T.K.; Malkani P. (2024). Modelling and optimization of urea super granule (USG) placement depth in paddy cultivation under check basin irrigation using HYDRUS-2D model, Soil & Tillage Research, 241() DOI
2024 Mandi S.; Shivay Y.S.; Chakraborty D.; Shrivastava M.; Nayak S.; Baral K.; Reddy K.S. (2024). Fifteen-years of continuous application of organic materials improve the soil aggregation, organic carbon status and sustain the productivity of the basmati rice-wheat system, Soil & Tillage Research, 239() DOI
2024 Kumar N.; Nath C.P.; Das K.; Hazra K.K.; Venkatesh M.S.; Singh M.K.; Singh S.S.; Praharaj C.S.; Sen S.; Singh N.P. (2024). Combining soil carbon storage and crop productivity in partial conservation agriculture of rice-based cropping systems in the Indo-Gangetic Plains, Soil & Tillage Research, 239() DOI
2024 Sukumaran S.; Purakayastha T.J.; Sarkar B.; Chakrabarti B.; Bandyopadhyay K.K.; Kumar D.; Yadav R.K.; Viswanath T.; Rout K.K.; Shirale S.T.; Rajani A.V. (2024). Assessment of carbon carrying capacities of Alfisols and Vertisols under long-term manuring and fertilization, Soil & Tillage Research, 238() DOI
2024 Chakraborty R.; Sharma V.K.; Das D.; Biswas D.R.; Mahapatra P.; Shahi D.K.; Barman M.; Chobhe K.A.; Chakraborty D. (2024). Change in phosphorus availability, fractions, and adsorption-desorption by 46-years of long-term nutrient management in an Alfisol of eastern India, Soil & Tillage Research, 236() DOI
2024 Nayak G.H.H.; Alam M.W.; Avinash G.; Kumar R.R.; Ray M.; Barman S.; Singh K.N.; Naik B.S.; Alam N.M.; Pal P.; Rathod S.; Bisen J. (2024). Transformer-based deep learning architecture for time series forecasting[Formula presented], Software Impacts, 22() DOI
2024 Vathsala V.; Singh S.P.; Bishnoi M.; Varghese E.; Saurabh V.; Khandelwal A.; Kaur C. (2024). Ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE) and characterization of citrus peel pectin: Comparison between pummelo (Citrus grandis L. Osbeck) and sweet lime (Citrus limetta Risso), Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy, 37() DOI
2024 Meena R.S.; Pradhan G.; Singh K.; Kumar S.; Singh A.K.; Shashidhar K.S.; Mina K.K.; Rao C.S. (2024). Agriculture models for restoring degraded land to enhance CO2 biosequestration and carbon credits in the Vindhyan region of India, Science of the Total Environment, 929() DOI
2024 Saha N.D.; Kumari P.; Das B.; Sahoo R.N.; Kumar R.; Golui D.; Singh B.; Jain N.; Bhatia A.; Chaudhary A.; Chakrabarti B.; Bhowmik A.; Saha P.; Islam S. (2024). Vis-NIR spectroscopy based rapid and non-destructive method to quantitate microplastics: An emerging contaminant in farm soil, Science of the Total Environment, 927() DOI
2024 Verma G.; Dhaka A.K.; Singh B.; Kumar A.; Choudhary A.K.; Kumar A.; Kamboj N.K.; Hasanain M.; Singh S.; Bhupenchandra I.; Shabnam; Sanwal P.; Kumar S. (2024). Productivity, soil health, and carbon management index of soybean-wheat cropping system under double zero-tillage and natural-farming based organic nutrient management in north-Indian plains, Science of the Total Environment, 917() DOI
2024 P S N.; M S.; T S.; Shivashankara K.S.; P N.; Hima Bindu K.; Singh N.; Padmashri H.S. (2024). Characterization of pummelo (Citrus grandis L.) hybrid population for economic traits, Scientia Horticulturae, 338() DOI
2024 Thapa P.; Diksha D.; Sharma S.K.; Khan Z.A.; Gupta N.; Shimray M.Y.; Prajapati M.R.; Holkar S.K.; Naik S.; Saha S.; Baranwal V.K. (2024). Understanding the dissemination of viruses and viroids identified through virome analysis of major grapevine rootstocks and RPA-based detection of prevalent grapevine virus B, Scientia Horticulturae, 337() DOI
2024 Chinnathambi V.; Panwar S.; Singh K.P.; Namita; Lekshmy S.; Mallick N.; Mehraj U. (2024). In vitro androgenesis for isolation of haploid and ploidy analysis in marigold (Tagetes patula L.), Scientia Horticulturae, 330() DOI
2024 Vinod B.R.; Asrey R.; Meena N.K.; Sethi S.; Prakash J.; Chawla G.; Menaka M.; Ahamad S. (2024). Ozonized Water Treatment Enhances Quality and Storage Life of ‘Red Lady’ Papaya Fruit During Cold Storage, Scientia Horticulturae, 328() DOI
2024 Das A.; Kumari K.; Munshi A.D.; Raju D.; Talukdar A.; Singh D.; Hongal D.; Iquebal M.A.; Bhatia R.; Bhattacharya R.C.; Behera T.K.; Dey S.S. (2024). Physio-chemical and molecular modulation reveals underlying drought resilience mechanisms in Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.), Scientia Horticulturae, 328() DOI
2024 Nandi L.; Suresh P.; Pradeepkumara N.; Munshi A.D.; Sharma P.K.; Boopalakrishnan G.; Kumari K.; Iquebal M.A.; Jaiswal S.; Ghosh A.; Tomar B.S.; Gopala Krishnan S.; Bhattacharya R.C.; Kumar D.; Behera T.K.; Dey S.S. (2024). Elucidating the genetics of post-harvest shelf-life of cucumber fruits and identification of associated QTLs and candidate genes, Scientia Horticulturae, 327() DOI
2024 Singh A.; Kumar A.; Kumar R.; Prakash J.; Kumar N.; Verma A.K. (2024). Evaluation of salt tolerance in jamun (Syzygium cumini L. Skeels) using morpho-physiological traits and membership function analysis, Scientia Horticulturae, 326() DOI
2024 Bhupenchandra I.; Basumatary A.; Dutta S.; Das A.; Choudhary A.K.; Lal R.; Sharma A.D.; Sen A.; Prabhabati Y.; Sahoo M.R. (2024). Repercussions of fertilization with boron and enriched organic manure on soil chemical characteristics, boron and phosphorus fractions, and French bean productivity in an acidic Inceptisol of eastern Himalaya, Scientia Horticulturae, 324() DOI
2024 Mulodia V.; Suman A.; Prasad S.; Kumari S.; Usha K.; Singh B. (2024). Effect of particle size and application rate of steel (Linz-Donawitz, LD) slag on heavy metal built-up in soil and their transfer dynamics in spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.), Sustainable Chemistry for the Environment, 6() DOI
2024 Panigrahi I.; Behera T.K.; Munshi A.D.; Dey S.S.; Gaikwad A.B.; Senapati M. (2024). SSR markers based QTL mapping and genetic analysis for yield and yield-attributing traits in bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L.), South African Journal of Botany, 174() DOI
2024 Chauhan C.; Kumar M.; Rani V.; Singh R. (2024). Efficacy of postharvest treatments with sodium nitroprusside and gibberellic acid on physio-biochemical modifications and vase life of dahlia cut flower, South African Journal of Botany, 174() DOI
2024 Prasad K.; Asrey R.; Sethi S.; Srivastav M.; Singh D.; Arora A.; Joshi A.; Reddy V.R.; Meena N.K.; Thakur A.; Ramakrishna K. (2024). Preservation potential of essential oils on the postharvest quality and shelf-life attributes of mango fruit, South African Journal of Botany, 172() DOI
2024 Khatun M.; Prasanna R.; Bhardwaj A.; Makur S.; Lal S.K.; Basu S.; Kumar P.R. (2024). Developing microbial seed coating for enhancing seed vigour and prolonging storability in chickpea, South African Journal of Botany, 172() DOI
2024 Sharma G.; Chhabra R.; Muthusamy V.; Zunjare R.U.; Sarma G.R.; Sapkal D.R.; Hossain F. (2024). Unraveling molecular architecture, development and validation of Anthocyanin1 gene-based novel breeder-friendly markers for utilization in genomics-assisted breeding of blue maize, South African Journal of Botany, 172() DOI
2024 Kyada A.D.; Chhabra R.; Muthusamy V.; Kasana R.K.; Sharma G.; Gain N.; Madhavan J.; Zunjare R.U.; Hossain F. (2024). Integrative genetic and molecular delineation of indeterminate gametophyte1 (ig1) gene governing paternal haploid induction in maize, South African Journal of Botany, 172() DOI
2024 Sharma N.; Kaur R.; Sharma Y.P.; Vittal H.; Sharma N.; Raina R. (2024). Identification of quantitative trait loci for sweetening genes of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni with multiple marker system, South African Journal of Botany, 171() DOI
2024 Ahamad S.; Asrey R.; Vinod B.R.; Meena N.K.; Menaka M.; Prajapati U.; Saurabh V. (2024). Maintaining postharvest quality and enhancing shelf-life of bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) using brassinosteroids: A novel approach, South African Journal of Botany, 169() DOI
2024 M M.; Asrey R.; Meena N.K.; Vargheese E.; Sethi S.; R V.B.; Ahamad S.; Goswami A.K. (2024). Effect of melatonin on biochemical changes, antioxidant system and oxidative membrane damage of Indian guava (cv. Barafkhana) during cold storage, South African Journal of Botany, 169() DOI
2024 Belwal P.; Mangal M.; Vijay D.; Rao M.; Saini N.; Zimik M.; Khar A. (2024). Examining the relationship between bud, anther morphology and developmental stages of the male gametophyte in onion (Allium cepa L.), South African Journal of Botany, 166() DOI
2024 Diksha D.; Sharma S.K.; Wangkhem B.; Phurailatpam S.; Singh Y.H.; Choudhary N.; Baranwal V.K. (2024). Simplified extraction protocol of citrus tissues for rapid detection of ‘Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus’ using isothermal recombinase polymerase amplification assay and its application for prevalence studies, South African Journal of Botany, 165() DOI
2024 Prajapati U.; Asrey R.; Sinha S.K.; Joshi A.; Varghese E.; Meena N.K. (2024). Salicylic acid and putrescine treatments reduce yellowing, decay and retain postharvest quality of bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L.) during cold storage, South African Journal of Botany, 164() DOI
2024 Sharma N.; Singh B.; Krishnan S.G.; Bollinedi H.; Mandal P.K.; Lal M.K.; Jha P.K.; Prasad P.V.V.; Anand A. (2024). Higher Grain-Filling Rate in Inferior Spikelets of Tolerant Rice Genotype Offset Grain Yield Loss under Post-Anthesis High Night Temperatures, Rice Science, 31(5) DOI
2024 Maheshwari C.; Garg N.K.; Singh A.; Tyagi A. (2024). Ameliorative Effects of Paclobutrazol via Physio-Biochemical and Molecular Manifestation in Rice under Water Deficit Stress, Rice Science, 31(5) DOI
2024 Chetan K.K.; Varma P.K.; Chandrasekhar V.; Kumar P.A.; Vasanthi V. (2024). Plant, bacteria and fungi crosstalk: Direct and indirect biocontrol mechanisms of sugarcane rhizoplane Pseudomonas species against Fusarium wilt, Rhizosphere, 31() DOI
2024 Umadevi P.; Gopala Krishnan S.; Nagarajan M.; Manivannan S.; Vinod K.K.; Singh A.K. (2024). Climate–resilient strategy for shortening the crop cycle in rice and the host influenced rhizosphere microbiome, Rhizosphere, 30() DOI
2024 Godara R.; Tripathi K.; Kumar R.; Kaushik P.; Rana V.S.; Kumar R.; Mandal A.; Shanmugam V.; Pankaj; Shakil N.A. (2024). Rapid synthesis and antifungal evaluation of prenylated chalcones: A structure-activity relationship and molecular docking study, Results in Chemistry, 12() DOI
2024 Menaka M.; Asrey R.; Singh D.; Patel V.B.; Meena N.K.; Vinod B.R.; Ahamad S. (2024). Preserving functional properties and inhibiting postharvest peel browning in guava during cold storage via 24-epibrassinolide application, Postharvest Biology and Technology, 216() DOI
2024 Watpade S.; Lal M.K.; Tiwari R.K.; Kumar R.; Naga K.C.; Kumar R.; Pramanick K.K.; Kumari H.; Devi E.; Pal D. (2024). Fusarium core rot disease affects physicochemical and pathophysiological attributes of apple (Malus × domestica Borkh.) fruit, Postharvest Biology and Technology, 208() DOI
2024 Debbarma R.; Maya B.; Ashwini J.H.; Kamil D. (2024). Oligonucleotide –based detection of three plant pathogenic species of Fusarium solani species complex (FSSC) causing tomato root rot and wilt disease, Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 134() DOI
2024 Dinkar V.; Jha S.K.; Niranjana M.; Mallick N.; Agarwal P.; Sharma J.B.; Vinod (2024). Molecular mapping of Triticum monococcum derived leaf rust resistance gene in durum wheat, Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 134() DOI
2024 Raj N.; Shukla H.; Agarwal P.; Chandra A.K.; Bhurta R.; Bijarania S.; Choudhary M.K.; K R.; Mallick N.; M N.; B A.K.M.; Sathee L.; Vinod; Jha S.K. (2024). Rapid transfer of the leaf rust resistance gene Lr52 for the improvement of bread wheat cultivar HD3086, Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 134() DOI
2024 Gupta S.; Ranebennur H.; Singh S.K.; Kumar G.; Singh V.; Yadav J.K.; Rao G.P. (2024). First report of 'Candidatus Phytoplasma trifolii' related strain causing witches’ broom disease of black cumin (Nigella sativa L.) in India, Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 134() DOI
2024 Gangaraj R.; Nishmitha K.; Gupta N.C.; Akhtar J.; Shanmugaraj C.; Kamil D. (2024). Comparative transcriptome analysis of Aspergillus niger revealed its biocontrol mechanisms in response to the guava wilt pathogen Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. psidii, Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 134() DOI
2024 Kumar M.; Singh A.K.; Bhurta R.; Madival S.D.; Yadava Y.K.; Jain P.K.; Saharan M.S.; Somvanshi V.S.; Sirohi A. (2024). Deciphering anhydrobiosis and plant parasitism of the wheat seed gall nematode, Anguina tritici through transcriptomic analysis, Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 134() DOI
2024 Ramya Sree M.; Singh S.K.; Prakash J.; Kumar C.; Kumar A.; Mishra G.P.; Sevanthi A.M.; Sreekanth H.S.; Amala E. (2024). Powdery mildew pathogen [Erysiphe necator (Schw.) Burrill.] induced physiological and biochemical alterations in leaf tissue of grapevines (Vitis spp.), Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 133() DOI
2024 Singh A.K.; Das A.; Kumar K.; Joshi I.; Kumar M.; Kohli D.; Koulagi R.; Kumar A.; Gaikwad K.; Jain P.K.; Sirohi A. (2024). Unveiling the draft genome of the seed gall nematode, Anguina tritici: Insights and analysis, Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 133() DOI
2024 Nagendran K.; Kumari S.; Vignesh S.; Mohana Pradeep R.K.; Suresh Reddy Y.; Bahadur A.; Behera T.K. (2024). Molecular characterization of emerging distinct watermelon bud necrosis virus (Orthotospovirus citrullonecrosis) variant causing necrosis disease on tomato in India, Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 131() DOI
2024 Balamurugan A.; Ashajyothi M.; Shanu K.; Charishma K.; Varun H.; Gunjeet K.; Kumar A. (2024). Chrysanthemum wilt caused by Fusarium incarnatum: Etiology unveiled through polyphasic taxonomic methods, Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 129() DOI
2024 Khan Z.A.; Diksha D.; Thapa P.; Mailem Y.S.; Sharma S.K.; Gupta N.; Kishan G.; Watpade S.; Baranwal V.K. (2024). Genome analysis of viruses of Phenuiviridae, Betaflexiviridae and Bromoviridae, and apple scar skin viroid in pear by high-throughput sequencing revealing host expansion of a rubodvirus and an ilarvirus, Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 129() DOI
2024 Mishra A.; Singh B.B.; Shakil N.A.; Shamim M.D.; Homa F.; Chaudhary R.; Yadav P.; Srivastava D.; Fatima P.; Sharma V.; Yadav M.K.; Kumar P. (2024). Effect of high temperature stress on metabolome and aroma in rice grains, Plant Gene, 38() DOI
2024 Singh D.; Tripathi A.; Bhati J.; Taunk J.; Singh D.; Siddiqui M.H.; Singh M.P. (2024). Genome wide identification and expression profiling of ATP binding cassette (ABC) transporters gene family in lentil (Lens culinaris Medikus) under aluminium stress condition, Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 211() DOI
2024 Sharma S.; Raviteja D.H.; Kumar T.; Bindraban P.S.; Pandey R. (2024). Nutrient remobilization and C:N:P stoichiometry in response to elevated CO2 and low phosphorus availability in rice cultivars introgressed with and without Pup1, Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 210() DOI
2024 Tiwari S.; Kumar M.N.; Kumar A.; Dalal M. (2024). Wheat BREVIS RADIX (BRX) regulates organ size, stomatal density and enhances drought tolerance in Arabidopsis, Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 208() DOI
2024 Meena V.; Kaur G.; Joon R.; Shukla V.; Choudhary P.; Roy J.K.; Singh B.; Pandey A.K. (2024). Transcriptome and biochemical analysis in hexaploid wheat with contrasting tolerance to iron deficiency pinpoints multi-layered molecular process, Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 207() DOI
2024 Mallikarjuna M.G.; Tomar R.; Lohithaswa H.C.; Sahu S.; Mishra D.C.; Rao A.R.; Chinnusamy V. (2024). Genome-wide identification of potassium channels in maize showed evolutionary patterns and variable functional responses to abiotic stresses, Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 206() DOI
2024 Singh D.; Sharma N.L.; Singh D.; Siddiqui M.H.; Sarkar S.K.; Rathore A.; Prasad S.K.; Gaafar A.-R.Z.; Hussain S. (2024). Zinc oxide nanoparticles alleviate chromium-induced oxidative stress by modulating physio-biochemical aspects and organic acids in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 206() DOI
2024 Machanuru R.; Shrivastava M.; Singh R.; Singh B.; Chakraborty D.; Ramalingappa P.L.; Narayan M. (2024). Plant enzymatic activity as an indicator of nano-TiO2 exposure in rice ecosystems, Plant Nano Biology, 10() DOI
2024 Singh M.; Arshad A.; Bijlwan A.; Tamang M.; Shahina N.N.; Biswas A.; Bhowmick A.; Vineeta; Banik G.C.; Nath A.J.; Shukla G.; Chakravarty S. (2024). Mapping tree carbon density using sentinel 2A sensor on Google Earth Engine in Darjeeling Himalayas: Implication for tree carbon management and climate change mitigation, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 134() DOI
2024 Kundu A.; Swarnalakshmi K.; Rajkhowa S.; Barik A.; Bhagyasree S.N.; Nath T.; Sarmah B.K.; Ghosh S. (2024). Phytochemicals, UPLC-QTOF-MS/MS analysis, potential acaricidal activity and molecular modeling of Datura metel grown in North-Eastern India, Journal of Natural Pesticide Research, 10() DOI
2024 Manikandan K.; Shanmugam V.; Kavi Sidharthan V.; Saha P.; Saharan M.S.; Singh D. (2024). Characterization of field isolates of Fusarium spp. from eggplant in India for species complexity and virulence, Microbial Pathogenesis, 186() DOI
2024 Krishnappa C.; Balamurugan A.; Velmurugan S.; Kumar S.; Sampathrajan V.; Kundu A.; Javed M.; Chouhan V.; Ganesan P.; Kumar A. (2024). Rice foliar-adapted Pantoea species: Promising microbial biostimulants enhancing rice resilience against foliar pathogens, Magnaporthe oryzae and Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae, Microbial Pathogenesis, 186() DOI
2024 Angira A.; Baranwal V.K.; Ranjan A.; Choudhary N. (2024). Optimization of DAC-ELISA and IC-RT-PCR using the developed polyclonal antibody and one-step RT-PCR assays for detection of Indian citrus ringspot virus in kinnow orange of Punjab, India, Journal of Virological Methods, 329() DOI
2024 Abd-Elazem A.H.; El-Sayed M.A.; Abdelsalam A.H.; Moursy A.R.A. (2024). Soil quality and land capability evaluation for agriculture in Balat area, El Dakhla Oasis, western Desert, Egypt, Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences, () DOI
2024 Poria V.; Jhilta P.; Kumar S.; Kumar P.; Singh S.; Rana A.; Thankappan S.; Goswami A.K. (2024). Abiotic stress tolerance and antifungal activities of rhizobacteria for the management of soil-borne pathogens, Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences, () DOI
2024 Dubey A.; Mani I.; Chandni; Nebapure S.M.; Parray R.A.; Rudra S.G.; Routray W. (2024). Evaluating the effectiveness of insecticides on storage bag surfaces for managing Callosobruchus maculatus (fabricius) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae), Journal of Stored Products Research, 109() DOI
2024 Dubey A.; Mani I.; Routray W.; Nebapure S.M.; Parray R.A. (2024). Evaluating bag storage technologies for physical characteristics, loss reduction and economic viability in pulses, Journal of Stored Products Research, 107() DOI
2024 Rakesh V.; Patgiri P.; Borah A.; Nandhini D.; Gogoi I. (2024). Comparative study on the repellency and chemical profiles of different chilli peppers formulations against Sitophilus oryzae (L.) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in stored wheat, Journal of Stored Products Research, 106() DOI
2024 Pavan J.S.; Patel N.B.; Raghunandan B.L.; Gouda M.N.R.; Ahmed A.M.; Alansi S. (2024). Natural occurrence, infection dynamics, and molecular characterization of nucleopolyhedrovirus (SpfrNPV) infecting fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) from maize ecosystems in Gujarat, India, Journal of King Saud University - Science, 36(7) DOI
2024 Saha B.; Ateia M.; Tolaymat T.; Fernando S.; Varghese J.R.; Golui D.; Bezbaruah A.N.; Xu J.; Aich N.; Briest J.; Iskander S.M. (2024). The unique distribution pattern of PFAS in landfill organics, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 479() DOI
2024 Thakral V.; Sudhakaran S.; Jadhav H.; Mahakalkar B.; Sehra A.; Dhar H.; Kumar S.; Sonah H.; Sharma T.R.; Deshmukh R. (2024). Unveiling silicon-mediated cadmium tolerance mechanisms in mungbean (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek): Integrative insights from gene expression, antioxidant responses, and metabolomics, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 474() DOI
2024 Shrivas V.L.; Choudhary A.K.; Hariprasad P.; Sharma S. (2024). Transmission of antibiotic resistance through organic amendments in arable land: A 3-year field study with pigeonpea–wheat cropping system, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 471() DOI
2024 Srivastava N.; Prajapati M.R.; Kumar R.; Bhardwaj P.; Gupta N.; Chandel V.; Sharma S.K.; Baranwal V.K. (2024). Comprehensive virome profiling of sugarcane and simplified duplex OneStep RT-PCR assay reveals the prevalence of sugarcane streak mosaic virus along with sugarcane yellow leaf virus in India, Journal of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, 22(4) DOI
2024 Singh N.; Kaur S.; Jain A.; Kumar A.; Bhardwaj R.; Pandey R.; Riar A. (2024). Comparative analysis of deep learning and machine learning-based models for simultaneous prediction of minerals in perilla (Perilla frutescens L.) seeds using near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy, Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 136() DOI
2024 Duo H.; Zunjare R.U.; Mishra S.J.; Muthusamy V.; Thambiyannan S.; Kumar S.; Kasana R.K.; Gopinath I.; Sharma G.; Chhabra R.; Sarma G.R.; Katral A.; Rajasekaran R.; Hossain F. (2024). Genetic analysis on composition of sulfur-containing amino acids: methionine and cysteine in subtropical maize, Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 136() DOI
2024 Rojaria V.; Hossain F.; Zunjare R.U.; Bhatt V.; Katral A.; Kasana R.K.; Mishra S.J.; Basu S.; Singh A.K.; Muthusamy V. (2024). Development and characterization of lpa1 and lpa2-based low phytate double mutants in maize for enhancing the nutritional quality of food and feed, Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 136() DOI
2024 Singh S.; Yadav D.; Beckmann M.; Naveen A.; Gangashetty P.I.; Mur L.A.J.; Yadav R.S. (2024). Variation in protein and amino acids in global collection of pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) germplasm, Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 134() DOI
2024 Tippannanavar M.; Banerjee T.; Shekhar S.; Sahu S.R.; Rudra S.G. (2024). Eco-scale based greenness assessment of a validated multi-residue method for the quantification of 103 pesticides in cookies sample, Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 134() DOI
2024 Bhargavi H.A.; Singh S.P.; Goswami S.; Yadav S.; Aavula N.; Shashikumara P.; Singhal T.; Sankar S.M.; Danakumara T.; S H.; Kapoor C.; Singh N. (2024). Deciphering the genetic variability for biochemical parameters influencing rancidity of pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum L. R. Br.) flour in a set of highly diverse lines and their categorization using rancidity matrix, Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 128() DOI
2024 Tripathy V.; Devi S.; Singh G.; Yadav R.; Sharma K.; Gupta R.; Tandekar K.; Verma A.; Kalra S. (2024). Development and validation of tandem mass spectrometry-based method for the analysis of more than 400 pesticides in honey, Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 128() DOI
2024 Kumar J.; Mir R.R.; Dutta A.; Singh A.; Kumar V.; Tyagi S.; Shafi S.; Dixit G.P.; Sen Gupta D. (2024). Estimation of iron, zinc, phytic acid concentration and protein content in lentil seeds over locations and their marker-trait association analysis, Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 127() DOI
2024 Poornima H.P.; Srivastava A.; Sharma V.K.; Harikrishna; Kundu A.; Singh K.; Parihar B.R.; Mangal M. (2024). Assessing the retention of capsaicin and capsanthin compounds in chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) genotypes during storage, Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 127() DOI
2024 Goswami S.; Vinutha T.; Kumar R.R.; Ansheef Ali T.P.; Kumar S.S.; Arun Kumar T.V.; Aradwad P.; Sahoo P.K.; Meena M.C.; Singh S.P.; Mandal S.; Satyavathi C.T.; Tyagi A.; Praveen S. (2024). Effect of different degrees of decortication on pearl millet flour shelf life, iron and zinc content, Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 127() DOI
2024 Rajiv C.; Sanjita Devi H.; Devi A.K.; Tamreihao K.; Kshetri P.; Tania C.; Singh T.S.; Sonia C.; Singh M.N.; Sen A.; Sharma S.K.; Roy S.S. (2024). Pharmacological potential of Jussiaea repens L. against CuSO4 and bacterial lipopolysaccharide O55:B5 induced inflammation using in-vivo zebrafish models, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 318() DOI
2024 Saha P.; Das T.K.; Sen S.; Govindasamy P.; Singh R.; Raj R.; Mahanta D.; Meena M.C.; Bhatia A.; Shukla L.; Dey A.; Paramanik B.; Roy A.; Gunturi A.; Sharma T. (2024). The interplay between external residue addition, and soil organic carbon dynamics and mineralization kinetics: Experiences from a 12-year old conservation agriculture, Journal of Environmental Management, 371() DOI
2024 Kushwaha N.L.; Sushanth K.; Patel A.; Kisi O.; Ahmed A.; Abd-Elaty I. (2024). Beach nourishment for coastal aquifers impacted by climate change and population growth using machine learning approaches, Journal of Environmental Management, 370() DOI
2024 Garg K.; Dhar S.; Kumar S.; Azman E.A.; Sharma V.K.; Meena R.P.; Hashim M.; Awasthi M.K.; Kumar S.; Onte S.; Kumar D.; Giri B.S.; Rajawat M.V.S. (2024). Enhancing agricultural output: Investigating the impact of advanced organic formulations on crop productivity, nutrient use efficiency, and profitability in a multi-crop system, Journal of Environmental Management, 366() DOI
2024 Yadav R.K.; Purakayastha T.J.; Bhaduri D.; Das R.; Dey S.; Sukumaran S.; Walia S.S.; Singh R.; Shukla V.K.; Yadava M.S.; Ravisankar N. (2024). Development of unique soil organic carbon stability index under influence of integrated nutrient management in four major soil orders of India, Journal of Environmental Management, 360() DOI
2024 Panneerselvam P.; Senapati A.; Mitra D.; Priyadarshini A.; Shadangi S.; Behera S.; Kumar U.; Kumar A.; Shahid M.; Sharma S.; Garhwal R.S.; Mani I.; Kumar Nayak A. (2024). Enhancing soil quality and yield through microbial assisted in-situ residue management in rice-rice cropping system in Odisha, Eastern India, Journal of Environmental Management, 358() DOI
2024 Chatterjee D.; Das S.R.; Mohanty S.; Muduli B.C.; Bhatia A.; Nayak B.K.; Rees R.M.; Drewer J.; Nayak A.K.; Adhya T.K.; Parameswaran C.; Meher J.; Mondal B.; Sutton M.A.; Pathak H. (2024). Reducing the environmental impact of rice production in subtropical India by minimising reactive nitrogen loss, Journal of Environmental Management, 354() DOI
2024 Ghosh A.; Singh A.K.; Kumar R.V.; Singh P.D.; Misra S.; Ahamed S.; Ojha D.; Chandra A.; Bhattacharyya R. (2024). Silica and polymer coated controlled release nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer for improving nutrient and water use efficiency in semi-arid India, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 12(3) DOI
2024 Rose H.M.; Jain N.; Misra S.D.; Kumar O.; Prasad K.; Purakayastha T.J.; Bhatia A.; Kumar S.N.; Sethi S. (2024). Open windrow composting of lignocellulosic crop residues and neem litter: Accounting for reactive nitrogen and greenhouse gas emissions, Journal of Cleaner Production, 478() DOI
2024 Godara S.; Parsad R.; Bana R.S.; Singh D.; Avinash G.; Marwaha S. (2024). DL-RSM: Deep learning-integrated Response Surface Methodology for positive and negative-ideal environmental conditions estimation for crop yield, Journal of Cleaner Production, 456() DOI
2024 Halli H.M.; Govindasamy P.; Wasnik V.K.; Shivakumar B.G.; Swami S.; Choudhary M.; Yadav V.K.; Singh A.K.; Raghavendra N.; Govindasamy V.; Chandra A.; Reddy K.S. (2024). Climate-smart deficit irrigation and nutrient management strategies to conserve energy, greenhouse gas emissions, and the profitability of fodder maize seed production, Journal of Cleaner Production, 442() DOI
2024 Kedar S.C.; Annamalai M.; Joshi S.; Navik O.; Kumaranag K.M.; Shashank P.R. (2024). Arthropods pest complex and associated natural enemies across different phenological growth stages of ashwagandha (Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal) in India: Insights for developing integrated pest management strategies for sustainable production, Journal of Applied Research on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, 43() DOI
2024 V.S. A.P.; Reddy K.M.; Naik S.; Anooj S.S.; Shashank P.R. (2024). Discovery of Pseudancylis Horak, 2006 with description of new species and documenting two additional species records (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) from India, Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity, () DOI
2024 Falswal J.; Dey D.; Kumar S. (2024). A new species of the cleptoparasitic genus Sphecodes (Hymenoptera: Halictidae) with an updated checklist and new geographical records from India, Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity, 17(3) DOI
2024 Hussain M.; Kacho N.F.; Shashank P.R.; Ali M.; Mir A.H. (2024). First report of an invasive pest, Pheosia albivertex (Hampson 1983) (Lepidoptera: Notodontidae) on Populus alba (Salicaceae), from Ladakh, India, Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity, 17(2) DOI
2024 Gouda H.S.; Singh Y.V.; Shivay Y.S.; Biswas D.R.; Bana R.S.; Poornima S.; Manu S.M.; Maitra S.; Sairam M.; Salmen S.H.; Alharbi S.A.; Ansari M.J.; Hossain A. (2024). Root parameters and water productivity of rice and wheat in a rice‒wheat cropping system as influenced by enriched compost and crop establishment methods, Journal of Agriculture and Food Research, 18() DOI
2024 Durga M.L.; Gangil S. (2024). Comparative biopolymeric assessment of paddy straw during thermal degradation process, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 180() DOI
2024 Yadav D.; Singh D.; Babu S.; Madegowda M.; Singh D.; Mandal D.; Rathore A.C.; Sharma V.K.; Singhal V.; Kumawat A.; Yadav D.K.; Yadav R.K.; Kumar S. (2024). Intensified cropping reduces soil erosion and improves rainfall partitioning and soil properties in the marginal land of the Indian Himalayas, International Soil and Water Conservation Research, 12(3) DOI
2024 Rathore S.S.; Babu S.; Shekhawat K.; Kumar V.; Gairola A.; Wani O.A.; Singh V.K. (2024). Exploring sustainable agricultural production models to coordinate system productivity, soil biological health and eco-efficiency in the semi-arid region, Environmental and Sustainability Indicators, 24() DOI
2024 Srinivasan G.R.; Yadav K.K.; Sener A.S.; Yaseen Z.M.; Hasan M.; Kengara F.O.; Ravindran B.; Krishnan S.; Prasad S.; Alreshidi M.A.; Vinayak V.; Salhi A.; Ansari M.Z.; Yadava R. (2024). Mono- and Co- solvency based transesterification of Caryota urens seed oil, Industrial Crops and Products, 209() DOI
2024 Sawant Sanket; Sharma P.K.; Mani I.; Nain L.; Satheesh N. (2024). Optimization of ohmic parameters in enzyme assisted aqueous extraction for better physico-chemical properties of the black cumin seed oil, Industrial Crops and Products, 208() DOI
2024 Choupdar G.K.; Singh S.P.; Khandelwal A.; Varghese E.; Kumar R.; Kaur C. (2024). Innovative process for improving functional and sensory quality of black garlic, International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science, 38() DOI
2024 Rakesh V.; Singh A.; Ghosh A. (2024). Suppression of Thrips palmi population by spray-on application of dsRNA targeting V-ATPase-B, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 280() DOI
2024 Gouda M.N.R.; Naga K.C.; Nebapure S.M.; Subramanian S. (2024). Unravelling the genomic landscape reveals the presence of six novel odorant-binding proteins in whitefly Bemisia tabaci Asia II-1, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 279() DOI
2024 Katral A.; Hossain F.; Zunjare R.U.; Ragi S.; Kasana R.K.; Duo H.; Gopinath I.; Mehta B.K.; Guleria S.K.; Thimmegowda V.; Vasudev S.; Kumar B.; Karjagi C.G.; Pandey S.; Neeraja C.N.; Yadava D.K.; Muthusamy V. (2024). Maize genotypes with favourable dgat1–2 and fatb alleles possess stable high kernel oil and better fatty acid health and nutritive indices, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 278() DOI
2024 Yadav S.; Yadava Y.K.; Meena S.; Kalwan G.; Bharadwaj C.; Paul V.; Kansal R.; Gaikwad K.; Jain P.K. (2024). Novel insights into drought-induced regulation of ribosomal genes through DNA methylation in chickpea, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 266() DOI
2024 Kaushik M.; Mulani E.; Kumar A.; Chauhan H.; Saini M.R.; Bharati A.; Gayatri; Iyyappan Y.; Madhavan J.; Sevanthi A.M.; Mandal P.K. (2024). Starch and storage protein dynamics in the developing and matured grains of durum wheat and diploid progenitor species, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 267() DOI
2024 Chatterjee M.; Roschitzki B.; Grossmann J.; Rathinam M.; Kunz L.; Wolski W.; Panse C.; Yadav J.; Schlapbach R.; Rao U.; Sreevathsa R. (2024). Developmental stage-specific proteome analysis of the legume pod borer Maruca vitrata provides insights on relevant proteins, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 254() DOI
2024 Jangra S.; Potts J.; Ghosh A.; Seal D.R. (2024). Genome editing: A novel approach to manage insect vectors of plant viruses, Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 174() DOI
2024 Ramlal A.; Khari M.; Jakhar P.; Fawzy I.M.; Sogan N.; Liu X.; Du M.; Nautiyal A.; Singab A.N.B. (2024). In silico analysis of soybean phytocompounds against Plasmodium falciparum, Journal of Herbal Medicine, 46() DOI
2024 Sharma M.; Vasisth P.; Dhanasekaran G.; Meena M.L.; Limbalkar O.M.; Sahoo B.C.; Kumar N.; Nanjundan J.; Singh R.; Avtar R.; Watts A.; Singh N. (2024). Breeding Brassica juncea hybrids with higher seed weight and oil content: Defining criteria for selection of parents, Heliyon, 10(23) DOI
2024 Chandel R.; Kamil D.; Kumar A.; Taak Y.; Khar A. (2024). Morpho-cultural and molecular variability of Stemphylium vesicarium causing Stemphylium leaf blight in tropical onions, Heliyon, 10(20) DOI
2024 Kumar P.; Kumar R.; Shah M.A.; Singh R.K.; Sharma A.K.; Sharma A.; Sharma J.; Singh B.; Kumar R. (2024). Optimization of vine killing date for maximum seed-tuber yield and minimum exposure to late-season aphid vectors in potato, Heliyon, 10(19) DOI
2024 Pasupula K.; Verma P.; Zimik M.; Kaur C.; Vasudev S.; Khar A. (2024). Morphological, biochemical and molecular characterization of short-day tropical Indian garlic (Allium sativum L.), Heliyon, 10(18) DOI
2024 Hegde A.S.; Ranjan R.; Hegde S.S. (2024). Crop classification and cropping intensity estimation using geospatial technology in the upper Gangetic plains of Uttarakhand, Heliyon, 10(22) DOI
2024 Choudhary M.; Kumar S.; Onte S.; Meena V.K.; Malakar D.; Garg K.; Kumar S.; Rajawat M.V.S.; Awasthi M.K.; Giri B.S.; Jaiswal D.K.; Dhar S.; Azman E.A.; Kochewad S.A. (2024). Optimizing crop quality and yield: Assessing the impact of integrated potassium management on Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa L. subsp. chinensis), Heliyon, 10(17) DOI
2024 Chand S.; Roy A.K.; Kumar S.; Singh T.; Yadav V.K.; Ramling S.S.; Agrawal R.K.; Malaviya D.R.; Singh A.K.; Kumar R.V.; Dwivedi K.K.; Chandra A.; Yadava D.K. (2024). Quality seed production scenario of Egyptian clover (Trifolium alexandrinum) in India: A 24-year retrospective analysis, Heliyon, 10(15) DOI
2024 Prasad K.; Saroj N.; Singh S.K.; Pradhan J.; Prasad S.S.; Kumar S.; Maurya S.; Kumar A.; Srivastava R.K.; Tiwari R.K.; Lal M.K.; Vijayan B.; Kumar A.; Samal I.; Shah U.; Kumar R. (2024). Postharvest quality and ripening behaviour of un-explored genotypes of Himalayan plain mango diversity, Heliyon, 10(12) DOI
2024 Das S.; Singh S.; Tawde Y.; Dutta T.K.; Rudramurthy S.M.; Kaur H.; Shaw T.; Ghosh A. (2024). Comparative fitness trade-offs associated with azole resistance in Candida auris clinical isolates, Heliyon, 10(12) DOI
2024 Hasan M.; Tripathi K.; Harun M.; Krishnan V.; Kaushik R.; Chawla G.; Shakil N.A.; Verma M.K.; Dahuja A.; Sachdev A.; Lorezo J.M.; Kumar M. (2024). Unravelling the effect of extraction on anthocyanin functionality and prebiotic potential, Heliyon, 10(11) DOI
2024 Singh S.; Koli P.; Ahmed S.; Kumar N.; Rana M.; Singhal R.; Indu; Choudhary M.; Ren Y. (2024). Exploring the genetic variability in yield, nutritional and digestibility traits in oat grains through ruminant nutrition, Heliyon, 10(10) DOI
2024 Kushwaha N.L.; Kudnar N.S.; Vishwakarma D.K.; Subeesh A.; Jatav M.S.; Gaddikeri V.; Ahmed A.A.; Abdelaty I. (2024). Stacked hybridization to enhance the performance of artificial neural networks (ANN) for prediction of water quality index in the Bagh river basin, India, Heliyon, 10(10) DOI
2024 Malik G.; Jabeen A.; Mir J.I.; Shah R.A.; Shah M.A.; Dinkar V.; Sheikh M.A.; Kumar R.; Sharma O.C.; Verma M.K. (2024). Genetic diversity, population structure and marker-trait associations in Indian kale (Brassica oleracea L. gp. acephala) using cross-species microsatellite markers, Heliyon, 10(8) DOI
2024 Choudhary M.; Garg K.; Reddy M.B.; Meena B.L.; Mondal B.; Tuti M.D.; Kumar S.; Awasthi M.K.; Giri B.S.; Kumar S.; Rajawat M.V.S. (2024). Unlocking growth potential: Synergistic potassium fertilization for enhanced yield, nutrient uptake, and energy fractions in Chinese cabbage, Heliyon, 10(7) DOI
2024 Prasad K.; Sharma R.R.; Asrey R.; Singh D.; Lal M.K.; Nishad J.; Tiwari R.K.; Sethi S.; Srivastav M.; Arora A.; Kumar R. (2024). Mitigating postharvest quantitative and qualitative losses in mango fruits through the application of biocontrol agents: An in-vivo and in-vitro assessment, Heliyon, 10(7) DOI
2024 Rathore S.S.; Sharma K.C.; Shekhawat K.; Babu S.; Sanketh G.D.; Singh V.K.; Singh R.K.; Upadhyay P.K.; Hashim M.; Jangir R.; Singh H. (2024). Sulfonated nitrogen and added-sulfur sources influence productivity, quality, and nutrient acquisition of soybean-wheat cropping system, Heliyon, 10(5) DOI
2024 Tiwari R.K.; Lal M.K.; Kumar R.; Mangal V.; Kumar A.; Kumar R.; Sharma S.; Sagar V.; Singh B. (2024). Salt stress influences the proliferation of Fusarium solani and enhances the severity of wilt disease in potato, Heliyon, 10(4) DOI
2024 Meshram S.; Gogoi R.; Bashyal B.M.; Mandal P.K.; Hossain F.; Kumar A. (2024). Investigation on comparative transcriptome profiling of resistant and susceptible non-CMS maize genotypes during Bipolaris maydis race O infection, Heliyon, 10(5) DOI
2024 Dutta T.K.; Akhil V.S.; Kundu A.; Dash M.; Phani V.; Sirohi A.; Somvanshi V.S. (2024). Induced knockdown of Mg-odr-1 and Mg-odr-3 perturbed the host seeking behavior of Meloidogyne graminicola in rice, Heliyon, 10(4) DOI
2024 Kumari M.; Sheoran S.; Prakash D.; Yadav D.B.; Yadav P.K.; Jat M.K.; Ankit; Apurva (2024). Long-term application of organic manures and chemical fertilizers improve the organic carbon and microbiological properties of soil under pearl millet-wheat cropping system in North-Western India, Heliyon, 10(3) DOI
2024 B P.K.; Basak B.B.; Patel V.J.; Senapati N.; Ramani V.P.; Gajbhiye N.A.; Kalola A.D. (2024). Enriched soil amendments influenced soil fertility, herbage yield and bioactive principle of medicinal plant (Cassia angustifolia Vahl.) grown in two different soils, Heliyon, 10(3) DOI
2024 Kumar S.; Shukla V.; Tripathi Y.N.; Aamir M.; Divyanshu K.; Yadav M.; Upadhyay R.S. (2024). Biochemical changes, antioxidative profile, and efficacy of the bio-stimulant in plant defense response against Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in common bean (Phasaeolus vulgaris L.), Heliyon, 10(1) DOI
2024 Zerouali B.; Bailek N.; Islam A.R.M.T.; Katipoğlu O.M.; Ayek A.A.E.; Santos C.A.G.; Rajput J.; Wong Y.J.; Abda Z.; Chettih M.; Elbeltagi A. (2024). Enhancing groundwater potential zone mapping with a hybrid analytical method: The case of semiarid basin, Groundwater for Sustainable Development, 26() DOI
2024 Chovatia R.M.; Acharya A.; Rasal K.D.; Bedekar M.K.; Jeena K.; Rathinam R.B.; Dinakaran C.; Tripathi G. (2024). Ontogeny and tissue specific expression profiles of recombination activating genes (RAGs) during development in Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, Gene Expression Patterns, 52() DOI
2024 Kumari R.; Prabha R.; Ray P.K.; Dayal S.; Rao G.T.; Kamal R.K.; Chandran P.C.; Dey A.; Kumar J.; Tripathi M.K.; Kumar S.; Sarma K. (2024). Molecular characterization and sequencing of the whole mitochondrial genome of native duck breed Maithili (Anas platyrhynchos), Gene Reports, 37() DOI
2024 Kaur S.; Seem K.; Vinod K.K.; Mishra D.C.; Kumar S.; Mohapatra T. (2024). Comparative RNA-seq analysis reveals transposable element-mediated transcriptional reprogramming under phosphorus-starvation stress in rice (Oryza sativa L.), Gene Reports, 37() DOI
2024 Kaari M.; Manikkam R.; Joseph J.; Krishnan S.; Annamalai K.K.; Khan A.; Rajput V.; Dastager S.G.; Dharne M.S.; Umar M.; Venugopal G.; Alexander B. (2024). Integrated genomic and functional analysis of Streptomyces sp. UP1A-1 for bacterial wilt control and solanaceae yield increase, Gene Reports, 37() DOI
2024 Katral A.; Hossain F.; Zunjare R.U.; Chhabra R.; Vinutha T.; Duo H.; Kumar B.; Karjagi C.G.; Jacob S.R.; Pandey S.; Neeraja C.N.; Vasudev S.; Muthusamy V. (2024). Multilocus functional characterization of indigenous and exotic inbreds for dgat1-2, fatb, ge2 and wri1a genes affecting kernel oil and fatty acid profile in maize, Gene, 895() DOI
2024 Bora N.; Kumar Singh A.; Pal P.; Kumar Sahoo U.; Seth D.; Rathore D.; Bhadra S.; Sevda S.; Venkatramanan V.; Prasad S.; Singh A.; Kataki R.; Kumar Sarangi P. (2024). Green ammonia production: Process technologies and challenges, Fuel, 369() DOI
2024 Ramappa D.; Kumar V K.; G.V M.K.; Kumargouda V.; Hallad S.C.; Aruna T.N.; Ravi Y.; Murali P. (2024). Standardization of vacuum frying techniques for the development of low-fat beetroot finger chips, Food and Humanity, 3() DOI
2024 Gopinath I.; Hossain F.; Thambiyannan S.; Sharma N.; Duo H.; Kasana R.K.; Katral A.; Devlash R.; Veluchamy S.S.K.R.; Zunjare R.U.; Sekhar J.C.; Guleria S.K.; Rajasekaran R.; Muthusamy V. (2024). Unraveling popping quality through insights on kernel physical, agro-morphological, and quality traits of diverse popcorn (Zea mays var. everta) inbreds from indigenous and exotic germplasm, Food Research International, 191() DOI
2024 Debnath T.; Bandyopadhyay T.K.; Vanitha K.; Bobby M.N.; Nath Tiwari O.; Bhunia B.; Muthuraj M. (2024). Astaxanthin from microalgae: A review on structure, biosynthesis, production strategies and application, Food Research International, 176() DOI
2024 Dutta M.; Dineshkumar R.; Nagesh C.R.; Durga Lakshmi Y.; Lekhak B.; Bansal N.; Goswami S.; Kumar R.R.; Kundu A.; Mandal P.K.; Arora B.; Raje R.S.; Mandal S.; Yadav A.; Tyagi A.; Ramesh S.V.; Rama Prashat G.; Vinutha T. (2024). Exploring protein structural adaptations and polyphenol interactions: Influences on digestibility in pigeon pea dal and whole grains under heat and germination conditions, Food Chemistry, 460() DOI
2024 Sharma R.; Nath P.C.; Lodh B.K.; Mukherjee J.; Mahata N.; Gopikrishna K.; Tiwari O.N.; Bhunia B. (2024). Rapid and sensitive approaches for detecting food fraud: A review on prospects and challenges, Food Chemistry, 454() DOI
2024 Kundu M.; Krishnan P.; Prasad S.; Chawla G. (2024). Green nanosensor for precise detection of formaldehyde in fruits and vegetables extract, Food Chemistry, 443() DOI
2024 Anand V.; Ksh V.; Kar A.; Varghese E.; Vasudev S.; Kaur C. (2024). Encapsulation efficiency and fatty acid analysis of chia seed oil microencapsulated by freeze-drying using combinations of wall material, Food Chemistry, 430() DOI
2024 Hasanain M.; Singh V.K.; Rathore S.S.; Meena V.S.; Meena S.K.; Shekhawat K.; Singh R.K.; Dwivedi B.S.; Singh R.; Babu S.; Upadhyay P.K.; Kumar A.; Kumar A.; Fatima A.; Verma G.; Kumar S. (2024). Crop establishment and nutrient management options: Optimizing productivity, maximize profitability and mitigating adverse climatic conditions in the maize-based production system of Northwest India, Field Crops Research, 318() DOI
2024 Sadhukhan R.; Kumar D.; Sepat S.; Ghosh A.; Banerjee K.; Shivay Y.S.; Gawdiya S.; Harish M.N.; Bhatia A.; Kumawat A.; Dutta S.; Biswakarma N.; Sharma L.D.; Patra K.; Bhupenchandra I. (2024). Precision nutrient management influences the productivity, nutrients use efficiency, N2O fluxes and soil enzymatic activity in zero-till wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Field Crops Research, 317() DOI
2024 Palsaniya D.R.; Kumar T.K.; Chaudhary M.; Choudhary M.; Govindasamy P.; Prasad M.; Srinivasan R. (2024). Tillage and mulching influence weed community dynamics and crop productivity of Sesbania alley–based food–fodder systems in rainfed agro-ecosystems, Field Crops Research, 314() DOI
2024 Kumawat A.; Kumar D.; Shivay Y.S.; Yadav D.; Sadhukhan R.; Gawdiya S.; Ali S.; Madhu M.; Kumar K.; Rashmi I.; Jat R.A. (2024). Sustainable basmati rice yield and quality enhancement through long-term organic nutrient management in the Indo-Gangetic Plains, Field Crops Research, 310() DOI
2024 Kaur T.; Sharma P.K.; Brar A.S.; Vashisht B.B.; Choudhary A.K. (2024). Optimizing crop water productivity and delineating root architecture and water balance in cotton–wheat cropping system through sub-surface drip irrigation and foliar fertilization strategy in an alluvial soil, Field Crops Research, 309() DOI
2024 Das B.; Pooniya V.; Shivay Y.S.; Zhiipao R.R.; Biswakarma N.; Kumar D.; Saikia N.; Kumar A.; Govindasamy P.; Barman A.; Critykar J. (2024). Twenty-one years’ impact of using organic amendments on the productivity of rice-wheat rotation and soil properties, Field Crops Research, 309() DOI
2024 Singh N.; Panda K.K.; Bhardwaj R.; Krishnan S.G.; Bhowmick P.K.; Nagarajan M.; Vinod K.K.; Ellur R.K.; Singh A.K.; Bollinedi H. (2024). Exploring the glycaemic impact and culinary qualities of rice through Genome-Wide Association Studies on starch composition and viscosity profiles, Food Bioscience, 59() DOI
2024 Gandhamanagenahalli A R.; Dass A.; Venkatesh P.; Choudhary A.K.; Upadhyay P.K.; Chandrashekar A.B.; Francaviglia R.; Sannagoudar M.S.; Rangappa U.M.; Singh V.K.; Harish M.N.; Shyam C.S. (2024). Soil moisture dynamics, rooting traits, crop and water productivity of wheat under different tillage, irrigation and nutrition conditions, Farming System, 2(2) DOI
2024 Paul S.; Burman R.R.; Singh R. (2024). Training effectiveness evaluation: Advancing a Kirkpatrick model based composite framework, Evaluation and Program Planning, 107() DOI
2024 Pande C.B.; Kushwaha N.L.; Alawi O.A.; Sammen S.S.; Sidek L.M.; Yaseen Z.M.; Pal S.C.; Katipoğlu O.M. (2024). Daily scale air quality index forecasting using bidirectional recurrent neural networks: Case study of Delhi, India, Environmental Pollution, 351() DOI
2024 V P.; Tyagi A.; Kumar S.; Mohapatra T. (2024). Integrated transcriptome and proteome analysis of near-isogenic line provides insights on regulatory function of Pup1 QTL in rice under phosphorus-starvation stress, Environmental and Experimental Botany, 221() DOI
2024 Barman D.; Kumar R.; Ghimire O.P.; Ramesh R.; Gupta S.; Nagar S.; Pal M.; Dalal M.; Chinnusamy V.; Arora A. (2024). Melatonin induces acclimation to heat stress and pollen viability by enhancing antioxidative defense in rice (Oryza sativa L.), Environmental and Experimental Botany, 220() DOI
2024 Pappula-Reddy S.-P.; Pang J.; Chellapilla B.; Kumar S.; Dissanayake B.M.; Pal M.; Millar A.H.; Siddique K.H.M. (2024). Insights into chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) genotype adaptations to terminal drought stress: Evaluating water-use patterns, root growth, and stress-responsive proteins, Environmental and Experimental Botany, 218() DOI
2024 Barman A.; Pooniya V.; Zhiipao R.R.; Biswakarma N.; Kumar D.; Das T.K.; Shivay Y.S.; Rathore S.S.; Das K.; Babu S.; Saikia N.; Meena M.C.; Bhatia A. (2024). Integrated crop management for long-term sustainability of maize-wheat rotation focusing on productivity, energy and carbon footprints, Energy, 311() DOI
2024 Anand R.; Parray R.A.; Mani I.; Khura T.K.; Kushwaha H.; Sharma B.B.; Sarkar S.; Godara S. (2024). Spectral data driven machine learning classification models for real time leaf spot disease detection in brinjal crops, European Journal of Agronomy, 161() DOI
2024 Radheshyam; Jat S.L.; Jat M.L.; Parihar C.M.; Jat H.S.; Singh A.K.; Bijarniya D.; Padhan S.R.; Kadam P.V.; Kumar M. (2024). On-farm evidence on breaking yield barriers through optimizing wheat cropping system in Indo Gangetic Plain, European Journal of Agronomy, 159() DOI
2024 Couëdel A.; Falconnier G.N.; Adam M.; Cardinael R.; Boote K.; Justes E.; Smith W.N.; Whitbread A.M.; Affholder F.; Balkovic J.; Basso B.; Bhatia A.; Chakrabarti B.; Chikowo R.; Christina M.; Faye B.; Ferchaud F.; Folberth C.; Akinseye F.M.; Gaiser T.; Galdos M.V.; Gayler S.; Gorooei A.; Grant B.; Guibert H.; Hoogenboom G.; Kamali B.; Laub M.; Maureira F.; Mequanint F.; Nendel C.; Porter C.H.; Ripoche D.; Ruane A.C.; Rusinamhodzi L.; Sharma S.; Singh U.; Six J.; Srivastava A.; Vanlauwe B.; Versini A.; Vianna M.; Webber H.; Weber T.K.D.; Zhang C.; Corbeels M. (2024). Long-term soil organic carbon and crop yield feedbacks differ between 16 soil-crop models in sub-Saharan Africa, European Journal of Agronomy, 155() DOI
2024 Wani O.A.; Sharma V.; Kumar S.S.; Malik A.R.; Pandey A.; Devi K.; Kumar V.; Gairola A.; Yadav D.; Valente D.; Petrosillo I.; Babu S. (2024). Geostatistical modelling of soil properties towards long-term ecological sustainability of agroecosystems, Ecological Indicators, 166() DOI
2024 Lili Z.; Vivek Y.; Hengchen Z.; Yaya S.; Xiangxiang H.; Xiaoxia W.; Xiaoping Z.; Babu S.; Yongxiang K. (2024). Climate drivers of litterfall biomass dynamics in three types of forest stands on the Loess Plateau, Ecological Indicators, 163() DOI
2024 Singh D.; Tripathi A.; Mitra R.; Bhati J.; Rani V.; Taunk J.; Singh D.; Yadav R.K.; Siddiqui M.H.; Pal M. (2024). Genome-wide identification of MATE and ALMT genes and their expression profiling in mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) under aluminium stress, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 280() DOI
2024 Parida C.; Sahoo P.K.; Nasir R.; Waseem L.A.; Tariq A.; Aslam M.; Hatamleh W.A. (2024). Exergy assessment of infrared assisted air impingement dryer using response surface methodology, Back Propagation-Artificial Neural Network, and multi-objective genetic algorithm, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 53() DOI
2024 Kumar R.; Rao K.K.; Mondal S.; Choudhary J.S.; Kumar S.; Jat S.L.; Mishra J.S.; Singh A.K.; Upadhyay P.K.; Das A.; Singh V.K.; Kumar S.; Jadhav S.K.; Sharma N.K.; Bhatt B.P.; Rakshit S.; Chaudhari S.K. (2024). A comprehensive analysis of resource conservation strategies: Impacts on productivity, energetics, and environmental footprints in rice-based systems of the Eastern Indo-Gangetic Plains, Current Research in Environmental Sustainability, 8() DOI
2024 Jayanth B.V.; Padmasri A.; Azam M.M.; Rajarushi C.N.; Maheswari T.U.; Shashikala M.; Lakshmi K.S.I.; Rakesh V.; Gouthami A.; Rajareddy G. (2024). Entomotoxic potential of paddy husk silica powders against Callosobruchus chinensis (L.) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) in stored chickpea, Crop Protection, 184() DOI
2024 Watpade S.; Kumari H.; Mhatre P.H.; Kamil D.; Kumar R.; Devi E.; Naga K.C.; Pramanick K.K.; Pal D. (2024). Pathogenicity and management of damping-off disease caused by Fusarium equiseti in apple (Malus × domestica Borkh.), Crop Protection, 184() DOI
2024 Pramesh D.; Raghunandana A.; Harish M.N.; Prasanna Kumar M.K.; Sachin K.S.; Kiranakumara M.; Usha I.; Tulasi M.; Priya D.P.; Pushpa H.; Manjunatha C.; Sunilkumar V.P. (2024). The interaction of fungicides and nitrogen dose under two crop establishment methods influences the severity of brown spot disease in rice, Crop Protection, 184() DOI
2024 Verma R.; Kushwaha K.P.S.; Kumar S.; Rawat S.; Pandey R.; Pandey D.; Bisht A.S.; Roy B. (2024). Emerging threat to Indian agriculture: Fusarium incarnatum-equiseti species complex as a novel pathogen imperiling bajra, cowpea, finger millet, green gram, moth bean, and soybean crops, Crop Protection, 182() DOI
2024 Shivaswamy G.; Rudra S.G.; Dorjee L.; Kundu A.; Gogoi R.; Singh A. (2024). Valorisation of raw mango pickle industry waste into antimicrobial agent against postharvest fungal pathogens, Current Research in Microbial Sciences, 6() DOI
2024 Rudra Gouda M.N.; Kumaranag K.M.; Ramakrishnan B.; Subramanian S. (2024). Deciphering the complex interplay between gut microbiota and crop residue breakdown in forager and hive bees (Apis mellifera L.), Current Research in Microbial Sciences, 6() DOI
2024 Sahoo R.N.; Rejith R.G.; Gakhar S.; Verrelst J.; Ranjan R.; Kondraju T.; Meena M.C.; Mukherjee J.; Dass A.; Kumar S.; Kumar M.; Dhandapani R.; Chinnusamy V. (2024). Estimation of wheat biophysical variables through UAV hyperspectral remote sensing using machine learning and radiative transfer models, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 221() DOI
2024 Talaviya H.; Singh A.; Singh N.; Manna S.; Banerjee T. (2024). Development and validation of LC-MS/MS method for trace analysis of acrylamide, acrylic acid and N, N-methylene bis acrylamide in sandy loam soil, Journal of Chromatography A, 1729() DOI
2024 Yadav A.; Babu S.; Krishnan P.; Kaur B.; Bana R.S.; Chakraborty D.; Kumar V.; Joshi B.; Lal S.K. (2024). Zinc oxide and ferric oxide nanoparticles combination increase plant growth, yield, and quality of soybean under semiarid region, Chemosphere (Chemosphere - Global Change Science), 352() DOI
2024 Kalwani M.; Kumari A.; Rudra S.G.; Chhabra D.; Pabbi S.; Shukla P. (2024). Application of ANN-MOGA for nutrient sequestration for wastewater remediation and production of polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) by Chlorella sorokiniana MSP1, Chemosphere (Chemosphere - Global Change Science), 349() DOI
2024 Paul A.; Bhatia A.; Tomer R.; Kumar V.; Sharma S.; Pal R.; Mina U.; Kumar R.; Manjaiah K.M.; Chakrabarti B.; Jain N.; Shivay Y.S. (2024). Dual inhibitors for mitigating greenhouse gas emissions and ammonia volatilization in rice for enhancing environmental sustainability, Cleaner Environmental Systems, 13() DOI
2024 Tanwar A.K.; Dhillon M.K.; Hasan F.; Kumar S.; Kirti J.S. (2024). Lipid composition differs in diapause and nondiapause states of spotted stem borer, Chilo partellus, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part - B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 274() DOI
2024 Rangan P.; Furtado A.; Chinnusamy V.; Henry R. (2024). A multi-cell model for the C4 photosynthetic pathway in developing wheat grains based upon tissue-specific transcriptome data, BioSystems, 238() DOI
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2024 Raigond P.; Singh N.V.; More A.K.; Parashuram S.; Giri N.A.; Awachare C.; Sowjanya R.; Patil P.G.; Babu K.D.; Marathe R.A. (2024). Impact of PGRs, polyamines and potassium to improve pomegranate flowering behaviour, fruit set and fruit quality, Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, 61() DOI
2024 Nivedha R.M.; Bhardwaj A.; Prasanna R.; Bavana N.; Kokila V.; Nishanth S.; Rudra S.G.; Singh A.K.; Reddy K.S.; Shivay Y.S. (2024). Enhancing fruit quality and yield in tomato through cyanobacterium mediated nutri-fertigation, Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, 61() DOI
2024 Raigond P.; Bhardwaj P.; Raigond B.; Parmar V.; Dutt S.; Singh B. (2024). Unveiling the presence of insulin-like antidiabetic proteins in potato: A wholesome food, Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, 58() DOI
2024 Chakrabarty S.; Shashank P.R.; Deb C.K.; Haque M.A.; Thakur P.; Kamil D.; Marwaha S.; Dhillon M.K. (2024). Deep learning-based accurate detection of insects and damage in cruciferous crops using YOLOv5, Smart Agricultural Technology, 9() DOI
2024 Malkani P.; Mani I.; Sahoo P.K.; Parray R.A.; Swain S.S.; K.R. A.; Dharmender; Chowdhury M.; Rathod S.K.; Al-Qahtani W.H.; Salem A.; Elbeltagi A.; Elwakeel A.E. (2024). Development and evaluation of a sensor enabled smart herbicide applicator for inter row crops, Smart Agricultural Technology, 9() DOI
2024 Gawdiya S.; Kumar D.; Ahmed B.; Sharma R.K.; Das P.; Choudhary M.; Mattar M.A. (2024). Field scale wheat yield prediction using ensemble machine learning techniques, Smart Agricultural Technology, 9() DOI
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2024 Sau A.K.; Dhillon M.K.; Kumar S.; Tanwar A.K. (2024). Hibernation changes tissue specific lipophilic profile of Chilo partellus (Swinhoe), Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology, 27(4) DOI
2024 Thimmegowda M.N.; Suresh Suroshe S.; Sagar D. (2024). Thermal tolerance mechanism of invasive cotton mealybug parasitoid, Aenasius arizonensis Girault (Hemiptera: Encyrtidae), Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology, 27(1) DOI
2024 Avinash G.; Ramasubramanian V.; Ray M.; Paul R.K.; Godara S.; Nayak G.H.H.; Kumar R.R.; Manjunatha B.; Dahiya S.; Iquebal M.A. (2024). Hidden Markov guided Deep Learning models for forecasting highly volatile agricultural commodity prices, Applied Soft Computing, 158() DOI
2024 Das S.; Biswas S.; Ramakrishnan B.; Das T.K.; Purakayastha T.J.; Gawade B.H.; Singh P.; Ghorai P.S.; Tripathy S.; Sinha K. (2024). Biological soil health with conventional and qPCR based indicators under conservation agriculture based rice-wheat cropping system in Indo-Gangetic Plain, Applied Soil Ecology, 193() DOI
2024 Kumari A.; Singh D.K.; Sarangi A.; Hasan M.; Sehgal V.K. (2024). Optimizing wheat supplementary irrigation: Integrating soil stress and crop water stress index for smart scheduling, Agricultural Water Management, 305() DOI
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2024 Thakur R.K.; Rudra S.G.; Dikshit H.K.; Dash S.; Bhardwaj R.; Vinutha T.; Kumar S.; Chopra S. (2024). Baked crisps from Indian biofortified lentils: Effect of seed coat on rheology, texture and composition, Applied Food Research, 4(1) DOI
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2024 Singh S.K.; Yadav N.; Yadav P.; Shukla L.; Pradhan T.; Kumar M.; Singh R.; Kumar A. (2024). Cyanobacterial based bioremediation of xenobiotics compounds, Advances in Chemical Pollution, Environmental Management and Protection, () DOI
2024 Liu Y.; Zhang L.; Lou Y.; Hu N.; Li Z.; Zhang H.; Zhu P.; Li D.; Gao H.; Zhang S.; Lu S.; Bhattacharyya R.; Kuzyakov Y.; Wang Y. (2024). Soil organic carbon pools under long-term mineral and organic amendments: a multisite study, Carbon Research, 3(1) DOI
2024 Upadhyay N.; Kamble K.; Tiwari S.; Meena S.K.; Malhotra R.; Singh A.K.; Kaur C. (2024). Novel avenue of carotenoids & omega-3 rich carrot waste extract in innovative table spread: optimization (based on texture and sensory) and characterization, Discover Food, 4(1) DOI
2024 Kumar A.; Singh R.; Avasthe R.K.; Das S.K.; Mishra V.K.; Krishnan V.; Babu S. (2024). Growth and production potential of buckwheat genotypes under organic farming in the Eastern Himalayan region of India, Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy, 90(4) DOI
2024 Verma S.; Chug A.; Singh A.P.; Singh D. (2024). Plant Disease Detection and Severity Assessment Using Image Processing and Deep Learning Techniques, SN Computer Science, 5(1) DOI
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2024 Berliner J.; Manimaran B.; Pokhare S.S.; Adak T.; Munda S.; Saha S. (2024). Unraveling the off-season survival of rice root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne graminicola, in wetland rice ecosystem, Cereal Research Communications, 52(4) DOI
2024 Mallick N.; Vinod; Jha S.K.; Raghunandan K.; Choudhary M.K.; Agarwal P.; Singh M.; Kumari P.; Niranjana M.; Sivasamy M. (2024). Marker-assisted development of triple rust resistance wheat variety HD3407, Cereal Research Communications, 52(4) DOI
2024 Meena N.L.; Bhardwaj R.; Maheshwari C.; Prathap V.; Tyagi A. (2024). Drought-induced variations in nutritional composition of grain and bran of contrasting rice genotypes, Cereal Research Communications, 52(4) DOI
2024 Srinivas K.; Singh V.K.; Srinivas B.; Sameriya K.K.; Prasad L.; Singh G.P. (2024). Determining the impact of stripe rust and leaf rust on grain yield and yield components' losses in Indian wheat cultivars, Cereal Research Communications, 52(2) DOI
2024 Mukri G.; Gadag R.N.; Bhat J.S.; Nepolean T.; Gupta N.C.; Mittal S.; Nithyashree M.L.; Kumar R.; Pal D. (2024). Characterization of sub-tropical maize (Zea Mays L.) inbred lines for the variation in kernel row numbers (KRNs), Cereal Research Communications, 52(1) DOI
2024 Venkatesh Y.N.; Rajna S.; Suroshe S.S.; Joshi S.; Chander S. (2024). Wheat as a new host for potato aphid Macrosiphum euphorbiae Thomas (Hemiptera: Aphididae) and construction of its age-stage two-sex life tables, Cereal Research Communications, 52(1) DOI
2024 Srinivas K.; Singh V.K.; Srinivas B.; Sameriya K.K.; Kumar U.; Gangwar O.P.; Kumar S.; Prasad L.; Singh G.P. (2024). Documentation of multi-pathotype durable resistance in exotic wheat genotypes to deadly stripe and leaf rust diseases, Cereal Research Communications, 52(1) DOI
2024 Paul N.C.; Rai A.; Ahmad T.; Biswas A.; Sahoo P.M. (2024). Spatially integrated estimator of finite population total by integrating data from two independent surveys using spatial information, Journal of the Korean Statistical Society, 53(1) DOI
2024 Chouriya A.; Kumar P.; Tewari V.K.; Singh N. (2024). Development of a Low-Cost Telemetry System for Draft Measurement of Agriculture Implements, Journal of Biosystems Engineering, () DOI
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2024 Mandi S.; Shivay Y.S.; Prasanna R.; Nayak S.; Baral K.; Reddy K.S.; Borate R.B. (2024). Insights into the Response of Elemental Sulfur Fertilization on Crop Yield and Nutritional Quality of Durum Wheat, Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 24(4) DOI
2024 Jangir A.; Kumar S.; Kharia S.K.; Jangra P.; Ray P.; Sudhakara N.R.; Meena M.C.; Tiwari G.; Singh A.K.; Mishra G.; Francaviglia R. (2024). Impact of land use Change on Carbon Management Index- A Study from the Foothills of Western Himalayas, Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 24(4) DOI
2024 Singh P.; Basak B.B.; Patel V.J.; Sarkar R.; Patel K.C.; Motaka G.N. (2024). Integration of Biochar with Chemical Fertilizers Improves the Economic Yield, Quality of Holy Basil (Ocimum sanctum L.) and Soil Health, Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 24(4) DOI
2024 Singh P.; Biswas S.; Ghoshal N.; De N.; Singh D. (2024). Impact of Thirty-Four Years of Fertilization and Manuring on Soil Nutrients Availability, Yield and Quality of Crops in Indo-Gangetic Plains, Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 24(3) DOI
2024 Khan A.; Haris M.; Hussain T.; Khan A.A.; Dawood M.F.A. (2024). Botanicals as Phyto-nematicides Against Root-knot Disease Caused by the Root-knot Nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) via Promoting growth, Yield, and Biochemical Performance of Cabbage Crop, Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 24(3) DOI
2024 Dutta D.; Meena A.L.; Bhanu C.; Ghasal P.C.; Choudhary J.; Kumar S.; Mishra R.P.; Ansari M.A.; KJ R.; Prusty A.K.; Jat P.C.; Kashyap P.; Punia P.; Dixit M.; Singh O.; Rai A.K.; Meena A.K.; Rathi S.; Yadav P. (2024). Sustainable Soil Management for Climate Resilience: Long-Term Management Effects on Soil Carbon Sequestration and Nitrogen Dynamics in a Semi-Arid Tropical Inceptisol of India, Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 24(3) DOI
2024 Tamuk P.; Pandey R.N.; Purakayastha T.J.; Barman M.; Singh B.; Tasung A. (2024). Mitigation of Iron Deficiency in Aerobic Rice with Biological Interventions in Inceptisol, Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 24(3) DOI
2024 Reddy K.S.; Shivay Y.S.; Kumar D.; Pooniya V.; Prasanna R.; Shrivastava M.; Mandi S.; Nayak S.; Baral K. (2024). Relative Performance of Urea and Nano-urea in Conjunction with Zinc Fertilization on Growth, Productivity, and Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Spring Wheat, Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 24(2) DOI
2024 Paul S.; Das D.; Barman M.; Verma B.C.; Sinha A.K.; Datta A. (2024). Selection of a Suitable Extractant for Sequential Leaching of Soil to Evaluate Medium-Term Potassium Availability to Plants, Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 24(1) DOI
2024 Singh S.; Kumar N.; Manuja S.; Kumar P.; Sandeep; Singh S.; Shwetansh; Chahal A. (2024). Substitution of Inorganic Nitrogen with Organic Amendments for Improvement of Soil Properties, Microbial Community, and Enzymatic Activity in Maize-Wheat Cropping System Under Sub-temperate Ecology, Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 24(2) DOI
2024 Sarkar A.; Biswas D.R.; Saha M.; Kumar R.; Dwivedi B.S.; Bandyopadhyay K.K.; Bhattacharyya R.; Biswas S.S.; Ghosh A.; Roy T.; Das B.; Dey A.; Alam K.; Mukherjee S. (2024). Development of Controlled Release Fertilizer from Double-Boiled Linseed and Mustard Oil-Based Formulations: Surface Morphology, Nutrient Release and Performance of Wheat in Sub-tropical Inceptisol, Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 24(1) DOI
2024 Shrivas V.L.; Choudhary A.K.; Dass A.; Hariprasad P.; Sharma S. (2024). Impact of Different Farming Practices on Soil Nutrients and Functional Bacterial Guilds in Pigeonpea-Wheat Crop Rotation, Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 24(1) DOI
2024 Naik S.; Sahoo K.C.; Reddy K.M.; Poon V.S.A.; Shashank P.R. (2024). A taxonomic revision of the genus Ophiorrhabda Diakonoff (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae: Olethreutinae) from India with two new records, International Journal of Tropical Insect Science, 44(5) DOI
2024 Cheema R.S.; Sandhu I.S.; Sharma S.; Sharma K. (2024). Impact of temperature and carbon dioxide on food consumption and nutritional indices of Plutella Xylostella Linnaeus (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) on cauliflower, International Journal of Tropical Insect Science, 44(4) DOI
2024 Kumar R.; Suroshe S.S.; Venkanna Y.; Keerthi M.C.; Kumar A.; Chander S. (2024). Feeding potential and foraging behaviour of cheilomenes sexmaculata (F.) on cotton whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius), International Journal of Tropical Insect Science, 44(4) DOI
2024 Padala V.K.; Kolla S.; Ramya N.; Bairi S. (2024). Multivariate morphometric analysis of white grub, Holotrichia serrata (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) populations from India, International Journal of Tropical Insect Science, 44(2) DOI
2024 Ahmed B.; Rai A.; Gawdiya S.; Barman M.; Haque M.A.; Singh S. (2024). A comparative analysis of deep learning-based techniques for miRNA prediction associated with mRNA sequences, Vegetos, () DOI
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2024 Chaudhary S.; Lal M.; Sagar S.; Sharma S.; Meena A.L.; Kumar M. (2024). Variation in oxalic acid production, mycelial compatibility and pathogenicity amongst isolates of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum causing white mold disease, Vegetos, 37(4) DOI
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2024 Meena S.K.; Dwivedi B.S.; Meena M.C.; Datta S.P.; Singh V.K.; Mishra R.P.; Chakraborty D.; Singh R.; Dey A.; Hasanain M.; Meena V.S. (2024). Insights from a 19-year field study: optimizing long-term nutrient supply strategies for enhanced crop productivity and nutritional security in rice–wheat systems, Discover Applied Sciences, 6(10) DOI
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2024 Kumari M.; Swaroop K.; Singh S.K.; Kamil D.; Singh D.; Singh K.P.; Kumar P. (2024). Biochemical and histo-pathological studies on wilt (Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. gladioli) resistant and susceptible gladiolus genotypes, Indian Phytopathology, () DOI
2024 Pawar T.; Sharma S.; Arora R.K.; Biswas K.K. (2024). Distribution of cotton leaf curl virus species/strain and characterization of associated satellite molecules in Gossypium hirsutum, Indian Phytopathology, 77(3) DOI
2024 Singhal P.; Diksha D.; Srivastava N.; Baranwal V.K. (2024). Development of an isothermal reverse transcriptase-recombinase polymerase amplification assay for the rapid diagnosis of four viroids in different grape cultivars, Indian Phytopathology, 77(2) DOI
2024 Nabi S.U.; Baranwal V.K.; Mir J.I.; Raja W.H.; Yasmin S.; Shah M.A.; Sharma O.C.; Verma M.K.; Parveen S. (2024). Transmission efficiency protocol of two ilarviruses (ApMV and ApNMV) associated with mosaic disease of apple (Malus domestica) through cleft grafting and T-budding, Indian Phytopathology, 77(2) DOI
2024 Prasad N.; Kumar A.; Dunna V.; Ranjan J.K.; Akhtar J.; Mishra G.P.; Sharma A.B.; Javeria S. (2024). Cultural, morphological and molecular characterization of Stemphylium vesicarium isolates causing onion blight, Indian Phytopathology, 77(1) DOI
2024 Basak P.; Gurjar M.S.; Kashyap N.; Kumar T.P.J.; Khokhar M.K.; Jha S.; Saharan M.S. (2024). Morphological, pathogenic and molecular analysis of Bipolaris sorokiniana inciting spot blotch of barley in India, Indian Phytopathology, 77(1) DOI
2024 Hamida D.; Gowda V.T.; Kundu A.; Kaur R.; Bag T.K. (2024). Effect of culture filtrate containing fusaric acid of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. ciceris on defence enzymes in chickpea, Indian Phytopathology, 77(1) DOI
2024 Majumder S.; Aggarwal S.; Gupta R.L. (2024). Evaluation of novel chemical compound based on Schiff bases of 4-amino-3-mercapto-5-pyridin-4yl-4H-1,2,4-triazole against Fusarium verticillioides, Indian Phytopathology, 77(1) DOI
2024 Abassy O.; Balamurugan A.; Sahu K.P.; Patel A.; Sheoran N.; Reddy B.; Gogoi R.; Singh K.K.; Kumar A. (2024). Pathogenicity and multigene sequence analysis reveal the widespread distribution of Alternaria alternata causing early blight in tomato, Journal of Plant Pathology, 106(4) DOI
2024 Samal S.; Singh D.; Upadhyay R.S.; Lokesh Babu P.; Geat N. (2024). Hydrolytic genes of antagonistic rhizobacteria strains on Fusarium udum causing wilt disease in pigeonpea, Journal of Plant Pathology, () DOI
2024 Tripathi S.; Verma A.; Kushwah S.S.; Verma R. (2024). First report of zucchini yellow mosaic virus infecting papaya in India, Journal of Plant Pathology, 106(2) DOI
2024 Ram D.; Devi T.P.; Koti P.S.; Jeevan B.; Kamil D.; Vanapalli C.S.; Raghu S.; Sunani S.K.; Kashyap A.S. (2024). Exploring the taxonomic classification of Curvularia genera: Enhancing understanding of phytopathogenic species in Poaceae through morphological and molecular approaches, Journal of Plant Pathology, 106(2) DOI
2024 Tripathi S.; Verma A.; Verma R. (2024). First report of cucurbit aphid-borne yellows virus infecting Indian round gourd (Praecitrullus fistulosus) in India, Journal of Plant Pathology, 106(1) DOI
2024 Singh A.; Chandra P.; Bahadur A.; Debnath P.; Subbaiyan G.K.; Ellur R.K.; Siddappa Tadasanahaller P.; Hosahalli Manjunath A.K.; Yadav G.K.; Bashyal B.M. (2024). Assessment of morpho-cultural, genetic and pathological diversity of Rhizoctonia solani isolates obtained from different host plants, Journal of Plant Pathology, 106(1) DOI
2024 Das T.K.; Nath C.P.; Bhattacharyya R.; Bandyopadhyay K.; Sudhishri S.; Bhatia A.; Raj R.; Singh P.; Rathi N.; Singh B.; Sharma A.R.; Biswas A.K.; Chaudhari S.K. (2024). Conservation Agriculture in Cotton–Wheat System of the Northwestern Indo-Gangetic Plains: Yield Sustainability, Water Productivity, Carbon Stocks and Greenhouse Gases Emissions, International Journal of Plant Production, () DOI
2024 Kurmi R.; Lande S.D.; Mani I.; Sahoo P.K.; Bhowmick P.; Jain N.; Kumar R.; Singh C.; Ray M.; Babu S. (2024). Agro-Economic Assessment of Mechanized Rice Establishment Practices in Northwestern India: A Comparative Study, International Journal of Plant Production, 18(4) DOI
2024 Srinivas K.; Suroshe S.S.; Nebapure S.M.; Kumar G.N.K.; Chaitanya; Keerthi M.C.; Jayanthi P.D.K. (2024). Recruitment and retention of predatory coccinellid beetle, Cheilomenes sexmaculata (Fab.) using synthetic semiochemicals, Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection, 131(6) DOI
2024 Mondal P.C.; Kumar V.; Kaushik P.; Shakil N.A.; Pankaj; Rana V.S. (2024). New nematicidal compounds from Mentha spicata L. against Meloidogyne incognita, Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection, 131(6) DOI
2024 Manzoor S.; Nabi S.U.; Rather T.R.; Verma M.K.; Alrobaish S.A.; Raja W.H.; Mir J.I.; Wani T.A.; Mir R.R.; Jeelani F.; Parveen S.; Mansoor S. (2024). Comparative biochemical and physiological responses to the virus-induced mosaic disease in apple (Malus domestica), Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection, 131(6) DOI
2024 Sravya G.; Prabudhas S.K.; Sharma S.K.; Roy A.; Mandal B.; Geetanjali A.S. (2024). Molecular characterization of a new isolate of begomovirus affecting Croton bonplandianum in India, Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection, 131(3) DOI
2024 Mukhopadhyay A.; Antil J.; Khatkar A.; Pandey D.; Somvanshi V.S.; Nebapure S.M.; Dutta A.; Singh A. (2024). A laboratory study on survival and infectivity of entomopathogenic nematodes formulated in gum katira-based biogel compositions, Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection, 131(3) DOI
2024 Keerthi M.C.; Suroshe S.S. (2024). Effect of host plants on the fitness and demographic parameters of the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (L.) using age-stage, two-sex life tables, Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection, 131(1) DOI
2024 Kishan G.; Kumar R.; Sharma S.K.; Srivastava N.; Gupta N.; Kumar A.; Baranwal V.K. (2024). Trouble-free detection of grapevine leafroll-associated virus-3 employing reverse transcription-recombinase polymerase amplification assay, Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection, 131(1) DOI
2024 Birteeb P.T.; Varghese C.; Harun M. (2024). Universally Optimal Network Balanced Designs for Agroforestry Trials, Journal of the Indian Society for Probability and Statistics, () DOI
2024 Paul N.C.; Rai A.; Ahmad T.; Biswas A. (2024). Integration of Spatial Data from Two Independent Surveys: A Model-Based Approach Using Geographically Weighted Regression, Journal of the Indian Society for Probability and Statistics, 25(2) DOI
2024 Barman S.; Ramasubramanian V.; Singh K.N.; Ray M.; Bharadwaj A.; Kumar P. (2024). Predictive Root Based Bootstrap Prediction Intervals in Neural Network Models for Time Series Forecasting, Journal of the Indian Society for Probability and Statistics, 25(2) DOI
2024 Verma A.; Jaggi S.; Varghese E.; Bhowmik A.; Varghese C.; Datta A.; Hemavathi M. (2024). A Note on the Construction of TORDs Using t-Designs, Journal of the Indian Society for Probability and Statistics, 25(1) DOI
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2024 Kumar A.; Bag M.K.; Singh R.; Mandal B.; Roy A. (2024). Emergence of croton yellow vein mosaic virus in turnip (Brassica rapa subsp. rapa) indicated new host adaptation by a weed-infecting begomovirus, Tropical Plant Pathology, 49(6) DOI
2024 Jayanthi P.; Kumar P.; Roy A.; Mandal B.; Geetanjali A.S. (2024). Detection of multiple Begomoviruses in chilli crop in the five agro-climatic zones of Tamil Nadu state of India, Tropical Plant Pathology, 49(5) DOI
2024 Adhikari S.; Bhardwaj S.C.; Gangwar O.P.; Prasad P.; Lata C.; Kumar S.; Chand G. (2024). Morphological characterization and molecular diversity assessment of rust resistant genetic stocks of wheat, Tropical Plant Pathology, 49(4) DOI
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2024 Paul D.; Chakrabarty S.K.; Nain L.; Maity A. (2024). Genotype and harvesting time influence development of hard seeds and its physico-chemical constituents in green gram (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek), Plant Physiology Reports (Indian Journal of Plant Physiology), () DOI
2024 Kumar M.; Arora A.; Marwaha S.; Chinnusamy V.; Kumar S.; Jain R.; Pal S. (2024). Machine learning based approach for wheat plant senescence quantification, Plant Physiology Reports (Indian Journal of Plant Physiology), 29(4) DOI
2024 Jagadhesan B.; Meena H.S.; Jha S.K.; Krishna K.G.; Kumar S.; Elangovan A.; Chinnusamy V.; Kumar A.; Sathee L. (2024). Association of nitrogen utilisation efficiency with sustenance of reproductive stage nitrogen assimilation, transcript abundance and sequence variation of nitrogen metabolism genes in rice (Oryza sativa L.) sub-species, Plant Physiology Reports (Indian Journal of Plant Physiology), 29(4) DOI
2024 Singh B.; Elangovan A.; Kumar S.; Arya S.; Raju D.; Harikrishna; Dalal M.; Sahoo R.N.; Chinnusamy V. (2024). Non-destructive chlorophyll prediction by machine learning techniques using RGB-based vegetation indices in wheat, Plant Physiology Reports (Indian Journal of Plant Physiology), 29(4) DOI
2024 Kruthika S.; Ashu A.; Basavaraja T.; Pandey R.; Prasad P.V.V.; Gaikwad B.B.; Gurumurthy S. (2024). Comparative assessment of univariate and multivariate spectral modelling techniques for non-destructive estimation of RWC in common beans, Plant Physiology Reports (Indian Journal of Plant Physiology), 29(4) DOI
2024 Lal N.; Pandey S.K.; Nath V. (2024). Fruit drop in litchi influenced by various factors at different stages under Eastern India, Plant Physiology Reports (Indian Journal of Plant Physiology), () DOI
2024 Lal N.; Pandey S.K.; Nath V. (2024). Effect of weather on panicle development, flower morphogenesis and fruit set in litchi cv. Shahi, Plant Physiology Reports (Indian Journal of Plant Physiology), () DOI
2024 Das A.; Pal M.; Taria S.; Ellur R.K.; Kumar S.; Sathee L.; Gopala Krishnan S.; Dalal M.; Jain P.K.; Chinnusamy V. (2024). Multivariate analysis and genome wide association mapping for chlorophyll fluorescence and grain number per panicle under high temperature stress in rice, Plant Physiology Reports (Indian Journal of Plant Physiology), 29(3) DOI
2024 Pradeep S.D.; Paul V.; Pandey R.; Harikrishna; Jain N.; Kumar P.; Singh P.K.; Meena R.C.; Aishwarya K.R.; Dineshkumar G. (2024). Contribution of ear and awns to the yield in wheat under terminal heat stress condition, Plant Physiology Reports (Indian Journal of Plant Physiology), 29(3) DOI
2024 Chaurasia S.; Kumar S.; Garg S.; Pandey R.; Anand A.; Dikshit H.K.; Aski M.S.; Singh A.; Kumar S.; Bansal R. (2024). Exploring the genetic variability for root traits in mung bean under salinity stress, Plant Physiology Reports (Indian Journal of Plant Physiology), 29(3) DOI
2024 Yadav P.; Yadav S.K.; Singh M.; Singh M.P.; Chinnusamy V. (2024). Genome wide identification and characterization of Isopentenyl transferase (IPT) gene family associated with cytokinin synthesis in rice, Plant Physiology Reports (Indian Journal of Plant Physiology), 29(2) DOI
2024 Vishwakarma C.; Karwa S.; Kapoor R.T.; Mathur K.; Krishna G.K.; Pandey R.; Ellur R.K.; Subbaiyan G.; Vinod K.K.; Chinnusamy V. (2024). Exploring component traits of biomass and yield in Indian rice mini-core germplasm, Plant Physiology Reports (Indian Journal of Plant Physiology), 29(2) DOI
2024 Chanumolu H.G.K.; Basavaraj P.S.; Hegde V.; Kumar M.; Kumar S.; Rane J. (2024). WirPheno: an affordable medium throughput root phenotyping protocol for assessment of waterlogging induced roots in cowpea, Plant Physiology Reports (Indian Journal of Plant Physiology), 29(2) DOI
2024 Priyadarsini P.; Pal M.; Pandey R.; Gopalakrishnan S.; Sehgal V.K.; Chinnusamy V.; Taria S.; Kumar P.; Padaria J.; Lal M.K. (2024). Photosynthesis and radiation use efficiency at anthesis in relation to biomass accumulation and yield in Basmati rice (Oryza sativa L.), Plant Physiology Reports (Indian Journal of Plant Physiology), 29(2) DOI
2024 Arya S.; Sahoo R.N.; Sehgal V.K.; Bandyopadhyay K.; Rejith R.G.; Chinnusamy V.; Kumar S.; Kumar S.; Manjaiah K.M. (2024). High-throughput chlorophyll fluorescence image-based phenotyping for water deficit stress tolerance in wheat, Plant Physiology Reports (Indian Journal of Plant Physiology), 29(2) DOI
2024 Jawahar Jothi G.; Sharma D.K.; Kovilpillai B.; Bhatia A.; Kumar S.; Antille D.L. (2024). Interactive effects of elevated ozone and carbon dioxide on physiological traits of different Indian mustards, Plant Physiology Reports (Indian Journal of Plant Physiology), 29(2) DOI
2024 Mitra R.; Kumar P. (2024). Physiological and yield response of mung bean (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek) to exogenous application of bioregulatory molecules, Plant Physiology Reports (Indian Journal of Plant Physiology), 29(2) DOI
2024 Yalamalle V.R.; Ahammed T.P.S.; Ithape D.; Pardeshi A.; Dunna V.; Gorrepati K.; Mishra G.P.; Girase I.P.; Swami S.R. (2024). Peroxidation of unsaturated fatty acids is associated with poor storability in onion seed, Plant Physiology Reports (Indian Journal of Plant Physiology), 29(2) DOI
2024 Paul D.; Chakrabarty S.K.; Dutta S.; Dikshit H.K. (2024). Studies on Identification of Putative SSR Markers Linked with Hardseededness in Mung Bean (Vigna radiata L.) Using Bulk Segregant Analysis, National Academy Science Letters-India, () DOI
2024 Gouda M.N.R.; Yogananda M.; Chandana M.R.; Banswal A. (2024). Lygaeid Bug Nysius cymoides, (Spinola, 1837) (Heteroptera: Lygaeidae), Incidence on Aromatic Herb Chamomile: A New Report from New Delhi, India, National Academy Science Letters-India, () DOI
2024 Sarkar A.; Singh T.; Das T.K.; Kumar S.; Mandal A.; Patra K. (2024). Effect of Nano-Urea Based Nitrogen Management and Herbicide Mixtures on Rhizospheric Dynamics of Wheat for Enhanced Productivity, Profitability and Yield Emission Trade-Offs, National Academy Science Letters-India, () DOI
2024 Sarkar A.; Yeasin M.; Paul R.K.; Singh A.K.; Paul A.K. (2024). IFNN: Intuitionistic Fuzzy Logic Based Neural Network Model for Time Series Forecasting, National Academy Science Letters-India, () DOI
2024 Lal N.; Kumar A.; Marboh E.S.; Gupta A.K.; Pandey S.D.; Nath V. (2024). Effect of Temperature and Duration of Storage on Seed Germination in Litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.), National Academy Science Letters-India, () DOI
2024 Kaur M.; Choudhary A.; Mohindru B.; Singh J.; Dey D.; Chhuneja P.K. (2024). Change in Bee Pollinators’ Guild Over the Time in the Punjab: State Under Intensive Agriculture, National Academy Science Letters-India, () DOI
2024 Padala V.K.; Ramya N.; Sagar D.; Kumar H.; Sharma M.; Subramanian S. (2024). Host Nutrition vis-a-vis Fatty Acid Profile and Reproductive Biology of Fall Armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith), National Academy Science Letters-India, 47(6) DOI
2024 Kumar A.; Singh R.; Babu S.; Avasthe R.K.; Bhutia T.L.; Saha S.; Devadas R.; Devi E.L.; Gudade B.A.; Karan S.; Mishra V.K. (2024). Impact of Locally Sourced Weed Biomass Mulches on Productivity and Weed Control Efficiency of Rice [Oryza sativa (L.)] Under Organic Management in an Eastern Himalayan Acidic Inceptisols of India, National Academy Science Letters-India, 47(5) DOI
2024 Padala V.K.; Venkatesh Y.N.; Rajna S.; Ramya N.; Chander S. (2024). Incidence of Pest and Natural Enemies in Direct Seeded Rice and Transplanted Rice, National Academy Science Letters-India, 47(5) DOI
2024 Velmourougane K.; Prasanna R. (2024). Trichoderma–Azotobacter Biofilm-Based Formulation Enhance Natural Plant deFense Enzyme Activities in Wheat and Cotton Seedlings, National Academy Science Letters-India, 47(1) DOI
2024 Rudra Gouda M.N.; Deeksha M.G.; Kumaranag K.M.; Sagar D.; Subramanian S. (2024). Diversity of Gut Microbes in the Forager and Hive Bees of an Indian Population of Apis mellifera, National Academy Science Letters-India, 47(1) DOI
2024 Tripathi R.; Tripathy B.R.; Jena S.S.; Swain C.K.; Mohanty S.; Sahoo R.N.; Nayak A.K. (2024). Prediction of rice yield using sensors mounted on unmanned aerial vehicle, Agricultural Research, () DOI
2024 Thevaruparambil Sunil S.; Sharma A.; Jha G.K. (2024). Development of a Technology Valuation Model for Commercial Licensing: An Empirical Case of PB 1718 Basmati Rice Variety, Agricultural Research, () DOI
2024 Padigapati V.N.S.; Singh A.; Velayudhan P.K.; Perumal A.; Ramalingam S. (2024). Examining the Prevalence and Predictors of Stunting in Indian Children: A Spatial and Multilevel Analysis Approach, Agricultural Research, () DOI
2024 Paul D.; Chakrabarty S.K.; Chawla G.; Kundu A.; Maity A. (2024). Assessment of Hardseededness and Its Seasonal Dynamics Through Scanning Electron Microscopy in Green Gram (Vigna radiata) Genotypes, Agricultural Research, () DOI
2024 Jabborova D.; Singh P.K.; Saharan B.S.; Ahmed N.; Kumar S.; Duhan J.S. (2024). Biochar and AMF Improve Growth, Physiological Traits, Nutrients of Turmeric and Soil Biochemical Properties in Drought Stress, Agricultural Research, 13(4) DOI
2024 Dutta A.; Bhattacharyya R.; Sharma A.R.; Sharma C.; Nath C.P. (2024). Impact of Conservation Agriculture on Soil Organic Carbon Sequestration and Enzyme Activity Under Rice–Wheat Cropping System in a Vertisol, Agricultural Research, 13(4) DOI
2024 Bhooshan N.; Sharma A.; Singh A.; Singh S. (2024). A Study on Licensing-Based Determinants of Seed Variety Commercialization from the Perspective of Licensees, Agricultural Research, 13(4) DOI
2024 Samal S.K.; Datta S.P.; Golui D.; Raza M.B.; Dwivedi B.S.; Meena M.C.; Nogiya M.; Choudhary M.; Pandey P.S. (2024). Comparing the Efficiency of Sunflower, Marigold and Spinach Plants for Their Phytoextraction Ability of Zinc and Copper in Contaminated Soil, Agricultural Research, 13(3) DOI
2024 Rastogi M.; Nandal M.; Nain L. (2024). Tailoring the compost matrix with hybrid Bacillus commune to improve the biodegradation of municipal solid waste, International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 21(2) DOI
2024 Dubey R.; Mishra J.S.; Das A.; Dinesh G.K.; Jain N.; Bhatt B.P.; Poonia S.P.; Ajay A.; Mondal S.; Kumar S.; Choudhary A.K.; Kumar R.; Upadhyaya A.; McDonald A.J. (2024). Enhancing ecosystem services through direct-seeded rice in middle Indo-Gangetic Plains: a comparative study of different rice establishment practices, Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 44(6) DOI
2024 Madival S.D.; Jha G.K.; Mishra D.C.; Kumar S.; Budhlakoti N.; Sharma A.; Chaturvedi K.K.; Kabilan S.; Farooqi M.S.; Srivastava S. (2024). A novel deep contrastive convolutional autoencoder based binning approach for taxonomic independent metagenomics data, Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 33(4) DOI
2024 Kumar R.R.; Singh N.; Goswami S.; Vinutha T.; Singh S.P.; Mishra G.P.; Kumar A.; Jha G.K.; Satyavathi C.T.; Praveen S.; Tyagi A. (2024). Hydrothermal infra-red (HT-IR): the most effective technology for enhancing the shelf-life of pearl millet flour without compromising with the nutrient density and flour quality, Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 33(3) DOI
2024 Paul K.; Bhattacharjee S.; Raman K.V.; Jaiswal S.; Tilgam J.; Saakre M.; Kumari P.; Baaniya M.; Vijayan J.; Sreevathsa R.; Pattanayak D. (2024). An Improved Protocol for Isolation of high-quality RNA from potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) and other underground storage tissues, Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 33(1) DOI
2024 Paul A.; Dutta A.; Kundu A.; Ghosh A.; Chawla G.; Saha S. (2024). Adsorption-guided purification of rose petal anthocyanins, Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, () DOI
2024 Ghoshal S.; Kundu A.; Saha S.; Bhowmik A.; Bhatia R.; Singh A.; Dutta A. (2024). Genetic algorithm coupled Box-Behnken design-based optimization of ultrasound-assisted xanthophyll extraction from marigold (Tagetes erecta L.): process intensification, profiling, and antioxidant activities, Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 14(23) DOI
2024 Kumar R.; Mandal A.; Saha S.; Dutta A.; Chawla G.; Das A.; Kundu A. (2024). Zanthoxylum alatum fruits: process optimization for tambulin-rich valuable phyto-compounds, antifungal action coupled with molecular modeling analysis, Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 14(23) DOI
2024 Nath P.C.; Bandyopadhyay T.K.; Mahata N.; Tiwari O.N.; Bobby M.N.; Indira M.; Bhunia B. (2024). C-phycoerythrin production from Anabaena sp. BTA 903: Optimization, production kinetics, thermodynamic, and stability analysis, Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 14(16) DOI
2024 Samanta S.; Datta D.; Tiwari O.N.; Halder G. (2024). Microbial enhancement of biodegradability inoculating Bacillus tropicus and Staphylococcus cohnii onto LDPE/starch blended films, Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 14(13) DOI
2024 Sarkar R.; Nain L.; Dutta A.; Kundu A.; Saha S. (2024). Unraveling the utilization feasibility of citrus peel solid distillation waste as potential source for antioxidant as well as bioethanol, Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 14(21) DOI
2024 Nath P.C.; Bandyopadhyay T.K.; Mahata N.; Pabbi S.; Tiwari O.N.; Indira M.; Bhunia B. (2024). Optimization and kinetic study of ultrasonic-mediated phycoerythrin extraction from Anabaena sp., Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 14(21) DOI
2024 Labanya R.; Srivastava P.C.; Pachauri S.P.; Shukla A.K.; Shrivastava M.; Srivastava P. (2024). Kinetics of micronutrients and S adsorption onto phyto-biochars: influence of pyrolysis temperatures and properties of phyto-biochars, Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 14(4) DOI
2024 Roy A.; Chaturvedi S.; Singh S.V.; Kasivelu G.; Dhyani V.C.; Pyne S. (2024). Preparation and evaluation of two enriched biochar-based fertilizers for nutrient release kinetics and agronomic effectiveness in direct-seeded rice, Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 14(2) DOI
2024 Desu P.K.; Karmakar B.; Kondi V.; Tiwari O.N.; Halder G. (2024). Optimizing formulation of green tea extract-loaded chitosan nanogel, Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 14(3) DOI
2024 Lohithaswa H.C.; Balasundara D.C.; Mallikarjuna M.G.; Sowmya M.S.; Mallikarjuna N.; Kulkarni R.S.; Pandravada A.S.; Bhatia B.S. (2024). Experimental evaluation of effectiveness of genomic selection for resistance to northern corn leaf blight in maize, Journal of Applied Genetics, () DOI
2024 Talukder Z.A.; Chhabra R.; Basu S.; Gain N.; Mishra S.J.; Kumar A.; Zunjare R.U.; Muthusamy V.; Hossain F. (2024). High amylopectin in waxy maize synergistically affects seed germination and seedling vigour over traditional maize genotypes, Journal of Applied Genetics, () DOI
2024 Singh B.; Muthusamy V.; Shrivastava S.; Chand G.; Gain N.; Bhatt V.; Zunjare R.U.; Hossain F. (2024). Analysis of nutritional composition in opaque2- and crtRB1-based single- and double-biofortified super sweet corn, Journal of Applied Genetics, () DOI
2024 Kumar A.; Choudhary S.; Ramyashee D.G.S.; Baranwal V.K.; Jain R.K.; Basavaraj Y.B. (2024). Molecular evidence for the occurrence of cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus (CYSDV) infecting round melon and wild melon in India, Virus Disease, () DOI
2024 Singh S.; Prabha K.; Saritha R.K.; Raj C.; Baranwal V.K.; Youdol S. (2024). Association of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris’ with phyllody of Crown Daisy in India, Australasian Plant Pathology, () DOI
2024 E R R.; Mondal K.K.; Ghoshal T.; Amrutha Lakshmi M. (2024). Comparative gene expression of OsSWEETs from various rice genotypes during the development of bacterial blight as induced by the most virulent Race 4 of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae, Australasian Plant Pathology, 53(5) DOI
2024 Saha B.; Biswas A.; Ahmad T.; Paul N.C. (2024). Geographically Weighted Regression-Based Model Calibration Estimation of Finite Population Total Under Geo-referenced Complex Surveys, Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics, 29(4) DOI
2024 Kumar M.; Prakasha T.L.; Mishra A.N.; Saharan M.S.; Meshram N.; Rao G.P. (2024). Phytoplasma etiology and epidemiology of wheat streak and stunting disease in Central India, 3 Biotech, 14(11) DOI
2024 Rai R.; Anand Y.R.; Monteshori S.; Diksha D.; Dubey S.K.; Baranwal V.K.; Sharma S.K. (2024). Novel genetic variants of banana streak MY virus and banana streak IM virus naturally infecting banana in Northeast India, 3 Biotech, 14(11) DOI
2024 Duo H.; Chhabra R.; Muthusamy V.; Mishra S.J.; Gopinath I.; Sharma G.; Madhavan J.; Neeraja C.N.; Zunjare R.U.; Hossain F. (2024). Molecular characterization, haplotype analysis and development of markers specific to dzs18 gene regulating methionine accumulation in kernels of subtropical maize, 3 Biotech, 14(10) DOI
2024 Balodi R.; Raghavendra K.V.; Singh P.K.; Hussain Z.; Suroshe S.S.; Kumar P.; Chander S. (2024). Alternaria alternata species complex impairing solanaceous vegetables in Northern parts of India: an emerging problem in Solanum lycopersicum L., 3 Biotech, 14(10) DOI
2024 Yadav S.K.; Singh D.; Prasad L.; Jat B.; Rao G.P.; Saharan M.S.; Kaur V. (2024). Utilization of 16Sr RNA and secA genes for molecular discernment of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma australasiaticum’ strain associated with linseed germplasm in India, 3 Biotech, 14(9) DOI
2024 Shanmugaraj C.; Kamil D.; Parimalan R.; Singh P.K.; Shashank P.R.; Iquebal M.A.; Hussain Z.; Das A.; Gogoi R.; Nishmitha K. (2024). Deciphering the defense response in tomato against Sclerotium rolfsii by Trichoderma asperellum strain A10 through gene expression analysis, 3 Biotech, 14(9) DOI
2024 Kumar R.; Gupta N.; Sharma S.K.; Kishan G.; Srivastava N.; Khan Z.A.; Kumar A.; Baranwal V.K. (2024). Mixed infection of two mandariviruses identified by high-throughput sequencing in Kinnow mandarin and development of their specific detection using duplex RT-PCR, 3 Biotech, 14(6) DOI
2024 Singh S.K.; Ranebennur H.; Gupta S.; Pandey H.; Singh V.; Rao G.P. (2024). Detection and molecular characterization of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma australasiaticum’ in Aegle marmelos: a fruit of high medicinal values in India, 3 Biotech, 14(5) DOI
2024 Kumar R.R.; Niraj R.K.; Goswami S.; Thimmegowda V.; Mishra G.P.; Mishra D.; Rai G.K.; Kumar S.N.; Viswanathan C.; Tyagi A.; Singh G.P.; Rai A.K. (2024). Characterization of putative calcium-dependent protein kinase-1 (TaCPK-1) gene: hubs in signalling and tolerance network of wheat under terminal heat, 3 Biotech, 14(6) DOI
2024 Nishanth S.; Kokila V.; Prasanna R. (2024). Metabolite profiling of plant growth promoting cyanobacteria—Anabaena laxa and Calothrix elenkinii, using untargeted metabolomics, 3 Biotech, 14(2) DOI
2024 Chandra A.K.; Pandey D.; Sood S.; Joshi D.C.; Tiwari A.; Sharma D.; Gururani K.; Kumar A. (2024). Uncovering the genomic regions underlying grain iron and zinc content using genome-wide association mapping in finger millet, 3 Biotech, 14(2) DOI
2024 Nayaka S.N.; Mondal F.; Ranjan J.K.; Roy A.; Mandal B. (2024). Bottle gourd IC-0262269, a super-susceptible genotype to tomato leaf curl Palampur virus, 3 Biotech, 14(1) DOI
2024 Yadav B.K.; Rudra S.G.; Goswami A.K.; Bhowmik A.; Joshi A.; Pal P.; Bhardwaj R. (2024). Calcium enriched guava crisps: effect of material and process parameters, Journal of Food Science and Technology, () DOI
2024 Kumar A.; Singh R.; Babu S.; Avasthe R.K.; Das A.; Pandey A.; Gudade B.A.; Devadas R.; Saha S.; Rathore S.S. (2024). Integrated organic nutrient management: a sustainable approach for cleaner maize (Zea mays L.) production in the Indian Himalayas, Organic Agriculture, 14(3) DOI
2024 Nisha R.; Shajitha P.; Sivasamy M.; Jayaprakash P.; Vikas V.K.; Jha S.; Mallick N.; Yadav R.; Bhardwaj S.C.; Gangwar O.P.; Vijaishree S.; Geetha M.; Peter J.; Balaji V.; Gokulakrishna M. (2024). The Aegilops ventricosa derived 2NvS translocation for enhanced defense against multiple diseases in wheat, Journal of Crop Science and Biotechnology, () DOI
2024 Prasanna R.; Bhardwaj A.; Shivay Y.S.; Pal M.; Kumar M.; Ansari W.A.; Srivastava A.K. (2024). Diversity among Basmati and biofortified rice genotypes for C-N assimilation and nutrient availability, Journal of Crop Science and Biotechnology, () DOI
2024 Lamba K.; Kumar M.; Singh V.; Chaudhary L.; Jain N.; Saini A.K.; Gupta V.; Singh A.P. (2024). Molecular diversity and trait association analysis in different wheat genotypes for yellow rust resistance, Journal of Crop Science and Biotechnology, 27(4) DOI
2024 Ghosh T.; Das B.; Roy D.; Chakraborty D.; Sethi D. (2024). Evaluation of infiltration models based on simple multicriteria decision making across various soil types and land uses in India, Environmental Earth Sciences, 83(19) DOI
2024 Arora B.; Sethi S.; Joshi A.; BK P.; SG L. (2024). Functionalization of Pea Pod Powder for Effective Utilization in Instant Noodles, Waste and Biomass Valorization, () DOI
2024 Virmani S.; Arora A.; Kaushik S.; Suman A. (2024). Lignin Degradation by Isolated Lignolytic Acinetobacter baumanii S2, Aspergillus niger SF4 and Rhodotorula glutinis and Profiling Products from Bio-Valorization Perspective, Waste and Biomass Valorization, 15(1) DOI
2024 Saw G.; Jeer M.; Murali-Baskaran R.K.; Prakash N.B. (2024). Cultivars and Method of Application Influences the Effect of Silicon on Incidence and Damage of Phloem Feeders, Induction of Defense Reaction, Attraction of Natural Enemies and Yield in Black Gram (Vigna mungo L.), Silicon, 16(10) DOI
2024 Ghosh D.; Barman M.; Datta S.P.; Das D.; Sharma V.K.; Das T.K. (2024). Boosting the Soil Phosphorus Availability to Plants by Using Silicon-Rich Crop Residues and Reducing Fertilizer Requirements, Silicon, 16(7) DOI
2024 Naik B.S.S.S.; Sharma S.K.; Pramanick B.; Yadav S.K.; Reddy G.K.; Tirunagari R.; Meena R.S.; Bamboriya J.S.; Kumar M.S.; Gurumurthy P.; Lal M. (2024). Development of an Improved Silicon Application Protocol for Organic Sweet Corn Cultivation Ensuring Higher Productivity and Better Soil Health, Silicon, 16(6) DOI
2024 Biswal B.; Kumar R.; Kumar A.; Meena R.K.; Ram H.; Rai A.K.; Kashyap S.; Bhattacharjee S.; Das R.; Baral K.; Padhan S.R.; Rana B.; Birbal (2024). Enhancing Growth, Yield, and Nutrient Quality of Fodder Maize Through Foliar Application of Ortho Silicic Acid, Silicon, 16(2) DOI
2024 Mahendra K.R.; Dhillon M.K.; Ishwarya Lakshmi K.S.; Gowtham K.V.; Mukri G.; Tanwar A.K. (2024). Phenological traits and photosynthetic pigments interfere in preference and biological fitness of Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) in diverse maize lines, Phytoparasitica, 52(5) DOI
2024 Tanwar A.K.; Dhillon M.K.; Hasan F.; Kirti J.S. (2024). Nature of diapause alters the damage potential and insecticide susceptibility in Chilo partellus (Swinhoe), Phytoparasitica, 52(3) DOI
2024 Samal I.; Dhillon M.K.; Bhoi T.K.; Singh N. (2024). Biochemical basis of Lipaphis erysimi (Kalt.) growth and development in Brassica juncea, Phytoparasitica, 52(1) DOI
2024 Kumar G. N K.; Suroshe S.S.; Gupta A.; M. C K.; Srinivas K.; Anil (2024). Morphological and molecular diagnosis of platygastrid parasitoid, Allotropa sp. near phenacocca (Hymenoptera) from India and its performance on cotton mealybug, Phenacoccus solenopsis, Phytoparasitica, 52(1) DOI
2024 Virk J.K.; Das S.; Mandal B.; Kaler R.S.; Singh H.; Kundu T. (2024). D-shaped optical fibre-based LSPR sensing probes for detection of Tomato Leaf Curl New Delhi Virus, Journal of Optics (India), () DOI
2024 Tripathi R.; Jena S.S.; Swain C.K.; Dutta G.; Tripathy B.R.; Mohanty S.; Jena P.C.; Pradhan A.; Sahoo R.N.; Mohapatra S.D.; Nayak A.K. (2024). Estimating Soil Organic Carbon Using Sensors Mounted on Unmanned Aircraft System and Machine Learning Algorithms, Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, 52(11) DOI
2024 Sharma S.; Agnihotri R.; Pokharia A.K.; Kumar A.; Manjul S.K.; Bhattacharyya R. (2024). Agricultural resilience and land-use from an Indus settlement in north-western India: Inferences from stable Carbon and Nitrogen isotopes of archaeobotanical remains, Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 16(5) DOI
2024 Mohanaselvan T.; Singh S.P.; Kumar A.; Kushwaha H.L.; Sarkar S.K.; Joshi P. (2024). Design, Development and Evaluation of Foot-Operated Sugarcane Sett Cutter, Sugar Tech, () DOI
2024 Singh S.; Kumar S.; Dutta D.; Raghuvanshi R.; Pathak J.; Shahi U.P.; Dhyani B.P.; Kumar A.; Singh M.P.; Panday H.; Shah A.K. (2024). Zinc Adsorption–Desorption Behavior and Sequential Extractable Pools in Sugarcane-Based Cropping Systems of Western Indo-Gangetic Plain, Sugar Tech, 26(6) DOI
2024 Harish Chandar S.R.; Subramanian M.; Surya Krishna S.; Swathi T.; Girija Sangari M.; Viswanathan C.; Saranya N.; Sobhakumari V.P.; Gomathi R.; Appunu C. (2024). Isolation, Characterization and Genome-Wide Identification of Cys-2/His-2 Type Zinc Finger Nuclease, a Transcription Activator in Saccharum Complex Under Abiotic Stress Conditions, Sugar Tech, () DOI
2024 Mohanaselvan T.; Singh S.P.; Kumar A.; Kushwaha H.L.; Sarkar S.K.; Joshi P. (2024). Mechanization Level and Occupational Health Hazards in Sugarcane Cultivation in India, Sugar Tech, 26(2) DOI
2024 Abarna S.; Joshi A.; Sethi S.; Tomar B.S.; Kumar R.; Varghese E. (2024). Betalains Stability and Antioxidant Activity of Beetroots: As a Function of Maturity Stage, Sugar Tech, 26(1) DOI
2024 Angira A.; Baranwal V.K.; Ranjan A.; Choudhary N. (2024). Identification of an RNA silencing suppressor encoded by an Indian citrus ringspot virus, Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, () DOI
2024 Taku M.; Saini M.; Kumar R.; Debbarma P.; Rathod N.K.K.; Onteddu R.; Sharma D.; Pandey R.; Gaikwad K.; Lal S.K.; Talukdar A. (2024). Modified speed breeding approach reduced breeding cycle to less than half in vegetable soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.], Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, 30(9) DOI
2024 Murugan T.; Awasthi O.P.; Singh B.; Rudra S.G. (2024). In vitro mutagenesis using habituation and PBR autotrophy based indirect somatic embryogenesis (ISE) system in Kinnow mandarin, Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, 30(8) DOI
2024 Dutta S.; Chhabra R.; Muthusamy V.; Gain N.; Subramani R.; Sarika K.; Devi E.L.; Madhavan J.; Zunjare R.U.; Hossain F. (2024). Allelic variation and haplotype diversity of Matrilineal (MTL) gene governing in vivo maternal haploid induction in maize, Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, 30(5) DOI
2024 Jena S.; Sanyal R.; Jawed D.M.; Sengupta K.; Pradhan B.; Sinha S.K.; Sarkar B.; Kumar S.; Lenka S.K.; Naskar S.; Bhadana V.P.; Bishi S.K. (2024). Spatio-temporal expression of polyphenol oxidase unveils the dynamics of L-DOPA accumulation in faba bean (Vicia faba L.), Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, 30(5) DOI
2024 Panzade K.P.; Tribhuvan K.U.; Pawar D.V.; Jasrotia R.S.; Gaikwad K.; Dalal M.; Kumar R.R.; Singh M.P.; Awasthi O.P.; Padaria J.C. (2024). Discovering the regulators of heat stress tolerance in Ziziphus nummularia (Burm.f) wight and walk.-arn, Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, 30(3) DOI
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2024 Lal M.K.; Tiwari R.K.; Kumar A.; Kumar R.; Kumar D.; Jaiswal A.; Changan S.S.; Dutt S.; Popović-Djordjević J.; Singh B.; Simal-Gandara J. (2024). Methodological Breakdown of Potato Peel’s Influence on Starch Digestibility, In Vitro Glycemic Response and Pasting Properties of Potato, American Journal of Potato Research, 101(1) DOI
2024 Saharan R.; Pattanayak S.; Poorvasandhya R.; Singh J.; Lal P.; Altaf M.A.; Kumar A.; Lal M.K.; Tiwari R.K.; Kumar R. (2024). Mechanistic Concepts of Multifaceted Roles of Neurotransmitters Like Signalling Molecules in Plant Responses to Biotic Stress, Botanical Review , 90(4) DOI
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2024 Chauhan H.S.; Zunjare R.U.; Rashmi T.; Muthusamy V.; Das A.K.; Mishra S.J.; Gain N.; Mehta B.K.; Singh A.K.; Gupta H.S.; Hossain F. (2024). Enrichment of Vitamin A and Vitamin E in Sweet Corn Kernels Through Genomics-Assisted Introgression of Mutant Version of crtRB1 and vte4 Genes, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, () DOI
2024 Menaka M.; Asrey R.; Vinod B.R.; Ahamad S.; Meena N.K.; Bhan C.; Goswami A.K. (2024). UV-C Irradiation Enhances the Quality and Shelf-Life of Stored Guava Fruit via Boosting the Antioxidant Systems and Defense Responses, Food and Bioprocess Technology, 17(11) DOI
2024 Manna M.; Singh D.K.; Hasan M.; Bandyopadhyay S.K.; Sarkar S.K.; Mondal C.K. (2024). Spatial variation of soil and ground water salinity in a deltaic region of the Indian Sundarbans, Journal of Coastal Conservation, 28(2) DOI
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2024 Chandrakumara K.; Dhillon M.K.; Tanwar A.K.; Singh N. (2024). Constitutive phytochemicals in Brassica juncea (L.) Czern & Coss. in relation to biological fitness of Lipaphis erysimi (Kaltenbach), Arthropod-Plant Interactions, 18(2) DOI
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2024 Hongal D.A.; Munshi A.D.; Talukdar A.; Das A.; Pradeepkumara N.; Kumar M.K.; Kumari J.; Chinnusamy V.; Ranjan J.K.; Behera T.K.; Dey S.S. (2024). Role of important physiological traits and development of heat tolerance index in a large set of diverse cucumber germplasm, Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 46(12) DOI
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2024 Vinod B.R.; Asrey R.; Menaka M.; Ahamad S.; Meena N.K.; Bhan C.; Avinash G. (2024). Synergistic effect of aqueous ozone and guar gum coating on the quality and shelf life of stored papaya fruit, Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 18(6) DOI
2024 Rani S.; Singh N.; Kaur C.; Varghese E. (2024). Measurement of phytochemical content and nutritional characteristics of microgreens grown in high altitude region of India, Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 18(5) DOI
2024 Kumar S.; Krishnan P.; Singh P.K.; Vashisth A.; Benerjee K.; Kundu M. (2024). Development of Tomato Fruit Stage Index (TFSI) to characterise different fruit growth stages of tomato using multivariate techniques, Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 18(2) DOI
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2024 Kumar P.; Jha G.K.; Kumar R.R.; Lama A.; Mazumder C. (2024). Leveraging Singular Spectrum Analysis and Time Delay Neural Network for Improved Potato Price Forecasting, Potato Research, () DOI
2024 Joshi D.; Krishnan P.; Vashisth A.; Kundu M.; Rani A.; Bag T.K. (2024). AI-Based Machine Learning and Multiple Linear Regression Approach to Simulate the Effect of Weather on the Crop Age at First Appearance of Potato Late Blight (Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary) Disease, Potato Research, () DOI
2024 Nayak G.H.H.; Alam M.W.; Avinash G.; Singh K.N.; Ray M.; Kumar R.R. (2024). N-BEATS Deep Learning Architecture for Agricultural Commodity Price Forecasting, Potato Research, () DOI
2024 Shankar S.V.; Chandel A.; Gupta R.K.; Sharma S.; Chand H.; Aravinthkumar A.; Ananthakrishnan S. (2024). Comparative Study on Key Time Series Models for Exploring the Agricultural Price Volatility in Potato Prices, Potato Research, () DOI
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2024 Raj S.; Kumar R.; Kumar S.; Kumar A.; Kamil D.; Kumar A.; Singh I.; Singh G. (2024). Impact of spot blotch pathogen Bipolaris sorokiniana on important seed quality parameters in wheat and its management with biocontrol agents and newer fungicide molecules, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 31(56) DOI
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2024 Dhaloiya A.; Singh J.P.; Malik A.; Singh M.C.; Kumar A. (2024). Spatio-temporal trends in long-term seasonal groundwater level of South-western Punjab using non-parametric statistical tests, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 31(25) DOI
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2024 Khatri S.; Bhattacharjee A.; Shivay Y.S.; Sharma S. (2024). Transplantation of soil from organic field confers disease suppressive ability to conducive soil, World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology, 40(4) DOI
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2024 Bisht M.; Shrivastava M.; Lal K.; Varghese C. (2024). Evaluation of Hydrogeochemical Processes for Irrigation Use and Potential Nitrate Contamination Sources in Groundwater Using Nitrogen Stable Isotopes in Southwest, India: A Case Study, Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 235(6) DOI
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2024 Kiran B.S.; Yadav R.K.; Lata S.; Sharma B.B.; Talukdar A.; Ghosh A.; Gupta N.C.; Tomar B.S. (2024). In vitro studies of epicotyl and embryo culture in cultivated, wild and inter-specific hybrids of okra (Abelmoschus spp.), Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture, 156(3) DOI
2024 Belwal P.; Mangal M.; Saini N.; Sharma B.B.; Rao M.; Kumar A.; Singh M.C.; Khar A. (2024). Effect of genotype, media and stress treatments on gynogenesis efficiency in short-day tropical Indian onion (Allium cepa L.), Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture, 156(1) DOI
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2024 Sahoo R.N.; Rejith R.G.; Gakhar S.; Ranjan R.; Meena M.C.; Dey A.; Mukherjee J.; Dhakar R.; Meena A.; Daas A.; Babu S.; Upadhyay P.K.; Sekhawat K.; Kumar S.; Kumar M.; Chinnusamy V.; Khanna M. (2024). Drone remote sensing of wheat N using hyperspectral sensor and machine learning, Precision Agriculture, 25(2) DOI
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2024 Rangan P.; Wankhede D.P.; Subramani R.; Chinnusamy V.; Pathania P.; Bartwal A.; Malik S.K.; Baig M.J.; Rai A.; Singh K. (2024). Rice Transcriptomics Reveal the Genetic Determinants of An In Planta Photorespiratory Bypass: a Novel Way to Increase Biomass in C3 Plants, Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, () DOI
2024 Thakur S.; Jain S.K.; Kumar V.; Prakash G.; Jeer M.; Kaushal P. (2024). Phenotypic and Genetic Variation Studies in Finger Millet Genotypes to Blast Disease Caused by Pyricularia grisea, Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 42(3) DOI
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2024 Kaur V.; Payasi D.K.; Choudhary R.; Kumar V.; Yadav S.K.; Singh D.; Kumar V.; Jat B.; Garg D.; Gupta V.K.; Kumar S.; Chinnusamy V.; Kushwah A.S.; Kumar A.; Singh G.P. (2024). Genetic resources for enhancing drought tolerance from National Genebank collection of linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) in India, Plant and Soil, () DOI
2024 Rani K.; Biswas D.R.; Basak B.B.; Bhattacharyya R.; Biswas S.; Das T.K.; Bandyopadhyay K.K.; Kaushik R.; Das A.; Thakur J.K.; Agarwal B.K. (2024). Exploring waste mica as an alternative potassium source using a novel potassium solubilizing bacterium and rice residue in K deficient Alfisol, Plant and Soil, () DOI
2024 Eke P.; Yimta Youmbi D.; Kuleshwar P.S.; Kouokap L.R.K.; Dinango V.N.; Kumar A. (2024). Synergistic effects of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens strains CBa_BFL2 and CBa_RA37 from the desert triangular spurge on the bacteria wilt disease in tomato, Plant and Soil, () DOI
2024 Pandey R.; Sharma S.; Mishra A.; Sakhare A.S.; Meena S.K.; Vengavasi K. (2024). Dual-nutrient stress tolerance in wheat is regulated by nitrogen and phosphorus uptake, assimilation, reutilization, and differential expression of candidate genes, Plant and Soil, () DOI
2024 Goud M.S.; Sharma S.K.; Kharbikar L.L.; Prasanna R.; Sangwan S.; Dahuja A.; Dixit A. (2024). Bacillus species consortium with tryptophan-dependent and -independent pathways mediated production of IAA and its derivatives modulates soil biological properties, growth and yield of wheat, Plant and Soil, () DOI
2024 Khatri S.; Sazinas P.; Strube M.L.; Ding L.; Dubey S.; Shivay Y.S.; Sharma S.; Jelsbak L. (2024). Pseudomonas is a key player in conferring disease suppressiveness in organic farming, Plant and Soil, 503(01-Feb) DOI
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2024 Gouda M.N.R.; D S.; Gaikwad K.; Prabha R.; Kumar A.; Subramanian S. (2024). Elucidation of ejaculatory bulb proteins in Bemisiatabaci Asia-1 and Asia II-1 and confirmation of their mating transfer via RNAi, Molecular Biology Reports, 51(1) DOI
2024 Azameti M.K.; Tanuja N.; Kumar S.; Rathinam M.; Imoro A.-W.M.; Singh P.K.; Gaikwad K.; Sreevathsa R.; Dalal M.; Arora A.; Rai V.; Padaria J.C. (2024). Transgenic tobacco plants overexpressing a wheat salt stress root protein (TaSSRP) exhibit enhanced tolerance to heat stress, Molecular Biology Reports, 51(1) DOI
2024 Manakkatt H.M.; Gurjar M.S.; Saharan M.S.; Aggarwal R. (2024). Expression analysis of genes involved in teliospores germination of Tilletia indica inciting Karnal bunt of wheat, Molecular Biology Reports, 51(1) DOI
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2024 Ragini R.; Murukan N.; Sekhon N.K.; Chugh C.; Agarwal P.; Yadav P.; Mallick N.; Jha S.K.; Iquebal M.A.; Tandon G.; Verma A.; Singh B.; Jacob S.R.; Raghunandan K.; Prabhu K.V.; Tomar S.S.; Vinod (2024). Breaking the association between gametocidal gene(s) and leaf rust resistance gene (LrS2427) in Triticum aestivum-Aegilops speltoides derivative by gamma irradiation, Molecular Breeding, 44(8) DOI
2024 Nivedha R.M.; Prasanna R.; Bhardwaj A.; Bavana N.R.; Rudra S.G.; Singh A.K.; Lal S.K.; Basu S.; Shivay Y.S. (2024). Cyanobacteria-based nutrimental strategy to enhance yield and quality of spinach, Journal of Applied Phycology, 36(5) DOI
2024 Kour B.; Sharma P.; Ramya S.; Gawdiya S.; Sudheer K.; Ramakrishnan B. (2024). Cyanobacterial biofertilizer inoculation has a distinctive effect on the key genes of carbon and nitrogen cycling in paddy rice, Journal of Applied Phycology, 36(4) DOI
2024 Sneha G.R.; Govindasamy V.; Singh P.K.; Kumar S.; Abraham G. (2024). Priming of seeds with cyanobacteria improved tolerance in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) during post-germinative drought stress, Journal of Applied Phycology, 36(3) DOI
2024 Santhiya S.; Yadav R.K.; Lata S.; Tomar B.S.; Talukdar A.; Tomer A.; Vaishali C.; Prabhu P.; Tara K. (2024). Enhancing virus resistance through pre-breeding and crossability experiments in okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench), Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, () DOI
2024 Mukri G.; Bhat J.S.; Gadag R.N.; Shilpa K.; Singh C.; R D.; Gupta N.C.; Pal D. (2024). Constitution of association panel of tropical field corn (Zea mays L.) for kernel and cob-related traits, Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, () DOI
2024 Naveen A.; Singh S.P.; Singhal T.; Reddy S.; Bhargavi H.A.; Yadav S.; S H.; Kapoor C.; Supriya P.; Singh N.; Satyavathi C.T. (2024). Delineation of selection efficiency and coincidence of multi-trait-based models in a global germplasm collection of pearl millet for a comprehensive assessment of stability and high performing genotypes, Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, () DOI
2024 Bhoi T.K.; Dhillon M.K.; Singh N.; Samal I.; Watts A.; Rao M.; Bhattacharya R.C. (2024). Phenology and morphological traits of wild crucifers impacting host selection and population build up by mustard aphid [Lipaphis erysimi (Kaltenbach)], Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, () DOI
2024 Kapoor C.; Anamika; Singh S.P.; Sankar S.M.; Prakash G.; Kumar S.; Singh N.; Bhargavi H.A.; Singhal T. (2024). Foliar blast and seedling dehydration stress tolerance in wild Pennisetum monodii germplasm and trait variability in interspecific crosses with Pennisetum glaucum, Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, () DOI
2024 Philanim W.S.; Bharadwaj C.; Kumar N.; Ngangkham U.; Iangrai B.; Singh B.K. (2024). Genetic diversity, population structure and marker-trait association analysis for yield-related traits in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, () DOI
2024 Shankar M.; Gowthami R.; Tripathi K.; Deepak D.A.; Raghavendra K.V.; Agrawal A. (2024). Unveiling reproductive biology, phenology, and pollen viability in Lathyrus species to enhance crop improvement, Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, () DOI
2024 Choudhary S.B.; Sharma H.K.; Arroju A.K.; Thimmaiah M.R.; Kumar D.; Mitra J. (2024). Phenological traits and molecular markers established genetic relationship and population structure in jute (Corchorus species) populations collected from Southern India, Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, () DOI
2024 Kapoor C.; Anamika; Singh S.P.; Kumar S.; Sankar S.M.; Singh N.; Singhal T. (2024). Hydroponics mediated seedling dehydration stress revealed variable tolerance in pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.) minicore collection, Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, () DOI
2024 Mandal S.; Shankar R.; Rao K.; Kalaivanan D.; Kumar P.C.; Dutta S. (2024). Genetic dissection of moringa (Moringa oleifera L.) gene pool for leaf micronutrient and phytochemical qualities for bio-fortification, Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, () DOI
2024 Deepak D.A.; Puneeth G.M.; Gowthami R.; Shankar M.; Chander S.; Malhotra E.V.; Archak S.; Agrawal A. (2024). Trans situ conservation of Piper nigrum L. in India—a review, Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, () DOI
2024 Rao M.; Kashyap A.; Garg P.; Sharma S.S.; Gupta N.C.; Chamola R.; Singh N.; Bhattacharya R. (2024). An indigenous germplasm of Brassica rapa var. yellow NRCPB rapa 8 enhanced resynthesis of Brassica juncea without in vitro intervention, Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, () DOI
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2024 KR R.; Tripathi K.; Singh R.; Pandey A.; Pamarthi R.K.; Rajendran N.R.; Gore P.G.; Panda R.R.; Barpete S.; Gomashe S.; Bhatt K.C. (2024). Insights into morphological and molecular diversity in grasspea (Lathyrus sativus L.) germplasm, Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, () DOI
2024 Limbalkar O.M.; Vasisth P.; Singh R.; Rao M.; Singh G.; Singh L.; Dhanasekaran G.; Kumar M.; Meena M.L.; Joghee N.; Parihar C.M.; Chinnusamy V.; Singh K.H.; Singh N. (2024). Infusing genetic variability for productivity and drought tolerance traits from Brassica carinata into Brassica juncea genotypes, Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 71(8) DOI
2024 Mounika V.; Deo C.; Shadap A.; Kisan N.P.; Singh S.; Raja P.; Gowd T.Y.M.; Abhijith K.P. (2024). Unravelling genetic diversity and population structure of sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam) through microsatellite markers, Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 71(8) DOI
2024 Sarkar A.; Mishra D.C.; Sinha D.; Chaturvedi K.K.; Lal S.B.; Kumar S.; Jha G.K.; Budhlakoti N. (2024). An advanced approach for predicting selective sweep in the genomic regions using machine learning techniques, Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 71(7) DOI
2024 Kumar K.B.C.; Tripathi K.; Singh R.; Gore P.G.; Kumar R.; Bhardwaj R.; Gupta K. (2024). Screening diverse cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) germplasm for Callosobruchus chinensis (L.) resistance and SSR based genetic diversity assessment, Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 71(7) DOI
2024 Mallikarjuna K.N.; Tomar B.S.; Mangal M.; Singh N.; Singh D.; Kumar S.; Tomer A.; Behera T.K.; Jat G.S. (2024). Qualitative and quantitative genetic variations in bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L.), Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 71(7) DOI
2024 Gaikwad K.B.; Dawar A.; Singh A.; Babu P.; Kumar M.; Kumar N.; Mazumder A.K.; Kumar R.; Pradhan A.K.; Ansari R.; Saifi N.; Yadav R. (2024). Trait phenotyping in an ancient Indian landrace of wheat Triticum sphaerococcum under optimum, terminal heat stress and deficit irrigation conditions, Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 71(6) DOI
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2024 Padmanabha K.; Choudhary H.; Mishra G.P.; Mandal B.; Solanke A.U.; Mishra D.C.; Yadav R.K. (2024). Identifying new sources of resistance to tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus from Indian melon germplasm by designing an improved method of field screening, Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 71(5) DOI
2024 Das A.; Munshi A.D.; Raju D.; Kumar S.; Singh D.; Talukdar A.; Hongal D.; Iquebal M.A.; Kumar S.; Bhattacharya R.C.; Ranjan P.; Ghannoum O.; Behera T.K.; Dey S.S. (2024). Key physiological traits for drought tolerance identified through phenotyping a large set of slicing cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) genotypes under field and water-stress conditions, Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 71(5) DOI
2024 Yalamalle V.R.; Dunna V.; Chawla G.; Mishra G.P.; P V.H.; Ahmad D.; Lal S.K.; Joshi D.C.; Meena R.P. (2024). Overcoming physiological dormancy in common buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench), Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 71(5) DOI
2024 Gangadhara K.; Yadav L.P.; Rao V.V.A.; Singh A.K.; Verma A.K.; Selvakumar R.; Jat G.S. (2024). Genetic diversity and principal component analysis in Indian bean (Lablab purpureus var. typicus L.) genotypes under rainfed conditions of Western India, Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 71(4) DOI
2024 Muthukumar P.; Jat G.S.; Kalia P.; Pandey C.D.; Selvakumar R.; Lata S.; Kumari S.; Kumar S.; Tomar B.S. (2024). Morphological characterization and screening of Solanum habrochaites accessions for late blight (Phytophthora infestans) disease resistance, Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 71(4) DOI
2024 Janani R.; Sharma B.B.; Dhar S.; Arora A.; Choudhary H.; Yadav R.K.; Singh D.; Singh D.; Solanke A.U.; Kumar P. (2024). Physiological and biochemical responses of garden pea genotypes under reproductive stage heat stress, Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 71(3) DOI
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2024 Chand G.; Muthusamy V.; Zunjare R.U.; Mishra S.J.; Sharma G.; Mehta B.K.; Singh S.; Allen T.; Hossain F. (2024). Molecular analysis of opaque2 gene governing accumulation of lysine and tryptophan in maize endosperm, Euphytica, 220(10) DOI
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2024 Rajput J.; Singh M.; Lal K.; Khanna M.; Sarangi A.; Mukherjee J.; Singh S. (2024). Data-driven reference evapotranspiration (ET0) estimation: a comparative study of regression and machine learning techniques, Environment, Development and Sustainability, 26(5) DOI
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2024 Aggarwal S.K.; Hooda K.S.; Kaur H.; Gogoi R.; Chauhan P.; Bagaria P.K.; Kumar P.; Choudhary M.; Tiwari R.K.; Lal M.K. (2024). Comparative evaluation of management modules against Maydis leaf blight disease in maize (Zea mays), European Journal of Plant Pathology, 168(3) DOI
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2024 Duo H.; Chhabra R.; Muthusamy V.; Dutta S.; Katral A.; Sarma G.R.; Chand G.; Mishra S.J.; Zunjare R.U.; Hossain F. (2024). Allelic Diversity and Development of Breeder-Friendly Marker Specific to floury2 Gene Regulating the Accumulation of α-Zeins and Essential Amino Acids in Maize Kernel, Biochemical Genetics, () DOI
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2024 Kumar Yadav G.; Sharma S.; Singh A.; S.T P.; Kumar Gupta A.; Bashyal B.M. (2024). Potential of Fungicidal Sprays On an Emerging Bakanae Disease Management in Basmati Rice and Seed Health Assessment Through Real Time PCR, Journal of Crop Health, 76(5) DOI
2024 Sepat S.; Kumar A.; Kaur R.; Singh H.; Phogat B.; Kumar D.; Sadhukhan R.; Meena S.L.; Choudhary S.R.; Gaber A.; Hossain A. (2024). Conservation Agricultural Practices Influencing the Seasonal Weed Dynamic and Productivity of Wheat in the Trans Indo-Gangetic Plains of India, Journal of Crop Health, 76(4) DOI
2024 Kumar P.; Sethi S.; Nayak S.L. (2024). Impact of Edible Hydrocolloids on Quality and Shelf Life of Litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) Under Ambient Conditions, Applied Fruit Science, 66(3) DOI
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2024 Gupta M.; Kumar H.; Kalia V.K.; Singh S.; Singh A.; Debbarma A.; Kaur S. (2024). Cloning, characterization and evaluation of toxicity of newly identified Vip3Aa proteins from Bacillus thuringiensis recovered from diverse environments for biological control of Helicoverpa armigera, Journal of Pest Science, 97(2) DOI
2024 Prajapati M.R.; Diksha D.; Thapa P.; Sharma S.K.; Gupta N.; Baranwal V.K. (2024). Identification of a novel mitovirus in grapevine through high-throughput sequencing, International Microbiology, () DOI
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2024 Saini R.; Manjaiah K.M.; Chobhe K.A.; Datta S.P.; Raju D.; Jatav H.S.; Gawdiya S.; Minkina T.; Rajput V.D. (2024). Urea loaded nanoclay biopolymer composites: synthesis, characterization and evaluation for enhancing nitrogen use efficiency, Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, () DOI
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2024 Samota M.K.; Awana M.; Krishnan V.; Kumar S.; Tyagi A.; Pandey R.; Mithra S.V.A.; Singh A. (2024). A novel micronutrients and methyl jasmonate cocktail of elicitors via seed priming improves drought tolerance by mitigating oxidative stress in rice (Oryza sativa L.), Protoplasma, 261(3) DOI
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2024 Sidharthan V.K.; Reddy V.; Kiran G.; Rajeswari V.; Baranwal V.K.; Kumar M.K.; Kumar K.S. (2024). Probing of plant transcriptomes reveals the hidden genetic diversity of the family Secoviridae, Archives of Virology, 169(7) DOI
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2024 Rajamanickam V.; Sevanthi A.M.; Swarbreck S.M.; Gudi S.; Singh N.; Singh V.K.; Wright T.I.C.; Bentley A.R.; Muthamilarasan M.; Das A.; Chinnusamy V.; Pandey R. (2024). High-throughput root phenotyping and association analysis identified potential genomic regions for phosphorus use efficiency in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Planta, 260(6) DOI
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2024 Kumar R.R.; Bakshi S.; Goswami S.; Kumar S.; Thimmegowda V.; Jambhulkar S.J.; Mishra G.P.; Rai G.K.; Kumar S.N.; Singh B.; Singh G.P.; Chinnusamy V.; Praveen S. (2024). Elucidating the Defence Response of Wheat Mutants Developed for augmenting Terminal Heat Stress Tolerance and Improved Grain-Quality, Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 43(10) DOI
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2024 Bhardwaj A.; Kokila V.; Prasanna R.; Bavana N.; Nivedha R.M.; Bharti A.; Gaur Rudra S.; Singh A.K.; Reddy K.S.; Shivay Y.S. (2024). Devising Cyanobacteria-Mediated Nutri-Fertigation Strategies to Enhance Fruit Quality, Soil Nutrient Availability, and Crop Productivity in Cherry Tomato, Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 43(6) DOI
2024 Chand L.; Sharma N.; Sharma R.M.; Pandey R.; Sathee L.; Dubey A.K. (2024). Physio-Biochemical and Growth Response of Contrasting Reciprocal Grafting in Citrus Under Water Deficit and Rehydration, Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 43(4) DOI
2024 Rashid A.; Achary V.M.M.; Abdin M.Z.; Karippadakam S.; Parmar H.; Panditi V.; Prakash G.; Bhatnagar-Mathur P.; Reddy M.K. (2024). Cytokinin oxidase2-deficient mutants improve panicle and grain architecture through cytokinin accumulation and enhance drought tolerance in indica rice, Plant Cell Reports, 43(8) DOI
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2024 Kumar K.; Kumari A.; Durgesh K.; Sevanthi A.M.; Sharma S.; Singh N.K.; Gaikwad K. (2024). Identification of superior haplotypes for flowering time in pigeonpea through candidate gene-based association study of a diverse minicore collection, Plant Cell Reports, 43(6) DOI
2024 Prakash N.R.; Kumar K.; Muthusamy V.; Zunjare R.U.; Hossain F. (2024). Unique genetic architecture of prolificacy in ‘Sikkim Primitive’ maize unraveled through whole-genome resequencing-based DNA polymorphism, Plant Cell Reports, 43(5) DOI
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2024 Gangaraj R.; Kundu A.; Prakash G.; Das A.; Nagaraja A.; Kamil D. (2024). Profiling of bioactive secondary metabolites from Aspergillus niger against a guava wilt pathogen, Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. psidii, Archives of Microbiology, 206(12) DOI
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2024 Sahu P.K.; Singh R.; Shrivastava M.; Sibanada D.; Mageshwaran V.; Phurailtpam L.; Rohatgi B. (2024). Microbial production of α-amylase from agro-waste: An approach towards biorefinery and bio-economy, Energy Nexus, 14() DOI
2024 Solanki M.K.; Joshi N.C.; Singh P.K.; Singh S.K.; Santoyo G.; Basilio de Azevedo L.C.; Kumar A. (2024). From concept to reality: Transforming agriculture through innovative rhizosphere engineering for plant health and productivity, Microbiological Research (Zentralblatt für Mikrobiologie), 279() DOI
2024 Prasad S.; Yadav K.K.; Kumar S.; Pandita P.; Bhutto J.K.; Alreshidi M.A.; Ravindran B.; Yaseen Z.M.; Osman S.M.; Cabral-Pinto M.M.S. (2024). Review on biofuel production: Sustainable development scenario, environment, and climate change perspectives − A sustainable approach, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 12(2) DOI
2024 Sharma S.C.; Prasad N.; Pandey S.K.; Singh R. (2024). Mechanization in processing commercially significant natural resins and gums: A review, Industrial Crops and Products, 222() DOI
2024 Tiwari O.N.; Bobby M.N.; Kondi V.; Halder G.; Kargarzadeh H.; Ikbal A.M.A.; Bhunia B.; Thomas S.; Efferth T.; Chattopadhyay D.; Palit P. (2024). Comprehensive review on recent trends and perspectives of natural exo-polysaccharides: Pioneering nano-biotechnological tools, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 265() DOI
2024 Chetan K.K.; Singh V.K.; Haider M.W.; Saharan M.S.; Kumar R. (2024). Unveiling the wheat-rust battleground: A transcriptomic journey, Heliyon, 10(23) DOI
2024 Bhatt B.; Gupta S.K.; Mukherjee S.; Kumar R. (2024). A comprehensive review on biochar against plant pathogens: Current state-of-the-art and future research perspectives, Heliyon, 10(17) DOI
2024 Sharma E.; Bairwa R.; Lal P.; Pattanayak S.; Chakrapani K.; Poorvasandhya R.; Kumar A.; Altaf M.A.; Tiwari R.K.; Lal M.K.; Kumar R. (2024). Edible mushrooms trending in food: Nutrigenomics, bibliometric, from bench to valuable applications, Heliyon, 10(17) DOI
2024 Kaur S.; Seem K.; Ali A.; Jaiswal S.; Gumachanamardi P.; Kaur G.; Singh N.; Touthang L.; Singh S.K.; Bhardwaj R.; Singh B.K.; Mishra V.K.; Riar A. (2024). A comprehensive review on nutritional, nutraceutical, and industrial perspectives of perilla (Perilla frutscens L.) seeds – An orphan oilseed crop, Heliyon, 10(12) DOI
2024 Vinod B.R.; Asrey R.; Sethi S.; Menaka M.; Meena N.K.; Shivaswamy G. (2024). Recent advances in vacuum impregnation of fruits and vegetables processing: A concise review, Heliyon, 10(7) DOI
2024 Lone J.K.; Pandey R.; Gayacharan (2024). Microgreens on the rise: Expanding our horizons from farm to fork, Heliyon, 10(4) DOI
2024 Kolkur S.U.; Sharma A.; Gouda M.N.R.; Praveen K.V.; Singh A. (2024). CRISPR in agriculture and it's ethical implications: A bibliometric analysis, Food and Humanity, 3() DOI
2024 Sharma E.; Lal P.; Kumar A.; Prasad K.; Tiwari R.K.; Lal M.K.; Kumar R. (2024). Colourful staples on your table: Unus ex genere suo, Food Research International, 191() DOI
2024 Solanki M.K.; Wang Z.; Kaushik A.; Singh V.K.; Roychowdhury R.; Kumar M.; Kumar D.; Singh J.; Singh S.K.; Dixit B.; Kumar A. (2024). From orchard to table: Significance of fruit microbiota in postharvest diseases management of citrus fruits, Food Control, 165() DOI
2024 Mondal D.; Awana M.; Mandal S.; Pandit K.; Singh A.; Syeunda C.O.; Thandapilly S.J.; Krishnan V. (2024). Functional foods with a tailored glycemic response based on food matrix and its interactions: Can it be a reality?, Food Chemistry: X, 22() DOI
2024 Goyal D.; Jyoti A.; Kaur M.; Dhir S.; Rasane P.; Gunjal M.; Kaur S.; Ullah R.; Ercisli S.; Choudhary R.; Singh J. (2024). Unveiling the therapeutic potential of corn silk against hypertension: A critical review, Food Bioscience, 62() DOI
2024 Dinkar V.; Pandey S.; Kumar A.; Shiv A.; Lal D.; Bharati A.; Joshi A.; Adhikari S.; Aparna; Singh A.; Pandey P.K.; Chandra A.K. (2024). Epigenetic regulations under plant stress: A cereals perspective, Environmental and Experimental Botany, 220() DOI
2024 Das T.K.; Behera B.; Nath C.P.; Ghosh S.; Sen S.; Raj R.; Ghosh S.; Sharma A.R.; Yaduraju N.T.; Nalia A.; Dutta A.; Kumar N.; Singh R.; Pathak H.; Singh R.G.; Hazra K.K.; Ghosh P.K.; Layek J.; Patra A.; Paramanik B. (2024). Herbicides use in crop production: An analysis of cost-benefit, non-target toxicities and environmental risks, Crop Protection, 181() DOI
2024 Sharma S.; Bindraban P.S.; Dimkpa C.O.; Pandey R. (2024). Phosphorus fertilizer: from commodity to speciality — from fertilizing the field to fertilizing the plant, Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 90() DOI
2024 Ambaye T.G.; Hassani A.; Vaccari M.; Franzetti A.; Prasad S.; Formicola F.; Rosatelli A.; Rehman M.Z.U.; Mohanakrishna G.; Ganachari S.V.; Aminabhavi T.M.; Rtimi S. (2024). Emerging technologies for the removal of pesticides from contaminated soils and their reuse in agriculture, Chemosphere (Chemosphere - Global Change Science), 362() DOI
2024 Debnath S.; Muthuraj M.; Bandyopadhyay T.K.; Bobby M.N.; Vanitha K.; Tiwari O.N.; Bhunia B. (2024). Engineering strategies and applications of cyanobacterial exopolysaccharides: A review on past achievements and recent perspectives, Carbohydrate Polymers, 328() DOI
2024 Sarkar P.; Bandyopadhyay T.K.; Gopikrishna K.; Nath Tiwari O.; Bhunia B.; Muthuraj M. (2024). Algal carbohydrates: Sources, biosynthetic pathway, production, and applications, Bioresource Technology (Biological Wastes), 413() DOI
2024 Behl K.; Jaiswal P.; Pabbi S. (2024). Recent advances in microbial and nano-formulations for effective delivery and agriculture sustainability, Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, 58() DOI
2024 Verma P.; Sen R.; Bamanna A.; Elhindawy M.; Nagpal K.; Krishnan V. (2024). Structural chemistry to therapeutic functionality: A comprehensive review on proanthocyanidins, Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, 55() DOI
2024 Varghese E.M.; Kour B.; Ramya S.; Krishna P.D.; Nazla K.A.; Sudheer K.; Anith K.N.; Jisha M.S.; Ramakrishnan B. (2024). Rice in acid sulphate soils: Role of microbial interactions in crop and soil health management, Applied Soil Ecology, 196() DOI
2024 Yadav M.; Vashisht B.B.; Vullaganti N.; Kumar P.; Jalota S.K.; Kumar A.; Kaushik P. (2024). UAV-enabled approaches for irrigation scheduling and water body characterization, Agricultural Water Management, 304() DOI
2024 Harisha R.; Balakrishnan A.P.; Manjunath K.K.; Bhavya B.; Singhal S.; Shivakumar H.B.; Ahlawat A.K.; Singh S.K.; Singh A.M. (2024). Polyphenol oxidase (PPO) in wheat (Triticum aestivum): a systematic review on bioactivity, inheritance, functionality and their effects on end products, Cereal Research Communications, () DOI
2024 Dhaliwal S.S.; Dubey S.K.; Kumar D.; Toor A.S.; Walia S.S.; Randhawa M.K.; Kaur G.; Brar S.K.; Khambalkar P.A.; Shivey Y.S. (2024). Enhanced Organic Carbon Triggers Transformations of Macronutrients, Micronutrients, and Secondary Plant Nutrients and Their Dynamics in the Soil under Different Cropping Systems-A Review, Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 24(3) DOI
2024 Chavan S.B.; Uthappa A.R.; Chichaghare A.R.; Ramanan S.S.; Kumar R.; Keerthika A.; Arunachalam A.; Hegde R.; Jinger D.; Meena V.S.; Kumar M.; Harisha C.B.; Kakade V.D.; Morade A.S.; Rawale G.B.; Singh R.; Reddy K.S. (2024). Past, present and future of Indian sandalwood (Santalum album) cultivation and commercial prospects, Discover Applied Sciences, 6(12) DOI
2024 Rana L.; Kumar M.; Rajput J.; Kumar N.; Sow S.; Kumar S.; Kumar A.; Singh S.N.; Jha C.K.; Singh A.K.; Ranjan S.; Sahoo R.; Samanta D.; Nath D.; Panday R.; Raigar B.L. (2024). Nexus between nanotechnology and agricultural production systems: challenges and future prospects, Discover Applied Sciences, 6(11) DOI
2024 Sahoo R.; Sow S.; Ranjan S.; Dharminder; Kumar R.; Roy D.K.; Kumar S.; Kumar A.; Srivastava R.K.; Prasad R.; Padhan S.R.; Nath D. (2024). Unveiling the potential of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) in phytoremediation of heavy metal, Discover Applied Sciences, 6(6) DOI
2024 Meena B.R.; Biswas K.K. (2024). Status of the major aphid-transmitted viruses of pulse crops in India, Indian Phytopathology, 77(3) DOI
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2024 Chaudhary S.; Lal M.; Sagar S.; Sharma S.; Kumar M. (2024). Black scurf of potato: Insights into biology, diagnosis, detection, host-pathogen interaction, and management strategies, Tropical Plant Pathology, 49(2) DOI
2024 Lal M.K.; Tiwari R.K.; Adavi S.B.; Kumar A.; Bamatov I.; Ivanova E.; Behera L.; Jena R.; Kumar R. (2024). Deciphering phenomics approaches for understanding plant–microbe interactions in nutrient absorption and utilization, Plant Physiology Reports (Indian Journal of Plant Physiology), 29(4) DOI
2024 Gothe R.M.; Karrem A.; Gowda R.S.R.; Onkarappa D.; Jaba J.; Ahn S.-J.; Pathour S.; Yogendra K.; Bheemanahalli R. (2024). Decoding plant defense: accelerating insect pest resistance with omics and high-throughput phenotyping, Plant Physiology Reports (Indian Journal of Plant Physiology), 29(4) DOI
2024 Sruthy K.S.; Puranik S.; Kumar V.; Kaushik A.; Vikram K.V.; Manoj M.; Shukla L.; Singh S.K.; Kumar A. (2024). Recent developments in microbial degradation of crop residues: a comprehensive review, International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, () DOI
2024 Vishwanath P.P.; Bidaramali V.; Lata S.; Yadav R.K. (2024). Transcriptomics: illuminating the molecular landscape of vegetable crops: a review, Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, () DOI
2024 Dutta S.; Paul D.; Das A.; Kumar S.; Roy A.; Barua A.; Chinnusamy V. (2024). Directed mutagenesis in plants through genome editing using guide RNA library, Nucleus (India), 67(1) DOI
2024 Kumar A.; Subbaiah M.; Roy J.; Phogat S.; Kaushik M.; Saini M.R.; Madhavan J.; Sevanthi A.M.; Mandal P.K. (2024). Strategies to utilize genome editing for increasing nitrogen use efficiency in crops, Nucleus (India), 67(1) DOI
2024 Gowthami R.; Rajasekharan P.E.; Chander S.; Shankar M.; Srivastava V.; Agrawal A. (2024). Cryopreservation of two-celled pollen: a model system for studying the cellular mechanisms of cryoinjury and recovery, 3 Biotech, 14(12) DOI
2024 Reddy M.K.; Asthana R.; Debnath S.; Ray P.; Mandal N.; Arunachalam A.; Koduru J.R. (2024). Nanofertilizers for Sustainable Crop Production: A Comprehensive Review, BioNanoScience, 14(2) DOI
2024 Srivastava V.; Pradheep K.; Ranjan P.; Gowthami R.; Ranjan J.K.; Chandora R.; Shekhawat N.; Semwal D.P.; Agrawal A.; Singh S.K.; Singh G.P. (2024). Unveiling the bountiful treasures of India’s fruit genetic resources, Food Security, 16(6) DOI
2024 Amaresh G.; Nunavath A.; Appunu C.; Viswanathan C.; Kumar R.; Gujjar R.S.; Manimekalai R. (2024). Advanced Genome Editing Technologies: Potentials and Prospects in Improvement of Sugar crops, Sugar Tech, () DOI
2024 Sharma P.; Gupta P.; Gill A.R.; Kumar S.; Kumar P.; Singhal P.; Gupta M.; Singh R.; Sharma V.; Khan S.; Dhama K.; Sharma A.; Ramniwas S.; Sharma R.K.; Sharma A.K. (2024). Current Paradigms in Understanding Neuron Fluctuations, Factors, Regulation, Pathophysiology of Epilepsy: Advancements in Diagnosis, Treatment and Management—An Update, Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry, () DOI
2024 Joshi D.D.; Deb L.; Kaul K.; Somkuwar B.G.; Rana V.S.; Singh R. (2024). Relevance of Indian Traditional Herbal Brews for Gut Microbiota Balance, Indian Journal of Microbiology, 64(4) DOI
2024 Ali A.; Mendez T.; Anees K.; Prasath D. (2024). Advances in curcuminoids extraction, stability, and bioaccessibility from foods: a brief review, Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 18(6) DOI
2024 Ramlal A.; Mehta S.; Nautiyal A.; Baweja P.; Shivam; Sharma D.; Lal S.K.; Vijayan R.; Raju D.; Subramaniam S.; Rajendran A. (2024). Androgenesis in soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.): a critical revisit, In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology - Plant, 60(1) DOI
2024 Lal S.K.; Gaggar P.; Kumar S.; Mallikarjuna M.G.; Vishwakarma C.; Rakshit S.; Pandey A.; Achary V.M.M.; Mehta S. (2024). Recent Advancements in Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Crop Plants Achieved by Genomics and Targeted Genetic Engineering Approaches, Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 42(3) DOI
2024 Nagesh C.R.; Prashat G R.; Goswami S.; Bharadwaj C.; Praveen S.; Ramesh S.V.; Vinutha T. (2024). Sulfate transport and metabolism: strategies to improve the seed protein quality, Molecular Biology Reports, 51(1) DOI
2024 Gouda M.N.R.; Jeevan H.; Shashank H.G. (2024). CRISPR/Cas9: a cutting-edge solution for combatting the fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda, Molecular Biology Reports, 51(1) DOI
2024 Barik S.; Kumar Sharma S.; Naresh P.; Kumar Karna A.; Ganesan S.; Kumar Acharya L.; Chandra Acharya G. (2024). A Critical Insight into the Breeding for Resistance to Bacterial Diseases in Pepper (Capsicum spp.), Journal of Crop Health, 76(5) DOI
2024 Kruthika S.; Ashu A.; Anand A.; Sammi Reddy K.; Vara Prasad P.V.; Gurumurthy S. (2024). Unveiling the Role of Root Exudates in Plant Adaptation to Drought and Heat Stress, Journal of Crop Health, 76(5) DOI
2024 Shil S.; Das S.; Tani M.; Rime J.; Sow S.; Haokip S.W.; Sheikh K.A.; Bhargava M.S.; Pertin O.; Singh S. (2024). Unlocking Nature’s Stress Reliever: The Role of Melatonin in Enhancing the Resilience of Fruit Crops Against Abiotic Stress, Applied Fruit Science, 66(6) DOI
2024 Ali A.; Dhillon A.; Sharma N.; Chandana M.R.; M M.; Vishwakarma P.K.; Chavda D. (2024). Exploring Dragon Fruit in India: From Taxonomy to Nutritional Benefits and Sustainable Cultivation Practices, Applied Fruit Science, 66(4) DOI
2024 Phani V.; Gowda M.T.; Dutta T.K. (2024). Grafting vegetable crops to manage plant-parasitic nematodes: a review, Journal of Pest Science, 97(2) DOI
2024 Nandi S.; Varotariya K.; Luhana S.; Kyada A.D.; Saha A.; Roy N.; Sharma N.; Rambabu D. (2024). GWAS for identification of genomic regions and candidate genes in vegetable crops, Functional and Integrative Genomics, 24(6) DOI
2024 Sunani S.K.; Koti P.S.; Sunitha N.C.; Choudhary M.; Jeevan B.; Anilkumar C.; Raghu S.; Gadratagi B.G.; Bag M.K.; Acharya L.K.; Ram D.; Bashyal B.M.; Das Mohapatra S. (2024). Ustilaginoidea virens, an emerging pathogen of rice: the dynamic interplay between the pathogen virulence strategies and host defense, Planta, 260(4) DOI
2024 Rakesh V.; Ghosh A. (2024). Advancements in genetically modified insect pest-resistant crops in India, Planta, 260(4) DOI
2024 Kaur S.; Kumari A.; Seem K.; Kaur G.; Kumar D.; Verma S.; Singh N.; Kumar A.; Kumar M.; Jaiswal S.; Bhardwaj R.; Singh B.K.; Riar A. (2024). Finger millet (Eleusine coracana L.): from staple to superfood—a comprehensive review on nutritional, bioactive, industrial, and climate resilience potential, Planta, 260(3) DOI
2024 Kapoor C.; Anamika; Mukesh Sankar S.; Singh S.P.; Singh N.; Kumar S. (2024). Omics-driven utilization of wild relatives for empowering pre-breeding in pearl millet, Planta, 259(6) DOI
2024 Shakespear S.; Sivaji M.; Kumar V.; Arumugam Pillai M.; Wani S.H.; Penna S.; Yasin J.K. (2024). Navigating Through Harsh Conditions: Coordinated Networks of Plant Adaptation to Abiotic Stress, Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, () DOI
2024 Yadav P.; Nehra A.; Kalwan G.; Bhardwaj D.; Yasheshwar; Rani V.; Agarwala N.; Tuteja N.; Gill R.; Ansari M.W.; Gill S.S. (2024). Harnessing Jasmonate, Salicylate, and Microbe Synergy for Abiotic Stress Resilience in Crop Plants, Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, () DOI
2024 Sultana R.; Imam Z.; Kumar R.R.; Banu V.S.; Nahakpam S.; Bharti R.; Bharadwaj C.; Singh A.K.; Pasala R.K.; Singh D.R.; Siddiqui M.W. (2024). Signaling and Defence Mechanism of Jasmonic and Salicylic Acid Response in Pulse Crops: Role of WRKY Transcription Factors in Stress Response, Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, () DOI
2024 Rao D.; Rajput P.; Choudhary R.; Yadav S.; Yadav S.K.; Rajput V.D.; Minkina T.; Ercisli S.; Matić S. (2024). Multifaceted Characteristics of Biochar and Its Implementation in Environmental Management in a Sustainable Way, Environmental Quality Management, 34(1) DOI
2024 Yadav S.; Meena S.; Kalwan G.; Jain P.K. (2024). DNA methylation: an emerging paradigm of gene regulation under drought stress in plants, Molecular Biology Reports, 51(1) DOI
2023 Chinnusamy V.; Schepler-Luu V.; Mangrauthia S.K.; Ramesh S.V. (2023). Genome editing in plants: a tool for precision breeding and functional genomics, Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 32(4) DOI
2023 Kumar A.; Choudhary S.; Lyngdoh Y.A.; Baranwal V.K.; Jain R.K.; Basavaraj Y.B. (2023). Evidence for the natural infection of cucurbit chlorotic yellows virus (CCYV) in lettuce plants from India, Virus Disease, 34(4) DOI
2023 Garg K.; Dhar S.; Sharma V.K.; Meena R.P.; Bamboriya S.D. (2023). Effect of enriched FYM and rice residue compost on growth, productivity and economics of pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 93(12) DOI
2023 Mahendran A.; Yadav M.C.; Tiwari S.; Bairwa R.K.; Krishnan S.G.; Rana M.K.; Singh R.; Mondal T.K. (2023). Population structure and genetic differentiation analyses reveal high level of diversity and allelic richness in crop wild relatives of AA genome species of rice (Oryza sativa L.) in India, Journal of Applied Genetics, 64(4) DOI
2023 Yadava Y.K.; Chaudhary P.; Yadav S.; Rizvi A.H.; Kumar T.; Srivastava R.; Soren K.R.; Bharadwaj C.; Srinivasan R.; Singh N.K.; Jain P.K. (2023). Genetic mapping of quantitative trait loci associated with drought tolerance in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), Scientific Reports, 13(1) DOI
2023 Prakash B.; Rao S.V.R.; Raju M.V.L.N.; Hossain F.; Khulbe R.K.; Vignesh M.; Paul S.S.; Kannan A.; Kumar S.P.; Rakshit S. (2023). Effect of feeding low phytate maize on performance, bone-breaking strength, and intestinal phosphorus transporters in slow-growing chickens during starter phase, Journal of Applied Poultry Research, 32(4) DOI
2023 Mulagund J.; Vishwakarma P.K.; Dinesh M.R.; Vasugi C.; Rekha A.; Ravishankar K.V. (2023). In Situ Induction of Polyploidy in Guava (Psidium guajava L.), Erwerbs-Obstbau, 65(6) DOI
2023 Kachapur R.M.; Patil N.L.; Talekar S.C.; Wali M.C.; Naidu G.; Salakinakop S.R.; Harlapur S.I.; Bhat J.S.; Kuchanur P.H. (2023). Importance of mega-environments in evaluation and identification of climate resilient maize hybrids (Zea mays L.), PLoS ONE, 18(12-Dec) DOI
2023 Vinod B.R.; Asrey R.; Rudra S.G.; Urhe S.B.; Mishra S. (2023). Chickpea as a promising ingredient substitute in gluten-free bread making: An overview of technological and nutritional benefits, Food Chemistry Advances, 3() DOI
2023 Sharma S.; Sinha R.; Singh A.K.; Meena Y.; Pongener A.; Sharma R.; Behera T.K.; Barman K. (2023). An umbrella review on ethnomedicinal, pharmacological and phytochemical profile of pointed gourd (Trichosanthes dioica Roxb.): A bioactive healthy vegetable of Indian subcontinent, Food Chemistry Advances, 3() DOI
2023 Wang Y.; Lv X.; Sheng D.; Hou X.; Mandal S.; Liu X.; Zhang P.; Shen S.; Wang P.; Krishna Jagadish S.V.; Huang S. (2023). Heat-dependent postpollination limitations on maize pollen tube growth and kernel sterility, Plant Cell and Environment, 46(12) DOI
2023 Rawat S.; Kalia P.; Sahi A.N. (2023). Optimization of Brassica oleracea var. Pusa Snowball Using Seedling Explants for the in vitro Regeneration Protocol, Annals of Agri Bio Research, 28(2) DOI
2023 Sahoo M.; Titikshya S.; Aradwad P.; Kumar M.; Kumar V.; Naik S.N. (2023). Microwave drying of bitter yam (Dioscorea bulbifera): An approach of MATLAB image processing to comprehend moisture diffusion process, Journal of Food Process Engineering, 46(12) DOI
2023 Saha B.; Eliason K.; Golui D.; Masud J.; Bezbaruah A.N.; Iskander S.M. (2023). Rare earth elements in sands collected from Southern California sea beaches, Chemosphere (Chemosphere - Global Change Science), 344() DOI
2023 Ahuja A.; Somvanshi V.S. (2023). Microsatellite Markers and their Utilization for Population Genetics of Plant Parasitic and Entomopathogenic Nematodes, Indian Journal of Nematology, 53(2) DOI
2023 Patel A.; Singh K.P.; Roul A.K.; Mahore A.; Nalawade R.D.; Singh A.K. (2023). Development and validation of an automatic recording microcontroller-based pendulum impact cutter, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 93(12) DOI
2023 Bhat A.H.; Shah M.D.; Padder B.A.; Shah Z.A.; Dar E.A.; Fayaz U.; Nain M.S.; Ali M.A.; Al-Hemaid F.M.; Stępień P.; Ahmed M.A.A.; Salama E.A.A. (2023). Morphological, pathogenic and genetic diversity in Diplodia seriata associated with black rot canker of apple in India, Scientific Reports, 13(1) DOI
2023 Mallik S.K.; Pathak R.; Shahi N.; Kala K.; Chandra S.; Das P.; Singh B.; Singh M.; Giri A.K.; Tandel R.S.; Sarma D.; Pandey P.K. (2023). Pathological analysis and antimicrobial susceptibility of Chryseobacterium balustinum RTFCP 298 isolated from diseased rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Scientific Reports, 13(1) DOI
2023 Jailani A.A.K.; Chattopadhyay A.; Kumar P.; Singh O.W.; Mukherjee S.K.; Roy A.; Sanan-Mishra N.; Mandal B. (2023). Accelerated Long-Fragment Circular PCR for Genetic Manipulation of Plant Viruses in Unveiling Functional Genomics, Viruses, 15(12) DOI
2023 Reddy Y.N.; Gurjar M.S.; Kumar T.P.J.; Saharan M.S.; Kumar S.; Khokhar M.K.; Kumar N.; Aggarwal R. (2023). Evaluation of indigenous accessions of wheat for spot blotch resistance at the seedling and adult plant stage, Indian Phytopathology, 76(4) DOI
2023 Dam A.; Chatterjee S.; Sarkar D.; Kumar P. (2023). Trends in Production of Pulses and Oilseeds Over Last Two Decades in Eastern India, Economic Affairs (New Delhi), 68(4) DOI
2023 Kumar R.; Gupta A.; Meena R.K.; Bashyal B.M.; Verma K.; Singh A. (2023). Susceptibility of different Basmati rice varieties to bakanae disease and it’s integrated management in rice cultivar Pusa Basmati 1121, Indian Phytopathology, 76(4) DOI
2023 Rao G.P.; Dubey D.; Prabha K.; Reddy M.G. (2023). First report of a ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris’ strain associated with trailing Lantana species from India, Phytopathogenic Mollicutes, 13(2) DOI
2023 Arunadevi K.; Singh M.; Khanna M.; Mishra A.K.; Prajapati V.K.; Denny F.; Ramachandran J.; Maruthi Sankar G.R. (2023). Soil-Matric-Potential-Based Irrigation Scheduling to Increase Yield and Water Productivity of Okra, Water, 15(24) DOI
2023 Singh V.K.; Shekhawat K.; Singh R.K.; Babu S.; Upadhyay P.K.; Rai P.K.; Kumar A.; Awasthi N.K.; Rathore S.S. (2023). Optimizing polyhalite (POLY-4) use in the maize-wheat system: A comparative case study from upper and Trans Indo-Gangetic plains of India, Heliyon, 9(12) DOI
2023 Biswas B.; Thakur K.; Pote T.D.; Sharma K.D.; Krishnan S.G.; Singh A.K.; Sharma T.R.; Rathour R. (2023). Genetic and molecular analysis of leaf blast resistance in Tetep derived line RIL4 and its relationship to genes at Pita/Pita 2 locus, Scientific Reports, 13(1) DOI
2023 Shivakumara K.T.; Keerthi M.C.; Shashank P.R.; Komal J.; Polaiah A.C.; Ramya R.S.; Venkatesan T.; Sagar D.; Casini R.; Moussa I.M.; Elansary H.O.; El-Sabrout A.M. (2023). Detection and molecular characterization of Copamyntis obliquifasciella (Hampson, 1896) infesting medicinal plant, Cassia fistula L from India, Journal of Applied Research on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, 37() DOI
2023 Aamir M.; Shanmugam V.; Dubey M.K.; Husain F.M.; Adil M.; Ansari W.A.; Rai A.; Sah P. (2023). Transcriptomic characterization of Trichoderma harzianum T34 primed tomato plants: assessment of biocontrol agent induced host specific gene expression and plant growth promotion, BMC Plant Biology, 23(1) DOI
2023 Dutta T.K.; Ray S.; Phani V. (2023). The status of the CRISPR/Cas9 research in plant–nematode interactions, Planta, 258(6) DOI
2023 Uma G.S.; Saakre M.; Singh J.; Kalia V.K. (2023). Double-stranded RNA mediated knockdown of sucrase gene induced mortality and reduced offspring production in Aphis gossypii, Functional and Integrative Genomics, 23(4) DOI
2023 Kumar D.; Ramkumar M.K.; Dutta B.; Kumar A.; Pandey R.; Jain P.K.; Gaikwad K.; Mishra D.C.; Chaturvedi K.K.; Rai A.; Solanke A.U.; Sevanthi A.M. (2023). Integration of miRNA dynamics and drought tolerant QTLs in rice reveals the role of miR2919 in drought stress response, BMC Genomics, 24(1) DOI
2023 Roy A.; Das T.K.; Dass A.; Bhattacharyya R.; Bhatia A.; Maity P.P.; Sudhishri S.; Raj R.; Prabhu G.; Sen S.; Rathi N.; Sharma T.; Saha P. (2023). Conservation agriculture, nitrogen and residual sulphur effects on maize (Zea mays) growth and yield in a long-term maize-Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) system, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 93(12) DOI
2023 Sharma C.; Rani E.; Kesharwani A.K.; Singh D.; Srivastava R.; Sharma S.N. (2023). Hydrothermally prepared phytofabricated magnetite nanoparticles for its potential antimicrobial application in disease management of agricultural crops, Inorganic Chemistry Communications, 158() DOI
2023 Nayak S.; Shivay Y.S.; Prasanna R.; Mandi S.; Parveen S.; Baral K.; Reddy K.S. (2023). Soil and foliar application of Zn enhances its biofortification, bioavailability and productivity in both biofortified and non-biofortified wheat varieties, Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 124() DOI
2023 Dutta T.K.; Vashisth N.; Ray S.; Phani V.; Chinnusamy V.; Sirohi A. (2023). Functional analysis of a susceptibility gene (HIPP27) in the Arabidopsis thaliana-Meloidogyne incognita pathosystem by using a genome editing strategy, BMC Plant Biology, 23(1) DOI
2023 Limbalkar O.M.; Vasisth P.; Singh G.; Jain P.; Sharma M.; Singh R.; Dhanasekaran G.; Kumar M.; Meena M.L.; Iquebal M.A.; Jaiswal S.; Rao M.; Watts A.; Bhattacharya R.; Singh K.H.; Kumar D.; Singh N. (2023). Dissection of QTLs conferring drought tolerance in B. carinata derived B. juncea introgression lines, BMC Plant Biology, 23(1) DOI
2023 Singh N.; Sharma R.M.; Dubey A.K.; Awasthi O.P.; Porat R.; Saha S.; Bharadwaj C.; Sevanthi A.M.; Kumar A.; Sharma N.; Carmi N. (2023). Harvesting Maturity Assessment of Newly Developed Citrus Hybrids (Citrus maxima Merr. × Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck) for Optimum Juice Quality, Plants-Basel, 12(23) DOI
2023 Pillai S.N.; Dutta D.; Ghasal P.C.; Natesan R.; Chaudhary V.P.; Kumar S.; Meena L.R.; Singh O.; Brahmdutt; Mandal V.P.; Singh S.; Sunita K. (2023). A Composite Index to Assess the Climate-Carbon-Yield-Sustainability of Cereal Based Cropping System, International Journal of Plant Production, 17(4) DOI
2023 Sharma V.K.; Srivastava A.; Mangal M.; Pandey C.D.; Sharma V.P.; Gautam R.K.; Rana J.; Kumar A. (2023). Phenotyping of wild species and development of interspecific hybrids for resistance against Chilli leaf curl virus disease in chilli, Acta Horticulturae, (1384) DOI
2023 Karshanal J.; Kalia V.K. (2023). Endophytic establishment of native Bacillus thuringiensis strain in maize plants and its efficacy against Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest Control, 33(1) DOI
2023 Prasad R.D.; Prasad R.J.; Shrivastav R.K.; Charmode N.; Pande R.S.; Mamidpelliwar P.M.; Shrivastav O.P.; Prasad S.R.; Walujkar S.A.; Tamboli U.; Banga S.; Nazeruddin G.M.; Shaikh Y.I.; Shaikh A.; Prasad R.Y.; Sarvalkar P. (2023). A Review on Concept of Veterinary Biotechnology and Livestock Products in Medicine, ES Food and Agroforestry, 14() DOI
2023 Majumdar A. (2023). Molecular techniques for the improvement of microbial biocontrol agents against plant pathogens, Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest Control, 33(1) DOI
2023 Altaf M.A.; Naz S.; Kumar R.; Sardar H.; Nawaz M.A.; Kumar A.; Lal P.; Ahmad R.; Hayat F.; Wani M.A.; Tiwari R.K.; Lal M.K. (2023). Unraveling the mechanisms of cadmium toxicity in horticultural plants: Implications for plant health, South African Journal of Botany, 163() DOI
2023 Singh D.; Kaushik R.; Chakdar H.; Saxena A.K. (2023). Unveiling novel insights into haloarchaea (Halolamina pelagica CDK2) for alleviation of drought stress in wheat, World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology, 39(12) DOI
2023 Singh S.; Nebapure S.M.; Taria S.; Sagar D.; Subramanian S. (2023). Current status of phosphine resistance in Indian field populations of Tribolium castaneum and its influence on antioxidant enzyme activities, Scientific Reports, 13(1) DOI
2023 Fletcher R.A.; Atwater D.Z.; Haak D.C.; Bagavathiannan M.V.; DiTommaso A.; Lehnhoff E.; Paterson A.H.; Auckland S.; Govindasamy P.; Lemke C.; Morris E.; Rainville L.; Barney J.N. (2023). Adaptive constraints at the range edge of a widespread and expanding invasive plant, AoB PLANTS, 15(6) DOI
2023 Golui D.; Raza M.B.; Roy A.; Mandal J.; Sahu A.K.; Ray P.; Datta S.P.; Rahman M.M.; Bezbaruah A. (2023). Arsenic in the Soil-Plant-Human Continuum in Regions of Asia: Exposure and Risk Assessment, Current Pollution Reports, 9(4) DOI
2023 Yadav P.; Santosh Kumar V.V.; Priya J.; Yadav S.K.; Nagar S.; Singh M.; Chinnusamy V. (2023). A Versatile Protocol for Efficient Transformation and Regeneration in Mega Indica Rice Cultivar MTU1010: Optimization through Hormonal Variables, Methods and Protocols, 6(6) DOI
2023 Choudhary J.; Mishra J.; Pankaj; Khar A.; Kaushik P.; Shakil N.A.; Rana V.S. (2023). Variation of oil contents and chemical compositions in clonal selections of Allium sativum, Medicinal Plants, 15(4) DOI
2023 Bhukya J.; Mohapatra D.; Naik R. (2023). Influence of low temperature hydrodynamic cavitation treatment on shelf life of ascorbic acid-treated sugarcane juice, Journal of Food Process Engineering, 46(12) DOI
2023 Kaur S.; Das A.; Sheoran S.; Rakshit S. (2023). QTL Meta-Analysis: An Approach to Detect Robust and Precise QTL, Tropical Plant Biology, 16(4) DOI
2023 Chaithra M.; Prameeladevi T.; Kamil D. (2023). Detection of a PCR-based mating type for native intraspecific Beauveria bassiana isolates, Journal of Phytopathology, 171(11-Dec) DOI
2023 Kumar K.A.; Singh R.D.; Sahu S.K. (2023). Influence of land use on soil microbial communities of sub Himalayas of India: insights from phospholipid fatty acid profiles, ribosomal intergenic spacer profiles, soil enzymes, and carbon pools, Agroforestry Systems, 97(8) DOI
2023 Mominzai M.A.; Rahmatzai N.; Kamil D.; Saharan M.S. (2023). Incidence and management of wheat seed borne fungi collected from Baghlan Province, Afghanistan, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 93(12) DOI
2023 SG L.; Sethi S.; BK P.; Nayak S.L.; M M. (2023). Ornamental plant extracts: Application in food colouration and packaging, antioxidant, antimicrobial and pharmacological potential–A concise review, Food Chemistry Advances, 3() DOI
2023 Mandal S.; Gogoi M.; Deb S.; Datta D.; Sarkar D.; Roy D.; Sinha A.K.; Choudhury A. (2023). Surface Soil Moisture Estimation during Dry Winter in the Terai Region of Eastern India: Use of Trapezoid Models based on Landsat 8 and Sentinel 2 Data, Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science, 71(4) DOI
2023 Padala V.K.; Ramya N.; Kumar M.; Rajna S.; Rajashekhar M.; Venkatesh Y.; Raut S.; Chander S.; Singh I.; Monobrullah M. (2023). Spatial distribution and optimum sample size for monitoring of water lily aphid Rhopalosiphum nymphaeae (L.) in Makhana Euryale ferox Salisb, International Journal of Tropical Insect Science, 43(6) DOI
2023 Kalwan G.; Priyadarshini P.; Kumar K.; Yadava Y.K.; Yadav S.; Kohli D.; Gill S.S.; Gaikwad K.; Hegde V.; Jain P.K. (2023). Genome wide identification and characterization of the amino acid transporter (AAT) genes regulating seed protein content in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 252() DOI
2023 Dutta T.K.; Akhil V.S.; Dash M.; Kundu A.; Phani V.; Sirohi A. (2023). Molecular and functional characterization of chemosensory genes from the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne graminicola, BMC Genomics, 24(1) DOI
2023 Sau A.K.; Tanwar A.K.; Dhillon M.K. (2023). Hibernation induced biochemical changes in spotted stem borer Chilo partellus, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 93(12) DOI
2023 Tyagi K.; V P.; Tyagi P.; Kumari A.; Pandey R.; Meena N.L.; Khan M.I.R.; Tyagi A.; Maheshwari C. (2023). Seed priming with melatonin induces rhizogenesis and modulates physio-biochemical traits in high-yielding rice (Oryza sativa L.) genotypes, South African Journal of Botany, 163() DOI
2023 Altaf M.A.; Shahid R.; Lal P.; Ahmad R.; Zulfiqar F.; Kumar A.; Hayat F.; Kumar R.; Lal M.K.; Naz S.; Tiwari R.K. (2023). Current understanding of boosting power of salicylic acid for abiotic stress tolerance in horticultural crops, South African Journal of Botany, 163() DOI
2023 Chauhan S.S.A.; Choudhary H.; Yadav R.K.; Basavaraj Y.B.; Ellur R.K.; Gupta N.C. (2023). Genetic study of fruit quality traits in watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) prebred line derived from Citrullus lanatus var. citroid, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 93(12) DOI
2023 Nuzaiba P.M.; Nirmal T.; Arya P.; Varghese T.; Gupta S.; Sahu N.P.; Srivastava P.P. (2023). Impact of dietary soybean inclusion on the endocrine disruptive effect in female brood stock of Cyprinus carpio, Aquaculture, 577() DOI
2023 Bhattacharjee S.; Bhowmick R.; Paul K.; Venkat Raman K.; Jaiswal S.; Tilgam J.; Saakre M.; Kumari P.; Baaniya M.; Vijayan J.; Sreevathsa R.; Pattanayak D. (2023). Identification, characterization, and comprehensive expression profiling of floral master regulators in pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan [L.] Millspaugh), Functional and Integrative Genomics, 23(4) DOI
2023 Selvaraj V.; Suryanarayana V.; Venkataravanappa V.; Rao G.P.; Mandal B. (2023). DIAGNOSIS OF PHYTOPLASMA ASSOCIATED WITH THE SANDALWOOD SPIKE DISEASE, Indian Journal of Entomology, 85(4) DOI
2023 Meena P.N.; Meena A.K. (2023). Management of stem rot disease of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) by alternate fungicides, Indian Phytopathology, 76(4) DOI
2023 Chakraborty S.; Beura M.; Sharma S.K.; Singh A.; Dahuja A.; Krishnan V. (2023). Lentinan, β-glucan from Shiitake (Lentinula edodes): A review on structure, conformational transition, and gastro-intestinal interaction contributing towards its anti-diabetic potential, Trends in Food Science & Technology, 142() DOI
2023 Chowdhury M.; Kushwah A.; Satpute A.N.; Singh S.K.; Patil A.K. (2023). A Comprehensive Review on Potential Application of Nanomaterials in the Field of Agricultural Engineering, Journal of Biosystems Engineering, 48(4) DOI
2023 Daniel G.A.; Shivashankara K.S. (2023). Metabolite changes during the development of ovaries in monoembryonic and polyembryonic mango (Mangifera indica L.) genotypes, Plant Physiology Reports (Indian Journal of Plant Physiology), 28(4) DOI
2023 Archana H.R.; Vijay D.; Manjunath Prasad C.T.; Ahmad D.; Arun Kumar M.B.; Bhowmick P.K.; Sinha S.K.; Sharma D.K.; Sushmitha L.C. (2023). Influence of spermidine priming on rice (Oryza sativa) seed germinability and vigour under heat stress, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 93(12) DOI
2023 Tiwari D.; Anand N.; Sharma S.; Kumar T.; Pandey R. (2023). A comparative analysis of root traits in diverse wheat seedlings screened under optimum and low nitrogen stress in hydroponics, Plant Physiology Reports (Indian Journal of Plant Physiology), 28(4) DOI
2023 Mehta S.; Rao M.; Bhattacharya R.C.; Akhtar J.; Yadav R.; Singh M.; Nallathambi P.; Meena P.D.; Gangwar G.P.; Harun M.; Gupta A.K. (2023). Novel Broad Range Resistance Sources Against Pan India Isolates of Albugo Candida Causing White Rust Disease of Oilseed Brassica, Gesunde Pflanzen, 75(6) DOI
2023 Wani O.A.; Akhter F.; Kumar S.S.; Babu S.; Kanth R.H.; Mir S.A.; Mahdi S.S.; Malik A.R.; Bangroo S.; Gaafar A.-R.Z.; Popescu S.M.; Rathore S.S. (2023). Mitigating Soil Erosion through Biomass-Derived Biochar: Exploring the Influence of Feedstock Types and Pyrolysis Temperature, Land, 12(12) DOI
2023 Amaresh; Subbaiyan G.K.; Vinod K.K.; Chinnusamy V.; Sevanthi A.C.R.M.V.; Dhandapani R.; Ellur R.K.; Bhowmick P.K.; Bollinedi H.; Umadevi P.; Senapati M.; Verma R.K.; Nagarajan M.; Dhawan G.; Kumar P.; Singh A.K. (2023). Phenotypic characterization of the novel seedling stage zebra leaf mutant, Pusa Zebra 18 in rice, Plant Physiology Reports (Indian Journal of Plant Physiology), 28(4) DOI
2023 Ashajyothi M.; Velmurugan S.; Kundu A.; Balamurugan A.; Chouhan V.; Kumar A. (2023). Hydroxamate siderophores secreted by plant endophytic Pseudomonas putida elicit defense against blast disease in rice incited by Magnaporthe oryzae, Letters in Applied Microbiology, 76(12) DOI
2023 Singh J.; Kumar D.; Chauhan S.; Dhillon H.K.; Kumar S.; Kumar V.; Kapoor R. (2023). Role of omics approaches in vegetable breeding for insect pest resistance, SN Applied Sciences, 5(12) DOI
2023 Muzamil M.; Mani I.; Rasool S.; Shukla L.; Nath S. (2023). Paddy straw collector-cum-chopper for in situ paddy straw management: A sustainable approach, International Journal of Recycling of Organic Waste in Agriculture, 12(4) DOI
2023 Pradhan G.; Meena R.S.; Kumar S.; Lal R. (2023). Utilizing industrial wastes as compost in wheat-rice production to improve the above and below-ground ecosystem services, Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 358() DOI
2023 Singh R.; Krishnan P.; Singh V.K.; Sah S.; Das B. (2023). Combining biophysical parameters with thermal and RGB indices using machine learning models for predicting yield in yellow rust affected wheat crop, Scientific Reports, 13(1) DOI
2023 Sahoo R.N.; Gakhar S.; Rejith R.G.; Verrelst J.; Ranjan R.; Kondraju T.; Meena M.C.; Mukherjee J.; Daas A.; Kumar S.; Kumar M.; Dhandapani R.; Chinnusamy V. (2023). Optimizing the Retrieval of Wheat Crop Traits from UAV-Borne Hyperspectral Image with Radiative Transfer Modelling Using Gaussian Process Regression, Remote Sensing, 15(23) DOI
2023 Pathak P.; Singh M.; Naskar A.; Singh S.K.; Bhardwaj N.; Kumar A. (2023). Isolation and Phenotypic Microarray Profiling of Different Pseudomonas Strains Isolated from the Rhizosphere of Curcuma longa L., Stresses, 3(4) DOI
2023 Padhan B.K.; Sathee L.; Kumar S.; Senapati M.; Chinnusamy V.; Gopala Krishnan S.; Kumar D.; Gupta N.C.; Kumar A. (2023). Nitrogen dose dependant changes in grain morphology parameters are correlated with grain protein and yield traits in field-grown diverse rice genotypes, Plant Physiology Reports (Indian Journal of Plant Physiology), 28(4) DOI
2023 Ramakrishnan M.; Zhou M.; Ceasar S.A.; Ali D.J.; Maharajan T.; Vinod K.K.; Sharma A.; Ahmad Z.; Wei Q. (2023). Epigenetic modifications and miRNAs determine the transition of somatic cells into somatic embryos, Plant Cell Reports, 42(12) DOI
2023 Padhan S.R.; Jat S.L.; Singh A.K.; Parihar C.M.; Pooniya V.; Kumar S.; Meena M.C.; Radheshyam; Kumar A.; Darjee S. (2023). Nitrogen dose and placement in conservation agriculture for augmenting crop growth, productivity and profitability of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 93(12) DOI
2023 Verma Y.; Datta S.C.; Mandzhieva S.S.; Jatav S.S.; Perelomov L.; Burachevskaya M.; Rajput V.D. (2023). Release Behavior of Phosphorus from Bentonite Clay-Polymer Composites with Varying Cross-Linker Levels, and Neutralization Degree, Eurasian Soil Science, 56() DOI
2023 Saurabh V.; Vathsala V.; Yadav S.K.; Sharma N.; Varghese E.; Saini V.; Singh S.P.; Dutta A.; Kaur C. (2023). Extraction and characterization of ultrasound assisted extraction: improved functional quality of pectin from jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.) peel waste, Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 17(6) DOI
2023 Kumar S.; Rajput L.S.; Nataraj V.; Shivakumar M.; Maheshwari H.S.; Nargund R.; Kumawat G.; Jaiswal S.; Singh J.K.; Kesharwani A.K.; Yadav M.K. (2023). First Report of Milkweed (Euphorbia geniculata) as an Alternative Host for Colletotrichum truncatum in Soybean Fields in India, Plant Disease (Plant Disease Reporter), 107(12) DOI
2023 Ghosh A.; Biswas D.R.; Bhattacharyya R.; Das S.; Das T.K.; Lal K.; Saha S.; Koli P.; Shi R.; Alam K.; Ren Y. (2023). Rice residue promotes mobilisation and plant acquisition of soil phosphorus under wheat (Triticum aestivum)-rice (Oryza sativa) cropping sequence in a semi-arid Inceptisol, Scientific Reports, 13(1) DOI
2023 Rai A.; Dubey K.; Han S.S. (2023). CENH3 mediated haploid induction: application and future perspectives in crop plants, Horticulture Environment and Biotechnology, 64(6) DOI
2023 Sharma D.; Kumari A.; Sharma P.; Singh A.; Sharma A.; Mir Z.A.; Kumar U.; Jan S.; Parthiban M.; Mir R.R.; Bhati P.; Pradhan A.K.; Yadav A.; Mishra D.C.; Budhlakoti N.; Yadav M.C.; Gaikwad K.B.; Singh A.K.; Singh G.P.; Kumar S. (2023). Meta-QTL analysis in wheat: progress, challenges and opportunities, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 136(12) DOI
2023 Dey P.; Khan M.R. (2023). Comparative Efficacy of Formulated Bioproducts against Meloidogyne incognita Infecting Bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L.), Indian Journal of Nematology, 53(2) DOI
2023 Rajkumari N.; Chowrasia S.; Nishad J.; Ganie S.A.; Mondal T.K. (2023). Metabolomics-mediated elucidation of rice responses to salt stress, Planta, 258(6) DOI
2023 Vishwakarma D.K.; Kumar R.; Abed S.A.; Al-Ansari N.; Kumar A.; Kushwaha N.L.; Yadav D.; Kumawat A.; Kuriqi A.; Alataway A.; Dewidar A.Z.; Mattar M.A. (2023). Modeling of soil moisture movement and wetting behavior under point-source trickle irrigation, Scientific Reports, 13(1) DOI
2023 Rajna S.; Praveen K.V.; Nebapure S.M. (2023). The Global Trend in Pesticide Research: A Bibliometric Analysis, Pesticide Research Journal, 35(2) DOI
2023 Prasanna J.A.; Mandal V.K.; Kumar D.; Chakraborty N.; Raghuram N. (2023). Nitrate-responsive transcriptome analysis of rice RGA1 mutant reveals the role of G-protein alpha subunit in negative regulation of nitrogen-sensitivity and use efficiency, Plant Cell Reports, 42(12) DOI
2023 Saleh H.M.M.; Dey D.; Tomar B.S. (2023). The hymenopterous parasitoids of the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae), on cruciferous vegetables in Delhi, India, Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest Control, 33(1) DOI
2023 Kumar A.; Ponmani S.; Sharma G.K.; Sangavi P.; Chaturvedi A.K.; Singh A.; Malyan S.K.; Khan S.A.; Shabnam A.A.; Jigyasu D.K.; Gull A. (2023). Plummeting toxic contaminates from water through phycoremediation: Mechanism, influencing factors and future outlook to enhance the capacity of living and non-living algae, Environmental Research, 239() DOI
2023 Karshanal J.; Kalia V.K. (2023). Efficacy of native Bacillus isolates against different larval instars of fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda alone and in combination, Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest Control, 33(1) DOI
2023 Ramlal A.; Nautiyal A.; Kumar J.; Mishra V.; Sogan N.; Nasser B. Singab A. (2023). Botanicals against some important nematodal diseases: Ascariasis and hookworm infections, Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 30(11) DOI
2023 Kumar R.; Altaf M.A.; Lal M.K.; Tiwari R.K. (2023). Preface, Melatonin in Plants: A Regulator for Plant Growth and Development, () DOI
2023 Tripathy S.; Biswas S.; Singh P.; Ghose T.J.; Purakayastha T.J.; Ahmed N.; Pandey R.N.; Das T.K.; Ramakrishnan B. (2023). Soil Quality, Resilience, and Crop Productivity Under 32-Year-Old Long-term Rice-Rice System in Acidic Alfisol of Assam, Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 23(4) DOI
2023 Paschapur A.U.; Singh A.K.; Buski R.; Guru P.N.; Jeevan B.; Mishra K.K.; Kant L. (2023). Unravelling geospatial distribution and genetic diversity of greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood) from Himalayan Region, Scientific Reports, 13(1) DOI
2023 Ramlal A.; Rani A.; Nautiyal A.; Kalra C.; Kumari R.; Kumar J.; Veeranna S.; Mishra V. (2023). Importance of omics approaches in plant-microbe interaction for plant disease control, Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 128() DOI
2023 Khan A.; Haris M.; Hussain T.; Khan A.A.; Laasli S.-E.; Lahlali R.; Mokrini F. (2023). Counter-attack of biocontrol agents: Environmentally benign Approaches against Root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) on Agricultural crops, Heliyon, 9(11) DOI
2023 Danakumara T.; Kumar T.; Kumar N.; Patil B.S.; Bharadwaj C.; Patel U.; Joshi N.; Bindra S.; Tripathi S.; Varshney R.K.; Chaturvedi S.K. (2023). A Multi-Model Based Stability Analysis Employing Multi-Environmental Trials (METs) Data for Discerning Heat Tolerance in Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Landraces, Plants-Basel, 12(21) DOI
2023 Kumar K.; Gupta P.; Singh K.N.; Nirgude M.S.; Srivastava H.; Sharma S.; Sevanthi A.M.; Durgesh K.; Jain P.K.; Gaikwad K. (2023). Whole chloroplast genome-specific non-synonymous SNPs reveal the presence of substantial diversity in the pigeonpea mini-core collection, 3 Biotech, 13(11) DOI
2023 Chander S.; Gowthami R.; Pandey R.; Shankar M.; Agrawal A. (2023). CRYOCONSERVATION OF IN VITRO GROWN SHOOT TIPS OF Cicer microphyllum: A CROP WILD RELATIVE OF CHICKPEA, Cryo-Letters, 44(6) DOI
2023 Vishwakarma R.; Dhar D.W.; Jena M.; Shukla M. (2023). Pigment composition analysis of selected green microalgae through multivariate analysis and their potential as high value nutraceuticals, Vegetos, 36(4) DOI
2023 Duo H.; Muthusamy V.; Mishra S.J.; Chhabra R.; Chand G.; Mehta B.K.; Devlash R.; Guleria S.K.; Pal D.; Kumar R.; Zunjare R.U.; Hossain F. (2023). Composition of methionine and association with lysine and tryptophan in subtropically adapted maize breeding lines, Cereal Chemistry, 100(6) DOI
2023 Maman S.; Muthusamy V.; Katral A.; Chhabra R.; Gain N.; Reddappa S.B.; Dutta S.; Solanke A.U.; Zunjare R.U.; Neeraja C.N.; Yadava D.K.; Hossain F. (2023). Low expression of lipoxygenase 3 (LOX3) enhances the retention of kernel tocopherols in maize during storage, Molecular Biology Reports, 50(11) DOI
2023 Kishan G.; Sharma S.K.; Holkar S.K.; Gupta N.; Khan Z.A.; Singh S.K.; Baranwal V.K. (2023). Diverse spectra of virus infection identified through high throughput sequencing in nursery plants of two Indian grapevine cultivars, Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 128() DOI
2023 Malipatil S.S.; Biradar S.S.; Desai S.A.; Gundlur S.S.; Singh S.K.; Jaggal L.; Tippimath S. (2023). Assessment of variation among cultivated wheat species for plant nutrient strata under salinity conditions, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 83(4) DOI
2023 Niranjan B.N.; Kishor N.; Prakash S.S.; Kumaraswamy S. (2023). Residual effect of INM on mungbean (Vigna radiata) growth, yield uptake and nutrient balance, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 93(11) DOI
2023 Chauhan S.S.A.; Islam S.; Prasad L.; Singh S.; Ellur R.K.; Tomar B.S. (2023). Screening of onion (Allium cepa) genotypes to find out novel resistant source against purple blotch (Alternaria porri), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 93(11) DOI
2023 Elbeltagi A.; Srivastava A.; Li P.; Jiang J.; Jinsong D.; Rajput J.; Khadke L.; Awad A. (2023). Forecasting actual evapotranspiration without climate data based on stacked integration of DNN and meta-heuristic models across China from 1958 to 2021, Journal of Environmental Management, 345() DOI
2023 Saha P.; Bohra J.S.; Nayak H.; Singh T.; Sen S.; Kumar S.; Kumar S. (2023). Microbial Seed Priming Enhances Chickpea Performance and Yield Potential Under Subtropical Conditions of India, National Academy Science Letters-India, 46(6) DOI
2023 Khan M.I.R.; Nazir F.; Maheshwari C.; Chopra P.; Chhillar H.; Sreenivasulu N. (2023). Mineral nutrients in plants under changing environments: A road to future food and nutrition security, The Plant Genome, 16(4) DOI
2023 Gaikwad K.; Ramakrishna G.; Srivastava H.; Saxena S.; Kaila T.; Tyagi A.; Sharma P.; Sharma S.; Sharma R.; Mahla H.R.; Kumar K.; Sv A.M.; Solanke A.U.; Kalia P.; Rao A.R.; Rai A.; Sharma T.R.; Singh N.K. (2023). The chromosome-scale genome assembly of cluster bean provides molecular insight into edible gum (galactomannan) biosynthesis family genes, Scientific Reports, 13(1) DOI
2023 Bhattacharya P.; Bandyopadhyay K.K.; Krishnan P.; Maity P.P.; Purakayastha T.J.; Bhatia A.; Chakrabarti B.; Adak S. (2023). Effect of tillage, residue and nitrogen management on yield, water and nitrogen use efficiency of wheat (Triticum aestivum), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 93(11) DOI
2023 Krishnan V.; Jolly M.; T V.; M M.; Sachdev A. (2023). Low phytate soybean: next generation metabolic engineering using CRISPR-Cas 9 genome editing technology, Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 32(4) DOI
2023 Rahaman Khan M.; Mondal S.; Singh A.; Pal S. (2023). First report of rice root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne graminicola) infecting wild jute (Corchorus aestuans), Australasian Plant Disease Notes, 18(1) DOI
2023 Kumar A.S.T.; Nikhil R.M.; Rajna S.; Mahapatro G.K. (2023). Comprehensive comparative toxicity study on tomato (Solatium lycopersicum) and brinjal (Solarium melongend) using green labelled insecticides against Bemisia tabaci, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 93(11) DOI
2023 Singh G.; Singh N.; Ellur R.K.; Balamurugan A.; Prakash G.; Rathour R.; Mondal K.K.; Bhowmick P.K.; Gopala Krishnan S.; Nagarajan M.; Seth R.; Vinod K.K.; Singh V.; Bollinedi H.; Singh A.K. (2023). Genetic Enhancement for Biotic Stress Resistance in Basmati Rice through Marker-Assisted Backcross Breeding, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24(22) DOI
2023 Yadav R.; Mohapatra D.; Subeesh A.; Shabeer T.A.; Giri S.K. (2023). Optimization of sequential ultrasound-microwave assisted extraction of polyphenols-rich concrete from tuberose flowers through modelling, Process Biochemistry, 134() DOI
2023 Satya V.K.; Alice D.; Kanakala S.; Jyothsna P.; Malathi V.G.; Jayamani P. (2023). Infectivity and genetic recombination of yellow mosaic viruses associated with blackgram (Vigna mungo L. Hepper) in South India, Australasian Plant Pathology, 52(6) DOI
2023 Rajput S.; Suroshe S.S.; Yadav P.R.; Kumar A.; Saini G.K. (2023). Bioefficacy of engineered Beauveria bassiana with scorpion neurotoxin, LqqIT1 against cotton mealybug, Phenacoccus solenopsis and cowpea aphid, Aphis craccivora, PeerJ, 11() DOI
2023 Vathsala V.; Saurabh V.; Kumar Choupdar G.; Upadhyay N.; Pal Singh S.; Dutta A.; Kaur C. (2023). Black garlic particles as a natural pigment and emulsifier in a Pickering emulsion based low fat innovative mayonnaise: Improved rheology and bioactivity, Food Research International, 173() DOI
2023 Kumar P.; Kumar R.; Shah M.A.; Singh R.K.; Sharma A.K.; Kumar R.; Dua V.K. (2023). Tuber Yield and Incidence of Virus-Vectors in Late-Planted Seed Potato Crops in North-Western Plains of India, Potato Research, 66(4) DOI
2023 Patil S.P.; Gadag R.N.; Mukri G.; Singh C.; Bhat J.S.; Gupta N.C.; Kumari J.; Shilpa K.; Prabha C.; Gowtham K.V. (2023). Inheritance of factors and validation of loci linked to the kernel row number in tropical field corn (Zea mays L.), Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 83(4) DOI
2023 Srinivas K.; Singh V.K.; Sameriya K.K.; Gangwar O.P.; Kumar S.; Prasad L.; Singh G.P. (2023). Multi-environment phenotyping to identify broad-based, stable resistance in wheat germplasms against leaf and stripe rust diseases, Cereal Research Communications, 51(4) DOI
2023 Chaudhary A.; Prakash C.; Sharma S.K.; Mor S.; Ravindra K.; Krishnan P. (2023). Health risk assessment of aerosol particles (PM2.5 and PM10) during winter crop at the agricultural site of Delhi, India, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 195(11) DOI
2023 Kassam R.; Walid N.; Sharma T.; Thakur H. (2023). Molecular mechanisms of the interaction between fungi and nematodes, Agricultural Research Updates, () DOI
2023 Dwivedi S.K.; Kumar S.; Natividad M.A.; Quintana M.R.; Chinnusamy V.; Henry A. (2023). Disentangling the Roles of Plant Water Status and Stem Carbohydrate Remobilization on Rice Harvest Index Under Drought, Rice (Springer), 16(1) DOI
2023 Singh S.; Ghosh A.; Das T.K.; Dhar S.; Tripathy S.; Prasad S.M. (2023). Yield and quality of dry direct-seeded rice {Oryza sativa) as influenced by nitrogen and weed management practices in Eastern India, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 93(11) DOI
2023 Meena S.; Chobhe K.A.; Manjaiah K.M.; Datta S.P.; Golui D.; Raza M.B.; Rahman M.M.; Naveenkumar A. (2023). Synthesis, characterization and adsorptive performances of functionalized clay minerals and red mud for aqueous arsenic removal, Groundwater for Sustainable Development, 23() DOI
2023 Murmu S.; Chaurasia H.; Guha Majumdar S.; Rao A.R.; Rai A.; Archak S. (2023). Prediction of protein–protein interactions between anti-CRISPR and CRISPR-Cas using machine learning technique, Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 32(4) DOI
2023 Sharma S.; Murmu S.; Das R.; Tilgam J.; Saakre M.; Paul K. (2023). A review on bioinformatics advances in CRISPR-Cas technology, Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 32(4) DOI
2023 Khandelwal A.; Sugavanam R.; Ramakrishnan B.; Nain L.; Nanavaty V.; Banerjee T.; Varghese E.; Singh N. (2023). Degradation, altered microbial community composition, and protein expression in bacterial consortium/fungus inoculated crude oil contaminated loamy soil, Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, 54() DOI
2023 Kiruthiga B.; Singh M.; Khanna M.; Singh S.; Parihar C.M.; Bandyopadhyay K.K.; Kumar S.N.; Rajput J.; Kishor N. (2023). Crop yield, water use efficiency and economic assessment of purple broccoli (Brassica oleracea) across varied water and nitrogen management practices, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 93(11) DOI
2023 Gopala Krishnan S.; Singh A.K.; Nagarajan M.; Vinod K.K.; Bhowmick P.K.; Ellur R.K.; Bollindi H.; Singh M.P.; Viswanathan C.; Seth R. (2023). Basmati Rice Variety Pusa Basmati 1882, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 83(4) DOI
2023 Yadav S.; Singh S.P.; Singhal T.; Sankar S.M.; Bhargavi H.A.; Aavula N.; Satyavathi C.T. (2023). Inheritance and molecular mapping of gene controlling cream grain color in pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.], Euphytica, 219(11) DOI
2023 Sanyal S.; Chakrabarti B.; Bhatia A.; Kumar S.; Purakayastha T.J.; Kumar D.; Pramanik P.; Kannojiya S.; Sharma A.; Kumar V. (2023). Response of aestivum and durum wheat varieties to elevated CO2 and temperature under OTC condition, Journal of Agrometeorology, 25(4) DOI
2023 Parveen S.; Sharma P.; Kaushik M.; Divte P.R.; Mandal P.K.; Jain N.; Anand A. (2023). Gluten subfractions of wheat storage proteins are affected by high night temperature during grain formation, Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, 209(6) DOI
2023 Palanisamy M.; Jat G.S.; Kalia P.; Pandey C.D.; Raman S.; Kumari S.; Kumar S.; Tomar B.S. (2023). Screening and validation of Ty-1, Ty-3 and Ty-3a specific markers in Solanum chilense accessions for resistance to tomato leaf curl virus, Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 70(8) DOI
2023 Kumar G.; Nath V.; Mandal U.; Sena D.R.; Pongener A.; Ranjan R.; Madhu M. (2023). Climate and soil suitability zonation for Litchi (Litchi chinensis) in India using geo-science tool-based analytical hierarchy process, Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Science, 26(3) DOI
2023 Bashyal B.M.; Gupta A.K.; Singh D.; Singh D.; Raman R.; Yadav G.K.; Gopalakrishnan S.; Aggarwal R. (2023). Integrated Management Practices against an Emerging Bakanae Disease of Rice under the Hot-Humid Climate of Indo-Gangetic Plains of India, BioResources, 18(4) DOI
2023 Chinnaswamy S.; Rudra S.G.; Reddy V.R.; Awasthi O.P.; Kaur C. (2023). Shelf life extension of Grewia berries using layer-by-layer edible coatings, Vegetos, 36(4) DOI
2023 Valiyaveettil R.R.; Jha G.K.; Kathayat B. (2023). Pushing for Self-sufficiency in Edible Oils in India in the Aftermath of Recent Global Events, National Academy Science Letters-India, 46(6) DOI
2023 Lal M.K.; Tiwari R.K.; Lal P.; Kumar A.; Kumar R. (2023). Regulatory role of melatonin in post-harvest management of vegetables and fruits, Melatonin in Plants: A Regulator for Plant Growth and Development, () DOI
2023 Yadav M.K.; Yadav M.K.; Lal S.K.; Sevanthi A.M.; Nabi S.U.; Baranwal V.K. (2023). Evaluation of soybean genotypes for cowpea mild mottle virus resistance through phenotypic reaction and genotypic analysis, Plant Pathology, 72(9) DOI
2023 Kumar M.; Ghosh A.; Jadon K.S.; Kaur B.; Kakani R.K.; Solanki R.K. (2023). Association of a novel begomovirus species with fenugreek yellow vein disease in India, Molecular Biology Reports, 50(11) DOI
2023 Kumar R.; Mandal A.; Kundu A.; Bashyal B.M.; Patanjali N.; Dutta A.; Gopala Krishnan S.; Singh A.K.; Singh A. (2023). Mining of Potential Antifungal Molecules for Control of Fusarium fujikuroi in Rice using in silico and in vitro Analysis, Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 82(11) DOI
2023 Bhurta R.; Bijarania S.; Raj N.; Singh A.; Chandra A.K.; Agarwal P.; Shukla H.; Raghunandan K.; Mallick N.; Vinod; Jha S.K. (2023). Development of near isogenic lines (NILs) for leaf rust resistance utilizing advanced generation segregating lines of RIL population in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 83(4) DOI
2023 Das S.; Singh D.; Meena H.S.; Jha S.K.; Kumari J.; Chinnusamy V.; Sathee L. (2023). Long term nitrogen deficiency alters expression of miRNAs and alters nitrogen metabolism and root architecture in Indian dwarf wheat (Triticum sphaerococcum Perc.) genotypes, Scientific Reports, 13(1) DOI
2023 Chowdhury M.; Thomas E.V.; Jha A.; Kushwah A.; Kurmi R.; Khura T.K.; Sarkar P.; Patra K. (2023). An automatic pressure control system for precise spray pattern analysis on spray patternator, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 214() DOI
2023 Saroj N.; Prasad K.; Singh S.K.; Kumar U.; Lal M.K.; Maurya S.; Maurya P.; Dwivedi M.; Meena N.K.; Nana L.P. (2023). Regulatory role of melatonin in flowering, fruit setting, and ripening, Melatonin in Plants: A Regulator for Plant Growth and Development, () DOI
2023 Changan S.S.; Kumar V.; Tyagi A. (2023). Expression pattern of candidate genes and their correlation with various metabolites of abscisic acid biosynthetic pathway under drought stress in rice, Physiologia Plantarum, 175(6) DOI
2023 Jadhav M.M.; Chander S.; Saharan M.S.; Suroshe S.S.; Rajna S. (2023). Assessment of avoidable yield losses due to insect pests and diseases in wheat (Triticum aestivum), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 93(11) DOI
2023 Bahuguna A.; Singh D.K.; Supriya; Kumar A.; Garg K.; Verma P.; Patel S.; Sudarshan S. (2023). Agronomic evaluation of rice (Oryza sativa) genotypes under varying fertility levels, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 93(11) DOI
2023 Nishmitha K.; Singh R.; Akhtar J.; Bashyal B.M.; Dubey S.C.; Tripathi A.; Kamil D. (2023). Expression profiling and characterization of key RGA involved in lentil Fusarium wilt Race 5 resistance, World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology, 39(11) DOI
2023 Sharma S.; Kumar T.; Foulkes M.J.; Orford S.; Singh A.M.; Wingen L.U.; Karnam V.; Nair L.S.; Mandal P.K.; Griffiths S.; Hawkesford M.J.; Shewry P.R.; Bentley A.R.; Pandey R. (2023). Nitrogen uptake and remobilization from pre- and post-anthesis stages contribute towards grain yield and grain protein concentration in wheat grown in limited nitrogen conditions, CABI Agriculture and Bioscience, 4(1) DOI
2023 D D.D.; Padhi S.R.; Gore P.G.; Tripathi K.; Katral A.; Chandora R.; Abhishek G.J.; Kondal V.; Singh R.; Bharadwaj R.; Bhatt K.C.; Rana J.C.; Riar A. (2023). Nutritional Potential of Adzuki Bean Germplasm and Mining Nutri-Dense Accessions through Multivariate Analysis, Foods, 12(22) DOI
2023 Richa R.; Kohli D.; Vishwakarma D.; Mishra A.; Kabdal B.; Kothakota A.; Richa S.; Sirohi R.; Kumar R.; Naik B. (2023). Citrus fruit: Classification, value addition, nutritional and medicinal values, and relation with pandemic and hidden hunger, Journal of Agriculture and Food Research, 14() DOI
2023 Mittal N.; Bhardwaj J.; Verma S.; Singh R.K.; Yadav R.; Kaur D.; Talukdar A.; Yadav N.; Kumar R. (2023). Disentangling potential genotypes for macro and micro nutrients and polymorphic markers in Chickpea, Scientific Reports, 13(1) DOI
2023 Krishnappa C.; Mushineni A.; Reddy B.; Kumar M.; Sahu K.P.; Patel A.; Sheoran N.; Rajashekara H.; V G.; Kumar A. (2023). Fine-scale mapping of the microbiome on phylloplane and spermoplane of aromatic and non-aromatic rice genotypes, Folia Microbiologica, 68(6) DOI
2023 Saroj N.; Prasad K.; Singh S.K.; Maurya S.; Maurya P.; Kumar S.; Lal M.K.; Maurya R.; Ghosh S.; Dhongabanti B. (2023). Diverse functional role of melatonin in postharvest biology, Melatonin in Plants: A Regulator for Plant Growth and Development, () DOI
2023 Darshan K.; Aggarwal R.; Bashyal B.M.; Singh J.; Saharan M.S.; Gurjar M.S.; Solanke A.U. (2023). Characterization and development of transcriptome-derived novel EST-SSR markers to assess genetic diversity in Chaetomium globosum, 3 Biotech, 13(11) DOI
2023 Javed M.; Reddy B.; Sheoran N.; Ganesan P.; Kumar A. (2023). Unraveling the transcriptional network regulated by miRNAs in blast-resistant and blast-susceptible rice genotypes during Magnaporthe oryzae interaction, Gene, 886() DOI
2023 Gavhane K.P.; Hasan M.; Singh D.K.; Kumar S.N.; Sahoo R.N.; Alam W. (2023). Determination of optimal daily light integral (DLI) for indoor cultivation of iceberg lettuce in an indigenous vertical hydroponic system, Scientific Reports, 13(1) DOI
2023 Kumar A.K.; Kumar A.; Vaidhyanathan R.; Kushwaha H.L.; Chakraborty D.; Tomar B.S. (2023). Assessments of occupational health hazards of tobacco farmworkers in Andhra Pradesh, India, Toxicology and Environmental Health Sciences, 15(4) DOI
2023 Kumari M.; Padhi S.R.; Chourey S.K.; Kondal V.; Thakare S.S.; Negi A.; Gupta V.; Arya M.; Yasin J.K.; Singh R.; Bharadwaj C.; Kumar A.; Bhatt K.C.; Bhardwaj R.; Rana J.C.; Joshi T.; Riar A. (2023). Unveiling Diversity for Quality Traits in the Indian Landraces of Horsegram [Macrotyloma uniflorum (Lam.) Verdc.], Plants-Basel, 12(22) DOI
2023 Sanyal R.; Pradhan B.; Jawed D.M.; Tribhuvan K.U.; Dahuja A.; Kumar M.; Kumar N.; Mishra G.P.; Ram C.; Mahatma M.K.; Singh B.K.; Mangrauthia S.K.; Singh A.K.; Sharma T.R.; Pattanayak A.; Bishi S.K. (2023). Spatio-temporal expression pattern of Raffinose Synthase genes determine the levels of Raffinose Family Oligosaccharides in peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) seed, Scientific Reports, 13(1) DOI
2023 Yadav P.K.; Tripathy S.S.; Chandra H.; Taneja L.; Kochar C.; Krishna A.; Pokhariyal J.; Toppo D.D.; Raina S.; Singh N.; Singh B.; Kotnala R.K. (2023). Production and Certification of Toxic Metal-Induced Basmati Rice: An Indigenous Cultivated Rice CRM/BND, Mapan - Journal of Metrology Society of India, 38(4) DOI
2023 Kumar R.; Altaf M.A.; Lal M.K.; Tiwari R.K. (2023). Melatonin in plants: A regulator for plant growth and development, Melatonin in Plants: A Regulator for Plant Growth and Development, () DOI
2023 Zhijun Z.; Peiyao Y.; Bing H.; Ruifang M.; Vinod K.K.; Ramakrishnan M. (2023). Correction: Genome-wide identification and expression characterization of the DoG gene family of moso bamboo (Phyllostachys edulis) (BMC Genomics, (2022), 23, 1, (357), 10.1186/s12864-022-08551-3), BMC Genomics, 24(1) DOI
2023 Bairwa R.; Jha C.K.; Thakur S.K.; Mamta; Roy D.K.; Brajendra (2023). Carbon Pools and Indices Under Activated Trash Treatments in Sugarcane Plant–Ratoon System Grown in Calcareous Soil of Subtropics, Sugar Tech, 25(6) DOI
2023 Ramya K.R.; Gupta R.; Pandey A.; Tripathi K.; Bhatt K.C.; Singh R. (2023). A modified DNA isolation protocol for high-quality DNA and long-term storability in grasspea (Lathyrus sativus L.), Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 83(4) DOI
2023 Nath C.P.; Dutta A.; Hazra K.K.; Praharaj C.S.; Kumar N.; Singh S.S.; Singh U.; Das K. (2023). Long-term impact of pulses and organic amendments inclusion in cropping system on soil physical and chemical properties, Scientific Reports, 13(1) DOI
2023 Zhiipao R.R.; Pooniya V.; Biswakarma N.; Kumar D.; Shivay Y.S.; Dass A.; Mukri G.; Lakhena K.K.; Pandey R.K.; Bhatia A.; Govindasamy P.; Burman A.; Babu S.; Jat R.D.; Dhaka A.K.; Swarnalakshmi K. (2023). Timely sown maize hybrids improve the post-anthesis dry matter accumulation, nutrient acquisition and crop productivity, Scientific Reports, 13(1) DOI
2023 Muduli L.; Dash M.; Das Mohapatra S.; Mohapatra K.K.; Nayak H.S.; Bastia D.N.; Pradhan B.; Tripathy S.K.; Jena R.C.; Pradhan S.K. (2023). Phenotypic and genotypic assessment of elite rice varieties for brown plant hopper (Nilaparvata lugens Stål.) resistance, Cereal Research Communications, 51(4) DOI
2023 Chandana B.S.; Mahto R.K.; Singh R.K.; Singh K.K.; Kushwah S.; Lavanya G.R.; Tripathi S.; Hegde V.S.; Kumar R. (2023). Unclenching the potentials of global core germplasm for root nodulation traits for increased biological nitrogen fixation and productivity in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 83(4) DOI
2023 Jaiswal P.; Singh A.; Bajpai K.; Tripathi K.; Sahi A.N.; Barthakur S. (2023). Genetic diversity, transcript heterogeneity and allele mining of TaSKP1-6B-4 gene variants across diverse genotypes under terminal heat stress and genome wide characterization of TaSKP1 gene family from bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Plant Molecular Biology, 113(04-May) DOI
2023 Patanjali N.; Kumar R.; Chopra I.; Patanjali P.; Kaushik R.; Sharma S.K. (2023). Biosynthesized silver nanoparticles using green chemistry approach and its evaluation as antifungal agent, Indian Journal of Chemical Technology, 30(6) DOI
2023 Chakraborty R.; Purakayastha T.J.; Pendall E.; Dey S.; Jain N.; Kumar S. (2023). Nitrification and urease inhibitors mitigate global warming potential and ammonia volatilization from urea in rice-wheat system in India: A field to lab experiment, Science of the Total Environment, 898() DOI
2023 Meena R.S.; Pradhan G.; Kumar S.; Lal R. (2023). Using industrial wastes for rice-wheat cropping and food-energy-carbon-water-economic nexus to the sustainable food system, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 187() DOI
2023 Singh A.K.; Bollinedi H.; Krishnan S.G.; Nagarajan M.; Ellur R.K.; Bhowmick P.K.; Vinod K.K.; Seth R. (2023). Variety Pusa Narendra KN1, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 83(4) DOI
2023 Barman D.; Kumar M.N.; Dalal M.; Khan F.N.; Yadav J.; Nagar S.; Santosh Kumar V.V.; Singh M.P.; Sathee L.; Gopala Krishnan S.; Chinnusamy V. (2023). Identification of rice melatonin receptor OsPMTR and its comparative in silico analysis with arabidopsis AtCAND2 receptor, South African Journal of Botany, 162() DOI
2023 Bana R.S.; Faiz M.A.; Sangwan S.; Choudhary A.K.; Bamboriya S.D.; Godara S.; Nirmal R.C. (2023). Triple-zero tillage and system intensification lead to enhanced productivity, micronutrient biofortification and moisture-stress tolerance ability in chickpea in a pearlmillet-chickpea cropping system of semi-arid climate, Scientific Reports, 13(1) DOI
2023 Chandra M.S.; Naresh R.K.; Bhatt R.; Kadam P.V.; Siddiqui M.H.; Gaafar A.-R.Z.; Rahman M.A. (2023). Conservation tillage and fertiliser management strategies impact on basmati rice (Oryza sativa L): crop performance, crop water productivity, nutrient uptake and fertility status of the soil under rice-wheat cropping system, PeerJ, 11() DOI
2023 Kumar R.; Chopra S.; Choudhary A.K.; Mani I.; Yadav S.; Barua S. (2023). Cleaner production of essential oils from Indian basil, lemongrass and coriander leaves using ultrasonic and ohmic heating pre-treatment systems, Scientific Reports, 13(1) DOI
2023 Ksh V.; Anand V.; Rana V.S.; Mishra J.; Varghese E.; Upadhyay N.; Kaur C. (2023). Extraction of capsaicin from Capsicum chinense (cv Bhut Jolokia) using supercritical fluid technology and degradation kinetics, Chemical Papers, 77(11) DOI
2023 Kumar A.; Choudhary A.K. (2023). Food-energy‑carbon nexus of Himalayan okra–pea cropping system: Impacts of AM-fungi, precision phosphorus and irrigation regimes in an acid Alfisol, Science of the Total Environment, 899() DOI
2023 Kumar R.; Kaundal P.; Tiwari R.K.; Lal M.K.; Kumari H.; Kumar R.; Sagar V.; Singh B. (2023). Optimization of a simple, low-cost one-step reverse transcription recombinase polymerase amplification method for real-time detection of potato virus A in potato leaves and tubers, 3 Biotech, 13(11) DOI
2023 Prathap V.; Kumar S.; Meena N.L.; Maheshwari C.; Dalal M.; Tyagi A. (2023). Phosphorus Starvation Tolerance in Rice Through Combined Physiological, Biochemical, and Proteome Analyses, Rice Science, 30(6) DOI
2023 Kumar S.; Saini D.K.; Jan F.; Jan S.; Tahir M.; Djalovic I.; Latkovic D.; Khan M.A.; Kumar S.; Vikas V.K.; Kumar U.; Kumar S.; Dhaka N.S.; Dhankher O.P.; Rustgi S.; Mir R.R. (2023). Comprehensive meta-QTL analysis for dissecting the genetic architecture of stripe rust resistance in bread wheat, BMC Genomics, 24(1) DOI
2023 Rajendran A.; Lal S.K.; Raju D.; Mallikarjun B.P.; Ramlal A.; Sharma D. (2023). Waterlogging tolerance evaluation methods for soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) at the pregermination stage, Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 70(8) DOI
2023 Velmurugan S.; Ashajyothi M.; Charishma K.; Kumar S.; Balamurugan A.; Javed M.; Karwa S.; Prakash G.; Subramanian S.; Gogoi R.; Eke P.; Kumar A. (2023). Enhancing defense against rice blast disease: Unveiling the role of leaf endophytic firmicutes in antifungal antibiosis and induced systemic resistance, Microbial Pathogenesis, 184() DOI
2023 Naragund R.; Patel R.A.; Singh Y.V.; Kadam P.; Praveen B.R. (2023). Effect of irrigation scheduling and nitrogen management on growth and development of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 93(11) DOI
2023 Kala S.; Rashmi I.; Meena H.R.; Ali S.; Reeja S.; Vennila S.; Rejendran A. (2023). Genetic Divergence Studies among Indigenous Accessions of Cassia auriculata (L.) Roxb., through Screening and Utilization for Chambal Ravine Rehabilitation, Legume Research, 46(10) DOI
2023 Shanmugaraj C.; Kamil D.; Kundu A.; Singh P.K.; Das A.; Hussain Z.; Gogoi R.; Shashank P.R.; Gangaraj R.; Chaithra M. (2023). Exploring the Potential Biocontrol Isolates of Trichoderma asperellum for Management of Collar Rot Disease in Tomato, Horticulturae, 9(10) DOI
2023 Tippannanavar M.; Banerjee T.; Shekhar S.; Talaviya H.; Sahu S.; Narayanan N.; Gupta S.; Singh A. (2023). Interaction of Pesticides with Clean-up Agents during QuEChERS Dispersive-SPE Clean-up, Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 82(10) DOI
2023 Rajput V.D.; Singh A.; Minkina T.M.; Verma K.K.; Singh A.K. (2023). Nanotechnology for sustainable agriculture: An innovative and eco-friendly approach, Nanotechnology for Sustainable Agriculture: An Innovative and Eco-Friendly Approach, () DOI
2023 Sree M.R.; Patil S.N.; Sabarad A.I.; Amulya S.; Singh S.K. (2023). Post-shooting sprays of nutrients for improving fruit quality, antioxidant properties and shelf-life in banana (Musa sp.), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 93(10) DOI
2023 Nishad P.; Mangaraj S. (2023). Modeling and optimization of integrated earth air heat exchanger and direct evaporative cooling system using ANN and RSM approaches for preserving fruits and vegetables, Journal of Food Process Engineering, 46(11) DOI
2023 Asha K.R.; Kumar A.; Singh J.K.; Kushwaha H.; Kushwaha D.K.; Bhowmik A. (2023). Sensor-based Safety Alarm System for Injury Prevention in Chaff cutter machine, Smart Agricultural Technology, 5() DOI
2023 Mandal S.; Anand U.; López-Bucio J.; Radha; Kumar M.; Lal M.K.; Tiwari R.K.; Dey A. (2023). Biostimulants and environmental stress mitigation in crops: A novel and emerging approach for agricultural sustainability under climate change, Environmental Research, 233() DOI
2023 Jinger D.; Dhar S.; Dass A.; Sharma V.; Jhorar P.; Paramesh V.; Gupta G.; Parihar M.; Kumar D.; Singh S.; Samal I.; Bhoi T.K.; Jat R.A. (2023). Combined Fertilization of Silicon and Phosphorus in Aerobic Rice-Wheat Cropping and its Impact on System Productivity, Water Use Efficiency, Soil Health, Crop Resilience, and Profitability, Silicon, 15(17) DOI
2023 Lal S.K.; Mehta S.; Raju D.; Achary V.M.M.; Venkatapuram A.K.; Yadav S.K.; Parmar H.; Pandey R.; Panditi V.; Sheri V.; Singh A.K.; Chinnusamy V.; Reddy M.K. (2023). Concurrent Overexpression of Rice GS1;1 and GS2 Genes to Enhance the Nitrogen Use Efficiency (NUE) in Transgenic Rice, Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 42(10) DOI
2023 Boopal J.; Sathee L.; Ramasamy R.; Pandey R.; Chinnusamy V. (2023). Influence of Incremental Short Term Salt Stress at the Seedling Stage on Root Plasticity, Shoot Thermal Profile and Ion Homeostasis in Contrasting Wheat Genotypes, Agriculture (Switzerland), 13(10) DOI
2023 Kavi Sidharthan V.; Diksha D.; Singh R.; Choudhary S.; Naika M.B.N.; Baranwal V.K. (2023). Identification of two putative novel deltapartitiviruses and an enamovirus in coriander transcriptomes, Archives of Microbiology, 205(10) DOI
2023 Vanniarajan C.; Magudeeswari P.; Gowthami R.; Indhu S.M.; Ramya K.R.; Monisha K.; Pillai M.A.; Verma N.; Yasin J.K.; Jayapradhachandran (2023). Assessment of Genetic Variability and Traits Association in Pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.] Germplasm, Legume Research, 46(10) DOI
2023 Babu P.L.; Singh D.; Rajender J.; Geat N.; Patidar R. (2023). First report of Enterobacter cloacae causing leaf spot of chilli pepper (Capsicum annuum) in India, New Disease Reports, 48(2) DOI
2023 Gudade B.A.; Babu S.; Aage A.B.; Bora S.S.; Deka T.N.; Singh N.; Kumar A.; Singh R.; Dhanapal K.; Remashree A.B. (2023). Incidence of hailstorms damage and strategies to minimize its effects on large cardamom (Amomum subulatum Roxburgh) plantations in Sikkim, North East India, Mausam, 74(4) DOI
2023 Lal N.; Singh A.; Kumar A.; Pandey S. (2023). Assessment of Variability, Correlation and Path Analysis for the Selection of Elite Clones in Litchi Based on Certain Traits, Erwerbs-Obstbau, 65(5) DOI
2023 Natarajan R.B.; Pathania P.; Singh H.; Agrawal A.; Subramani R. (2023). A Flow Cytometry-Based Assessment of the Genomic Size and Ploidy Level of Wild Musa Species in India, Plants-Basel, 12(20) DOI
2023 Bhatia A.; Cowan N.J.; Drewer J.; Tomer R.; Kumar V.; Sharma S.; Paul A.; Jain N.; Kumar S.; Jha G.; Singh R.; Prasanna R.; Ramakrishnan B.; Bandyopadhyay S.K.; Kumar D.; Sutton M.A.; Pathak H. (2023). The impact of different fertiliser management options and cultivars on nitrogen use efficiency and yield for rice cropping in the Indo-Gangetic Plain: Two seasons of methane, nitrous oxide and ammonia emissions, Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 355() DOI
2023 Verma R.; Verma A.; Tripathi S. (2023). Sword Bean (Canavalia gladiata): a new host of Bean common mosaic virus, Molecular Biology Reports, 50(10) DOI
2023 Sondarva Y.M.; Nain M.S.; Singh R.; Mishra J.R.; Parsad R.; Singh D.R. (2023). E-readiness Assessment of National Agricultural Research in India, Indian Journal of Extension Education, 59(4) DOI
2023 Nayak S.L.; Sethi S.; Saha S.; Dubey A.K.; Bhowmik A. (2023). Microfluidization of juice extracted from partially granulated citrus fruits: Effect on physical attributes, functional quality and enzymatic activity, Food Chemistry Advances, 2() DOI
2023 Rao D.; Yadav S.; Choudhary R.; Singh D.; Bhardwaj R.; Barthakur S.; Yadav S.K. (2023). Silicic and Humic Acid Priming Improves Micro- and Macronutrient Uptake, Salinity Stress Tolerance, Seed Quality, and Physio-Biochemical Parameters in Lentil (Lens culinaris spp. culinaris), Plants-Basel, 12(20) DOI
2023 Gargi A.; Singh J.; Rasane P.; Kaur S.; Kaur J.; Kumar M.; Sowdhanya D.; Gunjal M.; Choudhary R.; Ercisli S. (2023). Effect of drying methods on the nutritional and phytochemical properties of pumpkin flower (Cucurbita maxima) and its characterization, Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 17(5) DOI
2023 Singh K.; Meena R.S.; Kumar S.; Dhyani S.; Sheoran S.; Singh H.M.; Pathak V.V.; Khalid Z.; Singh A.; Chopra K.; Bajar S.; Ansari F.A.; Gupta S.K.; Varjani S.; Kothari R.; Tyagi V.V.; Singh B.; Byun C. (2023). India's renewable energy research and policies to phase down coal: Success after Paris agreement and possibilities post-Glasgow Climate Pact, Biomass and Bioenergy, 177() DOI
2023 Gowda M.T.; Prasanna R.; Rao U.; Somvanshi V.S.; Singh P.K.; Singh A.K.; Chawla G. (2023). Microbiome transplant can effectively manage root-knot nematode infectivity in tomato, Applied Soil Ecology, 190() DOI
2023 Gawdiya S.; Kumar D.; Shivay Y.S.; Radheshyam; Nayak S.; Ahmed B.; Kour B.; Singh S.; Sadhukhan R.; Malik S.; Saini R.; Kumawat A.; Malik N.; Dewidar A.Z.; Mattar M.A. (2023). Nitrogen-Driven Genotypic Diversity of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Genotypes, Agronomy-Basel, 13(10) DOI
2023 Megha R.; Singh S.K.; Srivastav M.; Kalia V.; Sharma N.; Kumar C.; Singh N. (2023). Population dynamics of fruit flies and correlation matrix with weather and host variables in mango (Mangifera indica) orchards, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 93(10) DOI
2023 Rai A.; Kumari K.; Han S.S. (2023). Polyphenolic profiling of Victoria Amazonica using MRM LC-MS/MS: A comparative analysis of various plant parts, Scientia Horticulturae, 320() DOI
2023 Sakthivel K.; Manigundan K.; Gautam R.K.; Singh P.K.; Balamurugan A.; Kumar A.; Sharma S.K. (2023). Microbe-enriched farm yard manure (MFYM) approach for the suppression of Ralstonia solanacearum Yabuuchi (Smith) inciting bacterial wilt disease in eggplant (Solanum melongena L.), Plant and Soil, 491(01-Feb) DOI
2023 Raghavendra K.J.; Kumar S.; Kar A.; Kumar P.; Singh R.; Arya P.; Kiran Kumar T.M. (2023). Awareness and Determinants of Farmers Participation in e-Marketing of Agricultural Commodities in India, Indian Journal of Extension Education, 59(4) DOI
2023 Narayanswami B.; Tomar B.S.; Akhtar J.; Behera T.K.; Ellur R.K.; Sevanthi R.M.V.; Sarika J.; Saha P. (2023). Genetic analysis and identification of SSR marker linked to Phomopsis blight resistance in eggplant (Solanum melongena L.), Plant Breeding, 142(5) DOI
2023 Yadav S.; Kalwan G.; Meena S.; Gill S.S.; Yadava Y.K.; Gaikwad K.; Jain P.K. (2023). Unravelling the due importance of pseudogenes and their resurrection in plants, Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 203() DOI
2023 Srinivasarao A.; Khura T.K.; Parray R.A.; Mani I.; Kushwaha H.L.; Sarkar S.K. (2023). Optimization of operational parameters for tractor operated swinging lance sprayer using Taguchi design, Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal, 25(3) DOI
2023 Sangwan A.; Gupta D.; Singh O.W.; Roy A.; Mukherjee S.K.; Mandal B.; Singh N. (2023). Size variations of mesoporous silica nanoparticle control uptake efficiency and delivery of AC2-derived dsRNA for protection against tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus, Plant Cell Reports, 42(10) DOI
2023 Korat H.; Mathukia R.; Talaviya H. (2023). Comparative evaluation of low-cost natural farming, organic farming and conventional farming in major crops of South Saurashtra region at Junagadh, Gujarat, India, Environment Conservation Journal, 24(3) DOI
2023 Kedar S.C.; Gupta A.; Shashank P.R.; Navik O.; Patil J. (2023). The lepidopteran pest complex infesting menthol mint in India: Distribution during the crop development, species composition and associated parasitoids, Crop Protection, 173() DOI
2023 Sanketh G.D.; Rekha K.B.; Shekhawat K.; Chaithanya Y.; Prakash T.R.; Sudhakar K.S. (2023). Elucidating the impact of new-generation herbicides on productivity and phytotoxicity on chickpea (Cicer arietinum) and their residual effects, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 93(10) DOI
2023 Kumar S.; Banerjee S.; Kaur A.; Sasi M.; Kumari S.; Sachdev A.; Dahuja A. (2023). Isoflavones Play a Potential Role in Off-Flavour Scavenging, with a Key Role of IFS2 in Isoflavone Accumulation in Soybean Seeds, Food Technology and Biotechnology, 61(4) DOI
2023 Singla P.; Sharda R.; Sharma S.; Gulati D.; Pandey K.; Navprem S.; Singh P.K.; Sharma A. (2023). Variation in physio-chemical attributes and WUE during growth and development of Pak choi (Brassica rapa L. subsp. chinensis L.) under different drip fertigation and mulching treatments, Acta Alimentaria, 52(3) DOI
2023 Paul N.C.; Rai A.; Ahmad T.; Biswas A.; Sahoo P.M. (2023). Spatial approach for the estimation of average yield of cotton using reduced number of crop cutting experiments, Current Science, 125(5) DOI
2023 Kapoor S.; Chandel R.; Kaur R.; Kumar S.; Kumar R.; Janghu S.; Kaur A.; Kumar V. (2023). The flower of Hypericum perforatum L.: A traditional source of bioactives for new food and pharmaceutical applications, Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 110() DOI
2023 Singh B.; Singh S.; Mahato A.K.; Dikshit H.K.; Tripathi K.; Bhatia S. (2023). Delineation of novel genomic loci and putative candidate genes associated with seed iron and zinc content in lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.), Plant Science (Plant Science Letters), 335() DOI
2023 Arisekar U.; Shalini R.; Sundhar S.; R. Sangma S.; Bharathi Rathinam R.; Albeshr M.F.; Alrefaei A.F.; Chanikya Naidu B.; Kanagaraja A.; M.D S.; J S.P. (2023). De-novo exposure assessment of heavy metals in commercially important fresh and dried seafood: Safe for human consumption, Environmental Research, 235() DOI
2023 Nayak S.L.; Sethi S.; Nain L.; Dubey A.K.; Chawla G. (2023). Changes in Microstructure, Enzymatic Activity and Functional Quality of Citrus Juice Sacs upon Granulation, National Academy Science Letters-India, 46(5) DOI
2023 Mandal U.; Dhar A.; Panda S.N.; Sena D.R. (2023). Correction to: Spatiotemporal evaluation and assessment of shallow groundwater quality for irrigation of a tropical coastal groundwater basin (Environmental Science and Pollution Research, (2022), 30, 55, (116715-116740), 10.1007/s11356-022-22266-8), Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30(55) DOI
2023 Rajput V.D.; Singh A.; Rawat S.; Sharma R.; Minkina T.M.; Singh A.K.; Shuvaeva V.; Nazarenko O. (2023). Nanotechnology as the cutting edge for sustainable agriculture, Nanotechnology for Sustainable Agriculture: An Innovative and Eco-Friendly Approach, () DOI
2023 Sharma G.K.; Jena R.K.; Moharana P.C.; Ray P.; Ali S.; Mourya K.K.; Das B. (2023). Assessment of the hydrogeochemistry of shallow water aquifers using corrosion indices and geospatial techniques in the regions of the Brahmaputra river basin, India, Environmental Science: Water Research and Technology, 9(12) DOI
2023 Singh J.; Kaur H.P.; Verma A.; Chahal A.S.; Jajoria K.; Rasane P.; Kaur S.; Kaur J.; Gunjal M.; Ercisli S.; Choudhary R.; Bozhuyuk M.R.; Sakar E.; Karatas N.; Durul M.S. (2023). Pomegranate Peel Phytochemistry, Pharmacological Properties, Methods of Extraction, and Its Application: A Comprehensive Review, ACS Omega, 8(39) DOI
2023 Kumar S.; Nain M.S.; Sangeetha V.; Satyapriya (2023). Determinants and Constraints for Adoption of Zero Budget Natural Farming (ZBNF) Practices, Indian Journal of Extension Education, 59(4) DOI
2023 Manju; Yadav S.K.; Wankhede D.P.; Saroha A.; Jacob S.R.; Pandey R.; Sharma A.D.; Sheela; Kumar M.; Kaur V. (2023). Screening of barley germplasm for drought tolerance based on root architecture, agronomic traits and identification of novel allelic variants of HVA1, Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, 209(5) DOI
2023 Lal N.; Singh A.; Kumar A.; Marboh E.S.; Gupta A.K.; Pongener A.; Nath V.; Pandey S.D. (2023). Hurdles in developing hybrids: experience from a decade of hybridization in litchi, Euphytica, 219(10) DOI
2023 Tripathy S.; Meena S.L.; Dhar S.; Paul S.; Singh S. (2023). Effect of row ratios and organic nutrient management on productivity and economics of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) + chickpea (Cicer arietinuni) intercropping system, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 93(10) DOI
2023 Abarna S.; Joshi A.; Sethi S.; Kaur C.; Tomar B.S.; Kumar R.; Varghese E. (2023). Beetroot Betalains and Antioxidant Potential: A Function of Maturity Stage, National Academy Science Letters-India, 46(5) DOI
2023 Kumari U.; Banerjee T.; Narayanan N.; Singh N. (2023). Degradation of co-applied Atrazine and Fipronil in Phanerochaete Chrysosporium Augmented Biobeds, Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 111(4) DOI
2023 Dhami K.S.; Asrey R.; Vinod B.R.; Meena N.K. (2023). Postharvest Methyl Jasmonate Alleviates Chilling Injury and Maintains Quality of ‘Kinnow’ (Citrus Nobilis Lour x C. deliciosa Tenora) Fruits Under Differential Storage Temperature, Erwerbs-Obstbau, 65(5) DOI
2023 Kumar P.; Kumbhare N.V.; Nain M.S.; Bishnoi S.; Biswas A.; Kumar P.; Prashad S. (2023). Factors for Value Realization of Tomato, Onion, and Potato (TOP) under Operation Greens Using DEMATEL Method, Indian Journal of Extension Education, 59(4) DOI
2023 Shukla R.; Bhatnagar A.; Singh G.; Singh D.K.; Rawat S.; Kumar S. (2023). Effects of sequential and combined application of tank-mix herbicides on weed growth and productivity of maize (Zea mays), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 93(10) DOI
2023 Chandra A.K.; Joshi A.; Tripathi A.; Kumar A.; Pandey S.; Singh A.; Lal D.; Bharati A.; Adhikari S.; Dinkar V. (2023). Climate-Resilience Maize: Heat stress, Signaling, and Molecular interventions, Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 42(10) DOI
2023 Maman S.; Hossain F.; Katral A.; Zunjare R.U.; Gain N.; Reddappa S.B.; Kasana R.K.; Sekhar J.C.; Neeraja C.N.; Yadava D.K.; Muthusamy V. (2023). Influence of storage duration on retention of kernel tocopherols in vte4-based biofortified maize genotypes, Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 123() DOI
2023 Saraswat A.; Ram S.; Kouadri S.; Raza M.B.; Hombegowda H.C.; Kumar R.; Golui D.; Maurya P.K.; Ilić P.; Rahman M.M.; Jena R.K. (2023). Groundwater quality, fluoride health risk and geochemical modelling for drinking and irrigation water suitability assessment in Tundla block, Uttar Pradesh, India, Groundwater for Sustainable Development, 23() DOI
2023 Kumar A.; Dash G.K.; Sahoo S.K.; Lal M.K.; Sahoo U.; Sah R.P.; Ngangkham U.; Kumar S.; Baig M.J.; Sharma S.; Lenka S.K. (2023). Phytic acid: a reservoir of phosphorus in seeds plays a dynamic role in plant and animal metabolism, Phytochemistry Reviews, 22(5) DOI
2023 Kumar P.; Kumar M.; Kundu A.; Solanki R.; Harsha; Kapur M.K. (2023). Chemical profiling of Streptomyces sp. for detection of potential pharmaceutical molecules, Biologia, 78(11) DOI
2023 Sagore B.; Singh K.; Prakash J.; Srivastava V.; Vignesh M.; Yadav B.K. (2023). Elucidating the effect of plant bioregulators on embryo maturation for shortening the breeding cycle in papaya, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 80(3) DOI
2023 Kumar S.; Prasad S.; Shrivastava M.; Bhatia A.; Islam S.; Yadav K.K.; Kharia S.K.; Yadav S. (2023). Heavy metals transfer in soil-vegetable continuum and health risk assessment via consumption in the urban sprawl of Delhi, India, Journal of Food Safety, 43(5) DOI
2023 Mandal U.; Dhar A.; Panda S.N.; Sena D.R. (2023). Spatiotemporal evaluation and assessment of shallow groundwater quality for irrigation of a tropical coastal groundwater basin, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30(55) DOI
2023 Dhall R.K.; Cavagnaro P.F.; Singh H.; Mandal S. (2023). History, evolution and domestication of garlic: a review, Plant Systematics and Evolution, 309(5) DOI
2023 Priya A.; Bhavan S.G.; Bella K.; Biji K.; Velayudhan P.K.; Sahadevan P.; Vasudevan C.; Lal M.; Mayekar T.; Ingole B.; Kumar P.; Kutty R. (2023). Delineating the fish-based ecosystem services of a small tropical Indian estuary: Identification, evaluation and management, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 293() DOI
2023 Ramappa S.; Joshi M.A.; Krishna H.; Dunna V.; Jain N.; Sreevathsa R.; Devate N.B. (2023). Unravelling the Genetic Basis of Moisture Deficit Stress Tolerance in Wheat for Seedling Vigour-Related Traits and Root Traits Using Genome-Wide Association Study, Genes, 14(10) DOI
2023 Sougata B.; Rakesh B.; Chand J.U. (2023). Genome-Wide Identification, Structural Diversity Analysis and Expression Profiling of NBARC Domain-Containing Gene Family in Pisum sativum, National Academy Science Letters-India, 46(5) DOI
2023 Shivashimpar A.; Parray R.A.; Mani I.; Kushwaha H.L.; Lande S.; Mirzakhaninafchi H.; Khura T.; Sarkar S.; Pandey R. (2023). On-farm cropping sensor-based smart device for cutting energy measurement of cereal crops, Agronomy Journal, 115(6) DOI
2023 Rajendra S.P.; Rani A.T.; Devi S.R.; Meshram N.M. (2023). Morphological Characterization of the Antennal Sensilla of the Legume Pod Borer, Maruca vitrata (Fabricius) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), Microscopy and Microanalysis, 29(5) DOI
2023 Devindrappa M.; Kamra A.; Singh D.; Gawade B.; Sirohi A. (2023). Plant growth promoting Bacillus species elicit defense against Meloidogyne incognita infecting tomato in polyhouse, Journal of Basic Microbiology, 63(11) DOI
2023 Paul A.; Dutta A.; Kundu A.; Singh S.B.; Banerjee K.; Saha S. (2023). Response surface methodology driven ultrasonic-assisted extraction of ellagitannins from pomegranate rind: optimization of parameters and in silico molecular interaction with catalase, Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 13(16) DOI
2023 Gowthami R.; Chander S.; Pandey R.; Shankar M.; Agrawal A. (2023). Development of efficient and sustainable droplet-vitrification cryoconservation protocol for shoot tips for long-term conservation of Dahlia germplasm, Scientia Horticulturae, 321() DOI
2023 Kumar A.; Sarangi A.; Singh D.K.; Dash S.; Mani I. (2023). Evaluation of Ultrasonic Sensor for Flow Measurement in Open Channel, Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 82(10) DOI
2023 Mallikarjuna K.N.; Tomar B.S.; Mangal M.; Singh N.; Singh D.; Kumar S.; Tomer A.; Singh B.; Jat G.S. (2023). Genetic Diversity and Population Structure Analyses in Bitter Gourd (Momordica charantia L.) Based on Agro-Morphological and Microsatellite Markers, Plants-Basel, 12(19) DOI
2023 Khatri S.; Chaudhary P.; Shivay Y.S.; Sharma S. (2023). Role of Fungi in Imparting General Disease Suppressiveness in Soil from Organic Field, Microbial Ecology, 86(3) DOI
2023 Ambaye T.G.; Djellabi R.; Vaccari M.; Prasad S.; M Aminabhavi T.; Rtimi S. (2023). Emerging technologies and sustainable strategies for municipal solid waste valorization: Challenges of circular economy implementation, Journal of Cleaner Production, 423() DOI
2023 Palsaniya D.R.; Kumar T.K.; Chaudhary M.; Choudhary M.; Prasad M.; Kumar S. (2023). Tillage practices and mulching affect system productivity, profitability and energy use in Sesbania alley based food - fodder systems under rainfed agro-ecosystems of semi-arid tropics, Field Crops Research, 302() DOI
2023 Kassam R.; Kranti K.V.V.S.; Yadav J.; Chatterjee M.; Chawla G.; Kundu A.; Hada A.; Thokala P.D.; Shukla L.; Mishra J.; Rana V.S.; Mukhopadhyay R.; Phani V.; Rao U. (2023). Exploration of rhizosphere-dwelling nematophagous Trichoderma spp. using novel ‘bait technique’ with root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita, Biological Control, 186() DOI
2023 Kumar S V.; Singh C.D.; Rao K.V.R.; Kumar M.; Rajwade Y.A.; Babu B.; Singh K. (2023). Evaluation of IoT based smart drip irrigation and ETc based system for sweet corn, Smart Agricultural Technology, 5() DOI
2023 Reddy K.N.; Gahlot S.; Baidya Roy S.; Varma G.V.; Sehgal V.K.; Vangala G. (2023). Carbon fluxes in spring wheat agroecosystem in India, Earth System Dynamics, 14(5) DOI
2023 Kokila V.; Prasanna R.; Kumar A.; Nishanth S.; Singh B.; Gaur Rudra S.; Pal P.; Pal M.; Shivay Y.S.; Singh A.K. (2023). Elevated CO2 along with inoculation of cyanobacterial biofilm or its partners differentially modulates C–N metabolism and quality of tomato beneficially, Heliyon, 9(10) DOI
2023 Barman M.; Barman M.; Datta S.P.; Dwivedi B.S.; Ghosh D. (2023). Exploiting the Interaction of Phosphorus with Silicon for Enhancing its Availability to Plants in Acid Soils of India, Silicon, 15(15) DOI
2023 Chinnaiah S.; Perumal R.; Ganesan M.V.; Sevugapperumal N. (2023). New record of tomato spotted wilt virus in tomato and marigold in India, Journal of Plant Pathology, 105(4) DOI
2023 Sharma A.; Vaishnav A.; Jamali H.; Keswani C.; Srivastava A.K.; Kaushik R.; Gupta S.; Bansal Y.K. (2023). Unraveling the Plant Growth-Promoting Mechanisms of Stenotrophomonas sp. CV83 for Drought Stress Tolerance and Growth Enhancement in Chickpea, Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 42(10) DOI
2023 Biswakarma N.; Pooniya V.; Zhiipao R.R.; Kumar D.; Shivay Y.S.; Das T.K.; Roy D.; Das B.; Choudhary A.K.; Swarnalakshmi K.; Govindasamy P.; Lakhena K.K.; Das K.; Lama A.; Jat R.D.; Babu S.; Khan S.A.; Behara B. (2023). Identification of a resource-efficient integrated crop management practice for the rice-wheat rotations in south Asian Indo-Gangetic Plains, Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 357() DOI
2023 Tripathy V.; Sharma K.K.; Gupta R.; Yadav R.; Devi S.; Sharma K.; Singh G.; Kalra S.; Aggarwal A.; Tandekar K.; Verma A.; Walia S. (2023). Simultaneous monitoring and dietary risk assessment of 386 pesticides in market samples of black tea, Food Chemistry, 420() DOI
2023 Rana B.; Parihar C.M.; Jat M.L.; Patra K.; Nayak H.S.; Reddy K.S.; Sarkar A.; Anand A.; Naguib W.; Gupta N.; Sena D.R.; Sidhu H.S.; Singh R.; Singh R.; Abdallah A.M. (2023). Combining sub-surface fertigation with conservation agriculture in intensively irrigated rice under rice-wheat system can be an option for sustainably improving water and nitrogen use-efficiency, Field Crops Research, 302() DOI
2023 Manzoor S.; Nabi S.U.; Baranwal V.K.; Verma M.K.; Parveen S.; Rather T.R.; Raja W.H.; Shafi M. (2023). Overview on century progress in research on mosaic disease of apple (Malus domestica Borkh) incited by apple mosaic virus/apple necrotic mosaic virus, Virology, 587() DOI
2023 Paramaguru P.K.; Panda K.C.; Suna T.; Rajput J. (2023). Assessment of spatiotemporal variability of rainfall and surface wind speed over the eastern coastal agro-ecological zones of India using advanced trend detection approaches, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 154(01-Feb) DOI
2023 Shankar K.; Awasthi O.P.; Dubey A.K.; Singh A.; Prakash J.; Dolatabadian A. (2023). Rootstock mediated alteration in morphology and photosystem in sweet orange {Citrus sinensis) scion cv. Pusa Sharad under NaCl stress, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 93(10) DOI
2023 Sharma C.; Singh D.; Srivastava R.; Narain Sharma S. (2023). Symbiotic Antimicrobial Effects of Cellulose-Based Bio-Nanocomposite for Disease Management of Agricultural Crops, Chemistry and Biodiversity, 20(10) DOI
2023 Das S.; Sathee L. (2023). miRNA mediated regulation of nitrogen response and nitrogen use efficiency of plants: the case of wheat, Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, 29(10) DOI
2023 Kumar R.R.; Dubey K.; Goswami S.; Rai G.K.; Rai P.K.; Salgotra R.K.; Bakshi S.; Mishra D.; Mishra G.P.; Chinnusamy V. (2023). Transcriptional Regulation of Small Heat Shock Protein 17 (sHSP-17) by Triticum aestivum HSFA2h Transcription Factor Confers Tolerance in Arabidopsis under Heat Stress, Plants-Basel, 12(20) DOI
2023 Eke P.; Kuleshwar Prasard S.; Asharani P.; Neelan S.; Nya Dinango V.; Aundy K. (2023). Endophytic bacteria, from the desert spurge (Euphorbia antiquorum) enhance nutrients uptake and suppress root rot in the common bean, Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, 53() DOI
2023 Rakesh V.; Kalia V.K.; Ghosh A. (2023). Diversity of transgenes in sustainable management of insect pests, Transgenic Research, 32(5) DOI
2023 Chandrakumara K.; Dhillon M.K.; Tanwar A.K.; Singh N. (2023). Phytochemicals in Brassica juncea distressing developmental and reproductive biology of mustard aphid (Lipaphis erysimi), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 93(10) DOI
2023 Patel C.; Srivastava R.M.; Rana A.; Deeksha M.G. (2023). Blister Beetle, Mylabris pustulata (Thunberg), Incidence on Tomato: A New Report from Uttarakhand, India, National Academy Science Letters-India, 46(5) DOI
2023 Rai P.K.; Rai A.; Sharma N.K.; Singh T.; Kumar Y. (2023). Limitations of biofertilizers and their revitalization through nanotechnology, Journal of Cleaner Production, 418() DOI
2023 Omprakash Naik N.; Athare P.; Gururaj M.; Perumal A.; Saha N. (2023). An Agroecological Analysis of Livestock Wealth in India, Indian Journal of Economics and Development, 19(3) DOI
2023 Leharwan M.; Kumar Y.; Kumar R.; Kumar Saraswat P.; Kumar R.; Kumar Thaliyil Veetil A.; Bhattacharjee S.; Kumar A.; Kumar S. (2023). Assessing the Effects of Conservation Tillage and In-Situ Crop Residue Management on Crop Yield and Soil Properties in Rice–Wheat Cropping System, Sustainability, 15(17) DOI
2023 Ranebennur H.; Rawat K.; Basavraj Y.B. (2023). First Report of a 'Candidatus Phytoplasma aurantifolia'-Related Strain Associated with Faba Bean Phyllody Symptoms in India, Plant Disease (Plant Disease Reporter), 107(9) DOI
2023 Abd-Elaty I.; Kushwaha N.L.; Patel A. (2023). Novel Hybrid Machine Learning Algorithms for Lakes Evaporation and Power Production using Floating Semitransparent Polymer Solar Cells, Water Resources Management, 37(12) DOI
2023 Ganie P.A.; Posti R.; Kunal K.; Kunal G.; Bharti V.S.; Sehgal V.K.; Sarma D.; Pandey P.K. (2023). Modelling of the Himalayan Mountain river basin through hydro-morphological and compound factor-based approaches using geoinformatics tools, Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, 9(3) DOI
2023 Mondal S.; Chakraborty D.; Paul R.K.; Mondal A.; Ladha J.K. (2023). No-till is more of sustaining the soil than a climate change mitigation option, Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 352() DOI
2023 Joseph A.M.; Bhattacharyya R.; Das T.K.; Sharma D.K.; Roy P.; Jat S.L. (2023). Conservation agriculture impacts on soil carbon sequestration under a cotton (Gossypium hirsutum)-wheat (Triticum aestivum) system in the Indo-Gangetic plains, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 93(8) DOI
2023 Choudhary R.; Jain S.K.; Ola M.P.; Bhardwaj C. (2023). Genetic effects and heterosis for seed yield and physio-biochemical traits in chickpea (Cicer arietinum), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 93(8) DOI
2023 Pal N.; Basu S.; Hossain F.; Joshi M.A.; Athar M. (2023). Genetic variability for early seed vigor traits for enhanced performance under sub-optimum temperatures in sweet corn (Zea mays Convar. saccharata L.), Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 83(3) DOI
2023 Kumar A.; Verma V.S.; Sharma D.K.; Mishra A.K. (2023). Effect of row proportions, organic and inorganic nutrient sources on growth and yield of potato (Solanum tubersoum) cultivars, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 68(2) DOI
2023 Hemmat N.; Khaleeq K.; Nasrat N.A.; Meena S.L.; Shivay Y.S.; Kumar D.; Varghese C. (2023). Productivity of wheat (Triticum aestivum) as influenced by zinc fertilization under semi-arid conditions of Kandahar, Afghanistan, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 68(2) DOI
2023 Bhavan S.G.; Bhat S.; Mujawar S.; Velayudhan P.K.; Mayekar T.; Patil A.; Lal D.M.; Naik G.; Ingole B.; Rajkumar S.; Kumar P. (2023). Seen from the Stakeholder's revelation — valuation of ecosystem services in a small tropical Indian estuary, Regional Studies in Marine Science, 62() DOI
2023 Meena S.; Chobhe K.; Manjaiah K.M.; Datta S.P.; Golui D. (2023). Immobilization of arsenic in soil using modified bentonite and red mud to reduce its bio-availability in Brassica juncea, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 93(9) DOI
2023 Ghosh T.; Das B.; Sehgal V.K.; Roy D.; Mukherjee J.; Dhakar R.; Bag K.; Chakraborty D. (2023). Estimation of actual evapotranspiration using the simplified-surface energy balance index model over an irrigated agricultural farm, Journal of Agrometeorology, 25(3) DOI
2023 Bhutia N.D.; Sureja A.K.; Verma M.; Gopala Krishnan S.; Arya L.; Bhardwaj R.; Dash P.K.; Das Munshi A. (2023). Inheritance and molecular mapping of solitary/cluster fruit-bearing habit in Luffa, Molecular Genetics and Genomics (Molecular and General Genetics), 298(5) DOI
2023 Rajput V.D.; Singh A.; Minkina T.M.; Verma K.K.; Singh A.K. (2023). Preface, Nanotechnology for Sustainable Agriculture: An Innovative and Eco-Friendly Approach, () DOI
2023 Gupta S.; Dikshit H.K.; Mishra G.P.; Aski M. (2023). Association mapping of total flavonoid content and antioxidant capacities in lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.), Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 83(3) DOI
2023 Hazra D.K.; Mondal P.; Purkait A.; Mandal S.; Bhattacharyya S.; Karmakar R.; Roy S.; Banerjee T.; Banerjee H. (2023). Determination of quizalofop-p-ethyl in onion: residual dissipation pattern, weed control efficiency, and food safety assessment under field conditions, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 195(9) DOI
2023 Joshi D.D.; Deb L.; Somkuwar B.G.; Rana V.S. (2023). Potential use of barks of woody vascular plants in bone mending: A review, Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal, 31(9) DOI
2023 Singh A.K.; Sethi S.; Asrey R.; Kumar R. (2023). Influence of hot water treatment on nutritional quality attributes of cold stored apple (Malus × domestica), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 93(9) DOI
2023 Reshma R.; Sagar D.; Subramanian S.; Kalia V.K.; Kumar H.; Muthusamy V. (2023). Transgenerational effects of thermal stress on reproductive physiology of fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda, Journal of Pest Science, 96(4) DOI
2023 Yadav S.L.; Ram B.; Yadav G.N.; Samota S.D.; Yadav R.K.; Yadav D.; Kumar A.; Singh K.; Dhakad U. (2023). Effect of fertility levels and foliar nutrition in fieldpea (Pisum sativum) under south-eastern Rajasthan, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 68(2) DOI
2023 Pradhan N.C.; Sahoo P.K.; Kushwaha D.K.; Makwana Y.; Mani I.; Kumar M.; Aruna T.N.; Soumya Krishnan V. (2023). A finite element modeling-based approach to predict vibrations transmitted through different body segments of the operator within the workspace of a small tractor, Journal of Field Robotics, 40(6) DOI
2023 Dayal P.; Kumar A.; Tyagi S.; Pal R.K.; Manohar B.; Ranjan S.; Sumit S.O.W. (2023). Weed dynamics and productivity of wheat (Triticum aestivum) under various tillage and weed management practices, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 93(9) DOI
2023 Das B.; Rathore P.; Roy D.; Chakraborty D.; Bhattacharya B.K.; Mandal D.; Jatav R.; Sethi D.; Mukherjee J.; Sehgal V.K.; Singh A.K.; Kumar P. (2023). Ensemble surface soil moisture estimates at farm-scale combining satellite-based optical-thermal-microwave remote sensing observations, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 339() DOI
2023 Chug A.; Bhatia A.; Singh A.P.; Singh D. (2023). A novel framework for image-based plant disease detection using hybrid deep learning approach, Soft Computing, 27(18) DOI
2023 Kushwah A.; Sharma P.K.; Mani I.; Kushwaha H.L.; Sahoo R.N.; Sarkar S.K.; Sharma B.B.; Carpenter G.; Singh N.; Yadav R.; Nag R.H. (2023). Parameter optimization for selective harvesting in cauliflower (Brassica oleracea) using response surface methodology, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 93(8) DOI
2023 Meena R.P.; Dhar S.; Kumar A.; Rathore S.S.; Singh V.K.; Bamboriya S.D.; Meena H.S.; Garg K.; Kumar D.; Meena M.C. (2023). Productivity and profitability of baby corn (Zea mays)-based cropping systems under various nutrient-management practices, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 68(2) DOI
2023 Surendran Padmaja S.; Korekallu Srinivasa A.; Trivedi P.; Srinivas K. (2023). Women self-help groups and intra-household decision-making in agriculture, Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 94(3) DOI
2023 Dhiman S.; Varma A.; Rao M.; Prasad R.; Goel A. (2023). Deciphering the fertilizing and disease suppression potential of phytofabricated zinc oxide nanoparticles on Brassica juncea, Environmental Research, 231() DOI
2023 Ghosh A.; Ghosh S.; Faris P. (2023). Alleviating Adverse Implications of Soil Compaction and Stubble Burning on Sustainable Maize Production with ‘Conservation Agriculture’ Protocols, International Journal of Plant Production, 17(3) DOI
2023 Choudhary M.; Datta S.P.; Golui D.; Meena M.C.; Nogiya M.; Samal S.K.; Raza M.B.; Rahman M.M.; Mishra R. (2023). Effect of sludge amelioration on yield, accumulation and translocation of heavy metals in soybean grown in acid and alkaline soils, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30(45) DOI
2023 Balamurugan A.; Kumar A. (2023). Postharvest fruit rot of Bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L.): Pathogenicity and Host range of Alternaria alternata, Scientia Horticulturae, 319() DOI
2023 Neel S.; Mandal A.; Dutta A.; Saha S.; Das A.; Chawla G.; Kundu A. (2023). Response surface methodology guided process optimizations, modeling and biofunctional analysis of phytochemicals from Nigella sativa seeds as a potential antifungal agent, Industrial Crops and Products, 199() DOI
2023 Sahu P.; Chug A.; Singh A.P.; Singh D. (2023). Classification of crop leaf diseases using image to image translation with deep-dream, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 82(23) DOI
2023 Layek J.; Das A.; Mishra V.K.; Lal R.; Krishnappa R.; Hazarika S.; Mohapatra K.P.; Ansari M.A.; Pramanick B.; Kumar M.; Ramkrushna G.I.; Saha S.; Babu S.; Tahashildar M. (2023). Improved agronomic practices and high yielding rice varieties maintain soil health and enhance yield and energy use efficiency under shifting cultivation landscapes of eastern Himalayas, Land Degradation & Development, 34(15) DOI
2023 Hossain F.; Muthusamy V.; Gupta H.S.; Zunjare R.U.; Bhat J.S.; Gadag R.N.; Mallikarjuna M.G.; Mukri G.; Kaul J.; Saha S.; Manjaiah K.M.; Basu S.; Gogoi R.; Pooniya V.; Parihar C.M.; Kumar R.; Kapasia M.; Pal D.; Bhavi B.G. (2023). Pusa HQPM-1 Improved, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 83(3) DOI
2023 Chaithanya G.; Kumar A.; Vijay D.; Singh P.K.; Hussain Z.; Basu S.; Lal S.K. (2023). Efficacy of nanoparticles against purple blotch (Alternaria porri) of onion, Indian Phytopathology, 76(3) DOI
2023 Singh S.K.; Mishra R.K.; Reddy M.G.; Rahul S.N.; Marcone C.; Rao G.P. (2023). First report of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma australasia’ related strain associated with opium poppy phyllody and stunting in India, Australasian Plant Pathology, 52(5) DOI
2023 Adak S.; Bandyopadhyay K.K.; Sahoo R.N.; Krishnan P.; Sehgal V.K.; Kumar S.N.; Datta S.P.; Sarangi A.; Bana R.S.; Mandal N.; Bhattacharya P.; Yeasin M. (2023). Interactive effect of tillage, residue, nitrogen, and irrigation management on yield, radiation productivity and water productivity of winter wheat in semi-arid climate, Journal of Agrometeorology, 25(3) DOI
2023 Sachin K.S.; Dass A.; Dhar S.; Rajanna G.A.; Singh T.; Sudhishri S.; Kushwaha H.L.; Khanna M. (2023). Precision nutrient and irrigation management influences the growth, rhizosphere characters and yield of soybean (Glycine max) under system of crop intensification, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 93(8) DOI
2023 Kumar G.; Srivastav M.; Sreekanth H.S.; Kumar C.; Prakash J.; Singh S.K.; Vinod (2023). SSR assisted identification of mango (Mangifera indica L.) hybrids and development of DNA barcodes, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 83(3) DOI
2023 Rao G.P. (2023). Perspectives and potentials of organic farming in sugarcane cultivation, Organic Crop Production Management: Focus on India, with Global Implications, () DOI
2023 Sandeep; Dubey A.K.; Sharma N.; Awasthi O.P.; Sharma R.M.; Dahuja A. (2023). Genotypic differences in root architecture and physiological characteristics in mango (Mangifera indica) under drought, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 93(8) DOI
2023 Ahuja V.; Arora A.; Chauhan S.; Thakur S.; Jeyaseelan C.; Paul D. (2023). Yeast-Mediated Biomass Valorization for Biofuel Production: A Literature Review, Fermentation, 9(9) DOI
2023 Chaudhary A.; Meena M.C.; Bana R.S.; Dey A.; Datta S.P.; Mahala D.; Mishra R. (2023). Assessing the Effectiveness of Zero Tillage and Legume-based Cropping Systems for Enhancing Soil Nitrogen Concentrations and Stocks under Rainfed Pearl Millet Production Systems, Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science, 71(3) DOI
2023 Bhakar A.; Singh Y.V.; Abhishek; Tabassum R. (2023). Pesticides in India in the twenty-first century and their impact on biodiversity, Vegetos, 36(3) DOI
2023 Yadav S.; Singh S.P.; Singhal T.; S M.S.; Anju-Mahendru S.; H.A B.; Aavula N.; Sonu; Goswami S.; Satyavathi C.T. (2023). Genetic elucidations of grain iron, zinc and agronomic traits by generation mean analysis in pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.], Journal of Cereal Science, 113() DOI
2023 Sharma K.; Chandel N.S.; Vaishnav A.; Rana V.S.; Singh S. (2023). Fenugreek associated bacterium Priestia endophytica SK1 induces defense response against fusarium wilt by accumulation of secondary metabolites, South African Journal of Botany, 160() DOI
2023 Rana R.K.; Singh R.; Monga S.; Singh M.; Mahajan V.; Padaria R.N.; Singh R.; Singh A.K. (2023). Non-basmati versus Traditional Basmati Impact of Expanded Public Procurement of Paddy, Economic and Political Weekly, 58(31) DOI
2023 Joshi B.; Chaudhary A.; Varma A.; Tripathi S.; Bhatia A. (2023). Elevated CO2, O3 and their interaction have differential impact on soil microbial diversity and functions in wheat agroecosystems, Rhizosphere, 27() DOI
2023 Gouda H.S.; Singh Y.V.; Shivay Y.S.; Manu S.M. (2023). Effect of enriched composts and establishment methods on crop growth and nutrient concentration of rice (Oryza sativa) in trans-Gangetic plains of India, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 68(2) DOI
2023 Talukder Z.A.; Chhabra R.; Muthusamy V.; Zunjare R.U.; Hossain F. (2023). Development of novel gene-based markers for waxy1 gene and their validation for exploitation in molecular breeding for enhancement of amylopectin in maize, Journal of Applied Genetics, 64(3) DOI
2023 Venkataravanappa V.; Suryanarayana V.; upadhya V.; Pai V.; Rao G.P.; Reddy C.N.L. (2023). First record of ‘Candidatus phytoplasma asteris’ (16SrI group) associated with Annona reticulata L. in India, Indian Phytopathology, 76(3) DOI
2023 Srivastava A.K.; Singh D.; Yadav P.; Singh M.; Singh S.K.; Kumar A. (2023). Paradigm of Well-Orchestrated Pharmacokinetic Properties of Curcuminoids Relative to Conventional Drugs for the Inactivation of SARS-CoV-2 Receptors: An In Silico Approach, Stresses, 3(3) DOI
2023 Maity P.P.; Chakrabarti B.; Bhatia A.; Kumar S.N.; Purakayastha T.J.; Chakraborty D.; Adak S.; Sharma A.; Kannojiya S. (2023). Co-elevation of atmospheric CO2 and temperature affect instantaneous and intrinsic water use efficiency of rice varieties, Journal of Agrometeorology, 25(3) DOI
2023 Kumar A.; Suroshe S.S.; Sonam; Sagar D. (2023). EFFECT OF REARING METHODS ON SPODOPTERA LITURA (F) UNDER LABORATORY CONDITION, Indian Journal of Entomology, 85(3) DOI
2023 Dash A.; Dwivedi B.; Dey A.; Meena M.; Chakraborty D. (2023). Temperature Sensitivity of Soil Organic Carbon as Affected by Crop Residue and Nutrient Management Options Under Conservation Agriculture, Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 23(3) DOI
2023 Rohilla D.; Srivastava A.K.; Singh R.P.; Yadav P.; Singh S.K.; Kumar D.; Bhardwaj N.; Kesawat M.S.; Pandey K.D.; Kumar A. (2023). Algae Polysaccharides (Carrageenan and Alginate)—A Treasure-Trove of Antiviral Compounds: An In Silico Approach to Identify Potential Candidates for Inhibition of S1-RBD Spike Protein of SARS-CoV2, Stresses, 3(3) DOI
2023 Srivastav A.; Shukla A.; Singhal R.K.; Srivastava S.; Ganjewala D.; Shrivastava M. (2023). Soil and Plant Enzymes Responses to Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles in Submerged Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Ecosystem, Trends in Sciences, 20(9) DOI
2023 Shashi M.; Ajayarora; Taria S.; Yadav S.; Kumar S.; Pushkar S.; Chinnusamy V.; Kumar R.R.; Pad Aria J.C. (2023). Unraveling the physiological and molecular mechanisms regulating grain yield under combined drought and heat stress in wheat (Triticum aestivum), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 93(8) DOI
2023 Tanwar S.P.S.; Regar P.L.; Datt S.; Rathore S.S. (2023). Sustainable Cropping System Intensification in Arid Region of India: Fallow Replacement with Limited Duration Sorghum–Legume Intercropping Followed by Eruca sativa Mill. Grown on Conserved Soil Moisture, Sustainability, 15(17) DOI
2023 Shukla J.; Gulia U.; Gupta H.; Gupta K.; Gogoi R.; Kumar A.; Mahawar H.; Nishanth S.; Saxena G.; Singh A.K.; Nain L.; Shivay Y.S.; Prasanna R. (2023). Harnessing cyanobacterium-fungal interactions to develop potting mixes for disease-free tomato nursery, Phytoparasitica, 51(4) DOI
2023 Rawat S.; Singh A.; Rajput V.D.; Sharma R.; Mandzhieva S.; Singh A.K. (2023). Nanobiotechnological approaches for improved plant breeding, Nanotechnology for Sustainable Agriculture: An Innovative and Eco-Friendly Approach, () DOI
2023 Grover M.; Bana R.S.; Bodhankar S. (2023). Prevalance of multifunctional Azospirillum formosense strains in the rhizosphere of pearl millet across diverse edaphoclimatic regions of India, Vegetos, 36(3) DOI
2023 Rawat J.; Saxena J.; Sanwal P.; Maddela N.R.; Nain L.; Prasad R. (2023). Improving the Growth and Productivity of Macrotyloma uniflorum Medicinal Plant by the Co-inoculation of P, Zn and K-Solubilizing Fungi Under Field Conditions, Current Microbiology, 80(9) DOI
2023 Singh S.; Raj C.; Singh H.K.; Gopi R.; Sharma S.K.; Kapoor C.; Singh M.; Allen S. (2023). Schizophyllum commune, Edible and Medicinal Mushrooms of the Himalayas: Climate Change, Critically Endangered Species, and the Call for Sustainable Development, () DOI
2023 Thammaiah M.K.; Sharma V.K.; Parihar C.M.; Barman M.; Dey A.; Chakraborty D. (2023). Long term conservation agriculture impact on soil nitrogen fractions and wheat (Triticum aestivum) yield in subtropical Inceptisol, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 93(8) DOI
2023 Kumar S.; Krishnan P.; Singh P.K.; Vashisth A.; Kundu M. (2023). Biophysical and biochemical changes in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) genotypes at different fruit developmental stages under protected cultivation, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 93(8) DOI
2023 Singh R.N.; Mukherjee J.; Sonam; Chaudhary A.; Singh A.K.; Banerjee A.; Reddy K.S. (2023). Exploring the landscape of contemporary crop micrometeorology: A bibliometric investigation, Journal of Agrometeorology, 25(3) DOI
2023 Kumari P.; Kumar A.; Kumar S.; Singh P.K.; Mandal P.K.; Das T.K.; Sinha S.K. (2023). The Physio-molecular Responses of Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Induced by Coexisting Phalaris minor Retz. Under Nitrate-limiting Conditions: Perspectives of Kin and Non-kin Recognition, Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 23(3) DOI
2023 Ahlawat J.; Pandey D.; Chaudhary R.; Verma N.; Pandey B.K.; Parkhe S.S.; Dadheech P. (2023). Nanoparticle characterization and bioremediation: Prospects for ecological advantages, Sustainable Utilization of Nanoparticles and Nanofluids in Engineering Applications, () DOI
2023 Jatav M.S.; Sarangi A.; Singh D.K.; Sahoo R.N.; Varghese C. (2023). Advanced machine learning-based kharif maize evapotranspiration estimation in semi-arid climate, Water Science and Technology, 88(4) DOI
2023 Dubey S.C.; Sharma K. (2023). Biostimulant: an innovative approach for sustainable crop production, Current Science, 125(4) DOI
2023 Nayak S.; Shivay Y.S.; Prasanna R.; Mandi S.; Kumar D.; Meena S.L.; Purakayastha T.J.; Shrivastava M.; Baral K.; Reddy K.S. (2023). Non-Biofortified Rice Variety Responds More to Zinc Fertilization Than Biofortified Variety in Terms of Zinc Translocation and Biofortification, Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 23(3) DOI
2023 Nithyashree M.L.; Aditya K.S.; Raju R.; Venkatesh P.; Anbukkani P. (2023). An Economic Insight into Pesticide Usage in Indian Agriculture and its Policy Implications, Indian Journal of Economics and Development, 19(3) DOI
2023 Kumari S.; Chakrabarty S.K.; Paul D. (2023). Assessment of genetic diversity for seed vigor traits in rice (Oryza sativa L.) through principal component and cluster analysis, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 83(3) DOI
2023 Kumar R.; Saini M.; Taku M.; Debbarma P.; Sharma D.; Pandey R.; Gaikwad K.; Lal S.K.; Talukdar A. (2023). Genetic studies and mapping of quantitative trait loci (QTL) for yield and yield-related traits in vegetable and seed soybean (Glycine max L.) -derived populations, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 83(3) DOI
2023 Srivastava A.K.; Bharadwaj C.; Singh R.; Dixit G.P.; Singh A.K. (2023). Development of product profile for target-oriented accelerated breeding in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 83(3) DOI
2023 Majumdar D.; Ray R.; Biswas B.; Bhatia A. (2023). Urban Sewage Canal sediment in Kolkata Metropolis (India) is a potent producer of greenhouse gases, Urban Climate, 51() DOI
2023 Nayaka S.N.; Singh O.W.; Kumar P.; Roy A.; Mandal B. (2023). Geographical distribution of tomato-infecting begomoviruses in major cucurbits in India: a diagnostic analysis using begomovirus species specific PCR, Virus Disease, 34(3) DOI
2023 Behera R.K.; Murali Mohan K. (2023). DISPERSAL OF LARVAE OF FALL ARMY WORM SPODOPTERA FRUGIPERDA IN MAIZE, Indian Journal of Entomology, 85(3) DOI
2023 Vishwakarma D.K.; Kumar R.; Kumar A.; Kushwaha N.L.; Kushwaha K.S.; Elbeltagi A. (2023). Evaluation and development of empirical models for wetted soil fronts under drip irrigation in high-density apple crop from a point source, Irrigation Science, 41(5) DOI
2023 Tomar B.S.; Jat G.S.; Singh J. (2023). Organic vegetable production: Needs, challenges, and strategies, Organic Crop Production Management: Focus on India, with Global Implications, () DOI
2023 Rajput L.S.; Sharma T.; Madhusudhan P.; Gopalakrishnan S.; Gaikwad K.; Roy A.; Shanmugam V.; Sinha P. (2023). Temperature effect on kinetic parameters of 3′,5′-cyclic adenosine monophosphate dependent protein kinase A in spores of Magnaporthe oryzae, Indian Phytopathology, 76(3) DOI
2023 Kumar R.; Gupta A.; Verma K.; Singh A. (2023). Effect of Seed Treatments and Storage Period on Seed Health Parameters of Pea (Pisum sativum L.) under Ambient Storage Conditions, Legume Research, 46(9) DOI
2023 Singh A.K. (2023). Organic farming for adaptation and mitigating impact of climate change for ensuring rural livelihood security, Organic Crop Production Management: Focus on India, with Global Implications, () DOI
2023 Kumar U. (2023). Modelling monthly reference evapotranspiration estimation using machine learning approach in data-scarce North Western Himalaya region (Almora), Uttarakhand, Journal of Earth System Science, 132(3) DOI
2023 Verma S.; Chug A.; Singh A.P.; Singh D. (2023). PDS-MCNet: a hybrid framework using MobileNetV2 with SiLU6 activation function and capsule networks for disease severity estimation in plants, Neural Computing & Applications, 35(25) DOI
2023 Hossain F.; Jaiswal S.K.; Muthusamy V.; Zunjare R.U.; Mishra S.J.; Chand G.; Bhatt V.; Bhat J.S.; Das A.K.; Chauhan H.S.; Gupta H.S. (2023). Enhancement of nutritional quality in maize kernel through marker-assisted breeding for vte4, crtRB1, and opaque2 genes, Journal of Applied Genetics, 64(3) DOI
2023 Dey S.; Purakayastha T.J.; Sarkar B.; Rinklebe J.; Kumar S.; Chakraborty R.; Datta A.; Lal K.; Shivay Y.S. (2023). Enhancing cation and anion exchange capacity of rice straw biochar by chemical modification for increased plant nutrient retention, Science of the Total Environment, 886() DOI
2023 Kumari A.; Bhattacharya B.; Agarwal T.; Paul V.; Maurya V.K.; Chakkaravarthi S.; Simal-Gandara J. (2023). Method development and validation for acrylamide in potato cutlet by UHPLC-MS/MS, Food Control, 151() DOI
2023 Kumar S.; Chakrabarty S.K.; Singh N.; Kumar A.; Prasad M.C.T.; Basu S. (2023). Nuclear-cytoplasmic interaction for stigma receptivity in Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) hybrid development, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 93(9) DOI
2023 Sharma S.; Pandey R.; Dimkpa C.O.; Kumar A.; Bindraban P.S. (2023). Growth Stage-Dependent Foliar Application of Iron Improves its Mobilisation Towards Grain and Enhances Fe Use Efficiency in Rice, Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 42(9) DOI
2023 Das A.; Ahmed N.; Purakayastha T.J.; Biswas S.; Ray P.; Singh B.; Das T.K.; Kumar R.; Lama A. (2023). Impact of conservation agriculture on humic acid quality and clay humus complexation under maize (Zea mays)-wheat (Triticum aestivum) and pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan)-wheat cropping systems, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 93(9) DOI
2023 Biswas S.; Singh P.; Rajanna G.A.; Singh A. (2023). Effect of Hydrogel Application on Soil Health and Crop Productivity under Soybean-Wheat Cropping System in Indo-Gangetic Plains of India, Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science, 71(3) DOI
2023 Lalchawimawia B.; Sil A.; Banerjee T.; Singh N.; Bhatnagar A.; Mukhopadhyay R.; Mandal A. (2023). Metal-organic framework-pesticide interactions in water: Present and future perspectives on monitoring, remediation and molecular simulation, Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 490() DOI
2023 Chandran V.; Saurav S.K.; Chakravarty R.; Ashok K. (2023). Contribution of Integrated Farming System (IFS) Units Towards Household Income in Kerala, Indian Journal of Extension Education, 59(3) DOI
2023 Tenguri P.; Chander S.; Ellur R.K.; Yele Y.; Sundaran A.P.; Nagaraju M.T.; Subramanian S.; Suroshe S.S. (2023). Effect of Silicon Application to the Rice Plants on Feeding Behaviour of the Brown Planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stål) Under Elevated CO2, Silicon, 15(13) DOI
2023 Dimple; Singh P.K.; Rajput J.; Kumar D.; Gaddikeri V.; Elbeltagi A. (2023). Combination of discretization regression with data-driven algorithms for modeling irrigation water quality indices, Ecological Informatics, 75() DOI
2023 Kishore P.; Singh D.R.; Srivastava S.K.; Meena D.C.; Tatipudi B.R. (2023). Can the water rate be the only criteria to assess the viability of a canal irrigation system? a case of Eastern Yamuna Canal, India, Current Science, 125(1) DOI
2023 Francis A.; Singh N.P.; Singh M.; Sharma P.; Gayacharan; Kumar D.; Basu U.; Bajaj D.; Varshney N.; Joshi D.C.; Semwal D.P.; Tyagi V.; Wankhede D.; Bharadwaj R.; Singh A.K.; Parida S.K.; Chattopadhyay D. (2023). The ricebean genome provides insight into Vigna genome evolution and facilitates genetic enhancement, Plant Biotechnology Journal, 21(8) DOI
2023 Jena R.K.; Moharana P.C.; Dharumarajan S.; Sharma G.K.; Ray P.; Deb Roy P.; Ghosh D.; Das B.; Alsuhaibani A.M.; Gaber A.; Hossain A. (2023). Spatial Prediction of Soil Particle-Size Fractions Using Digital Soil Mapping in the North Eastern Region of India, Land, 12(7) DOI
2023 Paul S.; Chakraborty D.; Padaria R.; Tripathi A.K. (2023). A comparison between climate change perceptions and meteorological observations to improve the understanding of adaptation decisions in shifting cultivation, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 153(03-Apr) DOI
2023 Rathnakumar K.; Balakrishnan G.; Ramesh B.; Sujayasree O.J.; Pasupuleti S.K.; Pandiselvam R. (2023). Impact of emerging food processing technologies on structural and functional modification of proteins in plant-based meat alternatives: An updated review, Journal of Texture Studies, 54(4) DOI
2023 Sathee L.; Suriyaprakash R.; Priya J.; Antoo S.; Jha S.K. (2023). Role of molybdenum in tolerance against different environmental stresses, Biology and Biotechnology of Environmental Stress Tolerance in Plants: Trace Elements in Environmental Stress Tolerance, 2() DOI
2023 Zhao X.; Song B.; Ishfaq M.; Adil M.F.; Lal M.K.; Wu Z.; Jia Q.; Huang W. (2023). Zinc amendment increases the yield and industrial quality of Beta vulgaris L. cultivated in Northeast China, Field Crops Research, 298() DOI
2023 Jambagi R.; Singh D.R.; Singh A.; Venkatesh P.; Nain M.S.; Panghal P. (2023). Are Happy Seeder and PUSA Decomposer Potential Options for Sustainable Ways of Paddy Straw Management, Indian Journal of Extension Education, 59(3) DOI
2023 Bana R.S.; Bamboriya S.D.; Kumar V.; Godara S.; Gaydon D.S.; Laing A.M.; Dhakar R.; Shivay Y.S.; Meena V.S.; Singh D. (2023). Identifying optimum residue levels for stable crop and water productivity and carbon sequestration under a conservation agriculture based rice-wheat system, Soil & Tillage Research, 232() DOI
2023 Sinduja M.; John J.E.; Suganthi R.; Ragul S.; Balaganesh B.; Mathiyarasi K.; Kalpana P.; Sathya V. (2023). Correction to: Microbiota in sustainable degradation of organic waste and its utilisation in agricultural industry, Microbiomes for the Management of Agricultural Sustainability, () DOI
2023 Kiruthika A.; Vikram K.V.; Nivetha N.; Asha A.D.; Chinnusamy V.; Singh B.; Kumar S.; Talukdar A.; Krishnan P.; Paul S. (2023). Rhizobacteria Bacillus spp. enhance growth, influence root architecture, physiological attributes and canopy temperature of mustard under thermal stress, Scientia Horticulturae, 318() DOI
2023 Chattopadhyay A.; Jailani A.A.K.; Mandal B. (2023). Exigency of Plant-Based Vaccine against COVID-19 Emergence as Pandemic Preparedness, Vaccines, 11(8) DOI
2023 Singhal P.; Prajapati M.R.; Diksha D.; Baranwal V.K.; Singh J. (2023). Genomic characterization of recombinant cucumber mosaic virus isolates infecting mustard species via HTS in India, Journal of Phytopathology, 171(07-Aug) DOI
2023 Singh M.C.; Satpute S.; Prasad V. (2023). Remote sensing and GIS-based watershed prioritization for land and water conservation planning and management, Water Science and Technology, 88(1) DOI
2023 Mondal S.; Chakraborty D. (2023). Root growth and physiological responses in wheat to topsoil and subsoil compaction with or without artificial vertical macropores, Heliyon, 9(8) DOI
2023 Bana R.S.; Grover M.; Singh D.; Bamboriya S.D.; Godara S.; Kumar M.; Kumar A.; Sharma S.; Shekhawat P.S.; Lomte D.; Bhuva H.M.; Babar S.R.; Suryawanshi R.T.; Vasuki V.; Singh N.; Khandelwal V.; Singh A.; Satyavathi C.T. (2023). Enhanced pearl millet yield stability, water use efficiency and soil microbial activity using superabsorbent polymers and crop residue recycling across diverse ecologies, European Journal of Agronomy, 148() DOI
2023 Tamreihao K.; Kshetri P.; Devi A.K.; Singh H.N.; Rajiv C.; Singh T.S.; Langamba P.; Langhu T.; Sharma S.K.; Ansari M.A.; Datt S.; Roy S.S. (2023). Therapeutic potential of endophytic bacteria from ethnomedicinal plants used by the traditional healers of North East India, Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, 22(3) DOI
2023 Selvakumar R.; Jat G.S.; Manjunathagowda D.C. (2023). Allele mining through TILLING and EcoTILLING approaches in vegetable crops, Planta, 258(1) DOI
2023 Sharma N.; Sharma N. (2023). In silico identification and comparative analysis of β-carotene protein in mango (Mangifera indica L.), National Academy Science Letters-India, 46(4) DOI
2023 Aradwad P.; Yadav R.; Arun Kumar T.V.; Shabeer T.P.A.; Raju D.V.S.; Kumar P.N.; Sahoo M. (2023). Mass transfer and color change kinetics of infrared drying of rose petals and its impact on physico-chemical properties, Journal of Food Process Engineering, 46(7) DOI
2023 Gupta V.C.; Singh M.; Prasad S.; Mishra B.N. (2023). Minimization of Inhibitor Generation in Rice Straw Hydrolysate Using RSM Optimization Technique, Agriculture (Switzerland), 13(7) DOI
2023 Alhammad B.A.; Roy D.K.; Ranjan S.; Padhan S.R.; Sow S.; Nath D.; Seleiman M.F.; Gitari H. (2023). Conservation Tillage and Weed Management Influencing Weed Dynamics, Crop Performance, Soil Properties, and Profitability in a Rice–Wheat–Greengram System in the Eastern Indo-Gangetic Plain, Agronomy-Basel, 13(7) DOI
2023 Kumar R.; Gupta A.; Verma K. (2023). Studies on Seed Longevity of Pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan L.) and Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) under Ambient Storage Condition, Legume Research, 46(7) DOI
2023 John R.; Bollinedi H.; Jeyaseelan C.; Padhi S.R.; Sajwan N.; Nath D.; Singh R.; Ahlawat S.P.; Bhardwaj R.; Rana J.C. (2023). Mining nutri-dense accessions from rice landraces of Assam, India, Heliyon, 9(7) DOI
2023 Ahmad S.; Belwal V.; Punia S.S.; Ram M.; Dalip; Rajput S.S.; Kunwar R.; Meena M.K.; Gupta D.; Kumawat G.L.; Hussain T.; Mohamed H.I. (2023). Role of Plant Secondary Metabolites and Phytohormones in Drought Tolerance: A Review, Gesunde Pflanzen, 75(4) DOI
2023 Duhan N.; Kaur S.; Kaundal R. (2023). ranchSATdb: A Genome-Wide Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) Markers Database of Livestock Species for Mutant Germplasm Characterization and Improving Farm Animal Health, Genes, 14(7) DOI
2023 Shao Z.; Mwakidoshi E.R.; Muindi E.M.; Soratto R.P.; Ranjan S.; Padhan S.R.; Wamukota A.W.; Sow S.; Wasonga D.O.; Nasar J.; Seleiman M.F.; Gitari H.I. (2023). Synthetic Fertilizer Application Coupled with Bioslurry Optimizes Potato (Solanum tuberosum) Growth and Yield, Agronomy-Basel, 13(8) DOI
2023 Singh D.; Sharma N.L.; Singh D.; Siddiqui M.H.; Taunk J.; Sarkar S.K.; Rathore A.; Singh C.K.; Al-amri A.A.; Alansi S.; Ali H.M.; Rahman M.A. (2023). Exogenous hydrogen sulfide alleviates chromium toxicity by modulating chromium, nutrients and reactive oxygen species accumulation, and antioxidant defence system in mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) seedlings, Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 200() DOI
2023 Sathee L.; Malini M.K.; Kumar P.; Kumar S. (2023). Terpenoid production through mevalonate and methylerythritol phosphate pathway and regulation of environmental stress tolerance, Biology and Biotechnology of Environmental Stress Tolerance in Plants: Volume 1: Secondary Metabolites in Environmental Stress Tolerance, () DOI
2023 Gupta S.; Pandey S.; Kotra V.; Kumar A. (2023). Assessing the role of ACC deaminase-producing bacteria in alleviating salinity stress and enhancing zinc uptake in plants by altering the root architecture of French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) plants, Planta, 258(1) DOI
2023 Singh A. (2023). Rapporteur’s Report on Reassessing Agri-Food Systems for Sustaining Nutritional Food Security Evidence, Imperatives and Way Forward, Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 78(3) DOI
2023 Kumari P.; Singh K.P.; Rai P.K. (2023). Identification of new resistance source for Sclerotinia stem rot in backcross population of B. juncea + S. alba allohexaploids: key to manage disease through host resistance, Euphytica, 219(7) DOI
2023 Singh D.; Kesharwani A.K.; Avasthi A.S. (2023). The type-III effectors-based multiplex PCR for detection of Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris causing black rot disease in crucifer crops, 3 Biotech, 13(8) DOI
2023 Devi H.C.; Devi K.S.; Sanabam R.; Pathaw N.; Devi O.P.; Chanu N.T.; Maibam A.; Chanu W.T.; Sanasam J.; Roy S.S.; Devi C.P.; Singh A.R.; Devi P.S.; Gupta N.; Sharma S.K. (2023). Simplified extraction protocol for plant tissues and reverse transcription RPA assay for quick and reliable diagnosis and its application in resistance screening of chilli veinal mottle virus, Crop Protection, 170() DOI
2023 Raza M.B.; Sahoo J.; Behera B.; Anil A.S.; Tiwari R.K.; Lal M.K. (2023). Soil microorganisms and nematodes for bioremediation and amelioration of polluted soils, Biology and Biotechnology of Environmental Stress Tolerance in Plants: Sustainable Approaches for Enhancing Environmental Stress Tolerance, 3() DOI
2023 Rajanna G.A.; Dass A.; Singh V.K.; Choudhary A.K.; Paramesh V.; Babu S.; Upadhyay P.K.; Sannagoudar M.S.; Ajay B.C.; Viswanatha Reddy K. (2023). Energy and carbon budgeting in a soybean–wheat system in different tillage, irrigation and fertilizer management practices in South-Asian semi-arid agroecology, European Journal of Agronomy, 148() DOI
2023 Gawdiya S.; Kumar D.; Shivay Y.S.; Kour B.; Kumar R.; Meena S.; Saini R.; Choudhary K.; Al-Ansari N.; Alataway A.; Dewidar A.Z.; Mattar M.A. (2023). Field Screening of Wheat Cultivars for Enhanced Growth, Yield, Yield Attributes, and Nitrogen Use Efficiencies, Agronomy-Basel, 13(8) DOI
2023 Patel A.; Kethavath A.; Kushwaha N.L.; Naorem A.; Jagadale M.; Sheetal K.R.; Renjith P.S. (2023). Review of artificial intelligence and internet of things technologies in land and water management research during 1991–2021: A bibliometric analysis, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 123() DOI
2023 Srivastava A.; Jain G.; Sushmita; Chandra S.; Kalia V.; Upadhyay S.K.; Dubey R.S.; Verma P.C. (2023). Failure of methanol detoxification in pests confers broad spectrum insect resistance in PME overexpressing transgenic cotton, Plant Science (Plant Science Letters), 333() DOI
2023 Talukder Z.A.; Chhabra R.; Muthusamy V.; Gain N.; Katral A.; Mishra S.J.; Zunjare R.U.; Hossain F. (2023). Recessive waxy1 and opaque2 genes synergistically regulate accumulation of amylopectin, lysine and tryptophan in maize, Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 121() DOI
2023 Kumar A.; Singh S.; Mishra A. (2023). Genome-wide identification and analyses of the AHL gene family in rice (Oryza sativa), 3 Biotech, 13(7) DOI
2023 Patidar A.; Yadav M.C.; Kumari J.; Tiwari S.; Chawla G.; Paul V. (2023). Identification of Climate-Smart Bread Wheat Germplasm Lines with Enhanced Adaptation to Global Warming, Plants-Basel, 12(15) DOI
2023 Deeksha M.G.; Nebapure S.M.; Kalia V.K.; Sagar D.; Bhattacharya R.; Dahuja A.; Subramanian S. (2023). Comparison of phenotypic and genotypic frequency of phosphine resistance in select field populations of Tribolium castaneum from India, Molecular Biology Reports, 50(8) DOI
2023 Sinduja M.; John J.E.; Suganthi R.; Ragul S.; Balaganesh B.; Mathiyarasi K.; Kalpana P.; Sathya V. (2023). Microbiota in sustainable degradation of organic waste and its utilisation in agricultural industry, Microbiomes for the Management of Agricultural Sustainability, () DOI
2023 Kiewhuo P.; Trivedi N.; Mozhui L.; Dhillon M.K.; Kakati L.N. (2023). Quantitative characterization of microbial load in wild-harvested edible insects of Nagaland, India, Journal of Environmental Biology, 44(4) DOI
2023 Altaf M.A.; Shahid R.; Kumar R.; Altaf M.M.; Kumar A.; Khan L.U.; Saqib M.; Nawaz M.A.; Saddiq B.; Bahadur S.; Tiwari R.K.; Lal M.K.; Naz S. (2023). Phytohormones Mediated Modulation of Abiotic Stress Tolerance and Potential Crosstalk in Horticultural Crops, Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 42(8) DOI
2023 Kumar S.; Mondal K.K.; Ghoshal T.; Kulshreshtha A.; Sreenayana B.; Lakshmi M.A.; Mrutyunjaya S.; Rashmi E.R.; Kalaivanan N.S.; Kundu A.; Mani C. (2023). Phylogenetic analysis, molecular characterization and virulence profiling based on toxoflavin gene of an Indian BG1 strain of Burkholderia glumae causing panicle blight of rice, 3 Biotech, 13(7) DOI
2023 Nigam S.; Jain R.; Marwaha S.; Arora A.; Haque M.A.; Dheeraj A.; Singh V.K. (2023). Deep transfer learning model for disease identification in wheat crop, Ecological Informatics, 75() DOI
2023 Saraswat A.; Ram S.; Raza M.B.; Islam S.; Sharma S.; Omeka M.E.; Behera B.; Jena R.K.; Rashid A.; Golui D. (2023). Potentially toxic metals contamination, health risk, and source apportionment in the agricultural soils around industrial areas, Firozabad, Uttar Pradesh, India: a multivariate statistical approach, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 195(7) DOI
2023 Bhattacharyya R.; Bhatia A.; Ghosh B.N.; Santra P.; Mandal D.; Kumar G.; Singh R.J.; Madhu M.; Ghosh A.; Mandal A.K.; Paul R.; Datta A.; Sharma P.C.; Mandal U.K.; Jha P.; Anil K.S.; Lalitha M.; Kumar M.; Panwar N.R.; Sarkar D.; Patra A.K.; Kundu S.; Fullen M.A.; Poesen J.; Das B.S.; Reddy N.N.; Chaudhari S.K. (2023). Soil degradation and mitigation in agricultural lands in the Indian Anthropocene, European Journal of Soil Science, 74(4) DOI
2023 Sogan N.; Kala S.; Kapoor N.; Nagpal B.N.; Ramlal A.; Nautiyal A. (2023). Correction to: Novel development of Lecanicillium lecanii-based granules as a platform against malarial vector Anopheles culicifacies (World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, (2023), 39, 6, (142), 10.1007/s11274-023-03570-y), World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 39(7) DOI
2023 Parameswari B.; Sharma S.K.; Karthikaiselvi L.; Wangkhem B.; Nithya K.; Viswanathan R.; Rao G.P.; Chalam V.C.; Anitha K. (2023). A Simplified Isothermal Recombinase Polymerase Amplification Assay for Detection of Sugarcane bacilliform virus Infection, Sugar Tech, 25(4) DOI
2023 Kumar A.; Chandel B.S.; Dixit A.K.; Tiwari S.; Haritha K.; Kumar M. (2023). Distribution and Preference of Selected Dairy Breeds among Farmers of Bihar: A Socio-economic Analysis, Indian Journal of Extension Education, 59(3) DOI
2023 Praharaj S.; Maitra S.; Nath S.; Hossain A.; Sagar L.; Pattanayak S.; Banerjee M.; Pramanick B.; Shankar T.; Pal A. (2023). Role of Zinc in Tolerance Against Different Environmental Stress, Biology and Biotechnology of Environmental Stress Tolerance in Plants: Trace Elements in Environmental Stress Tolerance, 2() DOI
2023 Bhalekar D.G.; Parray R.A.; Mani I.; Kushwaha H.; Khura T.K.; Sarkar S.K.; Lande S.D.; Verma M.K. (2023). Ultrasonic sensor-based automatic control volume sprayer for pesticides and growth regulators application in vineyards, Smart Agricultural Technology, 4() DOI
2023 Das A.; Purakayastha T.J.; Ahmed N.; Das R.; Biswas S.; Shivay Y.S.; Sehgal V.K.; Rani K. (2023). Assessment of Soil Carbon Mineralization and Stock in Mineralogically Different Agricultural Soils of India, Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science, 71(2) DOI
2023 Duhan D.; Singh M.C.; Prasad V.; Singh D.; Satpute S.; Singh S. (2023). Modeling reference evapotranspiration using machine learning and remote sensing techniques for semi-arid subtropical climate of Indian Punjab, Journal of Water and Climate Change, 14(7) DOI
2023 Sagar L.; Singh S.; Kumar D.; Praharaj S.; Pattanayak S.; Malik G.C.; Pramanick B.; Shankar T.; Hossain A.; Maitra S. (2023). Role of sulfur in plant tolerance to environmental stresses, Biology and Biotechnology of Environmental Stress Tolerance in Plants: Trace Elements in Environmental Stress Tolerance, 2() DOI
2023 Kumar S.; Suby S.B.; Vasmatkar P.; Nebapure S.M.; Kumar N.; Mahapatro G.K. (2023). Influence of temperature on insecticidal toxicity and detoxifying enzymes to Spodoptera frugiperda, Phytoparasitica, 51(3) DOI
2023 Singh K.; Kumar M.; Rawat K.; Ranebennur H.; Meena V.S.; Shekhawat N.; Meena B.R.; Sharma M.; Chawla M.P.; Jadon K.S.; Ram D.; Rao G.P.; Choudhary M. (2023). First Report of 'Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris' (16SrI-B Subgroup) Associated with Phyllody Disease of Fenugreek in India, Plant Disease (Plant Disease Reporter), 107(8) DOI
2023 Kokila V.; Prasanna R.; Saniya T.K.; Kumar A.; Singh B. (2023). Elevated CO2modulates the metabolic machinery of cyanobacteria and valorizes its potential as a biofertilizer, Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, 50() DOI
2023 Pooja B.K; Sethi S.; Joshi A.; Varghese E.; Kaur C.; Kumar R.; Shridhar (2023). Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction of Chlorophyll from Pea Pod Waste: Optimization, Kinetics, and Stability Study, Food Analytical Methods, 16(8) DOI
2023 Gopinath I.; Muthusamy V.; Katral A.; Zunjare R.U.; Madhavan J.; Yathish K.R.; Sekhar J.C.; Hossain F. (2023). Meta-QTL analysis and identification of candidate genes governing popping quality attributes in maize, South African Journal of Botany, 159() DOI
2023 Sathee L.; Thakur M.; Kaur R.; Kataria S.; Anand A.; Singh D.; Tripathi S. (2023). Role of hydropriming and magneto-priming in developing stress tolerance, Biology and Biotechnology of Environmental Stress Tolerance in Plants: Sustainable Approaches for Enhancing Environmental Stress Tolerance, 3() DOI
2023 Jaiswal S.; Paul K.; Raman K.V.; Saakre M.; Lal M.K.; Tilgam J.; Bhattacharjee S.; Vijayan J.; Sreevathsa R.; Pattanayak D. (2023). Differential Expression Pattern of UGPase Gene Homologs (StUGPase1 and StUGPase2) in Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) during Tuberization Process and Post-Harvest Storage Conditions, Russian Journal of Plant Physiology, 70(4) DOI
2023 Singh A.; Pandey H.; Pal A.; Chauhan D.; Pandey S.; Gaikwad D.J.; Sahu C.; Atta K. (2023). Linking the role of melatonin in plant stress acclimatization, South African Journal of Botany, 159() DOI
2023 Jaiswal R.; Jha G.K.; Kumar R.R.; Lama A. (2023). Agricultural price forecasting using NARX model for soybean oil, Current Science, 125(1) DOI
2023 Hasan M.; Arpitha S.R.; Das C.; Laishram R.; Sasi M.; Kumar S.; Maheshwari C.; Krishnan V.; Kumari S.; Lorenzo J.M.; Kumar M.; Sachdev A.; Dahuja A. (2023). Research trends and approaches for the nutritional and bio-functionality enhancement of fermented soymilk, Journal of Functional Foods, 107() DOI
2023 Kumar M.; Mishra V.K.; Chand R.; Sharma S.; Kumar U.; Jaiswal J.P.; Choudhary M.; Mahato A.; Ashutosh; Singh P.; Joshi A.K. (2023). NDVI and grain fill duration are important to be considered in breeding for terminal heat stress tolerance in wheat, Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, 209(4) DOI
2023 Yadav D.K.; Devappa V.; Kashyap A.S.; Kumar N.; Rana V.S.; Sunita K.; Singh D. (2023). Boosting the Biocontrol Efficacy of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens DSBA-11 through Physical and Chemical Mutagens to Control Bacterial Wilt Disease of Tomato Caused by Ralstonia solanacearum, Microorganisms, 11(7) DOI
2023 Raipuria R.K.; Watts A.; Sharma B.B.; Watts A.; Bhattacharya R. (2023). Decoding allelic diversity, transcript variants and transcriptional complexity of CENH3 gene in Brassica oleracea var. botrytis, Protoplasma, 260(4) DOI
2023 Upadhyay P.K.; Dey A.; Singh V.K.; Dwivedi B.S.; Singh T.; Rajanna G.A.; Babu S.; Rathore S.S.; Singh R.K.; Shekhawat K.; Rangot M.; Kumar P.; Yadav D.; Singh D.P.; Dasgupta D.; Shukla G. (2023). Conjoint application of nano-urea with conventional fertilizers: An energy efficient and environmentally robust approach for sustainable crop production, PLoS ONE, 18(07-Jul) DOI
2023 Mamatha B.C.; Rudresh K.; Karthikeyan N.; Kumar M.; Das R.; Taware P.B.; Khapte P.S.; Soren K.R.; Rane J.; Gurumurthy S. (2023). Vegetal protein hydrolysates reduce the yield losses in off-season crops under combined heat and drought stress, Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, 29(7) DOI
2023 Gupta K.; Khura T.K.; Kushwaha H.L.; Parray R.A.; Sarkar S.K. (2023). Influence of Moisture Content on Germination and Physico-Mechanical Properties of Pulses, Legume Research, 46(8) DOI
2023 Singh A.; Singh R.; Nain M.S.; Mishra J.R.; Kumar P.; Sharma D.K.; Paul R.K. (2023). Linkage Network Structures of Farmers: Analysing FPOs of M.P. and Bihar in India, Indian Journal of Extension Education, 59(3) DOI
2023 Upreti P.; Singh D.R.; Kumar N.R.; Venkatesh P.; Nain M.S.; Jha G.K.; Kumar S. (2023). Feasibility Analysis of Solar-Powered Tubewells in Arid and Sub-humid Regions of Rajasthan, Indian Journal of Extension Education, 59(3) DOI
2023 Goyal S.; Dhanker R.; Hussain T.; Ferreira A.; Gouveia L.; Kumar K.; Mohamed H.I. (2023). Modern Advancement in Biotechnological Applications for Wastewater Treatment through Microalgae: a Review, Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 234(7) DOI
2023 Bhattacharyya R.; Bhatia A.; Chakrabarti B.; Saha N.D.; Pramanik P.; Ghosh A.; Das S.; Singh G.; Singh S.D. (2023). Elevated CO2 alters aggregate‑carbon and microbial community but does not affect total soil organic C in the semi-arid tropics, Applied Soil Ecology, 187() DOI
2023 Bhatt V.; Muthusamy V.; Chhabra R.; Katral A.; Ragi S.; Rojaria V.; Chand G.; Sarma G.R.; Zunjare R.U.; Panda K.K.; Singh A.K.; Hossain F. (2023). Molecular Characterization and Haplotype Analysis of Low Phytic Acid-1 (lpa1) Gene Governing Accumulation of Kernel Phytic Acid in Subtropically-Adapted Maize, Agriculture (Switzerland), 13(7) DOI
2023 Das S.; Das A.; Idapuganti R.G.; Layek J.; Thakuria D.; Sarkar D.; Bhupenchandra I.; Lal R.; Chowdhury S.; Babu S.; Debbarma K. (2023). Liming and micronutrient application improves soil properties and productivity of the groundnut-rapeseed cropping system in an acidic Inceptisol of India's eastern Himalayas, Land Degradation & Development, 34(12) DOI
2023 Kushwaha N.L.; Rajput J.; Suna T.; Sena D.R.; Singh D.K.; Mishra A.K.; Sharma P.K.; Mani I. (2023). Metaheuristic approaches for prediction of water quality indices with relief algorithm-based feature selection, Ecological Informatics, 75() DOI
2023 Rawat K.; Singh A.K.; Manish R.; Singh K.; Choudhary M.; Gangappa N.D.; Ranebennur H. (2023). First Report of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris’ (16SrI) from Cassia fistula Showing Symptoms of Flat Stem and Witches’-Broom in India, Plant Disease (Plant Disease Reporter), 107(8) DOI
2023 Singh N.; Katyal M.; Virdi A.S.; Saini J.S.; Singh A.M.; Ahlawat A.K. (2023). Insights into the particle size, protein form, pasting and dough rheological properties of flour obtained from wheat grown at high and low altitude, International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 58(7) DOI
2023 Kaur S.; Seem K.; Kumar S.; Kaundal R.; Mohapatra T. (2023). Comparative Genome-Wide Analysis of MicroRNAs and Their Target Genes in Roots of Contrasting Indica Rice Cultivars under Reproductive-Stage Drought, Genes, 14(7) DOI
2023 Tiwari R.K.; Kumar R.; Lal M.K.; Kumar A.; Altaf M.A.; Devi R.; Mangal V.; Naz S.; Altaf M.M.; Dey A.; Aftab T. (2023). Melatonin-Polyamine Interplay in the Regulation of Stress Responses in Plants, Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 42(8) DOI
2023 Kashyap N.; Singh S.K.; Yadav N.; Singh V.K.; Kumari M.; Kumar D.; Shukla L.; Kaushalendra; Bhardwaj N.; Kumar A. (2023). Biocontrol Screening of Endophytes: Applications and Limitations, Plants, 12(13) DOI
2023 Gomaa E.; Zerouali B.; Difi S.; El-Nagdy K.A.; Santos C.A.G.; Abda Z.; Ghoneim S.S.M.; Bailek N.; Silva R.M.D.; Rajput J.; Ali E. (2023). Assessment of hybrid machine learning algorithms using TRMM rainfall data for daily inflow forecasting in Três Marias Reservoir, eastern Brazil, Heliyon, 9(8) DOI
2023 Dhanya V.G.; Arun Kumar M.B.; Bharadwaj C.; Amaresh (2023). Indigenous hydropriming practice for fastening seed germination might induce reciprocal effects in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) under "on-farm" seed priming scenario, Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, 22(3) DOI
2023 Nandy S.; Mandal S.; Gupta S.K.; Anand U.; Ghorai M.; Mundhra A.; Rahman M.H.; Ray P.; Mitra S.; Ray D.; Lal M.K.; Tiwari R.K.; Nongdam P.; Pandey D.K.; Shekhawat M.S.; Jha N.K.; Jha S.K.; Kumar M.; Radha; Sharifi-Rad J.; Dey A. (2023). Role of Polyamines in Molecular Regulation and Cross-Talks Against Drought Tolerance in Plants, Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 42(8) DOI
2023 Bansal R.; Priya S.; Dikshit H.K. (2023). Role of legume genetic resources in climate resilience, Global Climate Change and Plant Stress Management, () DOI
2023 Kumawat A.; Yadav D.; Srivastava P.; Babu S.; Kumar D.; Singh D.; Vishwakarma D.K.; Sharma V.K.; Madhu M. (2023). Restoration of agroecosystems with conservation agriculture for food security to achieve sustainable development goals, Land Degradation & Development, 34(11) DOI
2023 Chilakala A.R.; Pandey P.; Durgadevi A.; Kandpal M.; Patil B.S.; Rangappa K.; Reddy P.C.O.; Ramegowda V.; Senthil‑Kumar M. (2023). Drought attenuates plant responses to multiple rhizospheric pathogens: A study on a dry root rot-associated disease complex in chickpea fields, Field Crops Research, 298() DOI
2023 Wani O.A.; Sharma V.; Kumar S.S.; Babu S.; Sharma K.R.; Rathore S.S.; Marwaha S.; Ganai N.A.; Dar S.R.; Yeasin M.; Singh R.; Tomar J. (2023). Climate plays a dominant role over land management in governing soil carbon dynamics in North Western Himalayas, Journal of Environmental Management, 338() DOI
2023 Shahi N.; Sarma D.; Singh B.; Mallik S.K.; Baruah D.; Posti R.; Haldar R.; Linthoingambi I. (2023). Characterizing the Dark Mahseer, Naziritor chelynoides (McClelland, 1839): A Morphological, Osteological, and Molecular Approach, Genetics of Aquatic Organisms, 7(2) DOI
2023 Ghosh S.; Das T.K.; Nath C.P.; Bhatia A.; Biswas D.R.; Bandyopadhyay K.K.; Yeasin M.; Raj R. (2023). Weed seedbank, above-ground weed community and crop yields under conventional and conservation agriculture practices in maize–wheat–mungbean rotation, Weed Research, 63(4) DOI
2023 Dorjee L.; Gogoi R.; Kamil D.; Kumar R.; Verma A. (2023). Copper nanoparticles hold promise in the effective management of maize diseases without impairing environmental health, Phytoparasitica, 51(3) DOI
2023 Thakare S.S.; Awana M.; Warwate S.I.; Mandal S.; Rudra S.G.; Bollinedi H.; Ray M.; Solanke A.U.; Nair L.S.; Kumar S.; Krishnan V.; Singh A. (2023). Dynamics of physico-chemical properties towards understanding the optimum ageing of basmati and non-basmati rice (Oryza sativa L.) for consumer preferences, Journal of Cereal Science, 112() DOI
2023 Gulfam-E-Jannat S.; Golui D.; Islam S.; Saha B.; Rahman S.M.; Bezbaruah A.N.; Iskander S.M. (2023). Industrial Water Demand and Wastewater Generation: Challenges for Bangladesh’s Water Industry, ACS ES and T Water, 3(6) DOI
2023 Karmakar B.; Mishra J.R.; Datta A.; Muthangi K.R.; Tiwari O.N.; Halder G. (2023). Transesterifying Madhuca indica and waste cooking oil blends with C1–C3 alcohol mixtures: two-step catalysis using Delonix regia and Mesua ferrea linn supports, Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 13(8) DOI
2023 Yadav S.; Chopra S.; Mani I.; Modi V.; Kumar R. (2023). Compositional Analysis of Essential Oils Extracted from Lemongrass, Basil and Coriander Leaves by Different Hydrodistillation Methods, Indian Journal of Agricultural Biochemistry, 36(1) DOI
2023 Bhan C.; Asrey R.; Singh D.; Meena N.K.; Vinod B.R.; Menaka M. (2023). Bioefficacy of bacteria and yeast bioagents on disease suppression and quality retention of stored Kinnow mandarin fruits, Food Bioscience, 53() DOI
2023 Adavi B S.; Pandesha P.H.; B J.; Jha S.K.; Chinnusamy V.; Sathee L. (2023). Nitrate supply regulates tissue calcium abundance and transcript level of Calcineurin B-like (CBL) gene family in wheat, Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 199() DOI
2023 Baradevanal G.; Chander S.; Singh H.S.; Reddy D.S.; Rajan S. (2023). Mapping the risk of quarantine pest Sternochetus mangiferae under different climate change scenarios through species distribution modelling, International Journal of Tropical Insect Science, 43(3) DOI
2023 Prusty R.; Awasthi O.P.; Singh S.K.; Kanika Kumar (2023). In vitro shoot organogenesis in sweet orange (Citrus sinensis L.) cv. Mosambi and the effect of ethylene adsorbents on micro-shoot quality, Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture, 153(3) DOI
2023 Sachin; Jaishree; Singh N.; Singh R.; Shah K.; Pramanik B.K. (2023). Green synthesis of zinc oxide nanoparticles using lychee peel and its application in anti-bacterial properties and CR dye removal from wastewater, Chemosphere (Chemosphere - Global Change Science), 327() DOI
2023 Gangwar S.; Sirohi A. (2023). Combined Effect of Two Transgenes by Host Delivered RNAi against Meloidogyne incognita and its Parasitic Potential, Indian Journal of Nematology, 53(1) DOI
2023 Kaviya M.; Balamuralikrishnan B.; Sangeetha T.; Senthilkumar N.; Malaisamy A.; Sivasamy M.; Poorni L.; Pushparaj K.; Arun M.; Anand A.V. (2023). Evaluation of phytoconstituents of Triticum aestivum grass extracts on nutritional attributes, antioxidant, and antimicrobial activities against food pathogens with molecular in silico investigation, Food Frontiers, 4(2) DOI
2023 Gaddikeri V.; Sarangi A.; Singh D.K.; Bandyopadhyay K.K.; Chakrabarti B.; Sarkar S.K. (2023). Comparative evaluation of reference evapotranspiration estimation models in New Bhupania Minor Command, Jhajjar, Haryana, India, Current Science, 124(10) DOI
2023 Sathyanarayana E.; Kumar B.P.; Tirunagari R.; Keerthana G.; Kayitha V.; Bharghavi J.; Saranya S.; Rajashekhar M.; Rajashekhar B.; Teja K.C.; Thallapally S. (2023). Forage cropping under climate smart farming: A promising tool to ameliorate salinity threat in soils, Molecular Interventions for Developing Climate-Smart Crops: A Forage Perspective, () DOI
2023 Panigrahi I.; Munshi A.D.; Dey S.S.; Gaikwad A.B.; Senapati M.; Tomer A. (2023). SSR polymorphism and genetics and inheritance of yield and yield-attributing traits in bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L.), Current Science, 124(9) DOI
2023 Singh S.K.; Shukla L.; Yadav N.; Singh P.K.; Singh S.M.; Yadav M.K.; Kaushalendra X.; Kumar A. (2023). Spirulina: From ancient food to innovative super nutrition of the future and its market scenario as a source of nutraceutical, Cyanobacterial Biotechnology in the 21st Century, () DOI
2023 Reddappa S.B.; Muthusamy V.; Zunjare R.U.; Chhabra R.; Talukder Z.A.; Maman S.; Chand G.; Pal D.; Kumar R.; Mehta B.K.; Guleria S.K.; Singh A.K.; Hossain F. (2023). Composition of kernel-amylose and -resistant starch among subtropically adapted maize, Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 119() DOI
2023 Ekka U.; Roy H.S.; Kumar A.; Singh S.P.; Pandey A.K.; Nath K. (2023). Machine learning algorithms for categorization of agricultural dust emissions using image processing of wheat combine harvester, Current Science, 124(9) DOI
2023 Das S.K.; Ghosh G.K.; Mishra V.K.; Choudhury B.U.; Dutta S.K.; Hazarika S.; Kalita H.; Roy A.; Singh N.U.; Gopi R.; Devi E.L.; Mukherjee I.; Balusamy A.; Singh M.; Yadav A.; Kapoor C.; Baruah K. (2023). Utilizing dissimilar feedstocks derived biochar amendments to alter soil biological indicators in acidic soil of Northeast India, Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 13(11) DOI
2023 Kumar A.; Sonkar V.K.; Aditya K.S. (2023). Assessing the Impact of Lending Through Kisan Credit Cards in Rural India: Evidence from Eastern India, European Journal of Development Research, 35(3) DOI
2023 Rajput J.; Singh M.; Lal K.; Khanna M.; Sarangi A.; Mukherjee J.; Singh S. (2023). Assessment of data intelligence algorithms in modeling daily reference evapotranspiration under input data limitation scenarios in semi-arid climatic condition, Water Science and Technology, 87(10) DOI
2023 Nimgarri H.; Khan M.R.; Rahimi M.H.; Yahyazai M.; Mondal S. (2023). Root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) in cucumber under protected cultivation: incidence, management and avoidable yield loss in Afghanistan, Indian Phytopathology, 76(2) DOI
2023 Gowda M.T.; Prasanna R.; Kundu A.; Rana V.S.; Rao U.; Chawla G. (2023). Differential effects of rhizobacteria from uninfected and infected tomato on Meloidogyne incognita under protected cultivation, Journal of Basic Microbiology, 63(6) DOI
2023 Khan H.; Krishnappa G.; Kumar S.; Mishra C.N.; Parkash O.; Rathore A.; Das R.R.; Yadav R.; Krishna H.; Bishnoi O.P.; Sohu V.S.; Sendhil R.; Yadav S.S.; Singh G. (2023). Genetic gains in grain yield in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars developed from 1965 to 2020 for irrigated production conditions of northwestern plains zone of India, Cereal Research Communications, 51(2) DOI
2023 Nayak H.S.; Parihar C.M.; Aravindakshan S.; Silva ‪.V.; Krupnik T.J.; McDonald A.J.; Kakraliya S.K.; Sena D.R.; Kumar V.; Sherpa S.R.; Bijarniya D.; Singh L.K.; Kumar M.; Choudhary K.M.; Kumar S.; Kumar Y.; Jat H.S.; Sidhu H.S.; Jat M.L.; Sapkota T.B. (2023). Pathways and determinants of sustainable energy use for rice farms in India, Energy, 272() DOI
2023 Arora A.; Nandal P.; Chaudhary A. (2023). Critical evaluation of novel applications of aquatic weed Azolla as a sustainable feedstock for deriving bioenergy and feed supplement, Environmental Reviews, 31(2) DOI
2023 Das A.; Ahmed N.; Ray P.; Ray S.K.; Purakayastha T.J.; Biswas S.; Bhattacharyya R.; Bandyopadhyay K.K. (2023). Genesis and Classification of Some Tea-growing Soils of Assam, Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science, 71(2) DOI
2023 Pradhan A.K.; Budhlakoti N.; Mishra D.C.; Prasad P.; Bhardwaj S.C.; Sareen S.; Sivasamy M.; Jayaprakash P.; Geetha M.; Nisha R.; Shajitha P.; Peter J.; Kaur A.; Kaur S.; Vikas V.K.; Singh K.; Kumar S. (2023). Identification of Novel QTLs/Defense Genes in Spring Wheat Germplasm Panel for Seedling and Adult Plant Resistance to Stem Rust and Their Validation Through KASP Marker Assays, Plant Disease (Plant Disease Reporter), 107(6) DOI
2023 Chaudhary S.; Sharma S.; Lal M.; Sagar S.; Sharma S.; Kumar M. (2023). Morphological and pathological variability of Rhizoctonia solani isolates from dhaincha-potato crop rotation and their mycelial compatibility relationship, Indian Phytopathology, 76(2) DOI
2023 Dhakar M.K.; Das B.; Rai M.; Nath V. (2023). Fruit Yield, Quality, and Stability in Sapota (Manilkaraachras [Mill.] Fosb.) Varieties: Under Short‑, Medium- and Long-Term Evaluation, Erwerbs-Obstbau, 65(3) DOI
2023 Dheeravathu S.N.; Singh P.; Srinivasan R.; Kumar A.; Deb D.; Vadithe T.B.; Yadav V.K. (2023). Open top chamber: an innovative screening technique for temperature stress tolerance of morpho-physiological and fodder yield traits in forage cowpea varieties, Range Management and Agroforestry, 44(1) DOI
2023 Vanlalruati; Anand P.; Kumar G.; Tiwari A.K.; Sindhu S.S.; Hiremath V.M. (2023). Differential response of chrysanthemums on osmolyte accumulation, chlorophyll content and growth attributes under salinity stress, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 80(2) DOI
2023 Manjunath Prasad C.T.; Kodde J.; Angenent G.C.; Hay F.R.; McNally K.L.; Groot S.P.C. (2023). Identification of the rice Rc gene as a main regulator of seed survival under dry storage conditions, Plant Cell and Environment, 46(6) DOI
2023 Kumar S.; Chakrabarty S.K.; Lal S.K. (2023). Standardization of phenol colour reaction test in rice (Oryza sativa) varieties, Plant Physiology Reports (Indian Journal of Plant Physiology), 28(2) DOI
2023 Kumar A.; Behera U.K.; Dhar S.; Shukla L.; Singh R.; Babu S.; Sharma V.K.; Upadhyay P.K.; Bairwa R.K.; Gupta G.; Kumar A.; Singh S.; Bhandari N.; Qureshi A.A.; Gudade B.A.; Verma G.; Kumar R.; Kumar A. (2023). Conservation tillage and microbially mediated integrated phosphorus management enhance productivity, profitability and energy use efficiency of maize, Journal of Agricultural Science, 161(3) DOI
2023 Mahawer A.K.; Sharma R.M.; Dubey A.K.; Awasthi O.P.; Singh D.; Dahuja A.; Mitra S.V.A.C.R.; Kumar A. (2023). Effect of weather parameters and citrus genotypes on the occurrence of citrus canker incited by Xanthomonas citri pv. citri, Indian Phytopathology, 76(2) DOI
2023 Karmakar S.; Varghese C.; Harun M.; Vinaykumar L.N.; Varghese E. (2023). Experimental designs for the selection of integrated farming system components, Current Science, 124(9) DOI
2023 Kelageri S.S.; Mahapatro G.K.; Subramanian S.; Srivastava C.; Rajna S. (2023). RELATIVE SUSCEPTIBILITY OF LIFE STAGES OF COTTON WHITEFLY BEMISIA TABACI (GENN.) TO PYRIPROXYFEN, Indian Journal of Entomology, 85(2) DOI
2023 Patil A.K.; Singh N.; Singha P.S.; Satankar M.; Kautkar S.; Singh S.K.; Pathak P.K. (2023). Engineering interventions for climate-resilient forage production, Molecular Interventions for Developing Climate-Smart Crops: A Forage Perspective, () DOI
2023 Narender; Arya S.; Nanda K.; Yadav S.; Singh T.; Ranawat J.S. (2023). Potential of Melia dubia-wheat based agroforestry system to cope up with climate change, Environment Conservation Journal, 24(2) DOI
2023 Pradeepkumara N.; Dey S.S.; Munshi A.D.; Behera T.K.; Bhatia R.; Kumari K.; Prakash P.; Bhattacharya R.C.; Talukdar A. (2023). Cucumber F1 hybrid derived from two contrasting inbreds ensures high frequency gynogenesis for induction of haploids through a modified in vitro based protocol, South African Journal of Botany, 157() DOI
2023 Kalaivanan N.S.; Ghoshal T.; Lakshmi M.A.; Mondal K.K.; Kulshreshtha A.; Singh K.B.M.; Thakur J.K.; Supriya P.; Bhatnagar S.; Mani C. (2023). Complete genome resource unravels the close relation of an Indian Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae strain IXOBB0003 with Philippines strain causing bacterial blight of rice, 3 Biotech, 13(6) DOI
2023 Mohanty P.K.; Shiv Ramakrishnan R.; Mamatha B.C.; Rudresh K.; Sabale P.R.; Pal M.; Samaiya R.K.; Rane J.; Gurumurthy S. (2023). Genotypes with high stem reserve mobilization can overcome the impact of rust on chickpea yield, Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 70(5) DOI
2023 Das B.; Chakraborty D.; Singh V.K.; Das D.; Sahoo R.N.; Aggarwal P.; Murgaokar D.; Mondal B.P. (2023). Partial least square regression based machine learning models for soil organic carbon prediction using visible–near infrared spectroscopy, Geoderma Regional, 33() DOI
2023 Patra K.; Parihar C.M.; Nayak H.S.; Rana B.; Sena D.R.; Anand A.; Reddy K.S.; Chowdhury M.; Pandey R.; Kumar A.; Singh L.K.; Ghatala M.K.; Sidhu H.S.; Jat M.L. (2023). Appraisal of complementarity of subsurface drip fertigation and conservation agriculture for physiological performance and water economy of maize, Agricultural Water Management, 283() DOI
2023 Grewal S.K.; Sharma K.P.; Bharadwaj R.D.; Hegde V.; Sidhu S.K.; Singh S.; Jain P.K.; Rasool S.; Arya D.K.; Agrawal P.K.; Mondal B. (2023). Characterization of chickpea cultivars and trait specific germplasm for grain protein content and amino acids composition and identification of potential donors for genetic improvement of its nutritional quality, Plant Genetic Resources-Characterization and Utilization, 111() DOI
2023 Archana R.; Vinod K.K.; Gopala Krishnan S.; Vadhana E.D.C.; Bhowmick P.K.; Singh V.J.; Ellur R.K.; Sathee L.; Mandal P.K.; Bollinedi H.; Nanda Kumar S.; Sonu; Nagarajan M.; Singh A.K. (2023). Quantitative trait loci for stay-greenness and agronomic traits provide new insights into chlorophyll homeostasis and nitrogen use in rice, Plant Breeding, 142(3) DOI
2023 Pervez R.; Somvanshi V.S.; Rao U. (2023). Nematode diversity and community structure from high-altitude district Leh (Ladakh), India, Indian Phytopathology, 76(2) DOI
2023 Singh J.; Pandey S.K.; Lal N.; Nath V. (2023). Effect of Spacing and Training System on Morpho-physiology, Yield, and Quality Attributes of Litchi cv. ‘Shahi’ Under the Rectangular System of Planting, Erwerbs-Obstbau, 65(3) DOI
2023 Balodi R.; Gogoi R.; Bisht S.; Singh S.; Singh S.K. (2023). Antifungal Activity of Chitosan Against Rhizoctonia solani f.sp. sasakii, Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology, 59(3) DOI
2023 Singh N.; Sharma R.M.; Dubey A.K.; Awasthi O.P.; Saha S.; Bharadwaj C.; Sharma V.K.; Sevanthi A.M.; Kumar A.; Deepak (2023). Citrus improvement for enhanced mineral nutrients in fruit juice through interspecific hybridization, Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 119() DOI
2023 Gawdiya S.; Kumar D.; Shivay Y.S.; Bhatia A.; Mehrotra S.; Chandra M.S.; Kumawat A.; Kumar R.; Price A.H.; Raghuram N.; Pathak H.; Sutton M.A. (2023). Field-Based Evaluation of Rice Genotypes for Enhanced Growth, Yield Attributes, Yield and Grain Yield Efficiency Index in Irrigated Lowlands of the Indo-Gangetic Plains, Sustainability, 15(11) DOI
2023 Ganie P.A.; Posti R.; Aswal A.S.; Bharti V.S.; Sehgal V.K.; Sarma D.; Pandey P.K. (2023). A comparative analysis of the vertical accuracy of multiple open-source digital elevation models for the mountainous terrain of the north-western Himalaya, Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, 9(2) DOI
2023 Ganie P.A.; Posti R.; Baruah D.; Kunal K.; Kunal G.; Sarma D.; Pandey P.K. (2023). Land suitability modelling for rainbow trout farming in the Eastern Himalayan Region, India, using GIS–MCE approach, Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, 9(2) DOI
2023 Nayaka S.N.; Jailani A.A.K.; Ghosh A.; Roy A.; Mandal B. (2023). Delivery of progeny virus from the infectious clone of cucumber green mottle mosaic virus and quantification of the viral load in different host plants, 3 Biotech, 13(6) DOI
2023 Chand K.; Kumar R.V.; Meena S.S.; Biradar N.; Choudhary B.B.; Ghosh A.; Palsaniya D.R.; Mahanta S.K.; Nagar R.P.; Meena H.S.; Kishore P. (2023). Financial and environmental impact analysis of developing common pasturelands, Range Management and Agroforestry, 44(1) DOI
2023 Yadav S.; Yadava Y.K.; Meena S.; Singh L.; Kansal R.; Grover M.; M.S N.; Bharadwaj C.; Paul V.; Gaikwad K.; Jain P.K. (2023). The SPL transcription factor genes are potential targets for epigenetic regulation in response to drought stress in chickpea (C. arietinum L.), Molecular Biology Reports, 50(6) DOI
2023 Meena J.K.; Dikshit H.K.; Aski M.; Gupta S.; Singh A.; Tripathi A.; Thribhuvan R.; Chourasia K.N. (2023). Molecular Mapping of a Gene Conferring Fusarium Wilt Resistance in Lentil (Lens culinaris Medikus subsp. culinaris) using Bulked-segregant Analysis, Legume Research, 46(6) DOI
2023 Ankhila R.H.; Singh A.; Kumar P.; Kumar S.; Meena M.C.; Singh R.; Sunani S.K.; Adhikary P.P.; Kumar D.; Pradhan S.; Sunil B.H. (2023). Socio-economic impact of Soil Health Card scheme in the state of Andhra Pradesh, Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 93(6) DOI
2023 Hasan M.; Meena N.L.; Krishnan V.; Rudra S.G.; Dahuja A. (2023). Impact of Storage on Probiotic Viability, Nutritional and Sensory Quality of Fermented Soymilk Produced from Different Soybean Varieties, Legume Research, 46(6) DOI
2023 Babu S.; Singh R.; Kumar S.; Rathore S.S.; Yadav D.; Yadav S.K.; Yadav V.; Ansari M.A.; Das A.; Rajanna G.A.; Wani O.A.; Raj R.; Yadav D.K.; Singh V.K. (2023). Biochar implications in cleaner agricultural production and environmental sustainability, Environmental Science: Advances, 2(8) DOI
2023 Swamy S.M.; Sandra N.; Lal S.K.; Kumar A.; Dikshit H.K.; Mandal B.; Munshi A.D. (2023). Evaluation of sowing dates for managing yellow mosaic disease caused by mungbean yellow mosaic India virus in mungbean, 3 Biotech, 13(6) DOI
2023 Singh S.K.; Vemana K.; Reddy M.G.; Rawat K.; Sharma N.K.; Yadav J.K.; Rao G.P. (2023). First Report of Association of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris’ with Moringa oleifera Leaf Yellowing and Stunting Disease in India, Plant Disease (Plant Disease Reporter), 107(6) DOI
2023 Sogan N.; Kala S.; Kapoor N.; Nagpal B.N.; Ramlal A.; Nautiyal A. (2023). Novel development of Lecanicillium lecanii-based granules as a platform against malarial vector Anopheles culicifacies, World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology, 39(6) DOI
2023 Tejukumar B.K.; Singh P.; Hiremath V.M.; Jhanji S.; Dubey R.K.; Pooja A. (2023). Influence of shade levels on morpho-physiological characteristics of potted spathiphyllum, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 80(2) DOI
2023 Sneha G.R.; Annayya; Hembrom B.B.; Varghese E.; Yadav R.K.; Abraham G. (2023). Screening and selection of Anabaena spp. for desiccation tolerance through physiological parameters and multivariate analysis, Journal of Applied Phycology, 35(3) DOI
2023 Azadvar M.; Amirmijani A.; Baranwal V.K. (2023). Duplex PCR assay for simultaneous detection of citrus witches' broom and "huanglongbing" pathogens, Phytopathogenic Mollicutes, 13(1) DOI
2023 Watpade S.; Naga K.C.; Pramanick K.K.; Tiwari R.K.; Kumar R.; Shukla A.K.; Mhatre P.H.; Lal M.K.; Pal D.; Manjunatha N. (2023). First report of powdery mildew of pomegranate (Punica granatum) caused by Erysiphe punicae in India, Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection, 130(3) DOI
2023 Lal N.; Kumar A.; Singh A.; Marboh E.; Gupta A.; Pandey S.; Nath V. (2023). Standardization of Number of Flowers to Be Pollinated per Panicle for Hybridization in Litchi and Assessment of Effective Duration of Pollination, Erwerbs-Obstbau, 65(3) DOI
2023 Gupta N.; Prabha K.; Saha T.N.; Kadam G.B.; Prasad K.V. (2023). First report of Colletotrichum siamense causing leaf spot on chrysanthemum in India, Indian Phytopathology, 76(2) DOI
2023 Chowrasia S.; Nishad J.; Mahato R.; Kiran K.; Rajkumari N.; Panda A.K.; Rawal H.C.; Barman M.; Mondal T.K. (2023). Allantoin improves salinity tolerance in Arabidopsis and rice through synergid activation of abscisic acid and brassinosteroid biosynthesis, Plant Molecular Biology, 112(3) DOI
2023 Velayudhan A.M.; Singh B.; Shrivastava M.; Khandelwal A.; Yadav P.; Rohatgi B.; Darjee S.; Ramalingappa P.L.; Singh R. (2023). Development of low heavy metal − Linz-Donawitz slag for safe spinach cultivation, Sustainable Chemistry for the Environment, 1() DOI
2023 Naveenkumar K.R.; Dash M.; Khan M.R.; Kumar S.; Pasupuleti S.; Kundu A.; Sirohi A.; Kranti K.V.V.S.; Kamil D.; Somvanshi V.S. (2023). A survey of guava orchards of Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh and Haryana states in northern India to assess the spread of root-knot nematodes, Indian Phytopathology, 76(2) DOI
2023 Malik A.; Kumar A.; Ellur R.K.; Gopala Krishnan S.; Vinod K.K.; Dixit D.; Nagarajan M.; Bhowmick P.K.; Bollinedi H.; Singh N.K.; Singh A.K. (2023). Novel quantitative trait loci for yield and yield related traits identified in Basmati rice (Oryza sativa), Plant Breeding, 142(3) DOI
2023 Sujithra M.; Shashank P.R.; Naik S.; Rajkumar M. (2023). OUTBREAK OF DEFOLIATOR COCONYMPHA IRIARCHA MEYRICK ON COCONUT, Indian Journal of Entomology, 85(2) DOI
2023 Yadav S.; Chopra S.; Mani I.; Modi V.; Kumar R. (2023). Study on the Pretreatment Methods for Extraction of Essential Oil from Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus), Basi l (Oci mum basilicum) and Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) Leaves, Indian Journal of Agricultural Biochemistry, 36(1) DOI
2023 Iftikhar R.; Ghosh A.; Pappu H.R. (2023). Mitochondrial genetic diversity of Thrips tabaci (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) in onion growing regions of the United States, Journal of Economic Entomology, 116(3) DOI
2023 Singh B.; Zunjare R.U.; Shrivastava S.; Chand G.; Gain N.; Bhatt V.; Muthusamy V.; Hossain F. (2023). Provitamin A, lysine and tryptophan enrichment in shrunken2-based sweet corn genotypes through genomics-assisted breeding for crtRB1 and opaque2 genes, Molecular Biology Reports, 50(6) DOI
2023 Saklani B.K.; Ray S.; Arora K.; Asthana R.K.; Sharma T.R. (2023). Magnaporthe oryzae encoded effector protein AvrPi54 interacts in vivo with rice encoded cognate resistance protein Pi54 at the host plasma membrane, Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 32(2) DOI
2023 Kumar S.; Rawat S.; Joshi V.; Kundu A.; Somvanshi V.S. (2023). Northern root-knot nematode Meloidogyne hapla Chitwood, 1949 infecting Kiwi fruit (Actinidia chinensis) in Bageshwar district of Uttarakhand state, Indian Phytopathology, 76(2) DOI
2023 Altaf M.A.; Sharma N.; Srivastava D.; Mandal S.; Adavi S.; Jena R.; Bairwa R.K.; Gopalakrishnan A.V.; Kumar A.; Dey A.; Lal M.K.; Tiwari R.K.; Kumar R.; Ahmed P. (2023). Deciphering the melatonin-mediated response and signalling in the regulation of heavy metal stress in plants, Planta, 257(6) DOI
2023 Kamil D.; Bahadur A.; Debnath P.; Choudhary S.P.; Kumari A.; Das A. (2023). A report of collar rot disease of Sugandh mantri (Homalomena aromatica) caused by Sclerotium delphinii in West Tripura state of India, Crop Protection, 168() DOI
2023 Altaf M.A.; Mandal S.; Behera B.; Mangal V.; Naz S.; Kumar R.; Kumar A.; Ghorai M.; Singh B.; Dey A.; Tiwari R.K.; Lal M.K.; Aftab T. (2023). Salinity Stress Tolerance in Solanaceous Crops: Current Understanding and Its Prospects in Genome Editing, Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 42(7) DOI
2023 Asrey R.; Sharma S.; Barman K.; Prajapati U.; Negi N.; Meena N.K. (2023). Biological and postharvest interventions to manage the ethylene in fruit: a review, Sustainable Food Technology, 1(6) DOI
2023 Patil M.; Khan M.R.; Mondal S. (2023). Pathogenic variation among three major root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) affecting guava (Psidium guajava L.) cv. Allahabad Safeda, Indian Phytopathology, 76(2) DOI
2023 Devi A.; Kalwani M.; Patil K.; Kumari A.; Tyagi A.; Shukla P.; Pabbi S. (2023). Microalgal Bio-pigments: Production and enhancement strategies to enrich microalgae-derived pigments, Cyanobacterial Biotechnology in the 21st Century, () DOI
2023 Venkadesh G.; Das D.; Basumatary B.; Choudhury B.N.; Khan M.R. (2023). Morphology and Morphometrics of Hoplolaimus columbus Sher, 1963 Populations from Assam, India, Indian Journal of Nematology, 53(1) DOI
2023 Kantwa S.R.; Govindasamy P.; Palsaniya D.R.; Srinivasan R.; Kaur R.; Raj R.; Tiwari G. (2023). Integrated weed control measures for higher yield of Egyptian clover (Trifolium alexandrinum L.), Range Management and Agroforestry, 44(1) DOI
2023 Paul R.K.; Yeasin M.; Kumar P.; Paul A.K.; Roy H.S. (2023). Deep learning technique for forecasting the price of cauliflower, Current Science, 124(9) DOI
2023 Kumari S.; Sehrawat K.D.; Phogat D.; Sehrawat A.R.; Chaudhary R.; Sushkova S.N.; Voloshina M.S.; Rajput V.D.; Shmaraeva A.N.; Marc R.A.; Shende S.S. (2023). Ascophyllum nodosum (L.) Le Jolis, a Pivotal Biostimulant toward Sustainable Agriculture: A Comprehensive Review, Agriculture (Switzerland), 13(6) DOI
2023 Prajapati M.R.; Singh J.; Kumar P.; Kumar R.; Baranwal V.K. (2023). Identification of a novel member of the alphaendornavirus genus in Plantago ovata through transcriptome dataset mining, South African Journal of Botany, 157() DOI
2023 Kumar R.R.; Rai G.K.; Kota S.; Watts A.; Sakhare A.; Kumar S.; Goswami S.; Kapoor N.; Babu P.; Mishra G.P.; Kumar S.N.; Chinnusamy V.; Praveen S. (2023). Fascinating Dynamics of Silicon in alleviation of heat stress Induced oxidative damage in plants, Plant Growth Regulation, 100(2) DOI
2023 Dhayal D.; Lal K.; Khanna M.; Sudhishri S.; Brar A.S.; Sindhu V.K.; Singh M.; Bhattacharyya R.; Rajath E.; Rosin K.G.; Chakraborty D. (2023). Performance of surface and subsurface drip fertigated wheat-moongbean-maize cropping system under different irrigation schedules and nutrient doses, Agricultural Water Management, 284() DOI
2023 Shivran M.; Sharma N.; Sharma N.; Muthusamy V.; Dubey A.K.; Singh S.K.; Singh B.P.; Kumar N.; Sevanthi A.M.; Singh N.; Singh N.K. (2023). Development of Ripening Gene-Specific Markers and their Association with Shelf-Life in Mango (Mangifera indica L.) varieties, National Academy Science Letters-India, 46(3) DOI
2023 Mondal S.; Kumar R.; Mishra J.S.; Dass A.; Kumar S.; Vijay K.V.; Kumari M.; Khan S.R.; Singh V.K. (2023). Grain nitrogen content and productivity of rice and maize under variable doses of fertilizer nitrogen, Heliyon, 9(6) DOI
2023 Pandey P.; Suyal G.; Aprajita; Pasbola K.; Sharma R. (2023). NGS-based profiling identifies miRNAs and pathways dysregulated in cisplatin-resistant esophageal cancer cells, Functional and Integrative Genomics, 23(2) DOI
2023 Kumari A.; Upadhyaya A.; Jeet P.; Ahmed A.; Prakash V.; Suna T. (2023). Morphometric Analysis and Prioritization of Watershed for Water Management using Weighted Sum Approach and Geospatial Tools: A Case Study of Harohar Sub-basin, India, Journal of the Geological Society of India, 99(6) DOI
2023 Alam K.; Barman M.; Datta S.P.; Annapurna K.; Shukla L. (2023). Modification of Inorganic Fractions of Phosphorus by Phosphate-Solubilising Microorganisms in Conjunction with Phosphorus Fertilisation in a Tropical Inceptisol, Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 23(2) DOI
2023 Nath P.; Kale S.; Vishwakarma R.K.; Kaur C. (2023). Innovative freeze-thaw step prior to osmotic dehydration produces softer aonla candies, Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 17(3) DOI
2023 Srinivas K.; Raghuraman M.; Anil Kumar S.T. (2023). EVALUATION OF FLONICAMID AGAINST RICE EAR HEAD BUG LEPTOCORISA ACUTA (THUNBERG), Indian Journal of Entomology, 85(2) DOI
2023 Singh H.; Sekhon B.S.; Kumar P.; Dhall R.K.; Devi R.; Dhillon T.S.; Sharma S.; Khar A.; Yadav R.K.; Tomar B.S.; Ntanasi T.; Sabatino L.; Ntatsi G. (2023). Genetic Mechanisms for Hybrid Breeding in Vegetable Crops, Plants, 12(12) DOI
2023 Mukri G.; Shilpa K.; Gadag R.N.; Bhat J.S.; Singh C.; Gupta N.C.; Prabha C.; Patil S.P. (2023). Designed and validated novel allele-specific primer to differentiate Kernel Row Number (KRN) in tropical field corn, PLoS ONE, 18(04-Apr) DOI
2023 Patra S.; Parihar C.M.; Mahala D.M.; Singh D.; Nayak H.S.; Patra K.; Reddy K.S.; Pradhan S.; Sena D.R. (2023). Influence of long-term tillage and diversified cropping systems on hydro-physical properties in a sandy loam soil of North-Western India, Soil & Tillage Research, 229() DOI
2023 Mir Z.A.; Chandra T.; Saharan A.; Budhlakoti N.; Mishra D.C.; Saharan M.S.; Mir R.R.; Singh A.K.; Sharma S.; Vikas V.K.; Kumar S. (2023). Recent advances on genome-wide association studies (GWAS) and genomic selection (GS); prospects for Fusarium head blight research in Durum wheat, Molecular Biology Reports, 50(4) DOI
2023 Vinod B.R.; Asrey R.; Sethi S.; Prakash J.; Meena N.K.; Menaka M.; Mishra S.; Shivaswamy G. (2023). Recent advances in physical treatments of papaya fruit for postharvest quality retention: A review, eFood, 4(2) DOI
2023 Padhan B.K.; Sathee L.; Kumar S.; Chinnusamy V.; Krishnan S.G.; Kumar A. (2023). Nitrogen dose dependent changes in leaf greenness, crop phenology, grain nitrogen content and yield in rice (Oryza sativa L.) sub-species, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 83(2) DOI
2023 Phogat S.; Poudel A.; Bhurta R.; Kalwan G.; Madhavan J.; Padaria J.C.; Singh P.K.; Vinutha T.; Mandal P.K. (2023). An improved in-vitro regeneration protocol using scutellum of mature and immature embryos of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 83(2) DOI
2023 Nithish Babu M.; Thomas A.; Venu L. (2023). The diversity profile of pepper and banana based high range home gardens in Kerala, Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, 22(2) DOI
2023 Sharma T.; Das T.K.; Maity P.P.; Biswas S.; Sudhishri S.; Govindasamy P.; Raj R.; Sen S.; Singh T.; Paul A.K.; Roy A.; Babu S.; Rathi N. (2023). Long-Term Conservation Agriculture Influences Weed Diversity, Water Productivity, Grain Yield, and Energy Budgeting of Wheat in North-Western Indo-Gangetic Plains, Sustainability, 15(9) DOI
2023 Saraswat A.; Ram S.; AbdelRahman M.A.E.; Raza M.B.; Golui D.; HC H.; Lawate P.; Sharma S.; Dash A.K.; Scopa A.; Rahman M.M. (2023). Combining Fuzzy, Multicriteria and Mapping Techniques to Assess Soil Fertility for Agricultural Development: A Case Study of Firozabad District, Uttar Pradesh, India, Land, 12(4) DOI
2023 Yadav P.; Yadav S.; Mishra A.; Srivastava D. (2023). The emerging role of new molecular technologies for the development of broad-spectrum resistance to sheath brown rot disease in rice, Bacterial Diseases of Rice and Their Management, () DOI
2023 Joshi D.D.; Deb L.; Somkuwar B.G.; Rana V.S. (2023). Relevance of Indian traditional tisanes in the management of type 2 diabetes mellitus: A review, Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal, 31(5) DOI
2023 Kumar S.; Mondal K.K.; Ghoshal T.; Kulshreshtha A.; Sreenayana B.; Amrutha Lakshmi M.; Mrutyunjaya S.; Rashmi E.R.; Kalaivanan N.S.; Mani C. (2023). Genetic and pathogenic diversity analysis of Burkholderia glumae strains from Indian hot spot regions causing bacterial panicle blight of rice (Oryza sativa L.), Tropical Plant Pathology, 48(2) DOI
2023 Maheshwari C.; Garg N.K.; Singh A.; Tyagi A. (2023). Optimization of paclobutrazol dose for mitigation of water-deficit stress in rice (Oryza Sativa L.), Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 107() DOI
2023 Basak B.B.; Sarkar B.; Maity A.; Chari M.S.; Banerjee A.; Biswas D.R. (2023). Low-grade silicate minerals as value-added natural potash fertilizer in deeply weathered tropical soil, Geoderma, 433() DOI
2023 Sandhu K.; Kaur B.; Singh J. (2023). Current and potential methods for bacterial disease detection in rice, Bacterial Diseases of Rice and Their Management, () DOI
2023 Malik S.K.; Kaur S.; Choudhary R.; Chaudhury R.; Pritchard H.W. (2023). COMPARATIVE CRYOPRESERVATION OF INDIAN WILD ORANGE (Citrus indica Tanaka) EMBRYONIC AXES, Cryo-Letters, 44(3) DOI
2023 Kimani P.N.; Kumar S.N.; Harit R.C.; Kumar Y. (2023). Physiological Response of Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) to Varying Temperature and Irrigation Regimes, Legume Research, 46(5) DOI
2023 Ramlal A.; Sharma D.; Lal S.K.; Raju D.; Shivam; Rajendran A. (2023). First report of ovary-derived calli induction in soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.], Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture, 153(2) DOI
2023 Venkanna Y.; Suroshe S.S. (2023). A simple technique for continuous rearing of cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii Glover, International Journal of Tropical Insect Science, 43(2) DOI
2023 Nautiyal A.; Ramlal A.; Agnihotri A.; Rashid A. (2023). Stress-induced somatic embryogenesis on seedlings of Azadirachta indica A. Juss. by thidiazuron and its inhibition by ethylene modulators, Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture, 153(2) DOI
2023 Thakre M.; S H.; M.K R.; Senapati R.; Rudra S.G.; Saha S.; Nagaraja A.; Verma M.K.; S G.K.; Varghese E.; Sevanthi A.M. (2023). Pigment composition analysis of fruit pulp in the recombinant progenies reveals the polygenic nature of pulp color inheritance in guava (Psidium guajava L.), Tree Genetics and Genomes, 19(2) DOI
2023 Roy B.; Venu E.; Kumar S.; Dubey S.; Lakshman D.; Mandal B.; Sinha P. (2023). Leaf Curl Epidemic Risk in Chilli as a Consequence of Vector Migration Rate and Contact Rate Dynamics: A Critical Guide to Management, Viruses, 15(4) DOI
2023 Gidhi A.; Mohapatra A.; Fatima M.; Jha S.K.; Kumar M.; Mukhopadhyay K. (2023). Insights of auxin signaling F-box genes in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and their dynamic expression during the leaf rust infection, Protoplasma, 260(3) DOI
2023 Shankar T.U.; Semwal D.P.; Gupta V.; Archak S.; Nair R.M.; Tripathi K. (2023). Spatial Distribution, Diversity Mapping, and Gap Analysis of Wild Vigna Species Conserved in India’s National Genebank, Diversity, 15(4) DOI
2023 Joshi D.D.; Rana V.S.; Kharkwal H. (2023). Socio-administrative conservation and collection practices of the sacred Thal Kedar forest, Uttarakhand, India, Heliyon, 9(4) DOI
2023 Kumar Y.; Mina U.; Rajput V.D.; Minkina T.; Kumar S.N.; Harit R.C.; Garg M.C. (2023). Investigating the Biochemical Responses in Wheat Cultivars Exposed to Thermal Power Plant Emission, Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 110(4) DOI
2023 Bhoi T.K.; Samal I.; Mahanta D.K.; Komal J.; Jinger D.; Sahoo M.R.; Achary G.C.; Nayak P.; Sunani S.K.; Saini V.; Raghuraman M.; Singh S. (2023). Understanding How Silicon Fertilization Impacts Chemical Ecology and Multitrophic Interactions Among Plants, Insects and Beneficial Arthropods, Silicon, 15(6) DOI
2023 Gavhane K.P.; Mishra A.K.; Sarangi A.; Singh D.K.; Sudhishri S. (2023). Targeting of rainwater harvesting structures using geospatial tools and analytical hierarchy process (AHP) in the semi-arid region of Rajasthan (India), Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30(22) DOI
2023 Vittal H.; Sharma N.; Dubey A.K.; Shivran M.; Singh S.K.; Meena M.C.; Kumar N.; Sharma N.; Singh N.; Pandey R.; Bollinedi H.; Singh B.P.; Sharma R.M. (2023). Rootstock-mediated carbohydrate metabolism, nutrient contents, and physiological modifications in regular and alternate mango (Mangifera indica L.) scion varieties, PLoS ONE, 18(05-May) DOI
2023 Tiwari R.K.; Lal M.K.; Kumar R.; Sharma S.; Sagar V.; Kumar A.; Singh B.; Aggarwal R. (2023). Impact of Fusarium Infection on Potato Quality, Starch Digestibility, In Vitro Glycemic Response, and Resistant Starch Content, Journal of Fungi, 9(4) DOI
2023 Yogi A.K.; Bana R.S.; Bamboriya S.D.; Choudhary R.L.; Laing A.M.; Singh D.; Godara S.; Babu S.; Chaudhary A. (2023). Foliar zinc fertilization improves yield, biofortification and nutrient-use efficiency of upland rice, Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems (Fertilizer Research), 125(3) DOI
2023 Sidharthan V.K.; Vanamala G.; Rajeswari V.; Baranwal V.K. (2023). Identification of a putative novel cholivirus in the transcriptome of Gymnema sylvestre R. Br, Archives of Microbiology, 205(5) DOI
2023 Katral A.; Hossain F.; Gopinath I.; Chand G.; Mehta B.K.; Kamboj M.C.; Zunjare R.U.; Yadava D.K.; Muthusamy V. (2023). Genetic dissection of embryo size and weight related traits for enhancement of kernel oil in maize, Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 197() DOI
2023 Damale R.D.; Dutta A.; Shaikh N.; Pardeshi A.; Shinde R.; Babu K.D.; Gaikwad N.N.; Banerjee K. (2023). Multiresidue analysis of pesticides in four different pomegranate cultivars: Investigating matrix effect variability by GC-MS/MS and LC-MS/MS, Food Chemistry, 407() DOI
2023 Samal S.K.; Datta S.P.; Dwivedi B.S.; Meena M.C.; Nogiya M.; Choudhary M.; Golui D.; Raza M.B. (2023). Phytoextraction of nickel, lead, and chromium from contaminated soil using sunflower, marigold, and spinach: comparison of efficiency and fractionation study, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30(17) DOI
2023 Bhatt V.; Muthusamy V.; Panda K.K.; Katral A.; Chhabra R.; Mishra S.J.; Gopinath I.; Zunjare R.U.; Neeraja C.N.; Rakshit S.; Yadava D.K.; Hossain F. (2023). Expression Dynamics of lpa1 Gene and Accumulation Pattern of Phytate in Maize Genotypes Possessing opaque2 and crtRB1 Genes at Different Stages of Kernel Development, Plants-Basel, 12(9) DOI
2023 Singh B.K.; Venkadesan S.; Ramkumar M.K.; Shanmugavadivel P.S.; Dutta B.; Prakash C.; Pal M.; Solanke A.U.; Rai A.; Singh N.K.; Mohapatra T.; Sevanthi A.M. (2023). Meta-Analysis of Microarray Data and Their Utility in Dissecting the Mapped QTLs for Heat Acclimation in Rice, Plants-Basel, 12(8) DOI
2023 El-Ghannam M.K.; Wassar F.; Morsy S.; Hafez M.; Parihar C.M.; Burkey K.O.; Abdallah A.M. (2023). Controlled drainage in the Nile River delta of Egypt: a promising approach for decreasing drainage off-site effects and enhancing yield and water use efficiency of wheat, Journal of Arid Land, 15(4) DOI
2023 Choudhury S.; Asrani P.; Kashyap A.; Rao M.; Prasad L.; Pant U.; Gupta A.K.; Bhattacharya R. (2023). Whole genome resequencing of advanced introgression lines of Brassica juncea L. Czern. for characterizing alien introgression from Diplotaxis erucoides L. DC, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 83(2) DOI
2023 Selvarajan R.; Renukadevi P.; Balasubramanian V.; Rao M.V.; Reddy M.K.; Malathi V.G. (2023). Association of tomato spotted wilt virus on Gymnema sylvestre R.Br. in India, Journal of Plant Pathology, 105(2) DOI
2023 Mandal S.; Lakshmana Reddy D.C.; Das A.; Shankar R. (2023). Genetic dissection, relationship and population structure of drumstick (Moringa oleifera Lam.) using Agro-morphological and SCoT markers, Journal of Applied Research on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, 35() DOI
2023 Mishra A.; Chaudhary R.; Sharma V.; Yadav P. (2023). Challenges and opportunities of recent tools for bacterial blight resistance, Bacterial Diseases of Rice and Their Management, () DOI
2023 Prasanthi G.; Pc R.; Dey D. (2023). First record of Brachymeria excarinata Gahan, 1925 (Hymenoptera: Chalcididae) as a hyperparasitoid of Charops bicolor (Szepligeti, 1906) (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) from India, National Academy Science Letters-India, 46(2) DOI
2023 Deeksha M.G.; Khan M.S.; Kumaranag K.M. (2023). Cuphea hyssopifolia Kunth: A Potential Plant for Conserving Insect Pollinators in Shivalik Foot Hills of Himalaya, National Academy Science Letters-India, 46(2) DOI
2023 Thakuria D.; Chaliha C.; Dutta P.; Sinha S.; Uzir P.; Singh S.B.; Hazarika S.; Sahoo L.; Kharbikar L.L.; Singh D. (2023). Citrus Huanglongbing (HLB): Diagnostic and management options, Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 125() DOI
2023 Gupta S.; Garg N.K.; Shekhawat K. (2023). Answer to “Comments on “Regulation of Paraquat for wheat crop contamination” by Garg, Gupta, S. et al., https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-022–20,816-8”, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30(18) DOI
2023 Sidharthan V.K.; Rajeswari V.; Baranwal V.K. (2023). Broadening the host range and genetic diversity of waikaviruses, Virology, 582() DOI
2023 Sahu P.; Gangil S.; Bhargav V.K. (2023). Biopolymeric transitions under pyrolytic thermal degradation of Pigeon pea stalk, Renewable Energy, 206() DOI
2023 Kaushik M.; Mulani E.; Mahendru-Singh A.; Makharia G.; Mohan S.; Mandal P.K. (2023). Comparative Expression Profile of Genes Encoding Intolerant Proteins in Bread vs. Durum Wheat During Grain Development, Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 42(5) DOI
2023 Ravikiran K.T.; Thribhuvan R.; Sheoran S.; Kumar S.; Kushwaha A.K.; Vineeth T.V.; Saini M. (2023). Tailoring crops with superior product quality through genome editing: an update, Planta, 257(5) DOI
2023 Kumar R.R.; Sareen S.; Padaria J.C.; Azameti M.K.; Singh B.; Goswami S.; Rai G.K.; Praveen S.; Singh G.P. (2023). Insight into Genetic Mechanism and CDPK-Based Signalling Network Underlying Balanced Source to Sink Carbon Transfer in Wheat Under Multiple Stresses, Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 42(4) DOI
2023 Raza A.; Charagh S.; Abbas S.; Hassan M.U.; Saeed F.; Haider S.; Sharif R.; Anand A.; Corpas F.J.; Jin W.; Varshney R.K. (2023). Assessment of proline function in higher plants under extreme temperatures, Plant Biology, 25(3) DOI
2023 Panjwani S.; Kumar S.N. (2023). Techniques to preprocess the climate projections—a review, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 152(01-Feb) DOI
2023 Raghavendra K.V.; Ramesh K.B.; Rachana R.R.; Mahendra C.; Singh S.K.; Chander S. (2023). Genetic diversity analysis of severely infesting invasive thrips, Thrips parvispinus (Karny) in chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) in India, Phytoparasitica, 51(2) DOI
2023 Kumar D.; Singh M.; Kumar S.; Meena R.K.; Kumar R.; Yadav M.R.; Kushwaha M.; Makarana G.; Bhattacharjee S.; Kashyap S.; Biswal B.; Rajesh; Kumar P. (2023). Energy Budgeting and Carbon Footprints Estimation of Fodder Maize Varieties Sown under Different Nutrient Management Practices in Indo-Gangetic Plains of India, Agronomy-Basel, 13(4) DOI
2023 Jadhav M.M.; Shashank P.R.; Rani A.T.; Mohanasundaram A.; Rajgopal N.N.; Naik S.; Patil R.; Prakash N.R. (2023). DNA BARCODING, MORPHOLOGICAL DESCRIPTION AND FIELD DIAGNOSTICS OF EUBLEMMA AMABILIS (LEPIDOPTERA: EREBIDAE), Indian Journal of Entomology, 85(Special Issue) DOI
2023 Kumar P.N.V.; Mallikarjuna M.G.; Jha S.K.; Mahato A.; Lal S.K.; Yathish K.R.; Lohithaswa H.C.; Chinnusamy V. (2023). Corrigendum to “Unravelling structural, functional, evolutionary and genetic basis of SWEET transporters regulating abiotic stress tolerance in maize” [Int. J. Biol. Macromol. 229 (2023) 539–560, (S0141813022032536), (10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2022.12.326)], International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 236() DOI
2023 Vasisth P.; Singh N.; Limbalkar O.M.; Sharma M.; Dhanasekaran G.; Meena M.L.; Jain P.; Jaiswal S.; Iquebal M.A.; Watts A.; Gaikwad K.B.; Singh R. (2023). Introgression of Heterotic Genomic Segments from Brassica carinata into Brassica juncea for Enhancing Productivity, Plants-Basel, 12(8) DOI
2023 Bamboriya S.D.; Bana R.S. (2023). Status and prospects of millets for a green economy in rural India, A Critical Appraisal of India's Self-Reliance in Agriculture, () DOI
2023 Ambaye T.G.; Formicola F.; Sbaffoni S.; Prasad S.; Milanese C.; Robustelli della Cuna F.S.; Franzetti A.; Vaccari M. (2023). Treatment of petroleum hydrocarbon contaminated soil by combination of electro-Fenton and biosurfactant-assisted bioslurry process, Chemosphere (Chemosphere - Global Change Science), 319() DOI
2023 Pardeshi P.; Jadhav P.; Sakhare S.; Zunjare R.; Rathod D.; Sonkamble P.; Saroj R.; Varghese P. (2023). Morphological and microsatellite marker-based characterization and diversity analysis of novel vegetable soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill], Molecular Biology Reports, 50(5) DOI
2023 Choudhury N.; Sahu T.K.; Rao A.R.; Rout A.K.; Behera B.K. (2023). An Improved Machine Learning-Based Approach to Assess the Microbial Diversity in Major North Indian River Ecosystems, Genes, 14(5) DOI
2023 Lepcha C.Y.; Mohammad A.; Ali W. (2023). Analyzing the Feedback from Women Dairy Farmers in the East District of Sikkim, Indian Journal of Extension Education, 59(2) DOI
2023 Rajgopal N.N.; Stuti; Ningombam A.; Langlentombi L.C. (2023). First record of leafhopper genus Satsumanus Ishihara from India (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Deltocephalinae) with description of a new species, Zootaxa, 5271(3) DOI
2023 Vishwakarma P.K.; Vasugi C.; Umamaheswari R.; Sriram S.; Nandeesha P.; Sankaran M.; Shivashankara K.S. (2023). Screening of Psidium species and their interspecific hybrid progenies for resistance to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. psidii and southern root-knot nematode, South African Journal of Botany, 155() DOI
2023 Ashoka N.; Shashidhara N.; Pallavi G.; Raju R.; Patil G.I. (2023). A Comparative Study on Economics of Traditional versus Popular Variety of Black Pepper (Piper nigrum L.) Plantations in Karnataka, Indian Journal of Economics and Development, 19(2) DOI
2023 Shyam C.S.; Shekhawat K.; Rathore S.S.; Babu S.; Singh R.K.; Upadhyay P.K.; Dass A.; Fatima A.; Kumar S.; Sanketh G.D.; Singh V.K. (2023). Development of Integrated Farming System Model—A Step towards Achieving Biodiverse, Resilient and Productive Green Economy in Agriculture for Small Holdings in India, Agronomy-Basel, 13(4) DOI
2023 Kumar S.; Awasthi O.P.; Pandey R.; Dubey A.K.; Sharma R.M. (2023). Production Performance and Fruit Quality of Gamma-Irradiated Mutants of ‘Kinnow’ Mandarin (Citrus nobilis Loureiro × Citrus deliciosa Tenora), Erwerbs-Obstbau, 65(2) DOI
2023 Gupta S.K.; Nain M.S.; Singh R.; Mishra J.R.; Lata A. (2023). Exploring the Entrepreneurial Climate and Attributes of Agripreneurs and its Determinants, Indian Journal of Extension Education, 59(2) DOI
2023 Kamat S.; Kumari M.; Sajna K.V.; Singh S.K.; Kaushalendra; Kumar A.; Jayabaskaran C. (2023). Improved Chrysin Production by a Combination of Fermentation Factors and Elicitation from Chaetomium globosum, Microorganisms, 11(4) DOI
2023 Mempel H.; Hasan M.; Bourouah M.; Singh S.; Mani I.; Kumar L.; Paradkar V.; Abel M.; Wittmann S.; Jüttner I. (2023). Development of an automated ion-specific fertigation management system, Acta Horticulturae, (1369) DOI
2023 Rasool B.; Summuna B.; Djalovic I.; Shah T.A.; Sheikh P.A.; Gupta S.; Tyagi S.; Bilal S.; Varshney R.K.; Abidi I.; Kumar J.; Penmetsa R.V.; Khandey I.; Kumar U.; Sofi P.A.; Khan M.A.; Bhat M.A.; Wani F.J.; Thudi M.; Mir R.R. (2023). Delineating Marker-Trait Associations for FusariumWilt in Chickpea Using the Axiom® CicerSNP Array, Phytopathology, 113(5) DOI
2023 WANI O.A.; KUMAR S.S.; HUSSAIN N.; WANI A.I.A.; BABU S.; ALAM P.; RASHID M.; POPESCU S.M.; MANSOOR S. (2023). Multi-scale processes influencing global carbon storage and land-carbon-climate nexus: A critical review, Pedosphere, 33(2) DOI
2023 Jayasurya A.; Grover M. (2023). Studies on Endurance of Azospirillum formosense Strains to Osmotic Stress and Modulation of Early Stage Pearl Millet Growth, Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology, 59(2) DOI
2023 Chopra S.; Mueller N.; Sharma R.; Dhingra S.; Beaudry R.M. (2023). Off-grid cooling and refrigeration: technical innovations for the storage of perishables for smallholder farmers, Acta Horticulturae, 1364() DOI
2023 Sethi S.; Joshi A.; Kumar M.; Raghavendra H.R.; Pooja B.K.; Nayak S.L.; Chauhan O.P. (2023). Phenolic and Antioxidant Capacity Retention of Potato Peel Waste as a Function of Cultivar, Pretreatment and Drying Procedure, Defence Life Science Journal, 8(1) DOI
2023 Singh S.; Raghuraman M.; Keerthi M.C.; Das A.; Kar S.K.; Das B.; Devi H.L.; Sunani S.K.; Sahoo M.R.; Casini R.; Elansary H.O.; Acharya G.C. (2023). Occurrence, Distribution, Damage Potential, and Farmers’ Perception on Fall Armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith): Evidence from the Eastern Himalayan Region, Sustainability, 15(7) DOI
2023 Kesharwani A.K.; Kulshreshtha A.; Singh R.P.; Srivastava A.; Avasthi A.S.; Kaur B. (2023). First Report of Tobacco Rattle Virus Infecting Brassica oleracea var. botrytis (Cauliflower) in India, Plant Disease (Plant Disease Reporter), 107(4) DOI
2023 Kumar A.; Rout B.M.; Choudhary S.; Sharma V. (2023). Biological and ecological studies of rice bacterial foot rot pathogen: An update, Bacterial Diseases of Rice and Their Management, () DOI
2023 Ghosh S.; Bollinedi H.; Krishnan S.G.; Bhowmick P.K.; Nagarajan M.; Vinod K.K.; Ellur R.K.; Singh A.K. (2023). Grain γ-oryzanol and its constituent compounds show high genetic variability, diversity and significant site x genotype interactions in rice (Oryza sativa L.), Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 83(2) DOI
2023 Lal B.; Gautam P.; Nayak A.K.; Raja R.; Panda B.B.; Tripathi R.; Shahid M.; Chatterjee D.; Bhattacharyya P.; Bihari P.; Singh T.; Meena S.K.; Yadav V.K.; Rathore V.S. (2023). Agronomic manipulation in main season and ratoon rice influences growth, productivity, and regeneration ability in tropical lowlands, Field Crops Research, 294() DOI
2023 Vishwakarma D.K.; Kuriqi A.; Abed S.A.; Kishore G.; Al-Ansari N.; Pandey K.; Kumar P.; Kushwaha N.L.; Jewel A. (2023). Forecasting of stage-discharge in a non-perennial river using machine learning with gamma test, Heliyon, 9(5) DOI
2023 Rathore S.S.; Shekhawat K.; Rai P.K. (2023). Oilseed scenario in India for self-reliance in edible oil, A Critical Appraisal of India's Self-Reliance in Agriculture, () DOI
2023 Kiruthika A.; Vikram K.V.; Nivetha N.; Asha A.D.; Chinnusamy V.; Kumar A.; Paul S. (2023). Influence of Thermotolerant Rhizobacteria Bacillus spp. on Biochemical Attributes and Antioxidant Status of Mustard Under High Temperature Stress, Current Microbiology, 80(5) DOI
2023 Tiwari S.; Kadian K.S.; Meena H.R.; Nain M.S.; Mukherjee S.; Ranjan A. (2023). Farmers’ Awareness of Agricultural Schemes under Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojana in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, Indian Journal of Extension Education, 59(2) DOI
2023 Kumar S.; Seem K.; Mohapatra T. (2023). Biochemical and Epigenetic Modulations under Drought: Remembering the Stress Tolerance Mechanism in Rice, Life, 13(5) DOI
2023 Chandra M.S.; Naresh R.K.; Bhatt R.; Manisha; Gourkhede P.H.; Kumar R.; Kadam P.V.; Gawdiya S. (2023). Impact of tillage cum crop establishment methods and nutrient management strategies on wet rice (Oryza sativa L): crop productivity, water footprint, soil health and profitability in typic Ustochrept soils under semi-arid sub-tropical environment, Paddy and Water Environment, 21(2) DOI
2023 Sarkar A.; Maity P.P.; Ray M.; Chakraborty D.; Das B.; Bhatia A. (2023). Inclusion of fractal dimension in four machine learning algorithms improves the prediction accuracy of mean weight diameter of soil, Ecological Informatics, 74() DOI
2023 Patil B.S.; Bharadwaj C.; Vijaykumar A.G. (2023). Genetic Enhancement of Yield Traits in Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.): An Analysis of Selection in Early Segregating Generations, Legume Research, 46(5) DOI
2023 Sadhukhan R.; Kumar D.; Sen S.; Sepat S.; Ghosh A.; Shivay Y.S.; Meena M.C.; Anand A.; Kumar R.; Sharma L.D.; Patra K.; Pratap V.; Alsuhaibani A.M.; Gaber A.; Hossain A. (2023). Precision Nutrient Management in Zero-Till Direct-Seeded Rice Influences the Productivity, Profitability, Nutrient, and Water Use Efficiency as Well as the Environmental Footprint in the Indo Gangetic Plain of India, Agriculture (Switzerland), 13(4) DOI
2023 Kumari S.; Chakrabarty S.K.; Paul D.; Singh Y.; Bhowmick P.K.; Hari Prasad A.S. (2023). Variability and heterosis of seed vigour traits in hybrid rice (Oryza sativa L.), Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 83(2) DOI
2023 Shiv A.; Krishna H.; Sinha N.; Priyadarshini P.; Sahu S.; Jain N.; Singh P.K.; Prabhu K.V. (2023). Leaf rust responsive miRNA mediated regulation of Puccinia triticina genes during host pathogen interaction in wheat, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 83(2) DOI
2023 Bhattacharjee S.; Bhowmick R.; Kant L.; Paul K. (2023). Strategic transgene-free approaches of CRISPR-based genome editing in plants, Molecular Genetics and Genomics (Molecular and General Genetics), 298(3) DOI
2023 Ghosh A.; Biswas D.R.; Bhattacharyya R.; Das S.; Das T.K.; Lal K.; Saha S.; Alam K.; Sarkar A.; Biswas S.S. (2023). Recycling rice straw enhances the solubilisation and plant acquisition of soil phosphorus by altering rhizosphere environment of wheat, Soil & Tillage Research, 228() DOI
2023 Kumar U.; Rashmi; Srivastava A.; Kumari N.; Chatterjee C.; Raghuwanshi N.S. (2023). Evaluation of Standardized MODIS-Terra Satellite-Derived Evapotranspiration Using Genetic Algorithm for Better Field Applicability in a Tropical River Basin, Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, 51(5) DOI
2023 Singh D.; Mishra A.K.; Patra S.; Dwivedi A.K.; Ojha C.S.P.; Singh V.P.; Mariappan S.; Babu S.; Singh N.; Yadav D.; Ojasvi P.R.; Kumar G.; Madhu M.G.; Sena D.R.; Chand L.; Kumar S. (2023). Effect of Long-Term Tillage Practices on Runoff and Soil Erosion in Sloping Croplands of Himalaya, India, Sustainability, 15(10) DOI
2023 Guleria N.; Nebapure S.M.; Kamala Jayanthi P.D.; S.B S.; Mg D. (2023). Electrophysiological and Behavioral Responses of Spotted Stem Borer, Chilo partellus, to Sex Pheromone Components and Their Blends, Journal of Chemical Ecology, 49(03-Apr) DOI
2023 Elangovan A.; Duc N.T.; Raju D.; Kumar S.; Singh B.; Vishwakarma C.; Gopala Krishnan S.; Ellur R.K.; Dalal M.; Swain P.; Dash S.K.; Singh M.P.; Sahoo R.N.; Dinesh G.K.; Gupta P.; Chinnusamy V. (2023). Imaging Sensor-Based High-Throughput Measurement of Biomass Using Machine Learning Models in Rice, Agriculture (Switzerland), 13(4) DOI
2023 Prathap V.; Kumar S.; Tyagi A. (2023). Comparative proteome analysis of phosphorus-responsive genotypes reveals the proteins differentially expressed under phosphorous starvation stress in rice, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 234() DOI
2023 Sruthy K.S.; Shukla L.; Kundu A.; Singh S.K.; Abdulrahman Alodaini H.; Hatamleh A.A.; Santoyo G.; Kumar A. (2023). Effect of Microbial Consortium Constructed with Lignolytic Ascomycetes Fungi on Degradation of Rice Stubble, Journal of Fungi, 9(5) DOI
2023 Berliner J.; Ganguly A.; Kamra A.; Sirohi A.; Vp D. (2023). Effect of elevated carbon dioxide on population growth of root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita in tomato, Indian Phytopathology, 76(1) DOI
2023 Pagadala S.P.; Sangeetha V.; Venkatesh P.; Jha G.K. (2023). An overview of structural equation modeling and its application in social sciences research, Social Research Methodology and Publishing Results: A Guide to Non-Native English Speakers, () DOI
2023 Rai G.K.; Kumar P.; Choudhary S.M.; Singh H.; Adab K.; Kosser R.; Magotra I.; Kumar R.R.; Singh M.; Sharma R.; Corrado G.; Rouphael Y. (2023). Antioxidant Potential of Glutathione and Crosstalk with Phytohormones in Enhancing Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Crop Plants, Plants, 12(5) DOI
2023 Tigga P.; Meena M.C.; Datta S.P.; Dey A.; Haokip I.C.; Verma A.K. (2023). Effect of Residue Retention and Phosphatic Fertilizer on Soil Nutrients and Crop Yield under Conservation Agriculture in Maize-Wheat Cropping System, Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science, 71(1) DOI
2023 Srivastava A.; Attri B.L.; Arora B.; Kamal S.; Sharma V.P. (2023). Development of Vitamin D and Protein Rich Energy Bar with Mushroom, Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research, 42(1) DOI
2023 Ahmad N.; Sharma N.; Joshi P.; Dabas J.P.S.; Kumbhare N.V.; Maurya P.P. (2023). Attributes determining the crop choices of local farmers, A Critical Appraisal of India's Self-Reliance in Agriculture, () DOI
2023 Rana A.; Kumari A.; Chaudhary A.K.; Srivastava R.; Kamil D.; Vashishtha P.; Sharma S.N. (2023). An Investigation of Antimicrobial Activity for Plant Pathogens by Green-Synthesized Silver Nanoparticles Using Azadirachta indica and Mangifera indica, Physchem, 3(1) DOI
2023 Bashyal B.M.; Yadav G.K.; Parmar P.; Sunani S.K.; Aggarwal S.; Krishnan S.G.; Kumar A.; Zaidi N.W.; Aggarwal R. (2023). High-Quality Genome Resource of Ustilaginoidea virens (UV2-4G), Causal Agent of an Emerging False Smut Disease in Rice, Plant Disease (Plant Disease Reporter), 107(3) DOI
2023 Jeevan B.; Hosahatti R.; Koti P.S.; Devappa V.H.; Ngangkham U.; Devanna P.; Yadav M.K.; Mishra K.K.; Aditya J.P.; Boraiah P.K.; Gaber A.; Hossain A. (2023). Phenotypic and Genotypic screening of fifty-two rice (Oryza sativa L.) genotypes for desirable cultivars against blast disease, PLoS ONE, 18(03-Mar) DOI
2023 Sharma N.; Sharma R.M.; Dubey A.K. (2023). Production and verification of lemon x acid lime hybrid populations via embryo rescue, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 80(1) DOI
2023 Dhaka A.S.; Dikshit H.K.; Mishra G.P.; Tontang M.T.; Meena N.L.; Kumar R.R.; Ramesh S.V.; Narwal S.; Aski M.; Thimmegowda V.; Gupta S.; Nair R.M.; Praveen S. (2023). Evaluation of Growth Conditions, Antioxidant Potential, and Sensory Attributes of Six Diverse Microgreens Species, Agriculture (Switzerland), 13(3) DOI
2023 Yaadesh S.; Tomar G.; Kaushik R.; Prasanna R.; Grover M. (2023). A zospirillum–Bacillus associations: synergistic effects on in vitro PGP traits and growth of pearl millet at early seedling stage under limited moisture conditions, 3 Biotech, 13(3) DOI
2023 Dongariyal A.; Chandra A.K.; Dongriyal A.; Kumar A.; Sharma P. (2023). Tending genome editing via CRISPR/Cas9-induced mutagenesis: Opportunity and challenges for yield, quality and nutritional improvement of fruit crops, Scientia Horticulturae, 311() DOI
2023 Bidaramali V.; Bhutia T.L.; Sureja A.K.; Munshi A.D.; Das A.; Boopalakrishnan G.; Gopalakrishnan S.; Behera T.K.; Dey S.S. (2023). Genetics of downy mildew resistance in indigenous cucumber germplasm, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 80(1) DOI
2023 Sarkar A.; Singh T.; Mondal A.; Kumar S.; Das T.K.; Kaur R.; Raj R.; Upadhyay P.K.; Sarkar S. (2023). Effect of nano-urea and herbicides on yield and yield attributes of wheat (Triticum aestivum), Indian Journal of Agronomy, 68(1) DOI
2023 Chinyo M.; Singh R.; Gautam M. (2023). Conservation-agriculture practices and weed-management effects on productivity, water and energy-use efficiency of rainfed pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum), Indian Journal of Agronomy, 68(1) DOI
2023 Dhar S.; Jinger D.; Gupta G.; Joshi E.; Kumar P.; Parihar M.; Kumar S.V. (2023). The importance of composting for a green economy of rural India, A Critical Appraisal of India's Self-Reliance in Agriculture, () DOI
2023 Tadasanahaller P.S.; Bashyal B.M.; Yadav J.; Krishnan Subbaiyan G.; Ellur R.K.; Aggarwal R. (2023). Identification and Characterization of Fusarium fujikuroi Pathotypes Responsible for an Emerging Bakanae Disease of Rice in India, Plants-Basel, 12(6) DOI
2023 Nagargade M.; Singh P.; Tyagi V.; Kumar S. (2023). Commercial crops other than vegetables for a green economy of India, A Critical Appraisal of India's Self-Reliance in Agriculture, () DOI
2023 Vashisth A.; Goyal A. (2023). Prediction of mustard yield using different machine learning techniques: a case study of Rajasthan, India, International Journal of Biometeorology, 67(3) DOI
2023 Yadav K.K.; Gupta N.; Prasad S.; Malav L.C.; Bhutto J.K.; Ahmad A.; Gacem A.; Jeon B.-H.; Fallatah A.M.; Asghar B.H.; Cabral-Pinto M.M.S.; Awwad N.S.; Alharbi O.K.R.; Alam M.; Chaiprapat S. (2023). An eco-sustainable approach towards heavy metals remediation by mangroves from the coastal environment: A critical review, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 188() DOI
2023 Diksha D.; Sidharthan V.K.; Singhal P.; Choudhary N.; Sharma S.K.; Nabi S.U.; Baranwal V.K. (2023). Multigene sequence analysis reveals occurrence of genetic variability in Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus associated with Huanglongbing of Western and North-Eastern India, Indian Phytopathology, 76(1) DOI
2023 Singh G.; Kumar M.; Zalpouri R.; Pandit P.P.; Singh K.; Kaur K. (2023). Effects of different aqueous extraction techniques on physicochemical quality and oil recovery of sesame oil, Environment Conservation Journal, 24(1) DOI
2023 Yadav R.K.; Mishra J.; Shakil N.A.; Rana V.S. (2023). Nutraceutical uses and phytochemistry of Sesamum indicum, Medicinal Plants, 15(1) DOI
2023 Singh K.P.; Kumari P.; Rai P.K. (2023). Phenotypic characterization and resistance response to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum of backcross lines developed from stable allohexaploids of Sinapis alba + Brassica juncea, Euphytica, 219(3) DOI
2023 Prusty R.; Awasthi O.P.; Singh S.K.; Bharadwaj C. (2023). Indirect somatic embryogenesis in sweet orange cv. “Mosambi”, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 80(1) DOI
2023 Bahukhandi D.; Upadhyay P.K. (2023). Mushroom production for a rural economy, A Critical Appraisal of India's Self-Reliance in Agriculture, () DOI
2023 Lai N.; Singh A.; Singh S.K.; Kumar A.; Pandey S.D.; Nath V. (2023). Morphological diversity in litchi based on phenological traits, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 80(1) DOI
2023 Kumar H.; Dhillon M.K.; Bhoi T.K. (2023). Stress-induced defense in sorghum in response to attack by the spotted stem borer, Chilo partellus (Swinhoe), Phytoparasitica, 51(1) DOI
2023 Mukherjee A.; Singh P.; Satyapriya S.; Ananad S.; Shubha K. (2023). The nature of agriculture and the group dynamics of smallholder farmers in rural India, A Critical Appraisal of India's Self-Reliance in Agriculture, () DOI
2023 Thakur A.; Kumar S.M.; Saranya N.; Nakkeeran S.; Srinivasan M.R.; Subramanian S. (2023). Characterisation of the gut bacteriome of hill and plain race of indian honey bee apis cerana fabricius, Indian Journal of Entomology, 85(1) DOI
2023 Das R.; Kumar R.; Sarkar D.; Das S.; Pradhan A.K.; Das D.; Srivastava M.; Sinha A.K.; Sahoo S.; Datta S.P.; Mandal B. (2023). Boron fractions and its availability in soils of the Indo-Gangetic plains, Catena, 222() DOI
2023 Singh Dhaliwal S.; Sharma V.; Kumar Shukla A.; Singh Shivay Y.; Hossain A.; Verma V.; Kaur Gill M.; Singh J.; Singh Bhatti S.; Verma G.; Singh J.; Singh P. (2023). Agronomic biofortification of forage crops with zinc and copper for enhancing nutritive potential: a systematic review, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 103(4) DOI
2023 Singh N.S.; Mukherjee I.; Varghese E. (2023). Assessing influences of farmyard manure addition, elevated CO2, soil sterilization, soil types, and soil moisture on clothianidin dissipation kinetics, Journal of Environmental Biology, 44(4) DOI
2023 Kumar P.; Mittal S.; Joshi P.K. (2023). Estimating Demand Elasticities of Pulses in India Understanding Consumption and Nutrition Trends, Economic and Political Weekly, 58(10) DOI
2023 Bansal S.; Mallikarjuna M.G.; Reddy B.; Balamurugan A.; Achary V.M.M.; Reddy M.K.; Kumar A.; Prakash G. (2023). Characterization and validation of hypothetical virulence factors in recently sequenced genomes of Magnaporthe species, Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 124() DOI
2023 Zhang Y.; Bhattacharyya R.; Finn D.; Birt H.W.G.; Dennis P.G.; Dalal R.C.; Jones A.R.; Meyer G.; Dayananda B.; Wang P.; Menzies N.W.; Kopittke P.M. (2023). Soil carbon, nitrogen, and biotic properties after long-term no-till and nitrogen fertilization in a subtropical Vertisol, Soil & Tillage Research, 227() DOI
2023 Vinod Kumar S.; Ravi Kumar B.C.; Sathish A.; Murukannappa (2023). The study of morphological characteristics for best management practices over the Halayapura micro-watershed of Karnataka, India, using remote sensing and geospatial techniques, Environment Conservation Journal, 24(1) DOI
2023 Harisha S.M.; Saha P.; Lyngdoh Y.A.; Tomar B.S.; Kundu A. (2023). Screening of eggplant genotypes with respect to anthocyanin content, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 80(1) DOI
2023 Kaur S.; Kumar S.; Mohapatra T. (2023). MicroRNA: noncoding but still coding, another example of self-catalysis, Functional and Integrative Genomics, 23(1) DOI
2023 Reddy B.T.; Chandran N.; Kumar A.; Sathyanarayana K. (2023). Scymnus (Scymnus) arciformis Chen, Wang, and Ren (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), a New Record for India, Coleopterists Bulletin, 77(1) DOI
2023 Priyadarshini P.; Sahu S.; Kalwan G.; Yadava Y.K.; Nagar R.; Rai V.; Bharadwaj C.; Gaikwad K.; Jain P.K. (2023). Unravelling the mechanism of Fusarium wilt resistance in chickpea seedlings using biochemical studies and expression analysis of NBS-LRR and WRKY genes, Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 124() DOI
2023 Kadiri M.; Sevugapperumal N.; Nallusamy S.; Ragunathan J.; Ganesan M.V.; Alfarraj S.; Ansari M.J.; Sayyed R.Z.; Lim H.R.; Show P.L. (2023). Pan-genome analysis and molecular docking unveil the biocontrol potential of Bacillus velezensis VB7 against Phytophthora infestans, Microbiological Research (Zentralblatt für Mikrobiologie), 268() DOI
2023 Vyshali G.; Somvanshi V.S.; Islam M.N.; Kundu A.; Khan M.R. (2023). Ditylenchus rafiqi n. sp. from pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) from India with a tabular key for the species known from India, Nematology (Fundamental and Applied Nematology, Nematologica), 25(4) DOI
2023 Mandal J.; Jain V.; Sengupta S.; Rahman M.A.; Bhattacharyya K.; Rahman M.M.; Golui D.; Wood M.D.; Mondal D. (2023). Determination of bioavailable arsenic threshold and validation of modeled permissible total arsenic in paddy soil using machine learning, Journal of Environmental Quality, 52(2) DOI
2023 Maurya N.K.; Goswami A.K.; Singh S.K.; Prakash J.; Goswami S.; Chinnusamy V.; Jha S.K.; Bisht D.S.; Pradhan S. (2023). Thermal stress-induced physiological and biochemical alterations in papaya genotypes, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 80(1) DOI
2023 Thakro V.; Malik N.; Basu U.; Srivastava R.; Narnoliya L.; Daware A.; Varshney N.; Mohanty J.K.; Bajaj D.; Dwivedi V.; Tripathi S.; Jha U.C.; Dixit G.P.; Singh A.K.; Tyagi A.K.; Upadhyaya H.D.; Parida S.K. (2023). A superior gene allele involved in abscisic acid signaling enhances drought tolerance and yield in chickpea, Plant Physiology, 191(3) DOI
2023 Gowda A.P.A.; Pankaj; Shakil N.A.; Rana V.S.; Singh A.K.; Bhatt K.C.; Devaraja K.P. (2023). Chemical composition and nematicidal activity of essential oil and piperitenone oxide of Mentha longifolia L. against Meloidogyne incognita, Allelopathy Journal, 58(2) DOI
2023 Singh K.B.M.; Madhavan J.; Chandra S.; Rao U.; Mandal P.K. (2023). In planta transformation of Polianthes tuberosa for concomitant knockdown of flp-1, flp-12 and flp-18 genes induced root-knot nematode resistance, Scientia Horticulturae, 311() DOI
2023 Sakpal A.; Yadav S.; Choudhary R.; Saini N.; Vasudev S.; Yadava D.K.; Ercişli S.; Marc R.A.; Yadav S.K. (2023). Heat-Stress-Induced Changes in Physio-Biochemical Parameters of Mustard Cultivars and Their Role in Heat Stress Tolerance at the Seedling Stage, Plants-Basel, 12(6) DOI
2023 Maddela N.R.; Ramakrishnan B.; Kadiyala T.; Venkateswarlu K.; Megharaj M. (2023). Do Microplastics and Nanoplastics Pose Risks to Biota in Agricultural Ecosystems?, Soil Systems, 7(1) DOI
2023 Singh S.; Kaur S. (2023). Location Determinants of Indian OFDI: Insights from Panel Data Analysis, Indian Journal of Economics and Development, 19(1) DOI
2023 Meena H.S.; Das T.K.; Rana K.S.; Meena R.P.; Bhattacharya R.; Bhatia A.; Meena M.C.; Islam S.; Banerjee T.; Ghosh S. (2023). Residual effects of herbicides on weed interference and productivity in wheat (Triticum aestivum) under a conservation agriculture-based onion (Allium cepa)–wheat cropping system, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 68(1) DOI
2023 Sándor R.; Ehrhardt F.; Grace P.; Recous S.; Smith P.; Snow V.; Soussana J.-F.; Basso B.; Bhatia A.; Brilli L.; Doltra J.; Dorich C.D.; Doro L.; Fitton N.; Grant B.; Harrison M.T.; Skiba U.; Kirschbaum M.U.F.; Klumpp K.; Laville P.; Léonard J.; Martin R.; Massad R.S.; Moore A.D.; Myrgiotis V.; Pattey E.; Rolinski S.; Sharp J.; Smith W.; Wu L.; Zhang Q.; Bellocchi G. (2023). Residual correlation and ensemble modelling to improve crop and grassland models, Environmental Modelling and Software, 161() DOI
2023 Krishnappa G.; Khan H.; Krishna H.; Devate N.B.; Kumar S.; Mishra C.N.; Parkash O.; Kumar S.; Kumar M.; Mamrutha H.M.; Singh G.P. (2023). Genome-Wide Association Study for Grain Protein, Thousand Kernel Weight, and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index in Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Genes, 14(3) DOI
2023 Sharma R.M.; Dubey A.K.; Awasthi O.P.; Sharma V.K.; Kumar A.R. (2023). Long-term performance of grapefruit cultivars on different rootstocks, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 80(1) DOI
2023 Thakur U.; Shashni S.; Thakur N.; Rana S.K.; Singh A. (2023). A review on Paris polyphylla Smith: A vulnerable medicinal plant species of a global significance, Journal of Applied Research on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, 33() DOI
2023 Ganiga N.; Bhatia R.; Du bey K.; Arora R.; Singh K.P.; Panwar S.; Bollinedi H.; Sarika (2023). Protocol for in vitro regeneration and rapid mass multiplication of apetalous male sterile lines of marigold, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 80(1) DOI
2023 Htwe C.S.S.; Rajkumar S.; Pathania P.; Agrawal A. (2023). Transcriptome Profiling during Sequential Stages of Cryopreservation in Banana (Musa AAA cv Borjahaji) Shoot Meristem, Plants-Basel, 12(5) DOI
2023 Sellappan R.; Selvaraj A.; Dhandapani S.; Krishnan A.; Selvakumar K.; Thangavel K. (2023). Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi assisted phytoremediation and its role in sustainable soil management, New Research on Mycorrhizal Fungus, () DOI
2023 Yadav M.R.; Kumar S.; Behera B.; Yadav V.P.; Khrub A.S.; Yadav L.R.; Gupta K.C.; Meena O.P.; Baloda A.S.; Raza M.B.; Panda R.K.; Lal M.K. (2023). Energy-Carbon Footprint, Productivity and Profitability of Barley Cultivars under Contrasting Tillage-Residue Managements in Semi-Arid Plains of North-West India, Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 23(1) DOI
2023 Mahawer A.K.; Dubey A.K.; Awasthi O.P.; Singh D.; Dahuja A.; Sevanthi A.M.; Kumar A.; Goswami A.K.; Sharma N.; Yadav J.; Kesharwani A.K.; Kashyap A.S.; Kulshreshtha A.; Singh R.P.; Morade A.; Sharma R.M. (2023). Elucidation of Physio-Biochemical Changes in Citrus spp. Incited by Xanthomonas citri pv. citri, Horticulturae, 9(3) DOI
2023 Malini M.K.; Singla S.; Priyadarsini P.; Das A.; Chinnusamy V.; Pal M. (2023). Photosynthesis and related gas exchange traits in rice subspecies under high temperature environment, Plant Physiology Reports (Indian Journal of Plant Physiology), 28(1) DOI
2023 Dixit S.; Chandrashekar K.; Upadhyay S.K.; Verma P.C. (2023). Transcriptional Plasticity and Cell Wall Characterization in High-Methanol-Producing Transgenic Tobacco Plants, Agriculture (Switzerland), 13(3) DOI
2023 Timmanna H.; Prashantha C.; Shashank P.R.; Nigam V.D.; Birla N. (2023). Occurrence and spread of invasive thrips thrips parvispinus (Karny) in North India, Indian Journal of Entomology, 85(1) DOI
2023 Rathinam M.; Tyagi S.; Dokka N.; Marimuthu S.K.; Kumar H.; Sagar D.; Dash P.K.; Shasany A.K.; Sreevathsa R. (2023). The plant specialized metabolite epicatechin- 3-gallate (EC3G) perturbs lipid metabolism and attenuates fat accumulation in pigeonpea pod borer, Helicoverpa armigera, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 231() DOI
2023 Malini M.K.; Karwa S.; Priyadarsini P.; Kumar P.; Nagar S.; Kumar M.; Kumar S.; Chinnusamy V.; Pandey R.; Pal M. (2023). Abscisic-Acid-Modulated Stomatal Conductance Governs High-Temperature Stress Tolerance in Rice Accessions, Agriculture (Switzerland), 13(3) DOI
2023 Raza M.B.; Datta S.P.; Golui D.; Barman M.; Das T.K.; Sahoo R.N.; Upadhyay D.; Rahman M.M.; Behera B.; Naveenkumar A. (2023). Synthesis and Performance Evaluation of Novel Bentonite-Supported Nanoscale Zero Valent Iron for Remediation of Arsenic Contaminated Water and Soil, Molecules, 28(5) DOI
2023 Heramb P.; Ramana Rao K.V.; Subeesh A.; Srivastava A. (2023). Predictive Modelling of Reference Evapotranspiration Using Machine Learning Models Coupled with Grey Wolf Optimizer, Water, 15(5) DOI
2023 Sharma N.; Shivran M.; Singh N.; Dubey A.K.; Singh S.K.; Sharma N.; Gupta R.; Vittal H.; Singh B.P.; Sevanthi A.M.; Singh N.K. (2023). Differential gene expression associated with flower development of mango (Mangifera indica L.) varieties with different shelf-life, Gene Expression Patterns, 47() DOI
2023 Singh R.J.B.; Tiwari A.K. (2023). Floriculture: Status and prospects, A Critical Appraisal of India's Self-Reliance in Agriculture, () DOI
2023 Das P.; Jha G.K.; Lama A.; Parsad R. (2023). Crop Yield Prediction Using Hybrid Machine Learning Approach: A Case Study of Lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.), Agriculture (Switzerland), 13(3) DOI
2023 Singh S.; Ghosh A.; Das T.K.; Dhar S.; Prasad S.M.; Tripathy S.; Verma G.; Tomar J. (2023). Influence of nitrogen and weed-management practices on crop-growth indices and productivity of dry direct-seeded rice (Oryza sativa), Indian Journal of Agronomy, 68(1) DOI
2023 Gomathi Devi R.; Jothika C.; Sankari A.; Lakshmi S.; Malathi V.G.; Renukadevi P. (2023). Seed Transmission of Begomoviruses: A Potential Threat for Bitter Gourd Cultivation, Plants-Basel, 12(6) DOI
2023 Karigar G.P.; Singh S.; Mangal M.; Saroha S.; Saini N.; Ray M.; Behera T.K. (2023). Dietary micronutrient content, heterosis and combining ability for breeding mineral-rich hybrids in early- and mid-maturity groups of Indian cauliflower, Scientia Horticulturae, 312() DOI
2023 Arivelarasan T.; Manivasagam V.S.; Geethalakshmi V.; Bhuvaneswari K.; Natarajan K.; Balasubramanian M.; Gowtham R.; Muthurajan R. (2023). How Far Will Climate Change Affect Future Food Security? An Inquiry into the Irrigated Rice System of Peninsular India, Agriculture (Switzerland), 13(3) DOI
2023 Das A.; Purakayastha T.J.; Ahmed N.; Das R.; Biswas S.; Shivay Y.S.; Sehgal V.K.; Rani K.; Trivedi A.; Tigga P.; Sahoo J.; Chakraborty R.; Sen S. (2023). Influence of Clay Mineralogy on Soil Organic Carbon Stabilization under Tropical Climate, India, Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 23(1) DOI
2023 Kumar T.; Guru G.D.R.; Sreedevi K. (2023). Redescription of seven genera of the tribe mecysolobini (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Molytinae) from india, Indian Journal of Entomology, 85(1) DOI
2023 Kumar A.; Avasthe R.; Singh R.; Babu S.; Das S.K.; Ravisankar N.; Panwar A.S.; Qureshi A.A.; Laha R.; Mishra V.K.; Bhupenchandra I.; Prasad S.K. (2023). Productivity and profitability of maize (Zea mays) cultivars under organic management condition in mid-hills of Sikkim, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 68(1) DOI
2023 Babu S.; Singh R.; Avasthe R.; Kumar S.; Rathore S.S.; Singh V.K.; Ansari M.A.; Valente D.; Petrosillo I. (2023). Soil carbon dynamics under organic farming: Impact of tillage and cropping diversity, Ecological Indicators, 147() DOI
2023 Prasad R.D.; Desai C.B.; Prakash Srivastava O.; Prasad S.R.; Bhat T.S.; Kamble B.; Sarvalkar P.; Kanthe A.; Kale R.D.; Banga S.; Patil A.; Saxena A.; Saxena S.; Saxena K.; Sharma A.K.; Prasad R.Y. (2023). A Critical Review on Recent Developments in Advanced Supercapacitors for Veterinary Medicine, ES Food and Agroforestry, 11() DOI
2023 Naidu Gopalakrishna K.; Hugar R.; Kachapur Rajashekar M.; Bhat Jayant S.; Talekar S.C.; Chimmad Virupaxi P. (2023). Simulated drought stress unravels differential response and different mechanisms of drought tolerance in newly developed tropical field corn inbreds, PLoS ONE, 18(03-Mar) DOI
2023 Gain N.; Chhabra R.; Chandra S.; Zunjare R.U.; Dutta S.; Chand G.; Sarika K.; Devi E.L.; Kumar A.; Madhavan J.; Muthusamy V.; Hossain F. (2023). Variation in anthocyanin pigmentation by R1-navajo gene, development and validation of breeder-friendly markers specific to C1-Inhibitor locus for in-vivo haploid production in maize, Molecular Biology Reports, 50(3) DOI
2023 Kumar R.; Paul V.; Pandey R.; Sahoo R.N.; Gupta V.K. (2023). Reflectance-based non-destructive assessment of total carotenoids in tomato fruits, Plant Physiology Reports (Indian Journal of Plant Physiology), 28(1) DOI
2023 Ramya R.S.; Srivastava C.; Subramanian S.; Ranjith M. (2023). Inheritance pattern and expression of resistance to phosphine in larval stage of Tribolium castaneum (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae), Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology, 26(1) DOI
2023 Kumar A.; Pramanik A.; Tiwari R.K.; Das S. (2023). Ergonomic Evaluation of Pruning in Simulated Greenhouse conditions, Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 82(3) DOI
2023 Choudhary C.S.; Behera B.; Raza M.B.; Mrunalini K.; Bhoi T.K.; Lal M.K.; Nongmaithem D.; Pradhan S.; Song B.; Das T.K. (2023). Mechanisms of allelopathic interactions for sustainable weed management, Rhizosphere, 25() DOI
2023 Rani A.; Rana A.; Dhaka R.K.; Singh A.P.; Chahar M.; Singh S.; Nain L.; Singh K.P.; Minz D. (2023). Bacterial volatile organic compounds as biopesticides, growth promoters and plant-defense elicitors: Current understanding and future scope, Biotechnology Advances, 63() DOI
2023 Chakraborty R.; Mukhopadhyay A.; Paul S.; Sarkar S.; Mukhopadhyay R. (2023). Nanocomposite-based smart fertilizers: A boon to agricultural and environmental sustainability, Science of the Total Environment, 863() DOI
2023 Sharma M.; Sood G.; Chauhan A. (2023). Novel synergism of Cedecea lapagei KU14 and Bacillus subtilis KU21 for sustainable productivity of Rosmarinus officinalis in Northwest Himalayas, Rhizosphere, 25() DOI
2023 Biswal B.; Meena S.L.; Paul S.; Babu S.; Mandal B.N.; Meena M.C.; Shivay Y.S.; Dash R.; Tahashildar M. (2023). Effect of organic manures and lime on nutrient availability and soil enzyme activity under upland rice in North Eastern Himalayan Region, Environment Conservation Journal, 24(1) DOI
2023 Upadhyay P.K.; Shekhawat K.; Kushwaha M.; Singh R.K.; Jangir R.; Kumar A.; Rai P.K.; Rajanna G.A.; Rathore S.S.; Singh V.K. (2023). Cereals: Key drivers for achieving food security and maintaining a green economy in India, A Critical Appraisal of India's Self-Reliance in Agriculture, () DOI
2023 Devi S.; Munshi A.D.; Dey S.S.; Behera T.K.; Bhardwaj C.; Gaikwad K.; Bhowmik A.; Nagar A. (2023). Generation mean analysis of earliness and fruit yield related traits in Cucumber, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 80(1) DOI
2023 Reddy K.M.; Shashank P.R. (2023). Discovery of a new species and six new records of subfamily Olethreutinae (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) from India, Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity, 16(1) DOI
2023 Prasad R.D.; Prasad S.R.; Shrivastav O.P.; Kanthe A.R.; Waghmare S.R.; Shaikh V.S.; Doke K.M.; Prasad N.R.; Nazeruddin G.M.; Shaikh Y.I. (2023). Biogenic Synthesis of Nano-Silver and Their Anti-Microbial Efficacy, ES Food and Agroforestry, 11() DOI
2023 Jain N.; Shiv A.; Sinha N.; Harikrishna; Singh P.K.; Prasad P.; Balyan H.S.; Gupta P.K. (2023). Leaf rust responsive miRNA and their target genes in wheat, Functional and Integrative Genomics, 23(1) DOI
2023 Ranjan R.; Yadav R.; Gaikwad K.B.; Bainsla N.K.; Kumar M.; Babu P.; Dharmateja P. (2023). Spring Wheat’s Ability to Utilize Nitrogen More Effectively Is Influenced by Root Phene Variation, Plants-Basel, 12(5) DOI
2023 Sarkar S.; Kalia V.K. (2023). Silencing of juvenile hormone epoxide hydrolase gene in Spodoptera litura (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) by oral delivery of double-stranded RNA, Biologia, 78(2) DOI
2023 KUMAR A.; NAYAK A.K.; SHARMA S.; SENAPATI A.; MITRA D.; MOHANTY B.; PRABHUKARTHIKEYAN S.R.; SABARINATHAN K.G.; MANI I.; GARHWAL R.S.; THANKAPPAN S.; SAGARIKA M.S.; DE LOS SANTOS-VILLALOBOS S.; PANNEERSELVAM P. (2023). Rice straw recycling: A sustainable approach for ensuring environmental quality and economic security, Pedosphere, 33(1) DOI
2023 Kumar S.; Gopinath K.A.; Sheoran S.; Meena R.S.; Srinivasarao C.; Bedwal S.; Jangir C.K.; Mrunalini K.; Jat R.; Praharaj C.S. (2023). Pulse-based cropping systems for soil health restoration, resources conservation, and nutritional and environmental security in rainfed agroecosystems, Frontiers in Microbiology, 13() DOI
2023 Srivastava P.; Sahgal M.; Paul S. (2023). Nitrogen-fixing Rhizobium-legume symbiosis in agroecosystems, Plant Endophytes and Secondary Metabolites, () DOI
2023 Bhatt R.; Majumder D.; Tiwari A.K.; Singh S.R.; Prasad S.; Palanisamy G. (2023). Climate-Smart Technologies for Improving Sugarcane Sustainability in India–A Review, Sugar Tech, 25(1) DOI
2023 Patel A.; Sahu K.P.; Mehta S.; Javed M.; Balamurugan A.; Ashajyothi M.; Sheoran N.; Ganesan P.; Kundu A.; Gopalakrishnan S.; Gogoi R.; Kumar A. (2023). New Insights on Endophytic Microbacterium-Assisted Blast Disease Suppression and Growth Promotion in Rice: Revelation by Polyphasic Functional Characterization and Transcriptomics, Microorganisms, 11(2) DOI
2023 Rakesh S.; Sinha A.K.; Sarkar D.; Roy D.; Bodiga D.; Sahoo S.; Jha P.K.; Dubey P.K.; Rakshit A. (2023). Active and Passive Carbon Fractions in Contrasting Cropping Systems, Tillage Practices, and Soil Types, Land, 12(2) DOI
2023 Samal I.; Bhoi T.K.; Majhi P.K.; Murmu S.; Pradhan A.K.; Kumar D.; Saini V.; Paschapur A.U.; Raj M.N.; Ankur; Manik S.; Behera P.P.; Mahanta D.K.; Komal J.; Alam P.; Balawi T.A. (2023). Combatting insects mediated biotic stress through plant associated endophytic entomopathogenic fungi in horticultural crops, Frontiers in Plant Science, 13() DOI
2023 Shrivas V.L.; Choudhary A.K.; Hariprasad P.; Sharma S. (2023). Nutrient concentrations affect the antimicrobial resistance profiles of cattle manures, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30(10) DOI
2023 Keerthi M.C.; Suroshe S.S.; Doddachowdappa S.; Shivakumara K.T.; Mahesha H.S.; Rana V.S.; Gupta A.; Murukesan A.; Casini R.; Elansary H.O.; Shakil N.A. (2023). Bio-Intensive Tactics for the Management of Invasive Fall Armyworm for Organic Maize Production, Plants-Basel, 12(3) DOI
2023 Jaggi S.; Sarkar K.A.; Bhowmik A.; Varghese E.; Varghese C.; Datta A. (2023). Trend resistant balanced bipartite block designs, Statistical Methods and Applications, 32(1) DOI
2023 Pothiraj G.; Shanmugam V.; Tyagi A.; Hussain Z.; Aggarwal R.; Haritha M.M.; Manikandan K.; Singh A.K.; Krishnan G. (2023). Physiological race characterisation of Fusarium oxysporum strains infecting tomato employing candidate pathogenicity genes and host resistance, World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology, 39(2) DOI
2023 Pattanayak S.; Das S.; Manik S. (2023). Defense mechanism of fig (Ficus carica) against biotic stresses: An advanced role model under Moraceae, Fig (Ficus carica): Production, Processing, and Properties, () DOI
2023 Shruti; Shukla A.; Rahman S.S.; Suneja P.; Yadav R.; Hussain Z.; Singh R.; Yadav S.K.; Rana J.C.; Yadav S.; Bhardwaj R. (2023). Developing an NIRS Prediction Model for Oil, Protein, Amino Acids and Fatty Acids in Amaranth and Buckwheat, Agriculture (Switzerland), 13(2) DOI
2023 Yadav S.; Singh S.R.; Bahadur L.; Kumari U.; Banerjee T.; Gupta S.; Singh N. (2023). Sugarcane Trash Ash Affects Degradation and Bioavailability of Pesticides in Soils, Sugar Tech, 25(1) DOI
2023 Jat M.; Meshram N.M.; Dey D. (2023). A new species of leafhopper genus Sophonia (Evacanthinae: Cicadellidae: Hemiptera) with checklist to tribe Nirvanini from India, Biologia, 78(3) DOI
2023 Aradwad P.P.; Thirumani Venkatesh A.K.; Mani I. (2023). Infrared drying of apple (Malus domestica) slices: Effect on drying and color kinetics, texture, rehydration, and microstructure, Journal of Food Process Engineering, 46(2) DOI
2023 Haris M.; Hussain T.; Mohamed H.I.; Khan A.; Ansari M.S.; Tauseef A.; Khan A.A.; Akhtar N. (2023). Nanotechnology – A new frontier of nano-farming in agricultural and food production and its development, Science of the Total Environment, 857() DOI
2023 Kashyap A.S.; Manzar N.; Maurya A.; Mishra D.D.; Singh R.P.; Sharma P.K. (2023). Development of Diagnostic Markers and Applied for Genetic Diversity Study and Population Structure of Bipolaris sorokiniana Associated with Leaf Blight Complex of Wheat, Journal of Fungi, 9(2) DOI
2023 Cimusa Kulimushi L.; Bigabwa Bashagaluke J.; Prasad P.; Heri-Kazi A.B.; Lal Kushwaha N.; Masroor M.; Choudhari P.; Elbeltagi A.; Sajjad H.; Mohammed S. (2023). Soil erosion susceptibility mapping using ensemble machine learning models: A case study of upper Congo river sub-basin, Catena, 222() DOI
2023 Kassam R.; Jaiswal N.; Hada A.; Phani V.; Yadav J.; Budhwar R.; Godwin J.; Chatterjee M.; Bhat C.G.; Mishra J.; Rana V.S.; Kundu A.; Chawla G.; Somvanshi V.S.; Rao U. (2023). Evaluation of Paecilomyces tenuis producing Huperzine A for the management of root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita (Nematoda: Meloidogynidae), Journal of Pest Science, 96(2) DOI
2023 Kumar S.; Sharma S.K.; Dhaka A.K.; Bedwal S.; Sheoran S.; Meena R.S.; Jangir C.K.; Kumar D.; Kumar R.; Jat R.D.; Meena A.K.; Gaber A.; Hossain A. (2023). Efficient nutrient management for enhancing crop productivity, quality and nutrient dynamics in lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) in the semi-arid region of northern India, PLoS ONE, 18(02-Feb) DOI
2023 Jadaun J.S.; Yadav R.; Yadav N.; Bansal S.; Sangwan N.S. (2023). Influence of genetics on the secondary metabolites of plants, Natural Secondary Metabolites: From Nature, Through Science, to Industry, () DOI
2023 Mukherjee P.; Suriyakumar P.; Vanchinathan S.; Krishnan V.; Lal M.K.; Jha P.K.; Chinnusamy V.; Anand A.; Prasad P.V.V. (2023). Hydrogen Peroxide and GA3 Levels Regulate the High Night Temperature Response in Pistils of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Antioxidants, 12(2) DOI
2023 Gautam P.V.; Kushwaha H.L.; Kumar A.; Khura T.K.; Sarkar S.K. (2023). Microcontroller-based Low-cost Seed Metering Module Retrofit on Cultivator, Indian Journal of Engineering and Materials Sciences, 30(1) DOI
2023 Ali A.; Kumar R.R.; Vinutha T.; Bansal N.; Bollinedi H.; Singh S.P.; Satyavathi C.T.; Praveen S.; Goswami S. (2023). Characterization of biochemical indicators and metabolites linked with rancidity and browning of pearl millet flour during storage, Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 32(1) DOI
2023 Sinduja M.; Sathya V.; Maheswari M.; Dinesh G.K.; Dhevagi P.; Prasad S.; Boomiraj K.; Kalpana P. (2023). Phytoextraction Potential of Chrysanthemum and Cumbu Napier Hybrid Grass to Remediate Chromium-Contaminated Soils Using Bioamendments, International Journal of Environmental Research, 17(1) DOI
2023 Chakraborty P.; Kumari A. (2023). Role of compatible osmolytes in plant stress tolerance under the influence of phytohormones and mineral elements, Improving Stress Resilience in Plants: Physiological and Biochemical Basis and Utilization in Breeding, () DOI
2023 Gautam T.; Jan I.; Batra R.; Singh K.; Pandey R.; Sharma P.K.; Balyan H.S.; Gupta P.K. (2023). Further studies on nicotianamine aminotransferase (NAAT) genes involved in biofortification in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Plant Gene, 33() DOI
2023 Krishnan V.; Awana M.; Kulshreshta A.; Praveen S.; Singh A. (2023). A quick and simple gel diffusion assay to visualize and quantify pullulanase activity for resistant starch content in food crops, Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 32(1) DOI
2023 Yadav R.K.; Ramteke P.W.; Tripathi K.; Varghese E.; Abraham G. (2023). Salinity Induced Alterations in the Growth and Cellular Ion Content of Azolla caroliniana and Azolla microphylla, Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 42(2) DOI
2023 Jayaprakash P.; Peter J.; Shajitha P.; Balaji V.; Nisha R.; Geetha M.; Vikas V.K.; Sivasamy M. (2023). Development of in vitro pollen germination protocol for recalcitrant triticale pollen (X Triticosecale Wittmack), Cereal Research Communications, 51(1) DOI
2023 Sehgal D.; Dhakate P.; Ambreen H.; Shaik K.H.B.; Rathan N.D.; Anusha N.M.; Deshmukh R.; Vikram P. (2023). Wheat Omics: Advancements and Opportunities, Plants, 12(3) DOI
2023 Singh S.K.; Barman M.; Sil A.; Prasad J.P.; Kundu S.; Bahuguna R.N. (2023). Nutrient biofortification in wheat: opportunities and challenges, Cereal Research Communications, 51(1) DOI
2023 Chopra S.; Müller N.; Dhingra D.; Pillai P.; Kaushik T.; Kumar A.; Beaudry R. (2023). Design and performance of solar-refrigerated, evaporatively-cooled structure for off-grid storage of perishables, Postharvest Biology and Technology, 197() DOI
2023 Dutta T.K.; Santhoshkumar K.; Veeresh A.; Waghmare C.; Mathur C.; Sreevathsa R. (2023). RNAi-based knockdown of candidate gut receptor genes altered the susceptibility of Spodoptera frugiperda and S. litura larvae to a chimeric toxin Cry1AcF, PeerJ, 11() DOI
2023 Raghav L.; Patanjali P.; Patanjali N.; Singh R. (2023). Adsorption of malachite green and chrysoidine-Y by Sn-pillared clay, Environmental Quality Management, 32(3) DOI
2023 Nasrullah N.; Ahmad J.; Saifi M.; Shah I.G.; Nissar U.; Quadri S.N.; Ashrafi K.; Abdin M.Z. (2023). Enhancement of diterpenoid steviol glycosides by co-overexpressing SrKO and SrUGT76G1 genes in Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni, PLoS ONE, 18(02-Feb) DOI
2023 Sidharthan V.K.; Patel B.; Chandran N.; Pattanaik S. (2023). Xylotrechus smei (Cerambycidae: Cerambycinae: Clytini): a potential threat to red sanders cultivation, Phytoparasitica, 51(1) DOI
2023 Devi J.; Sagar V.; Mishra G.P.; Jha P.K.; Gupta N.; Dubey R.K.; Singh P.M.; Behera T.K.; Prasad P.V.V. (2023). Heat stress tolerance in peas (Pisum sativum L.): Current status and way forward, Frontiers in Plant Science, 13() DOI
2023 Ranjith H.V.; Sagar D.; Kalia V.K.; Dahuja A.; Subramanian S. (2023). Differential Activities of Antioxidant Enzymes, Superoxide Dismutase, Peroxidase, and Catalase vis-à-vis Phosphine Resistance in Field Populations of Lesser Grain Borer (Rhyzopertha dominica) from India, Antioxidants, 12(2) DOI
2023 Vinodh Kumar P.N.; Mallikarjuna M.G.; Jha S.K.; Mahato A.; Lal S.K.; Yathish K.R.; Lohithaswa H.C.; Chinnusamy V. (2023). Unravelling structural, functional, evolutionary and genetic basis of SWEET transporters regulating abiotic stress tolerance in maize, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 229() DOI
2023 Devate N.B.; Krishna H.; Mishra C.N.; Manjunath K.K.; Sunilkumar V.P.; Chauhan D.; Singh S.; Sinha N.; Jain N.; Singh G.P.; Singh P.K. (2023). Genetic dissection of marker trait associations for grain micro-nutrients and thousand grain weight under heat and drought stress conditions in wheat, Frontiers in Plant Science, 13() DOI
2023 Kumar R.; Saini M.; Taku M.; Debbarma P.; Mahto R.K.; Ramlal A.; Sharma D.; Rajendran A.; Pandey R.; Gaikwad K.; Lal S.K.; Talukdar A. (2023). Identification of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) and candidate genes for seed shape and 100-seed weight in soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.], Frontiers in Plant Science, 13() DOI
2023 VELMOUROUGANE K.; THAPA S.; PRASANNA R. (2023). Prospecting microbial biofilms as climate smart strategies for improving plant and soil health: A review, Pedosphere, 33(1) DOI
2023 Sharma P.; Aswini K.; Sai Prasad J.; Kumar N.; Pathak D.; Gond S.; Venkadasamy G.; Suman A. (2023). Characterization of actinobacteria from wheat seeds for plant growth promoting traits and protection against fungal pathogens, Journal of Basic Microbiology, 63(03-Apr) DOI
2023 Shahane A.A.; Shivay Y.S.; Prasanna R. (2023). Wheat (Triticum aestivum) Establishment Methods and Microbial Inoculation for Improving Soil Microbial Properties and Crop Productivity, Agricultural Research, 12(1) DOI
2023 Yadav P.; Mina U.; Bhatia A.; Singh B. (2023). Cultivar assortment index (CAI): a tool to evaluate the ozone tolerance of Indian Amaranth (Amaranthus hypochondriacus L.) cultivars, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30(11) DOI
2023 Ramaiah M.; Meshram N.M.; Dey D. (2023). A new species of bamboo-feeding leafhopper genus Mukariella Viraktamath and Webb (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) along with its morphological variant from India, Zootaxa, 5239(2) DOI
2023 Elbeltagi A.; Al-Mukhtar M.; Kushwaha N.L.; Al-Ansari N.; Vishwakarma D.K. (2023). Forecasting monthly pan evaporation using hybrid additive regression and data-driven models in a semi-arid environment, Applied Water Science, 13(2) DOI
2023 Gupta A.; Sharma T.; Singh S.P.; Bhardwaj A.; Srivastava D.; Kumar R. (2023). Prospects of microgreens as budding living functional food: Breeding and biofortification through OMICS and other approaches for nutritional security, Frontiers in Genetics, 14() DOI
2023 Pal N.; Lal S.K.; Basu S.; Khar A.; Anand A.; Jha S.K.; Yalamalle V. (2023). Comparative assessment of onion seed longevity under ambient storage and artificial ageing conditions, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 80(4) DOI
2023 Sinha M.K.; Aski M.S.; Mishra G.P.; Kumar M.B.A.; Yadav P.S.; Tokas J.P.; Gupta S.; Pratap A.; Kumar S.; Nair R.M.; Schafleitner R.; Dikshit H.K. (2023). Genome wide association analysis for grain micronutrients and anti-nutritional traits in mungbean [Vigna radiata (L.) R. Wilczek] using SNP markers, Frontiers in Nutrition, 10() DOI
2023 Ashajyothi M.; Balamurugan A.; Patel A.; Krishnappa C.; Kumar R.; Kumar A. (2023). Cell wall polysaccharides of endophytic Pseudomonas putida elicit defense against rice blast disease, Journal of Applied Microbiology, 134(2) DOI
2023 Tripathi S.; Verma A.; Kushwah S.S.; Verma R. (2023). First report of cucurbit aphid-borne yellows virus infecting muskmelon (Cucumis melo) in India, Journal of Plant Pathology, 105(1) DOI
2023 Kumar P.; Kaur C.; Rudra S.G.; Arora B. (2023). Extruded finger millet improves rheology and quality of composite maize flatbread, International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science, 31() DOI
2023 Kumar S.; Awana M.; Rani K.; Kumari S.; Sasi M.; Dahuja A. (2023). Soybean (Glycine max) isoflavone conjugate hydrolysing β-glucosidase (GmICHG): a promising candidate for soy isoflavone bioavailability enhancement, 3 Biotech, 13(2) DOI
2023 Kumar P.; Sharma P.K.; Chaturvedi S.; Singh S.; Tripathi S.; Fatima H.; Grover M.; Mohapatra P.; Chanotiya C.S.; Rout P.K. (2023). Green production of biologically active Ag and Ag–Cu nanoparticles from Prosopis cineraria pod waste extract and their application in epoxidation, Research on Chemical Intermediates, 49(2) DOI
2023 Biswas S.S.; Biswas D.R.; Sarkar A.; Ghosh A. (2023). Oxalic-Acid-treated Waste Mica, a Potent Natural Supplement to K Fertilizers for Growing Wheat and Rice in Inceptisol, Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 23(1) DOI
2023 Sripathy K.V.; K. U.B.; Singh C.; Ramesh K.V.; Pal G.; Kumar A.; S.P. J.K.; Raja K.; Kamble U.; Kumar S.; Garlapati V.K. (2023). Interference of Nanoparticulates in seed invigoration of Green gram, Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 195() DOI
2023 Prajapati M.R.; Singh J.; Kumar P.; Baranwal V.K. (2023). First report of blackberry virus E (BVE) infecting garlic (Allium sativum L.) in India, Journal of Plant Pathology, 105(1) DOI
2023 Kumar V.; Kumari A.; Price A.J.; Bana R.S.; Singh V.; Bamboriya S.D. (2023). Impact of Futuristic Climate Variables on Weed Biology and Herbicidal Efficacy: A Review, Agronomy-Basel, 13(2) DOI
2023 Paul P.; Sharma S.; Pandey R. (2023). Phosphorus Scavenging and Remobilization from Root Cell Walls Under Combined Nitrogen and Phosphorus Stress is Regulated by Phytohormones and Nitric Oxide Cross-Talk in Wheat, Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 42(3) DOI
2023 Gebregiorgis Ambaye T.; Vaccari M.; Franzetti A.; Prasad S.; Formicola F.; Rosatelli A.; Hassani A.; Aminabhavi T.M.; Rtimi S. (2023). Microbial electrochemical bioremediation of petroleum hydrocarbons (PHCs) pollution: Recent advances and outlook, Chemical Engineering Journal, 452() DOI
2023 Singh A.K.; Kushwaha C.; Shikha K.; Chand R.; Mishra G.P.; Dikshit H.K.; Devi J.; Aski M.S.; Kumar S.; Gupta S.; Nair R.M. (2023). Rust (Uromyces viciae-fabae Pers. de-Bary) of Pea (Pisum sativum L.): Present Status and Future Resistance Breeding Opportunities, Genes, 14(2) DOI
2023 Thribhuvan R.; Singh S.P.; Sankar M.S.; Singh A.M.; Mallik M.; Singhal T.; Meena J.K.; Satyavathi C.T. (2023). Combining ability and heterosis studies for grain iron and zinc concentrations in pearl millet [Cenchrus americanus (L). Morrone], Frontiers in Plant Science, 13() DOI
2023 Ali A.; Singh T.; Kumar R.R.; Vinutha T.; Kundu A.; Singh S.P.; Meena M.C.; Satyavathi C.T.; Praveen S.; Goswami S. (2023). Effect of thermal treatments on the matrix components, inherent glycemic potential, and bioaccessibility of phenolics and micronutrients in pearl millet rotis, Food and Function, 14(3) DOI
2023 Rajanna G.A.; Suman A.; Venkatesh P. (2023). Mitigating Drought Stress Effects in Arid and Semi-Arid Agro-Ecosystems through Bioirrigation Strategies—A Review, Sustainability (Switzerland), 15(4) DOI
2023 Samar W.; Arora A.; Sharma A.; Sharma S.; Nandal P. (2023). Material flow of cellulose in rice straw to ethanol and lignin recovery by NaOH pretreatment coupled with acid washing, Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 13(3) DOI
2023 Mondal S.; Ghosh S.; Pari A.; Bhattacharyya K.; Bhowmick A.R.; Khan M.R.; Mukherjee A. (2023). Unveiling the drivers of nematode community structure and function across rice agroecosystems, Applied Soil Ecology, 182() DOI
2023 Meena A.L.; Pandey R.N.; Kumar D.; Dutta D.; Sharma V.K.; Karwal M.; Ansari M.A.; Nogiya M.; Raghavendra K.J.; Ghasal P.C.; Choudhary J.; Mishra R.P.; Bhanu C.; Jat P.C.; Kumar S.; Panwar A.S. (2023). The Long-Term (13 years) Effect of Rice Based Organic Farming on Soil Sulphur Dynamics in a Typic Ustochrept Soil of Indo Gangetic Plain of India, Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 23(1) DOI
2023 Singh R.N.; Krishnan P.; Bhardwaj C.; Das B. (2023). Improving prediction of chickpea wilt severity using machine learning coupled with model combination techniques under field conditions, Ecological Informatics, 73() DOI
2023 Saha T.; Chandran N. (2023). Evaluation of optimum heights of pheromone trap on attraction of fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) in cucumber in North Eastern India, International Journal of Tropical Insect Science, 43(1) DOI
2023 Kothari D.; Pargaien N.; Tewari L.M.; Dikshit H.K.; Mishra G.P.; Aski M.S.; Bansal R.; Gupta S.; Kumar S.; Nair R.M. (2023). Genetic Variation for Traits Related to Phosphorus Use Efficiency in Vigna Species, Agronomy-Basel, 13(2) DOI
2023 Mahanta D.K.; Komal J.; Samal I.; Bhoi T.K.; Dubey V.K.; Pradhan K.; Nekkanti A.; Gouda M.N.R.; Saini V.; Negi N.; Bhateja S.; Jat H.K.; Jeengar D. (2023). Nutritional aspects and dietary benefits of “Silkworms”: Current scenario and future outlook, Frontiers in Nutrition, 10() DOI
2023 Yadav M.R.; Kumar S.; Lal M.K.; Kumar D.; Kumar R.; Yadav R.K.; Nanda G.; Singh J.; Udawat P.; Meena N.K.; Jha P.K.; Minkina T.; Glinushkin A.P.; Kalinitchenko V.P.; Rajput V.D. (2023). Mechanistic Understanding of Leakage and Consequences and Recent Technological Advances in Improving Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Cereals, Agronomy-Basel, 13(2) DOI
2023 Pande C.B.; Kushwaha N.L.; Orimoloye I.R.; Kumar R.; Abdo H.G.; Tolche A.D.; Elbeltagi A. (2023). Comparative Assessment of Improved SVM Method under Different Kernel Functions for Predicting Multi-scale Drought Index, Water Resources Management, 37(3) DOI
2023 Capistrano K.J.; Richner J.; Schwartz J.; Mukherjee S.K.; Shukla D.; Naqvi A.R. (2023). Host microRNAs exhibit differential propensity to interact with SARS-CoV-2 and variants of concern, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular Basis of Disease, 1869(2) DOI
2023 Puneeth P.V.; Lata S.; Yadav R.K.; Wankhede D.P.; Tomar B.S.; Choudary H.; Tomer A.; Bidaramali V.; Talukdar A. (2023). Exploring the genetic diversity using CAAT box-derived polymorphism (CBDP) and start codon targeted (SCoT) markers in cultivated and wild species of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench), Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 70(3) DOI
2023 Vishwakarma C.; Krishna G.K.; Kapoor R.T.; Mathur K.; Lal S.K.; Saini R.P.; Yadava P.; Chinnusamy V. (2023). Bioengineering of Canopy Photosynthesis in Rice for Securing Global Food Security: A Critical Review, Agronomy-Basel, 13(2) DOI
2023 Sukumaran Sreekala A.D.; Anbukkani P.; Singh A.; Dayakar Rao B.; Jha G.K. (2023). Millet Production and Consumption in India: Where Do We Stand and Where Do We Go?, National Academy Science Letters-India, 46(1) DOI
2023 Basu U.; Riaz Ahmed S.; Bhat B.A.; Anwar Z.; Ali A.; Ijaz A.; Gulzar A.; Bibi A.; Tyagi A.; Nebapure S.M.; Goud C.A.; Ahanger S.A.; Ali S.; Mushtaq M. (2023). A CRISPR way for accelerating cereal crop improvement: Progress and challenges, Frontiers in Genetics, 13() DOI
2023 Barman M.; Samanta S.; Ahmed B.; Dey S.; Chakraborty S.; Deeksha M.G.; Dutta S.; Samanta A.; Tarafdar J.; Roy D. (2023). Transcription dynamics of heat-shock proteins (Hsps) and endosymbiont titres in response to thermal stress in whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Asia-I), Frontiers in Physiology, 13() DOI
2023 Raj R.; Das T.K.; Chakraborty D.; Bhattacharyya R.; Babu S.; Govindasamy P.; Kumar V.; Ekka U.; Sen S.; Ghosh S.; Roy A.; Sharma T. (2023). Soil physical environment and active carbon pool in rice–wheat​ system of South Asia: Impact of long-term conservation agriculture practices, Environmental Technology and Innovation, 29() DOI
2023 Kumari M.; Kamat S.; Singh S.K.; Kumar A.; Jayabaskaran C. (2023). Inhibition of Autophagy Increases Cell Death in HeLa Cells through Usnic Acid Isolated from Lichens, Plants-Basel, 12(3) DOI
2023 Mangal V.; Lal M.K.; Tiwari R.K.; Altaf M.A.; Sood S.; Kumar D.; Bharadwaj V.; Singh B.; Singh R.K.; Aftab T. (2023). Molecular Insights into the Role of Reactive Oxygen, Nitrogen and Sulphur Species in Conferring Salinity Stress Tolerance in Plants, Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 42(2) DOI
2023 Bashir S.S.; Siddiqi T.O.; Kumar D.; Ahmad A. (2023). Physio-biochemical, agronomical, and gene expression analysis reveals different responsive approach to low nitrogen in contrasting rice cultivars for nitrogen use efficiency, Molecular Biology Reports, 50(2) DOI
2023 Manjunath K.K.; Krishna H.; Devate N.B.; Sunilkumar V.P.; Chauhan D.; Singh S.; Mishra C.N.; Singh J.B.; Sinha N.; Jain N.; Singh G.P.; Singh P.K. (2023). Mapping of the QTLs governing grain micronutrients and thousand kernel weight in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) using high density SNP markers, Frontiers in Nutrition, 10() DOI
2023 Waghaye A.M.; Singh D.K.; Sarangi A.; Sena D.R.; Sahoo R.N.; Sarkar S.K. (2023). Identification of suitable zones and sites for rainwater harvesting using GIS and multicriteria decision analysis, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 195(2) DOI
2023 Tiwari I.M.; Vijayan J.; Ray S.; Jain P.; Jatan R.; Kumar N.; Kumar M.; Singh N.K.; Bisht D.S. (2023). Selection of suitable internal control gene for assaying gene expression in rice through qRT-PCR during sheath blight infection, Journal of Biotechnology, 362() DOI
2023 Banakar P.; Hada A.; Phani V.; Chatterjee M.; Singh D.; Yadav J.; Rana V.S.; Shakil N.A.; Rao U. (2023). Synthetic chalcone 1-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-3-phenyl-propenone with high nematicidal potential against the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita, Indian Phytopathology, 76(1) DOI
2023 Paul A.; Dutta A.; Kundu A.; Saha S. (2023). Resin Assisted Purification of Anthocyanins and Their Encapsulation, Journal of Chemical Education, 100(2) DOI
2023 Kumar M.; Hasan M.; Sharma A.; Suhag R.; Maheshwari C.; Radha; Chandran D.; Sharma K.; Dhumal S.; Senapathy M.; Natarajan K.; Punniyamoorthy S.; Mohankumar P.; Dey A.; Deshmukh V.; Anitha T.; Balamurugan V.; Pandiselvam R.; Lorenzo J.M.; Kennedy J.F. (2023). Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.) Hook.f. & Thomson polysaccharides: A review on extraction, characterization, and bioactivities, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 229() DOI
2023 Gupta V.; Meena N.K.; Sharma Y.K.; Choudhary K. (2023). Comparative study of different polysaccharide-based edible coatings on physicochemical attributes and bioactive compounds of mango cv. Dashehari fruits, eFood, 4(1) DOI
2023 Altaf M.A.; Sharma N.; Singh J.; Samota M.K.; Sankhyan P.; Singh B.; Kumar A.; Naz S.; Lal M.K.; Tiwari R.K.; Kumar R. (2023). Mechanistic insights on melatonin-mediated plant growth regulation and hormonal cross-talk process in solanaceous vegetables, Scientia Horticulturae, 308() DOI
2023 Das J.; Kumar S.; Mishra D.C.; Chaturvedi K.K.; Paul R.K.; Kairi A. (2023). Machine learning in the estimation of CRISPR-Cas9 cleavage sites for plant system, Frontiers in Genetics, 13() DOI
2023 Selvakumar R.; Kalia P.; Raje R.S.; Kar A. (2023). Revealing Gene Action of Different Root Pigments in Tropical Carrot (Daucus carota), Agricultural Research, 12(1) DOI
2023 Ramakrishnan B.; Maddela N.R.; Venkateswarlu K.; Megharaj M. (2023). Potential of microalgae and cyanobacteria to improve soil health and agricultural productivity: a critical view, Environmental Science: Advances, 2(4) DOI
2023 Gupta N.; Rai R.; Islam S.; Meena R.P.; Baranwal V.K. (2023). Production of polyclonal antibodies against leek yellow stripe virus (LYSV) coat protein expressed in Escherichia coli and its application in serological diagnostics, Letters in Applied Microbiology, 76(2) DOI
2023 Semalaiyappan J.; Selvanayagam S.; Rathore A.; Gupta S.K.; Chakraborty A.; Gujjula K.R.; Haktan S.; Viswanath A.; Malipatil R.; Shah P.; Govindaraj M.; Ignacio J.C.; Reddy S.; Singh A.K.; Thirunavukkarasu N. (2023). Development of a new AgriSeq 4K mid-density SNP genotyping panel and its utility in pearl millet breeding, Frontiers in Plant Science, 13() DOI
2023 Rawat K.S.; Sehgal V.K.; Vidyarthi A.S. (2023). Develop Soil Moisture Data Using Optical and Microwave Satellite Observations, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Modelling, Simulation and Intelligent Computing, MoSICom 2023, () DOI
2023 Rejith R.G.; Sahoo R.N.; Verrelst J.; Ranjan R.; Gakhar S.; Anand A.; Kondraju T.; Kumar S.; Kumar M.; Dhandapani R. (2023). UAV-Based Retrieval Of Wheat Canopy Chlorophyll Content Using A Hybrid Machine Learning Approach, 2023 IEEE India Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, InGARSS 2023, () DOI
2023 Nayak D.; Gudade B.; Saha S.; Sharma K.; Jha S.; Pradhan B.; Barman P.; Chatterjee T.; Mandal A. (2023). GC-MS based chemical fingerprinting large cardamom cultivars of Sikkim, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 80(4) DOI
2023 Sinha S.; Basavaraj; Patil B.L.; Jain R.K.; Mishra M. (2023). Efficient genetic transformation of papaya using RNAi CP gene against papaya ringspot virus, Journal of Applied Horticulture, 25(2) DOI
2023 Maddela N.R.; Ramakrishnan B.; Venkateswarlu K.; Megharaj M. (2023). Landfarming and its microbiology, Encyclopedia of Soils in the Environment, Second Edition: Volume 1-5, 1() DOI
2023 Sharma N.; Dubey A.K.; Ravishankar R. (2023). Mango Nutrigenomics for Nutritional Security, Compendium of Crop Genome Designing for Nutraceuticals, () DOI
2023 Bandyopadhyay K.K.; Acharya C.L.; Hati K.M. (2023). Mulches and cover crops part II: Role in soil health and climate resilient agriculture, Encyclopedia of Soils in the Environment, Second Edition: Volume 1-5, 3() DOI
2023 Bana R.S.; Choudhary A.K.; Nirmal R.C.; Kuri B.R.; Sangwan S.; Godara S.; Bansal R.; Singh D.; Rana D.S. (2023). High-value crops’ embedded groundnut-based production systems vis-à-vis system-mode integrated nutrient management: long-term impacts on system productivity, system profitability, and soil bio-fertility indicators in semi-arid climate, Frontiers in Plant Science, 14() DOI
2023 Saini V.; Dey D.; Meena N.K. (2023). Diversity of Crabronid wasp fauna (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae: Crabronini) in the spice ecosystem, Journal of Entomological Research, 47(4) DOI
2023 Vishwakarma P.K.; Vasugi C.; Shivashankara K.S. (2023). Morpho-biochemical characterization of Psidium species, Journal of Horticultural Sciences, 18(2) DOI
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2023 Barman D.; Yadav P.; Priya J.; Bharathi R D.; Khan F.N.; Nagar S.; Yadava P.; Watts A.; Ray S.; Chinnusamy V. (2023). Combating Plant Diseases through CRISPR-Based Genome-Editing Approaches, Advances in Plant Disease Management: Fundamental and Basic Research: Volume I, 1() DOI
2023 Tripathi A.; Kumar S.; Gautam A.; Lenka B.; Choudhary J.R.; Pradhan P.R. (2023). Mutagenesis and Transgenesis in Plant Breeding, Advanced Crop Improvement: Volume 1: Theory and Practice, 1() DOI
2023 Malik N.; Singh M.K.; Kumar A.; Nain M.S.; Vashishtha P. (2023). Farmers’ Readiness for Organic Farming: A Study of Aligarh District in Uttar Pradesh, Indian Journal of Extension Education, 59(1) DOI
2023 Mandal S. (2023). Challenges in Designing of Plant Protein-Based Future Foods, Novel Plant Protein Processing: Developing the Foods of the Future, () DOI
2023 Falswal J.; Debjani D.E.Y.; Kumar S. (2023). First record of Lipotriches (Rhopalomelissa) burmica from India along with a checklist of species from India (Hymenoptera: Halictidae, Nomiinae), Fragmenta Entomologica, 55(2) DOI
2023 Bardhan T.; Bhardwaj N.; Kashyap S.K.; Kameswari V.L.V.; Kuswaha G.S.; Dey A. (2023). Development of Multi-dimensional Scale to Measure Attitude of Farmers Towards Conservation Agricultural Practices, Indian Journal of Extension Education, 59(1) DOI
2023 Das J.; Kumar B.; Saha B.; Jaiswal S.; Iquebal M.A.; Angadi U.B.; Kumar D. (2023). Genome-wide identification and characterization of tissue specific long non-coding RNAs and circular RNAs in common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.), Frontiers in Genetics, 14() DOI
2023 Bandyopadhyay K.K.; Acharya C.L.; Hati K.M. (2023). Mulches and cover crops part II: Role in soil health and climate resilient agriculture, Encyclopedia of Soils in the Environment, Second Edition, () DOI
2023 Ghosh A.; Dhall H.; Jangra S. (2023). Establishment of a primary cell culture of Thrips palmi (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), European Journal of Entomology, 120() DOI
2023 Maddela N.R.; Ramakrishnan B.; Venkateswarlu K.; Megharaj M. (2023). Landfarming and its microbiology, Encyclopedia of Soils in the Environment, Second Edition, () DOI
2023 Chakrabarty P.K.; Mondal K.K.; Saharan M.S.; Kumar J.; Mayee C.D. (2023). Advances in Plant Disease Management: Fundamental and Basic Research: Volume I, Advances in Plant Disease Management: Fundamental and Basic Research: Volume I, 1() DOI
2023 Bindra S.; Sharma S.; Sharma A.; Rani U.; Singh I.; Bharadwaj C.; Singh S. (2023). Ascochyta Blight of Chickpea: A Menace to Be Managed by Resistance Breeding, Diseases in Legume Crops: Next Generation Breeding Approaches for Resistant Legume Crops, () DOI
2023 Kumar R.; Gupta A. (2023). Impact of Fungicidal Seed Treatments and Storage on Seed Health of Important Pulses, Pesticide Research Journal, 35(2) DOI
2023 Cavagnaro P.F.; Dunemann F.; Selvakumar R.; Iorizzo M.; Simon P.W. (2023). Health-Enhancing Compounds in Carrots: Genetics, Genomics, and Molecular Breeding, Compendium of Crop Genome Designing for Nutraceuticals, () DOI
2023 Kumbhare N.V.; Sangeetha V.; Padaria R.N. (2023). Food and Nutrition Consumption of Rural Households in Northern India, Indian Journal of Extension Education, 59(1) DOI
2023 Thakur P.; Mehta P.; Guleria A.; Divyanshu; Singh P.; Sharma P.; Tiwari R.K.; Lal M.K.; Kumar R. (2023). Determinants of farmers’ choice for agricultural output marketing channels of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum): an empirical evidence from north-western Himalayan region, Environment, Development and Sustainability, () DOI
2023 Jena R.K.; Moharana P.C.; Pradhan U.K.; Sharma G.K.; Ray P.; Roy P.D.; Ghosh D. (2023). Soil fertility mapping and applications for site-specific nutrient management: a case study, Remote Sensing of Soils: Mapping, Monitoring, and Measurement, () DOI
2023 Shivakumarappa G.; Kumbhare N.V.; Padaria R.N.; Burman R.R.; Kumar P.; Bhoumik A.; Prasad S. (2023). Constraints in the Adoption of Farm Pond in Drought Regions of Maharashtra, Indian Journal of Extension Education, 59(1) DOI
2023 Singh K.; Kumar M.; Rawat K.; Ranebennur H.; Meena V.S.; Shekhawat N.; Sharma M.; Chawla M.P.; Jadon K.S.; Choudhary M.; Rao G.P. (2023). Characterization of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris’ associated with witches’ broom disease of fenugreek and preliminary germplasm screening for disease resistance, Phytopathogenic Mollicutes, 13(2) DOI
2023 Chinnathambi V.; Panwar S.; Singh K.P.; Namita; Lekshmy S.; Mallick N. (2023). Studies on in vitro chromosome doubling of haploid derived through androgenesis in marigold, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 80(4) DOI
2023 Varghese S.; Awana M.; Mondal D.; Rubiya M.H.; Melethil K.; Singh A.; Krishnan V.; Thomas B. (2023). Amylose–Amylopectin Ratio: Comprehensive Understanding of Structure, Physicochemical Attributes, and Applications of Starch, Handbook of Biopolymers, () DOI
2023 Kundu A.; Jaiswal N.; Rao U.; Somvanshi V.S. (2023). Stringent in-silico identification of putative G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) of the entomopathogenic nematode Heterorhabditis bacteriophora, Journal of Nematology, 55(1) DOI
2023 Jhariya M.K.; Meena R.S.; Banerjee A.; Kumar S.; Raj A. (2023). Preface, Agroforestry for Carbon and Ecosystem Management, () DOI
2023 Ranjan S.; Sow S.; Ghosh M.; Padhan S.R.; Kumar S.; Gitari H.; Mirriam A.; Nath D. (2023). Nutraceutical properties and secondary metabolites of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.): a review, International Journal of Food Properties, 26(2) DOI
2023 Indu; Meena V.K.; Saroj R.; Patel M.K.; Sharma D.; Chand S.; Chaudhary R.; Singhal R.K.; Rani R.; Dadheech A. (2023). Doubled-HaploidTechnologyinMaize(ZeamaysL.)andItsPracticalImplicationsinModernAgriculture, Smart Plant Breeding for Field Crops in Post-genomics Era, () DOI
2023 Rawat K.S.; Sehgal V.K.; Vidyarthi A.S. (2023). Development of Virtual Soil Moisture Sensor (VSMS) using Optical and Microwave Remote sensing data, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Modelling, Simulation and Intelligent Computing, MoSICom 2023, () DOI
2023 Roy P.; Bhattacharyya R.; Singh R.J.; Sharma N.K.; Kumar G.; Madhu M.; Biswas D.R.; Ghosh A.; Das S.; Joseph A.M.; Das T.K.; Kumar S.N.; Jat S.L.; Saharawat Y.S.; Jha P. (2023). Impact of agro-geotextiles on soil aggregation and organic carbon sequestration under a conservation-tilled maize-based cropping system in the Indian Himalayas, Frontiers in Environmental Science, 11() DOI
2023 Priya S.S.; Aswath C.; Nair S.A.; Kalaivanan D.; Safeena S.A. (2023). Response of gerbera under soil and soil-less production systems, Journal of Horticultural Sciences, 18(2) DOI
2023 Jha R.; Tiwari M.; Devi B.; Jha U.C.; Tripathi S.; Singh P. (2023). Genomic Approaches for Resistance Against Fungal Diseases in Soybean, Diseases in Legume Crops: Next Generation Breeding Approaches for Resistant Legume Crops, () DOI
2023 Kumar N.; Soni A.; Bharadwaj C.; Vinutha T.; Roorkiwal M.; Varshney R.K.; Chaturvedi S.K. (2023). Role of Non-Coding RNAs in Abiotic Stress Response and Adaptation in Chickpea, Non-Coding RNAs: Molecular Tools for Crop Improvement, () DOI
2023 Oraon S.; Mukhopadhyay S.; Kundu K.; Khandakar J.; Kumar A.; Mukherjee S.; Mondal S.; Jha U.C.; Atta K. (2023). Biotic Stresses in Multipurpose Legume: Rice Bean, Diseases in Legume Crops: Next Generation Breeding Approaches for Resistant Legume Crops, () DOI
2023 Choudhary M.; Choudhary J.; Kumar P.; Kumar P.; Jat B.S.; Singh V.; Choudhary M. (2023). Conventional and Molecular Breeding for Genetic Improvement of Maize (Zea mays L.), Advanced Crop Improvement, Volume 2: Case Studies of Economically Important Crops, () DOI
2023 Kokila V.; Chakrabarti B.; Prasanna R. (2023). Photosynthetic Microorganisms and Their Role in Mitigating Climate Change Through C Sequestration and Plant-Soil Interactions, Shear Thickening Fluid: Case Studies in Engineering, () DOI
2023 Thube S.H.; Pandian R.T.P.; Bhavishya A.; Nikoshe A.; Vanitha P.; Mahapatro G.K. (2023). Comparative efficacy and residual toxicity of selective insecticides against Helopeltis theivora Waterhouse infesting Cocoa, Journal of Plantation Crops, 51(3) DOI
2023 Jha U.C.; Nayyar H.; Sharma K.D.; Jha R.; Thudi M.; Bakır M.; Lone A.A.; Tripathi S.; Beena R.; Paul P.J.; Dixit G.P.; Vara Prasad P.V.; Siddique K.H.M. (2023). Chickpea Diseases: Breeding and “Omics” Approaches for Designing Next-Generation Disease-Resistant Chickpea Cultivar, Diseases in Legume Crops: Next Generation Breeding Approaches for Resistant Legume Crops, () DOI
2023 Mondal B.P.; Sahoo R.N.; Das B.; Chakraborty D.; Kumar N.; Raj G.B. (2023). Digital Soil Mapping: concepts, methods, and applications - Remote sensing and GIS perspectives, Remote Sensing of Soils: Mapping, Monitoring, and Measurement, () DOI
2023 Ghosh T.; Maity P.P.; Rabbi S.M.F.; Das T.K.; Bhattacharyya R. (2023). Application of X-ray computed tomography in soil and plant -a review, Frontiers in Environmental Science, 11() DOI
2023 Adhikari S.; Joshi A.; Chandra A.K.; Bharati A.; Sarkar S.; Dinkar V.; Kumar A.; Singh A.K. (2023). SMART Plant Breeding from Pre-genomic to Post-genomic Era for Developing Climate-Resilient Cereals, Smart Plant Breeding for Field Crops in Post-genomics Era, () DOI
2023 Rai A.; Tripathi S.; Bahuguna A.; Rai S.; Rajput J.; Gangwar A.; Srivastava R.K.; Singh A.K.; Singh S.K.; Shekhar D.; Mishra R.; Sathyanarayana E.; Pandey S. (2023). Conservation Agriculture for Soil Health and Carbon Sequestration in the Indian Himalayan Region, Soil Carbon Dynamics in Indian Himalayan Region, () DOI
2023 Velmourougane K.; Prasanna R. (2023). Climate Change, Its Effects on Soil Health, and Role of Bioinoculants in Mitigating Climate Change, Shear Thickening Fluid: Case Studies in Engineering, () DOI
2023 Aggarwal R.; Kamil D.; Bashyal B.M.; Saharan M.S. (2023). Mycotoxins: Challenges and Preparedness for Reducing Impact on Human Health, Advances in Plant Disease Management: Fundamental and Basic Research: Volume I, 1() DOI
2023 Bandyopadhyay K.K.; Acharya C.L.; Hati K.M. (2023). Mulches and cover crops part I: Types, Encyclopedia of Soils in the Environment, Second Edition: Volume 1-5, 3() DOI
2023 Snehi S.; Kumar S.; Rathi S.R.; Prakash N.R. (2023). Augmenting Salinity Tolerance in Rice Through Genetic Enhancement in the Post-genomic Era, Smart Plant Breeding for Field Crops in Post-genomics Era, () DOI
2023 Davies K.G.; Mohan S.; Phani V.; Srivastava A. (2023). Exploring the mechanisms of host-specificity of a hyperparasitic bacterium (Pasteuria spp.) with potential to control tropical root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.): insights from Caenorhabditis elegans, Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, 13() DOI
2023 Deshpande S.K.; Kavyashree N.M.; Singh K.; Ramya K.R.; Sharma N.; Tripathi K. (2023). Diseases in Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.): Next Generation Breeding Techniques for Developing Disease-Resistant Cowpea, Diseases in Legume Crops: Next Generation Breeding Approaches for Resistant Legume Crops, () DOI
2023 Manjunath K.K.; Krishna H.; Devate N.B.; Sunilkumar V.P.; Patil S.P.; Chauhan D.; Singh S.; Kumar S.; Jain N.; Singh G.P.; Singh P.K. (2023). QTL mapping: insights into genomic regions governing component traits of yield under combined heat and drought stress in wheat, Frontiers in Genetics, 14() DOI
2023 Chakrabarty P.K.; Mondal K.K.; Saharan M.S.; Kumar J.; Mayee C.D. (2023). Preface, Advances in Plant Disease Management: Fundamental and Basic Research: Volume I, 1() DOI
2023 Lal P.; Chandel B.S.; Tiwari R.K.; El-Sheikh M.A.; Mansoor S.; Kumar A.; Singh G.; Lal M.K.; Kumar R. (2023). Effects of agricultural subsidies on farm household decisions: a separable household model approach, Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 7() DOI
2023 Bag T.K.; Dutta P.; Hubballi M.; Kaur R.; Mahanta M.; Chakraborty A.; Das G.; Kataky M.; Waghunde R. (2023). Destructive Phytophthora on orchids: current knowledge and future perspectives, Frontiers in Microbiology, 14() DOI
2023 Harshana A.; Dey D. (2023). First report of the trap-jaw ant genus Anochetus Mayr, 1861 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from Central India with redescription of three species, Journal of Entomological Research, 47() DOI
2023 Jhariya M.K.; Meena R.S.; Banerjee A.; Kumar S.; Raj A. (2023). Agroforestry for carbon and ecosystem management: an overview, Agroforestry for Carbon and Ecosystem Management, () DOI
2023 Narwariya B.S.; Agrawal K.N.; Nandede B.M. (2023). A comparison of cabbage crop growth parameters and harvest maturity indices under different planting methods, with an emphasis on mechanical harvesting, Journal of Applied Horticulture, 25(1) DOI
2023 Choudhary J.R.; Bhavyasree R.K.; Sheoran S.; Choudhary M.; Chandra S.; Kaswan V.; Wani S.H. (2023). Forward and Reverse Genetics in Crop Breeding, Advanced Crop Improvement: Volume 1: Theory and Practice, 1() DOI
2023 Behl K.; Devi A.; Yadav Y.; Jaiswal P. (2023). Cyanobacteria: a precious bioresource for bioremediation, Cyanobacteria: Metabolisms to Molecules, () DOI
2023 Sonu; Nandakumar S.; Singh V.J.; Pandey R.; Gopala Krishnan S.; Bhowmick P.K.; Ellur R.K.; Bollinedi H.; Harshitha B.S.; Yadav S.; Beniwal R.; Nagarajan M.; Singh A.K.; Vinod K.K. (2023). Implications of tolerance to iron toxicity on root system architecture changes in rice (Oryza sativa L.), Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 7() DOI
2023 Yeligar S.; Kumar S.; Venkatesh P.; Kingsly I.; Nain M.S.; Paul R.K.; Madhurima U. (2023). Prevailing Status of Agricultural Trade between India and European Union, Indian Journal of Extension Education, 59(1) DOI
2023 Singh J.; Rasane P.; Kaur R.; Kaur H.; Garg R.; Kaur S.; Ercisli S.; Choudhary R.; Skrovankova S.; Mlcek J. (2023). Valorization of grape (Vitis vinifera) leaves for bioactive compounds: novel green extraction technologies and food-pharma applications, Frontiers in Chemistry, 11() DOI
2023 Tiwari U.; Singh A.; Kumar P.; Venkatesh P.; Singh R.; Kumar A.; Bisen J.; Harish Kumar H.V. (2023). Status and Changes in Composition of Agricultural Household’s Income in India, Indian Journal of Extension Education, 59(1) DOI
2023 Niranjan S.; Singh D.R.; Kumar N.R.; Jha G.K.; Venkatesh P.; Nain M.S.; Krishnakumare B. (2023). Do Information Networks Enhance Adoption of Sustainable Agricultural Practices? Evidence from Northern Dry Zone of Karnataka, India, Indian Journal of Extension Education, 59(1) DOI
2023 Vinay N.D.; Singh K.; Ellur R.K.; Chinnusamy V.; Jaiswal S.; Iquebal M.A.; Munshi A.D.; Matsumura H.; Boopalakrishnan G.; Jat G.S.; Kole C.; Gaikwad A.B.; Kumar D.; Dey S.S.; Behera T.K. (2023). High-quality Momordica balsamina genome elucidates its potential use in improving stress resilience and therapeutic properties of bitter gourd, Frontiers in Plant Science, 14() DOI
2023 Sangeetha P.S.; Aswath C.; Sujatha N.A.; Kalaivanan D.; Safeena S.A. (2023). Response of gerbera under soil and soil-less production systems, Journal of Horticultural Sciences, 18(2) DOI
2023 Devi L.J.; Grewal S.; Rajna S.; Jose S. (2023). Sustainable moth repellent finishing for wool, The Wool Handbook, () DOI
2023 Raj A.; Jhariya M.K.; Banerjee A.; Meena R.S.; Kumar S.; Devi A.; Poonam (2023). Agroforestry and ecosystem services, Agroforestry for Carbon and Ecosystem Management, () DOI
2023 Meena R.S.; Kumar S. (2023). Soil quality protection policies and plans to ensure sustainability, Encyclopedia of Soils in the Environment, Second Edition: Volume 1-5, 3() DOI
2023 Kaur R.; Bana R.S.; Singh T.; Meena S.L.; Raj R.; Dass A.; Govindasamy P.; Gill J.S.; Kumar S.; Sen S.; Kumar S.; Choudhary A.K.; Das T.K. (2023). Sequential herbicide application coupled with mulch enhances the productivity and quality of winter onion (Allium cepa L.) while effectively controlling the mixed weed flora, Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 7() DOI
2023 Jnapika K.H.; Nagaraja A.; Srivastav M.; Verma M.K.; Gopala Krishnan S.; Amitha S.V.; Sharma N. (2023). Characterization of mango hybrids and their parents for vigor, flowering, yield components and biochemical traits, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 80(4) DOI
2023 Grover M.; Yaadesh S.; Jayasurya A. (2023). Associative Nitrogen Fixers-Options for Mitigating Climate Change, Shear Thickening Fluid: Case Studies in Engineering, () DOI
2023 Mirza R.S.; Rawat N.; Thakur D.; Bhardwaj A.; Gairola S.; Singh T. (2023). Role of Stem Cells and Derived Exosomes as Novel Therapeutic Agents against Neuroinflammation and Stroke, Applications of Stem Cells and derived Exosomes in Neurodegenerative Disorders, () DOI
2023 Saha P.; Singh J.; Bhanushree N.; Harisha S.M.; Tomar B.S.; Rathinasabapathi B. (2023). Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) Nutritional and Health Promoting Phytochemicals, Compendium of Crop Genome Designing for Nutraceuticals, () DOI
2023 Sharma D.; Singh S.; Sharma S.K.; Singh R. (2023). Smart Plant Breeding for Field Crops in Post-genomics Era, Smart Plant Breeding for Field Crops in Post-genomics Era, () DOI
2023 Jhariya M.K.; Meena R.S.; Banerjee A.; Kumar S.; Raj A. (2023). Agroforestry for Carbon and Ecosystem Management, Agroforestry for Carbon and Ecosystem Management, () DOI
2023 Mohapatra B.; Shinde C.U.; Behera R.K. (2023). Effect of low temperature storage of trichocards on laboratory performance of Trichogramma japonicum Ashmead, Journal of Entomological Research, 47(4) DOI
2023 Kalia P.; Singh S.; Selvakumar R.; Mangal M.; Nagarathna T.K. (2023). Genome Designing for Nutritional Quality in Vegetable Brassicas, Compendium of Crop Genome Designing for Nutraceuticals, () DOI
2023 Poomani S.; Yadav S.; Choudhary R.; Singh D.; Dahuja A.; Yadav S.K. (2023). Seed priming with humic acid modifies seedling vigor and biochemical response of lentil under heat stress conditions, Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 47(6) DOI
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2023 Nataraj V.; Gupta S.; Singh K.H.; Shivakumar M.; Satpute G.K.; Raghavendra N.; Kumawat G.; Kohle S.; Agrawal N.; Rajesh V.; Gill B.S.; Bhartiya A.; Kumari V.; Lal S.K.; Singh K.P.; Gupta S.B.; Verma N.; Nichal S.; Shrivastava M.K.; Mehetre S.P.; Singh J.; Singh C.P.; Reddy R.; Onkarappa T.; Deshmukh M.P.; Jaybhay S.A.; Devi H.N. (2023). MULTI-TRAIT SELECTION FOR MEAN PERFORMANCE AND STABILITY AMONG SOYBEAN GENOTYPES EVALUATED UNDER RAINFED CONDITIONS ACROSS DIVERSE ENVIRONMENTS IN INDIA; [SELEKCIJA VIŠE OSOBINA ZA SREDNJE PERFORMANSE I STABILNOST MEĐU GENOTIPIMA SOJE, PROCENA U KIŠNIM USLOVIMA U RAZLIČITIM OKRUŽENJIMA U INDIJI], Genetika, 55(3) DOI
2023 Kumar R.; Shakil N.A.; Gajbhiye V.T. (2023). PRJ NEWS AND VIEWS, Pesticide Research Journal, 35(2) DOI
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2023 Kaur Rai N.; Ravika; Yadav R.; Jattan M.; Karuna; Singh Rai P.; Kumari N.; Rani B.; Sharma A.; Sachin; Yadav S. (2023). Speed Breeding: A Budding Technique to Improve Crop Plants for Drought and Salinity Tolerance, Salinity and Drought Tolerance in Plants: Physiological Perspectives, () DOI
2023 Meena R.S.; Kumar S. (2023). Soil quality protection policies and plans to ensure sustainability, Encyclopedia of Soils in the Environment, Second Edition, () DOI
2023 Sachin K.S.; Dass A.; Dhar S.; Rajanna G.A.; Singh T.; Sudhishri S.; Sannagoudar M.S.; Choudhary A.K.; Kushwaha H.L.; Praveen B.R.; Prasad S.; Sharma V.K.; Pooniya V.; Krishnan P.; Khanna M.; Singh R.; Varatharajan T.; Kumari K.; Nithinkumar K.; San A.-A.; Devi A.D. (2023). Sensor-based precision nutrient and irrigation management enhances the physiological performance, water productivity, and yield of soybean under system of crop intensification, Frontiers in Plant Science, 14() DOI
2023 Verma R.; Tomar M.; Mahajan M.; Yadav P.; Rana A.; Seva Nayak D. (2023). Exploiting Integrated Breeding Strategies to Improve Salinity Tolerance in Crop Plants, Salinity and Drought Tolerance in Plants: Physiological Perspectives, () DOI
2023 Sangwan S.; Saxena G.; Barik P.; Bana R.S. (2023). Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi: A Keystone to Climate-Smart Agriculture, Shear Thickening Fluid: Case Studies in Engineering, () DOI
2023 Aiswarya S.; Padaria R.N.; Burman R.R.; Sarkar S.; Kumar P.; Lama A. (2023). Climate change adaptation strategies for the native communities of Agasthyamalai Biosphere Reserve, South India, Current Science, 125(12) DOI
2023 Bhattacharya P.; Bandyopadhyay K.K.; Krishnan P.; Maity P.P.; Purakayastha T.J.; Bhatia A.; Chakrabarti B.; Kumar S.N.; Adak S.; Tomer R.; Meenakshi (2023). Impact of tillage and residue management on greenhouse gases emissions and global warming potential of winter wheat in a semi-arid climate, Journal of Agrometeorology, 25(4) DOI
2023 Pandey A.K.; Kushwah A.S.; Kumar R.; Sharma S.K.; Patanjali N. (2023). Management of Litchi Fruit Borer Conopomorpha litchiella in Himalayan Region of India, Pesticide Research Journal, 35(2) DOI
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2023 Prasad P.; Jain N.; Chaudhary J.; Thakur R.K.; Savadi S.; Bhardwaj S.C.; Gangwar O.P.; Lata C.; Adhikari S.; Kumar S.; Balyan H.S.; Gupta P.K. (2023). Candidate effectors for leaf rust resistance gene Lr28 identified through transcriptome and in-silico analysis, Frontiers in Microbiology, 14() DOI
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2023 Gautam R.K.; Singh P.K.; Sakthivel K.; Venkatesan K.; Rao S.S.; Srikumar M.; Vijayan J.; Rakesh B.; Ray S.; Akhtar J.; Meena B.R.; Langyan S.; Ali S.; Krishnamurthy S.L. (2023). Marker-assisted enhancement of bacterial blight (Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae) resistance in a salt-tolerant rice variety for sustaining rice production of tropical islands, Frontiers in Plant Science, 14() DOI
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2023 Nagar A.; Gowthami R.; Sureja A.K.; Munshi A.D.; Verma M.; Singh A.K.; Mallick N.; Singh J.; Chander S.; Shankar M.; Pathania P.; Rajkumar S. (2023). Simple cryopreservation protocol for Luffa pollen: enhancing breeding efficiency, Frontiers in Plant Science, 14() DOI
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2023 Chouriya A.; Kushwah A.; Tewari V.K.; Gupta C.; Shrivastava P.; Mahore V. (2023). Development of PTO torque transducer based on an embedded digital wireless system for the 2WD tractor, Cogent Engineering, 10(2) DOI
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2023 Tippannanavar M.; Banerjee T.; Shekhar S.; Sahu S.R.; Singh B.; Narayanan N.; Rudra S.G.; Chakrabarti B.; Gupta S.; Singh A. (2023). Development, validation and a GAPI greenness assessment for the determination of 103 pesticides in mango fruit drink using LC-MS/MS, Frontiers in Chemistry, 11() DOI
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2023 Atta K.; Mondal S.; Gorai S.; Singh A.P.; Kumari A.; Ghosh T.; Roy A.; Hembram S.; Gaikwad D.J.; Mondal S.; Bhattacharya S.; Jha U.C.; Jespersen D. (2023). Impacts of salinity stress on crop plants: improving salt tolerance through genetic and molecular dissection, Frontiers in Plant Science, 14() DOI
2023 Kumar B.; Shaloo; Bisht H.; Meena M.C.; Dey A.; Dass A.; Paramesh V.; Babu S.; Upadhyay P.K.; Prajapati V.K.; Chandanshive A.; Suna T.; Yadav S.K.; Saini A.K.; Dwivedi N.; Brahmanand P.S.; Jha A.K. (2023). Nitrogen management sensor optimization, yield, economics, and nitrogen use efficiency of different wheat cultivars under varying nitrogen levels, Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 7() DOI
2023 Suna T.; Kumari A.; Paramaguru P.K.; Kushwaha N.L. (2023). Enhancing Agricultural Water Productivity Using Deficit Irrigation Practices in Water-Scarce Regions, Enhancing Resilience of Dryland Agriculture Under Changing Climate: Interdisciplinary and Convergence Approaches, () DOI
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2023 Navathe S.; He X.; Kamble U.; Kumar M.; Patial M.; Singh G.; Joshi A.K.; Singh P.K. (2023). Assessment of Indian wheat germplasm for Septoria nodorum blotch and tan spot reveals new QTLs conferring resistance along with recessive alleles of Tsn1 and Snn3, Frontiers in Plant Science, 14() DOI
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2023 Sanadya S.K.; Sharma R.; Manuja S.; Singh A.; Bhinda M.S.; Kumari A. (2023). Nanotechnology-Mediated Agronomic Biofortification: A Way Forward, Advances in Nanotechnology for Smart Agriculture: Techniques and Applications, () DOI
2023 Krishna K.R.; Ellampirai M.P.; Archana T.J. (2023). Package and Storage of Temperate Nuts, Temperate Nuts, () DOI
2023 Adak S.; Bandyopadhyay K.; Purakayastha T.J.; Sen S.; Sahoo R.N.; Shrivastava M.; Krishnan P. (2023). Impact of contrasting tillage, residue mulch and nitrogen management on soil quality and system productivity under maize-wheat rotation in the north-western Indo-Gangetic Plains, Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 7() DOI
2023 Snehi S.; Prakash N.R.; Pant U.; Singh P.K.; Kumar S.; Jeena A.S.; Bhajan R. (2023). Prediction of heterotic combinations using correlation between genetic distance, heterosis and combining ability in yellow sarson (Brassica rapa var. yellow sarson Prain), Vegetos, () DOI
2023 Chandel A.; Sharma A.; Sharma P.; Rana S.S.; Rana R.S.; Shilpa (2023). Seed yield, nutrient absorption and soil health as influenced by the sowing time, nutrient levels and genotypes of the garden pea (Pisum sativum L.), Horticultural Science, 50(2) DOI
2023 Vittal H.; Sharma N.; Shivran M.; Sharma N.; Dubey A.K.; Singh S.K.; Sharma R.M.; Singh B.P.; Bollinedi H.; Meena M.C.; Pandey R.; Gutam S. (2023). Impact of carbohydrate metabolism pathways on bearing habit of mango (Mangifera indica L.) genotypes, Journal of Horticultural Sciences, 18(1) DOI
2023 Rudra S.G.; Singh A.; Pal P.; Thakur R.K. (2023). Antinutritional Factors in Lentils: Their Effect on Bioavailability of Nutrients and Significance in Human Health, Lentils: Production, Processing Technologies, Products, and Nutritional Profile, () DOI
2023 Chakravorty S.; Timmanna; Muralikrishnan L.; Rana R. (2023). PEST MANAGEMENT MODULES FOR BASMATI RICE AND FARMER’S PERCEPTION, Indian Journal of Entomology, 85(2) DOI
2023 Zunjare R.U.; Ravikiran K.T.; Hossain F.; Muthusamy V.; Gajghate R.D.; Bhat J.S.; Choudhary M.; Shettigar N. (2023). Dissection of QTLs for Biotic Stress Resistance in Maize, Maize Improvement: Current Advances in Yield, Quality, and Stress Tolerance under Changing Climatic Scenarios, () DOI
2023 Bisht M.; Shrivastava M.; N Kumar S.; Singh R. (2023). Evaluation of the drinking water quality and potential health risks of nitrate and fluoride in Southwest Delhi, India, International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, () DOI
2023 Adhikari S.; Kumari J.; Bhardwaj R.; Jacob S.; Langyan S.; Sharma S.; Singh A.M.; Kumar A. (2023). Unlocking the potential of ancient hexaploid Indian dwarf wheat, Tritium sphaerococcum for grain quality improvement, PeerJ, 11() DOI
2023 Chaithra M.; Dutta A.K.; Firdous M.; Mitra D. (2023). An Insight of Physiological and Molecular Mechanisms of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi-Rice Symbiosis in Stress Alleviation, Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi: For Nutrient, Abiotic and Biotic Stress Management in Rice, () DOI
2023 Meena K.; Meena N.D.; Meena R.N.; Choudhary M.; Meena S.; Kumar S. (2023). Role of nanotechnology in organic agriculture, Organic Farming: Global Perspectives and Methods, Second Edition, () DOI
2023 Dass A.; Kushwaha H.L.; Sahoo P.K.; Dhar S.; Choudhary A.K.; Khura T.K.; Babu S.; Singh A.; Mani I.; Kumar M.; Kumar R.; Yadav D. (2023). Comparative analysis of machine-planted and manual-planted wheat on crop and water productivity, and profitability under system of wheat intensification management, Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 7() DOI
2023 Upadhayay V.K.; Naitam M.G.; Ghosh S.; Patel V.K.; Sharma A.; Chandra A.K.; Taj G. (2023). Techniques for Integrating Nanotechnology in Agriculture, Advances in Nanotechnology for Smart Agriculture: Techniques and Applications, () DOI
2023 Chaudhary S.; Lal M.; Sagar S.; Sharma S.; Meena A.L.; Kumar M. (2023). Variation in oxalic acid production, mycelial compatibility and pathogenicity amongst isolates of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum causing white mold disease, Vegetos, () DOI
2023 Sandhu J.S.; Tripathi S.; Chaturvedi S.K. (2023). Chickpea Nutritional Status and Value Chain for Sustainable Development, Sustainable Food Value Chain Development: Perspectives from Developing and Emerging Economies, () DOI
2023 Yadav R.; Jaiswal S.; Singhal T.; Mahto R.K.; Verma S.B.; Yadav R.K.; Kumar R. (2023). Potentials of genotypes, morpho-physio-biochemical traits, and growing media on shelf life and future prospects of gene editing in tomatoes, Frontiers in Genome Editing, 5() DOI
2023 Arzani A.; Kumar S.; Mansour M.M.F. (2023). Editorial: Salt tolerance in plants: molecular and functional adaptations, Frontiers in Plant Science, 14() DOI
2023 Venkadesh G.; Karthik R.; Parthiban M. (2023). Castor Oilseed Cake: Chemical Compositions and Nematicidal Potential, Oilseed Cake for Nematode Management, () DOI
2023 Prajapat R.K.; Mathur M.; Kumari S.; Kumar S.; Sharma M.; Garg N.K.; Sharma D.; Meena N.L. (2023). Trends and Approaches of Wheat Flour and End-Product Fortification Technologies, Wheat Science: Nutritional and Anti-Nutritional Properties, Processing, Storage, Bioactivity, and Product Development, () DOI
2023 Hiremath V.; Singh K.P.; Jain N.; Swaroop K.; Jain P.K.; Panwar S.; Sinha N. (2023). Cross species/genera transferability of simple sequence repeat markers, genetic diversity and population structure analysis in gladiolus (Gladiolus × grandiflorus L.) genotypes, PeerJ, 9() DOI
2023 Shankar S.V.; Chandel A.; Gowsar S.R.N.; Gupta R.K.; Sharma S.; Chand H.; Mishra N.; Kumar R.; Ananthakrishnan S.; Aravinthkumar A.; Kumaraperumal R. (2023). Exploring the dynamics of arrivals and prices volatility in onion (Allium cepa) using advanced time series techniques, Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 7() DOI
2023 Dimkpa C.; Adzawla W.; Pandey R.; Atakora W.K.; Kouame A.K.; Jemo M.; Bindraban P.S. (2023). Fertilizers for food and nutrition security in sub-Saharan Africa: An overview of soil health implications, Frontiers in Soil Science, 3() DOI
2023 Singh R.K.; Upadhyay P.K.; Dhar S.; Rajanna G.A.; Singh V.K.; Kumar R.; Singh R.K.; Babu S.; Rathore S.S.; Shekhawat K.; Dass A.; Kumar A.; Gupta G.; Shukla G.; Rajpoot S.; Prakash V.; Kumar B.; Sharma V.K.; Barthakur S. (2023). Soybean crop intensification for sustainable aboveground-underground plant–soil interactions, Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 7() DOI
2023 Prakash P.; Kumar P.; Kishore P. (2023). Economic feasibility of polyhouse establishment with and without government subsidy support: A case of bell pepper (capsicum annuum l.) cultivation in maharashtra, india, European Journal of Horticultural Science, 88(2) DOI
2023 Patel D.P.; Modha K.G.; Kyada A.D.; Pranati J.; Prajapati M.R.; Kale B.H.; Patel R.K. (2023). Genetic variability analysis for yield and yield attributes among determinate “Wal” type Indian bean [Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet] genotypes, Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 13(4) DOI
2023 Hamidi S.M.; Gogoi R.; Kumar A.; Singh A.; Yadav R.; Dorjee L. (2023). Tackling banded leaf and sheath blight disease of maize through activation of host defense, Frontiers in Agronomy, 5() DOI
2023 Jat R.A.; Jain N.K.; Yadav R.S.; Reddy K.K.; Choudhary R.R.; Zala P.V.; Meena H.N.; Sarkar S.; Rathore S.S.; Sharma G.K.; Kumawat A.; Jinger D.; Jha P.K. (2023). System-Based Integrated Nutrient Management Improves Productivity, Profitability, Energy Use Efficiency and Soil Quality in Peanut-Wheat Cropping Sequence in Light Black Soils, Sustainability, 15(2) DOI
2023 Naik S.K.; Mali S.S.; Jha B.K.; Kumar R.; Mondal S.; Mishra J.S.; Singh A.K.; Biswas A.K.; Choudhary A.K.; Choudhary J.S.; Hans H.; Das A.; Babu S.; Layek J.; Upadhyaya A.; Bhatt B.P.; Chaudhari S.K. (2023). Intensification of Rice-Fallow Agroecosystem of South Asia with Oilseeds and Pulses: Impacts on System Productivity, Soil Carbon Dynamics and Energetics, Sustainability, 15(2) DOI
2023 Mondal P.C.; Biswas S.; Sar P.; Pramanik B. (2023). Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi and Strigolactone: Role, Application, and Effects of Synthetic Strigolactone in Plant Growth Promotion, Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi: For Nutrient, Abiotic and Biotic Stress Management in Rice, () DOI
2023 Mallikarjuna M.G.; Pandey M.K.; Sharma R.; Clevenger J.; Bhattacharya S. (2023). Editorial: Application of network-theoretic approaches in biology, Frontiers in Genetics, 14() DOI
2023 Prasad S.; Ingle A.P. (2023). The emerging role of nanotechnology in ethanol production, Nanotechnology for Biorefinery, () DOI
2023 Singh B.; Kalia P. (2023). Vegetables for Nutrition and Entrepreneurship, Vegetables for Nutrition and Entrepreneurship, () DOI
2023 Mangal M.; Singh S. (2023). Candidate gene analysis distinguishes regulatory mechanisms for phenological transitions in Indian and Snowball cauliflower, Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 99(1) DOI
2023 Upadhyay P.K.; Singh V.K.; Rajanna G.A.; Dwivedi B.S.; Dey A.; Singh R.K.; Rathore S.S.; Shekhawat K.; Babu S.; Singh T.; Kumar Y.; Singh C.; Rangot M.; Kumar A.; Sarkar S.; Dash S.; Rawat S. (2023). Unveiling the combined effect of nano fertilizers and conventional fertilizers on crop productivity, profitability, and soil well-being, Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 7() DOI
2023 Gaba S.; Prasad L.; Varma A.; Rai A.K.; Prasad R.; Goel A. (2023). Leveraging of mycogenic copper oxide nanostructures for disease management of Alternaria blight of Brassica juncea, Green Processing and Synthesis, 12(1) DOI
2023 Ambati D.; Phuke R.M.; Reddy U.G.; Gajghate R.; Singh J.B.; Sai Prasad S.V. (2023). Molecular and Biotechnological Strategies for Improving Nutritional Quality of Wheat, Wheat Science: Nutritional and Anti-Nutritional Properties, Processing, Storage, Bioactivity, and Product Development, () DOI
2023 Kumar R.; Mandal A.; Saha S.; Dutta A.; Chawla G.; Das A.; Kundu A. (2023). Zanthoxylum alatum fruits: process optimization for tambulin-rich valuable phyto-compounds, antifungal action coupled with molecular modeling analysis, Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, () DOI
2023 Aski M.S.; Mishra G.P.; Tokkas J.P.; Yadav P.S.; Rai N.; Bansal R.; Singh A.; Gupta S.; Kumar J.; Parihar A.; Kumar S.; Kumar V.; Saxsena A.K.; Das T.R.; Kumar A.; Dikshit H.K. (2023). Strategies for identifying stable lentil cultivars (Lens culinaris Medik) for combating hidden hunger, malnourishment, and climate variability, Frontiers in Plant Science, 14() DOI
2023 Jangir C.K.; Sangwan P.S.; Panghaal D.; Kumar S.; Meena R.S.; Bharti; Jat R.D.; Singh N. (2023). Release behaviour of iron and zinc in different textured soil and its distribution in rice plant (Oryza sativa L.) in North West of India, Acta Fytotechnica et Zootechnica, 26(1) DOI
2023 Vinayaka; Parsad R.; Mandal B.N.; Dash S.; Vinaykumar L.N.; Kumar M.; Singh D.R. (2023). Partially balanced bipartite block designs, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, () DOI
2023 Kumar S.; Singh A.M.; Gupta O.P.; Singh P.K. (2023). Wheat: Origin, History, and Production Practices, Wheat Science: Nutritional and Anti-Nutritional Properties, Processing, Storage, Bioactivity, and Product Development, () DOI
2023 Bansal R.; Bana R.S.; Dikshit H.K.; Srivastava H.; Priya S.; Kumar S.; Aski M.S.; Kumari N.K.P.; Gupta S.; Kumar S. (2023). Seed nutritional quality in lentil (Lens culinaris) under different moisture regimes, Frontiers in Nutrition, 10() DOI
2023 Kapoor C.; Raj C.; Avasthe R.; Basandrai D.; Pattanayak A.K.; Aditya J.P.; Das S.P.; Sharma V.; Singh M.; Singh S. (2023). Rice genetic resources for organic agriculture under hill ecology: Evaluation and usefulness, Plant Genetic Resources-Characterization and Utilization, () DOI
2023 Prajapat R.K.; Sharma M.; Joshi S.; Saran M.; Garg N.K.; Meena N.L.; Mathur M. (2023). Techno-Functional Properties of Wheat-Based Food Products, Wheat Science: Nutritional and Anti-Nutritional Properties, Processing, Storage, Bioactivity, and Product Development, () DOI
2023 Gupta P.; Prasad R.; Sharma M. (2023). Genetic architecture of F2 and identified transgressive segregants for yield and its component traits in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 14(2) DOI
2023 Prasad P.; Thakur R.; Bhardwaj S.C.; Savadi S.; Gangwar O.P.; Lata C.; Adhikari S.; Kumar S.; Kundu S.; Manjul A.S.; Prakasha T.L.; Navathe S.; Hegde G.M.; Game B.C.; Mishra K.K.; Khan H.; Gupta V.; Mishra C.N.; Kumar S.; Kumar S.; Singh G. (2023). Virulence and genetic analysis of Puccinia graminis tritici in the Indian sub-continent from 2016 to 2022 and evaluation of wheat varieties for stem rust resistance, Frontiers in Plant Science, 14() DOI
2023 Patil S.; Patil B.S.; Hanamaratti N.G.; Kulkarni V.R. (2023). Genetics of yield contributing traits with emphasis on seed traits in segregating generations of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), Vegetos, () DOI
2023 Yogi A.K.; Bana R.S.; Godara S.; Sangwan S.; Choudhary A.K.; Nirmal R.C.; Bamboriya S.D.; Shivay Y.S.; Singh D.; Singh T.; Yadav A.; Nagar S.; Singh N. (2023). Elucidating the interactive impact of tillage, residue retention and system intensification on pearl millet yield stability and biofortification under rainfed agro-ecosystems, Frontiers in Nutrition, 10() DOI
2023 TS A.; Srivastava A.; Tomar B.S.; Behera T.K.; Krishna H.; Jain P.K.; Pandey R.; Singh B.; Gupta R.; Mangal M. (2023). Genetic analysis of heat tolerance in hot pepper: insights from comprehensive phenotyping and QTL mapping, Frontiers in Plant Science, 14() DOI
2023 Ankush; Lamba S.; Ritambhara; Diwedi A.; Kumar S.; Singh V. (2023). Source and Distribution of Lead in Soil and Plant—A Review, Environmental Science and Engineering, Part F1251() DOI
2023 Shingote P.R.; Parma V.S.; Wasule D.L.; Kale R.R.; Solanke A.U. (2023). A Review of Developments in Cereal Grain Omics and Its Potential for Millet’s Nutritional Improvement, Nutriomics of Millet Crops, () DOI
2023 Gaur N.; Chaudhary R.; Choudhary R. (2023). Bio-magnetic separation of different nanomaterials and their applications, Nanomaterials for Bioreactors and Bioprocessing Applications, () DOI
2023 Layek J.; Rangappa K.; Das A.; Ansari M.A.; Choudhary S.; Rajbonshi N.; Patra S.; Kumar A.; Mishra V.K.; Ravisankar N.; Kumar S.; Hazarika S.; Dutta S.K.; Babu S.; Tahasildar M.; Shettigar N. (2023). Evaluation of millets for physio-chemical and root morphological traits suitable for resilient farming and nutritional security in Eastern Himalayas, Frontiers in Nutrition, 10() DOI
2023 Gupta S.S.; Singh D.; Chandel S.; Sikka R.; Mukhopadhyay A.; Dhaliwal S.S. (2023). Assessment of sludge application in maize (Zea mays L.): influence on crop biomass and heavy metals bioavailability, Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 69(14) DOI
2023 Ochieng’ I.O.; Ranjan S.; Seleiman M.F.; Padhan S.R.; Psiwa R.; Sow S.; Wasonga D.O.; Gitari H.I. (2023). Increasing rainwater use efficiency, gross return, and grain protein of rain-fed maize under nitrate and urea nitrogen forms, Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 51(3) DOI
2023 Biswas S.; Singh P.; Rahaman R.; Patil K.V.; De N. (2023). Soil quality and crop productivity under 34 years old long-term rainfed rice based cropping system in an Inceptisol of sub-tropical India, Frontiers in Soil Science, 3() DOI
2023 Sunilkumar V.P.; Krishna H.; Devate N.B.; Manjunath K.K.; Chauhan D.; Singh S.; Sinha N.; Singh J.B.; T. L P.; Pal D.; Sivasamy M.; Jain N.; Singh G.P.; Singh P.K. (2023). Marker-assisted selection for transfer of QTLs to a promising line for drought tolerance in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Frontiers in Plant Science, 14() DOI
2023 Vasisth P.; Rangaiah S.; Sharma M.; Balar V.; Chittora V. (2023). Induced polygenic variability for identification of high yielding mutants in M3-M4 generations of finger millet (Eleusine coracana L. Gaertn), Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 14(2) DOI
2023 Pramanik B.; Sar P.; Biswas S.; Mondal P.C. (2023). Arbuscular Mycorrhiza and Its Role in Rice Production under Drought Stress, Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi: For Nutrient, Abiotic and Biotic Stress Management in Rice, () DOI
2023 Tasung A.; Ahmed N.; Das R.; Bhattacharyya R.; Bandyopadhyay K.K.; Singh N.; Das D.; Gurung B.; Datta S.C. (2023). Effect of land use system and altitude on carbon stability in naturally occurring clay-organic complex in soils of Arunachal Pradesh in the Eastern Himalaya, India, Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 69(15) DOI
2023 Tippannanavar M.; Verma A.; Bashyal B.M.; Gogoi R.; Kumar R. (2023). Imidazole based nanofungicides: antifungal efficacy against Rhizoctonia solani and biosafety assessment, Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry, 105(08-Oct) DOI
2023 Singh M.; Patton R.N.; Mollier R.T.; Pongener N.; Yadav R.; Singh V.; Katiyar R.; Singh G.D.; Deori S.; Doley S.; Chaudhary J.K.; Babu S.; Kalita H.; Mishra V.K. (2023). Indigenous chicken production system in different agro-ecology of Indian Himalayan Region: implication on food and economic security, Frontiers in Nutrition, 10() DOI
2023 Gupta O.P.; Kumar S.; Pandey A.; Khan M.K.; Singh S.K.; Singh G.P. (2023). Preface, Wheat Science: Nutritional and Anti-Nutritional Properties, Processing, Storage, Bioactivity, and Product Development, () DOI
2023 Srivastava S.K.; Kolady D.; Paul S. (2023). Changing Food Consumption Pattern and Its Implications on Achieving Zero Hunger in India (SDG-2), Sustainable Food Value Chain Development: Perspectives from Developing and Emerging Economies, () DOI
2023 Singh K.N.; Ray M.; Satyapriya; Dahiya S.; Pandey J.; Kumar R.R. (2023). Genetic algorithms-based fuzzy analytical hierarchical process (GA-FAHP) for evaluating biofortified crop promotion strategies, Current Science, 125(3) DOI
2023 Sheoran S.; Saini M.; Ramtekey V.; Gupta M.; Kyum M.; Kumar P. (2023). Genetic Engineering to Improve Biotic and Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Maize (Zea mays L.), Maize Improvement: Current Advances in Yield, Quality, and Stress Tolerance under Changing Climatic Scenarios, () DOI
2023 Krishnappa G.; Mamrutha H.M.; Rathan N.D.; Khan H.; Mishra C.N.; Kumar V.; Reddy K.V.; Pandey V.; Khobra R.; Singh C.; Yashavanthakumar K.J.; Biradar S.; Tyagi B.S.; Singh G. (2023). Micronutrient Biofortification in Wheat: Status and Opportunities, Wheat Science: Nutritional and Anti-Nutritional Properties, Processing, Storage, Bioactivity, and Product Development, () DOI
2023 Mahanta D.K.; Bhoi T.K.; Komal J.; Samal I.; Nikhil R.M.; Paschapur A.U.; Singh G.; Kumar P.V.D.; Desai H.R.; Ahmad M.A.; Singh P.P.; Majhi P.K.; Mukherjee U.; Singh P.; Saini V.; Shahanaz; Srinivasa N.; Yele Y. (2023). Insect-pathogen crosstalk and the cellular-molecular mechanisms of insect immunity: uncovering the underlying signaling pathways and immune regulatory function of non-coding RNAs, Frontiers in Immunology, 14() DOI
2023 Garg N.K.; Maheshwari C.; Hasan M.; Kumar A.; Bisen J.; Prajapat R.K.; Meena N.L.; Gupta O.P. (2023). Effect of Storage Conditions on the Nutritional Quality of Wheat, Wheat Science: Nutritional and Anti-Nutritional Properties, Processing, Storage, Bioactivity, and Product Development, () DOI
2023 Harisha R.; Singh S.K.; Ahlawat A.K.; Narwal S.; Jaiswal J.P.; Singh J.B.; Kumar R.R.; Singhal S.; Balakrishnan A.P.; Shukla P.; Bhavya B.; Agrawal A.; Singh S.K.; Mahendru-Singh A. (2023). Elucidating the effects on polyphenol oxidase activity and allelic variation of polyphenol oxidase genes on dough and whole wheat-derived product color parameters, International Journal of Food Properties, 26(2) DOI
2023 Kumar S.; Sasi M.; Kumari S.; Bansal N.; Kaushik R.; Pandey B.; Dahuja A. (2023). Fermentative Bioconversion of β-Glucoside Like Isoflavones is a Better Indicator of β-Glucoside Hydrolysing Capability in Probiotic Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) Due to the Predominant Phosphoglucosidase Activity, Food Biotechnology, 37(3) DOI
2023 Modak K.; Ghosh A.; Singh P.D.; Alam K.; Choudhury S.; Misra S.; Singh A.D.; Ahmed S.; Moharana P.C. (2023). Global carbon cycle and methods for estimating soil carbon: general concepts, Agricultural Soil Sustainability and Carbon Management, () DOI
2023 Rupali J.S.; Ramya N.; Sagar D.; Padala V.K.; Madhuri E.V.; Subramanian S. (2023). Reproductive behaviour in different aged adults of fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith), Current Science, 125(3) DOI
2023 Naitam M.G.; Ramakrishnan B.; Grover M.; Kaushik R. (2023). Rhizosphere-dwelling halophilic archaea: a potential candidate for alleviating salinity-associated stress in agriculture, Frontiers in Microbiology, 14() DOI
2023 Meena N.K.; Vinod B.R.; Menaka M.; Singh A.K.; Gouthami S.; Thakur A.; Prasad K. (2023). Nutritional Composition of Temperate Nuts, Temperate Nuts, () DOI
2023 Chauhan S.; Chakraborty P.; Maharana C.; Singh N.; Kumari A. (2023). Impact of Nanoparticles on Human Health and Environment, Advances in Nanotechnology for Smart Agriculture: Techniques and Applications, () DOI
2023 Sharma P.; Suman A.; Aswini K.; SaiPrasad J.; Gond S. (2023). Endophytic bacterial taxonomic and functional diversity in the seeds of wheat genotypes from different agroecologies, Journal of Plant Interactions, 18(1) DOI
2023 Anand A.; Rao D.V.S.; Narayana C.K.; Kurian R.M.; Ranjitha K.; Shivashankara K.S. (2023). Effect of hot water treatments on physiological and biochemical changes in mango cv. Banganapalli during storage at ambient temperature, Journal of Horticultural Sciences, 18(1) DOI
2023 Ram H.; Sureja A.K.; Dey S.S. (2023). Morphological characterization, combining ability and heterosis for important horticultural traits in snowball cauliflower (B. oleracea var. botrytis L.), Plant Genetic Resources-Characterization and Utilization, () DOI
2023 Kumari A.; Meena N.L.; Prathap V.; Singh J.P.; Hasan M.; Maheshwari C.; Prajapat R.K.; Gupta O.P.; Tyagi A. (2023). Molecular Mechanisms of Major Bioactive Compounds for Human Health Benefits, Wheat Science: Nutritional and Anti-Nutritional Properties, Processing, Storage, Bioactivity, and Product Development, () DOI
2023 Waghmare C.D.; Khan M.R.; Somvanshi V.S.; Islam M.N.; Sultana R.; Kundu A. (2023). Molecular characterisation and redescription of Ficophagus religiosus (Bajaj & Tomar, 2014) Davies & Bartholomaeus, 2015 from Ficus religiosa in India, Nematology (Fundamental and Applied Nematology, Nematologica), 25(8) DOI
2023 Ghoshal S.; Kundu A.; Saha S.; Bhowmik A.; Bhatia R.; Singh A.; Dutta A. (2023). Genetic algorithm coupled Box-Behnken design-based optimization of ultrasound-assisted xanthophyll extraction from marigold (Tagetes erecta L.): process intensification, profiling, and antioxidant activities, Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, () DOI
2023 Karan S.; Saraswat S.; Anusha B.S. (2023). Light pollution and the impacts on biodiversity: the dark side of light, Biodiversity, 24(4) DOI
2023 Kumar S.; Pradhan S.; Maurya N.K.; Yadav A. (2023). Physiological Disorders, Temperate Nuts, () DOI
2023 Kashyap G.S.S.; Lohithaswa H.C.; Banakara S.; Sowmya M.S.; Padmaja A.S.; Keshavareddy G.; Mallikarjuna M.G.; Gangashetty P. (2023). Identification of sources of resistance to Fusarium wilt and sterility mosaic diseases in pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.], Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 83(2) DOI
2023 Taria S.; Arora A.; Krishna H.; Manjunath K.K.; Meena S.; Kumar S.; Singh B.; Krishna P.; Malakondaiah A.C.; Das R.; Alam B.; Kumar S.; Singh P.K. (2023). Multivariate analysis and genetic dissection of staygreen and stem reserve mobilisation under combined drought and heat stress in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Frontiers in Genetics, 14() DOI
2023 Dhakane-Lad J.; Kar A.; Patel A.S. (2023). SC-CO2 extraction of lycopene from red papaya using rice bran oil as a co-solvent lessens its degradation during storage, Separation Science and Technology (Philadelphia), 58(13) DOI
2023 Varnitha H.N.; Hanchinal S.G.; Shashank P.R.; Prabhuraj A.; Bheemanna M.; Nidagundi J.M. (2023). A new species and new record of the genus Pexicopia (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) feeding on Abutilon indicum from India, Zootaxa, 5323(3) DOI
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2023 Janani R.; Sureja A.K.; Dey S.S.; Krishnan S.G.; Bhardwaj R.; Rudra S.G.; Tomar B.S. (2023). Selection of inbreds with better combining ability is instrumental in developing CMS-based heterotic hybrids in tropical carrot (Daucus carota L.), Plant Genetic Resources-Characterization and Utilization, () DOI
2023 Philippini R.; Ingle A.P.; Prasad S. (2023). Emerging applications of nanomaterials in the pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass, Nanotechnology for Biorefinery, () DOI
2023 Dorjee L.; Gogoi R.; Kamil D.; Kumar R.; Mondal T.K.; Pattanayak S.; Gurung B. (2023). Essential oil-grafted copper nanoparticles as a potential next-generation fungicide for holistic disease management in maize, Frontiers in Microbiology, 14() DOI
2023 Sinha D.; Dasmandal T.; Yeasin M.; Mishra D.C.; Rai A.; Archak S. (2023). EpiSemble: A Novel Ensemble-based Machine-learning Framework for Prediction of DNA N6-methyladenine Sites Using Hybrid Features Selection Approach for Crops, Current Bioinformatics, 18(7) DOI
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2023 Singh B.; Kumar S.; Elangovan A.; Vasht D.; Arya S.; Duc N.T.; Swami P.; Pawar G.S.; Raju D.; Krishna H.; Sathee L.; Dalal M.; Sahoo R.N.; Chinnusamy V. (2023). Phenomics based prediction of plant biomass and leaf area in wheat using machine learning approaches, Frontiers in Plant Science, 14() DOI
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2023 Panda P.; Rao G.P.; Sipahioğlu H.M.; Hemmati C.; Madhupriya; Kalita M.K.; Oksal H.D.; Usta M.; Rastgou M.; Alp Ş.; Kumar P. (2023). An update on phytoplasma diseases associated with ornamentals in Asia, Phytoplasma Diseases of Major Crops, Trees, and Weeds, () DOI
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2023 Bhardwaj R.; Lone J.K.; Pandey R.; Mondal N.; Dhandapani R.; Meena S.K.; Khan S.; Gayacharan (2023). Insights into morphological and physio-biochemical adaptive responses in mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) under heat stress, Frontiers in Genetics, 14() DOI
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2023 Mourya K.K.; Kumar S.; Sharma V.K.; Yadav R.K.; Kumar V. (2023). Influence of Integrated Nutrient Management on Fractions of Zinc and Its Uptake by Indian Spinach (Beta vulgaris L.), Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 54(17) DOI
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2023 Singh R.; Kumar A.; Babu S.; Avasthe R.; Das A.; Rathore S.S.; Kumar S.; Singh C.; Sharma V.; Bhupenchandra I. (2023). Development of organic nutrients management system for profitable and soil-supportive French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) farming in North Eastern Himalayas, India, Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 7() DOI
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2023 Ramesh K.B.; Mahendra C.; Kelageri S.S.; Rajna S.; Subramanian S. (2023). Distribution and mitotype diversity of bemisia tabaci, Indian Journal of Entomology, 85(1) DOI
2023 Singh C.; Kumar R.; Sehgal H.; Bhati S.; Singhal T.; Gayacharan; Nimmy M.S.; Yadav R.; Gupta S.K.; Abdallah N.A.; Hamwieh A.; Kumar R. (2023). Unclasping potentials of genomics and gene editing in chickpea to fight climate change and global hunger threat, Frontiers in Genetics, 14() DOI
2023 Vijayakumar S.; Rajpoot S.K.; Manikandan N.; Varadan R.J.; Singh J.P.; Chatterjee D.; Chatterjee S.; Rathod S.; Choudhary A.K.; Kumar A. (2023). Extreme temperature and rainfall event trends in the Middle Gangetic Plains from 1980 to 2018, Current Science, 124(11) DOI
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2023 Chaudhary K.P.; Lallawmkimi M.C.; Zothansiami C.; Adhiguru P.; Singh P.K.; Pandey D.K. (2023). Exploring ethnic foodscape in food desert: the case of Kolasib, Northeast India, Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, 22(1) DOI
2023 Samota M.K.; Kaur M.; Sharma M.; Sarita; Krishnan V.; Thakur J.; Rawat M.; Phogat B.; Guru P.N. (2023). Hesperidin from citrus peel waste: extraction and its health implications, Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops and Foods, 15(2) DOI
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2023 Jorben J.; Rao A.; Chowluru S.N.; Tomar S.; Kumar N.; Bharadwaj C.; Patil B.S.; Soren K.R. (2023). Identification of multi-race Fusarium wilt resistance in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) using rapid hydroponic phenotyping, Phytopathologia Mediterranea, 62(1) DOI
2023 Sharma S.; Anand N.; Vengavasi K.; Pandey R. (2023). Molecular Mechanisms of Nutrient Deficiency Stress Tolerance in Legumes, Legumes: Physiology and Molecular Biology of Abiotic Stress Tolerance, () DOI
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2023 Singh S.K.; Srikanth G.S.; Puranik S.; Shukla L. (2023). Chemical talk within plant holobiont: A fascinating conversation, Plant-Microbe Interaction - Recent Advances in Molecular and Biochemical Approaches: Volume 1: Overview of Biochemical and Physiological Alteration During Plant-Microbe Interaction, () DOI
2023 Sinha J.P.; Kumar A.; Weissmann E. (2023). Seed Processing for Quality Upgradation, Seed Science and Technology: Biology, Production, Quality, () DOI
2023 Singh H.; Khar A. (2023). Onion (Allium cepa) hybrid breeding in India: status and prospects, Acta Horticulturae, (1362) DOI
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2023 Singh S.; Dey S.S.; Bhatia R.; Kumar R. (2023). Organelle genome-based markers in deciphering mitonuclear conflict displaying floral malformations and distinguishing cytoplasm types in snowball cauliflower, Acta Horticulturae, (1362) DOI
2023 Sonam; Yadav P.R.; Suroshe S.S. (2023). Utilization of scorpion neurotoxins (peptide sequence) to boost the potential of entomopathogenic microorganisms in sustainable management of insect pests, Journal of Entomological Research, 47(2) DOI
2023 Prakash B.; Rao S.V.R.; Raju M.V.L.N.; Hossain F.; Vignesh M.; Khulbe R.K.; Kumar B.; Rakshit S. (2023). Effect of Feeding Bio-fortified Maize on Performance and Slaughter Parameters in Vanaraja Birds, Indian Journal of Animal Research, 57(1) DOI
2023 Srivastav M.; Radadiya N.; Ramachandra S.; Jayaswal P.K.; Singh N.; Singh S.; Mahato A.K.; Tandon G.; Gupta A.; Devi R.; Subrayagowda S.H.; Kumar G.; Prakash P.; Singh S.; Sharma N.; Nagaraja A.; Kar A.; Rudra S.G.; Sethi S.; Jaiswal S.; Iquebal M.A.; Singh R.; Singh S.K.; Singh N.K. (2023). High resolution mapping of QTLs for fruit color and firmness in Amrapali/Sensation mango hybrids, Frontiers in Plant Science, 14() DOI
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2023 Singh R.; Darjee S.; Rohtagi B.; Khandelwal A.; Langyan S.; Singh A.K.; Shrivastava M.; Bharti A.; Singh H.M.; Kundan S. (2023). Biobutanol Production Using Nanotechnology: A Way Forward, Sustainable Butanol Biofuels, () DOI
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2023 Mishra G.P.; Dikshit H.K.; Devi J.; Aski M.S.; Durgesh K. (2023). Epigenetics of Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Legumes, Legumes: Physiology and Molecular Biology of Abiotic Stress Tolerance, () DOI
2023 Kumari S.; Sertkaya G.; Krishnan N.; Pandey K.K.; Singh J.; Çağlayan K.; Rao G.P.; Bertaccini A. (2023). Update on phytoplasma diseases associated with vegetable crops in Asian countries, Phytoplasma Diseases of Major Crops, Trees, and Weeds, () DOI
2023 Ramesh K.B.; Zanwar P.R.; Tukaram N.A.; Kelageri S.S. (2023). Survey and seasonal incidence studies for new invasive tomato leafminer Tuta absoluta (Meyrick), Journal of Entomological Research, 47(2) DOI
2023 Ranebennur H.; Rao G.P.; Chalam V.C.; Rawat K.; Shreenath Y.S. (2023). Mixed infection of phytoplasmas and potyvirus in Phlox drummondii in India, Phytopathogenic Mollicutes, 13(1) DOI
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2023 Esmaeilzadeh-Hosseini S.A.; Azadvar M.; Reddy M.G.; Salehi M.; Rao G.P. (2023). Update on phytoplasma diseases associated with legumes in Asia, Phytoplasma Diseases of Major Crops, Trees, and Weeds, () DOI
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2023 Tiwari A.K.; Gazel M.; Yadav A.; Al-Sadi A.M.; Abeysinghe S.; Nejat N.; Oshima K.; Bertaccini A.; Rao G.P. (2023). Overview of phytoplasma diseases in Asian countries, Diversity, Distribution, and Current Status, () DOI
2023 Gazel M.; Hemmati C.; Bhat A.I.; Rao G.P. (2023). Update on phytoplasma diseases associated with medicinal plants and spices in Asian Countries, Phytoplasma Diseases of Major Crops, Trees, and Weeds, () DOI
2023 Puranik S.; Bundela V.; Shylla A.; Elakkya M.; Shukla L.; Singh S.K. (2023). Peeking into plant-microbe interactions during plant defense, Plant-Microbe Interaction - Recent Advances in Molecular and Biochemical Approaches: Volume 2: Agricultural Aspects of Microbiome Leading to Plant Defence, 2() DOI
2023 Singh H.; Lombardo M.; Goyal A.; Kumar A.; Khar A. (2023). Corrigendum: Genotypic variation in Na, K and their ratio in 45 commercial cultivars of Indian tropical onion: A pressing need to reduce hypertension among the population (Frontiers in Nutrition, (2023), 10, (1098320), 10.3389/fnut.2023.1098320), Frontiers in Nutrition, 10() DOI
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2023 Singh T.S.; Kshetri P.; Devi A.K.; Langamba P.; Tamreihao K.; Singh H.N.; Akoijam R.; Chongtham T.; Devi C.P.; Singh T.B.; Chongtham S.; Devi Y.P.; Kuna A.; Singh S.G.; Sharma S.K.; Das A.; Roy S.S. (2023). Bioactivity and nutritional quality of nutgall (Rhus semialata Murray), an underutilized fruit of Manipur, Frontiers in Nutrition, 10() DOI
2023 Mishra R.; Datta S.P.; Golui D.; Meena M.C.; Dwivedi B.S.; Rahman M.M.; Bandyopadhyay K.; Bhatia A.; Pandey P.S. (2023). Evaluation of Different Extractants to Estimate Bioavailable Arsenic in Soil, Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 54(17) DOI
2023 Tiwari A.K.; Tripathi S.; Singh J.; Kirdat K.; Gurivi Reddy M.; Suryanarayana V.; Yadav A.; Rao G.P. (2023). The diversity, distribution, and status of phytoplasma diseases in India, Diversity, Distribution, and Current Status, () DOI
2023 Arjuna Samy P.M.; Ramasamy A.; Chinnusamy V.; Kumar B.S. (2023). Preface, Legumes: Physiology and Molecular Biology of Abiotic Stress Tolerance, () DOI
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2023 Pandey R.N.; Trivedi A.; Sharma V.K.; Chobhe K.A.; Dey P.; Chandra S. (2023). Soil test-based fertilizer prescription for targeted yield of sesame (Sesamum Indicum L.), Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 54(18) DOI
2023 Mitra S.; Zamharir M.G.; Marcone C.; Ravi M.; Rao G.P. (2023). Update on phytoplasma diseases associated with urban trees, desert trees, and bamboos in Asia, Phytoplasma Diseases of Major Crops, Trees, and Weeds, () DOI
2023 Arora A.; Misra T.; Kumar M.; Marwaha S.; Kumar S.; Chinnusamy V. (2023). Computer Vision Approaches for Plant Phenotypic Parameter Determination, Studies in Big Data, 121() DOI
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2023 Rebekah Nisha P.; Panneer S.; Sivasamy M.; Jayaprakash P.; Vikas V.K.; Bhardwaj S.C.; Gangwar O.P.; Balaji V.; Gokulakrishna M.; Peter J.; Sivasamy V. (2023). Stacking effective ASR and APR rust genes multiple disease resistance in bread wheat cultivars, Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology, 23(1) DOI
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2023 Baral K.; Shivay Y.S.; Prasanna R.; Kumar D.; Shrivastava M.; Chakraborty D.; Kumar R.; Srinivasarao C.; Mandi S.; Nayak S.; Reddy K.S.; Yashavanth B.S. (2023). Interplay between nano zinc oxide-coated urea and summer green manuring in basmati rice under basmati rice-wheat cropping system: implications on yield response, nutrient acquisition and grain fortification, Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 7() DOI
2023 Das A.; Rout B.M.; Datta S.; Singh S.; Munshi A.D.; Dey S.S. (2023). Spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) Breeding: From Classical to Genomics-Centric Approach, Smart Plant Breeding for Vegetable Crops in Post-genomics Era, () DOI
2023 Rai P.; Prasad L.; Rai P.K. (2023). Fungal effectors versus defense-related genes of B. juncea and the status of resistant transgenics against fungal pathogens, Frontiers in Plant Science, 14() DOI
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2023 Basavaraj Y.B.; Jain R.K.; Kumar A.; Rout B.M. (2023). Cucurbit-infecting poleroviruses: Emerging plant RNA viruses in Indian agriculture, Plant RNA Viruses: Molecular Pathogenesis and Management, () DOI
2023 Palanna K.B.; Vinaykumar H.D.; Prasanna S.K.; Rajashekara H.; Devanna B.N.; Anilkumar C.; Jeevan B.; Raveendra H.R.; Khan F.; Bhavana C.H.S.; Upadhyay V.; Patro T.S.S.K.; Rawat L.; Rajesh M.; Saravanan P.T.; Netam P.; Rajesha G.; Das I.K.; Patil H.E.; Jain A.K.; Saralamma S.; Nayaka S.C.; Prakash G.; Nagaraja T.E. (2023). Exploring the diversity of virulence genes in the Magnaporthe population infecting millets and rice in India, Frontiers in Plant Science, 14() DOI
2023 Weissmann E.A.; Yadav R.N.; Seth R.; Bhaskar K.U. (2023). Principles of Variety Maintenance for Quality Seed Production, Seed Science and Technology: Biology, Production, Quality, () DOI
2023 Vijayan B.; Nain M.S.; Singh R.; Kumbhare N.V.; Kademani S.B. (2023). Knowledge Test for Extension Personnel on Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana, Indian Journal of Extension Education, 59(1) DOI
2023 Dhakar R.; Nagar S.; Sehgal V.K.; Jha P.K.; Singh M.P.; Chakraborty D.; Mukherjee J.; Prasad P.V.V. (2023). Balancing water and radiation productivity suggests a clue for improving yields in wheat under combined water deficit and terminal heat stress, Frontiers in Plant Science, 14() DOI
2023 Mukherjee B.; Kumar Naskar M.; Nath R.; Atta K.; Visha Kumari V.; Banerjee P.; Alamri S.; Patra K.; Laing A.M.; Skalicky M.; Hossain A. (2023). Growth, nodulation, yield, nitrogen uptake, and economics of lentil as influenced by sowing time, tillage, and management practices, Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 7() DOI
2023 Aski M.S.; Dikshit H.K.; Mishra G.P.; Yadav P.S.; Iquebal M.A.; Sarika; Bansal R.; Gayacharan; Singh A.; Kumar S.; Udupa S. (2023). Current and Future Strategies in Breeding Lentil for Abiotic Stresses, Legumes: Physiology and Molecular Biology of Abiotic Stress Tolerance, () DOI
2023 Vijayakumar S.; Kumar D.; Varatharajan T.; Kaje V.V.; Deiveegan M. (2023). Enriching cationic micro-nutrients concentration in basmati rice through potassium fertilization, Journal of Plant Nutrition, 46(14) DOI
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2023 Hirschfield R.; Mohan S.; Davies K.G. (2023). Characterisation of an endospore population of Pasteuria that adheres to the plant-parasitic nematode Heterodera schachtii, Nematology (Fundamental and Applied Nematology, Nematologica), 25(6) DOI
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2023 Saini R.; Karwa S. (2023). Diversity of methylobacterium species in the plant phytosphere and their different strategies to mitigate biotic and abiotic stress responses, Plant-Microbe Interaction - Recent Advances in Molecular and Biochemical Approaches: Volume 1: Overview of Biochemical and Physiological Alteration During Plant-Microbe Interaction, () DOI
2023 Gangaraj R.; Kundu A.; Rana V.S.; Das A.; Chawla G.; Prakash G.; Debbarma R.; Nagaraja A.; Bainsla N.K.; Gupta N.C.; Kamil D. (2023). Metabolomic profiling and its association with the bio-efficacy of Aspergillus niger strain against Fusarium wilt of guava, Frontiers in Microbiology, 14() DOI
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2023 Anandan R.; Sunil Kumar B.; Prakash M.; Viswanathan C. (2023). Physiology and Molecular Biology of Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Legumes, Legumes: Physiology and Molecular Biology of Abiotic Stress Tolerance, () DOI
2023 Majhi P.K.; Bhoi T.K.; Sahoo K.C.; Mishra N.; Tudu S.; Das S.; Ray M.; Singh S.; Samal I.; Behera P.P.; Saini V. (2023). Understanding the Genetics and Genomics of Vegetable Grafting to Ensure Yield Stability, Smart Plant Breeding for Vegetable Crops in Post-genomics Era, () DOI
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2023 Babu S.; Singh R.; Avasthe R.; Rathore S.S.; Kumar S.; Das A.; Layek J.; Sharma V.; Wani O.A.; Singh V.K. (2023). Conservation tillage and diversified cropping enhance system productivity and eco-efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas intensity in organic farming, Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 7() DOI
2023 Singh A.K.; Singh R.; Kumar R.; Gupta A.K.; Kumar H.; Rai A.; Kanawjia A.; Tomar K.S.; Pandey G.; Singh B.; Kumar S.; Dwivedi S.V.; Kumar S.; Pathania K.; Ojha G.; Singh A. (2023). Evaluating Sustainable and Environment Friendly Growing Media Composition for Pot Mum (Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat.), Sustainability, 15(1) DOI
2023 Pattanayak S.; Das S.; Kumar S. (2023). Development of stress tolerant transgenomic traits in sugar beet through biotechnological application, Journal of Plant Protection Research, 63(1) DOI
2023 Kataria R.; Kaur S.; Kaundal R. (2023). Deciphering the complete human-monkeypox virus interactome: Identifying immune responses and potential drug targets, Frontiers in Immunology, 14() DOI
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2023 Rajput J.; Singh M.; Lal K.; Khanna M.; Sarangi A.; Mukherjee J.; Singh S. (2023). Performance evaluation of soft computing techniques for forecasting daily reference evapotranspiration, Journal of Water and Climate Change, 14(1) DOI
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2023 Selvakumar R.; Kalia P. (2023). Genetic expression of anthocyanins and their profiling in an F2 population of tropical carrot (Daucus carota), Acta Horticulturae, (1362) DOI
2023 Debbarma P.; Sharma R.; Luthra N.; Pandey S.C.; Singh S.V. (2023). Microbial consortia and their application for environmental sustainability, Advanced Microbial Techniques in Agriculture, Environment, and Health Management, () DOI
2023 Ansari M.A.; Ravisankar N.; Ansari M.H.; Babu S.; Layek J.; Panwar A.S. (2023). Integrating conservation agriculture with intensive crop diversification in the maize-based organic system: Impact on sustaining food and nutritional security, Frontiers in Nutrition, 10() DOI
2023 Hongal D.A.; Raju D.; Kumar S.; Talukdar A.; Das A.; Kumari K.; Dash P.K.; Chinnusamy V.; Munshi A.D.; Behera T.K.; Dey S.S. (2023). Elucidating the role of key physio-biochemical traits and molecular network conferring heat stress tolerance in cucumber, Frontiers in Plant Science, 14() DOI
2023 Shivran M.; Sharma N.; Dubey A.K.; Singh S.K.; Sharma N.; Muthusamy V.; Jain M.; Singh B.P.; Singh N.; Kumar N.; Singh N.; Sethi S.; Sharma R.M. (2023). Scion/Rootstock Interaction Studies for Quality Traits in Mango (Mangifera indica L.) Varieties, Agronomy-Basel, 13(1) DOI
2023 Das S.; Biswas A.; Vimalkumar C.; Sinha P. (2023). Deep Learning Analysis of Rice Blast Disease Using Remote Sensing Images, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 20() DOI
2023 Chandra P.; Khippal A.K.; Prajapat K.; Barman A.; Singh G.; Rai A.K.; Ahlawat O.P.; Verma R.P.S.; Kumari K.; Singh G. (2023). Influence of tillage and residue management practices on productivity, sustainability, and soil biological properties of rice-barley cropping systems in indo-gangetic plain of India, Frontiers in Microbiology, 14() DOI
2023 Showkath Babu B.M.; Lohithaswa H.C.; Triveni G.; Mallikarjuna M.G.; Mallikarjuna N.; Balasundara D.C.; Anand P. (2023). Comparative Assessment of Genetic Variability Realised in Doubled Haploids Induced from F1 and F2 Plants for Response to Fusarium Stalk Rot and Yield Traits in Maize (Zea mays L.), Agronomy-Basel, 13(1) DOI
2023 Bhoi T.K.; Samal I.; Singh S. (2023). Viral Diseases of Silkworm: Infection Process, Detection and Their Management, A Closer Look at Silkworms, () DOI
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2023 Murugan T.; Awasthi O.P.; Singh S.K.; Chawla G.; Solanke A.U.; Kumar S.; Jha G.K. (2023). Molecular and histological validation of modified in ovulo nucellus culture based high-competency direct somatic embryogenesis and amplitude true-to-the-type plantlet recovery in Kinnow mandarin, Frontiers in Plant Science, 14() DOI
2023 Rathan N.D.; Krishnappa G.; Singh A.-M.; Govindan V. (2023). Mapping QTL for Phenological and Grain-Related Traits in a Mapping Population Derived from High-Zinc-Biofortified Wheat, Plants-Basel, 12(1) DOI
2023 Fatima A.; Singh V.K.; Babu S.; Singh R.K.; Upadhyay P.K.; Rathore S.S.; Kumar B.; Hasanain M.; Parween H. (2023). Food production potential and environmental sustainability of different integrated farming system models in northwest India, Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 7() DOI
2023 Padhan B.K.; Sathee L.; Kumar S.; Chinnusamy V.; Kumar A. (2023). Variation in nitrogen partitioning and reproductive stage nitrogen remobilization determines nitrogen grain production efficiency (NUEg) in diverse rice genotypes under varying nitrogen supply, Frontiers in Plant Science, 14() DOI
2023 Kumar K.N.R.; Reddy M.J.M.; Reddy K.V.; Paramesha V.; Balasubramanian M.; Kumar T.K.; Kumar R.M.; Reddy D.D. (2023). Determinants of climate change adaptation strategies in South India: Empirical evidence, Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 7() DOI
2023 Kovilpillai B.; Nedumaran S.; Mani S.; Raja Mani J.; Natarajan S.; Ramasamy J. (2023). Impacts of Elevated Ozone and Ozone Protectants on Plant Growth, Nutrients, Biochemical and Yield Properties of Turnip (Brassica Rapa L.), Ozone: Science and Engineering, 45(5) DOI
2023 Mandal N.; Adak S.; Das D.K.; Sahoo R.N.; Mukherjee J.; Kumar A.; Chinnusamy V.; Das B.; Mukhopadhyay A.; Rajashekara H.; Gakhar S. (2023). Spectral characterization and severity assessment of rice blast disease using univariate and multivariate models, Frontiers in Plant Science, 14() DOI
2023 Berliner J.; Alfred-Daniel J.; Rajkumar B.; Hombegowda H.C.; Manimaran B.; Parvez R.; Khan M.R.; Mhatre P.H.; Govindharaj G.-P.-P. (2023). Fauna associated with wheat cultivation in high altitudes of the Nilgiris, India, Current Science, 124(4) DOI
2023 Roy A.; Datta S.P.; Barman M.; Golui D.; Bhattacharyya S.; Meena M.C.; Chinnusamy V.; Pushkar S.; Pandey P.S.; Rahman M.M. (2023). Co-Application of Silicate and Low-Arsenic-Accumulating Rice Cultivars Efficiently Reduces Human Exposure to Arsenic—A Case Study from West Bengal, India, Toxics, 11(1) DOI
2023 Shahane A.A.; Shivay Y.S.; Prasanna R. (2023). Effect of optimal and suboptimal nitrogen application on nitrogen content, uptake and use efficiency by wheat in different crop establishment methods, Zn fertilization and microbial inoculation options, Journal of Plant Nutrition, 46(13) DOI
2023 Dauda W.P.; Shanmugam V.; Tyagi A. (2023). Biocontrol of sheath blight of rice (Oryza sativa L.) through alteration in expression dynamics of candidate effector genes of Rhizoctonia solani AG1-IA during pathogenesis, Letters in Applied Microbiology, 76(1) DOI
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2023 Selvakumar R.; Kaliaa P. (2023). Profiling of flavonoid compounds in tropical Indian cultivars and their hybrids in carrot (Daucus carota), Acta Horticulturae, (1362) DOI
2023 Singh H.; Lombardo M.; Goyal A.; Kumar A.; Khar A. (2023). Genotypic variation in Na, K and their ratio in 45 commercial cultivars of Indian tropical onion: A pressing need to reduce hypertension among the population, Frontiers in Nutrition, 10() DOI
2023 Puranik S.; Shukla L.; Kundu A.; Kamil D.; Paul S.; Venkadasamy G.; Salim R.; Singh S.K.; Kumar D.; Kumar A. (2023). Exploring Potent Fungal Isolates from Sanitary Landfill Soil for In Vitro Degradation of Dibutyl Phthalate, Journal of Fungi, 9(1) DOI
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2023 Dutta T.K.; Phani V. (2023). The pervasive impact of global climate change on plant-nematode interaction continuum, Frontiers in Plant Science, 14() DOI
2023 Kumar S.M.; Yadav S.K.; Yadav S.; Choudhary R.; Lal S.K.; Bharadwaj C.; Hussain Z.; Kumar P.R. (2023). Preliminary studies on the effect of nanoparticle seed treatments on seed quality attributes and yield in chickpea, Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 47(1) DOI
2023 Ramaiah M.; Meshram N.M.; Dey D. (2023). Integrative Approaches Establish Colour Polymorphism in the Bamboo-Feeding Leafhopper Mukaria splendida Distant (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) from India, Insects, 14(1) DOI
2023 Kumar P.K.C.; Bellundagi A.; Krishna H.; Mallikarjuna M.G.; Thimmappa R.K.; Rai N.; Shashikumara P.; Sinha N.; Jain N.; Singh P.K.; Singh G.P.; Prabhu K.V. (2023). Development of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L) variety HD3411 following marker-assisted backcross breeding for drought tolerance, Frontiers in Genetics, 14() DOI
2023 Bisht H.; Shaloo; Suna T.; Vishnoi L.; Gautam S.; Singh D.K. (2023). Drought assessment and trend analysis using SPI and SPEI during southwest monsoon season over Bundelkhand region of Uttar Pradesh, India, Mausam, 74(1) DOI
2023 Singh R.N.; Krishnan P.; Singh V.K.; Das B. (2023). Estimation of yellow rust severity in wheat using visible and thermal imaging coupled with machine learning models, Geocarto International, 38(1) DOI
2023 Khatri S.; Sazinas P.; Strube M.L.; Ding L.; Dubey S.; Shivay Y.S.; Sharma S.; Jelsbak L. (2023). Pseudomonas is a key player in conferring disease suppressiveness in organic farming, Plant and Soil, () DOI
2023 Kesharwani A.K.; Singh D.; Kulshreshtha A.; Kashyap A.S.; Avasthi A.S.; Geat N. (2023). Black Rot Disease Incited by Indian Race 1 of Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris in Brassica juncea ‘Pusa Bold’ in India, Plant Disease (Plant Disease Reporter), 107(1) DOI
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2023 Kumar A.; Sharma R.; Singh B.; Patil S.D.; Srivastava C.P.; Singh G.P.; Joshi A.K. (2023). Predicting the incidence and severity of wheat aphids and development of a web-enabled forewarning system in India, Journal of Environmental Biology, 44(1) DOI
2023 Kumari P.; Sharma R.; Panwar S.; Paul S.; Banyal N. (2023). Silicon as vital element in flower crop production, Journal of Plant Nutrition, 46(11) DOI
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2023 Sahoo R.N.; Gakhar S.; Rejith R.G.; Ranjan R.; Meena M.C.; Dey A.; Mukherjee J.; Dhakar R.; Arya S.; Daas A.; Babu S.; Upadhyay P.K.; Sekhawat K.; Kumar S.; Kumar M.; Chinnusamy V.; Khanna M. (2023). Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)–Based Imaging Spectroscopy for Predicting Wheat Leaf Nitrogen, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 89(2) DOI
2023 Jaiswal S.; Paul K.; Raman K.V.; Tyagi S.; Saakre M.; Tilgam J.; Bhattacharjee S.; Vijayan J.; Mondal K.K.; Sreevathsa R.; Pattanayak D. (2023). Amelioration of cold-induced sweetening in potato by RNAi mediated silencing of StUGPase encoding UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase, Frontiers in Plant Science, 14() DOI
2023 Kishan G.; Kumar R.; Sharma S.K.; Srivastava N.; Gupta N.; Kumar A.; Baranwal V.K. (2023). Development and application of crude sap-based recombinase polymerase amplification assay for the detection and occurrence of grapevine geminivirus A in Indian grapevine cultivars, Frontiers in Plant Science, 14() DOI
2023 Kumar D.; Purakayastha T.J.; Das R.; Yadav R.K.; Shivay Y.S.; Jha P.K.; Singh S.; Aditi K.; Prasad P.V.V. (2023). Long-Term Effects of Organic Amendments on Carbon Stability in Clay–Organic Complex and Its Role in Soil Aggregation, Agronomy-Basel, 13(1) DOI
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2023 Shaloo; Bisht H.; Kumar B.; Prajapati V.K.; Singh M. (2023). Spatio-temporal analysis of water requirement of maize (Zea mays L.) in Haryana state of India, Journal of Agrometeorology, 25(1) DOI
2023 Babu S.; Das A.; Singh R.; Mohapatra K.P.; Kumar S.; Rathore S.S.; Yadav S.K.; Yadav P.; Ansari M.A.; Panwar A.S.; Wani O.A.; Singh M.; Ravishankar N.; Layek J.; Chandra P.; Singh V.K. (2023). Designing an energy efficient, economically feasible, and environmentally robust integrated farming system model for sustainable food production in the Indian Himalayas†, Sustainable Food Technology, 1(1) DOI
2023 Choudhary R.; Malik S.K.; Chaudhury R.; Rao A.A. (2023). Optimized Recovery of Cryostored Dormant Buds of Mulberry Germplasm, Plants-Basel, 12(2) DOI
2023 Yadav P.; Singh R.P.; Gupta R.K.; Pradhan T.; Raj A.; Singh S.K.; Kaushalendra; Pandey K.D.; Kumar A. (2023). Contamination of soil and food chain through wastewater application, Advances in Chemical Pollution, Environmental Management and Protection, 9() DOI
2023 Padala V.K.; Kumar P.S.; Ramya N.; Jayanthi P.D.K. (2023). Aromatic plant odours of Anethum graveolens and Coriandrum sativum repel whitefly, Bemisia tabaci in tomato, Current Science, 124(2) DOI
2023 Jadon V.; Sharma S.; Krishna H.; Krishnappa G.; Gajghate R.; Devate N.B.; Panda K.K.; Jain N.; Singh P.K.; Singh G.P. (2023). Molecular Mapping of Biofortification Traits in Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Using a High-Density SNP Based Linkage Map, Genes, 14(1) DOI
2023 Ghosh A.; Biswas D.R.; Bhattacharyya R.; Das S.; Das T.K.; Lal K.; Saha S.; Alam K.; Casini R.; Elansary H.O.; Manjangouda S.S. (2023). Rice residue recirculation enhances mobilization and plant acquisition of soil inorganic phosphorus by increasing silicon availability in a semi-arid Inceptisol, Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 7() DOI
2023 Kumawat A.; Kumar D.; Shivay Y.S.; Bhatia A.; Rashmi I.; Yadav D.; Kumar A. (2023). Long-term impact of biofertilization on soil health and nutritional quality of organic basmati rice in a typic ustchrept soil of India, Frontiers in Environmental Science, 11() DOI
2023 Hiremath V.M.; Singh K.P.; Swaroop K.; Panwar S.; Pooja A.; Tejukumar B.K. (2023). DUS descriptors based morphometric characterization to analyze genetic variability in gladiolus, Israel Journal of Plant Sciences, 5(3) DOI
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2023 Kumar R.R.; Jha G.K.; Jaiswal R.; Choudhary K. (2023). A hybrid approach for forecasting mustard price having long-memory property, Current Science, 124(5) DOI
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2023 Singh D.; Lawrence K.; Marker S.; Bhattacharjee I.; Lawrence R.; Choudhary R.; Ercisli S.; Karunakaran R. (2023). Rainfed assessment of foxtail millet (Setaria italica L. beauv) germplasms through genotyping and principal component analysis, Frontiers in Plant Science, 14() DOI
2023 Sharma S.; Anand N.; Bindraban P.S.; Pandey R. (2023). Foliar Application of Humic Acid with Fe Supplement Improved Rice, Soybean, and Lettuce Iron Fortification, Agriculture (Switzerland), 13(1) DOI
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2023 Kumar A.; Suroshe S.S.; Sonam; Saini G.K.; Singh J. (2023). Efficacy of genetically transformed Metarhizium anisopliae against Spodoptera litura and Aphis craccivora, Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 30(1) DOI
2023 Pyne S.; Singh G.; Chandra S.; Bhatnagar A.; Raverkar K.P.; Chaturvedi S.; Roy A. (2023). Economic, water saving and energy efficient crop establishment and inter-culture practices for wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in Indian humid subtropics, Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 69(12) DOI
2023 Korres N.E.; Singh A.; Prasad S. (2023). Agricultural residues management: Life cycle assessment implications for sustainable agricultural practices and reduction of greenhouse gases emissions, Advances in Agronomy, 180() DOI
2023 Tenguri P.; Chander S.; Ellur R.K.; Arya P.S.; Yele Y. (2023). Deciphering host plant resistance mechanisms of rice genotypes resistant against Brown Planthopper, Euphytica, 219(1) DOI
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2023 Singh J.; Kaushik S.; Maharana C.; Jhingan G.D.; Dhar D.W. (2023). Elevated inorganic carbon and salinity enhances photosynthesis and ATP synthesis in picoalga Picocystis salinarum as revealed by label free quantitative proteomics, Frontiers in Microbiology, 14() DOI
2023 Vijay D.; Manjunatha N.; Kumar S. (2023). Advances in Forage Crop Production Technologies, Advances in Crop Production and Climate Change, () DOI
2023 Mishra D.C.; Majumdar S.G.; Kumar A.; Bhati J.; Chaturvedi K.K.; Kumar R.R.; Goswami S.; Rai A.; Budhlakoti N. (2023). Regulatory Networks of lncRNAs, miRNAs, and mRNAs in Response to Heat Stress in Wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.): An Integrated Analysis, International Journal of Genomics, 2023() DOI
2023 Yashavanthakumar K.J.; Navathe S.; Pawar P.B.; Baviskar V.S.; Gopalareddy K.; Oak M.D.; Singh S.K.; Desai S.A. (2023). Changes in root behavior of wheat species under abiotic stress conditions, Abiotic Stresses in Wheat: Unfolding the Challenges, () DOI
2023 Kaur S.; Seem K.; Duhan N.; Kumar S.; Kaundal R.; Mohapatra T. (2023). Transcriptome and Physio-Biochemical Profiling Reveals Differential Responses of Rice Cultivars at Reproductive-Stage Drought Stress, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24(2) DOI
2023 Yadav R.K.; Purakayastha T.J.; Das R.; Khan A. (2023). Impact of long-term manuring and cropping system on stability of humus associated with clay-organic complex, Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 69(12) DOI
2023 Singh R.P.; Yadav P.; Gupta R.K.; Singh S.K.; Verma H.; Singh P.K.; Kaushalendra; Pandey K.D.; Kumar A. (2023). Pathogenic microbes in wastewater: Identification and characterization, Advances in Chemical Pollution, Environmental Management and Protection, 9() DOI
2023 Mondal S.; Chakraborty D.; Aggarwal P.; Das T.K. (2023). Conservation agriculture augments water uptake in wheat: Evidence from modelling, International Agrophysics, 37(1) DOI
2023 Labanya R.; Srivastava P.C.; Pachauri S.P.; Shukla A.K.; Shrivastava M.; Srivastava P. (2023). Effect of micronutrients and sulfur enriched phyto-biochars on yield, tissue concentrations and uptake of these nutrients in fodder maize (Zea mays L.) and post-harvest soil properties, Journal of Plant Nutrition, 46(13) DOI
2023 Singh N.V.; Sharma J.; Dongare M.D.; Gharate R.; Chinchure S.; Nanjundappa M.; Parashuram S.; Patil P.G.; Babu K.D.; Mundewadikar D.M.; Salutgi U.; Tatiya M.; Kumar A.; Marathe R.A. (2023). In Vitro and In Planta Antagonistic Effect of Endophytic Bacteria on Blight Causing Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. punicae: A Destructive Pathogen of Pomegranate, Microorganisms, 11(1) DOI
2023 Singamsetti A.; Zaidi P.H.; Seetharam K.; Vinayan M.T.; Olivoto T.; Mahato A.; Madankar K.; Kumar M.; Shikha K. (2023). Genetic gains in tropical maize hybrids across moisture regimes with multi-trait-based index selection, Frontiers in Plant Science, 14() DOI
2023 Sinduja M.; Sathya V.; Maheswari M.; Dinesh G.K.; Prasad S.; Kalpana P. (2023). Groundwater quality assessment for agricultural purposes at Vellore District of Southern India: A geospatial based study, Urban Climate, 47() DOI
2023 Zhiipao R.R.; Pooniya V.; Kumar D.; Biswakarma N.; Shivay Y.S.; Dass A.; Kumar Bainsla N.; Lakhena K.K.; Pandey R.K.; Burman A.; Bhatia A.; Jat R.D.; Govindasamy P.; Swarnalakshmi K.; Das K.; Choudhary R.L.; Babu S. (2023). Above and below-ground growth, accumulated dry matter and nitrogen remobilization of wheat (Triticum aestivum) genotypes grown in PVC tubes under well- and deficit-watered conditions, Frontiers in Plant Science, 14() DOI
2023 Rai G.K.; Kumar P.; Choudhary S.M.; Kosser R.; Khanday D.M.; Choudhary S.; Kumar B.; Magotra I.; Kumar R.R.; Ram C.; Rouphael Y.; Corrado G.; Behera T.K. (2023). Biomimetic Strategies for Developing Abiotic Stress-Tolerant Tomato Cultivars: An Overview, Plants, 12(1) DOI
2023 Yadav P.; Singh R.P.; Gupta R.K.; Singh S.K.; Verma H.; Singh P.K.; Kaushalendra; Pandey K.D.; Kumar A. (2023). Beneficial and negative impacts of wastewater for sustainable agricultural irrigation: Current knowledge and future perspectives, Advances in Chemical Pollution, Environmental Management and Protection, 9() DOI
2023 Sharma S.K.; Pathaw N.; Wangkhem B.; Jackson K.S.; Devi K.S.; Roy S.S.; Singh A.R.; Singh R.; Banerjee A.; Kumar S.; Ningombam A.; Firake D.M.; Singh T.S. (2023). Simple template-based reverse transcription-recombinase polymerase amplification assay for routine diagnosis of citrus tristeza virus, Letters in Applied Microbiology, 76(1) DOI
2023 Chaudhary V.; Jangra S.; Mishra A.; Yadav N.R. (2023). MicroRNA Identification, Target Prediction, and Validation for Crop Improvement, Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.), 2630() DOI
2023 Aswini K.; Suman A.; Sharma P.; Singh P.K.; Gond S.; Pathak D. (2023). Seed endophytic bacterial profiling from wheat varieties of contrasting heat sensitivity, Frontiers in Plant Science, 14() DOI
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2023 Dutta A.; Bhattacharyya R.; Jiménez-Ballesta R.; Dey A.; Saha N.D.; Kumar S.; Nath C.P.; Prakash V.; Jatav S.S.; Patra A. (2023). Conventional and Zero Tillage with Residue Management in Rice–Wheat System in the Indo-Gangetic Plains: Impact on Thermal Sensitivity of Soil Organic Carbon Respiration and Enzyme Activity, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(1) DOI
2023 Gautam A.; Khan F.N.; Priya S.; Kumar K.; Sharda S.; Kaul T.; Singh I.; Langyan S.; Yadava P. (2023). Cloning and comparative modeling identifies a highly stress tolerant Cu/Zn cytosolic super oxide dismutase 2 from a drought tolerant maize inbred line, PeerJ, 11() DOI
2023 N. D V.; Matsumura H.; Munshi A.D.; Ellur R.K.; Chinnusamy V.; Singh A.; Iquebal M.A.; Jaiswal S.; Jat G.S.; Panigrahi I.; Gaikwad A.B.; Rao A.R.; Dey S.S.; Behera T.K. (2023). Molecular mapping of genomic regions and identification of possible candidate genes associated with gynoecious sex expression in bitter gourd, Frontiers in Plant Science, 14() DOI
2023 Sakthivel K.; Manigundan K.; Sharma S.K.; Singh R.; Das M.M.; Devi V.; Gautam R.K.; Nakkeeran S.; Kumar A. (2023). Diversity of Antimicrobial Peptide Genes in Bacillus from the Andaman and Nicobar Islands: Untapped Island Microbial Diversity for Disease Management in Crop Plants, Current Microbiology, 80(1) DOI
2023 Devi O.P.; Sharma S.K.; Sanatombi K.; Devi K.S.; Pathaw N.; Roy S.S.; Chanu N.T.; Sanabam R.; Devi H.C.; Singh A.R.; Baranwal V.K. (2023). A Simplified Multiplex PCR Assay for Simultaneous Detection of Six Viruses Infecting Diverse Chilli Species in India and Its Application in Field Diagnosis, Pathogens, 12(1) DOI
2023 Dutta H.; K. M S.; Aski M.S.; Mishra G.P.; Sinha S.K.; Vijay D.; C. T M.P.; Das S.; Pawar P.A.-M.; Mishra D.C.; Singh A.K.; Kumar A.; Tripathi K.; Kumar R.R.; Gupta S.; Kumar S.; Dikshit H.K. (2023). Morpho-biochemical characterization of a RIL population for seed parameters and identification of candidate genes regulating seed size trait in lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.), Frontiers in Plant Science, 14() DOI
2023 Kumar A.; Prasad V.; Baghel S. (2023). Estimation and evaluation of trend analysis of the Penman-Monteith reference evapotranspiration of Raipur region, Chhattisgarh central India, Mausam, 74(1) DOI
2023 Hada A.; Singh D.; Banakar P.; Papolu P.K.; Kassam R.; Chatterjee M.; Yadav J.; Rao U. (2023). Host-delivered RNAi-mediated silencing using fusion cassettes of different functional groups of genes precludes Meloidogyne incognita multiplication in Nicotiana tabacum, Plant Cell Reports, 42(1) DOI
2023 Harshana A.; Dey D. (2023). Taxonomic studies on the ant genus Lepisiota Santschi, 1926 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Formicinae) in India, with description of four new species, Oriental Insects, 57(3) DOI
2023 Didawat R.K.; Sharma V.K.; Nath D.J.; Patra A.; Kumar S.; Biswas D.R.; Chobhe K.A.; Bandyopadhyay K.K.; Trivedi A.; Chopra I.; Dutta A.; Mohapatra K.K.; Anil A.S. (2023). Soil biochemical properties and nutritional quality of rice cultivated in acidic inceptisols using long-term organic farming practices, Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 69(8) DOI
2023 Pratap V.; Verma S.K.; Dass A. (2023). Weed growth, nutrient removal and yield of direct-seeded rice as influenced by establishment methods and chemical-cum-mechanical weed management practices, Crop Protection, 163() DOI
2023 Paul S.; Premi O.P.; Meena S.L.; Asha A.D.; Nivetha N.; Vikram K.V.; Lavanya A.K.; Rathi M.S.; Bandeppa S.; Manjunatha B.S. (2023). PGPR improve physiological and yield attributes in mustard under different regimes of water supply, Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 69(9) DOI
2023 Rauniyar N.; Singhal P.; Diksha D.; Srivastava D.; Baranwal V.K. (2023). Characterization of a recombinant tomato leaf curl New Delhi Virus (ToLCNDV) in a perennial medicinal climber host (Ipomoea cairica (L.) Sweet), 3 Biotech, 13(1) DOI
2023 Rajiv C.; Roy S.S.; Singh T.S.; Tamreihao K.; Kshetri P.; Sanjita Devi H.; Sharma S.K.; Devi A.K.; Langamba P.; Singh H.N.; Tania C.; Sonia C.; Sailo B.; Singh M.N. (2023). DNA protection ability, antihyperglycemic potential and in-vivo toxicity assessment of arrowleaf tearthumb (Persicaria sagittata L.), a neglected aquatic plant species of Eastern Asia, Natural Product Research (Natural Product Letters), 37(17) DOI
2023 Mahendra K.R.; Samraj J.M. (2023). New host plant record, first report of natural parasitisation, report of ‘parasitoid guarding’ behaviour with notes on biology and identification of Thyrassia virescens (Hampson, 1892) (Insecta: Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae), Oriental Insects, 57(3) DOI
2023 Mahapatra S.; Sureja A.K.; Behera T.K.; Bhardwaj R.; Verma M. (2023). Variability in antioxidant capacity and some mineral nutrients among ninety-one Indian accessions of bottle gourd [Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standl.], South African Journal of Botany, 152() DOI
2023 Khatri S.; Dubey S.; Shivay Y.S.; Jelsbak L.; Sharma S. (2023). Organic farming induces changes in bacterial community and disease suppressiveness against fungal phytopathogens, Applied Soil Ecology, 181() DOI
2023 Behera B.; Kancheti M.; Raza M.B.; Shiv A.; Mangal V.; Rathod G.; Altaf M.A.; Kumar A.; Aftab T.; Kumar R.; Tiwari R.K.; Lal M.K.; Singh B. (2023). Mechanistic insight on boron-mediated toxicity in plant vis-a-vis its mitigation strategies: a review, International Journal of Phytoremediation, 25(1) DOI
2023 Rajput J.; Kothari M.; Bhakar S.R.; Dimple; Kushwaha N.L.; Singh P.K.; Paramaguru P.K.; Rai A.; Elbeltagi A.; Rana L. (2023). Evaluation of water delivery performance of right main canal of Bhimsagar medium irrigation scheme, Rajasthan, ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 29(3) DOI
2023 Yadav N.; Sevanthi A.C.M.V.; Pandey R.; Chinnusamy V.; Singh A.K.; Singh N.K. (2023). Physiological response and agronomic performance of drought tolerance mutants of Aus rice cultivar Nagina 22 (Oryza sativa L), Field Crops Research, 290() DOI
2023 Daware A.; Malik A.; Srivastava R.; Das D.; Ellur R.K.; Singh A.K.; Tyagi A.K.; Parida S.K. (2023). Rice Pangenome Genotyping Array: an efficient genotyping solution for pangenome-based accelerated genetic improvement in rice, Plant Journal, 113(1) DOI
2023 Pandey K.D.; Singh S.K.; Shukla L.; Rai V.K.; Singh R.P.; Yadav P.; Gupta R.K.; Singh P.K.; Kaushalendra; Kumar A. (2023). Mechanistic approaches and factors regulating microalgae mediated heavy metal remediation from the aquatic ecosystem, Advances in Chemical Pollution, Environmental Management and Protection, 9() DOI
2023 Rani R.; Singh J.P.; Sanyal A.; Rajora M.P.; Trivedi A. (2023). Lasiurus sindicus Henr., a key perennial fodder grass for desert ecosystem, Arid Land Research and Management, 37(1) DOI
2023 Pal S.; Patel N.; Malik A.; Sharma A.; Pal U.; Rosin K.G.; Singh D.K. (2023). Eco-friendly treatment of wastewater and its impact on soil and vegetables using flood and micro-irrigation, Agricultural Water Management, 275() DOI
2023 Labanya R.; Srivastava P.C.; Pachauri S.P.; Shukla A.K.; Shrivastava M.; Srivastava P. (2023). Valorisation of phyto-biochars as slow release micronutrients and sulphur carrier for agriculture, Environmental Technology (United Kingdom), 44(16) DOI
2023 Ghorai P.S.; Biswas S.; Purakayastha T.J.; Ahmed N.; Das T.K.; Prasanna R.; Gawade B.H.; Bhattacharyya K.; Sinha K.; Singh P.; Das S. (2023). Indicators of soil quality and crop productivity assessment at a long-term experiment site in the lower Indo-Gangetic plains, Soil Use and Management, 39(1) DOI
2023 Biswakarma N.; Pooniya V.; Zhiipao R.R.; Kumar D.; Shivay Y.S.; Meena M.C.; Lama A.; Das K.; Jat R.D.; Puniya M.; Babu S. (2023). Designing resource efficient integrated crop management modules for direct seeded rice-zero till wheat rotation of north western India: Impacts on system productivity, energy-nutrient-carbon dynamics, Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 69(8) DOI
2023 Daripa A.; Chattaraj S.; Malav L.; Ray P.; Sharma R.; Mohekar D.S.; V R.; Raghuvanshi M.S.; Patil N.G. (2023). Risk assessment of agricultural soils surrounding an iron ore mine: A field study from Western Ghat of Goa, India, Soil & Sediment Contamination, 32(5) DOI
2023 Patange D.D.; Pansare K.S.; Kumar M.; Kumari A.; Kamble D.K.; Chandran D.; Gaikwad N.B.; Waghmare R.; Radha; Lorenzo J.M. (2023). Studies on Utilization and Shelf Life of Piper betel Leaves Added Ghee-Based Low-fat Spread, Food Analytical Methods, 16(1) DOI
2023 Patial M.; Chauhan R.; Chaudhary H.K.; Pramanick K.K.; Shukla A.K.; Kumar V.; Verma R.P.S. (2023). Au-courant and novel technologies for efficient doubled haploid development in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), Critical Reviews in Biotechnology, 43(4) DOI
2023 Srivastava P.C.; Shrivastava M. (2023). Modified Ion Exchange Resin Method for Extraction of Micronutrient Cations from Soils, Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 54(11) DOI
2023 Singh S.K.; Shukla L.; Singh R.P.; Yadav P.; Kumar A. (2023). Microalgae mediated wastewater treatment and its production for biofuels and bioproducts, Advances in Chemical Pollution, Environmental Management and Protection, 9() DOI
2023 Mamta; Shambhavi S.; Kumar R.; Bairwa R.; Meena P.; Meena M.C. (2023). Assessment of Carbon Pools and Stability of Soil Aggregates in Inceptisols of Indo-Gangetic Plains as Influenced by Seven-Year Continuous Tillage Practices Under Maize-Based Cropping System, Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 54(4) DOI
2023 Bhatia A.; Chug A.; Singh A.P.; Singh D. (2023). Fractional mega trend diffusion function-based feature extraction for plant disease prediction, International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 14(1) DOI
2023 Kumari A.; Kumari U.; Gupta S.; Singh N. (2023). Azoxystrobin and imidacloprid degradation in biobed setup under laboratory conditions, International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 103(10) DOI
2023 Ghosh A.; Singh A.K.; Das B.; Modak K.; Kumar R.V.; Kumar S.; Gautam K.; Biswas D.R.; Roy A.K. (2023). Resiliencies of soil phosphorus fractions after natural summer fire are governed by microbial activity and cation availability in a semi-arid Inceptisol, Environmental Research, 216() DOI
2023 Kumar M.; Suhag R.; Hasan M.; Dhumal S.; Radha; Pandiselvam R.; Senapathy M.; Sampathrajan V.; Punia S.; Sayed A.A.S.; Singh S.; Kennedy J.F. (2023). Black soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.): paving the way toward new nutraceutical, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 63(23) DOI
2023 Darjee S.; Shrivastava M.; Langyan S.; Singh G.; Pandey R.; Sharma A.; Khandelwal A.; Singh R. (2023). Integrated nutrient management reduced the nutrient losses and increased crop yield in irrigated wheat, Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 69(8) DOI
2023 Kadam P.V.; Jat S.L.; Mahala D.M.; Parihar C.M.; Singh A.K.; Kumar B.; Gambhir G.; Radheshyam; Chandra M.S. (2023). Residue retention and nitrogen management of preceding crops influences the productivity, profitability and environmental footprints of summer mungbean in maize-based cropping systems under conservation agriculture, Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 69(11) DOI
2023 Singh J.; Sharma A.; Sharma P.; Tomar G.S.; Grover M.; Singh S.; Nain L. (2023). Production of ethanol, lipid and lactic acid from mixed agrowastes hydrolysate, Natural Product Research (Natural Product Letters), 37(15) DOI
2023 Khandelwal A.; Singh S.B.; Sharma A.; Nain L.; Varghese E.; Singh N. (2023). Effect of surfactant on degradation of Aspergillus sp. and Trichoderma sp. mediated crude oil, International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 103(7) DOI
2023 Saxena V.; Bharti M.K.; Kumar P.; Singh J.; Patel V.B. (2023). Effect of zinc uptake on alcohol dehydrogenase, protein and mineral contents of hydroponically grown chickpea (Cicer arietinum), Journal of Plant Nutrition, 46(6) DOI
2023 Yadav S.; Banerjee T.; Singh N. (2023). Leaching behaviour of atrazine and fipronil in sugarcane trash ash mixed soils, International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 103(19) DOI
2023 Sinduja M.; Sathya V.; Maheswari M.; Kalpana P.; Dhevagi P.; Dinesh G.K.; Chitdeshwari T. (2023). Chemical transformation and bioavailability of chromium in the contaminated soil amended with bioamendments, Bioremediation Journal, 27(3) DOI
2023 Alghamdi Y.S.; Mashraqi M.M.; Alzamami A.; Alturki N.A.; Ahmad S.; Alharthi A.A.; Alshamrani S.; Asiri S.A. (2023). Unveiling the multitargeted potential of N-(4-Aminobutanoyl)-S-(4-methoxybenzyl)-L-cysteinylglycine (NSL-CG) against SARS CoV-2: a virtual screening and molecular dynamics simulation study, Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, 41(14) DOI
2023 Sasi M.; Kumar S.; Hasan M.; S. R A.; Garcia-Gutierrez E.; Kumari S.; Prakash O.; Nain L.; Sachdev A.; Dahuja A. (2023). Current trends in the development of soy-based foods containing probiotics and paving the path for soy-synbiotics, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 63(29) DOI
2023 Karadihalli Thammaiah M.; Pandey R.N.; Purakayastha T.J.; Chobhe K.A.; Vashisth A.; Chandra S.; Pawar A.B.; Trivedi A. (2023). Impact of low molecular weight organic acids on soil Olsen phosphorus and its phyto-availability to soybean (Glycine max), Journal of Plant Nutrition, 46(5) DOI
2023 Patra A.; Sharma V.K.; Nath D.J.; Dutta A.; Purakayastha T.J.; Kumar S.; Barman M.; Chobhe K.A.; Nath C.P.; Kumawat C. (2023). Long-term impact of integrated nutrient management on sustainable yield index of rice and soil quality under acidic inceptisol, Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 69(7) DOI
2023 Meena P.; Shah P.G.; Patel K.C.; Chobhe K.A.; Viraji C.R.; Chopra I. (2023). Dissipation behaviour of bifenthrin in water at different pH levels under laboratory conditions, International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 103(20) DOI
2023 Palsaniya D.R.; Kumar T.K.; Chaudhary M.; Choudhary M. (2023). Effect of reduced tillage and mulching on soil health in Sesbania alley cropping based rainfed food - fodder systems, Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 69(10) DOI
2023 Sahu P.; Chug A.; Singh A.P.; Singh D. (2023). TLDC: Tomato Leaf Disease Classification Using Deep Learning and Image Segmentation, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 473() DOI
2023 Elbeltagi A.; Kumar M.; Kushwaha N.L.; Pande C.B.; Ditthakit P.; Vishwakarma D.K.; Subeesh A. (2023). Drought indicator analysis and forecasting using data driven models: case study in Jaisalmer, India, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 37(1) DOI
2023 Kumar J.; Parveen A.; Kumar A.; Kaur G.; Kumar P.; Sharma S.; Kaur S.; Devi K.; Kumaran V.V.; Bishnoi M.; Garg M.; Pandey A.K.; Pareek A.; Roy J. (2023). Identification of temporally distributed candidate genes for high iron (Fe) and zinc (Zn) content in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Journal of Cereal Science, 109() DOI
2023 Singh Rawat K.; Kumar Sehgal V.; Vidyarthi A.S. (2023). Parameterization of vegetation and soil parameters of the modified water cloud model (MWCM) for hybrid-polarized SAR data over wheat dominating area, Materials Today: Proceedings, 73() DOI
2023 Godara S.; Toshniwal D.; Bana R.S.; Singh D.; Bedi J.; Parsad R.; Dabas J.P.S.; Jhajhria A.; Godara S.; Kumar R.; Marwaha S. (2023). AgrIntel: Spatio-temporal profiling of nationwide plant-protection problems using helpline data, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 117() DOI
2023 Ghosh A.; Biswas D.R.; Das S.; Das T.K.; Bhattacharyya R.; Alam K.; Rahman M.M. (2023). Rice straw incorporation mobilizes inorganic soil phosphorus by reorienting hysteresis effect under varying hydrothermal regimes in a humid tropical Inceptisol, Soil & Tillage Research, 225() DOI
2023 Saha P.; Nayak H.; Barman A.; Bera A.; Banerjee P. (2023). Nitrogen management by small farmers with the use of leaf color chart: a review, Journal of Plant Nutrition, 46(8) DOI
2023 Asrani P.; Ali A.; Tiwari K. (2023). Millets as an alternative diet for gluten-sensitive individuals: A critical review on nutritional components, sensitivities and popularity of wheat and millets among consumers, Food Reviews International, 39(6) DOI
2023 Meena R.K.; Singh Y.V.; Shivay Y.S.; Kumar D.; Kumar R.; Ram H.; Ram M. (2023). Rice performance as influenced by crop establishment methods, green organic mulches and rates of nitrogen fertilization along with liquid Azotobacter chroococcum, Journal of Plant Nutrition, 46(3) DOI
2023 Mandal A.; Purakayastha T.J.; Patra A.K.; Sarkar B. (2023). Phosphate-Induced Phytoextraction by Pteris vittata Reduced Arsenic Uptake by Rice, Environmental Science and Engineering, () DOI
2023 Devaraja K.P.; Ellur R.K.; Singh A.K.; Abhishek Gowda A.P.; Sirohi A.; Pankaj (2023). Response of rice genotypes to rice root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne graminicola) infection under varying temperature regimes, Plant Pathology, 72(1) DOI
2022 Dhillon M.K. (2022). Diapause in chilo partellus: A research journey, Indian Journal of Entomology, 84(Special Issue) DOI
2022 Chaitra H.S.; Kalia V.K. (2022). GUT SYMBIONTS: HIDDEN PLAYERS OF PESTICIDE RESISTANCE IN INSECTS, Indian Journal of Entomology, 84(4) DOI
2022 Goswami A.K.; Maurya N.K.; Goswami S.; Bardhan K.; Singh S.K.; Prakash J.; Pradhan S.; Kumar A.; Chinnusamy V.; Kumar P.; Sharma R.M.; Sharma S.; Bisht D.S.; Kumar C. (2022). Physio-biochemical and molecular stress regulators and their crosstalk for low-temperature stress responses in fruit crops: A review, Frontiers in Plant Science, 13() DOI
2022 Barman D.; Sathee L.; Padhan B.K.; Watts A. (2022). Compatible solutes engineering to balance salt (Na+) and ROS-induced changes in potassium homeostasis, Response of Field Crops to Abiotic Stress: Current Status and Future Prospects, () DOI
2022 Kumar R.; Deka B.C.; Thirugnanavel A.; Upadhyay P.K. (2022). Influence of the best management practices on performance of dual-purpose baby corn (Zea mays) under eastern Himalayas, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 67(4) DOI
2022 Tiwari M.; Singh R.; Jha R.; Singh P. (2022). Heritable priming by Trichoderma: A sustainable approach for wheat protection against Bipolaris sorokiniana, Frontiers in Plant Science, 13() DOI
2022 Kumar S.S.; Wani O.A.; Mir S.A.; Babu S.; Sharma V.; Chesti M.U.H.; Baba Z.A.; Sofi P.A.; Wani F.J.; Dar S.R.; Singh R.; Yadav D. (2022). Soil carbon dynamics in the temperate Himalayas: Impact of land use management, Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10() DOI
2022 Varatharajan T.; Dass A.; Choudhary A.K.; Pooniya V.; Das T.K.; Dhar S.; San A.A.; Singh R. (2022). Residual effect of maize (Zea mays) + blackgram (Vigna mungo) intercropping on growth, factor productivity and resource-use efficiency of succeeding wheat (Triticum aestivum) under integrated crop management, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 67(4) DOI
2022 Ajith M.; Kaushik P.; Shakil N.A.; Pankaj; Rana V.S. (2022). Efficacy of Essential Oils from Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens) and Citronella (Cymbopogon nardus) and Their Major Compounds Against Meloidogyne graminicola in Pots and Field Conditions, Indian Journal of Nematology, 52(2) DOI
2022 Abhishek Gowda A.P.; Singh A.K.; Devaraja K.P.; Sowmya R.; Kumar P.; Pankaj (2022). Response of Tomato Genotypes to Root-Knot Nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) infection under Laboratory and Protected Cultivation, Indian Journal of Nematology, 52(2) DOI
2022 Mukherjee A.; Kumar U.; Singh D.K.; Shubha K.; Atheequlla G.A.; Sinha P.K.; Singh P. (2022). Assessing performance of horticultural farmers producer companies: Comparative case study, Journal of Horticultural Sciences, 17(2) DOI
2022 Singh M.; Mollier R.T.; Pongener N.; Patton R.N.; Yadav R.; Chaudhary J.K.; Katiyar R.; Babu S.; Rajkhowa D.J.; Mishra V.K. (2022). Effect of artificial insemination in comparison to natural mating on the reproductive performance and profitability of smallholder pig production system in Indian Himalaya, Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 6() DOI
2022 Maheshwari C.; Mawlong I.; Tyagi A. (2022). Role of Apetela2 (AP2)/ERF family transcription factors in stress-responsive gene expression, Response of Field Crops to Abiotic Stress: Current Status and Future Prospects, () DOI
2022 Barmukh R.; Roorkiwal M.; Dixit G.P.; Bajaj P.; Kholova J.; Smith M.R.; Chitikineni A.; Bharadwaj C.; Sreeman S.M.; Rathore A.; Tripathi S.; Yasin M.; Vijayakumar A.G.; Rao Sagurthi S.; Siddique K.H.M.; Varshney R.K. (2022). Characterization of ‘QTL-hotspot’ introgression lines reveals physiological mechanisms and candidate genes associated with drought adaptation in chickpea, Journal of Experimental Botany, 73(22) DOI
2022 Karwa S.; Taunk J.; Maurya S.; Das A.; Krishna G.K.; Arya S.S.; Kumar A.; Kumar S.; Kumar P.; Chinnusamy V.; Pal M. (2022). Spermidine exogenous application mollifies reproductive stage heat stress ramifications in rice, Frontiers in Plant Science, 13() DOI
2022 Falswal J.; Akoijam R.; Haorongbam N.S.; Dey D. (2022). New records of Halictini (Hymenoptera, Halictidae, Halictinae) from Manipur, India, Entomon, 47(4) DOI
2022 Falsafi S.R.; Bangar S.P.; Chaudhary V.; Hosseini E.; Mokhtari Z.; Karaca A.C.; Samota M.K.; Goswami D.; Krishnan V.; Askari G.; Rostamabadi H. (2022). Recent advances in oral delivery of bioactive molecules: Focus on prebiotic carbohydrates as vehicle matrices, Carbohydrate Polymers, 298() DOI
2022 Raj R.; Das T.K.; Ghosh A.; Govindasamy P.; Kumar V.; Babu S.; Saha P.; Sen S.; Roy A.; Sharma T.; Tiwari G. (2022). Crop-establishment methods and weed management effects on weeds, wheat (Triticum aestivum) yield and economics under a conservation agriculture-based rice (Oryza sativa)–wheat system, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 67(4) DOI
2022 Bhati S.S.; Baheti B.L.; Chandrawat B.S.; Ahuja A. (2022). Utilization of Agri-Based Wastes against Meloidogyne incognita infecting Cucumber in Polyhouse, Indian Journal of Nematology, 52(2) DOI
2022 Swain A.; Shekhawat K.; Rathore S.S.; Upadhyay P.K.; Muduli S. (2022). Integrated weed management in wheat under conservation agriculture-based maize-wheat-mungbean system, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 67(4) DOI
2022 Mhetre V.B.; Patel V.B.; Singh S.K.; Mishra G.P.; Verma M.K.; Kumar C.; Dahuja A.; Kumar S.; Singh R.; Wasim Siddiqui M. (2022). Unraveling the pathways influencing the berry color and firmness of grapevine cv. Flame Seedless treated with bioregulators using biochemical and RNA-Seq analysis under semi-arid subtropics, Food Chemistry: Molecular Sciences, 5() DOI
2022 Reddy K.M.; Shashank P.R. (2022). Three new species of the tribe Grapholitini (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae: Olethreutinae) from India, Zootaxa, 5219(6) DOI
2022 Abhijith K.P.; Gopala Krishnan S.; Ravikiran K.T.; Dhawan G.; Kumar P.; Vinod K.K.; Bhowmick P.K.; Nagarajan M.; Seth R.; Sharma R.; Badhran S.K.; Bollinedi H.; Ellur R.K.; Singh A.K. (2022). Genome-wide association study reveals novel genomic regions governing agronomic and grain quality traits and superior allelic combinations for Basmati rice improvement, Frontiers in Plant Science, 13() DOI
2022 Mahore A.; Patel A.; Kumar M.; Nalawade R.; Choudhary K. (2022). Robotic harvesters for strawberry and apple, Artificial Intelligence for Internet of Things: Design Principle, Modernization, and Techniques, () DOI
2022 Halli H.M.; Govindasamy P.; Chaudhary M.; Srinivasan R.; Prasad M.; Wasnik V.K.; Yadav V.K.; Singh A.K.; Kumar S.; Vijay D.; Pathak H. (2022). Range grasses to improve soil properties, carbon sustainability, and fodder security in degraded lands of semi-arid regions, Science of the Total Environment, 851() DOI
2022 Kumar P. (2022). Fight against hunger and poverty in rural India, Journal of Social and Economic Development, 24() DOI
2022 Satankar M.; Sahoo P.K.; Mishra I.M.; Arun Kumar T.V. (2022). Varietal and moisture effect on physical properties of various pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) cultivars, Environment Conservation Journal, 23(3) DOI
2022 Sahoo M.; Aradwad P.; Panigrahi C.; Kumar V.; Naik S.N. (2022). Irradiation of Food, Novel Technologies in Food Science, () DOI
2022 Jat M.; Dohling P.N.K.; Ahuja A.; Singh J. (2022). EFFECT OF PESTICIDES ON SOIL ECOSYSTEM SERVICES AND PROCESSES, Indian Journal of Entomology, 84(4) DOI
2022 Thomas P.; Kumar D.; Datta D.; Saha R.; Chakraborty D. (2022). Organic Farming Improves Soil Aggregation and Organic Carbon Status in the Rice-Wheat Cropping System in an Inceptisol, Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science, 70(4) DOI
2022 Hashim M.; Singh V.K.; Singh K.K.; Dhar S. (2022). Herbicidal weed-management options for dry direct-seeded rice (Oryza sativa) in North-Eastern Plains of India, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 67(4) DOI
2022 Jat M.; Meshram N.M.; Dey D. (2022). Lapnana, a new genus of tribe Evacanthini (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Evacanthinae) from India, Zootaxa, 5222(6) DOI
2022 Devi S.; Sharma P.K.; Behera T.K.; Jaiswal S.; Boopalakrishnan G.; Kumari K.; Mandal N.K.; Iquebal M.A.; Gopala Krishnan S.; Bharti; Ghosal C.; Munshi A.D.; Dey S.S. (2022). Identification of a major QTL, Parth6.1 associated with parthenocarpic fruit development in slicing cucumber genotype, Pusa Parthenocarpic Cucumber-6, Frontiers in Plant Science, 13() DOI
2022 Bamel V.; Sabir N.; Hasan M.; Sirohi A. (2022). Migration of Infective Juveniles of Entomopathogenic Nematode, Heterorhabditis indica in Soil after Application through Fully Automatic High Pressure Drip Irrigation System, Indian Journal of Nematology, 52(2) DOI
2022 Bellundagi A.; Ramya K.T.; Krishna H.; Jain N.; Shashikumara P.; Singh P.K.; Singh G.P.; Prabhu K.V. (2022). Marker-assisted backcross breeding for heat tolerance in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Frontiers in Genetics, 13() DOI
2022 Verma R.K.; Shivay Y.S.; Prasanna R.; Ghasal P.C.; Parihar C.M.; Choudhary M.; Madar R. (2022). Bio-energy auditing, system productivity, energy efficiencies and economics of different direct-seeded basmati rice-based cropping systems and nutrient management options, CABI Agriculture and Bioscience, 3(1) DOI
2022 Papolu P.K.; Ramakrishnan M.; Mullasseri S.; Kalendar R.; Wei Q.; Zou L.; Ahmad Z.; Vinod K.K.; Yang P.; Zhou M. (2022). Retrotransposons: How the continuous evolutionary front shapes plant genomes for response to heat stress, Frontiers in Plant Science, 13() DOI
2022 Patel A.; Sahu K.P.; Mehta S.; Balamurugan A.; Kumar M.; Sheoran N.; Kumar S.; Krishnappa C.; Ashajyothi M.; Kundu A.; Goyal T.; Narayanasamy P.; Kumar A. (2022). Rice leaf endophytic Microbacterium testaceum: Antifungal actinobacterium confers immunocompetence against rice blast disease, Frontiers in Microbiology, 13() DOI
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2022 Kapoor C.; Singh S.; Avasthe R.K.; Sankar M.S.; Pattanayak A.; Raj C.; Singh M. (2022). Harnessing potential of maize (Zea mays) genetic resources for exploring yield and yield-related traits under organic farming in hill region, Plant Genetic Resources-Characterization and Utilization, 20(6) DOI
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2022 Dhami K.S.; Asrey R.; Awasthi O.P.; Bhowmik A. (2022). Pre and postharvest treatments of methyl jasmonate: Maintain quality and shelf-life of Kinnow mandarin fruit during cold storage, South African Journal of Botany, 151() DOI
2022 Sahariya A.; Bharadwaj C.; Emmanuel I.; Alam A. (2022). Relative Biochemical analysis of two cultivars of Hordeum vulgare L. under Fluoride stress using Fourier Transform-Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR), Plant Physiology Reports (Indian Journal of Plant Physiology), 27(4) DOI
2022 Jain R.; Bana R.S.; Kumar P.; Singh B.; Sharma V.K.; Vanlalruati; Singh M.; Tiwari A.K.; Godara S. (2022). Nutrient management in potted Syngoniums using water soluble fertilizers and biofertilizers: effects on growth and soil fertility, Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 102(6) DOI
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2022 Gupta S.; Didwania N.; Singh D.; Chowluru S.N. (2022). Microbial consortium: an eco-friendly approach against Alternaria brassicae in Indian mustard, Indian Phytopathology, 75(4) DOI
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2022 Kumar S.; Pradhan A.K.; Kumar U.; Dhillon G.S.; Kaur S.; Budhlakoti N.; Mishra D.C.; Singh A.K.; Singh R.; Kumari J.; Kumaran V.V.; Mishra V.K.; Bhati P.K.; Das S.; Chand R.; Singh K.; Kumar S. (2022). Validation of Novel spot blotch disease resistance alleles identified in unexplored wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) germplasm lines through KASP markers, BMC Plant Biology, 22(1) DOI
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2022 Kumar K.; Yadava P.; Gupta M.; Choudhary M.; Jha A.K.; Wani S.H.; Dar Z.A.; Kumar B.; Rakshit S. (2022). Narrowing down molecular targets for improving phosphorus-use efficiency in maize (Zea mays L.), Molecular Biology Reports, 49(12) DOI
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2022 Bashyal B.M.; Rawat K.; Parmar P.; Gupta A.K.; Gupta S.; Krishnan S.G.; Choudhary R.; Ercisli S.; Kovacevic A.; Aggarwal R. (2022). Transcriptomic analysis of bakanae disease resistant and susceptible rice genotypes in response to infection by Fusarium fujikuroi, Molecular Biology Reports, 49(12) DOI
2022 Kumar T.; Tiwari N.; Bharadwaj C.; Roorkiwal M.; Reddy S.P.P.; Patil B.S.; Kumar S.; Hamwieh A.; Vinutha T.; Bindra S.; Singh I.; Alam A.; Chaturvedi S.K.; Kumar Y.; Nimmy M.S.; Siddique K.H.M.; Varshney R.K. (2022). A comprehensive analysis of Trehalose-6-phosphate synthase (TPS) gene for salinity tolerance in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), Scientific Reports, 12(1) DOI
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2022 Gowda C.B.; Kumar A.; Lal S.K.; Akhtar J.; Mishra G.P.; Tiwari S.K.; Kumar R.; Javeria S. (2022). Evaluation of bio-control agents for management of fruit rot and its effect on seed quality in chilli, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 79(4) DOI
2022 Chauhan H.S.; Muthusamy V.; Rashmi T.; Basu S.; Anand A.; Mehta B.K.; Gain N.; Zunjare R.U.; Singh A.K.; Gupta H.S.; Hossain F. (2022). Characterization of crtRB1- and vte4-based biofortified sweet corn inbreds for seed vigour and physico-biochemical traits, Journal of Applied Genetics, 63(4) DOI
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2022 Mhatre P.H.; Thube S.H.; Navik O.; Venkatasalam E.P.; Sharma S.; Patil J.; Subhash S.; Divya K.L.; Watpade S.; Pandian T.P.; Shah M.A.; Kumar M. (2022). Outbreak and Management of Serpentine Leaf Miner, Liriomyza huidobrensis (Blanchard) (Diptera: Agromyzidae), on Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Crop in India, Potato Research, 65(4) DOI
2022 Gowda A.P.A.; Pankaj; Singh D.; Singh A.K.; Sowmya R. (2022). Nematicidal potential of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria against Meloidogyne incognita infesting tomato under protected cultivation, Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest Control, 32(1) DOI
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2022 Gupta N.C.; Yadav S.; Arora S.; Mishra D.C.; Budhlakoti N.; Gaikwad K.; Rao M.; Prasad L.; Rai P.K.; Sharma P. (2022). Draft genome sequencing and secretome profiling of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum revealed effector repertoire diversity and allied broad-host range necrotrophy, Scientific Reports, 12(1) DOI
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2022 Sunilkumar V.P.; Krishna H.; Devate N.B.; Manjunath K.K.; Chauhan D.; Singh S.; Sinha N.; Singh J.B.; Prakasha T.L.; Pal D.; Sivasamy M.; Jain N.; Singh G.P.; Singh P.K. (2022). Marker assisted improvement for leaf rust and moisture deficit stress tolerance in wheat variety HD3086, Frontiers in Plant Science, 13() DOI
2022 Kumar S.; Seem K.; Kumar S.; Mohapatra T. (2022). RNA-seq analysis reveals the genes/pathways responsible for genetic plasticity of rice to varying environmental conditions on direct-sowing and transplanting, Scientific Reports, 12(1) DOI
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2022 Singh J.; Aggarwal R.; Bashyal B.M.; Darshan K.; Meena B.R.; Yadav J.; Saharan M.S.; Hussain Z. (2022). Temporal transcriptome of tomato elucidates the signaling pathways of induced systemic resistance and systemic acquired resistance activated by Chaetomium globosum, Frontiers in Genetics, 13() DOI
2022 Kumar R.R.; Singh N.; Singh S.; Vinutha T.; Krishnan V.; Goswami S.; Kumar B.; Jat S.L.; Yogeesh L.N.; Singh S.P.; Mishra G.P.; Tara Satyavathi C.; Sachdev A.; Praveen S. (2022). Nutritional supremacy of pearl- and foxtail millets: assessing the nutrient density, protein stability and shelf-life of flours in millets and cereals for developing nutri-stable foods, Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 31(4) DOI
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2022 Singh P.; Kumar K.; Jha A.K.; Yadava P.; Pal M.; Rakshit S.; Singh I. (2022). Global gene expression profiling under nitrogen stress identifies key genes involved in nitrogen stress adaptation in maize (Zea mays L.), Scientific Reports, 12(1) DOI
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2022 Kumar R.; Bahuguna R.N.; Tiwari M.; Pal M.; Chinnusamy V.; Sreeman S.; Muthurajan R.; Krishna Jagadish S.V. (2022). Walking through crossroads–rice responses to heat and biotic stress interactions, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 135(11) DOI
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2022 Devate N.B.; Krishna H.; Sunilkumar V.P.; Manjunath K.K.; Mishra C.N.; Jain N.; Singh G.P.; Singh P.K. (2022). Identification of genomic regions of wheat associated with grain Fe and Zn content under drought and heat stress using genome-wide association study, Frontiers in Genetics, 13() DOI
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2022 Singh H.; Khar A. (2022). Potential of onion (Allium cepa) as traditional therapeutic and functional food: An update, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 92(11) DOI
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2022 Joshi I.; Kumar A.; Kohli D.; Bhattacharya R.; Sirohi A.; Chaudhury A.; Jain P.K. (2022). Gall-specific promoter, an alternative to the constitutive CaMV35S promoter, drives host-derived RNA interference targeting Mi-msp2 gene to confer effective nematode resistance, Frontiers in Plant Science, 13() DOI
2022 Singh H.V.; Jat R.S.; Choudhary R.L.; Rathore S.S.; Meena M.K.; Rai P.K. (2022). Contemporary nitrogen management in maize (Zea mays)-Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) cropping system for maximizing yield, water productivity and profitability, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 92(11) DOI
2022 Bana R.S.; Jat G.S.; Grover M.; Bamboriya S.D.; Singh D.; Bansal R.; Choudhary A.K.; Kumar V.; Laing A.M.; Godara S.; Bana R.C.; Kumar H.; Kuri B.R.; Yadav A.; Singh T. (2022). Foliar nutrient supplementation with micronutrient-embedded fertilizer increases biofortification, soil biological activity and productivity of eggplant, Scientific Reports, 12(1) DOI
2022 Lal M.K.; Tiwari R.K.; Kumar A.; Dey A.; Kumar R.; Kumar D.; Jaiswal A.; Changan S.S.; Raigond P.; Dutt S.; Luthra S.K.; Mandal S.; Singh M.P.; Paul V.; Singh B. (2022). Mechanistic Concept of Physiological, Biochemical, and Molecular Responses of the Potato Crop to Heat and Drought Stress, Plants, 11(21) DOI
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2022 Harish M.N.; Choudhary A.K.; Kumar S.; Dass A.; Singh V.K.; Sharma V.K.; Varatharajan T.; Dhillon M.K.; Sangwan S.; Dua V.K.; Nitesh S.D.; Bhavya M.; Sangwan S.; Prasad S.; Kumar A.; Rajpoot S.K.; Gupta G.; Verma P.; Kumar A.; George S. (2022). Double zero tillage and foliar phosphorus fertilization coupled with microbial inoculants enhance maize productivity and quality in a maize–wheat rotation, Scientific Reports, 12(1) DOI
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2022 Kundu M.; Dubey A. (2022). Impact of γ ray Exposure on In vitro Pollen Viability and Seed Development Pattern in Different Interspecific Crosses of Citrus, National Academy Science Letters-India, 45(5) DOI
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2022 Kumar P.; Gupta A.; Mahato D.K.; Pandhi S.; Pandey A.K.; Kargwal R.; Mishra S.; Suhag R.; Sharma N.; Saurabh V.; Paul V.; Kumar M.; Selvakumar R.; Gamlath S.; Kamle M.; Enshasy H.A.E.; Mokhtar J.A.; Harakeh S. (2022). Aflatoxins in Cereals and Cereal-Based Products: Occurrence, Toxicity, Impact on Human Health, and Their Detoxification and Management Strategies, Toxins, 14(10) DOI
2022 Rekha; Devram L.S.; Shukla L.; Mani I.; Parray R.A.; Das S.; Chobhe K.A.; Kumar R.; Khura T.K. (2022). Effect of inoculum spraying on rice (Oryza sativa) residue decomposition kinetics, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 92(10) DOI
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2022 Panwar A.S.; Ansari M.A.; Ravisankar N.; Babu S.; Prusty A.K.; Ghasal P.C.; Choudhary J.; Shamim M.; Singh R.; Raghavendra K.J.; Dutta D.; Meena A.L.; Chauhan G.V.; Ansari M.H.; Singh R.; Aulakh C.S.; Singh D.K.; Sharma P.B. (2022). Effect of organic farming on the restoration of soil quality, ecosystem services, and productivity in rice–wheat agro-ecosystems, Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10() DOI
2022 Kadam D.M.; Dubey A.K.; Sharma R.M.; Morade A.; Sharma N.; Bhardwaj C. (2022). Response of citrus (Citrus sps.) rootstock hybrids to PEG induced drought under hydroponic system, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 92(10) DOI
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2022 Gangappa N.D.; Singh C.; Verma M.K.; Thakre M.; Sevanthi A.M.; Singh R.; Srivastav M.; Raghunandan K.; Anusha C.; Yadav V.; Nagaraja A. (2022). Assessing the genetic diversity of guava germplasm characterized by morpho-biochemical traits, Frontiers in Nutrition, 9() DOI
2022 Kumar A.; Joshi I.; Changwal C.; Sirohi A.; Jain P.K. (2022). Host-delivered RNAi-mediated silencing of the root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) effector genes, Mi-msp10 and Mi-msp23, confers resistance in Arabidopsis and impairs reproductive ability of the root-knot nematode, Planta, 256(4) DOI
2022 Tiwari N.N.; Jain R.K.; Shreenath Y.S.; Tiwari A.K. (2022). Spilanthes acmella: A Natural Weed Reservoir of Sugarcane Leaf Yellows Phytoplasma Strain (16SrI-B) in Eastern Uttar Pradesh, India, Sugar Tech, 24(5) DOI
2022 Singh R.; Langyan S.; Sangwan S.; Gaur P.; Khan F.N.; Yadava P.; Rohatgi B.; Shrivastava M.; Khandelwal A.; Darjee S.; Sahu P.K. (2022). Optimization and production of alpha-amylase using Bacillus subtilis from apple peel: Comparison with alternate feedstock, Food Bioscience, 49() DOI
2022 Kundu A.; Mandal A.; Dutta A.; Saha S.; Raina A.P.; Kumar R.; Ghosh A. (2022). Nanoemulsification of Kaempferia galanga essential oil: Characterizations and molecular interactions explaining fungal growth suppression, Process Biochemistry, 121() DOI
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2022 Kumar M.; Hasan M.; Choyal P.; Tomar M.; Gupta O.P.; Sasi M.; Changan S.; Lorenzo J.M.; Singh S.; Sampathrajan V.; Dhumal S.; Pandiselvam R.; Sharma K.; Satankar V.; Waghmare R.; Senapathy M.; Sayed A.A.S.; Radha; Dey A.; Amarowicz R.; Kennedy J.F. (2022). Cottonseed feedstock as a source of plant-based protein and bioactive peptides: Evidence based on biofunctionalities and industrial applications, Food Hydrocolloids, 131() DOI
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2022 Singh R.K.; Singh A.; Kumar S.; Sheoran P.; Jat H.S.; Sharma P.C.; Sharma D.K.; Hazarika B.N.; Bhowmik S.N.; Sureja A.K.; Bhardwaj R.; Hussain S.M.; Singh D.; Raju R.; Rallen O.; Lego Y.J.; Zander K.K.; Mathew S.; Garnett S.T. (2022). Experimental co-production of knowledge to adapt to environmental change in northern India, Environmental Science and Policy, 136() DOI
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2022 Joshi S.; Gupta A.; Shashank P.R.; Pai S.G.; Mohan M.; Rachana R.R.; Dubey V.K.; Sandeep A.; Deepthy K.B. (2022). Recent adventive soft scale insects (Hemiptera: Coccomorpha: Coccidae) and mealybugs (Hemiptera: Coccomorpha: Pseudococcidae) in India, Zootaxa, 5194(2) DOI
2022 Devi R.; Kaur T.; Kour D.; Yadav A.N.; Suman A. (2022). Potential applications of mineral solubilizing rhizospheric and nitrogen fixing endophytic bacteria as microbial consortium for the growth promotion of chilli (Capsicum annum L.), Biologia, 77(10) DOI
2022 Joshi R.; Ramawat N.; Sah R.P.; Gogia A.; Talukdar A.; Sharma S.; Kumar A.; Raje R.S.; Patil A.N.; Durgesh K. (2022). Assessment of salt tolerance potential at the germination and seedling stages in pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan L.), Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 82(3) DOI
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2022 Singh N.; Sardana H.R.; Bhat M.N.; Choudhary M.; Khokhar M.K.; Kumar H. (2022). Mobile-based wide area pest surveillance and advisory services for horticultural crops in Haryana, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 92(9) DOI
2022 Paramesh V.; Kumar P.; Shamim M.; Ravisankar N.; Arunachalam V.; Nath A.J.; Mayekar T.; Singh R.; Prusty A.K.; Rajkumar R.S.; Panwar A.S.; Reddy V.K.; Pramanik M.; Das A.; Manohara K.K.; Babu S.; Kashyap P. (2022). Integrated Farming Systems as an Adaptation Strategy to Climate Change: Case Studies from Diverse Agro-Climatic Zones of India, Sustainability, 14(18) DOI
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2022 Jinger D.; Dhar S.; Dass A.; Sharma V.K.; Shukla L.; Paramesh V.; Parihar M.; Joshi N.; Joshi E.; Gupta G.; Singh S. (2022). Residual Silicon and Phosphorus Improved the Growth, Yield, Nutrient Uptake and Soil Enzyme Activities of Wheat, Silicon, 14(14) DOI
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2022 Talukder Z.A.; Muthusamy V.; Zunjare R.U.; Chhabra R.; Reddappa S.B.; Mishra S.J.; Prakash N.R.; Gain N.; Chand G.; Hossain F. (2022). Pollen staining is a rapid and cost-effective alternative to marker-assisted selection for recessive waxy1 gene governing high amylopectin in maize, Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, 28(9) DOI
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2022 Garg K.; Dhar S.; Dass A.; Sharma V.K.; Meena R.P.; Bamboriya S.D. (2022). Effect of enriched organic formulations on productivity and profitability of baby corn (Zea mays)–kabuli gram (Cicer arietinum)–vegetable cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) cropping system in a semi-arid agro-ecology, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 67(3) DOI
2022 Parihar C.M.; Meena B.R.; Nayak H.S.; Patra K.; Sena D.R.; Singh R.; Jat S.L.; Sharma D.K.; Mahala D.M.; Patra S.; Rupesh; Rathi N.; Choudhary M.; Jat M.L.; Abdallah A.M. (2022). Co-implementation of precision nutrient management in long-term conservation agriculture-based systems: A step towards sustainable energy-water-food nexus, Energy, 254() DOI
2022 Gogoi R.; Sipani N.S.; Rai S.N. (2022). Chemical control of post-flowering stalk rot of maize with new fungicide formulations, Indian Phytopathology, 75(3) DOI
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2022 Chand G.; Zunjare R.U.; Allen T.; Muthusamy V.; Mishra S.J.; Kasana R.K.; Bhatt V.; Ismail M.R.; Sarika K.; Guleria S.K.; Hossain F. (2022). Genetic analysis of maize genotypes possessing novel combination of opaque2 and opaque16 genes affecting higher accumulation of lysine and tryptophan in kernels, Journal of Cereal Science, 107() DOI
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2022 Kundu M.; Krishnan P.; Chobhe K.A.; Manjaiah K.M.; Pant R.P.; Chawla G. (2022). Fabrication of Electrochemical Nanosensor for Detection of Nitrate Content in Soil Extract, Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 22(3) DOI
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2022 Sahu S.; Sharma J.P.; Burman R.R.; Gills R.; Sinha S.K. (2022). Assessment of the constraints in PHM and determinants of losses in grapes (Vitis vinifera): An ordered logistic regression analysis, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 92(9) DOI
2022 Chaudhary R.; Chand S.; Alam B.K.; Yadav P.; Meena V.K.; Patel M.K.; Pardeshi P.; Rathore S.S.; Taak Y.; Saini N.; Yadava D.K.; Vasudev S. (2022). Codon Usage Bias for Fatty Acid Genes FAE1 and FAD2 in Oilseed Brassica Species, Sustainability, 14(17) DOI
2022 Kumar M.; Kapoor S.; Dhumal S.; Tkaczewska J.; Changan S.; Saurabh V.; Mekhemar M.; Radha; Rais N.; Satankar V.; Pandiselvam R.; Sayed A.A.S.; Senapathy M.; Anitha T.; Singh S.; Tomar M.; Dey A.; Zengin G.; Amarowicz R.; Jyoti Bhuyan D. (2022). Guava (Psidium guajava L.) seed: A low-volume, high-value byproduct for human health and the food industry, Food Chemistry, 386() DOI
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2022 Yogesh K.; Usha M.; Chandra G.M.; Naresh K.S.; Chandra H.R. (2022). Impact on growth and yield of Rice (Oryza sativa) Cultivars (PB1509 and Arize6444) from SPM deposition under Thermal Power Plant Air Shed, Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment, 26(9) DOI
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2022 Patial M.; Chaudhary H.K.; Sharma N.; Gangwar O.P.; Kishore N.; Pal D.; Pramanick K.K.; Bhardwaj S.C.; Chauhan R. (2022). Developing genetic stock for yellow and brown rust resistance in Triticum aestivum L. via Imperata cylindrica-mediated doubled haploidy technique, Cereal Research Communications, 50(3) DOI
2022 Anil A.S.; Sharma V.K.; Jiménez-Ballesta R.; Parihar C.M.; Datta S.P.; Barman M.; Chobhe K.A.; Kumawat C.; Patra A.; Jatav S.S. (2022). Impact of Long-Term Conservation Agriculture Practices on Phosphorus Dynamics under Maize-Based Cropping Systems in a Sub-Tropical Soil, Land, 11(9) DOI
2022 Singh U.; Choudhary A.K.; Varatharajan T.; Sharma S. (2022). Agricultural Management Practices Affect the Abundance of Markers of Phosphorus Cycle in Soil: Case Study with Pigeonpea and Soybean, Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 22(3) DOI
2022 Singh L.; Nanjundan J.; Singh K.H.; Sharma D.; Parmar N.; Watts A.; Jain R.; Thakur A.K. (2022). Development of a set of SSR markers for characterization of Indian mustard germplasm and varieties, Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 31(3) DOI
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2022 Meena S.K.; Dwivedi B.S.; Meena M.C.; Datta S.P.; Singh V.K.; Mishra R.P.; Chakraborty D.; Dey A.; Meena V.S. (2022). Impact of Long-Term Nutrient Supply Options on Soil Aggregate Stability after Nineteen Years of Rice–Wheat Cropping System, Land, 11(9) DOI
2022 Dixit D.; Siddiqui N.; Bollinedi H.; Krishnan G.; Malik A.; Bhowmick P.K.; Ellur R.K.; Nagarajan M.; Vinod K.K.; Singh A.K. (2022). Assessment of agro-morphological traits, grain physical and physicochemical properties in the Indian aromatic rice (Oryza sativa) germplasm, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 92(9) DOI
2022 Mandal N.K.; Kumari K.; Kundu A.; Arora A.; Bhowmick P.K.; Iquebal M.A.; Jaiswal S.; Behera T.K.; Munshi A.D.; Dey S.S. (2022). Cross-talk between the cytokinin, auxin, and gibberellin regulatory networks in determining parthenocarpy in cucumber, Frontiers in Genetics, 13() DOI
2022 Jha R.; Yadav H.K.; Raiya R.; Singh R.K.; Jha U.C.; Sathee L.; Singh P.; Thudi M.; Singh A.; Chaturvedi S.K.; Tripathi S. (2022). Integrated breeding approaches to enhance the nutritional quality of food legumes, Frontiers in Plant Science, 13() DOI
2022 Devi R.; Kaur T.; Kour D.; Yadav A.; Yadav A.N.; Suman A.; Ahluwalia A.S.; Saxena A.K. (2022). Minerals solubilizing and mobilizing microbiomes: A sustainable approach for managing minerals’ deficiency in agricultural soil, Journal of Applied Microbiology, 133(3) DOI
2022 Kumar R.; Paul V.; Pandey R.; Sahoo R.N.; Gupta V.K.; Asrey R.; Jha S.K. (2022). Reflectance based non-destructive assessment of tomato fruit firmness, Plant Physiology Reports (Indian Journal of Plant Physiology), 27(3) DOI
2022 Kumar T.V.A.; Aradwad P.P.; Jaiswal P.; Rathod S.; Sahoo P.K.; Mani I. (2022). Development and evaluation of a battery operated ginger (Zingiber officinale) washer for small and marginal farmers, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 92(9) DOI
2022 Singh S.; Sakshi; Annapurna K.; Shrivastava N.; Varma A. (2022). Symbiotic interplay of Piriformospora indica and Azotobacter chroococcum augments crop productivity and biofortification of Zinc and Iron, Microbiological Research (Zentralblatt für Mikrobiologie), 262() DOI
2022 Singh S.; Mulani E.; Bhattacharyya U.; Palchoudhury S.; Mazumder N.; Saikia S.; Nath P.D.; Pun K.B.; Biswas K.K. (2022). Decline inducing Citrus tristeza virus-VT/Kpg3 genotype occurs predominantly in citrus orchards of Northeast India, Indian Phytopathology, 75(3) DOI
2022 Kumar B.; Choudhary M.; Kumar K.; Kumar P.; Kumar S.; Bagaria P.K.; Sharma M.; Lahkar C.; Singh B.K.; Pradhan H.; Jha A.K.; Kumar S.; Rakshit S. (2022). Maydis leaf blight of maize: Update on status, sustainable management and genetic architecture of its resistance, Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 121() DOI
2022 Pratap V.; Dass A.; Dhar S.; Babu S.; Singh V.K.; Singh R.; Krishnan P.; Sudhishri S.; Bhatia A.; Kumar S.; Choudhary A.K.; Singh R.; Kumar P.; Sarkar S.K.; Verma S.K.; Kumari K.; San A.A. (2022). Co-Implementation of Tillage, Precision Nitrogen, and Water Management Enhances Water Productivity, Economic Returns, and Energy-Use Efficiency of Direct-Seeded Rice, Sustainability, 14(18) DOI
2022 Chakraborty A.; Biswal A.; Pandey V.; Shadab S.; Kalyandeep K.; Murthy C.S.; Seshasai M.V.R.; Rao P.V.N.; Jain N.; Sehgal V.K.; Kaushik N.; Singh S.; Chowdhury S. (2022). Developing a spatial information system of biomass potential from crop residues over India: A decision support for planning and establishment of biofuel/biomass power plant, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 165() DOI
2022 Ghosh S.; Das T.K.; Rana K.S.; Biswas D.R.; Das D.K.; Singh G.; Bhattacharyya R.; Datta D.; Rathi N.; Bhatia A. (2022). Energy budgeting and carbon footprint of contrasting tillage and residue management scenarios in rice-wheat cropping system, Soil & Tillage Research, 223() DOI
2022 Sharma N.; Joshi P.; Ahmad N.; Dabas J.P.S.; Chakravorty S.; Kumbhare N.V.; Punitha P.; Dubey S.K.; Kishore N.; Maurya P.P. (2022). Quantification of informal spread of high yielding wheat (Triticum aestivum) seeds among farmers of National Capital Region, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 92(9) DOI
2022 Yele Y.; Chander S.; Suroshe S.S.; Nebapure S.M.; S A.P.; Prabhulinga T. (2022). EFFECT OF ECOLOGICAL ENGINEERING ON INCIDENCE OF KEY RICE PESTS, Indian Journal of Entomology, 84(3) DOI
2022 Yathish K.R.; Karjagi C.G.; Gangoliya S.S.; Kumar A.; Preeti J.; Yadav H.K.; Srivastava S.; Kumar S.; Swamy H.K.M.; Singh A.; Phagna R.K.; Das A.K.; Sekhar J.C.; Hossain F.; Rakshit S.; Gadag R.N. (2022). Introgression of the low phytic acid locus (lpa2) into elite maize (Zea mays L.) inbreds through marker-assisted backcross breeding (MABB), Euphytica, 218(9) DOI
2022 Sharma K.C.; Solanki K.S. (2022). Critical stages of wheat (Triticum aestivum) for irrigation under different water availability conditions in Vertisols of Central India, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 67(3) DOI
2022 Biswas B.; Chakraborty D.; Timsina J.; Bhowmick U.R.; Dhara P.K.; Ghosh (Lkn) D.K.; Sarkar A.; Mondal M.; Adhikary S.; Kanthal S.; Patra K.; Sarkar S.; Parsad R.; Ray B.R. (2022). Agroforestry offers multiple ecosystem services in degraded lateritic soils, Journal of Cleaner Production, 365() DOI
2022 Singh B.; Chaudhury R.; Rai K.M.; Bhatt K.C.; Gupta V.; Negi N.; Singh S.; Ahlawat S.P. (2022). Seed physiological studies in six wild Prunus species of Indian Himalayas: implications for their cryobanking, Vegetos, 35(3) DOI
2022 Khan H.; Krishnappa G.; Kumar S.; Mishra C.N.; Krishna H.; Devate N.B.; Rathan N.D.; Parkash O.; Yadav S.S.; Srivastava P.; Biradar S.; Kumar M.; Singh G.P. (2022). Genome-wide association study for grain yield and component traits in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Frontiers in Genetics, 13() DOI
2022 Badal P.S.; Kamalvanshi V.; Goyal A.; Kumar P.; Mondal B. (2022). Forecasting Potato Prices: Application of ARIMA Model, Economic Affairs (New Delhi), 67(4) DOI
2022 Prabhulinga T.; Chander S.; Arya P.S.; Bhoi T.K.; Yele Y. (2022). Mechanism and modifications associated with mimicry and camouflage in butterfly, Journal of Entomological Research, 46(3) DOI
2022 Chand S.; Singh N.; Prasad L.; Nanjundan J.; Meena V.K.; Chaudhary R.; Patel M.K.; Taak Y.; Saini N.; Vasudev S.; Yadava D.K. (2022). Inheritance and Allelic Relationship among Gene(s) for White Rust Resistance in Indian Mustard [Brassica juncea (L.) Czern & Coss], Sustainability, 14(18) DOI
2022 Sathee L.; Sairam R.K.; Chinnusamy V.; Jha S.K.; Singh D. (2022). Upregulation of genes encoding plastidic isoforms of antioxidant enzymes and osmolyte synthesis impart tissue tolerance to salinity stress in bread wheat, Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, 28(9) DOI
2022 Suresh A.; Sajesh V.K.; Padaria R.N.; Mohanty A.K. (2022). Reinventing Agricultural Extension System in India The Road Ahead, Economic and Political Weekly, 57(35) DOI
2022 Bhanushree N.; Tomar B.S.; Akhtar J.; Saha P. (2022). Identification of new resistant varieties to Phomopsis fruit rot of eggplant (Solanum melongena), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 92(9) DOI
2022 Kumar D.; Narwal S.; Venkatesh K.; Verma R.P.S.; Singh G.P. (2022). Grain beta-glucan as selection criteria for wort beta-glucan in malt barley improvement, Journal of Cereal Science, 107() DOI
2022 Kumar S.; Suby S.B.; Kumar N.; Sekhar J.C.; Nebapure S.; Mahapatro G.K. (2022). Insecticide susceptibility vis-à-vis molecular variations in geographical populations of fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. smith) in India, 3 Biotech, 12(9) DOI
2022 Shrivastava V.K.; Kala J.; Srivastava A. (2022). Ecotourism for biodiversity conservation and community development, Dynamics and Interrelations Between Nature, Science, and Society, () DOI
2022 Rajgopal N.N.; Meshram N.M.; Dey D. (2022). A new species and some new records of leafhopper tribe Scaphoideini (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Deltocephalinae) from India, Zootaxa, 5182(4) DOI
2022 Upadhyay R.K.; Saini K.K.; Deswal N.; Singh T.; Tripathi K.P.; Kaushik P.; Shakil N.A.; Bharti A.C.; Kumar R. (2022). Synthesis of benzothiazole-appended bis-triazole-based structural isomers with promising antifungal activity against Rhizoctonia solani, RSC Advances, 12(37) DOI
2022 Pp S.B.; Sagar V.R.; Kar A.; Varghese E.; Singh S.; Choudhary H. (2022). Identification and Quantification of Physicochemical and Bioactive Components from Sugar Baby Variety of Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus), Agricultural Research, 11(3) DOI
2022 Samal I.; Singh N.; Bhoi T.K.; Dhillon M.K. (2022). Elucidating effect of different photosynthetic pigments on Lipaphis erysimi preference and population build-up on diverse Brassica juncea genotypes, Annals of Applied Biology, 181(2) DOI
2022 Bashyal B.M.; Gupta A.K.; Parmar P.; Yadav J.; Choudhary R.; Kumar R.; Singh D.; Aggarwal R. (2022). Management of bakanae disease using fungicides and their effect on disease symptomatology, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 92(9) DOI
2022 Prasad R.D.; Desai C.B.; Shrivastav O.P.; Charmode N.; Prasad S.R.; Samant A.; Mirajkar R.; Banga S.; Shaikh V.S.; Padvi M.N.; Patil S.; Vaidya A.K.; Shaikh Y.I.; Sharma A.K.; Teli S.B.; Sarvalkar P. (2022). A Critical Review on Design and Development of Carbonaceous Materials for Veterinary Medicine, ES Food and Agroforestry, 9() DOI
2022 Das S.; Bhattacharyya R.; Das Saha N.; Ghosh A.; Khan S.A.; Ahmed N.; Dey A.; Bhatia A.; Pramanik P.; Kumar S.N.; Agarwal B.K.; Shahi D.K. (2022). Soil aggregate-associated carbon and organic carbon pools as affected by conversion of forest lands to agriculture in an acid soil of India, Soil & Tillage Research, 223() DOI
2022 Naveena N.L.; Shashank P.R.; Aidbhavi R. (2022). Occurrence of Carpophilus dimidiatus Fabricius on Stored Groundnut from India, Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, 124(1) DOI
2022 Mandal N.; Das D.K.; Sahoo R.N.; Adak S.; Kumar A.; Viswanathan C.; Mukherjee J.; Rajashekar; Ranjan R.; Das B. (2022). Assessing rice blast disease severity through hyperspectral remote sensing, Journal of Agrometeorology, 24(3) DOI
2022 Kumar R.; Slathia P.S.; Nain M.S.; Sharma B.C.; Gupta S.K.; Panotra N. (2022). Productivity analysis of wheat (Triticum aestivium) in irrigated sub-tropics of Jammu, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 92(9) DOI
2022 Pathak P.; Rai V.K.; Can H.; Singh S.K.; Kumar D.; Bhardwaj N.; Roychowdhury R.; de Azevedo L.C.B.; Kaushalendra; Verma H.; Kumar A. (2022). Plant-Endophyte Interaction during Biotic Stress Management, Plants, 11(17) DOI
2022 Singh M.K.; Roorkiwal M.; Rathore A.; Soren K.R.; Pithia M.S.; Yasin M.; Barpete S.; Singh S.; Barmukh R.; Das R.R.; Gangwar P.; Chetariya C.P.; Joshi P.; Chaturvedi S.K.; Javia R.M.; Ramani V.V.; Hamwieh A.; Kumar S.; Bharadwaj C.; Singh N.P.; Varshney R.K. (2022). Evaluation of Global Composite Collection Reveals Agronomically Superior Germplasm Accessions for Chickpea Improvement, Agronomy-Basel, 12(9) DOI
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2022 San S.H.; Sagar D.; Krishnan V.; Awana M.; Singh A.; Bhowmik A.; Singh R.; Chander S. (2022). Effects of Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) infestation on metabolic sensors dynamics in chickpea, Allelopathy Journal, 57(1) DOI
2022 Singh S.; Singh A.; Hasanain M. (2022). Effect of zinc fertilization on growth and yield of basmati rice (Oryza sativa) varieties, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 67(3) DOI
2022 Raj M.N.; Kanth P.R.; Varma N.R.G.; Balram M. (2022). Molecular assessment of selected rice genotypes to study their reaction to brown planthopper and underlying resistance mechanisms, Journal of Entomological Research, 46(3) DOI
2022 Kumar P.; Oraon P.K.; Yadav P.; Roy A.; Goel S.; Reddy M.K.; Mukherjee S.K.; Mandal B. (2022). Random distribution of nucleotide polymorphism throughout the genome of tomato-infecting begomovirus species occurring in India: implication in PCR based diagnosis, Virus Disease, 33(3) DOI
2022 Sharma D.; Nanjundan J.; Singh L.; Parmar N.; Singh K.H.; Verma K.S.; Thakur A.K. (2022). Genetic Diversity and Population Structure Analysis in Indian Mustard Germplasm Using Phenotypic Traits and SSR Markers, Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 40(3) DOI
2022 Singh A.K.; Kumar P.; Ali R.; Al-Ansari N.; Vishwakarma D.K.; Kushwaha K.S.; Panda K.C.; Sagar A.; Mirzania E.; Elbeltagi A.; Kuriqi A.; Heddam S. (2022). An Integrated Statistical-Machine Learning Approach for Runoff Prediction, Sustainability, 14(13) DOI
2022 Jangra S.; Ghosh A. (2022). Rapid and zero-cost DNA extraction from soft-bodied insects for routine PCR-based applications, PLoS ONE, 17(07-Jul) DOI
2022 Jayaswal D.; Mainkar P.; Kumar K.; Agarwal Y.; Prabha R.; Kalia V.; Kansal R. (2022). Pyramiding and evaluation of segregating lines containing lectin and protease inhibitor genes for aphid resistance in Brassica juncea, Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 59(8) DOI
2022 Majhi P.K.; Bhoi T.K.; Mogali S.C.; Shiv A.; Sahoo K.C.; Saini V. (2022). Advances in Molecular Breeding for Bruchid (Callosobruchus spp.) Resistance in Mungbean [Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek]: A Review, Legume Research, 45(8) DOI
2022 Keerthiraj M.; Bhowmik A.; Saha S.; Dutta A.; Chawla G.; Kundu A. (2022). Optimisation of patchoulol in the lipid-soluble concentrates of Pogostemon cablin using response surface methodology (RSM) coupled with genetic algorithms (GA), Industrial Crops and Products, 182() DOI
2022 Mahapatra S.; Sureja A.K.; Behera T.K.; Verma M. (2022). Assessment of genetic diversity of ninety-one bottle gourd [Lagenaria siceraria (Mol.) Standl.] genotypes from fourteen different agro-climatic zones of India using agro-morphological traits and SSR markers, Molecular Biology Reports, 49(7) DOI
2022 Kallugudi J.; Singh V.J.; Vinod K.K.; Krishnan S.G.; Nandakumar S.; Dixit B.K.; Ellur R.K.; Bollinedi H.; Nagarajan M.; Kumar A.; Chakraborti M.; Seth R.K.; Mondal T.K.; Bhowmick P.K.; Singh A.K. (2022). Population Dynamics of Wide Compatibility System and Evaluation of Intersubspecific Hybrids by indica-japonica Hybridization in Rice, Plants-Basel, 11(15) DOI
2022 Langyan S.; Yadava P.; Khan F.N.; Bhardwaj R.; Tripathi K.; Bhardwaj V.; Bhardwaj R.; Gautam R.K.; Kumar A. (2022). Nutritional and Food Composition Survey of Major Pulses Toward Healthy, Sustainable, and Biofortified Diets, Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 6() DOI
2022 Das A.; Yadav R.K.; Bhardwaj R.; Choudhary H.; Khade Y.P. (2022). Study of heterotic potential for important antioxidant and nutritional traits in okra (Abelmoschus esculentus), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 92(8) DOI
2022 Mallick N.; Jha S.K.; Agarwal P.; Kumar S.; Mall A.; Niranjana M.; Choudhary M.K.; Chandra A.K.; Bansal S.; Saharan M.S.; Sharma J.B.; Vinod (2022). Marker-assisted transfer of leaf and stripe rust resistance from Triticum turgidum var. durum cv. Trinakria to wheat variety HD2932, Frontiers in Genetics, 13() DOI
2022 John R.; Bhardwaj R.; Jeyaseelan C.; Bollinedi H.; Singh N.; Harish G.D.; Singh R.; Nath D.J.; Arya M.; Sharma D.; Singh S.; Joseph John K.; Latha M.; Rana J.C.; Ahlawat S.P.; Kumar A. (2022). Germplasm variability-assisted near infrared reflectance spectroscopy chemometrics to develop multi-trait robust prediction models in rice, Frontiers in Nutrition, 2022() DOI
2022 Sohi H.S.; Gill M.I.S.; Chhuneja P.; Arora N.K.; Maan S.S.; Singh J. (2022). Construction of Genetic Linkage Map and Mapping QTL Specific to Leaf Anthocyanin Colouration in Mapping Population ‘Allahabad Safeda’ × ‘Purple Guava (Local)’ of Guava (Psidium guajava L.), Plants-Basel, 11(15) DOI
2022 Tomar M.; Bhardwaj R.; Verma R.; Singh S.P.; dahuja A.; Krishnan V.; Kansal R.; Yadav V.K.; Praveen S.; Sachdev A. (2022). Interactome of millet-based food matrices: A review, Food Chemistry, 385() DOI
2022 Parashar A.; Bhushan V.; Mahanandia N.C.; Kumar S.; Mohanty A.K. (2022). Non-SELEX method for aptamer selection against β-casomorphin-7 peptide, Journal of Dairy Science, 105(7) DOI
2022 Krishnan V.; Verma P.; Saha S.; Singh B.; Vinutha T.; Kumar R.R.; Kulshreshta A.; Singh S.P.; Sathyavathi T.; Sachdev A.; Praveen S. (2022). Polyphenol-enriched extract from pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) inhibits key enzymes involved in post prandial hyper glycemia (α-amylase, α-glucosidase) and regulates hepatic glucose uptake, Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, 43() DOI
2022 Ambika; Aski M.S.; Gayacharan; Hamwieh A.; Talukdar A.; Kumar Gupta S.; Sharma B.B.; Joshi R.; Upadhyaya H.D.; Singh K.; Kumar R. (2022). Unraveling Origin, History, Genetics, and Strategies for Accelerated Domestication and Diversification of Food Legumes, Frontiers in Genetics, 13() DOI
2022 Gaur Rudra S.; Singh S.; Harish H.; Bollinedi H.; Singh K.N.; Nain L.; Singh S.; Awasthi O.P. (2022). Anthocyanin-rich fruit vinegar from Grewia and Cantaloupe fruit blends, International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 57(7) DOI
2022 Prajapati M.R.; Manav A.; Singhal P.; Sidharthan V.K.; Sirohi U.; Kumar M.; Bharti M.K.; Singh J.; Kumar P.; Kumar R.; Prakash S.; Baranwal V.K. (2022). Complete Genomic RNA Sequence of Tuberose Mild Mosaic Virus and Tuberose Mild Mottle Virus Acquired by High-Throughput Sequencing, Pathogens, 11(8) DOI
2022 Gupta A.K.; Gurjar P.S.; Beer K.; Pongener A.; Ravi S.C.; Singh S.; Verma A.; Singh A.; Thakur M.; Tripathy S.; Verma D.K. (2022). A review on valorization of different byproducts of mango (Mangifera indica L.) for functional food and human health, Food Bioscience, 48() DOI
2022 Malik A.; Kumar A.; Ellur R.K.; Krishnan S G.; Dixit D.; Bollinedi H.; Vinod K.K.; Nagarajan M.; Bhowmick P.K.; Singh N.K.; Singh A.K. (2022). Molecular mapping of QTLs for grain dimension traits in Basmati rice, Frontiers in Genetics, 13() DOI
2022 Choudhary M.; Dudwal B.L.; Choudhary R.; Choudhary M.S.; Choudhary S.; Dhayal S.; Garg K. (2022). Effect of Different Doses of Panchgavya on Productivity of Moth Bean [Vigna aconitifolia (Jacq.) Marechal], Legume Research, 45(8) DOI
2022 Kushwah A.; Bhatia D.; Barmukh R.; Singh I.; Singh G.; Bindra S.; Vij S.; Chellapilla B.; Pratap A.; Roorkiwal M.; Kumar S.; Varshney R.K.; Singh S. (2022). Genetic mapping of QTLs for drought tolerance in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), Frontiers in Genetics, 13() DOI
2022 Chandana B.S.; Mahto R.K.; Singh R.K.; Ford R.; Vaghefi N.; Gupta S.K.; Yadav H.K.; Manohar M.; Kumar R. (2022). Epigenomics as Potential Tools for Enhancing Magnitude of Breeding Approaches for Developing Climate Resilient Chickpea, Frontiers in Genetics, 13() DOI
2022 Ramtekey V.; Cherukuri S.; Kumar S.; V S.K.; Sheoran S.; K U.B.; K B.N.; Kumar S.; Singh A.N.; Singh H.V. (2022). Seed Longevity in Legumes: Deeper Insights Into Mechanisms and Molecular Perspectives, Frontiers in Plant Science, 13() DOI
2022 Padhi S.R.; Bartwal A.; John R.; Tripathi K.; Gupta K.; Wankhede D.P.; Mishra G.P.; Kumar S.; Archak S.; Bhardwaj R. (2022). Corrigendum: Evaluation and multivariate analysis of cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) walp] germplasm for selected nutrients—mining for nutri-dense accessions(Front. Sustain. Food Syst., (2022), 6, (888041), 10.3389/fsufs.2022.888041), Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 6() DOI
2022 Jangra S.; Priti; Chaudhary V.; Mishra A.; Yadav R.C.; Yadav N.R. (2022). Genomic region analysis and genome editing for grain quality improvement in cereals, Principles and Practices of OMICS and Genome Editing for Crop Improvement, () DOI
2022 Meena N.K.; Meena R.S.; Singh R.; Verma A.K.; Choudhary S.; Singh B.; Meena R.D.; Y R.; Meena M. (2022). Managed pollination is a much better way of increasing productivity and essential oil content of dill seeds crop, Scientific reports, 12(1) DOI
2022 Choudhary R.; Kumar V.; Yadav R. (2022). Nanotechnology in packaging for food preservation, Nanotechnology in Intelligent Food Packaging, () DOI
2022 Sagar A.; Hasan M.; Singh D.K.; Al-Ansari N.; Chakraborty D.; Singh M.C.; Iquebal M.A.; Kumar A.; Malkani P.; Vishwakarma D.K.; Elbeltagi A. (2022). Development of Smart Weighing Lysimeter for Measuring Evapotranspiration and Developing Crop Coefficient for Greenhouse Chrysanthemum, Sensors, 22(16) DOI
2022 Maji A.K.; Marwaha S.; Kumar S.; Arora A.; Chinnusamy V.; Islam S. (2022). SlypNet: Spikelet-based yield prediction of wheat using advanced plant phenotyping and computer vision techniques, Frontiers in Plant Science, 13() DOI
2022 Dhillon M.K.; Jaba J.; Mishra P.; Iquebal M.A.; Jaiswal S.; Tanwar A.K.; Bharat N.; Arora N.; Mishra S.P.; Gogineni S.P.; Hasan F.; Rai A.; Kumar D.; Sharma H.C. (2022). Whole genome sequencing of spotted stem borer, Chilo partellus, reveals multiple genes encoding enzymes for detoxification of insecticides, Functional and Integrative Genomics, 22(4) DOI
2022 Singh S.; Kalia P.; Sharma S.R. (2022). New sources of downy mildew resistance in cauliflower and their prospects in resistance breeding, European Journal of Plant Pathology, 163(4) DOI
2022 Varshney A.; Dahiya P.; Sharma A.; Pandey R.; Mohan S. (2022). Fly ash application in soil for sustainable agriculture: an Indian overview, Energy, Ecology and Environment, 7(4) DOI
2022 Bharadwaj C.; Jorben J.; Rao A.; Roorkiwal M.; Patil B.S.; Jayalakshmi; Ahammed S.K.; Saxena D.R.; Yasin M.; Jahagirdar J.E.; Sontakke P.L.; Pithia M.S.; Chudasama M.K.; Swarup I.; Singh R.K.; Nitesh S.D.; Chitikineni A.; Singh S.; Singh I.; Pratap A.; Dixit G.P.; Srivastava A.K.; Varshney R.K. (2022). Development of High Yielding Fusarium Wilt Resistant Cultivar by Pyramiding of “Genes” Through Marker-Assisted Backcrossing in Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), Frontiers in Genetics, 13() DOI
2022 Dutta D.; Singh V.K.; Upadhyay P.K.; Meena A.L.; Kumar A.; Mishra R.P.; Dwivedi B.S.; Shukla A.K.; Yadav G.S.; Tewari R.B.; Kumar V.; Kumar A.; Panwar A.S. (2022). Long-term impact of organic and inorganic fertilizers on soil organic carbon dynamics in a rice- wheat system, Land Degradation & Development, 33(11) DOI
2022 Singh R.K.; Singh C.; Ambika; Chandana B.S.; Mahto R.K.; Patial R.; Gupta A.; Gahlaut V.; Gayacharan; Hamwieh A.; Upadhyaya H.D.; Kumar R. (2022). Exploring Chickpea Germplasm Diversity for Broadening the Genetic Base Utilizing Genomic Resourses, Frontiers in Genetics, 13() DOI
2022 Meena R.P.; Ghosh G.; Vishwakarma H.; Padaria J.C. (2022). Expression of a Pennisetum glaucum gene DREB2A confers enhanced heat, drought and salinity tolerance in transgenic Arabidopsis, Molecular Biology Reports, 49(8) DOI
2022 Manzar N.; Kashyap A.S.; Maurya A.; Rajawat M.V.S.; Sharma P.K.; Srivastava A.K.; Roy M.; Saxena A.K.; Singh H.V. (2022). Multi-Gene Phylogenetic Approach for Identification and Diversity Analysis of Bipolaris maydis and Curvularia lunata Isolates Causing Foliar Blight of Zea mays, Journal of Fungi, 8(8) DOI
2022 Awasthi T.; Singh N.; Virdi A.S.; Singh A.M.; Ahlawat A.K. (2022). Effect of solvents and supercritical-CO2 extraction of lipids on physico-chemical, functional, pasting and rheological properties of hard, medium hard and soft wheat varieties, International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 57(8) DOI
2022 Ramakrishnan M.; Rajan K.S.; Mullasseri S.; Palakkal S.; Kalpana K.; Sharma A.; Zhou M.; Vinod K.K.; Ramasamy S.; Wei Q. (2022). The plant epitranscriptome: revisiting pseudouridine and 2′-O-methyl RNA modifications, Plant Biotechnology Journal, 20(7) DOI
2022 Jorben J.; Rao A.; Bharadwaj C.; Nitesh S.D.; Tiwari N.; Kumar T.; Saxena D.R.; Yasin M.; Sontakke P.L.; Jahagirdar J.E.; Hegde V.S. (2022). Multi-trait multi environment analysis for stability in MABC lines of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 92(8) DOI
2022 Sabtharishi S.; Thangaraj S.R.; McCulloch G.A.; Chandel R.K.; Singh S.K.; Subbarayalu M. (2022). Contrasting prevalence of Wolbachia infection across three key stored product beetles in India, International Journal of Tropical Insect Science, 42(4) DOI
2022 Prathap V.; Kumar A.; Maheshwari C.; Tyagi A. (2022). Phosphorus homeostasis: acquisition, sensing, and long-distance signaling in plants, Molecular Biology Reports, 49(8) DOI
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2022 Wani S.H.; Gaikwad K.; Razzaq A.; Samantara K.; Kumar M.; Govindan V. (2022). Improving Zinc and Iron Biofortification in Wheat through Genomics Approaches, Molecular Biology Reports, 49(8) DOI
2022 Laskar N.; Ghoshal D.; Gupta S. (2022). Molecularly Imprinted Polymers for Selective Sorption of Tricyclazole in Food, ChemistrySelect, 7(31) DOI
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2022 Altaf M.A.; Shahid R.; Altaf M.M.; Kumar R.; Naz S.; Kumar A.; Alam P.; Tiwari R.K.; Lal M.K.; Ahmad P. (2022). Melatonin: First-line soldier in tomato under abiotic stress current and future perspective, Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 185() DOI
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2022 Singh P.; Bhatia A.; Subhash N.; Dua V.K.; Rawal S.; Kumar M.; Sharma J.; Kumar S.; Chaukhande P.; Mankar P. (2022). GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS FROM POTATO CROP, Potato Journal, 49(1) DOI
2022 Kumar R.R.; Singh S.P.; Rai G.K.; Krishnan V.; Berwal M.K.; Goswami S.; Vinutha T.; Mishra G.P.; Satyavathi C.T.; Singh B.; Praveen S. (2022). Iron and Zinc at a cross-road: A trade-off between micronutrients and anti-nutritional factors in pearl millet flour for enhancing the bioavailability, Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 111() DOI
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2022 Singh D.; Singh C.K.; Siddiqui M.H.; Alamri S.; Sarkar S.K.; Rathore A.; Prasad S.K.; Singh D.; Sharma N.L.; Kalaji H.M.; Brysiewicz A. (2022). Hydrogen Sulfide and Silicon Together Alleviate Chromium (VI) Toxicity by Modulating Morpho-Physiological and Key Antioxidant Defense Systems in Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Varieties, Frontiers in Plant Science, 13() DOI
2022 Kumar P.; Mahato D.K.; Gupta A.; Pandey S.; Paul V.; Saurabh V.; Pandey A.K.; Selvakumar R.; Barua S.; Kapri M.; Kumar M.; Kaur C.; Tripathi A.D.; Gamlath S.; Kamle M.; Varzakas T.; Agriopoulou S. (2022). Nivalenol Mycotoxin Concerns in Foods: An Overview on Occurrence, Impact on Human and Animal Health and Its Detection and Management Strategies, Toxins, 14(8) DOI
2022 Jayaswal D.; Priyadarshini P.; Tilgam J.; Choudhury S.; Yadav V.K.; Noonjingarakuzhi S.N.; Kumar D.; Prakash N.R.; Kumar K. (2022). Achievements of agricultural biotechnology: An initiative to double the farmer’s income through cutting edge technology, Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 59(8) DOI
2022 Chakraborty A.; Viswanath A.; Malipatil R.; Semalaiyappan J.; Shah P.; Ronanki S.; Rathore A.; Singh S.P.; Govindaraj M.; Tonapi V.A.; Thirunavukkarasu N. (2022). Identification of Candidate Genes Regulating Drought Tolerance in Pearl Millet, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23(13) DOI
2022 Dey S.S.; Sharma P.K.; Munshi A.D.; Jaiswal S.; Behera T.K.; Kumari K.; G B.; Iquebal M.A.; Bhattacharya R.C.; Rai A.; Kumar D. (2022). Genome wide identification of lncRNAs and circRNAs having regulatory role in fruit shelf life in health crop cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.), Frontiers in Plant Science, 13() DOI
2022 Rasheed S.; Venkatesh P.; Singh D.R.; Renjini R.V.; Jha G.K.; Sharma D.K. (2022). Public Intervention for Conservation of Paddy Ecosystems—An Empirical Evidence from Kerala, India, National Academy Science Letters-India, 45(4) DOI
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2022 Mishra G.P.; Ankita; Aski M.S.; Tontang M.T.; Choudhary P.; Tripathi K.; Singh A.; Kumar R.R.; Thimmegowda V.; Stobdan T.; Kumar A.; Bhardwaj R.; Praveen S.; Yadava D.K.; Kumar S.; Dikshit H.K. (2022). Morphological, Molecular, and Biochemical Characterization of a Unique Lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) Genotype Showing Seed-Coat Color Anomalies Due to Altered Anthocyanin Pathway, Plants-Basel, 11(14) DOI
2022 Saha N.D.; Chaudhary A.; Singh A.K.; Bhowmick A. (2022). Evaluation of Bt cotton effects on belowground microbial community structure and function in tropical western India, International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 19(8) DOI
2022 Kumar A.; Yadav A.; Yadav R.; Misra J.P.; Yadav R.S.; Upadhyaya H.D.; Kumar R. (2022). Identification of Highly Polymorphic Molecular Markers and Potential Genotypes for Harnessing Chickpea Breeding Strategies, Legume Research, 45(7) DOI
2022 Singh P.; Kardile H.B.; Rawal S.; Kumar M.; Dua V.K.; Sharma J.; Kumar S. (2022). BENEFICIAL EFFECTS OF BACTERIAL ENDOPHYTES ISOLATED FROM POTATO ROOTS AND TUBERS ON NUTRIENT SOLUBILIZATION, Potato Journal (Journal of Indian Potato Association), 49(1) DOI
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2022 Singh K.H.; Singh L.; Parmar N.; Kumar S.; Nanjundan J.; Singh G.; Thakur A.K. (2022). Molecular characterization and genetic diversity analysis in Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L. Czern & Coss.) varieties using SSR markers, PLoS ONE, 17(08-Aug) DOI
2022 Chandra P.; Gill S.C.; Prajapat K.; Barman A.; Chhokar R.S.; Tripathi S.C.; Singh G.; Kumar R.; Rai A.K.; Khobra R.; Jasrotia P.; Singh G.P. (2022). Response of Wheat Cultivars to Organic and Inorganic Nutrition: Effect on the Yield and Soil Biological Properties, Sustainability, 14(15) DOI
2022 Ali A.; Kumar R.R.; Vinutha T.; Singh T.; Singh S.P.; Satyavathi C.T.; Praveen S.; Goswami S. (2022). Grain phenolics: critical role in quality, storage stability and effects of processing in major grain crops—a concise review, European Food Research and Technology, 248(8) DOI
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2022 Meena S.K.; Dwivedi B.S.; Meena M.C.; Datta S.P.; Singh V.K.; Mishra R.P.; Chakraborty D.; Dey A.; Meena V.S. (2022). Long-Term Nutrient Supply Options: Strategies to Improve Soil Phosphorus Availability in the Rice-Wheat System, Sustainability, 14(14) DOI
2022 Singh M.; Qureshi K.A.; Jaremko M.; Rajput M.; Singh S.K.; Kaushalendra; Pandey K.D.; Ferreira L.F.R.; Kumar A. (2022). Bioprospects of Endophytic Bacteria in Plant Growth Promotion and Ag-Nanoparticle Biosynthesis, Plants-Basel, 11(14) DOI
2022 Singh S.; Kalia P.; Meena R.K.; Sharma B.B.; Parihar B.R. (2022). Agro-morphological and molecular diversity analysis of new cytoplasmic male sterile lines in Indian cauliflower for their use in hybrid breeding, Scientia Horticulturae, 301() DOI
2022 Kataria S.; Anand A.; Raipuria R.K.; Kumar S.; Jain M.; Watts A.; Brestic M. (2022). Magnetopriming Actuates Nitric Oxide Synthesis to Regulate Phytohormones for Improving Germination of Soybean Seeds under Salt Stress, Cells, 11(14) DOI
2022 Raghunandan K.; Tanwar J.; Patil S.N.; Chandra A.K.; Tyagi S.; Agarwal P.; Mallick N.; Murukan N.; Kumari J.; Sahu T.K.; Jacob S.R.; Kumar A.; Yadav S.; Nyamgoud S.; Vinod; Singh A.K.; Jha S.K. (2022). Identification of Novel Broad-Spectrum Leaf Rust Resistance Sources from Khapli Wheat Landraces, Plants-Basel, 11(15) DOI
2022 Kumari S.; Gupta O.P.; Kumar S.; Sasi M.; Arpitha S.R.; Amirtham D.; Mishra C.B.; Thimmegowda V.; Krishnan V.; Sachdev A.; Kumar R.R.; Dahuja A. (2022). A Novel Continuous Enzyme Coupled Colorimetric Assay for Phospholipase A2 and its Application in the Determination of Catalytic Activity of Oil-Body–Associated Oleosin Protein, Food Analytical Methods, 15(8) DOI
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2022 Meena V.K.; Taak Y.; Chaudhary R.; Chand S.; Patel M.K.; Muthusamy V.; Yadav S.; Saini N.; Vasudev S.; Yadava D.K. (2022). Deciphering the Genetic Inheritance of Tocopherols in Indian Mustard (Brassica juncea L. Czern and Coss), Plants-Basel, 11(13) DOI
2022 Roorkiwal M.; Bhandari A.; Barmukh R.; Bajaj P.; Valluri V.K.; Chitikineni A.; Pandey S.; Chellapilla B.; Siddique K.H.M.; Varshney R.K. (2022). Genome-wide association mapping of nutritional traits for designing superior chickpea varieties, Frontiers in Plant Science, 13() DOI
2022 Megha R.; Singh S.K.; Srivastav M.; Prakash J.; Kumar C.; Sridhar R.; Singh N.K.; Sharma N. (2022). Validation of genome-data based simple sequence repeats for ascertaining hybridity in mango (Mangifera indica) hybrids, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 92(8) DOI
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2022 Gupta G.; Paul S.; Singh S.; Pietramellara G.; Pathan S.I.; Danish S.; Jabborova D.; Datta R.; Jha P.N. (2022). Exploring Functional Diversity and Community Structure of Diazotrophic Endophytic Bacteria Associated with Pennisetum glaucum Growing under Field in a Semi-Arid Region, Land, 11(7) DOI
2022 Paul R.K.; Yeasin M.; Kumar P.; Kumar P.; Balasubramanian M.; Roy H.S.; Paul A.K.; Gupta A. (2022). Machine learning techniques for forecasting agricultural prices: A case of brinjal in Odisha, India, PLoS ONE, 17(07-Jul) DOI
2022 Dutta A.; Bhattacharyya R.; Chaudhary V.P.; Sharma C.; Nath C.P.; Kumar S.N.; Parmar B. (2022). Impact of long-term residue burning versus retention on soil organic carbon sequestration under a rice-wheat cropping system, Soil & Tillage Research, 221() DOI
2022 Dutta H.; Mishra G.P.; Aski M.S.; Bosamia T.C.; Mishra D.C.; Bhati J.; Sinha S.K.; Vijay D.; C. T M.P.; Das S.; Pawar P.A.-M.; Kumar A.; Tripathi K.; Kumar R.R.; Yadava D.K.; Kumar S.; Dikshit H.K. (2022). Comparative transcriptome analysis, unfolding the pathways regulating the seed-size trait in cultivated lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.), Frontiers in Genetics, 13() DOI
2022 Behera S.K.; Adamchuk V.I.; Shukla A.K.; Pandey P.S.; Kumar P.; Shukla V.; Thiyagarajan C.; Rai H.K.; Hadole S.; Sachan A.K.; Singh P.; Trivedi V.; Mishra A.; Butail N.P.; Kumar P.; Prajapati R.; Tiwari K.; Suri D.; Sharma M. (2022). The Scope for Using Proximal Soil Sensing by the Farmers of India, Sustainability (Switzerland), 14(14) DOI
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2022 Saha P.; Singh S.; Aditika; Bhatia R.; Dey S.S.; Das Saha N.; Ghoshal C.; Sharma S.; Shree B.; Kumar P.; Kalia P. (2022). Genomic designing for abiotic stress resistant brassica vegetable crops, Genomic Designing for Abiotic Stress Resistant Vegetable Crops, () DOI
2022 Khar A.; Singh H.; Verma P. (2022). Mitigating abiotic stresses in allium under changing climatic scenario, Genomic Designing for Abiotic Stress Resistant Vegetable Crops, () DOI
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2022 Kumar R.; Makarana G.; Mishra J.S.; Hans H.; Choudhary A.K.; Biswas A.K.; Upadhyay P.K.; Kumar U. (2022). Performance of promising linseed (Linum usitatissimum) cultivars under zero-till condition in rice (Oryza sativa)–fallows of Eastern India, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 67(2) DOI
2022 Layek J.; Narzari R.; Hazarika S.; Das A.; Rangappa K.; Devi S.; Balusamy A.; Saha S.; Mandal S.; Idapuganti R.G.; Babu S.; Choudhury B.U.; Mishra V.K. (2022). Prospects of Biochar for Sustainable Agriculture and Carbon Sequestration: An Overview for Eastern Himalayas, Sustainability (Switzerland), 14(11) DOI
2022 Kamle M.; Mahato D.K.; Gupta A.; Pandhi S.; Sharma B.; Dhawan K.; Vasundhara; Mishra S.; Kumar M.; Tripathi A.D.; Rasane P.; Selvakumar R.; Kumar A.; Gamlath S.; Kumar P. (2022). Deoxynivalenol: An Overview on Occurrence, Chemistry, Biosynthesis, Health Effects and Its Detection, Management, and Control Strategies in Food and Feed, Microbiology Research, 13(2) DOI
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2022 Reddy B.; Mehta S.; Prakash G.; Sheoran N.; Kumar A. (2022). Structured Framework and Genome Analysis of Magnaporthe grisea Inciting Pearl Millet Blast Disease Reveals Versatile Metabolic Pathways, Protein Families, and Virulence Factors, Journal of Fungi, 8(6) DOI
2022 Mukri G.; Patil M.S.; Motagi B.N.; Bhat J.S.; Singh C.; Jeevan Kumar S.P.; Gadag R.N.; Gupta N.C.; Simal-Gandara J. (2022). Genetic variability, combining ability and molecular diversity-based parental line selection for heterosis breeding in field corn (Zea mays L.), Molecular Biology Reports, 49(6) DOI
2022 Saha K.; Chaudhary H.; Asrey R.; Sharma V.K. (2022). Heterosis and combining ability for fruit quality, mineral nutrients and post harvest traits of muskmelon, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 79(2) DOI
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2022 Khar A.; Zimik M.; Verma P.; Singh H.; Mangal M.; Singh M.C.; Gupta A.J. (2022). Molecular marker-based characterization of cytoplasm and restorer of male sterility (Ms) locus in commercially grown onions in India, Molecular Biology Reports, 49(6) DOI
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2022 Sharma K.; Kumar M.; Waghmare R.; Suhag R.; Gupta O.P.; Lorenzo J.M.; Prakash S.; Radha; Rais N.; Sampathrajan V.; Thappa C.; Anitha T.; Sayed A.A.S.; Abdel-Wahab B.A.; Senapathy M.; Pandiselvam R.; Dey A.; Dhumal S.; Amarowicz R.; Kennedy J.F. (2022). Moringa (Moringa oleifera Lam.) polysaccharides: Extraction, characterization, bioactivities, and industrial application, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 209() DOI
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2022 Yadav S.L.; Ghasolia R.P.; Sharma R.L.; Gurjar M.S. (2022). Effect of organic amendments and cultural practices on root rot of fenugreek incited by Rhizoctonia solani, Indian Phytopathology, 75(2) DOI
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2022 Zhang T.; Xiong W.; Sapkota T.B.; Jat M.L.; Montes C.; Krupnik T.J.; Jat R.K.; Karki S.; Nayak H.; Faisal A.A.; Jat H.S. (2022). The optimization of conservation agriculture practices requires attention to location-specific performance: Evidence from large scale gridded simulations across South Asia, Field Crops Research, 282() DOI
2022 Tarai R.K.; Pradhan S.; Sethy B.K.; Sahoo A.K. (2022). Plant growth regulators in papaya, Plant Growth Regulators in Tropical and Sub-tropical Fruit Crops, () DOI
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2022 Mondal K.K.; Kulshreshtha A.; Handique P.J.; Borbora D.; Rajrana Y.; Verma G.; Bhattacharya A.; Qamar A.; Lakshmi A.; Reddy K.K.; Soni M.; Ghoshal T.; Rashmi E.R.; Mrutyunjaya S.; Kalaivanan N.S.; Mani C. (2022). Rice transcriptome upon infection with Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae relative to its avirulent T3SS-defective strain exposed modulation of many stress responsive genes, 3 Biotech, 12(6) DOI
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2022 Tiwari R.K.; Lal M.K.; Kumar R.; Mangal V.; Altaf M.A.; Sharma S.; Singh B.; Kumar M. (2022). Insight into melatonin-mediated response and signaling in the regulation of plant defense under biotic stress, Plant Molecular Biology, 109(04-May) DOI
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2022 Abhishek Gowda A.P.; Shakil N.A.; Rana V.S.; Bhatt K.C.; Devaraja K.P.; Pankaj (2022). Chemical Composition and Nematicidal Activity of Mentha longifolia L. Essential Oil and Crude Extracts against Meloidogyne graminicola (Rice Root-Knot Nematode), Indian Journal of Nematology, 52(1) DOI
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2022 Rana B.; Parihar C.M.; Nayak H.S.; Patra K.; Singh V.K.; Singh D.K.; Pandey R.; Abdallah A.; Gupta N.; Sidhu H.S.; Gerard B.; Jat M.L. (2022). Water budgeting in conservation agriculture-based sub-surface drip irrigation using HYDRUS-2D in rice under annual rotation with wheat in Western Indo-Gangetic Plains, Field Crops Research, 282() DOI
2022 Puneeth P.V.; Yadav R.K.; Lata S.; Ghosh A.; Chaudhary H.; Tomar B.S.; Bidaramali V.; Boopalakrishnan G.; Das A.; Tomer A. (2022). Vulnerability studies of okra genotypes to bhendi yellow vein mosaic virus (BYVMV), Indian Journal of Horticulture, 79(2) DOI
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2022 Kumar A.; Rout B.M.; Choudhary S.; Sureja A.K.; Baranwal V.K.; Pant R.P.; Kaur B.; Jain R.K.; Basavaraj Y.B. (2022). First Report of Cucurbit Chlorotic Yellows Virus Infecting Pumpkin in India, Plant Disease (Plant Disease Reporter), 106(6) DOI
2022 Meena O.P.; Sammauria R.; Gupta A.K.; Gupta K.C.; Behera B.; Saxena R.; Yadav M.R.; Singh P.; Meena R.K.; Raza M.B.; Anil A.S.; Lal M.K. (2022). Energy-Carbon Footprint vis-à-vis System Productivity and Profitability of Diversified Crop Rotations in Semi-arid Plains of North-West India, Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 22(2) DOI
2022 Sarkar S.; Mukhopadhyay A.; Mukherjee I. (2022). A laboratory study on adsorption–desorption behavior of flupyradifurone in two Indian soils: effect of soil properties and organic amendment, Journal of Soils and Sediments, 22(7) DOI
2022 Kimani P.N.; Kumar S.N.; Harit R.; Kumar Y. (2022). Interactive effect of irrigation and temperature regimes on growth and development of kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), Journal of Agrometeorology, 24(2) DOI
2022 Mitra S.; Reddy M.G.; Rao G.P. (2022). First report of association of Ca. Phytoplasma australasia-related strain (16SrII-D) with Thuja occidentalis plants showing leaf yellowing symptoms in Uttarakhand province, India, Journal of Phytopathology, 170(6) DOI
2022 Maibam A.; Lone S.A.; Ningombam S.; Gaikwad K.; Amitha Mithra S.V.; Singh M.P.; Singh S.P.; Dalal M.; Padaria J.C. (2022). Transcriptome Analysis of Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br. Provides Insight Into Heat Stress Responses, Frontiers in Genetics, 13() DOI
2022 Sangwan S.; Prasanna R. (2022). Mycorrhizae Helper Bacteria: Unlocking Their Potential as Bioenhancers of Plant–Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungal Associations, Microbial Ecology, 84(1) DOI
2022 Mondal B.P.; Sahoo R.N.; Bandyopadhyay K.K.; Das B.; Arora A.; Mukherjee J. (2022). Assessment of Spatial Variability of Soil Available Sulphur Using Geostatistical Techniques in a Part of Deccan Plateau of India, Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science, 70(2) DOI
2022 Malav L.C.; Kumar S.; Islam S.; Chaudhary P.; Khan S.A. (2022). Assessing the environmental impact of air pollution on crops by monitoring air pollution tolerance index (APTI) and anticipated performance index (API), Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29(33) DOI
2022 Murugan T.; Awasthi O.P.; Singh S.K.; Dubey A.K.; Kumar K. (2022). Modified protocol to overcome in vitro recalcitrance of premature micro-shoots abscission by silver supplementation in Kinnow mandarin (Citrus nobilis L. × Citrus deliciosa T.), Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 59(6) DOI
2022 Sathee L.; Jagadhesan B.; Pandesha P.H.; Barman D.; Adavi B S.; Nagar S.; Krishna G.K.; Tripathi S.; Jha S.K.; Chinnusamy V. (2022). Genome Editing Targets for Improving Nutrient Use Efficiency and Nutrient Stress Adaptation, Frontiers in Genetics, 13() DOI
2022 Sharma S.; Katyal M.; Singh N.; Singh A.M.; Ahlawat A.K. (2022). Comparison of effect of using hard and soft wheat on the high molecular weight-glutenin subunits profile and the quality of produced cookie, Journal of Food Science and Technology, 59(7) DOI
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2022 Srilatha V.; Mamatha N.C.; Reddy P.K.; Reddy M.G.; Sandhya G.; Manyam P.; Dungavath V.K.N.; Rao G.P. (2022). ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma australasia’ identification in Tinospora cordifolia showing flat stem in India, Phytopathogenic Mollicutes, 12(1) DOI
2022 Mandi S.; Shivay Y.S.; Prasanna R.; Kumar D.; Purakayastha T.J.; Pooniya V.; Nayak S.; Raihan O.; Baral K.; Pal M. (2022). Improving micronutrient density in basmati rice and durum wheat through summer green manuring and elemental sulfur fertilisation, Crop and Pasture Science, 73(8) DOI
2022 Singh P.; Ghosh A.K.; Kumar S.; Jat S.L.; Seema K.; Pradhan S.N.; Kumar M. (2022). A Molecular and Spectroscopic Approach to Reclamation of Coal Mine Soil Using Tree Species: a Case Study of Gevra Mining Area, Korba, India, Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 22(2) DOI
2022 Upadhyaya H.D.; Wang L.; Prakash C.S.; Liu Y.; Gao L.; Meng R.; Seetharam K.; Gowda C.L.L.; Ganesamurthy K.; Singh S.K.; Kumar R.; Li J.; Wang Y.-H. (2022). Genome-wide association mapping identifies an SNF4 ortholog that impacts biomass and sugar yield in sorghum and sugarcane, Journal of Experimental Botany, 73(11) DOI
2022 Sudarshan S.; Shekhawat K.; Rathore S.S.; Singh R.K.; Kumar V. (2022). Nitrogen-management options for different crop-establishment methods in wheat under rice (Oryza sativa)–wheat (Triticum aestivum) cropping system, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 67(2) DOI
2022 Kumar P.V.D.; Srivastava N.; Rao G.P.; Baranwal V.K.; Pun K.B.; Sureja A.K.; Pant R.P. (2022). New record of natural occurrence of carrot thin leaf virus (CTLV) on carrot (Daucus carota L.) from India, Indian Phytopathology, 75(2) DOI
2022 Yadav A.; Kumar N.; Upadhyay A.; Sethi S.; Singh A. (2022). Edible coating as postharvest management strategy for shelf-life extension of fresh tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.): An overview, Journal of Food Science, 87(6) DOI
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2022 Verma R.; Verma A.; Tripathi S. (2022). Molecular identification of a ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma aurantifolia’ strain associated with chickpea phyllody in western India, Phytopathogenic Mollicutes, 12(1) DOI
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2022 Wiqar B.; Jat S.L.; Parihar C.M.; Mandal B.N.; Ahmadzai K.M. (2022). Efficiency of post-emergence herbicides for enhancing growth and yield of hybrid maize (Zea mays) in Kandahar, Afghanistan, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 67(2) DOI
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2022 Butail N.P.; Kumar P.; Shukla A.K.; Behera S.K.; Sharma M.; Kumar P.; Sharma U.; Takkar P.N.; Rao C.S.; Trivedi V.; Das S.; Green A. (2022). Zinc dynamics and yield sustainability in relation to Zn application under maize-wheat cropping on Typic Hapludalfs, Field Crops Research, 283() DOI
2022 Pradhan S.; Tarai R.K.; Panigrahi I. (2022). Plant growth regulators in passion fruit, Plant Growth Regulators in Tropical and Sub-tropical Fruit Crops, () DOI
2022 Vikas V.K.; Pradhan A.K.; Budhlakoti N.; Mishra D.C.; Chandra T.; Bhardwaj S.C.; Kumar S.; Sivasamy M.; Jayaprakash P.; Nisha R.; Shajitha P.; Peter J.; Geetha M.; Mir R.R.; Singh K.; Kumar S. (2022). Multi-locus genome-wide association studies (ML-GWAS) reveal novel genomic regions associated with seedling and adult plant stage leaf rust resistance in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Heredity, 128(6) DOI
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2022 Mallick N.; Jha S.K.; Agarwal P.; Mall A.; Niranjana M.; Kumar S.; Choudhary M.K.; Bansal S.; Saharan M.S.; Sharma J.B.; Vinod (2022). Marker-Assisted Improvement of Bread Wheat Variety HD2967 for Leaf and Stripe Rust Resistance, Plants-Basel, 11(9) DOI
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2022 Azameti M.K.; Singh P.K.; Gaikwad K.; Dalal M.; Arora A.; Rai V.; Padaria J.C. (2022). Isolation and characterization of novel gene TaSSRP differentially expressed in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes under heat stress, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 82(2) DOI
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2022 Yadav R.; Kalia S.; Rangan P.; Pradheep K.; Rao G.P.; Kaur V.; Pandey R.; Rai V.; Vasimalla C.C.; Langyan S.; Sharma S.; Thangavel B.; Rana V.S.; Vishwakarma H.; Shah A.; Saxena A.; Kumar A.; Singh K.; Siddique K.H.M. (2022). Current Research Trends and Prospects for Yield and Quality Improvement in Sesame, an Important Oilseed Crop, Frontiers in Plant Science, 13() DOI
2022 Saini M.K.; Capalash N.; Varghese E.; Kaur C.; Singh S.P. (2022). A Targeted Metabolomics Approach to Study Secondary Metabolites and Antioxidant Activity in ‘Kinnow Mandarin’ during Advanced Fruit Maturity, Foods, 11(10) DOI
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2022 Saikat Roy S.; Sarkar A.; Naresh Singh H.; Sharma S.K.; Ansari M.A.; Rishikanta Singh K.H.; Kadirvel G.; Punitha P.; Kshetri P.; Singh T.H.S.; Tamreihao K.; Rajiv C.; Devi A.K.; Langhu T.; Langamba P.; Datt S. (2022). Performance of micro and small foodpreneurs in Manipur during COVID-19 pandemic, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 92(4) DOI
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2022 Abd-Elaty I.; Shoshah H.; Zeleňáková M.; Kushwaha N.L.; El-Dean O.W. (2022). Forecasting of Flash Floods Peak Flow for Environmental Hazards and Water Harvesting in Desert Area of El-Qaa Plain, Sinai, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(10) DOI
2022 Srivastava A.; Kalwani M.; Chakdar H.; Pabbi S.; Shukla P. (2022). Biosynthesis and biotechnological interventions for commercial production of microalgal pigments: A review, Bioresource Technology (Biological Wastes), 352() DOI
2022 Mahto R.K.; Ambika; Singh C.; Chandana B.S.; Singh R.K.; Verma S.; Gahlaut V.; Manohar M.; Yadav N.; Kumar R. (2022). Chickpea Biofortification for Cytokinin Dehydrogenase via Genome Editing to Enhance Abiotic-Biotic Stress Tolerance and Food Security, Frontiers in Genetics, 13() DOI
2022 Jatoth R.; Singh D.; Geat N.; Babu P.L.; Kesharwani A.K. (2022). Distribution of bacterial stalk rot disease of maize in India and identification of causal agent using biochemical and fliC gene based marker and its sensitivity against chemicals and bacterial antagonist, Indian Phytopathology, 75(2) DOI
2022 Kumar S.; Seem K.; Kumar S.; Vinod K.K.; Chinnusamy V.; Mohapatra T. (2022). Pup1 QTL Regulates Gene Expression Through Epigenetic Modification of DNA Under Phosphate Starvation Stress in Rice, Frontiers in Plant Science, 13() DOI
2022 Jena R.K.; Bandyopadhyay S.; Pradhan U.K.; Moharana P.C.; Kumar N.; Sharma G.K.; Roy P.D.; Ghosh D.; Ray P.; Padua S.; Ramachandran S.; Das B.; Singh S.K.; Ray S.K.; Alsuhaibani A.M.; Gaber A.; Hossain A. (2022). Geospatial Modelling for Delineation of Crop Management Zones Using Local Terrain Attributes and Soil Properties, Remote Sensing, 14(9) DOI
2022 Kumar S.; Kaushik R.A.; Jain D.; Saini V.P.; Babu S.R.; Choudhary R.; Ercisli S. (2022). Genetic diversity among local mango (Mangifera indica L.) germplasm using morphological, biochemical and chloroplast DNA barcodes analyses, Molecular Biology Reports, 49(5) DOI
2022 Shahane A.A.; Shivay Y.S.; Prasanna R.; Kumar D.; Bana R.S. (2022). Effect of Crop Establishment Methods and Microbial Inoculations on Augmenting the Energy Efficiency and Nutritional Status of Rice and Wheat in Cropping System Mode, Sustainability, 14(10) DOI
2022 Senapati M.; Tiwari A.; Sharma N.; Chandra P.; Bashyal B.M.; Ellur R.K.; Bhowmick P.K.; Bollinedi H.; Vinod K.K.; Singh A.K.; Krishnan S.G. (2022). Rhizoctonia solani Kühn Pathophysiology: Status and Prospects of Sheath Blight Disease Management in Rice, Frontiers in Plant Science, 13() DOI
2022 Sachdeva S.; Bharadwaj C.; Patil B.S.; Pal M.; Roorkiwal M.; Varshney R.K. (2022). Agronomic Performance of Chickpea Affected by Drought Stress at Different Growth Stages, Agronomy-Basel, 12(5) DOI
2022 Biswas S.S.; Biswas D.R.; Roy T. (2022). Oxalic-acid-treated low-grade rock phosphate can supplement conventional phosphorus fertilizer to grow wheat in Alfisol, Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 22(2) DOI
2022 Sharma G.K.; Khan S.A., Prof.; Shrivastava M.; Bhattacharyya R.; Sharma A.; Gupta N.; Bhatia A. (2022). Phycoremediated N-fertilization approaches on reducing environmental impacts of agricultural nitrate leaching, Journal of Cleaner Production, 345() DOI
2022 Anwar K.; Joshi R.; Morales A.; Das G.; Yin X.; Anten N.P.R.; Raghuvanshi S.; Bahuguna R.N.; Singh M.P.; Singh R.K.; van Zanten M.; Sasidharan R.; Singla-Pareek S.L.; Pareek A. (2022). Genetic diversity reveals synergistic interaction between yield components could improve the sink size and yield in rice, Food and Energy Security, 11(2) DOI
2022 Sellappan R.; Krishnan A.; Thangavel K. (2022). Role of plant microbiome in carbon sequestration for sustainable agriculture, Core Microbiome: Improving Crop Quality and Productivity, () DOI
2022 Kumar T.P.J.; Rai A.; Singh S.K.; Kumar R.R.; Ahlawat A.K.; Saini S.; Shukla R.B.; Bedi N.; Mahendru-Singh A. (2022). Development of near isogenic lines for grain softness through marker assisted backcross breeding in wheat, Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 31(2) DOI
2022 Ranjan P.; Brahmi P.; Tyagi V.; Ranjan J.K.; Srivastava V.; Yadav S.K.; Singh S.P.; Binda P.C.; Singh S.K.; Singh K. (2022). Global interdependence for fruit genetic resources: status and challenges in India, Food Security, 14(3) DOI
2022 Sathee L.; Jain V. (2022). Interaction of elevated CO2 and form of nitrogen nutrition alters leaf abaxial and adaxial epidermal and stomatal anatomy of wheat seedlings, Protoplasma, 259(3) DOI
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2022 Baradwal H.; Ghosh A.; Kumar A.; Singh P.D.; Sannagoudar M.S.; Ahamad S.; Jha P.; Singh A.K.; Bhattacharyya R.; Manna M.C.; Kumar S.; Kumar R.V. (2022). Ecological restoration of degraded lands with alternate land use systems improves soil functionality in semiarid tropical India, Land Degradation & Development, 33(7) DOI
2022 Mahadani P.; Chakrabarti S.; Pal R.; Jain S.K.; Mithra Sevanthi A. (2022). Application of DNA barcoding tool for authentication of traditionally important medicinal Dendrobium (Orchidaceae) species from Sikkim Himalaya, South African Journal of Botany, 146() DOI
2022 Talukder Z.A.; Muthusamy V.; Chhabra R.; Bhatt V.; Reddappa S.B.; Mishra S.J.; Prakash N.R.; Kasana R.; Chauhan H.S.; Mehta B.K.; Guleria S.K.; Zunjare R.U.; Hossain F. (2022). Enrichment of amylopectin in sub-tropically adapted maize hybrids through genomics-assisted introgression of waxy1 gene encoding granule-bound starch synthase (GBSS), Journal of Cereal Science, 105() DOI
2022 Prabha K.; Rao G.P. (2022). Association of Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris (16SrI-B subgroup) with Adenium obseum phyllody revealed by 16S rRNA gene sequence, Indian Phytopathology, 75(2) DOI
2022 Kumar S.; Prasad S.; Shrivastava M.; Bhatia A.; Islam S.; Yadav K.K.; Kharia S.K.; Dass A.; Gupta N.; Yadav S.; Cabral-Pinto M.M.S. (2022). Appraisal of probabilistic levels of toxic metals and health risk in cultivated and marketed vegetables in urban and peri-urban areas of Delhi, India, Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, 92() DOI
2022 Naragund R.; Singh Y.V.; Jaiswal P.; Bana R.S.; Choudhary A.K. (2022). Influence of Crop Establishment Practices and Microbial Inoculants on Nodulation of Summer Green Gram (Vigna radiata) and Soil Quality Parameters, Legume Research, 45(5) DOI
2022 Lal M.K.; Singh B.; Tiwari R.K.; Kumar S.; Gopalakrishnan S.; Gaikwad K.; Kumar A.; Paul V.; Singh M.P. (2022). Interactive Effect of Retrogradation and Addition of Pulses, Cooking Oil on Predicted Glycemic Index and Resistant Starch of Potato, Starch-Starke, 74(05-Jun) DOI
2022 Priti; Sangwan S.; Kukreja B.; Mishra G.P.; Dikshit H.K.; Singh A.; Aski M.; Kumar A.; Taak Y.; Stobdan T.; Das S.; Kumar R.R.; Yadava D.K.; Praveen S.; Kumar S.; Nair R.M. (2022). Yield optimization, microbial load analysis, and sensory evaluation of mungbean (Vigna radiata L.), lentil (Lens culinaris subsp. culinaris), and Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L.) microgreens grown under greenhouse conditions, PLoS ONE, 17(05-May) DOI
2022 Katral A.; Muthusamy V.; Zunjare R.U.; Chhabra R.; Maman S.; Yadava D.K.; Hossain F. (2022). Allelic Variation in Zmfatb Gene Defines Variability for Fatty Acids Composition Among Diverse Maize Genotypes, Frontiers in Nutrition, 9() DOI
2022 Dass A.; Rajanna G.A.; Babu S.; Lal S.K.; Choudhary A.K.; Singh R.; Rathore S.S.; Kaur R.; Dhar S.; Singh T.; Raj R.; Shekhawat K.; Singh C.; Kumar B. (2022). Foliar Application of Macro-and Micronutrients Improves the Productivity, Economic Returns, and Resource-Use Efficiency of Soybean in a Semiarid Climate, Sustainability, 14(10) DOI
2022 Gulia U.; Shukla J.; Nishanth S.; Kokila V.; Bharti A.; Singh A.K.; Shivay Y.S.; Prasanna R. (2022). Fortifying nursery soil-less media with cyanobacteria for enhancing the growth of tomato, South African Journal of Botany, 146() DOI
2022 Jangra S.; Ghosh A.; Mukherjee S.; Baranwal V.K.; Dietzgen R.G. (2022). Development of a Polymerase Spiral Reaction-Based Isothermal Assay for Rapid Identification of Thrips palmi, Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences, 9() DOI
2022 Sheoran S.; Gupta M.; Kumari S.; Kumar S.; Rakshit S. (2022). Meta-QTL analysis and candidate genes identification for various abiotic stresses in maize (Zea mays L.) and their implications in breeding programs, Molecular Breeding, 42(5) DOI
2022 Hossain F.; Muthusamy V.; Zunjare R.U.; Bhat J.S.; Nepolean T.; Gadag R.N.; Basu S.; Jha S.K.; Gogoi R.; Diwakar D.K.; Kumar R.; Kapasia M. (2022). Pusa Super Sweet Corn 2, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 82(2) DOI
2022 Mondal D.; Awana M.; Aggarwal S.; Das D.; Thomas B.; Singh S.P.; Satyavathi C T.; Sundaram R.M.; Anand A.; Singh A.; Sachdev A.; Praveen S.; Krishnan V. (2022). Microstructure, matrix interactions, and molecular structure are the key determinants of inherent glycemic potential in pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum), Food Hydrocolloids, 127() DOI
2022 Nekkanti A.; Chakraborty P.; Ghosh A.; Iquebal M.A.; Jaiswal S.; Baranwal V.K. (2022). Transcriptomic Changes of Bemisia tabaci Asia II 1 Induced by Chilli Leaf Curl Virus Trigger Infection and Circulation in Its Vector, Frontiers in Microbiology, 13() DOI
2022 Gopalakrishnan R.; Kalia V.K. (2022). Biology and biometric characteristics of Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) reared on different host plants with regard to diet, Pest Management Science (Pesticide Science), 78(5) DOI
2022 Bansal R.; Dikshit H.K.; Singh A.K.; Kumar S.; Kumar A. (2022). Effect of waterlogging on physiological traits and yield in black gram (Vigna mungo L.) in field condition, Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 59(5) DOI
2022 Das M.; Deb C.K.; Pal R.; Marwaha S. (2022). A Machine Learning Approach for the Non-Destructive Estimation of Leaf Area in Medicinal Orchid Dendrobium nobile L., Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 12(9) DOI
2022 Kumar S.; Agrawal A.; Seem K.; Kumar S.; Vinod K.K.; Mohapatra T. (2022). Transcriptome analysis of a near-isogenic line and its recurrent parent reveals the role of Pup1 QTL in phosphorus deficiency tolerance of rice at tillering stage, Plant Molecular Biology, 109(01-Feb) DOI
2022 Biswas S.; Das T.K.; Bhattacharyya R.; Das S.; Dwivedi B.S. (2022). Biological soil quality and seasonal variation on enzyme activities under conservation agriculture-based rice-mustard system in the Indo-Gangetic Plains of India, Soil Research (Australian Journal of Soil Research), 60(6) DOI
2022 Kumar A.; Rana K.S.; Choudhary A.K.; Bana R.S.; Sharma V.K.; Gupta G.; Rajpoot S.K.; Bhupenchandra I.; Choudhary M.; Jakhar P.; Kumar A.; Kumar A.; Kishore P.; Pradhan A.; Tyagi V.; Kumar K. (2022). Sole- or Dual-Crop Basis Residue Mulching and Zn Fertilization Lead to Improved Productivity, Rhizo-modulation and Soil Health in Zero-Tilled Pigeonpea–Wheat Cropping System, Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 22(2) DOI
2022 Baveja A.; Chhabra R.; Panda K.K.; Muthusamy V.; Mehta B.K.; Mishra S.J.; Zunjare R.U.; Hossain F. (2022). Expression analysis of opaque2, crtRB1 and shrunken2 genes during different stages of kernel development in biofortified sweet corn, Journal of Cereal Science, 105() DOI
2022 Mallikarjuna M.G.; Sharma R.; Veeraya P.; Tyagi A.; Rao A.R.; Hirenallur Chandappa L.; Chinnusamy V. (2022). Evolutionary and functional characterisation of glutathione peroxidases showed splicing mediated stress responses in Maize, Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 178() DOI
2022 Jamaludheen A.; Singh D.R.; Subash S.P.; Aditya K.S. (2022). Farmers’ Investment on Productive Assets in Rural India: Composition and Determinants, Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 77(2) DOI
2022 Chaitra H.S.; Singh A.; Pandiyan K.; Kalia V.K. (2022). Sex Biased Variance in the Structural and Functional Diversity of the Midgut Bacterial Community of Last Instar Larvae of Pectinophora gossypiella (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae), Microbial Ecology, 83(4) DOI
2022 Padhi S.R.; Bartwal A.; John R.; Tripathi K.; Gupta K.; Wankhede D.P.; Mishra G.P.; Kumar S.; Archak S.; Bhardwaj R. (2022). Evaluation and Multivariate Analysis of Cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp] Germplasm for Selected Nutrients—Mining for Nutri-Dense Accessions, Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 6() DOI
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2022 Abhishek; Purohit H.S.; Jat G.; Choudhary R.S.; Meena R.H.; Sharma S.K.; Bhakar A. (2022). Study on Productivity, Quality and Profitability of Soybean (Glycine max L.) as Influenced by Fertility Levels and Enriched Compost in Typic Haplustepts Soil, Legume Research, 45(5) DOI
2022 Manav A.; Prajapati M.R.; Singh J.; Kumar P.; Baranwal V.K. (2022). First report of garlic mite-borne filamentous virus (GarMbFV) infecting garlic (Allium sativum L.) in India, Journal of Plant Pathology, 104(2) DOI
2022 Singh D.; Kesharwani A.K.; Singh K.; Jaiswal S.; Iquebal M.A.; Geat N.; Avasthi A.S. (2022). Whole-Genome Sequence Resource of Indian Race 4 of Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris, the Causal Agent of Black Rot Disease of Brassica oleracea var. capitata, Plant Disease (Plant Disease Reporter), 106(5) DOI
2022 Sharma A.; Deshmukh S.S.; Ojha A. (2022). Business Model Innovation to Address Vegetable Supply Chain Issues: A Case Study of an Indian Startup, International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, 20(2) DOI
2022 Shakouka M.A.; Gurjar M.S.; Aggarwal R.; Saharan M.S.; Gogoi R.; Bainsla Kumar N.; Agarwal S.; Kumar T.P.J.; Bayaa B.; Khatib F. (2022). Genome-Wide Association Mapping of Virulence Genes in Wheat Karnal Bunt Fungus Tilletia indica Using Double Digest Restriction-Site Associated DNA-Genotyping by Sequencing Approach, Frontiers in Microbiology, 13() DOI
2022 Sagar D.; Suroshe S.S.; Keerthi M.C.; Poorani J.; Gupta A.; Chandel R.K. (2022). Native parasitoid complex of the invasive fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) from Northern India, International Journal of Tropical Insect Science, 42(3) DOI
2022 Kokila V.; Prasanna R.; Kumar A.; Nishanth S.; Shukla J.; Gulia U.; Nain L.; Shivay Y.S.; Singh A.K. (2022). Cyanobacterial inoculation in elevated CO2 environment stimulates soil C enrichment and plant growth of tomato, Environmental Technology and Innovation, 26() DOI
2022 Sheoran S. (2022). Recent Advances for Drought Stress Tolerance in Maize (Zea mays L.): Present Status and Future Prospects, Frontiers in Plant Science, 13() DOI
2022 Tripathy V.; Sharma K.K.; Mohapatra S.; Siddamallaiah L.; Matadha N.Y.; Patil C.S.; Saindane Y.S.; Deore B.; Rao C.S.; Parmar K.D.; Litoriya N.S.; Shah P.G.; Sharma K. (2022). Persistence evaluation of fluopyram + tebuconazole residues on mango and pomegranate and their risk assessment, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29(22) DOI
2022 Choudhary A.K.; Sood P.; Rahi S.; Yadav D.S.; Thakur O.C.; Siranta K.R.; Dass A.; Singh Y.V.; Kumar A.; Vijayakumar S.; Bhupenchandra I.; Dua V.K.; Shivadhar; Bana R.S.; Pooniya V.; Sepat S.; Kumar S.; Rajawat M.V.S.; Rajanna G.A.; Harish M.N.; Varatharajan T.; Kumar A.; Tyagi V. (2022). Rice Productivity, Zn Biofortification, and Nutrient-Use Efficiency as Influenced by Zn Fertilization Under Conventional Transplanted Rice and the System of Rice Intensification, Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10() DOI
2022 Meena R.D.; Baranwal V.K.; Lal G.; Sharma Y.K.; Meena S.S.; Meena N.K. (2022). First report of Vanilla distortion mosaic virus on cumin (Cuminum cyminum L.) in India, Journal of Plant Pathology, 104(2) DOI
2022 Chaudhary R.; Yashpal; Pardeshi P.; Nanjundan J.; Yadav S.; Vasudev S.; Yadava D.K.; Saini N. (2022). Relationship and genetic diversity analysis of Brassica juncea and U tringle species using intron polymorphic markers, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 82(2) DOI
2022 Philanim W.S.; Kumar A.; Shittegar N.; Sankar S.M.; Bharadwaj C.; Ngangkham U.; Bhattacharjee B. (2022). Stability analysis of yield and yield related traits in ricebean [Vigna umbellata (Thunb.) Ohwi and Ohashi], Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 82(2) DOI
2022 Ranebennur H.; Kirdat K.; Tiwarekar B.; Rawat K.; Chalam V.C.; Solanke A.U.; Yadav R.; Singh K.; Sathe S.; Yadav A.; Rao G.P. (2022). Draft genome sequence of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma australasia’, strain SS02 associated with sesame phyllody disease, 3 Biotech, 12(5) DOI
2022 Gurjar M.S.; Jain P.; Jain S.; Kumar N.; Saharan M.S.; Aggarwal R. (2022). Identification and validation of simple sequence repeats markers in Tilletia indica and compatibility assay of monosporidial lines, Indian Phytopathology, 75(2) DOI
2022 Manjunatha L.; Rani U.; Singh S.; Mahesha H.S.; Srinivasa N.; Kumar Y. (2022). Morphological and molecular diversity of Ascochyta rabiei (Pass.) Labr. pathogenic to Cicer arietinum L., Vegetos, 35(2) DOI
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2022 Singh P.; Ghosh A.K.; Kumar S.; Kumar M.; Sinha P.K. (2022). Influence of input litter quality and quantity on carbon storage in post-mining forest soil after 14 years of reclamation, Ecological Engineering, 178() DOI
2022 Shaloo; Singh R.P.; Bisht H.; Jain R.; Suna T.; Bana R.S.; Godara S.; Shivay Y.S.; Singh N.; Bedi J.; Begam S.; Tamta M.; Gautam S. (2022). Crop-Suitability Analysis Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process and Geospatial Techniques for Cereal Production in North India, Sustainability, 14(9) DOI
2022 Thippeswamy B.; Joshi A.; Sethi S.; Dahuja A.; Kaur C.; Tomar B.S.; Varghese E. (2022). Chemical Additives for Preserving the Betalain Pigment and Antioxidant Activity of Red Beetroot, Sugar Tech, 24(3) DOI
2022 Jha U.C.; Jha R.; Thakro V.; Nayyar H.; Paul P.J.; Tripathi S.; Kumar Y.; Mondal B.; Srivastava A.; Singh N.P.; Chaturvedi S.K.; Parida S.K. (2022). Elucidating genetic diversity and association mapping to identify SSR markers linked to 100 seed weight in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 82(2) DOI
2022 Meshram S.; Gogoi R.; Bashyal B.M.; Kumar A.; Mandal P.K.; Hossain F. (2022). Comparative Transcriptome Analysis of Fungal Pathogen Bipolaris maydis to Understand Pathogenicity Behavior on Resistant and Susceptible Non-CMS Maize Genotypes, Frontiers in Microbiology, 13() DOI
2022 Ghosh D.K.; Kokane A.; Kokane S.; Mukherjee K.; Tenzin J.; Surwase D.; Deshmukh D.; Gubyad M.; Biswas K.K. (2022). A Comprehensive Analysis of Citrus Tristeza Variants of Bhutan and Across the World, Frontiers in Microbiology, 13() DOI
2022 Yasin J.K.; Mishra B.K.; Arumugam Pillai M.; Chinnusamy V. (2022). Physical map of lncRNAs and lincRNAs linked with stress responsive miRs and genes network of pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan L.), Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 31(2) DOI
2022 Ghosh T.; Maity P.P.; Das T.K.; Krishnan P.; Chakraborty D.; Bhatia A.; Ray M.; Kundu A.; Bhattacharyya R. (2022). Characterization of Soil Pores Through X-Ray Computed Microtomography and Carbon Mineralization Under Contrasting Tillage and Land Configurations in the Indo-Gangetic Plains of India, Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10() DOI
2022 Sajan J.V.; Subramanian S.; Sharma K. (2022). Attractancy potential of bacterial volatiles from symbiotic bacteria of wild population of Zeugodacus cucurbitae Coquillett (Diptera:Tephritidae), Phytoparasitica, 50(2) DOI
2022 Roy D.; Das B.; Jatav R.; Sethi D.; Rathore P.; Chakraborty D. (2022). Spatial Mapping of Soil Moisture in an Agricultural Farm through Geostatistical Approach, Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science, 70(1) DOI
2022 Manjunatha B.S.; Nivetha N.; Krishna G.K.; Elangovan A.; Pushkar S.; Chandrashekar N.; Aggarwal C.; Asha A.D.; Chinnusamy V.; Raipuria R.K.; Watts A.; Bandeppa S.; Dukare A.S.; Paul S. (2022). Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria Shewanella putrefaciens and Cronobacter dublinensis enhance drought tolerance of pearl millet by modulating hormones and stress-responsive genes, Physiologia Plantarum, 174(2) DOI
2022 Rathore S.S.; Shekhawat K.; Singh S.; Dhar S. (2022). Integrated nutrient management for enhancement of productivity, profitability and nutrient usages in cauliflower-onion system, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 79(1) DOI
2022 Singh K.; Awasthi O.P.; Dubey A.K.; Sharma V.K.; Kumar S.; Theivanai M. (2022). Effect of ionizing radiation on morphological characters and leaf nutrient content of sweet orange cv. Mosambi, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 79(1) DOI
2022 Reddappa S.B.; Chhabra R.; Talukder Z.A.; Muthusamy V.; Zunjare R.U.; Hossain F. (2022). Development and validation of rapid and cost-effective protocol for estimation of amylose and amylopectin in maize kernels, 3 Biotech, 12(3) DOI
2022 Sarkar S.; Padaria R.N.; Saha S. (2022). Understanding and validating the traditional rainfall classification and forecasting system with its implication to agriculture in Kalimpong Hill of West Bengal, Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, 21(2) DOI
2022 Chakraborty P.; Ghosh A. (2022). Topical Spray of dsRNA Induces Mortality and Inhibits Chilli Leaf Curl Virus Transmission by Bemisia tabaci Asia II 1, Cells, 11(5) DOI
2022 Yadav A.; Jain K.; Wang Y.; Pawar K.; Kaur H.; Sharma K.K.; Tripathy V.; Singh A.; Xu J.; Chowdhary A. (2022). Candida auris on Apples: Diversity and Clinical Significance, mBio, 13(2) DOI
2022 Verma R.; Verma A.; Tripathi S. (2022). First report of a 16SrII-V phytoplasma associated with peanut phyllody in India, New Disease Reports, 45(2) DOI
2022 Yadav S.; Yadava Y.K.; Kohli D.; Meena S.; Paul V.; Jain P.K. (2022). Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of the GRAS gene family in response to drought stress in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), 3 Biotech, 12(3) DOI
2022 Singhal T.; Tara Satyavathi C.; Singh S.P.; Mallik M.; Anuradha N.; Sankar S.M.; Bharadwaj C.; Singh N. (2022). Achieving nutritional security in India through iron and zinc biofortification in pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.), Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, 28(4) DOI
2022 Roy D.; Pabbi S. (2022). A simple improved protocol for purification of C-phycocyanin from overproducing cyanobacteria and its characterization, Journal of Applied Phycology, 34(2) DOI
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2022 Rao G.P.; Singh P. (2022). Value Addition and Fortification in Non-Centrifugal Sugar (Jaggery): A Potential Source of Functional and Nutraceutical Foods, Sugar Tech, 24(2) DOI
2022 Patel S.; Rathore S.S.; Shekhawat K.; Rameti; Singh V.K.; Singh R.K.; Babu S.; Iquebal M.A. (2022). Sustaining Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) productivity and soil health through varietal diversification under diverse production systems, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 67(1) DOI
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2022 Phuke R.M.; He X.; Juliana P.; Kabir M.R.; Roy K.K.; Marza F.; Roy C.; Singh G.P.; Chawade A.; Joshi A.K.; Singh P.K. (2022). Identification of Genomic Regions and Sources for Wheat Blast Resistance through GWAS in Indian Wheat Genotypes, Genes, 13(4) DOI
2022 Singh G.; Patel N.; Jindal T.; Ranjan M.R.; Pal S.; Ahirwal J.; Dubey S.K. (2022). Hydrochemical characteristics and water quality indices-based assessment of River Kali for agricultural irrigation in northern India*, Irrigation and Drainage, 71(2) DOI
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2022 Joshi R.; Ramawat N.; Talukdar A.; Kundu A.; Raje R.S.; Prashat G.R.; Durgesh K. (2022). Development of MAGIC population in pigeon pea: a powerful genetic resource for mapping, genetic analysis and identification of potential breeding lines, Current Science, 122(6) DOI
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2022 Kumar B.; Rakshit S.; Kumar S.; Singh B.K.; Lahkar C.; Jha A.K.; Kumar K.; Kumar P.; Choudhary M.; Bir Singh S.; Amalraj J.J.; Prakash B.; Khulbe R.; Kamboj M.C.; Chirravuri N.N.; Hossain F. (2022). Genetic Diversity, Population Structure and Linkage Disequilibrium Analyses in Tropical Maize Using Genotyping by Sequencing, Plants-Basel, 11(6) DOI
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2022 Nabi S.U.; Baranwal V.K.; Rao G.P.; Mansoor S.; Vladulescu C.; Raja W.H.; Jan B.L.; Alansi S. (2022). High-Throughput RNA Sequencing of Mosaic Infected and Non-Infected Apple (Malus × domestica Borkh.) Cultivars: From Detection to the Reconstruction of Whole Genome of Viruses and Viroid, Plants-Basel, 11(5) DOI
2022 Ragi S.; Muthusamy V.; Zunjare R.U.; Bhatt V.; Katral A.; Abhijith K.P.; Chand G.; Mishra S.J.; Sekhar J.C.; Yadava D.K.; Hossain F. (2022). Genetic variation for grain phytate and molecular characterization of low phytic acid-2 (lpa2) gene-based maize (Zea mays) inbreds, Plant Breeding, 141(2) DOI
2022 Chattopadhyay A.; Purohit J.; Mehta S.; Parmar H.; Karippadakam S.; Rashid A.; Balamurugan A.; Bansal S.; Prakash G.; Mohan Murali Achary V.; Reddy M.K. (2022). Precision Genome Editing Toolbox: Applications and Approaches for Improving Rice’s Genetic Resistance to Pathogens, Agronomy-Basel, 12(3) DOI
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2022 Joshi I.; Kohli D.; Pal A.; Chaudhury A.; Sirohi A.; Jain P.K. (2022). Host delivered-RNAi of effector genes for imparting resistance against root-knot and cyst nematodes in plants, Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 118() DOI
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2022 Pradeepkumara N.; Sharma P.K.; Munshi A.D.; Behera T.K.; Bhatia R.; Kumari K.; Singh J.; Jaiswal S.; Iquebal M.A.; Arora A.; Rai A.; Kumar D.; Bhattacharya R.C.; Dey S.S. (2022). Fruit transcriptional profiling of the contrasting genotypes for shelf life reveals the key candidate genes and molecular pathways regulating post-harvest biology in cucumber, Genomics, 114(2) DOI
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2022 Aravind K.S.; Vashisth A.; Krishanan P.; Das B. (2022). Wheat yield prediction based on weather parameters using multiple linear, neural network and penalised regression models, Journal of Agrometeorology, 24(1) DOI
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2022 Kumar N.; Yadav S.; Maithili S.; Prasad R.; Pal M.; Sharma M.K. (2022). Optimization of an efficient and robust regeneration system for Sorghum bicolor: a vital step towards genetic engineering-based sorghum improvement, Plant Physiology Reports (Indian Journal of Plant Physiology), 27(1) DOI
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2022 Mahato D.K.; Pandhi S.; Kamle M.; Gupta A.; Sharma B.; Panda B.K.; Srivastava S.; Kumar M.; Selvakumar R.; Pandey A.K.; Suthar P.; Arora S.; Kumar A.; Gamlath S.; Bharti A.; Kumar P. (2022). Trichothecenes in food and feed: Occurrence, impact on human health and their detection and management strategies, Toxicon, 208() DOI
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2022 Yadav M.R.; Choudhary M.; Singh J.; Lal M.K.; Jha P.K.; Udawat P.; Gupta N.K.; Rajput V.D.; Garg N.K.; Maheshwari C.; Hasan M.; Gupta S.; Jatwa T.K.; Kumar R.; Yadav A.K.; Vara Prasad P.V. (2022). Impacts, Tolerance, Adaptation, and Mitigation of Heat Stress on Wheat under Changing Climates, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23(5) DOI
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2022 Dey D.; Paul S.; Nag S.; Tiwari O.N.; Banerjee P. (2022). Exploration of Twin-Pocket Aldimine Luminophore for Ultrasensitive As3+Recognition in Industrial Waste Waters and Cytosolic Detection by "arseno-Selective Azomethine Hydrolysis": A Mutual Experimental and Theoretical Corroboration, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 61(4) DOI
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2022 Priya H.; Dhar D.W.; Singh R.; Kumar S.; Dhandapani R.; Pandey R.; Govindasamy V.; Kumar A. (2022). Co-cultivation Approach to Decipher the Influence of Nitrogen-Fixing Cyanobacterium on Growth and N Uptake in Rice Crop, Current Microbiology, 79(2) DOI
2022 Devi R.; Behera B.; Raza M.B.; Mangal V.; Altaf M.A.; Kumar R.; Kumar A.; Tiwari R.K.; Lal M.K.; Singh B. (2022). An Insight into Microbes Mediated Heavy Metal Detoxification in Plants: a Review, Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 22(1) DOI
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2022 Gaurav A.K.; Namita; Raju D.V.S.; Ramkumar M.K.; Singh M.K.; Singh B.; Krishnan S.G.; Panwar S.; Sevanthi A.M. (2022). Genetic diversity analysis of wild and cultivated Rosa species of India using microsatellite markers and their comparison with morphology based diversity, Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 31(1) DOI
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2022 Vishwakarma D.K.; Pandey K.; Kaur A.; Kushwaha N.L.; Kumar R.; Ali R.; Elbeltagi A.; Kuriqi A. (2022). Methods to estimate evapotranspiration in humid and subtropical climate conditions, Agricultural Water Management, 261() DOI
2022 Pal D.; Kumar S.; Bhardwaj S.C.; Harikrishna; Devate N.B.; Patial M.; Parmeshwarappa S.K.V. (2022). Molecular marker aided characterization of race specific and non-race specific rust resistance genes in elite wheat (Triticum spp.) germplasm, Australasian Plant Pathology, 51(2) DOI
2022 Mehta S.; Kumar A.; Achary V.M.M.; Ganesan P.; Patel A.; Singh A.; Rathi N.; Das T.K.; Lal S.K.; Reddy M.K. (2022). Antifungal and defense elicitor activity of Potassium phosphite against fungal blast disease on ptxD-OE transgenic indica rice and its acceptor parent, Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, 182() DOI
2022 Govindasamy V.; George P.; Ramesh S.V.; Sureshkumar P.; Rane J.; Minhas P.S. (2022). Characterization of root-endophytic actinobacteria from cactus (Opuntia ficus-indica) for plant growth promoting traits, Archives of Microbiology, 204(2) DOI
2022 Kashyap A.S.; Manzar N.; Nebapure S.M.; Rajawat M.V.S.; Deo M.M.; Singh J.P.; Kesharwani A.K.; Singh R.P.; Dubey S.C.; Singh D. (2022). Unraveling Microbial Volatile Elicitors Using a Transparent Methodology for Induction of Systemic Resistance and Regulation of Antioxidant Genes at Expression Levels in Chili against Bacterial Wilt Disease, Antioxidants, 11(2) DOI
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2022 Sharma J.P.; Thakur S.; Sankhyan H.P.; Jha S.K.; Sharma R.; Kanwar P.; Gautam V.; Sankhyan N. (2022). Genetic diversity and population structure of Indian willow (Salix tetrasperma Roxb.) with dominant molecular markers along its distribution range in Himalayan region, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 82(1) DOI
2022 Lal M.K.; Tiwari R.K.; Gahlaut V.; Mangal V.; Kumar A.; Singh M.P.; Paul V.; Kumar S.; Singh B.; Zinta G. (2022). Physiological and molecular insights on wheat responses to heat stress, Plant Cell Reports, 41(3) DOI
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2022 Devi J.; Mishra G.P.; Sagar V.; Kaswan V.; Dubey R.K.; Singh P.M.; Sharma S.K.; Behera T.K. (2022). Gene-Based Resistance to Erysiphe Species Causing Powdery Mildew Disease in Peas (Pisum sativum L.), Genes, 13(2) DOI
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2022 Bhattacharyya S.; Poi R.; Mandal S.; Baskey Sen M.; Hazra D.K.; Saha S.; Karmakar R. (2022). Method development, validation, monitoring, seasonal effect and risk assessment of multiclass multi pesticide residues in surface and ground water of new alluvial zone in eastern India, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29(12) DOI
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2022 Sagar D.; Thillainayagam I.; Keerthi M.C.; Sujatha G.S.; Chander S. (2022). Influence of larval nutrition on biological attributes and reproductive performance in Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) under laboratory condition, Animal Biology, 72(3) DOI
2022 Kumar A.; Kumar Tripathi V.; Sachan P.; Rakshit A.; Singh R.M.; Shukla S.K.; Pandey R.; Vishwakarma A.; Panda K.C. (2022). Sources of ions in the river ecosystem, Ecological Significance of River Ecosystems: Challenges and Management Strategies, () DOI
2022 Mrunalini K.; Behera B.; Chandana P.; Patnaik G.P.; Modi R.U.; Saraswat A.; Rathi N.; Kumar N. (2022). Legumes to reduce ecological footprints for climate-smart cropping systems, Advances in Legumes for Sustainable Intensification, () DOI
2022 Kumar S.; Dikshit H.K.; Mishra G.P.; Singh A. (2022). Biofortification of Staple Crops, Biofortification of Staple Crops, () DOI
2022 Venkataravanappa V.; Reddy L.R.C.N.; Hiremath S.; Muralidhara B.M.; Vishweswarasastry S.; Baranwal V.K.; Manem K.R. (2022). First record of a novel begomovirus and satellites associated with leaf curl disease of passion fruit from India, Journal of Plant Protection Research, 62(1) DOI
2022 Dutta A.; Trivedi A.; Kumar N.; Nath C.P.; Hazra K.K.; Praharaj C.S.; Jatav H.S.; Sathyanarayana E. (2022). Nitrogen Management in Field Crops and Strategies for Enhancing Its Efficiency, Ecosystem Services: Types, Management and Benefits, () DOI
2022 Sanyal A.; Joshi M.A.; Tomar B.S. (2022). Effect of post-anthesis high temperature on seed longevity and vigour in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Current Science, 123(1) DOI
2022 Bhattacharyya R.; Ghosh A. (2022). The demerits of meta-analysis in science, Current Science, 122(12) DOI
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2022 Mishra P.; Singh P.; Rai A.; Abhishek K.; Shanmugam V.; Aamir M.; Kumar A.; Malik M.Z.; Singh S.K. (2022). Abiotic stress-mediated transcription regulation, chromatin dynamics, and gene expression in plants: Arabidopsis as a role model, Mitigation of Plant Abiotic Stress by Microorganisms: Applicability and Future Directions, () DOI
2022 Kumar Y.; Naresh R.K.; Dhaliwal S.S.; Sharma V.; Kumar R.; Mandal A. (2022). Impact of NPK Enriched Bio-Compost on Rice Yield and Sustainability of Nutrients in Sandy Loam Soils of India, Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 53(22) DOI
2022 Raghav L.; Patanjali P.; Chopra I.; Singh R. (2022). Adsorption and kinetic studies for removal of basic dyes using pillared bentonites, Indian Journal of Chemical Technology, 29(1) DOI
2022 Sheoran S.; Kumari P.; Kumar S.; Jangir C.K.; Sheoran S.; Jhariya M.K.; Banerjee A.; Jakhar S.R. (2022). Legumes for improving socio-economic conditions of farmers in rainfed agroecosystem, Advances in Legumes for Sustainable Intensification, () DOI
2022 Kyada A.D.; Kale B.H.; Pranati J.; Patel G.M.; Patel D.P.; Prajapati M.R.; Modha K.G.; Patel R.K. (2022). Genetic variability, character association and path coefficient analysis in determinate F5 progenies of Indian bean [Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet], Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 13(2) DOI
2022 Kumar S.; Mukherjee S.K.; Sahoo L. (2022). A Method for Developing RNAi-Derived Resistance in Cowpea Against Geminiviruses, Methods in Molecular Biology, 2408() DOI
2022 Husain R.; Vikram N.; Yadav G.; Kumar D.; Pandey S.; Patel M.; Khan N.A.; Hussain T. (2022). Microbial bioremediation of heavy metals by Marine bacteria, Development in Wastewater Treatment Research and Processes: Microbial Degradation of Xenobiotics through Bacterial and Fungal Approach, () DOI
2022 Chand D.; Banerjee T.; Singh N.; Singh S.B. (2022). Persistence and transformation of flucetosulfuron herbicide in soil as affected by biotic and abiotic factors, Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part B Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes, 57(3) DOI
2022 Kumar A.; Sarangi A. (2022). Flow measuring devices in surface irrigation for enhancing agricultural water productivity, Current Science, 122(10) DOI
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2022 Naorem A.; Patel A.; Udayana S.K.; Ashajyoti M.; Helena P.; Suna T. (2022). Unravelling the Significance of ACC-Deaminase in Sustainable Arid Soil Management, Ecosystem Services: Types, Management and Benefits, () DOI
2022 Dwivedi N.; Tirkey D.S.; Katoch S.; Prasad L. (2022). Evaluation of resistance against anthracnose (Colletotrichum capsici and C. gloeosporioides) in chilli landraces collected from the northeastern region of India, Plant Genetic Resources-Characterization and Utilization, () DOI
2022 Choudhary J.R.; Ganie S.A.; Bansal M.; Goswami B.; Burdak A.; Get S.; Tripathi A.; Wani S.H. (2022). Emerging Roles of Osmoprotectants in the Abiotic Stress Tolerance of Plants, Plant Abiotic Stress Physiology: Volume 2: Molecular Advancements, () DOI
2022 Kalwani M.; Devi A.; Patil K.; Kumari A.; Dalvi V.; Malik A.; Tyagi A.; Shukla P.; Pabbi S. (2022). Microalgae-mediated wastewater treatment and enrichment of wastewater-cultivated biomass for biofuel production, Expanding Horizon of Cyanobacterial Biology, () DOI
2022 Manjunathagowda D.C.; Selvakumar R.; Shilpashree S.; Anjanappa M.; Dutta R.; Sharath M.N.; Shalaka S.R.; Mahajan V. (2022). Purple Blotch Disease of Onion (Allium cepa): Perspective and Prospects, International Journal of Agriculture and Biology, 27(6) DOI
2022 Sheoran S.; R; Saini M.; Ramtekey V.; Kumar S.; Meena R.S.; Banerjee A.; Jangir C.K. (2022). Conventional, genomics, and post-genomics era of pulses breeding: Current status and future prospects, Advances in Legumes for Sustainable Intensification, () DOI
2022 Kumar R.; Singh D.; Chug A.; Singh A.P. (2022). Evaluation of Deep learning based Resnet-50 for Plant Disease Classification with Stability Analysis, Proceedings - 2022 6th International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems, ICICCS 2022, () DOI
2022 Nebapure S.; Kumar S. (2022). Electrophysiological and behavioral responses of blister beetle Mylabris pustulata to plant volatiles, Animal Biology, 72(2) DOI
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2022 Singh M.; Singh V.V.; Singh N.; Monika (2022). Drought Tolerance in Rapeseed-Mustard: Conventional and Molecular Approaches, Genomic Designing for Abiotic Stress Resistant Oilseed Crops, () DOI
2022 Alam K.; Barman M.; Datta S.P.; Annapurna K.; Shukla L.; Ray P. (2022). Application of phosphate solubilizing fungi and lime altered the soil inorganic phosphorus fractions in an Ultisol of north-eastern India, Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 68(4) DOI
2022 Sharma A.; Singh S.; Khare S.K.; Sharma A.; Nain L.; Tiwari R. (2022). Green lactic acid production using low-cost renewable sources and potential applications, Production of Top 12 Biochemicals Selected by USDOE from Renewable Resources: Status and Innovation, () DOI
2022 Verma R.; Verma A.; Tripathi S. (2022). First report of Chilli leaf curl India virus (ChiLCINV) infecting Stachytarpheta jamaicensis in India, Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection, 55(11) DOI
2022 Singh A.; Dikshit H.K.; Mishra G.P.; Aski M.; Kumar S.; Sarker A. (2022). Breeding for Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Lentil in Genomic Era, Genomic Designing for Abiotic Stress Resistant Pulse Crops, () DOI
2022 Singh B.; Rai K.M.; Bhatt K.C.; Chaudhury R.; Dubey S.K.; Ahlawat S.P. (2022). Ethnobotanical notes on some potential wild edible fruits used by the Bhotia community of Niti Valley, Uttarakhand, India, Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, 21(1) DOI
2022 Shukla U.N.; Mishra M.L.; Meena R.S.; Kumar S.; Sheoran S.; Bedwal S.; Jangir C.K.; Khan N.; Sheoran S. (2022). Recent strategies for pulse biofortification to combat malnutrition, Advances in Legumes for Sustainable Intensification, () DOI
2022 Katoch S.; Salwan R.; Sharma V. (2022). Nanopriming technology for improving crop plants under stressful conditions: concept and methods, Nano-enabled Agrochemicals in Agriculture, () DOI
2022 Singh R.; Langyan S.; Rohtagi B.; Darjee S.; Khandelwal A.; Shrivastava M.; Kothari R.; Mohan H.; Raina S.; Kaur J.; Singh A. (2022). Production of biofuels options by contribution of effective and suitable enzymes: Technological developments and challenges, Materials Science for Energy Technologies, 5() DOI
2022 Hedau N.K.; Dhar S.; Chaudhari G.V.; Agarwal P.K.; Bhatt J.C.; Tuti M.; Hooda K.S.; Mishra K.K.; Pal R.S. (2022). VL Cherry Tomato 1: a nutritionally rich cherry tomato cultivar, Current Science, 123(1) DOI
2022 Saini V.; Dey D. (2022). Panjal, a new subgenus of the genus Crossocerus (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae), with description of a new species from Pakistan; [Panjal, новый подрод рода Crossocerus (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae), с описанием нового вида из Пакистана], Zoosystematica Rossica, 31(1) DOI
2022 Bisht C.; Verma S.K.; Gaur A.K.; Chauhan C.; Deep H.; Karn A.; Sharma R.K. (2022). Characterization of Elite Genotypes for Fusarium Wilt Resistance in Pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millspaugh], Legume Research, 45(1) DOI
2022 Elbeltagi A.; Kushwaha N.L.; Srivastava A.; Zoof A.T. (2022). Artificial intelligent-based water and soil management, Deep Learning for Sustainable Agriculture, () DOI
2022 Bhat S.; Aditya K.S.; Kumari B.; Acharya K.K.; Sendhil R. (2022). Pulses production, trade and policy imperatives: A global perspective, Advances in Legumes for Sustainable Intensification, () DOI
2022 Prasad K.; Kumar D.; Gupta M. (2022). Analysis of barriers in implementation of blockchain technology in Indian industries, International Journal of Six Sigma and Competitive Advantage, 14(1) DOI
2022 Archana H.R.; Darshan K.; Amrutha Lakshmi M.; Ghoshal T.; Bashayal B.M.; Aggarwal R. (2022). Biopesticides: A key player in agro-environmental sustainability, Trends of Applied Microbiology for Sustainable Economy, () DOI
2022 Singh V.K.; Panda K.C.; Sagar A.; Al-Ansari N.; Duan H.-F.; Paramaguru P.K.; Vishwakarma D.K.; Kumar A.; Kumar D.; Kashyap P.S.; Singh R.M.; Elbeltagi A. (2022). Novel Genetic Algorithm (GA) based hybrid machine learning-pedotransfer Function (ML-PTF) for prediction of spatial pattern of saturated hydraulic conductivity, Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 16(1) DOI
2022 Yadav D.K.; Kaushik P.; Tripathi K.P.; Rana V.S.; Yeasin M.; Kamil D.; Pankaj; Khatri D.; Shakil N.A. (2022). Bioefficacy evaluation of ferrocenyl chalcones against Meloidogyne incognita and Sclerotium rolfsii infestation in tomato, Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part B Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes, 57(3) DOI
2022 Singh A.; Prasad S.; Rathore D. (2022). Monitoring of airborne heavy metal using plants: Perspective and challenges, New Paradigms in Environmental Biomonitoring Using Plants, () DOI
2022 Harikrishna H.; Shashikumara P.; Gajghate R.; Devate N.B.; Shiv A.; Mehta B.K.; Sunilkumar V.P.; Rathan N.D.; Mottaleb K.A.; Sukumaran S.; Jain N.; Singh P.K.; Singh G.P. (2022). Breaking the Yield Barriers to Enhance Genetic Gains in Wheat, New Horizons in Wheat and Barley Research: Global Trends, Breeding and Quality Enhancement, () DOI
2022 Sarkar R.; Kundu A.; Dutta A.; Mandal A.; Saha S. (2022). Citrus Peel as a Source for Waste Valorization and Its Greener Processing, ACS Symposium Series, 1415() DOI
2022 Saini V.; Dey D. (2022). Two new species of the solitary hunting wasp genus Ectemnius (Hymenoptera Crabronidae), with a key to the Indian species of the subgenus Hypocrabro, Bulletin of Insectology, 75(2) DOI
2022 Kumar R.; Chug A.; Singh A.P.; Singh D. (2022). A Systematic Analysis of Machine Learning and Deep Learning Based Approaches for Plant Leaf Disease Classification: A Review, Journal of Sensors, 2022() DOI
2022 Kumar S.; Das A.K.; Naliath R.; Kumar R.; Karjagi C.G.; Sekhar J.C.; Vayas M.; Yathish K.R.; Singh A.; Mukri G.; Rakshit S. (2022). Potential use of random and linked SSR markers in establishing the true heterotic pattern in maize (Zea mays), Crop and Pasture Science, () DOI
2022 Bhatia A.; Chug A.; Singh A.P.; Singh D. (2022). A hybrid approach for noise reduction-based optimal classifier using genetic algorithm: A case study in plant disease prediction, Intelligent Data Analysis, 26(4) DOI
2022 Kumar K.; Dey A.; Rose M.K.; Dahiya S.S. (2022). MODULATING FEED DIGESTION AND METHANE PRODUCTION BY EUCALYPTUS (Eucalyptus citriodora) LEAVES ESSENTIAL OILS IN WATER BUFFALO (Bubalus bubalis), Buffalo Bulletin, 41(1) DOI
2022 Kushwaha N.L.; Rajput J.; Sena D.R.; Elbeltagi A.; Singh D.K.; Mani I. (2022). Evaluation of Data-driven Hybrid Machine Learning Algorithms for Modelling Daily Reference Evapotranspiration, Atmosphere - Ocean, 60(5) DOI
2022 Sidharthan V.K.; Baranwal V.K. (2022). Dwarf polish wheat hosts a novel closterovirus: Revelation by transcriptome data-mining, Acta Virologica, 66(2) DOI
2022 Kumar A.; Ladha A.; Choudhury A.; Ikbal A.M.A.; Bhattacharjee B.; Das T.; Gupta G.; Sharma C.; Sarbajna A.; Mandal S.C.; Choudhury M.D.; Ali N.; Slama P.; Rezaei N.; Palit P.; Tiwari O.N. (2022). The chimera of S1 and N proteins of SARS-CoV-2: can it be a potential vaccine candidate for COVID-19?, Expert Review of Vaccines, 21(8) DOI
2022 Sircaik S.; Dhiman K.; Gambhir G.; Kumar P.; Srivastava D.K. (2022). Transgenic Implications for Biotic and Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Agricultural Crops, Agricultural Biotechnology: Latest Research and Trends, () DOI
2022 Salari H.; Antil R.S.; Saharawat Y.S. (2022). Responses of onion plant growth and seed yield to mother bulb production conditions, Acta Fytotechnica et Zootechnica, 25(1) DOI
2022 Shekhawat K.; Rathore S.S.; Babu S.; Raj R.; Chauhan B.S. (2022). Exploring alternatives for assessing and improving herbicide use in intensive agroecosystems of South Asia: A review, Advances in Weed Science, 40(spe1) DOI
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2022 Kolli M.K.; Opp C.; Karthe D.; Pradhan B. (2022). Automatic extraction of large-scale aquaculture encroachment areas using Canny Edge Otsu algorithm in Google earth engine–the case study of Kolleru Lake, South India, Geocarto International, 37(26) DOI
2022 Santoyo G.; Kumar A.; Aamir M.; Uthandi S. (2022). Mitigation of Plant Abiotic Stress by Microorganisms: Applicability and Future Directions, Mitigation of Plant Abiotic Stress by Microorganisms: Applicability and Future Directions, () DOI
2022 Singh J.; Aggarwal R.; Saini D.K.; Kashyap R.; Kumar S.; Chopra Y.; Sandhu K.S.; Goraya M. (2022). Omics technologies for agricultural microbiology research, Trends of Applied Microbiology for Sustainable Economy, () DOI
2022 Singh A.P.; Sahu P.; Chug A.; Singh D. (2022). A Systematic Literature Review of Machine Learning Techniques Deployed in Agriculture: A Case Study of Banana Crop, IEEE Access, 10() DOI
2022 Burman R.R.; Mahra G.S.; Singh A.K.; Mallick S.; Anand A.; Vashisth A.; Mishra G.; Shekhawat K.; Somvanshi V.; Rudra S.G.; Sangwan S.; Kumar B.; Das A.K. (2022). ‘Pusa Samachar’: an innovative multimedia-based extension advisory model, Current Science, 123(4) DOI
2022 Mondal P.; Laishram R.; Pal K.; Sarkar P.; Kumar R.; Karmakar R.; Hazra D.K.; Banerjee K.; Choudhury A. (2022). Plant essential oil-based nanoemulsions: A novel asset in the crop protection arsenal, Agricultural Nanobiotechnology: Biogenic Nanoparticles, Nanofertilizers and Nanoscale Biocontrol Agents, () DOI
2022 Bandeppa S.; Chandra P.; Santosh S.; Saritha M.; Sangwan S.; Bagul S.Y. (2022). Plant growth-promoting microorganism-mediated abiotic stress resilience in crop plants, Trends of Applied Microbiology for Sustainable Economy, () DOI
2022 Roy A.K.; Malaviya D.R.; Kaushal P.; Mahanta S.K.; Tewari R.; Chauhan R.; Chandra A. (2022). Intraspecific genetic variation among Sehima nervosum genotypes in relation to agro-climatic diversity, Crop and Pasture Science, () DOI
2022 Jangir C.K.; Thakur A.; Bijani H.; Thakur P.; Kumar S.; Meena R.S.; Bedwal S.; Rani K.; Shukla U.N.; Meena A.K.; Dev P. (2022). Residual nitrogen for succeeding crops in legume-based cropping system, Advances in Legumes for Sustainable Intensification, () DOI
2022 Bashyal B.M.; Kharayat B.S.; Parmar P.; Gupta A.K.; Dubey S.C.; Aggarwal R. (2022). Influence of Temperature on the Pathogenesis and Gene Expression of Rhizoctonia solani Causing Web Blight/Wet Root Rot Disease in Mungbean, Legume Research, 45(1) DOI
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2022 Patra A.; Sharma V.K.; Nath D.J.; Purakayastha T.J.; Barman M.; Kumar S.; Chobhe K.A.; Dutta A.; Anil A.S. (2022). Impact of long term integrated nutrient management (INM) practice on aluminium dynamics and nutritional quality of rice under acidic Inceptisol, Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 68(1) DOI
2022 Nanjundan J.; Aravind J.; Radhamani J.; Singh K.H.; Kumar A.; Thakur A.K.; Singh K.; Meena K.N.; Tyagi R.K.; Singh D. (2022). Development of Indian mustard [Brassica juncea (L.) Czern.] core collection based on agro-morphological traits, Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 69(1) DOI
2022 Gangaraj R.; Nagaraja A.; Gaba S.; Das A.; Prameeladevi T.; Prameeladevi; Debbarma R.; Choudhary S.P.; Kumari A.; Kamil D. (2022). Occurrence, identification and pathogenicity of Fusarium species associated with guava wilt disease in India, Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection, 55(2) DOI
2022 Chandra S.; Talukdar A.; Taak Y.; Yadav R.R.; Saini M.; Sipani N.S. (2022). Seed longevity studies in wild type, cultivated and inter-specific recombinant inbred lines (RILs) of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.], Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 69(1) DOI
2022 Kokkat J.G.; Shelvy S.; Fayad A.M.; Shabeer T. P A.; Umadevi P.; Kale R.; Angadi U.B.; Iquebal M.A.; Jaiswal S.; Rai A.; Kumar D. (2022). In silico assisted identification of peppery aroma compound ‘rotundone’ backbone genes from black pepper, Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, 40(14) DOI
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2022 Nazari A.H.; Nebapure S.M.; Rana V.S.; Shakil N.A. (2022). Chemical composition and fumigation toxicity of essential oil from Murraya paniculata L. (Jack) against almond moth, Cadra cautella (Walker), Allelopathy Journal, 55(1) DOI
2022 Vishwanath; Kumar S.; Purakayastha T.J.; Datta S.P.; K.G R.; Mahapatra P.; Sinha S.K.; Yadav S.P. (2022). Impact of forty-seven years of long-term fertilization and liming on soil health, yield of soybean and wheat in an acidic Alfisol, Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 68(4) DOI
2022 Baruah V.J.; Paul R.; Gogoi D.; Mazumder N.; Chakraborty S.; Das A.; Mondal T.K.; Sarmah B. (2022). Integrated computational approach toward discovery of multi-targeted natural products from Thumbai (Leucas aspera) for attuning NKT cells, Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, 40(7) DOI
2022 Muralikrishnan L.; Padaria R.N.; Choudhary A.K.; Dass A.; Shokralla S.; Zin El-Abedin T.K.; Abdelmohsen S.A.M.; Mahmoud E.A.; Elansary H.O. (2022). Climate change-induced drought impacts, adaptation and mitigation measures in semi-arid pastoral and agricultural watersheds, Sustainability, 14(1) DOI
2022 Prajapati M.R.; Manav A.; Singh J.; Kumar P.; Kumar A.; Kumar R.; Prakash S.; Baranwal V.K. (2022). Identification and Characterization of a Garlic Virus E Genome in Garlic (Allium sativum L.) Using High-Throughput Sequencing from India, Plants-Basel, 11(2) DOI
2022 Chopra S.; Müller N.; Dhingra D.; Mani I.; Kaushik T.; Kumar A.; Beaudry R. (2022). A mathematical description of evaporative cooling potential for perishables storage in India, Postharvest Biology and Technology, 183() DOI
2022 Sepat S.; Pavuluri K.; Singh V.; Kumawat A.; Kumar D. (2022). Effect of irrigation and nitrogen management on yield, nutrient uptake and water productivity of direct–seeded rice in India, Journal of Plant Nutrition, 45(19) DOI
2022 Kumar R.; Harikrishna; Barman D.; Ghimire O.P.; Gurumurthy S.; Singh P.K.; Chinnusamy V.; Padaria J.C.; Arora A. (2022). Stay-green trait serves as yield stability attribute under combined heat and drought stress in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Plant Growth Regulation, 96(1) DOI
2022 Katoch S.; Sharma V.; Sharma D.; Salwan R.; Rana S.K. (2022). Biology and molecular interactions of Parastagonospora nodorum blotch of wheat, Planta, 255(1) DOI
2022 Gore P.G.; Gupta V.; Singh R.; Tripathi K.; Kumar R.; Kumari G.; Madhavan L.; Dikshit H.K.; Venkateswaran K.; Pandey A.; Singh N.; Bhat K.V.; Nair R.M.; Pratap A. (2022). Insights into the genetic diversity of an underutilized Indian legume, Vigna stipulacea (Lam.) Kuntz., using morphological traits and microsatellite markers, PLoS ONE, 17(01-Jan) DOI
2022 Pal R.; Meena N.K.; Pant R.P.; Dayamma M. (2022). Cymbidium: Botany, Production, and Uses, Reference Series in Phytochemistry, () DOI
2022 Sahoo D.; Mandal A.; Mandal P.; Set J. (2022). Quest for the quenching and binding mode of functionalized ZnO QDs with calf thymus DNA: Biophysical and in silico molecular modelling approach, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 422() DOI
2022 Chopra I.; Singh S.B. (2022). Kinetics and equilibrium study for adsorptive removal of cationic dye using agricultural waste-raw and modified cob husk, International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 102(18) DOI
2022 Ranva S.; Singh Y.V.; Jain N.; Bana R.S.; Bana R.C.; Aseri G.K.; Madar R.; Shokralla S.; Mahmoud E.A.; El-Sabrout A.M.; Elansary H.O. (2022). Impact of Safe Rock® Minerals, Mineral Fertilizers, and Manure on the Quantity and Quality of the Wheat Yield in the Rice–Wheat Cropping System, Plants-Basel, 11(2) DOI
2022 Reddy M.G.; Rao G.P. (2022). Duplex PCR assay for detection of chickpea chlorotic dwarf virus and peanut witches’ broom phytoplasma in chickpea, 3 Biotech, 12(1) DOI
2022 Nigam S.; Jain R.; Prakash S.; Marwaha S.; Arora A.; Singh V.K.; Singh A.K.; Prakasha T.L. (2022). Wheat Disease Severity Estimation: A Deep Learning Approach, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 340 LNNS() DOI
2022 Bhanushree N.; Saha P.; Tomar B.S.; Munshi A.D. (2022). Phomopsis blight in eggplant and strategies to manage through resistance breeding, Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 97(1) DOI
2022 Bana R.C.; Gupta A.K.; Bana R.S.; Shivay Y.S.; Bamboriya S.D.; Thakur N.P.; Puniya R.; Gupta M.; Jakhar S.R.; Kailash; Choudhary R.S.; Bochalya R.S.; Bajaya T.; Kumar V.; Kumar P.; Choudhary A.K. (2022). Zinc-coated urea for enhanced zinc biofortification, nitrogen use efficiency and yield of basmati rice under typic fluvents, Sustainability, 14(1) DOI
2022 Verma S.; Chug A.; Singh R.P.; Singh A.P.; Singh D. (2022). SE-CapsNet: Automated evaluation of plant disease severity based on feature extraction through Squeeze and Excitation (SE) networks and Capsule networks, Kuwait Journal of Science, 49(1) DOI
2022 Jeet P.; Singh D.K.; Sarangi A.; Mali S.S.; Singh A.K. (2022). Delineation of potential water harvesting site for agriculture water planning in Betwa basin of India using geospatial and analytical hierarchical process technique, Geocarto International, 37(25) DOI
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2022 Dhakar R.; Sehgal V.K.; Chakraborty D.; Sahoo R.N.; Mukherjee J.; Ines A.V.M.; Kumar S.N.; Shirsath P.B.; Roy S.B. (2022). Field scale spatial wheat yield forecasting system under limited field data availability by integrating crop simulation model with weather forecast and satellite remote sensing, Agricultural Systems, 195() DOI
2022 Rajendran G.; Datta S.P.; Singh R.D.; Datta S.C.; Vakada M. (2022). Synthesis and characterization of ZnO nanoparticles–comparison of acetate (precursor) based methods, Inorganic and Nano-Metal Chemistry, 52(2) DOI
2022 Moharana P.C.; Biswas D.R. (2022). Phosphorus Delivery Potential in Soil Amended with Rock Phosphate Enriched Composts of Variable Crop Residues under Wheat–Green Gram Cropping Sequence, Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 53(8) DOI
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2022 Jabborova D.; Choudhary R.; Azimov A.; Jabbarov Z.; Selim S.; Abu-Elghait M.; Desouky S.E.; El Azab I.H.; Alsuhaibani A.M.; Khattab A.; Elsaied A. (2022). Composition of Zingiber officinale Roscoe (Ginger), Soil Properties and Soil Enzyme Activities Grown in Different Concentration of Mineral Fertilizers, Horticulturae, 8(1) DOI
2022 Kumar R.; Paul V.; Pandey R.; Sahoo R.N.; Gupta V.K. (2022). Reflectance based non-destructive determination of colour and ripeness of tomato fruits, Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, 28(1) DOI
2022 Mishra G.P.; Aski M.S.; Bosamia T.; Chaurasia S.; Mishra D.C.; Bhati J.; Kumar A.; Javeria S.; Tripathi K.; Kohli M.; Kumar R.R.; Singh A.K.; Devi J.; Kumar S.; Dikshit H.K. (2022). Insights into the Host-Pathogen Interaction Pathways through RNA-Seq Analysis of Lens culinaris Medik. in Response to Rhizoctonia bataticola Infection, Genes, 13(1) DOI
2022 Saini D.K.; Chopra Y.; Singh J.; Sandhu K.S.; Kumar A.; Bazzer S.; Srivastava P. (2022). Comprehensive evaluation of mapping complex traits in wheat using genome-wide association studies, Molecular Breeding, 42(1) DOI
2022 Mukhopadhyay R.; Sarkar B.; Khan E.; Alessi D.S.; Biswas J.K.; Manjaiah K.M.; Eguchi M.; Wu K.C.W.; Yamauchi Y.; Ok Y.S. (2022). Nanomaterials for sustainable remediation of chemical contaminants in water and soil, Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 52(15) DOI
2022 Chandel R.; Sadashiva A.T.; Ravishankar K.V.; Das A.; Rout B.M.; Singh S. (2022). Genetic combining, heterosis analysis for horticultural traits in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) using ToLCV-resistant lines and molecular validation of Ty genes, Plant Genetic Resources-Characterization and Utilization, () DOI
2022 Basak B.B.; Maity A.; Ray P.; Biswas D.R.; Roy S. (2022). Potassium supply in agriculture through biological potassium fertilizer: a promising and sustainable option for developing countries, Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 68(1) DOI
2022 Tribhuvan K.U.; Kaila T.; Srivastava H.; Das A.; Kumar K.; Durgesh K.; Joshi R.; Singh B.K.; Singh N.K.; Gaikwad K. (2022). Structural and functional analysis of CCT family genes in pigeonpea, Molecular Biology Reports, 49(1) DOI
2022 Basavalingaiah K.; Paramesh V.; Parajuli R.; Girisha H.C.; Shivaprasad M.; Vidyashree G.V.; Thoma G.; Hanumanthappa M.; Yogesh G.S.; Misra S.D.; Bhat S.; Irfan M.M.; Rajanna G.A. (2022). Energy flow and life cycle impact assessment of coffee-pepper production systems: An evaluation of conventional, integrated and organic farms in India, Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 92() DOI
2022 Kalwani M.; Chakdar H.; Srivastava A.; Pabbi S.; Shukla P. (2022). Effects of nanofertilizers on soil and plant-associated microbial communities: Emerging trends and perspectives, Chemosphere (Chemosphere - Global Change Science), 287() DOI
2022 Narayana S.; Chander S.; Doddachowdappa S.; Sabtharishi S.; Divekar P. (2022). Seasonal variation in population and biochemical contents of brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stål), Journal of Environmental Biology, 43(1) DOI
2022 Patanjali P.; Mandal A.; Chopra I.; Singh R. (2022). Adsorption of cationic dyes onto biopolymer-bentonite composites: kinetics and isotherm studies, International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 102(19) DOI
2022 Tikendra L.; Apana N.; Potshangbam A.M.; Amom T.; Choudhary R.; Sanayaima R.; Dey A.; Nongdam P. (2022). Dendrobium sp.: In vitro Propagation of Genetically Stable Plants and Ethnomedicinal Uses, Reference Series in Phytochemistry, () DOI
2022 Kuriachen P.; Suresh A.; Aditya K.S.; Venkatesh P.; Sen B.; Yeligar S.S. (2022). Irrigation development and equity implications: the case of India, International Journal of Water Resources Development, 38(3) DOI
2022 Chauhan H.S.; Chhabra R.; Rashmi T.; Muthusamy V.; Zunjare R.U.; Mishra S.J.; Gain N.; Mehta B.K.; Singh A.K.; Gupta H.S.; Hossain F. (2022). Impact of vte4 and crtRB1 genes on composition of vitamin-E and provitamin-A carotenoids during kernel-stages in sweet corn, Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 105() DOI
2022 Faiz M.A.; Bana R.S.; Choudhary A.K.; Laing A.M.; Bansal R.; Bhatia A.; Bana R.C.; Singh Y.V.; Kumar V.; Bamboriya S.D.; Padaria R.N.; Khaswan S.L.; Dabas J.P.S. (2022). Zero Tillage, Residue Retention and System-Intensification with Legumes for Enhanced Pearl Millet Productivity and Mineral Biofortification, Sustainability, 14(1) DOI
2022 Chatterjee M.; Yadav J.; Rathinam M.; Karthik K.; Chowdhary G.; Sreevathsa R.; Rao U. (2022). Amenability of Maruca vitrata (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) to gene silencing through exogenous administration and host-delivered dsRNA in pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan L.), Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, 28(1) DOI
2022 Ragi S.; Muthusamy V.; Zunjare R.U.; Bhatt V.; Katral A.; Abhijith K.P.; Kasana R.; Gain N.; Sekhar J.C.; Yadava D.K.; Hossain F. (2022). Genetic and molecular characterisation of subtropically adapted low-phytate genotypes for utilisation in mineral biofortification of maize (Zea mays), Crop and Pasture Science, 73(2) DOI
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2022 Singh R.K.; Bhardwaj R.; Sureja A.K.; Kumar A.; Singh A.; Hazarika B.N.; Hussain S.M.; Singh A.; Lego Y.J.; Rallen O. (2022). Livelihood resilience in the face of multiple stressors: biocultural resource-based adaptive strategies among the vulnerable communities, Sustainability Science, 17(1) DOI
2022 Nayak H.S.; Silva J.V.; Parihar C.M.; Kakraliya S.K.; Krupnik T.J.; Bijarniya D.; Jat M.L.; Sharma P.C.; Jat H.S.; Sidhu H.S.; Sapkota T.B. (2022). Rice yield gaps and nitrogen-use efficiency in the Northwestern Indo-Gangetic Plains of India: Evidence based insights from heterogeneous farmers’ practices, Field Crops Research, 275() DOI
2022 Kumari U.; Singh N. (2022). Ash and biochar mixed biomixtures for adsorption of atrazine and fipronil in the biopurification system, International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 102(19) DOI
2022 Bairwa N.K.; Jambhulkar P.P.; Sushmitha V.; Arya M.; Manjunatha N.; Bajpai R.; Singh D.; Mani C.; Kumar S.; Chaturvedi S.K.; Lakshman D. (2022). Evaluation of fungicides and bacterial antagonists for management of Corynespora leaf spot on mungbean (Vigna radiata L. Wilczek), Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection, 55(4) DOI
2022 Meena V.; Sharma S.; Kaur G.; Singh B.; Pandey A.K. (2022). Diverse functions of plant zinc-induced facilitator-like transporter for their emerging roles in crop trait enhancement, Plants, 11(1) DOI
2022 Ghemeray H.; Kumar R.; Behera T.K.; Sharma V.K.; Singh S.; Bhatia R.; Dey S.S. (2022). Genetic architecture, physio-biochemical characterization and identification of elite cytoplasmic male sterile (pt-CMS) based combiners in developing antioxidant-rich carrot, Plant Genetic Resources-Characterization and Utilization, () DOI
2022 Pecoraro L.; Wang X.; Shah D.; Song X.; Kumar V.; Shakoor A.; Tripathi K.; Ramteke P.W.; Rani R. (2022). Biosynthesis Pathways, Transport Mechanisms and Biotechnological Applications of Fungal Siderophores, Journal of Fungi, 8(1) DOI
2022 Sharma P.; Singh N.; Singh S.; Khare S.K.; Nain P.K.S.; Nain L. (2022). Potent γ-amino butyric acid producing psychobiotic Lactococcus lactis LP-68 from non-rhizospheric soil of Syzygium cumini (Black plum), Archives of Microbiology, 204(1) DOI
2022 Thakur M.; Praveen S.; Divte P.R.; Mitra R.; Kumar M.; Gupta C.K.; Kalidindi U.; Bansal R.; Roy S.; Anand A.; Singh B. (2022). Metal tolerance in plants: Molecular and physicochemical interface determines the “not so heavy effect” of heavy metals, Chemosphere (Chemosphere - Global Change Science), 287() DOI
2022 Siddhartha; Verma A.; Bashyal B.M.; Gogoi R.; Kumar R. (2022). New nano-fungicides for the management of sheath blight disease (Rhizoctonia solani) in rice, International Journal of Pest Management, 68(3) DOI
2022 Bahuguna R.N.; Chaturvedi A.K.; Pal M.; Viswanathan C.; Krishna Jagadish S.V.; Pareek A. (2022). Carbon dioxide responsiveness mitigates rice yield loss under high night temperature, Plant Physiology, 188(1) DOI
2022 Mondal S.; Chakraborty D. (2022). Global meta-analysis suggests that no-tillage favourably changes soil structure and porosity, Geoderma, 405() DOI
2022 Saini V.; Dey D. (2022). The solitary wasp genus Piyuma Pate, 1944 (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae: Crabroninae) in India, with description of a new species, Oriental Insects, 56(3) DOI
2022 Bana R.S.; Bamboriya S.D.; Padaria R.N.; Dhakar R.K.; Khaswan S.L.; Choudhary R.L.; Bamboriya J.S. (2022). Planting Period Effects on Wheat Productivity and Water Footprints: Insights through Adaptive Trials and APSIM Simulations, Agronomy-Basel, 12(1) DOI
2022 Sujayasree O.J.; Chaitanya A.K.; Bhoite R.; Pandiselvam R.; Kothakota A.; Gavahian M.; Mousavi Khaneghah A. (2022). Ozone: An Advanced Oxidation Technology to Enhance Sustainable Food Consumption through Mycotoxin Degradation, Ozone: Science and Engineering, 44(1) DOI
2022 Kumar S.; Sharma A.; K.G R.; Sharma V.K.; Sinha S.K.; Kumar D.; Dwivedi N.; Vishwanath (2022). Medium-term Impact of Organic and Microbial Fertilization on Production Efficiency and Fertility of Soil in an Apple Production System under North West Himalayan Region, Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 53(3) DOI
2022 Vijay Rakesh Reddy S.; Sudhakar Rao D.V.; Sharma R.R.; Preethi P.; Pandiselvam R. (2022). Role of Ozone in Post-Harvest Disinfection and Processing of Horticultural Crops: A Review, Ozone: Science and Engineering, 44(1) DOI
2022 Verma R.; Verma A.; Tripathi S. (2022). Bitter gourd and bottle gourd—new natural hosts of Candidatus Phytoplasma trifolii (16SrVI-D), Australasian Plant Pathology, 51(1) DOI
2022 Prajapati M.R.; Manav A.; Singh J.; Singh M.K.; Ranjan K.; Kumar A.; Kumar P.; Kumar R.; Baranwal V.K. (2022). Identification of Garlic virus A infecting Allium sativum L. through next generation sequencing technology, Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 97(1) DOI
2022 Kapoor C.; Chaudhary H.K.; Sharma P.; Relan A.; Manoj N.V.; Singh K.; Sood V.K. (2022). In-vivo haploid induction potential of Himalayan maize (Zea mays) and cogon grass (Imperata cylindrica) gene pools in different segregational cycles of intra and inter-generic crosses of wheat, Plant Genetic Resources-Characterization and Utilization, () DOI
2022 Ambaye T.G.; Vaccari M.; Prasad S.; van Hullebusch E.D.; Rtimi S. (2022). Preparation and applications of chitosan and cellulose composite materials, Journal of Environmental Management, 301() DOI
2022 Nishmitha K.; Dubey S.C.; Kamil D. (2022). Diversity analysis of different Diaporthe (Phomopsis) species and development of molecular marker to identify quarantine important species Phomopsis phaseolorum, 3 Biotech, 12(1) DOI
2022 Sinduja M.; Sathya V.; Maheswari M.; Dhevagi P.; Kalpana P.; Dinesh G.K.; Prasad S. (2022). Evaluation and speciation of heavy metals in the soil of the Sub Urban Region of Southern India, Soil & Sediment Contamination, 31(8) DOI
2022 Kumawat C.; Sharma V.K.; Barman M.; Meena M.C.; Dwivedi B.S.; Kumar S.; Chakraborty D.; Anil A.S.; Patra A. (2022). Phosphorus Forms under Crop Residue Retention and Phosphorus Fertilization in Maize–Wheat Rotation, Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 53(2) DOI
2021 Mandi S.; Nayak S.; Shivay Y.S.; Singh B.R. (2021). Soil organic matter: Bioavailability and biofortification of essential micronutrients, Soil Organic Matter and Feeding the Future: Environmental and Agronomic Impacts, () DOI
2021 Kumar B.; Singh S.B.; Singh V.; Kumar R.; Rakshit S.; Neelam S.; Das S.; Mahajan V.; Kamboj M.C.; Choudhary M.; Das A.; Kumar P.; Yatish K.; Gupta H.S.; Bist G.S.; Pant S.K.; Pant M.C.; Kumar S.; Sekhar J.C.; Hooda K.S.; Singh A.K.; Jat S.L.; Parihar C.M.; Singh B.K.; Meenakshi (2021). Newly released high yielding single cross quality protein maize, popcorn and baby corn hybrids for different ecologies of India, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(12) DOI
2021 Patel S.K.; Mani I.; Gupta P.; Srivastava A.P.; Sundaram P.K. (2021). Models for crop parameters due to normal load of tractor and number of passes, Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal, 23(4) DOI
2021 Rajpoot S.K.; Rana D.S.; Choudhary A.K. (2021). Crop and water productivity, energy auditing, carbon footprints and soil health indicators of Bt-cotton transplanting led system intensification, Journal of Environmental Management, 300() DOI
2021 Makadiya K.; Purohit R.C.; Rajput J.; Dimple; Rai A.; Elbeltagi A. (2021). Socio-economic analysis of Baroda branch canal of Som Kamla Amba irrigation project, Dungarpur, Rajasthan, Environment Conservation Journal, 22(3) DOI
2021 Jain R.; Kumar P.; Singh B.; Hiremath V.M.; Tiwari A.K.; Sindhu S.S. (2021). Efficacy of 5-sulpho salicylic acid to improve vase life of gladiolus, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(12) DOI
2021 Kumar P.; Sethi S. (2021). Impact of chitosan on quality and storability of plums (Prunus salicina) under supermarket conditions, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(12) DOI
2021 Sarkar S.; Kalia V.K. (2021). Characterization of native Bacillus thuringiensis strains against Spodoptera litura and Spodoptera exigua, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(12) DOI
2021 Gupta D.; Singh O.W.; Basavaraj Y.B.; Roy A.; Mukherjee S.K.; Mandal B. (2021). Direct Foliar Application of dsRNA Derived From the Full-Length Gene of NSs of Groundnut Bud Necrosis Virus Limits Virus Accumulation and Symptom Expression, Frontiers in Plant Science, 12() DOI
2021 Moulick D.; Samanta S.; Sarkar S.; Mukherjee A.; Pattnaik B.K.; Saha S.; Awasthi J.P.; Bhowmick S.; Ghosh D.; Samal A.C.; Mahanta S.; Mazumder M.K.; Choudhury S.; Bramhachari K.; Biswas J.K.; Santra S.C. (2021). Arsenic contamination, impact and mitigation strategies in rice agro-environment: An inclusive insight, Science of the Total Environment, 800() DOI
2021 Kavitha H.N.; Kumar P.; Anbukkani P.; Burman R.R. (2021). Impact of direct cash transfer scheme on production and efficiency of groundnut cultivation in Karnataka, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(12) DOI
2021 Kassam R.; Yadav J.; Chawla G.; Kundu A.; Hada A.; Jaiswal N.; Bollinedi H.; Kamil D.; Devi P.; Rao U. (2021). Identification, Characterization, and Evaluation of Nematophagous Fungal Species of Arthrobotrys and Tolypocladium for the Management of Meloidogyne incognita, Frontiers in Microbiology, 12() DOI
2021 Singh K.; Awasthi O.P.; Singh A.; Prusty R.; Yadav P. (2021). Irradiation effect on leaf sclerophylly, gas exchange and stomata in sweet orange (Citrus sinensis), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(12) DOI
2021 Gore P.G.; Das A.; Bhardwaj R.; Tripathi K.; Pratap A.; Dikshit H.K.; Bhattacharya S.; Nair R.M.; Gupta V. (2021). Understanding G × E Interaction for Nutritional and Antinutritional Factors in a Diverse Panel of Vigna stipulacea (Lam.) Kuntz Germplasm Tested Over the Locations, Frontiers in Plant Science, 12() DOI
2021 Mourya K.K.; Jena R.K.; Ray P.; Ramachandran S.; Sharma G.K.; Hota S.; Ray S.K. (2021). Profile distribution of soil organic carbon fractions under different landforms in the Meghalaya plateau of India, Environment Conservation Journal, 22(3) DOI
2021 Jabborova D.; Ma H.; Bellingrath-Kimura S.D.; Wirth S. (2021). Impacts of biochar on basil (Ocimum basilicum) growth, root morphological traits, plant biochemical and physiological properties and soil enzymatic activities, Scientia Horticulturae, 290() DOI
2021 Kumar S.; Kaur S.; Seem K.; Kumar S.; Mohapatra T. (2021). Understanding 3D Genome Organization and Its Effect on Transcriptional Gene Regulation Under Environmental Stress in Plant: A Chromatin Perspective, Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 9() DOI
2021 Das A.; Layek J.; Yadav G.S.; Lal R.; Saha S.; Singh R.; Ansari M.A.; Babu S.; Mohapatra K.P.; Devi S.; Kandpal B.K.; Ghosh P.K. (2021). Managing soil organic carbon in croplands of the Eastern Himalayas, India, Soil Organic Matter and Feeding the Future: Environmental and Agronomic Impacts, () DOI
2021 Yadav K.K.; Krishnan S.; Gupta N.; Prasad S.; Amin M.A.; Cabral-Pinto M.M.S.; Sharma G.K.; Marzouki R.; Jeon B.-H.; Kumar S.; Singh N.; Kumar A.; Rezania S.; Islam S. (2021). Review on Evaluation of Renewable Bioenergy Potential for Sustainable Development: Bright Future in Energy Practice in India, ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, 9(48) DOI
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2021 Jose S.; Mishra A.K.; Lodhi N.K.; Sharma S.K.; Singh S. (2021). Characteristics of Aerosol Size Distributions and New Particle Formation Events at Delhi: An Urban Location in the Indo-Gangetic Plains, Frontiers in Earth Science, 9() DOI
2021 Jagdale S.; Rao U.; Giri A.P. (2021). Effectors of Root-Knot Nematodes: An Arsenal for Successful Parasitism, Frontiers in Plant Science, 12() DOI
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2021 Surve A.P.; Chandanshive A.V.; Bhalekar M.N.; Joshi V.R.; Khade Y.P.; Kumar B. (2021). Effect of phule micronutrient mixture grade I application on growth and yield of kharif onion (Allium cepa), Indian Journal of Agronomy, 66(4) DOI
2021 Chaudhary M.; Verma S.; Kumar A.; Basavaraj Y.B.; Tiwari P.; Singh S.; Chauhan S.K.; Kumar P.; Singh S.P. (2021). Graphene oxide based electrochemical immunosensor for rapid detection of groundnut bud necrosis orthotospovirus in agricultural crops, Talanta, 235() DOI
2021 Yadav R.K.; Shakil N.A.; Rana V.S. (2021). Phytochemistry and biological activity of hot and sweet Capsicum species: A review, Medicinal Plants, 13(4) DOI
2021 Jain N.; Batra R.; Saripalli G.; Sinha N.; Rani S.; Sharma J.B.; Gautam T.; Prasad P.; Balyan H.S.; Gupta P.K. (2021). Methylome changes during Lr48-mediated APR for leaf rust in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 116() DOI
2021 Mahapatra B.S.; Bhupenchandra I.; Devi S.H.; Kumar A.; Chongtham S.K.; Singh R.; Babu S.; Bora S.S.; Devi E.L.; Verma G. (2021). Aerobic Rice and its significant perspective for sustainable crop production, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 66(4) DOI
2021 Rajput V.D.; Singh A.; Minkina T.; Rawat S.; Mandzhieva S.; Sushkova S.; Shuvaeva V.; Nazarenko O.; Rajput P.; Komariah; Verma K.K.; Singh A.K.; Rao M.; Upadhyay S.K. (2021). Nano-enabled products: Challenges and opportunities for sustainable agriculture, Plants, 10(12) DOI
2021 Kumar S.; Dhar S.; Barthakur S.; Rajawat M.V.S.; Kochewad S.A.; Kumar S.; Kumar D.; Meena L.R. (2021). Farmyard Manure as K-Fertilizer Modulates Soil Biological Activities and Yield of Wheat Using the Integrated Fertilization Approach, Frontiers in Environmental Science, 9() DOI
2021 Ahuja A.; Somvanshi V.S. (2021). A Protocol for Obtaining PCR-Quality DNA from Formalin Preserved Cysts of Potato Cyst Nematode Globodera rostochiensis, Indian Journal of Nematology, 51(2) DOI
2021 Debbarma R.; Kamil D.; Maya Bashyal B.; Choudhary S.P.; Thokla P. (2021). First report of root rot disease on Solanum lycopersicum L. caused by Fusarium vanettenii in India, Journal of Phytopathology, 169(11-Dec) DOI
2021 Shweta; Singh J.; Kashyap P.; Kumar P.; Kumar R.; Panwar A.S.; Baranwal V.K. (2021). Molecular identification of citrus greening bacterium associated with Kinnow Mandarin in Western Uttar Pradesh, India, Indian Phytopathology, 74(4) DOI
2021 Priya J.; Pandurangam V. (2021). Induction of antioxidant system in response to cadmium imparts tolerance to toxicity stress in Brassica, Plant Physiology Reports (Indian Journal of Plant Physiology), 26(4) DOI
2021 Shaloo; Singh R.P.; Jain R.; Bisht H. (2021). Assessment of spatial variability of soil properties in Haryana using GIS, Annals of Agri Bio Research, 26(2) DOI
2021 Kaur S.; Thukral S.K.; Kaur P.; Samota M.K. (2021). Perturbations associated with hungry gut microbiome and postbiotic perspectives to strengthen the microbiome health, Future Foods, 4() DOI
2021 Watpade S.; Kumar R.; Pramanick K.K.; Shukla A.K.; Kumar J.; Mhatre P.H.; Sharma U. (2021). Management of premature leaf fall (Marssonina coronaria) of apple with new generation fungicides in the North-Western Himalayan Region of India, Journal of Phytopathology, 169(11-Dec) DOI
2021 Reddy B.; Kumar A.; Mehta S.; Sheoran N.; Chinnusamy V.; Prakash G. (2021). Hybrid de novo genome-reassembly reveals new insights on pathways and pathogenicity determinants in rice blast pathogen Magnaporthe oryzae RMg_Dl, Scientific Reports, 11(1) DOI
2021 Maurya P.K.; Ali S.A.; Alharbi R.S.; Yadav K.K.; Alfaisal F.M.; Ahmad A.; Ditthakit P.; Prasad S.; Jung Y.-K.; Jeon B.-H. (2021). Impacts of land use change on water quality index in the upper ganges river near haridwar, uttarakhand: A gis-based analysis, Water, 13(24) DOI
2021 Hada A.; Singh D.; Papolu P.K.; Banakar P.; Raj A.; Rao U. (2021). Host-mediated RNAi for simultaneous silencing of different functional groups of genes in Meloidogyne incognita using fusion cassettes in Nicotiana tabacum, Plant Cell Reports, 40(12) DOI
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2021 Sharma V.; Choudhary M.; Kumar P.; Choudhary J.R.; Khokhar J.S.; Kaushik P.; Goli S. (2021). Harnessing the wild relatives and landraces for fe and zn biofortification in wheat through genetic interventions—a review, Sustainability (Switzerland), 13(23) DOI
2021 Rihne T.; Namita; Singh K.P.; Singh M.K.; Talukdar A.; Rao G.P. (2021). Multilocus gene typing, mixed infection of phytoplasma strains associated with rose genotypes and confirmation of their natural reservoir sources, Tropical Plant Pathology, 46(6) DOI
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2021 Singh K.; Aggarwal R.; Sharma S.; Gurjar M.S.; Manjunatha C.; Choudhary M. (2021). Molecular and phenotypic analysis reveals cross infection of Bipolaris species in wheat and rice, Indian Phytopathology, 74(4) DOI
2021 Sajeena A.; Rao G.P.; Mathew D.; John J.; Dhanya M.K.; Ayisha R.; Reddy M.G. (2021). First Report of Candidatus Phytoplasma cynodontis (16SrXIV-A Subgroup) AssociatedWith Cauliflower Phyllody and Flat Stem in India, Plant Disease (Plant Disease Reporter), 105(12) DOI
2021 Yadav G.S.; Babu S.; Das A.; Kandpal B.K.; Kumar S.; Choudhury D.D.; Barman K.K. (2021). Effect of different microenvironment on heat unit requirement and heat use efficiency of different lentil genotypes sown in rice fallow condition, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 66(4) DOI
2021 Kushwaha N.L.; Rajput J.; Elbeltagi A.; Elnaggar A.Y.; Sena D.R.; Vishwakarma D.K.; Mani I.; Hussein E.E. (2021). Data intelligence model and meta‐heuristic algorithms‐based pan evaporation modelling in two different agro‐climatic zones: A case study from northern india, Atmosphere, 12(12) DOI
2021 Kumar M.; Singh S.K.; Singh P.P.; Singh V.K.; Rai A.C.; Srivastava A.K.; Shukla L.; Kesawat M.S.; Kumar Jaiswal A.; Chung S.-M.; Kumar A. (2021). Potential anti-mycobacterium tuberculosis activity of plant secondary metabolites: Insight with molecular docking interactions, Antioxidants, 10(12) DOI
2021 Kumar A.; Yadav A.N.; Mondal R.; Kour D.; Subrahmanyam G.; Shabnam A.A.; Khan S.A.; Yadav K.K.; Sharma G.K.; Cabral-Pinto M.; Fagodiya R.K.; Gupta D.K.; Hota S.; Malyan S.K. (2021). Myco-remediation: A mechanistic understanding of contaminants alleviation from natural environment and future prospect, Chemosphere (Chemosphere - Global Change Science), 284() DOI
2021 Chavhan R.L.; Mondal K.K.; Karuppayil S.M.; Chakrabarty P.K. (2021). Evolution of biotypes within race 18 population of Xanthomonas citri subsp. malvacearum and their predominance in Indian cotton belts, Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 116() DOI
2021 Sahana K.P.; Singh K.; Srivastava A.; Khar A.; Jain N.; Jain P.K.; Vijay D.; Bharti H.; Singh A.K.; Mangal M. (2021). Morphological characterization of floral traits to predict ideal stage for haploid production in bell pepper, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 78(4) DOI
2021 Dorjee L.; Meshram S.; Geetika (2021). Rhizosphere Microbiome and its Impacts on Plant Health, Biopesticides International, 17(2) DOI
2021 Aradwad P.P.; T V A.K.; Sahoo P.K.; Mani I. (2021). Key issues and challenges in spice grinding, Cleaner Engineering and Technology, 5() DOI
2021 Tripathi K.; Gore P.G.; Bansal R.; Gayacharan C.; Shubha K.; Kumar V.; Singh N.; Pandey C.D.; Sharma B.B.; Kumar A. (2021). Identification and revealing the potential traits of the unique germplasm with extended funiculus in pea (Pisum sativum L.), Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 68(8) DOI
2021 Tilgam J.; Kumar K.; Jayaswal D.; Choudhury S.; Kumar A.; Jayaswall K.; Saxena A.K. (2021). Success of microbial genes based transgenic crops: Bt and beyond Bt, Molecular Biology Reports, 48(12) DOI
2021 Choudhary P.; Khan S.A.; Khan A.S.; Kumar S.; Malav L.C. (2021). AIR POLLUTION TOLERANCE INDEX OF WHEAT AND RICE IN THE PROXIMITY OF GAS BASED POWER PLANT, Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences, 9(6) DOI
2021 Kumar N.; Kushwah A.S.; Gupta S. (2021). Effect of pH on Persistence and Degradation of Cyantraniliprole in Aqueous Media, Pesticide Research Journal, 33(2) DOI
2021 Kumar P.; Sethi S.; Varghese E. (2021). Impact of carboxymethyl cellulose coating functionalized with browning inhibitors for maintaining quality attributes of fresh-cut pineapple cubes, Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 45(12) DOI
2021 Kumar G.; Suman A.; Lal S.; Ram R.A.; Bhatt P.; Pandey G.; Chaudhary P.; Rajan S. (2021). Bacterial structure and dynamics in mango (Mangifera indica) orchards after long term organic and conventional treatments under subtropical ecosystem, Scientific Reports, 11(1) DOI
2021 Sidharthan V.K.; Sharma S.K.; Baranwal V.K. (2021). The first near-complete genome sequence of large cardamom chirke virus mined from the transcriptome dataset of large cardamom, Plant Gene, 28() DOI
2021 Gupta A.; Sampathkumar M.; Mohan M.; Shylesha A.N.; Venkatesan T.; Shashank P.R.; Dhanyakumar O.; Ramkumar P.; Sakthivel N.; Geetha B. (2021). Assessing adverse impact of the native biological control disruptors in the colonies of the recent invasive pest Phenacoccus manihoti Matile-Ferrero (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) in India, Global Ecology and Conservation, 32() DOI
2021 Fular A.; Sharma A.K.; Upadhaya D.; Nandi A.; Nagar G.; Bisht N.; Shakya M.; Kumar S.; Kumar S.; Kumar R.; Ghosh S. (2021). Evaluation of acaricidal resistance status of Rhipicephalus microplus ticks from the hilly state (Uttarakhand) of India and evaluation of efficacy of a natural formulation for the management of resistant ticks, Experimental and Applied Acarology, 85(02-Apr) DOI
2021 Berliner J.; Mhatre P.H.; Kalai P.V.; Kalaiarasan P.; Parvez R.; Manimaran B. (2021). Nematode Trophic Diversity in the Pristine and Cultivated Fields of Nilgiris using Sedgewick-Rafter Slides, Indian Journal of Nematology, 51(2) DOI
2021 Ajith M.; Pankaj; Kaushik P.; Shakil N.A.; Rana V.S. (2021). Efficacy of Essential Oils and Their Major Compounds against Meloidogyne graminicola (Rice Root-Knot Nematode) in Pots and Field Trials, Indian Journal of Nematology, 51(2) DOI
2021 Ashoka N.; Raju R.; Ravi Y.; Harshavardhan M.; Hongal S.; Pushpa P. (2021). Economic Analysis of Cluster Bean [Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) Taub] Entrepreneurs in Karnataka, Legume Research, 44(12) DOI
2021 Papolu P.K.; Ramakrishnan M.; Wei Q.; Vinod K.K.; Zou L.-H.; Yrjala K.; Kalendar R.; Zhou M. (2021). Long terminal repeats (LTR) and transcription factors regulate PHRE1 and PHRE2 activity in Moso bamboo under heat stress, BMC Plant Biology, 21(1) DOI
2021 Manav A.; Prajapati M.R.; Singh J.; Kumar A.; Kumar P.; Pant R.P.; Baranwal V.K. (2021). First report of natural infection by two potyviruses on amaryllis (Hippeastrum hybridum) plants from India, Virus Disease, 32(4) DOI
2021 Watpade S.; Kumar R.; Bhardwaj P.; Pramanick K.K.; Shukla A.K.; Raigond B.; Kumar J.; Sharma U.; Vashisth S.; Verma S. (2021). Establishment of virus-free elite mother orchards of apple in the Trans-Himalayan region of India, Indian Phytopathology, 74(4) DOI
2021 Patra K.; Parihar C.M.; Nayak H.S.; Rana B.; Singh V.K.; Jat S.L.; Panwar S.; Parihar M.D.; Singh L.K.; Sidhu H.S.; Gerard B.; Jat M.L. (2021). Water budgeting in conservation agriculture-based sub-surface drip irrigation in tropical maize using HYDRUS-2D in South Asia, Scientific Reports, 11(1) DOI
2021 Kumar S.; Pallavi; Chugh C.; Seem K.; Kumar S.; Vinod K.K.; Mohapatra T. (2021). Characterization of contrasting rice (Oryza sativa L.) genotypes reveals the Pi-efficient schema for phosphate starvation tolerance, BMC Plant Biology, 21(1) DOI
2021 Prakash A.; Verma A.; Malhotra R.; Sendhil R. (2021). Measurement of Technical and Scale Efficiency of Dairy Farms in Pune District of Maharashtra: Data Envelopment Analysis Approach, Indian Journal of Economics and Development, 17(4) DOI
2021 Pandey R.; Vengavasi K.; Hawkesford M.J. (2021). Plant adaptation to nutrient stress, Plant Physiology Reports (Indian Journal of Plant Physiology), 26(4) DOI
2021 Sofi I.A.; Rashid I.; Lone J.Y.; Tyagi S.; Reshi Z.A.; Mir R.R. (2021). Genetic diversity may help evolutionary rescue in a clonal endemic plant species of Western Himalaya, Scientific Reports, 11(1) DOI
2021 Sharma B.B.; Kalia P.; Singh S.; Singh D.; Tomar B.S. (2021). Race-specific host-plant resistance against black rot (Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris) in alien Brassicas, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 78(4) DOI
2021 Shukla A.K.; Behera S.K.; Prakash C.; Tripathi A.; Patra A.K.; Dwivedi B.S.; Trivedi V.; Rao C.S.; Chaudhari S.K.; Das S.; Singh A.K. (2021). Deficiency of phyto-available sulphur, zinc, boron, iron, copper and manganese in soils of India, Scientific Reports, 11(1) DOI
2021 Baishya L.K.; Mishra S.D.; Singh T. (2021). Site-specific nutrient management in rice (Oryza sativa): Status and prospect-A review, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(12) DOI
2021 Venkatramanan V.; Shah S.; Prasad S.; Singh A.; Prasad R. (2021). Assessment of Bioenergy Generation Potential of Agricultural Crop Residues in India, Circular Economy and Sustainability, 1(4) DOI
2021 Jabborova D.; Kannepalli A.; Davranov K.; Narimanov A.; Enakiev Y.; Syed A.; Elgorban A.M.; Bahkali A.H.; Wirth S.; Sayyed R.Z.; Gafur A. (2021). Co-inoculation of rhizobacteria promotes growth, yield, and nutrient contents in soybean and improves soil enzymes and nutrients under drought conditions, Scientific Reports, 11(1) DOI
2021 Parmar B.S.; Kumar R. (2021). Need to Recognize the Contribution of Manuscript Reviewers in Improving the Quality of Published Works, Pesticide Research Journal, 33(2) DOI
2021 Manish R.; Rao G.P. (2021). Utilization of rp and tuf genes in the characterisation of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma australasia’ strains associated with witches’ broom and shoot proliferation of Dendrocalamus strictus in India, Phytopathogenic Mollicutes, 11(2) DOI
2021 Can A.; Kazankaya A.; Orman E.; Gundogdu M.; Ercisli S.; Choudhary R.; Karunakaran R. (2021). Sustainable mulberry (Morus nigra l., morus alba l. and morus rubra l.) production in eastern turkey, Sustainability, 13(24) DOI
2021 Ashwani Y.; Anubhuti S.; Ashwani K.; Renu Y.; Rajendra K. (2021). SSR based molecular profiling of elite cultivars of basmati rice (Oryza sativa L.), Research Journal of Biotechnology, 16(12) DOI
2021 Madhav J.V.; Sethi S.; Sharma R.R.; Nagaraja A.; Varghese E. (2021). Use of salicylic acid for alleviation of chilling injury and quality assurance of guava fruits during storage, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 78(4) DOI
2021 Agrawal A.; Raju R. (2021). Estimation of Marketed Surplus Function of Milk in Madhya Pradesh, Economic Affairs (New Delhi), 66(4) DOI
2021 Hanan E.; Rudra S.G.; Sharma V.; Sagar V.R.; Sehgal S. (2021). Pea pod powder to enhance the storage quality of buckwheat bread, Vegetos, 34(4) DOI
2021 Kumar S.; Gupta C.K.; Maity A.; Vijay D.; Manjunatha N.; Wasnik V.K.; Yadav V.K. (2021). Quality assessment of berseem (Trifolium alexandrinum L.) seed traded through informal seed system in Bundelkhand region of central India, Range Management and Agroforestry, 42(2) DOI
2021 Goyal A.; Vashisth A.; Sehgal V.K.; Das D.K.; Mukherjee J.; Prasad S.; Manjaiah K.M. (2021). Evaluating InfoCrop model at mustard (Brassica juncea) crop field for multistage yield estimation, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(12) DOI
2021 Adavi S.B.; Sathee L. (2021). Influence of calcium on nitrate starvation response of bread wheat, Plant Physiology Reports (Indian Journal of Plant Physiology), 26(4) DOI
2021 Ramtekey V.; Bansal R.; Aski M.S.; Kothari D.; Singh A.; Pandey R.; Tripathi K.; Mishra G.P.; Kumar S.; Dikshit H.K. (2021). Genetic variation for traits related to phosphorus use efficiency in lens species at the seedling stage, Plants-Basel, 10(12) DOI
2021 Sharma R.; Nath P.C.; Vanitha K.; Tiwari O.N.; Bandyopadhyay T.K.; Bhunia B. (2021). Effects of different monosaccharides on thermal stability of phycobiliproteins from Oscillatoria sp. (BTA-170): Analysis of kinetics, thermodynamics, colour and antioxidant properties, Food Bioscience, 44() DOI
2021 Mitran T.; Basak N.; Mani P.K.; Tamang A.; Singh D.K.; Biswas S.; Mandal B. (2021). Improving Crop Productivity and Soil Quality Through Soil Management Practices in Coastal Saline Agro-ecosystem, Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 21(4) DOI
2021 Raviteja D.H.; Kumar T.; Sharma S.; Kumar A.; Singh M.P.; Pandey R. (2021). Impact of elevated CO2 and phosphorus nutrition on mineral composition and cooking quality of rice, Plant Physiology Reports (Indian Journal of Plant Physiology), 26(4) DOI
2021 Sathee L.; Krishna G.K.; Adavi S.B.; Jha S.K.; Jain V. (2021). Role of protein phosphatases in the regulation of nitrogen nutrition in plants, Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, 27(12) DOI
2021 Devaraja K.P.; Ellur R.K.; Singh A.K.; Abhishek Gowda A.P.; Sirohi A.; Sinha P.; Pankaj (2021). High Throughput Screening of Introgression Lines of Rice for Resistance against Rice Root-Knot Nematode (Meloidogyne graminicola Golden & Birchfield), Indian Journal of Nematology, 51(2) DOI
2021 Singh K.P.; Kumari P.; Yadava D.K. (2021). Introgression and QTL mapping conferring resistance for Alternaria brassicae in the backcross progeny of Sinapis alba + Brassica juncea somatic hybrids, Plant Cell Reports, 40(12) DOI
2021 Chakraborty K.; Ray S.; Vijayan J.; Molla K.A.; Nagar R.; Jena P.; Mondal S.; Panda B.B.; Shaw B.P.; Swain P.; Chattopadhyay K.; Sarkar R.K. (2021). Preformed aerenchyma determines the differential tolerance response under partial submergence imposed by fresh and saline water flooding in rice, Physiologia Plantarum, 173(4) DOI
2021 Rakshita K.N.; Singh S.; Verma V.K.; Sharma B.B.; Saini N.; Iquebal M.A.; Sharma A.; Dey S.S.; Behera T.K. (2021). Agro-morphological and molecular diversity in different maturity groups of Indian cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. Botrytis L.), PLoS ONE, 16(12-Dec) DOI
2021 Ghosh A.; Singh O.N.; Berliner J.; Pokhare S. (2021). System of Crop Rotation: A Prospective Strategy Alleviating Grain Yield Penalty in Sustainable Aerobic Rice Production, International Journal of Plant Production, 15(4) DOI
2021 Nandal P.; Arora A.; Virmani S. (2021). An appraisal on valorization of lignin: A byproduct from biorefineries and paper industries, Biomass and Bioenergy, 155() DOI
2021 Singson H.; Ramkrushna G.I.; Layek J.; Das A.; Pande R.; Verma B.C.; Singh A.K.; Shivay Y.S. (2021). Effect of zinc fertilization on growth, yield and nutrient uptake of rice (Oryza sativa) in Eastern Himalayas, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 66(4) DOI
2021 Yadav M.L.; Parashar A.; Mahanandia N.C.; Bhushan V.; Kumar S.; Mohanty A.K. (2021). Aptamers based sensing of pregnancy associated glycoproteins (PAG) of bovine for early pregnancy detection, Scientific Reports, 11(1) DOI
2021 Singh S.; Das B.; Das A.; Majumder S.; Devi H.L.; Godara R.S.; Sahoo A.K.; Sahoo M.R. (2021). Indigenous plant protection practices of Tripura, India, Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine, 17(1) DOI
2021 Srivastav A.; Ganjewala D.; Singhal R.K.; Rajput V.D.; Minkina T.; Voloshina M.; Srivastava S.; Shrivastava M. (2021). Effect of zno nanoparticles on growth and biochemical responses of wheat and maize, Plants-Basel, 10(12) DOI
2021 Giridhar B.J.; Singh H.N.; Sharma M.L.; Singh V.; Anbukkani P.; Praveen K.V.; Renjini V.R. (2021). Economic Analysis of Water use Efficiency and its Externalities in Areca nut Cultivation, Indian Journal of Economics and Development, 17(4) DOI
2021 Palakurthi R.; Jayalakshmi V.; Kumar Y.; Kulwal P.; Yasin M.; Kute N.S.; Laxuman C.; Yeri S.; Vemula A.; Rathore A.; Samineni S.; Soren K.R.; Mondal B.; Dixit G.P.; Bharadwaj C.; Chaturvedi S.K.; Gaur P.M.; Roorkiwal M.; Thudi M.; Singh N.P.; Varshney R.K. (2021). Translational chickpea genomics consortium to accelerate genetic gains in chickpea (Cicer arietinum l.), Plants-Basel, 10(12) DOI
2021 Kumar N.; Narayanan N.; Banerjee T.; Sharma R.K.; Gupta S. (2021). Quantification of field-incurred residues of cyantraniliprole and IN-J9Z38 in cabbage/soil using QuEChERS/HPLC-PDA and dietary risk assessment, Biomedical Chromatography, 35(12) DOI
2021 Tripathy S.; Meena S.L.; Babu S.; Das T.K.; Dhar S. (2021). Phosphorus pools under integrated phosphorus management of upland direct-seeded rice (Oryza sativa) in North-Eastern Hill region of India, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 66(4) DOI
2021 Kumar U.; Rashmi; Chatterjee C.; Raghuwanshi N.S. (2021). Comparative evaluation of simplified surface energy balance index-based actual ET against lysimeter data in a tropical river basin, Sustainability, 13(24) DOI
2021 Abiraami T.V.; Suman A.; Singh B.; Aswini K.; Annapurna K. (2021). Radiochemical Evidence for the Contribution of Chemotyped Siderophore Producing Bacteria Towards Plant Iron Nutrition, Current Microbiology, 78(12) DOI
2021 Chaudhary K.; Chattopadhyay A.; Pratap D. (2021). Correction to: The evolution of CRISPR/Cas9 and their cousins: hope or hype? (Biotechnology Letters, (2018), 40, 3, (465-477), 10.1007/s10529-018-2506-7), Biotechnology Letters, 43(12) DOI
2021 Sahu S.; Sharma J.P.; Burman R.R.; Varghese E.; Sharma R.R.; Kumar P. (2021). Assessment of knowledge and adoption pattern of post-harvest management practices by Maharashtrian onion farmers, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(12) DOI
2021 Kiran Kumara T.M.; Sendhil R.; Kandpal A.; Raju R. (2021). An Insight into Wage Dynamics and Inequality Scenario under Changing Landscape of Rural India, Indian Journal of Economics and Development, 17(4) DOI
2021 Saini V.; Dey D. (2021). Contribution to the knowledge of little known Crabronid wasps (Hymenoptera: Crabronini) of India, Journal of Entomological Research, 45() DOI
2021 Verma R.; Verma A.; Tripathi S. (2021). Molecular identification of 16SrI-X subgroup phytoplasma associated with eggplant in India, Phytopathogenic Mollicutes, 11(2) DOI
2021 Kaur J.; Prusty A.K.; Ravisankar N.; Panwar A.S.; Shamim M.; Walia S.S.; Chatterjee S.; Pasha M.L.; Babu S.; Jat M.L.; López-Ridaura S.; Groot J.C.J.; Toorop R.A.; Barba-Escoto L.; Noopur K.; Kashyap P. (2021). Farm typology for planning targeted farming systems interventions for smallholders in Indo-Gangetic Plains of India, Scientific Reports, 11(1) DOI
2021 Chaudhary G.; Singh D.; Sharma M. (2021). Effect of chemical elicitors on the differential expression pattern of PR genes in susceptible and resistant cultivars of tomato against bacterial wilt disease caused by Ralstonia solanacearum, Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 116() DOI
2021 Gr S.; Yadav R.K.; Chatrath A.; Gerard M.; Tripathi K.; Govindsamy V.; Abraham G. (2021). Perspectives on the potential application of cyanobacteria in the alleviation of drought and salinity stress in crop plants, Journal of Applied Phycology, 33(6) DOI
2021 Ambika; Hegde V.; Nimmy M.S.; Bharadwaj C.; Tripathi S.; Singh R.K.; Kumar R. (2021). Unraveling genetics of semi-determinacy and identification of markers for indeterminate stem growth habit in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), Scientific Reports, 11(1) DOI
2021 Das P.; Borah B.; Dey D. (2021). Rice yellow hairy caterpillar, Psalis pennatula Fabricius (Lymantriidae: Lepidoptera) an emerging pest of paddy in Assam, Journal of Entomological Research, 45() DOI
2021 Khandelwal A.; Singh M.; Singh R.; Shrivastava M. (2021). Dendritic polyurea microcapsule: a slow release nitrogenous fertilizer, Iranian Polymer Journal (English Edition), 30(12) DOI
2021 Sharma A.; Kumar S.; Khan S.A.; Kumar A.; Mir J.I.; Sharma O.C.; Singh D.B.; Arora S. (2021). Plummeting anthropogenic environmental degradation by amending nutrient-N input method in saffron growing soils of north-west Himalayas, Scientific Reports, 11(1) DOI
2021 Chethan Kumar V.; Gadag R.N.; Mukri G.; Bhat J.S.; Singh C.; Kumari J.; Singh R.K.; Gupta N.C. (2021). Molecular characterization and multi-environmental evaluation of field corn (Zea mays) inbreds for kernel traits, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(11) DOI
2021 Fatima S.; Sehgal A.; Mishra S.K.; Mina U.; Goel V.; Vijayan N.; Tawale J.S.; Kothari R.; Ahlawat A.; Sharma C. (2021). Particle composition and morphology over urban environment (New Delhi): Plausible effects on wheat leaves, Environmental Research, 202() DOI
2021 Pooniya V.; Zhiipao R.R.; Biswakarma N.; Jat S.L.; Kumar D.; Parihar C.M.; Swarnalakshmi K.; Lama A.; Verma A.K.; Roy D.; Das K.; Majumdar K.; Satyanarayana T.; Jat R.D.; Ghasal P.C.; Ram H.; Jat R.; Nath A. (2021). Long-term conservation agriculture and best nutrient management improves productivity and profitability coupled with soil properties of a maize–chickpea rotation, Scientific Reports, 11(1) DOI
2021 Yadav N.; Nain L.; Khare S.K. (2021). Studies on the degradation and characterization of a novel metal-free polylactic acid synthesized via lipase-catalyzed polymerization: A step towards curing the environmental plastic issue, Environmental Technology and Innovation, 24() DOI
2021 Kumar S.; Meena R.S.; Singh R.K.; Munir T.M.; Datta R.; Danish S.; Yadav G.S.; Kumar S. (2021). Soil microbial and nutrient dynamics under different sowings environment of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L.) in rice based cropping system, Scientific Reports, 11(1) DOI
2021 Chaudhary V.P.; Chandra R.; Chaudhary R.; Bhattacharyya R. (2021). Global warming potential and energy dynamics of conservation tillage practices for different rabi crops in the Indo-Gangetic Plains, Journal of Environmental Management, 296() DOI
2021 Soumya P.R.; Burridge A.J.; Singh N.; Batra R.; Pandey R.; Kalia S.; Rai V.; Edwards K.J. (2021). Population structure and genome-wide association studies in bread wheat for phosphorus efficiency traits using 35 K Wheat Breeder’s Affymetrix array, Scientific Reports, 11(1) DOI
2021 Prasad R.; Shivay Y.S. (2021). Scientific and Medical Research Support can Increase Export Earnings from Turmeric (Curcuma longa), National Academy Science Letters-India, 44(6) DOI
2021 Rawal H.C.; Borchetia S.; Bera B.; Soundararajan S.; Ilango R.V.J.; Barooah A.K.; Sharma T.R.; Singh N.K.; Mondal T.K. (2021). Comparative analysis of chloroplast genomes indicated different origin for Indian tea (Camellia assamica cv TV1) as compared to Chinese tea, Scientific Reports, 11(1) DOI
2021 Krishnatreya D.B.; Baruah P.M.; Dowarah B.; Chowrasia S.; Mondal T.K.; Agarwala N. (2021). Genome-wide identification, evolutionary relationship and expression analysis of AGO, DCL and RDR family genes in tea, Scientific Reports, 11(1) DOI
2021 Kumar U.; Singh R.P.; Dreisigacker S.; Röder M.S.; Crossa J.; Huerta-Espino J.; Mondal S.; Crespo-Herrera L.; Singh G.P.; Mishra C.N.; Mavi G.S.; Sohu V.S.; Prasad S.V.S.; Naik R.; Misra S.C.; Joshi A.K. (2021). Juvenile heat tolerance in wheat for attaining higher grain yield by shifting to early sowing in october in South Asia, Genes, 12(11) DOI
2021 Dutta T.K.; Santhoshkumar K.; Mathur C.; Mandal A.; Sagar D. (2021). A Photorhabdus akhurstii toxin altered gut homeostasis prior conferring cytotoxicity in Spodoptera frugiperda, S. litura and Helicoverpa armigera, Phytoparasitica, 49(5) DOI
2021 Ashajyothi M.; Balamurugan A.; Shashikumara P.; Pandey N.; Agarwal D.K.; Tarasatyavati C.C.; Varshney R.K.; Chandra Nayaka S. (2021). First Report of Pearl Millet Bacterial Leaf Blight Caused by Pantoea stewartii Subspecies indologenes in India, Plant Disease (Plant Disease Reporter), 105(11) DOI
2021 Chaturvedi S.; Sadaf A.; Bhattacharya A.; Rout P.K.; Nain L.; Khare S.K. (2021). Environment-Friendly Synergistic Abiotic Stress for Enhancing the Yield of Lipids from Oleaginous Yeasts, European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 123(11) DOI
2021 Jamuna B.; Bheemanna M.; Timmanna H.; Hosmani A.; Kavita K. (2021). Morphological and biochemical resistance traits of tomato cultivars against thrips and bud necrosis virus disease, International Journal of Tropical Insect Science, 41(4) DOI
2021 Jayanthi M.; Singh K.B.M.; Anand A.; Sindhu S.S. (2021). Estimation of endogenous indole-3-acetic acid in leaf explants and a protocol for direct regeneration in Lilium cv. Pavia, In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology - Plant, 57(6) DOI
2021 Archana R.; Vinod K.K.; Krishnan S.G.; Vadhana D.C.; Bhowmick P.K.; Singh V.J.; Ellur R.K.; Gangadhara K.N.; Nagarajan M.; Bollinedi H.; Singh A.K. (2021). Stay green behaviour of a novel mutant, PSG16 shows complex inheritance and functional relations with grain yield in rice, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 81(4) DOI
2021 Chatterjee D.; Nayak A.K.; Datta S.C.; Panigrahi J.; Paul R.; Kumar A.; Shahid M.; Kumar U.; Lal B.; Gautam P.; Pathak H. (2021). Transformation of crystalline and short-range order minerals in a long-term (47 years) rice-rice cropping system, Catena, 206() DOI
2021 Singh J.; Sharma S.; Kaur A.; Vikal Y.; Cheema A.K.; Bains B.K.; Kaur N.; Gill G.K.; Malhotra P.K.; Kumar A.; Sharma P.; Muthusamy V.; Kaur A.; Chawla J.S.; Hossain F. (2021). Marker-assisted pyramiding of lycopene-ε-cyclase, β-carotene hydroxylase1 and opaque2 genes for development of biofortified maize hybrids, Scientific Reports, 11(1) DOI
2021 Shreenath Y.S.; Bahadur A.; Ranebennur H.; Rao G.P. (2021). Characterization of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris’-related strain association with leaf yellowing of Wrightia antidysenterica (Arctic Snow) in Tripura, India, Australasian Plant Disease Notes, 16(1) DOI
2021 Priyadarsani S.; Patel A.S.; Kar A.; Dash S. (2021). Process optimization for the supercritical carbondioxide extraction of lycopene from ripe grapefruit (Citrus paradisi) endocarp, Scientific Reports, 11(1) DOI
2021 Rai P.K.; Rai A.; Sharma N.K.; Singh V.K.; Singh S. (2021). Urbanization reduces overall cyanobacterial abundance but favors heterocystous forms, Applied Soil Ecology, 167() DOI
2021 Walia S.; Banerjee T.; Kumar R. (2021). Efficacy of weed management techniques on weed control, biomass yield, and soil herbicide residue in transplanted wild marigold (Tagetes minuta l.) under high rainfall conditions of western himalaya, Agronomy-Basel, 11(11) DOI
2021 Lal M.K.; Tiwari R.K.; Kumar R.; Naga K.C.; Kumar A.; Singh B.; Raigond P.; Dutt S.; Chourasia K.N.; Kumar D.; Parmar V.; Changan S.S. (2021). Effect of potato apical leaf curl disease on glycemic index and resistant starch of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tubers, Food Chemistry, 359() DOI
2021 Boopalakrishnan G.; Jayavel S.; Behera T.K.; Munshi A.D.; Kumari S.; Kumar S. (2021). Deriving tropical gynoecious inbred backcross lines from exotic pickling cucumber using marker assisted backcross breeding, Scientia Horticulturae, 288() DOI
2021 Choudhary R.; Hiti-Bandaralage J.C.A.; Ahlawat J.; Gaur N.; Diwan B. (2021). Nanobioremediation: An introduction, Nano-Bioremediation: Fundamentals and Applications, () DOI
2021 Lad J.D.; Kar A. (2021). Supercritical CO2 extraction of lycopene from pink grapefruit (Citrus paradise Macfad) and its degradation studies during storage, Food Chemistry, 361() DOI
2021 Nikhil H.N.; Goswami A.K.; Singh S.K.; Kumar C.; Goswami S.; Singh R.; Bharadwaj C.; Maurya N.K. (2021). Assessment of morpho-genetic diversity of guava (Psidium guajava) hybrids and genotypes, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(11) DOI
2021 Pothiraj G.; Hussain Z.; Singh A.K.; Solanke A.U.; Aggarwal R.; Ramesh R.; Shanmugam V. (2021). Characterization of Fusarium Spp. Inciting Vascular Wilt of Tomato and Its Management by a Chaetomium-Based Biocontrol Consortium, Frontiers in Plant Science, 12() DOI
2021 Naik K.B.; Singh C.; Parakkunnel R.; Sripathy K.V.; Bhaskar K.U.; Kumar S.; Tomar R.S. (2021). Maximizing rice yield gains through component trait analyses in eastern Indo-Gangetic plains of India, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 81(4) DOI
2021 Sinha R.; Irulappan V.; Patil B.S.; Reddy P.C.O.; Ramegowda V.; Mohan-Raju B.; Rangappa K.; Singh H.K.; Bhartiya S.; Senthil-Kumar M. (2021). Low soil moisture predisposes field-grown chickpea plants to dry root rot disease: evidence from simulation modeling and correlation analysis, Scientific Reports, 11(1) DOI
2021 Gupta S.S.; Patanjali P.; Mishra N.K.; Kumar A.; Chopra I.; Singh R. (2021). Green synthesis of gold nanoparticles from Combretum indicum and their characterization, Indian Journal of Chemical Technology, 28(6) DOI
2021 Patel K.K.; Kar A.; Khan M.A. (2021). Monochrome computer vision for detecting common external defects of mango, Journal of Food Science and Technology, 58(12) DOI
2021 Nath P.C.; Tiwari O.N.; Devi I.; Bandyopadhyay T.K.; Bhunia B. (2021). Biochemical and morphological fingerprints of isolated Anabaena sp.: a precious feedstock for food additives, Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 11(6) DOI
2021 Kumar N.; Bharadwaj C.; Sahu S.; Shiv A.; Shrivastava A.K.; Reddy S.P.P.; Soren K.R.; Patil B.S.; Pal M.; Soni A.; Roorkiwal M.; Varshney R.K. (2021). Genome-wide identification and functional prediction of salt- stress related long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, 27(11) DOI
2021 Sivalingam P.N.; Mahajan M.M.; Satheesh V.; Chauhan S.; Changal H.; Gurjar K.; Singh D.; Bhan C.; Sivalingam A.; Marathe A.; Ram C.; Dokka N.; More T.A.; Padaria J.C.; Bhat K.V.; Mohapatra T. (2021). Distinct morpho-physiological and biochemical features of arid and hyper-arid ecotypes of Ziziphus nummularia under drought suggest its higher tolerance compared with semi-arid ecotype, Tree Physiology, 41(11) DOI
2021 Sahu K.P.; Patel A.; Kumar M.; Sheoran N.; Mehta S.; Reddy B.; Eke P.; Prabhakaran N.; Kumar A. (2021). Integrated Metabarcoding and Culturomic-Based Microbiome Profiling of Rice Phyllosphere Reveal Diverse and Functional Bacterial Communities for Blast Disease Suppression, Frontiers in Microbiology, 12() DOI
2021 Dayasena Y.A.P.K.; Panda P.; Thushari A.N.W.S.; Rao G.P. (2021). Geographical Distribution and Identification of Phytoplasma Strain Associated with Sugarcane White Leaf Disease in Sri Lanka, Sugar Tech, 23(6) DOI
2021 Roy B.; Dubey S.; Ghosh A.; Shukla S.M.; Mandal B.; Sinha P. (2021). Simulation of leaf curl disease dynamics in chili for strategic management options, Scientific Reports, 11(1) DOI
2021 Jabborova D.; Annapurna K.; Choudhary R.; Bhowmik S.N.; Desouky S.E.; Selim S.; El Azab I.H.; Hamada M.M.A.; El Nahhas N.; Elkelish A. (2021). Interactive Impact of Biochar and Arbuscular Mycorrhizal on Root Morphology, Physiological Properties of Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.) and Soil Enzymatic Activities, Agronomy-Basel, 11(11) DOI
2021 Varshney R.K.; Roorkiwal M.; Sun S.; Bajaj P.; Chitikineni A.; Thudi M.; Singh N.P.; Du X.; Upadhyaya H.D.; Khan A.W.; Wang Y.; Garg V.; Fan G.; Cowling W.A.; Crossa J.; Gentzbittel L.; Voss-Fels K.P.; Valluri V.K.; Sinha P.; Singh V.K.; Ben C.; Rathore A.; Punna R.; Singh M.K.; Tar’an B.; Bharadwaj C.; Yasin M.; Pithia M.S.; Singh S.; Soren K.R.; Kudapa H.; Jarquín D.; Cubry P.; Hickey L.T.; Dixit G.P.; Thuillet A.-C.; Hamwieh A.; Kumar S.; Deokar A.A.; Chaturvedi S.K.; Francis A.; Howard R.; Chattopadhyay D.; Edwards D.; Lyons E.; Vigouroux Y.; Hayes B.J.; von Wettberg E.; Datta S.K.; Yang H.; Nguyen H.T.; Wang J.; Siddique K.H.M.; Mohapatra T.; Bennetzen J.L.; Xu X.; Liu X. (2021). A chickpea genetic variation map based on the sequencing of 3,366 genomes, Nature, 599(7886) DOI
2021 Kumar A.; Kumar V.; Maheshwari C.; Garg N.K.; Mawlong I.; Tyagi A. (2021). Nuclear localization and target genes analysis of an ABA and drought-responsive transcription factor (RDA1) in rice, Indian Journal of Biotechnology, 20(4) DOI
2021 Naguib W.B.; Divte P.R.; Chandra A.; Sathee L.; Singh B.; Mandal P.K.; Anand A. (2021). Raffinose accumulation and preferential allocation of carbon (14C) to developing leaves impart salinity tolerance in sugar beet, Physiologia Plantarum, 173(4) DOI
2021 Kumar R.; Bhatia A.; Chakrabarti B.; Kumar V.; Tomer R.; Sharma D.K.; Kumar S.N. (2021). Effect of elevated ozone and carbon dioxide on growth and yield of rice (Oryza sativa), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(11) DOI
2021 Gaur N.; Diwan B.; Choudhary R. (2021). Bioremediation of organic pesticides using nanomaterials, Nano-Bioremediation: Fundamentals and Applications, () DOI
2021 Ranjan R.; Yadav R.; Jain N.; Sinha N.; Bainsla N.K.; Gaikwad K.B.; Kumar M. (2021). Epistatic qtlsplay a major role in nitrogen use efficiency and its component traits in indian spring wheat, Agriculture (Switzerland), 11(11) DOI
2021 Rakshita K.N.; Singh S.; Verma V.K.; Sharma B.B.; Saini N.; Iquebal M.A.; Behera T.K. (2021). Understanding population structure and detection of QTLs for curding-related traits in Indian cauliflower by genotyping by sequencing analysis, Functional and Integrative Genomics, 21(05-Jun) DOI
2021 Rehman M.; Chakraborty P.; Tanti B.; Mandal B.; Ghosh A. (2021). Occurrence of a new cryptic species of Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae): an updated record of cryptic diversity in India, Phytoparasitica, 49(5) DOI
2021 Ramya K.T.; Bellundagi A.; Harikrishna; Rai N.; Jain N.; Singh P.K.; Arora A.; Singh G.P.; Prabhu K.V. (2021). Gene Action Governing the Inheritance of Stomatal Conductance in Four Wheat Crosses Under High Temperature Stress Condition, Frontiers in Plant Science, 12() DOI
2021 Rao P.G.; Behera T.K.; Gaikwad A.B.; Munshi A.D.; Srivastava A.; Boopalakrishnan G.; Vinod (2021). Genetic analysis and QTL mapping of yield and fruit traits in bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L.), Scientific Reports, 11(1) DOI
2021 Agarwal P.; Jha S.K.; Sharma N.K.; Raghunanadan K.; Mallick N.; Niranjana M.; Saharan M.S.; Singh J.B.; Vinod (2021). Identification of the improved genotypes with 2NS/2AS translocation through molecular markers for imparting resistance to multiple biotic stresses in wheat, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 81(4) DOI
2021 Priya S.; Bansal R.; Kumar G.; Dikshit H.K.; Kumari J.; Pandey R.; Singh A.K.; Tripathi K.; Singh N.; Prasanna Kumari N.K.; Kumar S.; Kumar A. (2021). Root trait variation in lentil (Lens culinaris medikus) germplasm under drought stress, Plants-Basel, 10(11) DOI
2021 Sasi M.; Kumar S.; Kumar M.; Thapa S.; Prajapati U.; Tak Y.; Changan S.; Saurabh V.; Kumari S.; Kumar A.; Hasan M.; Chandran D.; Radha; Bangar S.P.; Dhumal S.; Senapathy M.; Thiyagarajan A.; Alhariri A.; Dey A.; Singh S.; Prakash S.; Pandiselvam R.; Mekhemar M. (2021). Garlic (Allium sativum L.) bioactives and its role in alleviating oral pathologies, Antioxidants, 10(11) DOI
2021 Kumar S.; Sharma A.K.; Kumar B.; Shakya M.; Patel J.A.; Kumar B.; Bisht N.; Chigure G.M.; Singh K.; Kumar R.; Kumar S.; Srivastava S.; Rawat P.; Ghosh S. (2021). Characterization of deltamethrin, cypermethrin, coumaphos and ivermectin resistance in populations of Rhipicephalus microplus in India and efficacy of an antitick natural formulation prepared from Ageratum conyzoides, Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases, 12(6) DOI
2021 Selvakumar R.; Manjunathagowda D.C.; Kalia P.; Raje R.S. (2021). Assessment of gene action association involved with economic traits of black carrot (Daucus carota), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(11) DOI
2021 Limbalkar O.M.; Singh R.; Kumar P.; Nanjundan J.; Parihar C.M.; Vasisth P.; Yadava D.K.; Chinnusamy V.; Singh N. (2021). Deployment of Brassica carinata A. Braun Derived Brassica juncea (L.) Czern. Lines for Improving Heterosis and Water Use Efficiency Under Water Deficit Stress Conditions, Frontiers in Plant Science, 12() DOI
2021 Singh G.; Patel N.; Jindal T.; Ranjan M.R. (2021). Heavy Metal Contamination in Soils and Crops Irrigated by Kali River in Uttar Pradesh, India, Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 107(5) DOI
2021 Sharanabasav H.; Pramesh D.; Prasannakumar M.K.; Chidanandappa E.; Yadav M.K.; Ngangkham U.; Parivallal B.; Raghavendra B.T.; Manjunatha C.; Sharma S.K.; Karthik N. (2021). Morpho-molecular and mating-type locus diversity of Ustilaginoidea virens: an incitant of false smut of rice from Southern parts of India, Journal of Applied Microbiology, 131(5) DOI
2021 Timmanna H.N.; Meshram N.M.; Raju S.; Shashank P.R.; Jamuna B. (2021). Diagnosis and Morphometrics of Sugarcane Thrips, Fulmekiola serrata (Kobus, 1892) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), Sugar Tech, 23(6) DOI
2021 Kumar N.; Bharadwaj C.; Soren K.R.; Meena M.C.; Sneha Priya P.R.; Joshi N.; Soni A.; Patil B.S.; Pal M.; Roorkiwal M.; Varshney R.K. (2021). Response of shoot ionic (Na+/K+) distribution on yield and agro-physiological traits in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) recombinant inbred lines population under salinity, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 81(4) DOI
2021 Saha A.; Singh K.N.; Ray M.; Rathod S.; Choudhury S. (2021). Modelling and forecasting cotton production using tuned-support vector regression, Current Science, 121(8) DOI
2021 Sharma A.; Singh J.; Sharma P.; Tomar G.S.; Singh S.; Grover M.; Nain L. (2021). One-pot microbial bioconversion of wheat bran ferulic acid to biovanillin, 3 Biotech, 11(11) DOI
2021 Saakre M.; Mathew D.; Ravisankar V. (2021). Perspectives on plant flavonoid quercetin-based drugs for novel SARS-CoV-2, Beni-Suef University Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 10(1) DOI
2021 Gupta N.; Yadav K.K.; Kumar V.; Cabral-Pinto M.M.S.; Alam M.; Kumar S.; Prasad S. (2021). Appraisal of contamination of heavy metals and health risk in agricultural soil of Jhansi city, India, Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, 88() DOI
2021 Sarkar C.; Parsad R.; Mishra D.C.; Rai A. (2021). A Web Tool for Consensus Gene Regulatory Network Construction, Frontiers in Genetics, 12() DOI
2021 Lyngkhoi F.; Saini N.; Gaikwad A.B.; Thirunavukkarasu N.; Verma P.; Silvar C.; Yadav S.; Khar A. (2021). Genetic diversity and population structure in onion (Allium cepa L.) accessions based on morphological and molecular approaches, Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, 27(11) DOI
2021 Kumar R.R.; Bhargava D.V.; Pandit K.; Goswami S.; Mukesh Shankar S.; Singh S.P.; Rai G.K.; Tara Satyavathi C.; Praveen S. (2021). Lipase – The fascinating dynamics of enzyme in seed storage and germination – A real challenge to pearl millet, Food Chemistry, 361() DOI
2021 Fasake V.; Shelake P.S.; Srivastava A.; Dashora K. (2021). Characteristics of different plastic materials, properties and their role in food packaging, Current Nutrition and Food Science, 17(9) DOI
2021 Yadav G.S.; Das A.; Kandpal B.K.; Babu S.; Lal R.; Datta M.; Das B.; Singh R.; Singh V.K.; Mohapatra K.P.; Chakraborty M. (2021). The food-energy-water-carbon nexus in a maize-maize-mustard cropping sequence of the Indian Himalayas: An impact of tillage-cum-live mulching, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 151() DOI
2021 Channappa M.; Sharma S.; Kulshreshtha D.; Singh K.; Bhardwaj S.C.; Murugasamy S.; Sindhu A.; Vikas V.K.; Aggarwal R. (2021). Transcriptome profiling and differential gene expression analysis provides insights into Lr24-based resistance in wheat against Puccinia triticina, 3 Biotech, 11(11) DOI
2021 Layek J.; Das A.; Ramkrushna G.I.; Krishnappa R.; Ghosh P.K.; Lal R.; Choudhury B.U.; Mohapatra K.P.; Babu S.; Yadav G.S.; Dey U. (2021). Managing rice fallow lands of the Eastern Indian Himalayas: Impacts of residue management and varietal interventions on soil properties, carbon stocks, and productivity, Land Degradation & Development, 32(17) DOI
2021 Gundewadi G.; Rudra S.G.; Gogoi R.; Banerjee T.; Singh S.K.; Dhakate S.; Gupta A. (2021). Electrospun Essential oil encapsulated nanofibers for the management of anthracnose disease in Sapota, Industrial Crops and Products, 170() DOI
2021 Wang L.; Upadhyaya H.D.; Zheng J.; Liu Y.; Singh S.K.; Gowda C.L.L.; Kumar R.; Zhu Y.; Wang Y.-H.; Li J. (2021). Genome-Wide Association Mapping Identifies Novel Panicle Morphology Loci and Candidate Genes in Sorghum, Frontiers in Plant Science, 12() DOI
2021 Dhillon M.K.; Tanwar A.K.; Kumar S.; Hasan F.; Sharma S.; Jaba J.; Sharma H.C. (2021). Biological and biochemical diversity in different biotypes of spotted stem borer, Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) in India, Scientific Reports, 11(1) DOI
2021 Rao P.G.; Behera T.K.; Gaikwad A.B.; Munshi A.D.; Srivastava A.; Boopalakrishnan G.; Vinod (2021). Author Correction: Genetic analysis and QTL mapping of yield and fruit traits in bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L.) (Scientific Reports, (2021), 11, 1, (4109), 10.1038/s41598-021-83548-8), Scientific Reports, 11(1) DOI
2021 Viswanathan R.; Rao G.P.; Solomon S. (2021). Measures to Minimize the Growing Menace of Red Rot of Sugarcane in Subtropical India, Sugar Tech, 23(6) DOI
2021 Sharma V.K.; Meena M.C.; Dwivedi B.S.; Kumar S.; Chobhe K.A.; Dey A.; Anil A.S.; Mohankumar K.T. (2021). Wheat (Triticum spp) roots influenced by crop residue and phosphorus under maize (Zea mays)-wheat system, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(11) DOI
2021 Dhami K.S.; Sagar V.R. (2021). Combinational effect of chemical treatments on quality of litchi (Litchi chinensis) during storage, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(11) DOI
2021 Tiwari R.K.; Bashyal B.M.; Shanmugam V.; Lal M.K.; Kumar R.; Sharma S.; Vinod; Gaikwad K.; Singh B.; Aggarwal R. (2021). Impact of Fusarium dry rot on physicochemical attributes of potato tubers during postharvest storage, Postharvest Biology and Technology, 181() DOI
2021 Prasad R.; Shivay Y.S. (2021). Below ground food producing plants and their contribution to the world food kitty - A review, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(11) DOI
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2021 Meshram N.M. (2021). A new bamboo-feeding species, Mohunia manohari sp. nov., (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Deltocephalinae) and first record of the genus from India, Zootaxa, 5061(1) DOI
2021 Selvakumar R.; Manjunathagowda D.C.; Kalia P.; Raje R.S. (2021). Genetic analysis of root traits in tropical carrots (Daucus carota L.), Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 68(8) DOI
2021 Bhakar A.; Singh M.; Kumar S.; Meena R.K.; Meena B.L.; Kumar R.; Meena V.K. (2021). Growth, Productivity and Profitability of Fodder Sorghum and Cluster Bean as Influenced by Mixed Cropping and Nutrient Management, Legume Research, 44(11) DOI
2021 Ramesh K.; Vijaya Kumar S.; Upadhyay P.K.; Chauhan B.S. (2021). Revisiting the concept of the critical period of weed control, Journal of Agricultural Science, 159(09-Oct) DOI
2021 Bal S.K.; Dhakar R.; Kumar P.V.; Mishra A.; Pramod V.P.; Chandran M.A.S.; Sandeep V.M.; Rao A.V.M.S.; Gill K.K.; Prasad R. (2021). Temporal trends in frost occurrence and their prediction models using multivariate statistical techniques for two diverse locations of Northern India, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 146(03-Apr) DOI
2021 Padbhushan R.; Sharma S.; Kumar U.; Rana D.S.; Kohli A.; Kaviraj M.; Parmar B.; Kumar R.; Annapurna K.; Sinha A.K.; Gupta V.V.S.R. (2021). Meta-Analysis Approach to Measure the Effect of Integrated Nutrient Management on Crop Performance, Microbial Activity, and Carbon Stocks in Indian Soils, Frontiers in Environmental Science, 9() DOI
2021 Singh R.; Mukherjee J.; Sehgal V.K.; Krishnan P.; Das D.K.; Dhakar R.K.; Bhatia A. (2021). Interactive effect of elevated tropospheric ozone and carbon dioxide on radiation utilisation, growth and yield of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), International Journal of Biometeorology, 65(11) DOI
2021 Singh D.; Chaudhary P.; Taunk J.; Kumar Singh C.; Sharma S.; Singh V.J.; Singh D.; Chinnusamy V.; Yadav R.; Pal M. (2021). Plant epigenomics for extenuation of abiotic stresses: Challenges and future perspectives, Journal of Experimental Botany, 72(20) DOI
2021 MsangoSoko K.; Bhattacharya R.; Ramakrishnan B.; Sharma K.; Subramanian S. (2021). Cellulolytic activity of gut bacteria isolated from the eri silkworm larvae, Samia ricini, (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae), International Journal of Tropical Insect Science, 41(4) DOI
2021 Venkanna Y.; Suroshe S.S.; Chander S.; Kumari S. (2021). Feeding potential and foraging behaviour of Cheilomenes sexmaculata (F.) on the cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii glover, International Journal of Tropical Insect Science, 41(4) DOI
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2021 Debbarma R.; Kamil D.; Bashyal B.M.; Devi T.P. (2021). First report of crown and stem rot of tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum L.) caused by Fusarium solani in India, Journal of Plant Pathology, 103(4) DOI
2021 Ghosh A.; Roy B.; Nekkanti A.; Das A.; Dhar S.; Mukherjee S.K. (2021). Transovarial Transmission of Dolichos Yellow Mosaic Virus by Its Vector, Bemisia tabaci Asia II 1, Frontiers in Microbiology, 12() DOI
2021 Azizi A.F.; Sethi S.; Joshi A.; Arora B. (2021). Utilisation of Potato Peel in Fabricated Potato Snack, Potato Research, 64(4) DOI
2021 Mina U.; Kandpal A.; Bhatia A.; Ghude S.; Bisht D.S.; Kumar P. (2021). Wheat Cultivar Growth, Biochemical, Physiological and Yield Attributes Response to Combined Exposure to Tropospheric Ozone, Particulate Matter Deposition and Ascorbic Acid Application, Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 107(5) DOI
2021 Verma N.; Sehrawat K.D.; Mundlia P.; Sehrawat A.R.; Choudhary R.; Rajput V.D.; Minkina T.; van Hullebusch E.D.; Siddiqui M.H.; Alamri S. (2021). Potential use of ascophyllum nodosum as a biostimulant for improving the growth performance of vigna aconitifolia (Jacq.) marechal, Plants-Basel, 10(11) DOI
2021 Jinger D.; Dhar S.; Dass A.; Sharma V.K.; Kumar V.S.; Gupta G. (2021). Influence of residual silicon and phosphorus on growth, productivity, lodging and grain quality of succeeding wheat under rice-wheat cropping system, Journal of Environmental Biology, 41(6) DOI
2021 Vijayalakshmi G.; Elango K.; Vasanthi E.A.P.; Vadivel C.; Surya Raj R.; Thennarasi A.; Anusha V.C. (2021). Insecticidal, Oviposition Deterrent and Antifeedant Property of Certain Plant Extracts against Pulse Beetle, Callosobruchus chinensis Linn. (Coleoptera: Bruchidae), Legume Research, 44(11) DOI
2021 Ramakrishnan B.; Maddela N.R.; Venkateswarlu K.; Megharaj M. (2021). Linkages between plant rhizosphere and animal gut environments: Interaction effects of pesticides with their microbiomes, Environmental Advances, 5() DOI
2021 Prasad R.; Shivay Y.S. (2021). Gluten-related disorders (GRDs) and coarse grains–Indian scenario, Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy, 87(3) DOI
2021 Singh T.V.K.; Bentur J.S.; Kalia V.; Mohan K.S.; Kumar R.; Monga D.; Kumar V.; Kukanur V.S. (2021). Mega pests of crops in India, Indian Journal of Entomology, 83(3) DOI
2021 Prakash S.; Radha; Kumar M.; Kumari N.; Thakur M.; Rathour S.; Pundir A.; Sharma A.K.; Bangar S.P.; Dhumal S.; Singh S.; Thiyagarajan A.; Sharma A.; Sharma M.; Changan S.; Sasi M.; Senapathy M.; Pradhan P.C.; Garg N.K.; Ilakiya T.; Nitin M.; Abdel-Daim M.M.; Puri S.; Natta S.; Dey A.; Amarowicz R.; Mekhemar M. (2021). Plant-based antioxidant extracts and compounds in the management of oral cancer, Antioxidants, 10(9) DOI
2021 Singh J.; Aggarwal R.; Bashyal B.M.; Darshan K.; Parmar P.; Saharan M.S.; Hussain Z.; Solanke A.U. (2021). Transcriptome Reprogramming of Tomato Orchestrate the Hormone Signaling Network of Systemic Resistance Induced by Chaetomium globosum, Frontiers in Plant Science, 12() DOI
2021 Kaur B.; Sandhu K.S.; Kamal R.; Kaur K.; Singh J.; Röder M.S.; Muqaddasi Q.H. (2021). Omics for the improvement of abiotic, biotic, and agronomic traits in major cereal crops: Applications, challenges, and prospects, Plants, 10(10) DOI
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2021 Veluru A.; Subramanian P.; Singh K.P.; Namita; Panwar S.; Selvamani V.; Kumari V.; Jayasekhar S.; Neema M.; Bhat R. (2021). Evaluation of indigenous rose varieties as intercrop under coconut plantation in India, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 78(3) DOI
2021 Biswakarma N.; Pooniya V.; Zhiipao R.R.; Kumar D.; Verma A.K.; Shivay Y.S.; Lama A.; Choudhary A.K.; Meena M.C.; Bana R.S.; Pal M.; Das K.; Sudhishri S.; Jat R.D.; Swarnalakshmi K. (2021). Five years integrated crop management in direct seeded rice–zero till wheat rotation of north-western India: Effects on soil carbon dynamics, crop yields, water productivity and economic profitability, Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 318() DOI
2021 Singh S.; Shashank P.R.; Sandhu R.K. (2021). First report of fruit borer cadra cautella (Walker) on ber in punjab, Indian Journal of Entomology, 83(3) DOI
2021 Suhag A.; Yadav H.; Chaudhary D.; Subramanian S.; Jaiwal R.; Jaiwal P.K. (2021). Biotechnological interventions for the sustainable management of a global pest, whitefly (Bemisia tabaci), Insect Science, 28(5) DOI
2021 Bindra S.; Singh I.; Singh S.; Kushwah A.; Gill B.S.; Salaria S.; Kapoor K.; Grewal S.K.; Bharadwaj C.; Nayyar H.; Singh S. (2021). Use of morpho-physiological and biochemical traits to identify sources of drought and heat tolerance in chickpea (Cicer arietinum), Crop and Pasture Science, 72(10) DOI
2021 Prameeladevi T.; Kamil D.; Toppo R.S.; Choudhary S.P. (2021). Trichoderma dumbbelliforme sp. nov. an undescribed fungus of order Hypocreales from India, Phytotaxa, 520(3) DOI
2021 Gupta S.; Das S.; Dikshit H.K.; Mishra G.P.; Aski M.S.; Bansal R.; Tripathi K.; Bhowmik A.; Kumar S. (2021). Genotype by environment interaction effect on grain iron and zinc concentration of indian and mediterranean lentil genotypes, Agronomy-Basel, 11(9) DOI
2021 Nandi L.L.; Saha P.; Jaiswal S.; Lyngdoh Y.A.; Behera T.K.; Pan R.S.; Munshi A.D.; Saha N.D.; Hossain F.; Srivastava M.; Tomar B.S. (2021). Bioactive compounds, antioxidant activity and elements content variation in indigenous and exotic Solanum sp. and their suitability in recommended daily diet, Scientia Horticulturae, 287() DOI
2021 Roy B.; Chakraborty P.; Ghosh A. (2021). How many begomovirus copies are acquired and inoculated by its vector, whitefly (Bemisia tabaci) during feeding?, PLoS ONE, 16(10-Oct) DOI
2021 Rageshwari S.; Vinodkumar S.; Renukadevi P.; Malathi V.G.; Nakkeeran S. (2021). Thrips diversity of cotton ecosystem and the role of parthenium pollen grains in the transmission of tobacco streak virus (TSV) infection in cotton, 3 Biotech, 11(10) DOI
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2021 Parveen P.K.; Saha T.; Chandran N. (2021). Biophysical and biochemical mechanism influencing shoot and fruit borer tolerance in brinjal genotypes, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 78(3) DOI
2021 Mondal B.P.; Sahoo R.N.; Ahmed N.; Singh R.K.; Das B.; Mridha N.L.M.; Gakhar S. (2021). Rapid prediction of soil available sulphur using visible near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(9) DOI
2021 Ghosh A.; Jangra S.; Dietzgen R.G.; Yeh W.-B. (2021). Frontiers approaches to the diagnosis of thrips (Thysanoptera): How effective are the molecular and electronic detection platforms?, Insects, 12(10) DOI
2021 Dhami K.S.; Asrey R.; Sharma R.R.; Sagar V.R.; Dash S.; Dubey A.K. (2021). Pre-harvest methyl jasmonate spray maintains postharvest quality of Kinnow mandarin (Citrus reticulata) fruits, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(10) DOI
2021 Tomar M.; Bhardwaj R.; Kumar M.; Pal Singh S.; Krishnan V.; Kansal R.; Verma R.; Yadav V.K.; dahuja A.; Ahlawat S.P.; Rana J.C.; Bollinedi H.; Ranjan Kumar R.; Goswami S.; T V.; Satyavathi C.T.; Praveen S.; Sachdev A. (2021). Nutritional composition patterns and application of multivariate analysis to evaluate indigenous Pearl millet ((Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.) germplasm, Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 103() DOI
2021 Mehta S.; Kumar A.; Achary V.M.M.; Ganesan P.; Rathi N.; Singh A.; Sahu K.P.; Lal S.K.; Das T.K.; Reddy M.K. (2021). Antifungal activity of glyphosate against fungal blast disease on glyphosate-tolerant OsmEPSPS transgenic rice, Plant Science (Plant Science Letters), 311() DOI
2021 Meena B.R.; Parihar C.M.; Nayak H.S.; Patra K.; Rana B.; Abdallah A.M.; Gambhir G.; Rathi N.; Singh V.K. (2021). Effect of nutrient management on yield, economics, water and energy use efficiency of maize (.Zea mays) under conservation agriculture based maize-wheat (Triticum aestivum) system, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(9) DOI
2021 BARMAN P.; SINGH S.K. (2021). Microbial inoculants modulate physiological behaviour of troyer citrange under drought stress, Bangladesh Journal of Botany, 50(3) DOI
2021 Pratap V.; Verma S.K.; Dass A.; Yadav D.K.; Madane A.J.; Maurva R.; Jaysawal P.K. (2021). Effect of sowing and weed control methods on nutrient uptake and soil fertility in direct-seeded rice (Oryia sativa), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(9) DOI
2021 Panwar A.S.; Babu S.; Kohima N.; Kumar S. (2021). Maize (Zea mays)-based cropping system on raised beds influenced the productivity, soil quality and profitability in North-East India, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 66(3) DOI
2021 Sneha G.R.; Swarnalakshmi K.; Sharma M.; Reddy K.; Bhoumik A.; Suman A.; Kannepalli A. (2021). Soil type influence nutrient availability, microbial metabolic diversity, eubacterial and diazotroph abundance in chickpea rhizosphere, World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology, 37(10) DOI
2021 Padhan S.R.; Rathore S.S.; Prasad S.M.; Shekhawat K.; Singh V.K. (2021). Influence of precision nutrient and weed management on growth and productivity of direct-seeded upland rice (Oryza sativa) under Eastern Plateau and Hills Region, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 66(3) DOI
2021 Bhattacharyya S.; Burman R.R.; Sharma J.P.; Padaria R.N.; Paul S.; Datta A.; Venkatesh P.; Singh L.; Prasad Y.G.; Nalkar S.; Kumar1 A.S.; Rao N.V.; Kumar N.K.; Roy P. (2021). Measuring stakeholders' perception of Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(10) DOI
2021 Rai R.; Sharma S.K.; Kumar P.V.; Baranwal V.K. (2021). Evidence of novel genetic variants of Grapevine rupestris stem pitting-associated virus and intra-host diversity in Indian grapevine cultivars, Tropical Plant Pathology, 46(5) DOI
2021 Reddy M.G.; Rao G.P.; Sinha P.; Shukla S.M.; Sagar D. (2021). Temperature influence on leafhopper population and its potential distribution in predicting spread of chickpea stunt disease in India, Journal of Environmental Biology, 42(5) DOI
2021 Kumar M.; Tomar M.; Saurabh V.; Sasi M.; Punia S.; Potkule J.; Maheshwari C.; Changan S.; Radha; Bhushan B.; Singh S.; Anitha T.; Alajil O.; Satankar V.; Dhumal S.; Amarowicz R.; Kaur C.; Sharifi-Rad J.; Kennedy J.F. (2021). Delineating the inherent functional descriptors and biofunctionalities of pectic polysaccharides, Carbohydrate Polymers, 269() DOI
2021 Samal I.; Dhillon M.K.; Singh N. (2021). Biological performance and biochemical interactions of mustard aphid (Lipaphis erysimi) in Brassica juncea, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(9) DOI
2021 Sakthivel K.; Balamurugan A.; Ashajyothi M.; Yadav S.; Baskaran V.; Abirami K.; Gautam R.K.; Kumar A. (2021). Transboundary introduction of potato-infecting Ralstonia solanacearum in the Andaman Islands revealed by multilocus sequence typing: A potential threat to island agriculture, Journal of Biosciences, 46(3) DOI
2021 Moirengjam R.; Kalita P.; Bhupenchandra I.; Devi S.H.; Kumar A.; Avasthe R.K.; Singh R.; Babu S.; Saha S.; Sinyorita S. (2021). Influence of rhizobacteria (Pseudomonas fluorescens) on biochemical performance of lentil (Lens culinaris) genotypes under late-sown condition in rice (Oryza sativa) fallow system, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 66(3) DOI
2021 Yadav R.; Gupta S.; Gaikwad K.B.; Bainsla N.K.; Kumar M.; Babu P.; Ansari R.; Dhar N.; Dharmateja P.; Prasad R. (2021). Genetic Gain in Yield and Associated Changes in Agronomic Traits in Wheat Cultivars Developed Between 1900 and 2016 for Irrigated Ecosystems of Northwestern Plain Zone of India, Frontiers in Plant Science, 12() DOI
2021 Venkatesa Palanichamy N.; Dayakar Rao B.; Murugananthi D.; Rohini A.; Singh A.; Suhashini K.; Anuradha N.; Dinesh T.M. (2021). Are the indian ragi markets integrated?, Indian Journal of Economics and Development, 17(3) DOI
2021 Sachin A.J.; Rao D.V.S.; Ranjitha K.; Vasugi C.; Narayana C.K.; Ravishankar K. (2021). Differential effects of postharvest application of ethylene inhibitors on guava stored under ambient conditions, Journal of Environmental Biology, 42(5) DOI
2021 Velayudhan P.K.; Singh A.; Jha G.K.; Kumar P.; Thanaraj K.I.; Srinivasa A.K. (2021). What drives the use of organic fertilizers? Evidence from rice farmers in indo-gangetic plains, India, Sustainability, 13(17) DOI
2021 Sulaimankhil Z.; Sethi S.; Sharma R.R.; Verma M.K.; Dahuja A.; Bhowmik A. (2021). Influence of aqueous hexanal on quality of ‘Royal Delicious’ apple during cold storage, Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 43(9) DOI
2021 Saha N.; Kar A.; Jha G.K.; Kumar P.; Venkatesh P.; Kumar R.R. (2021). Integration of prices in major markets of onion and potato in India, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(9) DOI
2021 Singh H.; Khar A. (2021). Perspectives of onion hybrid breeding in India: An overview, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(10) DOI
2021 Nishanth S.; Prasanna R.; Hossain F.; Muthusamy V.; Shivay Y.S.; Nain L. (2021). Interactions of microbial inoculants with soil and plant attributes for enhancing Fe and Zn biofortification in maize genotypes, Rhizosphere, 19() DOI
2021 Debbarma R.; Prameeladevi T.; Tyagi A.; Kamil D. (2021). Polyphasic taxonomic characterization of nine Penicillium species from soil of different parts of India, Journal of Environmental Biology, 42(5) DOI
2021 Bhakiyathu Saliha B.; Selvakumar R.; Padmasri S. (2021). Effect of different sources and levels of sulphur on soil available nutrients and yield of Jasmine, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 78(3) DOI
2021 Samanta S.; Banerjee S.; Patra P.K.; Sehgal V.K.; Chowdhury A.; Kumar B.; Mukherjee A. (2021). Projection of future daily global horizontal irradiance under four RCP scenarios: An assessment through newly developed temperature and rainfall-based empirical model, Solar Energy, 227() DOI
2021 Neelmani R.I.; Tomer R.; Kumar S.; Kumar R.; Bhoi S. (2021). Effect of tillage and integrated nutrient management practices on greengram (Vigna radiata) crop, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(9) DOI
2021 Ahmad D.; Jain S.K.; Joshi M.A.; Anand A.; Tomar B.S.; Kumar S.; Hasan M. (2021). H202 as a better index of seed quality and mechanism of cucumber (Cucumis sativus) seed deterioration, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(10) DOI
2021 Langyan S.; Khan F.N.; Yadava P.; Alhazmi A.; Mahmoud S.F.; Saleh D.I.; Zuan A.T.K.; kumar A. (2021). In silico proteolysis and analysis of bioactive peptides from sequences of fatty acid desaturase 3 (FAD3) of flaxseed protein, Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 28(10) DOI
2021 Manjunathagowda D.C.; Selvakumar R. (2021). Marker-assisted selection of Ms locus responsible for male fertility restoration in onion (Allium cepa L.), Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 68(7) DOI
2021 Singh A.K.; Singh R.P.; Singh V.P.; Singh R.K.; Dixit D. (2021). Site specific evaluation of pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) variety IPA 203 through participatory approach, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(9) DOI
2021 Dharmateja P.; Kumar M.; Pandey R.; Mandal P.K.; Babu P.; Bainsla N.K.; Gaikwad K.B.; Tomar V.; kumar K.K.; Dhar N.; Ansari R.; Saifi N.; Yadav R. (2021). Deciphering the change in root system architectural traits under limiting and nonlimiting phosphorus in Indian bread wheat germplasm, PLoS ONE, 16(10-Oct) DOI
2021 Prasanna R.; Hossain F.; Saxena G.; Singh B.; Kanchan A.; Simranjit K.; Ramakrishnan B.; Ranjan K.; Muthusamy V.; Shivay Y.S. (2021). Analyses of genetic variability and genotype x cyanobacteria interactions in biofortified maize (Zea mays L.) for their responses to plant growth and physiological attributes, European Journal of Agronomy, 130() DOI
2021 Panda P.; Debnath P.; Mall S.; Nigam A.; Rao G.P. (2021). Multilocus genes based characterization of phytoplasma strains associated with Mexican and French marigold species in India, European Journal of Plant Pathology, 161(2) DOI
2021 Muralikrishnan L.; Padaria R.N.; Dass A.; Choudhary A.K.; Kakade B.; Shokralla S.; Zin El‐Abedin T.K.; Almutairi K.F.; Elansary H.O. (2021). Elucidating traditional rice varieties for consilient biotic and abiotic stress management under changing climate with landscape‐level rice biodiversity, Land, 10(10) DOI
2021 Mandal A.; Kumar A.; Singh N. (2021). Sorption mechanisms of pesticides removal from effluent matrix using biochar: Conclusions from molecular modelling studies validated by single-, binary and ternary solute experiments, Journal of Environmental Management, 295() DOI
2021 Abdallah A.M.; Parihar C.M.; Patra S.; Nayak H.S.; Saharawat Y.S.; Singh U.; Parihar M.D.; Kakraliya S.K.; Nassar I.N.; Ugolini F.; Zohir W.F.; Shalaby M.M. (2021). Critical evaluation of functional aspects of evaporation barriers through environmental and economics lens for evaporation suppression - A review on milestones from improved technologies, Science of the Total Environment, 788() DOI
2021 Alhariri A.; Behera T.K.; Jat G.S.; Devi M.B.; Boopalakrishnan G.; Hemeda N.F.; Teleb A.A.; Ismail E.; Elkordy A. (2021). Analysis of genetic diversity and population structure in bitter gourd (Momordica charantia l.) using morphological and ssr markers, Plants-Basel, 10(9) DOI
2021 Singh D.; Chaudhary P.; Taunk J.; Singh C.K.; Singh D.; Tomar R.S.S.; Aski M.; Konjengbam N.S.; Raje R.S.; Singh S.; Sengar R.S.; Yadav R.K.; Pal M. (2021). Fab advances in fabaceae for abiotic stress resilience: from ‘omics’ to artificial intelligence, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22(19) DOI
2021 Msango Soko K.; Bhattacharya R.; Ramakrishnan B.; Sharma K.; Subramanian S. (2021). Isolation and comparative analysis of culturable cellulose degrading gut bacteria from a coleopteran and lepidopteran insect, Research Journal of Biotechnology, 16(9) DOI
2021 Barman A.; Singh V.K.; Rathore S.S.; Babu S.; Sharma V.K. (2021). Deficit-irrigation management and agri-horti system compatibility using drip for enhancing water-use efficiency and profitability in Indian mustard (Brassica juncea), Indian Journal of Agronomy, 66(3) DOI
2021 Golui D.; Datta S.P.; Dwivedi B.S.; Meena M.C.; Ray P.; Trivedi V.K. (2021). A new approach to establish safe levels of available metals in soil with respect to potential health hazard of human, Environmental Earth Sciences, 80(19) DOI
2021 Pandey G.K.; Chinnusamy V.; Lenka S.K. (2021). Genes, Genomes and Germplasm for Climate-Smart Agriculture-Part-III, Current Genomics, 22(6) DOI
2021 Singh D.; Sharma N.L.; Singh C.K.; Yerramilli V.; Narayan R.; Sarkar S.K.; Singh I. (2021). Chromium (VI)-Induced Alterations in Physio-Chemical Parameters, Yield, and Yield Characteristics in Two Cultivars of Mungbean (Vigna radiata L.), Frontiers in Plant Science, 12() DOI
2021 Biswas B.; Chakraborty D.; Timsina J.; Roy D.P.D.; Adhikary S.; Das I.; Sarkar A.; Ray B.R.; Sarkar S.; Mondal M.; Kanthal S.; Bhowmick U.R. (2021). Replacing winter rice in non-traditional areas by strawberry reduces arsenic bioaccumulation, and improves water productivity and profitability, Science of the Total Environment, 788() DOI
2021 Singh K.; Sharmila P.; Kumar P.A.; Pardha-Saradhi P. (2021). Successful expression of the synthetic merBps gene in tobacco, Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 167() DOI
2021 Kaur A.; Kaur S.; Jandrotia R.; Singh H.P.; Batish D.R.; Kohli R.K.; Rana V.S.; Shakil N.A. (2021). Parthenin—a sesquiterpene lactone with multifaceted biological activities: Insights and prospects, Molecules, 26(17) DOI
2021 Maurya R.; Singh M.K.; Nagargade M.; Yadav D.K.; Pratap V. (2021). Performance of various rice (Oryza sativa l.) varieties under variable nitrogen levels in the eastern uttar pradesh, Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences, 9(Special issue 3) DOI
2021 Prakash P.; Radha; Kumar M.; Kumari N.; Prakash S.; Rathour S.; Thakur M.; Jamwal R.; Janjua S.; Ali M.; Pundir A.; Puri S.; Dhumal S.; Singh S.; Senapathy M.; Bangar S.P.; Maurya V.K.; Changan S.; Gora J.S.; Samota M.K.; Damale R.D.; Sasi M.; Natta S.; Chandran D.; Rajalingam S.; Rais N.; Mekhemar M. (2021). Therapeutic uses of wild plants by rural inhabitants of maraog region in district shimla, himachal pradesh, india, Horticulturae, 7(10) DOI
2021 Pradhan N.C.; Sahoo P.K.; Kushwaha D.K.; Mani I.; Srivastava A.; Sagar A.; Kumari N.; Sarkar S.K.; Makwana Y. (2021). A novel approach for development and evaluation of lidar navigated electronic maize seeding system using check row quality index, Sensors, 21(17) DOI
2021 Malyan S.K.; Bhatia A.; Tomer R.; Harit R.C.; Jain N.; Bhowmik A.; Kaushik R. (2021). Mitigation of yield-scaled greenhouse gas emissions from irrigated rice through Azolla, Blue-green algae, and plant growth–promoting bacteria, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28(37) DOI
2021 Cowan N.; Bhatia A.; Drewer J.; Jain N.; Singh R.; Tomer R.; Kumar V.; Kumar O.; Prasanna R.; Ramakrishnan B.; Kumar D.; Bandyopadhyay S.K.; Sutton M.; Pathak H. (2021). Experimental comparison of continuous and intermittent flooding of rice in relation to methane, nitrous oxide and ammonia emissions and the implications for nitrogen use efficiency and yield, Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 319() DOI
2021 Malyan S.K.; Bhatia A.; Fagodiya R.K.; Kumar S.S.; Kumar A.; Gupta D.K.; Tomer R.; Harit R.C.; Kumar V.; Jain N.; Pathak H. (2021). Plummeting global warming potential by chemicals interventions in irrigated rice: A lab to field assessment, Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 319() DOI
2021 Prajapati V.K.; Khanna M.; Singh M.; Kaur R.; Sahoo R.N.; Singh D.K. (2021). Evaluation of time scale of meteorological, hydrological and agricultural drought indices, Natural Hazards, 109(1) DOI
2021 Naheed R.; Aslam H.; Kanwal H.; Farhat F.; Abo Gamar M.I.; Al-Mushhin A.A.M.; Jabborova D.; Javed Ansari M.; Shaheen S.; Aqeel M.; Noman A.; Hessini K. (2021). Growth attributes, biochemical modulations, antioxidant enzymatic metabolism and yield in Brassica napus varieties for salinity tolerance, Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 28(10) DOI
2021 Singh R.; Babu S.; Avasthe R.K.; Meena R.S.; Yadav G.S.; Das A.; Mohapatra K.P.; Rathore S.S.; Kumar A.; Singh C. (2021). Conservation tillage and organic nutrients management improve soil properties, productivity, and economics of a maize-vegetable pea system in the Eastern Himalayas, Land Degradation & Development, 32(16) DOI
2021 Singh G.; Ahuja A.; Rao U.; Somvanshi V.S. (2021). Loop-mediated isothermal amplification based identification of entomopathogenic nematodes Heterorhabditis spp. and Steinernema spp. from soil DNA, BioControl, 66(5) DOI
2021 Yele Y.; Dhillon M.K.; Tanwar A.K.; Kumar S. (2021). Amino and fatty acids contributing to antibiosis against Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) in maize, Arthropod-Plant Interactions, 15(5) DOI
2021 Singh H.; Khar A.; Verma P. (2021). Induced mutagenesis for genetic improvement of Allium genetic resources: a comprehensive review, Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 68(7) DOI
2021 Sharma K.C.; Mishra A.N.; Saiprasad S.V.; Solanki K.S. (2021). Evaluation of wheat (Triticum species) varieties under extra-early sown conditions in Vertisols of Central India with restricted assured irrigation, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 66(3) DOI
2021 Yadav S.K.; Srivastava C. (2021). The Toxicity of Phosphine against Susceptible and Resistant Strains of Trogoderma granarium (Coleoptera: Dermestidae), African Entomology, 29(2) DOI
2021 Kavitha H.N.; Kumar P.; Anbukkani P.; Burman R.R. (2021). Impact of PMKISAN Scheme on Production and Efficiency of Ragi (Eleusine Coracana) Crop of Tumkur District of Karnataka, Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 76(4) DOI
2021 Paul D.; Arora A.; Verma M.L. (2021). Editorial: Advances in Microbial Biofuel Production, Frontiers in Microbiology, 12() DOI
2021 Jayarajan S.; Sharma R.R. (2021). Melatonin: A blooming biomolecule for postharvest management of perishable fruits and vegetables, Trends in Food Science & Technology, 116() DOI
2021 Kumar A.; Rana K.S.; Choudhary A.K.; Bana R.S.; Sharma V.K.; Prasad S.; Gupta G.; Choudhary M.; Pradhan A.; Rajpoot S.K.; Kumar A.; Kumar A.; Tyagi V. (2021). Energy budgeting and carbon footprints of zero-tilled pigeonpea–wheat cropping system under sole or dual crop basis residue mulching and Zn-fertilization in a semi-arid agro-ecology, Energy, 231() DOI
2021 Saha T.; Chandran N. (2021). Comparative study of insecticide resistance management strategies against brinjal shoot and fruit borer {Leucinodes orbonalis) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(9) DOI
2021 Biswa B.; Meena S.L.; Babu S.; Mandal B.N.; Shivay Y.S.; Tahashildar M. (2021). Productivity of upland rice (Oryza sativa) as affected by organic manure and lime, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(9) DOI
2021 Shahane A.A.; Shivay Y.S. (2021). Soil Health and Its Improvement Through Novel Agronomic and Innovative Approaches, Frontiers in Agronomy, 3() DOI
2021 Reddy V.R.P.; Dikshit H.K.; Mishra G.P.; Aski M.; Singh A.; Bansal R.; Pandey R.; Nair R.M. (2021). Comparison of different selection traits for identification of phosphorus use efficient lines in mungbean, PeerJ, 9() DOI
2021 Jabborova D.; Annapurna K.; Al-Sadi A.M.; Alharbi S.A.; Datta R.; Zuan A.T.K. (2021). Biochar and Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi mediated enhanced drought tolerance in Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) plant growth, root morphological traits and physiological properties, Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 28(10) DOI
2021 Jailani A.A.K.; Kumar P.; Shilpi S.; Tarafdar J.; Roy A.; Mukherjee S.K.; Sanan-Mishra N.; Mandal B. (2021). Genomic properties of allamanda leaf mottle distortion virus, a new begomovirus from golden trumpet (Allamanda cathartica) in India, Archives of Virology, 166(10) DOI
2021 Devi J.; Dubey R.K.; Mishra G.P.; Sagar V.; Verma R.K.; Singh P.M.; Singh J. (2021). Inheritance and stability studies of multi–flowering trait in vegetable pea (Pisum sativum L.), and its contribution in yield improvement, Scientia Horticulturae, 287() DOI
2021 Reddy V.; Rathore S.S.; Babu S.; Shekhawat K.; Singh V.K. (2021). In-situ green-manuring for enhanced rice (Oryza sativa) productivity under north eastern hill region, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 66(3) DOI
2021 Priyadarshini P.; Choudhury S.; Tilgam J.; Bharati A.; Sreeshma N. (2021). Nitrogen fixing cereal: A rising hero towards meeting food security, Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 167() DOI
2021 Nigam S.; Jain R.; Marwaha S.; Arora A.; Singh V.K.; Singh A.K.; Paul R.K.; Kingsly I.T. (2021). Automating yellow rust disease identification in wheat using artificial intelligence, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(9) DOI
2021 Kashyap A.S.; Manzar N.; Rajawat M.V.S.; Kesharwani A.K.; Singh R.P.; Dubey S.C.; Pattanayak D.; Dhar S.; Lal S.K.; Singh D. (2021). Screening and biocontrol potential of rhizobacteria native to gangetic plains and hilly regions to induce systemic resistance and promote plant growth in chilli against bacterial wilt disease, Plants-Basel, 10(10) DOI
2021 Kumar M.; Charishma K.; Sahu K.P.; Sheoran N.; Patel A.; Kundu A.; Kumar A. (2021). Rice leaf associated Chryseobacterium species: An untapped antagonistic flavobacterium displays volatile mediated suppression of rice blast disease, Biological Control, 161() DOI
2021 Jayaraman K.; K. V.R.; Sevanthi A.M.; S.R. S.; Gayatri; C. V.; Mohapatra T.; Mandal P.K. (2021). Stress-inducible expression of chalcone isomerase2 gene improves accumulation of flavonoids and imparts enhanced abiotic stress tolerance to rice, Environmental and Experimental Botany, 190() DOI
2021 Kumar S.; Chakrabarty S.K.; Singh Y. (2021). Variation in phenol colour reaction in grains of rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 81(3) DOI
2021 Kaur S.; Rakshit S.; Choudhary M.; Das A.K.; Kumar R.R. (2021). Meta-analysis of QTLs associated with popping traits in maize (Zea mays L.), PLoS ONE, 16(08-Aug) DOI
2021 Singh C.K.; Singh D.; Sharma S.; Chandra S.; Taunk J.; Konjengbam N.S.; Singh D.; Kumar A.; Upadhyaya K.C.; Pal M. (2021). Morpho-physiological characterization coupled with expressional accord of exclusion mechanism in wild and cultivated lentil under aluminum stress, Protoplasma, 258(5) DOI
2021 Gadag R.N.; Bhat J.S.; Mukri G.; Gogoi R.; Suby S.B.; Das A.K.; Yadav S.; Yadava P.; Nithyashree M.L.; Naidu G.K.; Yadav S.K.; Shilpa K. (2021). Resistance to biotic stress: Theory and applications in maize breeding, Genomic Designing for Biotic Stress Resistant Cereal Crops, () DOI
2021 Tanwar A.K.; Kirti J.S.; Kumar S.; Dhillon M.K. (2021). The amino acid and lipophilic profiles of Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) larvae fluctuate with diapause, Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological and Integrative Physiology, 335(7) DOI
2021 Yadav A.; Dahuja A.; Dabur R. (2021). Dynamics of toll-like receptors signaling in skeletal muscle atrophy, Current Medicinal Chemistry, 28(28) DOI
2021 Meena V.S.; Ghosh B.N.; Singh R.J.; Bhattacharyya R.; Sharma N.K.; Alam N.M.; Meena S.K.; Mishra P.K. (2021). Land use types and topographic position affect soil aggregation and carbon management in the mountain agro-ecosystems of the Indian Himalayas, Land Degradation & Development, 32(14) DOI
2021 Yadav A.K.; Nigam D.; Gautam B.; Mishra A.K. (2021). Computational approaches to decipher miRNA-target association in Mango (Mangifera indica L.), Plant Gene, 27() DOI
2021 Priyanka K.; Dubey S.C.; Upadhyay B.K. (2021). Cloning, characterization and expression analysis of resistant gene analogues for wilt resistant in chickpea, Indian Phytopathology, 74(3) DOI
2021 Srikanthnaik J.; Sharma P.K.; Kushwaha H.L. (2021). Pedal cum solar powered paddy thresher for small farms, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(8) DOI
2021 Pratheek H.P.; Manikanta N.; Shashidhara K.S.; Kanavi M.S.P. (2021). In-silico analysis of evolution of plant polyamine oxidases, Research Journal of Biotechnology, 16(8) DOI
2021 Joshi A.; Kaundal B.; Raigond P.; Singh B.; Sethi S.; Bhowmik A.; Kumar R. (2021). Low-volume procedure to determine phytate and ascorbic acid in potatoes: standardization and analysis of Indian cultivars, Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 102() DOI
2021 Su-Mon M.; Asrey R.; Prajapati U. (2021). Pre-storage exogenous application of hydrogen sulphide reduces sugar spot, decay loss and preserves quality of banana fruit, Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 80(8) DOI
2021 Sharma P.; Sharma A.; Singh J.; Singh N.; Singh S.; Tomar G.S.; Nain P.K.S.; Khare S.K.; Nain L. (2021). Co-production of gamma amino butyric acid (GABA) and lactic acid using Lactobacillus plantarum LP-9 from agro-residues, Environmental Technology and Innovation, 23() DOI
2021 Meena S.K.; Pandey R.; Sharma S.; Gayacharan; Vengavasi K.; Dikshit H.K.; Siddique K.H.M.; Singh M.P. (2021). Cross tolerance to phosphorus deficiency and drought stress in mungbean is regulated by improved antioxidant capacity, biological N2-fixation, and differential transcript accumulation, Plant and Soil, 466(01-Feb) DOI
2021 Pant R.P.; Basavaraj Y.B.; Srivastava N.; Bhattarai A.; Kumar A.; Baranwal V.K.; Sailo N.; Rampal; Barman D. (2021). Natural mixed infections on Phalaenopsis species by groundnut bud necrosis orthotospovirus, cymbidium mosaic virus and odontoglossum ringspot virus in India, Indian Phytopathology, 74(3) DOI
2021 Kumar P.; Kumar R.; Sewhag M.; Sharma K.D.; Chugh L.K.; Rajanna G.A. (2021). Physiological attributes, productivity, micronutrient and heavy metal content in pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.) as influenced by treated sewage and canal irrigation water under different nutrient sources, Cereal Research Communications, 49(3) DOI
2021 Kumar R.; Pant R.P.; Kapoor S.; Khar A.; Baranwal V.K. (2021). Development of polyclonal antibodies using bacterially expressed recombinant coat protein for the detection of Onion yellow dwarf virus (OYDV) and identification of virus free onion genotypes, 3 Biotech, 11(8) DOI
2021 Ahuja A.; Somvanshi V.S. (2021). Diagnosis of plant-parasitic nematodes using loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP): A review, Crop Protection, 147() DOI
2021 Venkatesh P.; Kuriachen P.; Sen B.; Jha G.K.; Singh D.R.; Balasubramanian M.; Sangeetha V. (2021). Role of agricultural diversification in mitigating income risk in Eastern India, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(8) DOI
2021 Rajput V.D.; Minkina T.; Feizi M.; Kumari A.; Khan M.; Mandzhieva S.; Sushkova S.; El‐ramady H.; Verma K.K.; Singh A.; van Hullebusch E.D.; Singh R.K.; Jatav H.S.; Choudhary R. (2021). Effects of silicon and silicon‐based nanoparticles on rhizosphere microbiome, plant stress and growth, Biology, 10(8) DOI
2021 Guleria N.; Nebapure S.M.; Jayanthi P.D.K.; Suby S.B.; Kumar P.S. (2021). Identification of male-specific active host plant volatiles for maize stem borer, chilo partellus swinhoe, Current Science, 121(4) DOI
2021 Devi J.; Sagar V.; Kaswan V.; Ranjan J.K.; Kumar R.; Mishra G.P.; Dubey R.K.; Verma R.K. (2021). Advances in breeding strategies of bell pepper (capsicum annuum l. var. Grossum sendt.), Advances in Plant Breeding Strategies: Vegetable Crops: Volume 9: Fruits and Young Shoots, () DOI
2021 Somvanshi V.S.; Dash M.; Bhat C.G.; Budhwar R.; Godwin J.; Shukla R.N.; Patrignani A.; Schlapbach R.; Rao U. (2021). An improved draft genome assembly of Meloidogyne graminicola IARI strain using long-read sequencing, Gene, 793() DOI
2021 Bhatia A.; Chug A.; Prakash Singh A.; Singh D. (2021). Investigate the impact of resampling techniques on imbalanced datasets: A case study in plant disease prediction, ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, () DOI
2021 Prashantha S.T.; Bashyal B.M.; Krishnan S.G.; Dubey H.; Solanke A.U.; Prakash G.; Aggarwal R. (2021). Identification and expression analysis of pathogenicity-related genes of Rhizoctonia solani anastomosis groups infecting rice, 3 Biotech, 11(8) DOI
2021 Tomar M.; Bhardwaj R.; Kumar M.; Singh S.P.; Krishnan V.; Kansal R.; Verma R.; Yadav V.K.; dahuja A.; Ahlawat S.P.; Chand Rana J.; Satyavathi C.T.; Praveen S.; Sachdev A. (2021). Development of NIR spectroscopy based prediction models for nutritional profiling of pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.)) R.Br: A chemometrics approach, LWT-Food Science and Technology, 149() DOI
2021 Shrivastava M.; Srivastava S. (2021). Application and research progress of Hydrilla verticillata in ecological restoration of water contaminated with metals and metalloids, Environmental Challenges, 4() DOI
2021 C N.; Mohapatra D.; Kar A.; Giri S.K.; Verma U.S.; Sharma Y.; Singh K.K. (2021). Delineating the effect of gaseous ozone on disinfestation efficacy, protein quality, dehulling efficiency, cooking time and surface morphology of chickpea grains during storage, Journal of Stored Products Research, 93() DOI
2021 Dhall H.; Jangra S.; Basavaraj Y.B.; Ghosh A. (2021). Host plant influences life cycle, reproduction, feeding, and vector competence of Thrips palmi (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), a vector of tospoviruses, Phytoparasitica, 49(4) DOI
2021 Satyavathi C.T.; Ambawat S.; Sehgal D.; Lata C.; Tiwari S.; Srivastava R.K.; Kumar S.; Chinnusamy V. (2021). Genomic designing for abiotic stress tolerance in Pearl Millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.], Genomic Designing for Abiotic Stress Resistant Cereal Crops, () DOI
2021 Kundu T.; Kumar M.; Joshi P.; Bharadwaj A.; Marwaha S.; Pal S. (2021). Development and validation of mobile based decision support system for Human Physical Drudgery Index (HPDI), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(8) DOI
2021 Prajapati U.; Asrey R.; Varghese E.; Sharma R.R. (2021). Effects of calcium lactate on postharvest quality of bitter gourd fruit during cold storage, Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, 27(8) DOI
2021 Manjunatha L.; Saabale P.R.; Srinivasa N.; Bandi S.; Singh S.; Kumar K. (2021). Molecular characterization and development of sequence characterized amplified region (SCAR) marker for detection of Ascochyta rabiei (Pass.) Labr., infecting chickpea, Indian Phytopathology, 74(3) DOI
2021 Singh C.; Tiwari S.; Rai P.K.; Singh J.S. (2021). Sustainable management of paddy crop residues: effects on methanotrophs diversity and value for soil health restoration, Land Degradation & Development, 32(14) DOI
2021 Gupta S.; Kushwah A.; Singh A.; Dikshit H.K.; Mishra G.P.; Aski M.; Bhowmik A. (2021). Nutritional profiling and antioxidant assessment of Indian and exotic lentil accessions, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 81(3) DOI
2021 Ash M.; Raza M.B.; Roy A.; Golui D. (2021). Role of green synthesized nanoparticles in food packaging, Microbial Synthesis of Nanomaterials, () DOI
2021 Gupta P.; Rai R.; Vasudev S.; Yadava D.K.; Dash P.K. (2021). Ex-foliar application of glycine betaine and its impact on protein, carbohydrates and induction of ROS scavenging system during drought stress in flax (Linum usitatissimum), Journal of Biotechnology, 337() DOI
2021 Patel K.K.; Kar A.; Khan M.A. (2021). Rapid Assessment of Some Physical Parameters of Mangoes Using Monochrome Computer Vision, Agricultural Research, 10(3) DOI
2021 Gajghate R.; Harikrishna; Chourasiya D.; Singh P.K.; Jain N.; Sai Prasad S.V.; Singh G.P.; Sharma R.K. (2021). Stability analysis for grain yield and physiological traits in synthetic derived RILs population under different moisture regimes in wheat, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 81(3) DOI
2021 Kumar A.; Choudhary A.; Kaur H.; Javed M.; Mehta S. (2021). Plant performance and defensive role of γ-gamma amino butyric acid under environmental stress, Plant Performance Under Environmental Stress: Hormones, Biostimulants and Sustainable Plant Growth Management, () DOI
2021 Ranjan R.; Yadav R. (2021). Genetics of nitrogen use efficiency and its component traits under nitrogen-rich environment in wheat (Triticum aestivum), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(8) DOI
2021 Vishwanath; Kumar S.; Purakayastha T.J.; Datta S.P.; Rosin K.G.; Mahapatra P.; Sinha S.K. (2021). Resistance and resilience of soil fluorescein diacetate activity against abiotic stress, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(8) DOI
2021 Baveja A.; Muthusamy V.; Panda K.K.; Zunjare R.U.; Das A.K.; Chhabra R.; Mishra S.J.; Mehta B.K.; Saha S.; Hossain F. (2021). Development of multinutrient-rich biofortified sweet corn hybrids through genomics-assisted selection of shrunken2, opaque2, lcyE and crtRB1 genes, Journal of Applied Genetics, 62(3) DOI
2021 Sinha S.; Chakrabarti A.; Singh G.; Kumar K.K.; Gaur N.A.; Arora A.; Singh K.N.; Singh S.; Paul D. (2021). Correction to: Isolation and identification of carotenoid-producing yeast and evaluation of antimalarial activity of the extracted carotenoid(s) against P. falciparum (Biologia Futura, (2021), 72, 3, (325-337), 10.1007/s42977-021-00081-5), Biologia Futura (Acta Biologica Hungarica), 72(3) DOI
2021 Kavitha H.N.; Kumar P.; Anbukkani P.; Burman R.R.; Prakash P. (2021). Income support schemes evaluation of PM KISAN vis-à-vis state government schemes, Economic and Political Weekly, 56(34) DOI
2021 Singh B.; Sindhu S.S.; Arora A.; Yadav H. (2021). Growth and physiological potential of various turf grass species under graded shade levels, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(8) DOI
2021 Sowmyashree A.; Sharma R.R.; Rudra S.G.; Grover M. (2021). Layer-by-layer coating of hydrocolloids and mixed plant extract reduces fruit decay and improves postharvest life of nectarine fruits during cold storage, Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 43(8) DOI
2021 Choudhary A.; Kumar A.; Kaur H.; Balamurugan A.; Padhy A.K.; Mehta S. (2021). Plant performance and defensive role of β-amino butyric acid under environmental stress, Plant Performance Under Environmental Stress: Hormones, Biostimulants and Sustainable Plant Growth Management, () DOI
2021 Singh C.K.; Singh D.; Taunk J.; Chaudhary P.; Tomar R.S.S.; Chandra S.; Singh D.; Pal M.; Konjengbam N.S.; Singh M.P.; Singh Sengar R.; Sarker A. (2021). Comparative Inter- and IntraSpecies Transcriptomics Revealed Key Differential Pathways Associated With Aluminium Stress Tolerance in Lentil, Frontiers in Plant Science, 12() DOI
2021 Gupta O.P.; Pandey V.; Saini R.; Khandale T.; Singh A.; Malik V.K.; Narwal S.; Ram S.; Singh G.P. (2021). Comparative physiological, biochemical and transcriptomic analysis of hexaploid wheat (T. aestivum L.) roots and shoots identifies potential pathways and their molecular regulatory network during Fe and Zn starvation, Genomics, 113(5) DOI
2021 Behera S.K.; Shukla A.K.; Prakash C.; Tripathi A.; Kumar A.; Trivedi V. (2021). Establishing management zones of soil sulfur and micronutrients for sustainable crop production, Land Degradation & Development, 32(13) DOI
2021 Upadhyay A.; Mohan S. (2021). Bacillus subtilis and B. licheniformis Isolated from Heterorhabditis indica Infected Apple Root Borer (Dorysthenes huegelii) Suppresses Nematode Production in Galleria mellonella, Acta Parasitologica, 66(3) DOI
2021 Rai G.K.; Parveen A.; Jamwal G.; Basu U.; Kumar R.R.; Rai P.K.; Sharma J.P.; Alalawy A.I.; Al-Duais M.A.; Hossain M.A.; Ur Rahman M.H.; Raza A.; Danish S.; Sakran M.I. (2021). Leaf proteome response to drought stress and antioxidant potential in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.), Atmosphere, 12(8) DOI
2021 Veeranna D.; Mittal A.; Rajashekhar M.; Kalia V.K. (2021). Characterization of native Bacillus thuringiensis strains against storage pest Tribolium castaneunt (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(8) DOI
2021 Kumari S.; Kumar R.; Rai B.; Sirohi S.; Shukla L.; Kumar G. (2021). Development and Study of Biodegradability of Euphorbia Coagulum Modified Polyester Composite Reinforced with Bamboo Fiber, Fibers and Polymers, 22(9) DOI
2021 Kassam R.; Kamil D.; Rao U. (2021). Caenorhabditis elegans as bait for isolating promising biocontrol fungi against Meloidogyne incognita from soils across India, Indian Phytopathology, 74(3) DOI
2021 Rashmi E.R.; Basavaraj Y.B.; Pant R.P.; Baranwal V.K.; Jain R. (2021). Detection of orchid viruses and molecular characterization of odontoglossum ringspot virus (ORSV) isolates, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(8) DOI
2021 Mondal B.; Singh A.; Kumar G.A.K.; Sinha M.K.; Kumar S. (2021). Impact of Watershed Programmes in Bundelkhand Region of Madhya Pradesh, India: How Beneficiaries Perceive?, Agricultural Research, 10(3) DOI
2021 Debbarma S.; Bhatt L.; Singh P.K.; Gautam P.; Raghav M.; Lavlesh; Singh A.K. (2021). Standardization of fertigation scheduling in broccoli {Brassica oleracea var italicd), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(8) DOI
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2021 Saha P.; Ghoshal C.; Saha N.D.; Verma A.; Srivastava M.; Kalia P.; Tomar B.S. (2021). Marker-Assisted Pyramiding of Downy Mildew-Resistant Gene Ppa3 and Black Rot-Resistant Gene Xca1bo in Popular Early Cauliflower Variety Pusa Meghna, Frontiers in Plant Science, 12() DOI
2021 Sharma S.; Vengavasi K.; Kumar M.N.; Yadav S.K.; Pandey R. (2021). Expression of potential reference genes in response to macronutrient stress in rice and soybean, Gene, 792() DOI
2021 Dutta A.; Mandal A.; Kundu A.; Malik M.; Chaudhary A.; Khan M.R.; Shanmugam V.; Rao U.; Saha S.; Patanjali N.; Kumar R.; Kumar A.; Dash S.; Singh P.K.; Singh A. (2021). Deciphering the Behavioral Response of Meloidogyne incognita and Fusarium oxysporum Toward Mustard Essential Oil, Frontiers in Plant Science, 12() DOI
2021 Nagar S.; Singh V.P.; Arora A.; Dhakar R.; Singh N.; Singh G.P.; Meena S.; Kumar S.; Shiv Ramakrishnan R. (2021). Understanding the Role of Gibberellic Acid and Paclobutrazol in Terminal Heat Stress Tolerance in Wheat, Frontiers in Plant Science, 12() DOI
2021 Sinha S.; Chakrabarti A.; Singh G.; Kumar K.K.; Gaur N.A.; Arora A.; Singh K.N.; Singh S.; Paul D. (2021). Isolation and identification of carotenoid-producing yeast and evaluation of antimalarial activity of the extracted carotenoid(s) against P. falciparum, Biologia Futura (Acta Biologica Hungarica), 72(3) DOI
2021 Irulappan V.; Mali K.V.; Patil B.S.; Manjunatha H.; Muhammad S.; Senthil-Kumar M. (2021). A sick plot–based protocol for dry root rot disease assessment in field-grown chickpea plants, Applications in Plant Sciences, 9(8) DOI
2021 Barman M.; Samanta S.; Thakur H.; Chakraborty S.; Samanta A.; Ghosh A.; Tarafdar J. (2021). Effect of neonicotinoids on bacterial symbionts and insecticide-resistant gene in whitefly, bemisia tabaci, Insects, 12(8) DOI
2021 Adak S.; Bandyopadhyay K.K.; Sahoo R.N.; Mridha N.; Shrivastava M.; Purakayastha T.J. (2021). Prediction of wheat yield using spectral reflectance indices under different tillage, residue and nitrogen management practices, Current Science, 121(3) DOI
2021 Chhabra R.; Muthusamy V.; Gain N.; Katral A.; Prakash N.R.; Zunjare R.U.; Hossain F. (2021). Allelic variation in sugary1 gene affecting kernel sweetness among diverse-mutant and -wild-type maize inbreds, Molecular Genetics and Genomics (Molecular and General Genetics), 296(5) DOI
2021 Kushwah A.; Bhatia D.; Singh I.; Thudi M.; Singh G.; Bindra S.; Vij S.; Gill B.S.; Bharadwaj C.; Singh S.; Varshney R.K. (2021). Identification of stable heat tolerance QTLs using inter-specific recombinant inbred line population derived from GPF 2 and ILWC 292, PLoS ONE, 16(08-Aug) DOI
2021 Ray P.; Chattaraj S.; Bandyopadhyay S.; Jena R.K.; Singh S.K.; Ray S.K. (2021). Shifting cultivation, soil degradation, and agricultural land-use planning in the northeastern hill region of India using geo-spatial techniques, Land Degradation & Development, 32(14) DOI
2021 Kumar J.; Ramlal A.; Kumar K.; Rani A.; Mishra V. (2021). Signaling pathways and downstream effectors of host innate immunity in plants, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22(16) DOI
2021 Srikanthnaik J.; Sharma P.K.; Kushwaha H.L. (2021). Development of setup for human energy expenditure rate for ergonomic design of thresher, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(8) DOI
2021 Tripathi S.; Verma A.; Kushwah S.S.; Verma R. (2021). First report of occurrence of zucchini yellow mosaic virus in Luffa aegyptiaca in India, Journal of Plant Pathology, 103(3) DOI
2021 Singh C.K.; Singh D.; Sharma S.; Chandra S.; Tomar R.S.S.; Kumar A.; Upadhyaya K.C.; Pal M. (2021). Mechanistic association of quantitative trait locus with malate secretion in lentil (Lens culinaris medikus) seedlings under aluminium stress, Plants-Basel, 10(8) DOI
2021 Yadav S.P.; Kumar S.; Das T.K.; Purakayastha T.J.; Sharma V.K.; Bhattacharyya R.; Bandyopadhyay K.K.; Rosin K.G.; Vishwanath (2021). Nitrogen availability under conventional and conservation tillage in semiarid Inceptisol, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(8) DOI
2021 Kumari U.; Banerjee T.; Singh N. (2021). Evaluating ash and biochar mixed biomixtures for atrazine and fipronil degradation, Environmental Technology and Innovation, 23() DOI
2021 Ansari M.A.; Saha S.; Das A.; Lal R.; Das B.; Choudhury B.U.; Roy S.S.; Sharma S.K.; Singh I.M.; Meitei C.B.; Changloi K.L.; Singh L.S.; Singh N.A.; Saraswat P.K.; Ramakrishna Y.; Singh D.; Hazarika S.; Punitha P.; Sandhu S.K.; Prakash N. (2021). Energy and carbon budgeting of traditional land use change with groundnut based cropping system for environmental quality, resilient soil health and farmers income in eastern Indian Himalayas, Journal of Environmental Management, 293() DOI
2021 Sil A.; Dasgupta U. (2021). Nutraceutical and cosmeceutical potential of seaweed derived fucoxanthin, Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 83(4) DOI
2021 Bansal R.; Priya S.; Dikshit H.K.; Jacob S.R.; Rao M.; Bana R.S.; Kumari J.; Tripathi K.; Kumar A.; Kumar S.; Siddique K.H.M. (2021). Growth and antioxidant responses in iron-biofortified lentil under cadmium stress, Toxics, 9(8) DOI
2021 Rana A.; Sindhu M.; Kumar A.; Dhaka R.K.; Chahar M.; Singh S.; Nain L. (2021). Restoration of heavy metal-contaminated soil and water through biosorbents: A review of current understanding and future challenges, Physiologia Plantarum, 173(1) DOI
2021 Sahil; Das A.; Mehta S.; Abdelmotelb K.F.; Lavale S.A.; Aggarwal S.K.; Jat B.S.; Tripathi A.; Garg S. (2021). Jasmonic acid for sustainable plant growth and production under adverse environmental conditions, Plant Performance Under Environmental Stress: Hormones, Biostimulants and Sustainable Plant Growth Management, () DOI
2021 Joshi P.; Mahra G.S.; Jethi R. (2021). Food and nutritional security analysis of farm women in Siwalik region of North Western Himalayan Region, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(8) DOI
2021 Sandra N.; Tripathi A.; Lal S.K.; Mandal B.; Jain R.K. (2021). Molecular and biological characterization of soybean yellow mottle mosaic virus severe strain infecting soybean in India, 3 Biotech, 11(8) DOI
2021 Gadag R.N.; Bhat J.S.; Mukri G.; Chikkappa G.K.; Kumar R.; Yadav S.; Yadava P.; Nithyashree M.L.; Naidu G.K.; Sheoran S.; Yadav S.K. (2021). Resistance to abiotic stress: Theory and applications in maize breeding, Genomic Designing for Abiotic Stress Resistant Cereal Crops, () DOI
2021 Narwal E.; Annapurna K.; Choudhary J.; Dhakar R.; Singh Y. (2021). Bioprospecting aerobic rice (Oryza sativa) and mycorrhizal interaction for nutrient uptake and plant growth, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(8) DOI
2021 Mishra G.P.; Seth T.; Karmakar P.; Sanwal S.K.; Sagar V.; Priti; Singh P.M.; Singh B. (2021). Breeding strategies for yield gains in okra (abelmoschus esculentus L.), Advances in Plant Breeding Strategies: Vegetable Crops: Volume 9: Fruits and Young Shoots, () DOI
2021 Kumar M.; Dahuja A.; Tiwari S.; Punia S.; Tak Y.; Amarowicz R.; Bhoite A.G.; Singh S.; Joshi S.; Panesar P.S.; Prakash Saini R.; Pihlanto A.; Tomar M.; Sharifi-Rad J.; Kaur C. (2021). Recent trends in extraction of plant bioactives using green technologies: A review, Food Chemistry, 353() DOI
2021 Kasote D.; Singh V.K.; Bollinedi H.; Singh A.K.; Sreenivasulu N.; Regina A. (2021). Profiling of 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline and other volatile compounds in raw and cooked rice of traditional and improved varieties of india, Foods, 10(8) DOI
2021 Keerthiraj M.; Mandal A.; Dutta T.K.; Saha S.; Dutta A.; Singh A.; Kundu A. (2021). Nematicidal and Molecular Docking Investigation of Essential Oils from Pogostemon cablin Ecotypes against Meloidogyne incognita, Chemistry and Biodiversity, 18(9) DOI
2021 Vashisth A.; Meena N.; Krishnan P. (2021). Magnetic Field Affects Growth and Yield of Sunflower Under Different Moisture Stress Conditions, Bioelectromagnetics, 42(6) DOI
2021 Sharma A.B.; Kumar A.; Javeria S. (2021). Pathogenic association of Albifimbria terrestris with rice seeds, Indian Phytopathology, 74(3) DOI
2021 Singh S.; Kalia P. (2021). Advances in cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis l.) breeding, with emphasis on india, Advances in Plant Breeding Strategies: Vegetable Crops: Volume 10: Leaves, Flowerheads, Green Pods, Mushrooms and Truffles, () DOI
2021 Sidharthan V.K.; Kalaivanan N.S.; Baranwal V.K. (2021). Identification of two putative novel RNA viruses in the transcriptome datasets of small cardamom, Plant Gene, 27() DOI
2021 Mondal B.P.; Sekhon B.S.; Setia R.K.; Sadhukhan R. (2021). Geostatistical Assessment of Spatial Variability of Soil Organic Carbon Under Different Land Uses of Northwestern India, Agricultural Research, 10(3) DOI
2021 Sheoran N.; Ganesan P.; Mughal N.M.; Yadav I.S.; Kumar A. (2021). Genome assisted molecular typing and pathotyping of rice blast pathogen, Magnaporthe oryzae, reveals a genetically homogenous population with high virulence diversity, Fungal Biology, 125(9) DOI
2021 Divte P.R.; Yadav P.; Pawar A.B.; Sharma V.; Anand A.; Pandey R.; Singh B. (2021). Crop Response to Iron Deficiency is Guided by Cross-Talk Between Phytohormones and their Regulation of the Root System Architecture, Agricultural Research, 10(3) DOI
2021 Mitra S.; Ghose A.; Gujre N.; Senthilkumar S.; Borah P.; Paul A.; Rangan L. (2021). A review on environmental and socioeconomic perspectives of three promising biofuel plants Jatropha curcas, Pongamia pinnata and Mesua ferrea, Biomass and Bioenergy, 151() DOI
2021 Trivedi A.; Bhattacharyya R.; Ghosh A.; Saha N.D.; Biswas D.R.; Mahapatra P.; Verma S.; Shahi D.K.; Khan S.A.; Bhatia A.; Agnihorti R.; Sharma C. (2021). 60 years of fertilization and liming impacts on soil organic carbon stabilization in a sub-tropical Alfisol, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28(33) DOI
2021 Singh S.; Yadav G.S.; Das A.; Das B.; Devi H.L.; Raghuraman M.; Kumar A. (2021). Bioefficacy, environmental safety and synergistic impacts of biorational formulations against whitefly, leafhopper and blister beetle in organic okra ecosystem, Journal of Agricultural Science, 159(05-Jun) DOI
2021 Chanda B.; Bhowmik A.; Jaggi S.; Varghese E.; Datta A.; Varghese C.; Saha N.D.; Bhatia A.; Chakrabarti B. (2021). Minimal cost multifactor experiments for agricultural research involving hard-to-change factors, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(7) DOI
2021 Kumar S.; Chakrabarty S.K.; Ranjan R. (2021). Inter-and intra-plant variation in phenol content in grains of rice (Oriza sativa varieties using phenol colour reaction, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(6) DOI
2021 Bhati S.S.; Kundu A.; Ahuja A.; Somvanshi V.S. (2021). First report of meloidogyne enterolobii on cultivated fenugreek, trigonella corniculata l.In india, Indian Journal of Nematology, 51(1) DOI
2021 Naitam M.G.; Kaushik R. (2021). Archaea: An Agro-Ecological Perspective, Current Microbiology, 78(7) DOI
2021 Nalla M.K.; Sharma V.K.; Sharma V.R. (2021). Mapping and validation of markers linked to Rf gene in sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum var grossum), Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture, 33(6) DOI
2021 Swarnalakshml K.; Rajkhowa S.; Pooniya V.; Annapurna K. (2021). Endophytic bacteria improve mesorhizobial nodulation, plant growth and yield in chickpea (Cicer arietinum), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(7) DOI
2021 Mukesh Sankar S.; Tara Satyavathi C.; Barthakur S.; Singh S.P.; Bharadwaj C.; Soumya S.L. (2021). Differential Modulation of Heat-Inducible Genes Across Diverse Genotypes and Molecular Cloning of a sHSP From Pearl Millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.], Frontiers in Plant Science, 12() DOI
2021 Kumar A.; Bhatia A.; Sehgal V.K.; Tomer R.; Jain N.; Pathak H. (2021). Net ecosystem exchange of carbon dioxide in rice-spring wheat system of northwestern indo-gangetic plains, Land, 10(7) DOI
2021 Chattopadhay N.; Kumar A.; Mandal R.; Roy A.; Bhattacharya P.M.; Chowdhury A.K. (2021). Weather-based models to forecast spot blotch disease {Bipolaris sorokiniana) of wheat (Triticum aestivum) in North Bengal, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(7) DOI
2021 Gangadhara K.; Abraham M.; Selvakumar R. (2021). Combining ability and gene action for structural and economical traits in brinjal {Solatium melongena), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(7) DOI
2021 Sharma S.; Ghoshal C.; Arora A.; Samar W.; Nain L.; Paul D. (2021). Publisher Correction: Strain Improvement of Native Saccharomyces cerevisiae LN ITCC 8246 Strain Through Protoplast Fusion to Enhance Its Xylose Uptake (Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, (2021), 193, 8, (2455-2469), 10.1007/s12010-021-03539-3), Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 193(8) DOI
2021 Sarkar S.; Mukherjee I. (2021). Effect of Organic Amendment on Mobility Behavior of Flupyradifurone in Two Different Indian Soils, Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 107(1) DOI
2021 Mhetre V.B.; Patel V.B.; Singh S.K.; Verma M.K.; Mishra G.P.; Dahuja A.; Kumar C. (2021). Effect of new generation bio-regulators on anthocyanins and berry quality of grape cv.Beauty Seedless, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(6) DOI
2021 Mahadik A.S.; Kushwaha H.L.; Kumar A.; Bhowmik A.; Singh A.K. (2021). Pulsating air pollinator for greenhouse cultivation, Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 80(6) DOI
2021 Priti; Mishra G.P.; Dikshit H.K.; Vinutha T.; Tontang M.T.; Stobdan T.; Sangwan S.; Aski M.; Singh A.; Kumar R.R.; Tripathi K.; Kumar S.; Nair R.M.; Praveen S. (2021). Diversity in Phytochemical Composition, Antioxidant Capacities, and Nutrient Contents Among Mungbean and Lentil Microgreens When Grown at Plain-Altitude Region (Delhi) and High-Altitude Region (Leh-Ladakh), India, Frontiers in Plant Science, 12() DOI
2021 Jat S.L.; Suby S.B.; Parihar C.M.; Gambhir G.; Kumar N.; Rakshit S. (2021). Microbiome for sustainable agriculture: a review with special reference to the corn production system, Archives of Microbiology, 203(6) DOI
2021 Krishnan P.; Maity P.P.; Kundu M. (2021). Sensitivity analysis of cultivar parameters to simulate wheat crop growth and yield under moisture and temperature stress conditions, Heliyon, 7(7) DOI
2021 Das D.; Dwivedi B.S.; Datta S.P.; Datta S.C.; Meena M.C.; Dwivedi A.K.; Singh M.; Chakraborty D.; Jaggi S. (2021). Long-term differences in nutrient management under intensive cultivation alter potassium supplying ability of soils, Geoderma, 393() DOI
2021 Shubha K.; Dhar S.; Maity A.; Raman R.K.; Mukherjee A. (2021). Influence of leaf architecture on morpho-phenological and yield related traits of garden pea, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 78(2) DOI
2021 Yadav S.P.; Kumar S.; Das T.K.; Purakayastha T.J.; Sharma V.K.; Bhattacharyya R.; Rosin K.G.; Vishwanath (2021). Distribution of mineral nitrogen in long-term conservation agriculture under semi-arid condition, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(7) DOI
2021 Ambaye T.G.; Vaccari M.; Bonilla-Petriciolet A.; Prasad S.; van Hullebusch E.D.; Rtimi S. (2021). Emerging technologies for biofuel production: A critical review on recent progress, challenges and perspectives, Journal of Environmental Management, 290() DOI
2021 Blaise D.; Manikandan A.; Desouza N.D.; Bhargavi B.; Somasundaram J. (2021). Intercropping and mulching in rain-dependent cotton can improve soil structure and reduce erosion, Environmental Advances, 4() DOI
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2021 Ghosh A.; Ankit; Singh R.K.; Singh O.N. (2021). Crop-weed competition in aerobic rice (Oryza sativa) - serious concern in nitrogen fertilizer management, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(7) DOI
2021 Marag P.; Dhar D.W.; Jaiswal P.; Tiwari O.N.; Suman A.; Jena M. (2021). Characterizing cyanobacteria from Punjab rice varieties for growth promotion, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(7) DOI
2021 Dineshkumar R.; Rama P.G.; Bharadwaj C.; Goswami D.; Bansal N. (2021). Effect of cooking and canning on digestibility and antioxidant potential in chickpea (Cicer arietinum) and pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(7) DOI
2021 Dutta S.; Kundu A.; Dutta A.; Saha S.; Banerjee K. (2021). A comprehensive chemical profiling of phytochemicals from Trachyspermum ammi and encapsulation for sustained release, LWT-Food Science and Technology, 147() DOI
2021 Gouda H.S.; Singh Y.V.; Shivay Y.S.; Biswas D.R.; Poornima S.; Manu S.M. (2021). Effect of enriched compost and crop establishment methods on productivity and profitability of rice (Oryza sativa), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(6) DOI
2021 Bamel V.; Suroshe S.S.; Nabir N.; Sirohi A. (2021). Field efficacy of the entomopathogenic nematode heterorhabditis indica against tobacco cutworm (Spodoptera litura fab.) infesting soybean, Indian Journal of Nematology, 51(1) DOI
2021 Kumari P.; Singh S.P.; Gangopadhyay K.K.; Chalam V.C.; Dubey S.C.; Srinivasa N. (2021). Screening of wild okra {Abelmoschus moschatus) germplasm for okra yellow vein mosaic disease resistance in India, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(7) DOI
2021 Asha A.D.; Nivetha N.; Krishna G.K.; Thakur J.K.; Rathi M.S.; Manjunatha B.S.; Chinnusamy V.; Paul S. (2021). Amelioration of short-term drought stress during different growth stages in Brassica juncea by rhizobacteria mediated maintenance of ROS homeostasis, Physiologia Plantarum, 172(4) DOI
2021 Saha S.; Chakraborty D.; Sehgal V.K.; Pal M. (2021). Atmospheric CO2 enrichment effect on water use efficiency in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, 207(4) DOI
2021 Sahu R.; Prabhakaran N.; Kundu P.; Kumar A. (2021). Differential response of phytohormone signalling network determines nonhost resistance in rice during wheat stem rust (Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici) colonization, Plant Pathology, 70(6) DOI
2021 Kumar S.; Awasthi O.P.; Sharma R.M.; Pradhan S. (2021). Physiological and biochemical responses of Kinnow mandarin (Citrus rtobilis x Citrus deliciosa) to EMS induced mutagenesis, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(7) DOI
2021 Soumia P.S.; Srivastava C.; Pandi G.G.P.; Sabtharishi S. (2021). Dna fingerprinting of bruchid resistant mung bean genotypes using ssr markers, Indian Journal of Entomology, 83(2) DOI
2021 Sidharthan V.K.; Kalaivanan N.S.; Baranwal V.K. (2021). Discovery of putative novel viruses in the transcriptomes of endangered plant species native to India and China, Gene, 786() DOI
2021 Kumar N.; Soren K.R.; Bharadwaj C.; Sneha Priya P.R.; Shrivastava A.K.; Pal M.; Roorkiwal M.; Kumar K.; Patil B.S.; Soni A.; Nimmy M.S.; Siddique K.H.M.; Varshney R.K. (2021). Genome-wide transcriptome analysis and physiological variation modulates gene regulatory networks acclimating salinity tolerance in chickpea, Environmental and Experimental Botany, 187() DOI
2021 Singh S.; Singh B.N.; Singh A.; Tiwari R.C.; Hasanain M.; Singh T.; Singh A.; Agrawal Y. (2021). Response of potato (Solanum tuberosum l.) to irrigation methods, moisture regimes and integrated nitrogen management, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 66(2) DOI
2021 Benke A.P.; Krishna R.; Mahajan V.; Ansari W.A.; Gupta A.J.; Khar A.; Shelke P.; Thangasamy A.; Shabeer T.P.A.; Singh M.; Bhagat K.P.; Manjunathagowda D.C. (2021). Genetic diversity of Indian garlic core germplasm using agro-biochemical traits and SRAP markers, Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 28(8) DOI
2021 Jabborova D.; Choudhary R.; Karunakaran R.; Ercisli S.; Ahlawat J.; Sulaymanov K.; Azimov A.; Jabbarov Z. (2021). The chemical element composition of turmeric grown in soil–climate conditions of Tashkent region, Uzbekistan, Plants-Basel, 10(7) DOI
2021 Afroz S.; Singh R.; Nain M.S.; Mishra J.R.; Kumar P.; Khan S.A.; Iquebal M.A. (2021). SWOT-Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) of Agriclinics and Agribusiness Center (ACABC) Scheme, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(6) DOI
2021 Krishnan V.; Awana M.; Singh A.; Goswami S.; Vinutha T.; Kumar R.R.; Singh S.P.; Sathyavathi T.; Sachdev A.; Praveen S. (2021). Starch molecular configuration and starch-sugar homeostasis: Key determinants of sweet sensory perception and starch hydrolysis in pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum), International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 183() DOI
2021 Madhav J.V.; Sethi S.; Sharma R.R.; Nagaraja A.; Arora A.; Varghese E. (2021). Influence of bilayer coating of salicylic acid and edible wax on chilling injury and functional attributes of guava, Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 45(7) DOI
2021 Pratheek H.P.; Nagar S.; Adavi S.; Chinnusamy V.; Pandey R. (2021). Functional annotation of hypothetical proteins involved in multiple stress response in Oryza sativa, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(7) DOI
2021 Ramaiah M.; Meshram N.M. (2021). A new species of bamboo-feeding leafhopper genus Myittana from India (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae), Zootaxa, 4996(1) DOI
2021 Bhattacharyya R.; Rabbi S.M.F.; Zhang Y.; Young I.M.; Jones A.R.; Dennis P.G.; Menzies N.W.; Kopittke P.M.; Dalal R.C. (2021). Soil organic carbon is significantly associated with the pore geometry, microbial diversity and enzyme activity of the macro-aggregates under different land uses, Science of the Total Environment, 778() DOI
2021 Verma V.K.; Meena R.N.; Singh D.N.; Upadhyay P.K.; Singh R.K.; Singh R.K. (2021). Cropping geometry and nutrient management study on winter maize {Zea mays) + potato (Solatium tuberosum) intercropping, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(7) DOI
2021 Rane J.; Raina S.K.; Govindasamy V.; Bindumadhava H.; Hanjagi P.; Giri R.; Jangid K.K.; Kumar M.; Nair R.M. (2021). Use of Phenomics for Differentiation of Mungbean (Vigna radiata L. Wilczek) Genotypes Varying in Growth Rates Per Unit of Water, Frontiers in Plant Science, 12() DOI
2021 Bharti A.; Prasanna R.; Dantuluri V.S.R.; Chawla G.; Shivay Y.S.; Nain L. (2021). Cyanobacterium-amended mixes as priming options for stimulating growth and improving nutrient availability in nursery-grown Chrysanthemum rooted stem cuttings, Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 43(7) DOI
2021 Chowrasia S.; Nishad J.; Pandey R.; Mondal T.K. (2021). Oryza coarctata is a triploid plant with initial events of C4 photosynthesis evolution, Plant Science (Plant Science Letters), 308() DOI
2021 Mehriya M.; Shukla U.N.; Upadhyay P.K.; Borana H.; Singh R.K. (2021). Leaf and seed yield of rtagauri methi (Trigonella corniculata) as influenced by seed rates and nitrogen levels, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(7) DOI
2021 Kumari S.; Suroshe S.S.; Kumar D.; Budhlakoti N.; Yana V. (2021). Foraging behaviour of Scymnus coccivora Ayyar against cotton mealybug Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley, Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 28(7) DOI
2021 Das A.K.; Gowda M.M.; Muthusamy V.; Zunjare R.U.; Chauhan H.S.; Baveja A.; Bhatt V.; Chand G.; Bhat J.S.; Guleria S.K.; Saha S.; Gupta H.S.; Hossain F. (2021). Development of Maize Hybrids With Enhanced Vitamin-E, Vitamin-A, Lysine, and Tryptophan Through Molecular Breeding, Frontiers in Plant Science, 12() DOI
2021 Aggarwal C.; Paul S.; Nain V.; Tripathi V.; Paul B.; Aslam Khan M. (2021). Comparative response of Spodoptera litura challenged per os with Serratia marcescens strains differing in virulence, Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 183() DOI
2021 Sidharthan V.K.; Baranwal V.K. (2021). Mining of the water hyssop (Bacopa monnieri) transcriptome reveals genome sequences of two putative novel rhabdoviruses and a solendovirus, Archives of Virology, 166(7) DOI
2021 Shyam C.S.; Rathore S.S.; Shekhawat K.; Singh R.K.; Padhan S.R.; Singh V.K. (2021). Precision nutrient management in maize (Zea mays) for higher productivity and profitability, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(6) DOI
2021 Dutta S.; Muthusamy V.; Hossain F.; Baveja A.; Abhijith K.P.; Saha S.; Zunjare R.U.; Yadava D.K. (2021). Effect of storage period on provitamin-A carotenoids retention in biofortified maize hybrids, International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 56(7) DOI
2021 Meshram N.M.; Ramaiah M.; Shashank P.R.; Stuti (2021). New record of the genus Baseprocessa (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Coelidiinae) from India with description of a new species, Zootaxa, 4999(5) DOI
2021 Dhakar R.; Sehgal V.K.; Chakraborty D.; Mukherjee J. (2021). Interactive effect of sowing and water stress on rate of LAI and yield of wheat (Triticum aestivum), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(7) DOI
2021 Kumar A.; Aggarwal H.M.; Rashmi G.M.S.; Prasad V.L.; Saharan M.S. (2021). Identification of Fusarium head blight resistant sources in wneat unaer artificially inoculated condition, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(6) DOI
2021 Sharma S.; Ghoshal C.; Arora A.; Samar W.; Nain L.; Paul D. (2021). Strain Improvement of Native Saccharomyces cerevisiae LN ITCC 8246 Strain Through Protoplast Fusion To Enhance Its Xylose Uptake, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 193(8) DOI
2021 K1ngra P.K.; Kaur R.; Majumder D.; Singh S.P.; Buttar G.S. (2021). Agricultural water use efficiency to adapt climate change in Indo-Gangetic plains of south-east Asia, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(6) DOI
2021 Rani V.; Bhatia A.; Kaushik R. (2021). Inoculation of plant growth promoting-methane utilizing bacteria in different N-fertilizer regime influences methane emission and crop growth of flooded paddy, Science of the Total Environment, 775() DOI
2021 Changwal C.; Shukla T.; Hussain Z.; Singh N.; Kar A.; Singh V.P.; Abdin M.Z.; Arora A. (2021). Regulation of Postharvest Tomato Fruit Ripening by Endogenous Salicylic Acid, Frontiers in Plant Science, 12() DOI
2021 Sowmya R.; Kumar H.; Devaraja K.P.; Kumar A.; Abhishek Gowda A.P.; Panka J. (2021). Influence of summer greenmanuring on soil nematode population under rice-wheat cropping system, Indian Journal of Nematology, 51(1) DOI
2021 Majee S.; Halder G.; Mandal D.D.; Tiwari O.N.; Mandal T. (2021). Transforming wet blue leather and potato peel into an eco-friendly bio-organic NPK fertilizer for intensifying crop productivity and retrieving value-added recyclable chromium salts, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 411() DOI
2021 Sathee L.; Jha S.K.; Rajput O.S.; Singh D.; Kumar S.; Kumar A. (2021). Expression dynamics of genes encoding nitrate and ammonium assimilation enzymes in rice genotypes exposed to reproductive stage salinity stress, Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 165() DOI
2021 Sannagoudar M.S.; Murthy K.N.K.; Nagaraju; Rajanna G.A.; Ghosh A.; Singh A.K.; Gupta G.; Kumar R.V. (2021). Influence of weed management practices in maize (Zea mays) based intercropping system, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(7) DOI
2021 Mukherjee J.; Sharma A.; Dhakar R.; Sehgal V.K.; Chakraborty D.; Das D.K. (2021). Estimation and Validation of Actual Evapotranspiration (ETa) of Maize Wheat Cropping System Using SSEBop Model Over IARI Research Farm, New Delhi, India, Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, 49(8) DOI
2021 Manchikatla P.K.; Kalavikatte D.; Mallikarjuna B.P.; Palakurthi R.; Khan A.W.; Jha U.C.; Bajaj P.; Singam P.; Chitikineni A.; Varshney R.K.; Thudi M. (2021). MutMap Approach Enables Rapid Identification of Candidate Genes and Development of Markers Associated With Early Flowering and Enhanced Seed Size in Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), Frontiers in Plant Science, 12() DOI
2021 Hasanain M.; Singh V.K.; Rathore S.S.; Shekhawat K.; Singh R.K.; Dwivedi B.S.; Upadhyaya P.K.; Singh S. (2021). Effect of site-specific nutrient management in conservation agriculture-based maize in north-western India, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 66(2) DOI
2021 Verma R.; Verma A.; Tripathi S. (2021). Molecular identification of 16SrII-C and 16SrII-D phytoplasma strains associated with phyllody and axillary shoot proliferation in papaya, Australasian Plant Pathology, 50(4) DOI
2021 Mahato D.K.; Kamle M.; Sharma B.; Pandhi S.; Devi S.; Dhawan K.; Selvakumar R.; Mishra D.; Kumar A.; Arora S.; Singh N.A.; Kumar P. (2021). Patulin in food: A mycotoxin concern for human health and its management strategies, Toxicon, 198() DOI
2021 Das S.; Agarwal D.K.; Mandal B.; Rao V.R.; Kundu T. (2021). Detection of the chilli leaf curl virus using an attenuated total reflection-mediated localized surface-plasmon-resonance-based optical platform, ACS Omega, 6(27) DOI
2021 Joshi E.; Vyas A.K.; Dhar S.; Dass A.; Sasode D.S.; Prajapati K.; Jinger D.; Singhal V.; Gupta G.; Prasad D. (2021). Soil microbial biomass carbon and soil enzymatic activity under nutrient omission plot technique in maize (Zea mays)–wheat (triticum aestivum) cropping system, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 66(2) DOI
2021 Archana T.J.; Gogoi R.; Kaur C.; Varghese E.; Sharma R.R.; Srivastav M.; Tomar M.; Kumar M.; Kumar A. (2021). Bacterial volatile mediated suppression of postharvest anthracnose and quality enhancement in mango, Postharvest Biology and Technology, 177() DOI
2021 Reddy V.R.P.; Das S.; Dikshit H.K.; Mishra G.P.; Aski M.S.; Singh A.; Tripathi K.; Pandey R.; Bansal R.; Singh M.P.; Gore P.G.; Manjunatha P.B.; Kothari D.; Rai N.; Nair R.M. (2021). Genetic dissection of phosphorous uptake and utilization efficiency traits using gwas in mungbean, Agronomy-Basel, 11(7) DOI
2021 Krishnan V.; Mondal D.; Thomas B.; Singh A.; Praveen S. (2021). Starch-lipid interaction alters the molecular structure and ultimate starch bioavailability: A comprehensive review, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 182() DOI
2021 Lakhran H.; Sharma O.P.; Bajiya R.; Choudhary J.R.; Kanwar S.; Choudhary M. (2021). Effect of foliar application of bioregulators for improving high temperature tolerance of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Journal of Environmental Biology, 42(4) DOI
2021 Singh A.K.; Sabir N.; Jat G.S.; Singh J.; Singh V.; Singh A.; Kumar A.; Kumar J. (2021). Effect of spacing and pruning on growth, yield and economics of long melon (Cucumis melo var.Utilissimus) under naturally ventilated polyhouse, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(6) DOI
2021 Sharma V.; Prasanna R.; Hossain F.; Muthusamy V.; Nain L.; Shivay Y.S.; Kumar S. (2021). Cyanobacterial inoculation as resource conserving options for improving the soil nutrient availability and growth of maize genotypes, Archives of Microbiology, 203(5) DOI
2021 Kumar S.; Singh V.K.; Upadhyay P.K.; Shekhawat K.; Dwivedi B.S.; Kumar A. (2021). Effect of precision nitrogen and water management on growth, productivity and water budgeting of maize (Zea mays) grown under different crop-establishment techniques, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 66(2) DOI
2021 Das A.; Raju R.; Siddayya; Sendhil R. (2021). Export of tea from india in the post-WTO era: Performance and determinants, Indian Journal of Economics and Development, 17(3) DOI
2021 Saha S.; Chandrashekar K.; Verma R.; Tripathi S. (2021). Performance evaluation of natural dwarf mutant tomato suitable for vertical gardening, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 78(2) DOI
2021 Mhetre V.B.; Patel V.B.; Singh S.K.; Verma M.K.; Kumar C.; Mishra G.P.; Dahuja A.; Kumar A. (2021). Influence of new generation plant bio-regulators on physio-biochemical alterations in grapes cv. Beauty seedless, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 78(2) DOI
2021 Kumar M.; Prakash S.; Radha; Kumari N.; Pundir A.; Punia S.; Saurabh V.; Choudhary P.; Changan S.; Dhumal S.; Pradhan P.C.; Alajil O.; Singh S.; Sharma N.; Ilakiya T.; Singh S.; Mekhemar M. (2021). Beneficial role of antioxidant secondary metabolites from medicinal plants in maintaining oral health, Antioxidants, 10(7) DOI
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2021 Jabborova D.; Annapurna K.; Paul S.; Kumar S.; Saad H.A.; Desouky S.; Ibrahim M.F.M.; Elkelish A. (2021). Beneficial features of biochar and arbuscular mycorrhiza for improving spinach plant growth, root morphological traits, physiological properties, and soil enzymatic activities, Journal of Fungi, 7(7) DOI
2021 Singson H.; Ramkrushna G.I.; Layek J.; Das A.; Pande R.; Verma B.C.; Shahane A.A.; Shivay Y.S. (2021). Zinc fertilization effect on productivity and nutritional status of rice (Oryza sativa) in North-east India, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(6) DOI
2021 Zhang Y.; Finn D.; Bhattacharyya R.; Dennis P.G.; Doolette A.L.; Smernik R.J.; Dalal R.C.; Meyer G.; Lombi E.; Klysubun W.; Jones A.R.; Wang P.; Menzies N.W.; Kopittke P.M. (2021). Long-term changes in land use influence phosphorus concentrations, speciation, and cycling within subtropical soils, Geoderma, 393() DOI
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2021 Danakumara T.; Kumari J.; Singh A.K.; Sinha S.K.; Pradhan A.K.; Sharma S.; Jha S.K.; Bansal R.; Kumar S.; Jha G.K.; Yadav M.C.; Vara Prasad P.V. (2021). Genetic dissection of seedling root system architectural traits in a diverse panel of hexaploid wheat through multi‐locus genome‐wide association mapping for improving drought tolerance, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22(13) DOI
2021 Dasu S.; Borah P.; Sarma D.; Das S.S.; Barua N.S.; Babu S. (2021). Evaluation of Assam rice (Oryza sativa) genotypes for nitrogen use efficiency, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(6) DOI
2021 Sinha S.; Singh G.; Arora A.; Paul D. (2021). Carotenoid Production by Red Yeast Isolates Grown in Agricultural and "Mandi" Waste, Waste and Biomass Valorization, 12(7) DOI
2021 Kumari L.; Hasan M.; Randhe R.D.; Singh D.K.; Singh A.K.; Alam W. (2021). Effects of mulching and irrigation levels on greenhouse capsicum (Capsicum annuum), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(6) DOI
2021 Hada A.; Patil B.L.; Bajpai A.; Kesiraju K.; Dinesh-Kumar S.; Paraselli B.; Sreevathsa R.; Rao U. (2021). Micro RNA-induced gene silencing strategy for the delivery of siRNAs targeting Meloidogyne incognita in a model plant Nicotiana benthamiana, Pest Management Science (Pesticide Science), 77(7) DOI
2021 Mehta B.K.; Chhabra R.; Muthusamy V.; Zunjare R.U.; Baveja A.; Chauhan H.S.; Prakash N.R.; Chalam V.C.; Singh A.K.; Hossain F. (2021). Expression analysis of β-carotene hydroxylase1 and opaque2 genes governing accumulation of provitamin-A, lysine and tryptophan during kernel development in biofortified sweet corn, 3 Biotech, 11(7) DOI
2021 Kumar A.; Jigyasu D.K.; Kumar A.; Subrahmanyam G.; Mondal R.; Shabnam A.A.; Cabral-Pinto M.M.S.; Malyan S.K.; Chaturvedi A.K.; Gupta D.K.; Fagodiya R.K.; Khan S.A.; Bhatia A. (2021). Nickel in terrestrial biota: Comprehensive review on contamination, toxicity, tolerance and its remediation approaches, Chemosphere (Chemosphere - Global Change Science), 275() DOI
2021 Azameti M.K.; Dauda W.P. (2021). Base Editing in Plants: Applications, Challenges, and Future Prospects, Frontiers in Plant Science, 12() DOI
2021 Gautam T.; Kumar K.; Agarwal P.; Tyagi S.; Jaiswal V.; Gahlaut V.; Kumar S.; Prasad P.; Chhuneja P.; Balyan H.S.; Gupta P.K. (2021). Development of white-grained PHS-tolerant wheats with high grain protein and leaf rust resistance, Molecular Breeding, 41(6) DOI
2021 Das A.; Karwa S.; Taunk J.; Bahuguna R.N.; Chaturvedi A.K.; Kumar P.; Chinnusamy V.; Pal M. (2021). Putrescine exogenous application alleviates oxidative stress in reproductive tissue under high temperature in rice, Plant Physiology Reports (Indian Journal of Plant Physiology), 26(2) DOI
2021 Rasheed S.; Venkatesh P.; Singh D.R.; Renjini V.R.; Jha G.K.; Sharma D.K. (2021). Ecosystem valuation and eco-compensation for conservation of traditional paddy ecosystems and varieties in Kerala, India, Ecosystem Services, 49() DOI
2021 Mallick N.; Agarwal P.; Jha S.K.; Niranjana M.; Vinod (2021). Marker‐assisted breeding for rust management in wheat, Indian Phytopathology, 74(2) DOI
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2021 Singh N.; Virdi A.S.; Katyal M.; Kaur A.; Kaur D.; Ahlawat A.K.; Singh A.M.; Kumar Sharma R. (2021). Evaluation of heat stress through delayed sowing on physicochemical and functional characteristics of grains, whole meals and flours of India wheat, Food Chemistry, 344() DOI
2021 Mondal K.K.; Rashmi E.R.; Ghoshal T. (2021). Rice SWEET proteins: the key targets by the bacterial blight pathogen, Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae to ensure nutrition in the rice apoplast during infection, Indian Phytopathology, 74(2) DOI
2021 Soumya P.R.; Singh D.; Sharma S.; Singh A.M.; Pandey R. (2021). Evaluation of Diverse Wheat (Triticum aestivum) and Triticale (× Triticosecale) Genotypes for Low Phosphorus Stress Tolerance in Soil and Hydroponic Conditions, Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 21(2) DOI
2021 Sharma G.K.; Khan S.A.; Shrivastava M.; Bhattacharyya R.; Sharma A.; Gupta D.K.; Kishore P.; Gupta N. (2021). Circular economy fertilization: Phycoremediated algal biomass as biofertilizers for sustainable crop production, Journal of Environmental Management, 287() DOI
2021 Aradwad P.P.; Arun K.T.V.; Sinha J.P.; Yadav R.S. (2021). Screen cleaner for on farm processing of grains, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(5) DOI
2021 Saharan M.S.; Kumar H.M.A.; Gurjar M.S.; Aggarwal R. (2021). Fusarium head blight of wheat in India‐variability in pathogens associated and sources of resistance: an overview, Indian Phytopathology, 74(2) DOI
2021 Anandaraj M.; Manivannan S.; Umadevi P. (2021). Rhizosphere microbiome: The next-generation;crop improvement strategy, Environmental and Agricultural Microbiology: Advances and Applications, () DOI
2021 Kumar P.; Chauhan A.; Kumar M.; Kuanr B.K.; Kundu A.; Solanki R.; Kapur M.K. (2021). In vitro and in silico anticancer potential analysis of Streptomyces sp. extract against human lung cancer cell line, A549, 3 Biotech, 11(6) DOI
2021 Saini D.K.; Rai A.; Devi A.; Pabbi S.; Chhabra D.; Chang J.-S.; Shukla P. (2021). A multi-objective hybrid machine learning approach-based optimization for enhanced biomass and bioactive phycobiliproteins production in Nostoc sp. CCC-403, Bioresource Technology (Biological Wastes), 329() DOI
2021 Yadava P.; Tamim S.; Zhang H.; Teng C.; Zhou X.; Meyers B.C.; Walbot V. (2021). Transgenerational conditioned male fertility of HD-ZIP IV transcription factor mutant ocl4: impact on 21-nt phasiRNA accumulation in pre-meiotic maize anthers, Plant Reproduction (Sexual Plant Reproduction), 34(2) DOI
2021 Choudhury P.; Ray R.N.; Bandyopadhyay T.K.; Tiwari O.N.; Bhunia B. (2021). Kinetics and performance evaluation of microbial fuel cell supplied with dairy wastewater with simultaneous power generation, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 46(31) DOI
2021 Azameti M.K.; Dauda W.P.; Panzade K.P.; Vishwakarma H. (2021). Identification and characterization of genes responsive to drought and heat stress in rice (Oryza sativa L.), Vegetos, 34(2) DOI
2021 Reddy M.G.; Vemana K.; Sarkar S.; Bal S.S.; Kumar S.; Naik K.S.S.; Rao G.P. (2021). Emerging incidence of tomato big bud disease associated with a 16srii-d phytoplasma in andhra pradesh and odisha states of india, Phytopathogenic Mollicutes, 11(1) DOI
2021 Bal S.K.; Wakchaure G.C.; Potekar S.; Choudhury B.U.; Choudhary R.L.; Sahoo R.N. (2021). Spectral Signature-Based Water Stress Characterization and Prediction of Wheat Yield under Varied Irrigation and Plant Bio-regulator Management Practices, Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, 49(6) DOI
2021 Yadav G.S.; Das A.; Babu S.; Mohapatra K.P.; Lal R.; Rajkhowa D. (2021). Potential of conservation tillage and altered land configuration to improve soil properties, carbon sequestration and productivity of maize based cropping system in eastern Himalayas, India, International Soil and Water Conservation Research, 9(2) DOI
2021 Oo K.S.; Krishnan S.G.; Vinod K.K.; Dhawan G.; Dwivedi P.; Kumar P.; Bhowmick P.K.; Pal M.; Chinnuswamy V.; Nagarajan M.; Bollinedi H.; Ellur R.K.; Singh A.K. (2021). Molecular breeding for improving productivity of Oryza sativa L. Cv. Pusa 44 under reproductive stage drought stress through introgression of a major QTL, QDTY12.1, Genes, 12(7) DOI
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2021 Baradevanal G.; Chander S.; Jayanthi P.D.K.; Singh H.S.; Reddy D.S. (2021). Assessing the risk of mango quarantine pest Deanolis sublimbalis Snellen under different climate change scenarios, Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection, 128(3) DOI
2021 Raj A.; Mandal J.; Golui D.; Sihi D.; Dari B.; Kumari P.B.; Ghosh M.; Ganguly P. (2021). Determination of Suitable Extractant for Estimating Plant Available Arsenic in Relation to Soil Properties and Predictability by Solubility-FIAM, Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 232(6) DOI
2021 Das A.K.; Chichghare S.A.; Sharma S.K.; Kumar J.P.T.; Singh S.; Baranwal V.K.; Kumar A.; Nerkar S. (2021). Genetic diversity and population structure of ‘Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus’ associated with citrus Huanglongbing in India based on the prophage types, World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology, 37(6) DOI
2021 Prakash N.R.; Zunjare R.U.; Muthusamy V.; Rai M.; Kumar A.; Guleria S.K.; Bhatt V.; Choudhary J.; Chand G.; Jaiswal S.K.; Bhat J.S.; Hossain F. (2021). A novel quantitative trait loci governs prolificacy in ‘Sikkim Primitive’ – A unique maize (Zea mays) landrace of North-Eastern Himalaya, Plant Breeding, 140(3) DOI
2021 Rao G.P.; Mitra S.; Gopala; Rao A.; Yadav A. (2021). Vachellia nilotica: A new host of ‘candidatus phytoplasma asteris’ and ‘Ca. P. Trifolii’-related strains in India, Phytopathogenic Mollicutes, 11(1) DOI
2021 Kumar S.; Awasthi O.P.; Dubey A.K.; Singh A.; Pandey R. (2021). Impact of ionising irradiation on physio-biochemical traits of kinnow mandarin, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 78(2) DOI
2021 Veereshkumar; Kumaranag K.M.; Deb D.; Belavadi V.V. (2021). Pollination Studies on Both Floret and Capitulum Levels in an Oil Seed Crop, Guizotia abyssinica (L.f.) Cass., Journal of Apicultural Science, 65(1) DOI
2021 Veereshkumar; Kumaranag K.M.; Uthappa A.R.; Deb D.; Srivastava M.; Sridhar K.B.; Handa A.K. (2021). Wild bee pollination in Grewia flavescens Juss., International Journal of Tropical Insect Science, 41(2) DOI
2021 Thakur M.; Anand A. (2021). Hydrogen sulfide: An emerging signaling molecule regulating drought stress response in plants, Physiologia Plantarum, 172(2) DOI
2021 Archana H.R.; Yadav S.; Yadav S.K.; Saini N.; Dahuja A.; Vasudev S.; Choudhary R.; Yadava D.K. (2021). Seed longevity and vigour studies in different types of Indian mustard, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(5) DOI
2021 Kannaujia P.K.; Asrey R. (2021). Effect of harvesting season and cultivars on storage behaviour, nutritional quality and consumer acceptability of strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) fruits, Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 43(6) DOI
2021 Rathan N.D.; Sehgal D.; Thiyagarajan K.; Singh R.; Singh A.-M.; Govindan V. (2021). Identification of Genetic Loci and Candidate Genes Related to Grain Zinc and Iron Concentration Using a Zinc-Enriched Wheat ‘Zinc-Shakti’, Frontiers in Genetics, 12() DOI
2021 Ramani A.; Kushwaha R.; Malaviya R.; Kumar R.; Yadav N. (2021). Molecular, functional and nutritional properties of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) protein isolates prepared by modified solubilization methods, Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 15(3) DOI
2021 Saroj R.; Soumya S.L.; Singh S.; Sankar S.M.; Chaudhary R.; Yashpal R.; Saini N.; Vasudev S.; Yadava D.K. (2021). Unraveling the Relationship Between Seed Yield and Yield-Related Traits in a Diversity Panel of Brassica juncea Using Multi-Traits Mixed Model, Frontiers in Plant Science, 12() DOI
2021 Patil B.L.; Raghu R.; Dangwal M.; Byregowda M.; Voloudakis A. (2021). Exogenous dsRNA-mediated field protection against Pigeonpea sterility mosaic emaravirus, Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 30(2) DOI
2021 Asha A.D.; Nivetha N.; Krishna G.K.; Lavanya A.K.; Vikram K.V.; Paul S. (2021). Interactive effect of rhizobacteria and drought stress on physiological attributes of mustard, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(5) DOI
2021 Nimbrayan P.K.; Sindhu A.S.; Deep V. (2021). Present scenario, constraints, and prospects of vegetable cultivation under protected structures in haryana, Indian Journal of Economics and Development, 17(2) DOI
2021 Nickhil C.; Mohapatra D.; Kar A.; Giri S.K.; Tripathi M.K.; Sharma Y. (2021). Gaseous ozone treatment of chickpea grains, part I: Effect on protein, amino acid, fatty acid, mineral content, and microstructure, Food Chemistry, 345() DOI
2021 Singh R.; Babu S.; Avasthe R.K.; Yadav G.S.; Das A.; Mohapatra K.P.; Kumar A.; Singh V.K.; Chandra P. (2021). Crop productivity, soil health, and energy dynamics of Indian Himalayan intensified organic maize-based systems, International Soil and Water Conservation Research, 9(2) DOI
2021 Agrawal A.; Raju R. (2021). Assessment of production and utilization pattern of milk and milk products in Madhya Pradesh, Indian Journal of Economics and Development, 17(2) DOI
2021 Singh P.; Rao G.P. (2021). New dimensions in development of health-based spices and herbs fortified value added jaggery products, Medicinal Plants, 13(2) DOI
2021 Krishnappa C.; Dubey A.K.; Verma A.; Mahapatro G.K. (2021). Occurrence of exotic whitefly, Paraleyrodes minei Iaccarino (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) and other whitefly species on fruit crops in Maharashtra, India, 3 Biotech, 11(6) DOI
2021 Dhingra G.G.; Saxena A.; Nigam A.; Hira P.; Singhvi N.; Anand S.; Kaur J.; Kaur J.; Dua A.; Negi V.; Gupta V.; Sood U.; Kumar R.; Lal S.; Verma H.; Verma M.; Singh P.; Rawat C.D.; Tripathi C.; Talwar C.; Nagar S.; Mahato N.K.; Prakash O.; Singh M.; Kuhad R.C.; Singh Y.; Lal B.; Pabbi S.; Singh N.; Kalia V.C.; Lal R. (2021). Microbial World: Recent Developments in Health, Agriculture and Environmental Sciences: An Annual Conference Organized by Association of Microbiologists of India and Indian Network for Soil Contamination Research, Indian Journal of Microbiology, 61(2) DOI
2021 Thokala P.; Narayanasamy P.; Kamil D.; Choudhary S.P. (2021). Polyphasic taxonomy of Indian Trichoderma species, Phytotaxa, 502(1) DOI
2021 Kumar R.R.; Goswami S.; Rai G.K.; Jain N.; Singh P.K.; Mishra D.; Chaturvedi K.K.; Kumar S.; Singh B.; Singh G.P.; Rai A.K.; Chinnusamy V.; Praveen S. (2021). Protection from terminal heat stress: a trade-off between heat-responsive transcription factors (HSFs) and stress-associated genes (SAGs) under changing environment, Cereal Research Communications, 49(2) DOI
2021 Darshan K.; Aggarwal R.; Bashyal B.M.; Singh J.; Kundu A.; Yadav S.; Saharan M.S. (2021). Antifungal metabolite profiling in Chaetomium globosum potential strain Cg2 effective against Bipolaris sorokiniana, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(5) DOI
2021 Mishra A.N.; Tiwari K.N.; Singh V.K.; Sivasamy M.; Pal D.; Bhardwaj S.C.; Gangwar O.P.; Prakasha T.L.; Solanki K.S.; Phuke R.M.; Sai Prasad S.V.; Mishra C.N.; Sawashe S.G.; Narute T.K.; Singh G.P. (2021). Insights into the rust resistance base of common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in India, Indian Phytopathology, 74(2) DOI
2021 Ramesh K.; Paul V.; Pandey R. (2021). Dynamics of mineral nutrients in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) fruits during ripening: part II—off the plant, Plant Physiology Reports (Indian Journal of Plant Physiology), 26(2) DOI
2021 Singh S.P.; Kumar A.; Kushwaha H.L.; Ekka U.; Singh M.K.; Singh K.K. (2021). Versatile electric prime mover for agriculture: A solution for small farmers, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(5) DOI
2021 Arora S.; Stanley J.; Srivastava C. (2021). Temporal dynamics of phosphine fumigation against insect pests in wheat storage, Crop Protection, 144() DOI
2021 Kumar M.; Tomar M.; Potkule J.; Verma R.; Punia S.; Mahapatra A.; Belwal T.; Dahuja A.; Joshi S.; Berwal M.K.; Satankar V.; Bhoite A.G.; Amarowicz R.; Kaur C.; Kennedy J.F. (2021). Advances in the plant protein extraction: Mechanism and recommendations, Food Hydrocolloids, 115() DOI
2021 Kumar J.; Patel N.; Singh R.; Sahoo P.K.; Sudhishri S.; Sehgal V.K.; Marwaha S.; Singh A.K. (2021). Development and evaluation of automation system for irrigation scheduling in broccoli (Brassica oleracea), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(5) DOI
2021 Sinha K.V.; Jailani A.K.; Mandal B.; Mukherjee S.K.; Sanan-Mishra N. (2021). Overexpression of an insect virus encoded silencing suppressor does not enhance plants’ susceptibility to its natural virus, Virus Disease, 32(2) DOI
2021 Kumar P.; Kaur C.; Jambh H.K. (2021). Rheological, textural, and technological modifications in wheat unleavened flatbread substituted with extruded finger millet, Journal of Texture Studies, 52(3) DOI
2021 Kumar S.; Kumar S.; Mohapatra T. (2021). Interaction Between Macro‐ and Micro-Nutrients in Plants, Frontiers in Plant Science, 12() DOI
2021 Sanjana Reddy P.; Satyavathi C.T.; Khandelwal V.; Patil H.T.; Gupta P.C.; Sharma L.D.; Mungra K.D.; Singh S.P.; Narasimhulu R.; Bhadarge H.H.; Iyanar K.; Tripathi M.K.; Yadav D.; Bhardwaj R.; Talwar A.M.; Tiwari V.K.; Kachole U.G.; Sravanti K.; Shanthi Priya M.; Athoni B.K.; Anuradha N.; Govindaraj M.; Nepolean T.; Tonapi V.A. (2021). Performance and Stability of Pearl Millet Varieties for Grain Yield and Micronutrients in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions of India, Frontiers in Plant Science, 12() DOI
2021 Bharti A.; Prasanna R.; Kumar G.; Nain L.; Rana A.; Ramakrishnan B.; Shivay Y.S. (2021). Cyanobacterial amendment boosts plant growth and flower quality in Chrysanthemum through improved nutrient availability, Applied Soil Ecology, 162() DOI
2021 Yadav R.K.; Tripathi K.; Varghese E.; Abraham G. (2021). Physiological and Proteomic Studies of the Cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. Acclimated to Desiccation Stress, Current Microbiology, 78(6) DOI
2021 Hasanain M.; Singh V.K.; Rathore S.S.; Shekhawat K.; Singh R.K.; Dwivedi B.S.; Bhatia A.; Upadyaya P.K. (2021). Site-specific nutrient management under conservation agriculture-based spring wheat in Trans-Gangetic Plains of India, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(5) DOI
2021 Paul S.; Mridha N.; Vellaichamy S.; Singh P. (2021). Development of a composite measure for mapping rural food and nutrition security: application and validation in the drought-prone Bundelkhand region of India, Food Security, 13(3) DOI
2021 Sarkar M.; Aggarwal S.; Mukherjee S.K.; Mandal B.; Roy A. (2021). Sub-cellular localization of suppressor proteins of tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus, Virus Disease, 32(2) DOI
2021 Ramesh S.V.; Krishnan V.; Praveen S.; Hebbar K.B. (2021). Dietary prospects of coconut oil for the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer's disease (AD): A review of recent evidences, Trends in Food Science & Technology, 112() DOI
2021 Rao G.P. (2021). Our understanding about phytoplasma research scenario in India, Indian Phytopathology, 74(2) DOI
2021 Choudhary A.K.; Yadav D.S.; Sood P.; Rahi S.; Arya K.; Thakur S.K.; Lal R.; Kumar S.; Sharma J.; Dass A.; Babu S.; Bana R.S.; Rana D.S.; Kumar A.; Rajpoot S.K.; Gupta G.; Kumar A.; Harish M.N.; Noorzai A.U.; Rajanna G.A.; Khan M.H.; Dua V.K.; Singh R. (2021). Post-emergence herbicides for effective weed management, enhanced wheat productivity, profitability and quality in north-western Himalayas: A ‘participatory-mode’ technology development and dissemination, Sustainability, 13(10) DOI
2021 Kumari S.; Phogat D.; Sehrawat K.D.; Choudhary R.; Rajput V.D.; Ahlawat J.; Karunakaran R.; Minkina T.; Sehrawat A.R. (2021). The effect of ascophyllum nodosum extract on the nutraceutical antioxidant potential of vigna radiata sprout under salt stress, Plants-Basel, 10(6) DOI
2021 Kumar S.; Basu S.; Anand A.; Lal S.K.; Tomar B.S. (2021). Assessment of seed storability of onion varieties with accelerated ageing test, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 78(2) DOI
2021 Karadi A.; Samineni S.; Sajja S.; Sharma M.; Thudi M.; Mallikarjuna B.P.; Viswanatha K.P.; Varshney R.K.; Gaur P.M. (2021). Molecular mapping of dry root rot resistance genes in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), Euphytica, 217(6) DOI
2021 Baveja A.; Chhabra R.; Panda K.K.; Muthusamy V.; Zunjare R.U.; Hossain F. (2021). Development and validation of multiplex-PCR assay to simultaneously detect favourable alleles of shrunken2, opaque2, crtRB1 and lcyE genes in marker-assisted selection for maize biofortification, Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 30(2) DOI
2021 Singh D.; Chaudhary G.; Yadav D.K. (2021). Characterization and diversity of Indian isolates of Ralstonia solanacearum inciting bacterial wilt of tomato, Indian Phytopathology, 74(2) DOI
2021 Sulaimankhil Z.; Sethi S.; Sharma R.R.; Verma M.K.; Bhowmik A. (2021). Influence of hexanal concentration and exposure time on quality of cold stored apples (Mains domestica), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(5) DOI
2021 Alajil O.; Sagar V.R.; Kaur C.; Rudra S.G.; Sharma R.R.; Kaushik R.; Verma M.K.; Tomar M.; Kumar M.; Mekhemar M. (2021). Nutritional and phytochemical traits of apricots (Prunus armeniaca l.) for application in nutraceutical and health industry, Foods, 10(6) DOI
2021 Singh A.K.; Dhar S.; Saber N.; Patel N.; Singh V.; Singh A.; Kumar A. (2021). Response of long melon to spacing and pruning methods under insect proof net house during off-season, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(5) DOI
2021 Anita B.; Jakhar M.L.; Monika P.; Ram C.J. (2021). Factors affecting in vitro callus induction in Fenugreek (Trigonellafoenum-graecum L.), Research Journal of Biotechnology, 16(6) DOI
2021 Prajapati U.; Asrey R.; Varghese E.; Singh A.K.; Pal Singh M. (2021). Effects of postharvest ultraviolet-C treatment on shelf-life and quality of bitter gourd fruit during storage, Food Packaging and Shelf Life, 28() DOI
2021 Noor Mohamed M.B.; Shukla A.K.; Keerthika A.; Gupta D.K.; Meena S.R.; Choudhary K.K.; Mehta R.S. (2021). Grewia Tenax (Frosk.) Fiori – Popularization, Conservation and Utilization of Lesser Known Multipurpose Shrub, Current Science, 120(10) DOI
2021 Kumar S.; Mohapatra T. (2021). Dynamics of DNA Methylation and Its Functions in Plant Growth and Development, Frontiers in Plant Science, 12() DOI
2021 Meena P.N.; Gotyal B.S.; Satpathy S. (2021). Mesta yellow vein mosaic virus: application of loop-mediated isothermal amplification method to study efficiency of acquisition, retention and transmission by Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) in Kenaf, International Journal of Tropical Insect Science, 41(2) DOI
2021 Singhal T.; Satyavathi C.T.; Singh S.P.; Kumar A.; Sankar S.M.; Bhardwaj C.; Mallik M.; Bhat J.; Anuradha N.; Singh N. (2021). Multi-Environment Quantitative Trait Loci Mapping for Grain Iron and Zinc Content Using Bi-parental Recombinant Inbred Line Mapping Population in Pearl Millet, Frontiers in Plant Science, 12() DOI
2021 Sahoo M.; Titikshya S.; Aradwad P.; Kumar V.; Naik S.N. (2021). Blanching, pasteurization and sterilization: Principles and applications, Thermal Food Engineering Operations, () DOI
2021 Rajna S.; Praveen K.V.; Laneesha M.; Kelageri S.S. (2021). Recent trends in insecticide resistance research on whiteflies (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae): a bibliometric profile, Current Science, 120(9) DOI
2021 Mahra G.S.; Kashyap S.K.; Bhardwaj N.; Kameswari V.L.V.; Singh P.; Burman R.R.; Joshi P. (2021). Developing teaching effectiveness framework for social sciences in agricultural universities, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(5) DOI
2021 Bhardwaj S.C.; Gangwar O.P.; Prasad P.; Kumar S.; Pal D. (2021). Immunity to rusts in wheat: theory, fact and practice, Indian Phytopathology, 74(2) DOI
2021 Mishra A.; Sharma V.; Rahim M.S.; Sonah H.; Pal D.; Mantri S.; Sharma T.R.; Roy J. (2021). Genotyping-by-sequencing based QTL mapping identified a novel waxy allele contributing to high amylose starch in wheat, Euphytica, 217(6) DOI
2021 Yadav S.; Singh N. (2021). Increased Sorption of Atrazine and Fipronil in the Sugarcane Trash Ash–Mixed Soils of Northern India, Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 21(2) DOI
2021 Sankar S.M.; Singh S.P.; Prakash G.; Satyavathi C.T.; Soumya S.L.; Yadav Y.; Sharma L.D.; Rao A.R.; Singh N.; Srivastava R.K. (2021). Deciphering Genotype-By-Environment Interaction for Target Environmental Delineation and Identification of Stable Resistant Sources Against Foliar Blast Disease of Pearl Millet, Frontiers in Plant Science, 12() DOI
2021 Ahuja A.; Joshi V.; Singh G.; Kundu A.; Bhat C.G.; Kumar S.; Rao U.; Somvanshi V.S. (2021). Rapid and sensitive detection of potato cyst nematode Globodera rostochiensis by loop-mediated isothermal amplification assay, 3 Biotech, 11(6) DOI
2021 Tripathy V.; Sharma K.K.; George T.; Patil C.S.; Saindane Y.S.; Mohapatra S.; Siddamallaiah L.; Pathan A.R.K.; Yadav A.K.; Sharma K.; Yadav R.; Gupta R.; Walia S. (2021). Dissipation kinetics and risk assessment of iprovalicarb + propineb fungicide in tomato under different agroclimates, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28(24) DOI
2021 Ramakrishnan B.; Maddela N.R.; Venkateswarlu K.; Megharaj M. (2021). Organic farming: Does it contribute to contaminant-free produce and ensure food safety?, Science of the Total Environment, 769() DOI
2021 Hkka U.; Kumar A.; Roy H.S. (2021). Particulate matter exposure of combine harvester operator during wheat harvesting in northern India, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(5) DOI
2021 Halder J.; Kushwaha D.; Deb D.; Dey D.; Rai A.B. (2021). Mirid bugs as an emerging threat to bottle gourd cultivation: Dynamics and management, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(5) DOI
2021 Kumar M.; Kalra N.; Singh H.; Sharma S.; Singh Rawat P.; Kumar Singh R.; Kumar Gupta A.; Kumar P.; Ravindranath N.H. (2021). Indicator-based vulnerability assessment of forest ecosystem in the Indian Western Himalayas: An analytical hierarchy process integrated approach, Ecological Indicators, 125() DOI
2021 Jha S.N.; Jaiswal P.; Kumari L.; Kaur J.; Ramya H.G.; Lawnia S. (2021). Detection and Quantification of Patulin in Apple Juice Using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy, Agricultural Research, 10(2) DOI
2021 Koovalamkadu Velayudhan P.; Singh A.; Korekallu Srinivasa A. (2021). Exploring the global research trends in biofertilizers: a bibliometric approach, 3 Biotech, 11(6) DOI
2021 Biswas D.R.; Ghosh A.; Ramachandran S.; Basak B.B.; Bhattacharyya R.; Biswas S.S.; Sarkar A.; Moharana P.C. (2021). Decay Kinetics of Enzymes as Influenced by Manuring Under Varying Hydrothermal Regimes in a Wheat–Maize Cropping System of Subtropical Cambisols in India, Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 21(2) DOI
2021 Bhatia R.; Dey S.S.; Sharma K.; Singh S.; Kumar S.; Pramanik A.; Parkash C.; Kumar R. (2021). Back-cross introgression of ‘Tour’ cytoplasm from Brassica napus through in vitro embryo rescue reveals partial restoration of sterility in B. oleracea, Scientia Horticulturae, 282() DOI
2021 Tiwari R.K.; Lal M.K.; Kumar R.; Chourasia K.N.; Naga K.C.; Kumar D.; Das S.K.; Zinta G. (2021). Mechanistic insights on melatonin-mediated drought stress mitigation in plants, Physiologia Plantarum, 172(2) DOI
2021 Phani V.; Khan M.R.; Dutta T.K. (2021). Plant-parasitic nematodes as a potential threat to protected agriculture: Current status and management options, Crop Protection, 144() DOI
2021 Satish D.; Mukherjee S.K.; Gupta D. (2021). The landscape of microRNAs in plant viral infections, Plant Gene, 26() DOI
2021 Kumar M.; Changan S.; Tomar M.; Prajapati U.; Saurabh V.; Hasan M.; Sasi M.; Maheshwari C.; Singh S.; Dhumal S.; Radha; Thakur M.; Punia S.; Satankar V.; Amarowicz R.; Mekhemar M. (2021). Custard apple (Annona squamosa l.) leaves: Nutritional composition, phytochemical profile, and health-promoting biological activities, Biomolecules, 11(5) DOI
2021 Singh S.; Bhatia R.; Kumar R.; Behera T.K.; Kumari K.; Pramanik A.; Ghemeray H.; Sharma K.; Bhattacharya R.C.; Dey S.S. (2021). Elucidating Mitochondrial DNA Markers of Ogura-Based CMS Lines in Indian Cauliflowers (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis L.) and Their Floral Abnormalities Due to Diversity in Cytonuclear Interactions, Frontiers in Plant Science, 12() DOI
2021 Kumar M.; Tomar M.; Amarowicz R.; Saurabh V.; Sneha Nair M.; Maheshwari C.; Sasi M.; Prajapati U.; Hasan M.; Singh S.; Changan S.; Prajapat R.K.; Berwal M.K.; Satankar V. (2021). Guava (Psidium guajava l.) leaves: Nutritional composition, phytochemical profile, and health-promoting bioactivities, Foods, 10(4) DOI
2021 Adavi S.B.; Sathee L. (2021). Elevated CO2 differentially regulates root nitrate transporter kinetics in a genotype and nitrate dose-dependent manner, Plant Science (Plant Science Letters), 305() DOI
2021 Ghosh A.; Kumar R.V.; Manna M.C.; Singh A.K.; Parihar C.M.; Kumar S.; Roy A.K.; Koli P. (2021). Eco-restoration of degraded lands through trees and grasses improves soil carbon sequestration and biological activity in tropical climates, Ecological Engineering, 162() DOI
2021 Kumar A.; Pramanik A.; Singh J.K.; Tiwari R.K.; Jena S. (2021). An ergonomic intervention for manual load carrying on Indian farms, International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 83() DOI
2021 Mukhopadhyay R.; Sarkar B.; Barman A.; Datta S.C.; Manjaiah K.M. (2021). Arsenic Adsorption on Modified Clay Minerals in Contaminated Soil and Water: Impact of pH and Competitive Anions, Clean - Soil, Air, Water, 49(4) DOI
2021 Praveen K.V.; Kingsly I.; Aditya K.S.; Singh A.; Kumar P.; Jha G.K. (2021). Indian fertilizer subsidy conundrum: Tracking the recent developments, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(4) DOI
2021 Rasool Mir H.; Kumar Yadav S.; Ercisli S.; Al-Huqail A.A.; Soliman D.A.; Siddiqui M.H.; Alansi S.; Yadav S. (2021). Association of DNA biosynthesis with planting value enhancement in hydroprimed maize seeds, Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 28(5) DOI
2021 Ghosh A.; Singh A.K.; Kumar S.; Manna M.C.; Jha P.; Bhattacharyya R.; Sannagoudar M.S.; Singh R.; Chaudhari S.K.; Kumar R.V. (2021). Do moisture conservation practices influence stability of soil organic carbon and structure?, Catena, 199() DOI
2021 Valdivia R.O.; Tui S.H.-K.; Antle J.M.; Subash N.; Singh H.; Nedumaran S.; Hathie I.; Ashfaq M.; Nasir J.; Vellingiri G.; Arunachalam L.; Claessens L.; MacCarthy D.S.; Adiku S.; Durand W.; Dickson C.; Mitter H.; Schönhart M. (2021). Understanding differences in climate sensitivity simulations of apsim and dssat cropmodels, Handbook Of Climate Change And Agroecosystems - Climate Change And Farming System Planning In Africa And South Asia: Agmip Stakeholder-driven Research (In 2 Parts), () DOI
2021 Kumar A.; Singh B.; Raigond P.; Sahu C.; Mishra U.N.; Sharma S.; Lal M.K. (2021). Phytic acid: Blessing in disguise, a prime compound required for both plant and human nutrition, Food Research International, 142() DOI
2021 Bhatia R.; Sharma K.; Parkash C.; Pramanik A.; Singh D.; Singh S.; Kumar R.; Dey S.S. (2021). Microspore derived population developed from an inter-specific hybrid (Brassica oleracea × B. carinata) through a modified protocol provides insight into B genome derived black rot resistance and inter-genomic interaction, Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture, 145(2) DOI
2021 Gautam R.; Singh P.K.; Kumar P.; Selvakumar R.; Singh M.C.; Dhital S.; Rani M.; Sharma V.K.; Jnapika K.H.; Kumar J. (2021). Advances in soilless cultivation technology of horticultural crops: Review, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(4) DOI
2021 Nivetha N.; Asha A.D.; Manjunatha B.S.; Paul S. (2021). Population density influenced the stimulatory or inhibitory effect of inoculated Bacillus sp. on mustard (Brassica juncea L.) under water deficit stress, Biologia, 76(5) DOI
2021 Mohan K.K.S.; Sharma K.; Vijaykumar L.; Yadav S. (2021). Screening of advanced sugarcane genotypes against rust mite, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(4) DOI
2021 Subash N.; Singh H.; Singh S.V.; Meena M.S.; Singh B.; Paudel G.P.; Baigorria G.; Bhaskar S.; Panwar A.S.; McDermid S.P.; Valdivia R.O. (2021). Integrated assessment of climate change impacts on rice-wheat farms of igp-india through multi-climate-crop model approach: A case study of meerut district, Uttar Pradesh, India, Handbook Of Climate Change And Agroecosystems - Climate Change And Farming System Planning In Africa And South Asia: Agmip Stakeholder-driven Research (In 2 Parts), () DOI
2021 Pothiraj G.; Naveen K.R.; Singh V.; Goswami S.K. (2021). Response of plant defense enzymes against tomato early blight disease, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(4) DOI
2021 Bashyal B.M.; Parmar P.; Zaidi N.W.; Aggarwal R. (2021). Molecular Programming of Drought-Challenged Trichoderma harzianum-Bioprimed Rice (Oryza sativa L.), Frontiers in Microbiology, 12() DOI
2021 Kundu M.; Rajesh; Krishnan P.; Gajjala S. (2021). Comparative Studies of Screen-Printed Electrode Based Electrochemical Biosensor with the Optical Biosensor for Formaldehyde Detection in Corn, Food and Bioprocess Technology, 14(4) DOI
2021 Venkatesh P.; Singh D.R.; Bisen J.; Sangeetha V.; Kumar S.; Renjiniv R.; Balasubramanian M.; Jha G.; Singh A. (2021). Assessment of farm constraints and income losses during COVID-19 lockdown in India, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(4) DOI
2021 Kumar D.; Hamd-Alla W.A.A.; Shivay Y.S.; Singh N.; Raj R.; Pooniya V.; Sepat S.; Baliyan V.; Mehrotra S. (2021). Diversification of rice-wheat cropping system to sustain the productivity and profitability, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(4) DOI
2021 Singh U.; Choudhary A.K.; Sharma S. (2021). Agricultural practices modulate the bacterial communities, and nitrogen cycling bacterial guild in rhizosphere: field experiment with soybean, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 101(7) DOI
2021 Ahuja A.; Kushwah J.; Mathur C.; Chauhan K.; Dutta T.K.; Somvanshi V.S. (2021). Identification of Galtox, a new protein toxin from Photorhabdus bacterial symbionts of Heterorhabditis nematodes, Toxicon, 194() DOI
2021 Behera S.K.; Shukla A.K.; Singh P.; Trivedi V.; Patra A.K.; Rao A.S.; Singh A.K. (2021). Zinc application enhances yield and alters micronutrients concentration in pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan L. Millsp.), Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems (Fertilizer Research), 119(3) DOI
2021 Kumar M.; Kumar A.; Sahu K.P.; Patel A.; Reddy B.; Sheoran N.; Krishnappa C.; Rajashekara H.; Bhagat S.; Rathour R. (2021). Deciphering core-microbiome of rice leaf endosphere: Revelation by metagenomic and microbiological analysis of aromatic and non-aromatic genotypes grown in three geographical zones, Microbiological Research (Zentralblatt für Mikrobiologie), 246() DOI
2021 Kumar S.; Singh J.; Baranwal V.K.; Rao G.P. (2021). First report of 16SrXI-B subgroup phytoplasma in sapota showing flattened stem disease in India, Journal of Plant Pathology, 103(2) DOI
2021 Pratap V.; Verma S.K.; Dass A.; Yadav D.K.; Jaysawal P.K.; Madane A.J. (2021). Productivity and profitability of direct-seeded rice under varying establishment methods and weed management practices, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(4) DOI
2021 Sinha P.; Chen X. (2021). Potential infection risks of the wheat stripe rust and stem rust pathogens on barberry in asia and southeastern europe, Plants-Basel, 10(5) DOI
2021 Kesh H.; Kharb R.; Ram K.; Munjal R.; Kaushik P.; Kumar D. (2021). Adaptability and ammi biplot analysis for yield and agronomical traits in scented rice genotypes under diverse production environments, Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, 20(2) DOI
2021 Adhikary P.P.; Dubey S.K.; Chakraborty D.; Dash C.J. (2021). Geospatial and geophysical approaches for assessment of groundwater resources in an alluvial aquifer of India, Groundwater and Society: Applications of Geospatial Technology, () DOI
2021 Raiya R.; Hegde V.; Krishnan V.; Bharadwaj C.; Tripathi S.; Jain P.K. (2021). Genetics of lodging resistance in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L), Euphytica, 217(5) DOI
2021 Rathinam M.; Marimuthu S.K.; Tyagi S.; Kesiraju K.; Alagiamanavalan L.P.; Rao U.; Sreevathsa R. (2021). Characterization and in planta validation of a CHI4 chitinase from Cajanus platycarpus (Benth.) Maesen for its efficacy against pod borer, Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner), Pest Management Science (Pesticide Science), 77(5) DOI
2021 Arora S.; Srivastava C. (2021). Locational dynamics of concentration and efficacy of phosphine against pulse beetle, Callosobruchus maculatus (Fab), Crop Protection, 143() DOI
2021 Gantasala N.P.; Rao U. (2021). Effects of target gene siRNA soaking in cereal cyst nematode, Heterodera avenae infecting wheat, Indian Journal of Biotechnology, 20(2) DOI
2021 Sarkar A.; Biswas D.R.; Datta S.C.; Dwivedi B.S.; Bhattacharyya R.; Kumar R.; Bandyopadhyay K.K.; Saha M.; Chawla G.; Saha J.K.; Patra A.K. (2021). Preparation of novel biodegradable starch/poly(vinyl alcohol)/bentonite grafted polymeric films for fertilizer encapsulation, Carbohydrate Polymers, 259() DOI
2021 Sharma K.; Shivashankar T.; Basavaraju B.S.; Benherlal P.S.; Suneetha C.; Yadav S. (2021). Novel frond injection method using cartap hydrochloride for the management of Opisina arenosella, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(4) DOI
2021 Kumar B.; Dhar S.; Paul S.; Paramesh V.; Dass A.; Upadhyay P.K.; Kumar A.; Abdelmohsen S.A.M.; Alkallas F.H.; Zin El-Abedin T.K.; Elansary H.O.; Abdelbacki A.M.M. (2021). Microbial biomass carbon, activity of soil enzymes, nutrient availability, root growth, and total biomass production in wheat cultivars under variable irrigation and nutrient management, Agronomy-Basel, 11(4) DOI
2021 Rani V.; Bhatia A.; Nain L.; Tomar G.S.; Kaushik R. (2021). Methane utilizing plant growth-promoting microbial diversity analysis of flooded paddy ecosystem of India, World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology, 37(4) DOI
2021 Priyanka; Godara S.L.; Yadav S.; Mathur A.C.; Meena A.K. (2021). Biological management of cowpea web blight incited by Rhizoctonia solani, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(4) DOI
2021 Diwakar S.K.; Zaidi S.F.A.; Kumar S.; Kumar A.; Avasthe R.K.; Singh R.; Babu S.; Gudade B.; Verma G.; Kumar N. (2021). Effect of land use systems on soil health in eastern region of Uttar Pradesh, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(4) DOI
2021 Kamil D.; Debbarma R.; Thokala P.D.; Tyagi A.; Sudeep Toppo R.; Das A.; Choudhary S.P. (2021). A multigene phylogeny reveals the occurrence of fourteen dominant Penicillium species in India, Indian Journal of Biotechnology, 20(2) DOI
2021 Chatterjee M.; Yadav J.; Rathinam M.; Mandal A.; Chowdhary G.; Sreevathsa R.; Rao U. (2021). Exogenous administration of dsRNA for the demonstration of RNAi in Maruca vitrata (lepidoptera: crambidae), 3 Biotech, 11(4) DOI
2021 Kaushik P.; Shakil N.A.; Rana V.S. (2021). Synthesis, Biological Evaluation, and QSAR Studies of 3-Iodochromone Derivatives as Potential Fungicides, Frontiers in Chemistry, 9() DOI
2021 Prasad A.; Hari-Gowthem G.; Muthamilarasan M.; Hussain Z.; Yadav P.K.; Tripathi S.; Prasad M. (2021). Molecular characterization of SlATG18f in response to Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus infection in tomato and development of a CAPS marker for leaf curl disease tolerance, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 134(5) DOI
2021 Maheshwari C.; Coe R.A.; Karki S.; Covshoff S.; Tapia R.; Tyagi A.; Hibberd J.M.; Furbank R.T.; Quick W.P.; Lin H.-C. (2021). Targeted knockdown of ribulose-1, 5-bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase in rice mesophyll cells, Journal of Plant Physiology, 260() DOI
2021 Medha K.; Rajna S.; Devi L.J.; Samant L.; Jose S. (2021). A comprehensive review on moth repellent finishing of woolen textiles, Journal of Cultural Heritage, 49() DOI
2021 Shekhawat K.; Singh V.K.; Rathore S.S.; Raj R.; Das T.K. (2021). Achieving sustainability in food systems: Addressing changing climate through real time nitrogen and weed management in a conservation agriculture‐based maize–wheat system, Sustainability, 13(9) DOI
2021 Ponnusamy K.; Padaria R.N. (2021). Research in agricultural extension: Review of its contribution and challenges, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(5) DOI
2021 Rawal H.C.; Angadi U.; Mondal T.K. (2021). TEnGExA: An R package based tool for tissue enrichment and gene expression analysis, Briefings in Bioinformatics, 22(3) DOI
2021 Lal M.K.; Singh B.; Sharma S.; Singh M.P.; Kumar A. (2021). Glycemic index of starchy crops and factors affecting its digestibility: A review, Trends in Food Science & Technology, 111() DOI
2021 Thapa S.; Prasanna R.; Ramakrishnan B.; Mahawar H.; Bharti A.; Kumar A.; Velmourougane K.; Shivay Y.S.; Kumar A. (2021). Microbial inoculation elicited changes in phyllosphere microbial communities and host immunity suppress Magnaporthe oryzae in a susceptible rice cultivar, Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 114() DOI
2021 Panda P.; Yadav J.K.; Singh S.K.; Nigam A.; Rao G.P. (2021). First report on clover proliferation phytoplasma related strain associated with matthiola incana floral virescence in Uttar Pradesh, India, Plant Disease (Plant Disease Reporter), 105(5) DOI
2021 Das A.; Rangappa K.; Basavaraj S.; Dey U.; Haloi M.; Layek J.; Idapuganti R.G.; Lal R.; Deshmukh N.A.; Yadav G.S.; Babu S.; Ngachan S. (2021). Conservation tillage and nutrient management practices in summer rice (Oryza sativa L.) favoured root growth and phenotypic plasticity of succeeding winter pea (Pisum sativumL.) under eastern Himalayas, India, Heliyon, 7(5) DOI
2021 Sasi M.; Awana M.; Samota M.K.; Tyagi A.; Kumar S.; Sathee L.; Krishnan V.; Praveen S.; Singh A. (2021). Plant growth regulator induced mitigation of oxidative burst helps in the management of drought stress in rice (Oryza sativa L.), Environmental and Experimental Botany, 185() DOI
2021 Pradhan S.; Singh S.K.; Srivastav M.; Prakash J.; Lal S.K.; Padaria J.C.; Goswami A.K.; Maurya N.K. (2021). Poly ethylene glycol mediated in vitro screening and physico-biochemical changes induced in mango callus due to moisture stress, Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture, 145(1) DOI
2021 Paul S.; Srivastava S.K. (2021). Food and nutrition security: Analytical fallacies and way forward, Current Science, 120(7) DOI
2021 Anu; Singh V.; Yashveer S.; Niwas R.; Yadav S.; Singh V.; Yadav S. (2021). Genotypic and phenotypic interrelationships of yield related traits in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(4) DOI
2021 Halli A.I.; Singh R.; Golui D.; Gurjar D.S.; Singh M.; Lal K.; Bana R.S.; Kumar S. (2021). Changes in soil chemical properties as affected by application of wastewater spiked with heavy metals, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(4) DOI
2021 Dash M.; Somvanshi V.S.; Budhwar R.; Godwin J.; Shukla R.N.; Rao U. (2021). A rice root-knot nematode Meloidogyne graminicola-resistant mutant rice line shows early expression of plant-defence genes, Planta, 253(5) DOI
2021 Chaudhary A.; Bhalla S.; Patiyal S.; Raghava G.P.S.; Sahni G. (2021). FermFooDb: A database of bioactive peptides derived from fermented foods, Heliyon, 7(4) DOI
2021 Desai S.; Singh D.K.; Islam A.; Sarangi A. (2021). Impact of climate change on the hydrology of a semi-arid river basin of India under hypothetical and projected climate change scenarios, Journal of Water and Climate Change, 12(3) DOI
2021 Singh D.; Dutta T.K.; Shivakumara T.N.; Dash M.; Bollinedi H.; Rao U. (2021). Suberin Biopolymer in Rice Root Exodermis Reinforces Preformed Barrier Against Meloidogyne graminicola Infection, Rice Science, 28(3) DOI
2021 Sharma A.; Sharma S.; Sabir N.; El-Sheikh M.A.; Alyemeni M. (2021). Impact assessment of Karanja deoiled cake and sundried biogas slurry as a mixed substrate on the nematicidal potential of Purpureocillium lilacinum, Journal of King Saud University - Science, 33(3) DOI
2021 Sharma D.; Chhabra R.; Muthusamy V.; Zunjare R.U.; Hossain F. (2021). Molecular characterization of elite maize (Zea mays L.) inbreds using markers associated with iron and zinc transporter genes, Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 68(4) DOI
2021 Yadav G.S.; Babu S.; Das A.; Datta M.; Mohapatra K.P.; Singh R.; Singh V.K.; Rathore S.S.; Chakraborty M. (2021). Productivity, soil health, and carbon management index of Indian Himalayan intensified maize-based cropping systems under live mulch based conservation tillage practices, Field Crops Research, 264() DOI
2021 Karthik K.; Negi J.; Rathinam M.; Saini N.; Sreevathsa R. (2021). Exploitation of Novel Bt ICPs for the Management of Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) in Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.): A Transgenic Approach, Frontiers in Microbiology, 12() DOI
2021 Kumari S.; Nagendran K.; Kumar R.; Pandey K.K.; Singh J.; Rao G.P. (2021). First report of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris’ associated with flat stem disease of spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) in India, Journal of Plant Pathology, 103(2) DOI
2021 Dubey A.K.; Sharma R.M.; Deepak; Kumar A. (2021). Long term performance of mango varieties on five polyembryonic rootstocks under subtropical conditions: effect on vigour, yield, fruit quality and nutrient acquisition, Scientia Horticulturae, 280() DOI
2021 Kumar A.; Subrahmanyam G.; Mondal R.; Cabral-Pinto M.M.S.; Shabnam A.A.; Jigyasu D.K.; Malyan S.K.; Fagodiya R.K.; Khan S.A.; Yu Z.-G. (2021). Bio-remediation approaches for alleviation of cadmium contamination in natural resources, Chemosphere (Chemosphere - Global Change Science), 268() DOI
2021 Vats S.; Sudhakaran S.; Bhardwaj A.; Mandlik R.; Sharma Y.; Kumar S.; Tripathi D.K.; Sonah H.; Sharma T.; Deshmukh R. (2021). Targeting aquaporins to alleviate hazardous metal(loid)s imposed stress in plants, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 408() DOI
2021 Priyadarshini P.; Kohli D.; Yadav S.; Srinivasa N.; Bharadwaj C.; Anjoy P.; Gaikwad K.; Jain P.K. (2021). Quantitative detection of pathogen load of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. ciceris infected wilt resistant and susceptible genotypes of chickpea using intergenic spacer region-based marker, Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 114() DOI
2021 Kumar R.M.; Paramesh V.; Yamanura; Rajanna G.A. (2021). Weeds of vineyard ecosystem and their management with selected broad spectrum herbicides, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(4) DOI
2021 Ranjan R.; Sharma N.K.; Kumar A.; Pramanik M.; Mehta H.; Ojasvi P.R.; Yadav R.S. (2021). Evaluation of maize-based intercropping on runoff, soil loss, and yield in foothills of the Indian sub-Himalayas, Experimental Agriculture, 57(2) DOI
2021 Yadav V.K.; Yadav K.K.; Cabral-Pinto M.M.S.; Choudhary N.; Gnanamoorthy G.; Tirth V.; Prasad S.; Khan A.H.; Islam S.; Khan N.A. (2021). The processing of calcium rich agricultural and industrial waste for recovery of calcium carbonate and calcium oxide and their application for environmental cleanup: A review, Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 11(9) DOI
2021 Anand U.; Reddy B.; Singh V.K.; Singh A.K.; Kesari K.K.; Tripathi P.; Kumar P.; Tripathi V.; Simal-Gandara J. (2021). Potential environmental and human health risks caused by antibiotic-resistant bacteria (ARB), antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) and emerging contaminants (ECs) from municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill, Antibiotics, 10(4) DOI
2021 Singh Y.V.; Singh S.K.; Dey P.; Sharma V.K. (2021). STCR based nutrient management in chickpea (Cicer arietinum) for higher productivity and profitability, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(4) DOI
2021 Rihne T.; Namita; Singh K.P.; Singh M.K.; Talukdar A. (2021). Improvement in molecular detection of phytoplasma associated with rose by selection of suitable primers and development of a multiplex PCR assay, 3 Biotech, 11(4) DOI
2021 Dhakar R.; Sehgal V.K.; Chakraborty D.; Mukherjee J.; Kumar S.N. (2021). Calibration and validation of InfoCrop model for phenology, LAI, dry matter and yield of wheat, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(5) DOI
2021 Goyal V.; Jhanghel D.; Mehrotra S. (2021). Emerging warriors against salinity in plants: Nitric oxide and hydrogen sulphide, Physiologia Plantarum, 171(4) DOI
2021 Rathod V.; Behera T.K.; Munshi A.D.; Gaikwad A.B.; Singh S.; Vinay N.D.; Boopalakrishnan G.; Jat G.S. (2021). Developing partial interspecific hybrids of Momordica charantia × Momordica balsamina and their advance generations, Scientia Horticulturae, 281() DOI
2021 Sahil; Sharma M.; Das A.; Saxena S.; Rather S.A. (2021). Toxicity: Its assessment and remediation in important medicinal plants, Medicinal and Aromatic Plants: Healthcare and Industrial Applications, () DOI
2021 Kumar P.; Kar A.; Singh D.R.; Perumal A.; Shivamurthy S.G.C.; Reddy K.V.; Badal P.S.; Lala Kamble A.; Kamalvanshi V.; Jha G.K.; Nain M.S.; Pachiyappan P.; Alataway A.; Dewidar A.; Elansary H.O. (2021). Protected cultivation of horticultural crops in uttarakhand: An economic analysis, Agronomy-Basel, 11(4) DOI
2021 Iddumu V.; Gogoi R.; Hossain F.; Kumar A.; Aggarwal R.; Mandal P.K. (2021). Confirmation of physiological race of Bipolaris maydis causing maydis leaf blight of maize in India, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(4) DOI
2021 George J.K.; Shelvy S.; Fayad A.M.; Umadevi P.; Angadi U.B.; Iquebal M.A.; Jaiswal S.; Rai A.; Kumar D. (2021). De novo transcriptome sequencing assisted identification of terpene synthases from black pepper (Piper nigrum) berry, Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, 27(5) DOI
2021 Shanmuganath C.; Kumar S.; Singh R.; Sharma A.K.; Saminathan M.; Saini M.; Chigure G.; Fular A.; Kumar R.; Juliet S.; Upadhaya D.; Kumar B.; Srivastava S.; Ghosh S. (2021). Development of an efficient antitick natural formulation for the control of acaricide-resistant ticks on livestock, Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases, 12(3) DOI
2021 Vikas V.K.; Sivasamy M.; Jayaprakash P.; Vinod K.K.; Geetha M.; Nisha R.; Shajitha P.; Peter J. (2021). Customized speed breeding as a potential tool to advance generation in wheat, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 81(2) DOI
2021 Kumari L.; Jaiswal P.; Tripathy S.S. (2021). Various techniques useful for determination of adulterants in valuable saffron: A review, Trends in Food Science & Technology, 111() DOI
2021 Yadav G.S.; Kandpal B.K.; Das A.; Babu S.; Mohapatra K.P.; Devi A.G.; Devi H.L.; Chandra P.; Singh R.; Barman K.K. (2021). Impact of 28 year old agroforestry systems on soil carbon dynamics in Eastern Himalayas, Journal of Environmental Management, 283() DOI
2021 Kumar R.; Harikrishna; Ghimire O.P.; Barman D.; Chinnusamy V.; Singh P.K.; Padaria J.C.; Suman A.; Arora A. (2021). Stay-green trait ameliorates combined heat and drought stress in wheat, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(4) DOI
2021 Barmukh R.; Soren K.R.; Madugula P.; Gangwar P.; Shanmugavadivel P.S.; Bharadwaj C.; Konda A.K.; Chaturvedi S.K.; Bhandari A.; Rajain K.; Singh N.P.; Roorkiwal M.; Varshney R.K. (2021). Construction of a high-density genetic map and QTL analysis for yield, yield components and agronomic traits in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), PLoS ONE, 16(05-May) DOI
2021 Yalamalle V.R.; Ithape D.M.; Kumar A.; Gorrepati K.; Ghosh S.; Tomar B.S.; Singh M. (2021). Sprouting enhances phytonutrients and antioxidants in onion seeds, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(4) DOI
2021 Rana B.; Parihar; Nayak H.S.; Patra K.; Singh V.K.; Krishnan P.; Pandey R.; Rathi N.; Meena B.R.; Kumar A.; Gupta N.; Sidhu H.S.; Jat M.L. (2021). Optimization of N dose in rice under conservation agriculture with sub-surface drip fertigation, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(4) DOI
2021 Swangla S.; Sangeetha V.; Singh P.; Burman R.R.; Satyapriya; Venkatesh P.; Bhowmick A.; Singh T. (2021). A note on indigenous technical knowledge in Kinnaur and Lahaul-Spiti districts of Himachal Pradesh, Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, 20(2) DOI
2021 Das S.; Bhattacharyya R.; Das T.K.; Sharma A.R.; Dwivedi B.S.; Meena M.C.; Dey A.; Biswas S.; Aditya K.; Aggarwal P.; Biswas A.K.; Chaudhari S.K. (2021). Soil quality indices in a conservation agriculture based rice-mustard cropping system in North-western Indo-Gangetic Plains, Soil & Tillage Research, 208() DOI
2021 Kumar P.; Kundu A.; Solanki R.; Kumar M.; Kapur M.K. (2021). Metabolic profiling of streptomyces sp. strain 51 for detection of bioactive compounds, The Encyclopedia of Bacteriology Research Developments, 11() DOI
2021 Eke P.; Kumar A.; Sahu K.P.; Wakam L.N.; Sheoran N.; Ashajyothi M.; Patel A.; Fekam F.B. (2021). Corrigendum to “Endophytic bacteria of desert cactus (Euphorbia trigonas Mill) confer drought tolerance and induce growth promotion in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.)” [Microbiol. Res. 228 (2019) 126302] (Microbiological Research (2019) 228, (S0944501319302745), (10.1016/j.micres.2019.126302)), Microbiological Research (Zentralblatt für Mikrobiologie), 245() DOI
2021 Prasad S.; Yadav K.K.; Kumar S.; Gupta N.; Cabral-Pinto M.M.S.; Rezania S.; Radwan N.; Alam J. (2021). Chromium contamination and effect on environmental health and its remediation: A sustainable approaches, Journal of Environmental Management, 285() DOI
2021 Singh S.; Bhatia R.; Kumar R.; Das A.; Ghemeray H.; Behera T.K.; Dey S.S. (2021). Characterization and genetic analysis of OguCMS and doubled haploid based large genetic arsenal of Indian cauliflowers (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis L.) for morphological, reproductive and seed yield traits revealed their breeding potential, Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 68(4) DOI
2021 Pandey A.; Ranjan P.; Ahlawat S.P.; Bhardwaj R.; Dhariwal O.P.; Singh P.K.; Malav P.K.; Harish G.D.; Prabhu P.; Agrawal A. (2021). Studies on fruit morphology, nutritional and floral diversity in less-known melons (Cucumis melo L.) of India, Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 68(4) DOI
2021 Vikas V.K.; Pradheep K.; Saini J.S.; Chandora R.; Saharan M.S.; Deeba K.; Gupta S.; Sivasamy M.; Jayaprakash P.; Aggarwal R.; Singh G.P. (2021). First report of stem smut caused by tranzscheliella hypodytes on leymus secalinus in India, Plant Disease (Plant Disease Reporter), 105(3) DOI
2021 Behera B.; Das T.K.; Raj R.; Ghosh S.; Raza M.B.; Sen S. (2021). Microbial Consortia for Sustaining Productivity of Non-legume Crops: Prospects and Challenges, Agricultural Research, 10(1) DOI
2021 Meena P.N.; Roy A.; Satpathy S.; Mitra S. (2021). Efficacy of strobilurin, triazole and propylene bis-dithiocarbamate fungicides against Macrophomina phaseolina (Tassi) goid of jute, Indian Phytopathology, 74(1) DOI
2021 Chakrabarti B.; Bhatia A.; Pramanik P.; Singh S.D.; Jatav R.S.; Saha N.D.; Raj A.; Joshi R.; Kumar V. (2021). Changes in thermal requirements, growth and yield of wheat under the elevated temperature, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(3) DOI
2021 Kumar A.; Das R.; Aditya K.S.; Bathla S.; Jha G.K. (2021). Examining institutional credit access among agricultural households in Eastern India: trends, patterns and determinants, Agricultural Finance Review, 81(2) DOI
2021 Manjunatha P.B.; Sinha N.; Krishna H.; Chauhan D.; Kumar P.; Kumar R.R.; Jain N.; Singh P.K.; Singh G.P. (2021). Exploration of Heat Stress-Responsive Markers in Understanding Trait Associations in Wheat, Journal of Plant Biology, 64(2) DOI
2021 Kumar S.; Mohapatra T. (2021). Deciphering Epitranscriptome: Modification of mRNA Bases Provides a New Perspective for Post-transcriptional Regulation of Gene Expression, Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 9() DOI
2021 Dahuja A.; Kumar R.R.; Sakhare A.; Watts A.; Singh B.; Goswami S.; Sachdev A.; Praveen S. (2021). Role of ATP-binding cassette transporters in maintaining plant homeostasis under abiotic and biotic stresses, Physiologia Plantarum, 171(4) DOI
2021 Choudhury P.; Narayan Ray R.; Nath Tiwari O.; Kanti Bandyopadhyay T.; Muthuraj M.; Bhunia B. (2021). Strategies for improvement of microbial fuel cell performance via stable power generation from real dairy wastewater, Fuel, 288() DOI
2021 Kumar S.; Bhardwaj S.C.; Gangwar O.P.; Sharma A.; Qureshi N.; Kumaran V.V.; Khan H.; Prasad P.; Miah H.; Singh G.P.; Sharma K.; Verma H.; Forrest K.L.; Trethowan R.M.; Bariana H.S.; Bansal U.K. (2021). Lr80: A new and widely effective source of leaf rust resistance of wheat for enhancing diversity of resistance among modern cultivars, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 134(3) DOI
2021 Kumar A.; Jaiwal R.; Sreevathsa R.; Chaudhary D.; Jaiwal P.K. (2021). Transgenic cowpea plants expressing Bacillus thuringiensis Cry2Aa insecticidal protein imparts resistance to Maruca vitrata legume pod borer, Plant Cell Reports, 40(3) DOI
2021 Sakthivel K.; Kumar A.; Gautam R.K.; Manigundan K.; Laha G.S.; Velazhahan R.; Singh R.; Yadav I.S. (2021). Intra-regional diversity of rice bacterial blight pathogen, Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae, in the Andaman Islands, India: revelation by pathotyping and multilocus sequence typing, Journal of Applied Microbiology, 130(4) DOI
2021 Kumar S.; Awasthi O.P.; Bharadwaj C.; Dubey A.K.; Kumar C.; Singh K. (2021). Molecular characterization of Kinnow mutants, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(3) DOI
2021 Aski M.S.; Rai N.; Reddy V.R.P.; Gayacharan; Dikshit H.K.; Mishra G.P.; Singh D.; Kumar A.; Pandey R.; Singh M.P.; Pratap A.; Nair R.M.; Schafleitner R. (2021). Assessment of root phenotypes in mungbean mini-core collection (MMC) from the World Vegetable Center (AVRDC) Taiwan, PLoS ONE, 16(03-Mar) DOI
2021 Kumari P.; Gogoi R.; Srinivasa N.; Shekhar M. (2021). Characterization of aflatoxigenic Aspergillus flavus associated with aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) production in maize kernel in India, Indian Phytopathology, 74(1) DOI
2021 Dhawan G.; Prakash V.; Kumar A.; Kumar P.; Rajeev R.; Singh A.K.; Gopala Krishnan S. (2021). Economizing marker assisted selection through cost-effective assay of sd1 gene in rice (Otyza sativa), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(3) DOI
2021 Kaur N.; Singh B.; Kaur A.; Yadav M.P.; Singh N.; Ahlawat A.K.; Singh A.M. (2021). Effect of growing conditions on proximate, mineral, amino acid, phenolic composition and antioxidant properties of wheatgrass from different wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties, Food Chemistry, 341() DOI
2021 Panzade K.P.; Kale S.S.; Kapale V.; Chavan N.R. (2021). Genome-Wide Analysis of Heat Shock Transcription Factors in Ziziphus jujuba Identifies Potential Candidates for Crop Improvement Under Abiotic Stress, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 193(4) DOI
2021 Dev R.; Singh S.K.; Singh R.; Singh A.K.; Patel V.B.; Alizadeh M.; Motha K.; Kumar K. (2021). Assessment of genetic diversity of grape mutants based on RAPD and SSR markers, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 78(1) DOI
2021 Das A.; Meena M.C.; Dwivedi B.S.; Datta S.P.; Dey A. (2021). Effect of long-term fertilization on zinc distribution and its uptake by wheat (Triticum aestivum), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(3) DOI
2021 Sarkar A.; Biswas D.R.; Datta S.C.; Dwivedi B.S.; Kumar R.; Bandyopadhyay K.K.; Bhattacharyya R.; Saha M.; Biswas S.S.; Patra A.K. (2021). Double-boiled linseed and mustard oil-based formulations to prepare oil-coated controlled release fertilizers, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(2) DOI
2021 Kamil D.; Bahadur A.; Debnath P.; Kumari A.; Choudhary S.P.; Prameeladevi T. (2021). First report of stem rot disease of miracle plant (Bryophyllum pinnatum) caused by athelia rolfsii in tripura, India, Plant Disease (Plant Disease Reporter), 105(3) DOI
2021 Kumar R.R.; Dubey K.; Arora K.; Dalal M.; Rai G.K.; Mishra D.; Chaturvedi K.K.; Rai A.; Kumar S.N.; Singh B.; Chinnusamy V.; Praveen S. (2021). Characterizing the putative mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) and their protective role in oxidative stress tolerance and carbon assimilation in wheat under terminal heat stress, Biotechnology Reports, 29() DOI
2021 Pathania P.C.; Shashank P.R.; Park K.-T. (2021). Two new species records of Lecithoceridae (Gelechioidea: Lepidoptera) from India, Zootaxa, 4920(4) DOI
2021 Reddy M.G.; Baranwal V.K.; Sagar D.; Rao G.P. (2021). Molecular characterization of chickpea chlorotic dwarf virus and peanut witches’ broom phytoplasma associated with chickpea stunt disease and identification of new host crops and leafhopper vectors in India, 3 Biotech, 11(3) DOI
2021 Singhal P.; Nabi S.U.; Yadav M.K.; Dubey A. (2021). Mixed infection of plant viruses: diagnostics, interactions and impact on host, Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection, 128(2) DOI
2021 Rani V.; Bhatia A.; Kaushik R. (2021). Methane oxidizing-plant growth-promoting yeast isolated from Indian rice fields, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(3) DOI
2021 Cambay S.R.; Bains N.S.; Sandhu S.K.; Puja S. (2021). Reconsidering the direct cross approach for gene transfer from Aegilops tauschii to hexaploid wheat using diversified D genome donors, Cereal Research Communications, 49(1) DOI
2021 Verma A.K.; Meena M.C.; Datta S.P.; Dwivedi B.S.; Golui D.; Singh V.K.; Shrivastava M.; Kumar A.; Louhar G.; Meena R.; Tigga P. (2021). Effect of long-term integration of sewage-sludge and fertilizers on wheat productivity, profitability and soil fertility, Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science, 69(1) DOI
2021 Jha S.N.; Jaiswal P.; Kaur J.; Ramya H.G. (2021). Rapid Detection and Quantification of Aflatoxin B1 in Milk Using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy, Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series A, 102(1) DOI
2021 Rai A.; Ahlawat A.K.; Shukla R.B.; Jain N.; Kumar R.R.; Mahendru-Singh A. (2021). Quality evaluation of near-isogenic line of the wheat variety HD2733 carrying the Lr24/Sr24 genomic region, 3 Biotech, 11(3) DOI
2021 Santosh Kumar V.V.; Yadav S.K.; Verma R.K.; Shrivastava S.; Ghimire O.; Pushkar S.; Rao M.V.; Senthil Kumar T.; Chinnusamy V. (2021). The abscisic acid receptor OsPYL6 confers drought tolerance to indica rice through dehydration avoidance and tolerance mechanisms, Journal of Experimental Botany, 72(4) DOI
2021 Gupta N.; Jain S.K.; Tomar B.S.; Anand A.; Singh J.; Singh A.K. (2021). Morpho-physiological and biochemical changes during seed development in cucumber (Cucumis sativus), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(3) DOI
2021 Samal I.; Dhillon M.K.; Tanwar A.K.; Bhoi T.K. (2021). Biological performance of different Chilo partellm populations on diverse maize genotypes, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(3) DOI
2021 Kumar M.; Sirohi H.S.; Singh B.; Tomar B.S.; Singh A.K.; Sabir N.; Dwivedi P.K. (2021). Studies on vegetative and reproductive growth of cucumber under insect proof net house, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(2) DOI
2021 Deo M.M.; De D.; Mani I.; Iquebal M.A. (2021). Design and evaluation of vertical cup metering mechanism for urea briquette application, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(3) DOI
2021 Kumar R.; Pant R.P.; Kapoor S.; Khar A.; Baranwal V.K. (2021). Development of a reverse transcription-recombinase polymerase amplification (RT-RPA) assay for the detection of onion yellow dwarf virus (OYDV) in onion cultivars, Indian Phytopathology, 74(1) DOI
2021 Ramesh K.V.; Paul V.; Pandey R. (2021). Dynamics of mineral nutrients in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) fruits during ripening: part I—on the plant, Plant Physiology Reports (Indian Journal of Plant Physiology), 26(1) DOI
2021 Naik S.; Shashank P.R.; Rajgopal N.N.; Meshram N.M. (2021). Linnean shortfall still a major concern in India: as evident by the micromoth family Tortricidae (Lepidoptera), Current Science, 120(4) DOI
2021 Bharadwaj C.; Tripathi S.; Soren K.R.; Thudi M.; Singh R.K.; Sheoran S.; Roorkiwal M.; Patil B.S.; Chitikineni A.; Palakurthi R.; Vemula A.; Rathore A.; Kumar Y.; Chaturvedi S.K.; Mondal B.; Shanmugavadivel P.S.; Srivastava A.K.; Dixit G.P.; Singh N.P.; Varshney R.K. (2021). Introgression of “QTL-hotspot” region enhances drought tolerance and grain yield in three elite chickpea cultivars, The Plant Genome, 14(1) DOI
2021 Sowmyashree A.; Sharma R.R.; Rudra S.G.; Grover M.; Singh D.; Kumar R. (2021). Edible coatings and plant extract influence decay and biochemical attributes of nectarines, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(2) DOI
2021 Harish M.N.; Choudhary A.K.; Singh Y.V.; Pooniya V.; Das A.; Babu S.; Dass A.; Varatharajan T. (2021). Nutrient management practices for improved crop and water productivity, grain quality and energy productivity of promising rice cultivars in Eastern Himalayas, Journal of Environmental Biology, 42(2) DOI
2021 Shivakumara K.T.; Venkatesan T.; Keerthi M.C.; Shashank P.R.; Pradeeksha N.; Polaiah A.C.; Reddy R.N.; Saran P.L.; Manivel P. (2021). Occurrence of pyrausta panopealis on sweet basil ocimum basilicum in india, Journal of Environmental Biology, 42(2) DOI
2021 Patience M.; Singh S.; Kaushik R. (2021). Characterization of poly-β-hydroxybutyrate producing halophilic bacteria and nutrient optimization for its maximum production, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(3) DOI
2021 Kobba F.; Nain M.S.; Singh R.; Mishra J.R.; Shitu G.A. (2021). Determinants of entrepreneurial success: A comparative analysis of farm and non-farm sectors, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(2) DOI
2021 Sahu K.P.; Kumar A.; Patel A.; Kumar M.; Gopalakrishnan S.; Prakash G.; Rathour R.; Gogoi R. (2021). Rice Blast Lesions: an Unexplored Phyllosphere Microhabitat for Novel Antagonistic Bacterial Species Against Magnaporthe oryzae, Microbial Ecology, 81(3) DOI
2021 Kumar R.; Kundu A.; Dutta A.; Saha S.; Das A.; Bhowmik A. (2021). Chemo-profiling of bioactive metabolites from Chaetomium globosum for biocontrol of Sclerotinia rot and plant growth promotion, Fungal Biology, 125(3) DOI
2021 Bhattacharya P.; Maity P.P.; Ray M.; Mridha N. (2021). Prediction of mean weight diameter of soil using machine learning approaches, Agronomy Journal, 113(2) DOI
2021 Soumya P.R.; Sharma S.; Meena M.K.; Pandey R. (2021). Response of diverse bread wheat genotypes in terms of root architectural traits at seedling stage in response to low phosphorus stress, Plant Physiology Reports (Indian Journal of Plant Physiology), 26(1) DOI
2021 Karmakar A.; Sarkar T.; Chakraborty P.; Biswas K.K.; Saha A.; Saha D. (2021). Genetic variability of tomato leaf curl new delhi virus infecting cucumber in sub-Himalayan plains in Eastern India, International Journal of Agricultural Technology, 17(2) DOI
2021 Sanan-Mishra N.; Abdul Kader Jailani A.; Mandal B.; Mukherjee S.K. (2021). Secondary siRNAs in Plants: Biosynthesis, Various Functions, and Applications in Virology, Frontiers in Plant Science, 12() DOI
2021 Sadaf A.; Kumar S.; Nain L.; Khare S.K. (2021). Bread waste to lactic acid: Applicability of simultaneous saccharification and solid state fermentation, Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, 32() DOI
2021 Patra K.; Parihar C.M.; Nayak H.S.; Rana B.; Singh V.K.; Krishnan P.; Pandey R.; Mandal B.N.; Rathi N.; Meena B.R.; Singh L.K.; Sidhu H.S.; Jat M.L. (2021). Crop performance and nitrogen use-efficiency in maize under conservation agriculture coupled with sub-surface drip fertigation, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(3) DOI
2021 Renjini V.R.; Jha G.K.; Sinha J.P. (2021). Economic feasibility of solar irrigation pump in India: An insight from Andhra Pradesh, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(2) DOI
2021 Mallik M.; Singh S.P.; Prakash G.; Sankar S.M.; Singhal T.; Sunder D.S.; Thribhuvan R.; Singh N.; Satyavathi C.T. (2021). Inheritance and allelic relationship of foliar blast resistance gene(s) in pearl millet, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(2) DOI
2021 Meena V.K.; Sharma R.K.; Vadav S.; Kumar N.; Gajghate R.; Singh A. (2021). Selection parameters for improving grain yield of bread wheat under terminal heat stress, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(3) DOI
2021 Dukare A.; Paul S. (2021). Biological control of Fusarium wilt and growth promotion in pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) by antagonistic rhizobacteria, displaying multiple modes of pathogen inhibition, Rhizosphere, 17() DOI
2021 Dubey A.; Sharma P.K.; Mani I.; Parray R.A.; Aradwad P.; Arun Kumari T.V. (2021). Validation of thin layer drying models in solar-powered air-inflated grain dryer, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(3) DOI
2021 Mishra A.; Upadhyay A.; Jaiswal P.; Sharma N. (2021). Effect of different drying method on the chemical and microstructural properties of Loquat slices, Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 45(3) DOI
2021 Patra A.; Sharma V.K.; Nath D.J.; Ghosh A.; Purakayastha T.J.; Barman M.; Kumar S.; Chobhe K.A.; Anil A.S.; Rekwar R.K. (2021). Impact of Soil Acidity Influenced by Long-term Integrated Use of Enriched Compost, Biofertilizers, and Fertilizer on Soil Microbial Activity and Biomass in Rice Under Acidic Soil, Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 21(1) DOI
2021 Elbeltagi A.; Aslam M.R.; Mokhtar A.; Deb P.; Abubakar G.A.; Kushwaha N.L.; Venancio L.P.; Malik A.; Kumar N.; Deng J. (2021). Spatial and temporal variability analysis of green and blue evapotranspiration of wheat in the Egyptian Nile Delta from 1997 to 2017, Journal of Hydrology, 594() DOI
2021 Prabhakaran N.; Kumar A.; Sheoran N.; Singh V.K.; Nallathambi P. (2021). Tracking and assessment of Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici colonization on rice phyllosphere by integrated fluorescence imaging and qPCR for nonhost resistance phenotyping, Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection, 128(2) DOI
2021 Kumar N.; Meena M.C.; Dwivedi B.S.; Datta S.P.; Dey A. (2021). Comparison of kinetic models for boron adsorption in major soil groups of india, Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science, 69(1) DOI
2021 Sahoo J.; Dinesh; Dass A.; Bhat M.A.; Gouda H.S.; Anurag (2021). Land suitability assessment for improved land use planning in selected watersheds of Haryana, Journal of Environmental Biology, 42(2) DOI
2021 Priti; Jangra S.; Baranwal V.K.; Dietzgen R.G.; Ghosh A. (2021). A rapid field-based assay using recombinase polymerase amplification for identification of Thrips palmi, a vector of tospoviruses, Journal of Pest Science, 94(2) DOI
2021 Kumar A.; Bhattarai A.; Rathore A.S.; Jat G.S.; Behera T.K.; Renukadevi P.; Baranwal V.K.; Jain R.K.; Basavaraj Y.B. (2021). Association of cucurbit aphid-borne yellows virus with cucumber plants in India, Virus Disease, 32(1) DOI
2021 Raj K.K.; Pandey R.N.; Singh B.; Meena M.C.; Talukdar A.; Chakraborty D. (2021). Response of soybean genotypes to iron limiting stress in calcareous vertisol under ambient and elevated CO and temperature conditions, Journal of Environmental Biology, 42(2) DOI
2021 Bashyal B.M.; Parmar P.; Zaidi N.W.; Sunani S.K.; Prakash G.; Aggarwal R. (2021). Improved methodology for the isolation of false smut pathogen Ustilaginoidea virens of rice, Indian Phytopathology, 74(1) DOI
2021 Kumar P.; Suby S.B.; Jaswinder K.; Bajya D.R.; Sekhar J.C.; Lakshmi S.P.; Jawala J.; Ranvir S.; Bana J.K.; Reddy L.M.; Jha G.K. (2021). Assessment of crop loss caused by Chilo partellus in maize, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(2) DOI
2021 Panda P.; Nigam A.; Rao G.P. (2021). Multilocus gene analysis reveals the presence of two phytoplasma groups in Impatiens balsamina showing flat stem and phyllody, 3 Biotech, 11(3) DOI
2021 Ghosh A.; Tiwari A.; Singh O.N. (2021). Impacts of Critical Periods of Weed Control (CPWC) on Nitrogen Utilization and Grain Yield in Aerobic Rice Cultivation, International Journal of Plant Production, 15(1) DOI
2021 Manu S.M.; Halagalimath S.P.; Chandranath H.T.; Biradar B.D. (2021). Effect of plant-growth regulators and nutrient levels on productivity and nutrient uptake of soybean (Glycine max), Indian Journal of Agronomy, 66(1) DOI
2021 Panzade K.P.; Kale S.S.; Chavan N.R.; Hatzade B. (2021). Genome-wide analysis of Hsp70 and Hsp100 gene families in Ziziphus jujuba, Cell Stress and Chaperones, 26(2) DOI
2021 Singh B.K.; Ramkumar M.K.; Dalal M.; Singh A.; Solanke A.U.; Singh N.K.; Sevanthi A.M. (2021). Allele mining for a drought responsive gene DRO1 determining root growth angle in donors of drought tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa L.), Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, 27(3) DOI
2021 Juhi B.; Nilima K.; Neha M.; Renu Y.; Kumar S.R.; Rajendra K. (2021). Quantitative expression analysis through transcript profiling for drought stress in Cicer Arietinum L., Research Journal of Biotechnology, 16(3) DOI
2021 Yadav A.; Singh A.; Phogat J.; Dahuja A.; Dabur R. (2021). Magnoflorine prevent the skeletal muscle atrophy via Akt/mTOR/FoxO signal pathway and increase slow-MyHC production in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 267() DOI
2021 Biswas S.S.; Biswas D.R.; Purakayastha T.J.; Sarkar A.; Kumar R.; Das T.K.; Barman M.; Pabbp S.; Ghosh A.; Pal R. (2021). Residual effect of rock-phosphate and PSB on rice yield and soil properties, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(3) DOI
2021 Singh H.; Verma P.; Lal S.K.; Khar A. (2021). Optimization of ems mutagen dose for short day onion, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 78(1) DOI
2021 Dey A.; Shashank P.R.; Meshram N.M.; Subramanian S.; Jeer M.; Kalleshwaraswamy C.M.; Chavan S.M.; Jindal J.; Suby S.B. (2021). Molecular diversity of Sesamia inferens (Walker, 1856) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) from India, 3 Biotech, 11(3) DOI
2021 Yadav N.; Nain L.; Khare S.K. (2021). One-pot production of lactic acid from rice straw pretreated with ionic liquid, Bioresource Technology (Biological Wastes), 323() DOI
2021 Jnapika K.H.; Nayan Deepak G.; Jamoh O.; Pandey R.K.; Gautam R.; Dhakad A. (2021). Genetic variability and correlation studies for morphological and biochemical traits of Annona genotypes, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(3) DOI
2021 Patial M.; Chaudhary H.K.; Sharma N.; Sundaresha S.; Kapoor R.; Pal D.; Pramanick K.K.; Shukla A.K.; Kumar J. (2021). Effect of different in vitro and in vivo variables on the efficiency of doubled haploid production in Triticum aestivum L. using Imperata cylindrica-mediated chromosome elimination technique, Cereal Research Communications, 49(1) DOI
2021 Yadav R.K.; Chatrath A.; Tripathi K.; Gerard M.; Ahmad A.; Mishra V.; Abraham G. (2021). Salinity tolerance mechanism in the aquatic nitrogen fixing pteridophyte Azolla: a review, Symbiosis, 83(2) DOI
2021 Chandran N.; Dubey A.K. (2021). A New Species of Lanelater Arnett (Coleoptera: Elateridae) from the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India, Coleopterists Bulletin, 75(1) DOI
2021 Yadav A.K.; Kumar A.; Grover N.; Ellur R.K.; Bollinedi H.; Krishnan S.G.; Bhowmick P.K.; Vinod K.K.; Nagarajan M.; Singh A.K. (2021). Genome‐wide association study reveals marker–trait associations for early vegetative stage salinity tolerance in rice, Plants-Basel, 10(3) DOI
2021 Das A.; Roy B.; Jangra S.; Chowdhury A.; Kamil D.; Devi T.P. (2021). Analysis of genetic diversity of Colletotrichum population causing anthracnose in fruit crops using ISSR markers, Indian Phytopathology, 74(1) DOI
2021 Singh P.; Sarangi A.; Singh D.K.; Sehegal V.K.; Dash S.; Chakrabarti B. (2021). Performance evaluation of evapotranspiration estimation methods in Sultanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(3) DOI
2021 Harshana A. (2021). New record on natural enemies of mexican beetle zygogramma bicolorata, Indian Journal of Entomology, 83(1) DOI
2021 Dubey A.K.; Saritha R.K.; Nabi S.U.; Yadav M.K.; Baranwal V.K. (2021). Seed transmission and effect of leaf crinkle disease on seed quality in urdbean (Vigna mungo L. Hepper) under controlled environment, Indian Phytopathology, 74(1) DOI
2021 Muzamil M.; Mani I.; Kumar A.; Shukla L. (2021). An Engineering Intervention to Prevent Paddy Straw Burning Through In Situ Microbial Degradation, Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series A, 102(1) DOI
2021 Móring A.; Hooda S.; Raghuram N.; Adhya T.K.; Ahmad A.; Bandyopadhyay S.K.; Barsby T.; Beig G.; Bentley A.R.; Bhatia A.; Dragosits U.; Drewer J.; Foulkes J.; Ghude S.D.; Gupta R.; Jain N.; Kumar D.; Kumar R.M.; Ladha J.K.; Mandal P.K.; Neeraja C.N.; Pandey R.; Pathak H.; Pawar P.; Pellny T.K.; Poole P.; Price A.; Rao D.L.N.; Reay D.S.; Singh N.K.; Sinha S.K.; Srivastava R.K.; Shewry P.; Smith J.; Steadman C.E.; Subrahmanyam D.; Surekha K.; Venkatesh K.; Varinderpal-Singh; Uwizeye A.; Vieno M.; Sutton M.A. (2021). Nitrogen Challenges and Opportunities for Agricultural and Environmental Science in India, Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 5() DOI
2021 Bashyal B.M.; Gupta A.K.; Singh D.; Choudhary R.; Aggarwal R. (2021). First report of sclerotium hydrophilum causing stem rot disease of rice in North Eastern plain zone of India, Plant Disease (Plant Disease Reporter), 105(3) DOI
2021 Gurjar M.S.; Mohan M H.; Singh J.; Saharan M.S.; Aggarwal R. (2021). Tilletia indica: biology, variability, detection, genomics and future perspective, Indian Phytopathology, 74(1) DOI
2021 Mishra D.C.; Arora D.; Kumar R.R.; Goswami S.; Varshney S.; Budhlakoti N.; Kumar S.; Chaturvedi K.K.; Sharma A.; Chinnusamy V.; Rai A. (2021). Weighted gene co-expression analysis for identification of key genes regulating heat stress in wheat, Cereal Research Communications, 49(1) DOI
2021 Kammar V.; Sagar D.; Chandel R.K.; Shashank P.R.; Chakravarthy A.K. (2021). Development of species-specific marker and molecular diversity of conogethes punctiferalis and conogethes sahyadriensis (lepidoptera: Crambidae), Journal of Environmental Biology, 42(2) DOI
2021 Mahajan G.R.; Das B.; Murgaokar D.; Herrmann I.; Berger K.; Sahoo R.N.; Patel K.; Desai A.; Morajkar S.; Kulkarni R.M. (2021). Monitoring the foliar nutrients status of mango using spectroscopy‐based spectral indices and plsr‐combined machine learning models, Remote Sensing, 13(4) DOI
2021 Kumar S.; Yadav D.K.; Sharma K.; Yadav S.; Vijay Kumar L.; Deeksha M.G. (2021). Screening of rice landraces and their morpho-biochemical basis of resistance against Cnaphalocrocis medinalís, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(3) DOI
2021 Das B.; Sahoo R.N.; Pargal S.; Krishna G.; Verma R.; Viswanathan C.; Sehgal V.K.; Gupta V.K. (2021). Evaluation of different water absorption bands, indices and multivariate models for water-deficit stress monitoring in rice using visible-near infrared spectroscopy, Spectrochimica Acta Part A-Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 247() DOI
2021 Jain P.; Hussian S.; Nishad J.; Dubey H.; Bisht D.S.; Sharma T.R.; Mondal T.K. (2021). Identification and functional prediction of long non-coding RNAs of rice (Oryza sativa L.) at reproductive stage under salinity stress, Molecular Biology Reports, 48(3) DOI
2021 Singh K.P.; Kumari P.; Rai P.K. (2021). Current Status of the Disease-Resistant Gene(s)/QTLs, and Strategies for Improvement in Brassica juncea, Frontiers in Plant Science, 12() DOI
2021 Thomas J.E.; Gronenborn B.; Harding R.M.; Mandal B.; Grigoras I.; Randles J.W.; Sano Y.; Timchenko T.; Vetten H.J.; Yeh H.-H.; Ziebell H. (2021). ICTV virus taxonomy profile: Nanoviridae, Journal of General Virology, 102(3) DOI
2021 Tikendra L.; Choudhary R.; Sanayaima Devi R.; Dey A.; Potshangbam A.M.; Nongdam P. (2021). Micropropagation of Bamboos and Clonal Fidelity Assessment Using Molecular Markers, Biotechnological Advances in Bamboo: The "Green Gold" on the Earth, () DOI
2021 Asrani P.; Hassan M.I. (2021). SARS-CoV-2 mediated lung inflammatory responses in host: targeting the cytokine storm for therapeutic interventions, Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, 476(2) DOI
2021 Das S.; Pradhan A.K.; Beura K.; Das R.; Singh R. (2021). Improvement of Soil Quality by Solid Waste Recycling: A Global Perspective, Soil Science: Fundamentals to Recent Advances, () DOI
2021 Dhawan G.; Kumar A.; Dwivedi P.; Gopala Krishnan S.; Pal M.; Vinod K.K.; Nagarajan M.; Bhowmick P.K.; Bollinedi H.; Ellur R.K.; Ravikiran K.T.; Kumar P.; Singh A.K. (2021). Introgression of qdty1.1 governing reproductive stage drought tolerance into an elite basmati rice variety “pusa basmati 1” through marker assisted backcross breeding, Agronomy-Basel, 11(2) DOI
2021 Singh O.W.; Singh N.; Kamil D.; Singh V.K.; Devi T.P.; Prasad L. (2021). Morpho-molecular variability and host reactivity of Albugo candida isolates infecting Brassica juncea genotypes in India, Journal of Plant Pathology, 103(1) DOI
2021 Yadav R.K.; Purakayastha T.J.; Ahmed N.; Das R.; Chakrabarty B.; Biswas S.; Sharma V.K.; Singh P.; Talukdar D.; Mourya K.K.; Walia S.S.; Singh R.; Shukla V.K.; Yadava M.S.; Ravisankar N.; Yadav B.D. (2021). Long-term effect of fertilization and manuring on soil aggregate carbon mineralization, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(2) DOI
2021 Trivedi N. (2021). Improved Plant Resistance by Phytomicrobiome Community Towards Biotic and Abiotic Stresses, Phytomicrobiome Interactions and Sustainable Agriculture, () DOI
2021 Vikram P.; Franco J.; Burgueño J.; Li H.; Sehgal D.; Saint-Pierre C.; Ortiz C.; Singh V.K.; Sneller C.; Sharma A.; Tattaris M.; Guzman C.; Pena J.; Sansaloni C.P.; Serna J.A.C.; Thiyagarajan K.; Fuentes Davila G.; Reynolds M.; Sonder K.; Govindan V.; Ellis M.; Bhavani S.; Jalal Kamali M.R.; Roosatei M.; Singh S.; Basandrai D.; Bains N.S.; Basandrai A.; Payne T.; Crossa J.; Singh S. (2021). Strategic use of Iranian bread wheat landrace accessions for genetic improvement: Core set formulation and validation, Plant Breeding, 140(1) DOI
2021 Gupta S.K.; Rao D.U.M.; Nain M.S.; Kumar S. (2021). Exploring agro-ecological bases of contemporary water management innovations (CWMIs) and their outscaling, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(2) DOI
2021 Singh V.J.; Vinod K.K.; Krishnan S.G.; Singh A.K. (2021). Rice Adaptation to Climate Change: Opportunities and Priorities in Molecular Breeding, Molecular Breeding for Rice Abiotic Stress Tolerance and Nutritional Quality, () DOI
2021 Singh P.; Mukherjee S.; Saha N.; Biswas S.; Mandal B. (2021). Conservation Agriculture in Reshaping Belowground Microbial Diversity, Soil Science: Fundamentals to Recent Advances, () DOI
2021 Laskar N.; Ghoshal D.; Gupta S. (2021). Chitosan-based magnetic molecularly imprinted polymer: synthesis and application in selective recognition of tricyclazole from rice and water samples, Iranian Polymer Journal (English Edition), 30(2) DOI
2021 Ghosh A.; Priti; Mandal B.; Dietzgen R.G. (2021). Progression of watermelon bud necrosis virus infection in its vector, thrips palmi, Cells, 10(2) DOI
2021 Tyagi S.; Kumar A.; Gautam T.; Pandey R.; Rustgi S.; Mir R.R. (2021). Development and use of miRNA-derived SSR markers for the study of genetic diversity, population structure, and characterization of genotypes for breeding heat tolerant wheat varieties, PLoS ONE, 16(02-Feb) DOI
2021 Sharma K.K.; Tripathy V.; Mohapatra S.; Matadha N.Y.; Pathan A.R.K.; Sharma B.N.; Dubey J.K.; Katna S.; George T.; Tayade A.; Sharma K.; Gupta R.; Walia S. (2021). Dissipation kinetics and consumer risk assessment of novaluron + lambda-cyhalothrin co-formulation in cabbage, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 208() DOI
2021 Punia S.; Kumar M. (2021). Litchi (Litchi chinenis) seed: Nutritional profile, bioactivities, and its industrial applications, Trends in Food Science & Technology, 108() DOI
2021 Husaini A.M.; Cambay S.R. (2021). Microsatellite markers in rice improvement: A simple and versatile tool with multipurpose utility, Oryza sativa: Production, Cultivation and Uses, () DOI
2021 Pradhan S.; Panigrahi I.; Kumar S.; Maurya N.K. (2021). Chemical Treatments for Shelf Life Enhancement of Stone Fruits, Production Technology of Stone Fruits, () DOI
2021 Kamil D.; Bahadur A.; Debnath P.; Kumari A.; Choudhary S.P.; Kumar K.; Prameeladevi T. (2021). First report of stem rot caused by athelia rolfsii on curry leaf tree (murraya koenigii) in Tripura, India, Plant Disease (Plant Disease Reporter), 105(2) DOI
2021 Baradevanal G.; Kumarnag K.M. (2021). Biointensive Integrated Pest Management in Mango, Biointensive Integrated Pest Management for Horticultural Crops, () DOI
2021 Patel A.; Kumar A.; Sheoran N.; Kumar M.; Sahu K.P.; Ganeshan P.; Ashajyothi M.; Gopalakrishnan S.; Gogoi R. (2021). Antifungal and defense elicitor activities of pyrazines identified in endophytic Pseudomonas putida BP25 against fungal blast incited by Magnaporthe oryzae in rice, Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection, 128(1) DOI
2021 Kumar D.; Das U. (2021). Biointensive Integrated Pest Management of Okra, Biointensive Integrated Pest Management for Horticultural Crops, () DOI
2021 Shashank P.R.; Singh N.; Harshana A.; Sinha T.; Kirichenko N. (2021). First report of the poplar leaf miner, Phyllonorycter populifoliella (Treitschke) (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) from India, Zootaxa, 4915(3) DOI
2021 Mahato D.K.; Devi S.; Pandhi S.; Sharma B.; Maurya K.K.; Mishra S.; Dhawan K.; Selvakumar R.; Kamle M.; Mishra A.K.; Kumar P. (2021). Occurrence, impact on agriculture, human health, and management strategies of zearalenone in food and feed: A review, Toxins, 13(2) DOI
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2021 Kundu A.; Dutta A.; Mandal A.; Negi L.; Malik M.; Puramchatwad R.; Antil J.; Singh A.; Rao U.; Saha S.; Kumar R.; Patanjali N.; Manna S.; Kumar A.; Dash S.; Singh P.K. (2021). A Comprehensive in vitro and in silico Analysis of Nematicidal Action of Essential Oils, Frontiers in Plant Science, 11() DOI
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2021 Omotayo K.; Kumar K.G.; Sudhir K.; Ranjeet K.R.; Jasdeep P.C.; Viswanathan C.; Ajay A. (2021). Molecular analysis of thermomemory-related genes and high-temperature tolerance in wheat genotypes, Research Journal of Biotechnology, 16(2) DOI
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2021 Kumar M.; Saurabh V.; Tomar M.; Hasan M.; Changan S.; Sasi M.; Maheshwari C.; Prajapati U.; Singh S.; Prajapat R.K.; Dhumal S.; Punia S.; Amarowicz R.; Mekhemar M. (2021). Mango (Mangifera indica l.) leaves: Nutritional composition, phytochemical profile, and health-promoting bioactivities, Antioxidants, 10(2) DOI
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2021 Krishnan V.; Awana M.; Raja Rani A.P.; Bansal N.; Bollinedi H.; Srivastava S.; Sharma S.K.; Singh A.K.; Singh A.; Praveen S. (2021). Quality matrix reveals the potential of Chak-hao as a nutritional supplement: a comparative study of matrix components, antioxidants and physicochemical attributes, Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 15(1) DOI
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2021 Jayaraman S.; Bandyopadhyay K.K.; Naorem A.K.; Sinha N.K.; Mohanty M.; Hati K.M.; Patra A.K.; Chaudhari S.K.; Dalal R.C.; Lal R. (2021). Soil Carbon Sequestration Through Conservation Tillage and Residue Management, Conservation Agriculture: A Sustainable Approach for Soil Health and Food Security: Conservation Agriculture for Sustainable Agriculture, () DOI
2021 Gupta N.; Yadav K.K.; Kumar V.; Krishnan S.; Kumar S.; Nejad Z.D.; Majeed Khan M.A.; Alam J. (2021). Evaluating heavy metals contamination in soil and vegetables in the region of North India: Levels, transfer and potential human health risk analysis, Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, 82() DOI
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2021 Srinivasa N.; Chander S.; Kumar P.V. (2021). Evaluation of the effect of elevated CO2 on bioefficacy of buprofezin insecticide against brown plant hopper, nilaparvata lugens (StÅl), Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences, 9(1) DOI
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2021 Malyan S.K.; Kumar S.S.; Singh A.; Kumar O.; Gupta D.K.; Yadav A.N.; Fagodiya R.K.; Khan S.A.; Kumar A. (2021). Understanding Methanogens, Methanotrophs, and Methane Emission in Rice Ecosystem, Microbiomes and the Global Climate Change, () DOI
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2021 Yathish K.R.; Gangoliya S.S.; Ghoshal T.; Singh A.; Phagna R.K.; Das A.K.; Neelam S.; Singh S.B.; Kumar A.; Rakshit S.; Gadag R.N.; Hossain F.; Karjagi C.G. (2021). Biochemical estimation of phytic acid and inorganic phosphate in diverse maize germplasm to identify potential donor for low phytic acid (Lpa) trait in tropical genetic background, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 81(2) DOI
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2021 Lal M.K.; Tiwari R.K.; Jaiswal A.; Changan S.S.; Kumar D.; Kumar A.; Kumar V.; Sharma J.; Raigond P.; Dutt S.; Singh B. (2021). AN EMERGING CONCEPT OF PHOSPHORUS NUTRITION IN POTATO UNDER ELEVATED CARBON DIOXIDE [CO2] CONDITION, Potato Journal (Journal of Indian Potato Association), 48(1) DOI
2021 Patra A.; Sharma V.K.; Jatav H.S.; Dutta A.; Rekwar R.K.; Chattopadhyay A.; Trivedi A.; Mohapatra K.K.; Anil A.S. (2021). Iron in the soil-plant-human continuum, Frontiers in Plant-Soil Interaction: Molecular Insights into Plant Adaptation, () DOI
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2021 Mtembeji A.L.; Singh D.R. (2021). Dynamics of rice production among the food crops of Tanzania, South African Journal of Science, 117(09-Oct) DOI
2021 Prajapati V.K.; Khanna M.; Singh M.; Kaur R.; Sahoo R.N.; Singh D.K.; Datta S.P. (2021). Drought monitoring using multi-time-scale Standardized Precipitation Index, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(10) DOI
2021 Rekwar R.K.; Patra A.; Jatav H.S.; Singh S.K.; Mohapatra K.K.; Kundu A.; Dutta A.; Trivedi A.; Sharma L.D.; Anjum M.; Anil A.S.; Sahoo S.K. (2021). Ecological aspects of the soil-water-plant-atmosphere system, Plant Perspectives to Global Climate Changes: Developing Climate-Resilient Plants, () DOI
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2021 Mandal A.; Kundu A.; Shanmugam V.; Kumar R.; Siddiqui A.; Chaudhary A.; Dutta A.; Patanjali N.; Saha S.; Kumar A.; Dash S.; Singh A. (2021). Brassica nigra essential oil: In-vitro and in-silico antibacterial efficacy against plant pathogenic and nitrifying bacteria, Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part B Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes, 56(12) DOI
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2021 Rasheed S.; Venkatesh P.; Singh D.R.; Renjini V.R.; Jha G.K.; Sharma D.K. (2021). Who cultivates traditional paddy varieties and why? Findings from Kerala, India, Current Science, 121(9) DOI
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2021 Kabi M.; Baisakh B.; Das T.R.; Tripathy S.K.; Dash M. (2021). Inheritance pattern and validation of RGA marker for powdery mildew resistance in sesame, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 81(2) DOI
2021 Hada A.; Singh D.; Satyanarayana K.K.V.V.; Chatterjee M.; Phani V.; Rao U. (2021). Effect of fluensulfone on different functional genes of root-knot nematode meloidogyne incognita, Journal of Nematology, 53() DOI
2021 Aswin M.; Umarani R.; Rajeswari S.; Jeyaprakash P. (2021). Genetic variability and association analysis in rice (Oryza sativa L.) germplasm based on biometrical and floral traits, Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 12(3) DOI
2021 Das A.K.; Singode A.; Chaudhary D.P.; Yathish K.R.; Karjagi C.G.; Kumar R.; Kumar B.; Singh V.; Mukri G.; Sapna; Rakshit S. (2021). Identification of potential donor for pro-vitamin a using functional markers in maize (Zea mays l), Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 81(1) DOI
2021 Dukare A.; Paul S.; Kumar R.; Sharma V. (2021). Microbial-based inoculants in sustainable agriculture: Current perspectives and future prospects, Biofertilizers: Volume 1: Advances in Bio-inoculants, () DOI
2021 Purakayastha T.J.; Bhaduri D.; Singh P. (2021). Role of Biochar on Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Carbon Sequestration in Soil: Opportunities for Mitigating Climate Change, Soil Science: Fundamentals to Recent Advances, () DOI
2021 Sadhukhan R.; Jatav H.S.; Sen S.; Sharma L.D.; Rajput V.D.; Thangjam R.; Devedee A.K.; Singh S.K.; Gorovtsov A.; Choudhury S.; Patra K. (2021). Biological nitrification inhibition for sustainable crop production, Plant Perspectives to Global Climate Changes: Developing Climate-Resilient Plants, () DOI
2021 Kumar P.; Shaunak I.; Gambhir G.; Dhiman K.; Srivastava D.K. (2021). Biotechnological Application of Meta-topolins as Highly Active Aromatic Cytokinins in Micropropagation of Medicinal Plants, Meta-topolin: A Growth Regulator for Plant Biotechnology and Agriculture, () DOI
2021 Mahanta D.; Bisht J.K.; Kant L. (2021). Concept and global scenario of organic farming, Advances in Organic Farming: Agronomic Soil Management Practices, () DOI
2021 Awasthi O.P.; Kumar S. (2021). Minimization of Pesticide Residues in Horticulture Produce for Ensuring Higher Returns in Export, Dryland Horticulture, () DOI
2021 Pandey G.K.; Chinnusamy V.; Lenka S.K. (2021). Genes, genomes and germplasm for climate-smart agriculture-part-ii, Current Genomics, 22(3) DOI
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2021 Seema; Ghosh A.K.; Yadav S.; Singh P.; Thakur A. (2021). Characterization and Fertility Assessment of Soils of Mirzapur District of Eastern Uttar Pradesh for Sustainable Land Use Planning, Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science, 69(4) DOI
2021 Balasubramanian B.; Ahmad S.; Alok V.; Khan F.N.; Anand K.; Mehta S.; Easwaran M.; Meyyazhagan A.; Saravanan M. (2021). Exosomes as an emerging nanoplatform for functional therapeutics, Handbook on Nanobiomaterials for Therapeutics and Diagnostic Applications, () DOI
2021 Sharma A.; Singh P.; Rajkhowa S.; Nath T.; Sarmah B.K.; Ghosh S.; Swarnalakshmi K.; Nandi S.P. (2021). Anti-vibrio potential of bacterial and fungal endophytes isolated from Datura metel, Indian Journal of Biotechnology, 20(1) DOI
2021 Mangal M.; Hussain Z.; Lata S.; Gosavi G.; Tomar B.S. (2021). Marker assisted detection of TYLCV and late blight resistance in tomato (Solatium lycopersicum), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(10) DOI
2021 Paikaray A.K.; Kumar P.; Raju D.V.S.; Singh K.P.; Gopalakrishnan S.; Sharma V.K.; Jain R. (2021). Protocol for salt stress screening of African marigold under hydroponic system, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(1) DOI
2021 Kumari P.; Gogoi R.; Basavaraj Y.B.; Srinivasa N.; Kumar A.; Shekhar M.; Mallikarjuna M.G. (2021). Screening methods, genetic variability and correlation studies for aspergillus flavus resistance in sub-tropical maize (Zea mays l.), Maydica, 66(2) DOI
2021 Singh D.; Geat N.; Mehriya M.; Rajawat M.V.S.; Prasanna R.; Kumar A.; Kumari G.; Jha M.N. (2021). Omics (Genomics, Proteomics, Metabolomics, Etc.) Tools to Study the Environmental Microbiome and Bioremediation, Waste to Energy: Prospects and Applications, () DOI
2021 Rathod V.; Behera T.K.; Munshi A.D.; Jat G.S.; Vinod; Gaikwad A.B. (2021). Genetic analysis for yield and its attributes in bitter gourd (Momordica charantia), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(1) DOI
2021 Sen S.; Kaur R.; Das T.K.; Shivay Y.S.; Nath C.P. (2021). Weed control for sustaining rice production under dry seeding systems in North-Western India, International Journal of Pest Management, () DOI
2021 Tiwari R.K.; Sharma S.; Kumar R.; Lal M.K.; Naga K.C.; Kumar D.; Sagar V. (2021). Morpho-molecular identification of potato silver scurf caused by helminthosporium solani and standardization of spore inundation technique, Potato Journal (Journal of Indian Potato Association), 48(1) DOI
2021 Sepat S.; Raje R.S.; Patial M.; Singh V.; Singh G.; Prashat R.G. (2021). Effect of sowing and plant spacing on pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan) for higher productivity and profitability in India, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(1) DOI
2021 Das A.; Datta D.; Samajdar T.; Idapuganti R.G.; Islam M.; Choudhury B.U.; Mohapatra K.P.; Layek J.; Babu S.; Yadav G.S. (2021). Livelihood security of small holder farmers in eastern Himalayas, India: Pond based integrated farming system a sustainable approach, Current Research in Environmental Sustainability, 3() DOI
2021 Vanlalruati; Jain R.; Singh M.; Anand P.; Sindhu S.S.; Sangwan S. (2021). Effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal consortia on growth, quality and nutrient uptake of dracaena (Dracaena marginata), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(1) DOI
2021 Prasanna R.; Renuka N.; Nain L.; Ramakrishnan B. (2021). Natural and Constructed Cyanobacteria-Based Consortia for Enhancing Crop Growth and Soil Fertility, Microorganisms for Sustainability, 29() DOI
2021 Handoo Z.A.; Kantor M.R.; Khan E. (2021). Description of Ten New Species Including Two New Genera of Nematodes (Nematoda) Associated with Economically Important Crops of Kashmir Valley, Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan Journal of Nematology, 39(1) DOI
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2021 Kumar A.; Changwal C.; Thapa B.; Tanpure R.S.; Hada A.; Singh P.K.; Ghuge S.A. (2021). Transcription factors: A tool box for countering the effect of abiotic stresses, Stress Tolerance in Horticultural Crops: Challenges and Mitigation Strategies, () DOI
2021 Kumar A.; Shettigar N.; Philanim W.S.; Pandey A.; Tyagi J.P.; Das S.P.; Lamalakshmi Devi E.; Sarika K.; Verma H.; Bhuvaneshwari S. (2021). Variability and stability evaluation in indian maize (Zea mays L.) landraces collected from north eastern Himalayan region, Maydica, 66(2) DOI
2021 Pingali P.R.; Deevi K.C.; Birthal P.S. (2021). Enabling Markets, Trade and Policies for Enhancing Sorghum Uptake, Sorghum in the 21st Century: Food - Fodder - Feed - Fuel for a Rapidly Changing World, () DOI
2021 Hossain A.; Ahmed S.; Ahmad Z.; Alam M.J.; Moulick D.; Saha B.; Samanta S.; Maitra S.; Bhadra P.; Bukhari M.A.; Aftab T. (2021). Next-generation genetic engineering tools for abiotic stress tolerance in plants, Frontiers in Plant-Soil Interaction: Molecular Insights into Plant Adaptation, () DOI
2021 Dwivedi A.; Mishra S.; Srivastava V. (2021). Sodium transporters in plant, Cation Transporters in Plants, () DOI
2021 Meena S.L.; Bana R.S.; Sepat S.; Dass A. (2021). System productivity and economics as influenced by cropping system and nutrient management, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(10) DOI
2021 Singh R.; Singh K.; Nain M.S. (2021). Nutritional evaluation and storage stability of popped pearl millet bar, Current Science, 120(8) DOI
2021 Meena R.K.; Kumar K.; Dubey S.K.; Singh A.K.; Kumar A.; Jayaswal D.; Singh B.; Jain R.; Jain S. (2021). Molecular Breeding Approaches for Improvement and Development of Water Saving Aerobic Rice, Molecular Breeding for Rice Abiotic Stress Tolerance and Nutritional Quality, () DOI
2021 Srivastav M.; Singh S.K.; Prakash J.; Singh R.; Sharma N.; Ramchandra S.; Devi R.; Gupta A.; Mahto A.K.; Jayaswal P.K.; Singh S.; Singh N.K. (2021). New hyper-variable ssrs for diversity analysis in mango (Mangifera indica l.), Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 81(1) DOI
2021 Gorane A.; Verma R.; Naik A.; Nikam T.; Ade A.; Tripathi S. (2021). Genetic variability and recombination analysis of papaya infecting isolates of Papaya ringspot virus based on CP gene from Western India, Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection, 54(19-20) DOI
2021 Ranjan R.; Yadav R.; Gaikwad K.; Kumar M.; Kumar N.; Babu P.; Pandey R.; Joshi A.K. (2021). Genetic variability for root traits and its role in adaptation under conservation agriculture in spring wheat, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 81(1) DOI
2021 Basak B.B.; Ray P.; Biswas D.R. (2021). Emerging threat of potassium mining in Indian soils: Harnessing the potential of low-grade mica minerals through microbial intervention, Biofertilizers: Volume 1: Advances in Bio-inoculants, () DOI
2021 Hada A.; Jaabir M.S.M.; Singh N.; Changwal C.; Kumar A. (2021). Functional genomics approaches for combating the effect of abiotic stresses, Stress Tolerance in Horticultural Crops: Challenges and Mitigation Strategies, () DOI
2021 Kumar S.; Singh D.R.; Jha G.K.; Mondal B.; Biswas H. (2021). Key determinants of adoption of soil and water conservation measures: A review, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(1) DOI
2021 Romen Sharma P.H.; Singh M.; Sinha P.K.; Kumar B.; Talli Mollier R.; Rajkhowa D.J. (2021). Understanding the intention to adopt artificial insemination technology in pig by tribal farmers, Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 91(6) DOI
2021 Balamatti A.; Manda B.; Roy A.; Singh M.K. (2021). New Approaches for Combating Viral Diseases of Crop Plants, The Basics of Human Civilization: Food, Agriculture and Humanity Volume-I : Present Scenario, () DOI
2021 Mandi S.; Shivay Y.S. (2021). Performance of Basmati rice as influenced by green manuring and sulphur fertilization, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(1) DOI
2021 Singh A.K.; Kumar M.; Ahuja A.; Vinay B.K.; Kommu K.K.; Thakur S.; Paschapur A.U.; Jeevan B.; Mishra K.K.; Meena R.P.; Parihar M. (2021). Entomopathogenic nematodes: a sustainable option for insect pest management, Biopesticides: Volume 2: Advances in Bio-inoculants, () DOI
2021 Sarkar A.; Biswas A.K.; Ghosh A.; Jha P.; Das M.; Patra A.K.; Roy T.; Saha M.; Biswas S.S.; Biswas D.R. (2021). Moisture sensitivity alteration of soil organic carbon and nitrogen mineralization in Vertisol, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(10) DOI
2021 Jain N.; Taak Y.; Choudhary R.; Yadav S.; Saini N.; Vasudev S.; Yadava D. (2021). Advances and prospects of epigenetics in plants, Epigenetics and Metabolomics, () DOI
2021 Singh P.; Tomar R.S.; Kumar K.; Kumar B.; Rakshit S.; Singh I. (2021). Morpho-physiological and biochemical characterization of maize genotypes under nitrogen stress conditions, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 81(2) DOI
2021 Komal J.; Shashank P.R.; Sondhi S.; Madan S.; Sondhi Y.; Meshram N.M.; Anooj S. (2021). Moths (Insecta: Lepidoptera) of Delhi, India: An illustrated checklist based on museum specimens and surveys, Biodiversity Data Journal, 9() DOI
2021 Yadav P.; Singh B. (2021). Radioecology: Dissecting complexities of radionuclide transfer under climate change, Global Climate Change, () DOI
2021 Kumar D.; Tripathi A.; Prakash O.; Joshi P.; Khan K.; Kumar M. (2021). Seed metering device evaluation by Grease Belt Method, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(10) DOI
2021 Gajghate R.; Chourasiya D.; Harikrishna; Sharma R.K. (2021). Plant Morphological, Physiological Traits Associated with Adaptation Against Heat Stress in Wheat and Maize, Plant Stress Biology: Strategies and Trends, () DOI
2021 Harshana A.; Dey D. (2021). First record of Recurvidris recurvispinosa (Forel, 1890) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Myrmicinae) from Central India, Journal of Entomological Research, 45(2) DOI
2021 Ramesh S.V.; Pandiselvam R.; Hebbar K.B.; Manikantan M.R.; Beegum P.P.S.; Praveen S.; Sruthi N.U. (2021). Antiviral Potential of Coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) Oil and COVID-19, Coronaviruses, 2(4) DOI
2021 Kaldate R.; Singh S.K.; Guleria G.; Soni A.; Naikwad D.; Kumar N.; Meshram S.; Rana M. (2021). Current approaches in horticultural crops to mitigate the effect of drought stress, Stress Tolerance in Horticultural Crops: Challenges and Mitigation Strategies, () DOI
2021 Sharma P.K. (2021). Movable solar powered cold storage for fruits and vegetables, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(1) DOI
2021 Sharma R.R.; Sethi S.; Asrey R.; Sagar V.R.; Bhan C. (2021). On-the-tree fruit bagging: A safe approach for production of quality fruits, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(1) DOI
2021 Choudhary M.; Rana K.S.; Bana R.S.; Parihar C.M.; Kantwa S.R. (2021). Conservation agriculture practices and sulphur fertilization effects on productivity and resource-use efficiency of rainfed mustard (Brassica juncea), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(1) DOI
2021 Sharma S.K.; Tripathi S. (2021). Overcoming limitations of resistance breeding in Carica papaya L. against papaya ringspot virus-Recent approaches, Plant Virus-Host Interaction: Molecular Approaches and Viral Evolution, () DOI
2021 Prasad R.; Shivay Y.S.; Mandi S. (2021). Phytosiderophores and absorption of iron and other cations by plants, Cation Transporters in Plants, () DOI
2021 Verma M.K.; Awasthi O.P.; Kumar C.; Sahoo T.; Jalwania R.; Nagar B.L. (2021). Harvesting and Handling of Fruits and Vegetable Crops for Higher Income, Dryland Horticulture, () DOI
2021 Singh L.; Kohli D.; Gaikwad K.; Kansal R.; Dahuja A.; Paul V.; Bharadwaj C.; Jain P.K. (2021). Effect of drought stress on morphological, biochemical, physiological traits and expression analysis of microRNAs in drought-tolerant and sensitive genotypes of chickpea, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 81(2) DOI
2021 Kaur R.; Lal K.; Rosin K.G. (2021). Status and prospects of wastewater treatment and reuse in agriculture, Sustainable Environmental Clean-up: Green Remediation, () DOI
2021 Watpade S.G.; Gautam V.; Mhatre P.H. (2021). Phytoalexin biosynthesis through RNA interference for disease resistance in plants, CRISPR and RNAi Systems: Nanobiotechnology Approaches to Plant Breeding and Protection: A Volume in Nanobiotechnology for Plant Protection, () DOI
2021 Singh S.; Mishra A.K.; Jose S.; Lodhi N.K. (2021). Atmospheric pollution and solar ultraviolet radiation in Asia, Asian Atmospheric Pollution: Sources, Characteristics and Impacts, () DOI
2021 Kumar Y.; Raghuvanshi M.S.; Fatima K.; Nain M.S.; Manhas J.S.; Namgyal D.; Kanwar M.S.; Sofi M.; Singh M.; Angchuk S. (2021). Impact assessment of weather based agro-advisory services of indus plain farming community under cold arid Ladakh, Mausam, 72(4) DOI
2021 Choudhary M.; Datta S.P.; Meena M.C.; Dwivedi B.S.; Golui D.; Sharma V.K.; Trivedi V.K.; Pattanayak A.; Patel K.C. (2021). Changes in macronutrient content in sludge as affected by sources and seasons, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(1) DOI
2021 Dubey A.K.; Gupta A.; Sharma R.M.; Sharma N. (2021). Maximizing Hybrid Seedlings Recovery and Early Identification of Highly Polyembryonic Acid Lime (Citrus aurantifolia Swing.) × Lemon (Citrus limon Burm.) Hybrids using SSR Markers, Journal of Horticultural Research, 28(2) DOI
2021 Veereshkumar; Kaushik S.K.; Rajarajan K.; Kumaranag K.M.; Uthappa A.R.; Sridhar K.B.; Alam B.; Handa A.K. (2021). Pollination biology of Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre: a potential biodiesel plant, Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 68(1) DOI
2021 Singh D.; Kesharwani A.K. (2021). Biological control of bacterial wilt of solanaceous vegetable crops - a review, Agricultural Research Journal, 58(1) DOI
2021 Prasannakumar M.K.; Parivallal B.P.; Manjunatha C.; Pramesh D.; Narayan K.S.; Venkatesh G.; Banakar S.N.; Mahesh H.B.; Vemanna R.S.; Rangaswamy K.T. (2021). Rapid genotyping of bacterial leaf blight resistant genes of rice using loop-mediated isothermal amplification assay, Molecular Biology Reports, 48(1) DOI
2021 Thakur A.K.; Singh K.H.; Parmar N.; Sharma D.; Mishra D.C.; Singh L.; Nanjundan J.; Yadav S. (2021). Population structure and genetic diversity as revealed by SSR markers in Ethiopian mustard (Brassica carinata A. Braun): a potential edible and industrially important oilseed crop, Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 68(1) DOI
2021 Swami S.; Kumar B.; Singh S.B. (2021). Effect of ozone application on the removal of pesticides from grapes and green bell peppers and changes in their nutraceutical quality, Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part B Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes, 56(8) DOI
2021 Nikoshe A.P.; Meshram N.M.; Kumari R. (2021). First record of genus Psammotettix Haupt 1929 (Cicadellidae: Deltocephalinae; Paralimnini) from Manipur and Maharashtra, India, Journal of Entomological Research, 45(1) DOI
2021 Pandey D.K.; Singh P.K.; Adhiguru P.; Kumar P. (2021). Vocal for local: Diversity of local cucurbits cultivars in east Siang, Arunachal Pradesh, Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, 20(1) DOI
2021 Golui D.; Datta S.P.; Dwivedi B.S.; Meena M.C.; Trivedi V.K.; Jaggi S.; Bandyopadhyay K.K. (2021). Assessing Geoavailability of Zinc, Copper, Nickel, Lead and Cadmium in Polluted Soils Using Short Sequential Extraction Scheme, Soil & Sediment Contamination, 30(1) DOI
2021 Biswas S.; Banerjee T.; Harshang T.; Patanjali N.; Chinnusamy V.; Mukhopadhyay A.; Singh A. (2021). Development of a QuEChERS-LCMS/MS method for simultaneous estimation of tebuconazole and chlormequat chloride in wheat crop, Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part B Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes, 56(3) DOI
2021 Roy A.K.; Malaviya D.R.; Anand A.; Choubey R.N.; Baig M.J.; Dwivedi K.; Kaushal P. (2021). Salinity tolerance of Avena sativa fodder genotypes: Tolerancia de genotipos de avena forrajera a la salinidad, Tropical Grasslands-Forrajes Tropicales, 9(1) DOI
2021 Shruti; Sharma J.P.; Burman R.R. (2021). Value-chain mapping of aonla at Pratapgarh, Uttar Pradesh, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 78(1) DOI
2021 Zhang Y.; Dalal R.C.; Bhattacharyya R.; Meyer G.; Wang P.; Menzies N.W.; Kopittke P.M. (2021). Effect of long-term no-tillage and nitrogen fertilization on phosphorus distribution in bulk soil and aggregates of a Vertisol, Soil & Tillage Research, 205() DOI
2021 Bharti A.; Prasanna R.; Kumar G.; Nain L.; Rana A.; Ramakrishnan B.; Shivay Y.S. (2021). Cyanobacterium-primed Chrysanthemum nursery improves performance of the plant and soil quality, Biology and Fertility of Soils, 57(1) DOI
2021 Asrey R.; Barman K.; Prajapati U.; Sharma S.; Yadav A. (2021). Genetically modified fruit and vegetable - An overview on senescence regulation, postharvest nutraceutical quality preservation and shelf life extension, Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 96(3) DOI
2021 Gupta N.; Jain S.K.; Tomar B.S.; Anand A.; Singh J.; Singh A.K. (2021). Influence of fruit load per vine on seed quality in cucumber (Cucumis sativus l) grown under open field and protected environments, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 78(1) DOI
2021 Meena S.K.; Pandey R.; Sharma S.; Gayacharan; Kumar T.; Singh M.P.; Dikshit H.K. (2021). Physiological basis of combined stress tolerance to low phosphorus and drought in a diverse set of mungbean germplasm, Agronomy-Basel, 11(1) DOI
2021 Touthang L.; Vinod V. (2021). Genetic Diversity Analysis of Fertility Restorer and CMS Lines of Wheat (Triticum Aaestivum L.) by using SSR Markers, Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 12(2) DOI
2021 Mani S.; S A.; K B.; N S. (2021). Effect of Nutrient Management on δ15N, δ13C Isotopes and Enzyme Activities in Higher Altitude Agricultural Soils, India, Geomicrobiology Journal, 38(2) DOI
2021 Singh D.; Singh C.K.; Taunk J.; Sharma S.; Gaikwad K.; Singh V.; Sanwal S.K.; Singh D.; Sharma P.; Pal M. (2021). Transcriptome skimming of lentil (Lens culinaris Medikus) cultivars with contrast reaction to salt stress, Functional and Integrative Genomics, 21(1) DOI
2021 Chaudhary M.; Dwivedi K.K.; Sah R.P.; Gajghate R.; Ahmed S.; Singh K.K. (2021). Zinc biofortification of fodder oat (Avena sativa l.) through bioinoculant and synthetic fertilizers, Range Management and Agroforestry, 42(1) DOI
2021 Das A.K.; Choudhary M.; Kumar P.; Karjagi C.G.; KR Y.; Kumar R.; Singh A.; Kumar S.; Rakshit S. (2021). Heterosis in Genomic Era: Advances in the Molecular Understanding and Techniques for Rapid Exploitation, Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences, 40(3) DOI
2021 Ramachandra S.; Srivastav M.; Singh S.K.; Mahato A.K.; Singh N.; Arumugam N.; Singh R.; Singh N.K. (2021). New genomic markers for marker assisted breeding in mango (Mangifera indica L.), Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 96(5) DOI
2021 Nishad J.; Dutta A.; Saha S.; Rudra S.G.; Varghese E.; Sharma R.R.; Tomar M.; Kumar M.; Kaur C. (2021). Ultrasound-assisted development of stable grapefruit peel polyphenolic nano-emulsion: Optimization and application in improving oxidative stability of mustard oil, Food Chemistry, 334() DOI
2021 Krishna G.; Sahoo R.N.; Singh P.; Patra H.; Bajpai V.; Das B.; Kumar S.; Dhandapani R.; Vishwakarma C.; Pal M.; Chinnusamy V. (2021). Application of thermal imaging and hyperspectral remote sensing for crop water deficit stress monitoring, Geocarto International, 36(5) DOI
2021 Das R.; Ghosh A.; Das S.; Basak N.; Singh R.; Priyanka; Datta A. (2021). Soil Carbon Sequestration for Soil Quality Improvement and Climate Change Mitigation, Energy, Environment, and Sustainability, () DOI
2021 Misra T.; Arora A.; Marwaha S.; Jha R.R.; Ray M.; Jain R.; Rao A.R.; Varghese E.; Kumar S.; Kumar S.; Nigam A.; Sahoo R.N.; Chinnusamy V. (2021). Web-SpikeSegNet: Deep Learning Framework for Recognition and Counting of Spikes from Visual Images of Wheat Plants, IEEE Access, 9() DOI
2021 Subramanian S.; Boopathi T.; Nebapure S.M.; Yele Y.; Shankarganesh K. (2021). Mealybugs, Polyphagous Pests of Crops, () DOI
2021 Dhakar R.; Sehgal V.K.; Chakraborty D.; Sahoo R.N.; Mukherjee J. (2021). Field scale wheat LAI retrieval from multispectral Sentinel 2A-MSI and LandSat 8-OLI imagery: effect of atmospheric correction, image resolutions and inversion techniques, Geocarto International, 36(18) DOI
2021 Pandit B.T.; Mondal P.; Mondal S.; Khan M.R. (2021). Morphology and morphometric variations in Indian populations of Meloidogyne graminicola Golden and Birchfield, 1965, Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection, 54(01-Feb) DOI
2021 Yadav P.; Jaiswal D.K.; Sinha R.K. (2021). Climate change: Impact on agricultural production and sustainable mitigation, Global Climate Change, () DOI
2021 Patanjali P.; Chopra I.; Mandal A.; Singh R. (2021). Organobentonite as an efficient and reusable adsorbent for cationic dyes removal from aqueous solution, Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 80(1) DOI
2021 Mukri G.; Bhat J.S.; Gadag R.N.; Motagi B.N.; Manjunatha B.; Kumar R.; Pal D. (2021). Evaluation of inbred lines derived from commercial hybrids and their utilization in developing high yielding field corn (Zea mays l.) hybrids, Maydica, 65(3) DOI
2021 Mir H.R.; Yadav S.K.; Yadav S. (2021). Hydropriming associated physiological and biochemical changes responsible for the enhanced planting value of maize hybrid and its parental line seeds, Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 45(3) DOI
2021 Verma R.K.; Shivay Y.S.; Prasanna R.; Choudhary M.; Ghasal P.C. (2021). Nutrient management options modulating soil physico-chemical and biological properties under direct-seeded rice-based cropping systems, Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 67(13) DOI
2021 Gautam P.; Lal B.; Panda B.B.; Bihari P.; Chatterjee D.; Singh T.; Nayak P.K.; Nayak A.K. (2021). Alteration in agronomic practices to utilize rice fallows for higher system productivity and sustainability, Field Crops Research, 260() DOI
2021 Verma A.K.; Meena M.C.; Datta S.P.; Dwivedi B.S.; Golui D.; Kumar A.; Louhar G.; Meena R. (2021). Impact of long-term sludge application on yield, nutrient uptake and profitability of maize (Zea mays), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(1) DOI
2021 Pooniya V.; Biswakarma N.; Parihar C.M.; Swarnalakshmi K.; Lama A.; Zhiipao R.R.; Nath A.; Pal M.; Jat S.L.; Satyanarayana T.; Majumdar K.; Jat R.D.; Shivay Y.S.; Kumar D.; Ghasal P.C.; Singh K. (2021). Six years of conservation agriculture and nutrient management in maize–mustard rotation: Impact on soil properties, system productivity and profitability, Field Crops Research, 260() DOI
2021 Venkanna Y.; Suroshe S.S.; Dahuja A. (2021). Non-consumptive effects of the zigzag ladybird beetle, Cheilomenes sexmaculata (Fab.) on its prey, the cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii Glover, Biocontrol Science and Technology, 31(11) DOI
2021 Praveen K.V.; Jha G.K.; Aditya K.S. (2021). Discerning sustainable interaction between agriculture and energy in India, Current Science, 120(12) DOI
2021 Kurimella R.K.; Bhatia R.; Singh K.P.; Panwar S. (2021). Production of Haploids and Doubled Haploids in Marigold (Tagetes spp.) Using Anther Culture, Methods in Molecular Biology, 2289() DOI
2021 Atale N.; Mishra C.B.; Kohli S.; Mongre R.K.; Prakash A.; Kumari S.; Yadav U.C.S.; Jeon R.; Rani V. (2021). Anti-inflammatory Effects of S. cumini Seed Extract on Gelatinase-B (MMP-9) Regulation against Hyperglycemic Cardiomyocyte Stress, Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, 2021() DOI
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2021 Harish M.N.; Choudhary A.K.; Dass A.; Singh V.K.; Pooniya V.; Varatharajan T. (2021). Tillage and phosphorus management in maize (Zea mays) under maize-wheat cropping system, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(1) DOI
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2021 Dwivedi P.; Ramawat N.; Dhawan G.; Krishnan S.G.; Vinod K.K.; Singh M.P.; Nagarajan M.; Bhowmick P.K.; Mandal N.P.; Perraju P.; Bollinedi H.; Ellur R.K.; Singh A.K. (2021). Drought tolerant near isogenic lines (Nils) of pusa 44 developed through marker assisted introgression of qdty2.1 and qdty3.1 enhances yield under reproductive stage drought stress, Agriculture (Switzerland), 11(1) DOI
2021 Bollinedi H.; Singh A.K.; Singh N.; Gopala Krishnan S.; Bhowmick P.K.; Vinod K.K.; Nagarajan M.; Ellur R.K. (2021). Genetic and genomic approaches to address rapid rancidity of rice bran, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 61(1) DOI
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2021 Chaturvedi S.; Gupta A.K.; Bhattacharya A.; Dutta T.; Nain L.; Khare S.K. (2021). Overexpression and repression of key rate-limiting enzymes (acetyl CoA carboxylase and HMG reductase) to enhance fatty acid production from Rhodotorula mucilaginosa, Journal of Basic Microbiology, 61(1) DOI
2021 Phogat B.S.; Kumar S.; Kumari J.; Kumar N.; Pandey A.C.; Singh T.P.; Kumar S.; Tyagi R.K.; Jacob S.R.; Singh A.K.; Srinivasan K.; Jalli R.; Bisht I.S.; Archak S.; Karale M.; Sharma P.; Yadav M.; Joshi U.; Mishra P.; Kumari G.; Aftab T.; Gambhir R.; Gangopadhyay K.K.; Rathi Y.S.; Pal N.; Sharma R.K.; Yadav S.K.; Bhatt K.C.; Singh B.; Prasad T.V.; Solanki Y.P.S.; Singh D.; Dutta M.; Yadav M.C.; Rana J.C.; Bansal K.C. (2021). Characterization of wheat germplasm conserved in the Indian National Genebank and establishment of a composite core collection, Crop Science, 61(1) DOI
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2021 Pooja A.; Panwar S.; Tiwari A.K.; Kumar G. (2021). Standardization of in vitro regeneration protocol in annual chrysanthemum, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 78(1) DOI
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2021 Sarkar R.; Dutta A.; Patra A.; Saha S. (2021). Bio-inspired biopolymeric coacervation for entrapment and targeted release of anthocyanin, Cellulose, 28(1) DOI
2021 Bhatia A.; Mina U.; Kumar V.; Tomer R.; Kumar A.; Chakrabarti B.; Singh R.N.; Singh B. (2021). Effect of elevated ozone and carbon dioxide interaction on growth, yield, nutrient content and wilt disease severity in chickpea grown in Northern India, Heliyon, 7(1) DOI
2021 Jabborova D.; Enakiev Y.; Sulaymanov K.; Kadirova D.; Ali A.; Annapurna K. (2021). Plant growth promoting bacteria bacillus subtilis promote growth and physiological parameters of zingiber officinale roscoe, Plant Science Today, 8(1) DOI
2021 Madar R.; Singh Y.; Meena M.C.; Gaind S.; Das T.K.; Verma R.K.; Halli H. (2021). Crop Residue and Potassium Management on Crop and Soil Properties of Maize and Wheat in No-tillage Systems, Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 52(7) DOI
2021 Gupta A.; Sawant C.P.; Rao K.V.R.; Sarangi A. (2021). Results of century analysis of rainfall and temperature trends and its impact on agriculture production in bundelkhand region of central India, Mausam, 72(2) DOI
2021 Saran P.L.; Singh S.; Solanki V.H.; Choudhary R.; Manivel P. (2021). Evaluation of asparagus adscendens accessions for root yield and shatavarin IV content in India, Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 45(4) DOI
2021 Mandal N.; Datta S.C.; Dwivedi B.S.; Manjaiah K.M.; Meena M.C.; Bhowmik A. (2021). Zincated Nanoclay Polymer Composite (ZNCPC): Effect on DTPA-Zn, Olsen-P and Soil Enzymatic Activities in Rice Rhizosphere, Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 52(17) DOI
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2021 Nandi L.L.; Saha P.; Behera T.K.; Lyngdoh Y.A.; Munshi A.D.; Saha N.D.; Hossain F.; Bhowmik A.; Pan R.S.; Verma A.; Tomar B.S. (2021). Genetic characterisation and population structure analysis of indigenous and exotic eggplant (Solanum spp) accessions using microsatellite markers, Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 96(1) DOI
2021 Darshan K.; Aggarwal R.; Bashyal B.M.; Haritha Mohan M. (2021). Deciphering the network of interconnected pathways of chaetomium globosum antagonistic related genes against bipolaris sorokiniana using rna seq approach, Journal of Biological Control, 34(4) DOI
2021 Pankaj; Rana V.S.; Kaushik P.; Kumar H.; Devaraja K.P.; Gowda A.; Shakil N.A. (2021). Bioefficacy evaluation of chalcone derivatives against Meloidogyne graminicola infecting rice, Oryza sativa L., Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part B Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes, 56(9) DOI
2021 Oo K.S.; Dhawan G.; Pankaj; Prakash V.; Krishnan S.G.; Bhowmick P.K.; Pal M.; Nagarajan M.; Ellur R.K.; Bollinedi H.; Vinod K.K.; Singh A.K. (2021). Development and evaluation of Pusa 44 backcross derived lines possessing qDTY2.1, qDTY3.1 and their combinations indicate differential yield response under severe reproductive stage drought stress, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 81(2) DOI
2021 Kumar A.; Holkar S.K.; Singh R.; Singh P.K.; Mitra S.; Kumar S.; Basavaraj Y.B.; Pathak A.D. (2021). Molecular identification of 16srxi-b subgroup of phytoplasma related strain with yellow leaf disease of sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) in india, Research on Crops, 22(2) DOI
2021 Manjunatha L.; Basavaraja T.; Manjunatha N.; Srinivasa N.; Kumar V.; Chandora R.; Singh M.; Singh N.P. (2021). Identification of stable resistant donors against necrosis inducing strain of bean common mosaic virus in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection, 54(15-16) DOI
2021 Mohapatra D.; Patel A.S.; Kar A.; Deshpande S.S.; Tripathi M.K. (2021). Effect of different processing conditions on essential minerals and heavy metal composition of sorghum grain, Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 45(1) DOI
2021 Kiran Kumar R.C.; Kumar J.S.; Arun K.M.B.; Gopalakrishnan S.; Kumar S.A.; Zakir H. (2021). Potential of SSR markers in hybrid purity testing of tomato, Research Journal of Biotechnology, 16(1) DOI
2021 Nain G.; Bhardwaj N.; Muhammed Jaslam P.K.; Dagar C.S.; Anurag (2021). Rice yield forecasting using agro-meteorological variables: A multivariate approach, Journal of Agrometeorology, 23(1) DOI
2021 Khare M.; Singh R.P.; Ram T.; Yadav A.; Ramdeen; Sharma A. (2021). Improvement of rice cultivar for bacterial blight disease through marker assisted breeding approach, Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 12(1) DOI
2021 Kumar M.; Das A.; Layek J.; Buragohain J.; Gandhiji Idapuganti R.; Babu S.; Yadav G.S.; Krishnappa R.; Devi M.T. (2021). Impact of varieties and organic nutrient sources on productivity, soil carbon stocks and energetics of rice-ratoon system in Eastern Himalayas of India, Carbon Management, 12(2) DOI
2021 Boopalakrishnan G.; Jayavel S.; Behera T.K.; Munshi A.D.; Choudhary H.; Singh A.; Pandey M.K. (2021). Mapping and linkage analysis of epistatic QTLs for gynoecious trait (F) in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.), Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 96(3) DOI
2021 Gireesh C.; Sundaram R.M.; Anantha S.M.; Pandey M.K.; Madhav M.S.; Rathod S.; Yathish K.R.; Senguttuvel P.; Kalyani B.M.; Ranjith E.; Venkata Subbarao L.; Kumar Mondal T.; Swamy M.; Rakshit S. (2021). Nested Association Mapping (NAM) Populations: Present Status and Future Prospects in the Genomics Era, Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences, 40(1) DOI
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2021 Mhalla B.; Ahmed N.; Datta S.P.; Golui D.; Singh M.; Shrivastava M. (2021). Solubility Relationship of Metals in Acid Soils of Kumaon Himalaya Region of India, Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 52(19) DOI
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2021 Jain D.; Sharma J.; Kaur G.; Bhojiya A.A.; Chauhan S.; Sharma V.; Suman A.; Mohanty S.R.; Maharjan E. (2021). Phenetic and Molecular Diversity of Nitrogen Fixating Plant Growth Promoting Azotobacter Isolated from Semiarid Regions of India, BioMed Research International, 2021() DOI
2021 Dutta S.; Muthusamy V.; Chhabra R.; Baveja A.; Zunjare R.U.; Mondal T.K.; Yadava D.K.; Hossain F. (2021). Low expression of carotenoids cleavage dioxygenase 1 (ccd1) gene improves the retention of provitamin-A in maize grains during storage, Molecular Genetics and Genomics (Molecular and General Genetics), 296(1) DOI
2021 Srivastava A.; Mangal M.; Mandal B.; Sharma V.K.; Tomar B.S. (2021). Solanum pseudocapsicum: Wild source of resistance to Chilli leaf curl disease, Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 113() DOI
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2021 Rani A.T.; Shashank P.R.; Meshram N.M.; Sagar D.; Srivastava C.; Pandey K.K.; Singh J. (2021). Morphological characterization of antennal sensilla of Earias vittella (Fabricius) (Lepidoptera: Nolidae), Micron, 140() DOI
2021 Walia R.K.; Gupta P.; Somvanshi V.S.; Chauhan K.; Khan M.R. (2021). Association of root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne javanica) in olive plantations in Rajasthan (India) and its natural suppression by Pasteuria penetrans, Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection, 54(01-Feb) DOI
2021 Kushwah A.; Bhatia D.; Rani U.; Yadav I.S.; Singh I.; Bharadwaj C.; Singh S. (2021). Molecular mapping of quantitative trait loci for ascochyta blight and botrytis grey mould resistance in an inter-specific cross in chickpea (Cicer arietinum l.) using genotyping by sequencing, Breeding Science, 71(2) DOI
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2021 Bharti R.K.; Katiyar R.; Dhar D.W.; Prasanna R.; Tyagi R. (2021). In situ transesterification and prediction of fuel quality parameters of biodiesel produced from Botryococcus sp. MCC31, Biofuels, 12(9) DOI
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2021 Sarkar R.; Bhowmik A.; Kundu A.; Dutta A.; Nain L.; Chawla G.; Saha S. (2021). Inulin from Pachyrhizus erosus root and its production intensification using evolutionary algorithm approach and response surface methodology, Carbohydrate Polymers, 251() DOI
2021 Dasgupta U.; Mishra G.P.; Dikshit H.K.; Mishra D.C.; Bosamia T.; Roy A.; Bhati J.; Priti; Aski M.; Kumar R.R.; Singh A.K.; Kumar A.; Sinha S.K.; Chaurasia S.; Praveen S.; Nair R.M. (2021). Comparative RNA-Seq analysis unfolds a complex regulatory network imparting yellow mosaic disease resistance in mungbean [Vigna radiata (L.) R. Wilczek], PLoS ONE, 16(01-Jan-21) DOI
2020 Chand Malav L.; Yadav K.K.; Gupta N.; Kumar S.; Sharma G.K.; Krishnan S.; Rezania S.; Kamyab H.; Pham Q.B.; Yadav S.; Bhattacharyya S.; Yadav V.K.; Bach Q.-V. (2020). A review on municipal solid waste as a renewable source for waste-to-energy project in India: Current practices, challenges, and future opportunities, Journal of Cleaner Production, 277() DOI
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2020 Mallikarjuna M.G.; Thirunavukkarasu N.; Sharma R.; Shiriga K.; Hossain F.; Bhat J.S.; Mithra A.C.R.; Marla S.S.; Manjaiah K.M.; Rao A.R.; Gupta H.S. (2020). Comparative transcriptome analysis of iron and zinc deficiency in maize (Zea mays L.), Plants-Basel, 9(12) DOI
2020 Jain N.; Sinha N.; Krishna H.; Singh P.K.; Gautam T.; Prasad P.; Balyan H.S.; Gupta P.K. (2020). A study of miRNAs and lncRNAs during Lr28-mediated resistance against leaf rust in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 112() DOI
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2020 Yadav A.K.; Kumar A.; Grover N.; Ellur R.K.; Krishnan S.G.; Bollinedi H.; Bhowmick P.K.; Vinod K.K.; Nagarajan M.; Krishnamurthy S.L.; Singh A.K. (2020). Marker aided introgression of ‘Saltol’, a major QTL for seedling stage salinity tolerance into an elite Basmati rice variety ‘Pusa Basmati 1509’, Scientific Reports, 10(1) DOI
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2020 Dhaliwal S.K.; Talukdar A.; Gautam A.; Sharma P.; Sharma V.; Kaushik P. (2020). Developments and prospects in imperative underexploited vegetable legumes breeding: A review, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21(24) DOI
2020 Kumar A.; Jain R.K.; Bhattarai A.; Rathore A.S.; Watpade S.G.; Parkash C.; Baranwal V.K.; Pant R.P.; Kaur B.; Basavaraj Y.B. (2020). Occurrence of cucumber mosaic virus Subgroup I on different plant families in Himachal Pradesh and its infection to new hosts, Indian Phytopathology, 73(4) DOI
2020 Kumari S.; Gupta O.P.; Mishra C.B.; Thimmegowda V.; Krishnan V.; Singh B.; Sachdev A.; Dahuja A. (2020). Gamma irradiation, an effective strategy to control the oxidative damage of soy proteins during storage and processing, Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 177() DOI
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2020 Grover N.; Kumar A.; Yadav A.K.; Gopala Krishnan S.; Ellur R.K.; Bhowmick P.K.; Vinod K.K.; Bollinedi H.; Nagarajan M.; Viswanathan C.; Sevanthi A.M.V.; Singh N.K.; Mohapatra T.; Singh A.K. (2020). Marker Assisted Development and Characterization of Herbicide Tolerant Near Isogenic Lines of a Mega Basmati Rice Variety, “Pusa Basmati 1121”, Rice (Springer), 13(1) DOI
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2020 Ravikiran K.T.; Gopala Krishnan S.; Vinod K.K.; Dhawan G.; Dwivedi P.; Kumar P.; Bansal V.P.; Nagarajan M.; Bhowmick P.K.; Ellur R.K.; Bollinedi H.; Pal M.; Mithra A.C.R.; Singh A.K. (2020). A trait specific QTL survey identifies NL44, a NERICA cultivar as a novel source for reproductive stage heat stress tolerance in rice, Plant Physiology Reports (Indian Journal of Plant Physiology), 25(4) DOI
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2020 Kumar M.; Tomar M.; Punia S.; Amarowicz R.; Kaur C. (2020). Evaluation of Cellulolytic Enzyme-Assisted Microwave Extraction of Punica granatum Peel Phenolics and Antioxidant Activity, Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 75(4) DOI
2020 Kumar T.; Tiwari N.; Bharadwaj C.; Sarker A.; Pappula S.P.R.; Singh S.; Singh M. (2020). Identification of Allelic Variation in Drought Responsive Dehydrin Gene Based on Sequence Similarity in Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), Frontiers in Genetics, 11() DOI
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2020 Saha N.; Kar A.; Jha G.K.; Venkatesh P.; Kumar P. (2020). Market Arrival and Price Behaviour Analysis of Potato in Four Major Markets in India, Economic Affairs (New Delhi), 65(4) DOI
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2020 Kumar R.R.; Dubey K.; Goswami S.; Hasija S.; Pandey R.; Singh P.K.; Singh B.; Sareen S.; Rai G.K.; Singh G.P.; Singh A.K.; Chinnusamy V.; Praveen S. (2020). Heterologous expression and characterization of novel manganese superoxide dismutase (Mn-SOD) – A potential biochemical marker for heat stress-tolerance in wheat (Triticum aestivum), International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 161() DOI
2020 Verma R.K.; Kumar V.V.S.; Yadav S.K.; Kumar T.S.; Rao M.V.; Chinnusamy V. (2020). Overexpression of Arabidopsis ICE1 enhances yield and multiple abiotic stress tolerance in indica rice, Plant Signaling and Behavior, 15(11) DOI
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2020 Krishna P.; Prasanna Kumar M.K.; Channappa M.; Devanna P.; Singh K.; Eeregowda P.M.; Mahesh H.B.; Chandrashekar B.S.; Babu V.; Desai R.U.; Banakar S.N. (2020). Antibiotic resilience in Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. punicae causing bacterial blight of pomegranate, Current Science, 119(9) DOI
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2020 Prakash Reddy V.R.; Dikshit H.K.; Mishra G.P.; Aski M.; Pandey R.; Singh M.P. (2020). Unravelling the phosphorus use efficiency associated traits in mungbean (Vigna radiata l.) under low phosphorus condition, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 80(4) DOI
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2020 Thakur M.; Sharma P.; Anand A.; Pandita V.K.; Bhatia A.; Pushkar S. (2020). Raffinose and Hexose Sugar Content During Germination Are Related to Infrared Thermal Fingerprints of Primed Onion (Allium cepa L.) Seeds, Frontiers in Plant Science, 11() DOI
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2020 Das A.; Yadav R.K.; Choudhary H.; Singh S.; Khade Y.P.; Chandel R. (2020). Determining genetic combining ability, heterotic potential and gene action for yield contributing traits and Yellow Vein Mosaic Virus (YVMV) resistance in Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Monech.), Plant Genetic Resources-Characterization and Utilization, 18(5) DOI
2020 Savadi S.; Prasad P.; Sharma K.; Rathore R.; Bhardwaj S.C.; Gangwar O.P.; Khan H.; Kumar S.; Jain N.; Gupta P.K. (2020). Development of novel transcriptome-based SSR markers in Puccinia triticina and their potential application in genetic diversity studies, Tropical Plant Pathology, 45(5) DOI
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2020 Kumar R.; Sahoo P.K.; Choudhary A.K. (2020). Design, development and performance evaluation of tractor-drawn raised-bed pulse-planter for precision sowing of pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 90(9) DOI
2020 Mukherjee J.; Yadav B.; Sehgal V.K.; Das D.K.; Krishnan P.; Dhakar R.K. (2020). Radiation dimming induced modifications in radiation utilization of wheat (Triticumaestivum) crop, Journal of Agrometeorology, 22(3) DOI
2020 Choudhary A.K.; Varatharajan T.; Rohullah; Bana R.S.; Pooniya V.; Dass A.; Kumars A.; Harish M. (2020). Integrated crop management technology for enhanced productivity, resource-use efficiency and soil health in legumes - A review, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 90(10) DOI
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2020 Nayak S.; Behera U.K.; Meena S.L.; Shivay Y.S. (2020). Productivity and economics of soybean (Glycine max) as influenced by different tillage practices and phosphorus fertilization under conservation agriculture, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 90(10) DOI
2020 Das B.; Sahoo R.N.; Pargal S.; Krishna G.; Verma R.; Chinnusamy V.; Sehgal V.K.; Gupta V.K. (2020). Comparative analysis of index and chemometric techniques-based assessment of leaf area index (LAI) in wheat through field spectroradiometer, Landsat-8, Sentinel-2 and Hyperion bands, Geocarto International, 35(13) DOI
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2020 Devi S.; Bhardwaj K.K.; Dahiya G.; Sharma M.K. (2020). Assessment of yield and nutrient uptake of wheat in agri-Silvi-Horticulture system under Semi-Arid Region of Haryana, Indian Journal of Ecology, 47(3) DOI
2020 Bag K.; Bandyopadhyay K.K.; Sehgal V.K.; Sarangi A.; Krishnan P. (2020). Effect of tillage, residue and nitrogen management on radiation interception, radiation use efficiency and evapotranspiration partitioning, Journal of Agrometeorology, 22(3) DOI
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2020 Sharma A.; Pranaw K.; Singh S.; Khare S.K.; Chandel A.K.; Nain P.K.S.; Nain L. (2020). Efficient two-step lactic acid production from cassava biomass using thermostable enzyme cocktail and lactic acid bacteria: insights from hydrolysis optimization and proteomics analysis, 3 Biotech, 10(9) DOI
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2020 Yadav D.; Shivay Y.S.; Singh Y.V.; Sharma V.K.; Bhatia A. (2020). Enhancing nutrient translocation, yields and water productivity of wheat under rice–wheat cropping system through zinc nutrition and residual effect of green manuring, Journal of Plant Nutrition, 43(19) DOI
2020 Mukherjee I.; Das S.K.; Kumar A.; Shukla L. (2020). Sludge Amendment Affect the Persistence, Carbon Mineralization and Enzyme Activity of Atrazine and Bifenthrin, Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 105(2) DOI
2020 Behera S.K.; Shukla A.K.; Tiwari P.K.; Tripathi A.; Singh P.; Trivedi V.; Patra A.K.; Das S. (2020). Classification of pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan (l.) millsp.) genotypes for zinc efficiency, Plants-Basel, 9(8) DOI
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2020 Parihar C.M.; Singh A.K.; Jat S.L.; Dey A.; Nayak H.S.; Mandal B.N.; Saharawat Y.S.; Jat M.L.; Yadav O.P. (2020). Soil quality and carbon sequestration under conservation agriculture with balanced nutrition in intensive cereal-based system, Soil & Tillage Research, 202() DOI
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2020 Bainsla N.K.; Phuke R.M.; He X.; Gupta V.; Bishnoi S.K.; Sharma R.K.; Ataei N.; Dreisigacker S.; Juliana P.; Singh P.K. (2020). Genome-wide association study for spot blotch resistance in Afghan wheat germplasm, Plant Pathology, 69(6) DOI
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2020 Saripalli G.; Singh K.; Gautam T.; Kumar S.; Raghuvanshi S.; Prasad P.; Jain N.; Sharma P.K.; Balyan H.S.; Gupta P.K. (2020). Genome-wide analysis of H3K4me3 and H3K27me3 modifications due to Lr28 for leaf rust resistance in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum), Plant Molecular Biology, 104(01-Feb) DOI
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2020 Kumar A.; Singh V.J.; GopalaKrishnan S.; Bhowmick P.K.; Vinod K.K.; Seth R.; Nagarajan M.; Ellur R.K.; Bollinedi H.; Singh A.K. (2020). Molecular marker based estimates of genetic distance and prediction of heterosis in rice {Oryza sativa), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 90(8) DOI
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2020 Gupta M.K.; Sharma V.; Lenka S.K.; Chinnusamy V. (2020). In silico study revealed major conserve architectures and novel features of pyrabactin binding to Oryza sativa ABA receptors compare to the Arabidopsis thaliana, Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, 38(11) DOI
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2020 Pradhan S.; Bandyopadhyay K.K.; Sehgal V.K.; Sahoo R.N.; Panigrahi P.; Krishna G.; Gupta V.K.; Joshi D.K. (2020). Estimation of leaf chlorophyll content in wheat using hyperspectral vegetation indices, Current Science, 119(2) DOI
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2020 Reddy S.H.; Da Costa M.V.J.; Kambalimath S.K.; Rajanna Mavinahalli P.; Muthurajan R.; Chinnusamy V.; Sevanthi A.M.; Neelamraju S.; Gopala Krishnan S.; Singh A.K.; Singh N.K.; Sharma R.P.; Pathappa N.; Sreeman S.M. (2020). Relative contribution of stomatal parameters in influencing WUE among rice mutants differing in leaf mass area, Plant Physiology Reports (Indian Journal of Plant Physiology), 25(3) DOI
2020 Moharana P.C.; Biswas D.R.; Ghosh A.; Sarkar A. (2020). Variability of Crop Residues Determines Solubilization and Availability of Phosphorus Fractions during Composting of Rock Phosphate Enriched Compost Vis-à-vis Ordinary Compost, Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 51(15) DOI
2020 Raj R.; Das T.K.; Kaur R.; Shekhawat K.; Singh R.; Singh V.K. (2020). Effects of nitrogen and densities on interference and economic threshold of Phalaris minor in wheat: Phalaris minor densities and N effects on wheat, Crop Protection, 135() DOI
2020 Gupta G.; Dhar S.; Dass A.; Sharma V.K.; Shukla L.; Singh R.; Kumar A.; Kumar A.; Jinger D.; Kumar D.; S. Sannagoudar M.; Kumar Kamboj N.; Verma G. (2020). Assessment of bio-inoculants-mediated nutrient management in terms of productivity, profitability and nutrient harvest index of pigeon pea–wheat cropping system in India, Journal of Plant Nutrition, 43(19) DOI
2020 Sharma P.; Yadav P.; Ghosh C.; Singh B. (2020). Heavy metal capture from the suspended particulate matter by Morus alba and evidence of foliar uptake and translocation of PM associated zinc using radiotracer (65Zn), Chemosphere (Chemosphere - Global Change Science), 254() DOI
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2020 Kumar R.R.; Arora K.; Goswami S.; Sakhare A.; Singh B.; Chinnusamy V.; Praveen S. (2020). MAPK Enzymes: a ROS Activated Signaling Sensors Involved in Modulating Heat Stress Response, Tolerance and Grain Stability of Wheat under Heat Stress, 3 Biotech, 10(9) DOI
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2020 Sharma N.K.; Sharma S.; Rathi A.; Kumar A.; Saini K.V.; Sarker M.D.; Naghieh S.; Ning L.; Chen X. (2020). Micromechanisms of Cortical Bone Failure under Different Loading Conditions, Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 142(9) DOI
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2020 Rani K.; Raghu B.R.; Jha S.K.; Agarwal P.; Mallick N.; Niranjana M.; Sharma J.B.; Singh A.K.; Sharma N.K.; Rajkumar S.; Tomar S.M.S.; Vinod (2020). A novel leaf rust resistance gene introgressed from Aegilops markgrafii maps on chromosome arm 2AS of wheat, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 133(9) DOI
2020 Sharma D.; Jaiswal J.P.; Gahtyari N.C.; Chauhan A.; Chhabra R.; Saripalli G.; Singh N.K. (2020). Population structure, marker-trait association and identification of candidate genes for terminal heat stress relevant traits in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L. em Thell), Plant Genetic Resources-Characterization and Utilization, 18(3) DOI
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2020 Dey A.; Dwivedi B.S.; Bhattacharyya R.; Datta S.P.; Meena M.C.; Jat R.K.; Gupta R.K.; Jat M.L.; Singh V.K.; Das D.; Singh R.G. (2020). Effect of conservation agriculture on soil organic and inorganic carbon sequestration and lability: A study from a rice–wheat cropping system on a calcareous soil of the eastern Indo-Gangetic Plains, Soil Use and Management, 36(3) DOI
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2020 Mahmoud D.; Pandey R.; Sathee L.; Dalal M.; Singh M.P.; Chinnusamy V. (2020). Regulation of expression of genes associated with nitrate response by osmotic stress and combined osmotic and nitrogen deficiency stress in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Plant Physiology Reports (Indian Journal of Plant Physiology), 25(2) DOI
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2020 Padhan B.K.; Divte P.R.; Sharma N.; Kumar R.; Nayak S. (2020). Autophagy: An important proteolytic process for the enhancement of post-anthesis nitrogen remobilization in food crops, Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences, 8(3) DOI
2020 Singh J.; Aggarwal R.; Gurjar M.S.; Sharma S.; Jain S.; Saharan M.S. (2020). Identification and expression analysis of pathogenicity-related genes in Tilletia indica inciting Karnal bunt of wheat, Australasian Plant Pathology, 49(4) DOI
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2020 Verma A.K.; Singh R.D.; Datta S.P.; Kumar S.; Mishra R.; Trivedi V.K.; Sharma V.K.; Meena M.C. (2020). Risk assessment through rice (Oryza sativa) in sludge treated soil, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 90(7) DOI
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2020 Kumar D.; Kumar A.; Chhokar V.; Gangwar O.P.; Bhardwaj S.C.; Sivasamy M.; Prasad S.V.S.; Prakasha T.L.; Khan H.; Singh R.; Sharma P.; Sheoran S.; Iquebal M.A.; Jaiswal S.; Angadi U.B.; Singh G.; Rai A.; Kumar D.; Tiwari R. (2020). Genome-Wide Association Studies in Diverse Spring Wheat Panel for Stripe, Stem, and Leaf Rust Resistance, Frontiers in Plant Science, 11() DOI
2020 Mishra G.P.; Dikshit H.K.; Kumari J.; Priti; Tripathi K.; Devi J.; Aski M.; Mehra R.; Sarker A.; Kumar S. (2020). Identification and characterization of novel penta-podded genotypes in the cultivated lentil, Crop Science, 60(4) DOI
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2020 Padhan B.K.; Sathee L.; Meena H.S.; Adavi S.B.; Jha S.K.; Chinnusamy V. (2020). CO2 Elevation Accelerates Phenology and Alters Carbon/Nitrogen Metabolism vis-à-vis ROS Abundance in Bread Wheat, Frontiers in Plant Science, 11() DOI
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2020 Shukla A.K.; Behera S.K.; Singh V.K.; Prakash C.; Sachan A.K.; Dhaliwal S.S.; Srivastava P.C.; Pachauri S.P.; Tripathi A.; Pathak J.; Nayak A.K.; Kumar A.; Tripathi R.; Dwivedi B.S.; Datta S.P.; Meena M.C.; Das S.; Trivedi V. (2020). Pre-monsoon spatial distribution of available micronutrients and sulphur in surface soils and their management zones in Indian Indo-Gangetic Plain, PLoS ONE, 15(6) DOI
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2020 Mishra G.P.; Dikshit H.K.; S. V R.; Tripathi K.; Kumar R.R.; Aski M.; Singh A.; Roy A.; Priti; Kumari N.; Dasgupta U.; Kumar A.; Praveen S.; Nair R.M. (2020). Yellow Mosaic Disease (YMD) of Mungbean (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek): Current Status and Management Opportunities, Frontiers in Plant Science, 11() DOI
2020 Mondal B.P.; Sekhon B.S.; Sadhukhan R.; Singh R.K.; Hasanain M.; Mridha N.; Das B.; Chattopadhyay A.; Banerjee K. (2020). Spatial variability assessment of soil available phosphorus using geostatistical approach, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 90(6) DOI
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2020 Sachdeva S.; Bharadwaj C.; Singh R.K.; Jain P.K.; Patil B.S.; Roorkiwal M.; Varshney R. (2020). Characterization of ASR gene and its role in drought tolerance in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), PLoS ONE, 15(7) DOI
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2020 Dutta S.; Muthusamy V.; Hossain F.; Baveja A.; Chhabra R.; Jha S.K.; Yadava D.K.; Zunjare R.U. (2020). Analysis of genetic variability for retention of kernel carotenoids in sub-tropically adapted biofortified maize under different storage conditions, Journal of Cereal Science, 93() DOI
2020 Das A.K.; Muthusamy V.; Zunjare R.U.; Baveja A.; Chauhan H.S.; Bhat J.S.; Guleria S.K.; Kumar B.; Saha S.; Hossain F. (2020). Genetic variability for kernel tocopherols and haplotype analysis of γ-tocopherol methyl transferase (vte4) gene among exotic- and indigenous- maize inbreds, Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 88() DOI
2020 Biswas K.K.; Bhattacharyya U.K.; Palchoudhury S.; Balram N.; Kumar A.; Arora R.; Sain S.K.; Kumar P.; Khetarpal R.K.; Sanyal A.; Mandal P.K. (2020). Dominance of recombinant cotton leaf curl Multan-Rajasthan virus associated with cotton leaf curl disease outbreak in northwest India, PLoS ONE, 15(4) DOI
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2020 Kaur Grewal S.; Sharma K.P.; Bharadwaj R.D.; Hegde V.; Tripathi S.; Singh S.; Kumar Jain P.; Kumar Agrawal P.; Mondal B. (2020). Understanding genotypic variation and identification of promising genotypes for iron and zinc content in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 88() DOI
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2020 Rai A.K.; Basavaraj Y.B.; Sadashiva A.T.; Krishna Reddy M.; Ravishankar K.V.; Hussain Z.; Venugopalan R.; Madhavi Reddy K. (2020). Evaluation of tomato genotypes for resistance to bud necrosis disease caused by groundnut bud necrosis virus (GBNV), Crop Protection, 131() DOI
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2020 Das T.K.; Nath C.P.; Das S.; Biswas S.; Bhattacharyya R.; Sudhishri S.; Raj R.; Singh B.; Kakralia S.K.; Rathi N.; Sharma A.R.; Dwivedi B.S.; Biswas A.K.; Chaudhari S.K. (2020). Conservation Agriculture in rice-mustard cropping system for five years: Impacts on crop productivity, profitability, water-use efficiency, and soil properties, Field Crops Research, 250() DOI
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2020 Asrey R.; Kumar K.; Sharma R.R.; Meena N.K. (2020). Fruit bagging and bag color affects physico-chemical, nutraceutical quality and consumer acceptability of pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) arils, Journal of Food Science and Technology, 57(4) DOI
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2020 Prasad S.; Kumar S.; Yadav K.K.; Choudhry J.; Kamyab H.; Bach Q.-V.; Sheetal K.R.; Kannojiya S.; Gupta N. (2020). Screening and evaluation of cellulytic fungal strains for saccharification and bioethanol production from rice residue, Energy, 190() DOI
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2020 Meenakshi; Annapurna K.; Ajit V.; Choudhary D.K. (2020). Screening and characterization of bacterial flora for pgpr activities isolated from upland rice varieties, Plant Archives, 20() DOI
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2020 Vanlalneihi B.; Saha P.; Kalia P.; Jaiswal S.; Kundu A.; Saha N.D.; Sirowa S.S.; Singh N. (2020). Chemometric approach based characterization and selection of mid-early cauliflower for bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity, Journal of Food Science and Technology, 57(1) DOI
2020 Manna S.; Singh N.; Purakayastha T.J.; Berns A.E. (2020). Effect of deashing on physico-chemical properties of wheat and rice straw biochars and potential sorption of pyrazosulfuron-ethyl, Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 13(1) DOI
2020 Sharma R.; Bhunia B.; Mondal A.; Kanti Bandyopadhyay T.; Devi I.; Oinam G.; Prasanna R.; Abraham G.; Nath Tiwari O. (2020). Statistical optimization of process parameters for improvement of phycobiliproteins (PBPs) yield using ultrasound-assisted extraction and its kinetic study, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 60() DOI
2020 Smita S.; Katiyar A.; Lenka S.K.; Dalal M.; Kumar A.; Mahtha S.K.; Yadav G.; Chinnusamy V.; Pandey D.M.; Bansal K.C. (2020). Gene network modules associated with abiotic stress response in tolerant rice genotypes identified by transcriptome meta-analysis, Functional and Integrative Genomics, 20(1) DOI
2020 Ghosh A.; Singh A.B.; Kumar R.V.; Manna M.C.; Bhattacharyya R.; Rahman M.M.; Sharma P.; Rajput P.S.; Misra S. (2020). Soil enzymes and microbial elemental stoichiometry as bio-indicators of soil quality in diverse cropping systems and nutrient management practices of Indian Vertisols, Applied Soil Ecology, 145() DOI
2020 Chattopadhyay A.; Singh A.P.; Singh S.K.; Barman A.; Patra A.; Mondal B.P.; Banerjee K. (2020). Spatial variability of arsenic in Indo-Gangetic basin of Varanasi and its cancer risk assessment, Chemosphere (Chemosphere - Global Change Science), 238() DOI
2020 Kumar M.; Dahuja A.; Sachdev A.; Kaur C.; Varghese E.; Saha S.; Sairam K.V.S.S. (2020). Black Carrot (Daucus carota ssp.) and Black Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) Anthocyanin Extract: A Remedy to Enhance Stability and Functionality of Fruit Juices by Copigmentation, Waste and Biomass Valorization, 11(1) DOI
2020 Nayak S.L.; Sethi S.; Sharma R.R.; Sharma R.M.; Singh S.; Singh D. (2020). Aqueous ozone controls decay and maintains quality attributes of strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.), Journal of Food Science and Technology, 57(1) DOI
2020 Mir Z.A.; Ali S.; Shivaraj S.M.; Bhat J.A.; Singh A.; Yadav P.; Rawat S.; Paplao P.K.; Grover A. (2020). Genome-wide identification and characterization of Chitinase gene family in Brassica juncea and Camelina sativa in response to Alternaria brassicae, Genomics, 112(1) DOI
2019 Thangaraj S.R.; McCulloch G.A.; Subtharishi S.; Chandel R.K.; Debnath S.; Subramaniam C.; Walter G.H.; Subbarayalu M. (2019). Genetic diversity and its geographic structure in Sitophilus oryzae (Coleoptera; Curculionidae) across India – implications for managing phosphine resistance, Journal of Stored Products Research, 84() DOI
2019 Mondal D.; Ghosh A.; Sen S.; Roy E.; Bera S.; Ghosh R.; Bandopadhyay P. (2019). Effect of herbicides and their combinations on weeds and productivity of direct-seeded rice (Oryza sativa), Indian Journal of Agronomy, 64(4) DOI
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2019 Baral K.; Kumar D.; Shivay Y.S. (2019). Effects of zno nano-particles embedded nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer on productivity, physical grain quality and nutrient harvest indices of aromatic rice (Oryza sativa), Indian Journal of Agronomy, 64(4) DOI
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2019 Babu B.V.; Kamra A.; Kundu A. (2019). Nematicidal evaluation of extracellularmetabolites from trichoderma harzianum against meloidogyne incognita, Indian Journal of Nematology, 49(2) DOI
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2019 Joshi I.; Kumar A.; Singh A.K.; Kohli D.; Raman K.V.; Sirohi A.; Chaudhury A.; Jain P.K. (2019). Development of nematode resistance in Arabidopsis by HD-RNAi-mediated silencing of the effector gene Mi-msp2, Scientific Reports, 9(1) DOI
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2019 Bhusal R.; Islam S.; Khar A.; Singh S.; Jain N.; Tomar B.S. (2019). Diversity analysis and trait association study for antioxidants and quality traits in landraces, farmers’ varieties and commercial varieties of Indian short day garlic (Allium sativum L.), Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 66(8) DOI
2019 Rajanna G.A.; Dhindwal A.S.; Rawal S.; Pooniya V. (2019). Energetics, water and crop productivity of wheat (Triticum aestivum)–cluster bean (cyamopsis tetragonoloba) sequence under land configuration and irrigation regime in semi-arid agro-ecosystem, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 64(4) DOI
2019 Eke P.; Wakam L.N.; Fokou P.V.T.; Ekounda T.V.; Sahu K.P.; Kamdem Wankeu T.H.; Boyom F.F. (2019). Improved nutrient status and Fusarium root rot mitigation with an inoculant of two biocontrol fungi in the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), Rhizosphere, 12() DOI
2019 Farhat S.; Jain N.; Singh N.; Sreevathsa R.; Dash P.K.; Rai R.; Yadav S.; Kumar P.; Sarkar A.K.; Jain A.; Singh N.K.; Rai V. (2019). CRISPR-Cas9 directed genome engineering for enhancing salt stress tolerance in rice, Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology, 96() DOI
2019 Jain P.; Dubey H.; Singh P.K.; Solanke A.U.; Singh A.K.; Sharma T.R. (2019). Deciphering signalling network in broad spectrum Near Isogenic Lines of rice resistant to Magnaporthe oryzae, Scientific Reports, 9(1) DOI
2019 Noori Y.; Ahmadzai K.M.; Meena S.L.; Obaid H.; Stori R.M.; Sayedi S.A. (2019). Effect of phosphorus and potassium application on productivity of greengram (Vigna radiata) under semi-arid conditions of Kandahar, Afghanistan, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 64(4) DOI
2019 Akoijam R.; Srivastava C.; Subramanian S.; Singh T.R.; S R. (2019). RELATIVE TOXICITY OF FIPRONIL AND FLONICAMID AGAINST BEMISIA TABACI (GENNADIUS) ON COTTON, Indian Journal of Entomology, 81(4) DOI
2019 Tripathi V.K.; Rajput T.B.S.; Patel N.; Nain L. (2019). Impact of municipal wastewater reuse through micro-irrigation system on the incidence of coliforms in selected vegetable crops, Journal of Environmental Management, 251() DOI
2019 Krishnan V.; Hada A.; Marathe A.; Palaka B.K.; Ampasala D.R.; Praveen S.; Manickavasagam M.; Sachdev A. (2019). Functional characterization of GmITPK (myo-inositol: 1, 3, 4 tris phosphate 5/6 kinase) isoforms—‘so different yet so similar’, Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 28(4) DOI
2019 Singh P.; Shahi U.P.; Singh V.K.; Awasthi N.K.; Rai P.K. (2019). Effect of potassium management on crop growth, yield and economics of spring maize (Zea mays) in western uttar pradesh, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 64(4) DOI
2019 Acharya B.S.; Dodla S.; Gaston L.A.; Darapuneni M.; Wang J.J.; Sepat S.; Bohara H. (2019). Winter cover crops effect on soil moisture and soybean growth and yield under different tillage systems, Soil & Tillage Research, 195() DOI
2019 Modak K.; Ghosh A.; Bhattacharyya R.; Biswas D.R.; Das T.K.; Das S.; Singh G. (2019). Response of oxidative stability of aggregate-associated soil organic carbon and deep soil carbon sequestration to zero-tillage in subtropical India, Soil & Tillage Research, 195() DOI
2019 Yadav D.K.; Kaushik P.; Pankaj; Rana V.S.; Kamil D.; Khatri D.; Shakil N.A. (2019). Microwave Assisted Synthesis, Characterization and Biological Activities of Ferrocenyl Chalcones and Their QSAR Analysis, Frontiers in Chemistry, 7() DOI
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2019 Babu B.V.; Kamra A.; Paul S.; Prameela Devi T. (2019). Antibiosis and egg parasitization in root-knot nematode, meloidogyne incognita by indigenous isolates of trichoderma harzianum rifai, 1969 in relation to chitinase and protease levels, Indian Journal of Nematology, 49(2) DOI
2019 Hiremani N.S.; Dubey S.C. (2019). Genetic diversity of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lentis populations causing wilt of lentil in India, Indian Phytopathology, 72(4) DOI
2019 Verma R.K.; Santosh Kumar V.V.; Yadav S.K.; Pushkar S.; Rao M.V.; Chinnusamy V. (2019). Overexpression of ABA Receptor PYL10 Gene Confers Drought and Cold Tolerance to Indica Rice, Frontiers in Plant Science, 10() DOI
2019 Meenakshi; Annapurna K.; Govindasamy V.; Ajit V.; Choudhary D.K. (2019). Mitigation of drought stress in wheat crop by drought tolerant endophytic bacterial isolates, Vegetos, 32(4) DOI
2019 Vivek S.; Srivastava C.; Subramanian S.; Naveen N.C. (2019). HOST ASSOCIATED VARIATIONS IN NEONICOTINOID SUSCEPTIBILITY IN BEMISIA TABACI AND CORRELATION WITH CYTP450, Indian Journal of Entomology, 81(4) DOI
2019 Bajracharya A.S.R.; Bhat B.; Sharma P.; Shashank P.R.; Meshram N.M.; Hashmi T.R. (2019). FIRST RECORD OF FALL ARMY WORM SPODOPTERA FRUGIPERDA (J. E. SMITH) FROM NEPAL, Indian Journal of Entomology, 81(4) DOI
2019 Singh S.P.; Mahapatra B.S.; Pande P.; Raj Yadav V. (2019). Influence of water management, planting methods and mulching on growth, root dry weight, root density, yield and yield attributes and water-use in yellow sarson (Brassica rapa), Indian Journal of Agronomy, 64(4) DOI
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2019 Bashyal B.M.; Yadav J.; Gupta A.K.; Aggarwal R. (2019). Understanding the secondary metabolite production of Gibberella fujikuroi species complex in genomic era, Indian Phytopathology, 72(4) DOI
2019 Meher P.K.; Sahu T.K.; Raghunandan K.; Gahoi S.; Choudhury N.K.; Rao A.R. (2019). HRGPred: Prediction of herbicide resistant genes with k-mer nucleotide compositional features and support vector machine, Scientific Reports, 9(1) DOI
2019 Singh D.; Singh C.K.; Taunk J.; Jadon V.; Pal M.; Gaikwad K. (2019). Genome wide transcriptome analysis reveals vital role of heat responsive genes in regulatory mechanisms of lentil (Lens culinaris Medikus), Scientific Reports, 9(1) DOI
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2019 Mondal S.; Chakraborty D.; Das T.K.; Shrivastava M.; Mishra A.K.; Bandyopadhyay K.K.; Aggarwal P.; Chaudhari S.K. (2019). Conservation agriculture had a strong impact on the sub-surface soil strength and root growth in wheat after a 7-year transition period, Soil & Tillage Research, 195() DOI
2019 Ghosh A.; Bhattacharyya R.; Dey A.; Dwivedi B.S.; Meena M.C.; Manna M.C.; Agnihortri R. (2019). Long-term fertilisation impact on temperature sensitivity of aggregate associated soil organic carbon in a sub-tropical inceptisol, Soil & Tillage Research, 195() DOI
2019 Bharti A.; Prasanna R.; Kumar G.; Kumar A.; Nain L. (2019). Co-cultivation of cyanobacteria for raising nursery of chrysanthemum using a hydroponic system, Journal of Applied Phycology, 31(6) DOI
2019 Awana M.; Yadav K.; Rani K.; Gaikwad K.; Praveen S.; Kumar S.; Singh A. (2019). Insights into Salt Stress-Induced Biochemical, Molecular and Epigenetic Regulation of Spatial Responses in Pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan L.), Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 38(4) DOI
2019 Yadav D.; Shivay Y.S.; Singh Y.V.; Sharma V.K.; Bhatia A. (2019). Water Use and Soil Fertility under Rice–Wheat Cropping System in Response to Green Manuring and Zinc Nutrition, Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 50(22) DOI
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2019 Kumar M.; Dahuja A. (2019). Cellulase enhances anthocyanin and phenolic content in black carrot juice, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 76(4) DOI
2019 Naragund R.; Singh Y.V.; Bana R.S.; Choudhary A.K.; Jaiswal P. (2019). Influence of crop-establishment practices and microbial inoculants on growth and productivity of summer greengram (Vigna radiata), Indian Journal of Agronomy, 64(4) DOI
2019 Kamyab H.; Chelliapan S.; Lee C.T.; Khademi T.; Kumar A.; Yadav K.K.; Rezania S.; Kumar S.; Ebrahimi S.S. (2019). Improved production of lipid contents by cultivating Chlorella pyrenoidosa in heterogeneous organic substrates, Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 21(10) DOI
2019 Bhargavi B.; Behera U.K.; Rana K.S.; Singh R.; Prasad S.; Pandey R.N.; Singh G. (2019). Crop diversification with high-value crops for higher productivity and profitability under irrigated ecosystem, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 64(4) DOI
2019 Pai V.; Suryanarayana V.S.; Reddy M.G.; Mitra S.; Pant R.P.; Rao G.P. (2019). A new phytoplasma strain in group 16SrV associated with witches’ broom disease of ziziphus oenoplia in Karnataka, India, Phytopathogenic Mollicutes, 9(2) DOI
2019 Bhatia K.; Asrey R. (2019). Minimal processing of pomegranates (Punica granatum L.)—A review on processing, quality, and shelf life, Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 43(12) DOI
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2019 Shivakumara T.N.; Somvanshi V.S.; Phani V.; Chaudhary S.; Hada A.; Budhwar R.; Shukla R.N.; Rao U. (2019). Meloidogyne incognita (Nematoda: Meloidogynidae) sterol-binding protein Mi-SBP-1 as a target for its management, International Journal for Parasitology, 49(13-14) DOI
2019 Mukhopadhyay A.; Singh A.; Somvanshi V.S.; Manna S.; Rudra S.G.; Kundu A.; Phani V.; Singh P.K. (2019). Effect of ph and viscosity of gel carrier and lipid metabolism arresting adjuvants on shelf life of entomopathogenic nematodes, Pesticide Research Journal, 31(2) DOI
2019 Kharbikar L.L.; Shanware A.S.; Saharan M.S.; Nandanwar S.K.; Sivalingam P.N.; Gurjar M.S.; Aggarwal R. (2019). Fusarium graminearum microRNA-like RNAs and their interactions with wheat genome: a much-needed study, Indian Phytopathology, 72(4) DOI
2019 Anand A.; Kumari A.; Thakur M.; Koul A. (2019). Hydrogen peroxide signaling integrates with phytohormones during the germination of magnetoprimed tomato seeds, Scientific Reports, 9(1) DOI
2019 Saini M.K.; Capalash N.; Kaur C.; Singh S.P. (2019). Comprehensive metabolic profiling to decipher the influence of rootstocks on fruit juice metabolome of Kinnow (C. nobilis × C. deliciosa), Scientia Horticulturae, 257() DOI
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2019 Kumar S.; Prasad S.; Yadav K.K.; Shrivastava M.; Gupta N.; Nagar S.; Bach Q.-V.; Kamyab H.; Khan S.A.; Yadav S.; Malav L.C. (2019). Hazardous heavy metals contamination of vegetables and food chain: Role of sustainable remediation approaches - A review, Environmental Research, 179() DOI
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2019 Das A.; Nigam D.; Junaid A.; Tribhuvan K.U.; Kumar K.; Durgesh K.; Singh N.K.; Gaikwad K. (2019). Expressivity of the key genes associated with seed and pod development is highly regulated via lncRNAs and miRNAs in Pigeonpea, Scientific Reports, 9(1) DOI
2019 Shivaji J.; Manimaran B.; Thorat Yogesh E.; Jain P.K.; Sirohi A. (2019). In silico analysis of ama-1 gene of the southern root-knot nematode, meloidogyne incognita, Indian Journal of Nematology, 49(2) DOI
2019 Singh P.; Prakash J.; Goswami A.K.; Singh K. (2019). Heterosis for growth, yield and fruit quality traits in papaya, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 76(4) DOI
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2019 Amruta N.; Prasanna Kumar M.K.; Kandikattu H.K.; Sarika G.; Puneeth M.E.; Ranjitha H.P.; Vishwanath K.; Manjunatha C.; Pramesh D.; Mahesh H.B.; Narayanaswamy S. (2019). Bio-priming of rice seeds with novel bacterial strains, for management of seedborne Magnaporthe oryzae L., Plant Physiology Reports (Indian Journal of Plant Physiology), 24(4) DOI
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2019 Prakash P.; Kumar P.; Kar A.; Singh A.K.; Anbukkani P. (2019). Progress and Performance of Protected Cultivation in Maharashtra, Indian Journal of Economics and Development, 15(4) DOI
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2019 Prakash N.R.; Zunjare R.U.; Muthusamy V.; Chand G.; Kamboj M.C.; Bhat J.S.; Hossain F. (2019). Genetic analysis of prolificacy in “Sikkim Primitive”—A prolific maize (Zea mays) landrace of North-Eastern Himalaya, Plant Breeding, 138(6) DOI
2019 Santhiya S.; Saha P.; Tomar B.S.; Jaiswal S.; Gopala Krishnan S.; Chinnuswamy V.; Saha N.D.; Ghoshal C. (2019). Heat stress tolerance study in eggplant based on morphological and yield traits, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 76(4) DOI
2019 Parihar R.D.; Singh D.; Sohal S.K.; Kesavan A.K.; Ohri P.; Pankaj (2019). Molecular characterization and study of abiotic soil parameters to understand the natural habitat preference of entomopathogenic nematode distolabrellus veechi isolates, Indian Journal of Nematology, 49(2) DOI
2019 Mishra B.B.; Pandey R.K.; Patel A.S.; Pradhan R.C. (2019). Modified atmospheric packaging (Map) of trichosanthes dioica (Parwal) sweet and effect of storage temperature on the physicochemical, microbial and sensory characteristics, Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science, 7(3) DOI
2019 Kumar D.; Prakash D.; Agrawal V.; Nebapure S.; Ranjan A.; Jindal T. (2019). Phenolic contents, antioxidant activity, free radical scavenging capacity and efficacy of calotropis procera as bio-control agent, Indian Journal of Agricultural Biochemistry, 32(2) DOI
2019 Dubey R.; Pathak H.; Singh S.; Chakravarti B.; Thakur A.K.; Fagodia R.K. (2019). Impact of Sowing Dates on Terminal Heat Tolerance of Different Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Cultivars, National Academy Science Letters-India, 42(6) DOI
2019 Xavier F.; Kumar R.; Yadav R.K.; Behera T.K.; Khade Y.P. (2019). Studies on combining ability of okra genotypes for protein, total dietary fibre and mineral content, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 76(4) DOI
2019 Sahoo T.; Verma M.K.; Dubey A.K.; Thakre M.; Sharma V.K.; Bharadwaj C.; Singh S.K.; Patel V.B.; Kumar C.; Fitrat K.; Grace U.M.; Mir A.I. (2019). Preharvest application of methyl jasmonate for improving postharvest quality of ‘pusa navrang’ grapes, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 76(4) DOI
2019 Kumar A.; Kumar V.; Krishnan V.; Hada A.; Marathe A.; Parameswaran C.; Jolly M.; Sachdev A. (2019). Seed targeted RNAi-mediated silencing of GmMIPS1 limits phytate accumulation and improves mineral bioavailability in soybean, Scientific Reports, 9(1) DOI
2019 Manimaran B.; Prasanth Tej Kumar J.; Parameswaran C.; Sirohi A.; Dahuja A.; Mohan S. (2019). Phylogeneticanalysis of trehalose-6-phosphate synthase gene and its comparative quantification in fresh and desiccated infective juveniles of heterorhabditis indica, Indian Journal of Nematology, 49(2) DOI
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2019 Mandal J.; Golui D.; Raj A.; Ganguly P. (2019). Risk Assessment of Arsenic in Wheat and Maize Grown in Organic Matter Amended Soils of Indo-Gangetic Plain of Bihar, India, Soil & Sediment Contamination, 28(8) DOI
2019 Ahmadi N.M.; Das T.K.; Nasrat N.; Rathore S.S.; Paul A.K. (2019). Effect of phosphorus on growth and yield of maize (Zea mays) under arid conditions of Kandahar, Afghanistan, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 64(4) DOI
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2019 Rathod V.; Behera T.K.; Gaikwad A.B.; Hussain Z. (2019). Genetic analysis and tagging of gene controlling fruit tubercles and fruit ridgeness pattern in bitter gourd using ssr markers, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 79(4) DOI
2019 Kundu M.; Prasad S.; Krishnan P.; Gajjala S. (2019). A Novel Electrochemical Biosensor Based on Hematite (α-Fe2O3) Flowerlike Nanostructures for Sensitive Determination of Formaldehyde Adulteration in Fruit Juices, Food and Bioprocess Technology, 12(10) DOI
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2019 Kumar S.; Saxena S.; Rai A.; Radhakrishna A.; Kaushal P. (2019). Ecological, genetic, and reproductive features of Cenchrus species indicate evolutionary superiority of apomixis under environmental stresses, Ecological Indicators, 105() DOI
2019 Hatzade B.; Sreevathsa R.; Makarla U.; Rao U. (2019). Evaluation of activation tagged rice mutants for variability in response to meloidogyne graminicola under challenged inoculation, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 79(4) DOI
2019 Mitra S.; Kumar R.; Roy P.; Basu S.; Barik S.; Goswami A. (2019). Naturally Occurring and Synthetic Mesoporous Nanosilica: Multimodal Applications in Frontier Areas of Science, International Journal of Nanoscience, 18(5) DOI
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2019 Kumar S.; Awasthi O.P.; Dubey A.K.; Dahuja A.; Singh A. (2019). Influence of rootstocks on growth, yield, quality and physiological activity of ‘Kinnow’ mandarin grown in a semiarid region, Fruits, 74(5) DOI
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2019 Hossain F.; Muthusamy V.; Zunjare R.U.; Bhat J.S.; Gadag R.N.; Nepolean T.; Basu S.; Jha S.K.; Gogoi R.; Kapasia M.; Kumar R.; Diwakar D.K. (2019). Variety pusa super sweet corn-1, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 79(4) DOI
2019 Golui D.; Datta S.P.; Dwivedi B.S.; Meena M.C.; Varghese E.; Sanyal S.K.; Ray P.; Shukla A.K.; Trivedi V.K. (2019). Assessing Soil Degradation in Relation to Metal Pollution–A Multivariate Approach, Soil & Sediment Contamination, 28(7) DOI
2019 Gupta A.K.; Choudhary R.; Bashyal B.M.; Rawat K.; Singh D.; Solanki I.S. (2019). First report of root and stem rot disease on papaya caused by Fusarium falciforme in India, Plant Disease (Plant Disease Reporter), 103(10) DOI
2019 Gaur Rudra S.; Gundewadi G.; Kaur C.; Singh G. (2019). Exploring varietal differences in nutritional and antioxidant potential of mango kernel and its use for enrichment of pasta, Fruits, 74(5) DOI
2019 Meena A.; Sharma R.K.; Chander S.; Sinha S.R. (2019). POPULATION DYNAMICS OF MAJOR ARTHROPOD PESTS AND THEIR NATURAL ENEMIES ON OKRA, Indian Journal of Entomology, 81(3) DOI
2019 Mitra S.; Debnath P.; Bahadur A.; Das S.C.; Yadav A.; Rao G.P. (2019). First report on 'Candidatus phytoplasma asteris' (16SrI-B subgroup) strain associated with pineapple shoot proliferation and witches' broom symptoms in Tripura, India, Plant Disease (Plant Disease Reporter), 103(11) DOI
2019 Madhusudhan P.; Sinha P.; Rajput L.S.; Bhattacharya M.; Sharma T.; Bhuvaneshwari V.; Gaikwad K.; Krishnan S.G.; Singh A.K. (2019). Effect of temperature on Pi54-mediated leaf blast resistance in rice, World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology, 35(10) DOI
2019 Bansal S.; Mangal M.; Tushir S.; Oberoi H.S.; Gupta R.K. (2019). A rapid and reliable method for the specific detection of aflatoxigenic fungi in groundnut and rice samples, Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 43(10) DOI
2019 Verma R.; Tripathi S.; Gorane T.; Naik A.A.; Nikam T.D.; Ade A.B.; Mahapatro G.K. (2019). First report of zucchini yellow mosaic virus in bell pepper, capsicum annum, in india, Plant Disease (Plant Disease Reporter), 103(10) DOI
2019 Yadav K.K.; Kumar S.; Pham Q.B.; Gupta N.; Rezania S.; Kamyab H.; Yadav S.; Vymazal J.; Kumar V.; Tri D.Q.; Talaiekhozani A.; Prasad S.; Reece L.M.; Singh N.; Maurya P.K.; Cho J. (2019). Fluoride contamination, health problems and remediation methods in Asian groundwater: A comprehensive review, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 182() DOI
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2019 Mandal J.; Golui D.; Datta S.P. (2019). Assessing equilibria of organo-arsenic complexes and predicting uptake of arsenic by wheat grain from organic matter amended soils, Chemosphere (Chemosphere - Global Change Science), 234() DOI
2019 Kumari A.; Singh N.; Ramakrishnan B. (2019). Parameters affecting azoxystrobin and imidacloprid degradation in biobed substrates in the North Indian tropical environment, Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part B Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes, 54(10) DOI
2019 Rahul T.; Kumar N.A.; Biswaranjan D.; Mohammad S.; Banwari L.; Priyanka G.; Sangita M.; Bihari P.B.; Narayan S.R.; Kumar S.A. (2019). Assessing soil spatial variability and delineating site-specific management zones for a coastal saline land in eastern India, Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 65(13) DOI
2019 Banerjee T.; Gupta S.; Singh B.; Narayanan N. (2019). LC-MS/MS method optimization and validation for trace-level analysis of 71 crop protection chemicals in pulses, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 191(11) DOI
2019 Tyagi S.; Sharma S.; Ganie S.A.; Tahir M.; Mir R.R.; Pandey R. (2019). Plant microRNAs: biogenesis, gene silencing, web-based analysis tools and their use as molecular markers, 3 Biotech, 9(11) DOI
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2019 Joshi A.; Prajapati U.; Sethi S.; Arora B.; Sharma R.R. (2019). Fortification in fresh and fresh-cut horticultural products, Fresh-Cut Fruits and Vegetables: Technologies and Mechanisms for Safety Control, () DOI
2019 Verma P.; Yadav A.N.; Khannam K.S.; Mishra S.; Kumar S.; Saxena A.K.; Suman A. (2019). Appraisal of diversity and functional attributes of thermotolerant wheat associated bacteria from the peninsular zone of India, Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 26(7) DOI
2019 Ghosh A.; Basavaraj Y.B.; Jangra S.; Das A. (2019). Exposure to watermelon bud necrosis virus and groundnut bud necrosis virus alters the life history traits of their vector, Thrips palmi (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), Archives of Virology, 164(11) DOI
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2019 Rakesh S.; Karthikeyan S.; Dhar D.W. (2019). BIOPROSPECTING OF INDIGENOUSLY ISOLATED MICROALGAE FOR BIODIESEL PRODUCTION, Agricultural Research Journal, 56(3) DOI
2019 Kumar A.; Kushwaha K.K.; Singh S.; Shivay Y.S.; Meena M.C.; Nain L. (2019). Effect of paddy straw burning on soil microbial dynamics in sandy loam soil of Indo-Gangetic plains, Environmental Technology and Innovation, 16() DOI
2019 Ghosh B.N.; Meena V.S.; Singh R.J.; Alam N.M.; Patra S.; Bhattacharyya R.; Sharma N.K.; Dadhwal K.S.; Mishra P.K. (2019). Effects of fertilization on soil aggregation, carbon distribution and carbon management index of maize-wheat rotation in the north-western Indian Himalayas, Ecological Indicators, 105() DOI
2019 Kumar A.; Singh N.; Banerjee T.; Singh S.B. (2019). Chemical Degradation of Sulfosulfuron in Aqueous Suspension of Rice and Wheat Straw Ashes, Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 103(3) DOI
2019 Das T.K.; Ghosh S.; Nath C.P. (2019). Brown manuring optimization in maize: Impacts on weeds, crop productivity and profitability, Journal of Agricultural Science, 157(07-Aug) DOI
2019 Das R.; Mandal B.; Sarkar D.; Pradhan A.K.; Datta A.; Padhan D.; Seth A.; Kumar R.; De N.; Mishra V.N.; Polara K.B.; Sharma S.; Thakur N.P.; Kachroo D.; Ray M.; Sharma A.; Patel K.P.; Garnayak L.M.; Narkhede W.N. (2019). Boron availability in soils and its nutrition of crops under long-term fertility experiments in India, Geoderma, 351() DOI
2019 Agisha V.N.; Kumar A.; Eapen S.J.; Sheoran N.; Suseelabhai R. (2019). Broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity of volatile organic compounds from endophytic Pseudomonas putida BP25 against diverse plant pathogens, Biocontrol Science and Technology, 29(11) DOI
2019 Kulshreshtha A.; Kumar Y.; Roshan P.; Bhattacharjee B.; Mukherjee S.K.; Hallan V. (2019). AC4 protein of tomato leaf curl Palampur virus is an RNA silencing suppressor and a pathogenicity determinant, Microbial Pathogenesis, 135() DOI
2019 Sharma A.; Basu U.; Malik N.; Daware A.; Thakro V.; Narnoliya L.; Bajaj D.; Tripathi S.; Hegde V.S.; Upadhyaya H.D.; Tyagi A.K.; Parida S.K. (2019). Genome-wide cis-regulatory signatures for modulation of agronomic traits as exemplified by drought yield index (DYI) in chickpea, Functional and Integrative Genomics, 19(6) DOI
2019 Bansal S.; Thakur S.; Mangal M.; Mangal A.K.; Gupta R.K. (2019). Identification of Suitable Locus for Specific Detection of Biological Adulterants of Saffron, Food Analytical Methods, 12(11) DOI
2019 Rudra S.G.; Gundewadi G.; Sharma R.R. (2019). Natural additives with antimicrobial and flavoring potential for fresh-cut produce, Fresh-Cut Fruits and Vegetables: Technologies and Mechanisms for Safety Control, () DOI
2019 Kumar S.; Gaind S. (2019). Fermentative production of soluble phosphorus fertilizer using paddy straw: an alternate to biomass burning, International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 16(10) DOI
2019 Eke P.; Kumar A.; Sahu K.P.; Wakam L.N.; Sheoran N.; Ashajyothi M.; Patel A.; Fekam F.B. (2019). Endophytic bacteria of desert cactus (Euphorbia trigonas Mill) confer drought tolerance and induce growth promotion in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.), Microbiological Research (Zentralblatt für Mikrobiologie), 228() DOI
2019 Roy A.; Zhai Y.; Ortiz J.; Neff M.; Mandal B.; Mukherjee S.K.; Pappu H.R. (2019). Multiplexed editing of a begomovirus genome restricts escape mutant formation and disease development, PLoS ONE, 14(10) DOI
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2019 Hatzade B.; Sreevathsa R.; Makarla U.; Rao U. (2019). T-DNA activation tagging in rice results in a variable response to Meloidogyne graminicola infection, Biologia, 74(9) DOI
2019 Rani K.; Sharma P.; Kumar S.; Wati L.; Kumar R.; Gurjar D.S.; Kumar D.; Kumar R. (2019). Legumes for sustainable soil and crop management, Sustainable Management of Soil and Environment, () DOI
2019 Hossain F.; Gupta H.S.; Muthusamy V.; Bhat J.S.; Nepolean T.; Zunjare R.U.; Gadag R.N.; Prasanna B.M.; Saha S.; Manjaiah K.M.; Basu S.; Gogoi R.; Kumar R.; Diwakar D.K.; Pandey N.; Vishwakarma A.K.; Dass S.; Singh M.; Arora P.; Danju K.S.; Pal D.; Kamboj M.C. (2019). Variety pusa hm4 improved, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 79(4) DOI
2019 Mukhopadhyay R.; Manjaiah K.M.; Datta S.C.; Sarkar B. (2019). Comparison of properties and aquatic arsenic removal potentials of organically modified smectite adsorbents, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 377() DOI
2019 Ramesh Babu S.; Phani V.; Meena P.K.; Chauhan K.; Khan M.R.; Somvanshi V.S. (2019). Report of a mermithid nematode infecting Amyna axis, Chrysodeixis spp. and Spodoptera spp. from India, Journal of Biological Control, 33(3) DOI
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2019 Nishad J.; Mir S.A.; Walia K. (2019). Optimization of Spray Drying Technology for Sugarcane Juice Using Natural and Synthetic Encapsulating Agents, Sugar Tech, 21(5) DOI
2019 Hossain F.; Gupta H.S.; Muthusamy V.; Bhat J.S.; Nepolean T.; Zunjare R.U.; Jha S.K.; Gadag R.N.; Prasanna B.M.; Saha S.; Manjaiah K.M.; Basu S.; Gogoi R.; Kumar R.; Diwakar D.K.; Kapasia M.; Pal D.; Pandey N.; Vishwakarma A.K.; Dass S.; Danju K.S.; Pal D.; Mehla J.C.; Singh D.P.; Kamboj M.C. (2019). Variety pusa HM9 improved, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 79(4) DOI
2019 Sharma K.K.; Tripathy V.; Rao C.S.; Bhushan V.S.; Reddy K.N.; Jyot G.; Sahoo S.K.; Singh B.; Mandal K.; Banerjee H.; Banerjee T.; Bhattacharya S.; George T.; Beevi N.; Sharma K.; Tayade A.; Gopal M.; Walia S. (2019). Persistence, dissipation, and risk assessment of a combination formulation of trifloxystrobin and tebuconazole fungicides in/on tomato, Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, 108() DOI
2019 Pramanik P.; Bhattacharya P.; Chakrabarti B.; Ghosh T. (2019). Improved soil environment under conservation agriculture, Sustainable Management of Soil and Environment, () DOI
2019 Aggarwal R.; Sharma S.; Singh K.; Gurjar M.S.; Saharan M.S.; Gupta S.; Bashyal B.M.; Gaikwad K. (2019). First draft genome sequence of wheat spot blotch pathogen bipolaris sorokiniana BS_112 from India, obtained using hybrid assembly, Microbiology Resource Announcements, 8(38) DOI
2019 Mukri G.; Thirunavukkarasu N.; Bhat J.; Jha S.; Gadag R.N.; Mallikarjuna M.G.; Hossain F.; Vignesh M.; Kaul J.; Zunjare R.; Gogoi R.; Dhillon M.K.; Pooniya V.; Paradkar V.K.; Kumar R.; Pal D. (2019). Maize variety pusa jawahar hybrid maize-1, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 79(4) DOI
2019 Yashpal; Rathod D.R.; Chandra S.; Kumar A.; Yadav R.R.; Talukdar A. (2019). Deploying inter-specific recombinant inbred lines to map qtls for yield-related traits in soybean, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 79(4) DOI
2019 Tiwari O.N.; Mondal A.; Bhunia B.; Bandyopadhyay T.K.; Jaladi P.; Oinam G.; Indrama T. (2019). Purification, characterization and biotechnological potential of new exopolysaccharide polymers produced by cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. CCC 745, Polymer, 178() DOI
2019 Hossain F.; Gupta H.S.; Muthusamy V.; Nepolean T.; Bhat J.S.; Zunjare R.U.; Gadag R.N.; Prasanna B.M.; Saha S.; Manjaiah K.M.; Basu S.; Gogoi R.; Kumar R.; Diwakar D.K.; Kapasia M.; Choudhary M.; Babu R.; Mahajan V.; Mani V.P.; Nair S.K.; Agrawal P.K.; Gopinath K.A.; Pant S.K.; Saha S.; Koranga K.S.; Bisht G.; Pant M.C. (2019). Variety pusa vivek qpm9 improved, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 79(4) DOI
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2019 Ramkumar M.K.; Senthil Kumar S.; Gaikwad K.; Pandey R.; Chinnusamy V.; Singh N.K.; Singh A.K.; Mohapatra T.; Sevanthi A.M. (2019). A novel stay-green mutant of rice with delayed leaf senescence and better harvest index confers drought tolerance, Plants-Basel, 8(10) DOI
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2019 Kumari K.; Rai M.P.; Bansal N.; Rama Prashat G.; Kumari S.; Krishnan V.; Srivathsa R.; Dahuja A.; Sachdev A.; Praveen S.; Vinutha T. (2019). Analysis of γ-Tocopherol methyl transferase3 promoter activity and study of methylation patterns of the promoter and its gene body, Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 144() DOI
2019 Sarkar C.; Saklani B.K.; Singh P.K.; Asthana R.K.; Sharma T.R. (2019). Variation in the LRR region of Pi54 protein alters its interaction with the AvrPi54 protein revealed by in silico analysis, PLoS ONE, 14(11) DOI
2019 Raj K.K.; Pandey R.N.; Singh B.; Talukdar A. (2019). 14C labelling as a reliable technique to screen soybean genotypes (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) for iron deficiency tolerance, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 322(2) DOI
2019 Chinnaswamy S.; Rudra S.G.; Sharma R.R. (2019). Texturizers for fresh-cut fruit and vegetable products, Fresh-Cut Fruits and Vegetables: Technologies and Mechanisms for Safety Control, () DOI
2019 Kulshreshtha D.; Aggarwal R.; Kumar N. (2019). Histopathological analysis of incompatible and compatible interaction of Puccinia striiformis f.sp. tritici on wheat at early infection stage, Indian Journal of Agricultural Research, 53(5) DOI
2019 Mandal N.; Datta S.C.; Manjaiah K.M.; Dwivedi B.S.; Kumar R.; Aggarwal P. (2019). Evaluation of zincated nanoclay polymer composite in releasing Zn and P and effect on soil enzyme activities in a wheat rhizosphere, European Journal of Soil Science, 70(6) DOI
2019 Bahadur A.; Kamil D.; Debnath P.; Kumari A.; Tyagi A.; Prameela Devi T. (2019). First report of stem rot disease of rose mallow (hibiscus rosa-sinensis) caused by sclerotium rolfsii in india, Plant Disease (Plant Disease Reporter), 103(9) DOI
2019 Maurya P.K.; Srivastava A.; Mangal M.; Talukdar A.; Mondal B.; Solanki V.; Khar A.; Kalia P. (2019). Genetic analysis for resistance to leaf curl disease in chilli peppers (Capsicum annuum L.) under specific situations, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 79(4) DOI
2019 Mina U.; Kumar R.; Gogoi R.; Bhatia A.; Harit R.C.; Singh D.; Kumar A.; Kumar A. (2019). Effect of elevated temperature and carbon dioxide on maize genotypes health index, Ecological Indicators, 105() DOI
2019 Chakraborty D.; Sehgal V.K.; Dhakar R.; Ray M.; Das D.K. (2019). Spatio-temporal trend in heat waves over India and its impact assessment on wheat crop, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 138(03-Apr) DOI
2019 Tiwari O.N.; Bhunia B.; Bandyopadhyay T.K.; Oinam G. (2019). Strategies for improved induction of lipid in Leptolyngbya sp. BTA 287 for biodiesel production, Fuel, 256() DOI
2019 Fagodiya R.K.; Pathak H.; Bhatia A.; Jain N.; Gupta D.K.; Kumar A.; Malyan S.K.; Dubey R.; Radhakrishanan S.; Tomer R. (2019). Nitrous oxide emission and mitigation from maize–wheat rotation in the upper Indo-Gangetic Plains, Carbon Management, 10(5) DOI
2019 Sarkar T.; Thankappan R.; Mishra G.P.; Nawade B.D. (2019). Advances in the development and use of DREB for improved abiotic stress tolerance in transgenic crop plants, Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, 25(6) DOI
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2019 Das R.; Purakayastha T.J.; Das D.; Ahmed N.; Kumar R.; Biswas S.; Walia S.S.; Singh R.; Shukla V.K.; Yadava M.S.; Ravisankar N.; Datta S.C. (2019). Long-term fertilization and manuring with different organics alter stability of carbon in colloidal organo-mineral fraction in soils of varying clay mineralogy, Science of the Total Environment, 684() DOI
2019 Yadav U.; Singh N.; Arora S.; Arora B. (2019). Physicochemical, pasting, and thermal properties of starches isolated from different adzuki bean (Vigna angularis) cultivars, Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 43(11) DOI
2019 Ranjan R.; Yadav R.; Kumar A.; Mandal S.N. (2019). Contributing traits for nitrogen use efficiency in selected wheat genotypes and corollary between screening methodologies, Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B: Soil and Plant Science, 69(7) DOI
2019 Ghosh A.; Kumar S.; Manna M.C.; Singh A.K.; Sharma P.; Sarkar A.; Saha M.; Bhattacharyya R.; Misra S.; Biswas S.S.; Biswas D.R.; Gautam K.; Kumar R.V. (2019). Long-term in situ moisture conservation in horti-pasture system improves biological health of degraded land, Journal of Environmental Management, 248() DOI
2019 Mishra S.; Mitra S.; Radhika N.S.; Yadav A.; Rao G.P. (2019). Multilocus gene-specific characterization of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma australasia’ associated with shoot proliferation disease of small cardamom in India, 3 Biotech, 9(11) DOI
2019 Adavi S.B.; Sathee L.; Padhan B.K.; Singh O.; Meena H.S.; Durgesh K.; Jha S.K. (2019). Visualization of nitric oxide, measurement of nitrosothiols content, activity of nos and nr in wheat seedlings, Bio-protocol, 9(20) DOI
2019 Saini M.K.; Capalash N.; Kaur C.; Singh S.P. (2019). Targeted metabolic profiling indicates differences in primary and secondary metabolites in Kinnow mandarin (C. nobilis × C. deliciosa) from different climatic conditions, Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 83() DOI
2019 Ramya N.; Meshram N.M. (2019). NEW RECORD OF SMALL BROWN PLANTHOPPER LAODELPHAX STRIATELLUS FROM DELHI, Indian Journal of Entomology, 81(3) DOI
2019 Sodhi K.K.; Kumar M.; Agrawal P.K.; Singh D.K. (2019). Perspectives on arsenic toxicity, carcinogenicity and its systemic remediation strategies, Environmental Technology and Innovation, 16() DOI
2019 Ekka U.; Singh N.; Bharti N.; Sahoo P.K.; Singh M.K. (2019). Design of seed metering system for jute seeds, Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal, 21(3) DOI
2019 Hossain F.; Gupta H.S.; Muthusamy V.; Bhat J.S.; Nepolean T.; Zunjare R.U.; Gadag R.N.; Prasanna B.M.; Saha S.; Manjaiah K.M.; Basu S.; Gogoi R.; Kumar R.; Diwakar D.K.; Pandey N.; Vishwakarma A.K.; Dass S.; Danju K.S.; Pal D.; Mehla J.C.; Singh D.P.; Kamboj M.C. (2019). Variety pusa hm8 improved, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 79(4) DOI
2019 Rastogi M.; Nandal M.; Nain L. (2019). Additive effect of cow dung slurry and cellulolytic bacterial inoculation on humic fractions during composting of municipal solid waste, International Journal of Recycling of Organic Waste in Agriculture, 8(3) DOI
2019 Chaudhary S.; Dutta T.K.; Tyagi N.; Shivakumara T.N.; Papolu P.K.; Chobhe K.A.; Rao U. (2019). Host-induced silencing of Mi-msp-1 confers resistance to root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita in eggplant, Transgenic Research, 28(03-Apr) DOI
2019 Hasanain M.; Shukla D.K.; Singh R.K.; Gouda H.S.; Sadhukhan R.; Singh V.K.; Kumar J. (2019). Effect of fertility levels and weed-management practices on weed-control efficiency, yield and nutrients uptake in summer mung bean (Vigna radiata), Indian Journal of Agronomy, 64(3) DOI
2019 Kumar M.; Dahuja A.; Sachdev A.; Kaur C.; Varghese E.; Saha S.; Sairam K.V.S.S. (2019). Evaluation of enzyme and microwave-assisted conditions on extraction of anthocyanins and total phenolics from black soybean (Glycine max L.) seed coat, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 135() DOI
2019 Goyat J.; Rudra S.G.; Suri S.; Passi S.J.; Dutta H. (2019). Nutritional, functional and sensory properties of ready-to-eat chia and quinoa mix enriched low amylose rice based porridge mixes, Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science, 7(2) DOI
2019 Dhiman M.R.; Moudgil S.; Parkash C.; Kumar R.; Kumar S.; Sindhu S.S.; Agarwal A. (2019). Analysis of nuclear DNA content and ploidy levels in 3x × 4x Lilium (Lilium × elegans L.) progenies by flow cytometry, Israel Journal of Plant Sciences, 66(03-Apr) DOI
2019 Ranjan P.; Pandey A.; Munshi A.D.; Bhardwaj R.; Gangopadhyay K.K.; Malav P.K.; Pandey C.D.; Pradheep K.; Tomar B.S.; Kumar A. (2019). Orange-fleshed cucumber (Cucumis sativus var. sativus L.) germplasm from North-East India: agro-morphological, biochemical and evolutionary studies, Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 66(6) DOI
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2019 Sharma D.; Pandey G.C.; Mamrutha H.M.; Singh R.; Singh N.K.; Singh G.P.; Rane J.; Tiwari R. (2019). Genotype–phenotype relationships for high-temperature tolerance: an integrated method for minimizing phenotyping constraints in wheat, Crop Science, 59(5) DOI
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2019 Rezania S.; Alizadeh H.; Cho J.; Darajeh N.; Park J.; Hashemi B.; Md Din M.F.; Krishnan S.; Yadav K.K.; Gupta N.; Kumar S. (2019). Changes in composition and structure of water hyacinth based on various pretreatment methods, BioResources, 14(3) DOI
2019 Ngangkham U.; Parida S.K.; Singh A.K.; Mohapatra T. (2019). Differential RNA Editing of Mitochondrial Genes in WA-Cytoplasmic Based Male Sterile Line Pusa 6A, and Its Maintainer and Restorer Lines, Rice Science, 26(5) DOI
2019 Sarvari B.A.; Singh V.K.; Shekhawat K.; Obaid H.; Wiqar B. (2019). Effect of foliar application of nitrogen on productivity and economics of sunflower (Helianthus annuus), Indian Journal of Agronomy, 64(3) DOI
2019 Singh A.; Purakayastha T.J. (2019). Characterization of biochar and their influence on microbial activities and potassium availability in an acid soil, Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 65(9) DOI
2019 Chaturvedi S.; Bhattacharya A.; Nain L.; Prasanna R.; Khare S.K. (2019). Valorization of agro-starchy wastes as substrates for oleaginous microbes, Biomass and Bioenergy, 127() DOI
2019 Ramesh S.V.; Shivakumar M.; Praveen S.; Chouhan B.S.; Chand S. (2019). Expression of short hairpin RNA (shRNA) targeting AC2 gene of Mungbean yellow mosaic India virus (MYMIV) reduces the viral titre in soybean, 3 Biotech, 9(9) DOI
2019 Singh S.; Kalia P.; Mangal M.; Chinthagunti H.; Chug C.; Mishra S.; Shivakumara T.N.; Rao U. (2019). In vitro screening technique and polymorphic DNA markers for introgression of root knot nematode resistance in tropical carrot, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 76(3) DOI
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2019 Kumar H.; Singh A.; Dikshit H.K.; Mishra G.P.; Aski M.; Meena M.C.; Kumar S. (2019). Genetic dissection of grain iron and zinc concentrations in lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.), Journal of genetics, 98() DOI
2019 Suroshe S.S.; Gautam R.D.; Chander S.; Fand B.B. (2019). POPULATION DYNAMICS OF COTTON MEALYBUG PHENACOCCUS SOLENOPSIS AND ITS NATURAL ENEMIES, Indian Journal of Entomology, 81(3) DOI
2019 SINGH A.; SHIVAY Y.S. (2019). Effects of Green Manures and Zinc Fertilizer Sources on DTPA-Extractable Zinc in Soil and Zinc Content in Basmati Rice Plants at Different Growth Stages, Pedosphere, 29(4) DOI
2019 Raut V.M.; Kanitkar S.; Kulkarni H.; Vyas A.K.; Das A.; Kadam M. (2019). Field bio-efficacy of taba® (gibberellic acid 0.001 %l) a growth regulator and chemical fertilizer on morphological and yield contributing characters in soybean (glycine max. l), Pestology, 43(8) DOI
2019 Yadav R.; Gaikwad K.B.; Singh G.P.; Kumar M.; Singh P.K.; Prasad S.V.S.; Singh J.B.; Sivasamy M.; Jain N.; Sharma R.K.; Vinod; Sharma J.B.; Singh A.M.; Kumar S.; Sharma A.; Kumar N.; Das T.R.; ShalenderJha; Malik N.; Harikrishna; Niranjana M.; Raghunandan K.; Jayapraksh P.; Vikas V.K.; Ambati D.; Phuke R.; Walia D.P.; Patial M.; Yadav R.N.; Singh V.K.; Saharan M.S.; Nallathambi P.; Prakasha T.L.; Prabhu K.V. (2019). Notification of crop varieties and registration of germplasm, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 79(3) DOI
2019 Krishnan S.; Kaari M.; Sawhney S.; Sheoran N.; Gautam R.K.; Mohan Das M.; Kumar A. (2019). First report of Colletotrichum siamense from Andaman and Nicobar Islands causing anthracnose in chilli, Journal of Plant Pathology, 101(3) DOI
2019 Sharma S.; Chandra S.; Kumar A.; Bindraban P.; Saxena A.K.; Pande V.; Pandey R. (2019). Foliar Application of Iron Fortified Bacteriosiderophore Improves Growth and Grain Fe Concentration in Wheat and Soybean, Indian Journal of Microbiology, 59(3) DOI
2019 Pal D.; Bhardwaj S.C.; Patia M.; Kumar S.; Gangwar O.P.; Sharma P.; Prabhu K.V. (2019). Transfer of leaf rust and stripe rust resistance genes Lr19 and Yr15 in to a susceptible wheat cultivar HS295, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 79(3) DOI
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2019 Chaturvedi S.; Tiwari R.; Bhattacharya A.; Nain L.; Khare S.K. (2019). Production of single cell oil by using cassava peel substrate from oleaginous yeast Rhodotorula glutinis, Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, 21() DOI
2019 Janakiram T.; Sunitha P.; Aparna V. (2019). Biotechnological vistas in medicinal plants-A way forward, Medicinal Plants, 11(3) DOI
2019 Yadav K.K.; Kumar V.; Gupta N.; Kumar S.; Rezania S.; Singh N. (2019). Human health risk assessment: Study of a population exposed to fluoride through groundwater of Agra city, India, Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, 106() DOI
2019 Mallick M.; Dubey A.K.; Singh S.K.; Sharma R.M. (2019). Tree morphology, yield and fruit quality of grapefruit cultivars on different rootstocks in inceptisol, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 76(3) DOI
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2019 Manikandan N.; Das D.K.; Mukherjee J.; Sehgal V.K.; Krishnan P. (2019). Extreme temperature and rainfall events in National Capital Region of India (New Delhi) in the recent decades and its possible impacts, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 137(03-Apr) DOI
2019 Sharifi S.; Shivay Y.S.; Jat S.L.; Obaid H. (2019). Economic optimum dose of potassium fertilization for enhancing productivity and profitability of hybrid maize (Zea mays) under semi-arid condition of kandahar, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 64(3) DOI
2019 Mina U.; Singh S.D.; Singh B.; Tiwari S.; Singh D.; Kumar P. (2019). Assessment of Low Intensity Solar Radiation Susceptibility in 20 Wheat Varieties under Field Conditions Grown in Indo-Gangetic Plains of India, Journal of Crop Science and Biotechnology, 22(3) DOI
2019 Ramya N.; Meshram N.M. (2019). New record of the genus Bambusiphaga (Hemiptera: Delphacidae: Tropidocephalini) from India with description of a new species, Zootaxa, 4658(1) DOI
2019 Jat R.K.; Singh R.G.; Gupta R.K.; Gill G.; Chauhan B.S.; Pooniya V. (2019). Tillage, crop establishment, residue management and herbicide applications for effective weed control in direct seeded rice of eastern Indo–Gangetic Plains of South Asia, Crop Protection, 123() DOI
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2019 Kanitkar S.; Raut V.M.; Kulkarni M.; Vyas A.K.; Das A.; Kadam M. (2019). The use of vitormone (azotobacter chroococcum) a liquid bio-fertilizer along with chemical fertilizer on crop growth and yield of wheat (triticum aestivum l), Pestology, 43(8) DOI
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2019 Parihar C.M.; Nayak H.S.; Rai V.K.; Jat S.L.; Parihar N.; Aggarwal P.; Mishra A.K. (2019). Soil water dynamics, water productivity and radiation use efficiency of maize under multi-year conservation agriculture during contrasting rainfall events, Field Crops Research, 241() DOI
2019 Nayak S.; Behera U.K.; Meena S.L.; Shivay Y.S. (2019). Influence of tillage practices and phosphorous management on productivity of soybean (Glycine max) and soil properties in soybean–wheat cropping sequence under conservation agriculture, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 64(3) DOI
2019 Meena V.S.; Bhardwaj R.; Sharma R.R.; Mahawar M.K.; Sharma V.K.; Singh K. (2019). Evaluation of ber genotypes for fruit yield and quality attributes, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 76(3) DOI
2019 Gupta O.P.; Dahuja A.; Sachdev A.; Kumari S.; Jain P.K.; Vinutha T.; Praveen S. (2019). Conserved miRNAs modulate the expression of potential transcription factors of isoflavonoid biosynthetic pathway in soybean seeds, Molecular Biology Reports, 46(4) DOI
2019 Datta S.; Dhillon B.S.; Gautam P.L.; Karihaloo J.L.; Mahadevappa M.; Mayee C.D.; Padmanaban G.; Parida A.; Paroda R.S.; Sharma M.; Sharma T.R.; Singh N.K.; Singh R.B.; Sonti R.V.; Tyagi A.K.; Varma A.; Veluthambi K. (2019). India needs genetic modification technology in agriculture, Current Science, 117(3) DOI
2019 Mishra A.; Kumar P.; Shamim M.; Tiwari K.K.; Fatima P.; Srivastava D.; Singh R.; Yadav P. (2019). Genetic diversity and population structure analysis of Asian and African aromatic rice (Oryza sativa L.) genotypes, Journal of Genetics, 98(3) DOI
2019 Meena R.P.; Prabha K.; Baranwal V.K. (2019). Genome characterization of citrus yellow vein-clearing virus: limited heterogeneity of viral genomes in Mandarivirus-infecting different citrus species, 3 Biotech, 9(9) DOI
2019 Krishnan P.; Aggarwal P.; Mridha N.; Bajpai V. (2019). Spatio-temporal changes in wheat crop cultivation in India, International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives, 42(3/W6) DOI
2019 Jayarajan S.; Sharma R.R.; Sethi S.; Saha S.; Sharma V.K.; Singh S. (2019). Chemical and nutritional evaluation of major genotypes of nectarine (Prunus persica var nectarina) grown in North-Western Himalayas, Journal of Food Science and Technology, 56(9) DOI
2019 Madhavan J.; Anand A. (2019). Exposure to Magnetic Fields Reveals a Positive Effect on In Vitro Propagation of Stevia rebaudiana (Bertoni), Sugar Tech, 21(4) DOI
2019 Singh R.J.; Deshwal J.S.; Sharma N.K.; Ghosh B.N.; Bhattacharyya R. (2019). Effects of conservation tillage based agro-geo-textiles on resource conservation in sloping croplands of Indian Himalayan Region, Soil & Tillage Research, 191() DOI
2019 Kumar A.; Singh V.J.; Krishnan S.G.; Vinod K.K.; Bhowmick P.K.; Nagarajan M.; Ellur R.K.; Bollinedi H.; Singh A.K. (2019). WA-CMS-based iso-cytoplasmic restorers derived from commercial rice hybrids reveal distinct population structure and genetic divergence towards restorer diversification, 3 Biotech, 9(8) DOI
2019 Rathinam M.; Mishra P.; Mahato A.K.; Singh N.K.; Rao U.; Sreevathsa R. (2019). Comparative transcriptome analyses provide novel insights into the differential response of Pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan L.) and its wild relative (Cajanus platycarpus (Benth.) Maesen) to herbivory by Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner), Plant Molecular Biology, 101(01-Feb) DOI
2019 Srivastava N.; Kapoor R.; Kumar R.; Kumar S.; R.K. S.; Kumar S.; Baranwal V.K. (2019). “Rapid diagnosis of Cucumber mosaic virus in banana plants using a fluorescence-based real-time isothermal reverse transcription-recombinase polymerase amplification assay”, Journal of Virological Methods, 270() DOI
2019 Thakur A.K.; Singh K.H.; Sharma D.; Parmar N.; Nanjundan J. (2019). Breeding and genomics interventions in Ethiopian mustard (Brassica carinata A. Braun) improvement – A mini review, South African Journal of Botany, 125() DOI
2019 Doni R.; Lal P.; Chauhan A.K. (2019). Economics of Resource Utilization: A Case Study of Sirsa Cooperative Milk Plant, Indian Journal of Economics and Development, 15(3) DOI
2019 Rana M.; Singh K.K.; Kumari N.; Sanjay J.; Gohain G.B.; Kalra N. (2019). Climate change impact and response of rice yield, International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives, 42(3/W6) DOI
2019 Usha K.; Singh B.; Kamil D. (2019). Hormonal profiling of the Fusarium mangiferae infected mango buds in relation to mango malformation, Scientia Horticulturae, 254() DOI
2019 Kalia P.; Mangal M.; Singh S.; Chugh C.; Mishra S.; Chaudhary S. (2019). Morphological and molecular changes on cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) introgression in Asiatic carrot (Daucus carota L.), Planta, 250(2) DOI
2019 Han P.; Bayram Y.; Shaltiel-Harpaz L.; Sohrabi F.; Saji A.; Esenali U.T.; Jalilov A.; Ali A.; Shashank P.R.; Ismoilov K.; Lu Z.-Z.; Wang S.; Zhang G.-F.; Wan F.-H.; Biondi A.; Desneux N. (2019). Tuta absoluta continues to disperse in Asia: damage, ongoing management and future challenges, Journal of Pest Science, 92(4) DOI
2019 Yadav A.; Bhatia A.; Yadav S.; Kumar V.; Singh B. (2019). The effects of elevated CO2 and elevated O3 exposure on plant growth, yield and quality of grains of two wheat cultivars grown in north India, Heliyon, 5(8) DOI
2019 Nayak S.L.; Sethi S.; Sharma R.R.; Singh D.; Singh S. (2019). Improved control on decay and postharvest quality deterioration of strawberry by microbial antagonists, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 76(3) DOI
2019 Singh S.; Dey S.S.; Bhatia R.; Kumar R.; Behera T.K. (2019). Current understanding of male sterility systems in vegetable Brassicas and their exploitation in hybrid breeding, Plant Reproduction, 32(3) DOI
2019 Nogiya M.; Pandey R.N.; Singh B.; Singh G.; Meena M.C.; Datta S.C.; Pradhan S.; Meena A.L. (2019). Responses of aerobically grown iron chlorosis tolerant and susceptible rice (Oryza sativa L.) genotypes to soil iron management in an Inceptisol, Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 65(10) DOI
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2019 Paul V.; Pandey R.; Malik S.K. (2019). Varietal variations in rate of ripening and respiration of mango (Mangifera indica L.) fruits: anatomical substantiation, Plant Physiology Reports (Indian Journal of Plant Physiology), 24(3) DOI
2019 Kumar A.; Singh V.J.; Bhowmick P.K.; Vinod K.K.; Seth R.; Nagarajan M.; Ellur R.K.; Bollinedi H.; Krishnan S.G.; Singh A.K. (2019). Assessing the performance of hybrids developed using isocytoplasmic restorers and identification of promising combiners in rice, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 79(3) DOI
2019 Kumar C.; Singh S.K.; Singh R.; Pramanick K.K.; Verma M.K.; Srivastav M.; Tiwari G.; Choudhury D.R. (2019). Genetic diversity and population structure analysis of wild Malus genotypes including the crabapples (M. baccata (L.) Borkh. & M. sikkimensis (Wenzig) Koehne ex C. Schneider) collected from the Indian Himalayan region using microsatellite markers, Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 66(6) DOI
2019 Shukla A.K.; Kumar S.; Ram S.N. (2019). Yield, soil health and moisture status in bael (Aegle marmelos)-based hortipasture system in semi-arid ecosystem of India, Agroforestry Systems, 93(4) DOI
2019 Chandran S.; Pukalenthy B.; Adhimoolam K.; Manickam D.; Sampathrajan V.; Chocklingam V.; Eswaran K.; Arunachalam K.; Meetei L.J.; Rajasekaran R.; Muthusamy V.; Hossain F.; Natesan S. (2019). Marker-assisted selection to pyramid the opaque-2 (O2) and β-carotene (crtRB1) genes in maize, Frontiers in Genetics, 10(SEP) DOI
2019 Das A.K.; Chhabra R.; Muthusamy V.; Chauhan H.S.; Zunjare R.U.; Hossain F. (2019). Identification of SNP and InDel variations in the promoter and 5′ untranslated regions of γ-tocopherol methyl transferase (ZmVTE4) affecting higher accumulation of α-tocopherol in maize kernel, Crop Journal, 7(4) DOI
2019 Santosh H.B.; Bharadwaj C.; Hegde V.S.; Savitha S.; Angadi C.; Kumar J. (2019). Relative potential of seed yield component traits as selection criteria in the segregating generations of a desi × kabuli cross of chickpea, Legume Research, 42(4) DOI
2019 Purakayastha T.J.; Pathak H.; Kumari S.; Biswas S.; Chakrabarty B.; Padaria R.N.; Kamble K.; Pandey M.; Sasmal S.; Singh A. (2019). Soil health card development for efficient soil management in Haryana, India, Soil & Tillage Research, 191() DOI
2019 Kiran Kumar T.; Rana D.S.; Nain L. (2019). Legume residue and N management for improving productivity and N economy and soil fertility in wheat (Triticum aestivum)-based cropping systems, National Academy Science Letters-India, 42(4) DOI
2019 Abdi S.; Dwivedi A.; Shashi; Kumar S.; Bhat V. (2019). Development of EST-SSR markers in Cenchrus ciliaris and their applicability in studying the genetic diversity and cross-species transferability, Journal of Genetics, 98(4) DOI
2019 Kumar M.; Savita; Singh H.; Pandey R.; Singh M.P.; Ravindranath N.H.; Kalra N. (2019). Assessing vulnerability of forest ecosystem in the Indian Western Himalayan region using trends of net primary productivity, Biodiversity and Conservation, 28(08-Sep) DOI
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2019 Mandal D.; Giri N.; Srivastava P.; Sah C.; Bhusan R.; Naregundi K.; Mohan M.P.; Shrivastava M. (2019). 137Cs - A potential environmental marker for assessing erosion-induced soil organic carbon loss in India, Current Science, 117(5) DOI
2019 Samal P.; Pote T.D.; Krishnan S.G.; Singh A.K.; Salgotra R.K.; Rathour R. (2019). Integrating marker-assisted selection and doubled haploidy for rapid introgression of semi-dwarfing and blast resistance genes into a Basmati rice variety ‘Ranbir Basmati’, Euphytica, 215(9) DOI
2019 Singhal T.; Satyavathi C.T.; Singh S.P.; Sankar S.M.; Anuradha N.; Bharadwaj C.; Kumar A.; Mallik M.; Singh N. (2019). Identification of new stable and high iron rich fertility restorers in pearl millet, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 79(3) DOI
2019 Pandey S.; Kumari A.; Shree M.; Kumar V.; Singh P.; Bharadwaj C.; Loake G.J.; Parida S.K.; Masakapalli S.K.; Gupta K.J. (2019). Nitric oxide accelerates germination via the regulation of respiration in chickpea, Journal of Experimental Botany, 70(17) DOI
2019 Singh S.; Dey S.S.; Bhatia R.; Kumar R.; Sharma K.; Behera T.K. (2019). Heterosis and combining ability in cytoplasmic male sterile and doubled haploid based Brassica oleracea progenies and prediction of heterosis using microsatellites, PLoS ONE, 14(8) DOI
2019 Ramakrishnan M.; Zhou M.; Pan C.; Hänninen H.; Yrjälä K.; Vinod K.K.; Tang D. (2019). Affinities of terminal inverted repeats to DNA binding domain of transposase affect the transposition activity of Bamboo Ppmar2 mariner-like element, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 20(15) DOI
2019 Yadava D.K.; Yashpal; Vasudev S.; Singh N.; Saini N.; Prabhu K.V.; Yadav M.S.; Dhillon M.K.; Giri S.C.; Dass B.; Singh R.; Narayan M. (2019). Indian mustard: Variety pusa double zero mustard-31 (PDZM-31), Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 79(3) DOI
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2019 Avashthi H.; Pathak R.K.; Pandey N.; Arora S.; Mishra A.K.; Gupta V.K.; Ramteke P.W.; Kumar A. (2019). Correction to: Transcriptome-wide identification of genes involved in Ascorbate–Glutathione cycle (Halliwell–Asada pathway) and related pathway for elucidating its role in antioxidative potential in finger millet (Eleusine coracana (L.)) (3 Biotech, (2018), 8, 12, (499), 10.1007/s13205-018-1511-9), 3 Biotech, 9(9) DOI
2019 Das A.K.; Jaiswal S.K.; Muthusamy V.; Zunjare R.U.; Chauhan H.S.; Chand G.; Saha S.; Hossain F. (2019). Molecular diversity and genetic variability of kernel tocopherols among maize inbreds possessing favourable haplotypes of γ-tocopherol methyl transferase (ZmVTE4), Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 28(3) DOI
2019 Jeet P.; Singh D.K.; Sarangi A. (2019). Development of a Composite Hydrologic Index for Semi-Arid Region of India, Groundwater, 57(5) DOI
2019 Singh S.P.; Pal R.K.; Saini M.K.; Singh J.; Gaikwad N.; Parashuram S.; Kaur C. (2019). Targeted metabolite profiling to gain chemometric insight into Indian pomegranate cultivars and elite germplasm, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 99(11) DOI
2019 Ramakrishnan M.; Zhou M.-B.; Pan C.-F.; Hänninen H.; Tang D.-Q.; Vinod K.K. (2019). Nuclear export signal (NES) of transposases affects the transposition activity of mariner-like elements Ppmar1 and Ppmar2 of moso bamboo, Mobile DNA, 10(1) DOI
2019 Lal S.; Singh A.K.; Singh S.K.; Srivastav M.; Singh N.K. (2019). Genetic diversity in mango cultivars revealed by SSR markers, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 76(3) DOI
2019 Ghodke P.H.; Ramakrishnan S.; Shirsat D.V.; Vani G.K.; Arora A. (2019). Morphological characterization of wheat genotypes for stay green and physiological traits by multivariate analysis under drought stress, Plant Physiology Reports (Indian Journal of Plant Physiology), 24(3) DOI
2019 Vijayakumar S.; Kumar D.; Shivay Y.S.; Anand A.; Sharma D.K.; Sharma V.K.; Govindasamy V. (2019). Growth and productivity of wheat (Triticum aestivum) as influenced by potassium application, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 64(3) DOI
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2019 Dhakar R.; Sehgal V.K.; Chakraborty D.; Mukherjee J.; Kumar S.N. (2019). Evaluating infocrop model for growth, development and yield of spring wheat at farmers’ field in semi-arid environment, Journal of Agrometeorology, 21(3) DOI
2019 Veluru A.; Bhat K.V.; Janakiram T.; Prasad K.V.; Raju D.V.S.; Bharadwaj C.; Gayacharan; Singh K.P.; Namita; Panwar S. (2019). Understanding genetic diversity, structure and population differentiation in selected wild species and cultivated indian and exotic rose varieties based on microsatellite allele frequencies, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 79(3) DOI
2019 Yadav A.N.; Gulati S.; Sharma D.; Singh R.N.; Rajawat M.V.S.; Kumar R.; Dey R.; Pal K.K.; Kaushik R.; Saxena A.K. (2019). Seasonal variations in culturable archaea and their plant growth promoting attributes to predict their role in establishment of vegetation in Rann of Kutch, Biologia, 74(8) DOI
2019 Basavaraj Y.B.; Kumar A.; Jain R.K.; Kumar P.; Parameswari B.; Prakash J. (2019). Molecular diversity of Papaya ringspot virus in India: genetic recombination and mutations between the isolates from different hosts and geo-climatic locations are role players in virus evolution, Indian Phytopathology, 72(3) DOI
2019 Chakraborty D.; Mondal S.; Das A.; Paul A.; Thomas P.; Aggarwal P.; Behera U.K.; Sharma A.R. (2019). Tillage and crop rotation effects on mechanical properties and structural stability of a Sandy Loam soil in a semi-arid environment, Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science, 67(2) DOI
2019 Mathapati G.B.; Kalia P.; Islam S.; Saini N.; Kumar A.; Khar A. (2019). Influence of Culture Media and Their Compositions on Haploid Induction in Indian Short Day Onion, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences India Section B - Biological Sciences, 89(2) DOI
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2019 Mondal B.P.; Sekhon B.S.; Sahoo R.N.; Paul P. (2019). ViS-NIR reflectance spectroscopy for assessment of soil organic carbon in a rice-wheat field of Ludhiana district of Punjab, International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives, 42(3/W6) DOI
2019 Verma G.; Mondal K.K.; Kulshreshtha A.; Sharma M. (2019). XopR T3SS-effector of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae suppresses cell death-mediated plant defense response during bacterial blight development in rice, 3 Biotech, 9(7) DOI
2019 Yadav P.; Dhupper R.; Singh S.D.; Singh B. (2019). Crop adaptation to air pollution I. Effect of particulate and SO2 pollution on growth, yield attributes and sulphur nutrition of wheat, barley and chickpea, Indian Journal of Agricultural Research, 53(3) DOI
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2019 Dubey A.K.; Sinha P.; Baranwal V.K.; Mishra S.; Saritha R.K. (2019). Temperature influence on leaf crinkle disease expression in urdbean (Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper) and potential distribution of the disease in India, Crop Protection, 120() DOI
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2019 Dangi R.; Sinha P.; Islam S.; Gupta A.; Kumar A.; Rajput L.S.; Kamil D.; Khar A. (2019). Screening of onion accessions for Stemphylium blight resistance under artificially inoculated field experiments, Australasian Plant Pathology, 48(4) DOI
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2019 Velmourougane K.; Prasanna R.; Chawla G.; Nain L.; Kumar A.; Saxena A.K. (2019). Trichoderma–Azotobacter biofilm inoculation improves soil nutrient availability and plant growth in wheat and cotton, Journal of Basic Microbiology, 59(6) DOI
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2019 Kumar V.; Gathala M.K.; Saharawat Y.S.; Parihar C.M.; Kumar R.; Kumar R.; Jat M.L.; Jat A.S.; Mahala D.M.; Kumar L.; Nayak H.S.; Parihar M.D.; Rai V.; Jewlia H.; Kuri B.R. (2019). Impact of tillage and crop establishment methods on crop yields, profitability and soil physical properties in rice–wheat system of Indo-Gangetic Plains of India, Soil Use and Management, 35(2) DOI
2019 Jat S.L.; Parihar C.M.; Dey A.; Nayak H.S.; Ghosh A.; Parihar N.; Goswami A.K.; Singh A.K. (2019). Dynamics and temperature sensitivity of soil organic carbon mineralization under medium-term conservation agriculture as affected by residue and nitrogen management options, Soil & Tillage Research, 190() DOI
2019 Bandyopadhyay K.K.; Sarangi A.; Kumar D.; Singh D.K. (2019). Effect of puddling and direct sowing of rice on soil physical health and water productivity of rice-wheat cropping system under different irrigation regimes, Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science, 67(2) DOI
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2019 Rai A.; Mahendru-Singh A.; Ahlawat A.K.; Kumar R.R.; K R.; Saini S.; Ganjewala D.; Shukla R.B. (2019). Quality evaluation of near isogenic lines of the wheat variety carrying Sr26, Lr19 and Yr10 genes, Journal of Cereal Science, 88() DOI
2019 Parihar C.M.; Singh A.K.; Jat S.L.; Ghosh A.; Dey A.; Nayak H.S.; Parihar M.D.; Mahala D.M.; Yadav R.K.; Rai V.; Satayanaryana T.; Jat M.L. (2019). Dependence of temperature sensitivity of soil organic carbon decomposition on nutrient management options under conservation agriculture in a sub-tropical Inceptisol, Soil & Tillage Research, 190() DOI
2019 Prakash K.; Chaudhury R.; Rohini M.R.; Singh B.; Malik S.K. (2019). Contrasting seed biology of two ornamental palms: Pygmy date palm (Phoenix roebelenii O’brien) and fishtail palm (Caryota urens L.) and implications for their long-term conservation, Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, 18(3) DOI
2019 Shahane A.A.; Shivay Y.S.; Prasanna R.; Kumar D. (2019). Nitrogen nutrition and use efficiency in rice as influenced by crop establishment methods, cyanobacterial and phosphate solubilizing bacterial consortia and zinc fertilization, Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 50(12) DOI
2019 Malyan S.K.; Bhatia A.; Kumar S.S.; Fagodiya R.K.; Pugazhendhi A.; Duc P.A. (2019). Mitigation of greenhouse gas intensity by supplementing with Azolla and moderating the dose of nitrogen fertilizer, Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, 20() DOI
2019 Basu U.; Narnoliya L.; Srivastava R.; Sharma A.; Bajaj D.; Daware A.; Thakro V.; Malik N.; Upadhyaya H.D.; Tripathi S.; Hegde V.S.; Tyagi A.K.; Parida S.K. (2019). CLAVATA signaling pathway genes modulating flowering time and flower number in chickpea, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 132(7) DOI
2019 Rathore S.S.; Shekhawat K.; Dass A.; Kandpal B.K.; Singh V.K. (2019). Phytoremediation Mechanism in Indian Mustard (Brassica juncea) and Its Enhancement Through Agronomic Interventions, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences India Section B - Biological Sciences, 89(2) DOI
2019 Kaushik P.; Sarkar D.J.; Chander S.; Rana V.S.; Shakil N.A. (2019). Insecticidal activity of phenolic acid amides against brown planthopper (BPH), Nilaparvata lugens (Stål) and their QSAR analysis, Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part B Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes, 54(6) DOI
2019 Upadhyay A.; Banakar P.; Mohan S. (2019). 16s rdna-based identification of non-symbiotic bacterial contaminants isolated from Heterorhabditis indica cuticle and infected Galleria mellonella and Dorysthenes huegelii cadavers, Indian Journal of Nematology, 49(1) DOI
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2019 Choudhary M.; Rana K.S.; Meena M.C.; Bana R.S.; Jakhar P.; Ghasal P.C.; Verma R.K. (2019). Changes in physico-chemical and biological properties of soil under conservation agriculture based pearl millet–mustard cropping system in rainfed semi-arid region, Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 65(7) DOI
2019 Kammar V.; Prabhulinga T.; Kumar K.P.; Shashank P.R.; Chakravarthy A.K.; Singh S. (2019). GENETIC DIVERSITY OF CONOGETHES (LEPIDOPTERA: CRAMBIDAE) SPECIES COMPLEX INFESTING CASTOR AND CARDAMOM, Indian Journal of Entomology, 81(2) DOI
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2019 Mitra S.; Subramanian R.N.; Mall S.; Rao G.P. (2019). Molecular identification of ‘candidatus phytoplasma oryzae’ in garcinia gummi-gutta in india, Phytopathogenic Mollicutes, 9(1) DOI
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2019 Rathore S.S.; Shekhawat K.; Dass A.; Premi O.P.; Rathore B.S.; Singh V.K. (2019). Deficit Irrigation Scheduling and Superabsorbent Polymer- Hydrogel Enhance Seed Yield, Water Productivity and Economics of Indian Mustard Under Semi-Arid Ecologies, Irrigation and Drainage, 68(3) DOI
2019 Mishra R.; Datta S.P.; Annapurna K.; Meena M.C.; Dwivedi B.S.; Golui D.; Bandyopadhyay K. (2019). Enhancing the effectiveness of zinc, cadmium, and lead phytoextraction in polluted soils by using amendments and microorganisms, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26(17) DOI
2019 Gurjar M.S.; Aggarwal R.; Jogawat A.; Kulshreshtha D.; Sharma S.; Solanke A.U.; Dubey H.; Jain R.K. (2019). De novo genome sequencing and secretome analysis of Tilletia indica inciting Karnal bunt of wheat provides pathogenesis-related genes, 3 Biotech, 9(6) DOI
2019 Rao G.P.; Panda P.; Reddy M.G.; Mishra S. (2019). Identification and management of 16SrII-D phytoplasmas in cluster bean and sesame crops in the Haryana province of India, Phytopathogenic Mollicutes, 9(1) DOI
2019 Narnoliya L.; Basu U.; Bajaj D.; Malik N.; Thakro V.; Daware A.; Sharma A.; Tripathi S.; Hegde V.S.; Upadhyaya H.D.; Singh A.K.; Tyagi A.K.; Parida S.K. (2019). Transcriptional signatures modulating shoot apical meristem morphometric and plant architectural traits enhance yield and productivity in chickpea, Plant Journal, 98(5) DOI
2019 Singh J.P.; Kumar R.R.; Goswami S.; Rai G.K.; Sakhare A.; Kumar S.; Singh S.D.; Bakshi S.; Jamhulkar S.J.; Sareen S.; Singh G.P.; Chinnusamy V.; Praveen S. (2019). A putative heat-responsive transcription factor (TaHD97) and its targets in wheat (Triticum aestivum) providing thermotolerance, Indian Journal of Biotechnology, 18(3) DOI
2019 Jadhav A.K.; Sharma R.M.; Dubey A.K.; Goswami S. (2019). Biochemical changes during flowering in citrus species, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 76(2) DOI
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2019 Jawak S.D.; Joshi M.; Luis A.J.; Pandit P.H.; Kumar S.; Wankhede S.F.; Somadas A.T. (2019). Mapping velocity of the potsdam glacier, east antarctica using landsat-8 data, International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives, 42(2/W13) DOI
2019 Choudhary S.; Chopra N.K.; Chopra N.K.; Kushwaha M. (2019). Effect of nitrogen and weed management on seed productivity of forage pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum), Indian Journal of Agronomy, 64(2) DOI
2019 Kumar Maurya P.; Malik D.S.; Kumar Yadav K.; Gupta N.; Kumar S. (2019). Haematological and histological changes in fish Heteropneustes fossilis exposed to pesticides from industrial waste water, Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, 25(5) DOI
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2019 Jaiswal S.K.; Muthusamy V.; Hossain F.; Zunjare R.U.; Goswami R.; Chhabra R.; Chand G.; Dosad S.; Bhowmick R.; Guleria S.K.; Pattanayak A.; Gupta H.S. (2019). Characterization of maize genotypes using microsatellite markers associated with QTLs for kernel iron and zinc, Indian Journal of Biotechnology, 18(3) DOI
2019 Pradhan S.; Goswami A.K.; Singh S.K.; Prakash J.; Goswami S.; Chinnusamy V.; Talukdar A.; Maurya N.K. (2019). Low temperature stress induced physiological and biochemical alterations in papaya genotypes, South African Journal of Botany, 123() DOI
2019 Rai V.; Pramanik P.; Das T.K.; Aggarwal P.; Bhattacharyya R.; Krishnan P.; Sehgal V.K. (2019). Modelling soil hydrothermal regimes in pigeon pea under conservation agriculture using Hydrus-2D, Soil & Tillage Research, 190() DOI
2019 Varatharajan T.; Choudhary A.K.; Pooniya V.; Dass A.; Rana D.S.; Rana K.S.; Harish M.N. (2019). Effect of integrated crop management practices on root-shoot characteristics, yield and nutrient harvest index of pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) under irrigated north indian plains, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 64(2) DOI
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2019 Mahajan G.R.; Pandey R.N.; Datta S.C.; Kumar D.; Sahoo R.N.; Patel K.P.; Murgaonkar D.; Das B. (2019). Predicting Post-Harvest Soil Test Values in Hybrid Rice (Oryza Sativa L.)–Wheat (Triticum Aesitvum L.) Cropping Sequence Using a Multivariate Analysis Technique, Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 50(13) DOI
2019 Kumar R.R.; Hasija S.; Goswami S.; Tasleem M.; Sakhare A.; Kumar S.; Bakshi S.; Jambhulkar S.; Rai G.K.; Singh B.; Singh G.P.; Pathak H.; Viswanathan C.; Praveen S. (2019). Gamma irradiation protect the developing wheat endosperm from oxidative damage by balancing the trade-off between the defence network and grains quality, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 174() DOI
2019 Critykar J.; Shivay Y.S.; Kumar D.; Prasanna R. (2019). Productivity and economics of basmati rice (Oryza sativa) as influenced by combined application of diversified nutrient sources in organic basmati rice– wheat (triticum aestivum) system, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 64(2) DOI
2019 Singh B.K.; Singh S.P.; Shekhawat K.; Rathore S.S.; Pandey A.; Kumar S.; Singh D.K.; Choudhry S.B.; Kumar S.; Singh D. (2019). Comparative analysis for understanding salinity tolerance mechanism in Indian Mustard (Brassica juncea L.), Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 41(6) DOI
2019 Rathinam M.; Mishra P.; Vasudevan M.; Budhwar R.; Mahato A.; Lakshmi Prabha A.; Singh N.K.; Rao U.; Sreevathsa R. (2019). Comparative transcriptome analysis of pigeonpea, Cajanus cajan (L.) and one of its wild relatives Cajanus platycarpus (Benth.) Maesen, PLoS ONE, 14(7) DOI
2019 Gupta V.; He X.; Kumar N.; Fuentes-Davila G.; Sharma R.K.; Dreisigacker S.; Juliana P.; Ataei N.; Singh P.K. (2019). Genome wide association study of karnal bunt resistance in a wheat germplasm collection from Afghanistan, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 20(13) DOI
2019 Gaikwad K.B.; Singh N.; Bhatia D.; Kaur R.; Bains N.S.; Bharaj T.S.; Singh K. (2019). Reinventing heterosis phenomenon through deployment of alien introgression lines in rice (Oryza sativa L.), Plant Breeding, 138(3) DOI
2019 Sunani S.K.; Bashyal B.M.; Rawat K.; Manjunatha C.; Sharma S.; Prakash G.; Krishnan S.G.; Singh A.K.; Aggarwal R. (2019). Development of PCR and loop mediated isothermal amplification assay for the detection of bakanae pathogen Fusarium fujikuroi, European Journal of Plant Pathology, 154(3) DOI
2019 Dey S.S.; Bhatia R.; Pramanik A.; Sharma K.; Parkash C. (2019). A unique strategy to improve the floral traits and seed yield of Brassica oleracea cytoplasmic male sterile lines through honey bee-mediated selection, Euphytica, 215(6) DOI
2019 Nawade B.; Mishra G.P.; Radhakrishnan T.; Sangh C.; Dobariya J.R.; Kundu R. (2019). Development of high oleic peanut lines through marker-assisted introgression of mutant ahFAD2 alleles and its fatty acid profiles under open-field and controlled conditions, 3 Biotech, 9(6) DOI
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2019 Vijayakumar S.; Kumar D.; Shivay Y.S.; Anand A.; Saravanane P.; Singh N. (2019). Potassium fertilization for enhancing yield attributes, yield and economics of wheat (Triticum aestivum), Indian Journal of Agronomy, 64(2) DOI
2019 Yadav P.; Dhupper R.; Singh S.D.; Singh B. (2019). Crop adaptation to air pollution II. Tolerance to SO2 stress is regulated by oxidative and antioxidative characteristics and sulphur assimilation, Indian Journal of Agricultural Research, 53(3) DOI
2019 Kavita D.; Suneha G.; Narendra K.; Kumar Ranjeet R.; Kumar N.R.R.; Khushbu S.; Pooja V.; Prakash S.J. (2019). Cloning and in silico characterization of heat shock factor (Hsf) from wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Research Journal of Biotechnology, 14(7) DOI
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2019 Kumar H.; Singh A.; Dikshit H.K.; Mishra G.P.; Aski M.; Meena M.C.; Kumar S. (2019). Genetic dissection of grain iron and zinc concentrations in lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.), Journal of Genetics, 98(3) DOI
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2019 Basu U.; Upadhyaya H.D.; Srivastava R.; Daware A.; Malik N.; Sharma A.; Bajaj D.; Narnoliya L.; Thakro V.; Kujur A.; Tripathi S.; Bharadwaj C.; Hegde V.S.; Pandey A.K.; Singh A.K.; Tyagi A.K.; Parida S.K. (2019). Abc transporter-mediated transport of glutathione conjugates enhances seed yield and quality in chickpea, Plant Physiology, 180(1) DOI
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2019 Reddy S.H.; Kambalimath S.K.; Singhal R.K.; Chikkakariyappa M.K.; Muthurajan R.; Rajanna M.P.; Sreevathsa R.; Sevanthi A.M.; Mohapatra T.; Sarla N.; Chinnusamy V.; Krishnan G.S.; Singh A.K.; Singh N.K.; Sharma R.P.; Sheshshayee S.M. (2019). Allele-specific analysis of single parent backcross population identifies HOX10 transcription factor as a candidate gene regulating rice root growth, Physiologia Plantarum, 166(2) DOI
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2019 Sachdeva S.; Bharadwaj C.; Singh S.; Roorkiwal M.; Sharma V.; Singh A.; Varshney R. (2019). Yield plasticity and molecular diversity analysis in chickpea (Cicer arietinum), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(5) DOI
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2019 Rai A.; Singh A.-M.; Ganjewala D.; Kumar R.R.; Ahlawat A.K.; Singh S.K.; Sharma P.; Jain N. (2019). Rheological evaluations and molecular marker analysis of cultivated bread wheat varieties of India, Journal of Food Science and Technology, 56(4) DOI
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2019 Tripathy V.; Sharma K.K.; Yadav R.; Devi S.; Tayade A.; Sharma K.; Pandey P.; Singh G.; Patel A.N.; Gautam R.; Gupta R.; Kalra S.; Shukla P.; Walia S.; Shakil N.A. (2019). Development, validation of QuEChERS-based method for simultaneous determination of multiclass pesticide residue in milk, and evaluation of the matrix effect, Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part B Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes, 54(5) DOI
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2019 Soni A.; Dubey A.K.; Gupta A.; Sharma R.M.; Prakash Awasthi O.; Bharadwaj C.; Sharma N. (2019). Optimizing embryo age and media for enhancing hybrid seedling recovery in sour orange (Citrus aurantium) × Sacaton citrumelo (C. paradisi × Poncirus trifoliata) crosses through embryo rescue, Plant Breeding, 138(3) DOI
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2019 Yadav M.S.; Godika S.; Yadava D.K.; Ahmad N.; Mehta N.; Bhatnagar K.; Agrawal V.K.; Kumar A.; Thomas L.; Chattopadhyay C. (2019). Prioritizing components of package of integrated pest management in Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) in India for better economic benefit, Crop Protection, 120() DOI
2019 Gurumurthy S.; Arora A.; Sarkar B.; Harikrishna; Singh V.P.; Yadav R.; Chinnusamy V. (2019). Phenotyping for stem reserve mobilization efficiency under heat, drought and combined stress along with defoliation in wheat (Triticum aestivum), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(5) DOI
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2019 Prakash G.; Kumar A.; Sheoran N.; Aggarwal R.; Satyavathi C.T.; Chikara S.K.; Ghosh A.; Kumar Jain R. (2019). First Draft Genome Sequence of a Pearl Millet Blast Pathogen, Magnaporthe grisea Strain PMg_Dl, Obtained Using PacBio Single-Molecule Real-Time and Illumina NextSeq 500 Sequencing, Microbiology Resource Announcements, 8(20) DOI
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2019 Dukare A.S.; Paul S.; Nambi V.E.; Gupta R.K.; Singh R.; Sharma K.; Vishwakarma R.K. (2019). Exploitation of microbial antagonists for the control of postharvest diseases of fruits: a review, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 59(9) DOI
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2019 Simranjit K.; Ranjan K.; Prasanna R.; Ramakrishnan B.; Kanchan A.; Shivay Y.S. (2019). Exploring Crop–Microbiome Interactions Towards Improving Symbiotic Performance of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum) Cultivars Using Cyanobacterial Inoculants, Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 38(1) DOI
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2019 Krishna G.; Sahoo R.N.; Singh P.; Bajpai V.; Patra H.; Kumar S.; Dandapani R.; Gupta V.K.; Viswanathan C.; Ahmad T.; Sahoo P.M. (2019). Comparison of various modelling approaches for water deficit stress monitoring in rice crop through hyperspectral remote sensing, Agricultural Water Management, 213() DOI
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2019 Kumar R.R.; Singh K.; Ahuja S.; Tasleem M.; Singh I.; Kumar S.; Grover M.; Mishra D.; Rai G.K.; Goswami S.; Singh G.P.; Chinnusamy V.; Rai A.; Praveen S. (2019). Quantitative proteomic analysis reveals novel stress-associated active proteins (SAAPs) and pathways involved in modulating tolerance of wheat under terminal heat, Functional and Integrative Genomics, 19(2) DOI
2019 Maity A.; Chakarbarty S.K.; Pramanik P.; Gupta R.; Parmar S.S.; Sharma D.K. (2019). Response of stigma receptivity in CMS and male fertile line of Indian mustard (B. juncea) under variable thermal conditions, International Journal of Biometeorology, 63(2) DOI
2019 Bisht H.; Singh D.K.; Mishra S.A.K.; Sarangi A.; Prajapati V.K.; Singh M.; Krishnan P. (2019). Heat unit requirement of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under different thermal and moisture regimes, Journal of Agrometeorology, 21(1) DOI
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2019 Sharma A.; Kashyap P.L.; Srivastava A.K.; Bansal Y.K.; Kaushik R. (2019). Isolation and characterization of halotolerant bacilli from chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) rhizosphere for plant growth promotion and biocontrol traits, European Journal of Plant Pathology, 153(3) DOI
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2019 Goel S.; Singh K.; Singh B.; Grewal S.; Dwivedi N.; Alqarawi A.A.; Abd Allah E.F.; Ahmad P.; Singh N.K. (2019). Analysis of genetic control and QTL mapping of essential wheat grain quality traits in a recombinant inbred population, PLoS ONE, 14(3) DOI
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2019 Kumar R.R.; Goswami S.; Dubey K.; Singh K.; Singh J.P.; Kumar A.; Rai G.K.; Singh S.D.; Bakshi S.; Singh B.; Pathak H.; Chinnusamy V.; Rai R.D.; Praveen S. (2019). RuBisCo activase—a catalytic chaperone involved in modulating the RuBisCo activity and heat stress-tolerance in wheat, Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 28(1) DOI
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2019 Tiwari D.K.; Patel V.B.; Barman K.; Kumar R.; Verma R.B.; Singh S.N.; Mishra B.B. (2019). Floral and flushing pattern of baramasi, regular and biennial bearing cultivars of mango in Eastern India, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 76(1) DOI
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2019 Mandal N.; Dwivedi B.S.; Datta S.P.; Meena M.C.; Tomar R.K. (2019). Soil hydrophysical properties under different nutrient management practices, their relationship with soil organic carbon fractions and crop yield under pigeonpea-wheat sequence, Journal of Plant Nutrition, 42(4) DOI
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2019 Kanchan A.; Simranjit K.; Ranjan K.; Prasanna R.; Ramakrishnan B.; Singh M.C.; Hasan M.; Shivay Y.S. (2019). Microbial biofilm inoculants benefit growth and yield of chrysanthemum varieties under protected cultivation through enhanced nutrient availability, Plant Biosystems, 153(2) DOI
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2019 Khan S.A.; Sharma G.K.; Malla F.A.; Kumar A.; Rashmi; Gupta N. (2019). Microalgae based biofertilizers: A biorefinery approach to phycoremediate wastewater and harvest biodiesel and manure, Journal of Cleaner Production, 211() DOI
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2019 Simranjit K.; Kanchan A.; Prasanna R.; Ranjan K.; Ramakrishnan B.; Singh A.K.; Shivay Y.S. (2019). Microbial inoculants as plant growth stimulating and soil nutrient availability enhancing options for cucumber under protected cultivation, World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology, 35(3) DOI
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2019 Prakasha T.L.; Chand S.; Mishra A.N.; Solanki K.S.; Singh J.B.; Sai Prasad S.V. (2019). Genetic analysis of leaf rust resistance in three common wheat cultivars MP 3288, HI 784 and HI 1418 under field conditions, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 79(1) DOI
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2019 Sharma C.; Kumar S.; Saripalli G.; Jain N.; Raghuvanshi S.; Sharma J.B.; Prabhu K.V.; Sharma P.K.; Balyan H.S.; Gupta P.K. (2019). H3K4/K9 acetylation and Lr28-mediated expression of six leaf rust responsive genes in wheat (Triticum aestivum), Molecular Genetics and Genomics (Molecular and General Genetics), 294(1) DOI
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2019 Sharma S.K.; Tripathi S. (2019). Horticultural characterization and papaya ringspot virus reaction of papaya pune selections, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 76(1) DOI
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2019 Shahane A.A.; Shivay Y.S.; Kumar D.; Prasanna R. (2019). Crop Establishment Methods, Use of Microbial Consortia, Biofilms and Zinc Fertilization for Enhancing Productivity and Profitability of Rice–Wheat Cropping System, Agricultural Research, 8(1) DOI
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2019 Dubey R.; Pathak H.; Pradhan S.; Chakrabarti B.; Manikandan N. (2019). Effect of weather on yield, heat and water use efficiency of wheat crop in a semi-arid environment, Journal of Agrometeorology, 21(1) DOI
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2019 Das A.K.; Muthusamy V.; Zunjare R.U.; Chauhan H.S.; Sharma P.K.; Bhat J.S.; Guleria S.K.; Saha S.; Hossain F. (2019). Genetic variability-, genotype × environment interactions- and combining ability-analyses of kernel tocopherols among maize genotypes possessing novel allele of γ-tocopherol methyl transferase (ZmVTE4), Journal of Cereal Science, 86() DOI
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2019 Jat R.K.; Singh R.G.; Kumar M.; Jat M.L.; Parihar C.M.; Bijarniya D.; Sutaliya J.M.; Jat M.K.; Parihar M.D.; Kakraliya S.K.; Gupta R.K. (2019). Ten years of conservation agriculture in a rice–maize rotation of Eastern Gangetic Plains of India: Yield trends, water productivity and economic profitability, Field Crops Research, 232() DOI
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2019 Sharma R.K.; Aditya J.P.; Agrawal P.K.; Singh O.N.; Bhatt J.C.; Stanley J.; Pandey B.M.; Lal D.; Verma P.C.; Arya J.K.; Bisht J.S.; Rawat K.S.; Singh A. (2019). Notification of crop varieties and registration of germplasm, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 79(1) DOI
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2019 Jha S.K.; Singh N.K.; Agrawal P.K. (2019). Modified backcross breeding method for rapid conversion of field corn line to shrunken2 (sh2) gene-based sweet corn line, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 79(1) DOI
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2019 Mitra S.K.; Sharma S.K.; Pathak P.K. (2019). Papaya cultivars of the world, Acta Horticulturae, 1250() DOI
2019 Bhanushree N.; Saha P.; Tomar B.S.; Lyngdoh Y.A.; Gopala Krishnan S.; Gurung B. (2019). Genetic variability study for yield components and anthocyanin in eggplant (Solanum melongena), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(7) DOI
2019 Yadav P.K.; Joshi M.A.; Yadav R.; Singh M. (2019). Identification of genotypes possessing GA responsive reduced height genes in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(7) DOI
2019 Chhabra R.; Hossain F.; Muthusamy V.; Baveja A.; Mehta B.K.; Zunjare R.U. (2019). Development and validation of breeder-friendly functional markers of sugary1 gene encoding starch-debranching enzyme affecting kernel sweetness in maize (Zea mays), Crop and Pasture Science, 70(10) DOI
2019 Jayarajan S.; Sharma R.R. (2019). Influence of in-package use of ethylene absorbents on shelf life and quality of nectarine during supermarket conditions, Fruits, 74(4) DOI
2019 Rathod V.; Behera T.K.; Munshi A.D.; Vinod; Jat G.S. (2019). Crossability studies among Momordica charantia var. Charantia and Momordica charantia var. Muricata, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(11) DOI
2019 Niranjana G.N.; Meshram N.M.; Shashank P.R.; Stuti; Hashmi T.R. (2019). Tribe reassessment of the subhimalayan leafhopper genus Pseudosubhimalus (Homoptera: Cicadellidae) based on molecular phylogeny, PeerJ, 2019(8) DOI
2019 Pankaj Y.K.; Vasantrao M.J.; Prakash N.; Jat R.K.; Kumar R.; Kumar V.; Kumar P. (2019). Erratum: Rectraction :Characterization of wheat (triticum aestivum l.) genotypes unraveled by molecular markers considering heat stress (Open Agriculture (2019) 4:1 (41-51) DOI: 10.1515/opag-2019-0004), Open Agriculture, 4(1) DOI
2019 Singh M.K.; Singh S.P.; Singh M.K.; Ekka U. (2019). Battery assisted four-wheel weeder for reducing drudgery of farmers, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(9) DOI
2019 Mehraj U.; Panwar S.; Singh K.P.; Namita; Pandey R.; Solanke A.U.; Mallick N.; Kumar S. (2019). Assessment of clonal fidelity of doubled haploid line of marigold (Tagetes erecta) using microsatellite markers, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(7) DOI
2019 Yogi V.; Kumar P.; Prakash P.; Kar A.; Singh D.R.; Singh R.; Arya P.; Awasthi O.P. (2019). An economic evaluation of kinnow cultivation in north western India, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(10) DOI
2019 Kannaujia P.K.; Asrey R.; Singh A.K.; Varghese E. (2019). Effect of gum Arabic and fruwash coatings on postharvest quality of summer squash (Cucurbita pepo), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(10) DOI
2019 Vijayakumar S.; Kumar D.; Shivay Y.S.; Sharma V.K.; Sharma D.K.; Saravanane P.; Poornima S.; Singh N. (2019). Energy budgeting of aerobic rice (Oriza sativa)-wheat (Triticum aestivum) cropping system as influenced by potassium fertilization, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(11) DOI
2019 Rana V.S.; Popli S.; Saurav G.K.; Raina H.S.; Jamwal R.; Chaubey R.; Ramamurthy V.V.; Natarajan K.; Rajagopal R. (2019). Implication of the whitefly, bemisia tabaci, collagen protein in begomoviruses acquisition and transmission, Phytopathology, 109(8) DOI
2019 Nikam V.; Singh P.; Ashok A.; Kumar S. (2019). Farmer producer organisations: Innovative institutions for upliftment of small farmers, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(9) DOI
2019 Farag M.I.; Behera T.K.; Munshi A.D.; Bharadwaj C.; Jat G.S.; Khanna M.; Chinnusamy V. (2019). Physiological analysis of drought tolerance of cucumber (Cucumis sativus) genotypes, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(9) DOI
2019 Jeet P.; Singh D.K.; Sarangi A. (2019). Groundwater potential in a drought prone Betwa river basin, Bundelkhand, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(10) DOI
2019 Prajapati U.; Asrey R.; Sharma R.R. (2019). Effects of endogenous abscisic acid on fruit growth and ripening of coloured capsicum (Capsicum annuum), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(9) DOI
2019 Tomar S.; Lal M.; Khan M.A.; Singh B.P.; Sharma S. (2019). Characterization of glycolipid biosurfactant from Pseudomonas aeruginosa PA 1 and its efficacy against Phytophtora infestans, Journal of Environmental Biology, 40(4) DOI
2019 Barman D.; Ghimire O.P.; Chinnusamy V.; Kumar R.R.; Arora A. (2019). Amelioration of heat stress during reproductive stage in rice by melatonin, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(7) DOI
2019 Suresh A.; Jindal T.; Khan S.A. (2019). An integrated approach for risk assessment of groundwater contamination using lysimetric studies, Pollution Research, 38(2) DOI
2019 Maruthi R.T.; Gadag R.N.; Bhat J.S.; Karjagi C.G. (2019). Heterotic grouping of late-maturing maize inbred lines based on combining ability and molecular marker studies, Journal of Environmental Biology, 40(4) DOI
2019 Pachpinde P.; Sharma P.K.; Mani I.; Parray R.A.; Namita (2019). Design and development of hybrid solar dryer for flowers, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(11) DOI
2019 Raghav R.S.; Singh Y.V.; Kumar M.; Dey P.; Dubey S. (2019). STCR based nutrient management in soybean (Glycine max) for higher productivity and profitability, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(10) DOI
2019 Shivakumara T.N.; Dutta T.K.; Chaudhary S.; Von Reuss S.H.; Williamson V.M.; Rao U. (2019). Homologs of Caenorhabditis elegans chemosensory genes have roles in behavior and chemotaxis in the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita, Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 31(7) DOI
2019 Kalal P.; Sharma R.M.; Dubey A.K.; Kamil D.; Lekshmy S.; Kumar A.; Awasthi O.P. (2019). Physio-biochemical responses of hybrid citrus rootstock progenies to NaCl induced salinity, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(6) DOI
2019 Selvakumar R.; Kalia P.; Raje R.S. (2019). Genetic analysis of nutritional traits in tropical carrot (Daucus carota L.), Genetika, 51(2) DOI
2019 Chopra I.; Kumari B.; Chauhan R. (2019). Column studies to assess behavior of fipronil in sandy loam soil, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(10) DOI
2019 Rajanna G.A.; Dhindwal A.S. (2019). Water dynamics, productivity and heat use efficiency responses in wheat (Triticum aestivum) to land configuration techniques and irrigation schedules, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(6) DOI
2019 Som S.; Burman R.R.; Sharma J.P.; Singh A.K.; Paul S. (2019). Impact of Mera Gaon Mera gaurav (MGMG) programme in Uttar Pradesh and Haryana, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(7) DOI
2019 Sharma S.K.; Tripathi S.; Mitra S.K. (2019). Breeding for resistance against Papaya ringspot virus: History, present status and future prospects in India, Acta Horticulturae, 1250() DOI
2019 Meena A.; Sharma R.K.; Chander S.; Sharma D.K.; Sinha S.R. (2019). Flower strip farmscaping to promote natural enemies diversity and eco-friendly pest suppression in okra (Abelmoschus esculentus), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(9) DOI
2019 Sagar D.; Nebapure S.M.; Chander S. (2019). Validation of weather based forewarning model for Helicoverpa armigera in chickpea, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(11) DOI
2019 Pant R.P.; Basavaraj Y.B.; Srivastava N.; Bhattarai A.; Kumar A.; Baranwal V.K.; Sailo N.; Rampal; Barman D. (2019). First report of Groundnut bud necrosis virus infecting phalaenopsis in India, New Disease Reports, 39() DOI
2019 Kumar P.; Jamal W.; Somvanshi V.S.; Chauhan K.; Mumtaz S. (2019). Description of Oscheius indicus n. Sp. (Rhabditidae: Nematoda) from India, Journal of Nematology, 51(1) DOI
2019 Malik S.K.; Choudhary R.; Chaudhury R.; Kumar S. (2019). Characterization and cryopreservation of chironji (Buchanania lanzan), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(10) DOI
2019 Shukla L.; Lande S.D.; Parray R.A.; Suman A.; Annapurna K.; Mani I.; Vikram (2019). Recycling flower waste to humus rich compost using effective microbial consortium and mechanical intervention, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(7) DOI
2019 M Hiremath V.; Jain R.; Sinha N. (2019). Influence of exogenous ascorbic acid on vase life and biochemical constituents of chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum × morifolium.), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(9) DOI
2019 Shekhawat R.S.; Singh K.N.; Bhattarai M.; Gurung B.; Lama A.; Sarkar K.P.; Doni R. (2019). Growth and diffusion dynamics of tractor in Punjab, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(6) DOI
2019 Jain R.; Singh M.K.; Vanlalruati (2019). Evaluation of foliage potted plants for Northern plains, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(10) DOI
2019 Kumar A.; Singh S.; Shivay Y.S.; Das S.; Pal M.; Nain L. (2019). Microbial priming for in situ management of paddy straw and its effects on soil microbiological properties under rice-wheat cropping system, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(9) DOI
2019 Anil Shahane A.; Singh Shivay Y.; Kumar D.; Prasanna R. (2019). Zinc nutrition of rice as influenced by crop establishment methods, rates of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization and inoculation with microbial consortia, Journal of Plant Nutrition, 42(16) DOI
2019 Vanlalruati; Sindhu S.S.; Anand P.; Kumar G. (2019). Effect of micronutrients (Fe and Zn) on flowering and yield attributes of chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium) cv. Mayur 5, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(8) DOI
2019 Ramesh S.V.; Krishnan V.; Praveen S.; Hebbar K.B. (2019). Coconut oil - scientific facts, Current Science, 117(4) DOI
2019 Lata S.; Hussain Z.; Mangal M.; Yadav R.K.; Vinutha T.; Jat G.S.; Gosavi G.; Kumar P.; Perveen S.; Tomar B.S. (2019). QPCR analysis of Ty-2 and Ty-3 gene pyramided lines of tomato for resistance to tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus (ToLCNDV), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(10) DOI
2019 Anshuman D.A.S.; Biswas D.R.; Debarup D.A.S.; Sharma V.K.; Ruma D.A.S.; Prasenjit R.A.Y.; Ghosh A.; Mridha N.; Biswas S.S. (2019). Assessment of potassium status in soils under different land use systems of Assam, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(7) DOI
2019 Choudhary M.; Rana K.S.; Kumar P. (2019). Nutritive value of pearl millet stover as influenced by tillage, crop residue and sulphur fertilization, Range Management and Agroforestry, 40(1) DOI
2019 Yalamalle V.R.; Tomar B.S.; Kumar A.; Ahammed S.T.P. (2019). Polymer coating for higher pesticide use efficiency, seed yield and quality in onion (Allium cepa), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(7) DOI
2019 Kumar S.; Sudhishri S.; Dass A.; Khanna M.; Sehgal V.K.; Patel N. (2019). Assessing Aquacrop model for pearlmillet (Pennisetum glaucum) under in-situ water conservation in a rainfed semi-arid environment, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(8) DOI
2019 Kumari S.; Nagendran K.; Rai A.B.; Singh B.; Govind Pratap Rao; Bertaccini A. (2019). Global status of phytoplasma diseases in vegetable crops, Frontiers in Microbiology, 10(JUN) DOI
2019 Vijayakumar S.; Kumar D.; Sharma V.K.; Shivay Y.S.; Anand A.; Saravanane P.; Jinger D.; Singh N. (2019). Potassium fertilization to augment growth, yield attributes and yield of dry direct seeded basmati rice (Oryza sativa), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(11) DOI
2019 Ram S.N.; Kumar R.V.; Shukla A.K. (2019). Influence of shrubs and tree densities on three-tier silvopasture components in semiarid rainfed conditions, Range Management and Agroforestry, 40(1) DOI
2019 Upadhyaya L.; Roy Burman R.; Sangeetha V.; Lenin V.; Sharma J.P.; Dash S. (2019). Digital inclusion: Strategies to bridge digital divide in farming community, Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 21(5) DOI
2019 Singh J.; Aggarwal R.; Gurjar M.S.; Sharma S.; Saharan M.S. (2019). Identification of carbohydrate active enzymes from whole genome sequence of Tilletia indica and sporulation analysis, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(6) DOI
2019 Singh T.; Pun K.B. (2019). Technological interventions to enhance rice productivity and profitability in rainfed lowlands of Asom, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(7) DOI
2019 Chaudhary A.; Sharma D.K. (2019). Impact assessment of zero-tillage on soil microbial properties in rice-wheat cropping system, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(10) DOI
2019 Ghosh D.K.; Warghane A.; Biswas K.K. (2019). Rapid and Sensitive Detection of Citrus tristeza virus Using Reverse Transcription Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification (RT-LAMP) Assay, Methods in Molecular Biology, 2015() DOI
2019 Mishra A.; Sinha J.P.; Kaukab S.; Tomar B.S. (2019). Study of engineering properties of selected vegetable seeds, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(10) DOI
2019 Naga K.C.; Sharma R.K.; Subramanian S.; Verma M.K.; Pramanick K.K.; Kumar J. (2019). Relative resistance of indigenous and exotic accessions of apple against woolly apple aphid (Eriosoma lanigerum), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(9) DOI
2019 Manaswi B.H.; Kumar P.; Prakash P.; Amit K.A.R.; Anbukkani P.; Jha G.K.; Rao D.U.M. (2019). Impact of Farmer Producer Organisations on organic chilli (Capsicum frutescens) production in Telangana, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(11) DOI
2019 Ronanki S.; Behera U.K. (2019). Effect of conservation agricultural practices and nitrogen management on soil properties, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(7) DOI
2019 Prasad R.; Shivay Y.S. (2019). Fertilizer nitrogen and global warming - A review, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(9) DOI
2019 Singh A.K.; Malik R.K.; Kumar A.; Roy Burman R.; Roy P. (2019). Comparative efficacy of improved crop management technologies of wheat (Triticum aestivum) in Bihar, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(8) DOI
2019 Sharma A.; Bhooshan N.; Singh A.; Deshmukh S.S.; Patra S.P. (2019). Portrait of an agripreneur of India: An acceleration study, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(11) DOI
2019 Rathore S.S.; Shekhawat K.; Singh R.K.; Upadhyay P.K.; Singh V.K. (2019). Best management practices for doubling oilseed productivity: Aiming India for self reliance in edible oil, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(8) DOI
2019 Goel S.; Grewal S.; Singh K.; Dwivedi N. (2019). Impact of biotechnology and nanotechnology on future bread improvement: An overview, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(9) DOI
2019 Kumar C.; Singh S.K.; Singh R.; Verma M.K.; Pramanick K.K.; Srivastav M.; Kumar R.; Verma J.K.; Negi N. (2019). Analysis of genetic diversity and population structure of the indigenous and exotic wild Malus species using ISSR markers, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(7) DOI
2019 Ram H.; Sureja A.K.; Dey S.S.; Tomar B.S. (2019). Genetics analysis for earliness and yield traits using Ogura CMS in snowball cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. Botrytis), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(8) DOI
2019 Kumar D.; Prakash D.; Agrawal V.; Nebapure S.; Ranjan A.; Jindal T. (2019). Bio-efficacy of indian weed plants lantana camara on cotton mealy bug (phenacoccus solenopsis), Plant Archives, 19() DOI
2019 Debarup D.A.S.; Dwivedi B.S.; Datta S.P.; Datta S.C.; Meena M.C.; Dwivedi A.K.; Singh M.; Singh V.K.; Chakraborty D.; Jaggi S. (2019). Long-term fertilization effects on soil potassium and crop yields in a Vertisol, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(7) DOI
2019 Srivastava S.; Bindal S.; Rana M.; Kumar R.; Yadav S.; Singh J.P.; Sinha A. (2019). Biotechnological role of fungal microbes in sustainable agriculture, Plant Archives, 19(1) DOI
2019 Choudhary D.K.; Aggarwal R.; Bashyal B.M.; Shanmugam V.; Padaria J.C. (2019). Phenotyping and marker based identification of resistant lines in wheat (Triticum aestivum) against spot blotch pathogen (Cochliobolus sativus), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(11) DOI
2019 Varatharajan T.; Choudhary A.K.; Pooniya V.; Dass A.; Harish M.N. (2019). Integrated crop management practices for enhancing productivity, profitability, production-efficiency and monetary-efficiency of pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan) in Indo-Gangetic plains region, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(3) DOI
2019 Singhal P.; Kapoor R.; Saritha R.K.; Baranwal V.K. (2019). First report of grapevine yellow speckle viroid-2 infecting grapevine (Vitis vinifera) in india, Plant Disease (Plant Disease Reporter), 103(1) DOI
2019 Lai S.; Singh S.K.; Singh A.K.; Singh N.K. (2019). Comparison of polyhedrin partial sequence of npv variants pathogenic to tea pests (geometridae) in India and their phylogeny, Journal of Environmental Biology, 40(1) DOI
2019 Kumari M.; Swaroop K.; Singh S.K.; Kamil D.; Singh B.; Bharadwaj C. (2019). Response of gladiolus genotypes to in vivo inoculation of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. gladioli on growth, flowering and disease incidence, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(2) DOI
2019 Pooniya V.; Choudhary A.K.; Bana R.S.; Pankaj (2019). Zinc bio-fortification and kernel quality enhancement in elite Basmati rice (Oryza sativa) cultivars of south Asia through legume residue-recycling and zinc fertilization, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(2) DOI
2019 Kamakshi N.; Sagar D.; Jayalakshmi V.; Chander S. (2019). Weather based prediction model for beet armyworm (spodoptera exigua hubner) in chickpea, Journal of Environmental Biology, 40(1) DOI
2019 Dutta T.K.; Khan M.R.; Phani V. (2019). Plant-parasitic nematode management via biofumigation using brassica and non-brassica plants: Current status and future prospects, Current Plant Biology, 17() DOI
2019 Harish M.N.; Choudhary A.K.; Singh Y.V.; Pooniya V.; Anup D.A.S.; Varatharajan T.; Babu S. (2019). Influence of varieties and nutrient management practices on productivity, nutrient acquisition and resource-use efficiency of rice (Oryza sativa) in North-eastern hill region of India, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(2) DOI
2019 Das T.R.; Baisakh B. (2019). Genetic divergence among mutant genotypes of greengram [Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek], Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 10(1) DOI
2019 Meena A.L.; Pandey R.N.; Kumar D.; Sharma V.K.; Datta S.P.; Singh G. (2019). Relative impacts of long-term nutrient management practices on nitrogen dynamics in rice (Oryza sativa)-based organic cropping systems of Indo-Gangatic Plains, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(1) DOI
2019 Kiran R.; Kandan A.; Kumar P.; Singh D.; Akhtar J.; Singh B.; Dubey S.C. (2019). Development of species-specific primers for detection of xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris causing black rot of crucifers, Journal of Environmental Biology, 40(1) DOI
2019 Singh M.K.; Rai P.K.; Rai A.; Singh S.; Singh J.S. (2019). Poly-β-hydroxybutyrate production by the cyanobacterium scytonema geitleri bharadwaja under varying environmental conditions, Biomolecules, 9(5) DOI
2019 Choudhary J.; Singh S.; Tiwari R.; Goel R.; Nain L. (2019). An iTRAQ based comparative proteomic profiling of thermotolerant saccharomyces cerevisiae JRC6 in response to high temperature fermentation, Current Proteomics, 16(4) DOI
2019 Stori R.M.; Parihar C.M.; Ahmadi S.; Ahmadzai K.M.; Nayak H.S.; Jat S.L.; Mandal B.N.; Wasifhy M.K.; Sayedi S.A.; Shamsi A.B.; Ehsan Q.; Parihar M.D.; Kumar L.; Meena B.R. (2019). Economical optimum dose of phosphorus for mungbean (Vigna radiata) under contrasting tillage practices in arid region, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(1) DOI
2019 Maurya P.K.; Malik D.S.; Yadav K.K.; Kumar A.; Kumar S.; Kamyab H. (2019). Bioaccumulation and potential sources of heavy metal contamination in fish species in River Ganga basin: Possible human health risks evaluation, Toxicology Reports, 6() DOI
2019 Prasad R.; Shivay Y.S. (2019). Chenopodium species: From weeds to a healthy food grain 'quinoa', Current Science, 116(2) DOI
2019 Hossain F.; Chhabra R.; Devi E.L.; Zunjare R.U.; Jaiswal S.K.; Muthusamy V. (2019). Molecular analysis of mutant granule-bound starch synthase-I (waxy1) gene in diverse waxy maize inbreds, 3 Biotech, 9(1) DOI
2019 Shivakumara T.N.; Dutta T.K.; Mandal A.; Rao U. (2019). Estimation of lipid reserves in different life stages of Meloidogyne incognita using image analysis of Nile Red-stained nematodes, Nematology (Fundamental and Applied Nematology, Nematologica), 21(3) DOI
2019 Khar A.; Islam S.; Kalia P.; Bhatia R.; Kumar A. (2019). Present status of haploidy research in onion (Allium cepa) – A review, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(3) DOI
2019 Hamim H.; Choudhary A.K. (2019). Influence of varying potassium levels on yield, water productivity, profitability and resource-use efficiency in kharif mungbean (Vigna radiata) under semi-arid conditions of Afghanistan, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(3) DOI
2019 Singh Nain M.; Singh R.; Mishra J.R. (2019). Social networking of innovative farmers through WhatsApp messenger for learning exchange: A study of content sharing, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(3) DOI
2019 Subbaiyan G.K.; Masouleh A.K.; Furtado A.; Waters D.L.E.; Henry R.J. (2019). Re-sequencing Resources to Improve Starch and Grain Quality in Rice, Methods in Molecular Biology, 1892() DOI
2019 Das S.; Kumar N.; Das R.; Aditya K. (2019). Long term impact of nutrient management options on yield, and nutrient uptake by soybean and soil properties under soybean (Glycine max) - wheat (Triticum aestivum) cropping system in the Indian Himalayas, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(3) DOI
2019 Rakhee; Singh A.; Kumar A. (2019). Neural network models for prediction of evaporation based on weather variables, Communications in Computer and Information Science, 955() DOI
2019 Ramesh T.; Bolan N.S.; Kirkham M.B.; Wijesekara H.; Kanchikerimath M.; Srinivasa Rao C.; Sandeep S.; Rinklebe J.; Ok Y.S.; Choudhury B.U.; Wang H.; Tang C.; Wang X.; Song Z.; Freeman II O.W. (2019). Soil organic carbon dynamics: Impact of land use changes and management practices: A review, Advances in Agronomy, 156() DOI
2019 Vanlalruati; Anand P.; Kumar G.; Tiwari A.K. (2019). Effect of saline stress on growth and biochemical indices of chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium) germplasm, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(1) DOI
2019 Parihar M.D.; Parihar C.M.; Nanwal R.K.; Singh A.K.; Jat S.L.; Nayak H.S.; Ghasal P.C.; Jewlia H.R.; Choudhary M.; Jat M.L. (2019). Effect of different tillage and residue management practices on crop and water productivity and economics in maize (Zea mays) based rotations, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(2) DOI
2019 Gurjar D.S.; Kaur R.; Singh K.P.; Singh R. (2019). Nutrients and heavy metals accumulation in spike and bulb of tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa) under varied wastewater-groundwater irrigation regimes, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(1) DOI
2019 Rajpoot S.K.; Rana D.S.; Choudhary A.K.; Pande P. (2019). Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) establishment methods based system-intensification: Effects on Bt cotton growth, weed suppression, system crop and water productivity, system-profitability and land–use efficiency in Indo–Gangetic plains region, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(2) DOI
2019 Bhattacharyya S.; Burman R.R.; Paul S. (2019). The concept of measuring happiness and how India can go the Nordic Way, Current Science, 116(1) DOI
2019 Lal B.; Rana K.S.; Rana D.S.; Shivay Y.S.; Sharma D.K.; Meena B.P.; Gautam P. (2019). Biomass, yield, quality and moisture use of Brassica carinata as influenced by intercropping with chickpea under semiarid tropics, Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences, 18(1) DOI
2019 Sarma R.; Singh D.K. (2019). Spatio-temporal analysis of drought and aridity in Gomti basin, Current Science, 116(6) DOI
2019 Raman T.; Praveen S.; Shukla S. (2019). Micropropagation of Olea europaea L. cv. Barnea, through nodal segment of adventitious shoot and assessment of its genetic fidelity through molecular markers, Plant Cell Biotechnology and Molecular Biology, 20(01-Feb) DOI
2019 Sakhare A.S.; Kumar S.; Kumar R.R.; Bainsla N.K.; Gaikwad K.; Sharma R.K.; Chinnusamy V. (2019). A facile and cheaper method to measure root angle of rice and wheat, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(6) DOI
2019 Singh V.K.; Dwivedi B.S.; Mishra R.P.; Shukla A.K.; Timsina J.; Upadhyay P.K.; Shekhawat K.; Majumdar K.; Panwar A.S. (2019). Yields, soil health and farm profits under a rice-wheat system: Long-term effect of fertilizers and organic manures applied alone and in combination, Agronomy-Basel, 9(1) DOI
2019 Sen A.; Singh R.K.; Yadaw D.; Kumari P.; Srivastava V.K.; Upadhyay P.K.; Sankar A.; Mishra J.; Das A.; Zaidi N.W.; Dar M.H. (2019). Effect of trichoderma and hydrogel on growth, yield and yield attributes of direct seeded rice (Oryza sativa) under rainfed condition, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(2) DOI
2019 Ranjan R.; Yadav R.; Pandey R.; Jain N.; Bainsla N.K.; Gaikwad K.B.; Singh A.M. (2019). Variation in wheat (Triticum aestivum) advance lines and released cultivars for traits associated with nitrogen use efficiency under N limiting environment, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(1) DOI
2019 Gurjar D.S.; Singh R.; Kaur R.; Singh K.P. (2019). Physical and microbiological health of soil under wastewater irrigation in tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(2) DOI
2019 Nath S.; Kumar A.; Mani I.; Singh J.K.; Sureja A.K. (2019). Determination of physical and mechanical properties of carrot (Daucus carota) for designing combine harvesting mechanism, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(6) DOI
2019 Meena R.K.; Vikas; Verma T.P.; Yadav R.P.; Mahapatra S.K.; Surya J.N.; Singh D.; Singh S.K. (2019). Local perceptions and adaptation of indigenous communities to climate change: Evidences from high mountain pangi valley of Indian himalayas, Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, 18(1) DOI
2019 Usha K.; Singh O.P.; Yadav A.; Nayan Deepak G.; Singh B.; Sharma D.K. (2019). Screening of mango (Mangifera indica) germplasm for identification of sources resistant to mango malformation, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(2) DOI
2019 Phani V.; Somvanshi V.S.; Rao U.; Khan M.R. (2019). Paratylenchus jasmineae sp. n. (Nematoda: Paratylenchinae) from rhizosphere of Jasminum sambac in India, Nematology (Fundamental and Applied Nematology, Nematologica), 21(5) DOI
2019 Upadhyay P.K.; Sen A.; Rathore S.S.; Kumar B.; Singh R.K.; Prasad S.K.; Sankar A. (2019). Scientific validation of indigenous organic formulation-panchagavya for sustaining rice productivity and residual effect in rice-lentil system under hot semi-arid eco-region of middle indo-gangetic plains, Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, 18(1) DOI
2019 Kingra P.K.; Kaur R.; Kaur S. (2019). Climate change impacts on rice (Oryza sativa) productivity and strategies for its sustainable management, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(2) DOI
2019 Bijarniya H.; Khura T.K.; Mani I.; Kushwaha H.L.; Lande S.D.; Sarkar S.K. (2019). Development of liquid urea ammonium nitrate fertilizer foliar application system for enhanced nutrient use efficiency, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(1) DOI
2019 Sreedevi K.; Sharma M.; Ghate H.V. (2019). New record of low's Flatfaced longhorn beetle Sarothrocera lowii white, 1846 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lamiinae: Lamiini) in Nagaland, India, along with first-time descriptions of male and female genitalia, Journal of Threatened Taxa, 11(3) DOI
2019 Jha G.K.; Suresh A.; Punera B.; Supriya P. (2019). Growth of horticulture sector in India: Trends and prospects, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(2) DOI
2019 Pukalenthy B.; Manickam D.; Chandran S.; Adhimoolam K.; Sampathrajan V.; Rajasekaran R.; Arunachalam K.; Ganapathyswamy H.; Chocklingam V.; Muthusamy V.; Hossain F.; Natesan S. (2019). Incorporation of opaque-2 into ‘UMI 1200’, an elite maize inbred line, through marker-assisted backcross breeding, Biotechnology and Biotechnological Equipment, 33(1) DOI
2019 Gurjar D.S.; Singh R.; Kaur R.; Singh K.P. (2019). Short-term impact of wastewater irrigation on chemical soil health in tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(3) DOI
2019 Mondal S.; Das T.K.; Thomas P.; Mishra A.K.; Bandyopadhyay K.K.; Aggarwal P.; Chakraborty D. (2019). Effect of conservation agriculture on soil hydro-physical properties, total and particulate organic carbon and root morphology in wheat (Triticum aestivum) under rice (Oryza sativa)-wheat system, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(1) DOI
2019 Prasad K.; Sharma R.R.; Sethi S.; Srivastav M. (2019). Influence of harvesting method on postharvest loss, shelf-life and quality of mango (Mangifera indica) fruits, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(3) DOI
2019 Yadav R.S.; Jha S.K.; Sinha J.P.; Aradwad P.; Gaikwad N.; Arun Kumar T.V.; Samuel D.V.K. (2019). Cross-flow thin bed drying characteristics of maize (Zea mays) using continuous sample weight measurement, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(3) DOI
2019 Bala M.; Solanki C.; Arun Kumar T.V.; Tushir S.; Kumar R. (2019). Effect of moisture content on some physical properties of HQPM 5 quality protein maize (Zea mays), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(3) DOI
2019 van Etten J.; de Sousa K.; Aguilar A.; Barrios M.; Coto A.; Dell’Acqua M.; Fadda C.; Gebrehawaryat Y.; van de Gevel J.; Gupta A.; Kiros A.Y.; Madriz B.; Mathur P.; Mengistu D.K.; Mercado L.; Mohammed J.N.; Paliwal A.; Pè M.E.; Quirós C.F.; Rosas J.C.; Sharma N.; Singh S.S.; Solanki I.S.; Steinke J. (2019). Crop variety management for climate adaptation supported by citizen science, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 116(10) DOI
2019 Khan M.R.; Phani V.; Chauhan K.; Somvanshi V.S.; Pervez R.; Walia R.K. (2019). Redescription and molecular characterisation of Hemicriconemoides rosae Rathour, Sharma, Singh & Ganguly, 2003 from rhizosphere of sugarcane in India, Nematology (Fundamental and Applied Nematology, Nematologica), 21(7) DOI
2019 Krishnappa G.; Srinivasan K.; Singh A.M.; Mishra A.; Ahlawat A.K.; Singh G.P.; Jacob S.R. (2019). Exploratory studies on components of variability for seed longevity and quality traits in bread (Triticum aestivum) and durum (Triticum durum) wheat, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(3) DOI
2019 Raghav R.S.; Khichi D.S.; Singh Y.V. (2019). In vitro bioassay of secondary metabolites of soybean (Glycine max) plant roots and their effect on growth of bacteria, hormones and plants, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(3) DOI
2019 Patel S.; Singh C.P.; Yadav S.K. (2019). Monitoring of insect-pest complex on rapeseed-mustard at Pantnagar, Journal of Entomological Research, 43(1) DOI
2019 Nishad J.; Saha S.; Kaur C. (2019). Enzyme- and ultrasound-assisted extractions of polyphenols from Citrus sinensis (cv. Malta) peel: A comparative study, Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 43(8) DOI
2019 Bhugra S.; Mishra D.; Anupama A.; Chaudhury S.; Lall B.; Chugh A.; Chinnusamy V. (2019). Deep convolutional neural networks based framework for estimation of stomata density and structure from microscopic images, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 11134 LNCS() DOI
2019 Renjini V.R.; Jha G.K. (2019). Oilseeds sector in India: A trade policy perspective, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(1) DOI
2019 Lenka S.K.; Singh A.K.; Muthusamy S.K.; Smita S.; Chinnusamy V.; Bansal K.C. (2019). Heterologous expression of rice RNA-binding glycine-rich (RBG) gene OsRBGD3 in transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana confers cold stress tolerance, Functional Plant Biology, 46(5) DOI
2019 Singh A.; Singh Y.; Singh R.; Upadhyay P.K.; Kumar R.; Singh R.K. (2019). Effect of cultivars and weed management practices on weeds, productivity and profitability in zero-till direct-seeded rice (Oryza sativa), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(2) DOI
2019 Sattar A.; Naveed M.; Ali M.; Zahir Z.A.; Nadeem S.M.; Yaseen M.; Meena V.S.; Farooq M.; Singh R.; Rahman M.; Meena H.N. (2019). Perspectives of potassium solubilizing microbes in sustainable food production system: A review, Applied Soil Ecology, 133() DOI
2019 Singh Y.V.; Gaind S. (2019). Inorganic phosphorus fractions and crop productivity in response to different rates of phosphate-solubilising fungi Penicillium bilaii, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(2) DOI
2019 Gaur P.M.; Samineni S.; Thudi M.; Tripathi S.; Sajja S.B.; Jayalakshmi V.; Mannur D.M.; Vijayakumar A.G.; Ganga Rao N.V.P.R.; Ojiewo C.; Fikre A.; Kimurto P.; Kileo R.O.; Girma N.; Chaturvedi S.K.; Varshney R.; Dixit G.P. (2019). Integrated breeding approaches for improving drought and heat adaptation in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), Plant Breeding, 138(4) DOI
2019 Priyadarshni P.; Padaria R.N.; Burman R.R.; Kumbhare N.V.; Varghese E. (2019). Enhancement of diffusion and adoption of local knowledge through social learning: A case study of white fly management in cotton in Haryana, Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, 18(1) DOI
2019 Yadav A.; Usha K.; Jayaswal P.K. (2019). In-silico analysis of WRKY Transcription Factors gene family in healthy and malformed stages of mango (Mangifera indica), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(1) DOI
2019 Sajesh V.K.; Padaria R.N. (2019). Farmers’ extension priorities and service quality of extension agencies: Evidences from Maharashtra state of India, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(3) DOI
2019 Yalamalle V.R.; Tomar B.S. (2019). Effect of scape regulation on seed yield and quality in onion (Allium cepa), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(1) DOI
2019 Jaiswal A.; Mishra R.; Koli D.K.; Sharma V.K.; Pabbi S. (2019). Evaluation of growth, nitrogen fixation and P-solubilizing ability of diazotrophic cyanobacteria under mineral phosphorus sources, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(3) DOI
2019 Kesharwani A.K.; Mishra J. (2019). Detection of β-lactamase and antibiotic susceptibility of clinical isolates of Staphylococcus aureus, Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, 17() DOI
2019 Shruti; Sharma J.P.; Gills R. (2019). Potential and prospects of value chain development for fruits and vegetables in India, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(1) DOI
2019 Parray R.A.; Mani I.; Kumar A.; Khura T.K. (2019). Development of web-based combine harvester custom-hiring model for rice-wheat cropping system, Current Science, 116(1) DOI
2019 Basu U.; Bajaj D.; Sharma A.; Malik N.; Daware A.; Narnoliya L.; Thakro V.; Upadhyaya H.D.; Kumar R.; Tripathi S.; Bharadwaj C.; Tyagi A.K.; Parida S.K. (2019). Genetic dissection of photosynthetic efficiency traits for enhancing seed yield in chickpea, Plant Cell and Environment, 42(1) DOI
2019 Rama Krishna K.; Sharma R.R.; Kar A.; Srivastav M. (2019). Non-destructive detection of jelly seed disorder in Amrapali and Pusa Surya varieties of mango (Mangifera indica), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(1) DOI
2019 Sureshkumar V.; Dutta B.; Kumar V.; Prakash G.; Mishra D.C.; Chaturvedi K.K.; Rai A.; Sevanthi A.M.; Solanke A.U. (2019). RiceMetaSysB: A database of blast and bacterial blight responsive genes in rice and its utilization in identifying key blast-resistant WRKY genes, Database, 2019(1) DOI
2019 Pal R.; Kaur R.; Rajwar D.; Rai J.P.N. (2019). Induction of non-protein thiols and phytochelatins by cadmium in Eichhornia crassipes, International Journal of Phytoremediation, 21(8) DOI
2019 Laulina K.; Hasan M.; Singh D.K. (2019). Response of different colour plastic mulches on water dynamics under drip fertigated greenhouse capsicum (Capsicum annuum), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(3) DOI
2019 Islam S.; Khar A.; Singh S.; Tomar B.S. (2019). Variability, heritability and trait association studies for bulb and antioxidant traits in onion (Allium cepa) varieties, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(3) DOI
2019 Saran P.L.; Patel R.; Meena R.P.; Kalariya K.A.; Choudhary R. (2019). Mini cutting technique: An easy and cost-effective way of Tinospora cordifolia multiplication, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(2) DOI
2019 Mondal S.; Sarkar P.; Singh A.; Khan M.R.; Mukherjee A. (2019). Distribution and community structure of plant-parasitic nematodes and their relationship with some soil properties in betel vine-growing regions of West Bengal, India, Nematology (Fundamental and Applied Nematology, Nematologica), 21(6) DOI
2019 Kumar P.; Sethi S.; Sharma R.R.; Singh S.; Saha S.; Sharma V.K.; Sharma S.K.; Varghese E. (2019). Influence of altitudinal variation on the physical and biochemical characteristics of apple (Malus demostica), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(1) DOI
2019 Singh B.; Sindhu S.S.; Arora A.; Yadav H. (2019). Evaluation of physiological and growing behavior of warm season turfgrass species against salinity stress, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(3) DOI
2019 Rakhee; Kumar A.; Thakur A.; Birah A.; Nigam R. (2019). Mobile application for dissemination of advisories on pest and diseases of rice & mustard, Communications in Computer and Information Science, 955() DOI
2019 Asseng S.; Martre P.; Maiorano A.; Rötter R.P.; O’Leary G.J.; Fitzgerald G.J.; Girousse C.; Motzo R.; Giunta F.; Babar M.A.; Reynolds M.P.; Kheir A.M.S.; Thorburn P.J.; Waha K.; Ruane A.C.; Aggarwal P.K.; Ahmed M.; Balkovič J.; Basso B.; Biernath C.; Bindi M.; Cammarano D.; Challinor A.J.; De Sanctis G.; Dumont B.; Eyshi Rezaei E.; Fereres E.; Ferrise R.; Garcia-Vila M.; Gayler S.; Gao Y.; Horan H.; Hoogenboom G.; Izaurralde R.C.; Jabloun M.; Jones C.D.; Kassie B.T.; Kersebaum K.-C.; Klein C.; Koehler A.-K.; Liu B.; Minoli S.; Montesino San Martin M.; Müller C.; Naresh Kumar S.; Nendel C.; Olesen J.E.; Palosuo T.; Porter J.R.; Priesack E.; Ripoche D.; Semenov M.A.; Stöckle C.; Stratonovitch P.; Streck T.; Supit I.; Tao F.; Van der Velde M.; Wallach D.; Wang E.; Webber H.; Wolf J.; Xiao L.; Zhang Z.; Zhao Z.; Zhu Y.; Ewert F. (2019). Climate change impact and adaptation for wheat protein, Global Change Biology, 25(1) DOI
2018 Prameeladevi T.; Prabhakaran N.; Kamil D.; Toppo R.S.; Tyagi A. (2018). Trichoderma pseudokoningii identified based on morphology was re-identified as T. longibrachiatum through molecular characterization, Indian Phytopathology, 71(4) DOI
2018 Kamra A. (2018). Effect of Brassicca cultivar on biofumigation for management of plant-parasitic nematodes, Indian Journal of Nematology, 48(2) DOI
2018 Prasad S.; Malav M.K.; Kumar S.; Singh A.; Pant D.; Radhakrishnan S. (2018). Enhancement of bio-ethanol production potential of wheat straw by reducing furfural and 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF), Bioresource Technology Reports, 4() DOI
2018 Bashyal B.M. (2018). Etiology of an emerging disease: bakanae of rice, Indian Phytopathology, 71(4) DOI
2018 Mohammad Stori R.; Mohammad Ahmadzai K.; Parihar C.M.; Jat S.L.; Mandal B.N.; Kumar L.; Meena B.R. (2018). Effect of tillage practices and phosphorus doses on the performance of mungbean (Vigna radiata) in semi-arid Kandahar region of Afghanistan, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 63(4) DOI
2018 Singh S.; Sellaperumal C.; Singh A.P.; Pankaj (2018). Incidence and population density of plant parasitic nematodes infecting vegetable crops and associated yield losses in eastern Uttar Pradesh, Indian Journal of Nematology, 48(2) DOI
2018 Vinutha T.; Kumar G.; Garg V.; Canto T.; Palukaitis P.; Ramesh S.V.; Praveen S. (2018). Tomato geminivirus encoded RNAi suppressor protein, AC4 interacts with host AGO4 and precludes viral DNA methylation, Gene, 678() DOI
2018 Kumar S.; Chinnusamy V.; Mohapatra T. (2018). Epigenetics of Modified DNA Bases: 5-Methylcytosine and Beyond, Frontiers in Genetics, 9() DOI
2018 Singh S.; Kant C.; Yadav R.K.; Reddy Y.P.; Abraham G. (2018). Cyanobacterial Exopolysaccharides: Composition, Biosynthesis, and Biotechnological Applications, Cyanobacteria: From Basic Science to Applications, () DOI
2018 Patel N.; Rajput T.B.S.; Dinkar D.K.; Ram S.; Singla S.K. (2018). DOMIS: A decision support system for design and cost estimation of micro-irrigation systems, Current Science, 115(12) DOI
2018 Gurjar M.S.; Kumar R.; Singh D.; Bag T.K. (2018). Development of fungicides spray schedule to manage the late blight of potato in north eastern Himalayan region of India, Indian Phytopathology, 71(4) DOI
2018 Meshram N.M.; Stuti; Raza Hashmi T. (2018). First record of the leafhopper genus xenovarta viraktamath (hemiptera, cicadellidae, deltocephalinae) from India with description of a new species, Zootaxa, 4532(3) DOI
2018 Manjaiah K.M.; Mukhopadhyay R.; Paul R.; Datta S.C.; Kumararaja P.; Sarkar B. (2018). Clay minerals and zeolites for environmentally sustainable agriculture, Modified Clay and Zeolite Nanocomposite Materials: Environmental and Pharmaceutical Applications, () DOI
2018 Sarkar B.; Rusmin R.; Ugochukwu U.C.; Mukhopadhyay R.; Manjaiah K.M. (2018). Modified clay minerals for environmental applications, Modified Clay and Zeolite Nanocomposite Materials: Environmental and Pharmaceutical Applications, () DOI
2018 Tyagi S.; Mazumdar P.A.; Mayee P.; Shivaraj S.M.; Anand S.; Singh A.; Madhurantakam C.; Sharma P.; Das S.; Kumar A.; Singh A. (2018). Natural variation in Brassica FT homeologs influences multiple agronomic traits including flowering time, silique shape, oil profile, stomatal morphology and plant height in B. juncea, Plant Science (Plant Science Letters), 277() DOI
2018 Rana D.S.; Dass A.; Rajanna G.A.; Choudhary A.K. (2018). Fertilizer phosphorus solubility effects on Indian Mustard–Maize and wheat–soybean cropping systems productivity, Agronomy Journal, 110(6) DOI
2018 Mehraj U.; Panwar S.; Singh K.P.; Namita; Pandey R.; Solanke A.U.; Mallick N. (2018). Development of protocol for in vitro rooting and hardening of doubled haploid line of Tagetes erecta L. derived through ovule culture, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 75(4) DOI
2018 Jambhulkar P.P.; Sharma P.; Manokaran R.; Lakshman D.K.; Rokadia P.; Jambhulkar N. (2018). Assessing synergism of combined applications of Trichoderma harzianum and Pseudomonas fluorescens to control blast and bacterial leaf blight of rice, European Journal of Plant Pathology, 152(3) DOI
2018 Singh S.; Kumar N.R.; Maniraj R.; Lakshmikanth R.; Rao K.Y.S.; Muralimohan N.; Arulprakash T.; Karthik K.; Shashibhushan N.B.; Vinutha T.; Pattanayak D.; Dash P.K.; Kumar P.A.; Sreevathsa R. (2018). Expression of Cry2Aa, a Bacillus thuringiensis insecticidal protein in transgenic pigeon pea confers resistance to gram pod borer, Helicoverpa armigera, Scientific Reports, 8(1) DOI
2018 Badiger M.; Yadav R.K. (2018). Genetic variability and association of yield with its component traits in Okra, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 75(4) DOI
2018 Singh S.K.; Tomar B.S.; Anand A.; Kumari S.; Prakash K. (2018). Effect of growth regulators on growth, seed yield and quality attributes in garden pea (Pisum sativum var Hortense) cv. Pusa Pragati, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88(11) DOI
2018 PARIHAR C.M.; YADAV M.R.; JAT S.L.; SINGH A.K.; KUMAR B.; POONIYA V.; PRADHAN S.; VERMA R.K.; JAT M.L.; JAT R.K.; PARIHAR M.D.; NAYAK H.S.; SAHARAWAT Y.S. (2018). Long-Term Conservation Agriculture and Intensified Cropping Systems: Effects on Growth, Yield, Water, and Energy-use Efficiency of Maize in Northwestern India, Pedosphere, 28(6) DOI
2018 Kumar A.; Batra R.; Gahlaut V.; Gautam T.; Kumar S.; Sharma M.; Tyagi S.; Singh K.P.; Balyan H.S.; Pandey R.; Gupta P.K. (2018). Genome-wide identification and characterization of gene family for RWP-RK transcription factors in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), PLoS ONE, 13(12) DOI
2018 Rajgopal N.N.; Meshram N.M. (2018). Second species of unusual leafhopper genus Univagris (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Deltocephalinae) from India, Zootaxa, 4514(3) DOI
2018 Mishra M.; Sharma K.; Subramanian S. (2018). Characterization of culturable gut bacterial isolates from wild population of melon fruit fly (Bactrocera cucurbitae) and assessing their attractancy potential for sustainable pest management, Phytoparasitica, 46(5) DOI
2018 Oyeogbe A.I.; Das T.K.; Rana K.S.; Paul S.; Bandyopadhyay K.K.; Bhatia A.; Singh S.B.; Rishi R.A.J. (2018). Weed and nitrogen management effects on weed suppression, soil properties and crop productivity in a maize (Zea mays) – Wheat (Triticum aestivum) cropping system under conservation agriculture, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88(11) DOI
2018 Gurav P.P.; Datta S.C.; Ray S.K.; Choudhari P.L.; Ahmed N. (2018). Assessment of potassium release threshold levels of Vertisols (shrink-swell soils) in different agro-ecological regions of India, Applied Clay Science, 165() DOI
2018 Kumar R.; Patra M.K.; Thirugnanavel A.; Deka B.C.; Chatterjee D.; Borah T.R.; Rajesha G.; Talang H.D.; Ray S.K.; Kumar M.; Upadhyay P.K. (2018). Comparative evaluation of different integrated farming system models for small and marginal farmers under the Eastern Himalayas, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88(11) DOI
2018 Rudra S.G.; Nishani S.; Singh B.P. (2018). On-line rheology of pearl millet flours during extrusion: Effect of native amylose, Journal of Food Process Engineering, 41(8) DOI
2018 Phani V.; Shivakumara T.N.; Davies K.G.; Rao U. (2018). Knockdown of a mucin-like gene in Meloidogyne incognita (Nematoda) decreases attachment of endospores of Pasteuria penetrans to the infective juveniles and reduces nematode fecundity, Molecular Plant Pathology, 19(11) DOI
2018 Aradwad P.P.; Sinha J.P.; Arun Kumar T.V.; Yadav R.S.; Samuel D.V.K. (2018). Development of solar powered screen cleaner, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88(12) DOI
2018 Singh G.; Bhattacharyya R.; Das T.K.; Sharma A.R.; Ghosh A.; Das S.; Jha P. (2018). Crop rotation and residue management effects on soil enzyme activities, glomalin and aggregate stability under zero tillage in the Indo-Gangetic Plains, Soil & Tillage Research, 184() DOI
2018 Pal A.; Sepat S.; Bana R.S.; Singh C.V.; Singh A. (2018). Varieties and phosphorus fertilization effects on productivity and profitability of direct-seeded upland rice (Oryza sativa) in Eastern India, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 63(4) DOI
2018 Cholla A.; Chander S.; Kaur J.; Suby S.B.; Kumar P. (2018). Improved method of screening maize germplasm for resistance against chilo partellus (Swinhoe), Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 78(4) DOI
2018 Roorkiwal M.; Jarquin D.; Singh M.K.; Gaur P.M.; Bharadwaj C.; Rathore A.; Howard R.; Srinivasan S.; Jain A.; Garg V.; Kale S.; Chitikineni A.; Tripathi S.; Jones E.; Robbins K.R.; Crossa J.; Varshney R.K. (2018). Genomic-enabled prediction models using multi-environment trials to estimate the effect of genotype × environment interaction on prediction accuracy in chickpea, Scientific Reports, 8(1) DOI
2018 Singh R.; Das T.K.; Kaur R.; Raj R.; Shekhawat K. (2018). Weed Management in Dryland Agriculture in India for Enhanced Resource Use Efficiency and Livelihood Security, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences India Section B - Biological Sciences, 88(4) DOI
2018 Shahane A.A.; Shivay Y.S.; Kumar D.; Prasanna R. (2018). Interaction effect of nitrogen, phosphorus, and zinc fertilization on growth, yield, and nutrient contents of aromatic rice varieties, Journal of Plant Nutrition, 41(18) DOI
2018 Hanuman R.A.M.; Dhar S.; Choudhary H.; Sharma R.K.; Solanke A.U.; Prasad; Tomar B.S. (2018). Combining ability analysis for earliness and yield related characters in pea (Pisum sativum), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88(11) DOI
2018 Yadav D.; Shivay Y.S.; Singh Y.V.; Sharma V.K.; Bhatia A. (2018). Effect of in-situ and ex-situ green manuring and zinc fertilization on growth and productivity of basmati rice (Oryza sativa) under rice–wheat cropping system, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 63(4) DOI
2018 Rakhee; Singh A.; Kumar A. (2018). Weather based fuzzy regression models for prediction of rice yield, Journal of Agrometeorology, 20(4) DOI
2018 Wallach D.; Martre P.; Liu B.; Asseng S.; Ewert F.; Thorburn P.J.; van Ittersum M.; Aggarwal P.K.; Ahmed M.; Basso B.; Biernath C.; Cammarano D.; Challinor A.J.; De Sanctis G.; Dumont B.; Eyshi Rezaei E.; Fereres E.; Fitzgerald G.J.; Gao Y.; Garcia-Vila M.; Gayler S.; Girousse C.; Hoogenboom G.; Horan H.; Izaurralde R.C.; Jones C.D.; Kassie B.T.; Kersebaum K.C.; Klein C.; Koehler A.-K.; Maiorano A.; Minoli S.; Müller C.; Naresh Kumar S.; Nendel C.; O'Leary G.J.; Palosuo T.; Priesack E.; Ripoche D.; Rötter R.P.; Semenov M.A.; Stöckle C.; Stratonovitch P.; Streck T.; Supit I.; Tao F.; Wolf J.; Zhang Z. (2018). Multimodel ensembles improve predictions of crop–environment–management interactions, Global Change Biology, 24(11) DOI
2018 Chaurasiya J.; Verma R.B.; Verma R.K.; Panwar G.S.; Patel V.B.; Saha B.C. (2018). Effect of weed management practices on growth, yield and quality of onion, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 75(4) DOI
2018 Saha S.; Kalia P.; Sarkar S.K. (2018). Evaluation of lettuce genotypes for mineral content, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 75(4) DOI
2018 Kumar Singh S.; Tomar B.S.; Shivay Y.S.; Joshi M.A.; Anand A.; Prasad R.; Kumari S. (2018). Effect of levels and sources of phosphorus on morpho-physiological, seed yield and quality parameters in garden pea (Pisum sativum), Indian Journal of Agronomy, 63(4) DOI
2018 Mahawar H.; Prasanna R. (2018). Prospecting the interactions of nanoparticles with beneficial microorganisms for developing green technologies for agriculture, Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring and Management, 10() DOI
2018 Changan S.S.; Ali K.; Kumar V.; Garg N.K.; Tyagi A. (2018). Abscisic acid biosynthesis under water stress: anomalous behavior of the 9-cis-epoxycarotenoid dioxygenase1 (NCED1) gene in rice, Biologia Plantarum, 62(4) DOI
2018 Subudhi P.K.; De Leon T.B.; Tapia R.; Chai C.; Karan R.; Ontoy J.; Singh P.K. (2018). Genetic interaction involving photoperiod-responsive Hd1 promotes early flowering under long-day conditions in rice, Scientific Reports, 8(1) DOI
2018 Mathur C.; Kushwah J.; Somvanshi V.S.; Dutta T.K. (2018). A 37 kDa Txp40 protein characterized from Photorhabdus luminescens sub sp. akhurstii conferred injectable and oral toxicity to greater wax moth, Galleria mellonella, Toxicon, 154() DOI
2018 Singh D.; Geat N.; Rajawat M.V.S.; Prasanna R.; Kar A.; Singh A.M.; Saxena A.K. (2018). Prospecting endophytes from different Fe or Zn accumulating wheat genotypes for their influence as inoculants on plant growth, yield, and micronutrient content, Annals of Microbiology, 68(12) DOI
2018 Singh S.; Vikram P.; Sehgal D.; Burgueño J.; Sharma A.; Singh S.K.; Sansaloni C.P.; Joynson R.; Brabbs T.; Ortiz C.; Solis-Moya E.; Govindan V.; Gupta N.; Sidhu H.S.; Basandrai A.K.; Basandrai D.; Ledesma-Ramires L.; Suaste-Franco M.P.; Fuentes-Dávila G.; Moreno J.I.; Sonder K.; Singh V.K.; Shokat S.; Arif M.A.R.; Laghari K.A.; Srivastava P.; Bhavani S.; Kumar S.; Pal D.; Jaiswal J.P.; Kumar U.; Chaudhary H.K.; Crossa J.; Payne T.S.; Imtiaz M.; Sohu V.S.; Singh G.P.; Bains N.S.; Hall A.; Pixley K.V. (2018). Harnessing genetic potential of wheat germplasm banks through impact-oriented-prebreeding for future food and nutritional security, Scientific Reports, 8(1) DOI
2018 Yadav R.S.; Singh V.; Pal S.; Meena S.K.; Meena V.S.; Sarma B.K.; Singh H.B.; Rakshit A. (2018). Seed bio-priming of baby corn emerged as a viable strategy for reducing mineral fertilizer use and increasing productivity, Scientia Horticulturae, 241() DOI
2018 Gautam N.K.; Bhardwaj R.; Yadav S.; Suneja P.; Tripathi K.; Ram B. (2018). Identification of lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) germplasm rich in protein and amino acids for utilization in crop improvement, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 78(4) DOI
2018 Chakraborty D.; Sehgal V.K.; Dhakar R.; Varghese E.; Das D.K.; Ray M. (2018). Changes in daily maximum temperature extremes across India over 1951–2014 and their relation with cereal crop productivity, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 32(11) DOI
2018 Phani V.; Somvanshi V.S.; Rao U. (2018). Silencing of a Meloidogyne incognita selenium-binding protein alters the cuticular adhesion of Pasteuria penetrans endospores, Gene, 677() DOI
2018 Kumar T.; Bharadwaj C.; Tiwari N.; Satyavathi C.T.; Patil B.S.; Sarker A.; Alam A. (2018). Morphological characterization and grouping of chickpea (Cicer arietinum) genotypes for drought tolerance, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88(11) DOI
2018 Singh A.K.; Bhatt Y.C. (2018). Wear on circular orifice plate of hollow-cone type agrochemical spray nozzles, Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal, 20(3) DOI
2018 Gurjar D.S.; Kaur R.; Singh K.P. (2018). Irrigation requirement, water use efficiency and bulb productivity of tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa) under varied wastewater-groundwater irrigation regimes, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88(12) DOI
2018 Hada A.; Krishnan V.; Mohamed Jaabir M.S.; Kumari A.; Jolly M.; Praveen S.; Sachdev A. (2018). Improved Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] following optimization of culture conditions and mechanical techniques, In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology - Plant, 54(6) DOI
2018 Srivastava A.; Mohan S.; Mauchline T.H.; Davies K.G. (2018). Evidence for diversifying selection of genetic regions of encoding putative collagen-like host-adhesive fibers in Pasteuria penetrans, FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 95(1) DOI
2018 Behera B.; Das T.K.; Ghosh S.; Kaur R.; Singh R. (2018). Brown manuring in maize (Zea mays): Effects on weed interference and crop productivity, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 63(4) DOI
2018 Pareek A.; Arora A.; Dhankher O.P. (2018). Stepping forward and taking reverse as we move ahead in genetics, Indian Journal of Plant Physiology, 23(4) DOI
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2018 Babu S.; Yadav G.S.; Singh R.; Avasthe R.K.; Das A.; Mohapatra K.P.; Tahashildar M.; Kumar K.; Prabha M.; Thoithoi Devi M.; Rana D.S.; Pande P.; Prakash N. (2018). Production technology and multifarious uses of buckwheat (Fagopyrum spp.): A review, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 63(4) DOI
2018 Chaudhary N.; Sindhu S.S.; Kumar R.; Saha T.N.; Raju D.V.S.; Arora A.; Sharma R.R. (2018). Effect of growing media composition on growth, flowering and bulb production of LA hybrid (Red Alert) and Oriental (Avocado) group of Lilium under protected condition, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88(12) DOI
2018 Pramanik P.; Chakrabarti B.; Bhatia A.; Singh S.D.; Mridha N.; Krishnan P. (2018). Effect of elevated carbon dioxide on soil hydrothermal regimes and growth of maize crop (Zea mays L.) in semi-arid tropics of Indo-Gangetic Plains, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 190(11) DOI
2018 Katyal M.; Virdi A.S.; Singh N.; Chopra N.; Kaur A.; Ahlawat A.K.; Singh A.M. (2018). Fractionation and grain hardness effect on protein profiling, pasting and rheological properties of flours from medium-hard and extraordinarily soft wheat varieties, Journal of Food Science and Technology, 55(11) DOI
2018 Ram H.; Dey S.S.; Gopala Krishnan S.; Kar A.; Bhardwaj R.; Arun Kumar M.B.; Kalia P.; Sureja A.K. (2018). Heterosis and Combining Ability for Mineral Nutrients in Snowball Cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis L.) Using Ogura Cytoplasmic Male Sterile Lines, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences India Section B - Biological Sciences, 88(4) DOI
2018 Singh S.; Bhatia R.; Kumar R.; Sharma K.; Dash S.; Dey S.S. (2018). Cytoplasmic male sterile and doubled haploid lines with desirable combining ability enhances the concentration of important antioxidant attributes in Brassica oleracea, Euphytica, 214(11) DOI
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2018 Kohli D.; Chidambaranathan P.; Prasanth Tej Kumar J.; Singh A.K.; Kumar A.; Sirohi A.; Subramaniam K.; Srinivasan R.; Bharadvaja N.; Jain P.K. (2018). Host-mediated RNAi of a Notch-like receptor gene in Meloidogyne incognita induces nematode resistance, Parasitology, 145(14) DOI
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2018 Avashthi H.; Pathak R.K.; Pandey N.; Arora S.; Mishra A.K.; Gupta V.K.; Ramteke P.W.; Kumar A. (2018). Transcriptome-wide identification of genes involved in Ascorbate–Glutathione cycle (Halliwell–Asada pathway) and related pathway for elucidating its role in antioxidative potential in finger millet (Eleusine coracana (L.)), 3 Biotech, 8(12) DOI
2018 Jayarajan S.; Sharma R.R. (2018). Impact of nitric oxide on shelf life and quality of nectarine (Prunus persica var. nucipersica), Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 40(12) DOI
2018 Ram H.; Singh R.K.; Pal G.; Agarwal D.K.; Kumar R. (2018). Effect of tillage practices and genotypes on growth, seed yield and nutrient uptake in wheat (Triticum aestivum), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88(11) DOI
2018 Srivastava T.K.; Singh K.P.; Singh P.; Suman A.; Singh S.R.; Verma R.R.; Singh V.K.; Singh R.K. (2018). Effect of bio-manures on soil quality, cane productivity and soil carbon sequestration under long-term sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) plant - Ratoon system in Indian sub-tropics, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88(11) DOI
2018 Khan M.R.; Pal S.; Singh A.; Patel A.D.; Patel B.A.; Ghule T.M.; Phani V. (2018). Further observations on meloidogyne indica whitehead, 1968 from India, Pakistan Journal of Zoology, 50(6) DOI
2018 Shukla A.; Srivastava N.; Suneja P.; Yadav S.K.; Hussain Z.; Rana J.C.; Yadav S. (2018). Genetic diversity analysis in buckwheat germplasm for nutritional traits, Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 56(11) DOI
2018 Mondal T.K.; Panda A.K.; Rawal H.C.; Sharma T.R. (2018). Discovery of microRNA-target modules of African rice (Oryza glaberrima) under salinity stress, Scientific Reports, 8(1) DOI
2018 Sharma S.; Varghese E.; Arora A.; Singh K.N.; Singh S.; Nain L.; Paul D. (2018). Corrigendum: Augmenting pentose utilization and ethanol production of native Saccharomyces Cerevisiae LN using medium engineering and response surface methodology [Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol, 6, 132 (2018)] doi: 10.3389/fbioe.2018.00132, Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 6(NOV) DOI
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2018 Singh C.K.; Singh D.; Tomar R.S.S.; Karwa S.; Upadhyaya K.C.; Pal M. (2018). Molecular mapping of aluminium resistance loci based on root re-growth and Al-induced fluorescent signals (callose accumulation) in lentil (Lens culinaris Medikus), Molecular Biology Reports, 45(6) DOI
2018 Mohammad A.; Sudhishri S.; Das T.K.; Singh M.; Bhattacharyya R.; Dass A.; Khanna M.; Sharma V.K.; Dwivedi N.; Kumar M. (2018). Water balance in direct-seeded rice under conservation agriculture in North-western Indo-Gangetic Plains of India, Irrigation Science, 36(6) DOI
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2018 Meena V.S.; Zaid A.; Maurya B.R.; Meena S.K.; Bahadur I.; Saha M.; Kumar A.; Verma R.; Wani S.H. (2018). Evaluation of potassium solubilizing rhizobacteria (KSR): enhancing K-bioavailability and optimizing K-fertilization of maize plants under Indo-Gangetic Plains of India, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25(36) DOI
2018 Patil S.; Padaria R.N. (2018). Predicting farmers’ adoption of genetically modified vegetable crops in India: An ex-ante assessment of Bt-brinjal adoption behaviour and its determinants, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 75(4) DOI
2018 Obaid H.; Shivay Y.S.; Jat S.L.; Sharifi S. (2018). Optimization of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers doses in hybrid maize (Zea mays) in kandahar province of Afghanistan, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 63(4) DOI
2018 Mishra A.; Sinha J.P.; Singh J.K.; Tomar B.S. (2018). Development of solar powered pneumatic grain/seed cleaning system, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88(11) DOI
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2018 Singh B.; Jain R.; Sindhu S.S.; Kumar P.; Yadav H.; Kumar R. (2018). Standardization of glycerine preservation for ornamental foliage of different species suitable for value addition, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88(12) DOI
2018 Sharma T.V.R.S.; Singh S.; Singh P.K. (2018). Crop wild relatives in Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India, Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 65(8) DOI
2018 Phani V.; Somvanshi V.S.; Shukla R.N.; Davies K.G.; Rao U. (2018). A transcriptomic snapshot of early molecular communication between Pasteuria penetrans and Meloidogyne incognita, BMC Genomics, 19(1) DOI
2018 Kumar C.; Singh S.K.; Singh R.; Pramanick K.K.; Verma M.K.; Srivastav M. (2018). Genetic diversity and population structure studies of the wild apple genotypes using RAPD markers, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 75(4) DOI
2018 Gundewadi G.; Rudra S.G.; Sarkar D.J.; Singh D. (2018). Nanoemulsion based alginate organic coating for shelf life extension of okra, Food Packaging and Shelf Life, 18() DOI
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2018 Singareddy V.; Sheri V.R.; Muddanuru T.; Tatineni R.; Jain R.K.; Sankaraneni C.R.; Kodeboyina V.S.; Mulpuri S. (2018). Genetic engineering of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) for resistance to necrosis disease through deployment of the TSV coat protein gene, Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture, 135(2) DOI
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2018 Rai N.; Amasiddha B.; Sinha N.; Das T.R.; Patil R.; Harikrishna; Jain N.; Singh G.P.; Singh P.K.; Chand S.; Vinod Prabhu K. (2018). Physiological and morphological evaluation of MABB derived lines under drought stress in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L. em. thell.), Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 78(4) DOI
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2018 Meher H.C.; Singh G.; Chawla G. (2018). Metabolic Alternations of Amino Acids, κ-Aminobutyric Acid, and Salicylic Acid in Solanum lycopersicum (L.) Following Preplanting Seedling Spray with Salicylic Acid, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 66(46) DOI
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2018 Maragal S.Y.; Singh A.K.; Behera T.K.; Munshi A.D.; Sabir N. (2018). Influence of planting time and fertilizer application on fruit yield and quality of bitter gourd (Momordica charantia) (var. Pusa Rasdar) for off-season production under protected condition, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88(11) DOI
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2018 Gundewadi G.; Sarkar D.J.; Rudra S.G.; Singh D. (2018). Preparation of basil oil nanoemulsion using Sapindus mukorossi pericarp extract: Physico-chemical properties and antifungal activity against food spoilage pathogens, Industrial Crops and Products, 125() DOI
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2018 Sharma R.R.; Datta S.C.; Varghese E. (2018). Effect of Surround WP®, a kaolin-based particle film on sunburn, fruit cracking and postharvest quality of ‘Kandhari’ pomegranates, Crop Protection, 114() DOI
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2018 Mahawar H.; Prasanna R.; Singh S.B.; Nain L. (2018). Influence of Silver, Zinc Oxide and Copper Oxide Nanoparticles on the Cyanobacterium Calothrix elenkinii, BioNanoScience, 8(3) DOI
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2018 Sharma P.; Shefali; Pandey B.; Muthusamy S.K.; Kumar S.; Saharan M.S.; Kumar S.; Singroha G.; Sharma I.; Singh G.P. (2018). Development and validation of microsatellite markers for Karnal bunt (Tilletia indica) and loose smut (Ustilago segetum tritici) of wheat from related fungal species, Journal of Phytopathology, 166(10) DOI
2018 Harish M.N.; Choudhary A.K.; Singh Y.V.; Pooniya V.; Das A.; Varatharajan T. (2018). Influence of promising rice (Oryza sativa) varieties and nutrient-management practices on micronutrient biofortification and soil fertility in eastern himalayas3 , Indian Journal of Agronomy, 63(3) DOI
2018 Hiremath V.M.; Jain R.; Jain N.; Arora A.; Swaroop K.; Singh M.K.; Kumar P.; Kumar G. (2018). Quantification of total endogenous ascorbic acid from chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum × morifolium) cultivars and its association with postharvest life, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88(9) DOI
2018 Singh N.; Katyal M.; Virdi A.S.; Kaur A.; Goyal A.; Ahlawat A.K.; Mahendru Singh A. (2018). Effect of grain hardness, fractionation and cultivars on protein, pasting and dough rheological properties of different wheat flours, International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 53(9) DOI
2018 Oyeogbe A.I.; Das T.K.; Bandyopadhyay K.K. (2018). Agronomic productivity, nitrogen fertilizer savings and soil organic carbon in conservation agriculture: efficient nitrogen and weed management in maize-wheat system, Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 64(12) DOI
2018 Chaturvedi S.; Kumari A.; Bhatacharya A.; Sharma A.; Nain L.; Khare S.K. (2018). Banana peel waste management for single-cell oil production, Energy, Ecology and Environment, 3(5) DOI
2018 Peddamma S.K.; Ragichedu P.K.; Maddala S.; Sanjeeva Rao D.; Lella V.S.R.; Konne K.; Sripada P.; Gopala Krishnan S.; Singh A.K.; Maganti S.M. (2018). Insight of aroma in brown rice through chemical assessment of 2-Acetyl-1-pyrroline (2AP) in aromatic germplasm of India, Cereal Chemistry, 95(5) DOI
2018 Chauhan D.K.; Bhat J.A.; Thakur A.K.; Hussain Z.; Satyavathi C.T. (2018). Understanding genetic relationship and population structure of Indian soybean varieties using microsatellite markers, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences India Section B - Biological Sciences, 88(3) DOI
2018 Arora N.K.; Chaudhari S.K.; Farooqi J.A.; Rai A.K.; Manisha (2018). Chemical properties of the salt-affected soils and performance of wheat (Triticum aestivum) with saline and alkali water irrigation, Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science, 66(3) DOI
2018 Dhillon M.K.; Singh N.; Tanwar A.K.; Yadava D.K.; Vasudeva S. (2018). Standardization of screening techniques for resistance to lipaphis erysimi (Kalt.) in rapeseed-mustard under field conditions, Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 56(9) DOI
2018 Kumari P.; Barman K.; Patel V.B.; Sharma S.; Kole B. (2018). Variability of bioactive properties and antioxidant activity in commercially grown litchi cultivars in india, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 75(3) DOI
2018 Mishra C.B.; Kumari S.; Siraj F.; Yadav R.; Kumari S.; Tiwari A.K.; Tiwari M. (2018). The anti-epileptogenic and cognition enhancing effect of novel 1-[4-(4-benzo [1, 3] dioxol-5-ylmethyl-piperazin-1-yl)-phenyl]-3-phenyl-urea (BPPU) in pentylenetetrazole induced chronic rat model of epilepsy, Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy, 105() DOI
2018 Parihar C.M.; Parihar M.D.; Sapkota T.B.; Nanwal R.K.; Singh A.K.; Jat S.L.; Nayak H.S.; Mahala D.M.; Singh L.K.; Kakraliya S.K.; Stirling C.M.; Jat M.L. (2018). Long-term impact of conservation agriculture and diversified maize rotations on carbon pools and stocks, mineral nitrogen fractions and nitrous oxide fluxes in inceptisol of India, Science of the Total Environment, 640-641() DOI
2018 Rathore S.S.; Shekhawat K.; Rathore B.S.; Singh R.K.; Premi O.P.; Kandpal B.K. (2018). Deficit irrigation scheduling and levels of hydrogel (SAPs) influence on productivity and economics of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) under semi-arid conditions, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88(9) DOI
2018 Ahmad M.; Chakraborty D.; Aggarwal P.; Bhattacharyya R.; Singh R. (2018). Modelling soil water dynamics and crop water use in a soybean-wheat rotation under chisel tillage in a sandy clay loam soil, Geoderma, 327() DOI
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2018 Madhavan J.; Jayaswal P.; Singh K.B.M.; Rao U. (2018). Identification of putative flowering genes and transcription factors from flower de novo transcriptome dataset of tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa L.), Data in Brief, 20() DOI
2018 Mina U.; Chandrashekara T.K.; Kumar S.N.; Meena M.C.; Yadav S.; Tiwari S.; Singh D.; Kumar P.; Kumar R. (2018). Impact of particulate matter on basmati rice varieties grown in Indo-Gangetic Plains of India: Growth, biochemical, physiological and yield attributes, Atmospheric Environment, 188() DOI
2018 Singh S.; Dey S.S.; Bhatia R.; Batley J.; Kumar R. (2018). Molecular breeding for resistance to black rot [Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris (Pammel) Dowson] in Brassicas: recent advances, Euphytica, 214(10) DOI
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2018 Sinha S.K.; Rani M.; Kumar A.; Kumar S.; Venkatesh K.; Mandal P.K. (2018). Natural variation in root system architecture in diverse wheat genotypes grown under different nitrate conditions and root growth media, Theoretical and Experimental Plant Physiology, 30(3) DOI
2018 Shadap A.; Pariari A.; Lyngdoh Y.A. (2018). Influence of organic manures, bio-fertilizers and graded dose of inorganic fertilizers on the growth and yield of ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.), Plant Archives, 18(2) DOI
2018 Patil B.L.; Arora D. (2018). Comparative characterization of small RNAs derived from an emaravirus and a geminivirus infecting pigeonpea, Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 27(4) DOI
2018 Rajgopal N.N.; Stuti; Meshram N.M.; Shashank P.R. (2018). DNA barcoding and description of new species of Paradorydium Kirkaldy (Cicadellidae: Deltocephalinae: Eupelicini) from India, Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology, 21(3) DOI
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2018 Gadpayle K.A.; Bhattacharyya R.; Pal M.; Fulekar M.H. (2018). Additional N supply improves grain yield in Triticale (× Triticosecale sp.) better than wheat (Triticum aestivum. L) under elevated CO2 environment, Indian Journal of Plant Physiology, 23(3) DOI
2018 Kumar Yadav K.; Gupta N.; Kumar A.; Reece L.M.; Singh N.; Rezania S.; Ahmad Khan S. (2018). Mechanistic understanding and holistic approach of phytoremediation: A review on application and future prospects, Ecological Engineering, 120() DOI
2018 Kumar P.; Sethi S.; Sharma R.R. (2018). Inhibition of browning in fresh-cut apple wedges through edible coatings and anti-browning agents, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 75(3) DOI
2018 Kumbharthi V.; Sharma T.; Sinha P.; Kumar M.; Saxena S. (2018). Temperature Influenced Regulation of Adenosine 3′, 5′ - cyclic Monophosphate Dependent Protein Kinase A in Magnaporthe grisea (T.T. Hebert), M. E. Barr, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences India Section B - Biological Sciences, 88(3) DOI
2018 Bashyal B.M.; Kharayat B.S.; Kumar J.; Dubey S.C.; Aggarwal R. (2018). Histopathological Studies of Rhizoctonia solani Infection Process in Different Cultivars of Mungbean [Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek], National Academy Science Letters-India, 41(5) DOI
2018 Singh S.; Lodhi N.K.; Mishra A.K.; Jose S.; Kumar S.N.; Kotnala R.K. (2018). Assessment of satellite-retrieved surface UVA and UVB radiation by comparison with ground-measurements and trends over Mega-city Delhi, Atmospheric Environment, 188() DOI
2018 Biswas K.K.; Palchoudhury S.; Sharma S.K.; Saha B.; Godara S.; Ghosh D.K.; Keremane M.L. (2018). Analyses of 3' half genome of citrus tristeza virus reveal existence of distinct virus genotypes in citrus growing regions of India, Virus Disease, 29(3) DOI
2018 Bhattacharyya R.; Bhatia A.; Das T.K.; Lata S.; Kumar A.; Tomer R.; Singh G.; Kumar S.; Biswas A.K. (2018). Aggregate-associated N and global warming potential of conservation agriculture-based cropping of maize-wheat system in the north-western Indo-Gangetic Plains, Soil & Tillage Research, 182() DOI
2018 Biswas J.C.; Kalra N.; Maniruzzaman M.; Choudhury A.K.; Jahan M.A.H.S.; Hossain M.B.; Ishtiaque S.; Haque M.M.; Kabir W. (2018). Development of mungbean model (MungGro) and its application for climate change impact analysis in Bangladesh, Ecological Modelling, 384() DOI
2018 Slathia P.S.; Kumar R.; Nain M.S.; Sharma B.C.; Paul N. (2018). Land use and technology adoption analysis of paddy (Oryza sativa) cv. Basmati 370 in irrigated sub-tropics of Jammu district, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88(9) DOI
2018 Kumar S.; Sharma A.; Sharma V.K.; Rosin K.G.; Kumar D. (2018). Enhancement of apple (Malus domestica) productivity and soil health through organic fertilization and bio-inoculants under north-western Himalayan region of India, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88(9) DOI
2018 Anshida Beevi C.N.; Wason M.; Padaria R.N.; Singh P. (2018). Gender sensitivity in agricultural extension, Current Science, 115(6) DOI
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2018 Aggarwal R.; Kulshreshtha D.; Sharma S.; Singh V.K.; Manjunatha C.; Bhardwaj S.C.; Saharan M.S. (2018). Molecular characterization of Indian pathotypes of Puccinia striiformis f. Sp. tritici and multigene phylogenetic analysis to establish inter-and intraspecific relationships, Genetics and Molecular Biology, 41(4) DOI
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2018 Kumari M.; Singh S.K.; Swaroop K.; Kamil D.; Singh K.P. (2018). Diversity analysis of fusarium oxysporum f. Sp. gladioli isolates using fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) profiling, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 75(3) DOI
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2018 Kumar M.; Sarangi A.; Singh D.K.; Rao A.R. (2018). Modelling the Grain Yield of Wheat in Irrigated Saline Environment with Foliar Potassium Fertilization, Agricultural Research, 7(3) DOI
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2018 Dhillon B.S.; Sharma P.K.; Choudhary A.K. (2018). Influence of staggered sown Spring sunflower (Helianthus Annuus L.) at varying intra–row spacing and applied–N on pre– and post–anthesis N dynamics and dry matter partitioning in Indo–Gangetic Plains Region, Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 49(16) DOI
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2018 Singh R.K.; Dhar S.; Dass A.; Sharma V.K.; Kumar A.; Gupta G.; Kumar B. (2018). Productivity and profitability of soybean (Glycine max) and wheat (Triticum aestivum) genotypes grown in sequence under system of crop intensification, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88(9) DOI
2018 Attri A.; Thakre M.; Yadav P.; Verma M.K.; Singh B. (2018). 14C-labeling technique for discerning source–sink carbon flow dynamics in kinnow (Citrus nobilis Lour × Citrus deliciosa Tenora) for better crop management, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 317(3) DOI
2018 Sharma S.; Varghese E.; Arora A.; Singh K.N.; Singh S.; Nain L.; Paul D. (2018). Augmenting pentose utilization and ethanol production of native Saccharomyces cerevisiae LN using medium engineering and response surface methodology, Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 6(SEP) DOI
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2018 Choudhary J.; Singh S.; Sharma A.; Tiwari R.; Nain L. (2018). Complementary effect of thermotolerant yeast and cold active cellulase on simultaneous saccharification and fermentation for bioethanol production from rice straw, Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 10(4) DOI
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2018 Kumar A.; Yadav R.; Gupta S.; Gaikwad K.B.; Jain N.; Ranjan R.; Kumar M. (2018). Identification of genotypes and marker validation for grain filling rate and grain filling duration in wheat under conservation agriculture, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 78(3) DOI
2018 Kumar P.; Sethi S.; Sharma R.R.; Singh S.; Saha S.; Sharma V.K.; Verma M.K.; Sharma S.K. (2018). Nutritional characterization of apple as a function of genotype, Journal of Food Science and Technology, 55(7) DOI
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2018 Mahapatra S.K.; Obi Reddy G.P.; Nagdev R.; Yadav R.P.; Singh S.K.; Sharda V.N. (2018). Assessment of soil erosion in the fragile Himalayan ecosystem of Uttarakhand, India using USLE and GIS for sustainable productivity, Current Science, 115(1) DOI
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2018 Sahoo T.; Verma M.K.; Singh S.K.; Thakre M.; Sharma R.R.; Jaiswal S.; Arora A. (2018). Morphological and biochemical characterization of newly evolved grape (Vitis vinifera) hybrids, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88(8) DOI
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2018 Somvanshi V.S.; Ghosh O.; Budhwar R.; Dubay B.; Shukla R.N.; Rao U. (2018). A comprehensive annotation for the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita proteome data, Data in Brief, 19() DOI
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2018 Singh V.; Amaradasa B.S.; Karjagi C.G.; Lakshman D.K.; Hooda K.S.; Kumar A. (2018). Morphological and molecular variability among Indian isolates of Rhizoctonia solani causing banded leaf and sheath blight in maize, European Journal of Plant Pathology, 152(1) DOI
2018 Nawade B.; Mishra G.P.; Radhakrishnan T.; Dodia S.M.; Ahmad S.; Kumar A.; Kumar A.; Kundu R. (2018). High oleic peanut breeding: Achievements, perspectives, and prospects, Trends in Food Science & Technology, 78() DOI
2018 Sarkar A.; Biswas D.R.; Datta S.C.; Roy T.; Moharana P.C.; Biswas S.S.; Ghosh A. (2018). Polymer coated novel controlled release rock phosphate formulations for improving phosphorus use efficiency by wheat in an Inceptisol, Soil & Tillage Research, 180() DOI
2018 Nair M.S.; Saxena A.; Kaur C. (2018). Characterization and Antifungal Activity of Pomegranate Peel Extract and its Use in Polysaccharide-Based Edible Coatings to Extend the Shelf-Life of Capsicum (Capsicum annuum L.), Food and Bioprocess Technology, 11(7) DOI
2018 Pooniya V.; Choudhary A.K.; Bana R.S.; Sawarnalaxmi K.; Pankaj; Rana D.S.; Puniya M.M. (2018). Influence of summer legume residue recycling and varietal diversification on productivity, energetics, and nutrient dynamics in basmati rice–wheat cropping system of western Indo-Gangetic Plains, Journal of Plant Nutrition, 41(12) DOI
2018 Sharma V.; Salwan R.; Shanmugam V. (2018). Molecular characterization of β-endoglucanase from antagonistic Trichoderma saturnisporum isolate GITX-Panog (C) induced under mycoparasitic conditions, Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, 149() DOI
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2018 Singh V.K.; Dwivedi B.S.; Yadvinder-Singh; Singh S.K.; Mishra R.P.; Shukla A.K.; Rathore S.S.; Shekhawat K.; Majumdar K.; Jat M.L. (2018). Effect of tillage and crop establishment, residue management and K fertilization on yield, K use efficiency and apparent K balance under rice-maize system in north-western India, Field Crops Research, 224() DOI
2018 Kannan R.; Damodaran T.; Nagaraja A.; Umamaheswari S. (2018). Salt tolerant polyembryonic mango rootstock (ML-2 and GPL-1): A putative role of endophytic bacteria by using BOX-PCR, Indian Journal of Agricultural Research, 52(4) DOI
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2018 Dabas J.P.S.; Sharma N.; Dubey S.K.; Sharma A.; Singh L.; Dubey A.V. (2018). Utilizing cow dung and slurry for energy sufficiency of farms and households: Experiences of field studies across three Indian states, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88(8) DOI
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2018 Rai R.; Khurana S.M.P.; Kumar S.; Gupta N.; Baranwal V.K. (2018). Serological detection of Grapevine leafroll-associated virus 4 in grapevine growing areas of India using polyclonal antiserum raised against the recombinant coat protein, Crop Protection, 109() DOI
2018 Kumar R.R.; Goswami S.; Singh K.; Dubey K.; Rai G.K.; Singh B.; Singh S.; Grover M.; Mishra D.; Kumar S.; Bakshi S.; Rai A.; Pathak H.; Chinnusamy V.; Praveen S. (2018). Characterization of novel heat-responsive transcription factor (TaHSFA6e) gene involved in regulation of heat shock proteins (HSPs) — A key member of heat stress-tolerance network of wheat, Journal of Biotechnology, 279() DOI
2018 Sarika K.; Hossain F.; Muthusamy V.; Zunjare R.U.; Baveja A.; Goswami R.; Bhat J.S.; Saha S.; Gupta H.S. (2018). Marker-assisted pyramiding of opaque2 and novel opaque16 genes for further enrichment of lysine and tryptophan in sub-tropical maize, Plant Science (Plant Science Letters), 272() DOI
2018 Devi J.; Mishra G.P.; Sanwal S.K.; Dubey R.K.; Singh P.M.; Singh B. (2018). Development and characterization of penta-flowering and triple-flowering genotypes in garden pea (Pisum sativum L. var. hortense), PLoS ONE, 13(7) DOI
2018 Kumari R.; Singh K.; Jha S.K.; Singh R.; Sarkar S.K.; Bhatia N. (2018). Nutritional composition and popping characteristics of some selected varieties of pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88(8) DOI
2018 Kannan R.; Damodaran T.; Nagaraja A.; Umamaheswari S. (2018). Salt tolerant polyembryonic mango rootstock (ML-2 and GPL-1): A putative role of endophytic bacteria by using BOX-PCR, Indian Journal of Agricultural Research, 52(4) DOI
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2018 Thapa S.; Prasanna R.; Ramakrishnan B.; Sheoran N.; Kumar A.; Velmourougane K.; Kumar A. (2018). Interactive effects of magnaporthe inoculation and nitrogen doses on the plant enzyme machinery and phyllosphere microbiome of resistant and susceptible rice cultivars, Archives of Microbiology, 200(9) DOI
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2018 Mandal N.; Datta S.C.; Manjaiah K.M.; Dwivedi B.S.; Nain L.; Kumar R.; Aggarwal P. (2018). Novel chitosan grafted zinc containing nanoclay polymer biocomposite (CZNCPBC): Controlled release formulation (CRF) of Zn2+ , Reactive and Functional Polymers, 127() DOI
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2018 Holkar S.K.; Choudhary H.; Mandal B.; Jain R.K. (2018). Evaluation of watermelon genotypes against bud necrosis disease caused by a distinct watermelon bud necrosis orthotospovirus under field and glasshouse conditions, Scientia Horticulturae, 235() DOI
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2018 Sharma V.K.; Chandel C.; Kumar R.; Dey S.S.; Parkash C.; Bhatia R.; Mawliya M. (2018). Quantification of Antioxidant Contents in Sweet Pepper as Influenced by Planting Time and Fruit Picking Stage, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences India Section B - Biological Sciences, 88(2) DOI
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2018 Singh K.; Sharma R.M.; Dubey A.K.; Kamil D.; Lekshmy S.; Awasthi O.P.; Jha G.K. (2018). Response of the citrus rootstock genotypes against artificial inoculation of Phytophthora nicotianae, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88(5) DOI
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2018 Sharma S.K.; Kulshreshtha N.; Kumar A.; Yaduvanshi N.P.S.; Singh M.; Prasad K.R.K.; Basak N. (2018). Waterlogging effects on elemental composition of wheat genotypes in sodic soils, Journal of Plant Nutrition, 41(10) DOI
2018 Pradhan S.; Bandyopadhyay K.K.; Panigrahi P.; Manikandan N. (2018). Effect of tillage, residue and nitrogen management on radiation interception and radiation use efficiency of wheat in a semi-arid environment, Journal of Agrometeorology, 20(2) DOI
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2018 Gupta S.K.; Nepolean T.; Shaikh C.G.; Rai K.; Hash C.T.; Das R.R.; Rathore A. (2018). Phenotypic and molecular diversity-based prediction of heterosis in pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum L. (R.) Br.), Crop Journal, 6(3) DOI
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2018 Joshi A.; Sagar V.R.; Sharma S.; Singh B. (2018). Potentiality of Potato Flour as Humectants (Anti-staling Agent) in Bakery Product: Muffin, Potato Research, 61(2) DOI
2018 Sharma R.; Kumar A.; Pandey P.S.; Himanshu; Gupta M.; Kapur S.; Sharma A.; Jain A.K. (2018). Krishikosh: A digital repository to disseminate agricultural knowledge, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88(5) DOI
2018 Kumar K.R.; Singh K.P.; Jain P.K.; Raju D.V.S.; Kumar P.; Bhatia R.; Panwar S. (2018). Influence of growth regulators on callus induction and plant regeneration from anthers of Tagetes spp., Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88(6) DOI
2018 Lenka S.K.; Muthusamy S.K.; Chinnusamy V.; Bansal K.C. (2018). Ectopic Expression of Rice PYL3 Enhances Cold and Drought Tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana, Molecular Biotechnology, 60(5) DOI
2018 Hegde V.S.; Tripathi S.; Bharadwaj C.; Agrawal P.K.; Choudhary A.K. (2018). Genetics and genomics approaches to enhance adaptation and yield of chickpea (Cicer arietinum l.) in semi-arid environments, Sabrao Journal of Breeding and Genetics, 50(2) DOI
2018 Barman M.; Datta S.P. (2018). Assessing phytotoxic limits of nickel in intensively cultivated alluvial soils, Journal of Environmental Biology, 39(3) DOI
2018 Thube S.H.; Mahapatro G.K.; Arun Kumar M.B. (2018). In vitro Evaluation of Insecticides, Bio-Fungicide and Bio-Fertilizer for Strategic and Eco-Friendly Combinatorial Seed Treatments in Chickpea, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences India Section B - Biological Sciences, 88(2) DOI
2018 Moharana P.C.; Meena M.D.; Biswas D.R. (2018). Role of phosphate-solubilizing microbes in the enhancement of fertilizer value of rock phosphate through composting technology, Role of Rhizospheric Microbes in Soil: Volume 2: Nutrient Management and Crop Improvement, () DOI
2018 Dangi R.; Khar A.; Islam S.; Kumar A. (2018). Characterization and association of phenotypic and biochemical traits in onion under short day tropical conditions, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 75(2) DOI
2018 Singh A.; Permar V.; Basavaraj; Tomar B.S.; Praveen S. (2018). Effect of temperature on symptoms expression and viral RNA accumulation in groundnut bud necrosis virus infected Vigna unguiculata, Iranian Journal of Biotechnology, 16(3) DOI
2018 Mukherjee I.; Das S.K.; Kumar A. (2018). Atmospheric CO2 Level and Temperature Affect Degradation of Pretilachlor and Butachlor in Indian Soil, Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 100(6) DOI
2018 Punjabi M.; Bharadvaja N.; Jolly M.; Dahuja A.; Sachdev A. (2018). Development and evaluation of low phytic acid soybean by siRNA triggered seed specific silencing of inositol polyphosphate 6-/3-/5-kinase gene, Frontiers in Plant Science, 9() DOI
2018 Kumar S.; Hash C.T.; Nepolean T.; Mahendrakar M.D.; Satyavathi C.T.; Singh G.; Rathore A.; Yadav R.S.; Gupta R.; Srivastava R.K. (2018). Mapping grain iron and zinc content quantitative trait loci in an iniadi-derived immortal population of pearl millet, Genes, 9(5) DOI
2018 Raghavendra K.J.; Suresh A. (2018). Risk management in rainfed agriculture: An analysis of strategies and adaptations followed by farmers in Madhya Pradesh, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88(6) DOI
2018 Qureshi N.; Bariana H.; Kumran V.V.; Muruga S.; Forrest K.L.; Hayden M.J.; Bansal U. (2018). A new leaf rust resistance gene Lr79 mapped in chromosome 3BL from the durum wheat landrace Aus26582, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 131(5) DOI
2018 Kumar A.; Mishra P.; Maurya R.; Mishra A.K.; Gupta V.K.; Ramteke P.W.; Marla S.S. (2018). Improved draft genome sequence of a monoteliosporic culture of the Karnal bunt (Tilletia indica) pathogen of wheat, Genome Announcements, 6(20) DOI
2018 Das D.; Nayak A.K.; Thilagam V.K.; Chatterjee D.; Shahid M.; Tripathi R.; Mohanty S.; Kumar A.; Lal B.; Gautam P.; Panda B.B.; Biswas S.S. (2018). Measuring potassium fractions is not sufficient to assess the long-term impact of fertilization and manuring on soil’s potassium supplying capacity, Journal of Soils and Sediments, 18(5) DOI
2018 Vennila S.; Yadav S.K.; Wahi P.; Kranthi S.; Amutha A.; Dharajothi B. (2018). Seasonal Dynamics, Influence of Weather Factors and Forecasting of Cotton Sap Feeders in North India, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences India Section B - Biological Sciences, 88(2) DOI
2018 Meena N.K.; Baghel M.; Jain S.K.; Asrey R. (2018). Postharvest biology and technology of kiwifruit, Postharvest Biology and Technology of Temperate Fruits, () DOI
2018 Mageshwaran V.; Sharma V.; Chinnkar M.; Parvez N.; Krishnan V. (2018). Biodegradation of Gossypol by Mixed Fungal Cultures in Minimal Medium, Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology, 54(3) DOI
2018 Kohli D.; Sirohi A.; Srinivasan R.; Bharadvaja N.; Jain P.K. (2018). Isolation, cloning and characterization of cuticle collagen genes, Mi-dpy-10 and Mi-dpy-31, in meloidogyne incognita, Indian Journal of Nematology, 48(1) DOI
2018 Chawla G.; Sharma H.K. (2018). Nematode inoculation to the carrot discs with glass capillaries for sub-culturing pratylenchus, Indian Journal of Nematology, 48(1) DOI
2018 Sethi R.R.; Sarangi A.; Sahu A.S.; Mandai K.G.; Aggarwal R.; Bandyopadhyay K.K.; Ambast S.K. (2018). Delineation of rice-wheat cropped area using geo-spatial techniques, Indian Journal of Ecology, 45(2) DOI
2018 Seth A.; Sarkar D.; Masto R.E.; Batabyal K.; Saha S.; Murmu S.; Das R.; Padhan D.; Mandal B. (2018). Critical limits of mehlich 3 extractable phosphorous, potassium, sulfur, boron and zinc in soils for nutrition of rice (Oryza sativa L.), Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 18(2) DOI
2018 Yadav D.; Shivay Y.S.; Singh Y.V.; Sharma V.K.; Bhatia A. (2018). Yield attributes, yields and nutrient uptake of Basmati rice (Oryza sativa) as influenced by in-situ and ex-situ green manuring crops and zinc fertilization, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88(5) DOI
2018 Gaikwad K.B.; Singh N.; Bhatia D.; Sharma N.; Bains N.S.; Bharaj T.S.; Singh K. (2018). Heterotic response of genomic regions derived from Oryza rufipogon and O. nivara in improving grain morphology and quality of indica rice (Oryza sativa L.), Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 78(2) DOI
2018 Pradhan S.; Goswami A.K.; Singh S.K.; Prakash J.; Goswami S.; Viswanathan C.; Talukdar A.; Sharma V.K. (2018). Growth, nutrient acquisition and physiological responses of papaya (Carica papaya) plants to controlled low temperature stress, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88(5) DOI
2018 Katare S.; Jasrotia P.; Patil S.D.; Reza M.W.; Saharan M.S. (2018). Influence of sowing time and weather factors on seasonal dynamics of aphids in three wheat growing zones of India, Journal of Agrometeorology, 20(2) DOI
2018 Manjunatha C.; Sharma S.; Kulshreshtha D.; Gupta S.; Singh K.; Bhardwaj S.C.; Aggarwal R. (2018). Rapid detection of Puccinia triticina causing leaf rust of wheat by PCR and loop mediated isothermal amplification, PLoS ONE, 13(4) DOI
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2018 Singh B.; Pandey S.; Singh S.P.; Kumar J. (2018). Linkage Disequilibrium Based Association and Inheritance of Blast Resistance in Improved Varieties and Landraces of Aromatic Rice, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences India Section B - Biological Sciences, 88(1) DOI
2018 Sharma K.K.; Bhushan V.S.; Rao C.S.; Reddy K.N.; Banerjee H.; Mandal S.; Singh B.; Battu R.S.; Jyot G.; Sahoo S.K.; Mohapatra S.; Lekha S.; Manikrao G.; Radhika B.; Tripathy V.; Yadav R.; Shukla P.; Patel A.N.; Singh G.; Devi S.; Pandey P.; Gautam R.; Kalra S.; Gupta R.; Singh G.; Gopal M.; Walia S. (2018). Persistence, dissipation and consumer risk assessment of a combination formulation of flubendiamide and deltamethrin on cucumber, Food Additives and Contaminants - Part A Chemistry, Analysis, Control, Exposure and Risk Assessment, 35(3) DOI
2018 Shankar S.; Kaur S. (2018). Determination and distribution of CRY1-type genes in bacillus thuringiensis isolated from North India, Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 17(3) DOI
2018 Rawat K.S.; Sehgal V.K.; Pradhan S.; Ray S.S. (2018). Semi-empirical model for retrieval of soil moisture using RISAT-1 C-Band SAR data over a sub-tropical semi-arid area of Rewari district, Haryana (India), Journal of Earth System Science, 127(2) DOI
2018 Ghosh A.; Bhattacharyya R.; Meena M.C.; Dwivedi B.S.; Singh G.; Agnihotri R.; Sharma C. (2018). Long-term fertilization effects on soil organic carbon sequestration in an Inceptisol, Soil & Tillage Research, 177() DOI
2018 Guru Pirasanna Pandi G.; Chander S.; Singh M.P.; Pathak H. (2018). Impact of Elevated CO2 and Temperature on Brown Planthopper Population in Rice Ecosystem, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences India Section B - Biological Sciences, 88(1) DOI
2018 Singh N.S.; Mukherjee I.; Das S.K.; Varghese E. (2018). Leaching of Clothianidin in Two Different Indian Soils: Effect of Organic Amendment, Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 100(4) DOI
2018 Mondal S.; Das A.; Pradhan S.; Tomar R.K.; Behera U.K.; Sharma A.R.; Paul A.; Chakraborty D. (2018). Impact of tillage and residue management on water and thermal regimes of a sandy loam soil under pigeonpea-wheat cropping system, Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science, 66(1) DOI
2018 Trethowan R.; Chatrath R.; Tiwari R.; Kumar S.; Saharan M.S.; Bains N.; Sohu V.S.; Srivastava P.; Sharma A.; De N.; Prakash S.; Singh G.P.; Sharma I.; Eagles H.; Diffey S.; Bansal U.; Bariana H. (2018). An analysis of wheat yield and adaptation in India, Field Crops Research, 219() DOI
2018 Sathee L.; Adavi S.B.; Jain V.; Pandey R.; Khetarpal S.; Meena H.S.; Kumar A. (2018). Influence of Elevated CO2 on kinetics and expression of high affinity nitrate transport systems in wheat, Indian Journal of Plant Physiology, 23(1) DOI
2018 Susha V.S.; Das T.K.; Nath C.P.; Pandey R.; Paul S.; Ghosh S. (2018). Impacts of tillage and herbicide mixture on weed interference, agronomic productivity and profitability of a maize – Wheat system in the North-western Indo-Gangetic Plains, Field Crops Research, 219() DOI
2018 Sharma S.K.; Tripathi S. (2018). Characterization of Vasconcellea cauliflora for morpho-horticultural traits under climatic conditions of Pune, India, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 75(1) DOI
2018 Kumar C.; Singh S.K.; Pramanick K.K.; Verma M.K.; Srivastav M.; Singh R.; Bharadwaj C.; Naga K.C. (2018). Morphological and biochemical diversity among the Malus species including indigenous Himalayan wild apples, Scientia Horticulturae, 233() DOI
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2018 Mohan N.H.; Nayak L.K.; Gokuldas P.P.; Debnath S.; Paul M.; Ammayappan L.; Ramamurty V.V.; Sarma D.K. (2018). Relationship between morphology and tensile properties of pig hair fibre, Indian Journal of Fibre and Textile Research, 43(1) DOI
2018 Gupta P.K.; Vasistha N.K.; Aggarwal R.; Joshi A.K. (2018). Biology of B. sorokiniana (syn. Cochliobolus sativus) in genomics era, Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 27(2) DOI
2018 Shekhawat K.; Rathore S.S.; Kandpal B.K.; Premi O.P.; Singh D. (2018). Enhancing Carbon Sequestration Potential, Productivity and Sustainability of Mustard Under Conservation Agriculture in Semi-arid Regions of India, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences India Section B - Biological Sciences, 88(1) DOI
2018 Roy T.; Biswas D.R.; Datta S.C.; Sarkar A. (2018). Phosphorus Release from Rock Phosphate as Influenced by Organic Acid Loaded Nanoclay Polymer Composites in an Alfisol, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences India Section B - Biological Sciences, 88(1) DOI
2018 Nishad J.; Koley T.K.; Varghese E.; Kaur C. (2018). Synergistic effects of nutmeg and citrus peel extracts in imparting oxidative stability in meat balls, Food Research International, 106() DOI
2018 Parida B.R.; Behera S.N.; Oinam B.; Patel N.R.; Sahoo R.N. (2018). Investigating the effects of episodic Super-cyclone 1999 and Phailin 2013 on hydro-meteorological parameters and agriculture: An application of remote sensing, Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, 10() DOI
2018 Sharma A.; Nain V.; Tiwari R.; Singh S.; Nain L. (2018). Optimization of fermentation condition for co-production of ethanol and 2,3-butanediol (2,3-BD) from hemicellolosic hydrolysates by Klebsiella oxytoca XF7, Chemical Engineering Communications, 205(3) DOI
2018 Tiwari R.; Nain L.; Labrou N.E.; Shukla P. (2018). Bioprospecting of functional cellulases from metagenome for second generation biofuel production: a review, Critical Reviews in Microbiology, 44(2) DOI
2018 Chaturvedi S.; Kumari A.; Nain L.; Khare S.K. (2018). Bioprospecting microbes for single-cell oil production from starchy wastes, Preparative Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 48(3) DOI
2018 Kumar A.; Nemade P.W.; Sharma R.; Tanwar R.K.; Chattopadhyay C.; Wanjari S.S.; Rathod T.H. (2018). Statistical forewarning models for sucking pests of cotton in Maharashtra, Journal of Agrometeorology, 20(1) DOI
2018 MEENA N.K.; ASREY R. (2018). Tree Age Affects Postharvest Attributes and Mineral Content in Amrapali Mango (Mangifera indica) Fruits, Horticultural Plant Journal, 4(2) DOI
2018 Rao G.P.; Mishra A.; Mishra M.K.; Rao A.; Goel S. (2018). Identification and characterization of Candidatus Phytoplasma trifolii (16SrVI-D) inducing shoot proliferation disease of potato in India, Indian Phytopathology, 71(1) DOI
2018 Sharma K.C. (2018). Inter/mixed cropping of lentil (Lens culinaris) in late-sown wheat (Triticum aestivum) for higher productivity and profitability of wheat in vertisols of central india, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 63(1) DOI
2018 Ronanki S.; Behera U.K.; Shivay Y.S.; Pandey R.N.; Naresh Kumar S.; Pandey R. (2018). Effect of conservation agricultural practices and nitrogen management on growth, physiological indices, yield and nutrient uptake of soybean (Glycine max), Indian Journal of Agronomy, 63(1) DOI
2018 Akshaya H.R.; Namita; Singh K.P.; Saha S.; Panwar S.; Bharadwaj C. (2018). Influence of storage conditions of marigold flowers on retention of carotenoids and antioxidant activities, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 75(1) DOI
2018 Rajan T.S.; Muralitharan V.; Daglish G.J.; Mohankumar S.; Rafter M.A.; Chandrasekaran S.; Mohan S.; Vimal D.; Srivastava C.; Loganathan M.; Walter G.H. (2018). Flight of three major insect pests of stored grain in the monsoonal tropics of India, by latitude, season and habitat, Journal of Stored Products Research, 76() DOI
2018 Paul N.C.; Sahoo P.M.; Ahmad T.; Sahoo R.N.; Krishna G.; Lal S.B. (2018). Acreage estimation of mango orchards using hyperspectral satellite data, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 75(1) DOI
2018 Ellango R.; Asokan R.; Chandra G.S.; Kumar N.K.K.; Mahmood R.; Ramamurthy V.V. (2018). Tyrosine Hydroxylase, a Potential Target for the RNAi-Mediated Management of Diamondback Moth (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae), Florida Entomologist, 101(1) DOI
2018 Sofi J.A.; Rattan R.K.; Wani A.A.; Mir S.A.; Dar I.H.; Sofi K.A. (2018). Nitrogen-Fixing Cover Crops and Chronosequential Effects on Fertility of Apple Orchard Soils, Agricultural Research, 7(1) DOI
2018 Kumari K.; Prasad J.; Solanki I.S.; Chaudhary R. (2018). Long-term effect of crop residues incorporation on yield and soil physical properties under rice - wheat cropping system in calcareous soil, Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 18(1) DOI
2018 Jain A.; Hussain Z.; Yadav R.P.; Bhardwaj R. (2018). Effect of carbendazim on in vitro conservation and genetic stability assessment in Curcuma longa. and Zingiber officinale, Journal of Herbs, Spices and Medicinal Plants, 24(2) DOI
2018 Negi K.; Kumar R.; Sharma L.; Datta S.P.; Choudhury M.; Kumar P. (2018). Serum zinc, copper and iron status of children with coeliac disease on three months of gluten-free diet with or without four weeks of zinc supplements: a randomised controlled trial, Tropical Doctor, 48(2) DOI
2018 Jat H.S.; Datta A.; Sharma P.C.; Kumar V.; Yadav A.K.; Choudhary M.; Choudhary V.; Gathala M.K.; Sharma D.K.; Jat M.L.; Yaduvanshi N.P.S.; Singh G.; McDonald A. (2018). Assessing soil properties and nutrient availability under conservation agriculture practices in a reclaimed sodic soil in cereal-based systems of North-West India, Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 64(4) DOI
2018 Holkar S.K.; Mandal B.; Jain R.K. (2018). Development and validation of marker-free constructs based on nucleocapsid protein gene of watermelon bud necrosis orthotospovirus in watermelon, Current Science, 114(8) DOI
2018 Krishnan V.; Gothwal S.; Dahuja A.; Vinutha T.; Singh B.; Jolly M.; Praveen S.; Sachdev A. (2018). Enhanced nutraceutical potential of gamma irradiated black soybean extracts, Food Chemistry, 245() DOI
2018 Pradhan A.K.; Beura K.S.; Das R.; Padhan D.; Hazra G.C.; Mandal B.; De N.; Mishra V.N.; Sharma S.; Polara K.B. (2018). Extractable iron and manganese in soil as influenced by management practices in some long-term experiments of India, Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science, 66(1) DOI
2018 Singhal P.; Rudra S.G.; Singh R.K.; Satya S.; Naik S.N. (2018). Impact of drying techniques on physical quality of bamboo shoots: Implications on tribal’s livelihoods, Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, 17(2) DOI
2018 Hashmi T.R.; Dey D.; Prasad R. (2018). Distribution frequency of endosymbionts and genetic characterisation of Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) on Fabaceous host plants in India, Oriental Insects, 52(2) DOI
2018 Bhatia R.; Dey S.S.; Parkash C.; Sharma K.; Sood S.; Kumar R. (2018). Modification of important factors for efficient microspore embryogenesis and doubled haploid production in field grown white cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.) genotypes in India, Scientia Horticulturae, 233() DOI
2018 Mahawar M.K.; Samuel D.V.K.; Sinha J.P.; Jalgaonkar K. (2018). Optimization of Hydropriming of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) Seeds Using Response Surface Methodology, Agricultural Research, 7(1) DOI
2018 Singh A.K.; Gopala; Rao A.; Goel S.; Rao G.P. (2018). Identification of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris’ causing sesame phyllody disease and its natural weed host in Jammu, India, Indian Phytopathology, 71(1) DOI
2018 Mirjha P.R.; Rana D.S.; Choudhary A.K.; Dubey A.K. (2018). Influence of cultivars, cropping systems and nutrient levels on yield and quality of mango in north India, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 75(1) DOI
2018 Bhimappa B.B.; Choudhary H.; Sharma V.K.; Behera T.K. (2018). Genetic diversity analysis for fruit quality traits and nutrient composition in different horticultural groups of muskmelon, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 75(1) DOI
2018 Panwar S.; Singh K.P.; Namita; Janakiram T.; Sonah H.; Sharma T.R. (2018). DNA fingerprinting in african marigold (Tagetes erecta L.) genotypes using ISSR and URP markers, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 75(1) DOI
2018 Nepolean T.; Kaul J.; Mukri G.; Mittal S. (2018). Genomics-enabled next-generation breeding approaches for developing system-specific drought tolerant hybrids in maize, Frontiers in Plant Science, 9() DOI
2018 Nishad J.; Singh S.P.; Singh S.; Saha S.; Dubey A.K.; Varghese E.; Kaur C. (2018). Bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity of selected Indian pummelo (Citrus grandis L. Osbeck) germplasm, Scientia Horticulturae, 233() DOI
2018 Singh P.; Prakash J.; Goswami A.K.; Singh K.; Hussain Z.; Singh A.K. (2018). Genetic variability and correlation studies for vegetative, reproductive and yield attributing traits in papaya, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 75(1) DOI
2018 Kumar S.; Akhtar N.; Singh V. (2018). Evaluation of biocontrol agents for the management of stem and root rot diseases of jute using sustainable integrated approach, Indian Phytopathology, 71(1) DOI
2018 Gupta A.K.; Raj R.; Kumari K.; Singh S.P.; Solanki I.S.; Choudhary R. (2018). Management of Major Diseases of Indian Mustard Through Balanced Fertilization, Cultural Practices and Fungicides in Calcareous Soils, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences India Section B - Biological Sciences, 88(1) DOI
2018 Paul R.; Singh R.D.; Patra A.K.; Biswas D.R.; Bhattacharyya R.; Arunkumar K. (2018). Phosphorus dynamics and solubilizing microorganisms in acid soils under different land uses of Lesser Himalayas of India, Agroforestry Systems, 92(2) DOI
2018 Dudhe M.Y.; Kumar J. (2018). Combining ability studies under salinity stress and unstressed condition in chickpea, Legume Research, 41(2) DOI
2018 Abirami K.; Rana V.S.; Baskaran V.; Das M. (2018). Influence of harvesting stage on herb, essential oil and artemisinin yields in the antimalarial herb, Artemisia annua L., Medicinal Plants, 10(1) DOI
2018 Jha P.K.; Kumar S.N.; Ines A.V.M. (2018). Responses of Soybean to Water Stress and Supplemental Irrigation in Upper Indo-Gangetic Plain: Field Experiment and Modeling Approach, Field Crops Research, 219() DOI
2018 Kumar S.; Panwar A.S.; Kumar S.; Shamim M.; Mishra D. (2018). Statistical data analysis tools: Software prospects for crop productivity, Eco-friendly Agro-biological Techniques for Enhancing Crop Productivity, () DOI
2018 Vishwakarma R.; Dhar D.W.; Pabbi S. (2018). Formulation of a minimal nutritional medium for enhanced lipid productivity in Chlorella sp. and Botryococcus sp. using response surface methodology, Water Science and Technology, 77(6) DOI
2018 Meher H.C.; Singh G.; Chawla G. (2018). Metabolic alternations of some amino acids, coenzymes, phytohormones and vitamins in chickpea crop grown from seeds soaked with defense stimulator, Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 40(3) DOI
2018 Rathi M.S.; Paul S.; Manjunatha B.S.; Kumar V.; Varma A. (2018). Isolation and screening of osmotolerant endophytic bacteria from succulent and non-succulent drought tolerant plants for water stress alleviation in cluster bean (Cyamopsis tetrogonoloba), Vegetos, 31(1) DOI
2018 Jahan M.A.H.S.; Sen R.; Ishtiaque S.; Choudhury A.K.; Akhter S.; Ahmed F.; Biswas J.C.; Manirruzaman M.; Miah M.M.; Rahman M.M.; Kalra N. (2018). Optimizing sowing window for wheat cultivation in Bangladesh using CERES-wheat crop simulation model, Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 258() DOI
2018 Ghasal P.C.; Shivay Y.S.; Pooniya V.; Choudhary M.; Verma R.K. (2018). Zinc partitioning in basmati rice varieties as influenced by Zn fertilization, Crop Journal, 6(2) DOI
2018 Jalgaonkar K.; Jha S.K.; Mahawar M.K. (2018). Influence of incorporating defatted soy flour, carrot powder, mango peel powder, and moringa leaves powder on quality characteristics of wheat semolina-pearl millet pasta, Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 42(4) DOI
2018 Zunjare R.U.; Chhabra R.; Hossain F.; Muthusamy V.; Baveja A.; Gupta H.S. (2018). Development and validation of multiplex-PCR assay for simultaneous detection of rare alleles of crtRB1 and lcyE governing higher accumulation of provitamin A in maize, Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 27(2) DOI
2018 Javeria S.; Deep S.; Prasad L.; Sharma P. (2018). Vegetative compatibility grouping of Alternaria brassicicola causing black leaf spot in cauliflower, Indian Phytopathology, 71(1) DOI
2018 Hossain F.; Muthusamy V.; Pandey N.; Vishwakarma A.K.; Baveja A.; Zunjare R.U.; Thirunavukkarasu N.; Saha S.; Manjaiah K.M.; Prasanna B.M.; Gupta H.S. (2018). Marker-assisted introgression of opaque2 allele for rapid conversion of elite hybrids into quality protein maize, Journal of Genetics, 97(1) DOI
2018 Gandotra S.; Bhuyan P.M.; Gogoi D.K.; Kumar A.; Subramanian S. (2018). Screening of Nutritionally Important Gut Bacteria from the Lepidopteran Insects Through Qualitative Enzyme Assays, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences India Section B - Biological Sciences, 88(1) DOI
2018 Chopra S.; Beaudry R. (2018). Redesigning evaporatively cooled rooms to incorporate solar powered refrigeration in India, Acta Horticulturae, 1194() DOI
2018 Yadav A.; Suri V.K.; Kumar A.; Choudhary A.K. (2018). Effect of AM fungi and phosphorus fertilization on P-use efficiency, nutrient acquisition and root morphology in pea (Pisum sativum L.) in an acid Alfisol, Journal of Plant Nutrition, 41(6) DOI
2018 Soni M.; Mondal K.K. (2018). Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. punicae uses XopL effector to suppress pomegranate immunity, Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 60(4) DOI
2018 Aggarwal R.; Sharma S.; Gupta S.; Banerjee S.; Bashyal B.M.; Bhardwaj S.C. (2018). Molecular characterization of predominant Indian wheat rust pathotypes using URP and RAPD markers, Indian Journal of Biotechnology, 17(2) DOI
2018 Munda S.; Shivakumar B.G.; Rana D.S.; Gangaiah B.; Manjaiah K.M.; Dass A.; Layek J.; Lakshman K. (2018). Inorganic phosphorus along with biofertilizers improves profitability and sustainability in soybean (Glycine max)–potato (Solanum tuberosum) cropping system, Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences, 17(2) DOI
2018 Pramanik P.; Chakrabarti B.; Bhatia A.; Singh S.D.; Maity A.; Aggarwal P.; Krishnan P. (2018). Effect of elevated temperature on soil hydrothermal regimes and growth of wheat crop, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 190(4) DOI
2018 Panduranga G.S.; Sharma K.; Sharma R.K. (2018). Evaluation of liquid artificial larval diets for mass rearing of Bactrocera cucurbitae (Coq.), Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 55(2) DOI
2018 Ahamad A.; Kumar N.; Yadav D. (2018). Integrated nutrient management in pigeonpea-based intercropping systems, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 63(1) DOI
2018 Jain N.; Singh G.P.; Pandey R.; Ramya P.; Singh P.K.; Nivedita; Prabhu K.V. (2018). Chlorophyll fluorescence kinetics and response of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under high temperature stress, Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 56(3) DOI
2018 Mahendran B.; Sharma R.K.; Sinha S.R. (2018). Strategies for Insect Management in Cauliflower (Brassica oleraceae var. botrytis) Through Habitat Intervention, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences India Section B - Biological Sciences, 88(1) DOI
2018 Arora B.; Sethi S.; Joshi A.; Sagar V.R.; Sharma R.R. (2018). Antioxidant degradation kinetics in apples, Journal of Food Science and Technology, 55(4) DOI
2018 Nallathambi P.; Lal S.K.; Boopalakrishnan G.; Kumar A.; Umamaheswari C.; Gogoi R.; Yadav S.K.; Gupta A.; Meshram N.M.; Ilangovan R. (2018). Scanning electron microscopy and PCR based methods for detection of false smut [Ustilaginoidea virens (cooke) Takahashi] chlamydospores associated with Rice (Oryza sativa) seeds, Vegetos, 31(1) DOI
2018 Kumar K.; Srivastav M.; Singh S.K.; Singh A.; Sharma N. (2018). Studies on extent of polyembryony in salt tolerant mango rootstocks, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 75(1) DOI
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2018 Singh V.K.; Singh B.D.; Kumar A.; Maurya S.; Krishnan S.G.; Vinod K.K.; Singh M.P.; Ellur R.K.; Bhowmick P.K.; Singh A.K. (2018). Marker-Assisted Introgression of Saltol QTL Enhances Seedling Stage Salt Tolerance in the Rice Variety "pusa Basmati 1", International Journal of Genomics, 2018() DOI
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2018 Veluru A.; Neema M.; Prakash K.; Arora A.; Kumar P.N.; Singh M.C. (2018). Regulation of chrysanthemum cut flower senescence using 5-sulfosalicylic acid and aluminium sulphate, Journal of Applied Horticulture, 20(3) DOI
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2018 Bhaduri D.; Purakayastha T.J.; Chakraborty D.; Chakraborty K.; Singh M. (2018). Integrated tillage-water-nutrient management effects on selected soil physical properties in a rice-wheat system in the Indian subcontinent, Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 64(1) DOI
2018 Shashank P.R.; Kammar V.; Mally R.; Chakravarthy A.K. (2018). A new indian species of shoot and capsule borer of the genus Conogethes (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), feeding on cardamom, Zootaxa, 4374(2) DOI
2018 Yadav A.N.; Verma P.; Sachan S.G.; Kaushik R.; Saxena A.K. (2018). Psychrotrophic Microbiomes: Molecular Diversity and Beneficial Role in Plant Growth Promotion and Soil Health, Microorganisms for Sustainability, 7() DOI
2018 Pragya; Das D.K.; Sehgal V.K.; Das T.K.; Mukherjee J. (2018). Evaluation of conservation agriculture practices for radiation interception and biophysical properties in rice-mustard cropping system, Mausam, 69(4) DOI
2018 Jinger D.; Dhar S.; Dass A.; Sharma V.K.; Joshi E.; Vijayakumar S.; Gupta G. (2018). Effect of silicon and phosphorus fertilization on growth, productivity and profitability of aerobic rice (Oryza sativa), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88(10) DOI
2018 Halder J.; Kushwaha D.; Deb D.; Tyagi S.; Dey D. (2018). Adoretus duvauceli blanchard (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae): A new threat to ber plant (ziziphus mauritiana) in eastern uttar pradesh, India, Range Management and Agroforestry, 39(2) DOI
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2018 Kumar V.; Ali K.; Kumar A.; Tewari K.; Garg N.K.; Changan S.S.; Tyagi A. (2018). Cloning and heterologous expression of Os-AP2/ERF-N22 drought inducible rice transcription factor in E. Coli, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88(10) DOI
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2018 Singh D.; Singh R.; Saini J.S.; Singh P.K. (2018). Morpho-biochemical characterization and D2 analysis of watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) landraces from India and exotic germplasm, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88(10) DOI
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2018 Prasad R.; Shivay Y.S. (2018). Relative grain zinc loading ability of cereals (rice, wheat, maize) and a grain legume (chickpea), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88(2) DOI
2018 Yadav R.K.; Kumawat N.; Singh A.; Tomar I.S.; Singh M.; Morya J.; Kumar R.; Upadhyay P.K. (2018). Bio-efficacy of new herbicides on weed dynamics, productivity and nutrient uptake in maize (Zea mays) under rainfed condition of Jhabua hills, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88(7) DOI
2018 Phani V.; Bishnoi S.; Sharma A.; Davies K.G.; Rao U. (2018). Characterization of Meloidogyne indica (Nematoda: Meloidogynidae) Parasitizing Neem in India, with a molecular phylogeny of the species, Journal of Nematology, 50(3) DOI
2018 Ghosh A.; Singh R.K.; Singh O.N.; Samal P. (2018). Developing efficient weed management practices for higher productivity and profitability in aerobic rice (Oryza sativa) cultivation, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88(10) DOI
2018 Shrivastava M.; Ghosh A.; Bhattacharyya R.; Singh S.D. (2018). Urban pollution in India, Urban Pollution: Science and Management, () DOI
2018 Singh R.; Dogra A.; Sarker A.; Saxena A.; Singh B. (2018). Technology gap, constraint analysis and improved production technologies for yield enhancement of barley (Hordeum vulgare) and chickpea (Cicer arietinum) under arid conditions of Rajasthan, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88(2) DOI
2018 Manna S.; Singh N.; Singh S.B. (2018). In-vitro evaluation of rice and wheat straw biochars' effect on pyrazosulfuron-ethyl degradation and microbial activity in rice-planted soil, Soil Research (Australian Journal of Soil Research), 56(6) DOI
2018 Rajendran A.; Chaudhary D.; Singh N. (2018). Prospecting high oil in corn (Zea mays L.) germplasm for better quality breeding, Maydica, 63(1) DOI
2018 Kumar S.; Sharma A.; Sharma V.K.; Ahmed N.; Rosin K.G.; Sharma O.C. (2018). Integrated fertilization: An approach for higher apple (Malus domestica) productivity and ecological health of soil, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88(2) DOI
2018 Chaudhary A.; Sharma D.K.; Arora A. (2018). Prospects of Indian traditional fermented food as functional foods, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88(10) DOI
2018 Seth T.; Lyngdoh Y.A.; Chattopadhyay A.; Sharangi A.B.; Mishra G.P. (2018). Export of Onion, Garlic and Chilli: Three essential spices in daily kitchen, Indian Spices: The Legacy, Production and Processing of India's Treasured Export, () DOI
2018 Kumar A.; Sharma R.; Roy S.; Rao V.; Vennila S.; Jha S.; Chattopadhyay C. (2018). Possible future climate for rice growing regions in India: Visualising 2050 and pest-related impact thereof, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88(2) DOI
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2018 Sinha T.; Shashank P.R.; Chattopadhyay P.C. (2018). DNA barcoding and morphological characterization of moth Antoculeora ornatissima (Walker, 1858) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), a new range record from western Himalayan region of India, Journal of Threatened Taxa, 10(13) DOI
2018 Supriya P.; Rao A.R.; Bhat K.V. (2018). Transcriptome sequencing of sesame (Sesamum indicum) using Illumina platform, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88(3) DOI
2018 Kumar A.T.V.; Mani I.; Pramod A.; Samuel D.V.K.; Jha S.K.; Sahoo P.K.; Sinha J.P.; Kar A. (2018). Effect of extrusion technique on antinutritional factors of sorghum-soya blends, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88(3) DOI
2018 Singh A.; Sharma V.; Dikshit H.K. (2018). Molecular characterization of elite lentil (Lens culinaris medikus) lines varying for Grain Fe and Zn concentration, Vegetos, 31(Special Issue) DOI
2018 Tripathi K.; Yadav R.K.; Reddy Y.P.; Kumar D. (2018). Adaptive strategies of cyanobacteria in response to salinity, The Role of Photosynthetic Microbes in Agriculture and Industry, () DOI
2018 Sinha N.; Priyanka V.; Ramya K.T.; Leena T.; Bhat J.A.; Harikrishna; Jain N.; Singh P.K.; Singh G.P.; Prabhu K.V. (2018). Assessment of marker-trait associations for drought and heat tolerance in bread wheat, Cereal Research Communications, 46(4) DOI
2018 Gayacharan; Bisht I.S.; Pandey A.; Yadav M.C.; Singh A.K.; Pandravada S.R.; Rana J.C. (2018). Population structure of some indigenous aromatic rice (Oryza sativa L.) landraces of India, Indian Journal of Biotechnology, 17(1) DOI
2018 Singh G.; Setter T.L.; Singh M.K.; Kulshreshtha N.; Singh B.N.; Stefanova K.; Tyagi B.S.; Singh J.B.; Kherawat B.S.; Barrett-Lennard E.G. (2018). Number of tillers in wheat is an easily measurable index of genotype tolerance to saline waterlogged soils: Evidence from 10 large-scale field trials in India, Crop and Pasture Science, 69(6) DOI
2018 Kumari A.; Varma A.; Annapurna K. (2018). Bioherbicide potential of cellulose degrading endophytic bacteriafor control ofcommon weed set aria glauca (L.) P. Beauv, Biochemical and Cellular Archives, 18(2) DOI
2018 Shukla A.K.; Pramanick K.K.; Watpade S.; Kumar J. (2018). Performance of apricot (Prunus armeniaca) genotypes for growth, yield and quality parameters in temperate ecosystem of Himachal Pradesh, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88(7) DOI
2018 Adak A.; Singh S.; Lavanya A.K.; Sharma A.; Nain L. (2018). Sustainable production of biofuels from weedy biomass and other unconventional lignocellulose wastes, Sustainable Biotechnology- Enzymatic Resources of Renewable Energy, () DOI
2018 Pandey Y.; Mishra A.K.; Sarangi A.; Singh D.K.; Sahoo R.N.; Sarkar S. (2018). Trend analysis of rainfall and runoff in the Jhelum basin of Kashmir Valley, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88(2) DOI
2018 Yadav K.K.; Gupta N.; Kumar V.; Choudhary P.; Khan S.A. (2018). GIS-based evaluation of groundwater geochemistry and statistical determination of the fate of contaminants in shallow aquifers from different functional areas of Agra city, India: Levels and spatial distributions, RSC Advances, 8(29) DOI
2018 Gurjar D.S.; Kaur R.; Singh K.P. (2018). Impact of wastewater irrigation on vegetative growth, flowering characteristics, keeping quality and productivity of tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88(4) DOI
2018 Bainsla N.K.; Yadav R.; Sharma R.K.; Sharma A.; Gaikwad K.B.; Kumar A.; Singh V.; Vyas P.; Sharma A. (2018). Mechanistic understanding of lodging in spring wheat (Triticum aestivum): An Indian perspective, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88(10) DOI
2018 Yadav R.K.; Mishra A.K.; Bandyopadhyay S.K.; Tomar B.S.; Choudhary H. (2018). Vegetable intervention for livelihood and nutritional security of small landholders: Key component for enhancing the income of farmers, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88(4) DOI
2018 Gupta G.; Dhar S.; Dass A.; Sharma V.K.; Singh R.K.; Kumar A.; Jinger D.; Kumar A. (2018). Influence of bio-inoculant mediated organic nutrient management on productivity and profitability of pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan) in a semi-arid agro-ecology, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88(10) DOI
2018 Dangwal M.; Mathad S.M.; Patil B.L. (2018). Novel Strategies for Engineering Resistance to Plant Viral Diseases, New and Future Developments in Microbial Biotechnology and Bioengineering: Crop Improvement through Microbial Biotechnology, () DOI
2018 Kumar P.; Lal K.; Mukherjee A.; Pradhan U.K.; Ray M.; Prakash O. (2018). Advanced row-column designs for animal feed experiments, Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 88(4) DOI
2018 Narender; Malik R.S. (2018). Soil manganese dynamics and its uptake in wheat (Triticum aestivum) influenced by chloride and manganese application, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88(10) DOI
2018 Shivakumara T.N.; Dutta T.K.; Rao U. (2018). A novel in vitro chemotaxis bioassay to assess the response of Meloidogyne incognita towards various test compounds, Journal of Nematology, 50(4) DOI
2018 Patel A.S.; Pradhan R.C.; Kar A.; Mohapatra D. (2018). Effect of fortification of de-oiled bottle gourd (Lagenaria Siceraria) seed on the functional and chemical characteristics of the biscuit: A nutritional assessment, Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science, 6(3) DOI
2018 Parray R.A.; Mani I.; Kumar A.; Khura T.; Verghese E. (2018). Web based machinery fleet size selection model for paddy-wheat cropping system, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88(4) DOI
2018 Priya K.C.; Singh J.K.; Kumar A. (2018). Ergonomics evaluation of selected wheel hoe for design improvement in handle alignment, Annals of Agri Bio Research, 23(1) DOI
2018 Mohanty S.; Datta S.C. (2018). Effect of Rhizosphere on release of fixed Ammonia, Clay Research, 37(1) DOI
2018 Pandey N.; Hossain F.; Muthusamy V.; Vishwakarma A.K.; Zunjare R.U. (2018). Haplotypes of recessive opaque2 allele in exotic-and indigenous-quality protein maize inbreds, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88(2) DOI
2018 Sinha J.; Singh J.K.; Kumar A. (2018). Ergonomic assessment of wheel hoe and design compliance for women farm worker, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88(3) DOI
2018 Kumar A.; Behera U.K.; Dhar S.; Shukla L.; Bhatiya A.; Meena Gaurendra Gupta M.C.; Singh R.K. (2018). Effect of tillage, crop residue and phosphorus management practices on the productivity and profitability of maize (Zea mays) cultivation in Inceptisols, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88(10) DOI
2018 Samantaray J.; Das T.R.; Baisakh B. (2018). Combining ability and gene action for yield traits in greengram [Vigna radiata (L.) wilczek], Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 9(2) DOI
2018 Meena R.K.; Singh Y.V. (2018). Effect of green organic mulching and nitrogen management on productivity, N use efficiency and profitability of Basmati aerobic rice (Oryza sativa), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88(3) DOI
2018 Patil S.S.; Kaur C. (2018). Current trends in extrusion: Development of functional foods and novel ingredients, Food Science and Technology Research, 24(1) DOI
2018 Kumari S.; Arumugam N.; Singh R.; Srivastav M.; Banoth S.; Mithra A.C.; Arun M.B.; Goswami A.K.; Khan Y.J. (2018). Diversity analysis of guava (Psidium guajava) germplasm collection, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88(3) DOI
2018 Raj R.; Das T.K.; Kaur R.; Singh R.; Shekhawat K. (2018). Invasive noxious weed management research in India with special reference to Cyperus rotundus, Eichhornia crassipes and Lantana camara, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88(2) DOI
2018 Rajanna G.A.; Dhindwal A.S.; Narender; Patil M.D.; Shivakumar L. (2018). Alleviating moisture stress under irrigation scheduling and crop establishment techniques on productivity and profitability of wheat (Triticum aestivum) under semi-arid conditions of Western India, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88(3) DOI
2018 Kherwar D.; Usha K.; Mithra S.V.A.; Singh B. (2018). Microsatellite (SSR) marker assisted assessment of population structure and genetic diversity for morpho-physiological traits in guava (Psidium guajava L.), Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 27(3) DOI
2018 Kumar R.; Kumar S.; Kumar D.; Kansal S. (2018). Heterosis, combining ability and gene action studies for insect-pest and disease resistance in cucumber, Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 9(3) DOI
2018 Kajal D.; Pooniya V.; Choudhary A.K.; Swarnalakshmi K.; Bana R.S.; Parihar C.M.; Sarkar S.K. (2018). Effect of integrated crop management modules on crop productivity and soil physico–chemical and biological properties under direct-seeded basmati rice (Orzya sativa), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88(7) DOI
2018 Rawal S.; Dhindwal A.S.; Punia S.S. (2018). Response of furrow irrigated raised bed planted maize (Zea mays) to different moisture regimes and herbicides treatments under semi-arid conditions, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88(3) DOI
2018 Rawat K.S.; Mishra S.V.; Singh S.K. (2018). Integration of Earth Observation Data and Spatial Approach to Delineate and Manage Aeolian Sand-Affected Wasteland in Highly Productive Lands of Haryana, India, International Journal of Geophysics, 2018() DOI
2018 Imran M.; Dash M.; Das T.R.; Kabi M. (2018). Analysis of induced genetic variability for morphological and floral characters with male sterility in sesame (Sesamum indicum L.), Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 9(3) DOI
2018 Sanyal A.; Joshi M.A.; Basu S.; Yadav S.K. (2018). Effect of storage period on special DUS characters in extant varieties of rice (Oryza sativa) for establishing distinctiveness, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88(2) DOI
2018 Jain R.; Singh M.K.; Swaroop K.; Reddy M.V.; Janakiram T.; Kumar P.; Pinder R. (2018). Optimization of spacing and nitrogen dose for growth and flowering of statice (Limonium sinuatum), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88(7) DOI
2018 Nagalakshmi R.M.; Ravikesavan R.; Paranidharan V.; Manivannan N.; Firoz H.; Vignesh M.; Senthil N. (2018). Genetic variability, heritability and genetic advance studies in backcross populations of maize (Zea mays L.), Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 9(3) DOI
2018 Singh P.K.; Saharan M.S.; Singh D.P.; Singh S.; Pandey G.C. (2018). Present scenario of wheat fungal disease karnal bunt (Kb) incidence in India, Vegetos, 31(Special Issue) DOI
2018 Kumarumarumarumar P.V.; Sharma S.K.; Rishi N.; Ghosh D.K.; Baranwal V.K. (2018). An isothermal based recombinase polymerase amplification assay for rapid, sensitive and robust indexing of citrus yellow mosaic virus, Acta Virologica, 62(1) DOI
2018 Reddy A.A.; Raju S.S.; Suresh A.; Kumar P. (2018). Analysis of pearl millet market structure and value chain in India, Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies, 8(2) DOI
2018 Kalra N.; Kumar M. (2018). Simulating the impact of climate change and its variability on agriculture, Climate Change and Agriculture in India: Impact and Adaptation, () DOI
2018 Vennila A.; Datta S.C. (2018). Effect of manures and amorphous aluminosilicates on amount and stability of adsorbed humus on coarse and fine clay of different soils from long-term fertilizer experiment, Clay Research, 37(1) DOI
2018 Saha S.; Rana G.; Mukhopadhyay A.; Mondal A.; Mandal T. (2018). Integrated catalytic system between biological and non-biological materials for the biodegradation of toxic methyl-parathion into non-toxic compounds, Asian Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Environmental Sciences, 20(1) DOI
2018 Nagdev R.; Mahapatra S.K.; Singh S.K.; Yadav R.P.; Surya J.N. (2018). Role of soil clays for watershed management in Mewat Region of Haryana, Clay Research, 37(1) DOI
2018 Gangadhara Rao P.; Behera T.K.; Gaikwad A.B.; Munshi A.D.; Jat G.S.; Boopalakrishnan G. (2018). Mapping and QTL analysis of gynoecy and earliness in bitter gourd (momordica charantia L.) using genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) technology, Frontiers in Plant Science, 871() DOI
2018 Mandal N.; Rakshit R.; Datta S.C.; Singh A.K. (2018). Nanotechnology in the arena of changing climate, Climate Change and Agriculture in India: Impact and Adaptation, () DOI
2018 Kaur R.; Shivay Y.S.; Singh G.; Kaur Virk H.; Sen S.; Rajni (2018). Increasing area under pulses and soil quality enhancement in pulse-based cropping systems – Retrospect and prospects, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88(1) DOI
2018 Shisa Ullas P.; Namita; Singh K.P.; Panwar S.; Kundu A.; Gopala Krishnan S.; Kumar G. (2018). Influence of drying techniques on retention of anthocyanin and their antioxidant activities in chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum × morifolium) flowers, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88(2) DOI
2018 Kumar R.; Slathia P.S.; Peshin R.; Gupta S.K.; Gupta S.K.; Nain M.S. (2018). Performance analysis of rapeseed-mustard crop under different agro-climatic conditions of Jammu Division of J & K state, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88(3) DOI
2018 Somvanshi V.S.; Tathode M.; Shukla R.N.; Rao U. (2018). Nematode genome announcement: A draft genome for rice root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne graminicola, Journal of Nematology, 50(2) DOI
2018 Saha S.; Mandal A.; Dutta A. (2018). Good Agricultural Practices: Requirement for the Production of Quality Herbal Medicines, Natural Products and Drug Discovery: an Integrated Approach, () DOI
2018 Mahajan G.; Matloob A.; Singh R.; Singh V.P.; Chauhan B.S. (2018). Basmati Rice in the Indian Subcontinent: Strategies to Boost Production and Quality Traits, Advances in Agronomy, 151() DOI
2018 Mohammad A.; Sudhishri S.; Singh M.; Das T.K.; Sharma V.K.; Dwivedi N. (2018). Performance evaluation of Aqua Crop model for conservation agriculture based direct seeded rice (Oryza sativa), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88(3) DOI
2018 Bahuguna R.N.; Tamilselvan A.; Raveendran M.; Solis C.A.; Jagadish S.V.K. (2018). Mild preflowering drought priming improves stress defences, assimilation and sink strength in rice under severe terminal drought, Functional Plant Biology, 45(8) DOI
2018 Singhal T.; Satyavathi C.T.; Kumar A.; Sankar S.M.; Singh S.P.; Bharadwaj C.; Aravind J.; Anuradha N.; Meena M.C.; Singh N. (2018). Genotype × environment interaction and genetic association of grain iron and zinc content with other agronomic traits in RIL population of pearl millet, Crop and Pasture Science, 69(11) DOI
2018 Sarkar D.J.; Singh A. (2018). pH-triggered release of boron and thiamethoxam from boric acid crosslinked carboxymethyl cellulose hydrogel based formulations, Polymer - Plastics Technology and Engineering, 58(1) DOI
2018 Sharma C.; Saripalli G.; Kumar S.; Gautam T.; Kumar A.; Rani S.; Jain N.; Prasad P.; Raghuvanshi S.; Jain M.; Sharma J.B.; Prabhu K.V.; Sharma P.K.; Balyan H.S.; Gupta P.K. (2018). A study of transcriptome in leaf rust infected bread wheat involving seedling resistance gene Lr28, Functional Plant Biology, 45(10) DOI
2018 Shashank P.R.; Benedek B. (2018). A new range record of noctuid moth Owadaglaea elongata (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae: Xyleninae) from India, Journal of Threatened Taxa, 10(6) DOI
2018 Sharma M.; Kansal R.; Singh D. (2018). Endophytic Microorganisms: Their Role in Plant Growth and Crop Improvement, New and Future Developments in Microbial Biotechnology and Bioengineering: Crop Improvement through Microbial Biotechnology, () DOI
2018 Ullas S.P.; Namita; Singh K.P.; Kundu A.; Panwar S.; Krishnan G.S.; Kumar G. (2018). Profiling of carotenoid pigments and their antioxidant activities in ray florets of chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum× morifolium), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88(3) DOI
2018 Haque M.M.; Biswas J.C.; Maniruzzaman M.; Choudhury A.K.; Naher U.A.; Hossain B.; Akhter S.; Ahmed F.; Kalra N. (2018). Greenhouse gas emissions from selected cropping patterns in Bangladesh, Climate Change and Agriculture in India: Impact and Adaptation, () DOI
2018 Prasad K.; Sharma R.R. (2018). Salicylic acid influences lenticel discolouration and physiological and biochemical attributes of mango (Mangifera indica L.) fruits, Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 27(3) DOI
2018 Sharma O.P.; Rachappa V.; Yelshetty S.; Naik H.; Gopali J.B.; Saini M.R. (2018). Validation and implementation of principles of the integrated pest management concept – Sustainability and current challenges in pest endemic pulse bowl of India, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88(3) DOI
2018 Bana R.S.; Sepat S.; Rana K.S.; Pooniya V.; Choudhary A.K. (2018). Moisture-stress management under limited and assured irrigation regimes in wheat (Triticum aestivum): Effects on crop productivity, water use efficiency, grain quality, nutrient acquisition and soil fertility, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88(10) DOI
2018 Phani V.; Rao U. (2018). Revisiting the life-cycle of pasteur ia penetrans infecting meloidogy ne incognita under soil-less medium, and effect of streptomycin sulfate on its development, Journal of Nematology, 50(2) DOI
2018 Sinha J.P.; Singh J.K.; Kumar A.; Agarwal K.N. (2018). Development of solar powered knapsack sprayer, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88(4) DOI
2018 Mangal M.; Srivastava A.; Tomar B.S. (2018). Genetic and molecular regulation of colour and pungency in hot pepper (Capsicum spp): A review, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88(3) DOI
2018 Kiran Kumara T.M.; Kumar S.; Singh D.R.; Immanuelraj K. (2018). Participation in community based tank irrigation system in a rainfed region of India, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88(4) DOI
2018 Khanra S.; Gayen K.; Halder G.; Bhowmick T.K.; Oinam G.; Tiwari O.N. (2018). Lipid derived products from microalgae: Downstream processing for industrial application, The Role of Photosynthetic Microbes in Agriculture and Industry, () DOI
2018 Shitu G.A.; Nain M.S.; Kobba F. (2018). Development of scale for assessing farmers’ attitude towards precision conservation agricultural practices, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88(3) DOI
2018 Prasanna R.; Saxena G.; Singh B.; Ranjan K.; Buddhadeo R.; Velmourougane K.; Ramakrishnan B.; Nain L.; Singh M.C.; Hasan M.; Shivay Y.S. (2018). Mode of application influences the biofertilizing efficacy of cyanobacterial biofilm formulations in chrysanthemum varieties under protected cultivation, Open Agriculture, 3(1) DOI
2018 Patra A.; Sharma V.K.; Purakayastha T.J.; Barman M.; Kumar S.; Chakraborty D.; Chobhe K.A.; Nath D.J. (2018). Long-term effect of integrated nutrient management on yield and nutrients uptake by rice (Oryza sativa) in acid soil, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88(4) DOI
2018 Chakravorty S.; Joshi P.; Gills R.; Sharma J.P.; Sharma N. (2018). Concept, status and impact of foodgrain banking in Indian villages: A review, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88(2) DOI
2018 Mandal A.; Purakayastha T.J.; Patra A.K.; Sarkar B. (2018). Arsenic phytoextraction by Pteris vittata improves microbial properties in contaminated soil under various phosphate fertilizations, Applied Geochemistry, 88() DOI
2018 Golui D.; Datta S.P.; Kaushik S.C. (2018). Interferences of medium and matrix in determination of trace toxic elements using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, Journal of Environmental Biology, 39(1) DOI
2018 Dandekar A.T.; Singh D.K.; Sarangi A.; Singh A.K. (2018). Modelling vadose zone processes for assessing groundwater recharge in semi-arid region, Current Science, 114(3) DOI
2018 Mahawar M.K.; Samuel D.V.K.; Sinha J.P.; Jalgaonkar K. (2018). Moisture-dependent physical and physiological properties of accelerated aged pea (Pisum sativum L.) seeds, Current Science, 114(4) DOI
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2018 Singh M.; Sarkar B.; Sarkar S.; Churchman J.; Bolan N.; Mandal S.; Menon M.; Purakayastha T.J.; Beerling D.J. (2018). Stabilization of Soil Organic Carbon as Influenced by Clay Mineralogy, Advances in Agronomy, 148() DOI
2018 Das T.K.; Saharawat Y.S.; Bhattacharyya R.; Sudhishri S.; Bandyopadhyay K.K.; Sharma A.R.; Jat M.L. (2018). Conservation agriculture effects on crop and water productivity, profitability and soil organic carbon accumulation under a maize-wheat cropping system in the North-western Indo-Gangetic Plains, Field Crops Research, 215() DOI
2018 Chaudhary K.; Chattopadhyay A.; Pratap D. (2018). Anti-CRISPR proteins: Counterattack of phages on bacterial defense (CRISPR/Cas) system, Journal of Cellular Physiology, 233(1) DOI
2018 Paul S.; Vellaichamy S.; Satyapriya; Singh P. (2018). Nutritional security vis-à-vis food production in India: The strength of agri-nutri linkage in retrospect, Current Science, 114(3) DOI
2018 Gurjar D.S.; Kaur R. (2018). Impact of wastewater irrigations and planting methods on leaf firing, colour, quality and traffic tolerance of turfgrass, Journal of Environmental Biology, 39(1) DOI
2018 Sarika K.; Hossain F.; Muthusamy V.; Zunjare R.U.; Baveja A.; Goswami R.; Thirunavukkarasu N.; Jha S.K.; Gupta H.S. (2018). Opaque16, a high lysine and tryptophan mutant, does not influence the key physico-biochemical characteristics in maize kernel, PLoS ONE, 13(1) DOI
2018 Verma A.K.; Sindhu S.S.; Anand P.; Singh A.; Chauhan V.B.S.; Verma S.K. (2018). Vermi products and biodegradable superabsorbent polymer improve physiological activities and leaf nutrient contents of gerbera, Research Journal of Biotechnology, 13(3) DOI
2018 Venkat Raman K.; Aggarwal D.; Raghavendra Rao S.; Sreevathsa R.; Singh A.K.; Abdin M.Z.; Mohapatra T.; Pattanayak D. (2018). Rapid and efficient Agrobacterium mediated transformation of early scutellum derived calli of indica rice, Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 56(1) DOI
2018 Saxena P.; Gupta S.K.; Mehrotra D.; Kamthan S.; Sabir H.; Katiyar P.; Sai Prasad S.V. (2018). Assessment of digital literacy and use of smart phones among Central Indian dental students, Journal of Oral Biology and Craniofacial Research, 8(1) DOI
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2018 Sachdeva S.; Bharadwaj C.; Sharma V.; Patil B.S.; Soren K.R.; Roorkiwal M.; Varshney R.; Bhat K.V. (2018). Molecular and phenotypic diversity among chickpea (Cicer arietinum) genotypes as a function of drought tolerance, Crop and Pasture Science, 69(2) DOI
2018 Kaushik M.S.; Dash N.P.; Kumar A.; Abraham G.; Singh P.K. (2018). Tolerance of wetland rice field's cyanobacteria to agrochemicals in cultural condition, Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, 13() DOI
2018 Dube N.; Mashurabad P.C.; Hossain F.; Pullakhandam R.; Thingnganing L.; Bharatraj D.K. (2018). β-Carotene bioaccessibility from biofortified maize (: Zea mays) is related to its density and is negatively influenced by lutein and zeaxanthin, Food and Function, 9(1) DOI
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2018 Ali S.; Mir Z.A.; Bhat J.A.; Tyagi A.; Chandrashekar N.; Yadav P.; Rawat S.; Sultana M.; Grover A. (2018). Isolation and characterization of systemic acquired resistance marker gene PR1 and its promoter from Brassica juncea, 3 Biotech, 8(1) DOI
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2018 Mahawar H.; Prasanna R.; Simranjit K.; Thapa S.; Kanchan A.; Singh R.; Kaushik S.C.; Singh S.; Nain L. (2018). Deciphering the mode of interactions of nanoparticles with mung bean (Vigna radiata L.), Israel Journal of Plant Sciences, 65(01-Feb) DOI
2018 Prajapat K.; Vyas A.K.; Dhar S.; Jain N.K.; Hashim M.; Choudhary G.L. (2018). Energy input-output relationship of soybean-based cropping systems under different nutrient supply options, Journal of Environmental Biology, 39(1) DOI
2018 Pandey V.; Krishnan V.; Basak N.; Marathe A.; Thimmegowda V.; Dahuja A.; Jolly M.; Sachdev A. (2018). Molecular modeling and in silico characterization of GmABCC5: a phytate transporter and potential target for low-phytate crops, 3 Biotech, 8(1) DOI
2018 Dhillon M.K.; Chaudhary D.P. (2018). Physicochemical mechanisms of resistance in sorghum to Chilo partellus (Swinhoe), Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 56(1) DOI
2018 Kumar P.; Sethi S.; Sharma R.R.; Varghese E. (2018). Influence of edible coatings on physiological and biochemical attributes of Japanese plum (Prunus salicina Lindell cv. Santa Rosa), Fruits, 73(1) DOI
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2018 Parkash C.; Kumar S.; Singh R.; Kumar A.; Kumar S.; Dey S.S.; Bhatia R.; Kumar R. (2018). ‘Ogura’-based ‘CMS’ lines with different nuclear backgrounds of cabbage revealed substantial diversity at morphological and molecular levels, 3 Biotech, 8(1) DOI
2018 Chakraborty D.; Sehgal V.K.; Dhakar R.; Das D.K.; Sahoo R.N. (2018). Trends and Change-Point in Satellite Derived Phenology Parameters in Major Wheat Growing Regions of North India During the Last Three Decades, Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, 46(1) DOI
2018 Shitu G.A.; Nain M.S.; Singh R. (2018). Developing extension model for uptake of precision conservation agricultural practices in developing nations: Learning from rice-wheat system of Africa and India, Current Science, 114(4) DOI
2018 Meena N.K.; Pal R.; Barman D.; Pant R.P. (2018). Indigenous approaches of orchid pest management in North East India, Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, 17(1) DOI
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2018 Chadha K.L.; Pandey R.M. (2018). Psidium guajava, CRC Handbook of Flowering, 5() DOI
2018 Bhunia B.; Prasad Uday U.S.; Oinam G.; Mondal A.; Bandyopadhyay T.K.; Tiwari O.N. (2018). Characterization, genetic regulation and production of cyanobacterial exopolysaccharides and its applicability for heavy metal removal, Carbohydrate Polymers, 179() DOI
2018 Asrey R.; Kumar S.; Meena N.K. (2018). Influence of Water Quality on Postharvest Fruit and Vegetable Quality, Preharvest Modulation of Postharvest Fruit and Vegetable Quality, () DOI
2018 Kumar P.V.; Sharma S.K.; Rishi N.; Baranwal V.K. (2018). Efficient immunodiagnosis of Citrus yellow mosaic virus using polyclonal antibodies with an expressed recombinant virion-associated protein, 3 Biotech, 8(1) DOI
2018 Kumar S.; Choudhary A.K.; Rana K.S.; Sarker A.; Singh M. (2018). Bio-fortification potential of global wild annual lentil core collection, PLoS ONE, 13(1) DOI
2018 Shukla A.; Srivastava N.; Suneja P.; Yadav S.K.; Hussain Z.; Rana J.C.; Yadav S. (2018). Untapped amaranth (Amaranthus spp.) genetic diversity with potential for nutritional enhancement, Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 65(1) DOI
2018 Zunjare R.U.; Chhabra R.; Hossain F.; Baveja A.; Muthusamy V.; Gupta H.S. (2018). Molecular characterization of 5′ UTR of the lycopene epsilon cyclase (lcyE) gene among exotic and indigenous inbreds for its utilization in maize biofortification, 3 Biotech, 8(1) DOI
2018 Saha T.; Kalmesh M.; Nithya C.; Singh M.P.; Kumari K. (2018). Insect Pest Management of Preharvest Vegetables for Better Postharvest Quality, Preharvest Modulation of Postharvest Fruit and Vegetable Quality, () DOI
2018 Abdolvand B.; Zarghami R.; Salari A. (2018). The effects of AgNO3 and 2iP (N6 -(2-Isopentenyl) adenine) on different stages of somatic embryogenesis in date palm (Phoenix Dactylifera L.) (CV. Medjool), Pakistan Journal of Botany, 50(2) DOI
2018 Verma G.; Sharma M.; Mondal K.K. (2018). XopR TTSS-effector regulates in planta growth, virulence of Indian strain of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae via suppressing reactive oxygen species production and cell wall-associated rice immune responses during blight induction, Functional Plant Biology, 45(5) DOI
2018 Kumar R.; Palicherla S.R.; Mandal B.; Kadiri S. (2018). PCR based detection of betasatellite associated with the begomoviruses using improved universal primers, Australasian Plant Pathology, 47(1) DOI
2017 Swarnalakshmi K.; Pooniya V.; Paul S. (2017). Synergistic interaction of piriformospora indica and microbial inoculants on symbiotic potential, plant nutrition and productivity of chickpea (Cicer arietinum), Indian Journal of Agronomy, 62(4) DOI
2017 Vairat A.D.; Mani I.; Samuel D.V.K. (2017). Influence of extrusion conditions on system responses during twin screw extrusion of barnyard millet based extrudate, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 87(12) DOI
2017 Rajaram J.V.; Punia M.S.; Singh V.; Singh K. (2017). Genetic variability, correlation and path analysis in F2 generation of cross LASSIK x WH 542 in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Annals of Agri Bio Research, 22(2) DOI
2017 Meena R.P.; Prasad S.K.; Layek A.; Singh M.K.; Hingonia K. (2017). Nitrogen and zinc scheduling for productivity and profitability in direct-seeded rice (Oryza sativa), Indian Journal of Agronomy, 62(4) DOI
2017 Yadav R.K.; Purakayastha T.J.; Khan M.A.; Kaushik S.C. (2017). Long-term impact of manuring and fertilization on enrichment, stability and quality of organic carbon in Inceptisol under two potato-based cropping systems, Science of the Total Environment, 609() DOI
2017 Singh P.K.; Singh K.K.; Singh P.; Balasubramanian R.; Baxla A.K.; Kumar B.; Gupta A.; Rathore L.S.; Kalra N. (2017). Forecasting of wheat yield in various agro-climatic regions of Bihar by using CERES-wheat model, Journal of Agrometeorology, 19(4) DOI
2017 Goswami S.; Kumar R.R.; Chinnusamy V.; Praveen S. (2017). In planta silencing of NSs and Hc-Pro through RNAi constructs: to develop durable resistance, Indian Journal of Plant Physiology, 22(4) DOI
2017 Mhatre P.H.; Pankaj; Kumar J.; Shakil N.A.; Kumar R.; Adak T. (2017). New formulations of salicylic acid and their bioefficacy evaluation on wheat against cereal cyst nematode, Indian Journal of Nematology, 47(2) DOI
2017 Baliwada H.; Sharma J.P.; Burman R.R.; Nain M.S.; Kumar A.; Venkatesh P. (2017). A study on institutionalization of farmer-led innovations for their scaling up, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 87(12) DOI
2017 Singh R.N.; Mukherjee J.; Sehgal V.K.; Bhatia A.; Krishnan P.; Das D.K.; Kumar V.; Harit R. (2017). Effect of elevated ozone, carbon dioxide and their interaction on growth, biomass and water use efficiency of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), Journal of Agrometeorology, 19(4) DOI
2017 Mukhopadhyay R.; Manjaiah K.M.; Datta S.C.; Yadav R.K. (2017). Effect of bentonite on arsenic uptake by beet leaf cultivar pusa Bharti grown on contaminated soil, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 74(4) DOI
2017 Singh D.; Yadav D.K.; Sinha S. (2017). Improvement of bio-efficacy of bacterial antagonists by using bleaching powder and resistant cultivars to control bacterial wilt of tomato, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 74(4) DOI
2017 Kumar P.; Sethi S.; Sharma R.R.; Srivastav M.; Varghese E. (2017). Effect of chitosan coating on postharvest life and quality of plum during storage at low temperature, Scientia Horticulturae, 226() DOI
2017 Pradhan S.; Goswami A.K.; Singh S.K.; Prakash J.; Goswami S.; Chinnusamy V.; Talukdar A.; Srivastava V.; Kumar A. (2017). Physiological and biochemical alterations due to low temperature stress in papaya genotypes, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 74(4) DOI
2017 Bajiya R.; Yadav R.K. (2017). Bio-fortification for enhancing nutritional quality of pulses under climate change, Annals of Agri Bio Research, 22(2) DOI
2017 Datta D.; Saxena S.C.; Ghosh S. (2017). Boosting productivity and profitability of soybean (Glycine max) in Uttarakhand by weed management through herbicides and mulch, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 62(4) DOI
2017 Kesava Kumar H.; Ganguly S.; Ramamurthy V.V. (2017). Field evaluation of entomopathogenic nematode, steinernema thermophilum against solenopsis mealybug, phenacoccus solenopsis infesting brinjal, Indian Journal of Nematology, 47(2) DOI
2017 Ramyashreedevi G.S.; Singh D.; Srivastava A.; Biswas K.K.; Gupta A.K. (2017). Characterization of Xanthomonas species causing bacterial leaf spot disease of pepper (Capsicum annuum) in India, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 87(12) DOI
2017 Pradhan S.; Bandyopadhyay K.; Chopra U.K.; Krishnan P.; Jain A.K.; Singh R.; Chand I. (2017). Yield, grain protein content and input use efficiency in wheat as influenced by irrigation and nitrogen levels in a semi-arid region, Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science, 65(4) DOI
2017 Ghasal P.C.; Shivay Y.S.; Pooniya V.; Choudhary M.; Verma R.K. (2017). Zinc fertilization effect on macro and micro-nutrients concentrations and uptake in wheat (Triticum aestivum) varieties, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 62(4) DOI
2017 Vinutha T.; Bansal N.; Kumari K.; Prashat R.G.; Sreevathsa R.; Krishnan V.; Kumari S.; Dahuja A.; Lal S.K.; Sachdev A.; Praveen S. (2017). Comparative Analysis of Tocopherol Biosynthesis Genes and Its Transcriptional Regulation in Soybean Seeds, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 65(50) DOI
2017 Jailani A.A.K.; Mukherjee S.K. (2017). Does endogenous RNAi have antipathogenic features?, Indian Journal of Plant Physiology, 22(4) DOI
2017 Kumar G.; Singh A.; Vinutha T.; Kumar S.; Kumar R.R.; Praveen S. (2017). Possible role of miRNAs and their targets, in modulating leaf morphology and plant growth during leaf curl virus infection in tomato, Indian Journal of Plant Physiology, 22(4) DOI
2017 Kumar S.S.; Kadier A.; Malyan S.K.; Ahmad A.; Bishnoi N.R. (2017). Phytoremediation and rhizoremediation: Uptake, mobilization and sequestration of heavy metals by plants, Plant-Microbe Interactions in Agro-Ecological Perspectives, 2() DOI
2017 Seema; Meena R.; Sodani R.; Yadav S.; Jatav S.S.; Goswami S.P. (2017). Suitability of zinc-enriched spinach (Spinacea oleracea L.) for human consumption, Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science, 65(4) DOI
2017 Chaudhary S.; Kamaraju D.; Phani V.; Rao U. (2017). Screening of accessions of adzuki beans (Vigna angularis (willd.) ohwi & ohashi) against root-knot nematode, meloidogyne incognita, Indian Journal of Nematology, 47(2) DOI
2017 Sharma J.; Kumar S.S.; Sharma P.; Gupta S.; Manju; Sandeep; Malyan K.; Bishnoi N.R. (2017). Effect of different nitrogen sources on growth of algal consortia, Annals of Agri Bio Research, 22(2) DOI
2017 Das K.; Pooniya V.; Choudhary A.K.; Swarnalakshmi K.; Parihar C.M.; Bana R.S.; Sarkar S.K. (2017). Integrated crop management modules for enhancing productivity and profitability of direct-seeded basmati rice (Oryza sativa), Indian Journal of Agronomy, 62(4) DOI
2017 Yadav R.K.; Tomar B.S.; Pachauri N.; Brihmadev; Jain V. (2017). Antioxidant and mineral studies in different genotypes of Indian bathua (Chenopodium album), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 87(12) DOI
2017 Khan M.R.; Chandra B. (2017). Dynamics of free-living and plant-parasitic nematodes on vegetables in Dhapa municipal waste of Kolkata, India, Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection, 50(19-20) DOI
2017 Saran P.L.; Choudhary R.; Solanki I. (2017). Fruit deformity in papaya: Field screening, nutrient composition and amelioration by boron application, Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 55(12) DOI
2017 Singh M.; Mallick N.; Chand S.; Kumari P.; Sharma J.B.; Sivasamy M.; Jayaprakash P.; Prabhu K.V.; Jha S.K.; Vinod (2017). Marker-assisted pyramiding of Thinopyrum-derived leaf rust resistance genes Lr19 and Lr24 in bread wheat variety HD2733, Journal of Genetics, 96(6) DOI
2017 Kakrana A.; Kumar A.; Satheesh V.; Abdin M.Z.; Subramaniam K.; Bhattacharya R.C.; Srinivasan R.; Sirohi A.; Jain P.K. (2017). Identification, validation and utilization of novel nematode-responsive root-specific promoters in Arabidopsis for inducing host-delivered RNAi mediated root-knot nematode resistance, Frontiers in Plant Science, 8() DOI
2017 Shekhar M.; Singh N.; Dutta R.; Kumar S.; Mahajan V. (2017). Comparative study of qualitative and quantitative methods to determine toxicity level of Aspergillus flavus isolates in maize, PLoS ONE, 12(12) DOI
2017 Kumar S.; Tomhash C.; Nepolean T.; Tara Satyavathi C.; Singh G.; Mahendrakar M.D.; Yadav R.S.; Srivastava R.K. (2017). Mapping QTLs controlling flowering time and important agronomic traits in pearl millet, Frontiers in Plant Science, 8() DOI
2017 Jain S.; Varma A.; Tuteja N.; Choudhary D.K. (2017). Bacterial volatiles in promotion of plant under biotic stress, Volatiles and Food Security: Role of Volatiles in Agro-Ecosystems, () DOI
2017 Pervez R.; Eapen S.J.; Rajkumar (2017). Screening of native entomopathogenic nematodes against semi-looper (Synegia sp.) infesting black pepper (Piper nigrum L.), Journal of Plantation Crops, 45(3) DOI
2017 Ghosh S.; Wali S.Y.; Datta D. (2017). Sequential application of herbicides in wheat (Triticum aestivum) under peninsular Indian conditions, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 62(4) DOI
2017 Velmourougane K.; Saxena G.; Prasanna R. (2017). Plant-microbe interactions in the rhizosphere: Mechanisms and their ecological benefits, Plant-Microbe Interactions in Agro-Ecological Perspectives, 2() DOI
2017 Mhatre P.H.; Patil J.; Vijayakumar R.; Venkatasalam E.P.; Divya K.L.; Jenifer J.; Pankaj; Chavan S.N. (2017). The first report of steinernema cholashanense (Rhabditida: Steinernematidae) from India, Indian Journal of Nematology, 47(2) DOI
2017 Bhatia R.; Dey S.S.; Kumar R. (2017). Genetic divergence studies in tulip (Tulipa gesneriana L.), Indian Journal of Horticulture, 74(4) DOI
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2017 Kumari M.; Swaroop K.; Singh K.P.; Kumar P. (2017). Varietal evaluation and biochemical changes due to field incidence of fusraium wilt in gladiolus genotypes, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 74(4) DOI
2017 Layek A.; Prasad S.K.; Singh M.K.; Verma S.K.; Meena R.P. (2017). Phenophase-based nitrogen and zinc scheduling for agronomic zinc biofortification and indices of wheat (Triticum aestivum), Indian Journal of Agronomy, 62(4) DOI
2017 Bhatnagar A.; Pant R.P.; Sridhar J.; Chakrabarti S.K.; Lal M. (2017). Incidence of apical leaf curl disease (ToLCNDV), and economics and reaction of potato (Solanum tuberosum) cultivars against whitefly, Bemisia tabaci in northern India, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 87(12) DOI
2017 Vengavasi K.; Pandey R.; Abraham G.; Yadav R.K. (2017). Comparative analysis of soybean root proteome reveals molecular basis of differential carboxylate efflux under low phosphorus stress, Genes, 8(12) DOI
2017 Arora K.; Panda K.K.; Mittal S.; Mallikarjuna M.G.; Thirunavukkarasu N. (2017). In Silico Characterization and Functional Validation of Cell Wall Modification Genes Imparting Waterlogging Tolerance in Maize, Bioinformatics and Biology Insights, 11() DOI
2017 Bhushan B.; Mani I.; Kar A.; Datta A. (2017). Optimization of jackfruit seed starch-soya protein isolate ratio and process variables for flaxseed oil encapsulation, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 87(12) DOI
2017 Bhutia N.D.; Sureja A.K.; Arya L.; Munshi A.D.; Verma M. (2017). Transferability of sponge gourd EST-SSR markers for genetic diversity assessment of luffa species, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 74(4) DOI
2017 Asmita; Sindhu S.S.; Singh M.K. (2017). In vivo bulblet multiplication in LA lilium hybrids through scaling technique, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 74(4) DOI
2017 Muthukumar P.; Kalia P.; Sharma M.; Vashisht S. (2017). Study of β-carotene enhancing ‘Or’ gene effects on yield and contributing traits in mid-season indian cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis l.), Indian Journal of Horticulture, 74(4) DOI
2017 Kumar M.; Kumar R.R.; Goswami S.; Verma P.; Rai R.D.; Chinnusamy V.; Praveen S. (2017). miR430: the novel heat-responsive microRNA identified from miRNome analysis in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Indian Journal of Plant Physiology, 22(4) DOI
2017 Sujith Kumar M.S.; Mawlong I.; Nanjundan J.; Aravind J.; Singh D. (2017). Variation in β-carotene and other antioxidants among different species of oilseed brassica, Indian Journal of Agricultural Biochemistry, 30(2) DOI
2017 Yadav B.; Mukherjee J.; Sehgal V.K.; Das D.K.; Krishnan P. (2017). Effect of dimming of global radiation on morphology and yield of wheat crop in Delhi, Journal of Agrometeorology, 19(4) DOI
2017 Kumar S.; Awasthi O.P.; Dubey A.K.; Sharma R.M. (2017). Effect of different rootstocks on growth, leaf sclerophylly and chlorophyll fractions of kinnow mandarin, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 74(4) DOI
2017 Kale S.J.; Jha S.K.; Nath P. (2017). Effects of variable steaming on chemical composition, starch characteristics, and glycemic index of basmati (Pusa Basmati 1121) rice, Journal of Food Process Engineering, 40(6) DOI
2017 Singh A.K.; Krishnan G.; Ellur S.R.K.; Bhowmick P.K.; Nagarajan M.; Vinod K.K.; Haritha B.; Prabhu K.V.; Khanna A.; Yadav A.; Singh V.K.; Singh U.D.; Mondal K.K.; Prakash G.; Kumar D.; Atwal S.S.; Seth R. (2017). Variety Pusa Basmati 1728, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 77(4) DOI
2017 Zunjare R.U.; Hossain F.; Muthusamy V.; Baveja A.; Chauhan H.S.; Thirunavukkarasu N.; Saha S.; Gupta H.S. (2017). Influence of rare alleles of β-carotene hydroxylase and lycopene epsilon cyclase genes on accumulation of provitamin A carotenoids in maize kernels, Plant Breeding, 136(6) DOI
2017 Prabha K.; Baranwal V.K. (2017). Mandarivirus and allexivirus in India, A Century of Plant Virology in India, () DOI
2017 Rahman Khan M.; Shahid S.; Mohidin F.A.; Mustafa U. (2017). Interaction of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. gladioli and Meloidogyne incognita on gladiolus cultivars and its management through corm treatment with biopesticides and pesticides, Biological Control, 115() DOI
2017 Singh A.K.; Krishnan S.G.; Nagarajan M.; Bhowmick P.K.; Ellur R.K.; Haritha B.; Vinod K.K.; Prabhu K.V.; Khanna A.; Singh U.D.; Sharma T.R.; Prakash G.; Seth R.; Kumar D. (2017). Variety Pusa Basmati 1637, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 77(4) DOI
2017 Singh C.; Sripathy K.V.; Jeevan Kumar S.P.; Bhojaraja Naik K.; Pal G.; Udaya Bhaskar K.; Ramesh K.V.; Somasundaram G. (2017). Delineation of Inheritance Pattern of Aleurone Layer Colour Through Chemical Tests in Rice, Rice (Springer), 10(1) DOI
2017 Mahajan M.M.; Goyal E.; Singh A.K.; Gaikwad K.; Kanika K. (2017). Transcriptome dynamics provide insights into long-term salinity stress tolerance in Triticum aestivum cv. Kharchia Local, Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 121() DOI
2017 Kumar A.; Abdul Kader Jailani A.; Roy A.; Mandal B. (2017). The occurrence, biology and genomic properties of tobamoviruses infecting crop plants in India, A Century of Plant Virology in India, () DOI
2017 Baranwal V.K.; Sharma S.K. (2017). Emergence and diversity of badnaviruses in India, A Century of Plant Virology in India, () DOI
2017 Shoba D.; Raveendran M.; Manonmani S.; Utharasu S.; Dhivyapriya D.; Subhasini G.; Ramchandar S.; Valarmathi R.; Grover N.; Krishnan S.G.; Singh A.K.; Jayaswal P.; Kale P.; Ramkumar M.K.; Mithra S.V.A.; Mohapatra T.; Singh K.; Singh N.K.; Sarla N.; Sheshshayee M.S.; Kar M.K.; Robin S.; Sharma R.P. (2017). Development and Genetic Characterization of A Novel Herbicide (Imazethapyr) Tolerant Mutant in Rice (Oryza sativa L.), Rice (Springer), 10(1) DOI
2017 Shankarganesh K.; Naveen N.C.; Bishwajeet P. (2017). Effect of Insecticides on Different Stages of Predatory Green Lacewing, Chrysoperla zastrowi sillemi (Esben.-Petersen), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences India Section B - Biological Sciences, 87(4) DOI
2017 Dhandapani R.; Singh V.P.; Arora A.; Bhattacharya R.C.; Rajendran A. (2017). Differential accumulation of β-carotene and tissue specific expression of phytoene synthase (MaPsy) gene in banana (Musa sp) cultivars, Journal of Food Science and Technology, 54(13) DOI
2017 Thapa S.; Prasanna R.; Ranjan K.; Velmourougane K.; Ramakrishnan B. (2017). Nutrients and host attributes modulate the abundance and functional traits of phyllosphere microbiome in rice, Microbiological Research (Zentralblatt für Mikrobiologie), 204() DOI
2017 Vijayanandraj S.; Mandal B.; Jebasingh T.; Jeeva M.L.; Makeshkumar T.; Maheshwari Y. (2017). Characterisation of the macluraviruses occurring in India, A Century of Plant Virology in India, () DOI
2017 Malathi V.G.; Renukadevi P.; Chakraborty S.; Biswas K.K.; Roy A.; Sivalingam P.N.; Venkataravanappa V.; Mandal B. (2017). Begomoviruses and their satellites occurring in India: Distribution, diversity and pathogenesis, A Century of Plant Virology in India, () DOI
2017 Kumar M.; Govindasamy V.; Rane J.; Singh A.K.; Choudhary R.L.; Raina S.K.; George P.; Aher L.K.; Singh N.P. (2017). Canopy temperature depression (CTD) and canopy greenness associated with variation in seed yield of soybean genotypes grown in semi-arid environment, South African Journal of Botany, 113() DOI
2017 Barman A.; Pandey R.N.; Singh B.; Das B. (2017). Manganese deficiency in wheat genotypes: Physiological responses and manganese deficiency tolerance index, Journal of Plant Nutrition, 40(19) DOI
2017 Ali S.; Chandrashekar N.; Rawat S.; Nayanakantha N.M.C.; Mir Z.A.; Manoharan A.; Sultana M.; Grover A. (2017). Isolation and molecular characterization of pathogenesis related PR2 gene and its promoter from Brassica juncea, Biologia Plantarum, 61(4) DOI
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2017 Iquebal M.A.; Jaiswal S.; Mahato A.K.; Jayaswal P.K.; Angadi U.B.; Kumar N.; Sharma N.; Singh A.K.; Srivastav M.; Prakash J.; Singh S.K.; Khan K.; Mishra R.K.; Rajan S.; Bajpai A.; Sandhya B.S.; Nischita P.; Ravishankar K.V.; Dinesh M.R.; Rai A.; Kumar D.; Sharma T.R.; Singh N.K. (2017). MiSNPDb: A web-based genomic resources of tropical ecology fruit mango (Mangifera indica L.) for phylogeography and varietal differentiation, Scientific Reports, 7(1) DOI
2017 Yadav M.R.; Parihar C.M.; Jat S.L.; Singh A.K.; Kumar R.; Yadav R.K.; Parihar M.D.; Makarana G.; Jat M.L. (2017). Impact of legume intensified crop rotations and tillage practices on maize productivity vis-à-vis C and N dynamics of a sandy loam soil in north-western indo-gangetic plains of India, Legume Research, 40(6) DOI
2017 Sarkar A.; Biswas D.R.; Datta S.C.; Manjaiah K.M.; Roy T. (2017). Release of Phosphorus from Laboratory Made Coated Phosphatic Fertilizers in Soil Under Different Temperature and Moisture Regimes, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences India Section B - Biological Sciences, 87(4) DOI
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2017 Kumari M.; Rai A.K.; Devanna B.N.; Singh P.K.; Kapoor R.; Rajashekara H.; Prakash G.; Sharma V.; Sharma T.R. (2017). Co-transformation mediated stacking of blast resistance genes Pi54 and Pi54rh in rice provides broad spectrum resistance against Magnaporthe oryzae, Plant Cell Reports, 36(11) DOI
2017 Kumar S.; Rai R.; Baranwal V.K. (2017). Ampeloviruses associated with grapevine leafroll disease: A new group of viruses in India, A Century of Plant Virology in India, () DOI
2017 Debnath S.; Patra A.K.; Purakayastha T.J. (2017). Assessment of Methods for Measuring Soil Microbial Biomass Carbon in Temperate Fruit Tree-Based Ecosystems, Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 48(21) DOI
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2017 Kumar A.; Bhowmick P.K.; Gopala Krishnan S.; Singh A.K. (2017). Development and evaluation of iso-cytoplasmic rice restorer lines for different agro-morphological traits, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 77(4) DOI
2017 Ray P.; Datta S.P.; Dwivedi B.S. (2017). Long-term irrigation with zinc smelter effluent affects important soil properties and heavy metal content in food crops and soil in Rajasthan, India, Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 63(6) DOI
2017 Thorat D.S.; Sahoo P.K.; De D.; Iquebal M.A. (2017). Prototype: A ridge profile mechanical power weeder, AMA-Agricultural Mechanization in Asia Africa and Latin America, 48(1) DOI
2017 Mangal M.; Srivastava A.; Sharma R.; Kalia P. (2017). Conservation and dispersion of genes conferring resistance to tomato begomoviruses between tomato and pepper genomes, Frontiers in Plant Science, 8() DOI
2017 Pande A.; Pandey P.; Mehra S.; Singh M.; Kaushik S. (2017). Phenotypic and genotypic characterization of phosphate solubilizing bacteria and their efficiency on the growth of maize, Journal of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, 15(2) DOI
2017 Ghosh A.; Dey D.; Timmanna; Basavaraj; Mandal B.; Jain R.K. (2017). Thrips as the vectors of tospoviruses in Indian agriculture, A Century of Plant Virology in India, () DOI
2017 Phani V.; Shivakumara T.N.; Davies K.G.; Rao U. (2017). Meloidogyne incognita fatty acid- and retinol-binding protein (Mi-FAR-1) affects nematode infection of plant roots and the attachment of Pasteuria penetrans endospores, Frontiers in Microbiology, 8(NOV) DOI
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2017 Biswas K.K.; Palchoudhury S.; Ghosh D.K. (2017). Closterovirus in India: Distribution, genomics and genetic diversity of citrus tristeza virus, A Century of Plant Virology in India, () DOI
2017 Kumar S.; Singh A.K.; Mohapatra T. (2017). Epigenetics: History, present status and future perspective, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 77(4) DOI
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2017 Praveen S.; Ramesh S.V.; Mangrauthia S.K. (2017). Transgenic approaches to combat plant viruses occurring in India, A Century of Plant Virology in India, () DOI
2017 Arora S.; Mogha N.; Bhardwaj T.; Srivastava C. (2017). Antifeedant and Insecticidal Activity of Plant Extracts Against Spodoptera litura (Fab.) and Lipaphis erysimi, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences India Section B - Biological Sciences, 87(4) DOI
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2017 Daimei G.; Raina H.S.; Devi P.P.; Saurav G.K.; Renukadevi P.; Malathi V.G.; Senthilraja C.; Mandal B.; Rajagopal R. (2017). Influence of Groundnut bud necrosis virus on the life history traits and feeding preference of its vector, Thrips palmi, Phytopathology, 107(11) DOI
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2017 Patial M.; Kumar J.; Pal D. (2017). Detached leaf assay for evaluating resistance to leaf rust Pst. 104-2 in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 55(11) DOI
2017 Ali S.; Mir Z.A.; Tyagi A.; Bhat J.A.; Chandrashekar N.; Papolu P.K.; Rawat S.; Grover A. (2017). Identification and comparative analysis of Brassica juncea pathogenesis-related genes in response to hormonal, biotic and abiotic stresses, Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 39(12) DOI
2017 Shivakumara T.N.; Sreevathsa R.; Dash P.K.; Sheshshayee M.S.; Papolu P.K.; Rao U.; Tuteja N.; UdayaKumar M. (2017). Overexpression of Pea DNA Helicase 45 (PDH45) imparts tolerance to multiple abiotic stresses in chili (Capsicum annuum L.), Scientific Reports, 7(1) DOI
2017 Aggarwal R.; Sharma S.; Manjunatha C.; Gupta S.; Singh V.K. (2017). Development and validation of loop mediated isothermal amplification based detection assay for Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici causing stripe rust of wheat, Australasian Plant Pathology, 46(6) DOI
2017 Chakraborty D.; Ladha J.K.; Rana D.S.; Jat M.L.; Gathala M.K.; Yadav S.; Rao A.N.; Ramesha M.S.; Raman A. (2017). A global analysis of alternative tillage and crop establishment practices for economically and environmentally efficient rice production, Scientific Reports, 7(1) DOI
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2017 Velmourougane K.; Prasanna R.; Singh S.; Chawla G.; Kumar A.; Saxena A.K. (2017). Modulating rhizosphere colonisation, plant growth, soil nutrient availability and plant defense enzyme activity through Trichoderma viride-Azotobacter chroococcum biofilm inoculation in chickpea, Plant and Soil, 421(01-Feb) DOI
2017 Rawal H.C.; Kumar S.; Amitha Mithra S.V.; Solanke A.U.; Nigam D.; Saxena S.; Tyagi A.; Sureshkumar V.; Kalia P.; Singh N.P.; Yadav N.R.; Singh N.K.; Sharma T.R.; Gaikwad K. (2017). High quality unigenes and microsatellite markers from tissue specific transcriptome and development of a database in clusterbean (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) Taub.), Genes, 8(11) DOI
2017 Arora K.; Panda K.K.; Mittal S.; Mallikarjuna M.G.; Rao A.R.; Dash P.K.; Thirunavukkarasu N. (2017). RNAseq revealed the important gene pathways controlling adaptive mechanisms under waterlogged stress in maize, Scientific Reports, 7(1) DOI
2017 Tewari K.; Dahuja A.; Sachdev A.; Kumar V.; Ali K.; Kumar A.; Kumari S. (2017). Molecular cloning, heterologous expression and functional characterization of gamma tocopherol methyl transferase (γ-TMT) from Glycine max, Protein Expression and Purification, 140() DOI
2017 Kumar S.; Jadon V.S.; Rao G.P. (2017). Use of secA Gene for Characterization of Phytoplasmas Associated with Sugarcane Grassy Shoot Disease in India, Sugar Tech, 19(6) DOI
2017 Mondal M.; Ghosh A.; Gayen K.; Halder G.; Tiwari O.N. (2017). Carbon dioxide bio-fixation by Chlorella sp. BTA 9031 towards biomass and lipid production: Optimization using Central Composite Design approach, Journal of CO2 Utilization, 22() DOI
2017 Pant R.P.; Kapoor R.; Kumar S.; Srivastava N.; Kumar M.; Baranwal V.K. (2017). First report of mild mosaic in ground orchid, Phaius tankervilleae, in India associated with infection of Calanthe mild mosaic virus, Plant Disease (Plant Disease Reporter), 101(11) DOI
2017 Pramanick K.K.; Kishore D.K.; Watpade S.; Sharma Y.P. (2017). Prospects of strawberry cultivation in urban areas of India, Acta Horticulturae, 1181() DOI
2017 Sarkar T.; Narayanan N.; Solanki P.R. (2017). Polymer–Clay Nanocomposite-Based Acetylcholine esterase Biosensor for Organophosphorous Pesticide Detection, International Journal of Environmental Research, 11(05-Jun) DOI
2017 Sharma S.K.; Meena R.P.; Pramesh D.; Kumar S.; Singh T.S.; Baranwal V.K. (2017). Nucleic-Acid based techniques for the fine diagnosis of plant viruses in India, A Century of Plant Virology in India, () DOI
2017 Mandal B.; Rao G.P.; Baranwal V.K.; Jain R.K. (2017). Introduction: A century of plant virology in India, A Century of Plant Virology in India, () DOI
2017 Selvarajan R.; Mandal B.; Balasubramanian V.; Banerjee A.; Vijayanandraj S.; Ghosh A. (2017). Biology and molecular biology of babuviruses occurring in india, A Century of Plant Virology in India, () DOI
2017 Osman Mohamed Ali E.; Shakil N.A.; Rana V.S.; Sarkar D.J.; Majumder S.; Kaushik P.; Singh B.B.; Kumar J. (2017). Antifungal activity of nano emulsions of neem and citronella oils against phytopathogenic fungi, Rhizoctonia solani and Sclerotium rolfsii, Industrial Crops and Products, 108() DOI
2017 Govindasamy V.; George P.; Aher L.; Ramesh S.V.; Thangasamy A.; Anandan S.; Raina S.K.; Kumar M.; Rane J.; Annapurna K.; Minhas P.S. (2017). Comparative conventional and phenomics approaches to assess symbiotic effectiveness of Bradyrhizobia strains in soybean (Glycine max L. Merrill), Scientific Reports, 7(1) DOI
2017 Uday U.S.P.; Majumdar R.; Tiwari O.N.; Mishra U.; Mondal A.; Bandyopadhyay T.K.; Bhunia B. (2017). Isolation, screening and characterization of a novel extracellular xylanase from Aspergillus niger (KP874102.1) and its application in orange peel hydrolysis, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 105() DOI
2017 Tripathi S.; Verma R. (2017). Management of viral diseases through conventional approaches in India, A Century of Plant Virology in India, () DOI
2017 Ramesh S.V.; Chouhan B.S.; Kumar G.; Praveen S.; Chand S. (2017). Expression dynamics of Glycine max (L.) Merrill microRNAs (miRNAs) and their targets during Mungbean yellow mosaic India virus (MYMIV) infection, Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 100() DOI
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2017 Kumar A.; Lal M.K.; Kar S.S.; Nayak L.; Ngangkham U.; Samantaray S.; Sharma S.G. (2017). Bioavailability of iron and zinc as affected by phytic acid content in rice grain, Journal of Food Biochemistry, 41(6) DOI
2017 Chaturvedi A.K.; Bahuguna R.N.; Shah D.; Pal M.; Jagadish S.V.K. (2017). High temperature stress during flowering and grain filling offsets beneficial impact of elevated CO2 on assimilate partitioning and sink-strength in rice, Scientific Reports, 7(1) DOI
2017 Kumar R.; Yadav R.; Soi S.; Srinivasan; Yadav S.S.; Yadav A.; Mishra J.P.; Mittal N.; Yadav N.; Kumar A.; Vaishali; Yadav H.; Upadhyaya H.D. (2017). Morpho-molecular characterization of landraces/wild genotypes of Cicer for biotic/ abiotic stresses, Legume Research, 40(6) DOI
2017 Agisha V.N.; Eapen S.J.; Monica V.; Sheoran N.; Munjal V.; Suseelabhai R.; Kumar A. (2017). Plant endophytic Pseudomonas putida BP25 induces expression of defense genes in black pepper roots: Deciphering through suppression subtractive hybridization analysis, Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 100() DOI
2017 Viani A.; Sinha P.; Sharma T.; Bhar L.M. (2017). A model for forecasting spot blotch disease in wheat, Australasian Plant Pathology, 46(6) DOI
2017 Viswanathan R.; Nithya K.; Parameswari B.; Jeevalatha A.; Rao G.P. (2017). The current status of luteovirus and polerovirus research in India, A Century of Plant Virology in India, () DOI
2017 Tripathi S.; Thorat V.; Verma R.; Shouche Y.; Yadav A. (2017). First report of ‘candidatus phytoplasma asteris’ (Subgroup 16SrI-X) associated with bottle gourd virescence and phyllody disease in India, Plant Disease (Plant Disease Reporter), 101(11) DOI
2017 Basavaraj; Mandal B.; Gawande S.J.; Renukadevi P.; Holkar S.K.; Krishnareddy M.; Ravi K.S.; Jain R.K. (2017). The occurrence, biology, serology and molecular biology of tospoviruses in Indian agriculture, A Century of Plant Virology in India, () DOI
2017 Nag A.; Mukherjee A.; Pramanik P.; Maity A. (2017). Ethnopedology: An ancient way to better comprehend modern soil science, Current Science, 113(9) DOI
2017 Bharti A.; Velmourougane K.; Prasanna R. (2017). Phototrophic biofilms: diversity, ecology and applications, Journal of Applied Phycology, 29(6) DOI
2017 Reddy S.V.R.; Sharma R.R.; Barthakur S. (2017). Influence of 1-MCP on texture, related enzymes, quality and their relative gene expression in ‘Amrapali’ mango (Mangifera indica L.) fruits, Journal of Food Science and Technology, 54(12) DOI
2017 Taxak P.C.; Khanna S.M.; Bharadwaj C.; Gaikwad K.; Kaur S.; Chopra M.; Tandon G.; Jaiswal S.; Iquebal M.A.; Rai A.; Kumar D.; Srinivasan; Jain P.K. (2017). Transcriptomic signature of Fusarium toxin in chickpea unveiling wilt pathogenicity pathways and marker discovery, Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 100() DOI
2017 Ghosh A.; Chakrabarti S.; Mandal B.; Krishna Kumar N.K. (2017). Aphids as vectors of the plant viruses in India, A Century of Plant Virology in India, () DOI
2017 Pooniya V.; Choudhary A.K.; Swarnalakshmi K. (2017). High-Value Crops’ Imbedded Intensive Cropping Systems for Enhanced Productivity, Resource-Use-Efficiency, Energetics and Soil-Health in Indo-Gangetic Plains, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences India Section B - Biological Sciences, 87(4) DOI
2017 Patil B.L.; Lava Kumar P. (2017). Pigeonpea sterility mosaic 10 emaraviruses: A journey from a mysterious virus to classic emaraviruses, A Century of Plant Virology in India, () DOI
2017 Rawat S.; Ali S.; Nayankantha N.N.C.; Chandrashekar N.; Mittra B.; Grover A. (2017). Isolation and expression analysis of defensin gene and its promoter from Brassica juncea, Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection, 124(6) DOI
2017 Mahanta D.; Bhattacharyya R.; Mishra P.K.; Gopinath K.A.; Channakeshavaih C.; Krishnan J.; Raja A.; Tuti M.D.; Varghese E.; Pandey B.M.; Bisht J.K.; Bhatt J.C. (2017). Influence of a six-year organic and inorganic fertilization on the diversity of the soil culturable microrgansims in the Indian mid-Himalayas, Applied Soil Ecology, 120() DOI
2017 Naresh P.; Bhatt R.M.; Venkatachalapathi V.; Gangadhararao P.; Reddy K.M. (2017). Inheritance of Root Traits in an Interspecific Cross of Capsicum annuum × C. chinense in the Presence of Low Moisture, International Journal of Vegetable Science, 23(6) DOI
2017 Pandey V.; Mandal B.; Jain R.K.; Roy A. (2017). Indian peanut clump virus, a fungal transmitted Pecluvirus infecting both monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous plants in India, A Century of Plant Virology in India, () DOI
2017 Reynolds M.P.; Pask A.J.D.; Hoppitt W.J.E.; Sonder K.; Sukumaran S.; Molero G.; Pierre C.S.; Payne T.; Singh R.P.; Braun H.J.; Gonzalez F.G.; Terrile I.I.; Barma N.C.D.; Hakim A.; He Z.; Fan Z.; Novoselovic D.; Maghraby M.; Gad K.I.M.; Galal E.H.G.; Hagras A.; Mohamed M.M.; Morad A.F.A.; Kumar U.; Singh G.P.; Naik R.; Kalappanavar I.K.; Biradar S.; Sai Prasad S.V.; Chatrath R.; Sharma I.; Panchabhai K.; Sohu V.S.; Mavi G.S.; Mishra V.K.; Balasubramaniam A.; Jalal-Kamali M.R.; Khodarahmi M.; Dastfal M.; Tabib-Ghaffari S.M.; Jafarby J.; Nikzad A.R.; Moghaddam H.A.; Ghojogh H.; Mehraban A.; Solís-Moya E.; Camacho-Casas M.A.; Figueroa-López P.; Ireta-Moreno J.; Alvarado-Padilla J.I.; Borbón-Gracia A.; Torres A.; Quiche Y.N.; Upadhyay S.R.; Pandey D.; Imtiaz M.; Rehman M.U.; Hussain M.; Hussain M.; Ud-Din R.; Qamar M.; Kundi M.; Mujahid M.Y.; Ahmad G.; Khan A.J.; Sial M.A.; Mustatea P.; von Well E.; Ncala M.; de Groot S.; Hussein A.H.A.; Tahir I.S.A.; Idris A.A.M.; Elamein H.M.M.; Manes Y.; Joshi A.K. (2017). Strategic crossing of biomass and harvest index—source and sink—achieves genetic gains in wheat, Euphytica, 213(11) DOI
2017 Singh A.; Sharma V.; Dikshit H.K.; Aski M.; Kumar H.; Thirunavukkarasu N.; Patil B.S.; Kumar S.; Sarker A. (2017). Association mapping unveils favorable alleles for grain iron and zinc concentrations in lentil (Lens culinaris subsp. culinaris), PLoS ONE, 12(11) DOI
2017 Warghane A.; Misra P.; Bhose S.; Biswas K.K.; Sharma A.K.; Reddy M.K.; Ghosh D.K. (2017). Development of a simple and rapid reverse transcription-loop mediated isothermal amplification (RT-LAMP) assay for sensitive detection of Citrus tristeza virus, Journal of Virological Methods, 250() DOI
2017 Prameela T.P.; Suseela Bhai R.; Anandaraj M.; Kumar A. (2017). Development of real-time loop-mediated isothermal amplification for detection of Ralstonia pseudosolanacearum race 4 in rhizomes and soil, Australasian Plant Pathology, 46(6) DOI
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2017 Bashyal B.M.; Rawat K.; Sharma S.; Kulshreshtha D.; Gopala Krishnan S.; Singh A.K.; Dubey H.; Solanke A.U.; Sharma T.R.; Aggarwal R. (2017). Whole genome sequencing of fusarium fujikuroi provides insight into the role of secretory proteins and cell wall degrading enzymes in causing bakanae disease of rice, Frontiers in Plant Science, 8() DOI
2017 Hooda K.S.; Khokhar M.K.; Parmar H.; Gogoi R.; Joshi D.; Sharma S.S.; Yadav O.P. (2017). Banded Leaf and Sheath Blight of Maize: Historical Perspectives, Current Status and Future Directions, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences India Section B - Biological Sciences, 87(4) DOI
2017 Kumar M.; Raina S.K.; Govindasamy V.; Singh A.K.; Choudhary R.L.; Rane J.; Minhas P.S. (2017). Assimilates mobilization, stable canopy temperature and expression of expansin stabilizes grain weight in wheat cultivar LOK-1 under different soil moisture conditions, Botanical Studies, 58(1) DOI
2017 Singh D.; Singh C.K.; Tomar R.S.S.; Pal M. (2017). Genetics and molecular mapping of heat tolerance for seedling survival and pod set in lentil, Crop Science, 57(6) DOI
2017 Viswanathan R.; Parameswari B.; Nithya K.; Jeevalatha A.; Rao G.P. (2017). Potyviruses infecting crop plants in India, A Century of Plant Virology in India, () DOI
2017 Savadi S.; Lambani N.; Kashyap P.L.; Bisht D.S. (2017). Genetic engineering approaches to enhance oil content in oilseed crops, Plant Growth Regulation, 83(2) DOI
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2017 Mahajan G.R.; Pandey R.N.; Sahoo R.N.; Gupta V.K.; Datta S.C.; Kumar D. (2017). Monitoring nitrogen, phosphorus and sulphur in hybrid rice (Oryza sativa L.) using hyperspectral remote sensing, Precision Agriculture, 18(5) DOI
2017 Ali S.; Mir Z.A.; Tyagi A.; Mehari H.; Meena R.P.; Bhat J.A.; Yadav P.; Papalou P.; Rawat S.; Grover A. (2017). Overexpression of NPR1 in brassica juncea confers broad spectrum resistance to fungal pathogens, Frontiers in Plant Science, 8() DOI
2017 Dubey S.C.; Singh B.; Gupta O.M.; Saxena D.R.; Sharma O.P.; Kohire O.D.; Anadani V.P.; Singh R.K.; Singh S.K.; Tripathi A. (2017). Management of wilt and root rots of chickpea (Cicer arietinum) using Trichoderma harzianum in India, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 87(10) DOI
2017 Veeresh Kumar; Uthappa A.R.; Srivastava M.; Vijay D.; Kumaranag K.M.; Manjunatha N.; Rana M.; Newaj R.; Handa A.K.; Chaturvedi O.P. (2017). Floral biology of Grewia flavescens Juss.: an underutilized crop, Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 64(7) DOI
2017 Kaila T.; Chaduvla P.K.; Rawal H.C.; Saxena S.; Tyagi A.; Amitha Mithra S.V.; Solanke A.U.; Kalia P.; Sharma T.R.; Singh N.K.; Gaikwad K. (2017). Chloroplast genome sequence of clusterbean (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba L.): Genome structure and comparative analysis, Genes, 8(9) DOI
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2017 Kumar R.R.; Goswami S.; Shamim M.; Mishra P.; Jain M.; Singh K.; Singh J.P.; Dubey K.; Singh S.; Rai G.K.; Singh G.P.; Pathak H.; Chinnusamy V.; Praveen S. (2017). Biochemical defense response: Characterizing the plasticity of source and sink in spring wheat under terminal heat stress, Frontiers in Plant Science, 8() DOI
2017 Ningthoujam K.; Sharma K.; Gujar G.T. (2017). Frequency of alleles conferring resistance to Cry1Ac toxin of Bacillus thuringiensis in population of Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) from India, Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 55(10) DOI
2017 Ehsan Q.; Rana D.S.; Choudhary A.K. (2017). Productivity and resource-use efficiency of greengram (Vigna radiata) as influenced by sowing methods and phosphorus levels under semi-arid conditions of Afghanistan, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 62(3) DOI
2017 Ziar Y.K.; Das T.K.; Hakimi A.R.; Shekhawat K.; Paul A.K. (2017). Chemical weed management in wheat (Triticum aestivum) under semi-arid conditions of Kandahar, Afghanistan, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 62(3) DOI
2017 Meena V.S.; Meena S.K.; Verma J.P.; Kumar A.; Aeron A.; Mishra P.K.; Bisht J.K.; Pattanayak A.; Naveed M.; Dotaniya M.L. (2017). Plant beneficial rhizospheric microorganism (PBRM) strategies to improve nutrients use efficiency: A review, Ecological Engineering, 107() DOI
2017 Soni A.; Prakash J.; Singh S.K.; Goswami A.K.; Gupta N.C.; Singh A.K. (2017). Efficacy of gene-based markers associated with sex expression in papaya, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 74(3) DOI
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2017 Bommesh J.C.; Vethamoni P.I.; Mallik M.; Nagaraju K. (2017). Effect of boron on physical disorders, chemical composition and economics of parthenocarpic cucumber under polyhouse of south Indian tropics, Vegetos, 30() DOI
2017 Karjagi C.G.; Sekhar J.C.; Lakshmi S.P.; Suby S.B.; Kaur J.; Mallikarjuna M.G.; Kumar P. (2017). Breeding for resistance to insect pests in Maize, Breeding Insect Resistant Crops for Sustainable Agriculture, () DOI
2017 Rana V.; Patel N.R.; Chattopadhyay C.; Kumar A. (2017). Development of fore-warning model for brown plant hopper in rice using satellite and meteorological data, Journal of Agrometeorology, 19(Special Issue) DOI
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2017 Raj R.; Kumar A.; Solanki I.S.; Dhar S.; Dass A.; Gupta A.K.; Kumar V.; Singh C.B.; Jat R.K.; Pandey U.C. (2017). Influence of crop establishment methods on yield, economics and water productivity of rice cultivars under upland and lowland production ecologies of Eastern Indo-Gangetic Plains, Paddy and Water Environment, 15(4) DOI
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2017 Mehta B.K.; Hossain F.; Muthusamy V.; Zunjare R.U.; Sekhar J.C.; Gupta H.S. (2017). Analyzing the role of sowing and harvest time as factors for selecting super sweet (-sh2sh2) corn hybrids, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 77(3) DOI
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2017 Das B.; Sahoo R.N.; Pargal S.; Krishna G.; Verma R.; Chinnusamy V.; Sehgal V.K.; Gupta V.K. (2017). Comparison of different uni- and multi-variate techniques for monitoring leaf water status as an indicator of water-deficit stress in wheat through spectroscopy, Biosystems Engineering, 160() DOI
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2017 Yadav R.; Gaikwad K.B.; Singh G.P.; Sharma R.K.; Vinod; Sharma J.B.; Kumar S.; Singh P.K.; Singh A.M.; Jain N.; Mallick N.; Kumar J.; Solanki I.S.; Malik B.S.; Sivaswamy M.; Sai Prasad S.V.; Mishra A.N.; Singh U.D.; Vikas V.K.; Yadav R.N.; Aggarwal R.; Ranajan P.; Kumar N.; Kumar M.; Gupta A.; Gupta R.; Jat R.K.; Jat M.L.; Prabhu K.V. (2017). Variety HDCSW 18, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 77(3) DOI
2017 Mahajan V.; Babu R.; Gupta H.S.; Agrawal P.K.; Jha S.K.; Khulbe R.K.; Pant S.K.; Chandrashekara C.; Mahanta D.; Koranga K.S.; Bisht G.S.; Pant M.C.; Belwal N.C.; Bankoti G.S. (2017). Variety central maize VL baby corn 2, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 77(3) DOI
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2017 Thangasamy A.; Singh D.; Dwivedi B.S.; Chakraborty D.; Tomar R.K.; Meena M.C. (2017). Soil organic carbon, hydraulic properties and yield of maize and wheat under long–term fertilization in an inceptisol, Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science, 65(2) DOI
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2017 Renuka N.; Prasanna R.; Sood A.; Bansal R.; Bidyarani N.; Singh R.; Shivay Y.S.; Nain L.; Ahluwalia A.S. (2017). Wastewater grown microalgal biomass as inoculants for improving micronutrient availability in wheat, Rhizosphere, 3() DOI
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2017 Maiti B.; Mahobia R.; Kushwaha D.K.; Soni R. (2017). A novel technique for withering of tea leaf, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1851() DOI
2017 Kumar S.S.; Malyan S.K.; Basu S.; Bishnoi N.R. (2017). Syntrophic association and performance of Clostridium, Desulfovibrio, Aeromonas and Tetrathiobacter as anodic biocatalysts for bioelectricity generation in dual chamber microbial fuel cell, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 24(19) DOI
2017 Nagdev R.; Mahapatra S.K.; Yadav R.P.; Singh S.K. (2017). Assessment of soil resource potential of warm humid kumaon himalayas for sustainable productivity, Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science, 65(2) DOI
2017 Sudhakara T.M.; Srinvas A.; Kumar R.M.; Ram Prakash T.; Rajanna G.A. (2017). Energy saving and profitability of rice (Oryza sativa) under mechanized and conventional system of rice intensification, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 62(2) DOI
2017 Sangeetha V.; Singh P.; Mahra G.S.; Sarkar S.; Venkatesh P.; Satyapriya; Tomar B.S.; Wason M. (2017). Assessment of food consumption pattern in Uttar Pradesh: A dietary diversity study, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 87(6) DOI
2017 Sharma N.; Yadav A.; Anand A.; Khetarpal S.; Kumar D.; Trivedi S.M. (2017). Adverse effect of increase in minimum temperature during early grain flling period on grain growth and quality in indica rice (Oryza sativa) cultivars, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 87(7) DOI
2017 Sahay H.; Yadav A.N.; Singh A.K.; Singh S.; Kaushik R.; Saxena A.K. (2017). Hot springs of Indian Himalayas: potential sources of microbial diversity and thermostable hydrolytic enzymes, 3 Biotech, 7(2) DOI
2017 Samota M.K.; Sasi M.; Awana M.; Yadav O.P.; Amitha Mithra S.V.; Tyagi A.; Kumar S.; Singh A. (2017). Elicitor-induced biochemical and molecular manifestations to improve drought tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa L.) through seed-priming, Frontiers in Plant Science, 8() DOI
2017 Chakdar H.; Pabbi S. (2017). A comparative study reveals the higher resolution of RAPD over ARDRA for analyzing diversity of Nostoc strains, 3 Biotech, 7(2) DOI
2017 Soumia P.S.; Srivastava C.; Dikshit H.K.; Guru Pirasanna Pandi G. (2017). Screening for Resistance Against Pulse Beetle, Callosobruchus analis (F.) in Greengram (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek) Accessions, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences India Section B - Biological Sciences, 87(2) DOI
2017 Aravind J.; Rinku S.; Pooja B.; Shikha M.; Kaliyugam S.; Mallikarjuna M.G.; Kumar A.; Rao A.R.; Nepolean T. (2017). Identification, characterization, and functional validation of drought-responsive microRNAs in subtropical maize inbreds, Frontiers in Plant Science, 8() DOI
2017 Kumar A.; Walia R.K.; Kapoor A. (2017). Nematoxins of microbial origin: Their identification, characterization and development as bio-nematicides III. Exploitation of bacterial isolates for nematode management, Indian Journal of Nematology, 47(1) DOI
2017 Baweja M.; Singh P.K.; Sadaf A.; Tiwari R.; Nain L.; Khare S.K.; Shukla P. (2017). Cost effective characterization process and molecular dynamic simulation of detergent compatible alkaline protease from Bacillus pumilus strain MP27, Process Biochemistry, 58() DOI
2017 Kamra A.; Pawar S.; Mohan S. (2017). Extrinsic factors governing the spore encumberance of indigenous population of Pasteuria hyper-parasitizing the root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne species, Indian Journal of Nematology, 47(1) DOI
2017 Desai P.B.; Patil B.S.; Vijayakumar A.G.; Basavarajappa M.P.; Subramanya A.E.S.; Bharadwaj C.; Kulkarni V.R. (2017). Dry root rot resistance in chickpea: Studies on genetic and molecular variations, Vegetos, 30(Special Issue 1) DOI
2017 Sarkar D.; Mahato A.K.; Satya P.; Kundu A.; Singh S.; Jayaswal P.K.; Singh A.; Bahadur K.; Pattnaik S.; Singh N.; Chakraborty A.; Mandal N.A.; Das D.; Basu T.; Sevanthi A.M.; Saha D.; Datta S.; Kar C.S.; Mitra J.; Datta K.; Karmakar P.G.; Sharma T.R.; Mohapatra T.; Singh N.K. (2017). The draft genome of Corchorus olitorius cv. JRO-524 (Navin), Genomics Data, 12() DOI
2017 Mir Z.A.; Ali S.; Tyagi A.; Ali A.; Bhat J.A.; Jaiswal P.; Qari H.A.; Oves M. (2017). Degradation and conversion of endosulfan by newly isolated Pseudomonas mendocina ZAM1 strain, 3 Biotech, 7(3) DOI
2017 Bhakar J.K.; Sharma R.; Singh P.K.; Singh G. (2017). Genetic diversity in natural watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) populations of Rajasthan, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 87(6) DOI
2017 Buttar G.S.; Kaur T.; Kaur R.; Kalra V.P. (2017). Effect of different densities of Rumex spinosus on growth and yield of wheat (Triticum aestivum) and spectral characteristics of Rumex spinosus, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 62(2) DOI
2017 Chakraborty K.; Uprety D.C.; Bhaduri D. (2017). Growth, Physiology and Biochemical Responses of Two Different Brassica Species to Elevated CO2 , Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences India Section B - Biological Sciences, 87(2) DOI
2017 Salalia R.; Walia R.K. (2017). Survival of rice root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne graminicola golden & birchfield during Rabi season under North Indian conditions, Indian Journal of Nematology, 47(1) DOI
2017 Chandra S.; Singh D.; Pathak J.; Kumari S.; Kumar M.; Poddar R.; Balyan H.S.; Prabhu K.V.; Gupta P.K.; Mukhopadhyay K. (2017). SNP discovery from next-generation transcriptome sequencing data and their validation using KASP assay in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Molecular Breeding, 37(7) DOI
2017 Dey S.K.; Chakrabarti B.; Prasanna R.; Singh S.D.; Purakayastha T.J.; Datta A.; Pathak H. (2017). Productivity of mungbean (Vigna radiata) with elevated carbon dioxide at various phosphorus levels and cyanobacteria inoculation, Legume Research, 40(3) DOI
2017 Thakur A.K.; Singh K.H.; Singh L.; Nanjundan J.; Khan Y.J.; Singh D. (2017). Patterns of subspecies genetic diversity among oilseed Brassica rapa as revealed by agro-morphological traits and SSR markers, Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 26(3) DOI
2017 Kumar N.; Bharadwaj C.; Tarasatyavathi C.; Pal M.; Kumar T.; Singhal T.; Sachdeva S.; Jain P.K.; Patil B.S.; Soren K.R. (2017). Morpho-physiological characterization and grouping (SAHN) of chickpea genotypes for salinity tolerance, Vegetos, 30(Special Issue 1) DOI
2017 Ranjan R.; Sahoo R.N.; Chopra U.K.; Pramanik M.; Singh A.K.; Pradhan S. (2017). Assessment of Water Status in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Using Ground Based Hyperspectral Reflectance, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences India Section B - Biological Sciences, 87(2) DOI
2017 Jyothi R.; Singh K.P. (2017). Effect of acute gamma irradiation on flower, bulb characters and stability ofmutants in tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 87(7) DOI
2017 Jakhar P.; Rana K.S.; Dass A.; Choudhary A.K.; Choudhary M. (2017). Influence of moisture-management practices on productivity, profitability and energy dynamics of rainfed maize (Zea mays) in semi-arid sub-tropical climate, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 62(2) DOI
2017 Arora S.; Mahato A.K.; Singh S.; Mandal P.; Bhutani S.; Dutta S.; Kumawat G.; Singh B.P.; Chaudhary A.K.; Yadav R.; Gaikwad K.; Sevanthi A.M.; Datta S.; Raje R.S.; Sharma T.R.; Singh N.K. (2017). A high-density intraspecific SNP linkage map of pigeonpea (Cajanas cajan L. Millsp.), PLoS ONE, 12(6) DOI
2017 Phukan D.; Goyal V.; Palit P.; Kalia R.; Koundal M.; Mithra S.V.A.; Ravi I.; Yadava D.K.; Chinnusamy V.; Mohapatra T. (2017). Expression analysis of candidate genes for abiotic stress tolerance in Brassica genotypes with contrasting osmotic stress tolerance, Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 55(6) DOI
2017 Halder J.; Kushwaha D.; Dey D.; Tiwari S.K.; Rai A.B.; Singh B. (2017). Biology of stem borer, Euzophera perticella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) and association of endoparasitoid Pristomerus euzopherae (Hymenoptera:Ichneumonidae) in grafted and ratoon brinjal crop, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 87(6) DOI
2017 Kumar M.; Kumar R.; Rajput T.B.S.; Patel N. (2017). Efficient Design of Drip Irrigation System using Water and Fertilizer Application Uniformity at Different Operating Pressures in a Semi-Arid Region of India, Irrigation and Drainage, 66(3) DOI
2017 Singh D.; Rajawat M.V.S.; Kaushik R.; Prasanna R.; Saxena A.K. (2017). Beneficial role of endophytes in biofortification of Zn in wheat genotypes varying in nutrient use efficiency grown in soils sufficient and deficient in Zn, Plant and Soil, 416(01-Feb) DOI
2017 Velmourougane K.; Prasanna R.; Singh S.B.; Kumar R.; Saha S. (2017). Sequence of inoculation influences the nature of extracellular polymeric substances and biofilm formation in Azotobacter chroococcum and Trichoderma viride, FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 93(7) DOI
2017 Srivastava M.; Singh A.K.; Parihar S.G.; Gautam R.D.; Kumar V. (2017). Comparative effect of formulated kairomonal dusts on parasitization efficiency of Trichogramma spp., Journal of Environmental Biology, 38(4) DOI
2017 Mangal M.; Srivastava A.; Gosavi G.; Kalia P. (2017). Characterization of cultivated and wild genotypes of hot pepper using CAPS markers, Vegetos, 30(Special Issue 1) DOI
2017 Kumari J.; Kumar A.; Singh T.P.; Bhatt K.C.; Mishra A.K.; Semwal D.P.; Sharma R.K.; Rana J.C. (2017). Collection, evaluation and phenotypic diversity assessment of maize (Zea mays) germplasm from North Eastern Himalayan region, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 87(6) DOI
2017 Ram C.; Koramutla M.K.; Bhattacharya R. (2017). Identification and comprehensive evaluation of reference genes for RT-qPCR analysis of host gene-expression in Brassica juncea-aphid interaction using microarray data, Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 116() DOI
2017 Kumar R.; Yadav R.K.; Chaudhary H. (2017). Assessment of genetic diversity and principle component analysis among bhendi yellow vein mosaic virus resistant okra genotypes, Vegetos, 30(Special Issue 1) DOI
2017 Rao A.; Goel S.; Kumar M.; Gopala; Rao G.P. (2017). First report of occurrence of Candidatus Phytoplasma trifolii-related strain causing witches’ broom disease of chilli in India, Australasian Plant Disease Notes, 12(1) DOI
2017 Kaur R.; Jaidka M.; Kingra P.K. (2017). Correlation analysis of growth, yield and yield components of wheat (Triticum aestivum) under varying weed densities, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 87(6) DOI
2017 Rai H.; Raju D.V.S.; Prasad K.V.; Singh M.; Kumar G.; Pandey R.N.; Lekshmy S. (2017). Evaluation of Chrysanthemum morifolium varieties for salinity tolerance under hydroponic system, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 87(7) DOI
2017 Uchoi A.; Malik S.K.; Choudhary R.; Kumar S.; Pal D.; Rohini M.R.; Chaudhury R. (2017). Molecular markers in assessing genetic variation of Indian citron (Citrus medica L.) cultivars collected from different parts of India, Indian Journal of Biotechnology, 16(3) DOI
2017 Ram A.; Kumar D.; Babu S.; Prasad D.; Dev I. (2017). Effect of sulphur on soil biological properties, residual fertility and yield of aerobic rice grown under aerobic rice-wheat cropping system in Inceptisols, Journal of Environmental Biology, 38(4) DOI
2017 Devaraja K.P.; Pankaj; Singh A.K.; Ellur R.K.; Sirohi A.; Singh A.K. (2017). Evaluation of resistance in direct seeded rice (Oryza sativa L.) against Meloidogyne graminicola, Indian Journal of Nematology, 47(1) DOI
2017 Rao G.P.; Tiwari A.K.; Madhupriya; Dubey D. (2017). Identification and characterization of two phytoplasma subgroups (16SrXI-D and 16SrXIV-A) associated with lychee (Litchi chinensis Sonn) in India, Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection, 124(3) DOI
2017 Aggarwal R.; Sharma S.; Gupta S.; Manjunatha C.; Singh V.K.; Kulshreshtha D. (2017). Gene-based analysis of Puccinia species and development of PCR-based marker to detect Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici causing yellow rust of wheat, Journal of General Plant Pathology, 83(4) DOI
2017 Srivastava A.; Mangal M.; Dishri M.; Kumar B.A.; Kalia P.; Tomar B.S. (2017). Role of growing condition and size of floral reproductive organs on rate of pollination in chilli (Capsicum annuum L.), Vegetos, 30(Special Issue 1) DOI
2017 Kumar G.; Sindhu S.S.; Kumar S.; Vanlalruati V. (2017). In vitro isolation, regeneration and purifcation of yellow mutant in chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium) cv. Lalit through ray floret regeneration, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 87(7) DOI
2017 Ghosh A.P.; Dass A.; Krishnan P.; Kaur R.; Rana K.S. (2017). Assessment of photosynthetically active radiation, photosynthetic rate, biomass and yield of two maize varieties under varied planting dates and nitrogen application, Journal of Environmental Biology, 38(4) DOI
2017 Sihi D.; Dari B.; Sharma D.K.; Pathak H.; Nain L.; Sharma O.P. (2017). Evaluation of soil health in organic vs. conventional farming of basmati rice in North India, Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science (Zeitschrift for Pflanzenernahrung und Bodenkunde), 180(3) DOI
2017 Sun H.J.; Wei J.J.; Li Y.S.; Bao Y.X.; Cui Y.P.; Huang Y.Z.; Zhou H.; Yang R.Z.; Rao G.P.; Zhang M.Q. (2017). First report of sugarcane leaf chlorotic streak disease caused by Xanthomonas Sacchari in Guangxi, China, Plant Disease (Plant Disease Reporter), 101(6) DOI
2017 Govindasamy V.; Raina S.K.; George P.; Kumar M.; Rane J.; Minhas P.S.; Vittal K.P.R. (2017). Functional and phylogenetic diversity of cultivable rhizobacterial endophytes of sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench], Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, International Journal of General and Molecular Microbiology, 110(7) DOI
2017 Sahoo T.; Verma M.K.; Singh S.K.; Thakre M.; Sharma R.R.; Jaiswal S. (2017). Heterosis and heterobeltiosis for morpho-physical, phenolics, flavonoids and antioxidants in grape (Vitis vinifera) hybrids, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 87(6) DOI
2017 Meera S.N.; Gandhi R.; Padaria R. (2017). Accelerating Impact Through Rice Innovation Systems: Integrating Knowledge, Technology, and Markets, The Future Rice Strategy for India, () DOI
2017 Kumar V.; Singh A.; Das T.K.; Sarkar D.J.; Singh S.B.; Dhaka R.; Kumar A. (2017). Release behavior and bioefficacy of imazethapyr formulations based on biopolymeric hydrogels, Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part B Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes, 52(6) DOI
2017 Bamboriya S.D.; Kaushik M.K.; Bamboriya S.D.; Jajoriya D.; Kumawat A. (2017). Productivity and profitability of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) as influenced by weed- management practices under irrigated condition, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 62(2) DOI
2017 Daware A.V.; Srivastava R.; Singh A.K.; Parida S.K.; Tyagi A.K. (2017). Regional association analysis of metaQTLs delineates candidate grain size genes in rice, Frontiers in Plant Science, 8() DOI
2017 Vennila S.; Singh G.; Jha G.K.; Rao M.S.; Panwar H.; Hegde M. (2017). Artificial neural network techniques for predicting severity of Spodoptera litura (Fabricius) on groundnut, Journal of Environmental Biology, 38(3) DOI
2017 Shiva B.; Nagaraja A.; Srivastav M.; Kumari S.; Goswami A.K.; Singh R.; Arun M.B. (2017). Characterization of guava (Psidium guajava) germplasm based on leaf and fruit parameters, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 87(5) DOI
2017 Singh D.; Singh C.K.; Kumari S.; Tomar R.S.S.; Karwa S.; Singh R.; Singh R.B.; Sarkar S.K.; Pal M. (2017). Discerning morpho-anatomical, physiological and molecular multiformity in cultivated and wild genotypes of lentil with reconciliation to salinity stress, PLoS ONE, 12(5) DOI
2017 Gangopadhyay K.K.; Singh A.; Bag M.K.; Ranjan P.; Prasad T.V.; Roy A.; Dutta M. (2017). Diversity analysis and evaluation of wild Abelmoschus species for agro-morphological traits and major biotic stresses under the north western agro-climatic condition of India, Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 64(4) DOI
2017 Srivastava S.; Shrivastava M. (2017). Zinc supplementation imparts tolerance to arsenite stress in Hydrilla verticillata (L.f.) Royle, International Journal of Phytoremediation, 19(4) DOI
2017 Singh A.; Goswami B.K.; Sharma H. (2017). Studies on toxicity of rhizospheric fungi in combating infective larvae and egg parasitization of root knot nematode infecting brinjal and okra, Plant Archives, 17(1) DOI
2017 Mehta B.; Hossain F.; Muthusamy V.; Baveja A.; Zunjare R.; Jha S.K.; Gupta H.S. (2017). Microsatellite-based genetic diversity analyses of sugary1-, shrunken2- and double mutant- sweet corn inbreds for their utilization in breeding programme, Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, 23(2) DOI
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2017 Sihi D.; Dari B.; Sharma D.K.; Pathak H.; Nain L.; Sharma O.P. (2017). Evaluation of soil health in organic vs. conventional farming of basmati rice in North India, Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 180(3) DOI
2017 Yadav M.R.; Parihar C.M.; Jat S.L.; Singh A.K.; Kumar R.; Yadav R.K.; Kuri B.R.; Parihar M.D.; Yadav B.; Verma A.P.; Jat M.L. (2017). Long term effect of legume intensified crop rotations and tillage practices on productivity and profitability of maize vis-a-vis soil fertility in North-Western Indo-Gangetic Plains of India, Legume Research, 40(2) DOI
2017 Kumar R.; Biswas K.; Singh P.K.; Singh P.K.; Elumalai S.; Shukla P.; Pabbi S. (2017). Lipid production and molecular dynamics simulation for regulation of accD gene in cyanobacteria under different N and P regimes, Biotechnology for Biofuels, 10(1) DOI
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2017 Rai A.K.; Bhardwaj R.; Sureja A.K. (2017). Effect of Mixing Pine Needles Litters on Soil Biological Properties and Phosphorus Availability in Soil Amended with Fertilizers and Manures, Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 48(9) DOI
2017 Rao G.P.; Kumar M. (2017). World status of phytoplasma diseases associated with eggplant, Crop Protection, 96() DOI
2017 Shekhawat K.; Rathore S.S.; Dass A.; Das T.K.; Mahajan G.; Chauhan B.S. (2017). Weed menace and management strategies for enhancing oilseed brassicas production in the Indian sub-continent: A review, Crop Protection, 96() DOI
2017 Ramya K.T.; Jain N.; Gandhi N.; Arora A.; Singh P.K.; Singh A.M.; Singh G.P.; Prabhu K.V. (2017). Assessing heat stress tolerance and genetic diversity among exotic and Indian wheat genotypes using simple sequence repeats and agro-physiological traits, Plant Genetic Resources-Characterization and Utilization, 15(3) DOI
2017 Verma S.; Tyagi C.; Goyal S.; Pandey B.; Jamal S.; Singh A.; Grover A. (2017). Mutations induce conformational changes in folliculin C-terminal domain: possible cause of loss of guanine exchange factor activity and Birt-Hogg-Dubé syndrome, Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, 35(7) DOI
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2017 Mohan S.; Upadhyay A.; Srivastava A.; Sreedevi K. (2017). Implantation of Heterorhabditis indica-infected Galleria cadavers in the soil for biocontrol of white grub infestation in sugarcane fields of western Uttar Pradesh, India, Current Science, 112(10) DOI
2017 Ray M.; Rai A.; Singh K.N.; V. R.; Kumar A. (2017). Technology forecasting using time series intervention based trend impact analysis for wheat yield scenario in India, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 118() DOI
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2017 Fagodiya R.K.; Pathak H.; Kumar A.; Bhatia A.; Jain N. (2017). Global temperature change potential of nitrogen use in agriculture: A 50-year assessment, Scientific Reports, 7() DOI
2017 Viswanath K.; Sinha P.; Naresh Kumar S.; Sharma T.; Saxena S.; Panjwani S.; Pathak H.; Shukla S.M. (2017). Simulation of leaf blast infection in tropical rice agro-ecology under climate change scenario, Climatic Change, 142(01-Feb) DOI
2017 Gupta O.P.; Karkute S.G.; Banerjee S.; Meena N.L.; Dahuja A. (2017). Contemporary understanding of miRNA-based regulation of secondary metabolites biosynthesis in plants, Frontiers in Plant Science, 8() DOI
2017 Anuradha N.; Satyavathi C.T.; Bharadwaj C.; Nepolean T.; Sankar S.M.; Singh S.P.; Meena M.C.; Singhal T.; Srivastava R.K. (2017). Deciphering genomic regions for high grain Iron and zinc content using association mapping in pearl millet, Frontiers in Plant Science, 8() DOI
2017 Dash N.P.; Kumar A.; Kaushik M.S.; Abraham G.; Singh P.K. (2017). Nitrogenous agrochemicals inhibiting native diazotrophic cyanobacterial contribution in wetland rice ecosystem, Journal of Applied Phycology, 29(2) DOI
2017 Banerjee S.; Banerjee A.; Gill S.S.; Gupta O.; Dahuja A.; Jain P.K.; Sirohi A. (2017). RNA interference: A novel source of resistance to combat plant parasitic nematodes, Frontiers in Plant Science, 8() DOI
2017 Gaind S. (2017). Exploitation of Orange Peel for Fungal Solubilization of Rock Phosphate by Solid State Fermentation, Waste and Biomass Valorization, 8(4) DOI
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2017 Thagela P.; Yadav R.K.; Mishra V.; Tripathi K.; Ahmad A.; Dahuja A.; Singh P.K.; Abraham G. (2017). Sample preparation method for tissue based proteomic analysis of Azolla microphylla, Symbiosis, 72(3) DOI
2017 Asrey R.; Sagar V.R.; Kumar K.; Sharma S. (2017). Varietal Response of Exogenous Ethylene Application on Fruit Quality and Storage Life of Mango (Mangifera indica L.), Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 76(5) DOI
2017 Muthusamy S.K.; Dalal M.; Chinnusamy V.; Bansal K.C. (2017). Genome-wide identification and analysis of biotic and abiotic stress regulation of small heat shock protein (HSP20) family genes in bread wheat, Journal of Plant Physiology, 211() DOI
2017 Kumar J.; Patel N.; Rajput T.B.S. (2017). Development of decision support system based on crop water demand and soil moisture deficit for real time irrigation scheduling, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 87(5) DOI
2017 Kumar U.; Panneerselvam P.; Govindasamy V.; Vithalkumar L.; Senthilkumar M.; Banik A.; Annapurna K. (2017). Long-term aromatic rice cultivation effect on frequency and diversity of diazotrophs in its rhizosphere, Ecological Engineering, 101() DOI
2017 Yadav D.K.; Sharma K.; Dutta A.; Kundu A.; Awasthi A.; Goon A.; Banerjee K.; Saha S. (2017). Purity evaluation of Curcuminoids in the turmeric extract obtained by accelerated solvent extraction, Journal of AOAC International, 100(3) DOI
2017 Kumar A.; Choudhary A.K.; Suri V.K. (2017). Agronomic bio-fortification and quality enhancement in okra–pea cropping system through arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi at varying phosphorus and irrigation regimes in Himalayan acid alfisol, Journal of Plant Nutrition, 40(8) DOI
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2017 Meena B.L.; Rattan R.K.; Datta S.P. (2017). Solubility Relationships of Iron and Evaluation of its Fertility Status in Degraded Soils, Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 48(9) DOI
2017 Tiwari A.K.; Kumar S.; Mall S.; Jadon V.; Rao G.P. (2017). New Efficient Natural Leafhopper Vectors of Sugarcane Grassy Shoot Phytoplasma in India, Sugar Tech, 19(2) DOI
2017 Dey S.S.; Bhatia R.; Parkash C.; Sharma S.; Dabral M.; Mishra V.; Bhardwaj I.; Sharma K.; Sharma V.K.; Kumar R. (2017). Alteration in important quality traits and antioxidant activities in Brassica oleracea with Ogura cybrid cytoplasm, Plant Breeding, 136(3) DOI
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2017 Panwar S.; Singh K.P.; Janakiram T.; Bharadwaj C.; Namita; Sonah H.; Deshmukh R.K.; Sharma T.R. (2017). Molecular characterization of African marigold (Tagetes erecta) genotypes using RAPD markers, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 87(5) DOI
2017 Gupta A.K.; Raj R.; Choudhary R.; Singh S.P.; Solanki I.S. (2017). Effect of mineral nutrients, seed treatment and foliar fungicides on spot blotch (Bipolaris sorokiniana) severity and agronomic performance of wheat (Triticum aestivum) in hot-humid environment of eastern Gangetic plain in India, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 87(4) DOI
2017 Mondal B.; Singh A.; Yadav A.; Tomar R.S.S.; Vinod; Singh G.P.; Prabhu K.V. (2017). QTL mapping for early ground cover in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under drought stress, Current Science, 112(6) DOI
2017 Lakshmi Durga M.; Raju D.V.S.; Pandey R.N.; Singh K.P.; Kumar P.; Pandey R.; Gopalakrishnan S.; Chandra S. (2017). Soil test and targeted yield based primary nutrient management of marigold (Tagetus patula) in an Inceptisol, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 87(4) DOI
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2017 Singh R.; Srivastava M.; Rohatgi B.; Kar A.; Shukla A. (2017). Microwave assisted chemical pretreatment method for bio-ethanol production from rice straw, Asian Journal of Chemistry, 29(5) DOI
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2017 Mukhopadhyay R.; Phani V.; De N.; Pandey S.K.; Singh R.K. (2017). Moisture and nitrogen stress induces severity of wiltnematode complex of lentil grown in rice fallow in an inceptisol, Indian Phytopathology, 70(1) DOI
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2017 Yadav S.K.; Srivastava C. (2017). Effect of temperature and life stage of khapra beetle, Trogoderma granarium Everts on the toxicity of phosphine, Journal of Entomological Research, 41(2) DOI
2017 Bhutia T.L.; Munshi A.D.; Behera T.K.; Sureja A.K.; Lal S.K. (2017). Combining ability for yield and yield related traits and its relationship with gene action in cucumber, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 74(1) DOI
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2017 Rai R.; Paul Khurana S.M.; Kumar S.; Sharma S.K.; Watpade S.; Baranwal V.K. (2017). Characterization of Grapevine Leafroll-Associated Virus 4 from Indian vineyards, Journal of Plant Pathology, 99(1) DOI
2017 Venkatachalam P.; Priyanka N.; Manikandan K.; Ganeshbabu I.; Indiraarulselvi P.; Geetha N.; Muralikrishna K.; Bhattacharya R.C.; Tiwari M.; Sharma N.; Sahi S.V. (2017). Enhanced plant growth promoting role of phycomolecules coated zinc oxide nanoparticles with P supplementation in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.), Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 110() DOI
2017 Dash N.P.; Kumar A.; Kaushik M.S.; Abraham G.; Singh P.K. (2017). Agrochemicals influencing nitrogenase, biomass of N2-fixing cyanobacteria and yield of rice in wetland cultivation, Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, 9() DOI
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2017 Changan S.; Chaudhary D.P.; Kumar S.; Kumar B.; Kaul J.; Guleria S.; Jat S.L.; Singode A.; Tufchi M.; Langyan S.; Yadav O.P. (2017). Biochemical characterization of elite maize (Zea mays) germplasm for carotenoids composition, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 87(1) DOI
2017 Gaba S.; Singh R.N.; Abrol S.; Yadav A.N.; Saxena A.K.; Kaushik R. (2017). Draft genome sequence of halolamina pelagica CDK2 isolated from natural salterns from Rann of Kutch, Gujarat, India, Genome Announcements, 5(6) DOI
2017 Bhutia N.D.; Kumar P.; Chattopadhyay A. (2017). Assessment of genetic diversity in chilli genotypes using multivariate analysis, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 74(1) DOI
2017 Mondal M.; Ghosh A.; Tiwari O.N.; Gayen K.; Das P.; Mandal M.K.; Halder G. (2017). Influence of carbon sources and light intensity on biomass and lipid production of Chlorella sorokiniana BTA 9031 isolated from coalfield under various nutritional modes, Energy Conversion and Management, 145() DOI
2017 Sharma N.; Sharma A.; Sharma J.P.; Dubey S.K.; Dabas J.P.S.; Singh B.K.; Kumar A.; Ahmad N.; Chakravorty S.; Joshi P.; Kishore N.; Maurya P.P.; Singh K.; Dubey A.V. (2017). Farmers' preferences to varietal attributes as an indicator for acceptance and adoption of aromatic rice (Oryza sativa) varieties, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 87(1) DOI
2017 Cheruku D.; Lal S.K.; Talukdar A.; Mandal B.; Yadav P.; Singh K.P.; Kumar S. (2017). Screening and identification of resistant sources against Cowpea mild mottle virus (CPMMV) disease in soybean, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 77(2) DOI
2017 Singh R.; Kaur R.; Lal K.; Rosin K.G.; Srivastava M.; Shukla A. (2017). Optimization of chromium(VI) and copper(II) adsorption on chemically treated sawdust using response surface methodology, Asian Journal of Chemistry, 29(4) DOI
2017 Sharma S.; Jahani M.; Aggarwal R. (2017). A comparative virulence analysis of Bipolaris sorokiniana based on host pathogen interaction and its toxin, Indian Phytopathology, 70(1) DOI
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2017 Kumari P.; Swaroop K.; Janakiram T. (2017). In vivo propagation of difficult-to-root bougainvillea cultivars by air-layering, Research on Crops, 18(2) DOI
2017 Kumar A.; Yadav R.; Sagar V.; Gaikwad K.B.; Jain N. (2017). Genetic and time series analysis for grain growth rate and grain filling duration under conservation agriculture in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 77(2) DOI
2017 Chaudhary K.; Chattopadhyay A. (2017). NgAgo: A new genome editor, Current Science, 112(4) DOI
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2017 Paul S.; Vijayaragavan K.; Singh P.; Roy Burman R.; Chahal V.P. (2017). Determinants of research productivity of agricultural scientists: Implications for the national agricultural research and education system of India, Current Science, 112(2) DOI
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2017 Singh V.K.; Singh G.P.; Singh P.K.; Harikrishna; Mathuria R.C.; Gogoi R.; Aggarwal R. (2017). Assessment of slow rusting resistance components to stripe rust pathogen in some exotic wheat germplasm, Indian Phytopathology, 70(1) DOI
2017 Singh J.; Sharma K.; Walia S.; Saha S. (2017). Anthocyanin Profiling Method Based on Isocratic Elution for Comparable Speed, Reproducibility, and Quantitation with Gradient Elution, Food Analytical Methods, 10(1) DOI
2017 Bhardwaj T.; Sharma J.P.; Singh P. (2017). Comparing integrated pest management modules to the farmers' practice for pest management in cabbage (Brassica oleracea) crop, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 87(1) DOI
2017 Prasad R.; Shivay Y.S.; Kumar D. (2017). Current status, challenges, and opportunities in rice production, Rice Production Worldwide, () DOI
2017 Yadav R.; Gaikwad K.B.; Bhattacharyya R. (2017). Breeding wheat for yield maximization under conservation agriculture, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 77(2) DOI
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2017 Kumar S.; Saxena S.; Gupta M.G. (2017). Marker-assisted screening of breeding populations of an apomictic grass Cenchrus ciliaris L. segregating for the mode of reproduction, Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology, 17(1) DOI
2017 Saha P.; Singh J.K.; Mohanty T.R. (2017). Resistance in urdbean against yellow mosaic, leaf crinkle and Cercospora leaf spot diseases under natural epiphytotic condition in Keonjhar district of Odisha, Indian Phytopathology, 70(1) DOI
2017 Das D.; Dwivedi B.S.; Singh V.K.; Datta S.P.; Meena M.C.; Chakraborty D.; Bandyopadhyay K.K.; Kumar R.; Mishra R.P. (2017). Long-term effects of fertilisers and organic sources on soil organic carbon fractions under a rice-wheat system in the Indo-Gangetic Plains of north-west India, Soil Research (Australian Journal of Soil Research), 55(3) DOI
2017 Kumar A.; Sheoran N.; Prakash G.; Ghosh A.; Chikara S.K.; Rajashekara H.; Singh U.D.; Aggarwal R.; Jain R.K. (2017). Genome sequence of a unique Magnaporthe oryzae RMg-Dl isolate from India that causes blast disease in diverse cereal crops, obtained using PacBio singlemolecule and Illumina HiSeq2500 sequencing, Genome Announcements, 5(7) DOI
2017 Malik V.K.; Gogoi R.; Hooda K.S.; Singh M. (2017). Identification of multiple disease resistant maize accessions, Indian Phytopathology, 70(1) DOI
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2017 Soni A.; Prakash J.; Kaluram; Singh S.K.; Goswami A.K. (2017). Efficiency of morphological, physiological and biochemical parameters related to sex expression in papaya, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 74(1) DOI
2017 Maheshwari M.; Kumar M.; Madhupriya; Rao G.P. (2017). Identification and characterization of phytoplasma associated with brinjal little leaf, phyllody and witches' broom disease in India, Indian Phytopathology, 70(2) DOI
2017 Yousuf P.Y.; Ahmad A.; Ganie A.H.; Sareer O.; Krishnapriya V.; Aref I.M.; Iqbal M. (2017). Antioxidant response and proteomic modulations in Indian mustard grown under salt stress, Plant Growth Regulation, 81(1) DOI
2017 Choudhury P.; Uday U.S.P.; Mahata N.; Nath Tiwari O.; Narayan Ray R.; Kanti Bandyopadhyay T.; Bhunia B. (2017). Performance improvement of microbial fuel cells for waste water treatment along with value addition: A review on past achievements and recent perspectives, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 79() DOI
2017 Defo C.; Kaur R.; Kumar P.; Lal K.; Bharadwa A.; Singh S.D.; Paul R.K. (2017). Development of linear models for predicting Ni concentrations uptake by three aquatic macrophytes species in vertical subsurface flow constructed wetlands, Ecology, Environment and Conservation, 23(1) DOI
2017 Anuradha N.; Tara Satyavathi C.; Meena M.C.; Sankar S.M.; Bharadwaj C.; Bhat J.; Singh O.; Singh S.P. (2017). Evaluation of pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. BR.] for grain iron and zinc content in different agro climatic zones of India, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 77(1) DOI
2017 Islam S.; Patel N.; Khar A.; Srivastava A.; Kalia P.; Khade Y. (2017). Variation in various antioxidant biochemicals and morphological traits in kharif onion, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 74(1) DOI
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2017 Chowdhury A.K.; Saharan M.S.; Aggrawal R.; Malaker P.K.; Barma N.C.D.; Tiwari T.P.; Duveiller E.; Singh P.K.; Srivastava A.K.; Sonder K.; Singh R.P.; Braun H.J.; Joshi A.K. (2017). Occurrence of wheat blast in Bangladesh and its implications for South Asian wheat production, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 77(1) DOI
2017 Pandit U.; Nain M.S.; Singh R.; Kumar S.; Chahal V.P. (2017). Adoption of Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) in Basmati (Scented) rice: A study of prospects and retrospect, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 87(1) DOI
2017 Sarika K.; Hossain F.; Muthusamy V.; Baveja A.; Zunjare R.; Goswami R.; Thirunavukkarasu N.; Saha S.; Gupta H.S. (2017). Exploration of novel opaque16 mutation as a source for high lysine and tryptophan in maize endosperm, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 77(1) DOI
2017 Kumar R.; Sinha A.; Srivastava S.; Mahajan G. (2017). Evaluation of biocontrol potential of some fungal decomposers of Sesbania aculeata L. Green manure against some soil-borne plant pathogens, Journal of Environmental Biology, 38(1) DOI
2017 Holkar S.K.; Kumar R.; Yogita M.; Katiyar A.; Jain R.K.; Mandal B. (2017). Diagnostic assays for two closely related tospovirus species, Watermelon bud necrosis virus and Groundnut bud necrosis virus and identification of new natural hosts, Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 26(1) DOI
2017 Jayaprakash P.; Sheeba D.; Vikas V.K.; Sivasamy M.; Kumar J.; Annapoorani S.; Krishnan N. (2017). A reproducible in vitro pollen germination medium for recalcitrant cereal rye pollen (Secale cereale L): Effect of tryptone, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 77(1) DOI
2017 Bollinedi H.; Gopala Krishnan S.; Prabhu K.V.; Singh N.K.; Mishra S.; Khurana J.P.; Singh A.K. (2017). Molecular and functional characterization of GR2-R1 event based backcross derived lines of golden rice in the genetic background of a mega rice variety Swarna, PLoS ONE, 12(1) DOI
2017 Thagela P.; Yadav R.K.; Mishra V.; Dahuja A.; Ahmad A.; Singh P.K.; Tiwari B.S.; Abraham G. (2017). Salinity-induced inhibition of growth in the aquatic pteridophyte Azolla microphylla primarily involves inhibition of photosynthetic components and signaling molecules as revealed by proteome analysis, Protoplasma, 254(1) DOI
2017 Ajita T.; Jha S.K. (2017). Extrusion cooking technology: Principal mechanism and effect on direct expanded snacks - An overview, International Journal of Food Studies, 6(1) DOI
2017 Patial M.; Pal D.; Chaudhary H.K.; Kumar J.; Prabhu K.V. (2017). Exploration of wild grass imperata cylindrica for development of doubled haploids in winter x spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) hybrids accompanied with combining ability and hybrid potential estimation, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 77(2) DOI
2017 Mhatre P.H.; Pankaj; Sirohi A.; Singh A.K.; Ellur R.K.; Bhowmick P.K.; Singh V.K. (2017). Molecular mapping of rice root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne graminicola) resistance gene in Asian rice (Oryza sativa L.) using STMS markers, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 77(1) DOI
2017 Defo C.; Kfuban Y.B.P.; Kaur R.; Bemmo N. (2017). Spatial distribution of heavy metals in groundwaters and health risks associated in the Ntem watershed, Yaoundé, Cameroon, Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, 17(3) DOI
2017 Thirunavukkarasu N.; Sharma R.; Singh N.; Shiriga K.; Mohan S.; Mittal S.; Mittal S.; Mallikarjuna M.G.; Rao A.R.; Dash P.K.; Hossain F.; Gupta H.S. (2017). Genomewide Expression and Functional Interactions of Genes under Drought Stress in Maize, International Journal of Genomics, 2017() DOI
2017 Kumar D.; Dhar D.W.; Nehra P.; Kumar N. (2017). Similarity analysis of Spirulina/Arthrospira strains on the basis of phycocyanin operon locus (cpcB-IGS-cpcA) and 16S rRNA gene sequences, Indian Journal of Biotechnology, 16(1) DOI
2017 Kumar D.; Dutta S.; Singh D.; Prabhu K.V.; Kumar M.; Mukhopadhyay K. (2017). Uncovering leaf rust responsive miRNAs in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) using high-throughput sequencing and prediction of their targets through degradome analysis, Planta, 245(1) DOI
2017 Kumar R.; Singh P.; Nikam V.; Satyapriya; Tomar B.S. (2017). Good practices and lessons learnt from innovative horticultural farmers for enhancing profitability and sustainability, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 87(1) DOI
2017 Godara S.; Paul Khurana S.M.; Biswas K.K. (2017). Three variants of cotton leaf curl begomoviruses with their satellite molecules are associated with cotton leaf curl disease aggravation in New Delhi, Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 26(1) DOI
2017 Kundu M.; Dubey A.; Srivastav M.; Malik S. (2017). Induction of haploid plants in citrus through gamma-irradiated pollen and ascertainment of ovule age for maximum recovery of haploid plantlets, Turkish Journal of Biology, 41(3) DOI
2017 Das B.; Paul S.; Rathi M.S. (2017). Effect of osmotic stress on plant growth promoting activities of the osmotolerant endophytic bacteria, Ecology, Environment and Conservation, 23(1) DOI
2017 Gupta N.; Jain R.K.; Rao G.P.; Baranwal V.K. (2017). Molecular characterization and phylogenetic analysis of coat protein gene of Leek yellow stripe virus infecting garlic in India, Indian Phytopathology, 70(1) DOI
2017 Malleshaiah S.; Govindaswamy V.; Murugaiah J.; Ganga M.; Surakshitha N.C. (2017). Influence of traffic stress on warm season turfgrass species under simulated traffic, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 87(1) DOI
2017 Tamut O.; Singh K.P.; Raina A.P.; Namita; Panwar S.; Kumar P.; Verma P.K. (2017). Composition and yield variation of essential oils from French marigold (Tagetes patula L.) genotypes using GC-MS, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 74(1) DOI
2017 Dubey S.C.; Singh B.; Srinivasa N. (2017). Evaluation of chickpea genotypes against fusarium wilt for resistant sources, Indian Phytopathology, 70(2) DOI
2017 Sharma J.; Sharma K.K.; Kumar A.; Mondal K.K.; Thalor S.; Maity A.; Gharate R.; Chinchure S.; Jadhav V.T. (2017). Pomegranate bacterial blight: Symptomatology and rapid inoculation technique for xanthomonas axonopodis pv. punicae, Journal of Plant Pathology, 99(1) DOI
2017 Kumari C.; Dutta T.K.; Gahoi S.; Rao U. (2017). An insight into the expression profile of defence-related genes in compatible and incompatible Oryza sativa-Meloidogyne graminicola interaction, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 77(1) DOI
2017 Chaudhary V.P.; Singh K.K.; Pratibha G.; Bhattacharyya R.; Shamim M.; Srinivas I.; Patel A. (2017). Energy conservation and greenhouse gas mitigation under different production systems in rice cultivation, Energy, 130() DOI
2016 Singh R.K.; Singh U.; Upadhyay P.K. (2016). Production potential and competitive ability of wheat (Triticum aestivum) + indian mustard (Brassica juncea) intercropping under varying row ratio, farmyard manure and fertilizer level of middle gangetic plain of India, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 61(4) DOI
2016 Purakayastha T.J.; Bhaduri D.; Aishwath O.P.; Shivay Y.S. (2016). Soil management strategies to enhance carbon sequestration potential of degraded lands, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 61(4) DOI
2016 Chatterjee S.; Bandyopadhyay K.K.; Pradhan S.; Singh R.; Datta S.P. (2016). Influence of irrigation, crop residue mulch and nitrogen management practices on soil physical quality, Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science, 64(4) DOI
2016 Singh R.; Srivastava M. (2016). Regional Renewable Energy India: Bioethanol From Rice Straw, Current Sustainable/Renewable Energy Reports, 3(03-Apr) DOI
2016 Smitha G.R.; Tripathy V. (2016). Seasonal variation in the essential oils extracted from leaves and inflorescence of different Ocimum species grown in Western plains of India, Industrial Crops and Products, 94() DOI
2016 Mustafa A.A.; Singh M.; Ahmed N.; Sahoo R.N.; Khanna M.; Sarangi A.; Mishra A.K. (2016). Soil suitability analysis for crop planning in kheragarah tehsil of agra district, Uttar Pradesh, Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science, 64(4) DOI
2016 Paul J.; Choudhary A.K.; Sharma S.; Savita; Bohra M.; Dixit A.K.; Kumar P. (2016). Potato production through bio-resources: Long-term effects on tuber productivity, quality, carbon sequestration and soil health in temperate Himalayas, Scientia Horticulturae, 213() DOI
2016 Prasad R.; Shivay Y.S. (2016). Deep placement and foliar fertilization of nitrogen for increased use efficiency – An overview, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 61(4) DOI
2016 Malyan S.K.; Bhatia A.; Kumar A.; Gupta D.K.; Singh R.; Kumar S.S.; Tomer R.; Kumar O.; Jain N. (2016). Methane production, oxidation and mitigation: A mechanistic understanding and comprehensive evaluation of influencing factors, Science of the Total Environment, 572() DOI
2016 Kumar S.; Parihar S.S.; Singh M.; Jat S.L.; Sehgal V.; Mirja P.R.; Devi S. (2016). Effect of conservation agriculture practices and irrigation scheduling on productivity and water-use efficiency of maize (Zea mays)–wheat (Triticum aestivum) cropping system, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 61(4) DOI
2016 Verma R.K.; Shivay Y.S.; Kumar D.; Ghasal P.C. (2016). Productivity and profitability of wheat (Triticum aestivum) as influenced by different cropping systems and nutrient sources, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 61(4) DOI
2016 Veeranna J.; Patel N.; Mishra A.K.; Varghese C.; Sandeep N. (2016). Performance evaluation of gypsum block wireless sensor network system for real time irrigation scheduling, Cogent Engineering, 3(1) DOI
2016 Tripathi V.K.; Rajput T.B.S.; Patel N. (2016). Biometric properties and selected chemical concentration of cauliflower influenced by wastewater applied through surface and subsurface drip irrigation system, Journal of Cleaner Production, 139() DOI
2016 Kumar B.; Srivastava S.; Kaur H.; Yadava P.; Jat S.L.; Parihar C.M.; Singh A.K.; Tiwari T.; Kumar V.; Sharma S.; Kaul J. (2016). Hydro and aeroponic technique for rapid drought tolerance screening in maize (Zea mays), Indian Journal of Agronomy, 61(4) DOI
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2016 Bansal S.; Mangal M.; Sharma S.K.; Yadav D.N.; Gupta R.K. (2016). Optimization of process conditions for developing yoghurt like probiotic product from peanut, LWT-Food Science and Technology, 73() DOI
2016 Kaur T.; Kumar R. (2016). Weed-management strategies in chickpea (Cicer arietinum) for higher productivity and profitability in north-western part of India, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 61(4) DOI
2016 Priya S.; Tiwari R.; Rana S.; Saritha M.; Singh S.; Arora A.; Nain L. (2016). Saccharification of biopretreated paddy straw with indigenous holocellulase and fermentation with Saccharomyces cerevisiae LN1 under optimized conditions, Energy, Ecology and Environment, 1(6) DOI
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2016 Wanjari K.B.; Raje R.S.; Durgesh K.; Rama Prashat G.; Joshi R. (2016). Pigeonpea improvement through conventional breeding, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 76(4) DOI
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2016 Ranjan K.; Priya H.; Ramakrishnan B.; Prasanna R.; Venkatachalam S.; Thapa S.; Tiwari R.; Nain L.; Singh R.; Shivay Y.S. (2016). Cyanobacterial inoculation modifies the rhizosphere microbiome of rice planted to a tropical alluvial soil, Applied Soil Ecology, 108() DOI
2016 Fiyaz R.A.; Yadav A.K.; Krishnan S.G.; Ellur R.K.; Bashyal B.M.; Grover N.; Bhowmick P.K.; Nagarajan M.; Vinod K.K.; Singh N.K.; Prabhu K.V.; Singh A.K. (2016). Mapping quantitative trait loci responsible for resistance to Bakanae disease in rice, Rice (Springer), 9(1) DOI
2016 Tiwari A.K.; Kumar G.; Tiwari B.; Kadam G.B.; Saha T.N. (2016). Optimization of ISSR-PCR system and assessing genetic diversity amongst turf grass (Cynodon dactylon) mutants, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 86(12) DOI
2016 Cammarano D.; Rötter R.P.; Asseng S.; Ewert F.; Wallach D.; Martre P.; Hatfield J.L.; Jones J.W.; Rosenzweig C.; Ruane A.C.; Boote K.J.; Thorburn P.J.; Kersebaum K.C.; Aggarwal P.K.; Angulo C.; Basso B.; Bertuzzi P.; Biernath C.; Brisson N.; Challinor A.J.; Doltra J.; Gayler S.; Goldberg R.; Heng L.; Hooker J.E.; Hunt L.A.; Ingwersen J.; Izaurralde R.C.; Müller C.; Kumar S.N.; Nendel C.; O'Leary G.; Olesen J.E.; Osborne T.M.; Priesack E.; Ripoche D.; Steduto P.; Stöckle C.O.; Stratonovitch P.; Streck T.; Supit I.; Tao F.; Travasso M.; Waha K.; White J.W.; Wolf J. (2016). Uncertainty of wheat water use: Simulated patterns and sensitivity to temperature and CO2, Field Crops Research, 198() DOI
2016 Sharma K.K.; Shukla V.R.; Patel A.R.; Vaghela K.M.; Patel H.K.; Shah P.G.; Banerjee H.; Banerjee T.; Hudait R.K.; Sharma D.; Sahoo S.K.; Singh B.; Tripathy V. (2016). Multilocation field trials for risk assessment of a combination fungicide Fluopicolide + Propamocarb in tomato, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 188(11) DOI
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2016 Roorkiwal M.; Rathore A.; Das R.R.; Singh M.K.; Jain A.; Srinivasan S.; Gaur P.M.; Chellapilla B.; Tripathi S.; Li Y.; Hickey J.M.; Lorenz A.; Sutton T.; Crossa J.; Jannink J.-L.; Varshney R.K. (2016). Genome-enabled prediction models for yield related traits in chickpea, Frontiers in Plant Science, 7(Nov-16) DOI
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2016 Jha G.K.; Singh G.; Vennila S.; Rao M.S.; Panwar H.; Hegde M. (2016). Predicting the severity of spodoptera litura on groundnut in relation to climatic variability using ordinal logistic model, Journal of Agrometeorology, 18(2) DOI
2016 Singh M.; Bhardwaj C.; Singh S.; Panatu S.; Chaturvedi S.K.; Rana J.C.; Rizvi A.H.; Kumar N.; Sarker A. (2016). Chickpea genetic resources and its utilization in India: Current status and future prospects, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 76(4) DOI
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2016 Rathaur P.S.; Singh D.; Raghuwanshi R. (2016). Standardization of Indian cultivars of Brassica spp. for characterization of Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris races causing black rot disease of crucifer crops, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 86(12) DOI
2016 Mishra A.K.; Tyagi C.; Pandey B.; Chakraborty O.; Kumar A.; Jain A.K. (2016). Structural Insights into the Mode of Action of Plant Flavonoids as Anti-oxidants Using Regression Analysis, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences India Section B - Biological Sciences, 86(4) DOI
2016 Jha S.; Sehgal V.K.; Raghava R.; Sinha M. (2016). Teleconnections of ENSO and IOD to summer monsoon and rice production potential of India, Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 76() DOI
2016 Bhatia R.; Dey S.S.; Sood S.; Sharma K.; Sharma V.K.; Parkash C.; Kumar R. (2016). Optimizing protocol for efficient microspore embryogenesis and doubled haploid development in different maturity groups of cauliflower (B. oleracea var. botrytis L.) in India, Euphytica, 212(3) DOI
2016 Daware A.; Das S.; Srivastava R.; Badoni S.; Singh A.K.; Agarwal P.; Parida S.K.; Tyagi A.K. (2016). An efficient strategy combining SSR markers- and advanced QTL-seq-driven QTL mapping unravels candidate genes regulating grain weight in rice, Frontiers in Plant Science, 7(Oct-16) DOI
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2016 Koinain S.A.; Hegde V.S.; Bharadwaj C. (2016). Genetic diversity analysis among selected short duration chickpea cultivars and breeding lines based on STMS markers, Legume Research, 39(6) DOI
2016 Kumar S.; Archak S.; Tyagi R.K.; Kumar J.; Vikas V.K.; Jacob S.R.; Srinivasan K.; Radhamani J.; Parimalan R.; Sivaswamy M.; Tyagi S.; Yadav M.; Kumari J.; Deepali; Sharma S.; Bhagat I.; Meeta M.; Bains N.S.; Chowdhury A.K.; Saha B.C.; Bhattacharya P.M.; Kumari J.; Singh M.C.; Gangwar O.P.; Prasad P.; Bharadwaj S.C.; Gogoi R.; Sharma J.B.; Gm S.K.; Saharan M.S.; Bag M.; Roy A.; Prasad T.V.; Sharma R.K.; Dutta M.; Sharma I.; Bansal K.C. (2016). Evaluation of 19,460 wheat accessions conserved in the indian national genebank to identify new sources of resistance to rust and spot blotch diseases, PLoS ONE, 11(12) DOI
2016 Kumar S.; Hash C.T.; Thirunavukkarasu N.; Singh G.; Rajaram V.; Rathore A.; Senapathy S.; Mahendrakar M.D.; Yadav R.S.; Srivastava R.K. (2016). Mapping quantitative trait loci controlling high iron and zinc content in self and open pollinated grains of pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. BR.], Frontiers in Plant Science, 7(Nov-16) DOI
2016 Viswanatha K.P.; Kumar D.; Sharma R.; Durgesh K. (2016). Improvement of minor pulses and their role in alleviating malnutrition, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 76(4) DOI
2016 Dey P.; Gola D.; Mishra A.; Malik A.; Singh D.K.; Patel N.; von Bergen M.; Jehmlich N. (2016). Comparative performance evaluation of multi-metal resistant fungal strains for simultaneous removal of multiple hazardous metals, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 318() DOI
2016 Rathour R.; Gopala Krishnan S.; Khanna A.; Dhatwalia S.; Kaachra A.; Sharma T.R.; Singh A.K. (2016). Development and validation of co-dominant gene based markers for Pi9, a gene governing broad-spectrum resistance against blast disease in rice, Molecular Breeding, 36(12) DOI
2016 Tomar J.; Kumar P.; Kumar A.; Kumar A.; Sandhya; Kumar S.; Kushwaha S.R. (2016). Influence of irrigation schedules and fertilizer levels on barley (Hordeum vulgare) in western Uttar Pradesh, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 61(4) DOI
2016 Kumar J.; Gupta S.; Gupta P.; Dubey S.; Tomar R.S.S.; Kumar S. (2016). Breeding strategies to improve lentil for diverse agro-ecological environments, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 76(4) DOI
2016 Muthusamy V.; Hossain F.; Thirunavukkarasu N.; Saha S.; Agrawal P.K.; Gupta H.S. (2016). Genetic analyses of kernel carotenoids in novel maize genotypes possessing rare allele of β-carotene hydroxylase gene, Cereal Research Communications, 44(4) DOI
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2016 Shivay Y.S.; Prasad R.; Kaur R.; Pal M. (2016). Relative Efficiency of Zinc Sulphate and Chelated Zinc on Zinc Biofortification of Rice Grains and Zinc Use-Efficiency in Basmati Rice, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences India Section B - Biological Sciences, 86(4) DOI
2016 Sudhishri S.; Kumar A.; Shukla A.K.; Dass A.; Singh J.K. (2016). Study of climate variability in Ramganga catchment of central Himalaya, Journal of Agrometeorology, 18(2) DOI
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2016 Dagar J.C.; Yadav R.K.; Tomar O.S.; Minhas P.S.; Yadav G.; Lal K. (2016). Fruit-based agroforestry systems for saline water-irrigated semi-arid hyperthermic camborthids soils of north-west India, Agroforestry Systems, 90(6) DOI
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2016 Saad A.A.; Das T.K.; Rana D.S.; Sharma A.R.; Bhattacharyya R.; Lal K. (2016). Energy auditing of a maize–wheat–greengram cropping system under conventional and conservation agriculture in irrigated north-western Indo-Gangetic Plains, Energy, 116() DOI
2016 Meena B.L.; Rattan R.K.; Datta S.P.; Meena M.C. (2016). Effect of iron application on iron nutrition of aerobic rice grown in different soils, Journal of Environmental Biology, 37(6) DOI
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2016 Majumder S.; Shakil N.A.; Kumar J.; Banerjee T.; Sinha P.; Singh B.B.; Garg P. (2016). Eco-friendly PEG-based controlled release nano-formulations of Mancozeb: Synthesis and bioefficacy evaluation against phytopathogenic fungi Alternaria solani and Sclerotium rolfsii, Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part B Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes, 51(12) DOI
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2016 Kumar K.; Kumar A.; Rana K.S.; Jat S.L.; Kumar A. (2016). Effect of different nitrification inhibitors doses and varying nitrogen levels on productivity and economics of hybrid maize (Zea mays), Indian Journal of Agronomy, 61(4) DOI
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2016 Raina S.K.; Govindasamy V.; Kumar M.; Singh A.K.; Rane J.; Minhas P.S. (2016). Genetic variation in physiological responses of mungbeans (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek) to drought, Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 38(11) DOI
2016 Saxena K.B.; Sultana R.; Bhatnagar-Mathur P.; Saxena R.K.; Chauhan Y.S.; Kumar R.V.; Singh I.P.; Raje R.S.; Tikle A.N. (2016). Accomplishments and challenges of pigeonpea breeding research in India, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 76(4) DOI
2016 Bashir A.A.; Sinha J.P.; Jha G.K.; Chopra S. (2016). Drying kinetics for vegetable seeds with Zeolite beads, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 86(12) DOI
2016 Harikrishna; Singh G.P.; Jain N.; Singh P.K.; Sai Prasad S.V.; Ambati D.; Das T.R.; Kumar A.; Bhat J.A.; Amasiddha B.; Vijay P.; Sinha N.; Mishra P.C.; Misra S.C.; Prabhu K.V. (2016). Physiological characterization and grain yield stability analysis of RILs under different moisture stress conditions in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Indian Journal of Plant Physiology, 21(4) DOI
2016 Kumar S.S.; Yadav C.; Malyan S.K.; Manju; Bajwa K.; Bishnoi N.R. (2016). Dose optimization for aluminium and iron based coagulants viz., aluminium sulphate, ferric chloride and ferrous sulphate for COD removal from landfill leachate at its natural pH, Annals of Agri Bio Research, 21(2) DOI
2016 Singh U.B.; Malviya D.; Wasiullah; Singh S.; Pradhan J.K.; Singh B.P.; Roy M.; Imram M.; Pathak N.; Baisyal B.M.; Rai J.P.; Sarma B.K.; Singh R.K.; Sharma P.K.; Kaur S.D.; Manna M.C.; Sharma S.K.; Sharma A.K. (2016). Bio-protective microbial agents from rhizosphere eco-systems trigger plant defense responses provide protection against sheath blight disease in rice (Oryza sativa L.), Microbiological Research (Zentralblatt für Mikrobiologie), 192() DOI
2016 Kumar S.; Raju D.; Sahoo R.N.; Chinnusamy V. (2016). Phenomics: unlocking the hidden genetic variation for breaking the barriers in yield and stress tolerance, Indian Journal of Plant Physiology, 21(4) DOI
2016 Joshi P.K.; Parappurathu S.; Kumar P. (2016). Dynamics of food consumption and nutrient insecurity in India, Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy, 82(5) DOI
2016 Gupta A.K.; Choudhary R.; Bashyal B.M.; Solanki I.S. (2016). Incidence and characterization of pigeonpea stem rot disease caused by sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de bary in North Eastern Plain Zone of India, Legume Research, 39(6) DOI
2016 Tiwari R.; Kumar K.; Singh S.; Nain L.; Shukla P. (2016). Molecular detection and environment-specific diversity of glycosyl hydrolase family 1 β-glucosidase in different habitats, Frontiers in Microbiology, 7(OCT) DOI
2016 Prasanna R.; Ramakrishnan B.; Ranjan K.; Venkatachalam S.; Kanchan A.; Solanki P.; Monga D.; Shivay Y.S.; Kranthi S. (2016). Microbial Inoculants with Multifaceted Traits Suppress Rhizoctonia Populations and Promote Plant Growth in Cotton, Journal of Phytopathology, 164(11-Dec) DOI
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2016 Amaresan N.; Kumar K.; Madhuri K.; Usharani G.K. (2016). Isolation and Characterization of Salt Tolerant Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria from Plants Grown in Tsunami Affected Regions of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Geomicrobiology Journal, 33(10) DOI
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2016 Waghmare C.; Bairwa A.; Paruthi I.J. (2016). Effect of non-nematicidal chemicals (fungicide, insecticide and weedicide) on root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne spp.) in Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus), Annals of Agri Bio Research, 21(2) DOI
2016 Suresh Kumar P.; Sagar V.R. (2016). Effect of Packaging Materials and Storage Temperature on Quality of Osmo-vac Dehydrated Guava Slices During Storage, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences India Section B - Biological Sciences, 86(4) DOI
2016 Kumar N.; Kumar R.; Shakil N.A.; Das T.K. (2016). Nanoformulations of pretilachlor herbicide: Preparation, characterization and activity, Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 75(11) DOI
2016 Liu B.; Asseng S.; Müller C.; Ewert F.; Elliott J.; Lobell D.B.; Martre P.; Ruane A.C.; Wallach D.; Jones J.W.; Rosenzweig C.; Aggarwal P.K.; Alderman P.D.; Anothai J.; Basso B.; Biernath C.; Cammarano D.; Challinor A.; Deryng D.; De Sanctis G.; Doltra J.; Fereres E.; Folberth C.; Garcia-Vila M.; Gayler S.; Hoogenboom G.; Hunt L.A.; Izaurralde R.C.; Jabloun M.; Jones C.D.; Kersebaum K.C.; Kimball B.A.; Koehler A.-K.; Kumar S.N.; Nendel C.; O'Leary G.J.; Olesen Jø.E.; Ottman M.J.; Palosuo T.; Prasad P.V.V.; Priesack E.; Pugh T.A.M.; Reynolds M.; Rezaei E.E.; Rötter R.P.; Schmid E.; Semenov M.A.; Shcherbak I.; Stehfest E.; Stöckle C.O.; Stratonovitch P.; Streck T.; Supit I.; Tao F.; Thorburn P.; Waha K.; Wall G.W.; Wang E.; White J.W.; Wolf J.; Zhao Z.; Zhu Y. (2016). Similar estimates of temperature impacts on global wheat yield by three independent methods, Nature Climate Change, 6(12) DOI
2016 Joshi M.A.; Faridullah S.; Kumar A. (2016). Effect of heat stress on crop phenology, yield and seed quality attributes of wheat (Triticumaestivum L.), Journal of Agrometeorology, 18(2) DOI
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2016 Swami S.; Yadav S.; Yadav S.K.; Dahuja A.; Yadav D.K. (2016). Imbibition behaviour and germination response in conventional and quality of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) seeds, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 86(12) DOI
2016 Singh D.; Kumar A.; Kumar K.; Singh B.; Mina U.; Singh B.B.; Jain V.K. (2016). Statistical modeling of O3, NOx, CO, PM2.5, VOCs and noise levels in commercial complex and associated health risk assessment in an academic institution, Science of the Total Environment, 572() DOI
2016 Bahuguna R.N.; Chaturvedi A.K.; Pal M. (2016). Physiological traits for improving high temperature stress tolerance in rice, Indian Journal of Plant Physiology, 21(4) DOI
2016 Talukdar A.; Shivakumar M. (2016). Genetic improvement of food-grade soybean in India: Current status and future prospects, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 76(4) DOI
2016 Bhardwaj J.; Anand A.; Pandita V.K.; Nagarajan S. (2016). Pulsed magnetic field improves seed quality of aged green pea seeds by homeostasis of free radical content, Journal of Food Science and Technology, 53(11) DOI
2016 Das T.K.; Bandyopadhyay K.K.; Bhattacharyya R.; Sudhishri S.; Sharma A.R.; Behera U.K.; Saharawat Y.S.; Sahoo P.K.; Pathak H.; Vyas A.K.; Bhar L.M.; Gupta H.S.; Gupta R.K.; Jat M.L. (2016). Effects of conservation agriculture on crop productivity and water-use efficiency under an irrigated pigeonpea-wheat cropping system in the western Indo-Gangetic Plains, Journal of Agricultural Science, 154(8) DOI
2016 Srivastava R.; Bajaj D.; Sayal Y.K.; Meher P.K.; Upadhyaya H.D.; Kumar R.; Tripathi S.; Bharadwaj C.; Rao A.R.; Parida S.K. (2016). Genome-wide development and deployment of informative intron-spanning and intron-length polymorphism markers for genomics-assisted breeding applications in chickpea, Plant Science (Plant Science Letters), 252() DOI
2016 Chandra S.; Arora A.; Kumar A.; Jain R.; Marwaha S.; Misra T. (2016). Online software for forewarning of onion thrips, Proceedings of the 10th INDIACom; 2016 3rd International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development, INDIACom 2016, () DOI
2016 Joshi A.; Kar A.; Rudra S.G.; Sagar V.R.; Varghese E.; Lad M.; Khan I.; Singh B. (2016). Vacuum impregnation: a promising way for mineral fortification in potato porous matrix (potato chips), Journal of Food Science and Technology, 53(12) DOI
2016 Rani R.; Yadav P.; Barbadikar K.M.; Baliyan N.; Malhotra E.V.; Singh B.K.; Kumar A.; Singh D. (2016). CRISPR/Cas9: a promising way to exploit genetic variation in plants, Biotechnology Letters, 38(12) DOI
2016 M. S.; Singh S.; Tiwari R.; Goel R.; Nain L. (2016). Do cultural conditions induce differential protein expression: Profiling of extracellular proteome of Aspergillus terreus CM20, Microbiological Research (Zentralblatt für Mikrobiologie), 192() DOI
2016 Abeysingha N.S.; Singh M.; Islam A.; Sehgal V.K. (2016). Climate change impacts on irrigated rice and wheat production in Gomti River basin of India: a case study, SpringerPlus, 5(1) DOI
2016 Waghmare C.; Bairwa A.; Bajaj H.K. (2016). Water channel bodies at CCS haryana agricultural university, Hisar, Haryana, Annals of Biology, 32(2) DOI
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2016 Adak A.; Tiwari R.; Singh S.; Sharma S.; Nain L. (2016). Laccase Production by a Novel White-Rot Fungus Pseudolagarobasidium acaciicola LA 1 Through Solid-State Fermentation of Parthenium Biomass and Its Application in Dyes Decolorization, Waste and Biomass Valorization, 7(6) DOI
2016 Golui D.; Datta S.P.; Rattan R.K.; Dwivedi B.S.; Meena M.C.; Bandyopadhayay K.K. (2016). Release of Metals from Sludge Amended Acid and Alkaline Soils Under Different Levels of Moisture and Temperature, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences India Section B - Biological Sciences, 86(4) DOI
2016 Vinu V.; Singh N.; Vasudev S.; Giri S.C.; Singh R.; Dass B.; Yadava D.K. (2016). Relationship of molecular and phenotypic divergence with hybrid performance in Indian mustard (Brassica juncea), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 86(9) DOI
2016 Chandrika K.P.; Singh A.; Rathore A.; Kumar A. (2016). Novel cross linked guar gum-g-poly(acrylate) porous superabsorbent hydrogels: Characterization and swelling behaviour in different environments, Carbohydrate Polymers, 149() DOI
2016 Padaria J.C.; Tarafdar A.; Raipuria R.; Lone S.A.; Gahlot P.; Shakil N.A.; Kumar J. (2016). Identification of phenazine-1-carboxylic acid gene (phc CD) from Bacillus pumilus MTCC7615 and its role in antagonism against Rhizoctonia solani, Journal of basic microbiology, 56(9) DOI
2016 Singh S.P.; Solanki R.C.; Singh M.K.; Singh K. (2016). Development of tractor operated bund former-cum-packer for increasing resource productivity, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 86(9) DOI
2016 Saran P.L.; Choudhary R.; Solanki I.S.; Ercisli S. (2016). Influence of temperature on seed germination in papaya under subtropical conditions of India; [Der Einfluss der Temperatur auf die Samen-Keimung bei Papaya unter den subtropischen Bedingungen Indiens], Erwerbs-Obstbau, 58(3) DOI
2016 Sarkar D.J.; Singh A.; Gaur S.R.; Shenoy A.V. (2016). Viscoelastic properties of borax loaded CMC-g-cl-poly(AAm) hydrogel composites and their boron nutrient release behavior, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 133(38) DOI
2016 Padaria J.C.; Biswas K.; Bhatt D.; Raipuria R.; Prabu R.; Vishwakarma H.; Singh G.P. (2016). Transcriptional profiling of heat stress responsive genes in different developmental stages of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Indian Journal of Biotechnology, 15(4) DOI
2016 Verma Y.; Datta S.C.; Mandal I.K.; Sarkar D. (2016). Effect of phosphorus loaded organically modified nanoclay-polymer composite on release and fixation of phosphorus and its uptake by wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology, 10(3) DOI
2016 Suroshe S.S.; Sharma J.; Singh N.V.; Pal R.K. (2016). New report of insect pests and their natural enemies in pomegranate, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 73(3) DOI
2016 Kumar B.; Hooda K.S.; Gogoi R.; Kumar V.; Kumar S.; Abhishek A.; Bhati P.; Sekhar J.C.; Yathish K.R.; Singh V.; Das A.; Mukri G.; Varghese E.; Kaur H.; Malik V.; Yadav O.P. (2016). Inheritance study and stable sources of Maydis leaf blight (Cochliobolus heterostrophus) resistance in tropical maize Germplasm, Cereal Research Communications, 44(3) DOI
2016 Sharma A.R.; Behera U.K. (2016). Response of wheat (Triticum Aestivum) to nitrogen fertilization under varying tillage and crop establishment practices in greengram (Vigna Radiata)-wheat cropping system, Experimental Agriculture, 52(4) DOI
2016 Kaur H.; Chowrasia S.; Gaur V.S.; Mondal T.K. (2016). Allantoin: Emerging Role in Plant Abiotic Stress Tolerance, Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 39(3) DOI
2016 Kumari V.; Agrawal R.; Kumar A. (2016). Use of ordinal logistic regression in crop yield forecasting, Mausam, 67(4) DOI
2016 Susan John K.; George J.; Shanida Beegum S.U.; Shivay Y.S. (2016). Soil fertility and nutrient management in tropical tuber crops - An overview, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 61(3) DOI
2016 Arora A.; Priya S.; Sharma P.; Sharma S.; Nain L. (2016). Evaluating biological pretreatment as a feasible methodology for ethanol production from paddy straw, Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, 8() DOI
2016 Singh A.; Tiwari R.; Sharma A.; Adak A.; Singh S.; Prasanna R.; Saxena A.K.; Nain L.; Singh R.V. (2016). Taxonomic and functional diversity of the culturable microbiomes of epigeic earthworms and their prospects in agriculture, Journal of basic microbiology, 56(9) DOI
2016 Paul S.; Tripathi A.K.; Burman R.R.; Singh A.K. (2016). Performance appraisal of the Frontline Extension System in north eastern region of India: A policy imperative, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 86(9) DOI
2016 Lal B.; Rana K.S.; Gautam P.; Rana D.S.; Shivay Y.S.; Meena B.P.; Meena R.K.; Singh P. (2016). Ethiopian Mustard–Chickpea Intercropping System is a Viable Option for Yield Advantage in Dryland Condition of North India-Part II, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences India Section B - Biological Sciences, 86(3) DOI
2016 Mridha N.; Chattaraj S.; Chakraborty D.; Anand A.; Aggarwal P.; Nagarajan S. (2016). Pre-sowing static magnetic field treatment for improving water and radiation use efficiency in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) under soil moisture stress, Bioelectromagnetics, 37(6) DOI
2016 Saxena D.C.; Sai Prasad S.V.; Parashar R.; Rathi I. (2016). Phenotypic characterization of specific adaptive physiological traits for heat tolerance in wheat, Indian Journal of Plant Physiology, 21(3) DOI
2016 Mishra U.; Rai A.; Kumar R.; Singh M.; Pandey H.P. (2016). Gene expression analysis of Solanum lycopersicum and Solanum habrochaites under drought conditions, Genomics Data, 9() DOI
2016 Saquib Q.; Faisal M.; Alatar A.A.; Al-Khedhairy A.A.; Ahmed M.; Ansari S.M.; Alwathnani H.A.; Okla M.K.; Dwivedi S.; Musarrat J.; Praveen S.; Khan S.T.; Wahab R.; Siddiqui M.A.; Ahmad J. (2016). Genotoxicity of ferric oxide nanoparticles in Raphanus sativus: Deciphering the role of signaling factors, oxidative stress and cell death, Journal of Environmental Sciences (China), 47() DOI
2016 Gaind S.; Singh Y.V. (2016). Short-Term Impact of Organic Fertilization and Seasonal Variations on Enzymes and Microbial Indices Under Rice–Wheat Rotation, Clean - Soil, Air, Water, 44(10) DOI
2016 Jalgaonkar K.; Jha S.K. (2016). Influence of particle size and blend composition on quality of wheat semolina-pearl millet pasta, Journal of Cereal Science, 71() DOI
2016 Tripathi V.K.; Rajput T.B.S.; Patel N.; Kumar P. (2016). Effects on Growth and Yield of Eggplant (Solanum Melongema l.) Under Placement of Drip Laterals and Using Municipal Wastewater, Irrigation and Drainage, 65(4) DOI
2016 Reddy A.A.; Rani C.R.; Cadman T.; Reddy T.P.; Battarai M.; Reddy A.N. (2016). Rural Transformation of a Village in Telangana, A Study of Dokur since 1970s, International Journal of Rural Management, 12(2) DOI
2016 Kherwar D.; Usha K. (2016). Genetic variations, character association and path analysis studies in guava (Psidium guajava L.) for bioactive and antioxidant attributes, Indian Journal of Plant Physiology, 21(3) DOI
2016 Kartar S.; Valarmathi P.; Sapna S.; Maya B.B.; Singh G.M.; Rashmi A. (2016). Association of melanin content with pathogenicity and virulence in Bipolaris oryzae, Research Journal of Biotechnology, 11(9) DOI
2016 Kumar R.; Kushwah J.; Ganguly S.; Garg V.; Somvanshi V.S. (2016). Proteomic Investigation of Photorhabdus Bacteria for Nematode-Host Specificity, Indian Journal of Microbiology, 56(3) DOI
2016 Bo K.; Wang H.; Pan Y.; Behera T.K.; Pandey S.; Wen C.; Wang Y.; Simon P.W.; Li Y.; Chen J.; Weng Y. (2016). SHORT HYPOCOTYL1 encodes a SMARCA3-like chromatin remodeling factor regulating elongation, Plant Physiology, 172(2) DOI
2016 Kumar A.; Misra T.; Batra K.; Sharma R.; Mishra A.K.; Vennila S.; Tanwar R.K.; Singh N.; Wahi P.; Rajendran R.; Sidde Gowda D.K.; Sarao P.S.; Jalgaonkar V.N.; Roy S.K.; Chattopadhyay C. (2016). Web enabled and weather based forewarning of yellow stem borer [scirpophaga incertulas (Walker)] and leaf folder [cnaphalocrcis medinalis (guenee)] for different rice growing locations of india, Mausam, 67(4) DOI
2016 Tiwari R.; Pranaw K.; Singh S.; Nain P.K.S.; Shukla P.; Nain L. (2016). Two-step statistical optimization for cold active β-glucosidase production from Pseudomonas lutea BG8 and its application for improving saccharification of paddy straw, Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry, 63(5) DOI
2016 Sinha S.; Tyagi C.; Goyal S.; Jamal S.; Somvanshi P.; Grover A. (2016). Fragment based G-QSAR and molecular dynamics based mechanistic simulations into hydroxamic-based HDAC inhibitors against spinocerebellar ataxia, Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, 34(10) DOI
2016 Dawlatzai A.J.; Kumar D.; Singh N.; Anand A.; Prasanna R. (2016). Yield and nutrients uptake of wheat (Triticum aestivum) and soil microbial parameters as influenced by plant-growth-promoting rhizobacteria, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 61(3) DOI
2016 Krishnan P.; Sharma R.K.; Dass A.; Kukreja A.; Srivastav R.; Singhal R.J.; Bandyopadhyay K.K.; Lal K.; Manjaiah K.M.; Chhokar R.S.; Gill S.C. (2016). Web-based crop model: Web InfoCrop – Wheat to simulate the growth and yield of wheat, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 127() DOI
2016 Dhiman M.R.; Suman R.S.; Sunita S.; Moudgil S.; Agarwal S.K.; Kumar R. (2016). Analyzing the knowledge level of lilium growers of Lahaul valley of Himachal Pradesh, India, Plant Archives, 16(2) DOI
2016 Shukla A.K.; Upadhyay S.K.; Mishra M.; Saurabh S.; Singh R.; Singh H.; Thakur N.; Rai P.; Pandey P.; Hans A.L.; Srivastava S.; Rajapure V.; Yadav S.K.; Singh M.K.; Kumar J.; Chandrashekar K.; Verma P.C.; Singh A.P.; Nair K.N.; Bhadauria S.; Wahajuddin M.; Singh S.; Sharma S.; Omkar; Upadhyay R.S.; Ranade S.A.; Tuli R.; Singh P.K. (2016). Expression of an insecticidal fern protein in cotton protects against whitefly, Nature Biotechnology, 34(10) DOI
2016 Pal S.; Patel N.; Malik A.; Singh D.K. (2016). Microbial menaces and their biodiversity present in crops irrigated with polluted yamuna water in peri-urban agriculture area of Delhi and National Capital regions, India, Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology, 10(3) DOI
2016 Kumar R.; Mina U.; Gogoi R.; Bhatia A.; Harit R.C. (2016). Effect of elevated temperature and carbon dioxide levels on maydis leaf blight disease tolerance attributes in maize, Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 231() DOI
2016 Roy S.; Bisht P.S.; Pandey P.C.; Paul T. (2016). Assessment of Age of Seedling and Weed Management Practices on Rice Yield Under System of Rice Intensification, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences India Section B - Biological Sciences, 86(3) DOI
2016 Pandey V.; Krishnan V.; Basak N.; Hada A.; Punjabi M.; Jolly M.; Lal S.K.; Singh S.B.; Sachdev A. (2016). Phytic acid dynamics during seed development and it’s composition in yellow and black Indian soybean (Glycine max L.) genotypes through a modified extraction and HPLC method, Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 25(4) DOI
2016 Dosad S.; Chawla H.S. (2016). In vitro plant regeneration and transformation studies in millets: current status and future prospects, Indian Journal of Plant Physiology, 21(3) DOI
2016 Kiran K.; Rawal H.C.; Dubey H.; Jaswal R.; Devanna B.N.; Gupta D.K.; Bhardwaj S.C.; Prasad P.; Pal D.; Chhuneja P.; Balasubramanian P.; Kumar J.; Swami M.; Solanke A.U.; Gaikwad K.; Singh N.K.; Sharma T.R. (2016). Draft genome of the wheat rust pathogen (Puccinia triticina) unravels genome-wide structural variations during evolution, Genome Biology and Evolution, 8(9) DOI
2016 Kumar P.; Mishra S.; Kumar A.; Sharma A.K. (2016). Antifungal efficacy of plant essential oils against stored grain fungi of Fusarium spp., Journal of Food Science and Technology, 53(10) DOI
2016 Dwivedi S.K.; Arora A.; Singh V.P.; Sairam R.; Bhattacharya R.C. (2016). Effect of sodium nitroprusside on differential activity of antioxidants and expression of SAGs in relation to vase life of gladiolus cut flowers, Scientia Horticulturae, 210() DOI
2016 Kundu A.; Saha S.; Walia S.; Dutta T.K. (2016). Anti-nemic secondary metabolites produced by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. ciceris, Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology, 19(3) DOI
2016 Jailani A.A.K.; Kumar A.; Mandal B.; Sivasudha T.; Roy A. (2016). Agroinfection of tobacco by croton yellow vein mosaic virus and designing of a replicon vector for expression of foreign gene in plant, Virus Disease, 27(3) DOI
2016 Malthankar P.A.; Gujar G.T. (2016). Toxicity of Bacillus thuringiensis Cry2Ab and the inheritance of Cry2Ab resistance in the pink bollworm, Pectinophora gossypiella (Saunders), Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 54(9) DOI
2016 Yaduvanshi N.P.S.; Sharma D.R. (2016). Utilization of organics, amendment and fertilizers with sodic water irrigation: Long-term effect on soil properties and rice-wheat productivity, Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science, 64(3) DOI
2016 Ghosh A.; Bhattacharyya R.; Dwivedi B.S.; Meena M.C.; Agarwal B.K.; Mahapatra P.; Shahi D.K.; Salwani R.; Agnihorti R. (2016). Temperature sensitivity of soil organic carbon decomposition as affected by long-term fertilization under a soybean based cropping system in a sub-tropical Alfisol, Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 233() DOI
2016 Mirjha P.R.; Rana D.S. (2016). Yield and yield attributes, system productivity and economics of mango (Mangifera indica)-based intercropping systems as influenced by mango cultivars and nutrient levels, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 61(3) DOI
2016 Dagar J.C.; Lal K.; Ram J.; Kumar M.; Chaudhari S.K.; Yadav R.K.; Ahamad S.; Singh G.; Kaur A. (2016). Eucalyptus geometry in agroforestry on waterlogged saline soils influences plant and soil traits in North-West India, Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 233() DOI
2016 Singh A.; Dikshit H.K.; Singh D.; Jain N.; Aski M.; Sarker A.; Sharma T.R. (2016). Use of expressed sequence tag microsatellite markers for exploring genetic diversity in lentil and related wild species, Journal of Agricultural Science, 154(7) DOI
2016 Kumar A.; Dhar S.; Dass A.; Singh R.K. (2016). Effect of zinc application on productivity, nutrient uptake and economics of wheat (Triticum aestivum) varieties under different sowing conditions, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 61(3) DOI
2016 Nogiya M.; Pandey R.N.; Singh B. (2016). Physiological basis of iron chlorosis tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa) in relation to the root exudation capacity, Journal of Plant Nutrition, 39(11) DOI
2016 Dotaniya M.L.; Datta S.C.; Biswas D.R.; Dotaniya C.K.; Meena B.L.; Rajendiran S.; Regar K.L.; Lata M. (2016). Use of sugarcane industrial by-products for improving sugarcane productivity and soil health, International Journal of Recycling of Organic Waste in Agriculture, 5(3) DOI
2016 Ghosh A.; Das A.; Lepcha R.; Mandal B. (2016). Identification, distribution and temporal occurrence of aphids infesting large cardamom and their efficiency in transmitting large cardamom viruses in northeastern sub-Himalayan region, Australasian Plant Pathology, 45(5) DOI
2016 Shubha K.; Dhar S.; Choudhary H.; Dubey S.C.; Sharma R.K. (2016). Identification of resistant sources and inheritance of Fusarium wilt resistance in garden pea (Pisum sativum ssp. hortense), Indian Journal of Horticulture, 73(3) DOI
2016 Ghasal P.C.; Shivay Y.S.; Pooniya V.; Kumar P.; Verma R.K. (2016). Zinc fertilization enhances growth and quality parameters of aromatic rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties, Indian Journal of Plant Physiology, 21(3) DOI
2016 Mukherjee I.; Das S.K.; Kumar A. (2016). Degradation of flubendiamide as affected by elevated CO2, temperature, and carbon mineralization rate in soil, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 23(19) DOI
2016 Dev R.; Singh S.K.; Singh A.K.; Verma M.K.; Kalpana M. (2016). In vitro radio-sensitivity (Gamma irradiation) of some juice and wine making grape genotypes, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 73(3) DOI
2016 Parihar S.S.; Dadlani M.; Mukhopadhyay D.; Lal S.K. (2016). Seed dormancy, germination and seed storage in henna (Lawsonia inermis), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 86(9) DOI
2016 Singh G.; Sharma P.; Sharma S. (2016). Role of growth media on the phytopromotional potential of symbiotic fungus Piriformospora indica, Journal of Environmental Biology, 37(5) DOI
2016 Sharma S.K.; Chandrashekar K. (2016). Yield estimation in papaya, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 73(3) DOI
2016 Choudhury B.U.; Singh A.K. (2016). Estimation of crop coefficient of irrigated transplanted puddled rice by field scale water balance in the semi-arid Indo-Gangetic Plains, India, Agricultural Water Management, 176() DOI
2016 Karunakaran V.; Behera U.K. (2016). Tillage and residue management for improving productivity and resource-use efficiency in soybean (Glycine Max) - Wheat (Triticum Aestivum) cropping system, Experimental Agriculture, 52(4) DOI
2016 Dubey S.K.; Sharma N.; Sharma J.P.; Sharma A.; Kishore N. (2016). Assessing citrus (Lemon) based intercropping in the irrigated areas of northern plains of Haryana, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 73(3) DOI
2016 Prakash C.; Mithra S.V.A.; Singh P.K.; Mohapatra T.; Singh N.K. (2016). Unraveling the molecular basis of oxidative stress management in a drought tolerant rice genotype Nagina 22, BMC Genomics, 17(1) DOI
2016 Saritha R.K.; Jain P.; Baranwal V.K.; Jain R.K.; Srivastava A.; Kalia P. (2016). First record of Pepper cryptic virus 2 in chilli (Capsicum annuum) in India, Virus Disease, 27(3) DOI
2016 Meena H.S.; Devi K.B.S.; Suresh G. (2016). Yield and profitability of clusterbean (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba) as influenced by varieties and crop geometry in semi-arid climate of Andhra Pradesh, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 61(3) DOI
2016 Sharma V.K.; Singhal S.K. (2016). Maximizing rice (Oryza sativa) and wheat (Triticum aestivum) productivity and profitability using improved nutrient management practices, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 86(9) DOI
2016 Meena R.P.; Baranwal V.K. (2016). Development of multiplex polymerase chain reaction assay for simultaneous detection of clostero-, badna- and mandari-viruses along with huanglongbing bacterium in citrus trees, Journal of Virological Methods, 235() DOI
2016 Mahmoud A.; Singh S.D.; Muralikrishna K.S. (2016). Allelopathy in jatropha plantation: Effects on seed germination, growth and yield of wheat in north-west India, Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 231() DOI
2016 Deka S.D.; Dadlani M.; Sharma R. (2016). Diversity study in capsicum using numerical taxonomy, Sabrao Journal of Breeding and Genetics, 48(3) DOI
2016 Mahato A.K.; Sharma N.; Singh A.; Srivastav M.; Jaiprakash; Singh S.K.; Singh A.K.; Sharma T.R.; Singh N.K. (2016). Leaf transcriptome sequencing for identifying genic-SSR markers and SNP heterozygosity in crossbred mango variety 'Amrapali' (Mangifera indica L.), PLoS ONE, 11(10) DOI
2016 Tyagi C.; Singh A.; Singh I.K. (2016). Mechanistic insights into mode of action of rice allene oxide synthase on hydroxyperoxides: An intermediate step in herbivory-induced jasmonate pathway, Computational Biology and Chemistry, 64() DOI
2016 Shivay Y.S.; Pooniya V.; Prasad R.; Pal M.; Bansal R. (2016). Sulphur-coated urea as a source of sulphur and an enhanced efficiency of nitrogen fertilizer for spring wheat, Cereal Research Communications, 44(3) DOI
2016 Jain R.; Janakiram T.; Kumawat G.L. (2016). Effect of growth retardants on growth and flowering of bougainvillea (Bougainvillea spectabilis) cv. Shubra, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 86(9) DOI
2016 Jena S.; Kumar A.; Singh J.K.; Mani I. (2016). Biomechanical model for energy consumption in manual load carrying on Indian farms, International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 55() DOI
2016 Madhav J.V.; Sethi S.; Sharma R.R.; Rudra S.G. (2016). Impact of salicylic acid on the physiological and quality attributes of guava (Psidium guajava) fruits during storage at low temperature, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 86(9) DOI
2016 Mahawar M.K.; Samuel D.V.K.; Sinha J.P.; Jalgaonkar K. (2016). Optimization of pea (Pisum sativum) seeds hydropriming by application of response surface methodology, Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 38(9) DOI
2016 Nebapure S.M.; Srivastava C.; Walia S. (2016). Antifeedant Activity of Gloriosa superba Linn. Tuber Extracts Against Spodoptera litura (Fabricius), National Academy Science Letters-India, 39(5) DOI
2016 Choudhary G.L.; Rana K.S.; Bana R.S.; Prajapat K. (2016). Moisture conservation and zinc fertilization impacts on quality, profitability and moisture use indices of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) under limited moisture conditions, Legume Research, 39(5) DOI
2016 Kumar P.; Sethi S.; Sharma R.R.; Varghese E. (2016). Effect of edible coatings on eating and functional quality of Japanese plum cv. Santa rosa, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 73(3) DOI
2016 Raju D.V.S.; Prasad K.V.; Namita; Singh K.P.; Janakiram T.; Nagaraja A. (2016). Genotypic variation in hip traits of Indian rose varieties, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 73(3) DOI
2016 Sharma A.; Singh S.B.; Sharma R.; Chaudhary P.; Pandey A.K.; Ansari R.; Vasudevan V.; Arora A.; Singh S.; Saha S.; Nain L. (2016). Enhanced biodegradation of PAHs by microbial consortium with different amendment and their fate in in-situ condition, Journal of Environmental Management, 181() DOI
2016 Yadav R.K.; Tripathi K.; Ramteke P.W.; Varghese E.; Abraham G. (2016). Salinity induced physiological and biochemical changes in the freshly separated cyanobionts of Azolla microphylla and Azolla caroliniana, Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 106() DOI
2016 Yadav R.K.; Thagela P.; Tripathi K.; Abraham G. (2016). Physiological and proteomic analysis of salinity tolerance of the halotolerant cyanobacterium Anabaena sp, World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology, 32(9) DOI
2016 Saha T.; Nithya C.; Kalmesh M.; Ray S.N. (2016). Evaluation of trellis system for pest management in bitter gourd, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 73(3) DOI
2016 Kumar D.; Kaushik R.; Singh S. (2016). Molecular and biochemical profiling of pentachlorophenol utilizing bacteria from pulp and paper mill effluent irrigated soil in Northern India, Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology, 10(3) DOI
2016 Rai R.; Kaur B.; Singh S.; Di Falco M.; Tsang A.; Chadha B.S. (2016). Evaluation of secretome of highly efficient lignocellulolytic Penicillium sp. Dal 5 isolated from rhizosphere of conifers, Bioresource Technology (Biological Wastes), 216() DOI
2016 Narayanan G.; Singh P.; Chahal V.P. (2016). Factors influencing agri-preneurial success among rural women entrepreneurs: An empirical analysis, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 86(9) DOI
2016 Karuppaiah V.; Srivastava C.; Subramanian S. (2016). Effect of Host Plants on Insecticide Susceptibility and Detoxification Enzymes Activity in Spodoptera litura Fabricius (Noctuidae: Lepidoptera), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences India Section B - Biological Sciences, 86(3) DOI
2016 Vijay Rakesh Reddy S.; Sharma R.R.; Srivastav M.; Kaur C. (2016). Effect of pre-harvest application of salicylic acid on postharvest behaviour of ‘Amrapali’ mango fruits during storage, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 73(3) DOI
2016 RAJAWAT M.V.S.; SINGH S.; TYAGI S.P.; SAXENA A.K. (2016). A Modified Plate Assay for Rapid Screening of Potassium-Solubilizing Bacteria, Pedosphere, 26(5) DOI
2016 Dey A.; Dwivedi B.S.; Bhattacharyya R.; Datta S.P.; Meena M.C.; Das T.K.; Singh V.K. (2016). Conservation agriculture in a rice-wheat cropping system on an alluvial soil of north-western indo-gangetic plains: Effect on soil carbon and nitrogen pools, Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science, 64(3) DOI
2016 Sharma R.M.; Dubey A.K.; Awasthi O.P.; Kaur C. (2016). Growth, yield, fruit quality and leaf nutrient status of grapefruit (Citrus paradisi Macf.): Variation from rootstocks, Scientia Horticulturae, 210() DOI
2016 Singh N.; Choudhury D.R.; Tiwari G.; Singh A.K.; Kumar S.; Srinivasan K.; Tyagi R.K.; Sharma A.D.; Singh N.K.; Singh R. (2016). Genetic diversity trend in Indian rice varieties: An analysis using SSR markers, BMC Genetics, 17(1) DOI
2016 Aggarwal R.; Sharma S.; Gupta S.; Singh K.B.M.; Shanmugam V. (2016). Role of defense enzymes in biocontrol of spot blotch and leaf rust of wheat (Triticum sp. L.) by Chaetomium globosum, Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology, 10(3) DOI
2016 Prasad K.; Sharma R.R. (2016). Screening of mango (Mangifera indica) genotypes for the incidence of lenticels browning-a new postharvest problem, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 86(9) DOI
2016 Singh R.N.; Gaba S.; Yadav A.N.; Gaur P.; Gulati S.; Kaushik R.; Saxena A.K. (2016). First high quality draft genome sequence of a plant growth promoting and cold active enzyme producing psychrotrophic Arthrobacter agilis strain L77, Standards in Genomic Sciences, 11(1) DOI
2016 Sharma V.K.; Pandey R.N.; Kumar S.; Chobhe K.A.; Chandra S. (2016). Soil test crop response based fertilizer recommendations under integrated nutrient management for higher productivity of pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) and (Triticum aestivum) wheat under long term experiment, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 86(8) DOI
2016 Bhattacharyya R.; Ghosh B.N.; Dogra P.; Mishra P.K.; Santra P.; Kumar S.; Fullen M.A.; Mandal U.K.; Anil K.S.; Lalitha M.; Sarkar D.; Mukhopadhyay D.; Das K.; Pal M.; Yadav R.; Chaudhary V.P.; Parmar B. (2016). Soil conservation issues in India, Sustainability (Switzerland), 8(6) DOI
2016 Gautam P.; Mushahary D.; Hassan W.; Upadhyay S.K.; Madan T.; Sirdeshmukh R.; Sundaram C.S.; Sarma P.U. (2016). In-depth 2-DE reference map of Aspergillus fumigatus and its proteomic profiling on exposure to itraconazole, Medical Mycology, 54(5) DOI
2016 Tyagi R.; Sharma V.; Sureja A.K.; Munshi A.D.; Arya L.; Verma M. (2016). Deciphering population structure and diversity in Luffa cylindrica (L.) M. Roem. using morphological and sequence-related amplified polymorphism markers, Plant Genetic Resources-Characterization and Utilization, 14(3) DOI
2016 Amasiddha B.; Ramya K.T.; Kumar C.P.; Neha R.; Leena T.; Harikrishna; Ramya P.; Jain N.; Singh P.K.; Singh G.P.; Prabhu K.V. (2016). Evaluation of marker assisted backcross breeding derived lines for morpho-physiological characters under late sown heat stress condition in bread wheat, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 76(3) DOI
2016 Trivedi H.; Kumar P.; Kapoor A.; Parween S. (2016). Bio-enhancer: A potential input for flowering and post-harvest life of rose (Rosa hybrida) cv. Grand Gala, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 86(8) DOI
2016 Kumar M.; Kumar V.; Kansal R.; Srivastava P.S.; Koundal K.R. (2016). Isolation and characterization of a novel gene encoding Kunitz-type protease inhibitor from Pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan L.), Ecology, Environment and Conservation, 22() DOI
2016 Basak N.; Datta A.; Biswas S.; Mitran T.; Mandal B. (2016). Organic amendment influences soil quality in farmers’ field under rice-based cropping systems in indo-gangetic plains of India, Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science, 64(2) DOI
2016 Kumar R.; Singh P.; Nikam V.R.; Sharma J.P. (2016). Farmer-led innovations: Best practices and lessons learnt in livestock rearing, Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 86(7) DOI
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2016 Kumari P.; Rao T.M.; Sane A.; Kumar R.; Dhananjaya M.V. (2016). Characterization of Fusarium wilt in resistant and susceptible gladiolus (Gladiolus spp) genotypes using DNA markers, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 86(7) DOI
2016 Daripa A.; Bhatia A.; Ojha S.; Tomer R.; Chattaraj S.; Singh K.P.; Singh S.D. (2016). Chemical and natural plant extract in ameliorating negative impact of tropospheric ozone on wheat crop: A case study in a part of semiarid north West India, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 16(7) DOI
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2016 Gopala; Gogoi R.; Hooda K.S.; Rai S.N.; Kumar A.; Hossain F. (2016). Rapid screening technique for evaluation of maize genotypes against stalk rot complex caused by Macrophomina phaseolina and Fusarium verticilloides, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 86(8) DOI
2016 Ramya K.T.; Jain N.; Amasiddha B.; Singh P.K.; Arora A.; Singh G.P.; Prabhu K.V. (2016). Genotypic response for stomatal conductance due to terminal heat stress under late sown condition in wheat (Triticum aestivum l.), Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 76(3) DOI
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2016 Behera S.K.; Shukla A.K.; Singh M.; Dwivedi B.S. (2016). Extractable boron in some acid soils of india: Status, spatial variability and relationship with soil properties, Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science, 64(2) DOI
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2016 Kumar R.R.; Goswami S.; Singh K.; Dubey K.; Singh S.; Sharma R.; Verma N.; Kala Y.K.; Rai G.K.; Grover M.; Mishra D.C.; Singh B.; Pathak H.; Chinnusamy V.; Rai A.; Praveen S. (2016). Identification of putative RuBisCo activase (TaRca1)–The catalytic chaperone regulating carbon assimilatory pathway in wheat (triticum aestivum) under the heat stress, Frontiers in Plant Science, 7(Jul-16) DOI
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2016 Parihar C.M.; Jat S.L.; Singh A.K.; Kumar B.; Yadvinder-Singh; Pradhan S.; Pooniya V.; Dhauja A.; Chaudhary V.; Jat M.L.; Jat R.K.; Yadav O.P. (2016). Conservation agriculture in irrigated intensive maize-based systems of north-western India: Effects on crop yields, water productivity and economic profitability, Field Crops Research, 193() DOI
2016 Gupta D.K.; Bhatia A.; Kumar A.; Das T.K.; Jain N.; Tomer R.; Malyan S.K.; Fagodiya R.K.; Dubey R.; Pathak H. (2016). Mitigation of greenhouse gas emission from rice-wheat system of the Indo-Gangetic plains: Through tillage, irrigation and fertilizer management, Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 230() DOI
2016 Prasanna R.; Kanchan A.; Ramakrishnan B.; Ranjan K.; Venkatachalam S.; Hossain F.; Shivay Y.S.; Krishnan P.; Nain L. (2016). Cyanobacteria-based bioinoculants influence growth and yields by modulating the microbial communities favourably in the rhizospheres of maize hybrids, European Journal of Soil Biology, 75() DOI
2016 Sellaperumal C.; Kamra A.; Sharma D.K. (2016). Biological services by Streptomyces lavendulae MTCC 706 to control invasion, development and reproduction of root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) infecting tomato cv Pusa Ruby, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 86(8) DOI
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2016 Katara J.L.; Kaur S.; Kumari G.K.; Singh N.K. (2016). Prevalence of cry2-type genes in Bacillus thuringiensis isolates recovered from diverse habitats in India and isolation of a novel cry2Af2 gene toxic to Helicoverpa armigera (Cotton boll worm), Canadian Journal of Microbiology, 62(12) DOI
2016 Pandey P.; Verma M.K.; Mukhopadhyay R.; De N.; Dwivedi R.; Karmakar N.C.; Pandey S.; Singh R.K. (2016). Biological properties of selected overburdens of Singrauli coalfields, Nature Environment and Pollution Technology, 15(3) DOI
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2016 Kumar A.; Choudhary A.K.; Suri V.K.; Rana K.S. (2016). AM fungi lead to fertilizer phosphorus economy and enhanced system productivity and profitability in okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.)–pea (Pisum sativum L.) cropping system in Himalayan acid Alfisol, Journal of Plant Nutrition, 39(10) DOI
2016 Shukla M.; Tabassum R.; Singh R.; Dhar D.W. (2016). Influence of light intensity, temperature and CO2 concentration on growth and lipids in green algae and cyanobacteria, Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 54(7) DOI
2016 Sarkar J.; Singh S.K.; Singh K.P.; Guha S.K. (2016). In-vivo and in-vitro mutagenesis in marigold (Tagetes erecta) using 60Co gamma rays, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 86(7) DOI
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2016 Kumar M.; Kar A.; Singh R. (2016). Interventions of High Residual Sodium Carbonate Water-Degraded Soils Amelioration Technology in Indian Thar Desert and Farmers’ Response, National Academy Science Letters-India, 39(4) DOI
2016 Pradhan S.; Gorai T.; Ahmed N.; Bandyopadhyay K.K.; Sahoo R.N.; Mahapatra S.K.; Singh R. (2016). Estimating s-index, unsaturated hydraulic conductivity and diffusivity through RETC in indian agricultural research institute farm, Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science, 64(2) DOI
2016 Sagar V.; Yadav R.; Gaikwad K.B.; Gupta S. (2016). Exploring indicator scoring as a selection tool in plant breeding: A study under conservation vs conventional tillage systems, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 76(3) DOI
2016 Kaje V.V.; Sharma D.K.; Muralikrishna K.S.; Bhattacharyya R. (2016). Productivity and profitability of pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan)-greengram (Vigna radiata) intercropping system under various moisture conservation practices in rainfed conditions, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 86(8) DOI
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2016 Bidyarani N.; Prasanna R.; Babu S.; Hossain F.; Saxena A.K. (2016). Enhancement of plant growth and yields in Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) through novel cyanobacterial and biofilmed inoculants, Microbiological Research (Zentralblatt für Mikrobiologie), 188-189() DOI
2016 Gore P.G.; Tripathi K.; Chauhan S.K.; Singh M.; Bisht I.S.; Bhalla S. (2016). Searching for resistance in wild Lens species against pulse beetle, Callosobruchus chinensis (L.), Legume Research, 39(4) DOI
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2016 Singh A.K.; Dhar S.; Perinban S.; Singh V.; Kumar M.; Kumar A. (2016). Standardization of production technology for hybrid coloured capsicum (Capsicum annuum var grossum) based on yield and economic benefit under different protected structures in plains of India, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 86(7) DOI
2016 Parihar C.M.; Yadav M.R.; Jat S.L.; Singh A.K.; Kumar B.; Pradhan S.; Chakraborty D.; Jat M.L.; Jat R.K.; Saharawat Y.S.; Yadav O.P. (2016). Long term effect of conservation agriculture in maize rotations on total organic carbon, physical and biological properties of a sandy loam soil in north-western Indo-Gangetic Plains, Soil & Tillage Research, 161() DOI
2016 Goswami S.; Kumar R.R.; Dubey K.; Singh J.P.; Tiwari S.; Kumar A.; Smita S.; Mishra D.C.; Kumar S.; Grover M.; Padaria J.C.; Kala Y.K.; Singh G.P.; Pathak H.; Chinnusamy V.; Rai A.; Praveen S.; Rai R.D. (2016). SSH analysis of endosperm transcripts and characterization of heat stress regulated expressed sequence ags in bread wheat, Frontiers in Plant Science, 7(Aug-16) DOI
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2016 Phukan D.; Bhupendra Singh P.; Ravi I.; Mithra A.S.V.; Yadava D.K.; Chinnusamy V.; Mohapatra T. (2016). Cloning and characterization of drought stress-induced NAC transcription factors from brassica juncea and sinapis alba, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 76(3) DOI
2016 Meena R.; Datta S.P.; Golui D.; Dwivedi B.S.; Meena M.C. (2016). Long-term impact of sewage irrigation on soil properties and assessing risk in relation to transfer of metals to human food chain, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 23(14) DOI
2016 Prasad K.; Sharma R.R.; Srivastav M. (2016). Postharvest treatment of antioxidant reduces lenticel browning and improves cosmetic appeal of mango (Mangifera indica L.) fruits without impairing quality, Journal of Food Science and Technology, 53(7) DOI
2016 Tanwar R.K.; Singh S.P.; Sharma O.P.; Kanwar V.; Mukherjee I.; Chattopadhyay C. (2016). Large-scale IPM validation in Basmati rice (Oryza sativa) in Western Uttar Pradesh, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 86(8) DOI
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2016 Bhetariya P.J.; Prajapati M.; Bhaduri A.; Mandal R.S.; Varma A.; Madan T.; Singh Y.; Sarma P.U. (2016). Phylogenetic and structural analysis of polyketide synthases in Aspergilli, Evolutionary Bioinformatics, 12() DOI
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2016 Dikshit H.K.; Singh A.; Singh D.; Aski M.; Jain N.; Hegde V.S.; Basandrai A.K.; Basandrai D.; Sharma T.R. (2016). Tagging and mapping of SSR marker for rust resistance gene in lentil (Lens culinaris Medikus subsp. Culinaris), Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 54(6) DOI
2016 Mallikarjuna M.G.; Nepolean T.; Mittal S.; Hossain F.; Bhat J.S.; Manjaiah K.M.; Marla S.S.; Mithra A.C.; Agrawal P.K.; Rao A.R.; Gupta H.S. (2016). In-silico characterisation and comparative mapping of yellow stripe like transporters in five grass species, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 86(5) DOI
2016 Sheetal K.R.; Singh S.D.; Anand A.; Prasad S. (2016). Heavy metal accumulation and effects on growth, biomass and physiological processes in mustard, Indian Journal of Plant Physiology, 21(2) DOI
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2016 Sakthivel K.; Gautam R.K.; Kumar K.; Dam Roy S.; Kumar A.; Devendrakumar C.; Vibhuti M.; Neelam S.; Vinatzer B.A. (2016). Diversity of ralstonia solanacearum strains on the Andaman Islands in India, Plant Disease (Plant Disease Reporter), 100(4) DOI
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2016 Mallick M.; Awasthi O.P.; Paul V.; Verma M.K.; Jha G. (2016). Effect of physical and chemical mutagens on leaf sclerophylly and stomatal characteristics of Kinnow mandarin mutants, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 73(2) DOI
2016 Rymbai H.; Srivastav M.; Singh S.K.; Singh A.K.; Vinod K. (2016). Growth, flowering and yield attributes of full-sib (Amrapali × Sensation) hybrids of mango, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 73(2) DOI
2016 Shivay Y.S.; Prasad R.; Pal M. (2016). Effect of nitrogen levels and coated urea on growth, yields and nitrogen use efficiency in aromatic rice, Journal of Plant Nutrition, 39(6) DOI
2016 Bajaj D.; Srivastava R.; Nath M.; Tripathi S.; Bharadwaj C.; Upadhyaya H.D.; Tyagi A.K.; Parida S.K. (2016). Eco TILLING-based association mapping efficiently delineates functionally relevant natural allelic variants of candidate genes governing agronomic traits in chickpea, Frontiers in Plant Science, 7(Apr-16) DOI
2016 Kumar P.; Sharma V.; Raje R.S.; Singh B. (2016). Low-dose gamma irradiation induces water activity, leaf K+/Na+, glycine betaine, antioxidant enzyme activity and reduces lipid peroxidation and protease activity to enhance salt tolerance in pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp], Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 308(3) DOI
2016 Adak T.; Mukherjee I. (2016). Dissipation kinetics of spinosad from tomato under sub-tropical agro-climatic conditions, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 188(5) DOI
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2016 Dey S.K.; Chakrabarti B.; Prasanna R.; Mittal R.; Singh S.D.; Pathak H. (2016). Growth and biomass partitioning in mungbean with elevated carbon dioxide, phosphorus levels and cyanobacteria inoculation, Journal of Agrometeorology, 18(1) DOI
2016 Prakash J.; Srivastava V.; Goswami A.K.; Singh K.; Singh A.K. (2016). Nutritional composition in fruits of gynodioecious papaya genotypes, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 73(2) DOI
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2016 Gangwar R.K.; Jat G.S.; Rathore S.S.; Sharma R.K. (2016). Effect of surfactant on the efficacy of insecticides against onion thrips (Thrips tabaci), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 86(6) DOI
2016 Vengavasi K.; Kumar A.; Pandey R. (2016). Transcript abundance, enzyme activity and metabolite concentration regulates differential carboxylate efflux in soybean under low phosphorus stress, Indian Journal of Plant Physiology, 21(2) DOI
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2016 Sharma K.; Walia S.; Ganguli S.; Kundu A. (2016). Analytical Characterization of Secondary Metabolites from Indian Xenorhabdus Species the Symbiotic Bacteria of Entomopatathogenic Nematode (Steinernema spp.) as Antifungal Agent, National Academy Science Letters-India, 39(3) DOI
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2016 Patil S.S.; Rudra S.G.; Varghese E.; Kaur C. (2016). Effect of extruded finger millet (Eleusine coracan L.) on textural properties and sensory acceptability of composite bread, Food Bioscience, 14() DOI
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2016 Raj R.; Kumar A.; Kumar V.; Singh C.B.; Pandey U.C. (2016). Herbicide options for controlling weeds in transplanted rice (Oryza sativa) under North Eastern plains zone, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 61(2) DOI
2016 Sudhishri S.; Kumar A.; Singh J.K. (2016). Comparative evaluation of neural network and regression based models to simulate runoff and sediment yield in an outer Himalayan Watershed, Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 18(3) DOI
2016 Yadav M.R.; Parihar C.M.; Jat S.L.; Singh A.K.; Kumar D.; Pooniya V.; Parihar M.D.; Saveipune D.; Parmar H.; Jat M.L. (2016). Effect of long-term tillage and diversified crop rotations on nutrient uptake, profitability and energetics of maize (Zea mays) in north-western India, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 86(6) DOI
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2016 Chander S.; Husain M.; Pal V.; Pathak H.; Singh S.D.; Harit R.; Kumar V. (2016). Effect of Sowing Date and Cultivars on Aphid Infestation in Wheat with Climate Change Adaptation Perspective, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences India Section B - Biological Sciences, 86(2) DOI
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2016 Gupta N.; Bajpai M.S.; Majumdar R.S.; Singh D. (2016). Effect of exogenous iodine on enhancement of oxidative stress in soybean (Glycine max) plant and partial expression of 1-Cys peroxiredoxin gene under heat-stress conditions, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 86(5) DOI
2016 Meshram N.M.; Shashank P.R.; Srinivasa N. (2016). New records of the genus Parabolopona Matsumara (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Deltocephalinae), with description of a new species from India, Zootaxa, 4114(2) DOI
2016 Swami S.; Muzammil R.; Saha S.; Shabeer A.; Oulkar D.; Banerjee K.; Singh S.B. (2016). Evaluation of ozonation technique for pesticide residue removal and its effect on ascorbic acid, cyanidin-3-glucoside, and polyphenols in apple (Malus domesticus) fruits, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 188(5) DOI
2016 Ghosh A.P.; Dass A.; Kaur R.; Kumar A. (2016). Yield components and nutrient accumulation in maize (Zea mays) under variable growing environments and chlorophyll meter-guided nitrogen fertilization, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 61(2) DOI
2016 Kumar S.; Kanakachari M.; Gurusamy D.; Kumar K.; Narayanasamy P.; Kethireddy Venkata P.; Solanke A.; Gamanagatti S.; Hiremath V.; Katageri I.S.; Leelavathi S.; Kumar P.A.; Reddy V.S. (2016). Genome-wide transcriptomic and proteomic analyses of bollworm-infested developing cotton bolls revealed the genes and pathways involved in the insect pest defence mechanism, Plant Biotechnology Journal, 14(6) DOI
2016 Vineeth T.V.; Kumar P.; Krishna G.K. (2016). Bioregulators protected photosynthetic machinery by inducing expression of photorespiratory genes under water stress in chickpea, Photosynthetica, 54(2) DOI
2016 Gupta S.; Yadav R.; Gaikwad K.; Kushwah A.; Singh A.M.; Bainsla N.K. (2016). Genetic improvement trend analysis for end-use quality characteristics among wheat cultivars of North-Western India, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 76(2) DOI
2016 Kaur R.; Singh M.; Kingra P.K. (2016). Hyperspectral remote sensing for monitoring growth of rice (Oryza sativa) crop, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 61(2) DOI
2016 Rajanna G.A.; Dhindwal A.S.; Sriharsha V.P. (2016). Performance of clusterbean (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba) under variable irrigation schedules and crop-establishment techniques, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 61(2) DOI
2016 Reddy S V.R.; Sharma R.R. (2016). Effect of pre-harvest application of salicylic acid on the postharvest fruit quality of the Amrapali mango (Mangifera indica), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 86(6) DOI
2016 Jalgaonkar K.; Jha S.K.; Sharma D.K. (2016). Effect of thermal treatments on the storage life of pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) flour, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 86(6) DOI
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2016 Sharma V.; Rena V.; Kumar D.; Pandey R.N.; Singh B. (2016). Sulfur regulates iron uptake and iron use efficiency in bread and durum wheat, Indian Journal of Plant Physiology, 21(2) DOI
2016 Pattnaik S.; Kumar V.; Tiwari K.K.; Prakash C.; Singh A.; Singh A.K.; Behera N.; Panigrahi J.; Amitha Mithra S.V.; Mohapatra T. (2016). Physiological and molecular basis of water-deficit stress tolerance in F1 hybrids and their parental lines in rice, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 76(2) DOI
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2016 Dubey A.K.; Sharma R.M.; Awasthi O.P.; Srivastav M.; Sharma N. (2016). Genetic diversity in lime (Citrus aurantifolia Swing.) and lemon (Citrus limon (L.) Burm.) based on quantitative traits in India, Agroforestry Systems, 90(3) DOI
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2016 Suchal K.; Malik S.; Gamad N.; Malhotra R.K.; Goyal S.N.; Ojha S.; Kumari S.; Bhatia J.; Arya D.S. (2016). Mangiferin protect myocardial insults through modulation of MAPK/TGF-β pathways, European Journal of Pharmacology, 776() DOI
2016 Mahapatro G.K.; Mathew J. (2016). Role of Red-Ant, Oecophylla smaragdina Fabricius (Formicidae: Hymenoptera) in Managing Tea Mosquito Bug, Helopeltis species (Miridae: Hemiptera) in Cashew, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences India Section B - Biological Sciences, 86(2) DOI
2016 Saha S.; Behera T.K.; Munshi A.D.; Singh S.K.; Saha T.N. (2016). Novel strategy for maintenance and mass multiplication of gynoecious line in bitter gourd through micropropagation, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 73(2) DOI
2016 Singh D.; Singh C.K.; Taunk J.; Tomar R.S.S. (2016). Genetic analysis and molecular mapping of seedling survival drought tolerance gene in lentil (Lens culinaris Medikus), Molecular Breeding, 36(5) DOI
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2016 Kumar A.; Choudhary A.K.; Suri V.K. (2016). Influence of AM fungi, inorganic phosphorus and irrigation regimes on plant water relations and soil physical properties in okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.) – pea (Pisum sativum L.) cropping system in Himalayan acid alfisol, Journal of Plant Nutrition, 39(5) DOI
2016 Uchoi A.; Malik S.K.; Choudhary R.; Kumar S.; Rohini M.R.; Pal D.; Ercisli S.; Chaudhury R. (2016). Inferring Phylogenetic Relationships of Indian Citron (Citrus medica L.) based on rbcL and matK Sequences of Chloroplast DNA, Biochemical Genetics, 54(3) DOI
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2016 Kumar M.; Katiyar A.; Madhupriya; Rao G.P. (2016). First report of association of potato virus X and potato virus Y and ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma trifolii’ in brinjal in India, Virus Disease, 27(2) DOI
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2016 Dwivedi N.; Singh K.; Nautiyal P.C.; Goel S.; Rosin K.G. (2016). Differential response of antioxidant enzymes to water deficit stress in maize (Zea mays) hybrids during two leaf stage, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 86(6) DOI
2016 Rana V.S.; Popli S.; Saurav G.K.; Raina H.S.; Chaubey R.; Ramamurthy V.V.; Rajagopal R. (2016). A Bemisia tabaci midgut protein interacts with begomoviruses and plays a role in virus transmission, Cellular Microbiology, 18(5) DOI
2016 Das B.; Sahoo R.N.; Pargal S.; Krishna G.; Gupta V.K.; Verma R.; Viswanathan C. (2016). Measuring leaf area index from colour digital image of wheat crop, Journal of Agrometeorology, 18(1) DOI
2016 Koramutla M.K.; Aminedi R.; Bhattacharya R. (2016). Comprehensive evaluation of candidate reference genes for qRT-PCR studies of gene expression in mustard aphid, Lipaphis erysimi (Kalt), Scientific Reports, 6() DOI
2016 Ambawat S.; Senthilvel S.; Hash C.T.; Nepolean T.; Rajaram V.; Eshwar K.; Sharma R.; Thakur R.P.; Rao V.P.; Yadav R.C.; Srivastava R.K. (2016). QTL mapping of pearl millet rust resistance using an integrated DArT- and SSR-based linkage map, Euphytica, 209(2) DOI
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2016 Venu Madhav J.; Sethi S.; Kaur C.; Pal R.K. (2016). Quality evaluation of modified atmosphere packed minimally processed garlic cloves, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 73(2) DOI
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2016 Kumar A.; Choudhary A.K.; Suri V.K. (2016). Influence of am fungi and inorganic phosphorus on fruit and root characteristics, root colonization and soil phosphorus in okra-pea cropping system in himalayan acid alfisol, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 73(2) DOI
2016 Bai B.; Suri V.K.; Kumar A.; Choudhary A.K. (2016). Influence of Dual Inoculation of AM Fungi and Rhizobium on Growth Indices, Production Economics, and Nutrient Use Efficiencies in Garden Pea (Pisum sativum L.), Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 47(8) DOI
2016 Tomar R.S.S.; Tiwari S.; Vinod; Naik B.K.; Chand S.; Deshmukh R.; Mallick N.; Singh S.; Singh N.K.; Tomar S.M.S. (2016). Molecular and morpho-agronomical characterization of root architecture at seedling and reproductive stages for drought tolerance in wheat, PLoS ONE, 11(6) DOI
2016 Rajaiah P.; Mani I.; Kumar A.; Lande S.D.; Singh A.K.; Vergese C. (2016). Development and evaluation of electronically controlled precision seed-metering device for direct-seeded paddy planter, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 86(5) DOI
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2016 Rakshit R.; Patra A.K.; Purakayastha T.J.; Singh R.D.; Pathak H.; Dhar S. (2016). Super-Optimal NPK Along with Foliar Iron Application Influences Bioavailability of Iron and Zinc of Wheat, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences India Section B - Biological Sciences, 86(1) DOI
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2016 Tiwari S.; Sl K.; Kumar V.; Singh B.; Rao A.R.; Sv A.M.; Rai V.; Singh A.K.; Singh N.K. (2016). Mapping QTLs for Salt Tolerance in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) by Bulked Segregant Analysis of Recombinant Inbred Lines Using 50K SNP Chip, PLoS ONE, 11(4) DOI
2016 Rai P.; Chaturvedi A.K.; Shah D.; Pal M. (2016). Impact of elevated CO2 on high temperature induced effects in grain yield of chickpea (Cicer arietinum), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 86(3) DOI
2016 Gupta D.K.; Bhatia A.; Das T.K.; Singh P.; Kumar A.; Jain N.; Pathak H. (2016). Economic analysis of different greenhouse gas mitigation technologies in rice-wheat cropping system of the Indo-Gangetic Plains, Current Science, 110(5) DOI
2016 Renuka N.; Prasanna R.; Sood A.; Ahluwalia A.S.; Bansal R.; Babu S.; Singh R.; Shivay Y.S.; Nain L. (2016). Exploring the efficacy of wastewater-grown microalgal biomass as a biofertilizer for wheat, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 23(7) DOI
2016 Kumar A.; Singh N. (2016). Atrazine and its metabolites degradation in mineral salts medium and soil using an enrichment culture, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 188(3) DOI
2016 Kumar A.; Solanki I.S.; Akhtar J.; Gupta V. (2016). Efficacy of Pseudomonas flourescens and combination fungicide as seed treatment and foliar spray for management of brown spot of paddy, Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology, 10(1) DOI
2016 Sharma R.R.; Awasthi O.P.; Kumar K. (2016). Pattern of phenolic content, antioxidant activity and senescence-related enzymes in granulated vs non-granulated juice-sacs of ‘Kinnow’ mandarin (Citrus nobilis x C. deliciosa), Journal of Food Science and Technology, 53(3) DOI
2016 Patial M.; Pal D.; Kumar J. (2016). Combining ability and gene action studies for grain yield and its component traits in barley (Hordeum vulgare l), Sabrao Journal of Breeding and Genetics, 48(1) DOI
2016 Deshmukh R.K.; Sonah H.; Singh N.K. (2016). Intron gain, a dominant evolutionary process supporting high levels of gene expression in rice, Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 25(2) DOI
2016 Yadav A.N.; Sachan S.G.; Verma P.; Kaushik R.; Saxena A.K. (2016). Cold active hydrolytic enzymes production by psychrotrophic Bacilli isolated from three sub-glacial lakes of NW Indian Himalayas, Journal of Basic Microbiology, 56(3) DOI
2016 Paliwal R.; Kumar R.; Choudhury D.R.; Singh A.K.; Kumar S.; Kumar A.; Bhatt K.C.; Singh R.; Mahato A.K.; Singh N.K.; Singh R. (2016). Development of genomic simple sequence repeats (g-SSR) markers in Tinospora cordifolia and their application in diversity analyses, Plant Gene, 5() DOI
2016 Gaurav A.K.; Raju D.V.S.; Janakiram T.; Singh B.; Jain R.; Krishnan S.G. (2016). Effect of coloured shade net on production of Dracaena fragrans, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 73(1) DOI
2016 JHA S.K.; SINGH N.K.; AGRAWAL P.K. (2016). Complementation of sweet corn mutants: a method for grouping sweet corn genotypes, Journal of Genetics, 95(1) DOI
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2016 Verma B.C.; Datta S.P.; Rattan R.K.; Singh A.K. (2016). Long-term effect of tillage, water and nutrient management practices on mineral nitrogen, available phosphorus and sulphur content under rice-wheat cropping system, Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science, 64(1) DOI
2016 Sharma R.K.; Tomar B.S.; Singh S.P.; Kumar A. (2016). Effect of growing methods on seed yield and quality in bottle gourd (Lagenaria siceraria), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 86(3) DOI
2016 Verma V.P.; Kaur R.; Shivay Y.S.; Dass A.; Sepat S. (2016). Effect of nitrogen doses and its time of application on growth and yield of Bt cotton (Gossypium hirsutum), Indian Journal of Agronomy, 61(1) DOI
2016 Charepalli V.; Reddivari L.; Vadde R.; Walia S.; Radhakrishnan S.; Vanamala J.K.P. (2016). Eugenia jambolana (Java plum) fruit extract exhibits anti-cancer activity against early stage human HCT-116 colon cancer cells and colon cancer stem cells, Cancers, 8(3) DOI
2016 Somvanshi V.S.; Gahoi S.; Banakar P.; Thakur P.K.; Kumar M.; Sajnani M.; Pandey P.; Rao U. (2016). A transcriptomic insight into the infective juvenile stage of the insect parasitic nematode, Heterorhabditis indica, BMC Genomics, 17(1) DOI
2016 Sharma P.; Sharma S.; Singh J.; Saha S.; Baranwal V.K. (2016). Incidence of Lettuce mosaic virus in lettuce and its detection by polyclonal antibodies produced against recombinant coat protein expressed in Escherichia coli, Journal of Virological Methods, 230() DOI
2016 Kumar K.G.A.; Tayade A.B.; Kumar R.; Gupta S.; Sharma A.K.; Nagar G.; Tewari S.S.; Kumar B.; Rawat A.K.S.; Srivastava S.; Kumar S.; Ghosh S. (2016). Chemo-profiling and bioassay of phytoextracts from Ageratum conyzoides for acaricidal properties against Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus (Acari: Ixodidae) infesting cattle and buffaloes in India, Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases, 7(2) DOI
2016 Malik N.; Dwivedi N.; Singh A.K.; Parida S.K.; Agarwal P.; Thakur J.K.; Tyagi A.K. (2016). An Integrated Genomic Strategy Delineates Candidate Mediator Genes Regulating Grain Size and Weight in Rice, Scientific Reports, 6() DOI
2016 Sangma P.M.; Singh K.P.; Namita; Kumar P.; Pandey R.; Singh V.P. (2016). Comparative performance of warm season turfgrass varieties under Delhi conditions, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 86(3) DOI
2016 Singh C.K.; Raj S.R.; Jaiswal P.S.; Patil V.R.; Punwar B.S.; Chavda J.C.; Subhash N. (2016). Effect of plant growth regulators on in vitro plant regeneration of sandalwood (Santalum album L.) via organogenesis, Agroforestry Systems, 90(2) DOI
2016 Jat G.S.; Munshi A.D.; Behera T.K.; Tomar B.S. (2016). Combining ability estimation of gynoecious and monoecious hybrids for yield and earliness in cucumber (Cucumis sativus), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 86(3) DOI
2016 Choudhary M.; Rana K.S.; Rana D.S.; Bana R.S. (2016). Tillage and crop residue effects in rainfed pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) in conjunction with sulphur fertilization under pearl millet–Indian mustard (brassica juncea) cropping system, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 61(1) DOI
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2016 Bhat M.N.; Mesta R.; Yenjerappa S.T.; Tatagar M.H.; Sardana H.R.; Singh D.; Vennila S.; Sabir N.; Ahmad M. (2016). Biological control of Fusarium wilt of chillies using Trichoderma spp, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 73(1) DOI
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2016 Sharma R.R.; Sagar V.R.; Dhiman M.R.; Parmanick K.K.; Kumar K. (2016). Response of ‘Royal Delicious’ apple to the staggered pre-harvest fruit-bagging, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 73(1) DOI
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2016 Sharma B.B.; Kalia P.; Yadava D.K.; Singh D.; Sharma T.R. (2016). Genetics and molecular mapping of black rot resistance locus Xca1bc on chromosome B-7 in ethiopian mustard (Brassica carinata A. Braun), PLoS ONE, 11(3) DOI
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2016 Manjunatha B.L.; Rao D.U.M.; Dastagiri M.B.; Sharma J.P.; Burman R.R. (2016). New Indian seeds bill: Stakeholders’ policy advocacies to enact, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 21(2) DOI
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2016 Gills R.; Sharma J.P.; Burman R.R.; Sharma R.R.; Kar A. (2016). Comparative analysis of vegetable production, value-addition and marketing in National Capital Region, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 73(1) DOI
2016 Singh N.K.; Dhar D.W.; Tabassum R. (2016). Role of Cyanobacteria in Crop Protection, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences India Section B - Biological Sciences, 86(1) DOI
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2016 Sharma S.K.; Singh Y.V.; Tyagi S.; Bhatia A. (2016). Influence of rice varieties, nitrogen management and planting methods on methane emission and water productivity, Paddy and Water Environment, 14(2) DOI
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2016 Reddy Y.S.; Talukdar A.; Dikshit H.K.; Singh V.P.; Rana M.; Chand D. (2016). Genetic improvement of lentil (Lens culinaris Medik) through introgression of yield enhancing traits and estimation of genetic parameters, Legume Research, 39(1) DOI
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2016 Manjunath M.; Kanchan A.; Ranjan K.; Venkatachalam S.; Prasanna R.; Ramakrishnan B.; Hossain F.; Nain L.; Shivay Y.S.; Rai A.B.; Singh B. (2016). Beneficial cyanobacteria and eubacteria synergistically enhance bioavailability of soil nutrients and yield of okra, Heliyon, 2(2) DOI
2016 Pandey N.; Hossain F.; Kumar K.; Vishwakarma A.K.; Muthusamy V.; Saha S.; Agrawal P.K.; Guleria S.K.; Reddy S.S.; Thirunavukkarasu N.; Gupta H.S. (2016). Molecular characterization of endosperm and amino acids modifications among quality protein maize inbreds, Plant Breeding, 135(1) DOI
2016 Bashyal B.M.; Aggarwal R.; Sharma S.; Gupta S.; Rawat K.; Singh D.; Singh A.K.; Gopala Krishnan S. (2016). Occurrence, identification and pathogenicity of Fusarium species associated with bakanae disease of basmati rice in India, European Journal of Plant Pathology, 144(2) DOI
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2016 Chawla G.; Sharma H.K. (2016). In vitro effect of hydrogen peroxide on soil nematodes, Indian Journal of Nematology, 46(2) DOI
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2016 Satheesh V.; Chidambaranathan P.; Jagannadham P.T.; Kumar V.; Jain P.K.; Chinnusamy V.; Bhat S.R.; Srinivasan R. (2016). Transmembrane START domain proteins: in silico identification, characterization and expression analysis under stress conditions in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), Plant Signaling and Behavior, 11(2) DOI
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2016 Bairwa R.K.; Singh M.; Bhoge R.K.; Devi C.; Randhawa G. (2016). Monitoring adventitious presence of transgenes in ex situ okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) collections conserved in genebank: a case study, Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 63(2) DOI
2016 Singh A.K.; Joshi I.; Kumar A.; Kohli D.; Jain P.K.; Sirohi A. (2016). Aerial infection of southern root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) on Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) heynh, Indian Journal of Nematology, 46(2) DOI
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2016 Abeysingha N.S.; Singh M.; Sehgal V.K.; Khanna M.; Pathak H. (2016). Analysis of trends in streamflow and its linkages with rainfall and anthropogenic factors in Gomti River basin of North India, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 123(03-Apr) DOI
2016 Singh A.; Shivay Y.S. (2016). Effect of summer green manuring crops and zinc fertilizer sources on productivity, Zn-uptake and economics of basmati rice, Journal of Plant Nutrition, 39(2) DOI
2016 Ghosh B.N.; Meena V.S.; Alam N.M.; Dogra P.; Bhattacharyya R.; Sharma N.K.; Mishra P.K. (2016). Impact of conservation practices on soil aggregation and the carbon management index after seven years of maize-wheat cropping system in the Indian Himalayas, Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 216() DOI
2016 Dutta A.; Vasudevan V.; Nain L.; Singh N. (2016). Characterization of bacterial diversity in an atrazine degrading enrichment culture and degradation of atrazine, cyanuric acid and biuret in industrial wastewater, Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part B Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes, 51(1) DOI
2016 Kumar P.; Chauhan K.; Bhat C.G.; Somvanshi V.S. (2016). Assessment of virulence of various Indian Steinernema spp. isolates, Indian Journal of Nematology, 46(2) DOI
2016 Gupta A.K.; Choudhary R.; Kumari K.; Solanki I.S. (2016). Management options for control of damping off and root rot diseases in papaya, Research on Crops, 17(4) DOI
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2016 Sharma M.; Kumar S.; Kumar A.; Kumar S.; Singh R.; Pankaj; Sharma H.K. (2016). Awareness of nematodes and their management with bio-pesticides among farmers in NCR Delhi, Indian Journal of Nematology, 46(2) DOI
2016 Chandra S.; Singh D.; Pathak J.; Kumari S.; Kumar M.; Poddar R.; Balyan H.S.; Gupta P.K.; Prabhu K.V.; Mukhopadhyay K. (2016). De novo assembled wheat transcriptomes delineate differentially expressed host genes in response to leaf rust infection, PLoS ONE, 11(2) DOI
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2016 Mondal K.K.; Verma G.; Manju; Junaid A.; Mani C. (2016). Rice pathogen Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae employs inducible hrp-dependent XopF type III effector protein for its growth, pathogenicity and for suppression of PTI response to induce blight disease, European Journal of Plant Pathology, 144(2) DOI
2016 Dhakar S.; Swaroop K.; Singh K.P.; Das T.K.; Kumar P.; Singh N. (2016). Integrated weed management practices in gladiolus and their effect on flowering, weed density and corm yield, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 73(4) DOI
2016 Ladha J.K.; Tirol-Padre A.; Reddy C.K.; Cassman K.G.; Verma S.; Powlson D.S.; Van Kessel C.; De Richter D.B.; Chakraborty D.; Pathak H. (2016). Global nitrogen budgets in cereals: A 50-year assessment for maize, rice, and wheat production systems, Scientific Reports, 6() DOI
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2016 Saha S.; Walia S.; Kundu A.; Sharma K.; Singh J.; Tripathi B.; Raina A. (2016). Compositional and functional difference in cumin (Cuminum cyminum) essential oil extracted by hydrodistillation and SCFE, Cogent Food and Agriculture, 2(1) DOI
2016 Sharma S.; Sharma R.R. (2016). Impact of staggered treatments of novel molecules and ethylene absorbents on postharvest fruit physiology and enzyme activity of 'Santa Rosa' plums, Scientia Horticulturae, 198() DOI
2016 Sahoo S.; Manjaiah K.M.; Datta S.C.; Kumar R. (2016). Polyacrylamide and starch grafted polyacrylamide based nanoclay polymer composites for controlled release of nitrogen, Clay Research, 35(1) DOI
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2016 Goswami A.K.; Dubey A.K.; Singh A.K.; Singh S.K.; Srivastav M.; Prakash J.; Awasthi O.P.; Singh K.; Goswami S. (2016). Effect of polyamines on physio-chemical and biochemical parameters of citrus rootstocks under NaCl stress, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 73(4) DOI
2016 Yadav A.N.; Sachan S.G.; Verma P.; Saxena A.K. (2016). Bioprospecting of plant growth promoting psychrotrophic bacilli from the cold desert of north western indian himalayas, Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 54(2) DOI
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2016 Ghosh A.; Das A.; Vijayanandraj S.; Mandal B. (2016). Cardamom bushy dwarf virus infection in large cardamom alters plant selection preference, life stages, and fecundity of aphid vector, micromyzus kalimpongensis (hemiptera: Aphididae), Environmental Entomology, 45(1) DOI
2016 Xavier F.; Kumar R.; Behera T.K.; Yadav R.K. (2016). Studies on heterosis for qualitative traits in okra, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 73(4) DOI
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2016 Pushpa H.D.; Yadava D.K.; Singh N.; Vasudev S.; Saini N.; Muthusamy V.; Prabhu K.V. (2016). Validation of molecular markers linked to low glucosinolate QTLs for marker assisted selection in Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L. Czern & Coss), Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 76(1) DOI
2016 Verma V.K.; Kalia P. (2016). Comparative analysis of genetic diversity and its relation to heterosis in early and mid-maturity indian cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis L.), Indian Journal of Horticulture, 73(4) DOI
2016 Parray R.A.; Mani I.; Kumar A.; Khura T.K.; Lande S.D. (2016). Pilot study of farm power-machinery status and custom-hiring opportunities in rice (Oryza sativa)-wheat (Triticum aestivum) cropping system, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 86(2) DOI
2016 Zunjare R.; Hossain F.; Muthusamy V.; Jha S.K.; Kumar P.; Sekhar J.C.; Thirunavukkarasu N.; Gupta H.S. (2016). Genetic variability among exotic and indigenous maize inbreds for resistance to stored grain weevil (Sitophilus oryzae L.) infestation, Cogent Food and Agriculture, 2(1) DOI
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2016 Dayal V.; Dubey A.K.; Singh S.K.; Sharma R.M.; Dahuja A.; Kaur C. (2016). Growth, yield and physiology of mango (Mangifera indica L.) cultivars as affected by polyembryonic rootstocks, Scientia Horticulturae, 199() DOI
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2016 Dubey S.C.; Tripathi A.; Upadhyay B.K.; Kumar A. (2016). Development of conventional and real time PCR assay for detection and quantification of Rhizoctonia solani infecting pulse crops, Biologia, 71(2) DOI
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2016 Verma R.K.; Mishra R.; Gaur R.K. (2016). Potato virus y genetic variability: A review, Plant Viruses: Evolution and Management, () DOI
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2016 Prasad K.; Sharma R.R.; Srivastav M.; Sethi S. (2016). Effect of hot water treatment on the incidence of lenticel browning and quality of mango fruits, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 73(4) DOI
2016 Tripathi V.K.; Rajput T.B.S.; Patel N.; Lata (2016). Quality of Municipal Wastewater for Micro Irrigation, Wastewater Management for Irrigation: Principles and Practices, () DOI
2016 Kumar A.; Bhattacharya B.K.; Kumar V.; Jain A.K.; Mishra A.K.; Chattopadhyay C. (2016). Epidemiology and forecasting of insect-pests and diseases for value-added agro-advisory, Mausam, 67(1) DOI
2016 Kumar S.; Parihar S.S.; Singh M.; Jat S.L.; Meena B.L.; Mirjha P.R.; Ram H. (2016). Conservation agriculture practices and irrigation scheduling affects the energy dynamics in a maize production system, Ecology, Environment and Conservation, 22(2) DOI
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2016 Shivakumar M.; Gireesh C.; Talukdar A. (2016). Efficiency and utility of pollination without emasculation (PWE) method in intra- and inter-specific hybridization in soybean, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 76(1) DOI
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2016 Sukumaran S.; Purakayastha T.J.; Datta S.C.; Viswanath T.; Rout K.K.; Singh M. (2016). Impact of long-term manuring and fertilization on silt and clay protected carbon in two alfisols with varying texture, Clay Research, 35(1) DOI
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2016 Yadav G.S.; Shivay Y.S.; Kumar D.; Babu S. (2016). Agronomic evaluation of mulching and iron nutrition on productivity, nutrient uptake, iron use efficiency and economics of aerobic rice-wheat cropping system, Journal of Plant Nutrition, 39(1) DOI
2016 Sharma B.B.; Kalia P.; Singh D.; Yadav D.K. (2016). Evaluation of crucifer germplasm for black rot (Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris) resistance, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 73(4) DOI
2016 Aslam Khan M.; Paul B.; Ahmad W.; Paul S.; Aggarwal C.; Khan Z.; Sayeed Akhtar M. (2016). Potential of Bacillus thuringiensis in the management of pernicious lepidopteran pests, Plant, Soil and Microbes: Volume 2: Mechanisms and Molecular Interactions, () DOI
2016 Das A.; Das P.; Kalita M.C.; Mondal T.K. (2016). Computational Identification, Target Prediction, and Validation of Conserved miRNAs in Insulin Plant (Costus pictus D. Don), Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 178(3) DOI
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2016 Jain N.; Arora P.; Tomer R.; Mishra S.V.; Bhatia A.; Pathak H.; Chakraborty D.; Kumar V.; Dubey D.S.; Harit R.C.; Singh J.P. (2016). Greenhouse gases emission from soils under major crops in Northwest India, Science of the Total Environment, 542() DOI
2016 Kumar A.; Kumar S.; Kumar S.; Parmhansh P. (2016). Characterization of rice germplasm of North Bihar for panicle morphology and grain characteristic traits under rainfed lowland and deep water condition, Ecology, Environment and Conservation, 22(3) DOI
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2016 Gajanana T.M.; Dinesh M.R.; Mysore S.; Vasugi C.; Sthapit B.; Lamers H.A.H.; Reddy B.M.C.; Rao V.R.; Dakshinamoorthy V. (2016). Multivarietal orchards: An age-old conservation practice in mango, Tropical Fruit Tree Diversity: Good practices for in situ and on-farm conservation, () DOI
2016 Pathak R.; Sharma A.; Adak A.; Sharma S.; Prasad R. (2016). Role of jatropha curcas deoiled cake as substrate for the production of cellulases and xylanase and additive in vermicomposting of kitchen waste, Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology, 10(4) DOI
2016 Singh V.K.; Mathuria R.C.; Gogoi R.; Aggarwal R. (2016). Impact of different fungicides and bioagents, and fungicidal spray timing on wheat stripe rust development and grain yield, Indian Phytopathology, 69(4) DOI
2016 Patidar O.P.; Gautam C.; Tantuway G.; Kumar S.; Yadav A.; Meena D.S.; Nagar A. (2016). RNA-guided genome editing tool CRISPR-cas9: Its applications and achievements in model and crop plants, Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology, 10(4) DOI
2016 Kumari R.; Nikoshe A.P. (2016). Effect of different hosts on developmental characteristics of green lacewings chrysoperla carnea (stephens), Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology, 10(4) DOI
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2016 Hashmi T.R.; Dey D.; Prasad R. (2016). Diversity of associated endosymbionts of Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) on solanaceous host plants in India, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 9(40) DOI
2016 Sharma A.; Gupta A.K.; Singh D.; Khosla K.; Mahajan R. (2016). Biological control of crown gall disease in peach and cherry nursery plants by white stone powder based formulation (sol gall) of brevibacillus spp., Indian Phytopathology, 69(3) DOI
2016 Khan K.A.; Nabi S.U.; Khan N.A. (2016). Evaluation of different fungicides for effective management of Blumeriella leaf spot of cherry in Kashmir valley, Indian Phytopathology, 69(3) DOI
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2016 Dash C.J.; Sarangi A.; Adhikary P.P.; Singh D.K. (2016). Simulation of nitrate leaching under maize-wheat cropping system in a semiarid irrigated area of the Indo-Gangetic plain, India, Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 142(2) DOI
2016 Lal K.; Kaur R.; Rosin K.G.; Patel N. (2016). Low-cost remediation and on-farm management approaches for safe use of wastewater in agriculture, Innovative Saline Agriculture, () DOI
2016 Patle G.T.; Singh D.K.; Sarangi A. (2016). Modelling of declining groundwater depth in Kurukshetra district, Haryana, India, Current Science, 111(4) DOI
2016 Pandey K.K.; Maurya D.; Gupta G.; Mishra S.V. (2016). Yield forecasting models based on weather parameters for Eastern U.P., Vegetos, 29(1) DOI
2016 Bana R.S.; Pooniya V.; Choudhary A.K.; Rana K.S.; Tyagi V.K. (2016). Influence of organic nutrient sources and moisture management on productivity, biofortification and soil health in pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) + clusterbean (Cyamopsis tetragonaloba) intercropping system of semi-arid India, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 86(11) DOI
2016 Bala S.C.; Mukhopadhayay A.K.; Khan M.R. (2016). Dipping of tuberose bulbs in carbosulfan 25 EC for the management of Aphelenchoides besseyi, Indian Journal of Nematology, 46(1) DOI
2016 Gupta A.K.; Choudhary R.; Kumari K.; Solanki I.S.; Mittal R.K. (2016). Integrated disease management of root rot of papaya in eastern Gangetic plains of India, Vegetos, 29(Special Issue) DOI
2016 Kundu M.; Dubey A.; Malik S.K. (2016). Effect of gamma ray irradiation doses on pollen viability and in-vitro germination in Citrus, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 86(10) DOI
2016 Singh A.; Sharma N.; Nath V.; Pandey S.D.; Kumar K.K.; Reddy B.M.C.; Sthapit B. (2016). Selection of elite seedling clones of mango (Mangifera indica L.) exposed by phylogenetic relationship and morpho-taxonomic traits, Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment, 14(2) DOI
2016 Singh S.; Ahlawat S.P.; Anele U.Y.; Kumar R.B. (2016). Evaluation of Acacia nilotica seeds for protein and carbohydrate fractions, gas production, energy value and mineral contents from diverse locations in India, Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology, 16(2) DOI
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2016 Mangal M.; Upadhyay P.; Kalia P. (2016). Characterization of cultivated and wild genotypes of Brinjal (Solanum melongena L.) And confirmation of hybridity using microsatellite markers, Vegetos, 29(2) DOI
2016 Kumari J.; Bag M.K.; Pandey S.; Jha S.K.; Chauhan S.S.; Jha G.K.; Gautam N.K.; Dutta M. (2016). Assessment of phenotypic diversity in pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.] germplasm of Indian origin and identification of trait-specific germplasm, Crop and Pasture Science, 67(12) DOI
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2016 Hossain F.; Muthusamy V.; Bhat J.S.; Jha S.K.; Zunjare R.; Das A.; Sarika K.; Kumar R. (2016). Maize, Broadening the Genetic Base of Grain Cereals, () DOI
2016 Mishra R.; Gaur R.K.; Patil B.L. (2016). Current knowledge of viruses infecting papaya and their transgenic management, Plant Viruses: Evolution and Management, () DOI
2016 Mohan S.; Upadhyay A.; Gupta R. (2016). Control of primary reproductives of Microtermes spp. in soil treated with Galleria cadavers infected with Heterorhabditis indica, Nematology (Fundamental and Applied Nematology, Nematologica), 18(9) DOI
2016 Kumar J.; Patel N.; Rajput T.B.S.; Kumar M. (2016). Sensor network based irrigation system for real time irrigation scheduling in vegetable crops under different methods of irrigation, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 86(11) DOI
2016 Dwivedi N.; Nautiyal P.C.; Singh K.; Singh I. (2016). Evaluation of Maize (Zea mays) hybrids for leaf thermo-stability, photosynthetic rate, stem reserves and productivity under rain-dependent conditions, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 86(11) DOI
2016 Gaur R.K.; Petrov N.M.; Patil B.L.; Stoyanova M.I. (2016). Plant viruses: Evolution and management, Plant Viruses: Evolution and Management, () DOI
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2016 Meena V.S.; Bahadur I.; Maurya B.R.; Kumar A.; Meena R.K.; Meena S.K.; Verma J.P. (2016). Potassium-solubilizing microorganism in evergreen agriculture: An overview, Potassium Solubilizing Microorganisms for Sustainable Agriculture, () DOI
2016 Kumar S.N.; Rajagopal V.; Kasturi Bai K.V. (2016). Coconut and areca nut, Abiotic Stress Physiology of Horticultural Crops, () DOI
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2016 Prasad L.; Kumar R. (2016). Antifungal activity of phenolics against Rhizoctonia solani, a wide host range plant pathogen, Vegetos, 29(Special Issue) DOI
2016 Paul T.; Rana D.S.; Choudhary A.K.; Das T.K.; Rajpoot S.K. (2016). Crop establishment methods and Zn nutrition in Bt-cotton: Direct effects on system productivity, economic-efficiency and water-productivity in Bt-cotton-wheat cropping system and their residual effects on yield and Zn biofortification in wheat, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 86(11) DOI
2016 Venkatesh P.; Sekar I.; Jha G.K.; Singh P.; Sangeetha V.; Pal S. (2016). How do the stakeholders perceive plant variety protection in Indian seed sector?, Current Science, 110(12) DOI
2016 Patra B.C.; Ray S.; Ngangkham U.; Mohapatra T. (2016). Rice, Genetic and Genomic Resources for Grain Cereals Improvement, () DOI
2016 Bashyal B.M.; Aggarwal R.; Sharma S.; Gupta S.; Singh U.B. (2016). Single and combined effects of three Fusarium species associated with rice seeds on the severity of Bakanae disease of rice, Journal of Plant Pathology, 98(3) DOI
2016 Choudhary A.K. (2016). Scaling-up of protected cultivation in Himachal Pradesh, India, Current Science, 111(2) DOI
2016 Dubey S.K.; Sharma J.P.; Singh A.K.; Sah U. (2016). Futurology of farm extension services in India, Current Science, 110(12) DOI
2016 Singh D.P.; Sharma A.K.; Sharma I.; Singh D.; Rana S.K.; Upadhyay S.; Singh K.P.; Kumar J.; Srivastava K.; Deepshikha; Bhardwaj S.C.; Prashar M.; Gangwar O.P.; Jain S.K.; Pant S.K.; Brahma R.N.; Kumar J.; Devlash R.; Prasad A.; Dodan D.S. (2016). Identification of resistance sources against powdery mildew (Blumeria graminis) of wheat, Indian Phytopathology, 69(4) DOI
2016 Neelavathi R.; Pal R.K.; Shankaraswamy J. (2016). Effect of pretreatments and packaging materials on the quality of minimally processed cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 86(11) DOI
2016 Hingonia K.; Singh R.K.; Meena R.N.; Vermal H.P.; Meena R.P. (2016). Effect of mulch and irrigation levels on yield and quality of barley (hardeum vulgare l.), Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology, 10(4) DOI
2016 Sharma P.; Sharma S.; Gautam I.; Baranwal V.K. (2016). Natural infection of Glycine max by seven viruses belonging to different genera in India, Journal of Plant Pathology, 98(3) DOI
2016 Tripathi S.; Patil B.L.; Verma R. (2016). Viral diseases of banana and their management, Plant Viruses: Evolution and Management, () DOI
2016 Prakasha T.L.; Verma A.; Solanki K.; Singh J.B.; Sai Prasad S.V.; Mishra A.N.; Chand S. (2016). Genetic basis of slow rusting leaf rust resistance in bread wheat land race 'Agra local', Indian Phytopathology, 69(4) DOI
2016 Maurya O.; Reddy A.A.; Kumar H. (2016). Growth and decomposition analysis in pigeonpea in India, International Journal of Agricultural and Statistical Sciences, 12() DOI
2016 Gurjar M.S.; Jogawat A.; Kulshreshtha D.; Sharma S.; Gogoi R.; Aggarwal R. (2016). Intraspecific variation in Tilletia indica, a pathogen causing Karnal bunt of wheat, Indian Phytopathology, 69(4) DOI
2016 Ghosh P.P.; Dutta S.; Khan M.R.; Chattopadhyay A. (2016). Role of meloidogyne javanica on severity of vascular bacterial wilt of eggplant, Indian Phytopathology, 69(3) DOI
2016 Thavaprakasapandian R.; Raja M.; Kumar A.; Sharma P. (2016). Morphological and molecular characterization of Trichoderma asperellum strain Ta13, Indian Phytopathology, 69(3) DOI
2016 Singh D.; Singh B.; Mishra S.; Singh A.K.; Sharma T.R.; Singh N.K. (2016). Allelic diversity for salt stress responsive candidate genes among Indian rice landraces, Indian Journal of Biotechnology, 15(1) DOI
2016 Mittal A.; Ningthoukhongjam J.; Malthankar P.A.; Ningthoujam K.; Kalia V.; Gujar G.T. (2016). Toxicity of CrylAc, inheritance of CrylAc resistance and fitness cost association in the pink bollworm, pectinophora gossypietta (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae), Biopesticides International, 12(2) DOI
2016 Saini N.; Singh N.; Kumar A.; Vihan N.; Yadav S.; Vasudev S.; Yadava D.K. (2016). Development and validation of functional CAPS markers for the FAE genes in Brassica juncea and their use in marker-assisted selection, Breeding Science, 66(5) DOI
2016 Baweja M.; Nain L.; Kawarabayasi Y.; Shukla P. (2016). Current technological improvements in enzymes toward their biotechnological applications, Frontiers in Microbiology, 7(JUN) DOI
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2016 Omika K.; Chauhan U.S.; Renu Y.; Yadav S.S.; Ashwani K.; Ashwani Y.; Neelam Y.; Upadhyaya H.D.; Rajendra K. (2016). Nitrate reductase based phylogenetic analysis in chickpea, Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment, 20(7) DOI
2016 Jain R.; Janakiram T.; Kumawat G.L. (2016). Efficacy of floral preservatives stored at different temperatures and time periods on lushness retention and vaselife of chrysanthemum (Dendranthema × grandiflora) cv. Thai Chen Queen, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 86(11) DOI
2016 Thagela P.; Yadav R.K.; Dahuja A.; Singh P.K.; Abraham G. (2016). Physiological and proteomic changes in Azolla microphylla roots upon exposure to salinity, Indian Journal of Biotechnology, 15(1) DOI
2016 Dutta T.K.; Banakar P.; Rao U. (2016). Standardization of an in vitro feeding protocol for rice root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne graminicola, Indian Journal of Nematology, 46(1) DOI
2016 Kumar S.; Tomar B.S.; Arora A.; Saharawat Y.S.; Kumar A.; Sharma R.K. (2016). Influence of plant growth retardants on growth, seed yield and quality in onion (Allium cepa) cv. Pusa Riddhi, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 86(11) DOI
2016 Krishnapriya V.; Pandey R. (2016). Root exudation index: Screening organic acid exudation and phosphorus acquisition efficiency in soybean genotypes, Crop and Pasture Science, 67(10) DOI
2016 Sharma V.K.; Chandel C.; Kumar R.; Meena R.D.; Mawliya M. (2016). Influence of planting time and fruit maturity stage on antioxidant activity, phenols and anthocyanin contents in sweet pepper, Research on Crops, 17(2) DOI
2016 Shiva Kumara T.N.; Phani V.; Chaudhary S.; Rao U. (2016). Can root knot juveniles move out of the roots after penetration?, Indian Journal of Nematology, 46(1) DOI
2016 Baliwada H.; Sharma J.P.; Gills R. (2016). Farmer led innovations: Retrospect and prospects, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 86(10) DOI
2016 Nehra M.; Kumar M.; Vart D.; Sharma R.K.; Choudhary M. (2016). DUS characterization and diversity assessment in pearl millet inbreds, Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 7(4) DOI
2016 Rathaur P.S.; Singh D.; Raghuwanshi R. (2016). Characterization and genetic diversity of Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris causing black rot disease in crucifers in North India, Indian Phytopathology, 69(2) DOI
2016 Amarender Reddy A.; Kumar H.; Vajrala A.S.; Rani C.R.; Maurya O.; Thimmappa K. (2016). Impact of adoption of new crops into new areas through introduction of improved varieties: Case of chickpea in South India, International Journal of Agricultural and Statistical Sciences, 12(1) DOI
2016 Chandel V.; Singh M.K.; Jangid A.; Dhatwalia S. (2016). Emerging satellites associated with begomoviruses: World scenario, Plant Viruses: Evolution and Management, () DOI
2016 Monika B.S.; Neha G.; Suresh K.; Bhushan S.V.; Singh M.R. (2016). Response of Ocimum sanctum L to varying mercuric chloride stress, Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment, 20(12) DOI
2016 Amat D.; Shukla L.; Singh S. (2016). Bioprospecting of xylanolytic fungi isolated from degraded corn cobs for xylooligosaccharides (xos) production, Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology, 10(4) DOI
2016 Samuel D.V.K.; Sharma P.K.; Sinha J.P. (2016). Solar-powered evaporatively cooled vegetable vending cart, Current Science, 111(12) DOI
2016 Sharma R.; Tiwari S.; Tripathi N.; Saini N. (2016). Genetic characterization of Opaque-2 Maize plants derived from the First Backcross Generation, Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 7(3) DOI
2016 Sharma H.K.; Bakshi N.; Thakur R.K.; Devi M. (2016). Diversity and density of insect pollinators on sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) in temperate region of Kullu valley of Himachal Pradesh, Journal of Entomological Research, 40(2) DOI
2016 Rohini M.R.; Malik S.K.; Choudhary R.; Kaur S.; Uchoi A.; Chaudhury R. (2016). Storage behavior and cryopreservation studies in Indian rough lemon (Citrus jambhiri): A promising rootstock for long-term conservation, Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 40(6) DOI
2016 Singh A.K.; Hembrom R.; Sisodia A.; Pal A.K.; Asmita (2016). Effect of iron and zinc on flowering and postharvest life in gladiolus (Gladiolus spp.), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 86(10) DOI
2016 Dubey S.C.; singh B. (2016). Evaluation of urdbean genotypes against yellow mosaic for identification of resistant sources, Indian Phytopathology, 69(2) DOI
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2016 Shanmugam V.; Veena K.H.; Jain S.; Tripathi M.; Aggarwal R.; Singh A.K. (2016). First report of seedling blight caused by Fusarium Solani on Cucumber from India, Journal of Plant Pathology, 98(3) DOI
2016 Hada A.; Krishnan V.; Punjabi M.; Basak N.; Pandey V.; Jeevaraj T.; Marathe A.; Gupta A.K.; Jolly M.; Kumar A.; Dahuja A.; Manickavasagam M.; Ganapathi A.; Sachdev A. (2016). Refined glufosinate selection and its extent of exposure for improving the Agrobacterium-mediated transformation in Indian soybean (Glycine max) genotype JS-335, Plant Biotechnology, 33(5) DOI
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2016 Dubey R.K.; Muddarsu V.R.; Singh V.; Upadhyay G.; Singh S.; Pandey A.K.; Pandey S.; Gangadhara R.P. (2016). Studies on seed protein profiling in snapmelon (cucumis melo var momordica L.) genotypes of northeast India, International Journal of Agricultural and Statistical Sciences, 12() DOI
2016 Sharma P.C.; Prashat G.R.; Kumar A.; Mann A. (2016). Physiological and molecular insights into mechanisms for salt tolerance in plants, Innovative Saline Agriculture, () DOI
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2016 Sanju S.; Thakur A.; Siddappa S.; Sharma S.; Shukla P.K.; Srivastava N.; Pattanayak D.; Singh B.P. (2016). In-vitro detached leaf assay of host-mediated RNAi lines carrying Phytophthora Infestans Avr3a effector gene for late blight resistance, Potato Journal (Journal of Indian Potato Association), 43(1) DOI
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2016 Kumar S.S.; Malyan S.K.; Kumar A.; Bishnoi N.R. (2016). Optimization of fenton's oxidation by box-behnken design of response surface methodology for landfill leachate, Journal of Materials and Environmental Science, 7(12) DOI
2016 Singh G.; Joshi V.K.; Chandra S.; Bhatnagar A.; Dass A. (2016). Spring maize (Zea mays L.) response to different crop establishment and moisture management practices in north-west plains of India, Research on Crops, 17(2) DOI
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2016 Ganie S.A.; Dey N.; Mondal T.K. (2016). Promoter methylation regulates the abundance of osa-miR393a in contrasting rice genotypes under salinity stress, Functional and Integrative Genomics, 16(1) DOI
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2016 Mahajan C.; Basotra N.; Singh S.; Di Falco M.; Tsang A.; Chadha B.S. (2016). Malbranchea cinnamomea: A thermophilic fungal source of catalytically efficient lignocellulolytic glycosyl hydrolases and metal dependent enzymes, Bioresource Technology (Biological Wastes), 200() DOI
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2016 Devi C.P.; Munshi A.D.; Behera T.K.; Choudhary H.; Saha P. (2016). Characterisation of cultivated breeding lines of eggplant (Solanum melongena l.) and related wild solanum species from India, Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 91(1) DOI
2016 Rich S.M.; Wasson A.P.; Richards R.A.; Katore T.; Prashar R.; Chowdhary R.; Saxena D.C.; Mamrutha H.M.; Zwart A.; Misra S.C.; Sai Prasad S.V.; Chatrath R.; Christopher J.; Watt M. (2016). Wheats developed for high yield on stored soil moisture have deep vigorous root systems, Functional Plant Biology, 43(2) DOI
2016 Singh D.; Singh C.K.; Singh Tomar R.S.; Taunk J.; Singh R.; Maurya S.; Chaturvedi A.K.; Pal M.; Singh R.; Dubey S.K. (2016). Molecular assortment of lens species with different adaptations to drought conditions using SSR markers, PLoS ONE, 11(1) DOI
2016 Kachhap S.; Singh S.D. (2016). Effect of elevated CO2 on growth and yield of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L. Czern & Coss) under varying nitrogen and water regimes, Ecology, Environment and Conservation, 22(1) DOI
2016 Pandey S.; Gulati S.; Goyal E.; Singh S.; Kumar K.; Nain L.; Saxena A.K. (2016). Construction and screening of metagenomic library derived from soil for β-1, 4-endoglucanase gene, Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, 5() DOI
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2016 Dhar D.W.; Pabbi S.; Vishwakarma R.; Prasanna R. (2016). Significance of Cyanobacteria as Inoculants in Agriculture, Algal Biorefinery: An Integrated Approach, () DOI
2016 Thakre M.; Lal S.; Uniyal S.; Goswami A.K.; Prakash P. (2016). Pruning for crop regulation in high density guava (Psidium guajava L.) plantation, Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 14(2) DOI
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2016 Kumar M.; Rajput T.B.S.; Kumar R.; Patel N. (2016). Water and nitrate dynamics in baby corn (Zea mays L.) under different fertigation frequencies and operating pressures in semi-arid region of India, Agricultural Water Management, 163() DOI
2016 Kharte S.B.; Watharkar A.D.; Shingote P.R.; Chandrashekharan S.; Pagariya M.C.; Kawar P.G.; Govindwar S.P. (2016). Functional characterization and expression study of sugarcane MYB transcription factor gene PEaMYBAS1 promoter from Erianthus arundinaceus that confers abiotic stress tolerance in tobacco, RSC Advances, 6(23) DOI
2016 Ganie S.A.; Borgohain M.J.; Kritika K.; Talukdar A.; Pani D.R.; Mondal T.K. (2016). Assessment of genetic diversity of Saltol QTL among the rice (Oryza sativa L.) genotypes, Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, 22(1) DOI
2016 Kumar S.; Jacob S.R.; Tara Satyavathi C.; Dadlani M.; Kumar M.B.A. (2016). Utility of SSR markers in assessing the purity and identity of pearl millet hybrids, Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 25(1) DOI
2016 Prasad D.; Rana D.S.; Babu S.; Choudhary A.K.; Rajpoot S. (2016). Influence of tillage practices and crop diversification on productivity and soil health in maize (Zea mays)/soybean (Glycine max) based cropping systems, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 86(1) DOI
2016 Behera T.K.; Rao A.R.; Amarnath R.; Kumar R.R. (2016). Comparative transcriptome analysis of female and hermaphrodite flower buds in bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L.) by RNA sequencing, Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 91(3) DOI
2016 Subramanian S.; Shankarganesh K. (2016). Insect Hormones (As Pesticides), Ecofriendly Pest Management for Food Security, () DOI
2016 Sheoran N.; Kumar A.; Munjal V.; Nadakkakath A.V.; Eapen S.J. (2016). Pseudomonas putida BP25 alters root phenotype and triggers salicylic acid signaling as a feedback loop in regulating endophytic colonization in Arabidopsis thaliana, Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 93() DOI
2016 Saha P.; Kalia P.; Sharma M.; Singh D. (2016). New source of black rot disease resistance in Brassica oleracea and genetic analysis of resistance, Euphytica, 207(1) DOI
2016 Kumar R.; Gopal M.; Pabbi S.; Paul S.; Alam M.I.; Yadav S.; Nair K.K.; Chauhan N.; Sri Vastava C.; Gogoi R.; Singh P.K.; Goswami A. (2016). Effect of nanohexaconazole on nitrogen fixing blue green algae and bacteria, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 16(1) DOI
2016 Lekshmy S.; Jain V.; Khetarpal S.; Verma R.; Sailo N.; Pandey R. (2016). Influence of elevated carbon dioxide and ammonium nutrition on growth and nitrogen metabolism in wheat (Triticum aestivum), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 86(1) DOI
2016 Thakur H.; Kumar S.; Shanmugam V. (2016). First report of Penicillium griseofulvum causing leaf blight on rheum Australe, Journal of Plant Pathology, 98(1) DOI
2016 Jha N.K.; Jacob S.R.; Nepolean T.; Jain S.K.; Kumar M.B.A. (2016). SSR markers based DNA fingerprinting and it's utility in testing purity of eggplant, Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops and Foods, 8(3) DOI
2016 Gill R.; Sharma J.P.; Burman R.R.; Sharma R.R.; Kar A. (2016). Marketing channels, their effectiveness and perceived constraints in milk processing in NCR, Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 86(1) DOI
2016 Bala M.; Singh K.P. (2016). Gamma irradiation of in-vitro proliferated cultures of rose (Rosa hybrida) for induction of novel mutants, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 86(1) DOI
2016 Mitra S.; Singh P.; Manzoor S.; Bhattacharyya P.; Bera T.; Kumar Patra A.; Rangan L.; Borah P. (2016). Can rice and wheat biochar amendment protect the carbon loss from tropical soils - An experimental study, Environmental Progress and Sustainable Energy, 35(1) DOI
2016 Choudhary M.; Hossain F.; Muthusamy V.; Thirunavukkarasu N.; Saha S.; Pandey N.; Jha S.K.; Gupta H.S. (2016). Microsatellite marker-based genetic diversity analyses of novel maize inbreds possessing rare allele of β-carotene hydroxylase (crtRB1) for their utilization in β-carotene enrichment, Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 25(1) DOI
2016 Kaur G.; Joshi A.; Jain D.; Choudhary R.; Vyas D. (2016). Diversity analysis of green gram (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek) through morphological and molecular markers, Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 40(2) DOI
2016 Sethi R.R.; Mandal K.G.; Sarangi A.; Behera A.; Aggarwal R.; Brar A.S.; Sahu A.S.; Bandyopadhyay K.K.; Ambast S.K. (2016). Simulating paddy crop response to irrigation using FAO AquaCrop model: A case study, Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment, 14(2) DOI
2016 Dass A.; Chandra S.; Choudhary A.K.; Singh G.; Sudhishri S. (2016). Influence of field re-ponding pattern and plant spacing on rice root–shoot characteristics, yield, and water productivity of two modern cultivars under SRI management in Indian Mollisols, Paddy and Water Environment, 14(1) DOI
2016 Priya M.; Tiwari A.K.; Rao G.P. (2016). First molecular identification of ‘Candidatus phytoplasma trifolii’ (16SrVI-D) in Croton bonplandianum from India, Journal of Plant Pathology, 98(1) DOI
2016 Munjal V.; Nadakkakath A.V.; Sheoran N.; Kundu A.; Venugopal V.; Subaharan K.; Rajamma S.; Eapen S.J.; Kumar A. (2016). Genotyping and identification of broad spectrum antimicrobial volatiles in black pepper root endophytic biocontrol agent, Bacillus megaterium BP17, Biological Control, 92() DOI
2016 Singh R.N.; Singh R.P.; Sharma A.; Saxena A.K. (2016). Modeling of PrnD protein from pseudomonas fluorescens rajNB11 and its comparative structural analysis with prnD proteins expressed in burkholderia and serratia, Turkish Journal of Biology, 40(3) DOI
2016 Prasanna R.; Nain L.; Rana A.; Shivay Y.S. (2016). Biofortification with microorganisms: Present status and future challenges, Biofortification of Food Crops, () DOI
2016 Amitha Mithra S.V.; Kar M.K.; Mohapatra T.; Robin S.; Sarla N.; Seshashayee M.; Singh K.; Singh A.K.; Singh N.K.; Sharma R.P. (2016). DBT propelled national effort in creating mutant resource for functional genomics in rice, Current Science, 110(4) DOI
2016 Choudhary D.; Singh P.K.; Chopra N.K.; Rana S.C. (2016). Effect of herbicides and herbicide mixtures on weeds in wheat, Indian Journal of Agricultural Research, 50(2) DOI
2016 Ellur R.K.; Khanna A.; Yadav A.; Pathania S.; Rajashekara H.; Singh V.K.; Gopala Krishnan S.; Bhowmick P.K.; Nagarajan M.; Vinod K.K.; Prakash G.; Mondal K.K.; Singh N.K.; Vinod Prabhu K.; Singh A.K. (2016). Improvement of Basmati rice varieties for resistance to blast and bacterial blight diseases using marker assisted backcross breeding, Plant Science (Plant Science Letters), 242() DOI
2016 Saha T.; Khan M.R. (2016). Evaluation of bioformulations for management of root knot nematode (meloidogyne incognita) infecting tuberose, Pakistan Journal of Zoology, 48(3) DOI
2016 Subramanian S.; Muthulakshmi M. (2016). Entomopathogenic Nematodes, Ecofriendly Pest Management for Food Security, () DOI
2016 Sandeep S.; Manjaiah K.M.; Pal S.; Singh A.K. (2016). Soil carbon fractions under maize–wheat system: effect of tillage and nutrient management, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 188(1) DOI
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2016 Kumar A.; Sharma M.P.; Kumar A. (2016). Green house gas emissions from hydropower reservoirs: Policy and challenges, International Journal of Renewable Energy Research, 6(2) DOI
2016 Rakshit R.; Patra A.K.; Purakayastha T.J.; Singh R.D.; Pathak H.; Dhar S.; Das A. (2016). Super-optimal fertilization affects root growth and soil microbial abundance and biomass during wheat growth, Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment, 14(1) DOI
2016 Holajjer P.; Kamra A.; Singh P. (2016). Influence of nematode-bacterial interactions on N and P mineralisation in soil and on decomposition of crop residues during aerobic composting, Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 14(2) DOI
2016 Singh V.K.; Yadvinder-Singh; Dwivedi B.S.; Singh S.K.; Majumdar K.; Jat M.L.; Mishra R.P.; Rani M. (2016). Soil physical properties, yield trends and economics after five years of conservation agriculture based rice-maize system in north-western India, Soil & Tillage Research, 155() DOI
2016 Kumar A.; Chattopadhyay C.; Bhattacharya B.K.; Kumar V.; Mishra A.K. (2016). Forecasting Diseases and Insect Pests for a Value-Added Agroadvisory System, Breeding Oilseed Crops for Sustainable Production: Opportunities and Constraints, () DOI
2016 Surendra Babu A.; Parimalavalli R.; Jagannadham K.; Sudhakara Rao J.; Shalini Gaur R. (2016). Fat Mimicking Properties of Citric Acid Treated Sweet Potato Starch, International Journal of Food Properties, 19(1) DOI
2016 Shivay Y.S.; Prasad R.; Singh U. (2016). Micronutrient fertilizers for zinc and iron enrichment in major food crops: A practicable strategy, Biofortification of Food Crops, () DOI
2016 Choudhary G.L.; Rana K.S.; Rana D.S.; Bana R.S.; Prajapat K.; Choudhary M. (2016). Moisture management and zinc fortification impacts on economics, quality and nutrient uptake of pearlmillet (Pennisetum glaucum) under rainfed conditions, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 86(1) DOI
2016 Krishnan V.; Singh A.; Thimmegowda V.; Singh B.; Dahuja A.; Rai R.D.; Sachdev A. (2016). Low gamma irradiation effects on protein profile, solubility, oxidation, scavenger ability and bioavailability of essential minerals in black and yellow Indian soybean (Glycine max L.) varieties, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 307(1) DOI
2016 George B.; George B.; Awasthi M.; Singh R.N. (2016). In silico genome-wide identification and analysis of microsatellite repeats in the largest RNA virus family (Closteroviridae), Turkish Journal of Biology, 40(3) DOI
2016 Verma P.; Yadav A.N.; Khannam K.S.; Kumar S.; Saxena A.K.; Suman A. (2016). Molecular diversity and multifarious plant growth promoting attributes of Bacilli associated with wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) rhizosphere from six diverse agro-ecological zones of India, Journal of Basic Microbiology, 56(1) DOI
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2016 Purakayastha T.J.; Das K.C.; Gaskin J.; Harris K.; Smith J.L.; Kumari S. (2016). Effect of pyrolysis temperatures on stability and priming effects of C3 and C4 biochars applied to two different soils, Soil & Tillage Research, 155() DOI
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2016 Yadav A.K.; Manna S.; Pandiyan K.; Singh A.; Kumar M.; Chakdar H.; Kashyap P.L.; Srivastava A.K. (2016). Isolation and characterization of biosurfactant producing Bacillus sp. from diesel fuel-contaminated site, Microbiology (Russian Federation), 85(1) DOI
2015 Singh V.K.; Shukla A.K.; Dwivedi B.S.; Singh M.P.; Majumdar K.; Kumar V.; Mishra R.P.; Rani M.; Singh S.K. (2015). Site-Specific Nutrient Management under Rice-Based Cropping Systems in Indo-Gangetic Plains: Yield, Profit and Apparent Nutrient Balance, Agricultural Research, 4(4) DOI
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2015 Suroshe S.S.; Shankarganesh K.; Paul B.; Chandra Bose N.S. (2015). Sentinel egg card studies for resident egg-parasitoids harbouring horticultural crops of IARI, New Delhi campus, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 72(4) DOI
2015 Singh V.K.; Mathuria R.C.; Singh G.P.; Singh P.K.; Singh S.; Gogoi R.; Aggarwal R. (2015). Characterization of yellow rust resistance genes by using gene postulation and assessment of adult plant resistance in some Indian wheat genotypes, Research on Crops, 16(4) DOI
2015 Mohanty S.K.; Singh A.K.; Jat S.L.; Parihar C.M.; Pooniya V.; Sharma S.; Sandhya; Chaudhary V.; Singh B. (2015). Precision nitrogen-management practices influences growth and yield of wheat (triticum aestivum) under conservation agriculture, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 60(4) DOI
2015 Kumar V.; Kumar D.; Singh Y.V.; Raj R. (2015). Effect of iron fertilization on dry-matter production, yield and economics of aerobic rice (oryza sativa), Indian Journal of Agronomy, 60(4) DOI
2015 Suresh A.; Chaudhary K.R. (2015). Intervention points for small ruminant development in India: Insight from a field level survey, Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 85(12) DOI
2015 Goswami A.K.; Singh A.K.; Dubey A.K.; Awasthi O.P.; Prakash J.; Singh S.K.; Singh K.; Sakhare A. (2015). Effect of elevated CO2 levels in Kinnow mandarin and Kagzi Kalan lemon under controlled environment conditions, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 72(4) DOI
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2015 Dutta S.K.; Patel V.B.; Singh S.K.; Singh A.K. (2015). Adaptation of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi inoculated Jatti khatti (Citrus jambhiri) seedlings under water deficit stress conditions, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 72(4) DOI
2015 Kumar S.; Rai R.; Baranwal V.K. (2015). Development of an immunocapture–reverse transcription–polymerase chain reaction (IC-RT-PCR) using modified viral RNA release protocol for the detection of Grapevine leafroll-associated virus 3 (GLRaV-3), Phytoparasitica, 43(3) DOI
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2015 Sharma S.; Sharma R.R.; Verma M.K. (2015). Postharvest treatment with nitric oxide influences the physiological and quality attributes of ‘Santa Rosa’ plums during cold storage, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 72(4) DOI
2015 Waditee-Sirisattha R.; Kageyama H.; Fukaya M.; Rai V.; Takabe T. (2015). Nitrate and amino acid availability affects glycine betaine and mycosporine-2-glycine in response to changes of salinity in a halotolerant cyanobacterium Aphanothece halophytica, FEMS Microbiology Letters, 362(23) DOI
2015 Yadav T.; Chopra H.A. (2015). Efficacy of pre- and post-emergence herbicides with and without weeding in forage cowpea (vigna unguiculata), Indian Journal of Agronomy, 60(4) DOI
2015 Som S.; Roy Burman R.; Sharma J.P.; Sangeetha V.; Lenin V.; Iquebal M.A. (2015). Designing and validating e-learning module on Good Agricultural Practices for grapes, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 72(4) DOI
2015 Jat G.S.; Munshi A.D.; Behera T.K.; Choudhary H.; Dev B. (2015). Exploitation of heterosis in cucumber for earliness, yield and yield components utilizing gynoecious lines, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 72(4) DOI
2015 Saha S.; Kalia P.; Sureja A.K.; Singhal P.; Sarkar S. (2015). Evaluation of European carrot genotypes for their nutritive characters, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 72(4) DOI
2015 Kumar S.; Dhar S.; Kumar A.; Kumar D. (2015). Yield and nutrient uptake of maize (Zea mays)–wheat (Triticum aestivum) cropping system as influenced by integrated potassium management, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 60(4) DOI
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2015 Hasan F.; Ansari M.S. (2015). Factors responsible for stage-specific mortality and sex ratio adjustment in Zygogramma bicolorata Pallister on parthenium in field conditions, Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection, 48(17-20) DOI
2015 Sahai R.; Saxena A.K.; Tilak K.V.B.R. (2015). Effect of Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus on Sweet Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) in Tropical Semi-arid Soil, Agricultural Research, 4(4) DOI
2015 Sahoo H.K.; Behera B.; Behera U.K.; Das T.K. (2015). Land productivity enhancement and soil health improvement in rainfed rice (Oryza sativa) farms of Odisha through integrated farming system, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 60(4) DOI
2015 Jayanthi M.; Susanthi B.; Murali Mohan N.; Mandal P.K. (2015). In vitro somatic embryogenesis and plantlet regeneration from immature male inflorescence of adult dura and tenera palms of Elaeis guineensis (Jacq.), SpringerPlus, 4(1) DOI
2015 Mathuria R.C.; Singh V.K.; Gogoi R.; Singh U.D.; Aggarwal R. (2015). Inheritance of stem rust resistance in Indian bread wheat cultivars, Research on Crops, 16(4) DOI
2015 Smita S.; Katiyar A.; Chinnusamy V.; Pandey D.M.; Bansal K.C. (2015). Transcriptional regulatory network analysis of MYB transcription factor family genes in rice, Frontiers in Plant Science, 6(DEC) DOI
2015 Nath P.; Varghese E.; Kaur C. (2015). Optimization of enzymatic maceration for extraction of carotenoids and total phenolics from sweet pepper using response surface methodology, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 72(4) DOI
2015 Saad A.A.; Das T.K.; Rana D.S.; Sharma A.R. (2015). Productivity, resource-use efficiency and economics of maize (Zea mays)–wheat (Triticum aestivum)–greengram (Vigna radiata) cropping system under conservation agriculture in irrigated north-western indo-gangetic plains, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 60(4) DOI
2015 Nath C.P.; Das T.K.; Rana K.S.; Pathak H.; Bhattacharyya R.; Paul S.; Singh S.B.; Meena M.C. (2015). Weed-management and wheat productivity in a conservation agriculture-based maize (Zea mays)–wheat (Triticum aestivum)–mungbean (Vigna radiata) system in north-western indo-gangetic plains of India, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 60(4) DOI
2015 Sharma B.B.; Sharma V.K.; Dhar S. (2015). Combining ability studies for yield and other horticultural traits in garden pea (Pisum sativum var. hortense L.), Indian Journal of Horticulture, 72(4) DOI
2015 Singh A.K.; Goyal V.; Mishra A.K.; Parihar S.S. (2015). Performance evaluation of cropsyst simulation model for pearlmillet (Pennisetum glaucum) – chickpea (Cicer arietinum) cropping system, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 60(4) DOI
2015 Saha S.; Singh Y.V.; Gaind S.; Kumar D. (2015). Water productivity and nutrient status of rice soil in response to cultivation techniques and nitrogen fertilization, Paddy and Water Environment, 13(4) DOI
2015 Pathak H. (2015). Greenhouse gas emission from Indian agriculture: Trends, drivers and mitigation strategies, Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy, 81(5) DOI
2015 Saha S.; Chakraborty D.; Sehgal V.K.; Pal M. (2015). Potential impact of rising atmospheric CO2 on quality of grains in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), Food Chemistry, 187() DOI
2015 Khanna A.; Sharma V.; Ellur R.K.; Shikari A.B.; Krishnan S.G.; Singh U.D.; Prakash G.; Sharma T.R.; Rathour R.; Variar M.; Prashanthi S.K.; Nagarajan M.; Vinod K.K.; Bhowmick P.K.; Rajashekhara H.; Singh N.K.; Prabhu K.V.; Singh A.K. (2015). Marker assisted pyramiding of major blast resistance genes Pi9 and Pita in the genetic background of an elite basmati rice variety, Pusa Basmati 1, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 75(4) DOI
2015 Dutta A.; Mandal A.; Manna S.; Singh S.B.; Berns A.E.; Singh N. (2015). Effect of organic carbon chemistry on sorption of atrazine and metsulfuron-methyl as determined by 13C-NMR and IR spectroscopy, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 187(10) DOI
2015 Sharma S.K.; Tyagi S.; Singh Y.V.; Tomar B.S.; Singh K.K. (2015). Productivity and profitability of aerobic rice (Oryza sativa) as influenced by varieties and integrated nitrogen management, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 85(11) DOI
2015 Kumar D.; Ahmed N.; Sharma V.K. (2015). Impact of integrated nitrogen management on nut yield and soil fertility in almond (Prunus dulcis) under north western Himalayan region of India, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 85(11) DOI
2015 Pati K.; Munshi A.D.; Behera T.K.; Sureja A.K. (2015). Gynoecious inbred improves yield and earliness in cucumber (Cucumis sativus), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 85(12) DOI
2015 Roy K.S.; Bhattacharyya P.; Nayak A.K.; Sharma S.G.; Uprety D.C. (2015). Growth and nitrogen allocation of dry season tropical rice as a result of carbon dioxide fertilization and elevated night time temperature, Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems (Fertilizer Research), 103(3) DOI
2015 Nimmy M.S.; Kumar V.; Singh A.K.; Jain P.K.; Srinivasan R. (2015). Expression analysis of a MATE-type transporter gene of Arabidopsis and its orthologues in rice and chickpea under salt stress, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 75(4) DOI
2015 Singh V.K.; Rani M.; Dwivedi B.S.; Singh S.K.; Gupta V.K.; Majumdar K.; Mishra R.P. (2015). Soil organic carbon stock variability in the Northern Gangetic Plains of India: Interaction between agro-ecological characteristics and cropping systems, Soil Use and Management, 31(4) DOI
2015 Bajaj D.; Das S.; Upadhyaya H.D.; Ranjan R.; Badoni S.; Kumar V.; Tripathi S.; Gowda C.L.L.; Sharma S.; Singh S.; Tyagi A.K.; Parida S.K. (2015). A genome-wide combinatorial strategy dissects complex genetic architecture of seed coat color in chickpea, Frontiers in Plant Science, 6(NOVEMBER) DOI
2015 Kaur R.; Singh K.; Deol J.S.; Dass A.; Choudhary A.K. (2015). Possibilities of Improving Performance of Direct Seeded Rice Using Plant Growth Regulators: A Review, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences India Section B - Biological Sciences, 85(4) DOI
2015 Goyal S.N.; Sharma C.; Mahajan U.B.; Patil C.R.; Agrawal Y.O.; Kumari S.; Arya D.S.; Ojha S. (2015). Protective effects of cardamom in isoproterenol-induced myocardial infarction in rats, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 16(11) DOI
2015 Vijay M.K.; Pandey S.; Pandey C.D. (2015). Impact of drying methods, moisture content and aging on seed protein profile of sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench], Annals of Biology, 31(2) DOI
2015 Singh B.B.; Shakil N.A.; Kumar J.; Walia S.; Kar A. (2015). Development of slow release formulations of β-carotene employing amphiphilic polymers and their release kinetics study in water and different pH conditions, Journal of Food Science and Technology, 52(12) DOI
2015 Layek J.; Shivakumar B.G.; Rana D.S.; Munda S.; Lakshman K.; Panwar A.S.; Das A.; Ramkrushna G.I. (2015). Performance of soybean (Glycine max) intercropped with different cereals under varying levels of nitrogen, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 85(12) DOI
2015 Verma P.; Yadav A.N.; Khannam K.S.; Panjiar N.; Kumar S.; Saxena A.K.; Suman A. (2015). Assessment of genetic diversity and plant growth promoting attributes of psychrotolerant bacteria allied with wheat (Triticum aestivum) from the northern hills zone of India, Annals of Microbiology, 65(4) DOI
2015 Pandey R.; Khetarpal S.; Jain V.; Kushwaha S.R. (2015). Phosphorus fertilization improves growth analysis traits and reduces anthesis-to-silking interval leading to increased grain yield in maize, Indian Journal of Plant Physiology, 20(4) DOI
2015 Sharma I.; Srinivasan R.; Ahuja P.S.; Bhat S.R.; Sreenivasulu Y. (2015). Identification and Characterization of a T-DNA Promoter Trap Line of Arabidopsis thaliana Uncovers an Embryo Sac-Specific Bi-directional Promoter, Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 33(5) DOI
2015 Bhol N.; Sarangi S.K.; Behera U.K. (2015). Coconut (Cocos nucifera)-based farming system: A viable land use option for small and marginal farmers in coastal Odisha, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 85(11) DOI
2015 Chaudhary N.; Narayan R.; Sharma D.K. (2015). Differential biomass allocation to plant organs and their allelopathic impact on the growth of crop plants: A case study on the invasibility of Ageratum conyzoides in Indian dry tropics, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 85(11) DOI
2015 Ghasemi M.; Pawar H.; Mishra R.K.; Brahmachari V. (2015). The functional diversity of Drosophila Ino80 in development, Mechanisms of Development, 138() DOI
2015 Verma K.; Talukdar A.; Shivakumar M.; Kumar B.; Lal S.K.; Srivastava N.; Sapra R.L.; Harish G.D.; Girmilla V. (2015). Biochemical screening for trypsin inhibitor factors and morpho-molecular characterization of soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.), Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 75(4) DOI
2015 Rajaiah P.; Mani I.; Kumar A.; Lande S.D.; Singh A.K. (2015). Role of physical and engineering properties of rice (Oryza sativa) cultivars for designing of precision planter, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 85(12) DOI
2015 Mina U.; Singh S.D.; Singh B.; Khaund M. (2015). Response of wheat and chickpea cultivars to reduced levels of solar irradiance, Journal of Agrometeorology, 17(2) DOI
2015 Gireesh C.; Vinod; Sharma J.B.; Prabhu K.V. (2015). Genetics and molecular mapping of stem rust resistance in bread wheat line WR95, Euphytica, 205(3) DOI
2015 Krishnani K.K.; Kathiravan V.; Shakil N.A.; Singh M.K.; Brahmane M.P.; Meena K.K.; Sarkar B.; Choudhary K.; Singh M.K.; Kumar J. (2015). Bactericidal Activity of Nanopolymers Against Shrimp Pathogenic Bacterium Vibrio harveyi, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences India Section B - Biological Sciences, 85(4) DOI
2015 Monsefi A.; Sharma A.R.; Rang Zan N. (2015). Weed management and conservation tillage for improving productivity, nutrient uptake and profitability of wheat in soybean (Glycine max)-wheat (Triticumaestivum) cropping system, International Journal of Plant Production, 10(1) DOI
2015 Waters D.L.E.; Subbaiyan G.K.; Mani E.; Singh S.; Vaddadi S.; Baten A.; Henry R.J. (2015). Genome wide polymorphisms and yield heterosis in rice (Oryza sativa subsp. indica), Tropical Plant Biology, 8(03-Apr) DOI
2015 Kumar S.; Chauhan N.; Gopal M.; Kumar R.; Dilbaghi N. (2015). Development and evaluation of alginate-chitosan nanocapsules for controlled release of acetamiprid, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 81() DOI
2015 Kumar V.; Singh T.R.; Hada A.; Jolly M.; Ganapathi A.; Sachdev A. (2015). Probing Phosphorus Efficient Low Phytic Acid Content Soybean Genotypes with Phosphorus Starvation in Hydroponics Growth System, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 177(3) DOI
2015 Singh M.; Mahajan L.; Chaudhary N.; Kaur S.; Madan T.; Sarma P.U. (2015). Murine models of aspergillosis: Role of collectins in host defense, Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 53(11) DOI
2015 Grace P.R.; Harrington L.; Jain M.C.; Robertson G.P. (2015). Long-term sustainability of the tropical and subtropical rice-wheat system: An environmental perspective, Improving the Productivity and Sustainability of Rice-Wheat Systems: Issues and Impacts, 65() DOI
2015 Kumari K.; Prasad J.; Solanki I.S. (2015). Zinc adsorption behavior in calcareous soils at different levels of crop residues, Vegetos, 28(4) DOI
2015 Manjunatha B.L.; Rao D.U.M.; Dastagiri M.B.; Sharma J.P.; Burman R.R. (2015). Need for government intervention in regulating seed sale price and trait fee: A case of Bt cotton, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 20(6) DOI
2015 Verma S.; Gupta S.; Bandhiwal N.; Kumar T.; Bharadwaj C.; Bhatia S. (2015). High-density linkage map construction and mapping of seed trait QTLs in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) using Genotyping-by-Sequencing (GBS), Scientific Reports, 5() DOI
2015 Bhattacharya A.; Dey P.; Gola D.; Mishra A.; Malik A.; Patel N. (2015). Assessment of Yamuna and associated drains used for irrigation in rural and peri-urban settings of Delhi NCR, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 187(1) DOI
2015 Kota S.; Singh S.S.; Singh A.M.; Mohapatra T.; Ahlawat A.K.; Brajendra P.; Mandal B.N. (2015). The variation and stability analysis of starch pasting properties among New Plant Type (NPT) wheat derivatives, Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 17() DOI
2015 Sharma K.; Rao S.; Sharma R.K.; Shukla M. (2015). Protection by custard apple, Annona squamosa l. Ethyl acetate extract to stored wheat against larvae of khapra bettle, Trogoderma granarium everts., Vegetos, 28(4) DOI
2015 Namita; Raju D.V.S.; Prasad K.V.; Singh K.P.; Kumar S. (2015). Standardization of protocol for in vitro multiplication of rose (Rosa × hybrida) cv. Happiness, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 85(11) DOI
2015 Darshan M.B.; Kar A.; Mohapatra D. (2015). Development of spray freezer for production of freeze granulations, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 85(12) DOI
2015 Perinban S.; Majumder J.; Rai P.; Singh B. (2015). Effect of plant bioregulators on the vase life of snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus) cut flowers, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 85(12) DOI
2015 Saha S.; Behera T.K. (2015). Standardization of techniques for in vitro multiplication of gynoecious line in bitter gourd, Vegetos, 28(4) DOI
2015 Aggarwal C.; Paul S.; Tripathi V.; Paul B.; Khan M.A. (2015). Chitinolytic activity in Serratia marcescens (strain SEN) and potency against different larval instars of Spodoptera litura with effect of sublethal doses on insect development, BioControl, 60(5) DOI
2015 Tiwari R.; Nain P.K.S.; Singh S.; Adak A.; Saritha M.; Rana S.; Sharma A.; Nain L. (2015). Cold active holocellulase cocktail from Aspergillus niger SH3: Process optimization for production and biomass hydrolysis, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 56() DOI
2015 Saha N.D.; Chaudhary A.; Singh S.D.; Singh D.; Walia S.; Das T.K. (2015). Plant Pathogenic Microbial Communication Affected by Elevated Temperature in Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. carotovorum, Current Microbiology, 71(5) DOI
2015 Kumari P.; Mahapatro G.K.; Banerjee N.; Sarin N.B. (2015). A novel pilin subunit from Xenorhabdus nematophila, an insect pathogen, confers pest resistance in tobacco and tomato, Plant Cell Reports, 34(11) DOI
2015 Jayaprakash P.; Annapoorani S.; Vikas V.K.; Sivasamy M.; Kumar J.; Saravannan K.; Punniakotti E.; Sheeba D. (2015). An improved in vitro germination medium for recalcitrant bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) pollen, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 75(4) DOI
2015 Kumar A.; Solanki V.; Verma H.N.; Mandal B. (2015). Characterisation and diagnosis of frangipani mosaic virus from India, Virus Genes, 51(2) DOI
2015 Mishra A.K.; Chakraborty O.; Pandey B.; Tyagi C.; Singh A.; Kumar A.; Jain A.K. (2015). In-silico prediction of cis-regulatory elements and functional domains of salt-stress ESTs in Glycine max, Indian Journal of Agricultural Biochemistry, 28(2) DOI
2015 Mishra A.N.; Kaushal K.; Dubey V.G.; Sai Prasad S.V.; Prakasha T.L. (2015). 'CPAN 1842': A new source of adult plant leaf rust resistance in bread wheat, Plant Breeding, 134(6) DOI
2015 Taria S.; Kumar P.; Rathod G.R. (2015). Effect of bioregulators in growth and seed yield response of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) under late sown high temperature stress condition, Annals of Biology, 31(2) DOI
2015 Imam J.; Alam S.; Mandal N.P.; Shukla P.; Sharma T.R.; Variar M. (2015). Molecular identification and virulence analysis of AVR genes in rice blast pathogen, Magnaporthe oryzae from Eastern India, Euphytica, 206(1) DOI
2015 Meena J.R.; Behera U.K.; Chakraborty D.; Sharma A.R. (2015). Tillage and residue management effect on soil properties, crop performance and energy relations in greengram (Vigna radiata L.) under maize-based cropping systems, International Soil and Water Conservation Research, 3(4) DOI
2015 Muthusamy V.; Hossain F.; Thirunavukkarasu N.; Saha S.; Agrawal P.K.; Guleria S.K.; Gupta H.S. (2015). Genetic variability and inter-relationship of kernel carotenoids among indigenous and exotic maize (Zea mays L.) inbreds, Cereal Research Communications, 43(4) DOI
2015 Parveen S.; Ahmad A.; Broek J.; Ramamurthy V.V. (2015). Morphological diversity of the labial sensilla of phytophagous and predatory Pentatomidae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera), with reference to their possible functions, Zootaxa, 4039(2) DOI
2015 Rao D.G.; Katyal J.C.; Sinha S.K.; Srinivas K. (2015). Impacts of climate change on sorghum productivity in India: Simulation study, Climate Change and Agriculture: Analysis of Potential International Impacts, () DOI
2015 Bhatia A.; Singh S.; Kumar A. (2015). Heavy metal contamination of soil, irrigation water and vegetables in peri-urban agricultural areas and markets of Delhi, Water Environment Research, 87(11) DOI
2015 Sandra N.; Kumar A.; Sharma P.; Kapoor R.; Jain R.K.; Mandal B. (2015). Diagnosis of a new variant of soybean yellow mottle mosaic virus with extended host-range in India, Virus Disease, 26(4) DOI
2015 Kumar S.; Tomar B.S.; Jain S.K.; Singh N.; Parsad R.; Munshi A.D. (2015). Effect of planting time and density on plant growth, seed yield and quality attributes in onion (Allium cepa) cv. Pusa Riddhi, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 85(12) DOI
2015 Kamil D.; Devi T.P.; Prabhakaran N.; Sharma R.K. (2015). NADH dehydrogenase subunit 6: A suitable secondary barcode for speciation of genus fusarium, Vegetos, 28(4) DOI
2015 Singh W.H.; Kapila R.K.; Sharma T.R.; Rathour R. (2015). Genetic and physical mapping of a new allele of Pik locus from japonica rice ‘Liziangxintuanheigu’, Euphytica, 205(3) DOI
2015 Mukherjee J.; Singh S.S.; Kumar S.; Idris M. (2015). Radiation use efficiency and yield of wheat grown under elevated CO2 and temperature in open top chamber at Patna, Bihar, Journal of Agrometeorology, 17(2) DOI
2015 Singh M.; Bhatt L.; Singh V.P.; Maurya S.K.; Singh A.K. (2015). Effect of transplanting dates and mulching materials on growth, yield and economics of summer squash (Cucurbita pepo) in Uttarakhand hills, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 85(12) DOI
2015 Travis A.J.; Norton G.J.; Datta S.; Sarma R.; Dasgupta T.; Savio F.L.; Macaulay M.; Hedley P.E.; McNally K.L.; Sumon M.H.; Islam M.R.; Price A.H. (2015). Assessing the genetic diversity of rice originating from Bangladesh, Assam and West Bengal, Rice (Springer), 8(1) DOI
2015 Bashyal B.M.; Chand R.; Aggarwal R. (2015). Emergence of Aggressive Population in the Bipolaris sorokiniana of Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) Through Anastomosis, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences India Section B - Biological Sciences, 85(4) DOI
2015 Kumar P.; Singh N.K.; Jha S.K. (2015). Multi-environment evaluation for determining grain yield, combining ability, heterosis and their inter-relationships in maize, Sabrao Journal of Breeding and Genetics, 47(4) DOI
2015 Dev R.; Singh S.K.; Singh A.K.; Verma M.K. (2015). Comparative in vitro multiplication of some grape (Vitis vinifera) genotypes, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 85(11) DOI
2015 Sanju S.; Siddappa S.; Thakur A.; Shukla P.K.; Srivastava N.; Pattanayak D.; Sharma S.; Singh B.P. (2015). Host-mediated gene silencing of a single effector gene from the potato pathogen Phytophthora infestans imparts partial resistance to late blight disease, Functional and Integrative Genomics, 15(6) DOI
2015 Sharma K.; Sharma R.K.; Chander S.; Jilu V. (2015). Effects of weather parameters on guava fruit fly (Bactrocera zonata) population at IARI, New Delhi1, Journal of Agrometeorology, 17(2) DOI
2015 Thakre M.; Verma M.K.; Singh K.; Awasthi O.P.; Verghese E.; Sharma V.K. (2015). Effect of nutrition, harvesting date and fruit canopy position on yield and quality of Kinnow Mandarin (Citrus nobilis × Citrus deliciosa), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 85(11) DOI
2015 Nagar S.; Singh V.P.; Arora A.; Dhakar R.; Ramakrishnan S. (2015). Assessment of terminal heat tolerance ability of wheat genotypes based on physiological traits using multivariate analysis, Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 37(12) DOI
2015 Babu S.C.; Huang J.; Venkatesh P.P.; Zhang Y. (2015). A comparative analysis of agricultural research and extension reforms in China and India, China Agricultural Economic Review, 7(4) DOI
2015 Jakhar R.R.; Sharma R. (2015). Growth and yield attributes as influenced by integrated weed management in soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill], Annals of Biology, 31(2) DOI
2015 Ladha J.K.; Pathak H.; Tiroi-Padre A.; Dawe D.; Gupta R.K. (2015). Productivity trends in intensive rice-wheat cropping systems in Asia, Improving the Productivity and Sustainability of Rice-Wheat Systems: Issues and Impacts, 65() DOI
2015 Murali S.; Kar A.; Mohapatra D.; Kalia P. (2015). Encapsulation of black carrot juice using spray and freeze drying, Food Science and Technology International, 21(8) DOI
2015 Singh K.P.; Singh B.; Tomar B.S.; Naidu A.K. (2015). Trait variation in fenugreek, Sabrao Journal of Breeding and Genetics, 47(4) DOI
2015 Kumar S.; Mondal K.K. (2015). Visual detection of Escherichia coli contamination in milk and fruit juice using loop-mediated isothermal amplification, Journal of Food Science and Technology, 52(11) DOI
2015 Gupta A.K.; Solanki I.S.; Bashyal B.M.; Singh Y.; Srivastava K. (2015). Bakanae of rice -An emerging disease in Asia, Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences, 25(6) DOI
2015 Deshmukh S.K.; Singh A.K.; Datta S.P. (2015). Impact of wastewater irrigation on the dynamics of metal concentration in the vadose zone: simulation with NETPATH—part II, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 187(12) DOI
2015 Panwar A.S.; Shivay Y.S. (2015). Production potential of baby corn (Zea mays) on raised bed in waterlogged lowland rice fallow in North East India, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 85(11) DOI
2015 Kumar S.; Pandey P.; Kumar K.; Rajamani V.; Padmalatha K.V.; Dhandapani G.; Kanakachari M.; Leelavathi S.; Kumar P.A.; Reddy V.S. (2015). Delineating the glycoproteome of elongating cotton fiber cells, Data in Brief, 5() DOI
2015 Tufchi M.; Rashmi; Jha S.K.; Singh N.K. (2015). Effect of opaque-2 allele on accumulation of tryptophan among backcross-derived introgressed progenies of maize, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 75(4) DOI
2015 Zunjare R.; Hossain F.; Muthusamy V.; Choudhary M.; Kumar P.; Sekhar J.C.; Guleria S.K.; Singh N.K.; Thirunavukkarasu N.; Gupta H.S. (2015). , Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 75(4) DOI
2015 Kaur A.; Singh N.; Kaur S.; Katyal M.; Virdi A.S.; Kaur D.; Ahlawat A.K.; Singh A.M. (2015). Relationship of various flour properties with noodle making characteristics among durum wheat varieties, Food Chemistry, 188() DOI
2015 Katoch R.; Sharma K.; Singh S.K.; Thakur N. (2015). Evaluation and characterization of Trypsin inhibitor from rice bean with inhibitory activity against gut proteases of Spodoptera litura, Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung - Section C Journal of Biosciences, 70(11-Dec) DOI
2015 Oster J.D.; Shainberg I.; Abrol I.P. (2015). Reclamation of salt-affected soils, Agricultural Drainage, () DOI
2015 Yadav O.P.; Hossain F.; Karjagi C.G.; Kumar B.; Zaidi P.H.; Jat S.L.; Chawla J.S.; Kaul J.; Hooda K.S.; Kumar P.; Yadava P.; Dhillon B.S. (2015). Genetic Improvement of Maize in India: Retrospect and Prospects, Agricultural Research, 4(4) DOI
2015 Patil B.S.; Bhat J.S.; Kuchnur P.H. (2015). Salinity tolerance in chickpea: Genetic variability and sensitivity of phenological and reproductive traits, Vegetos, 28(3) DOI
2015 Mishra A.N.; Kaushal K.; Dubey V.G.; Shirsekar G.S.; Sai Prasad S.V. (2015). Validation of race non-specific, adult plant leaf rust resistance genes Lr34 and Lr67 in some common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 75(4) DOI
2015 Sharma R.R.; Vijay Rakesh Reddy S.; Datta S.C. (2015). Particle films and their applications in horticultural crops, Applied Clay Science, 116-117() DOI
2015 Gurjar P.S.; Singh S.K.; Singh A.K.; Verma M.K.; Beniwal S. (2015). Screening and biochemical studies on grape genotypes for powdery mildew infection under sub-tropical conditions, Indian Journal of Agricultural Biochemistry, 28(2) DOI
2015 Deshmukh S.K.; Singh A.K.; Datta S.P. (2015). Impact of wastewater irrigation on the dynamics of metal concentrations in the vadose zone: monitoring: part I, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 187(11) DOI
2015 Ravi Kumar K.; Nain M.S.; Singh R.; Chahal V.P.; Bana R.S. (2015). Analysis of farmers' communication network and factors of knowledge regarding agro meteorological parameters, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 85(12) DOI
2015 Prasanna R.; Adak A.; Verma S.; Bidyarani N.; Babu S.; Pal M.; Shivay Y.S.; Nain L. (2015). Cyanobacterial inoculation in rice grown under flooded and SRI modes of cultivation elicits differential effects on plant growth and nutrient dynamics, Ecological Engineering, 84() DOI
2015 Tripathi R.; Nayak A.K.; Shahid M.; Raja R.; Panda B.B.; Mohanty S.; Kumar A.; Lal B.; Gautam P.; Sahoo R.N. (2015). Characterizing spatial variability of soil properties in salt affected coastal India using geostatistics and kriging, Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 8(12) DOI
2015 Kumari P.; Mahapatro G.K.; Banerjee N.; Sarin N.B. (2015). Ectopic expression of GroEL from Xenorhabdus nematophila in tomato enhances resistance against Helicoverpa armigera and salt and thermal stress, Transgenic Research, 24(5) DOI
2015 Malav P.; Pandey A.; Bhatt K.C.; Gopala Krishnan S.; Bisht I.S. (2015). Morphological variability in holy basil (Ocimum tenuiflorum L.) from India, Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 62(8) DOI
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2015 Dotaniya M.L.; Datta S.C.; Biswas D.R.; Meena H.M.; Rajendiran S.; Meena A.L. (2015). Phosphorus dynamics mediated by bagasse, press mud and rice straw in Inceptisol of North India, Agrochimica, 59(4) DOI
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2015 Prasanna R.; Hossain F.; Babu S.; Bidyarani N.; Adak A.; Verma S.; Shivay Y.S.; Nain L. (2015). Prospecting cyanobacterial formulations as plant-growth-promoting agents for maize hybrids, Soil Science Society of America Journal (Proceedings of Soil Science Society of America), 32(4) DOI
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2015 Panwar S.; Singh K.P.; Sonah H.; Deshmukh R.K.; Namita; Prasad K.V.; Sharma T.R. (2015). Molecular fingerprinting and assessment of genetic diversity in rose (Rosa × hybrida), Indian Journal of Biotechnology, 14(4) DOI
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2015 Kumar M.; Singh B.; Ahuja S.; Dahuja A.; Anand A. (2015). Gamma radiation and magnetic field mediated delay in effect of accelerated ageing of soybean, Journal of Food Science and Technology, 52(8) DOI
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2015 Gupta M.K.; Anand A.; Paul V.; Dahuja A.; Singh A.K. (2015). Reactive oxygen species mediated improvement in vigour of static and pulsed magneto-primed cherry tomato seeds, Indian Journal of Plant Physiology, 20(3) DOI
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2015 Yadav A.N.; Sharma D.; Gulati S.; Singh S.; Dey R.; Pal K.K.; Kaushik R.; Saxena A.K. (2015). Haloarchaea Endowed with Phosphorus Solubilization Attribute Implicated in Phosphorus Cycle, Scientific Reports, 5() DOI
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2015 Gopalareddy K.; Singh A.M.; Ahlawat A.K.; Singh G.P.; Jaiswal J.P. (2015). Genotype-environment interaction for grain iron and zinc concentration in recombinant inbred lines of a bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cross, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 75(3) DOI
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2015 Agrawal P.K.; Jha S.K.; Mahajan V.; Gupta H.S.; Bhatt J.C.; Bisht G.S.; Pant M.C. (2015). Vivek Maize hybrid 51 (FH 3554), Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 75(2) DOI
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2015 Yadav A.N.; Verma P.; Kumar M.; Pal K.K.; Dey R.; Gupta A.; Padaria J.C.; Gujar G.T.; Kumar S.; Suman A.; Prasanna R.; Saxena A.K. (2015). Diversity and phylogenetic profiling of niche-specific Bacilli from extreme environments of India, Annals of Microbiology, 65(2) DOI
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2015 Gupta N.K.; Khan A.; Maheshwari A.; Narayan S.; Chhapola O.P.; Arora A.; Singh G. (2015). Effect of post anthesis high temperature stress on growth, physiology and antioxidative defense mechanisms in contrasting wheat genotypes, Indian Journal of Plant Physiology, 20(2) DOI
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2015 Chakraborty D.; Sehgal V.K.; Sahoo R.N.; Pradhan S.; Gupta V.K. (2015). Study of the Anisotropic Reflectance Behaviour of Wheat Canopy to Evaluate the Performance of Radiative Transfer Model PROSAIL5B, Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, 43(2) DOI
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2015 Babu S.; Bidyarani N.; Chopra P.; Monga D.; Kumar R.; Prasanna R.; Kranthi S.; Saxena A.K. (2015). Evaluating microbe-plant interactions and varietal differences for enhancing biocontrol efficacy in root rot disease challenged cotton crop, European Journal of Plant Pathology, 142(2) DOI
2015 Prasanna H.C.; Kashyap S.P.; Krishna R.; Sinha D.P.; Reddy S.; Malathi V.G. (2015). Marker assisted selection of Ty-2 and Ty-3 carrying tomato lines and their implications in breeding tomato leaf curl disease resistant hybrids, Euphytica, 204(2) DOI
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2015 Durgesh K.; Raje R.S.; Singh A.K.; Singh A.M.; Pandey A.; Singh N.K. (2015). Assessment of genetic diversity based on agro-morphological traits and genic microsatellite markers in inter-specific derivatives and cultivars of pigeonpea, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 75(2) DOI
2015 Suryavanshi P.; Singh Y.V.; Prasanna R. (2015). Influence of rice establishment methods and varieties on soil properties, Indian Journal of Ecology, 42(1) DOI
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2015 Ramya K.T.; Jain N.; Ramya P.; Singh P.K.; Arora A.; Singh G.P.; Prabhu K.V. (2015). Genotypic variation for normalized difference vegetation index and its relationship with grain yield in wheat under terminal heat stress, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 75(2) DOI
2015 Chaubey R.; Andrew R.J.; Naveen N.C.; Rajagopal R.; Ahmad B.; Ramamurthy V.V. (2015). Morphometric Analysis of Three Putative Species of Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) Species Complex from India, Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 108(4) DOI
2015 Singh M.P.; Singh R.; Ansari M.A.; Singh A.; Saquib M.; Ansari M.H.; Yadav B.; Katiyar N.K.; Singh K. (2015). Growth, yield and quality of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) as influenced by sulphur and boron application and Rhizobium inoculation, Indian Journal of Ecology, 42(1) DOI
2015 Das A.; Mukhopadhyay M.; Sarkar B.; Saha D.; Mondal T.K. (2015). Influence of drought stress on cellular ultrastructure and antioxidant system in tea cultivars with different drought sensitivities, Journal of Environmental Biology, 36(4) DOI
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2015 Kaur H.; Yadav C.B.; Alatar A.A.; Faisal M.; Jyothsna P.; Malathi V.G.; Praveen S. (2015). Gene expression changes in tomato during symptom development in response to leaf curl virus infection, Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 24(3) DOI
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2015 Pal D.; Bhardwaj S.C.; Sharma P.; Sharma D.; Kumari S.; Patial M.; Prabhu K.V.; Kumar J. (2015). Molecular marker assisted back cross breeding for effective transfer of Lr19 in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 75(2) DOI
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2015 Singh J.; Yadava D.K.; Vasudev S.; Singh N.; Muthusamy V.; Prabhu K.V. (2015). Inheritance of low erucic acid in Indian mustard [Brassica juncea (L.) Czern. and Coss.], Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 75(2) DOI
2015 Gaurav A.K.; Raju D.V.S.; Janakiram T.; Singh B.; Jain R.; Krishnan S.G. (2015). Effect of shade levels on production and quality of cordyline (Cordyline terminalis), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 85(7) DOI
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2015 Kumar V.; Singh A.K.; Jat S.L.; Parihar C.M.; Pooniya V.; Singh B.; Sharma S. (2015). Precision nutrient and conservation agriculture practices for enhancing productivity, profitability, nutrient-use efficiencies and soil nutrient status of maize (Zea mays) hybrids, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 85(7) DOI
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2015 Biswas A.; Kumari G.; Singh B. (2015). Environmental impacts of contract farming in potato cultivation, Ecology, Environment and Conservation, 21(JuneSpplement) DOI
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2015 Saha S.; Walia S.; Kundu A.; Kaur C.; Singh J.; Sisodia R. (2015). Capsaicinoids, tocopherol, and sterols content in chili (Capsicum sp.) by gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric determination, International Journal of Food Properties, 18(7) DOI
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2015 Muthusamy V.; Hossain F.; Thirunavukkarasu N.; Pandey N.; Vishwakarma A.K.; Saha S.; Gupta H.S. (2015). Molecular Characterization of Exotic and Indigenous Maize Inbreds for Biofortification with Kernel Carotenoids, Food Biotechnology, 29(3) DOI
2015 Kumari A.; Kumar J.; Shakil N.A.; Singh B.B.; Watterson A.C. (2015). Synthesis and characterization of amphiphilic PEG based polymers and their self assembling behavior, Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part A: Pure and Applied Chemistry, 52(6) DOI
2015 Verma P.; Kumar R.R.; Goswami S.; Sharma S.K.; Kumar M.; Singh J.P.; Dubey K.; Pathak H.; Rai R.D. (2015). Identification of novel starch synthase genes using de novo assembly and heat-induced expression and activity in developing wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 52(03-Apr) DOI
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2015 Thomas A.; Naveen N.C.; Ramamurthy V.V. (2015). Comparative analyses of morphological, anatomical and nutritional traits of cotton cultivars in relation to Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 85(7) DOI
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2015 Kaushal K.; Bhardwaj S.C.; Mishra A.N.; Upadhyaya Y.M.; Sai Prasad S.V.; Pandey H.N. (2015). Near-isogenic lines in NP 4 background carrying the genes Lr1, Lr2a, Lr2c, Lr3a, Lr9, Lr10, Lr15, Lr17a and Lr20 as locally adapted differentials for Indian pathotypes of wheat leaf rust, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 75(3) DOI
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2015 Ramya P.; Jain N.; Singh P.K.; Singh G.P.; Prabhu K.V. (2015). Population structure, molecular and physiological characterisation of elite wheat varieties used as parents in drought and heat stress breeding in India, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 75(2) DOI
2015 Krishnan S.; Chander S. (2015). Simulation of climatic change impact on crop-pest interactions: a case study of rice pink stem borer Sesamia inferens (Walker), Climatic Change, 131(2) DOI
2015 Singh A.; Srivastava S.; Chouksey A.; Panwar B.S.; Verma P.C.; Roy S.; Singh P.K.; Saxena G.; Tuli R. (2015). Expression of Rabies Glycoprotein and Ricin Toxin B Chain (RGP–RTB) Fusion Protein in Tomato Hairy Roots: A Step Towards Oral Vaccination for Rabies, Molecular Biotechnology, 57(4) DOI
2015 Singh S.; Tiwari R.; Renuse S.; Pranaw K.; Nain L. (2015). Proteomic analysis of Streptomyces sp. ssr-198 grown on paddy straw, Journal of Basic Microbiology, 55(6) DOI
2015 Yadav A.N.; Sachan S.G.; Verma P.; Saxena A.K. (2015). Prospecting cold deserts of north western Himalayas for microbial diversity and plant growth promoting attributes, Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 119(6) DOI
2015 Bana R.S.; Shivay Y.S.; Tyagi V.K. (2015). Effect of summer forage crops and phosphogypsum-enriched urea on soil quality, nitrogen-use efficiency and quality of Basmati rice (Oryza sativa) and their residual effect on succeeding wheat (Triticum aestivum), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 85(4) DOI
2015 Kumar M.; Panwar G.S.; Kushwaha S.R.; Dwivedi V.K. (2015). Field survey on evaluation of seed quality traits and storage methods used in the legume crops by the house hold farmers in Jhansi district of Uttar Pradesh, India, Legume Research, 38(2) DOI
2015 Kumar G.; Singh K.P.; Prasad K.V.; Verma N.; Namita; Panwar S. (2015). Characterization of chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum grandiflorum) varieties using ISSR markers, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 85(4) DOI
2015 Mishra S.; Behera T.K.; Munshi A.D.; Bharadwaj C.; Rao A.R. (2015). Inheritance of gynoecism and genetics of yield and yield contributing traits through generation mean analysis in bitter gourd, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 72(2) DOI
2015 Kujur A.; Upadhyaya H.D.; Shree T.; Bajaj D.; Das S.; Saxena M.S.; Badoni S.; Kumar V.; Tripathi S.; Gowda C.L.L.; Sharma S.; Singh S.; Tyagi A.K.; Parida S.K. (2015). Ultra-high density intra-specific genetic linkage maps accelerate identification of functionally relevant molecular tags governing important agronomic traits in chickpea, Scientific Reports, 5() DOI
2015 Gajbhiye R.; Nain M.S.; Singh P.; Chahal V.P. (2015). Developing linkages for agricultural technology transfer: A case study of research institution and voluntary organization partnership, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 85(6) DOI
2015 Ghosh S.; Tiwari S.S.; Kumar B.; Srivastava S.; Sharma A.K.; Kumar S.; Bandyopadhyay A.; Julliet S.; Kumar R.; Rawat A.K.S. (2015). Identification of potential plant extracts for anti-tick activity against acaricide resistant cattle ticks, Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus (Acari: Ixodidae), Experimental and Applied Acarology, 66(1) DOI
2015 Maheshwari Y.; Vijayanandraj S.; Jain R.K.; Mandal B. (2015). Engineered single-chain variable fragment antibody for immunodiagnosis of groundnut bud necrosis virus infection, Archives of Virology, 160(5) DOI
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2015 Meena Y.; Sirohi H.S.; Tomar B.S.; Kumar S. (2015). Effect of planting time, spacing and pinching on growth and seed yield traits in African marigold (Tagetes erecta) cv. Pusa Narangi Gainda, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 85(6) DOI
2015 Singh S.K.; David K.J.; Kumar D.; Ramamurthy V.V. (2015). A new species of magnimyiolia shiraki (Diptera: Tephritidae: Trypetinae) and new records of acanthonevrini from India, Zootaxa, 3949(1) DOI
2015 Sheoran N.; Valiya Nadakkakath A.; Munjal V.; Kundu A.; Subaharan K.; Venugopal V.; Rajamma S.; Eapen S.J.; Kumar A. (2015). Genetic analysis of plant endophytic Pseudomonas putida BP25 and chemo-profiling of its antimicrobial volatile organic compounds, Microbiological Research (Zentralblatt für Mikrobiologie), 173() DOI
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2015 Singh P.K.; Pandita V.K.; Tomar B.S.; Seth R. (2015). Standardization of priming treatments for enhancement of seed germination and field emergence in carrot, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 72(2) DOI
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2015 Hossain F.; Nepolean T.; Vishwakarma A.K.; Pandey N.; Prasanna B.M.; Gupta H.S. (2015). Mapping and validation of microsatellite markers linked to sugary1 and shrunken2 genes in maize (Zea mays L.), Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 24(2) DOI
2015 Kumar R.R.; Pathak H.; Sharma S.K.; Kala Y.K.; Nirjal M.K.; Singh G.P.; Goswami S.; Rai R.D. (2015). Novel and conserved heat-responsive microRNAs in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Functional and Integrative Genomics, 15(3) DOI
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2015 Minhas P.S.; Khajanchi-Lal; Yadav R.K.; Dubey S.K.; Chaturvedi R.K. (2015). Long term impact of waste water irrigation and nutrient rates: I. Performance, sustainability and produce quality of peri urban cropping systems, Agricultural Water Management, 156() DOI
2015 Singh D.; Pal M.; Singh R.; Singh C.K.; Chaturvedi A.K. (2015). Physiological and biochemical characteristics of Vigna species for Al stress tolerance, Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 37(4) DOI
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2015 Upadhyay S.K.; Sharma S.; Singh H.; Dixit S.; Kumar J.; Verma P.C.; Chandrashekar K. (2015). Whitefly genome expression reveals host-symbiont interaction in amino acid biosynthesis, PLoS ONE, 10(5) DOI
2015 Prasanna H.C.; Sinha D.P.; Rai G.K.; Krishna R.; Kashyap S.P.; Singh N.K.; Singh M.; Malathi V.G. (2015). Pyramiding Ty-2 and Ty-3 genes for resistance to monopartite and bipartite tomato leaf curl viruses of India, Plant Pathology, 64(2) DOI
2015 Saha S.; Chakraborty D.; Sehgal V.K.; Pal M. (2015). Rising atmospheric CO2: Potential impacts on chickpea seed quality, Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 203() DOI
2015 Mishra A.K.; Pandey B.; Tyagi C.; Chakraborty O.; Kumar A.; Jain A.K. (2015). Structural and functional analysis of chitinase gene family in wheat (Triticum aestivum), Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 52(2) DOI
2015 Tripathi V.; Tripathi V.; Kavitha Sarumathi S.; Singh C.B. (2015). Estimation of neurotoxin BOAA/ODAP contents in Lathyrus sativus cultivar BioL-212 (A somaclonal variety with very low neurotoxic BOAA content) subjected to mutagenic treatments, Biochemical and Cellular Archives, 15(1) DOI
2015 Soren K.R.; Yadav A.; Pandey G.; Gangwar P.; Parihar A.K.; Bohra A.; Dixit G.P.; Datta S.; Singh N.P. (2015). EST-SSR analysis provides insights about genetic relatedness, population structure and gene flow in grass pea (Lathyrus sativus), Plant Breeding, 134(3) DOI
2015 Dhakar M.K.; Singh A.K.; Patel V.B.; Singh S.K.; Datta S.P.; Kumar R.; Khanna M. (2015). Effect of different nitrogen sources and nitrification inhibitors on soil nitrogen distribution in kinnow orchard, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 72(2) DOI
2015 Singh N.; Yadava D.K.; Vasudev S.; Singh R.; Giri S.C.; Dass B.; Barun S.; Prabhu K.V. (2015). Combining ability and heterobeltiosis for yield and yield contributing traits in high quality oil Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) genotypes, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 85(4) DOI
2015 Singh D.; Rathaur P.S.; Singh A.; Raghuwanshi R. (2015). Genetic diversity of Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris isolated from Brassica crops using RAPD and Rep-PCR, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 85(6) DOI
2015 Kumar P.; Ganguly S.; Somvanshi V.S. (2015). Identification of virulent entomopathogenic nematode isolates from a countrywide survey in India, International Journal of Pest Management, 61(2) DOI
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2015 Reddy S.V.R.; Sharma R.R.; Barthakur S.; Srivastav M. (2015). An efficient and rapid method for the isolation of RNA from different recalcitrant tissues of mango (Mangifera indica L.), Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 90(3) DOI
2015 Singh D.; Singh S.K.; Vennila S. (2015). Weather parameters influence population and larval parasitization of Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) in chickpea ecosystem, Legume Research, 38(3) DOI
2015 Adhikary P.P.; Chandrasekharan H.; Dubey S.K.; Trivedi S.M.; Dash C.J. (2015). Electrical resistivity tomography for assessment of groundwater salinity in west Delhi, India, Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 8(5) DOI
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2015 Mridha N.; Sahoo R.N.; Sehgal V.K.; Krishna G.; Pargal S.; Pradhan S.; Gupta V.K.; Kumar D.N. (2015). Comparative evaluation of inversion approaches of the radiative transfer model for estimation of crop biophysical parameters, International Agrophysics, 29(2) DOI
2015 Molla K.A.; Debnath A.B.; Ganie S.A.; Mondal T.K. (2015). Identification and analysis of novel salt responsive candidate gene based SSRs (cgSSRs) from rice (Oryza sativa L.), BMC Plant Biology, 15(1) DOI
2015 Minhas P.S.; Yadav R.K.; Lal K.; Chaturvedi R.K. (2015). Effect of long-term irrigation with wastewater on growth, biomass production and water use by Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus tereticornis Sm.) planted at variable stocking density, Agricultural Water Management, 152() DOI
2015 Singh R.J.; Ahlawat I.P.S. (2015). Energy budgeting and carbon footprint of transgenic cotton–wheat production system through peanut intercropping and FYM addition, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 187(5) DOI
2015 un Nabi S.; Madhupriya; Dubey D.K.; Rao G.P.; Baranwal V.K.; Sharma P. (2015). Molecular characterization of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris’ subgroup I-B associated with sesame phyllody disease and identification of its natural vector and weed reservoir in India, Australasian Plant Pathology, 44(3) DOI
2015 Pandey R.; Zinta G.; AbdElgawad H.; Ahmad A.; Jain V.; Janssens I.A. (2015). Physiological and molecular alterations in plants exposed to high [CO2] under phosphorus stress, Biotechnology Advances, 33(03-Apr) DOI
2015 Meshram N.M.; Bose N.S.C.R.; Parveen S. (2015). Two new species of the genus Igerna (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Megophthalminae) from India, Zootaxa, 3946(2) DOI
2015 Prakash J.; Singh K.; Goswami A.K.; Singh A.K. (2015). Comparison of plant growth, yield, fruit quality and biotic stress incidence in papaya var. Pusa nanha under polyhouse and open field conditions, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 72(2) DOI
2015 Rakesh S.; Dhar D.W.; Prasanna R.; Saxena A.K.; Saha S.; Shukla M.; Sharma K. (2015). Cell disruption methods for improving lipid extraction efficiency in unicellular microalgae, Engineering in Life Sciences, 15(4) DOI
2015 Mahajan V.; Devi A.; Khar A.; Lawande K.E. (2015). Studies on mutagenesis in garlic using chemical mutagens to determine lethal dose (LD50) and create variability, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 72(2) DOI
2015 Singh D.; Sinha S.; Singh R.P. (2015). Detection of Xanthomonas oryzae pv oryzae from seeds and leaves of rice (Oryza sativa) using hrp gene based BIO-PCR marker, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 85(4) DOI
2015 Gupta D.K.; Bhatia A.; Kumar A.; Chakrabarti B.; Jain N.; Pathak H. (2015). Global warming potential of rice (Oryza sativa)-wheat (Triticum aestivum) cropping system of the Indo-Gangetic Plains, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 85(6) DOI
2015 Singh R.; Singh Y.; Xalaxo S.; Verulkar S.; Yadav N.; Singh S.; Singh N.; Prasad K.S.N.; Kondayya K.; Rao P.V.R.; Rani M.G.; Anuradha T.; Suraynarayana Y.; Sharma P.C.; Krishnamurthy S.L.; Sharma S.K.; Dwivedi J.L.; Singh A.K.; Singh P.K.; Nilanjay; Singh N.K.; Kumar R.; Chetia S.K.; Ahmad T.; Rai M.; Perraju P.; Pande A.; Singh D.N.; Mandal N.P.; Reddy J.N.; Singh O.N.; Katara J.L.; Marandi B.; Swain P.; Sarkar R.K.; Singh D.P.; Mohapatra T.; Padmawathi G.; Ram T.; Kathiresan R.M.; Paramsivam K.; Nadarajan S.; Thirumeni S.; Nagarajan M.; Singh A.K.; Vikram P.; Kumar A.; Septiningshih E.; Singh U.S.; Ismail A.M.; Mackill D.; Singh N.K. (2015). From QTL to variety-harnessing the benefits of QTLs for drought, flood and salt tolerance in mega rice varieties of India through a multi-institutional network, Plant Science (Plant Science Letters), 242() DOI
2015 Kishore D.K.; Pramanick K.K.; Singh A.K.; Singh R.; Verma J.K. (2015). Chilling Unit Accumulation at Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, India—A Predominantly Apple (Malus × domestica Borkh) Growing Region, International Journal of Fruit Science, 15(2) DOI
2015 Patil B.L.; Legg J.P.; Kanju E.; Fauquet C.M. (2015). Cassava brown streak disease: A threat to food security in Africa, Journal of General Virology, 96(5) DOI
2015 Shukla S.; Singh K.; Patil R.V.; Kadam S.; Bharti S.; Prasad P.; Singh N.K.; Khanna-Chopra R. (2015). Genomic regions associated with grain yield under drought stress in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Euphytica, 203(2) DOI
2015 Layek J.; Shivakumar B.G.; Rana D.S.; Munda S.; Lakshman K. (2015). Effect of nitrogen fertilization on yield, intercropping indices and produce quality of different soybean (Glycine max) + cereal intercropping systems, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 60(2) DOI
2015 Jhalegar M.D.J.; Sharma R.R.; Singh D. (2015). In vitro and in vivo activity of essential oils against major postharvest pathogens of Kinnow (Citrus nobilis × C. deliciosa) mandarin, Journal of Food Science and Technology, 52(4) DOI
2015 Saha B.; Bahal R. (2015). Factors Leading to Success in Diversified Occupation: A Livelihood Analysis in India, Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, 21(3) DOI
2015 Baig M.M.; Dubey A.K.; Ramamurthy V.V. (2015). Biology and morphology of life stages of three species of whiteflies (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) from India, Pan-Pacific Entomologist, 91(2) DOI
2015 Gautam R.K.; Singh P.K.; Sakthivel K.; Srikumar M.; Kumar N.; Kumar K.; Singh A.K.; Roy S.D. (2015). Analysis of Pathogenic Diversity of the Rice Bacterial Blight Pathogen (Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae) in the Andaman Islands and Identification of Effective Resistance Genes, Journal of Phytopathology, 163(6) DOI
2015 Selvan M.M.; Ahuja S.; Parray R.A.; Rajaiah P.; Rangasamy K. (2015). Overhaul maintenance of modern bulldozers with software-based management techniques (PERT/CPM), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 85(4) DOI
2015 Kumar A.; Kumar V.; Lal S.K.; Jolly M.; Sachdev A. (2015). Influence of gamma rays and ethyl methane sulphonate (EMS) on the levels of phytic acid, raffinose family oligosaccharides and antioxidants in soybean seeds of different genotypes, Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 24(2) DOI
2015 Mohanram S.; Rajan K.; Carrier D.J.; Nain L.; Arora A. (2015). Insights into biological delignification of rice straw by Trametes hirsuta and Myrothecium roridum and comparison of saccharification yields with dilute acid pretreatment, Biomass and Bioenergy, 76() DOI
2015 Soni H.; Ganaie M.A.; Pranaw K.; Kango N. (2015). Design-of-experiment strategy for the production of mannanase biocatalysts using plam karnel cake and its application to degrade locust bean and guar gum, Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, 4(2) DOI
2015 Ramesh N.V.; Singh P.; Chahal V.P. (2015). Attitude of farmers towards grape cultivation and export, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 85(4) DOI
2015 Pooniya V.; Choudhary A.K.; Dass A.; Bana R.S.; Rana K.S.; Rana D.S.; Tyagi V.K.; Puniya M.M. (2015). Improved crop management practices for sustainable pulse production: An Indian perspective, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 85(6) DOI
2015 Kyashap A.; Nath P.D.; Acharjee S.; Biswas K.K. (2015). Prevalence of citrus tristeza virus in North Eastern region of India and molecular characterization of its isolates, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 72(2) DOI
2015 Singh A.; Singh R.K.; Kumar P.; Singh A. (2015). Mango biodiversity in eastern Uttar Pradesh, India: Indigenous knowledge and traditional products, Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, 14(2) DOI
2015 Chakrabarty S.K.; Maity A.; Yadav J.B. (2015). Influence of cyto-sterility sources of female line on seed quality of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L. Czern & Coss.) in relation to storage period, Plant Breeding, 134(3) DOI
2015 Sarkar S.; Singh A.M.; Ahlawat A.K.; Chakraborti M.; Singh S.K. (2015). Genetic diversity of bread wheat genotypes based on High Molecular Weight Glutenin Subunit profiling and its relation to bread making quality, Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 24(2) DOI
2015 Usha T.N.; Dadlani M. (2015). Evaluation of seed vigour in soybean (Glycine max), Legume Research, 38(3) DOI
2015 Ganeshamoorthi P.; Dubey S.C. (2015). Morphological and pathogenic variability of R. solani isolates associated with wet root rot of chickpea in India, Legume Research, 38(3) DOI
2015 Singh A.K.; Singh V.K.; Singh A.; Ellur R.K.; Pandian R.T.P.; Gopala Krishnan S.; Singh U.D.; Nagarajan M.; Vinod K.K.; Prabhu K.V. (2015). Introgression of multiple disease resistance into a maintainer of Basmati rice CMS line by marker assisted backcross breeding, Euphytica, 203(1) DOI
2015 Parkash C.; Dey S.S.; Bhatia R.; Dhiman M.R. (2015). Indigenously developed SI and CMS lines in hybrid breeding of cabbage, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 72(2) DOI
2015 Patil B.L.; Fauquet C.M. (2015). Light intensity and temperature affect systemic spread of silencing signal in transient agroinfiltration studies, Molecular Plant Pathology, 16(5) DOI
2015 Jhalegar M.J.; Sharma R.R.; Singh S.K. (2015). Effect of surface coatings on postharvest quality of kinnow mandarin, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 72(2) DOI
2015 Kujur A.; Bajaj D.; Upadhyaya H.D.; Das S.; Ranjan R.; Shree T.; Saxena M.S.; Badoni S.; Kumar V.; Tripathi S.; Gowda C.L.; Sharma S.; Singh S.; Tyagi A.K.; Parida S.K. (2015). Employing genome-wide SNP discovery and genotyping strategy to extrapolate the natural allelic diversity and domestication patterns in chickpea, Frontiers in Plant Science, 6(MAR) DOI
2015 Kumar S.; Sharma P.; Sharma S.; Rao G.P. (2015). Mixed infection and natural spread of 'Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris' and mungbean yellow mosaic india virus affecting soya bean crop in India, Journal of Phytopathology, 163(5) DOI
2015 Dinesh R.; Anandaraj M.; Kumar A.; Bini Y.K.; Subila K.P.; Aravind R. (2015). Isolation, characterization, and evaluation of multi-trait plant growth promoting rhizobacteria for their growth promoting and disease suppressing effects on ginger, Microbiological Research (Zentralblatt für Mikrobiologie), 173() DOI
2015 Tripathi B.; Pandey A.; Bhatia R.; Walia S.; Yadav A.K. (2015). Improving Soybean Seed Performance with Natural Colorant-based Novel Seed-Coats, Journal of Crop Improvement, 29(3) DOI
2015 Vinoth R.; Marker S.; Ulaganathan V.; Subhasini G.; Baghyalakshmi K.; Shiv Rama Krishnan R. (2015). Evaluation of genetic variability for yield and its component characters in rice (Oryza sativa L.) for allahabad agro climatic region, Biochemical and Cellular Archives, 15(1) DOI
2015 Shashank P.R.; Saravanan L.; Kalidas P.; Phanikumar T.; Ramamurthy V.V.; Bose N.S.C. (2015). A new species of the genus Acria Stephens, 1834 (Lepidoptera: Depressariidae: Acriinae) from India, Zootaxa, 3957(2) DOI
2015 Thakur S.; Singh P.K.; Das A.; Rathour R.; Variar M.; Prashanthi S.K.; Singh A.K.; Singh U.D.; Chand D.; Singh N.K.; Sharma T.R. (2015). Extensive sequence variation in rice blast resistance gene Pi54 makes it broad spectrum in nature, Frontiers in Plant Science, 6(MAY) DOI
2015 Yadav P.S.; Mishra V.K.; Arun B.; Chand R.; Vishwakarma M.K.; Vasistha N.K.; Mishra A.N.; Kalappanavar I.K.; Joshi A.K. (2015). Enhanced resistance in wheat against stem rust achieved by marker assisted backcrossing involving three independent Sr genes, Current Plant Biology, 2() DOI
2015 Adhikary P.P.; Chandrasekharan H.; Trivedi S.M.; Dash C.J. (2015). GIS applicability to assess spatio-temporal variation of groundwater quality and sustainable use for irrigation, Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 8(5) DOI
2015 Renuka N.; Sood A.; Prasanna R.; Ahluwalia A.S. (2015). Phycoremediation of wastewaters: a synergistic approach using microalgae for bioremediation and biomass generation, International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 12(4) DOI
2015 Mallick N.; Vinod; Sharma J.B.; Tomar R.S.; Sivasamy M.; Prabhu K.V. (2015). Marker-assisted backcross breeding to combine multiple rust resistance in wheat, Plant Breeding, 134(2) DOI
2015 Usha T.N.; Dadlani M. (2015). Effect of mid-storage corrective treatments on different vigour lots of soybean seed, Legume Research, 38(3) DOI
2015 Sharma R.M.; Dubey A.K.; Awasthi O.P. (2015). Physiology of grapefruit (Citrus paradisi Macf.) cultivars as affected by rootstock, Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 90(3) DOI
2015 Zargar S.M.; Nazir M.; Rai V.; Hajduch M.; Agrawal G.K.; Rakwal R. (2015). Towards a common bean proteome atlas: Looking at the current state of research and the need for a comprehensive proteome, Frontiers in Plant Science, 6(MAR) DOI
2015 Chaudhary P.; Sahay H.; Sharma R.; Pandey A.K.; Singh S.B.; Saxena A.K.; Nain L. (2015). Identification and analysis of polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)—biodegrading bacterial strains from refinery soil of India, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 187(6) DOI
2015 Tiwari K.K.; Singh A.; Pattnaik S.; Sandhu M.; Kaur S.; Jain S.; Tiwari S.; Mehrotra S.; Anumalla M.; Samal R.; Bhardwaj J.; Dubey N.; Sahu V.; Kharshing G.A.; Zeliang P.K.; Sreenivasan K.; Kumar P.; Parida S.K.; Mithra S.V.A.; Rai V.; Tyagi W.; Agrawal P.K.; Rao A.R.; Pattanayak A.; Chandel G.; Singh A.K.; Bisht I.S.; Bhat K.V.; Rao G.J.N.; Khurana J.P.; Singh N.K.; Mohapatra T. (2015). Identification of a diverse mini-core panel of Indian rice germplasm based on genotyping using microsatellite markers, Plant Breeding, 134(2) DOI
2015 Sharma K.K.; Mukherjee I.; Singh B.; Sahoo S.K.; Mandal K.; Mohapatra S.; Ahuja A.K.; Sharma D.; Parihar N.S.; Sharma B.N.; Kale V.D.; Walunj A.R. (2015). Dissipation pattern and risk assessment of flubendiamide on chili at different agro-climatic conditions in India, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 187(5) DOI
2015 Bidyarani N.; Prasanna R.; Chawla G.; Babu S.; Singh R. (2015). Deciphering the factors associated with the colonization of rice plants by cyanobacteria, Journal of Basic Microbiology, 55(4) DOI
2015 Chaubey R.; Andrew R.J.; Naveen N.C.; Rajagopal R.; Ramamurthy V.V. (2015). Life history traits of three cryptic species Asia I, Asia II-1 and Asia II-7 of Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) reconfirm their genetic identities, Florida Entomologist, 98(1) DOI
2015 Sagar V.R.; Kalia P. (2015). Evaluation of temperate carrot genotypes for quality attributes, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 72(1) DOI
2015 Mohapatra D.; Kar A.; Giri S.K. (2015). Insect Pest Management in Stored Pulses: an Overview, Food and Bioprocess Technology, 8(2) DOI
2015 Tomar V.V.S.; Somvanshi V.S.; Bajaj H.K. (2015). Descriptions of Deladenus albizicus n. sp. and D. processus n. sp. (Nematoda: Hexatylina) from Haryana, India, Journal of Nematology, 47(1) DOI
2015 Pooniya V.; Shivay Y.S. (2015). Influence of Green Manuring and Zinc Fertilization on Quality Parameters of Basmati Rice, Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 46(3) DOI
2015 Barua S.; Singh B.K.; Singh P. (2015). Knowledge level assessment and influencing factors of vegetable growers in western Uttar Pradesh, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 72(1) DOI
2015 Kumar S.; Dhar S.; Om H.; Meena R.L. (2015). Enhanced root traits and productivity of maize (Zea mays) and wheat (Triticum aestivum) in maize - Wheat cropping system through integrated potassium management, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 85(2) DOI
2015 Kumar B.; Dhar S.; Vyas A.K.; Paramesh V. (2015). Impact of irrigation schedules and nutrient management on growth, yield and root traits of wheat (Triticum aestivum) varieties, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 60(1) DOI
2015 Patle G.T.; Singh D.K.; Sarangi A.; Rai A.; Khanna M.; Sahoo R.N. (2015). Time series analysis of groundwater levels and projection of future trend, Journal of the Geological Society of India, 85(2) DOI
2015 Babu S.; Prasanna R.; Bidyarani N.; Singh R. (2015). Analysing the colonisation of inoculated cyanobacteria in wheat plants using biochemical and molecular tools, Journal of Applied Phycology, 27(1) DOI
2015 Kumari M.; Behera T.K.; Munshi A.D.; Talukadar A. (2015). Inheritance of fruit traits and generation mean analysis for estimation of horticultural traits in bitter gourd, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 72(1) DOI
2015 Mishra A.K.; Tandon G.; Sharma R.; Chandrasekharan H.; Pandey P.S. (2015). In silico structural and functional analysis of protein encoded by wheat early salt-stress response gene (WESR3), Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 52(1) DOI
2015 Jaiswal P.; Gadpayle A.K.; Singhal A.K.; Sachdeva S.; Modi R.K.; Padaria R.; Ravi V. (2015). Job satisfaction among hospital staff working in a Government teaching hospital of India, Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil University, 8(2) DOI
2015 Lakshman K.; Vyas A.K.; Shivakumar B.G.; Rana D.S. (2015). Effect of levels and time of sulphur application on growth, yield and quality of soybean (Glycine max), Indian Journal of Agronomy, 60(1) DOI
2015 Vidyadhar B.; Tomar B.S.; Singh B.; Behera T.K. (2015). Effect of methods and time of pollination on seed yield and quality parameters in cherry tomato grown under different protected conditions, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 72(1) DOI
2015 Singh V.K.; Dwivedi B.S.; Shukla A.K.; Kumar V.; Gangwar B.; Rani M.; Singh S.K.; Mishra R.P. (2015). Status of Available Sulfur in Soils of North-Western Indo-Gangetic Plain and Western Himalayan region and Responses of Rice and Wheat to Applied Sulfur in Farmer’s Fields, Agricultural Research, 4(1) DOI
2015 Sharma P.; Singh G.; Sarkar S.K.; Singh R.P. (2015). Improving soil microbiology under rice-wheat crop rotation in Indo-Gangetic Plains by optimized resource management, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 187(3) DOI
2015 Meena R.K.; Parihar S.S.; Singh M.; Khanna M. (2015). Influence of date of sowing and irrigation regimes on crop growth and yield of wheat (Triticum aestivum) and its relationship with temperature in semi-arid region, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 60(1) DOI
2015 Kumawat N.; Singh R.P.; Kumar R.; Yadav T.P.; Om H. (2015). Effect of integrated nutrient management on productivity, nutrient uptake and economics of rainfed pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan) and blackgram (Vigna mungo) intercropping system, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 85(2) DOI
2015 Bajaj D.; Saxena M.S.; Kujur A.; Das S.; Badoni S.; Tripathi S.; Upadhyaya H.D.; Gowda C.L.L.; Sharma S.; Singh S.; Tyagi A.K.; Parida S.K. (2015). Genome-wide conserved non-coding microsatellite (CNMS) marker-based integrative genetical genomics for quantitative dissection of seed weight in chickpea, Journal of Experimental Botany, 66(5) DOI
2015 Marboh E.S.; Singh A.K.; Dubey A.K.; Prakash J. (2015). Analysis of genetic variability among citrus (Citrus spp) genotypes using morphological traits, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 85(2) DOI
2015 Paul S.; Aggarwal C.; Thakur J.K.; Bandeppa G.S.; Khan M.A.; Pearson L.M.; Babnigg G.; Giometti C.S.; Joachimiak A. (2015). Induction of Osmoadaptive Mechanisms and Modulation of Cellular Physiology Help Bacillus licheniformis Strain SSA 61 Adapt to Salt Stress, Current Microbiology, 70(4) DOI
2015 Prasad K.V.; Janakiram T.; Panwar S.; Hada B.S.; Lakhotia P. (2015). CLIMATE CHANGE: BREEDING STRATEGIES TO MITIGATE ABIOTIC STRESS IN ORNAMENTAL CROPS, Climate Dynamics in Horticultural Science: Volume 1-2, 1() DOI
2015 Chopra N.K.; Choudhary D. (2015). Bioefficacy of sole and tankmix of pinoxaden and clodinafop with carfentrazone and metsulfuron for control of complex weed flora in wheat (Triticum aestivum), Indian Journal of Agronomy, 60(1) DOI
2015 Kumari J.; Dikshit H.K.; Singh B.; Singh D. (2015). Combining ability and character association of agronomic and biochemical traits in pea (Pisum sativum L.), Scientia Horticulturae, 181() DOI
2015 Singh A.; Bhushan B.; Gaikwad K.; Yadav O.P.; Kumar S.; Rai R.D. (2015). Induced defence responses of contrasting bread wheat genotypes under differential salt stress imposition, Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 52(1) DOI
2015 Sepat S.; Sharma A.R.; Kumar D.; Das T.K. (2015). Effect of conservation agriculture practices on productivity and sustainability of pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan)-wheat (Triticum aestivum) cropping system in Indo-Gangetic plains of India, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 85(2) DOI
2015 Sarkar D.J.; Singh A.; Mandal P.; Kumar A.; Parmar B.S. (2015). Synthesis and Characterization of Poly (CMC-g-cl-PAam/Zeolite) Superabsorbent Composites for Controlled Delivery of Zinc Micronutrient: Swelling and Release Behavior, Polymer - Plastics Technology and Engineering, 54(4) DOI
2015 un Nabi S.; Madhupriya; Dubey D.; Rao G.P. (2015). Identification of Cannabis sativa L.ssp. sativa as putative alternate host of sesame phyllody phytoplasma belongs to 16SrI group in India, Medicinal Plants, 7(1) DOI
2015 Priya H.; Prasanna R.; Ramakrishnan B.; Bidyarani N.; Babu S.; Thapa S.; Renuka N. (2015). Influence of cyanobacterial inoculation on the culturable microbiome and growth of rice, Microbiological Research (Zentralblatt für Mikrobiologie), 171() DOI
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2015 Pramanick K.K.; Kashyap P.; Kishore D.K.; Sharma Y.P. (2015). Effect of summer pruning and CPPU on yield and quality of kiwi fruit (Actinidia deliciosa), Journal of Environmental Biology, 36(2) DOI
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2015 Kumar B.; Talukdar A.; Verma K.; Bala I.; Harish G.D.; Gowda S.; Lal S.K.; Sapra R.L.; Singh K.P. (2015). Mapping of yellow mosaic virus (YMV) resistance in soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) through association mapping approach, Genetica, 143(1) DOI
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2015 Barman P.; Singh S.K.; Patel V.B.; Singh A.K.; Nain L. (2015). Synergistic interaction of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and mycorrhiza helper bacteria improving antioxidant activities in Troyer citrange and Cleopatra mandarin under low moisture stress, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 72(1) DOI
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2015 Kumar A.; Rana K.S.; Rana D.S.; Bana R.S.; Choudhary A.K.; Pooniya V. (2015). Effect of nutrient-and moisture-management practices on crop productivity, water-use efficiency and energy dynamics in rainfed maize (Zea mays) + soybean (Glycine max) intercropping system, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 60(1) DOI
2015 Srivastava M.; Jha N.K.; Singh B.K. (2015). Effect of nitrogen and phosphorus on growth, leaf and seed yield of fenugreek (Trigonellafoenum-graecum L.) cv. 'Pusa early bunching', Annals of Agri Bio Research, 20(1) DOI
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2015 Bohra A.; Singh I.P.; Yadav A.K.; Pathak A.; Soren K.R.; Chaturvedi S.K.; Nadarajan N. (2015). Utility of Informative SSR Markers in the Molecular Characterization of Cytoplasmic Genetic Male Sterility-Based Hybrid and its Parents in Pigeonpea, National Academy Science Letters-India, 38(1) DOI
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2015 Singh S.P. (2015). Physiological Workload of Women Agricultural Labourers in Selected Activities in Maize Cultivation, Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series A, 96(1) DOI
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2015 Singh S.K.; Patel V.B.; Singh A.K.; Verma M.K. (2015). MYCORRHIZAL FUNGI IN SUSTAINABLE HORTICULTURAL PRODUCTION UNDER CHANGING CLIMATE SITUATIONS, Climate Dynamics in Horticultural Science: Volume 1-2, 2() DOI
2015 Kumar S.; Sahu N.; Singh A. (2015). High-frequency in vitro plant regeneration via callus induction in a rare sexual plant of Cenchrus ciliaris L., In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology - Plant, 51(1) DOI
2015 Deshmukh S.L.; Singh D.; Soni R. (2015). Rhizobium symbiosis on soybean varieties, Annals of Biology, 31(1) DOI
2015 Sujayanand G.K.; Sharma R.K.; Shankarganesh K.; Saha S.; Tomar R.S. (2015). Crop diversification for sustainable insect pest management in eggplant (Solanales: Solanaceae), Florida Entomologist, 98(1) DOI
2015 Dass A.; Kaur R.; Choudhary A.K.; Pooniya V.; Raj R.; Rana K.S. (2015). System of rice (Oryza sativa) intensification for higher productivity and resourceuse efficiency– A review, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 60(1) DOI
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2015 Malla F.A.; Khan S.A.; Rashmi; Sharma G.K.; Gupta N.; Abraham G. (2015). Phycoremediation potential of Chlorella minutissima on primary and tertiary treated wastewater for nutrient removal and biodiesel production, Ecological Engineering, 75() DOI
2015 Mishra S.; Behera T.K.; Munshi A.D. (2015). Induction and Morphological Characterization of Hermaphrodite Flowers in a Gynoecious Line of Bitter Gourd by Silver Nitrate, Gibberellic Acid, and Silver Thiosulfate, International Journal of Vegetable Science, 21(2) DOI
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2015 Mandal A.; Dutta T.K.; Gupta R.L. (2015). Microwave-induced synthesis and anti-nemic activity of 4-amino-3-mercapto-5-pyridin-2-yl-4H-1,2,4-triazole Schiff bases, Indian Journal of Chemistry - Section B Organic and Medicinal Chemistry, 54B(2) DOI
2015 Sharma S.K.; Singh Y.V.; Tyagi S.; Tomar B.S. (2015). Influence of varieties and integrated nitrogen management on productivity and nutrient uptake in aerobic rice (Oryza sativa), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 85(2) DOI
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2015 Sharma A.; Singh P.; Kumar S.; Kashyap P.L.; Srivastava A.K.; Chakdar H.; Singh R.N.; Kaushik R.; Saxena A.K.; Sharma A.K. (2015). Deciphering Diversity of Salt-Tolerant Bacilli from Saline Soils of Eastern Indo-gangetic Plains of India, Geomicrobiology Journal, 32(2) DOI
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2015 Verma S.; Sharma A.; Kumar R.; Kaur C.; Arora A.; Shah R.; Nain L. (2015). Improvement of antioxidant and defense properties of Tomato (var. Pusa Rohini) by application of bioaugmented compost, Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 22(3) DOI
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2015 Zunjare R.; Hossain F.; Muthusamy V.; Jha S.K.; Kumar P.; Sekhar J.C.; Guleria S.K.; Singh N.K.; Thirunavukkarasu N.; Gupta H.S. (2015). Genetics of resistance to stored grain weevil (Sitophilus oryzae L.) in maize, Cogent Food and Agriculture, 1(1) DOI
2015 Bhatia R.; Dey S.S.; Sharma K.; Parkash C.; Kumar R. (2015). In vitro maintenance of cms lines of indian cauliflower: An alternative for conventional cms-based hybrid seed production, Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 90(2) DOI
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2015 Rana S.; Adak A.; Tiwari R.; Sharma A.; Saritha M.; Singh S.; Nain L. (2015). Pretreatment and designing energy crops: Technological innovations and prospects, Research Journal of Microbiology, 10(12) DOI
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2015 Kumari J.; Chauhan S.S.; Jha S.K.; Pandey S.; Satyavathi C.T.; Dutta M. (2015). Identification of pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.) germplasm with unique popping quality in the national genebank collections of India, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 75(1) DOI
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2015 Babu B.K.; Agrawal P.K.; Saha S.; Gupta H.S. (2015). Mapping QTLs for opaque2 modifiers influencing the tryptophan content in quality protein maize using genomic and candidate gene-based SSRs of lysine and tryptophan metabolic pathway, Plant Cell Reports, 34(1) DOI
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2015 Yadav A.; Suri V.K.; Kumar A.; Choudhary A.K.; Meena A.L. (2015). Enhancing Plant Water Relations, Quality, and Productivity of Pea (Pisum sativum L.) through Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi, Inorganic Phosphorus, and Irrigation Regimes in an Himalayan Acid Alfisol, Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 46(1) DOI
2015 Shashank P.R.; Ojha R.; Venkatesan T.; Jalali S.K.; Bhanu K.R.M. (2015). Molecular characterization of brinjal shoot and fruit borer, Leucinodes orbonalis (Guenée) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) based on mitochondrial marker cytochrome oxidase I and their phylogenetic relationship, Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 53(1) DOI
2015 Prasanna R.; Babu S.; Bidyarani N.; Kumar A.; Triveni S.; Monga D.; Mukherjee A.K.; Kranthi S.; Gokte-Narkhedkar N.; Adak A.; Yadav K.; Nain L.; Saxena A.K. (2015). Prospecting cyanobacteria-fortified composts as plant growth promoting and biocontrol agents in cotton, Experimental Agriculture, 51(1) DOI
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2014 Rebijith K.B.; Asokan R.; Krishna V.; Ranjitha H.H.; Krishna Kumar N.K.; Ramamurthy V.V. (2014). DNA barcoding and elucidation of cryptic diversity in thrips (Thysanoptera), Florida Entomologist, 97(4) DOI
2014 Muthusamy V.; Hossain F.; Thirunavukkarasu N.; Choudhary M.; Saha S.; Bhat J.S.; Prasanna B.M.; Gupta H.S. (2014). Development of β-carotene rich maize hybrids through marker-assisted introgression of β-carotene hydroxylase allele, PLoS ONE, 9(12) DOI
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2014 Dubey A.K.; Pandian R.T.P.; Rajasekara H.; Kumari H.M.; Singh U.D. (2014). Evaluation of rice genotypes for their reaction to sheath blight disease, Annals of Agri Bio Research, 19(4) DOI
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2014 Rathore S.; Yadav K.; Singh N.; Singh S.K. (2014). Comparative study on callus induction, proliferation and plantlets regeneration in two cultivars of Stevia rebaudiana bertoni - The only non caloric natural sweetener, Pertanika Journal of Tropical Agricultural Science, 37(4) DOI
2014 Singh J.; Kumar A. (2014). Mobility of heavy metals in sewage sludge applied soil and its uptake by radish (Raphanus Sativus L.), International Journal of Agricultural and Statistical Sciences, 10(2) DOI
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2014 Sharma S.K.; Vignesh Kumar P.; Poswal R.; Rai R.; Swapna Geetanjali A.; Prabha K.; Jain R.K.; Baranwal V.K. (2014). Occurrence and distribution of banana streak disease and standardization of a reliable detection procedure for routine indexing of banana streak viruses in India, Scientia Horticulturae, 179() DOI
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2014 Usha; Janakiram T.; Prasad K.V.; Kumar S. (2014). Effect of abscisic acid on anthocyanin production in callus culture of Petunia hybrida cv. Bravo Blue, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 71(4) DOI
2014 Shabeer T.P.A.; Saha A.; Gajbhiye V.T.; Gupta S.; Manjaiah K.M.; Varghese E. (2014). Simultaneous removal of multiple pesticides from water: Effect of organically modified clays as coagulant aid and adsorbent in coagulation-flocculation process, Environmental Technology (United Kingdom), 35(20) DOI
2014 Kumari M.; Singh S.; Mishra P.K.; Kumar A. (2014). Characterization of RIL population for kernel colour and its correlation with kernel traits, Annals of Biology, 30(4) DOI
2014 Chandrika K.S.V.P.; Singh A.; Sarkar D.J.; Rathore A.; Kumar A. (2014). PH-sensitive crosslinked guar gum-based superabsorbent hydrogels: Swelling response in simulated environments and water retention behavior in plant growth media, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 131(22) DOI
2014 Mukesh Sankar S.; Tara Satyavathi C.; Singh S.P.; Singh M.P.; Bharadwaj C.; Barthakur S. (2014). Genetic diversity analysis for high temperature stress tolerance in pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br], Indian Journal of Plant Physiology, 19(4) DOI
2014 Arora S.; Mukherji I.; Kumar A.; Tanwar R.K. (2014). Pesticide residue analysis of soil, water, and grain of IPM basmati rice, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 186(12) DOI
2014 Singh A.; Srivastav M.; Singh A.K.; Dubey A.K.; Lal S.K. (2014). Flowering attributes of parental mango genotypes, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 71(4) DOI
2014 Sharma R.R.; Pal R.K.; Sagar V.R.; Parmanick K.K.; Paul V.; Gupta V.K.; Kumar K.; Rana M.R. (2014). Impact of pre-harvest fruit-bagging with different coloured bags on peel colour and the incidence of insect pests, Disease and storage disorders in ‘Royal Delicious’ apple, Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 89(6) DOI
2014 Satheesh V.; Jagannadham P.T.K.; Chidambaranathan P.; Jain P.K.; Srinivasan R. (2014). NAC transcription factor genes: genome-wide identification, phylogenetic, motif and cis-regulatory element analysis in pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.), Molecular Biology Reports, 41(12) DOI
2014 Mishra P.K.; Gogoi R.; Singh P.K.; Rai S.N.; Kumar A. (2014). Effect of photo period on morpho-cultural characteristics of rhizoctonia solani f. Sp. Sasakii of maize, Annals of Biology, 30(4) DOI
2014 Chattaraj S.; Chakraborty D.; Sehgal V.K.; Paul R.K.; Singh S.D.; Daripa A.; Pathak H. (2014). Predicting the impact of climate change on water requirement of wheat in the semi-arid Indo-Gangetic Plains of India, Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 197() DOI
2014 Rao G.P.; Sharma S.K.; Singh D.; Arya M.; Singh P.; Baranwal V.K. (2014). Genetically Diverse Variants of Sugarcane bacilliform virus Infecting Sugarcane in India and Evidence of a Novel Recombinant Badnavirus Variant, Journal of Phytopathology, 162(11-Dec) DOI
2014 Singh N.; Vasudev S.; Yadava D.K.; Chaudhary D.P.; Prabhu K.V. (2014). Oil improvement in maize: Potential and prospects, Maize: Nutrition Dynamics and Novel Uses, 9.78813E+12() DOI
2014 Reddy K.; Sharma K.; Singh S. (2014). Attractancy potential of culturable bacteria from the gut of peach fruit fly, Bactrocera zonata (Saunders), Phytoparasitica, 42(5) DOI
2014 Sharma K.K.; Mukherjee I.; Singh B.; Mandal K.; Sahoo S.K.; Banerjee H.; Banerjee T.; Roy S.; Shah P.G.; Patel H.K.; Patel A.R.; Beevi S.N.; George T.; Mathew T.B.; Singh G.; Noniwal R.; Devi S. (2014). Persistence and risk assessment of spiromesifen on tomato in India: a multilocational study, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 186(12) DOI
2014 Sharma D.K.; Rana D.S. (2014). Productivity, response to nitrogen and nutrient cycling of sole jatropha (Jatropha curcas) and intercropping system with baby corn (Zea mays) in India, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 84(12) DOI
2014 Thapa R.P.; Jha A.K.; Deka B.C.; Krishna Reddy A.N.; Verma V.K.; Yadav R.K. (2014). Genetic divergence in tomato grown in subtropical mid-hills of Meghalaya, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 71(4) DOI
2014 Paul V.; Pandey R.; Ezekiel R.; Kumar D. (2014). Potential of glyphosate as a sprout suppressant for potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tubers during storage, Indian Journal of Plant Physiology, 19(4) DOI
2014 Thomas A.; Ramamurthy V.V. (2014). Multiple gene markers to understand genetic diversity in the Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) species complex, Florida Entomologist, 97(4) DOI
2014 Abdul Fiyaz R.; Gopala Krishnan S.; Rajashekara H.; Yadav A.K.; Bashyal B.M.; Bhowmick P.K.; Singh N.K.; Prabhu K.V.; Singh A.K. (2014). Development of high throughput screening protocol and identification of novel sources of resistance against bakanae disease in rice (oryza sativa L.), Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 74(4) DOI
2014 Hajebi A.; Das T.K.; Vyas A.K.; Rana D.S.; Pooniya V. (2014). Effect of tillage and tank-mix herbicide application on weed management in chilli (Capsicum annuum), Indian Journal of Agronomy, 59(4) DOI
2014 Kumar S.; Dwivedi S.K.; Singh S.S.; Jha S.K.; S L.; Elanchezhian R.; Singh O.N.; Bhatt B.P. (2014). Identification of drought tolerant rice genotypes by analysing drought tolerance indices and morpho-physiological traits, Sabrao Journal of Breeding and Genetics, 46(2) DOI
2014 Aien A.; Pal M.; Khetarpal S.; Kumar Pandey S. (2014). Impact of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration on the growth, and yield in two potato cultivars, Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 16() DOI
2014 Kumar A.; Kharb R.P.S.; Mishra P.K.; Dahake A.B.; Kumari M. (2014). Effect of priming treatments on seed yield and relative storability in guar (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba L.), Annals of Biology, 30(4) DOI
2014 Patel R.K.; Singh A.; Prakash J.; Nath A.; Deka B.C. (2014). Physico-biochemical changes during fruit growth, development and maturity in passion fruit genotypes, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 71(4) DOI
2014 Singh J.; Shukla R.K.; Walia S.; Shukla A.; Sharma K.; Painuly D.; Porval A. (2014). Chemical characterization, total phenolics and biological activity of syzygium cumini essential oil, Annals of Agri Bio Research, 19(4) DOI
2014 Singh B.; Ahuja S.; Pandey R.; Singhal R.K. (2014). 14CO2labeling : a reliable technique for rapid measurement of total root exudation capacity and vascular sap flow in crop plants, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 302(3) DOI
2014 John Sunoj V.S.; Naresh Kumar S.; Muralikrishna K.S. (2014). Effect of elevated CO2 and temperature on oxidative stress and antioxidant enzymes activity in coconut (Cocosnucifera L.) seedlings, Indian Journal of Plant Physiology, 19(4) DOI
2014 Geddam S.B.; Raje R.S.; Prabhu K.V.; Singh N.K.; Chauhan D.A.; Jain P.; Khare A.; Yadav R.; Tyagi A. (2014). Validation of QTLs for earliness and plant type traits in pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.), Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 74(4) DOI
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2014 Choudhary G.L.; Rana K.S.; Rana D.S.; Bana R.S. (2014). Performance of chickpea (Cicer arietinum) as influenced by moisture management and zinc fortification in pearlmillet (Pennisetum glaucum)– chickpea cropping system under limited moisture conditions, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 59(4) DOI
2014 Singh R.J.; Ahlawat I.P.S. (2014). Effects of Transgenic Cotton-Based Cropping Systems and Their Fertility Levels on Succeeding Wheat Crop, Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 45(18) DOI
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2014 Saha A.; Gajbhiye V.T.; Gupta S.; Kumar R.; Ghosh R.K. (2014). Simultaneous removal of pesticides from water by rice husk ash: Batch and column studies, Water Environment Research, 86(11) DOI
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2014 Kumar B.; Talukdar A.; Bala I.; Verma K.; Lal S.K.; Sapra R.L.; Namita B.; Chander S.; Tiwari R. (2014). Population structure and association mapping studies for important agronomic traits in soybean, Journal of Genetics, 93(3) DOI
2014 Pandita V.K.; Patil P.; Tomar B.S.; Seth R. (2014). Controlled deterioration and paper-piercing tests predict seedling emergence potential in okra seed lots, Scientia Horticulturae, 179() DOI
2014 Verma M.K.; Singh S.K.; Prakash J.; Singh A.K.; Jha S.K. (2014). Mechanical behaviour of seed hardness in relation to physico-chemical composition of grape, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 71(4) DOI
2014 Mahajan G.R.; Sahoo R.N.; Pandey R.N.; Gupta V.K.; Kumar D. (2014). Using hyperspectral remote sensing techniques to monitor nitrogen, phosphorus, sulphur and potassium in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Precision Agriculture, 15(5) DOI
2014 Kumari M.; Singh S.; Mishra P.K.; Kumar A. (2014). Phenotypic variability for kernel shape and size in bread wheat, Annals of Agri Bio Research, 19(4) DOI
2014 Kumar V.; Singh A.K.; Jat S.L.; Parihar C.M.; Pooniya V.; Sharma S.; Singh B. (2014). Influence of site-specific nutrient management on growth and yield of maize (Zea mays) under conservation tillage, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 59(4) DOI
2014 Prasad R.; Kumar D.; Shivay Y.S.; Rana D.S. (2014). Boron in indian agriculture - A review, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 59(4) DOI
2014 Sagar V.; Yadav R.; Jain N.; Gaikwad K.B.; Prabhu K.V. (2014). Deciphering yield formation process in wheat under contrasting tillage conditions, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 74(4) DOI
2014 Manjunatha M.; Samuel D.V.K.; Anurag R.K.; Gaikwad N. (2014). Development and performance evaluation of a garlic peeler, Journal of Food Science and Technology, 51(11) DOI
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2014 Pradhan S.; Bandyopadhyay K.K.; Sahoo R.N.; Sehgal V.K.; Singh R.; Gupta V.K.; Joshi D.K. (2014). Predicting Wheat Grain and Biomass Yield Using Canopy Reflectance of Booting Stage, Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, 42(4) DOI
2014 Dubey A.K.; Pandian R.T.P.; Rajashekara H.; Singh V.K.; Kumar G.; Sharma P.; Kumar A.; Gopala Krishnan S.; Singh A.K.; Rathour R.; Singh U.D. (2014). Phenotyping of improved rice lines and landraces for blast and sheath blight resistance, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 74(4) DOI
2014 Kumar A.; Joshi P.K.; Kumar P.; Parappurathu S. (2014). Trends in the consumption of milk and milk products in India: implications for self-sufficiency in milk production, Food Security, 6(5) DOI
2014 De N.; Datta S.C. (2014). Assessing the Role of Competing Anions Silicate and Bicarbonate on Diffusion of P vis-à-vis Its Bioavailability in Different Soils Measured by Resin Disc Technique, Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 45(20) DOI
2014 Lodha M.L. (2014). Maize protein quality and its improvement: Development of quality protein maize in India, Maize: Nutrition Dynamics and Novel Uses, 9.78813E+12() DOI
2014 Daripa A.; Bhatia A.; Tomer R.; Singh S.D.; Jain N.; Pathak H. (2014). Nitrous oxide and carbon dioxide emission from maize (Zea mays L.) under fertiliser application and elevated carbon dioxide in northwest india, Experimental Agriculture, 50(4) DOI
2014 Kulkarni K.P.; Vishwakarma C.; Sahoo S.P.; Lima J.M.; Nath M.; Dokku P.; Gacche R.N.; Mohapatra T.; Robin S.; Sarla N.; Seshashayee M.; Singh A.K.; Singh K.; Singh N.K.; Sharma R.P. (2014). A substitution mutation in OsCCD7 cosegregates with dwarf and increased tillering phenotype in rice, Journal of Genetics, 93(2) DOI
2014 Babu S.; Rana D.S.; Choudhary A.K. (2014). Effect of sunflower stover and nutrients management on energetics, nutrient acquisition and soil nutrient balance of pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan)-sunflower (Helianthus annuus) cropping system, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 59(4) DOI
2014 Thirunavukkarasu N.; Hossain F.; Arora K.; Sharma R.; Shiriga K.; Mittal S.; Mohan S.; Namratha P.M.; Dogga S.; Rani T.S.; Katragadda S.; Rathore A.; Shah T.; Mohapatra T.; Gupta H.S. (2014). Functional mechanisms of drought tolerance in subtropical maize (Zea mays L.) identified using genome-wide association mapping, BMC Genomics, 15(1) DOI
2014 Dubey K.K.; Pandey R.; Singh Y.K.; Singh B. (2014). Organic acid exudation and its relationship with phosphorus uptake efficiency in mungbean [Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek] genotypes, Annals of Biology, 30(4) DOI
2014 Prasad D.; Rana D.S.; Rana K.S.; Rajpoot S.K. (2014). Effect of tillage practices and crop diversification on productivity, resource-use efficiency and economics of maize (Zea mays)/soybean (Glycine max)-based cropping systems, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 59(4) DOI
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2014 Kumar A.; Kharb R.P.S.; Mishra P.K.; Dahake A.W.B.; Kumari M. (2014). Effect of priming treatments on germination capacity and seedling establishment in guar {cyamopsis tetragonoloba L.), Annals of Agri Bio Research, 19(4) DOI
2014 Ghosh D.K.; Bhose S.; Mukherjee K.; Aglave B.; Warghane A.J.; Motghare M.; Baranwal V.K.; Dhar A.K. (2014). Molecular characterization of Citrus yellow mosaic badnavirus (CMBV) isolates revealed the presence of two distinct strains infecting citrus in India, Phytoparasitica, 42(5) DOI
2014 Gautam A.; Agrawal D.; SaiPrasad S.V.; Jajoo A. (2014). A quick method to screen high and low yielding wheat cultivars exposed to high temperature, Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, 20(4) DOI
2014 Paramesh V.; Dhar S.; Vyas A.K.; Dass A. (2014). Studies on impact of phosphoenriched compost, chemical fertilizer and method of zinc application on yield, uptake and quality of maize (Zea mays), Indian Journal of Agronomy, 59(4) DOI
2014 Arul S.; Dhar S.; Choudhary H.; Sharma R.K.; Kumar R.R. (2014). Molecular marker based studies on genetic diversity in garden pea, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 71(4) DOI
2014 Chouhan S.K.; Singh A.K.; Singh A.; Singh S.P.; Singh N.K.; Singh P.K. (2014). Agro-morphological diversity in wild rice accessions of Eastern Indo-Gangetic region of India, Bangladesh Journal of Botany, 43(3) DOI
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2014 Jain N.; Singh G.P.; Yadav R.; Pandey R.; Ramya P.; Shine M.B.; Pandey V.C.; Rai N.; Jha J.; Prabhu K.V. (2014). Root trait characteristics and genotypic response in wheat under different water regimes, Cereal Research Communications, 42(3) DOI
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2014 Prasannakumar N.R.; Chander S.; Sahoo R.N. (2014). Characterization of brown planthopper damage on rice crops through hyperspectral remote sensing under field conditions, Phytoparasitica, 42(3) DOI
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2014 Danekar P.; Tyagi A.; Mahto A.; Krishna K.G.; Singh A.; Raje R.S.; Gaikwad K.; Singh N.K. (2014). Genome wide characterization of hsp 100 family genes from pigeonpea, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 74(3) DOI
2014 Majumder S.; Baranwal V.K. (2014). Simultaneous detection of four garlic viruses by multiplex reverse transcription PCR and their distribution in Indian garlic accessions, Journal of Virological Methods, 202() DOI
2014 Aggarwal R.; Sharma S.; Gupta S.; Jahani M.; Banerjee S.; Singh V.B.; Bashyal B.M.; Srinivas P. (2014). Phylogenetic relationship among Bipolaris species based on morphological and molecular variability in internal transcribed spacer region of the nuclear ribosomal DNA, Research Journal of Biotechnology, 9(10) DOI
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2014 Rajpoot S.K.; Rana D.S.; Rana K.S.; Sepat S. (2014). Effect of methods of crop establishment on productivity and economics of btcotton (Gossypium hirsutum)-based intercropping systems, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 59(3) DOI
2014 Tiwari A.K.; Shukla K.; Kumar S.; Madhupriya; Rao G.P. (2014). ‘Candidatus phytoplasma asteris’ association with leaf yellows and witches broom symptoms of Codiaeum variegatum in India, Journal of Plant Pathology, 96(4) DOI
2014 Dotaniya M.L.; Datta S.C.; Biswas D.R.; Meena H.M.; Kumar K. (2014). Production of Oxalic Acid as Influenced by the Application of Organic Residue and Its Effect on Phosphorus Uptake by Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in an Inceptisol of North India, National Academy Science Letters-India, 37(5) DOI
2014 Biswas D.R.; Basak B.B. (2014). Mobilization of potassium from waste mica by potassium-solubilizing bacteria (Bacillus mucilaginosus) as influenced by temperature and incubation period under in vitro laboratory conditions, Agrochimica, 58(4) DOI
2014 Shikari A.B.; Rajashekara H.; Khanna A.; Gopala Krishnan S.; Rathour R.; Singh U.D.; Sharma T.R.; Prabhu K.V.; Singh A.K. (2014). Identification and validation of rice blast resistance genes in Indian rice germplasm, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 74(3) DOI
2014 Ghosh A.; Das A.; Pun K.B.; Kumar R.; Meena R.; Baranwal V.K. (2014). Present status of Citrus tristeza virus infecting Citrus spp. in Darjeeling hills and its detection in different plant parts, Phytoparasitica, 42(3) DOI
2014 Kohli D.; Joshi G.; Deokar A.A.; Bhardwaj A.R.; Agarwal M.; Katiyar-Agarwal S.; Srinivasan R.; Jain P.K. (2014). Identification and characterization of wilt and salt stress-responsive MicroRNAs in chickpea through high-throughput sequencing, PLoS ONE, 9(10) DOI
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2014 Nagaraja A.; Saroj P.L.; Singh I.S.; Awasthi O.P. (2014). Effect of blanching treatments and dehydration methods on rehydration quality of khejri (Prosopis cineraria) pods, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 84(9) DOI
2014 Verma R.; Singh A.K.; Jain V. (2014). Expression study of high affinity nitrate transporter gene from Brassica juncea in Arabidopsis T-DNA "knockout", Research Journal of Biotechnology, 9(10) DOI
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2014 Sarkar S.; Singh A.M.; Ahalawat A.K.; Chakraborti M.; Singh G.P.; Jaiswal J.P. (2014). Genetic variability for grain and bread making quality traits in wheat (triticum aestivum L.) and their correlations validated through multi-environment trials, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 74(3) DOI
2014 Kumar P.; Sarangi A.; Singh D.K.; Parihar S.S. (2014). Evaluation of aquacrop model in predicting wheat yield and water productivity under irrigated saline regimes, Irrigation and Drainage, 63(4) DOI
2014 Srinivasa J.; Arun B.; Mishra V.K.; Singh G.P.; Velu G.; Babu R.; Vasistha N.K.; Joshi A.K. (2014). Zinc and iron concentration QTL mapped in a Triticum spelta × T. Aestivum cross, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 127(7) DOI
2014 Dubey S.C.; Priyanka K.; Upadhyay B.K. (2014). Development of molecular markers and probes based on TEF-1α, β-tubulin and ITS gene sequences for quantitative detection of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. ciceris by using real-time PCR, Phytoparasitica, 42(3) DOI
2014 Pathak N.; Rai A.K.; Saha S.; Walia S.; Sen S.K.; Bhat K.V. (2014). Quantitative dissection of antioxidative bioactive components in cultivated and wild sesame germplasm reveals potentially exploitable wide genetic variability, Journal of Crop Science and Biotechnology, 17(3) DOI
2014 Jambhulkar P.P.; Sharma P. (2014). Development of bioformulation and delivery system of Pseudomonas fluorescens against bacterial leaf blight of rice (Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae), Journal of Environmental Biology, 35(5) DOI
2014 Reddy M.K.; Kuna A.; Devi N.L.; Krishnaiah N.; Kaur C.; Nagamalleswari Y. (2014). Development of extruded Ready-To-Eat (RTE) snacks using corn, black gram, roots and tuber flour blends, Journal of Food Science and Technology, 51(9) DOI
2014 Ali M.; Behera U.K. (2014). Effect of tillage and weed-management options on productivity, energy-use efficiency and economics of soybean (Glycine max), Indian Journal of Agronomy, 59(3) DOI
2014 Kadam G.B.; Kumar G.; Saha T.N.; Tiwari A.K.; Kumar R. (2014). Varietal evaluation and genetic variability studies on gladiolus, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 71(3) DOI
2014 Ellango R.; Asokan R.; Mahmood R.; Ramamurthy V.V.; Krishna Kumar N.K. (2014). Isolation of new Micro RNAs from the diamondback moth (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutidae) genome by a computational method, Florida Entomologist, 97(3) DOI
2014 Singh K.P.; Raju D.V.S.; Namita; Janakiram T. (2014). Determination of genetic variation for vegetative and floral traits in African marigold (Tagetes erecta), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 84(9) DOI
2014 Kumar G.; Dahuja A.; Santha I.M. (2014). Effect of gamma radiation and storage on total antioxidant capacity and parameter responsible for generation of off-flavour in soybean seeds varying in seed coat colour, Legume Research, 37(5) DOI
2014 Kumar P.P.; Janakiram T.; Bhat K.V.; Jain R.; Prasad K.V.; Prabhu K.V. (2014). Molecular characterization and cultivar identification in Bougainvillea spp. using SSR markers, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 84(9) DOI
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2014 Sharma K.K.; Mukherjee I.; Singh B.; Sahoo S.K.; Parihar N.S.; Sharma B.N.; Kale V.D.; Nakat R.V.; Walunj A.R.; Mohapatra S.; Ahuja A.K.; Sharma D.; Singh G.; Noniwal R.; Devi S. (2014). Residual behavior and risk assessment of flubendiamide on tomato at different agro-climatic conditions in India, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 186(11) DOI
2014 Jaiswal P.; Singhal A.K.; Gadpayle A.K.; Sachdeva S.; Padaria R. (2014). Level of motivation amongst health personnel working in a Tertiary care Government Hospital of New Delhi, India, Indian Journal of Community Medicine, 39(4) DOI
2014 Srivastav M.; Singh A.K.; Dubey A.K.; Bhagat S.K. (2014). Effect of self-, open- and cross-pollination with sensation on fruit set in mango cultivar Amrapali, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 71(3) DOI
2014 Laik R.; Sharma S.; Idris M.; Singh A.K.; Singh S.S.; Bhatt B.P.; Saharawat Y.; Humphreys E.; Ladha J.K. (2014). Integration of conservation agriculture with best management practices for improving system performance of the rice-wheat rotation in the Eastern Indo-Gangetic Plains of India, Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 195() DOI
2014 Krishna Reddy A.N.; Munshi A.D.; Behera T.K.; Sureja A.K.; Sharma R.K. (2014). Studies on combining ability in cucumber, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 71(3) DOI
2014 Barman M.; Datta S.P.; Rattan R.K. (2014). Identification of the solid phase in relation to the solubility of nickel in alluvial soils, Journal of Environmental Biology, 35(5) DOI
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2014 Prasannakumar N.R.; Chander S. (2014). Weather-based brown planthopper prediction model at Mandya, Karnataka, Journal of Agrometeorology, 16(1) DOI
2014 Sehrawat N.; Yadav M.; Bhat K.V.; Sairam R.K.; Jaiwal P.K. (2014). Evaluation of mungbean genotypes for salt tolerance at early seedling growth stage, Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, 3(4) DOI
2014 Soumya K.; Yogita M.; Prasanthi Y.; Anitha K.; Kishor P.B.K.; Jain R.K.; Mandal B. (2014). Molecular characterization of Indian isolate of peanut mottle virus and immunodiagnosis using bacterial expressed core capsid protein, Virus Disease, 25(3) DOI
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2014 Devanna N.B.; Vijayan J.; Sharma T.R. (2014). The blast resistance gene Pi54of cloned from Oryza officinalis interacts with Avr-Pi54 through its novel non-LRR domains, PLoS ONE, 9(8) DOI
2014 Rao G.P.; Madhupriya; Tiwari A.K.; Kumar S.; Baranwal V.K. (2014). Identification of sugarcane grassy shoot-associated phytoplasma and one of its putative vectors in India, Phytoparasitica, 42(3) DOI
2014 Pal M.; Chaturvedi A.K.; Pandey S.K.; Bahuguna R.N.; Khetarpal S.; Anand A. (2014). Rising atmospheric CO2 may affect oil quality and seed yield of sunflower (Helianthus annus L.), Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 36(11) DOI
2014 Behera U.K.; Rana D.S. (2014). Multi-objective optimization and design of integrated farming systems using goal programming, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 59(3) DOI
2014 Meena R.K.; Vashisth A.; Singh R.; Singh B.; Manjaih K.M. (2014). Study on change in microenvironment under different colour shade nets and its impact on yield of spinach (Spinacia oleracea l.), Journal of Agrometeorology, 16(1) DOI
2014 Gaikwad K.B.; Singh N.; Bhatia D.; Kaur R.; Bains N.S.; Bharaj T.S.; Singh K. (2014). Yield-enhancing heterotic QTL transferred from wild species to cultivated rice Oryza sativa L, PLoS ONE, 9(6) DOI
2014 Saha P.; Kalia P.; Sharma P.; Sharma T.R. (2014). Race-specific genetics of resistance to black rot disease [Xanthomonas campestris pv. Campestris (Xcc) (Pammel) Dowson] and the development of three random amplified polymorphic DNA markers in cauliflower, Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 89(5) DOI
2014 Kaur R.; Jaidka M. (2014). Spectral reflectance characteristics to distinguish malva neglecta in wheat (Triticum Aestivum), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 84(10) DOI
2014 Singh T.P.; Raiger H.L.; Kumari J.; Singh A.; Deshmukh P.S. (2014). Evaluation of chickpea genotypes for variability in seed protein content and yield components under restricted soil moisture condition, Indian Journal of Plant Physiology, 19(3) DOI
2014 Pal K.K.; Dey R.; Thomas M.; Ghorai S.; Sherathia D.; Vanpariya S.; Rupapara R.; Rawal P.; Mandaliya M.; Sukhadiya B.; Saxena A.K. (2014). Draft Genome Sequence of an Extreme Haloarchaeon 3A1-DGR Isolated from a Saltern Crystallizer of the Little Rann of Kutch, India, Indian Journal of Microbiology, 54(4) DOI
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2014 Khare T.R.; Sharma R.; Sobhana V. (2014). Control of complex weed flora in direct-seeded and transplanted rice (Oryza sativa L.) with early post-emergence herbicide, Research on Crops, 15(3) DOI
2014 Behera U.K.; Sharma A.R. (2014). Productivity and water use efficiency of wheat (Triticum aestivum) under different resource conservation techniques and irrigation regimes, Cereal Research Communications, 42(3) DOI
2014 Saxena R.; Naresh Kumar S. (2014). Simulating the impact of projected climate change on rice (Oryza sativa l.) yield and adaptation strategies in major rice growing regions of India, Journal of Agrometeorology, 16(1) DOI
2014 Kumar R.R.; Sharma S.K.; Rai G.K.; Singh K.; Choudhury M.; Dhawan G.; Singh G.P.; Goswami S.; Pathak H.; Rai R.D. (2014). Exogenous application of putrescine at pre-anthesis enhances the thermotolerance of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 51(5) DOI
2014 Sharma V.K.; Dwivedi S.K.; Awasthi O.P.; Verma M.K. (2014). Variation in nutrient composition of seabuckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) leaves collected from different locations of Ladakh, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 71(3) DOI
2014 Singh V.K.; Dwivedi B.S.; Tiwari K.N.; Majumdar K.; Rani M.; Singh S.K.; Timsina J. (2014). Optimizing nutrient management strategies for rice-wheat system in the Indo-Gangetic Plains of India and adjacent region for higher productivity, nutrient use efficiency and profits, Field Crops Research, 164(1) DOI
2014 Gondkar S.; Singh B.K. (2014). Analysis of constraints faced by protected agriculture entrepreneurs in production, post-harvest management and marketing of produce, Annals of Agri Bio Research, 19(3) DOI
2014 Kalra B.S.; Wadkar S.K.; Sarangi A.; Singh D.K.; Chaturvedi A.; Singh S.P. (2014). Farmers' perception on water management and land degradation in the tail reach of Western Yamuna Canal Command, Journal of Rural Development, 33(3) DOI
2014 Sagar V.R.; Kumar R. (2014). Effect of drying treatments and storage stability on quality characteristics of bael powder, Journal of Food Science and Technology, 51(9) DOI
2014 Lakhotia P.; Singh K.P.; Singh S.K.; Singh M.C.; Prasad K.V.; Swaroop K. (2014). Influence of biotic and abiotic elicitors on production of betalain pigments in bougainvillea callus cultures, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 71(3) DOI
2014 Kumbhare N.V.; Dubey S.K.; Nain M.S.; Bahal R. (2014). Micro analysis of yield gap and profitability in pulses and cereals, Legume Research, 37(5) DOI
2014 Biswas K.K.; Godara S.; Nayak D. (2014). Distribution of Citrus tristeza virus in the Darjeeling hills and their biological symptoms in mandarin orchards, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 71(3) DOI
2014 Ramesh T.; Manjaiah K.M.; Ngachan S.V.; Rajasekar K. (2014). Chemical and structural characterization of soil humic substances under different land use systems in sub-tropical regions of Northeast India, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 71(3) DOI
2014 Shashank P.R.; Ramamurthy V.V. (2014). Redescription of odontodes aleuca guenée (Lepidoptera: Euteliidae: Stictopterinae) including intraspecific variation in wing pattern, Entomological News, 124(2) DOI
2014 Murthy B.N.S.; Pramanick K.K. (2014). Strawberry cultivation in mild-tropics: Prospects and challenges from diseases' perspective, Acta Horticulturae, 1049() DOI
2014 Koli P.; Shakil N.A.; Kumar J.; Singh B.B.; Watterson A.C. (2014). Synthesis and characterization of novel encapsulating materials based on functionalized amphiphilic block copolymers, Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part A: Pure and Applied Chemistry, 51(9) DOI
2014 Kumar V.; Tomar B.S.; Singh B.; Kumar S. (2014). Effect of post-harvest ripening and drying methods on seed quality and storability in pumpkin cv Pusa Hybrid, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 84(9) DOI
2014 Chaudhary B.; Singh J.; Tripathi M.K.; Singh R.K.; Sharma M.K. (2014). Evaluation of upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) genotypes suitable for machine picking, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 84(9) DOI
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2014 Kaur A.; Singh N.; Kaur S.; Ahlawat A.K.; Singh A.M. (2014). Relationships of flour solvent retention capacity, secondary structure and rheological properties with the cookie making characteristics of wheat cultivars, Food Chemistry, 158() DOI
2014 Elayaraja K.; Gadag R.N.; Kumari J.; Singode A.; Paul D. (2014). Analysis of combining ability in experimental hybrids of Sweet corn (Zea mays var. saccharata), Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 74(3) DOI
2014 Verma B.C.; Datta S.P.; Rattan R.K.; Singh A.K. (2014). Impact of tillage, water and nutrient management practices on soil organic carbon pools in a seven-year rice-wheat rotation, Agrochimica, 58(4) DOI
2014 Kamil D.; Sharma D.K.; Devi T.P.; Singh M. (2014). First report of leaf blight of aloe vera caused by Sphaeropsis sapinea in India, Journal of Plant Pathology, 96(4) DOI
2014 Dey S.S.; Bhatia R.; Parkash C.; Kalia P.; Barwal R.N. (2014). Evaluation of cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. Botrytis) CMS (Ogura) lines for agronomic and floral traits, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 71(3) DOI
2014 Permar V.; Singh A.; Pandey V.; Alatar A.A.; Faisal M.; Jain R.K.; Praveen S. (2014). Tospo viral infection instigates necrosis and premature senescence by micro RNA controlled programmed cell death in Vigna unguiculata, Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 88() DOI
2014 Meena H.P.; Kumar J.; Ramesh M. (2014). Evaluation of the reaction of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) genotypes to drought conditions using various stress tolerance indices, Legume Research, 37(5) DOI
2014 Pachauri V.; Mishra V.; Mishra P.; Singh A.K.; Singh S.; Singh R.; Singh N.K. (2014). Identification of candidate genes for rice grain aroma by combining QTL mapping and transcriptome profiling approaches, Cereal Research Communications, 42(3) DOI
2014 Sharma A.; Sharma R.; Arora A.; Shah R.; Singh A.; Pranaw K.; Nain L. (2014). Insights into rapid composting of paddy straw augmented with efficient microorganism consortium, International Journal of Recycling of Organic Waste in Agriculture, 3(2) DOI
2014 Gopala K.S.; Waters D.L.E.; Henry R.J. (2014). Australian wild rice reveals pre-domestication origin of polymorphism deserts in rice genome, PLoS ONE, 9(6) DOI
2014 Jain R.; Janakiram T.; Singh K.P.; Kumawat G.L. (2014). Reduction of foliage discoloration and extending vase life of chrysanthemum (dandranthema × grandiflora) with different floral preservatives, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 84(10) DOI
2014 Singh S.; Singh H.; Seema; Singh J.; Sharma V.K. (2014). Effect of integrated use of rock phosphate, molybdenum and phosphate solubilizing bacteria on lentil (Lens culinaris) in an alluvial soil, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 59(3) DOI
2014 Dotaniya M.L.; Datta S.C.; Biswas D.R.; Kumar K. (2014). Effect of organic sources on phosphorus fractions and available phosphorus in Typic Haplustept, Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science, 62(1) DOI
2014 Sharma N.; Singh A.K.; Srivastav M.; Singh B.P.; Mahto A.K.; Singh N.K. (2014). Comparison of mango genomic DNA isolation methods for next generation sequencing, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 71(2) DOI
2014 Amat D.; Arora A.; Nain L.; Saxena A.K. (2014). Biomass hydrolyzing enzymes from plant pathogen Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. punicae: Optimizing production and characterization, Annals of Microbiology, 64(1) DOI
2014 Tripathi B.M.; Kumari P.; Weber K.P.; Saxena A.K.; Arora D.K.; Kaushik R. (2014). Influence of Long Term Irrigation with Pulp and Paper Mill Effluent on the Bacterial Community Structure and Catabolic Function in Soil, Indian Journal of Microbiology, 54(1) DOI
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2014 Das T.K.; Ahlawat I.P.S.; Yaduraju N.T. (2014). Littleseed canarygrass (Phalaris minor) resistance to clodinafop-propargyl in wheat fields in north-western India: Appraisal and management, Weed Biology and Management, 14(1) DOI
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2014 Pandey S.; Kushwah J.; Tiwari R.; Kumar R.; Somvanshi V.S.; Nain L.; Saxena A.K. (2014). Cloning and expression of β-1, 4-endoglucanase gene from Bacillus subtilis isolated from soil long term irrigated with effluents of paper and pulp mill, Microbiological Research (Zentralblatt für Mikrobiologie), 169(09-Oct) DOI
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2014 Gireesh C.; Vinod; Sharma J.B.; Prabhu K.V. (2014). Inheritance and molecular mapping of leaf rust resistance in Triticum turgidum var. durum cv. Trinakria, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 74(1) DOI
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2014 Naresh Kumar S.; Govindakrishnan P.M.; Swarooparani D.N.; Nitin C.; Surabhi J.; Aggarwal P.K. (2014). Assessment of impact of climate change on potato and potential adaptation gains in the Indo-Gangetic Plains of India, International Journal of Plant Production, 9(1) DOI
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2014 Chakrabarti B.; Singh R.; Bhatia A.; Singh S.D.; Singh B. (2014). Impact of aerial deposition from thermal power plant on growth and yield of rice (Oryza sativa) and wheat (Triticum aestivum), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 84(5) DOI
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2014 Monsefi A.; Sharma A.R.; Rang Zan N.; Behera U.K.; Das T.K. (2014). Effect of tillage and residue management on productivity of soybean and physico-chemical properties of soil in soybean-wheat cropping system, International Journal of Plant Production, 8(3) DOI
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2014 Vinutha T.; Gupta O.P.; Rama Prashat G.; Krishnan V.; Sharma P. (2014). Molecular mechanism of Begomovirus evolution and plant defense response, Plant Virus-Host Interaction: Molecular Approaches and Viral Evolution, () DOI
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2014 Kumar R.R.; Goswami S.; Gadpayle K.A.; Singh K.; Sharma S.K.; Singh G.P.; Pathak H.; Rai R.D. (2014). Ascorbic acid at pre-anthesis modulate the thermotolerance level of wheat (Triticum aestivum) pollen under heat stress, Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 23(3) DOI
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2014 Pradhan S.; Sehgal V.K.; Das D.K.; Jain A.K.; Bandyopadhyay K.K.; Singh R.; Sharma P.K. (2014). Effect of weather on seed yield and radiation and water use efficiency of mustard cultivars in a semi-arid environment, Agricultural Water Management, 139() DOI
2013 Meena B.P.; Kumar A.; Meena S.R.; Dhar S.; Rana D.S.; Rana K.S. (2013). Effect of sources and levels of nutrients on growth and yield behaviour of pop corn (Zea mays) and potato (Solanum tuberosum) sequence, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 58(4) DOI
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2013 Singh N.; Choudhury D.R.; Singh A.K.; Kumar S.; Srinivasan K.; Tyagi R.K.; Singh N.K.; Singh R. (2013). Comparison of SSR and SNP markers in estimation of genetic diversity and population structure of Indian rice varieties, PLoS ONE, 8(12) DOI
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2013 Kumar M.; Prasanna R.; Bidyarani N.; Babu S.; Mishra B.K.; Kumar A.; Adak A.; Jauhari S.; Yadav K.; Singh R.; Saxena A.K. (2013). Evaluating the plant growth promoting ability of thermotolerant bacteria and cyanobacteria and their interactions with seed spice crops, Scientia Horticulturae, 164() DOI
2013 Jat M.K.; Purohit H.S.; Singh B.; Garhwal R.S.; Choudhary M. (2013). Effect of integrated nutrient management on yield and nutrient uptake in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor), Indian Journal of Agronomy, 58(4) DOI
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2013 Nimisha S.; Kherwar D.; Ajay K.M.; Singh B.; Usha K. (2013). Molecular breeding to improve guava (Psidium guajava L.): Current status and future prospective, Scientia Horticulturae, 164() DOI
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2013 Mirjha P.R.; Prasad S.K.; Singh M.K.; Paikra R.H.; Patel S.; Majumdar M. (2013). Effect of weed control measures on weeds, nodulation, growth and yield of mungbean (Vigna radiata), Indian Journal of Agronomy, 58(4) DOI
2013 Mandal B.; Shilpi S.; Barman A.R.; Mandal S.; Varma A. (2013). Nine novel DNA components associated with the foorkey disease of large cardamom: Evidence of a distinct babuvirus species in Nanoviridae, Virus Research, 178(2) DOI
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2013 Thirunavukkarasu N.; Hossain F.; Shiriga K.; Mittal S.; Arora K.; Rathore A.; Mohan S.; Shah T.; Sharma R.; Namratha P.M.; Mithra A.S.V.; Mohapatra T.; Gupta H.S. (2013). Unraveling the genetic architecture of subtropical maize (Zea mays L.) lines to assess their utility in breeding programs, BMC Genomics, 14(1) DOI
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2013 Choudhary A.K.; Kumar S.; Patil B.S.; Bhat J.S.; Sharma M.; Kemal S.; Ontagodi T.P.; Datta S.; Patil P.; Chaturvedi S.K.; Sultana R.; Hegde V.S.; Choudhary S.; Kamannavar P.Y.; Vijayakumar A.G. (2013). Narrowing yield gaps through genetic improvement for Fusarium wilt resistance in three pulse crops of the semi-arid tropics, Sabrao Journal of Breeding and Genetics, 45(3) DOI
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2013 Zhao Y.; Chan Z.; Xing L.; Liu X.; Hou Y.-J.; Chinnusamy V.; Wang P.; Duan C.; Zhu J.-K. (2013). The unique mode of action of a divergent member of the ABA-receptor protein family in ABA and stress signaling, Cell Research, 23(12) DOI
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2013 Kota S.; Singh S.S.; Mohapatra T.; Singh A.M.; Brajendra V.; Bhadana P.; Ravichandran S. (2013). Genotype X environment interaction analysis for grain yield in new plant type (NPT) wheat derivatives, Sabrao Journal of Breeding and Genetics, 45(3) DOI
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2013 Selvakumar G.; Joshi P.; Suyal P.; Mishra P.K.; Joshi G.K.; Venugopalan R.; Kumar Bisht J.; Bhatt J.C.; Gupta H.S. (2013). Rock phosphate solubilization by psychrotolerant Pseudomonas spp. and their effect on lentil growth and nutrient uptake under polyhouse conditions, Annals of Microbiology, 63(4) DOI
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2013 Raghavendra B.T.; Singh D.; Yadava D.K.; Mondal K.K.; Sharma P. (2013). Pathogenic variability and genetic diversity using BOX -PCR of Xanthomonas campestris pv campestris isolated from cole crops, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 83(10) DOI
2013 Singh S.; Pandey R.K.; Goswami B.K. (2013). Bio-control activity of Purpureocillium lilacinum strains in managing root-knot disease of tomato caused by Meloidogyne incognita, Biocontrol Science and Technology, 23(12) DOI
2013 Dogra T.; Priyadarshini A.; Kanika; Kumar A.; Singh N.K. (2013). Identification of genes involved in salt tolerance and symbiotic nitrogen fixation in chickpea rhizobium Mesorhizobium ciceri Ca181, Symbiosis, 61(3) DOI
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2013 Nepolean T.; Senthilvel S.; Hossain F.; Namratha P.M.; Gupta H.S. (2013). Combating abiotic stresses in maize (Zea mays): Genomics approaches and in-silico tools available for the breeders, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 83(11) DOI
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2013 Shanmugavadivel P.S.; Mithra S.V.A.; Dokku P.; Kumar K.A.R.; Rao G.J.N.; Singh V.P.; Singh A.K.; Singh N.K.; Mohapatra T. (2013). Mapping quantitative trait loci (QTL) for grain size in rice using a RIL population from Basmati × indica cross showing high segregation distortion, Euphytica, 194(3) DOI
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2013 Smita S.; Rajwanshi R.; Lenka S.K.; Katiyar A.; Chinnusamy V.; Bansal K.C. (2013). Comparative Analysis of Fruit Transcriptome in Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) Genotypes with Contrasting Lycopene Contents, Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 31(6) DOI
2013 Ajay B.C.; Prasad P.S.; Gowda M.B.; Ganapathy K.N.; Gnanesh B.N.; Fiyaz R.A.; Veerakumar G.N.; Prashanth Babu H.; Venkatesha S.C.; Ramya K.T. (2013). Inheritance of resistance to Bangalore race of Fusarium wilt disease in pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan L.), Australian Journal of Crop Science, 7(10) DOI
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2013 Pradhan S.; Bandyopadhyay K.K.; Sahoo R.N.; Sehgal V.K.; Singh R.; Joshi D.K.; Gupta V.K. (2013). Prediction of wheat (Triticum aestivum) grain and biomass yield under different irrigation and nitrogen management practices using canopy reflectance spectra model, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 83(11) DOI
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2013 Mandal N.; Dwivedi B.S.; Meena M.C.; Singh D.; Datta S.P.; Tomar R.K.; Sharma B.M. (2013). Effect of induced defoliation in pigeonpea, farmyard manure and sulphitation pressmud on soil organic carbon fractions, mineral nitrogen and crop yields in a pigeonpea-wheat cropping system, Field Crops Research, 154() DOI
2013 Papolu P.K.; Gantasala N.P.; Kamaraju D.; Banakar P.; Sreevathsa R.; Rao U. (2013). Utility of host delivered RNAi of two FMRF amide like peptides, flp-14 and flp-18, for the management of root knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita, PLoS ONE, 8(11) DOI
2013 Sailo N.; Verma R.; Pandey R.; Jain V. (2013). Effect of elevated carbon dioxide on nitrogen assimilation and mobilization in wheat and rye genotypes of different ploidy levels, Indian Journal of Plant Physiology, 18(4) DOI
2013 Pranaw K.; Singh S.; Dutta D.; Singh N.; Sharma G.; Ganguly S.; Kalia V.; Nain L. (2013). Extracellular novel metalloprotease from Xenorhabdus indica and its potential as an insecticidal agent, Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 23(11) DOI
2013 Kallesh D.T.; Singh G.P.; Singh A.M.; Sharma R.K.; Arora A.; Ahlawat A. (2013). Association of physiological and morphological traits with grain yield under moisture stress conditions in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 83(11) DOI
2013 Rawat K.S.; Mishra A.K.; Sehgal V.K.; Ahmed N.; Tripathi V.K. (2013). Comparative evaluation of horizontal accuracy of elevations of selected ground control points from ASTER and SRTM DEM with respect to CARTOSAT-1 DEM: a case study of Shahjahanpur district, Uttar Pradesh, India, Geocarto International, 28(5) DOI
2013 Kataria S.; Guruprasad K.N.; Ahuja S.; Singh B. (2013). Enhancement of growth, photosynthetic performance and yield by exclusion of ambient UV components in C3 and C4 plants, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology, 127() DOI
2013 Kanakala S.; Singh B.P. (2013). Plectosphaerella cucumeria-occurrences as a new root rot pathogen and p-solubiliser in north-eastern India, Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection, 46(16) DOI
2013 Asrey R.; Patel V.B.; Barman K.; Pal R.K. (2013). Pruning affects fruit yield and postharvest quality in mango (Mangifera indica L.) cv. Amrapali; [L'élagage affecte le rendement en fruits et la qualité après récolte de la mangue (Mangifera indica L.) cv. Amrapali], Fruits, 68(5) DOI
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2013 Pandey S.; Singh S.; Yadav A.N.; Nain L.; Saxena A.K. (2013). Phylogenetic diversity and characterization of novel and efficient cellulase producing bacterial isolates from various extreme environments, Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry, 77(7) DOI
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2013 Kumar R.R.; Goswami S.; Singh K.; Rai G.K.; Rai R.D. (2013). Modulation of redox signal transduction in plant system through induction of free radical/ROS scavenging redox-sensitive enzymes and metabolites, Australian Journal of Crop Science, 7(11) DOI
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2013 Singh S.S.; Sharma J.B.; Singh P.K.; Vinod; Singh B.; Vinod Prabhu K.; Singh G.P.; Sharma R.K.; Kumar D.; Kumar S.; Singh A.M.; Yadav R.; Jain N.; Ramya P.; Yadav R.N.; Kumar J.; Sivasamy M.; Jayprakash P.; Mishra A.N.; Sai Prasad S.V.; Solanki I.S.; Walia D.P.; Sharma D.N.; Chand N.; Singh R. (2013). Wheat: Variety HD 3059 (Pusa Pachheti), Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 73(3) DOI
2013 Uike Y.; Kulhare P.S.; Sharma G.D.; Thakur R.K.; Yadav B. (2013). Effect of zinc levels and incubation with cow dung on yield and zinc uptake by soybean (Glycine max)-wheat (Triticum aestivum) sequence in Vertisols, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 58(3) DOI
2013 Sharma K.C. (2013). Effect of different sources of phosphate on the fodder productivity, phosphate budgeting and economics of Lucerne (Medicago sativa) cultivation in hot arid ecosystem of Rajasthan, Range Management and Agroforestry, 34(1) DOI
2013 Vijayan J.; Jain S.; Jain N.; Devanna B.N.; Rathour R.; Variar M.; Prashanthi S.K.; Singh A.K.; Singh U.D.; Singh N.K.; Sharma T.R. (2013). Identification of differentially expressed genes in rice during its early phases of interaction with magnaporthe oryzae, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 73(3) DOI
2013 Prasanna R.; Kumar A.; Babu S.; Chawla G.; Chaudhary V.; Singh S.; Gupta V.; Nain L.; Saxena A.K. (2013). Deciphering the biochemical spectrum of novel cyanobacterium-based biofilms for use as inoculants, Biological Agriculture and Horticulture, 29(3) DOI
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2013 Singh V.K.; Singh A.; Singh S.P.; Ellur R.K.; Singh D.; Gopala Krishnan S.; Bhowmick P.K.; Nagarajan M.; Vinod K.K.; Singh U.D.; Mohapatra T.; Prabhu K.V.; Singh A.K. (2013). Marker-assisted simultaneous but stepwise backcross breeding for pyramiding blast resistance genes Piz5 and Pi54 into an elite Basmati rice restorer line 'PRR78', Plant Breeding, 132(5) DOI
2013 Renuka N.; Sood A.; Ratha S.K.; Prasanna R.; Ahluwalia A.S. (2013). Evaluation of microalgal consortia for treatment of primary treated sewage effluent and biomass production, Journal of Applied Phycology, 25(5) DOI
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2013 Dubey A.K.; Srivastav M.; Kaur C. (2013). Fruit quality, antioxidant enzymes activity and yield of six cultivars of grapefruit (Citrus paradisi) grown under subtropical conditions, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 83(8) DOI
2013 Choudhary R.L.; Kumar D.; Shivay Y.S.; Anand A.; Nain L. (2013). Yield and quality of rice (Oryza sativa) hybrids grown by SRI method with and without plant growth promoting rhizobacteria, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 58(3) DOI
2013 Gupta R.; Chakrabarty S.K. (2013). Gibberellic acid in plant: Still a mystery unresolved, Plant Signaling and Behavior, 8(9) DOI
2013 Kujur A.; Bajaj D.; Saxena M.S.; Tripathi S.; Upadhyaya H.D.; Gowda C.L.L.; Singh S.; Jain M.; Tyagi A.K.; Parida S.K. (2013). Functionally relevant microsatellite markers from chickpea transcription factor genes for efficient genotyping applications and trait association mapping, DNA Research, 20(4) DOI
2013 Chandrashekar U.S.; Dadlani M.; Vishwanath K.; Chakrabarty S.K.; Prasad C.T.M. (2013). Study of morpho-physiological, phenological and reproductive behaviour in protogynous lines of Indian mustard [Brassica juncea (L.)], Euphytica, 193(2) DOI
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2013 Vignesh M.; Nepolean T.; Hossain F.; Singh A.K.; Gupta H.S. (2013). Sequence variation in 3′UTR region of crtRB1 gene and its effect on β-carotene accumulation in maize kernel, Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 22(4) DOI
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2013 Gantasala N.P.; Papolu P.K.; Thakur P.K.; Kamaraju D.; Sreevathsa R.; Rao U. (2013). Selection and validation of reference genes for quantitative gene expression studies by real-time PCR in eggplant (Solanum melongena L), BMC Research Notes, 6(1) DOI
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2013 Kumar R.; Mondal K.K. (2013). XopN-T3SS effector modulates in planta growth of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. punicae and cell-wall-associated immune response to induce bacterial blight in pomegranate, Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 84(1) DOI
2013 Dotaniya M.L.; Datta S.C.; Biswas D.R.; Meena B.P. (2013). Effect of solution phosphorus concentration on the exudation of oxalate ions by wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences India Section B - Biological Sciences, 83(3) DOI
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2013 Anand D.; Baunthiyal M.; Singh A.; Krishnan S.G.; Singh N.K.; Prabhu K.V.; Singh A.K. (2013). Validation of gene based marker-QTL association for grain dimension traits in rice, Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 22(4) DOI
2013 Pramesh D.; Singh P.; Baranwal V.K. (2013). In vitro expression and purification of the coat protein gene of garlic common latent virus and its application in ELISA-based diagnostics, Journal of Plant Pathology, 95(2) DOI
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2013 Kumar S.; Dwivedi S.K.; Elanchezhian R.; Singh S.S.; Singh O.N.; Arora A.; Bhatt B.P. (2013). Influence of aerobic condition on physiological traits and yield attributes of rice (Oryza sativa L.) genotypes under rainfed lowland ecosystem, Indian Journal of Plant Physiology, 18(3) DOI
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2013 Thirunavukkarasu N.; Hossain F.; Mohan S.; Shiriga K.; Mittal S.; Sharma R.; Singh R.K.; Gupta H.S. (2013). Genome-Wide Expression of Transcriptomes and Their Co-Expression Pattern in Subtropical Maize (Zea mays L.) under Waterlogging Stress, PLoS ONE, 8(8) DOI
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2013 Mehta R.; Radhakrishnan T.; Kumar A.; Yadav R.; Dobaria J.R.; Thirumalaisamy P.P.; Jain R.K.; Chigurupati P. (2013). Coat protein-mediated transgenic resistance of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) to peanut stem necrosis disease through Agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation, Indian Journal of Virology, 24(2) DOI
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2013 Bellundagi A.; Singh G.P.; Prabhu K.V.; Arora A.; Jain N.; Ramya P.; Singh A.M.; Singh P.K.; Ahlawat A. (2013). Early ground cover and other physiological traits as efficient selection criteria for grain yield under moisture deficit stress conditions in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Indian Journal of Plant Physiology, 18(3) DOI
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2013 Liu Z.-L.; Li Y.-J.; Hou H.-Y.; Zhu X.-C.; Rai V.; He X.-Y.; Tian C.-J. (2013). Differences in the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi-improved rice resistance to low temperature at two N levels: Aspects of N and C metabolism on the plant side, Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 71() DOI
2013 Renuka N.; Sood A.; Ratha S.K.; Prasanna R.; Ahluwalia A.S. (2013). NUTRIENT SEQUESTRATION, BIOMASS PRODUCTION BY MICROALGAE AND PHYTOREMEDIATION OF SEWAGE WATER, International Journal of Phytoremediation, 15(8) DOI
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2013 Pandey R.; Krishnapriya V.; Kishora N.; Singh S.B.; Singh B. (2013). Shoot labelling with 14CO2: A technique for assessing total root carbon exudation under phosphorus stress, Indian Journal of Plant Physiology, 18(3) DOI
2013 Dass A.; Sudhishri S.; Lenka N.K. (2013). Integrated Nutrient Management to Improve Finger Millet Productivity and Soil Conditions in Hilly Region of Eastern India, Journal of Crop Improvement, 27(5) DOI
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2013 Dutta S.K.; Srivastav M.; Chaudhary R.; Lal K.; Patil P.; Singh S.K.; Singh A.K. (2013). Low temperature storage of mango (Mangifera indica L.) pollen, Scientia Horticulturae, 161() DOI
2013 Dutta S.K.; Srivastav M.; Rymbai H.; Chaudhary R.; Singh A.K.; Dubey A.K.; Lal K. (2013). Pollen-pistil interaction studies in mango (Mangifera indica L.) cultivars, Scientia Horticulturae, 160() DOI
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2013 Chandusingh P.R.; Singh N.K.; Prabhu K.V.; Vinod K.K.; Singh A.K. (2013). Molecular mapping of quantitative trait loci for grain chalkiness in rice (Oryza sativa L.), Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 73(3) DOI
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2013 Mondal S.; Chakraborty D.; Tomar R.K.; Singh R.; Garg R.N.; Aggarwal P.; Sidhu G.S.; Behera U.K. (2013). Tillage and residue management effect on soil hydro-physical environment under pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan)-wheat (Triticum aestivum) rotation, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 83(5) DOI
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2013 Talukdar A.; Harish G.D.; Shivakumar M.; Kumar B.; Verma K.; Lal S.K.; Sapra R.L.; Singh K.P. (2013). Genetics of yellow mosaic virus (YMV) resistance in cultivated soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.], Legume Research, 36(3) DOI
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2013 Bellundagi A.; Singh G.P.; Singh A.M.; Arora A.; Jain N.; Sai Prasad S.V.; Kumar J.; Ahlawat A.; Ramya P. (2013). Genetic diversity for moisture deficit stress adaptive traits in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Indian Journal of Plant Physiology, 18(2) DOI
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2013 Singh R.K.; Singh S.P.; Tiwari D.K.; Srivastava S.; Singh S.B.; Sharma M.L.; Singh R.; Mohapatra T.; Singh N.K. (2013). Genetic mapping and QTL analysis for sugar yield-related traits in sugarcane, Euphytica, 191(3) DOI
2013 Munda S.; Shivakumar B.G.; Gangaiah B.; Rana D.S.; Manjaiah K.M.; Lakshman K.; Layek J. (2013). Response of soybean (Glycine max) to phosphorus with or without biofertilizers, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 58(1) DOI
2013 Roy A.; Spoorthi P.; Bag M.K.; Prasad T.V.; Singh R.; Dutta M.; Mandal B. (2013). A leaf curl disease in germplasm of rapeseed-mustard in india: Molecular evidence of a weed-infecting begomovirus-betasatellite complex emerging in a new crop, Journal of Phytopathology, 161(07-Aug) DOI
2013 Thakur S.; Gupta Y.K.; Singh P.K.; Rathour R.; Variar M.; Prashanthi S.K.; Singh A.K.; Singh U.D.; Chand D.; Rana J.C.; Singh N.K.; Sharma T.R. (2013). Molecular diversity in rice blast resistance gene Pi-ta makes it highly effective against dynamic population of Magnaporthe oryzae, Functional and Integrative Genomics, 13(3) DOI
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2013 Ram M.; Prasad K.V.; Singh S.K.; Hada B.S.; Kumar S. (2013). Influence of salicylic acid and methyl jasmonate elicitation on anthocyanin production in callus cultures of Rosa hybrida L, Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture, 113(3) DOI
2013 Bhattacharyya R.; Das T.K.; Pramanik P.; Ganeshan V.; Saad A.A.; Sharma A.R. (2013). Impacts of conservation agriculture on soil aggregation and aggregate-associated N under an irrigated agroecosystem of the Indo-Gangetic Plains, Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems (Fertilizer Research), 96(02-Mar) DOI
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2013 Sridhar J.; Sharma K. (2013). Effect of different combinations of antimicrobial agents on biological fitness and fecundity of tobacco caterpillar (spodoptera litura) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) reared on meridic diet, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 83(7) DOI
2013 Prasanna R.; Babu S.; Rana A.; Kabi S.R.; Chaudhary V.; Gupta V.; Kumar A.; Shivay Y.S.; Nain L.; Pal R.K. (2013). Evaluating the establishment and agronomic proficiency of cyanobacterial consortia as organic options in wheat-rice cropping sequence, Experimental Agriculture, 49(3) DOI
2013 Meena M.C.; Patel K.P.; Ramani V.P. (2013). Effect of FYM and sewage sludge application on yield and quality of pearl millet-mustard cropping system and soil fertility in a typic haplustept, Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science, 61(1) DOI
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2013 Asokan R.; Rebijith K.B.; Ranjitha H.H.; Roopa H.K.; Ramamurthy V.V. (2013). Prediction and characterization of novel microRNAs from brown plant hopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stål) (Hemiptera: Delphacidae), Entomological Research, 43(4) DOI
2013 Bharathi L.K.; Munshi A.D.; Behera T.K.; John K.J.; Bhat K.V.; Sidhu A.S. (2013). Morphological relationship among the Momordica species of Indian occurrence, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 73(3) DOI
2013 Saha A.; Ahammed Shabeer Tp; Gajbhiye V.T.; Gupta S.; Kumar R. (2013). Removal of mixed pesticides from aqueous solutions using organoclays: Evaluation of equilibrium and kinetic model, Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 91(1) DOI
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2013 Singh H.V.; Jha G.; Babu S.; Jha A.K. (2013). Effect of seed rate and sowing depth on growth, yield attributes and yield of irrigated wheat (Triticum aestivum) in Madhya Pradesh, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 58(2) DOI
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2013 Dey S.S.; Bhatia R.; Sharma S.R.; Parkash C.; Sureja A.K. (2013). Effects of chloroplast substituted Ogura male sterile cytoplasm on the performance of cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis L.) F1 hybrids, Scientia Horticulturae, 157() DOI
2013 Choudhary R.L.; Behera U.K. (2013). Effect of sequential tillage practices and N levels on energy relations and use-efficiencies of irrigation water and N in maize (Zea mays)-wheat (Triticum aestivum) cropping system, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 58(1) DOI
2013 Das T.R.; Baisakh B. (2013). Efficacy of physical and chemical mutagenic treatments for developing superior mutants in greengram (Vigna radiata), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 83(6) DOI
2013 Singh R.J.; Ahlawat I.P.S.; Kumar K. (2013). Productivity and profitability of the transgenic cotton-wheat production system through peanut intercropping and FYM addition, Experimental Agriculture, 49(3) DOI
2013 Karunakaran V.; Behera U.K. (2013). Effect of tillage, residue management and crop establishment techniques on energetics, water use efficiency and economics in soybean (Glycine max)-wheat (Triticum aestivum) cropping system, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 58(1) DOI
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2013 Kalambukattu J.G.; Singh R.D.; Patra A.K.; Arunkumar K.; Pote J. (2013). Land use practices in the Central Himalayan region affect soil enzyme activities and their relationship with carbon pools, Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B: Soil and Plant Science, 63(5) DOI
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2013 Gupta A.; Pal R.K.; Rajam M.V. (2013). Delayed ripening and improved fruit processing quality in tomato by RNAi-mediated silencing of three homologs of 1-aminopropane-1-carboxylate synthase gene, Journal of Plant Physiology, 170(11) DOI
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2013 Vinod K.K.; Krishnan S.G.; Babu N.N.; Nagarajan M.; Singh A.K. (2013). Improving salt tolerance in rice: Looking beyond the conventional, Salt Stress in Plants: Signalling, Omics and Adaptations, 9.78146E+12() DOI
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2013 Dutta S.; Mahato A.K.; Sharma P.; Raje R.S.; Sharma T.R.; Singh N.K. (2013). Highly variable 'Arhar' simple sequence repeat markers for molecular diversity and phylogenetic studies in pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millisp.], Plant Breeding, 132(2) DOI
2013 Karmakar P.; Munshi A.D.; Behera T.K.; Kumar R.; Kaur C.; Singh B.K. (2013). Hermaphrodite inbreds with better combining ability improve antioxidant properties in ridge gourd [Luffa acutangula (Roxb.) L.], Euphytica, 191(1) DOI
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2013 Tripathi R.; Sahoo R.N.; Gupta V.K.; Sehgal V.K.; Sahoo P.M. (2013). Developing Vegetation Health Index from biophysical variables derived using MODIS satellite data in the Trans-Gangetic plains of India, Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture, 25(5) DOI
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2013 Kumar R.R.; Sharma S.K.; Goswami S.; Singh G.P.; Singh R.; Singh K.; Pathak H.; Rai R.D. (2013). Characterization of differentially expressed stress-associated proteins in starch granule development under heat stress in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 50(2) DOI
2013 Kundu S.; Adhikari T.; Vassanda Coumar M.; Rajendiran S.; Bhattacharyya R.; Saha J.K.; Biswas A.K.; Subba Rao A. (2013). Pine oleoresin: A potential urease inhibitor and coating material for slow-release urea, Current Science, 104(8) DOI
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2013 Kumar J.; Vashisth A.; Sehgal V.K.; Gupta V.K. (2013). Assessment of Aphid Infestation in Mustard by Hyperspectral Remote Sensing, Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, 41(1) DOI
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2013 Rana S.; Tiwari R.; Arora A.; Singh S.; Kaushik R.; Kumar Saxena A.; Dutta S.C.; Nain L. (2013). Prospecting Parthenium sp. pretreated with Trametes hirsuta, as a potential bioethanol feedstock, Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, 2(2) DOI
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2013 Kumar R.R.; Sharma S.K.; Goswami S.; Singh K.; Gadpayle K.A.; Singh G.P.; Pathak H.; Rai R.D. (2013). Transcript profiling and biochemical characterization of mitochondrial superoxide dismutase (mtSOD) in wheat (Triticum aestivum) under different exogenous stresses, Australian Journal of Crop Science, 7(3) DOI
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2013 Mahapatro J.K.; Kumar S. (2013). First report of a commonly prevalent termite Heterotermes indicola from Delhi region, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 83(4) DOI
2013 Chaturvedi S.; Kumar A.; Singh B.; Nain L.; Joshi M.; Satya S. (2013). Bioaugmented composting of Jatropha de-oiled cake and vegetable waste under aerobic and partial anaerobic conditions, Journal of Basic Microbiology, 53(4) DOI
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2013 Kumar A.; Singhal S.K.; Singh V.; Kumar N.; Sharma V.K. (2013). Impact of rock- phosphate enriched pressmud and biogass slurry on yield, phosphorus nutrition and utilization by Soybean (Glycine max) in a typic haplustept, Legume Research, 36(1) DOI
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2013 Ratha S.K.; Prasanna R.; Prasad R.B.N.; Sarika C.; Dhar D.W.; Saxena A.K. (2013). Modulating lipid accumulation and composition in microalgae by biphasic nitrogen supplementation, Aquaculture, 392-395() DOI
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2013 Tripathi R.; Sahoo R.N.; Gupta V.K.; Sehgal V.K.; Sahoo P.M. (2013). Retrieval of leaf area index using IRS-P6, LISS-III data and validation of MODIS LAI product (MOD15 V5) over trans gangetic plains of India, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 83(4) DOI
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2013 Gupta V.; Prasanna R.; Cameotra S.S.; Dureja P.; Singh R.N.; Sharma J. (2013). Enhancing the production of an antifungal compound from Anabaena laxa through modulation of environmental conditions and its characterization, Process Biochemistry, 48(05-Jun) DOI
2013 Kalambukattu J.G.; Singh R.; Patra A.K.; Arunkumar K. (2013). Soil carbon pools and carbon management index under different land use systems in the Central Himalayan region, Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B: Soil and Plant Science, 63(3) DOI
2013 Shikari A.B.; Khanna A.; Krishnan S.G.; Singh U.D.; Rathour R.; Tonapi V.; Sharma T.R.; Nagarajan M.; Prabhu K.V.; Singh A.K. (2013). Molecular analysis and phenotypic validation of blast resistance genes Pita and Pita2 in landraces of rice (Oryza sativa L.), Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 73(2) DOI
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2013 Naresh Kumar S.; Aggarwal P.K. (2013). Climate change and coconut plantations in India: Impacts and potential adaptation gains, Agricultural Systems, 117() DOI
2013 Choudhury B.U.; Singh A.K.; Pradhan S. (2013). Estimation of crop coefficients of dry-seeded irrigated rice-wheat rotation on raised beds by field water balance method in the Indo-Gangetic plains, India, Agricultural Water Management, 123() DOI
2013 Kumar P.; Rana K.S.; Ansari M.A.; Hariom (2013). Effect of planting system and phosphorous on productivity, moisture use efficiency and economics of sole and intercropped pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan) under rainfed conditions of northern India, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 83(5) DOI
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2013 Pal M.; Chaturvedi A.K.; Shah D.; Bahuguna R.N.; Sadhana; Singh S.; Mukhopadhyay D.; Khetarpal S.; Anand A.; Deshmukh P.S.; Bhardwaj C.; Kumar J. (2013). Growth dynamics and temperature sensitivity of late planting chickpea under Delhi conditions, Indian Journal of Plant Physiology, 18(1) DOI
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2013 Mukhopadhyay D.; Chauhan J.S.; Parihar S.S.; Dadlani M. (2013). Seed storage behaviour in Berberis aristata, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 83(3) DOI
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2013 Sharma R.K.; Singh P.K.; Vinod; Joshi A.K.; Bhardwaj S.C.; Bains N.S.; Singh S. (2013). Protecting South Asian Wheat Production from Stem Rust (Ug99) Epidemic, Journal of Phytopathology, 161(5) DOI
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2013 Bhattacharyya T.; Pal D.K.; Mandal C.; Chandran P.; Ray S.K.; Sarkar D.; Velmourougane K.; Srivastava A.; Sidhu G.S.; Singh R.S.; Sahoo A.K.; Dutta D.; Nair K.M.; Srivastava R.; Tiwary P.; Nagar A.P.; Nimkhedkar S.S. (2013). Soils of India: Historical perspective, classification and recent advances, Current Science, 104(10) DOI
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2013 Swarnalakshmi K.; Prasanna R.; Kumar A.; Pattnaik S.; Chakravarty K.; Shivay Y.S.; Singh R.; Saxena A.K. (2013). Evaluating the influence of novel cyanobacterial biofilmed biofertilizers on soil fertility and plant nutrition in wheat, European Journal of Soil Biology, 55() DOI
2013 Hosamani J.; Dadlani M.; Santha I.M.; Arun Kumar M.B.; Jacob S.R. (2013). Biochemical Phenotyping of Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merill] Genotypes to Establish the Role of Lipid Peroxidation and Antioxidant Enzymes in Seed Longevity, Agricultural Research, 2(2) DOI
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2013 Babu S.; Rana D.S.; Prasad D.; Pal S. (2013). Effect of sunflower stover and nutrients management on productivity, nutrient economy and phosphorus use efficiencies of pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan)-sunflower (Helianthus annuus) cropping system, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 83(2) DOI
2013 Verma S.; Singh H.V.; Saxena R. (2013). Relative performance of sesame (Sesamum indicum) under organic, inorganic and integrated nutrient management, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 83(2) DOI
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2013 Ray P.; Singhal S.K.; Datta S.P. (2013). Effect of Zinc fertilization on Iron, Manganese and Copper content in Chenopodium (Chenopodium Albuml.) Grown on Acid and Alkaline soils amended with organics, Indian Journal of Agricultural Research, 47(2) DOI
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2013 Kalia V.K.; Sethi T.; Gujar G.T. (2013). Susceptibility of brinjal shoot and fruit borer, Leucinodes orbonalis (Guenée) to Bacillus thuringiensis and its cry toxins, Biopesticides International, 9(1) DOI
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2013 Singh P.; Rai R.K.; Suman A.; Srivastava T.K.; Singh K.P.; Yadav R.L. (2013). Ratooning Induced Rhizospheric Changes Impede Nutrient Acquisition and Growth in Sugarcane Ratoon Crop During Grand Growth Stage in Sub-tropics, Sugar Tech, 15(1) DOI
2013 Thakur S.; Singh P.K.; Rathour R.; Variar M.; Prashanthi S.K.; Singh A.K.; Singh U.D.; Chand D.; Singh N.K.; Sharma T.R. (2013). Positive selection pressure on rice blast resistance allele Piz-t makes it divergent in Indian land races, Journal of Plant Interactions, 8(1) DOI
2013 Belludi S.A.; Verma S.; Banthia R.; Bhusari P.; Parwani S.; Kedia S.; Saiprasad S.V. (2013). Effect of lycopene in the treatment of periodontal disease: A clinical study, Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice, 14(6) DOI
2013 Islam S.; Munshi A.D.; Kumar R.; Behera T.K.; Lal S.K. (2013). Gene effects studies in sponge gourd for earliness, yield and its component traits, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 70(4) DOI
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2013 Ahuja D.B.; Singh S.; Sharma P.; Malik M.; Singh R.V.; Kalra B. (2013). Development and on-farm validation of location specific IPM technology for rainy season cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var botrytis subvar cauliflora), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 83(2) DOI
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2013 Gupta R.; Chakrabarty S.K.; Yadav J.B.; Dadlani M. (2013). Assessment of fertility restorer gene (R1) in R-line and Moricandia based hybrid of Indian mustard using SCAR marker, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 73(1) DOI
2013 Meena B.L.; Rattan R.K.; Datta S.P. (2013). Efficacy of seed treatment in Ameliorating iron deficiency in aerobic rice on a calcareous soil, Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science, 61(2) DOI
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2013 Gurjar D.S.; Yadav B.R.; Sharma V.K. (2013). Hydrogeochemical characterization and contamination of nitrate and fluoride in groundwater of south-west region of Delhi State, India, Indian Journal of Agricultural Research, 47(1) DOI
2013 Tiwari J.K.; Munshi A.D.; Kumar R.; Sureja A.K. (2013). Effects of salt stress on cucumber: Seed germination, vegetative growth and fruit yield, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 70(4) DOI
2013 Khan H.; Sivalingam P.N.; Chauhan S.; Awasthi O.P.; More T.A. (2013). Improved crossing technique and identification of true F1 hybrids of Ziziphus mauritiana Lam. by molecular markers, Scientia Horticulturae, 150() DOI
2013 Pal K.K.; Dey R.; Sherathia D.; Sukhadiya B.; Dalsania T.; Patel I.; Savsani K.; Thomas M.; Vanpariya S.; Mandaliya M.; Rupapara R.; Rawal P.; Ghorai S.; Bhayani S.; Shah A.; Saxena A.K. (2013). Draft genome sequence of an obligate and moderately halophilic bacterium, Thalassobacillus devorans strain MSP14, the first draft genome of the genus Thalassobacillus, Genome Announcements, 1(6) DOI
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2013 Tiwari N.; Sharma P.K.; Malathi V.G. (2013). Functional characterization of βc1 gene of Cotton leaf curl Multan betasatellite, Virus Genes, 46(1) DOI
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2013 Malik S.K.; Uchoi A.; Kumar S.; Choudhary R.; Pal D.; Kole P.R.; Chaudhury R.; Bhat K.V. (2013). Molecular characterization of Citrus macroptera Montr. (Satkara): An endangered wild species from northeast India, Plant Biosystems, 147(4) DOI
2013 Sharma S.; Sharma R.R.; Pal R.K. (2013). Effect of ethylene absorbents on compression injury and quality of Santa Rosa Japanese plum (Prunus salicina) during transportation, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 83(2) DOI
2013 Ali S.; Kadian M.S.; Ortiz O.; Singh B.P.; Chandla V.K.; Akhtar M. (2013). Degeneration of potato seed in meghalaya and nagaland states in North-Eastern hills of India, Potato Journal (Journal of Indian Potato Association), 40(2) DOI
2013 Hosamani J.; Arun Kumar M.B.; Talukdar A.; Lal S.K.; Dadlani M. (2013). Molecular characterization and identification of candidate markers for seed longevity in soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merill], Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 73(1) DOI
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2013 Kumar S.; Sharma R.; Kumar V.; Vyas G.K.; Rathore A. (2013). Combining molecular-marker and chemical analysis of Capparis deciduas (Capparaceae) in the thar desert of western Rajasthan (India), Revista de Biologia Tropical, 61(1) DOI
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2013 Dey R.; Pal K.K.; Sherathia D.; Dalsania T.; Savsani K.; Patel I.; Thomas M.; Ghorai S.; Vanpariya S.; Rupapara R.; Rawal P.; Sukhadiya B.; Mandaliya M.; Saxena A.K. (2013). Draft genome sequence of Bacillus sp. strain NSP9.1, a moderately halophilic bacterium isolated from the salt marsh of the Great Rann of Kutch, India, Genome Announcements, 1(5) DOI
2013 Nair R.; Kalia V.; Aggarwal K.K.; Gujar G.T. (2013). Variation in the cadherin gene sequence of Cry1Ac susceptible and resistant Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) and the identification of mutant alleles in resistant strains, Current Science, 104(2) DOI
2013 Sharma R.; Manda R.; Gupta S.; Kumar S.; Kumar V. (2013). Isolation and characterization of osmotolerant bacteria from Thar Desert of Western Rajasthan (India), Revista de Biologia Tropical, 61(4) DOI
2013 Verma B.C.; Datta S.P.; Rattan R.K.; Singh A.K. (2013). Labile and stabilised fractions of soil organic carbon in some intensively cultivated alluvial soils, Journal of Environmental Biology, 34(6) DOI
2013 Panigrahi P.; Sharma R.K.; Parihar S.S.; Hasan M.; Rana D.S. (2013). economic analysis of drip-irrigated kinnow mandarin orchard under deficit irrigation and partial root zone drying, Irrigation and Drainage, 62(1) DOI
2013 Kumar R.R.; Goswami S.; Sharma S.K.; Gadpayle K.A.; Singh K.; Kumar N.; Rai G.K.; Rai R.D. (2013). Heat stress associated antioxidant isoenzymes in wheat: Expression and Proteomics, Indian Journal of Agricultural Research, 47(4) DOI
2013 Varshney R.K.; Gaur P.M.; Chamarthi S.K.; Krishnamurthy L.; Tripathi S.; Kashiwagi J.; Samineni S.; Singh V.K.; Thudi M.; Jaganathan D. (2013). Fast-track introgression of "QTL-hotspot" for root traits and other drought tolerance traits in JG 11, an elite and leading variety of chickpea, The Plant Genome, 6(3) DOI
2013 Vinu V.; Singh N.; Vasudev S.; Kumar Yadava D.; Kumar S.; Naresh S.; Ramachandra Bhat S.; Vinod Prabhu K. (2013). Assessment of genetic diversity in Brassica juncea (Brassicaceae) genotypes using phenotypic differences and SSR markers; [Evaluación de la diversidad genética en genotipos de Brassica juncea (Brassicaceae) utilizando diferencias fenótipicas y marcadores SSR], Revista de Biologia Tropical, 61(4) DOI
2013 Singh S.K.; Singh R.S.; Awasthi O.P. (2013). Influence of pre- and post-harvest treatments on shelf-life and quality attributes of ber fruits, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 70(4) DOI
2013 Kumar P.; Sekhar J.C.; Kaur J. (2013). Trichogrammatids: Integration with other methods of pest control, Biological Control of Insect Pests Using Egg Parasitoids, () DOI
2013 Behera T.K.; Tiwari H.; Saha S.; Singhal P. (2013). Variation in chlorophyll and carotenoids content in bitter gourd genotypes at edible maturity stage, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 70(4) DOI
2013 Ghosh R.K.; Singh N. (2013). Adsorption-desorption of metolachlor and atrazine in Indian soils: Effect of fly ash amendment, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 185(2) DOI
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2013 Patil T.; Singh M.; Khanna M.; Singh D.K.; Hasan M. (2013). Response of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) to trickle irrigation under different irrigation intervals, N application rate and crop geometry, Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 68(4) DOI
2013 Tripathi K.; Sharma N.K.; Rai V.; Rai A.K. (2013). Low cellular P-quota and poor metabolic adaptations of the freshwater cyanobacterium Anabaena fertilissima Rao during Pi-limitation, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, International Journal of General and Molecular Microbiology, 103(2) DOI
2013 Srivastava S.K.; Mathur V.C.; Sivaramane N.; Kumar R.; Hasan R.; Meena P.C. (2013). Unravelling food basket of indian households: Revisiting underlying changes and future food demand, Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 68(4) DOI
2013 Gupta A.; Mahajan R.; Singh D.; Khosla K.; Lal R.; Gupta V. (2013). Protocol for isolation and identification of agrobacterium isolates from stone fruit plants and sensitivity of native A. tumefaciens isolates against agrocin produced by A. radiobacter strain K84, National Academy Science Letters-India, 36(1) DOI
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2013 Das S.C.; Prabhu T.; Deb A.K.; Biswas T.; Prakash J. (2013). Studies of indigenous and tribal medicinal plants of hilly Tripura, Acta Horticulturae, 972() DOI
2013 Sehrawat N.; Bhat K.V.; Sairam R.K.; Toomoka N.; Kaga A.; Shu Y.; Jaiwal P.K. (2013). Diversity analysis and confirmation of intra-specific hybrids for salt tolerance in mungbean (Vigna radiata L. Wilczek), International Journal of Integrative Biology, 14(2) DOI
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2013 Pal K.K.; Dey R.; Sherathia D.; Dalsania T.; Savsani K.; Patel I.; Thomas M.; Ghorai S.; Vanpariya S.; Rupapara R.; Acharya N.; Rawal P.; Joshi P.; Sukhadiya B.; Mandaliya M.; Saxena A.K. (2013). Draft genome sequence of Salinibacillus aidingensis strain MSP4, an obligate halophilic bacterium isolated from a salt crystallizer of the Rann of Kutch, India, Genome Announcements, 1(4) DOI
2013 Gaind S.; Singh Y.V. (2013). Soil Organic Carbon in Relation to Nutrient Regimes and Crop Rotation Under Rice-Based Cropping System, Journal of Crop Improvement, 27(2) DOI
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2013 Tula S.; Ansari M.W.; Prasad Babu A.; Pushpalatha G.; Sreenu K.; Sarla N.; Tuteja N.; Rai V. (2013). Physiological assessment and allele mining in rice cultivars for salinity and drought stress tolerance, Vegetos, 26() DOI
2013 Vashisth A.; Meena N.; Joshi D.K.; Singh R. (2013). Biophysical and growth parameters in relation to yield in sunflower (Helianthus annuus), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 83(2) DOI
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2013 Maurya A.K.; Sharma R.K.; Kumar A.; Joseph P.E. (2013). Adsorption-desorption and leaching behaviour of atrazine in alluvial soil of Agra: A semi arid region, Indian Journal of Environmental Protection, 33(8) DOI
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2013 Bharathi L.K.; Behera T.K.; Sureja A.K.; John K.J.; Wehner T.C. (2013). Snake gourd and pointed gourd: Botany and horticulture, Horticultural Reviews, 41() DOI
2013 Sharma S.; Singh A.; Yadav N.; Kumar R. (2013). Nutritional and antinutritional profile of newly developed chickpea (Cicer arietinum L) varieties, International Food Research Journal, 20(2) DOI
2013 Suresha G.S.; Jacob J.; Bose P.; Kumar S.; Santha I.M. (2013). Molecular cloning of partial genomic and cDNA sequence of oleate desaturase gene from Brassica Juncea, Indian Journal of Agricultural Biochemistry, 26(2) DOI
2013 Das S.C.; Prakash J.; Deb A.K.; Biswas T. (2013). Medicinal value of underutilized fruits in hilly Tripura, Acta Horticulturae, 972() DOI
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2013 Sharma R.; Agrawal V.V.; Srivastava A.K.; Govind; Nain L.; Imran M.; Kabi S.R.; Sinha R.K.; Malhotra B.D. (2013). Phase control of nanostructured iron oxide for application to biosensor, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 1(4) DOI
2013 Bhattacharyya R.; Pandey S.C.; Bisht J.K.; Bhatt J.C.; Gupta H.S.; Tuti M.D.; Mahanta D.; Mina B.L.; Singh R.D.; Chandra S.; Srivastva A.K.; Kundu S. (2013). Tillage and irrigation effects on soil aggregation and carbon pools in the indian sub-himalayas, Agronomy Journal, 105(1) DOI
2013 Karmakar P.; Munshi A.D.; Behera T.K.; Kumar R.; Sureja A.K.; Kaur C.; Singh B.K. (2013). Quantification and Inheritance of Antioxidant Properties and Mineral Content in Ridge Gourd (Luffa acutangula), Agricultural Research, 2(3) DOI
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2013 Pal K.K.; Dey R.; Thomas M.; Sherathia D.; Dalsania T.; Patel I.; Savsani K.; Ghorai S.; Vanpariya S.; Sukhadiya B.; Mandaliya M.; Rupapara R.; Rawal P.; Saxena A.K. (2013). Draft genome sequence of Bacillus sp. strain SB47, an obligate extreme halophile isolated from a salt pan of the Little Rann of Kutch, India, Genome Announcements, 1(5) DOI
2013 Dhanya M.S.; Prasad S.; Singh A. (2013). Biogas technology fordeveloping countries: An approach to sustainable development, Bioenergy Production by Anaerobic Digestion: Using Agricultural Biomass and Organic Wastes, 9.7802E+12() DOI
2013 Patra P.; Choudhury S.R.; Mandal S.; Basu A.; Goswami A.; Gogoi R.; Srivastava C.; Kumar R.; Gopal M. (2013). Effect sulfur and zno nanoparticles on stress physiology and plant (Vigna radiata) nutrition, Springer Proceedings in Physics, 143() DOI
2013 Dubey A.K.; Ramamurthy V.V. (2013). Dialeurolonga re-defined (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae): with a new genus and species from India, two new genera from Australia, and discussion of host-correlated puparial variation, Zootaxa, 3616(6) DOI
2013 Bana R.S.; Shivay Y.S.; Sepat S.; Rana K.S.; Pooniya V. (2013). Effect of summer forage crops and phosphogypsum-enriched urea on productivity of basmati rice (Oryza sativa)-wheat (Triticum aestivum) cropping system, Research on Crops, 14(3) DOI
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2013 Lal K.; Yadav R.K.; Kaur R.; Bundela D.S.; Khan M.I.; Chaudhary M.; Meena R.L.; Dar S.R.; Singh G. (2013). Productivity, essential oil yield, and heavy metal accumulation in lemon grass (Cymbopogon flexuosus) under varied wastewater-groundwater irrigation regimes, Industrial Crops and Products, 45() DOI
2013 Dhillon M.K.; Sharma H.C. (2013). Comparative studies on the effects of Bt-transgenic and non-transgenic cotton on arthropod diversity, seedcotton yield and bollworms control, Journal of Environmental Biology, 34(1) DOI
2013 Nijamudeen M.S.; Singh M.; Khanna M.; Singh B.; Singh R.; Pandey R.N.; Hasan M. (2013). N and K fertilizer application rate under drip-fertigation for greenhouse grown sweet pepper, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 70(1) DOI
2013 Suresha G.S.; Santha I.M. (2013). Molecular cloning and In silico analysis of novel oleate desaturase gene homologues from Brassica juncea through sub-genomic library approach, Plant OMICS, 6(1) DOI
2013 Patle G.T.; Bandyopadhyay K.K.; Singh D.K. (2013). Impact of conservation agriculture and resource conservation technologies on carbon sequestration - A review, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 83(1) DOI
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2013 Jaiswal P.; Prasanna R.; Singh P.K. (2013). Physiological characterization and molecular profiling of toxic and non-toxic isolates of cyanobacterium microcystis, Journal of Environmental Biology, 34(3) DOI
2013 Kumar R.R.; Goswami S.; Sharma S.K.; Singh K.; Gadpayle K.A.; Singh S.D.; Pathak H.; Rai R.D. (2013). Differential expression of heat shock protein and alteration in osmolyte accumulation under heat stress in wheat, Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 22(1) DOI
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2013 Sharma Y.P.; Pramanick K.K.; Sharma S.K.; Kashyap P. (2013). Disease reaction of apple germplasm to white root rot (Dematophora necatrix), Indian Journal of Horticulture, 70(1) DOI
2013 Basak B.B.; Biswas D.R.; Pal S. (2013). Soil biochemical properties and grain quality as affected by organic manures and mineral fertilizers in soil under maize-wheat rotation, Agrochimica, 57(1) DOI
2013 Sharma A.K.; Rajguru Y.R.; Adsule P.G.; Goswami A.K. (2013). Pre-treatments of Tas-A-Ganesh grape bunches and subsequent effect on their drying, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 70(1) DOI
2013 Sanju S.; Thakur A.; Siddappa S.; Sreevathsa R.; Srivastava N.; Shukla P.; Singh B.P. (2013). Pathogen virulence of Phytophthora infestans: From gene to functional genomics, Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, 19(2) DOI
2013 Yadav R.K.; Joshi S.; Kumar R.; Kalia P.; Varshney R.; Jain V. (2013). Studies on different genotypes of Indian bathua (Chenopodium album) for thier yield, quality and antioxidant activities, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 83(1) DOI
2013 Prasanna R.; Sharma E.; Sharma P.; Kumar A.; Kumar R.; Gupta V.; Pal R.K.; Shivay Y.S.; Nain L. (2013). Soil fertility and establishment potential of inoculated cyanobacteria in rice crop grown under non-flooded conditions, Paddy and Water Environment, 11(01-Apr) DOI
2013 Singh S.; Sharma S.R.; Kalia P.; Sharma P.; Kumar V.; Kumar R.; Meena B.L.; Kumar S.; Sharma T.R. (2013). Screening of cauliflower (Brassica oleracea L. var. botrytis L.) germplasm for resistance to downy mildew [Hyaloperonospora parasitica Constant (Pers.:Fr) Fr.] and designing appropriate multiple resistance breeding strategies, Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 88(1) DOI
2013 Kaur C.; Walia S.; Nagal S.; Walia S.; Singh J.; Singh B.B.; Saha S.; Singh B.; Kalia P.; Jaggi S.; Sarika (2013). Functional quality and antioxidant composition of selected tomato (Solanum lycopersicon L) cultivars grown in Northern India, LWT-Food Science and Technology, 50(1) DOI
2013 Bhatia A.; Jain N.; Pathak H. (2013). Methane and nitrous oxide emissions from Indian rice paddies, agricultural soils and crop residue burning, Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology, 3(3) DOI
2013 Patel V.B.; Barman K.; Chand G.; Singh S.K. (2013). Stem-end blackening: A new physiological disorder in mango from Bihar, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 70(3) DOI
2013 Ojha S.; Golechha M.; Kumari S.; Bhatia J.; Arya D.S. (2013). Glycyrrhiza glabra protects from myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury by improving hemodynamic, biochemical, histopathological and ventricular function, Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology, 65(01-Feb) DOI
2013 Bala M.; Singh K.P. (2013). In vitro mutagenesis of rose (Rosa hybrida L.) explants using gamma-radiation to induce novel flower colour mutations, Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 88(4) DOI
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2013 Parwani S.R.; Parwani R.N.; Chitnis P.J.; Dadlani H.P.; Sai Prasad S.V. (2013). Comparative evaluation of anti-plaque efficacy of herbal and 0.2% chlorhexidine gluconate mouthwash in a 4-day plaque re-growth study, Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology, 17(1) DOI
2013 Sharma S.; Sharma R.R.; Pal R.K.; Singh S.K. (2013). Influence of 1-MCP on compression injury, fruit firmness and quality of Japanese plum cv. Santa Rosa during transportation, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 70(1) DOI
2013 Kaul J.; Kumar R.; Sai Kumar R.; Dass S.; Bhat B.; Kamboj O.P.; Nara U.; Yadav A.K. (2013). Response of maize (Zea mays L.) hybrids to excess soil moisture stress at different growth stages, Research on Crops, 14(2) DOI
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2013 Saha D.; Rana R.S.; Sureja A.K.; Verma M.; Arya L.; Munshi A.D. (2013). Cloning and characterization of NBS-LRR encoding resistance gene candidates from Tomato Leaf Curl New Delhi Virus resistant genotype of Luffa cylindrica Roem, Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 81() DOI
2013 Verma B.C.; Datta S.P.; Rattan R.K.; Singh A.K. (2013). Impact of temperature and moisture regimes on Carbon and nitrogen mineralization in an alluvial soil amended with organics, Agrochimica, 57(1) DOI
2013 Idnani L.K.; Kumar A. (2013). Performance of wheat (Triticum aestivum) under different irrigation schedules and sowing methods, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 83(1) DOI
2013 Neelavati R.; Pal R.K.; Sen S.; Kumar P. (2013). Effect of blanching on the quality of dehydrated cauliflower, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 70(2) DOI
2013 Saritha M.; Arora A.; Singh S.; Nain L. (2013). Streptomyces griseorubens mediated delignification of paddy straw for improved enzymatic saccharification yields, Bioresource Technology (Biological Wastes), 135() DOI
2013 Nasrabad G.G.; Rajput T.B.S.; Patel N. (2013). Soil water distribution and simulation under subsurface drip irrigation in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 83(1) DOI
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2013 Nayak D.; Singh A.K.; Srivastav M. (2013). Estimation of genetic parameters of fruit quality traits in mango hybrid population, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 70(1) DOI
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2013 Shailbala; Singh V.K.; Kashyap S. (2013). Field response of Trichoderma harzianum on control of red rot and quantitative attributes of sugarcane, Research on Crops, 14(2) DOI
2013 Rymbai H.; Srivastav M.; Sharma R.R.; Patel C.R.; Singh A.K. (2013). Bio-active compounds in mango (Mangifera indica L.) and their roles in human health and plant defence - A review, Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 88(4) DOI
2013 Raghavendra B.T.; Singh D.; Yadava D.K.; Mondal K.K.; Sharma P. (2013). Virulence analysis and genetic diversity of Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris causing black rot of crucifers, Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection, 46(2) DOI
2013 Kumar J.; Munshi A.D.; Kumar R.; Sureja A.K.; Sharma R.K. (2013). Combining ability and its relationship with gene action in slicing cucumber, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 70(1) DOI
2013 Dubey S.C.; Tripathi A.; Singh B. (2013). Integrated management of Fusarium wilt by combined soil application and seed dressing formulations of Trichoderma species to increase grain yield of chickpea, International Journal of Pest Management, 59(1) DOI
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2013 Shakil N.A.; Singh M.K.; Sathiyendiran M.; Kumar J.; Padaria J.C. (2013). Microwave synthesis, characterization and bio-efficacy evaluation of novel chalcone based 6-carbethoxy-2-cyclohexen-1-one and 2H-indazol-3-ol derivatives, European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 59() DOI
2013 Rudra S.G.; Singh V.; Jyoti S.D.; Shivhare U.S. (2013). Mechanical properties and antimicrobial efficacy of active wrapping paper for primary packaging of fruits, Food Bioscience, 3() DOI
2013 Chatterjee N.S.; Gupta S.; Varghese E. (2013). Degradation of metaflumizone in soil: Impact of varying moisture, light, temperature, atmospheric CO2 level, soil type and soil sterilization, Chemosphere (Chemosphere - Global Change Science), 90(2) DOI
2013 Gopal M.; Srivastava C.; Gogoi R.; Kumar R.; Goswami A. (2013). Addressing environmental concern with nano pesticides for sustainable agriculture, International Journal of Environmental Sustainability, 8(1) DOI
2013 Ramajayam D.; Singh S.K.; Singh A.K.; Patel V.B.; Alizadeh M. (2013). Mycorrhization alleviates salt stress in grape rootstocks during in vitro acclimatization, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 70(1) DOI
2013 Singh R.J.; Ahlawat I.P.S.; Singh S. (2013). Effects of transgenic Bt cotton on soil fertility and biology under field conditions in subtropical inceptisol, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 185(1) DOI
2013 Hegab M.M.; Abdelgawad H.; Abdelhamed M.S.; Hammouda O.; Pandey R.; Kumar V.; Zinta G. (2013). Effects of tricin isolated from jungle rice (Echinochloa colona L.) on amylase activity and oxidative stress in wild oat (Avena fatua L.), Allelopathy Journal, 31(2) DOI
2013 Tiwari R.; Singh S.; Nain P.K.S.; Rana S.; Sharma A.; Pranaw K.; Nain L. (2013). Harnessing the hydrolytic potential of phytopathogenic fungus Phoma exigua ITCC 2049 for saccharification of lignocellulosic biomass, Bioresource Technology (Biological Wastes), 150() DOI
2013 Bala M.; Singh K.P.; Singh S.K.; Prasad K.V. (2013). Standardization of an efficient protocol for in vitro mass multiplication of Hybrid Tea rose cv. Raktima, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 70(3) DOI
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2013 Gupta A.; Sharma S.; Saha S.; Walia S. (2013). Yield and nutritional content of Pleurotus sajor caju on wheat straw supplemented with raw and detoxified mahua cake, Food Chemistry, 141(4) DOI
2013 Bhatia R.; Parkash C.; Dey S.S.; Chandel C.; Bhardwaj V. (2013). In vitro propagation of a self-incompatible cabbage line 'Sel. 5', Indian Journal of Horticulture, 70(3) DOI
2013 Tiwari R.; Rana S.; Singh S.; Arora A.; Kaushik R.; Agrawal V.V.; Saxena A.K.; Nain L. (2013). Biological delignification of paddy straw and Parthenium sp. using a novel micromycete Myrothecium roridum LG7 for enhanced saccharification, Bioresource Technology (Biological Wastes), 135() DOI
2013 Yadav R.K.; Joshi S.; Kumar R.; Varshney R.; Jain V. (2013). Studies on diverse genotypes of amaranth (Amaranthus species) for their antioxidant and nutritional activities, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 83(1) DOI
2013 Dharumarajan S.; Dikshit A.K. (2013). Maximum residue limit and risk assessment of beta-cyfluthrin and imidacloprid in combination formulation on Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum), Journal of the Indian Chemical Society, 90(8) DOI
2013 Singh N.; Raunaq; Singh S.B. (2013). Effect of fly ash amendment on persistence of metribuzin in soils, Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part B Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes, 48(2) DOI
2013 Das D.K.; Pradhan S.; Sehgal V.K.; Sahoo R.N.; Gupta V.K.; Singh R. (2013). Spectral reflectance characteristics of healthy and yellow mosaic virus infected soybean (Glycine max L.) leaves in a semiarid environment, Journal of Agrometeorology, 15(1) DOI
2013 Saha S.; Behera T.K.; Singh S.K.; Munshi A.D.; Srivastav M. (2013). Responses of in vitro raised bitter gourd plantlets to arbuscular mycorrhiza fungal species, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 70(2) DOI
2013 Sati S.C.; Sati N.; Ahluwalia V.; Walia S.; Sati O.P. (2013). Chemical composition and antifungal activity of Artemisia nilagirica essential oil growing in northern hilly areas of India, Natural Product Research (Natural Product Letters), 27(1) DOI
2013 Prakash J.; Singh A.K. (2013). Screening of papaya genotypes against the viral diseases, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 70(3) DOI
2013 Singh A.K.; Singh V.K.; Singh A.K. (2013). Evaluation of leaf extract, fungicides and trichoderma viride against Fusarium stalk rot of maize, Research on Crops, 14(2) DOI
2013 Nepolean T.; Singh I.; Hossain F.; Pandey N.; Gupta H.S. (2013). Molecular characterization and assessment of genetic diversity of inbred lines showing variability for drought tolerance in maize, Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 22(1) DOI
2013 Dey M.M.; Kumar P.; Chen O.L.; Khan M.A.; Barik N.K.; Li L.; Nissapa A.; Pham N.S. (2013). Potential impact of genetically improved carp strains in Asia, Food Policy, 43() DOI
2013 Sangeetha V.; Bahal R.; Singh P.; Venkatesh P. (2013). Impact of NGO-led self-help groups on the empowerment of rural women - experiences from South India, Outlook on Agriculture, 42(1) DOI
2013 Suryavanshi P.; Singh Y.V.; Prasanna R.; Bhatia A.; Shivay Y.S. (2013). Pattern of methane emission and water productivity under different methods of rice crop establishment, Paddy and Water Environment, 11(01-Apr) DOI
2013 Thakre M.; Lal S.; Goswami A.K.; Pratibha (2013). Effect of various methods of crop regulation in guava under double-hedge row system of planting, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 70(2) DOI
2013 Pramanick K.K.; Kishore D.K.; Sharma S.K.; Das B.K.; Murthy B.N.S. (2013). Strawberry Cultivation under Diverse Agro-Climatic Conditions of India, International Journal of Fruit Science, 13(01-Feb) DOI
2013 Bharathi L.K.; Behera T.K.; Singh R.; Singh A. (2013). Carotenoid contents in sweet gourd (Momordica cochinchinensis Spreng.) accessions of India, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 70(2) DOI
2013 Kundu A.; Saha S.; Walia S.; Ahluwalia V.; Kaur C. (2013). Antioxidant potential of essential oil and cadinene sesquiterpenes of Eupatorium adenophorum, Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry, 95(1) DOI
2013 Singh S.; Mohapatra T.; Singh R.; Hussain Z. (2013). Mapping of QTLs for oil content and fatty acid composition in Indian mustard [Brassica juncea (L.) Czern. and Coss.], Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 22(1) DOI
2013 Venu L.; Singh B.; Kumar P.; Vijayaragavan K. (2013). Agricultural extension in India-the effectiveness of the agricultural technology management agency, Outlook on Agriculture, 42(1) DOI
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2013 Shailbala; Singh V.K.; Kashyap S. (2013). Integrated management of sugarcane smut caused by Sporisorium scitamineum (Meike), Research on Crops, 14(2) DOI
2013 Bashyal B.M.; Aggarwal R. (2013). Molecular identification of Fusarium species associated with bakanae disease of rice (Oryza sativa) in India, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 83(1) DOI
2013 Tiwari N.; Singh V.B.; Sharma P.K.; Malathi V.G. (2013). Tomato leaf curl Joydebpur virus: A monopartite begomovirus causing severe leaf curl in tomato in West Bengal, Archives of Virology, 158(1) DOI
2013 Satpute S.T.; Singh M.; Khanna M.; Singh A.K.; Ahmad T. (2013). Response of drip irrigated onion crop to irrigation intervals and fertigation strategies, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 70(2) DOI
2013 Sharma P.; Deep S.; Sharma M.; Bhati D.S. (2013). Genetic variation of Alternaria brassicae (Berk.) Sacc., causal agent of dark leaf spot of cauliflower and mustard in India, Journal of General Plant Pathology, 79(1) DOI
2013 Chaudhary N.; Swaroop K.; Janakiram T.; Biswas D.R.; Singh G. (2013). Effect of integrated nutrient management on vegetative growth and flowering characters of gladiolus, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 70(1) DOI
2013 Singh Y.V. (2013). Crop and water productivity as influenced by rice cultivation methods under organic and inorganic sources of nutrient supply, Paddy and Water Environment, 11(01-Apr) DOI
2012 Dutta Deka S.; Dadlani M.; Talukdar A. (2012). Morphogenetic characterization and genetic analysis of Capsicum genotypes, Vegetos, 25(2) DOI
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2012 Sharma A.K.; Bharti S.; Bhatia J.; Nepal S.; Malik S.; Ray R.; Kumari S.; Arya D.S. (2012). Sesamol alleviates diet-induced cardiometabolic syndrome in rats via up-regulating PPARγ, PPARα and e-NOS, Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, 23(11) DOI
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2012 Ramana S.; Biswas A.K.; Singh A.B.; Ajay; Naveen Kumar P.; Ahirwar N.K.; Behera S.K.; Subba Rao A. (2012). Phytoremediation of cadmium contaminated soils by tuberose, Indian Journal of Plant Physiology, 17(1) DOI
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2012 Arunkumar R.; Sairam R.K.; Deshmukh P.S.; Pal M.; Khetarpal S.; Pandey S.K.; Kushwaha S.R.; Singh T.P. (2012). High temperature stress and accumulation of compatible solutes in: Chickpea (Cicer Arietinum L.), Indian Journal of Plant Physiology, 17(2) DOI
2012 Singh D.; Bhaganagare G.; Bandopadhyay R.; Prabhu K.V.; Gupta P.K.; Mukhopadhyay K. (2012). Targeted spatio-temporal expression based characterization of state of infection and time-point of maximum defense in wheat NILs during leaf rust infection, Molecular Biology Reports, 39(10) DOI
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2012 Singh A.K.; Singh A.K.; Singh V.K.; Rawat S.S.; Kamal S.; Mehta K.S.; Kumar R. (2012). Studies on different mulching technology for improving hydrothermal regime of soil in capsicum (Capsicum annum) production at high altitude of Uttarakhand, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 82(12) DOI
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2012 Mina U.; Bhatia A.; Chakrabarti B.; Harit R.C.; Kumar U. (2012). Impact of ozone and carbon dioxide on growth and development of chilo partellus swinhoe (maize stalk borer), Journal of Entomological Research, 36(4) DOI
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2012 Chakrabarty S.K.; Joshi M.A.; Singh Y.; Dadlani M. (2012). Example varieties for DUS testing in rice (Oryza sativa), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 82(12) DOI
2012 Gupta V.; Natarajan C.; Chaudhary V.; Kumar A.; Sharma E.; Sharma J.; Bhatnagar A.K.; Prasanna R. (2012). Analyses of diversity among fungicidal Anabaena strains, Journal of Applied Phycology, 24(6) DOI
2012 Kumar A.; Kumar P.; Sharma A.N. (2012). Crop diversification in Eastern India: Status and determinants, Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 67(4) DOI
2012 Gupta S.; Gupta N.K.; Arora A.; Agarwal V.P.; Purohit A.K. (2012). Effect of water stress on photosynthetic attributes, membrane stability and yield in contrasting wheat genotypes, Indian Journal of Plant Physiology, 17(1) DOI
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2012 Verma S.K.; Idnani L.K. (2012). Crop water use, nutrient content and uptake as influenced by irrigation and nitrogen management in potato (Solanum tuberosum) - Maize (Zea mays) cropping system, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 82(12) DOI
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2012 Gupta S.; Sharma R.K.; Gajbhiye V.T.; Gupta R.K. (2012). Residue behavior of combination mix formulations in/on bittergourd and their efficacy against melon fruitfly, Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 89(6) DOI
2012 Basak B.B.; Biswas D.R.; Rattan R.K. (2012). Comparative effectiveness of value-added manures on crop productivity, soil mineral nitrogen and soil carbon pools under maize-wheat cropping system in an inceptisol, Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science, 60(4) DOI
2012 Dubey S.C.; Tripathi A.; Upadhyay B.K. (2012). Molecular diversity analysis of Rhizoctonia solani isolates infecting various pulse crops in different agro-ecological regions of India, Folia Microbiologica, 57(6) DOI
2012 Dwivedi S.K.; Singh V.P.; Singh G.P.; Arora A. (2012). Combined effect of cytokinin, paclobutrazol and ascorbic acid on nitrogen metabolism and yield of wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.) Under water deficit stress condition, Indian Journal of Plant Physiology, 17(03-Apr) DOI
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2012 Rampuria S.; Joshi U.; Palit P.; Deokar A.A.; Meghwal R.R.; Mohapatra T.; Srinivasan R.; Bhatt K.V.; Sharma R. (2012). Construction and analysis of an SSH cDNA library of early heat-induced genes of Vigna aconitifolia variety RMO-40, Genome, 55(11) DOI
2012 Kallesh D.T.; Singh G.P.; Singh A.M.; Ahlawat A.; Sharma R.K. (2012). Genetic diversity analysis for moisture stress adaptive and quality traits in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 82(11) DOI
2012 Yadav M.S.; Ahmad N.; Singh S.; Yadava D.K.; Godika S.; Gaur R.B. (2012). Multilocational validation of integrated management practices for sclerotinia rot of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 82(11) DOI
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2012 Dubey S.K.; Burman R.R.; Vijayaragavan K.; Sharma J.P.; Singh I.; Sangeetha V.; Gupta H.S. (2012). Linking research institute with post offices for dissemination of agricultural technologies: An action research, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 82(12) DOI
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2012 Dwivedi B.S.; Singh V.K.; Shukla A.K.; Meena M.C. (2012). Optimizing dry and wet tillage for rice on a Gangetic alluvial soil: Effect on soil characteristics, water use efficiency and productivity of the rice-wheat system, European Journal of Agronomy, 43() DOI
2012 Kumar A.; Kumari S.; Jolly M.; Rai R.D.; Sachdev A. (2012). Cloning and characterization of myo- inositol-1-phosphate synthase (MIPS1) gene in developing seeds of glycine max, Indian Journal of Plant Physiology, 17(2) DOI
2012 Zhan X.; Wang B.; Li H.; Liu R.; Kalia R.K.; Zhu J.-K.; Chinnusamy V. (2012). Arabidopsis proline-rich protein important for development and abiotic stress tolerance is involved in microRNA biogenesis, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 109(44) DOI
2012 Katiyar A.; Smita S.; Lenka S.K.; Rajwanshi R.; Chinnusamy V.; Bansal K.C. (2012). Genome-wide classification and expression analysis of MYB transcription factor families in rice and Arabidopsis, BMC Genomics, 13(1) DOI
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2012 Kumar V.; Dikshit H.K.; Jain N.; Kumari J.; Singh D.; Singh A.; Tak R.; Sharma T.R. (2012). Genetic diversity in mungbean [Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek] and related Vigna spp. detected by ISSR, URP and SSR markers, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 72(3) DOI
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2012 Rebijith K.B.; Asokan R.; Kumar N.K.K.; Srikumar K.K.; Ramamurthy V.V.; Bhat P.S. (2012). DNA barcoding and development of species-specific markers for the identification of tea mosquito bugs (Miridae: Heteroptera) in India, Environmental Entomology, 41(5) DOI
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2012 Gupta N.C.; Jain P.K.; Bhat S.R.; Srinivasan R. (2012). Upstream sequence of fatty acyl-CoA reductase (FAR6) of Arabidopsis thaliana drives wound-inducible and stem-specific expression, Plant Cell Reports, 31(5) DOI
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2012 Das A.; Soubam D.; Singh P.K.; Thakur S.; Singh N.K.; Sharma T.R. (2012). A novel blast resistance gene, Pi54rh cloned from wild species of rice, Oryza rhizomatis confers broad spectrum resistance to Magnaporthe oryzae, Functional and Integrative Genomics, 12(2) DOI
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2012 Rebijith K.B.; Asokan R.; Kumar N.K.K.; Krishna V.; Ramamurthy V.V. (2012). Development of species-specific markers and molecular differences in mtDNA of Thrips palmi Karny and Scirtothrips dorsalis hood (Thripidae: Thysanoptera), vectors of tospoviruses (Bunyaviridae) in India, Entomological News, 122(3) DOI
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2012 Sharma R.R.; Jhalegar M.J.; Pal R.K. (2012). Response of kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa cv. Allison) to post-harvest treatment with 1-methylcyclopropene, Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 87(3) DOI
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2012 Jhalegar M.J.; Sharma R.R.; Pal R.K.; Sharma S. (2012). Effect of 1-MCP on shelf-life and quality of kiwifruit stored under ambient conditions, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 69(2) DOI
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2012 Pramanick K.K.; Kishore D.K.; Singh R.; Kumar J. (2012). Performance of apple (Malus x domestica Borkh) cv. Red Spur on a new apple rootstock in high density planting, Scientia Horticulturae, 133(1) DOI
2012 Sharma M.P.; Gupta S.; Sharma S.K.; Vyas A.K. (2012). Effect of tillage and crop sequences on arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis and soil enzyme activities in soybean (Glycine max) rhizosphere, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 82(1) DOI
2012 Manoj-Kumar; Swarup A.; Bhadraray S.; Patra A.K.; Chandrakala J.U.; Manjaiah K.M.; Rakshit R.; Kumar S.; Singh R. (2012). Yield, nutritional quality and phosphorus requirement of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) grown under projected elevation of atmospheric CO2and temperature in subtropical India, Agrochimica, 56(3) DOI
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2012 Vyas G.K.; Kumar V.; Sharma R.; Sharma R.A.; Sharma S.; Singh J.P.; Kumar S. (2012). Chemical and genetic diversity among some wild stands of calligonum polygonoides (Polygonaceae) from the Thar Desert of Rajasthan, Revista de Biologia Tropical, 60(3) DOI
2012 Sharma R.R.; Pal R.K.; Singh D.; Singh J.; Dhiman M.R.; Rana M.R. (2012). Relationships between storage disorders and fruit calcium contents, lipoxygenase activity, and rates of ethylene evolution and respiration in 'Royal Delicious' apple (Malus × domestica Borkh.), Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 87(4) DOI
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2012 Adak T.; Kumar G.; Narjary B.; Chakravarty N.V.K. (2012). Micrometeorological dynamics within mustard (Brassica juncea) crop canopy under semi-arid conditions of northern India, Journal of Agrometeorology, 14(1) DOI
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2012 Saha S.; Walia S.; Kundu A.; Kumar B.; Joshi D. (2012). Antifungal acetylinic thiophenes from Tagetes minuta: Potential biopesticide, Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality, 85(2) DOI
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2012 Prakash J.; Chattopadhyay K.; Singh N.P. (2012). Morphogenetic analysis of pineapple cultivars of Tripura, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 69(3) DOI
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2012 Shrestha S.; Kumar R.; Behera T.K.; Sharma H.K. (2012). Inheritance of resistance to root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita race 1) in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) 'Pusa 120', Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 87(3) DOI
2012 Sharma A.K.; Bharti S.; Kumar R.; Krishnamurthy B.; Bhatia J.; Kumari S.; Arya D.S. (2012). Syzygium cumini ameliorates insulin resistance and β-cell dysfunction via modulation of PPARγ, dyslipidemia, oxidative stress, and TNF-α in type 2 diabetic rats, Journal of Pharmacological Sciences, 119(3) DOI
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2012 Verma S.K.; Singh S.K.; Krishna H.; Patel V.B. (2012). Comparative performance of different grafting techniques in grape cv. Pusa Urvashi, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 69(1) DOI
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2012 Singh S.; Sharma S.R.; Kalia P.; Deshmukh R.; Kumar V.; Sharma P.; Sharma T.R. (2012). Molecular mapping of the downy mildew resistance gene ppa3 in cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis L.), Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 87(2) DOI
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2012 Manoj-Kumar; Swarup A.; Patra A.K.; Chandrakala J.U.; Manjaiah K.M. (2012). Effect of elevated CO2 and temperature on phosphorus efficiency of wheat grown in an inceptisol of subtropical India, Plant Cell and Environment, 58(5) DOI
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2012 Islam S.; Kundu S.; Shoran J.; Sabir N.; Sharma K.; Farooqi S.; Singh R.; Agarwal H.O.; Chaturvedi K.K.; Sharma R.K.; Sharma A.K. (2012). Selection of wheat (Triticum aestivum) variety through expert system, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 82(1) DOI
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2011 Lodha M.L.; Choudhary N.L.; Mahapatro G.K.; Singh B.; Gupta G.P. (2011). Purification and evaluation of antiviral proteins from Bougainvillea x buttiana against Helicoverpa armigera, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 81(1) DOI
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2010 Singh R.K.; Chakraborty D.; Garg R.N.; Sharma P.K.; Sharma U.C. (2010). Effect of different water regimes and nitrogen application on growth, yield, water use and nitrogen uptake by pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 80(3) DOI
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2010 Sharma S.N.; Prasad R.; Dwivedi M.K.; Kumar S.; Davari M.R.; Shukla L. (2010). Crop diversification and residue incorporation for making rice-wheat cropping systems sustainable, Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, 34(4) DOI
2010 Goyal S.N.; Arora S.; Sharma A.K.; Joshi S.; Ray R.; Bhatia J.; Kumari S.; Arya D.S. (2010). Preventive effect of crocin of Crocus sativus on hemodynamic, biochemical, histopathological and ultrastuctural alterations in isoproterenol-induced cardiotoxicity in rats, Phytomedicine, 17(03-Apr) DOI
2010 Goel D.; Singh A.K.; Yadav V.; Babbar S.B.; Bansal K.C. (2010). Overexpression of osmotin gene confers tolerance to salt and drought stresses in transgenic tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.), Protoplasma, 245(1) DOI
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2010 Ahlawat I.P.S.; Gangaiah B. (2010). Response of Bt cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) hybrids to irrigation, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 80(4) DOI
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2010 Singh N.; Singh Shashi B. S.B.; Mukerjee I.; Gupta S.; Gajbhiye V.T.; Sharma P.K.; Goel M.; Dureja P. (2010). Metabolism of 14C-azoxystrobin in water at different pH, Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part B Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes, 45(2) DOI
2010 Husain M.; Kumar V.; Kumar R.; Shakil N.A.; Sharma S.K.; Prasad A.K.; Olsen C.E.; Gupta R.K.; Malhotra S.V.; Van Der Eycken E.; Depass A.L.; Levon K.; Parmar V.S. (2010). Enantioselective biocatalytic reactions on (±)-aryl alkyl ketones with native and modified porcine pancreatic lipase, Biocatalysis and Biotransformation, 28(3) DOI
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2010 Shakil N.A.; Singh M.K.; Pandey A.; Kumar J.; Pankaj; Parmar V.S.; Singh M.K.; Pandey R.P.; Watterson A.C. (2010). Development of poly(ethylene glycol) based amphiphilic copolymers for controlled release delivery of carbofuran, Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part A: Pure and Applied Chemistry, 47(3) DOI
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2010 Meher H.C.; Gajbhiye V.T.; Singh G.; Kamra A.; Chawla G. (2010). Nematicidal efficacy, enhanced degradation and cross adaptation of carbosulfan, cadusafos and triazophos under tropical conditions, Nematology (Fundamental and Applied Nematology, Nematologica), 12(2) DOI
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2010 Gupta A.; Joshi D.; Mahajan V.; Gupta H.S. (2010). Screening barnyard millet germplasm against grain smut (Ustilago panici-frumentacei Brefeld), Plant Genetic Resources-Characterization and Utilization, 8(1) DOI
2010 Chakraborty D.; Garg R.N.; Tomar R.K.; Singh R.; Sharma S.K.; Singh R.K.; Trivedi S.M.; Mittal R.B.; Sharma P.K.; Kamble K.H. (2010). Synthetic and organic mulching and nitrogen effect on winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in a semi-arid environment, Agricultural Water Management, 97(5) DOI
2010 Gupta V.; Prasanna R.; Natarajan C.; Srivastava A.K.; Sharma J. (2010). Identification, characterization, and regulation of a novel antifungal chitosanase gene (cho) inanabaena spp., Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 76(9) DOI
2010 Chaudhary B.; Singh J.; Chopra S.K. (2010). Development of recombinant inbred lines for fibre strength and other important traits in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 80(5) DOI
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2010 Thenua O.V.S.; Singh S.P.; Shivakumar B.G. (2010). Productivity and economics of chickpea (Cicer arietinum)-fodder sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) cropping system as influenced by P sources, bio-fertilizers and irrigation to chickpea, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 55(1) DOI
2010 Behera S.K.; Singh D. (2010). Impact of continuous fertilizer use on fractions of manganese in soil and their contribution to availability and its uptake by maize (Zea mays)-wheat (Triticum aestivum) cropping system, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 80(4) DOI
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2010 Ranjan P.; Bhat K.V.; Misra R.L.; Singh S.K.; Ranjan J.K. (2010). Genetic relationships of gladiolus cultivars inferred from fluorescence based AFLP markers, Scientia Horticulturae, 123(4) DOI
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2010 Shakil N.A.; Pandey A.; Singh M.K.; Kumar J.; Awasthi S.K.; Pankaj; Srivastava C.; Singh M.K.; Pandey R.P. (2010). Synthesis and bioefficacy evaluation of new 3-substituted-3,4-dihydro-1,3-benzoxazines, Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part B Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes, 45(2) DOI
2010 Sharma R.R.; Pal R.K.; Singh D.; Samuel D.V.K.; Kar A.; Asrey R. (2010). Storage life and fruit quality of individually shrink-wrapped apples (Malus domestica) in zero energy cool chamber, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 80(4) DOI
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2010 Singh S.K.; Sharma R.R.; Patel V.B. (2010). Influence of pruning intensity on flowering, fruit yields and floral malformation in three mango cultivars planted under high density, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 67(SPEC. ISSUE) DOI
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2010 Ranjan J.K.; Singh S.K.; Chakrabarti A.K.; Pragya (2010). In vitro shoot regeneration from cotyledonary leaf explant in chilli and bio-hardening of plantlets, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 67(1) DOI
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2010 Dey S.S.; Behera T.K.; Munshi A.D.; Pal A. (2010). Gynoecious inbred with better combining ability improves yield and earliness in bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L.), Euphytica, 173(1) DOI
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2010 Singh B.K.; Sharma S.R. (2010). Variation in mineral concentrations among cultivars and germplasms of cabbage, Journal of Plant Nutrition, 33(1) DOI
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2010 Tanwar V.; Sachdeva J.; Kishore K.; Mittal R.; Nag T.C.; Ray R.; Kumari S.; Arya D.S. (2010). Dose-dependent actions of curcumin in experimentally induced myocardial necrosis: A biochemical, histopathological, and electron microscopic evidence, Cell Biochemistry and Function, 28(1) DOI
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2010 Channamallikarjuna V.; Sonah H.; Prasad M.; Rao G.J.N.; Chand S.; Upreti H.C.; Singh N.K.; Sharma T.R. (2010). Identification of major quantitative trait loci qSBR11-1 for sheath blight resistance in rice, Molecular Breeding, 25(1) DOI
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2010 Sharma S.N.; Shivay Y.S.; Prasad R.; Dwivedi M.K.; Davari M.; Kumar S. (2010). Relative efficiency of diammonium phosphate and mussoorie rock phosphate plus phosphate solubilizing bacteria on productivity and phosphorus balance in rice-potato-mungbean cropping system, Journal of Plant Nutrition, 33(7) DOI
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2010 Verma S.K.; Singh S.K.; Krishna H. (2010). The effect of certain rootstocks on the grape cultivar 'Pusa Urvashi' (Vitis vinifera L.), International Journal of Fruit Science, 10(1) DOI
2010 Singh R.K.; Bhatia V.S.; Bhat K.V.; Mohapatra T.; Singh N.K.; Bansal K.C.; Koundal K.R. (2010). SSR and AFLP based genetic diversity of soybean germplasm differing in photoperiod sensitivity, Genetics and Molecular Biology, 33(2) DOI
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2010 Bhat D.S.; Anjanasree K.N.; Lenka S.K.; Bansal K.C. (2010). Isolation and characterization of fruit-specific promoters ACS4 and EXP1 from tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L), Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 19(1) DOI
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2010 Sharma T.R.; Rai A.K.; Gupta S.K.; Singh N.K. (2010). Broad-spectrum blast resistance gene Pi-kh cloned from rice line tetep designated as Pi54, Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 19(1) DOI
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2009 Prabhu K.V.; Singh A.K.; Basavaraj S.H.; Cherukuri D.P.; Charpe A.; Krishnan S.G.; Gupta S.K.; Joseph M.; Koul S.; Mohapatra T.; Pallavi J.K.; Samsampour D.; Singh A.; Singh V.K.; Singh V.P. (2009). Marker assisted selection for biotic stress resistance in wheat and rice, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 69(4) DOI
2009 Mina U.; Singh A.P.; Varshney C.K. (2009). Responses of radish (Raphanus sativus L.) plants at different growth phases to ozone exposure, Journal of Tropical Agriculture, 47() DOI
2009 Singh S.; Pradhan S.K.; Singh N.K.; Singh A.K.; Singh P.K.; Tyagi J.P.; Singh V.N.; Chandra R. (2009). Genetic analysis of agromorphologic traits under normal and delayed planting in rainfed lowland rice (Oryza sativa), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 79(12) DOI
2009 Singh R.J.; Ahlawat I.P.S.; Gangaiah B. (2009). Direct and residual effects of nitrogen management in Bt cotton (Gossypium hirsutum)-wheat (Triticum aestivum) cropping system, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 54(4) DOI
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2009 Swaminathan M.S. (2009). Overcoming cross-incompatibility among some Mexican diploid species of solanum, Science and Sustainable Food Security: Selected Papers of M S Swaminathan, () DOI
2009 Pal D.; Kumar S. (2009). Evaluation of dual purpose barley for fodder and grain under different cutting schedules, Range Management and Agroforestry, 30(1) DOI
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2009 Singh D.; Tewari A.K.; Rao G.P.; Karuppaiah R.; Viswanathan R.; Arya M.; Baranwal V.K. (2009). RT-PCR/PCR analysis detected mixed infection of DNA and RNA viruses infecting sugarcane crops in different states of India, Sugar Tech, 11(4) DOI
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2009 Rani A.; Jain S.; Dureja P. (2009). Synergistic fungicidal efficacy of formulations of neem oil, nicotinic acid and Ferula asafoetida with α, β-unsaturated carbonyl compounds against Sclerotium rolfsii ITCC 5226 & Macrophomina phaseolina ITCC 0482, Journal of Pesticide Science, 34(4) DOI
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2009 Swaminathan M.S.; Chopra V.L.; Joshi B.C.; Singh D. (2009). Development of a monosomie series in an Indian wheat and isolation of nullisomic lines, Science and Sustainable Food Security: Selected Papers of M S Swaminathan, () DOI
2009 Swaminathan M.S. (2009). Disomic and tetrosomic inheritance in a solanum hybrid, Science and Sustainable Food Security: Selected Papers of M S Swaminathan, () DOI
2009 Prasad R. (2009). Efficient fertilizer use: The key to food security and better environment, Journal of Tropical Agriculture, 47() DOI
2009 Prasad J.V.N.S.; Gangaiah B.; Kundu S.; Korwar G.R.; Venkateswarlu B.; Singh V.P. (2009). Potential of short rotation woody crops for pulp fiber production from arable lands in India, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 54(4) DOI
2009 Swaminathan M.S. (2009). The experimental manipulation of genes, Science and Sustainable Food Security: Selected Papers of M S Swaminathan, () DOI
2009 Singh H.B.; Mukherjee I.; Maisnam J.; Kumar P.; Gopal M.; Kulshrestha G. (2009). Determination of pesticide residues in integrated pest management and nonintegrated pest management samples of apple (malus pumila mill.), Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 57(23) DOI
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2009 Yadav S.K.; Raje R.S.; Maloo S.R. (2009). Identification of high yielding, salt tolerant and stable genotypes of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 69(4) DOI
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2009 Talukdar A.; Verma K.; Gowda D.S.S.; Lal S.K.; Sapra R.L.; Singh K.P.; Singh R.; Sinha P. (2009). Molecular breeding for charcoal rot resistance in soybean I. Screening and mapping population development, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 69(4) DOI
2009 Koul O.; Singh G.; Singh R.; Walia S.; Kaul V.K. (2009). Comparative bioefficacy of biorational ethylene glycol diesters and sucrose octanoate against Lipaphis erysimi (Homoptera: Aphididae), Journal of Applied Entomology, 133(09-Oct) DOI
2009 Palanisami K.; Paramasivam P.; Ranganathan C.R.; Aggarwal P.K.; Senthilnathan S. (2009). Quantifying vulnerability and impact of climate change on production of major crops in Tamil Nadu, India, From Headwaters to the Ocean: Hydrological Changes and Watershed Management - Proceedings of the International Conference on Hydrological Changes and Management from Headwaters to the Ocean, HYDROCH, () DOI
2009 Dass S.; Kaul J.; Manivannan; Singode A.; Chikkappa G.K. (2009). Single cross hybrid maize - A viable solution in the changing climate scenario, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 69(4) DOI
2009 Satyavathi C.T.; Begum S.; Singh B.B.; Unnikrishnan K.V.; Bharadwaj C. (2009). Analysis of diversity among cytoplasmic male sterile sources and their utilization in developing F 1 hybrids in Pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (R.) Br], Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 69(4) DOI
2009 Sharma S.K. (2009). Development of fruit tree based agroforestry systems for degraded lands - A review, Range Management and Agroforestry, 30(2) DOI
2009 Jat R.A.; Ahlawat I.P.S. (2009). Effect of farmyard manure, source and level of sulphur on growth attributes, yield, quality and total nutrient uptake in pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan) and groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) intercropping system, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 79(12) DOI
2009 Singh M.; Madan T.; Waters P.; Sonar S.; Singh S.K.; Kamran M.F.; Bernal A.L.; Sarma P.U.; Singh V.K.; Crouch E.C.; Kishore U. (2009). Therapeutic effects of recombinant forms of full-length and truncated human surfactant protein D in a murine model of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis, Molecular Immunology, 46(11-Dec) DOI
2009 Sagar V.R.; Kumar R. (2009). Effect of packaging and storage on the quality of ginger, onion and garlic (GOG) mix powder, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 66(3) DOI
2009 Aghakhani M.; Dubey S.C. (2009). Determination of genetic diversity among Indian isolates of Rhizoctonia bataticola causing dry root rot of chickpea, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, International Journal of General and Molecular Microbiology, 96(4) DOI
2009 Pathak H.; Mohanty S.; Prasad R. (2009). Fate of nitrogen in Indian agriculture: Environmental impacts, quantification and uncertainties-A review, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences India Section B - Biological Sciences, 79(PART 4) DOI
2009 Gopal R.; Rizvi A.H.; Nautiyal N. (2009). Chromium alters iron nutrition and water relations of Spinach, Journal of Plant Nutrition, 32(9) DOI
2009 Radhakrishnan B.; Prasanna R.; Jaiswal P.; Nayak S.; Dureja P. (2009). Modulation of biocidal activity of Calothrix sp. and Anabaena sp. by environmental factors, Biologia, 64(5) DOI
2009 Nallathambi P.; Umamaheswapj C.; More T.A. (2009). Phenolics and phenol-oxidizing enzymes activity as index for screening ber (Ziziphus mautitiana) germplasm against powdery mildew (Oidium erysiphoides), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 79(10) DOI
2009 Kumar K.T.; Ram A.; Pal R.K.; Samuel D.V.K. (2009). Shelf-life extension in pointed gourd (Trichosanthes dioica Roxb.) by post-harvest Application of sodium hypochlorite, potassium metabisulphite and carnauba wax, Journal of Food Science and Technology, 46(6) DOI
2009 Meher H.C.; Gajbhiye V.T.; Chawla G.; Singh G. (2009). Virulence development and genetic polymorphism in Meloidogyne incognita (Kofoid & White) Chitwood after prolonged exposure to sublethal concentrations of nematicides and continuous growing of resistant tomato cultivars, Pest Management Science (Pesticide Science), 65(11) DOI
2009 Bodake P.S.; Rana D.S. (2009). Evaluation of jatropha (Jatropha curcas) and castor (Ricinus communis) cake as a source of nutrient and soil amendment in spring sunflower (Helianthus annuus)-maize (Zea mays) sequence, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 54(3) DOI
2009 Singh D.; Sharma R.R. (2009). Post-harvest behaviour of peaches (Prunus persica) pre-treated with antagonist Debaryomyces hansenii and calcium chloride, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 79(9) DOI
2009 Erskine W.; Muehlbauer F.J.; Sarker A.; Sharma B. (2009). The lentil: Botany, production and uses, The Lentil: Botany, Production and uses, () DOI
2009 Ali Roshani G.; Narayanasamy G. (2009). Potassium dynamics under exhaustive cropping of sudan grass (Sorghum vulgare) in some Indian soils, Pakistan Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 52(6) DOI
2009 Behera S.K.; Singh D.; Dwivedi B.S.; Bhadraray S. (2009). Fractions of copper in soil under a long-term experiment and their contribution to copper availability and uptake by maize-wheat cropping sequence, Journal of Plant Nutrition, 32(7) DOI
2009 Chakradhar M.; Kaussik B.D. (2009). Microalgal decolorization of textile dyes, International Journal of Applied Environmental Sciences, 4(2) DOI
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2009 Biswas D.R.; Narayanasamy G.; Datta S.C.; Singh G.; Begum M.; Maiti D.; Mishra A.; Basak B.B. (2009). Changes in nutrient status during preparation of enriched organomineral fertilizers using rice straw, low-grade rock phosphate, waste mica, and phosphate solubilizing microorganism, Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 40(13-14) DOI
2009 Sharma B. (2009). Genetics of economic traits, The Lentil: Botany, Production and uses, () DOI
2009 Yadava D.K.; Sapra R.L.; Vasudev S.; Dass B.; Prabhu K.V. (2009). Selection of high Diversity with a minimal set of accessions from indian mustard (brassica juncea) germplasm collection, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 79(7) DOI
2009 Surya Kalyani S.; Sharma J.; Singh S.; Dureja P.; Lata (2009). Enrichment and isolation of endosulfan-degrading microorganism from tropical acid soil, Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part B Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes, 44(7) DOI
2009 Singh B.K.; Sharma S.R. (2009). Heterosis for mineral elements in single cross-hybrids of cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.), Scientia Horticulturae, 122(1) DOI
2009 Makandar R.; Prabhu K.V. (2009). Inheritance of resistance to spot blotch disease in wheat, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 69(3) DOI
2009 Tejbir S.; Sharma M.K.; Tyagi J.P.; Singh S. (2009). Effect of gibberellic acid (GA3) on yield, floral and morphological traits in rice (Oryza sativa), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 79(10) DOI
2009 Aggarwal P.; Mittal R.B.; Maity P.; Sharma A.R. (2009). Modification of hydrothermal regimes under bed planted wheat, Geoderma, 153(03-Apr) DOI
2009 Rathor C.S.; Singh R.; Singh S.K.; Srivastav M. (2009). Evaluation and correlation studies in mango genotypes under-north Indian conditions, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 66(3) DOI
2009 Santra P.; Sahoo R.N.; Das B.S.; Samal R.N.; Pattanaik A.K.; Gupta V.K. (2009). Estimation of soil hydraulic properties using proximal spectral reflectance in visible, near-infrared, and shortwave-infrared (VIS-NIR-SWIR) region, Geoderma, 152(03-Apr) DOI
2009 Srivalli S.; Khanna-Chopra R. (2009). Delayed wheat flag leaf senescence due to removal of spikelets is associated with increased activities of leaf antioxidant enzymes, reduced glutathione/oxidized glutathione ratio and oxidative damage to mitochondrial proteins, Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 47(8) DOI
2009 Varshney R.K.; Hiremath P.J.; Lekha P.; Kashiwagi J.; Balaji J.; Deokar A.A.; Vadez V.; Xiao Y.; Srinivasan R.; Gaur P.M.; Siddique K.H.M.; Town C.D.; Hoisington D.A. (2009). A comprehensive resource of drought- and salinity- responsive ESTs for gene discovery and marker development in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), BMC Genomics, 10() DOI
2009 Erskine W.; Muehlbauer F.J.; Sarker A.; Sharma B. (2009). Introduction, The Lentil: Botany, Production and uses, () DOI
2009 Walia S.; Sharma R.K.; Parmar B.S. (2009). Isolation and simultaneous LC analysis of thiram and its less toxic transformation product in DS formulation, Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 83(3) DOI
2009 Goyal S.; Arora S.; Mittal R.; Joshi S.; Nag T.C.; Ray R.; Kumari S.; Arya D.S. (2009). Myocardial salvaging effect of telmisartan in experimental model of myocardial infarction, European Journal of Pharmacology, 619(01-Mar) DOI
2009 Parihar C.M.; Rana K.S.; Parihar M.D. (2009). Crop productivity, quality and nutrient uptake of pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) cropping system as influenced by land configuration and direct and residual effect of nutrient management, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 79(11) DOI
2009 Singh A.K.; Praveen S.; Singh B.P.; Varma A.; Arora N. (2009). Safety assessment of leaf curl virus resistant tomato developed using viral derived sequences, Transgenic Research, 18(6) DOI
2009 Paul R.; Rajvir S.; Gita K.; Singh S.B. (2009). Analysis of metsulfuron-methyl residues in wheat field soil: A comparison of HPLC and bioassay techniques, Pest Management Science (Pesticide Science), 65(9) DOI
2009 Hardin S.C.; Larue C.T.; Oh M.-H.; Jain V.; Huber S.C. (2009). Coupling oxidative signals to protein phosphorylation via methionine oxidation in Arabidopsis, Biochemical Journal, 422(2) DOI
2009 Datta S.C.; Takkar P.N.; Verma U.K. (2009). Effect of partial removal of adsorbed humus on kinetics of potassium and silica release by tartaric acid from clay-humus complex from two dissimilar soil profiles, Soil Research (Australian Journal of Soil Research), 47(7) DOI
2009 Singh G.; Kumar D.; Marwaha T.S.; Singh A.K. (2009). Influence of tillage, water regimes and integrated nitrogen management practices on soil quality indices in rice (Oryza sativa L.) in the Indo-Gangetic plains, Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 55(4) DOI
2009 Dhyani S.K.; Newaj R.; Sharma A.R. (2009). Agroforestry: Its relation with agronomy, challenges and opportunities, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 54(3) DOI
2009 Singh N. (2009). Adsorption of herbicides on coal fly ash from aqueous solutions, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 168(1) DOI
2009 Sinha P.G.; Kapoor R.; Uprety D.C.; Bhatnagar A.K. (2009). Impact of elevated CO2 concentration on ultrastructure of pericarp and composition of grain in three Triticum species of different ploidy levels, Environmental and Experimental Botany, 66(3) DOI
2009 Chaudhary A.; Haack S.K.; Duris J.W.; Marsh T.L. (2009). Bacterial and archaeal phylogenetic diversity of a cold sulfur-rich spring on the shoreline of Lake Erie, Michigan, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 75(15) DOI
2009 Ghosh R.K.; Singh N. (2009). Leaching behaviour of azoxystrobin and metabolites in soil columns, Pest Management Science (Pesticide Science), 65(9) DOI
2009 Sundaram S.; Khanna S.; Khanna-Chopra R. (2009). Purification and characterization of thermostable monomeric chloroplastic Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase from Chenopodium murale, Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, 15(3) DOI
2009 Singh N.; Singh S.; Isono N.; Noda T.; Singh A.M. (2009). Diversity in amylopectin structure, thermal and pasting properties of starches from wheat varieties/lines, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 45(3) DOI
2009 Patel V.B.; Singh S.K.; Asrey R.; Nain L.; Singh A.K.; Singh L. (2009). Microbial and inorganic fertilizers application influenced vegetative growth, yield, leaf nutrient status and soil microbial biomass in sweet orange cv. Mosambi, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 66(2) DOI
2009 Singh B.K.; Sharma S.R. (2009). Combining ability for superoxide dismutase, peroxidase and catalase enzymes in cabbage head (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.), Scientia Horticulturae, 122(2) DOI
2009 Sharma S.N.; Prasad R.; Dwivedi M.K.; Kumar S. (2009). Effect of residue and rates and sources of phosphorus application on growth, yield and economics of wheat (Triticum aestivum), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 79(10) DOI
2009 Kumar S.; Verma S.K.; Singh T.K.; Singh S. (2009). Effect of nitrogen and sulphur on growth, yield and nutrient uptake by Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) under rainfed condition, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 79(8) DOI
2009 Sharma S.N.; Prasad R. (2009). Effect of different sources of phosphorus on summer mungbean (Vigna radiata) in alkaline soil of Delhi, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 79(10) DOI
2009 Maity A.; Mukherjee I. (2009). Assessment of iprovalicarb, a systemic fungicide in/on cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. Capitata), Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 83(3) DOI
2009 Chaudhary N.; Sihag R.C.; Pandey M.C. (2009). Relative abundance, diversity and dominance concentration of two honeybee species on three concurrently flowering crops onion (Allium cepa L.), carrot (Daucus carota L.) and fennel (Foeniculum vulgare L.), Pestology, 33(7) DOI
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2009 Aggarwal N.; Kumar R.; Dureja P.; Rawat D.S. (2009). Schiff bases as potential fungicides and nitrification inhibitors, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 57(18) DOI
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2009 Karmakar R.; Kulshrestha G. (2009). Persistence, metabolism and safety evaluation of thiamethoxam in tomato crop, Pest Management Science (Pesticide Science), 65(8) DOI
2009 Majumder S.; Baranwal V.K.; Joshi S. (2009). Simultaneous detection of onion yellow dwarf virus and shallot latent virus in infected leaves and cloves of garlic by duplex RT-PCR, Journal of Plant Pathology, 90(2) DOI
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2009 Dubey A.K.; Srivastav M.; Singh A.K.; Pandey R.N. (2009). Growth and physiological response of salt-sensitive and salt-tolerant rootstocks of citrus to paclobutrazol under salt stress, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 79(8) DOI
2009 Tomar S.M.S.; Sinha P.; Ali A.; Vinod; Singh B.; Balyan H.S. (2009). Assessment of agro-morphological and molecular diversity among fertility restorer lines in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 69(3) DOI
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2009 Uprety D.C.; Dwivedi N.; Raj A.; Jaiswal S.; Paswan G.; Jain V.; Maini H.K. (2009). Study on the response of diploid, tetraploid and hexaploid species of wheat to the elevated CO2, Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, 15(2) DOI
2009 Palsaniya D.R.; Ahlawat I.P.S. (2009). Sulphur management in pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan) - Wheat (Triticum aestivum) cropping system, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 54(3) DOI
2009 Dodamani B.M.; Das T.K. (2009). Interference of common lambsquater (Chenopodium album) in wheat (Triticum aestivum) as influenced by nitrogen levels, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 54(3) DOI
2009 Nandeshwar S.B.; Moghe S.; Chakrabarty P.K.; Deshattiwar M.K.; Kranthi K.; Anandkumar P.; Mayee C.D.; Khadi B.M. (2009). Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of cry1Ac gene into shoot-tip meristem of diploid cotton Gossypium arboreum cv. RG8 and regeneration of transgenic plants, Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 27(4) DOI
2009 Shareefa M.; Singh A.K.; Srivastav M.; Dubey A.K. (2009). Differentiation of nucellar and zygotic seedlings in citrus using ISSR markers, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 79(11) DOI
2009 Sharma R.R.; Singh D.; Singh R. (2009). Biological control of postharvest diseases of fruits and vegetables by microbial antagonists: A review, Biological Control, 50(3) DOI
2009 Yadav S.S.; McNeil D.L.; Andrews M.; Chen C.; Brand J.; Singh G.; Shivakumar B.G.; Gangaiah B. (2009). Soil nutrient management, The Lentil: Botany, Production and uses, () DOI
2009 Purakayastha T.J.; Smith J.L.; Huggins D.R. (2009). Microbial biomass and N cycling under native prairie, conservation reserve and no-tillage in Palouse soils, Geoderma, 152(03-Apr) DOI
2009 Sharma R.K.; Bhardwaj P.; Negi R.; Mohapatra T.; Ahuja P.S. (2009). Identification, characterization and utilization of unigene derived microsatellite markers in tea (Camellia sinensis L.), BMC Plant Biology, 9() DOI
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2009 Khan S.A.; Rashmi; Hussain M.Z.; Prasad S.; Banerjee U.C. (2009). Prospects of biodiesel production from microalgae in India, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 13(9) DOI
2009 Singh S.K.; Singh S.K.; Sharma R.R.; Srivastav M. (2009). Effect of pruning on morpho-physiological parameters and microclimate underhigh density planting of mango {Mangifera indica), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 79(8) DOI
2009 Chaudhary B.; Mani V.P. (2009). Inheritance studies on resistance to turcicum leaf blight in semi-temperate genotypes of maize (Zea mays), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 79(10) DOI
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2009 Singh R.K.; Verma S.K.; Sharma R.; Singh S.B. (2009). Bio-efficacy and selectivity of sulfosulfuron and metribuzin before and after irrigation in wheat (Triticum aestivum) under zero-tillage system, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 79(9) DOI
2009 Singh B.K.; Sharma S.R.; Singh B. (2009). Heterosis for antioxidants and horticultural traits in single cross hybrids of cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 79(9) DOI
2009 Dutta T.K.; Agnihotri M.K.; Sahoo P.K.; Rajkumar V.; Das A.K. (2009). Effect of different protein-energy ratio in pulse by-products and residue based pelleted feeds on growth, rumen fermentation, carcass and sausage quality in Barbari kids, Small Ruminant Research, 85(1) DOI
2009 Singh A.K.; Singh S.; Singh A.; Pradhan S.K.; Tyagi J.P.; Singh A. (2009). Physiological marker traits associated with submergence tolerance of lowland rice (Oryza Sativa), Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 79(9) DOI
2009 Namita; Singh K.P.; Bharadwaj C.; Prasad K.V.; Raju D. (2009). Studies on character association and path analysis of quantitative traits among parental lines of marigold (Tagetes erecta and T. patula) and their interspecific F1 hybrids, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 66(3) DOI
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2009 Singh R.; Sharma R.R.; Moretti C.L.; Kumar A.; Gupta R.K. (2009). Foliar application of calcium and boron influences physiological disorders, fruit yield and quality of strawberry (F. × ananassa Duch.), Acta Horticulturae, 842() DOI
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2009 Marathe R.A.; Bharambe P.R.; Sharma R.; Sharma U.C. (2009). Soil properties of Vertisol and yield of sweet orange (Citrus sinensis) as influenced by integrated use of organic manures, inorganic and bio-fertilizers, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 79(1) DOI
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2009 Parida S.K.; Kalia S.K.; Kaul S.; Dalal V.; Hemaprabha G.; Selvi A.; Pandit A.; Singh A.; Gaikwad K.; Sharma T.R.; Srivastava P.S.; Singh N.K.; Mohapatra T. (2009). Informative genomic microsatellite markers for efficient genotyping applications in sugarcane, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 118(2) DOI
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2008 Meena M.C.; Patel K.P.; Singh D.; Dwivedi B.S. (2008). Long-term effect of sewage sludge and farmyard manure on grain yields and availability of zinc and iron under pearlmillet (Pennisetum glaucam) - Indian mustard (Bassica juncea) cropping sequence, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 78(12) DOI
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2008 Sumesh K.V.; Sharma-Natu P.; Ghildiyal M.C. (2008). Starch synthase activity and heat shock protein in relation to thermal tolerance of developing wheat grains, Biologia Plantarum, 52(4) DOI
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2007 Singh B.; Kumar M.; Sirohi N.P.S. (2007). Techno-economic feasibility of year-round parthenocarpic cucumber cultivation under naturally ventilated greenhouse in northern India, Acta Horticulturae, 731() DOI
2007 Yadav S.S.; Longnecker N.; Dusunceli F.; Bejiga G.; Yadav M.; Rizvi A.H.; Manohar M.; Reddy A.A.; Xaxiao Z.; Chen W. (2007). Uses, consumption and utilization, Chickpea Breeding and Management, () DOI
2007 Rajesh P.N.; Mcphee K.E.; Ford R.; Pittock C.; Kumar J.; Muehlbauer F.J. (2007). Ciceromics: Advancement in genomics and recent molecular techniques, Chickpea Breeding and Management, () DOI
2007 Paul V.; Polisetty R.; Chandra R. (2007). Role of age and orientation of seedling explants on multiple shoot production in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), Plant Cell Biotechnology and Molecular Biology, 8(01-Feb) DOI
2007 Yadav S.S.; McNeil D.L.; Stevenson P.C. (2007). Lentil: An ancient crop for modern times, Lentil: An Ancient Crop for Modern Times, () DOI
2007 Nandave M.; Ojha S.K.; Joshi S.; Kumari S.; Arya D.S. (2007). Cardioprotective effect of Bacopa monneira against isoproterenol-induced myocardial necrosis in rats, International Journal of Pharmacology, 3(5) DOI
2007 Kumar A.; Singh R. (2007). Response of fenugreek (Trigonella foenum graecum) to different phosphorus and cutting management practices, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 77(3) DOI
2007 Singh B.; Kumar M.; Singh V.; Mehto S.P. (2007). Plug-tray nursery raising of cucurbits in soilless media: A sustainable technology for off-season crop production under northern plains of India, Acta Horticulturae, 742() DOI
2007 Pal R.K.; Singh S.P.; Singh C.P.; Asrey R. (2007). Response of guava fruit (Psidium guajava L. cv. Lucknow-49) to controlled atmosphere storage, Acta Horticulturae, 735() DOI
2007 Knights E.J.; AçikgöZ N.; Warkentin T.; Bejiga G.; Yadav S.S.; Sandhu J.S. (2007). Area, production and distribution, Chickpea Breeding and Management, () DOI
2007 Senthilkumar M.; Govindasamy V.; Dureja P.; Annapurna K. (2007). Purification and partial characterization of antifungal peptides from soybean endophyte-paenibacillus sp strain HKA-15, Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 16(2) DOI
2007 Singh R.; Singh A.K.; Sharma T.R.; Singh A.; Singh N.K. (2007). Fine mapping of Aroma QTLs in basmati rice (Oryza sativa L) on chromosomes 3, 4 and 8, Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 16(2) DOI
2007 Gaur P.M.; Gowda C.L.L.; Knights E.J.; Warkentin T.; AçikgöZ N.; Yadav S.S.; Kumar J. (2007). Breeding achievements, Chickpea Breeding and Management, () DOI
2007 Solanki I.S.; Yadav S.S.; Bahl P.N. (2007). Varietal adaptation, participatory breeding and plant type, Lentil: An Ancient Crop for Modern Times, 9.7814E+12() DOI
2007 Reddy A.A.; Mathur V.C.; Yadav M.; Yadav S.S. (2007). Commercial cultivation and profitability, Chickpea Breeding and Management, () DOI
2007 Zaidi P.H.; Mani Selvan P.; Sultana R.; Srivastava A.; Singh A.K.; Srinivasan G.; Singh R.P.; Singh P.P. (2007). Association between line per se and hybrid performance under excessive soil moisture stress in tropical maize (Zea mays L.), Field Crops Research, 101(1) DOI
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2007 Varshney R.K.; Hoisington D.A.; Upadhyaya H.D.; Gaur P.M.; Nigam S.N.; Saxena K.; Vadez V.; Sethy N.K.; Bhatia S.; Aruna R.; Channabyre Gowda M.V.; Singh N.K. (2007). Molecular genetics and breeding of grain legume crops for the semi-arid tropics, Genomics-Assisted Crop Improvement, 2() DOI
2007 Salimath P.M.; Toker C.; Sandhu J.S.; Kumar J.; Suma B.; Yadav S.S.; Bahl P.N. (2007). Conventional breeding methods, Chickpea Breeding and Management, () DOI
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2007 Nayak S.; Prasanna R. (2007). Soil pH and its role in cyanobacterial abundance and diversity in rice field soils, Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 5(2) DOI
2007 Singh S.P.; Pal R.K. (2007). Postharvest fruit fly disinfestation strategies in rainy season guava crop, Acta Horticulturae, 735() DOI
2007 Chaudhury D.; Madanpotra S.; Jaiwal R.; Saini R.; Kumar P.A.; Jaiwal P.K. (2007). Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated high frequency genetic transformation of an Indian cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.) cultivar and transmission of transgenes into progeny, Plant Science (Plant Science Letters), 172(4) DOI
2007 Purakayastha T.J.; Chhonkar P.K.; Bhadraray S.; Patra A.K.; Verma V.; Khan M.A. (2007). Long-term effects of different land use and soil management on various organic carbon fractions in an Inceptisol of subtropical India, Soil Research (Australian Journal of Soil Research), 45(1) DOI
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2007 Vasudevan V.; Prasanna R.; Sood A.; Kaushik B.D. (2007). Enhancing pigment accumulation in Anabaena strains using sugars, Acta Botanica Hungarica, 49(01-Feb) DOI
2007 Baranwal V.K.; Gupta K.N.; Singh R.P. (2007). Polymerase chain reaction detection of greening bacterium (Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus) and Citrus mosaic virus in citrus tissues, by means of a simplified template-preparation protocol, Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology, 29(2) DOI
2007 Choudhury B.U.; Bouman B.A.M.; Singh A.K. (2007). Yield and water productivity of rice-wheat on raised beds at New Delhi, India, Field Crops Research, 100(02-Mar) DOI
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2007 Prasad S.; Singh A.; Joshi H.C. (2007). Ethanol as an alternative fuel from agricultural, industrial and urban residues, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 50(1) DOI
2007 Wadhwani M.K.; Singh S.B.; Sahoo R.N.; Abrol I.P. (2007). Economics of production and post-harvest management of pointed gourd (Trichosanthus dioica Roxb.) under diara eco-system of the lower indo-gangetic plains, Acta Horticulturae, 752() DOI
2007 Rakshit S.; Rakshit A.; Matsumura H.; Takahashi Y.; Hasegawa Y.; Ito A.; Ishii T.; Miyashita N.T.; Terauchi R. (2007). Large-scale DNA polymorphism study of Oryza sativa and O. rufipogon reveals the origin and divergence of Asian rice, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 114(4) DOI
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2007 Berger J.D.; Speijers J.; Sapra R.L.; Sood U.C. (2007). Genotype by environment interaction and chickpea improvement, Chickpea Breeding and Management, () DOI
2007 Yadav S.S.; Rizvi A.H.; Manohar M.; Verma A.K.; Shrestha R.; Chen C.; Bejiga G.; Chen W.; Yadav M.; Bahl P.N. (2007). Lentil growers and production systems around the world, Lentil: An Ancient Crop for Modern Times, 9.7814E+12() DOI
2007 Mishra S.K.; Sharma B.; Sharma S.K. (2007). Genetics and cytogenetics of lentil, Lentil: An Ancient Crop for Modern Times, 9.7814E+12() DOI
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2007 Nandave M.; Mohanty I.; Nag T.C.; Ojha S.K.; Mittal R.; Kumari S.; Arya D.S. (2007). Cardioprotective response to chronic administration of vitamin E in isoproterenol induced myocardial necrosis: Hemodynamic, biochemical and ultrastructural studies, Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry, 22(1) DOI
2007 Kumar R.; Devakumar C.; Sharma V.; Kakkar G.; Kumar D.; Panneerselvam P. (2007). Influence of physicochemical parameters of neem (Azadirachia indica A juss) oils on nitrification inhibition in soil, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 55(4) DOI
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2007 Sharma S.N.; Piri I.; Prasad R.; Davari M.R.; Kumar D.; Shivay Y.S. (2007). Relative efficiency of sources of sulfur at varying rate of its application to wheat and rapeseed, Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 53(1) DOI
2007 Ezhilmathi K.; Singh V.P.; Arora A.; Sairam R.K. (2007). Effect of 5-sulfosalicylic acid on antioxidant activity in relation to vase life of Gladiolus cut flowers, Plant Growth Regulation, 51(2) DOI
2007 Berrada A.F.; Shivakumar B.G.; Yaduraju N.T. (2007). Chickpea in cropping systems, Chickpea Breeding and Management, () DOI
2007 Sagar V.R.; Kumar P.S. (2007). Processing of guava in the form of dehydrated slices and leather, Acta Horticulturae, 735() DOI
2007 Gujar G.T.; Khawale R.N.; Kalia V. (2007). Genetic variability of Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) attributable to cadherin gene-specific molecular markers, Current Science, 92(6) DOI
2007 Saveetha K.; Sankaralingam A.; Pant R.; Ramanathan A. (2007). Etiology and transmission of mottle streak disease of finger millet (Eleusine coracana Gaertn.), Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection, 40(1) DOI
2007 Singh B.; Kumar M.; Mehto S.P. (2007). Advancing bitter gourd crop by plastic mulching: A profitable and sustainable technology for peri-urban areas of northern India, Acta Horticulturae, 731() DOI
2007 Aggarwal P.K.; Joshi H.C.; Kumar S.; Gupta N.; Kumar S. (2007). Fuel ethanol production from Indian agriculture Opportunities and constraints, Outlook on Agriculture, 36(3) DOI
2007 Senanayake D.M.J.B.; Mandal B.; Lodha S.; Varma A. (2007). First report of Chilli leaf curl virus affecting chilli in India, Plant Pathology, 56(2) DOI
2007 Yadav S.S.; Stevenson P.C.; Rizvi A.H.; Manohar M.; Gailing S.; Mateljan G. (2007). Uses and consumption, Lentil: An Ancient Crop for Modern Times, 9.7814E+12() DOI
2007 Choudhary R.S.; Gautam R.C. (2007). Effect of nutrient-management practices on growth and yield of pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum), Indian Journal of Agronomy, 52(1) DOI
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2007 Loh H.K.; Sahoo K.C.; Kishore K.; Ray R.; Nag T.C.; Kumari S.; Arya D.S. (2007). Effects of thalidomide on isoprenaline-induced acute myocardial injury: A haemodynamic, histopathological and ultrastructural study, Basic and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology, 100(4) DOI
2007 Singh B.; Kumar M.; Sirohi N.P.S. (2007). Protected cultivation of cucurbits under low-cost protected structures: A sustainable technology for peri-urban areas of northern India, Acta Horticulturae, 731() DOI
2007 Singh R.P.; Prasad P.V.V.; Sunita K.; Giri S.N.; Reddy K.R. (2007). Influence of High Temperature and Breeding for Heat Tolerance in Cotton: A Review, Advances in Agronomy, 93(SUPPL.) DOI
2007 Prasanna R.; Sood A.; Suresh A.; Nayak S.; Kaushik B.D. (2007). Potentials and applications of algal pigments in biology and industry, Acta Botanica Hungarica, 49(01-Feb) DOI
2007 Chadha K.L.; Patel V.B. (2007). Prospect of indigenous perennial plants as source of vegetable, Acta Horticulturae, 752() DOI
2007 Singh B.; Yadav H.L.; Kumar M.; Sirohi N.P.S. (2007). Effect of plastic plug-tray cell size and shape on quality of soilless media grown tomato seedlings, Acta Horticulturae, 742() DOI
2007 Martin D.; Saha S.K. (2007). Integrated approach of using remote sensing and GIS to study watershed prioritization and productivity, Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, 35(1) DOI
2007 Kalia P.; Sharma A.; Singh S.; Singh Y. (2007). Locally adapted indigenous vegetables of himachal pradesh and their role in alleviating poverty, hunger and malnutrition, Acta Horticulturae, 752() DOI
2007 Singh G.; Maurya S.; Marimuthu P.; Murali H.S.; Bawa A.S. (2007). Antioxidant and antibacterial investigations on essential oils and acetone extracts of some spices, Indian Journal of Natural Products and Resources, 6(2) DOI
2007 Rao E.S.; Munshi A.D.; Dash P.; Madhav M.S. (2007). RAPD markers for resistance to Alternaria solani (early blight) in cultivated tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.), Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 82(4) DOI
2007 Jayachandran K.S.; Srihari D.; Reddy Y.N. (2007). Post-harvest application of selected antioxidants to improve the shelf life of guava fruit, Acta Horticulturae, 735() DOI
2007 Kumar J.; Dusunceli F.; Knights E.J.; Materne M.; Warkentin T.; Chen W.; Gaur P.M.; Bejiga G.; Yadav S.S.; Satyanarayana A.; Rahman M.M.; Yadav M. (2007). Chickpea farmers, Chickpea Breeding and Management, () DOI
2007 Piri I.; Sharma S.N. (2007). Effect of sulphur on yield attributes and yield of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) as influenced by irrigation, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 77(3) DOI
2007 Arora A.; Saxena S. (2007). Accumulation of heavy metals in anaerobic sludge and its disposal by landspreading, Advanced Materials Research, 20-21() DOI
2007 Asrey R.; Pal R.K.; Sagar V.R.; Patel V.B. (2007). Impact of tree age and canopy position on fruit quality of guava, Acta Horticulturae, 735() DOI
2007 Yadav S.S.; Redden R.J.; Chen W.; Sharma B. (2007). Chickpea breeding and management, Chickpea Breeding and Management, () DOI
2007 Singh U.; Ahlawat I.P.S. (2007). Phosphorus management in pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan) - Wheat (Triticum aestivum) cropping system, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 52(1) DOI
2007 Singh A.M.; Deveshwar J.J.; Ahlawat A.K.; Singh B.B. (2007). Identification of novel variants of High Molecular Weight Glutenin Subunits in Indian bread wheat landraces, Cereal Research Communications, 35(1) DOI
2007 Ghosh P.K.; Jayas D.S.; Srivastava C.; Jha A.N. (2007). Drying and storing lentils: Engineering and entomological aspects, Lentil: An Ancient Crop for Modern Times, 9.7814E+12() DOI
2007 Kantar F.; Hafeez F.Y.; Shivakumar B.G.; Sundaram S.P.; Tejera N.A.; Aslam A.; Bano A.; Raja P. (2007). Chickpea: Rhizobium management and nitrogen fixation, Chickpea Breeding and Management, () DOI
2007 Kumar N.; Srivastava G.C.; Dixit K. (2007). Role of superoxide dismutases during petal senescence in rose (Rosa hybrida L, Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 82(5) DOI
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2007 Patel N.; Rajput T.B.S. (2007). Effect of drip tape placement depth and irrigation level on yield of potato, Agricultural Water Management, 88(01-Mar) DOI
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2007 Mondal K.K.; Bhattacharya R.C.; Koundal K.R.; Chatterjee S.C. (2007). Transgenic Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) expressing tomato glucanase leads to arrested growth of Alternaria brassicae, Plant Cell Reports, 26(2) DOI
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2007 Yadav R.K.; Singh S.P.; Lal D.; Kumar A. (2007). Fodder production and soil health with conjunctive use of saline and good quality water in ustipsamments of a semi-arid region, Land Degradation & Development, 18(2) DOI
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2007 Sethi V.; Vasudeva K.R.; Sethi S.; Singh G. (2007). Diversified use of guava to combat malnutrition, Acta Horticulturae, 735() DOI
2007 Kalia P.; Pathania N.K. (2007). Genetic variability and trait relationships for quantitative and quality characters in winter bean (Vicia faba L), Acta Horticulturae, 752() DOI
2007 Dwivedi K.K.; Bhat S.R.; Bhat V.; Bhat B.V.; Gupta M.G. (2007). Identification of a SCAR marker linked to apomixis in buffelgrass (Cenchrus ciliaris L.), Plant Science (Plant Science Letters), 172(4) DOI
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2007 Chandra-Shekara A.C.; Prasanna B.M.; Bhat S.R.; Singh B.B. (2007). Genetic diversity analysis of elite pearl millet inbred lines using RAPD and SSR markers, Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 16(1) DOI
2007 Singh S.B.; Kulshrestha G. (2007). Determination of sulfosulfuron residues in soil under wheat crop by a novel and cost-effective method and evaluation of its carryover effect, Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part B Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes, 42(1) DOI
2007 Shalini; Gupta R.K.; Dhar D.W. (2007). Biodiversity profile in selected cyanobacterial genera, Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment, 5(1) DOI
2007 Singh A.K.; Behera T.K.; Chandel D.; Sharma P.; Singh N.K. (2007). Assessing genetic relationships among bitter gourd (momordica charantia L.) accessions using inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers, Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 82(2) DOI
2007 Gautam U.S.; Jajoo A.; Singh A.; Chakrabartty P.K.; Das S.K. (2007). Characterization of an rpoN mutant of Mesorhizobium ciceri, Journal of Applied Microbiology, 103(5) DOI
2007 Karthikeyan N.; Prasanna R.; Nain L.; Kaushik B.D. (2007). Evaluating the potential of plant growth promoting cyanobacteria as inoculants for wheat, European Journal of Soil Biology, 43(1) DOI
2007 Pandita V.K.; Anand A.; Nagarajan S. (2007). Enhancement of seed germination in hot pepper following presowing treatments, Seed Science and Technology, 35(2) DOI
2007 Singh N.K.; Dalal V.; Batra K.; Singh B.K.; Chitra G.; Singh A.; Ghazi I.A.; Yadav M.; Pandit A.; Dixit R.; Singh P.K.; Singh H.; Koundal K.R.; Gaikwad K.; Mohapatra T.; Sharma T.R. (2007). Single-copy genes define a conserved order between rice and wheat for understanding differences caused by duplication, deletion, and transposition of genes, Functional and Integrative Genomics, 7(1) DOI
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2007 Batish D.R.; Kohli R.K.; Kaur S.; Yadava S.; Singh H.P.; Saxena D.B. (2007). Assessment of Phytotoxicity of Parthenin, Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung - Section C Journal of Biosciences, 62(05-Jun) DOI
2007 Chander S.; Kalra N.; Aggarwal P.K. (2007). Development and application of crop growth simulation modelling in pest management, Outlook on Agriculture, 36(1) DOI
2007 Choudhury P.P.; Bhattacharya A.; Dureja P. (2007). Phototransformation of chlorimuron-ethyl on leaf surface, Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry, 89(1) DOI
2007 Tomar S.M.S.; Menon M.K.; Vinod; Sivasamy M.; Singh B. (2007). Genetic analysis of Triticum compactum L. var. amplissifolium Zhuk. producing curved grain, Crop Science, 47(1) DOI
2007 Mukherjee I.; Gopal M.; Mathur D.S. (2007). Behavior of β-cyfluthrin after foliar application on chickpea (cicer aretinium L. ) and pigeon pea (cajanus cajan L.), Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 78(1) DOI
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2007 Wijeratne M.A.; Anandacoomaraswamy A.; Amarathunga M.K.S.L.D.; Ratnasiri J.; Basnayake B.R.S.B.; Kalra N. (2007). Assessment of impact of climate change on productivity of tea (Camellia sinensis L.) plantations in Sri Lanka, Journal of the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka, 35(2) DOI
2007 Rajam M.V.; Chandola N.; Goud P.S.; Singh D.; Kashyap V.; Choudhary M.L.; Sihachakr D. (2007). Thaumatin gene confers resistance to fungal pathogens as well as tolerance to abiotic stresses in transgenic tobacco plants, Biologia Plantarum, 51(1) DOI
2007 Singh A.K.; Devanshi; Sharma P.; Singh R.; Singh B.; Koundal K.R.; Singh N.K. (2007). Assessment of genetic diversity in Ziziphus mauritiana using inter-simple sequence repeat markers, Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 16(1) DOI
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2007 Chandra-Shekara A.C.; Prasanna B.M.; Singh B.B.; Unnikrishnan K.V.; Seetharam A. (2007). Effect of cytoplasm and cytoplasm-nuclear interaction on combining ability and heterosis for agronomic traits in pearl millet {Pennisetum glaucum (L) Br. R}, Euphytica, 153(01-Feb) DOI
2007 Majumdar K.; Singh N. (2007). Effect of soil amendments on sorption and mobility of metribuzin in soils, Chemosphere (Chemosphere - Global Change Science), 66(4) DOI
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2007 Rose H.S.; Sood R.; Pathania P.C. (2007). A new species of Philoptila Meyrick (Lepidoptera: Lecithoceridae) from India, Oriental Insects, 41(1) DOI
2007 Patra A.K.; Le Roux X.; Abbadie L.; Clays-Josserand A.; Poly F.; Loiseau P.; Louault F. (2007). Effect of microbial activity and nitrogen mineralization on free-living nitrogen fixation in permanent grassland soils, Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, 193(2) DOI
2007 Mishra A.K.; Praveen S. (2007). Differential role of tomato gemini virus and cucumovirus in plant organogenesis, Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 16(1) DOI
2007 Dubey S.C.; Suresh M.; Singh B. (2007). Evaluation of Trichoderma species against Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. ciceris for integrated management of chickpea wilt, Biological Control, 40(1) DOI
2007 Dhiman M.R.; Parkash C. (2007). Crossability in Asiatic Lilium hybrids, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 77(1) DOI
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2007 Singh P. (2007). Mitochondrial activity in Orobanche cernua from different regions of the scape and as influenced by host, Journal of Phytopathology, 155(1) DOI
2007 Masto R.E.; Chhonkar P.K.; Singh D.; Patra A.K. (2007). Soil quality response to long-term nutrient and crop management on a semi-arid Inceptisol, Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 118(01-Apr) DOI
2007 Singh N.K.; Dhar D.W. (2007). Nitrogen and phosphorous scavenging potential in microalgae, Indian Journal of Biotechnology, 6(1) DOI
2007 Paul V.; Ezekiel R. (2007). Changes in sugar levels and membrane permeability during prolonged reconditioning of potato (Solanum tuberosum) tubers previously stored in cold store, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 77(1) DOI
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2005 Sarangi A.; Madramootoo C.A.; Enright P.; Prasher S.O.; Patel R.M. (2005). Performance evaluation of ANN and geomorphology-based models for runoff and sediment yield prediction for a Canadian watershed, Current Science, 89(12) DOI
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2005 Mishra A.N.; Kaushal K.; Yadav S.R.; Shirsekar G.S.; Pandey H.N. (2005). A leaf rust resistance gene, different from Lr34, associated with leaf tip necrosis in wheat, Plant Breeding, 124(5) DOI
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2005 Sharma H.; Sareen P.K.; Saharan R.P.; Yadav R.C.; Tomar S.M.S. (2005). Identification of gene(s) through test of allelism in bread wheat [Triticum aestivum (L.) em. Thell], Annals of Agri Bio Research, 10(2) DOI
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2005 Jain R.K.; Pandey A.N.; Krishnareddy M.; Mandal B. (2005). Immunodiagnosis of groundnut and watermelon bud necrosis viruses using polyclonal antiserum to recombinant nucleocapsid protein of Groundnut bud necrosis virus, Journal of Virological Methods, 130(01-Feb) DOI
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2005 Choudhary N.L.; Sairam R.K.; Tyagi A. (2005). Expression of Δ1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate synthetase gene during drought in rice (Oryza sativa L.), Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 42(6) DOI
2005 Sharma H.; Sareen P.K.; Saharan R.P.; Yadav R.C.; Tomar S.M.S. (2005). Selection of compatible restorer lines, maintainer lines and their application in hybrid wheat [Triticum aestivum (L.) em. Thell], Annals of Agri Bio Research, 10(2) DOI
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2005 Mishra A.N.; Kaushal K.; Yadav S.R.; Shirsekar G.S.; Pandey H.N. (2005). The linkage between the stem rust resistance gene Sr2 and pseudo-black chaff in wheat can be broken, Plant Breeding, 124(5) DOI
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2005 Mishra A.N.; Kaushal K.; Shirsekar G.S.; Yadav S.R.; Brahma R.N.; Pandey H.N. (2005). Genetic basis of seedling-resistance to leaf rust in bread wheat 'Thatcher', Plant Breeding, 124(5) DOI
2005 Baranwal V.K.; Majumder S.; Ahlawat Y.S.; Singh R.P. (2005). A novel approach for simultaneous detection of Citrus yellow mosaic virus and Citrus greening bacterium by multiplex polymerase chain reaction, Indian Journal of Biotechnology, 4(4) DOI
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2005 Behera U.K.; Sigh U.; Singh Y.V. (2005). Influence of weed-control method on productivity of rainfed soybean (Glycine max) in Vertisol of central India, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 50(3) DOI
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2005 Srivastav M.; Dubey A.K.; Sharma R.R. (2005). Effect of rootstocks on leaf nutrients, tree growth, yield and fruit quality of 'Mosambi' sweet orange (Citrus sinensis) under Delhi conditions, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 75(6) DOI
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1994 Shyam M.; Sharma P.K. (1994). Solid-state anaerobic digestion of cattle dung and agro-residues in small-capacity field digesters, Bioresource Technology (Biological Wastes), 48(3) DOI
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1994 Sharma A.; Mohapatra T.; Sharma R.P. (1994). Molecular Mapping and Character Tagging in Brassica juncea—I. Degree, Nature and Linkage Relationship of RFLPs and Their Association With Quantitative Traits, Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 3(2) DOI
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1992 Grover A.; Mridula; Sharma R.P. (1992). Differential Induction of β-1,3 Glucanase in Resistant and Susceptible Varieties of Cicer arietinum L. Following Infection with Ascochyta rabiei, Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 1(2) DOI
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1992 Chattopadhyay D.; Sharma N.D.; Chatterjee S.R.; Mehla S.L. (1992). Heat Shock Response in Hypocotyl of Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 1(1) DOI
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1992 Mridula; Srinivasan; Sharma R.P. (1992). Induction of Chitinase in Resistant and Susceptible Varieties of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) following Infection with Ascochyta rabiei, Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 1(1) DOI
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1992 Mukherjee I.; Gopal M. (1992). Residue behaviour of fenvalerate, tau‐fluvalinate, lambda‐cyhalothrin and monocrotophos in eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) fruits, Pesticide Science, 36(3) DOI
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1991 Dureja P.; Walia S.; Sharma K.K. (1991). Photolysis of isoproturon in aqueous solution, Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry, 34(1) DOI
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1991 Grover A.; Kapoor H.C. (1991). Enhancement of chromatin availability and RNA polymerase activity in Cicer arietinum shoots by indole acetic acid, Phytochemistry, 30(2) DOI
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1991 Gupta R.L.; Roy N.K. (1991). Synthesis and anti rice blast activity of S-alkyl S,S-diaryl phosphorotrithioates, Indian Journal of Chemistry - Section B Organic Chemistry Including Medicinal Chemistry, 30(3) DOI
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1991 Naik R.M.; Munjal S.V.; Singh P.; Desal B.B.; Mehta S.L.; Naik M.S. (1991). Dissociation of cytochrome oxidase-carbon monoxide complex in complete darkness, Phytochemistry, 30(4) DOI
1990 Aggarwal P.K.; Fischer R.A. (1990). Source-sink relations and effects of post-anthesis canopy defoliation in wheat at low latitudes, Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 114(1) DOI
1990 Walia S.; Dureja P. (1990). Chemical and photochemical transformation of Fenamiphos—An organophosphorus nematicide, Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry, 28(02-Mar) DOI
1990 Chandrashekaran S.; Sharma R.P. (1990). Maternal effect embryonic lethal mutants identified in the 37D2-38A1 region of chromosome 2 of Drosophila melanogaster, Journal of Genetics, 69(2) DOI
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1990 Srivastava K.L. (1990). Evaluation of potency of Bacillus thuringiensis products viz. Bactospeine and Dipel in comparison to E-61, an international reference standard against castor semilooper, Achaea janata linn, Journal of Environmental Biology, 11(2 SUPPL.) DOI
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1990 Kumar S.; Patil B.C.; Sinha S.K. (1990). Cyanide resistant respiration is involved in temperature rise in ripening mangoes, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 168(2) DOI
1990 Sharma R.C.; Payak M.M. (1990). Durable resistance to two leaf blights in two maize inbred lines, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 80(4) DOI
1990 Kumar P.A.; Abrol Y.P. (1990). Effect of L-methionine sulphoximine on the enzymes of nitrogen metabolism in barley leaves, Proceedings: Plant Sciences, 100(2) DOI
1990 Subbarao N.S.; Yadav D.; Padmanabha A.; Nagaveni; Singh C.S.; Kavimandan S.K. (1990). Nodule haustoria and microbial features of Cajanus and Pongamia parasitized by sandal (sandal wood), Plant and Soil, 128(2) DOI
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1987 Bhatia P.K.; Abrol Y.P. (1987). Profiles of proteolytic activities during senescence of primary leaves of mung bean (Vigna radiata (L) Wilczek), Proceedings: Plant Sciences, 97(3) DOI
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1987 Ilyas S.M.; Nag D. (1987). SUPPLEMENTING ENERGY REQUIREMENT FOR PRE- AND POST-PRODUCTION OPERATIONS FOR PADDY BY NON-CONVENTIONAL SOURCES., Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India): Agricultural Engineering Division, 67() DOI
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1987 Giri G.; Gangasaran (1987). Influence of mode and time of chlormequat chloride (ccc) application on groundnut (arachis hypogaea) under semi-arid rainfed conditions in North-West India, Experimental Agriculture, 23(1) DOI
1987 Dureja P.; Walia S.; Mukerjee K. (1987). Photolysis of Propioconazole, Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry, 16(1) DOI
1987 Dutta M.; Arunachalam V.; Bandyopadhyay A. (1987). Enhanced cross pollination to widen the scope of breeding in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.), Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 74(4) DOI
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1987 Joshi S.; Mathur J.M.S. (1987). The influence of various carbon and nitrogen sources on oil production by Fusarium oxysporum, Folia Microbiologica, 32(2) DOI
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1987 Gopinathan M.C.; Babu C.R.; Chatterjee S.R.; Abrol Y.P. (1987). Nutritional potential of Vigna minima (Roxb.) Ohwi and Ohashi: - II. Seed protein fractions and their amino acid composition, Qualitas Plantarum Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 36(4) DOI
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1987 Chauhan Y.S.; Bhargava S.C.; Tomar D.P.S. (1987). Effect of de-branching on the yield and yield components of mustard (Brassica Juncea), Experimental Agriculture, 23(4) DOI
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1987 Praveen-Kumar; Chhonkar P.K.; Agnihotri N.P. (1987). Mobility of urease inhibitors: Application of soil thin-layer chromatography, Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 19(6) DOI
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1987 Gopinathan M.C.; Babu C.R.; Chatterjee S.R.; Abrol Y.P. (1987). Nutritional potential of Vigna minima (Roxb.) Ohwi and Ohashi: - I. Seed protein content and amino acid composition, Qualitas Plantarum Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 36(4) DOI
1987 Walia S.; Dureja P.; Mukerjee S.K. (1987). Photoreductive dehalogenation of 5-bromomethyl- 1,2,3,4,7,7-hexachloro-2-nor-bornene (bromodan) -a cyclodiene insecticide, Tetrahedron, 43(11) DOI
1987 Vari A.K.; Bhowal J.G. (1987). Pachytene Karyotype of Diploid Pennisetum americanum L. Leeke and Identification of its Trisomics, CYTOLOGIA, 52(4) DOI
1987 Subbarao S.; Prakash N.; Sivaprasad A.V.; Kumar S. (1987). Type 1 fimbriation is negatively regulated by cyclic AMP and its receptor protein via conjugative plasmid F in Escherichia coli K-12, Journal of Biosciences, 11(01-Apr) DOI
1987 Uprety D.C.; Sirohi G.S. (1987). Comparative Study on the Effect of Water Stress on the Photosynthesis and Water Relations of Triticale, Rye and Wheat, Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, 159(5) DOI
1987 Ramakrishnan U. (1987). Biosystematics of rice brown planthopper and rice green leafhoppers, Proceedings: Animal Sciences, 96(5) DOI
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1987 Kamble H.G. (1987). INFLUENCE OF MACHINE CROP PARAMETERS ON GERMINATION OF MOONG., Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India): Agricultural Engineering Division, 68(1) DOI
1987 Warrier A.; Bhardwaj S.N.; Pande P.C. (1987). Effect of benzyladenine on grain growth in aestivum wheat, Plant and Cell Physiology, 28(5) DOI
1987 Dureja P.; Devakumar C.; Walia S.; Mukerjee S.K. (1987). Evidence of similarity between biooxygenation and photooxygenation: formation of quinone epoxides, Tetrahedron, 43(6) DOI
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1987 Dureja P.; Walia S.; Tanwar R.S.; Mukerjee S.K. (1987). Triethylamine Induced Photolysis of Endosulphan, Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry, 15(3) DOI
1987 Sarma P.B.S.; Rao N.H.; Tiwari K.N. (1987). UPCONING OF SALT WATER-FRESH WATER INTERFACE BENEATH A SKIMMING WELL., Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India): Civil Engineering Division, 67(pt 6) DOI
1987 Narasimhulu S.B.; Chopra V.L. (1987). Plant Regeneration from Callus Cultures of Brassica carinata A. Br. and its Implications to Improvement of Oil Seed Brassicas, Plant Breeding, 99(1) DOI
1987 TOMAR K.P. (1987). Chemistry of pedogenesis in Indo‐Gangetic alluvial plains, Journal of Soil Science, 38(3) DOI
1987 Rao Y.N.; Subbarao Y.V.; Sarma K.S.S.; Karale R.L.; Narula K.K.; Kalra N. (1987). Spectral response of maize at different growth stages, Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, 15(1) DOI
1987 Aggarwal P.K.; Sinha S.K. (1987). Performance of wheat and triticale varieties in a variable soil water environment IV. Yield components and their association with grain yield, Field Crops Research, 17(1) DOI
1987 Saran G.; Giri G. (1987). Influence of dates of sowing on Brassica species under semi-arid rainfed conditions of north-west India, Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 108(3) DOI
1987 Bahl N.; Jauhri K.S. (1987). Spent compost as a carrier for bacterial inoculant production, Developments in Crop Science, 10(C) DOI
1987 Gupta Y.P. (1987). Anti-nutritional and toxic factors in food legumes: a review, Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 37(3) DOI
1987 Panda R.K.; Sarkar T.K.; Bhattacharya A.K. (1987). Chance-constrained optimal windmill irrigation system design, Agricultural Water Management, 12(4) DOI
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1987 Sharma R.C.; Bhowmik T.P. (1987). Effect of Macrophomina phaseolina Infection on the Physico‐Chemical Components of Groundnut Seed, Journal of Phytopathology, 118(2) DOI
1987 Narasimhan C.; Johari R.P.; Mehta S.L. (1987). Nitrogen assimilation in opaque and normal sorghum during grain development, Journal of Biosciences, 12(3) DOI
1987 Tiwari K.N.; Sarma P.B.S. (1987). WATER HARVESTING BY RUNOFF INDUCEMENT FOR IRRIGATION., Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India): Agricultural Engineering Division, 68(1) DOI
1987 Ilyas S.M.; Nag D. (1987). TOWARDS POWER SUFFICIENCY IN RICE MILLS., Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India): Agricultural Engineering Division, 67() DOI
1987 Patra D.D.; Sachdev M.S.; Subbiah B.V. (1987). Forms of fertilizer nitrogen residues in soil after intercropping of maize-cowpea, Biology and Fertility of Soils, 4(3) DOI
1987 Sharma S.N.; Sirohi G.S. (1987). The effect of ammonium and nitrate on CO2 assimilation, RuBP and PEP carboxylase activity and dry matter production in wheat, Photosynthesis Research, 12(3) DOI
1987 Thomas J.; Prasad R. (1987). Relative Efficiency of Prilled Urea, Urea Super Granules, Sulphur Coated Urea and Nitrification Inhibitor N‐Serve Blended Urea for Direct Seeded Rice, Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, 159(5) DOI
1987 Joshi S.; Mathur J.M.S. (1987). The positional distribution of fatty acids in phospholipids of Fusarium oxysporum, Folia Microbiologica, 32(4) DOI
1987 Kushwaha B.L. (1987). Studies of resource use and yield of mustard and chickpea grown in intercropping systems, Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 108(2) DOI
1987 Kulshrestha V.P.; Chowdhury S. (1987). A new selection criterion for yield in wheat, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 74(2) DOI
1987 Kumar D.; Sarkar K.R. (1987). Genetic structure of the R-Navajo allele in maize, Zea mays L., Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 74(4) DOI
1986 Tomar S.S.; Saxena V.S. (1986). Synergistic Effect of α-Hexachlorocyclohexane with Pyrethrins, Agricultural and Biological Chemistry, 50(8) DOI
1986 Bandyopadhyay S.K.; De AT R. (1986). N relationship in a legume nonlegume association grown in an intercropping system, Fertilizer Research, 10(1) DOI
1986 Kavimandan S.K. (1986). Influence of Rhizobial inoculation on yield of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Plant and Soil, 95(2) DOI
1986 Sriramulu M.; Mehrotra K.N. (1986). Effect of diflubenzuron on DNA content during pupal development in Corcyra cephalonica Stainton, Proceedings: Animal Sciences, 95(2) DOI
1986 Rao N.S.S.; Tilak K.V.B.R.; Singh C.S. (1986). Dual inoculation with Rhizobium sp. and Glomus fasciculatum enhances nodulation, yield and nitrogen fixation in chickpea (Cicer arietinum Linn.), Plant and Soil, 95(3) DOI
1986 Saxena D.B. (1986). Phenyl indane from acorus calamus, Phytochemistry, 25(2) DOI
1986 Sudhakara K.; Prasad R. (1986). Ammonia volatilization losses from prilled urea, urea supergranules (USG) and coated USG in rice fields, Plant and Soil, 94(2) DOI
1986 Gupta P.L.; Sastry P.S.N. (1986). Estimating evapotranspiration from midday canopy temperature, Irrigation Science, 7(4) DOI
1986 Jain M.C.; Kumar Sushil (1986). SEMICONTINUOUS LABORATORY DIGESTER FOR BIOGAS STUDIES., Research and Industry, 31(3) DOI
1986 Moharir A.V.; Vijayraghavan K.M.; Panda B.C.; Suri D.K.; Nagpal K.C. (1986). CRYSTALLITE ORIENTATION IN SOME COTTON VARIETIES OF GOSSYPIUM BARBADENSE., Indian Journal of Textile Research, 11(2) DOI
1986 Sharma P.B.; Lal B.M.; Madaan T.R.; Chatterjee S.R. (1986). Studies on the nutritional quality of some cucurbit kernel proteins, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 37(4) DOI
1986 Kulkarni S.D.; Singh G. (1986). PERFORMANCE OF WIRE-LOOP CYLINDER FOR GRAM CROP., Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India): Agricultural Engineering Division, 67() DOI
1986 Vari A.K.; Bhowal J.G. (1986). Studies on the trisomics of pennisetum americanum (L.) leeke morphological and cytological behaviour of primary trisomics, CYTOLOGIA, 51(4) DOI
1986 Kulshrestha G.; Mukerjee S.K. (1986). The photochemical decomposition of the herbicide isoproturon, Pesticide Science, 17(5) DOI
1986 Kumar S.; Sharma S.B. (1986). Mutations in three of the genes determining thiamine biosynthesis in Pisum sativum, MGG Molecular & General Genetics, 204(3) DOI
1986 Matthur R.S.; Magu S.P.; Sadasivam K.V.; Gaur A.C. (1986). ACCELERATED COMPOST AND IMPROVED YIELDS., BioCycle, 27(2) DOI
1986 Sahu S.D. (1986). DRAUGHT ANIMAL POWER POTENTIAL IN NORTH-EASTERN HILL REGION OF INDIA., AMA-Agricultural Mechanization in Asia Africa and Latin America, 17(4) DOI
1986 Singh D.; Joshi B.C. (1986). Location of genes for chlorophyll synthesis on specific arms of chromosomes in Triticum aestivum, Euphytica, 35(2) DOI
1986 Murty U.R.; Jahnavi M.R. (1986). The ‘A’ Genome of Arachis hypogaea L., CYTOLOGIA, 51(2) DOI
1986 Ram P.C.; Srivastava K.N.; Lodha M.L.; Mehta S.L. (1986). Purification and characterization of proteolytic enzymes from normal and opaque-2 Zea mays L. developing endosperms, Journal of Biosciences, 10(2) DOI
1986 Kamble H.G.; Panwar J.S. (1986). THRESHING PARAMETERS OF GRAM (CICER ARIETINUM)., Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India): Agricultural Engineering Division, 67() DOI
1986 Sharma S.K.; Sharma B. (1986). Mutagen sensitivity and mutability in lentil, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 71(6) DOI
1986 Patra D.D.; Sachdev M.S.; Subbiah B.V. (1986). 15N studies on the transfer of legume-fixed nitrogen to associated cereals in intercropping systems, Biology and Fertility of Soils, 2(3) DOI
1986 Kapoor H.C. (1986). Stimulation of RNA synthesis in cowpea (Vigna sinensis) seedlings by gibberellic acid and adenosine 3′,5′-cyclic monophosphate, Phytochemistry, 26(1) DOI
1986 Gujar G.T.; Mehrotra K.N. (1986). Effect of an insect growth regulator on the growth and development of the tobacco caterpillar, Spodoptera litura Fabricius, Proceedings: Animal Sciences, 95(6) DOI
1986 Kavimandan S.K. (1986). Influence of rhizobia, azotobacter and blue-green algae on N content and yield of rice, Plant and Soil, 96(1) DOI
1986 Tomar S.S.; Saxena V.S. (1986). Synergistic effect of a-hexachlorocy- clohexane with pyrethrins, Agricultural and Biological Chemistry, 50(8) DOI
1986 Prakash S.; Singh P.; Naik M.S. (1986). Effect of Exogenous ATP on Nitrate Assimilation in Leaf Discs of Crop Plants, Journal of Plant Physiology, 122(4) DOI
1986 Katiyar R.K.; Saran G.; Giri G. (1986). Evaluation of brassica carinata as a New Oilseed Crop in India, Experimental Agriculture, 22(1) DOI
1986 Dutta M.; Arunachalam V.; Bandyopadhyay A.; Vinod Prabhu K. (1986). Early generation intermating for yield improvement in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.), Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 71(4) DOI
1986 Sudhakara K.; Prasad R. (1986). Relative efficiency of prilled urea, urea supergranules (USG) and USG coated with neem cake or DCD for direct-seeded rice, Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 106(1) DOI
1986 Singh P.; Kumar P.A.; Abrol Y.P.; Naik M.S. (1986). Photorespiratory nitrogen cycle – A critical evaluation, Physiologia Plantarum, 66(1) DOI
1986 Bandyopadhyay S.K.; De R. (1986). Plant growth and seed yield of sorghum when intercropped with legumes, Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 107(3) DOI
1986 Walia S.; Kulshrestha S.K.; Mukherjee S.K. (1986). Photochemistry of latifolin and some related compounds, Tetrahedron, 42(17) DOI
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1986 Aggarwal P.K.; Chaturvedi G.S.; Singh A.K.; Sinha S.K. (1986). Performance of wheat and triticale cultivars in a variable soil-water environment. III. Source-sink relationships, Field Crops Research, 13(C) DOI
1986 Singh R.K.; De R.; Turkhede B.B. (1986). Time of application of farmyard manure and fertilizer nitrogen on the growth, yield and nutrient uptake of dryland wheat, Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 106(1) DOI
1986 Tripathi I.D.; Chandra S. (1986). Genotype X macro and micro-environment interactions in barley populations (Hordeum vulgare L.), Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 106(3) DOI
1986 Aggarwal P.K.; Singh A.K.; Chaturvedi G.S.; Sinha S.K. (1986). Performance of wheat and triticale cultivars in a variable soil-water environment II. Evapotranspiration, water use efficiency, harvest index and grain yield, Field Crops Research, 13(C) DOI
1986 Dutta M.; Bandyopadhyay A.; Arunachalam V.; Kaul S.L.; Prasad M.V.R. (1986). Radiation induced pollen sterility and enhanced outcrossing in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.), Environmental and Experimental Botany, 26(1) DOI
1986 Sadasivam K.V.; Tyagi R.K.; Ramarethinam S. (1986). Evaluation of some agricultural wastes as carriers for bacterial inoculants, Agricultural Wastes, 17(4) DOI
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1986 Singh K.; Banerjee N.K. (1986). Growth and zinc content of Maize (Zea mays L.) as related to soil-applied zinc, Field Crops Research, 13(C) DOI
1986 Koya K.M.A.; Balakrishnan R.; Devasahayam S.; Banerjee S.K. (1986). A sequential sampling strategy for the control of shoot borer (dichocrocis punctiferalis guen.) in ginger (zingiber officinale rosc.) in india, International Journal of Pest Management (Tropical Pest Management), 32(4) DOI
1986 Gupta Y.P. (1986). Pesticides misuse in India, ECOLOGIST, 16(1) DOI
1986 Chauhan Y.S. (1986). Comparison of pods of the terminal raceme of rapeseed (Brassica campestris var. Yellow Sarson) and mustard (Brassica juncea) cultivars, Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 107(2) DOI
1986 Rao P.J.; Subrahmanyam B. (1986). Azadirachtin induced changes in development, food utilization and haemolymph constituents of Schistocerca gregaria Forskal, Journal of Applied Entomology, 102(01-May) DOI
1986 Kalra M.S.; Panwar J.S. (1986). Anaerobic digestion of rice crop residues, Agricultural Wastes, 17(4) DOI
1986 Singh R.K.; Turkhede B.B. (1986). Effect of fertilizer placement and row arrangements on the yield of two varieties of wheat grown under dryland conditions, Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 107(1) DOI
1986 Rahman M.A.; Bahl P.N. (1986). Evaluation of Early Generation Testing in Chickpea), Plant Breeding, 97(1) DOI
1986 Sharma V.P.; Mehrotra K.N. (1986). Malaria resurgence in India: A critical study, Social Science and Medicine, 22(8) DOI
1986 Sinha S.K.; Aggarwal P.K.; Chaturvedi G.S.; Singh A.K.; Kailasnathan K. (1986). Performance of wheat and triticale cultivars in a variable soil-water environment I. Grain yield stability, Field Crops Research, 13(C) DOI
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1986 Agrawal P.; Barat G.K. (1986). Utilization of human hair in animal feed, Agricultural Wastes, 17(1) DOI
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1986 Sastry L.V.S.; Paulis J.W.; Cobb L.A.; Wall J.S.; Axtell J.D. (1986). Genetic Variability of Alcohol-Soluble Storage Proteins in High-Lysine Sorghums, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 34(6) DOI
1986 Rajeevan M.S.; Pandey R.M. (1986). Lateral bud culture of papaya (Carica papaya L.) for clonal propagation, Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture, 6(2) DOI
1985 Devakumar C.; Saxena V.S.; Mukerjee S.K. (1985). New Sesamol Ethers as Pyrethrum Synergists, Agricultural and Biological Chemistry, 49(3) DOI
1985 Singh R.K. (1985). Limnological Observations on Rihand Reservoir (Uttar Pradesh) with Reference to the Physical and Chemical Parameters of its Water, Internationale Revue der gesamten Hydrobiologie und Hydrographie, 70(6) DOI
1985 Vimal O.P.; Talashilkar S.C. (1985). RECYCLING OF SEWAGE WASTE IN AGRICULTURE: PROSPECTS AND PROBLEMS., Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 44(3) DOI
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1984 Parmar B.S.; Agnihotri N.P. (1984). Improvement of Insecticidal Efficacy of Carbaryl Emulsifiable Concentrates by Isobornyl Thiocyanoacetate, Journal of Pesticide Science, 9(1) DOI
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1984 Dureja P.; Walia S.; Mukerjee S.K. (1984). Superoxide-Mediated Monodehalogenation of Cyclodiene Insecticides, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 32(6) DOI
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1984 Varade P.B.; Misra B.K.; Sikka K.C.; Singh S.P. (1984). Nutritive Assessment of Guar Oil (Cyanopsis Tetra conoloba L. Taub), Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 32(5) DOI
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1983 Prasad M.; Prasad R. (1983). Removal of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium by rice-wheat double cropping system as affected by duration of rice variety, methods of planting rice and levels and sources of nitrogen, Plant and Soil, 70(2) DOI
1983 Singh P.; Naik M.S. (1983). Reaction between glyoxylate and succinate in the mitochondria of wheat leaves, Plant Science (Plant Science Letters), 30(1) DOI
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1983 Vasu K.; Roy N.K. (1983). Synthesis and Fungicidal Activity of Diaryl Methylphosphonates, Agricultural and Biological Chemistry, 47(11) DOI
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1983 Prasad R.; Thomas J.; Gupta V.V.S.R.; Singh S. (1983). Ammoniphilic Plants for Reducing Water Pollution, Environmental Conservation, 10(3) DOI
1983 Singh R.K. (1983). The Role of the Littoral (Shallow) Zone in Reservoir Productivity, Acta hydrochimica et hydrobiologica, 11(1) DOI
1983 Khazanchi R.; Roy N.K. (1983). Synthesis and Herbicidal Activities of O-Methyl P-(Dichloromethyl)phosphonamidates and Diamides, Agricultural and Biological Chemistry, 47(2) DOI
1983 Koundal K.R.; Sawhney S.K.; Sinha S.K. (1983). Oxidation of 2-mercaptoethanol in the presence of tris buffer, Phytochemistry, 22(10) DOI
1983 De R.; Bhujanga Rao D.V.S.; Yogeswara Rao Y.; Giri Rao L.G.; Ikramullah M. (1983). Modification of irrigation requirement of wheat through mulching and foliar application of transpiration suppressants, Irrigation Science, 4(3) DOI
1983 Sharma S.N.; Ray S.B.; Pandey S.L.; Prasad R. (1983). Effect of irrigation, pyrites and phosphobacteria on the efficiency of rock phosphate applied to lentils, Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 101(2) DOI
1983 Ramachandran C.; Pai R.A.; Seshadri V.S. (1983). A Feulgen technique for identification of cucumber chromosomes, Experientia, 39(10) DOI
1983 Tripathi D.P.; Mehta S.L.; Rao N.G.P. (1983). Soluble proteins and isoenzymes from seeds of diverse male steriles of sorghum, (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench), Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 64(4) DOI
1983 Sharma V.P.; Mehrotra K.N. (1983). Final words on malaria's return, Nature, 302(5907) DOI
1983 Lal B.M.; Datta N.; Madaan T.R. (1983). A study of kernel oils of some cultivated cucurbits, Qualitas Plantarum Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 32(1) DOI
1983 Chakravarty N.V.K.; Sastry P.S.N. (1983). Biomass production in mung (Vigna radiata L. Wilczek) in relation to pan evaporation and ambient temperature, Agricultural Meteorology, 29(1) DOI
1983 Tripathi I.D.; Chandra S.; Singh M. (1983). Inheritance studies of metric traits in three barley populations under normal and saline-alkali soils, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 66(1) DOI
1983 Singh R.P. (1983). Search for antifeedants in some botanicals for desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria Forskal, Journal of Applied Entomology (Zeitschrift für Angewandte Entomologie), 96(01-May) DOI
1983 Koundal K.R.; Sinha S.K. (1983). Evaluation of the significance of malic acid secretion in chickpea, Physiologia Plantarum, 58(2) DOI
1983 Kant K.; Sharma B.; Tyagi M.C. (1983). Effects of maturation environment on seed size and subsequent plant growth in peas (pisum sativum), Experimental Agriculture, 19(4) DOI
1983 Aggarwal P.K.; Sinha S.K. (1983). Water stress and water-use efficiency in field grown wheat: A comparison of its efficiency with that of C4 plants, Agricultural Meteorology, 29(3) DOI
1983 ABROL Y.P.; SAWHNEY S.K.; NAIK M.S. (1983). Light and dark assimilation of nitrate in plants, Plant Cell and Environment, 6(8) DOI
1983 Saha K.; Chakraborty A.K.; Prakash N. (1983). A quick method of demonstrating bacillaemia in patients with lepromatous leprosy and ultrastructural studies of the circulating acid-fast bacilli, Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 77(5) DOI
1983 Kishore P.; Khan N.H.; Govil J.N. (1983). Non insecticidal input for insect pest management in sorghum to avoid environmental pollution by toxicants, INDIAN J. AGRIC. RES., 17(01-Feb) DOI
1983 Pillai P.K.; Wilcoxson R.D.; Raychaudhuri S.P. (1983). Effect of sudden fluctuations of temperature on sporulation of Puccinia graminis f.sp. tritici, Mycopathologia (Mycopathologia et Mycologia Applicata), 83(2) DOI
1983 Khazanchi R.; Roy N.K. (1983). Synthesis and herbicidal activities of O-methyl P-(dichloromethyl)phosphonamidates and diamides, Agricultural and Biological Chemistry, 47(2) DOI
1983 Sharma B.R.; Chaudhary T.N. (1983). Wheat root growth, grain yield and water uptake as influenced by soil water regime and depth of nitrogen placement in a loamy sand soil, Agricultural Water Management, 6(4) DOI
1983 Vijayaraghavan K.M.; Moharir A.V.; Panda B.C.; Nagpal K.C.; Suri D.K.; Gupta V.B. (1983). 5— X-ray varietal characterization of cotton of the gossypium arboreum species for strength, Journal of the Textile Institute, 74(1) DOI
1983 Kumar P.A.; Nair T.V.R.; Abrol Y.P. (1983). Effect of exogenous supply of amino acids, amide, urea and ureide on free NH4+ level in mung beans, Experientia, 39(11) DOI
1983 Victor U.S.; Sastry P.S.N. (1983). Short term probabilities of rainfall in a semi-arid monsoonal climate, Catena, 10(01-Feb) DOI
1983 Reddy S.R.; Hukkeri S.B. (1983). Effect of tillage practices on irrigation requirement, weed control and yield of lowland rice, Soil & Tillage Research, 3(2) DOI
1983 Deb D.L.; Sen A.; Rattan R.K.; Meisheri M.B.; Gupta G.N.; Sharma K.N. (1983). Diffusion of Zinc as Influenced by Physical and Chemical Properties of Soils, Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science (Zeitschrift for Pflanzenernahrung und Bodenkunde), 146(4) DOI
1983 Chopra R.K. (1983). Effects of temperature on the In vivo assay of nitrate reductase in some c3 and c4species, Annals of Botany, 51(5) DOI
1983 Rao N.H.; Sarma P.B.S. (1983). Recharge to finite aquifers from strip basins, Journal of Hydrology, 66(01-Apr) DOI
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1982 Kulkarni R.N.; Chopra V.L.; Singh D. (1982). Relative importance of components affecting the leaf rust progress curve in wheat, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 62(3) DOI
1982 Kulshrestha G.; Yaduraju N.T.; Mani V.S. (1982). The relative toxicity of the S-trimzic heipicides atrazine and simazine to crops, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B, 17(4) DOI
1982 Singh R.K.; De R. (1982). Long-term effect of N and P fertilization on a pearlmillet-wheat cropping system, Fertilizer Research, 3(2) DOI
1982 Subbiah B.V. (1982). Iron Nutrition in Wheat Genotypes Under Dry Farming and Irrigated Conditions, Journal of Plant Nutrition, 5(04-Jul) DOI
1982 Niazi F.R.; Raychaudhuri S.P.; Mahmood K. (1982). Effect of seed dressing sunnhemp for the prevention of tobacco mosaic virus infection, International Journal of Pest Management (Tropical Pest Management), 28(3) DOI
1982 Reddy K.C.K.; Vittal K.P.R.; Sastry T.G.; Subbiah B.V. (1982). Iron Nutrition of Wheat and Rice as Influenced by Soil Application of Zinc, Phosphorus and Farmxard Manure in Lateritic, Black and Alluvial Soils, Journal of Plant Nutrition, 5(04-Jul) DOI
1982 Bharathi M.; Kirti P.B.; Murty U.R.; Rao N.G.P. (1982). OCCURRENCE OF ATYPICAL EMBRYOSAC LIKE STRUCTURES IN A RACHIS GLABRATA BENTH, Current Science, 51(12) DOI
1982 Govil J.N.; Pokhriyal S.C.; Murty B.R. (1982). Full-sib and reciprocal recurrent selection in relation to pearl millet improvement, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 62(1) DOI
1982 Kirti P.B.; Murty U.R.; Rao N.G.P. (1982). Chromosomal studies of cross-sterile and cross-fertile sorghum, Sorghum bicolor (L.) moench, Genetica, 59(3) DOI
1982 Ram A.; Tiwari L.D.; Dass R.; Mehrotra K.N. (1982). Evidence for the presence of a Kairomone in Corcyra cephalonica Staint. larvae for Bracon brevicornis Wesm. (Hymen., Braconidae), Journal of Applied Entomology (Zeitschrift für Angewandte Entomologie), 93(01-May) DOI
1982 Lal A.; Mathur V.K.; Agarwal P.C. (1982). Studies on the effect of fusarium solani parasitism on heterodera zeae, Nematologica, 28(4) DOI
1982 Kaicker U.S.; Choudhury B. (1982). Heterosis and combining ability in opium poppy, Herba Hungarica, 21(1) DOI
1982 Gaur Y.D.; Lowther W.L. (1982). Competition and persistence of strains of rhizobium trifolii in relation to inoculation level and lime pelleting on white clover sown into cultivated soil, New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 25(2) DOI
1982 Saha S.N.; Bhargava S.C. (1982). Flowering pattern and reproductive efficiency of oilseed sesame, Experimental Agriculture, 18(3) DOI
1982 Mathur J.M.S.; Majid R.; Bhaskaran S. (1982). Phytochrome mediated biosynthesis of pigments in lily (Crinum defixum) tissue cultured in vitro, Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 20(1) DOI
1982 Singh U. (1982). The Effect of Actinomycin D on Chromosome Behaviour in Delphinium, CYTOLOGIA, 47() DOI
1982 Pal U.R.; Upadhyay U.C.; Singh S.P.; Umrani N.K. (1982). Mineral nutrition and fertilizer response of grain sorghum in India - A review over the last 25 years, Fertilizer Research, 3(2) DOI
1982 Sharma V.P.; Mehrotra K.N. (1982). Return of malaria [6], Nature, 298(5870) DOI
1982 Rao A.S.; Babrekar P.G.; Ghosh A.B. (1982). Total nitrogen and phosphorus balance sheet in a typic ustochrept soil under intensive cropping and fertilizer use, Plant and Soil, 68(1) DOI
1982 Mukerjee S.K.; Walia S.; Tomar S.S.; Saxena V.S. (1982). New Pyrethrum Synergists from Dihydrodillapiole and Furapiole, Agricultural and Biological Chemistry, 46(5) DOI
1982 Meshram S.U.; Shende S.T. (1982). Total nitrogen uptake by maize with Azotobacter inoculation, Plant and Soil, 69(2) DOI
1982 Dakshinamurti C.; Bhavanarayana M. (1982). An isoconductivity method for determining the cation exchange capacity of soils and clays, Catena, 9(01-Feb) DOI
1982 Raina S.K.; Iyer R.D. (1982). Honey-induced pollen embryogenesis in anther cultures of Datura metel, Experientia, 38(3) DOI
1982 Roy N.K.; Bedi S. (1982). A novel transformation to S-methyl phosphorodichloridothiolate and the fungitoxicity of diaryl S-methyl phosphorothiolates, Agricultural and Biological Chemistry, 46(7) DOI
1982 Naik M.S.; Abrol Y.P.; Nair T.V.R.; Ramarao C.S. (1982). Nitrate assimilation-its regulation and relationship to reduced nitrogen in higher plants, Phytochemistry, 21(3) DOI
1982 Rai S.N.; Gaur A.C. (1982). Nitrogen fixation by Azospirillum spp. and effect of Azospirillum lipoferum on the yield and N-uptake of wheat crop, Plant and Soil, 69(2) DOI
1982 De R.; Giri G.; Saran G.; Singh R.K.; Chaturvedi G.S. (1982). Modification of water balance of dryland wheat through the use of chlormequat chloride, Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 98(3) DOI
1982 Narasimha D.L.R.; Venkataraman G.S.; Duggal S.K.; Eggum B.O. (1982). Nutritional quality of the blue‐green alga Spirulina platensis geitler, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 33(5) DOI
1982 Madaan T.R.; More T.A.; Lal B.M.; Seshadri V.S. (1982). A study of seeds of musk melon (Cucumis melo L.): A lesser known source of edible oil, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 33(10) DOI
1982 Waghmare A.B.; Krishnan T.K.; Singh S.P. (1982). Crop compatibility and spatial arrangement in sorghum-based intercropping systems, Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 99(3) DOI
1982 Gaur A.C.; Sadasivam K.V.; Mathur R.S.; Magu S.P. (1982). Rôle of mesophilic fungi in composting, Agricultural Wastes, 4(6) DOI
1982 Sharma V.P.; Mehrotra K.N. (1982). Malaria resurgence [4], Nature, 300(5889) DOI
1982 Nath A.; Mehrotra K.N. (1982). Binding of 14Cp,p'-DDT with haemolymph protein of the desert locust Schistocerca gregaria F., Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 20(9) DOI
1982 Murty U.R.; Kirti P.B.; Bharati M.; Rao N.G.P. (1982). Identification of the Chromosomes of Groundnut, Arachis hypogaea L., CYTOLOGIA, 47() DOI
1982 Chatterjee S.R.; Pokhriyal T.C.; Abrol Y.P. (1982). Nitrogen economy of the main shoot of field grown barley (Hordeum Vulgare L.): III. Content of reduced nitrogen in different organs, Journal of Experimental Botany, 33(5) DOI
1982 Sastry P.S.N.; Chakravarty N.V.K. (1982). Energy summation indices for wheat crop in India, Agricultural Meteorology, 27(01-Feb) DOI
1982 Vari A.K.; Bhowal J.G. (1982). Aneuploids of Pennisetum typhoides, CYTOLOGIA, 47() DOI
1982 Chaturvedi G.S.; Aggarwal P.K.; Singh A.K.; Josh M.G.; Sinha S.K. (1982). Effect of irrigation on tillering in wheat, triticale and barley in a water-limited environment, Irrigation Science, 3(3) DOI
1982 Kush A.K. (1982). Interaction between symbiosis and root pathogenesis in green gram (Vigna radiata L. Welczek), Plant and Soil, 65(1) DOI
1982 Sharma H.G.; Aarwal R.A.; Singh M. (1982). Effect of some antibiotic compounds in cotton on post-embryonic development of spotted bollworm (Earias vittella F.) and the mechanism of resistance in Gossypium arboreum, Proceedings: Animal Sciences, 91(1) DOI
1982 Vatsya B.; Bhaskaran S. (1982). Plant regeneration from cotyledonary protoplasts of cauliflower (Brassica oleracea L. var. botrytis L.), Protoplasma, 113(2) DOI
1982 Hallsworth S.N.S. (1982). Fertilizer issues in the 1970s and beyond, Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, 7(3) DOI
1982 Kumar J.; Bhatia S.K. (1982). Inheritance of resistance to lindane in a laboratory‐selected strain of Tribolium castaneum (Herbst), Pesticide Science, 13(5) DOI
1982 Fletcher R.A.; Kallidumbil V.; Bhardwaj S.N. (1982). Effects of fusicoccin on fresh weight and chlorophyll levels in cucumber cotyledons, Plant and Cell Physiology, 23(4) DOI
1982 Bandyopadhyay A.; Arunachalam V. (1982). Are "multiple Cross-multiple pollen hybrids" an answer for productive populations in Brassica campestris var. 'brown sarson'? - Part 3. Potential of component characters in population breeding, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 61(1) DOI
1982 Ramachandran P.; Summanwar A.S.; Lal S.P. (1982). COWPEA TOP NECROSIS - CAUSED BY FUSARIUM EQUISETI (CORDA) SACC., Current Science, 51(9) DOI
1982 Sinha S.K.; Bhargava S.C.; Goel A. (1982). Short note: Energy as the basis of harvest index, Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 99(1) DOI
1982 Kush A.K. (1982). Effect of yellow mosaic virus on nodulation and nitrogen‐fixation in Mung bean, International Journal of Pest Management (Tropical Pest Management), 28(3) DOI
1982 Thomas J.; Prasad R. (1982). On the nature of mechanisms responsible for the higher efficiency of urea supergranules for rice, Plant and Soil, 69(1) DOI
1982 Basu A.N.; Mishra M.D.; Niazi F.R. (1982). Intensive observations on the effect of some insecticides on Nephotettix virescens (Distant), a vector of virus and MLO diseases, with special reference to its transmission ability, European Journal of Forest Pathology, 12(6) DOI
1982 Roy N.K.; Bedi S. (1982). A Novel Transformation to S-Methyl Phosphorodichloridothiolate and the Fungitoxicity of Diaryl S-Methyl Phosphorothiolates, Agricultural and Biological Chemistry, 46(7) DOI
1982 Srinivasan; Prakash S.; Naik M.S. (1982). Reevaluation of in vivo assay of nitrate reductase activity in wheat leaves, Plant Science (Plant Science Letters), 25(1) DOI
1982 Vittal K.P.R.; Subbiah B.V.; Kale S.W. (1982). Design of a gamma probe for root activity measurement in situ, The International Journal Of Applied Radiation And Isotopes, 33(3) DOI
1982 Meshram S.U.; Shende S.T. (1982). Response of maize to Azotobacter chroococcum, Plant and Soil, 69(2) DOI
1982 Batra V.I.P.; Bansal H.C.; Mehta S.L. (1982). Carbohydrate composition of developing grains of the high‐lysine barley mutant (notch‐2) and its parent (NP 113), Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 33(1) DOI
1982 Moharir A.V.; Vijayraghavan K.M.; Panda B.C.; Gupta V.B. (1982). Dependence of Stiffness and Strength of Cotton Fibers on Crystallite Orientation, Textile Research Journal, 52(12) DOI
1982 Mukerjee S.K.; Walia S.; Saxena V.S.; Tomar S.S. (1982). New pyrethrum synergists from dihydrodillapiole and furapiole, Agricultural and Biological Chemistry, 46(5) DOI
1982 Tilak K.V.B.R.; Singh C.S.; Roy N.K.; Subba Rao N.S. (1982). Azosprillum brasilense and Azotobacter chroococcum inoculum: effect on yield of maize (Zea mays) and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor), Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 14(4) DOI
1982 Santha I.M.; Mehta S.L.; Koundal K.R.; Sinha S.K. (1982). Photosynthesis and translocation rate in high lysine mutant barley, Phytochemistry, 21(6) DOI
1982 Rao P.J. (1982). Phagostimulants and antifeedants from Calotropis gigantea for Schistocerca gregaria Forskal: Distribution in different parts of the plant, Journal of Applied Entomology (Zeitschrift für Angewandte Entomologie), 93(01-May) DOI
1982 Sinha S.K. (1982). The impact of carbon dioxide on agriculture in developing countries., Impact of Science on Society, 32(3) DOI
1982 Kirti P.B.; Murty U.R.; Bharathi M.; Rao N.G.P. (1982). Chromosome pairing in F1 hybrid Arachis hypogaea L. X A. monticola Krap. et Rig., Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 62(2) DOI
1982 Khanna-Chopra R. (1982). Photosynthesis, photosynthetic enzymes and leaf area development in relation to hybrid vigour in Sorghum vulgare L., Photosynthesis Research, 3(2) DOI
1982 Payak M.M.; Sharma R.C. (1982). JAUNDICE STALK ROT—A NEW DISEASE PROBLEM OF MAIZE, Current Science, 51(15) DOI
1982 CHOWDHRY P.N.; Gupta D.; Padhi B. (1982). TWO NEW SPECIES OF PHYLLOSTICTA FROM INDIA, Current Science, 51(9) DOI
1982 Bhavanarayana M.; Panda B.C.; Dakshinamurti C. (1982). Miscible displacement studies in capillary tubes, sand and soil columns, Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science (Zeitschrift for Pflanzenernahrung und Bodenkunde), 145(1) DOI
1982 Ahuja S.C.; Payak M.M. (1982). Symptoms and signs of banded leaf and sheath blight of maize, Phytoparasitica, 10(1) DOI
1982 Raghavulu P.; Singh S.P. (1982). Effect of mulches and transpiration suppressants on yield, water use efficiency and uptake of nitrogen and phosphorus by sorghum under dryland conditions of north-western India, Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 98(1) DOI
1982 Jain H.K. (1982). Future agricultural technology: India looks ahead, Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, 7(3) DOI
1982 Gupta S.K.; Chaudhary T.N.; Pandey R.N. (1982). Nitrate movement in sandy soil under varying water and fertilizer management, Soil Research (Australian Journal of Soil Research), 20(3) DOI
1981 Chaturvedi G.S.; Aggarwal P.K.; Singh A.K.; Joshi M.G.; Sinha S.K. (1981). Effect of irrigation on tillering in wheat, triticale and barley in a water-limited environment, Irrigation Science, 2(4) DOI
1981 Mishra M.D.; Chandra K.; Verma V.S.; Gupta D. (1981). Effect of morphogenesis on the infectivity of tissue, Acta Microbiologica Polonica, 30(3) DOI
1981 Subba Rao A.; Ghosh A.B. (1981). Effect of continuous cropping and fertilizer use on the organic nitrogen fractions in a typic ustochrept soil, Plant and Soil, 62(3) DOI
1981 Sahrawat K.L. (1981). Mineralization of biuret nitrogen in soil, Plant and Soil, 62(3) DOI
1981 Rattan R.K.; Deb D.L. (1981). Self-diffusion of zinc and iron in soils as affected by pH, CaCO3, moisture, carrier and phosphorus levels, Plant and Soil, 63(3) DOI
1981 Rao A.S.; Ghosh A.B. (1981). Effect of intensive cropping and fertilizer use on the crop removal of sulphur and zinc and their availability in soil, Fertilizer Research, 2(4) DOI
1981 Rathore T.R.; Chhonkar P.K.; Sachan R.S.; Ghildyal B.P. (1981). Effect of soil moisture stress on legume-rhizobium symbiosis in soybeans, Plant and Soil, 60(3) DOI
1981 Prasad R.; Rao B.R.R. (1981). Allelopathy in spring wheat mixtures, Experientia, 37(10) DOI
1981 Rao D.L.N.; Venkataraman G.S.; Duggal S.K. (1981). Amino acid composition and protein efficiency ratio (PER) of Spirulina platensis, Proceedings: Plant Sciences, 90(5) DOI
1981 Khanna-Chopra R.; Sinha S.K. (1981). RuBP carboxylase activity in wheat following ear emergence and evaluation of the role of ear, Photosynthesis Research, 2(3) DOI
1981 Kapoor H.C. (1981). The nature of the increase in ribonuclease activity in germinating seeds of cowpea treated with gibberellic acid or cyclic-amp, Phytochemistry, 20(12) DOI
1981 Gambhir P.N.; Panda B.C.; Puri R.K. (1981). Moisture determination in paddy seeds by proton nuclear magnetic relaxation measurements, Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 19(8) DOI
1981 Murty U.R.; Rao N.G.P.; Kirti P.B.; Bharathi M. (1981). IN VIVO PRODUCTION OF DIHAPLOID SORGHUM BICOLOR (L.) MOENCH, Current Science, 50(3) DOI
1981 Lal S.S.; Pillai K.S. (1981). Cassava pests and their control in southern india, International Journal of Pest Management (Tropical Pest Management), 27(4) DOI
1981 Reddy C.S.; Murthy D.K.; Rao N.G.P. (1981). Seedling growth stimulation and chromosome aberrations induced by solar eclipse in sorghum and onion, Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 19(8) DOI
1981 Verma J.P.; Formanek H. (1981). Surface layers of Xanthomonas malvacearum, the cause of bacterial blight of cotton, Folia Microbiologica, 26(2) DOI
1981 Rao M.R.; Choudhury B. (1981). Studies on canning-qualities of tomato, Scientia Horticulturae, 14(4) DOI
1981 Apte R.; Shende S.T. (1981). Studies on azotobacter chroococcum. I. Morphological, biochemial and physiological characteristics of Azotobacter chroococcum, Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie Parasitenkunde Infektionskrankheiten und Hygiene Zweite Abteilung, 136(7) DOI
1981 Sharma N.D.; Mathur J.M.S.; Saxena B.S.; Sen K. (1981). Fatty acid composition of oil synthesized by aspergillus nidulans, Folia Microbiologica, 26(4) DOI
1981 Tiwari L.D.; Mehrotra K.N. (1981). Effect of Bacillus thuringiensis on the pH of gut and haemolymph as well as on the sodium‐potassium concentration in the haemolymph of Achoea janata L. and Spodoptera litura F. larvae (Lepid., Noctuidae), Journal of Applied Entomology (Zeitschrift für Angewandte Entomologie), 92(01-May) DOI
1981 Kirti P.B.; Rao B.G.S. (1981). Cytogenetic studies on the F1 hybrid Solanum indicum x S. torvum, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 59(5) DOI
1981 Singh S.P.; Misra B.K. (1981). Lipids of Guar Seed Meal (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba L. Taub), Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 29(5) DOI
1981 Subhashini D.; Kaushik B.D. (1981). Amelioration of sodic soils with blue-green algae, Soil Research (Australian Journal of Soil Research), 19(3) DOI
1981 Singh A.; Prasad R.; Saraf C.S. (1981). Effects of plant type, plant population density and application of phosphate fertilizer on growth and yield of pigeon pea, Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 97(1) DOI
1981 Sharma N.D.; Mathur J.M.S.; Saxena B.S.; Sen K. (1981). Component fatty acids of fat synthesized by Aspergillus nidulans Eiden., utilizing sucrose as a carbon source, Indian Journal of Microbiology, 21(1) DOI
1981 Singh S.P. (1981). Studies on spatial arrangement in sorghum-legume intercropping systems, Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 97(3) DOI
1981 Rao N.H.; Sarma P.B.S. (1981). Recharge from rectangular areas to finite aquifers, Journal of Hydrology, 53(03-Apr) DOI
1981 Joshi B.C.; Singh D.; Sawhney R.N. (1981). Cytogenetics of Triticum macha, Cytologia, 46(3) DOI
1981 Kulshrestha V.P.; Tsunoda S. (1981). The role of 'Norin 10' dwarfing genes in photosynthetic and respiratory activity of wheat leaves, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 60(2) DOI
1981 Chatterjee S.R.; Pokhriyal T.C.; Abrol Y.P. (1981). Nitrogen economy of the main shoot of field-grown barley (Hordeum vulgare L.): II. In vivo nitrate reductase activity during growth, Journal of Experimental Botany, 32(4) DOI
1981 Parashar K.S.; Prasad R.; Singh S.; Sharma S.N.; Sharma R.P. (1981). Effect of level, timing and method of nitrogen application on spring-planted sugarcane, Fertilizer Research, 2(2) DOI
1981 Pillai P.; Wilcoxson R.D.; Raychaudhuri S.P.; Gera S.D. (1981). Performance and survival of different races of Puccinia graminis f.sp. tritici on detached leaves of wheat, Mycopathologia (Mycopathologia et Mycologia Applicata), 75(1) DOI
1981 Singh R.; Singh R. (1981). Effect of nutrient sprays on granulation and fruit quality of 'Dancy tangerine' mandarin, Scientia Horticulturae, 14(3) DOI
1981 Bhowal J.G.; Paladhi M.M.; Reddi N.S.; Vari A.K. (1981). INDUCED NE-LOCUS MUTATION IN BREAD WHEAT (T. AESTIVUM L.EMEND THELL.), Current Science, 50(11) DOI
1981 Giri G.; De R. (1981). Short-season fodder legume effects on the grain yield and nitrogen economy of barley under dryland conditions, Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 96(2) DOI
1981 Batra V.I.P.; Mehta S.L. (1981). Enzymes of carbohydrate metabolism in developing grains of high lysine barley mutant, Phytochemistry, 20(8) DOI
1981 Ramarao C.S.; Srinivasan; Naik M.S. (1981). Inhibition of in vivo dark anaerobic nitrate reduction by succinate, malonate and D-malate, Plant Science (Plant Science Letters), 20(3) DOI
1981 Subrahmanyam B.; Ramakrishnan N. (1981). Influence of a baculovirus infection on molting and food consumption by Spodoptera litura, Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 38(2) DOI
1981 Venkataraman G.S. (1981). BLUE-GREEN ALGAE: A POSSIBLE REMEDY TO NITROGEN SCARCITY, Current Science, 50(6) DOI
1981 Tripathi D.P.; Mehta S.L.; Rao N.G.P. (1981). Amino acids in anthers of Milo and in cytoplasmic genetic male sterile sorghums (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) of Indian origin, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 59(2) DOI
1981 Ramarao C.S.; Srinivasan; Naik M.S. (1981). Inactivation of nitrate reductase from wheat and rice leaves, Phytochemistry, 20(7) DOI
1981 Chatterjee S.R.; Pokhriyal T.C.; Abrol Y.P. (1981). Nitrogen economy of the main shoot of field-grown barley (Hordeum vulgare L.): I. Dry weight, duration, and nitrate content in different organs, Journal of Experimental Botany, 32(4) DOI
1981 Jindal J.K.; Patel P.N.; Khan A.M. (1981). Variability in Xanthomonads of Grain Legumes. II. Pathogenic variability in Xanthomonas phaseoli mungbean strain, X. vignicola and X. phaseoli var. sojense, Journal of Phytopathology, 100(1) DOI
1981 Jindal J.K.; Patel P.N. (1981). Variability in Xanthomonads of Grain Legumes III. Variation in Sensitivity to Bacteriophages, Journal of Phytopathology, 100(2) DOI
1981 Ahlawat I.P.S.; Saraf C.S. (1981). Response of pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.) to plant density and phosphorus fertilizer under dryland conditions, Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 97(1) DOI
1981 Nassar O.A.; Ghai S. (1981). Taxonomic studies on tetranychoid mites infesting vegetable and fruit crops in delhi and surrounding areas, Oriental Insects, 15(4) DOI
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1981 Sawhney R.N.; Goel L.B. (1981). Race-specific interactions between wheat genotypes and Indian cultures of stem rust, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 60(3) DOI
1981 Bhaskaran S.; Mukherjee S.K.; Majid R.; Gupta N.; Vatsya B. (1981). IN VITRO GENETIC MANIPULATION OF HIGHER PLANTS, Current Science, 50(15) DOI
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1981 Saraswat I.P.; Vajpei A.C.; Prakash N.; Garg V.K. (1981). Mössbauer effect study on dispersion and annealing behaviour of Fe(III) ions coprecipitated with neodymium trihydroxide, Journal of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry, 43(3) DOI
1981 Sahrawat K.L. (1981). Comparison of Karanjin with other nitrification inhibitors for retardation of nitrification of urea N in soil, Plant and Soil, 59(3) DOI
1981 Srivastava K.N.; Mehta S.L.; Naik M.S.; Eggum B.O. (1981). Protein Accumulation and Protein Quality of Bengal Gram (Cicer arietinum) Cotyledons during Development, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 29(1) DOI
1981 Johari R.P.; Dongre A.B.; Mehta S.L. (1981). Protein, nucleic acids and enzyme levels during development in a high lysine sorghum grain, Phytochemistry, 20(4) DOI
1981 Sawhney R.N.; Chopra V.L.; Swaminathan M.S. (1981). An analysis of genes for resistance against two Indian cultures of stem rust races of two bread wheats, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 60(3) DOI
1981 Navarajan Paul A.V.; Dass R.; Parshad B. (1981). Influence of different hosts on parasitism by Trichogramma chilonis Ishii and T. exiguum Pinto and Platner (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae), Journal of Applied Entomology (Zeitschrift für Angewandte Entomologie), 92(01-May) DOI
1981 Ahlawat I.P.S.; Singh A.; Saraf C.S. (1981). Effects of winter legumes on the nitrogen economy and productivity of succeeding cereals, Experimental Agriculture, 17(1) DOI
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1981 Lele V.C.; Singh J.; Rai S.N.; Kandhari J. (1981). OCCURRENCE OF A NEW BLIGHT DISEASE OF MANGO CAUSED BY CURVULARIA, Current Science, 50(10) DOI
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1981 Sawhney R.N.; Singh D.; Joshi B.C. (1981). Monosomic analysis of genes for resistance against stem rust races in bread wheat, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 59(5) DOI
1981 Batra V.I.P.; Mehta S.L. (1981). Enzymes of starch metabolism in developing grains of high lysine barley mutant, Phytochemistry, 20(4) DOI
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1981 Kulkarni R.N.; Chopra V.L.; Singh D. (1981). Observed and hypothetical leaf rust progress curves of some genotypes of wheat, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 60(2) DOI
1981 Kumar P.A.; Grover H.L.; Abrol Y.P. (1981). Potential for Nitrate Reduction in Wheat (Triticumaestivum L.), Journal of Plant Nutrition, 3(5) DOI
1981 Misra B.K.; Earat G.K. (1981). Effect of micronutrients on B-N-Oxautl L-α, β-diamino propionic acid level and its biosynthesis in lathyrus sativus, Journal of Plant Nutrition, 3(6) DOI
1981 Singh C.S.; Rao N.S.S. (1981). NODULATION OF CAJANUS CAJAN (PIGEON PEA) BY RHlZOBIUM JAPONICUM, Current Science, 50(19) DOI
1981 Sharma V.K. (1981). A Class of Experimental Designs Balanced for First Residuals, Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics (Australian Journal of Statistics), 23(3) DOI
1981 Sinha S.K.; Aggarwal P.K.; Chaturvedi G.S.; Koundal K.R.; Khanna-Chopra R. (1981). SHORT NOTE: A comparison of physiological and yield characters in old and new wheat varieties, Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 97(1) DOI
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1981 Ahlawat Y.S.; Chenulu V.Y. (1981). OCCURRENCE OF PEACH YELLOWS IN INDIA, Current Science, 50(5) DOI
1981 Kumar S.; Agarwal K.N.; Hazela S. (1981). Regulation of envelope-growth in Escherichia coli: Horizontal envelope-growth by a process under cyclic AMP control, Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 19(7) DOI
1981 Kaushik B.D.; Sharma C.R.; Venkataraman G.S.; Sen A.N. (1981). SEROLOGIC RELATIONS AMONG SOME BLUE GREEN ALGAE, Current Science, 50(3) DOI
1981 Sharma N.D.; Mehta S.L.; Patil S.H.; Eggum B.O. (1981). Oil and protein quality of groundnut mutants, Qualitas Plantarum Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 31(1) DOI
1981 Saraswat I.P.; Vajpei A.C.; Garg V.K.; Prakash N. (1981). Mössbauer effect characterization and thermal transformations of Fe(III) ions co-precipitated with praseodymium trihydroxide, Journal of Materials Science, 16(2) DOI
1981 Koundal K.K.; Sinha S.K. (1981). Malic acid exudation and photosynthetic characteristics in Cicer arietinum, Phytochemistry, 20(6) DOI
1980 Misra B.K.; Singh S.P.; Barat G.K. (1980). Ox-Dapro: the Lathyrus sativus neurotoxin, Qualitas Plantarum Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 30(03-Apr) DOI
1980 Subba Rao N.S.; Tilak K.V.B.R.; Singh C.S. (1980). Root nodulation studies in Aeschynomene aspera, Plant and Soil, 56(3) DOI
1980 Giri G.; De Rajat (1980). Effect of preceding grain legumes on growth and nitrogen uptake of dryland pearl millet, Plant and Soil, 56(3) DOI
1980 Singh J.N.; Murty B.R. (1980). Combining ability and maternal effects in Brassica campestris L. var. 'yellow sarson', Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 56(6) DOI
1980 Jain H.K. (1980). Incidental DNA, Nature, 288(5792) DOI
1980 Reddy M.S.S.; Rao M.V. (1980). Identification and cataloguing of genetic information for resistance to wheat leaf rust, Euphytica, 29(3) DOI
1980 Bhattacharya S.; Das H.K. (1980). Noncoordinate control of the synthesis of different species of RNA in Escherichia coli K12 during uridine starvation, Molecular Biology Reports, 6(2) DOI
1980 Agarwal K.N.; Menon T.C.M.; Kumar S. (1980). Estimation of probability of unequal division in minicell producing strains of Escherichia coli and other similar systems, Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 18(11) DOI
1980 Srinivasan; Rama Rao C.S. (1980). Effect of fluoride on in vivo nitrate reduction in rice leaves (Oryza sativa L.), Experientia, 36(6) DOI
1980 Kaul S.L.; Kumar S. (1980). Clear plaque mutants in phage 424 of Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli, Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 18(2) DOI
1980 Joshi B.C.; Sawhney R.N.; Singh D. (1980). F1 monosomic of Triticum macha, Euphytica, 29(3) DOI
1980 Pillai K.G.; De R. (1980). Nutrient uptake of rice variety Jaya at different levels and timings of nitrogen application under two systems of water management, Proceedings: Plant Sciences, 89(4) DOI
1980 Gaur A.C.; Mukherjee D. (1980). Recycling of organic matter through mulch in relation to chemical and microbiological properties of soil and crop yields, Plant and Soil, 56(2) DOI
1980 Pillai K.G.; De R. (1980). Growth and grain yield of rice variety Jaya at different levels and timings of nitrogen application under two systems of water management, Proceedings: Plant Sciences, 89(4) DOI
1980 Rao E.V.S.P.; Prasad R. (1980). Nitrogen leaching losses from conventional and new nitrogenous fertilizers in low-land rice culture, Plant and Soil, 57(02-Mar) DOI
1980 Tiwari S.P.; Pai R.A.; Bansal H.C. (1980). Effect of autopolyploidy on quantity and quality of protein in barley, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 56(3) DOI
1980 Sharma S.N.; Prasad R. (1980). Effect of rates of nitrogen and relative efficiency of sulphur-coated urea and nitrapyrin-treated urea in dry matter production and nitrogen uptake by rice, Plant and Soil, 55(3) DOI
1980 Bansal H.C.; Singh R.P.; Bhaskaran S.; Santha I.M.; Murty B.R. (1980). Hybridization and selection for improving seed protein in barley, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 58(03-Apr) DOI
1980 Sahrawat K.L. (1980). On the criteria for comparing the ability of compounds for retardation of nitrification in soil, Plant and Soil, 55(3) DOI
1980 Singh R.P.; Pant N.C. (1980). Lycorine - a resistance factor in the plants of subfamily Amaryllidoideae (Amaryllidaceae) against desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria F., Experientia, 36(5) DOI
1980 Prasad M.; Prasad R. (1980). Yield and nitrogen uptake by rice as affected by variety, method of planting and new nitrogen fertilizers, Fertilizer Research, 1(4) DOI
1980 Kundu B.S.; Gaur A.C. (1980). Establishment of nitrogen-fixing and phosphate-solubilising bacteria in rhizosphere and their effect on yield and nutrient uptake of wheat crop, Plant and Soil, 57(02-Mar) DOI
1980 MURTY B.R. (1980). Breakthrough in Breeding for Resistance to Downy Mildew in Pearl Millet, EPPO Bulletin, 10(3) DOI
1980 Bhowmik T.P.; Trivedi B.M. (1980). A NEW BACTERIAL STALK ROT OF BRASSICA, Current Science, 49(17) DOI
1980 Gaur A.C. (1980). Effect of pesticides on symbiotic nitrogen fixation by legumes, Indian Journal of Microbiology, 20(4) DOI
1980 Bandyopadhyay A.; Arunachalam V. (1980). Are 'multiple cross-multiple pollen hybrids' an answer for productive populations in Brassica campestris (var.) Brown Sarson? - Part 2: evaluation of 'mucromphs', Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 58(1) DOI
1980 Sen K.; Mehta S.L. (1980). Protein and enzyme levels during development in a high lysine barley mutant, Phytochemistry, 19(7) DOI
1980 Venkatakrishnan S. (1980). Mineralization of green manure (Sesbania aculeata, Pers.) nitrogen in sodic and reclaimed soils under flooded conditions, Plant and Soil, 54(1) DOI
1980 Rao D.L.N.; Venkataraman G.S. (1980). GROWTH POTENTIAL OF SPIRULINA PLATENSIS IN ANIMAL WASTES, Current Science, 49(12) DOI
1980 Basak M.K.; Goyal S.K. (1980). Studies on tree legumes - II. Further additions to the list of nodulating tree legumes, Plant and Soil, 56(1) DOI
1980 Rao N.H.; Sarma P.B.S. (1980). Growth of Ground‐Water Mound in Response to Recharge, Groundwater, 18(6) DOI
1980 Chopra U.K.; Chaudhary T.N. (1980). Effect of soil temperature alteration by soil covers on seedling emergence of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) sown on two dates, Plant and Soil, 57(1) DOI
1980 Ghosh M.; Das H.K. (1980). Role of proteolytic enzymes in the development of amino acid imbalance in wheat endosperm proteins, Phytochemistry, 19(12) DOI
1980 Naik M.S.; Singh P. (1980). Reaction between succinate and glyoxylate as a possible source of CO2 during photorespiration in wheat leaves, FEBS Letters, 111(2) DOI
1980 Chaturvedi G.S.; Aggarwal P.K.; Sinha S.K. (1980). Growth and yield of determinate and indeterminate cowpeas in dryland agriculture, Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 94(1) DOI
1980 Bedi S.; Roy N.K. (1980). Metabolism of 0,0-Diphenyl Dichloromethyl Phosphonate by Mycelial Cells of Pyricularia Oryzae, Cav., Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B, 15(3) DOI
1980 Sehgal S.; Das H.K. (1980). Mis-transcription during uridine starvation in Escherichia coli K12, Journal of General Microbiology, 116(1) DOI
1980 Jindal J.K.; Patel P.N. (1980). Variability in Xanthomonads of Grain Legumes: I. Pathogenic Behaviour and Taxonomy, Journal of Phytopathology, 99(4) DOI
1980 Basak M.K.; Goyal S.K. (1980). Studies on tree legumes - III. Characterization of the symbionts and direct and reciprocal cross inoculation studies with tree legumes and cultivated legumes, Plant and Soil, 56(1) DOI
1980 Sarma P.B.S.; Rao N.H.; Rao K.V.P. (1980). Calculation of water balance in the crop root zone by computer, Journal of Hydrology, 45(01-Feb) DOI
1980 Mohta N.K.; De R. (1980). Intercropping maize and sorghum with soya beans, Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 95(1) DOI
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1980 Roy N.K.; Lalljee B.; Bedi S. (1980). Synthesis and Fungicidal Activity of Diaryl 1,1-Dichloroethylphosphonates, Agricultural and Biological Chemistry, 44(12) DOI
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1980 Tiwari P.N.; Burk W. (1980). Seed oil determination by pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance without weighing and drying seeds, Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, 57(3) DOI
1980 Gaur Y.D.; Lowther W.L. (1980). Distribution, symbiotic effectiveness, and fluorescent antibody reaction of naturalised populations of Rhizobium trifolii in Otago soils, New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 23(4) DOI
1980 Arora R.K.; Maheshwari M.L.; Chandel K.P.S.; Gupta R. (1980). Mano (Inula racemosa): Little Known Aromatic Plant of Lahaul Valley, India, Economic Botany, 34(2) DOI
1980 Chaudhary T.N.; Bhatnagar V.K. (1980). Wheat root distribution, water extraction pattern and grain yield as influenced by time and rate of irrigation, Agricultural Water Management, 3(2) DOI
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1980 Singh R.N.; Sharma D.K.; Majumder P.K. (1980). An efficient technique of mango hybridization, Scientia Horticulturae, 12(3) DOI
1980 POKHRIYAL T.C.; SACHDEV M.S.; GROVER H.L.; ARORA R.P.; ABROL Y.P. (1980). Nitrate assimilation in leaf blades of wheat of different age, Physiologia Plantarum, 48(3) DOI
1980 Prasad R.; Sharma S.N. (1980). Systematic mixed stands of spring wheat cultivars, Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 94(3) DOI
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1980 Joshi S.; Lodha M.L.; Mehta S.L. (1980). Regulation of starch biosynthesis in normal and opaque-2 maize during endosperm development, Phytochemistry, 19(11) DOI
1980 Saha S.N.; Bhargava S.C. (1980). Physiological analysis of the growth, development and yield of oilseed sesame, Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 95(3) DOI
1980 Nagarajan S.; Joshi L.M. (1980). Further Investigations on Predicting Wheat Rusts Appearance in Central and Peninsular India, Journal of Phytopathology, 98(1) DOI
1980 Moharir A.V.; Panda B.C.; Gupta V.B.; Nagpal K.C.; Suri D.K. (1980). The Dependence of Stiffness and Strength of Gossypium hirsutum Cotton on Crystallite Orientation, Textile Research Journal, 50(10) DOI
1980 KHANNA‐CHOPRA R.; CHATURVERDI G.S.; AGGARWAL P.K.; SINHA S.K. (1980). Effect of potassium on growth and nitrate reductase during water stress and recovery in maize, Physiologia Plantarum, 49(4) DOI
1980 Subrahmanyam B.; Ramakrishnan N. (1980). The alteration of juvenile hormone titre in Spodoptera litura (F.) due to a baculovirus infection, Experientia, 36(4) DOI
1980 Narjani T.K.; Viswanath S.M.; Chenulu V.V.; Moharir A.V. (1980). PURIFICATION AND SEROLOGY OF COWPEA (FIGNA SINESSIS SAVI) MOSAIC VIRUS, Current Science, 49(17) DOI
1980 Savithri K.S.; Ganapathy P.S.; Sinha S.K. (1980). Sensitivity to low temperature in pollen germination and fruit-set in Cicer arietinum L., Journal of Experimental Botany, 31(2) DOI
1980 Iswaran V.; Jauhri K.S.; Sen A. (1980). Effect of charcoal, coal and peat on the yield of moong, soybean and pea, Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 12(2) DOI
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1980 Charterjee S.R.; Pokhriyal T.C.; Abrol Y.P. (1980). In vivo nitrate reductase activity in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) during ear development, Journal of Experimental Botany, 31(1) DOI
1980 Gaur Y.D.; Sen A.N.; Rao N.S.S. (1980). Improved legume-rhizobium symbiosis by inoculating preceding cereal crop with rhizobium, Plant and Soil, 54(2) DOI
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1980 Parashar K.S.; Prasad R.; Sharma R.P.; Sharma S.N.; Singh S. (1980). Efficiency of Urea, Nitrification Inhibitor treated Urea and Slow Release Nitrogen Fertilizers for Sugarcane, Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science (Zeitschrift for Pflanzenernahrung und Bodenkunde), 143(3) DOI
1980 Pokhriyal T.C.; Abrol Y.P. (1980). Nitrate assimilation in relation to total reduced N in bengal gram (cicer arietinum), Experimental Agriculture, 16(2) DOI
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1980 Paul A.V.N.; Parshad B.; Kumar P. (1980). Age and density effect of the laboratory host, Corcyra cephalonica Stainton (Lep., Pyral.), on the egg‐larval parasitoid Chelonus blackburni Cameron (Hym., Braconidae), Journal of Applied Entomology (Zeitschrift für Angewandte Entomologie), 90(01-May) DOI
1980 Roy N.K.; Lalljee B.; Bedl S. (1980). Synthesis and fungicidal activity of diaryl l, l-dichloroethylphosphonates, Agricultural and Biological Chemistry, 44(12) DOI
1980 Gupta M.D.; Rao R.; Verma V.S. (1980). Inhibition of mosaic virus of Vigna sinensis Endl. with four chemicals, Acta Microbiologica Polonica, 29(1) DOI
1980 Khandelwal K.C.; Gaur A.C. (1980). Degradation of humic acids, extracted from manure and soil by some streptomycetes and fungi, Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie Parasitenkunde Infektionskrankheiten und Hygiene Zweite Abteilung, 135(2) DOI
1979 Singhal N.C.; Mehta S.L.; Singh M.P. (1979). Peroxidase activities in relation to plant height and grain weight in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 55(2) DOI
1979 Lele V.C.; Kandhari J.; Payak M.M. (1979). CHARCOAL ROT OF GARDEN BALSAM—A NEW DISEASE, Current Science, 48(1) DOI
1979 Tomar S.S.; Mukerjee S.K.; Maheshwari M.L. (1979). Synthesis and Synergistic Activity of Dillapiole Based Pyrethrum Synergists, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 27(3) DOI
1979 Gupta H.O.; Lodha M.L.; Mehta S.L.; Singh J.; Rastogi D.K. (1979). Effect of Amino Acid(s) and Pulse Supplementation on Nutritional Quality of Normal and Modified Opaque-2 Maize (Zea mays L.), Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 27(4) DOI
1979 Jauhri K.S.; Bhatnagar R.S.; Iswaran V. (1979). Associative effect of inoculation of different strains of Azotobacter and homologous rhizobium on the yield of moong (Vigna radiata), soybean (Glycine max) and pea (Pisum sativum), Plant and Soil, 53(01-Feb) DOI
1979 Sikka K.C.; Singh R.; Gupta D.P.; Duggal S.K. (1979). Comparative Nutritive Value of Fish Protein Concentrate (FPC) from Different Species of Fishes, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 27(5) DOI
1979 Sahrawat K.L. (1979). Effects of parathion and malathion on transformations of urea and ammonium sulfate nitrogen in soils, Plant and Soil, 53(01-Feb) DOI
1979 Gaur A.C.; Arora D.; Prakash N. (1979). Electron microscopy of some rock phosphate dissolving bacteria and fungi, Folia Microbiologica, 24(4) DOI
1979 Pokhriyal T.C.; Sirohi G.S. (1979). Influence of photoinduction on aminotransferase activity in biloxi soybean, Glycine max., L., Merr., Experientia, 35(11) DOI
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1979 Arunachalam V.; Bandyopadhyay A. (1979). Are "multiple cross-multiple pollen hybrids' an answer for productive populations in Brassica campestris var. 'brown sarson'? - I. Methods for studying 'mucromphs', Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 54(5) DOI
1979 Mukerjee S.K.; Saxena V.S.; Tomar S.S. (1979). New Methylenedioxyphenyl Synergists for Pyrethrins, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 27(6) DOI
1979 Gupta J.K.; Gupta Y.P. (1979). Properties of cellulase from Trichoderma viride, Folia Microbiologica, 24(3) DOI
1979 Gupta H.O.; Lodha M.L.; Singh J.; Mehta S.L.; Rastogi D.K. (1979). Nutritional Evaluation of Hard Endosperm Opaque-2 Maize (Zea mays L.), Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 27(2) DOI
1979 Negi A.S. (1979). Phosphorus uptake from different sources of phosphatic fertilizers by maize and wheat at two stages of growth, Plant and Soil, 52(4) DOI
1979 Dewan G.I.; Subba Rao N.S. (1979). Seed inoculation with Azospirillum brasilense and Azotobacter chroococcum and the root biomass of rice (Oryza sativa L.), Plant and Soil, 53(3) DOI
1979 Sikka K.C.; Johari R.P. (1979). Comparative Nutritive Value and Amino Acid Content of Different Varieties of Sorghum and Effect of Lysine Fortification, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 27(5) DOI
1979 Tomar D.P.S.; Deshmukh P.S.; Sinha S.K. (1979). Importance of sepals in fruit and seed development in linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.), Euphytica, 28(3) DOI
1979 Roy S.K.; Singh R.N. (1979). Bael fruit (Aegle marmelos)-A potential fruit for processing, Economic Botany, 33(2) DOI
1979 Sinha A.K.; Ghildyal B.P. (1979). Emergence force of crop seedlings, Plant and Soil, 51(1) DOI
1979 Bedi S.; Roy N.K. (1979). Metabolic fate of dichloromethyl-O,O-diphenyl phosphonate (I) and dichloromethyl-O,O-di-(p-nitrophenyl) phosphonate (II) in/on rice plants, Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part B Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes, 14 B(4) DOI
1979 Kumar S.; Prakash N.; Sharma V.K. (1979). Control of minicell producing cell division by cAMP-receptor protein complex in Escherichia coli, MGG Molecular & General Genetics, 176(3) DOI
1979 Chavan A.S.; Banerjee N.K. (1979). Response of rice to iron-zinc interrelationships in a latiritic soil (oxisol), Plant and Soil, 52(2) DOI
1979 Kaushik B.D.; Venkataraman G.S. (1979). Effect of algal inoculation on the yield and vitamin C content of two varieties of tomato, Plant and Soil, 52(1) DOI
1979 Luthra J.K.; Rao M.V. (1979). Multiline cultivars - how their resistance influence leaf rust diseases in wheat, Euphytica, 28(1) DOI
1979 Singh V.P.; Siddiq E.A.; Swaminathan M.S. (1979). Mode of inheritance of dwarf stature and allelic relationships among various spontaneous and induced dwarfs of cultivated rice Oryza sativa L., Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 55(03-Apr) DOI
1979 Reddy M.R.; Prasad R. (1979). Effect of nitrogen doses and row direction on LAI, light transmission, plant height and dry matter production of wheat cultivars grown in pure and mixed stands, Biologia Plantarum, 21(2) DOI
1979 Sharma J.R.; Murty B.R. (1979). Changes in genetic background under selection influencing the expression of self-incompatibility in Brassica campestris var. brown sarson, Genetica, 51(1) DOI
1979 Sawhney R.N.; Chopra V.L.; Swaminathan M.S. (1979). An analysis of genes for resistance against Indian stem rust races in two bread wheat cultivars, Euphytica, 28(3) DOI
1979 Shekhawat G.S.; Patel P.N.; Singh R. (1979). Histology of Bacterial Canker Affected Mangifera indica, Journal of Phytopathology, 95(1) DOI
1979 Singh C.S.; Subba Rao N.S. (1979). Associative effect of Azospirilium brasilense with Rhizobium japonicum on nodulation and yield of soybean (Glycine max), Plant and Soil, 53(3) DOI
1979 Yadav B.R.; Rao N.H.; Paliwal K.V.; Sarma P.B. (1979). Comparison of different methods for measuring soil salinity under field conditions, Soil Science, 127(6) DOI
1979 Subbalakshmi B.; Singh S.P.; Prakash S.; Naik M.S. (1979). Regulation of nitrate reduction in wheat and rice leaves by oxygen and NADH supply, Plant Science (Plant Science Letters), 14(2) DOI
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1978 NAIR T.V.R.; GROVER H.L.; ABROL Y.P. (1978). Nitrogen Metabolism of the Upper Three Leaf Blades of Wheat at Different Soil Nitrogen Levels: II. Protease Activity and Mobilization of Reduced Nitrogen to the Developing Grains, Physiologia Plantarum, 42(3) DOI
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1978 Sikka K.C.; Duggal S.K.; Singh R.; Gupta D.P.; Joshi M.G. (1978). Comparative Nutritive Value and Amino Acid Content of Triticale, Wheat, and Rye, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 26(4) DOI
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1977 Dhillon B.S.; Singh J. (1977). Combining ability and heterosis in diallel crosses of maize, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 49(3) DOI
1977 Kulshrestha V.P.; Rao M.V. (1977). Studies on the Relationship between Sugar Content of Wheat and Resistance to Alternaria triticina, Journal of Phytopathology, 88(2) DOI
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1977 Taneja S.R.; Sachar R.C. (1977). Effect of auxin on multiple forms of o-diphenolase in germinating wheat embryos, Phytochemistry, 16(7) DOI
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1977 Sharma B.R.; Swarup V.; Chatterjee S.S. (1977). Resistance to blackrot disease (Xanthomonas campestris (Pam.) Dowson) in cauliflower, Scientia Horticulturae, 7(1) DOI
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1977 Sachdev P.; Deb D.L. (1977). Effect of zinc on protein and RNA content in wheat plant, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 28(11) DOI
1977 Kapoor A.C.; Gupta Y.P. (1977). Effect of Phosphorus Fertilization on Phosphorus Constituents in Soybeans, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 25(3) DOI
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1977 Vaidyanathaswamy R.; Parmar B.S.; Attri B.S.; Singh R.P.; Mukerjee S.K. (1977). α-and β-Alkyl Substituted Cinnamates as Pyrethrum Synergists, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 25(6) DOI
1977 Dhillon B.S.; Singh J. (1977). Estimation and inheritance of stability parameters of grain yield in maize, Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88(2) DOI
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1977 Ramaswamy B.; Seshadri V.S.; Sharma J.C. (1977). Inheritance of some fruit characters in muskmelon, Scientia Horticulturae, 6(2) DOI
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1977 Kapoora A.C.; Gupta Y.P. (1977). Changes in proteins and amino acids in developing soybean seed and effect of phosphorus nutrition, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 28(2) DOI
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1977 Sharma R.P. (1977). Light-dependent homosexual activity in males of a mutant of drosophila melanogaster, Experientia, 33(2) DOI
1977 Rao T.V.; Singh G.; Krishna Murti G.S.R. (1977). The nature of amorphous materials in alluvial soils, Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science (Zeitschrift for Pflanzenernahrung und Bodenkunde), 140(6) DOI
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1977 Dhillon B.S.; Singh J. (1977). Inheritance of grain yield and other quantitative traits in maize, Experimental Agriculture, 13(3) DOI
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1977 Sharma V.K. (1977). Change‐over designs with complete balance for first and second residual effects, Canadian Journal of Statistics, 5(1) DOI
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1977 Singh U.; Sastry L.V.S. (1977). Studies on the Proteins of the Mutants of Barley Grain. 2. Fractionation and Characterization of the Alcohol-Soluble Proteins, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 25(4) DOI
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1975 Prasad J.; Gupta C.P. (1975). Mechanical properties of maize stalk as related to harvesting, Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research, 20(1) DOI
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1974 Gandhi A.P.; Sawhney S.K.; Mehta S.L.; Naik M.S. (1974). Effect of inhibition of the Hill reaction on polyribosomes level & on induced synthesis of nitrate & nitrate reductases in rice seedlings, Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 11(1) DOI
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1974 Roychoudhury P.; Venkataraman G.S. (1974). Induced variations in microorganisms. V. Genetic transformation in Rhizobium, Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie Parasitenkunde Infektionskrankheiten und Hygiene Zweite Abteilung, 129(03-Apr) DOI
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1974 Ahmed M.H.; Venkataraman G.S. (1974). Radiation studies on Azotobacter chroococcum. I. Photoreactivation and dose reduction curve, Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie Parasitenkunde Infektionskrankheiten und Hygiene Zweite Abteilung, 129(03-Apr) DOI
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1974 Verma V.S. (1974). Mosaic disease of Blumea lacera DC: A new record, Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie Parasitenkunde Infektionskrankheiten und Hygiene Zweite Abteilung, 129(6) DOI
1974 Majumdar G.; Sarkar K.R. (1974). Chromosome Associations During Meiosis in Haploid Maize (Zea Mays L.), CYTOLOGIA, 39(1) DOI
1974 Nainawatee H.S.; Mehta S.L.; Das N.B. (1974). Soluble and chloroplast malate dehydrogenase isoenzymes of Triticum aestivum, Phytochemistry, 13(3) DOI
1974 Taneja S.R.; Sachar R.C. (1974). Induction of polyphenol oxidase in germinating wheat seeds, Phytochemistry, 13(12) DOI
1974 Taneja S.R.; Sachar R.C. (1974). Stimulation of polyphenol oxidase (monophenolase) activity in wheat endosperm by gibberellic acid, cycloheximide and actinomycin D, Planta, 116(2) DOI
1974 Lodha M.L.; Mali P.C.; Agarwal A.K.; Mehta S.L. (1974). Changes in soluble protein and isoenzymes in normal and opaque-2 Zea mays endosperm during grain development, Phytochemistry, 13(3) DOI
1974 Ramanujam S.; Tiwari A.S.; Mehra R.B. (1974). Genetic divergence and hybrid performance in mung bean, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 45(5) DOI
1974 Rangaraju R.; Chenulu V.V. (1974). Studies on a virus inciting mosaic disease in Solanum khasianum Clarke, Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 12(4) DOI
1974 Taneja S.R.; Sachar R.C. (1974). Separate monophenolase and o-diphenolase enzymes in Triticum aestivum, Phytochemistry, 13(8) DOI
1974 Iswaran V.; Sen A. (1974). Some studies on the groundnut Rhizobium symbiosis, Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie Parasitenkunde Infektionskrankheiten und Hygiene Zweite Abteilung, 129(5) DOI
1974 Pandey R.M.; Rao M.M.; Singh R.N. (1974). Studies on the metabolism of amino acids during development, ripening and senescence of 'Pusa Seedless' grapes, Scientia Horticulturae, 2(4) DOI
1974 Murali V.; Sarma V.A.K.; Krishna Murti G.S.R. (1974). Mineralogy of two red soil (Alfisol) profiles of mysore state, India, Geoderma, 11(2) DOI
1974 Lilaramani J.; Payak M.M.; Gugnani H.C.; Sharma R.C. (1974). Association of Candida tropicalis with maize stalk rot, Experientia, 30(1) DOI
1974 Uprety D.C. (1974). Effect of phosfon D on the salt tolerance of Pisum sativum L. var. Rimpus, Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 12(3) DOI
1973 Prakash S. (1973). Non-homologous meiotic pairing in the A and B genomes of Brassica: Its breeding significance in the production of variable amphidiploids, Genetical Research, 21(2) DOI
1973 Prakash S. (1973). Artificial synthesis of Brassica juncea Coss, Genetica, 44(2) DOI
1973 Bhatia P.; Pai R.A.; Varma K.P.S. (1973). X0 Karyotype in a phenotypic male, Human Genetics, 19(03-Apr) DOI
1973 Singh V.P.; Ramanujam S. (1973). Expression of andromonoecy in coriander, Coriandrum sativum L., Euphytica, 22(1) DOI
1973 Mehta S.L.; Lodha M.L.; Mali P.C.; Singh J.; Naik M.S. (1973). Characterization of polysomes and incorporation in vitro of leucine and lysine in normal and opaque-2 zea mays endosperm during development, Phytochemistry, 12(12) DOI
1973 Prakash S. (1973). Haploidy in Brassica nigraKoch, Euphytica, 22(3) DOI
1973 Rao V.R.; Subba Rao N.S.; Mukerji K.G. (1973). Inhibition of Rhizobium in vitro by non-nodulating legume roots and root extracts, Plant and Soil, 39(2) DOI
1973 Gupta S.C.; Mukerjee S.K. (1973). Photon induced reactions - II Novel photodimer of a 3-methoy chromone, Tetrahedron Letters, 14(51) DOI
1973 Sawhney S.K.; Naik M.S. (1973). Some properties of nitrate & nitrite reductases from rice seedlings, Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 10(3) DOI
1973 Varma A.K.; Subba Rao N.S. (1973). Sucrose and application of Rhizobium on seed, Plant and Soil, 38(1) DOI
1973 Nair T.V.R.; Abrol Y.P. (1973). Nitrate reductase activity in developing wheat ears, Experientia, 29(12) DOI
1973 Gupta J.K.; Gupta Y.P.; Das N.B. (1973). Degradation of cellulosic materials by trichoderma viride cellulase, Agricultural and Biological Chemistry, 37(11) DOI
1973 Lodha M.L.; Mehta S.L.; Das N.B. (1973). L Lysine production by Micrococcus glutamicus (homoserine-) utilising agro industrial byproducts, Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 11(6) DOI
1973 Lakshmi-Kumari M.; Subba Rao N.S. (1973). Root hair infection and nodule to lateral root relationship in lucerne seedlings as influenced by dalapon and amitrole, Archiv für Mikrobiologie, 93(2) DOI
1973 Vilawan S.; Siddiq E.A. (1973). Study on mutational manipulation of protein characteristics in rice, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 43(6) DOI
1973 Payak M.M.; Lilaramani J.; Sharma R.C.; Diwakar M.C.; Mukherjee B.K. (1973). Morphological Responses in Maize to Infection by Pythium aphanidermatum, Journal of Phytopathology, 77(1) DOI
1973 Laura R.D. (1973). Nitrogen and humus in saline and sodic soils near Delhi, India, Geoderma, 10(3) DOI
1973 Singh C.S.; Lakshmi Kumari M.; Biswas A.; Subba Rao N.S. (1973). Effect of carbonate and bicarbonate of sodium on growth of rhizobia and nodulation in lucerne (Medicago sativa L), Indian Journal of Microbiology, 13(2) DOI
1973 Khanna R.; Sinha S.K. (1973). Change in the predominance from C4 to C3 pathway following anthesis in Sorghum, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 52(1) DOI
1973 Dange S.R.S.; Payak M.M. (1973). Sensitivity of Pseudomonas rubrilineans to antibiotics and fungicides, Hindustan Antibiotics Bulletin, 16(02-Mar) DOI
1973 Tyagi M.C.; Singh M.P.; Bammi R.K. (1973). The effect of temperature on seed germination in Dioscorea species, Planta Medica, 24(3) DOI
1973 Ahuja V.P.; Austin A. (1973). Amino acid composition of some improved wheats, INDIAN J.NUTR.DIET., 10(6) DOI
1973 Singh B.B.; Murty B.R. (1973). A comparative analysis of biparental mating and selfing in pearl millet (Pennisetum typhoïdes) S & H - I. Nature of variation and changes in association, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 43(1) DOI
1973 Sharma B.; Sharma R.P.; Prakash R. (1973). Enhancement of ethylemethane sulfonate-induced mutation frequency in Drosophila by dimethyl sulphoxide, Experientia, 29(8) DOI
1973 Gandhi A.P.; Sawhney S.K.; Naik M.S. (1973). Activation of nitrate reductase from rice seedlings by NADH, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 55(2) DOI
1973 Sarma K.S.B.; Lakshmi-Kumari M.; Apte R.; Subba Rao N.S. (1973). Some physiological characteristics of Rhizobium meliloti and R. trifolii in relation to efficiency of symbiosis with lucerne and Egyptian clover, Plant and Soil, 38(2) DOI
1973 Sokhi S.S.; Joshi L.M. (1973). Sugars and phenols in relation to Alternaria leaf blight of wheat, Phytoparasitica, 1(2) DOI
1973 Sharma N.D.; Singh U.; Vari A.K.; Mathur J.M.S. (1973). Radiation-induced changes in the chemical composition of Solanum tuberosum cv. Kufri Sindhuri tubers after germination, Potato Research, 16(1) DOI
1973 Lodha M.L.; Mehta S.L.; Das N.B. (1973). Regulation of L lysine production by aspartic acid family amino acids in homoserine auxotroph of Micrococcus glutamicus, Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 11(4) DOI
1973 Singh B.; Choudhury B. (1973). The Chemical Characteristics of Tomato Cultivars Resistant to Root-Knot Nematodes (Meloidogyne Spp.), Nematologica, 19(4) DOI
1973 Parkash V. (1973). Influence of light and zeatin on the regulation of nitrate reductase activity and on polysome formation in the fenugreek (Trigonella foenum graecum L.) cotyledons, Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 11(1) DOI
1973 Laura R.D. (1973). Effects of sodium carbonate on carbon and nitrogen mineralisation of organic matter added to soil, Geoderma, 9(1) DOI
1973 Sawhney S.K.; Naik M.S. (1973). Effect of chloramphenicol and cycloheximide on the synthesis of nitrate reductase and nitrite reductase in rice leaves, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 51(1) DOI
1973 Balasubramanian K.A.; Srivastava D.N. (1973). Resistance of freshly harvested potato tubers to infection by Rhizopus stolonifer (Ehrenb. ex Fr.) Lind., Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 11(1) DOI
1973 Ghildiyal M.C.; Sinha S.K. (1973). Variation in photorespiration in wheat genotypes using glycine I 14C decarboxylation technique, Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 11(3) DOI
1973 Rao V.R.; Rao N.S.S.; Mukerji K.G. (1973). In vitro effects of some growth regulators on rhizobium, Journal of General and Applied Microbiology, 19(1) DOI
1973 Austin A.; Ahuja V.P. (1973). A comparative study of the amino acid composition of whole meal atta and other milled products of wheat (T. aestivum), INDIAN J.NUTR.DIET., 10(5) DOI
1973 Rajale G.B.; Prasad R. (1973). Nitrification inhibitors and slow-release nitrogen fertilizers for rice (Oryza sativa L.), Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 80(3) DOI
1973 Ahuja V.P.; Srivastava K.N.; Austin A.; Naik M.S. (1973). Changes in different protein fractions and their amino acid composition of the endosperm of opaque 2 composite maize, Shakti, during maturation, Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 10(1) DOI
1973 Vairavan S.; Siddiq E.A.; Arunachalam V.; Swaminathan M.S. (1973). A Study on the nature of genetic divergence in rice from assam and North East Himalayas, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 43(5) DOI
1973 Sriharan S.; Prasad H. (1973). A new and simple technique for labelling the insect parasites, Bracon hebetor and Apanteles angaleti with P-32, The International Journal Of Applied Radiation And Isotopes, 24(9) DOI
1973 Iswaran V.; Sen A.; Apte R. (1973). Azotobacter chroococcum in the phyllosphere of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes Mort. Solms), Plant and Soil, 39(2) DOI
1973 Kadam S.S.; Singii J.; Mehta S.L. (1973). Changes in isoenzymes in embryo and endosperm of normal and opaque-2 Zea mays during imbibition, Phytochemistry, 12(6) DOI
1973 Balasubramanian K.A.; Srivastava D.N. (1973). In vitro and in vivo production of pectic enzymes by Rhizopus stolonifer, Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 11(2) DOI
1973 Gupta V.K.; Srivastava K.D. (1973). Preservation of rust urediospores by vacuum drying, Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 11(4) DOI
1973 Varma A.K.; Subba Rao N.S. (1973). Foliar application of urea on nodulation, ATP & thiol content of root nodules of Phaseolus aureus at different soil moisture levels, Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 11(6) DOI
1973 Singh H.B.; Arora R.K. (1973). Soh-phlong, Moghania vestita a leguminous root crop of India, Economic Botany, 27(3) DOI
1973 SINGH P. (1973). Effect of Light, Temperature and Substrate during Spore Formation on the Germinability of Conidia of Colletotrichum falcatum, Physiologia Plantarum, 29(2) DOI
1973 Ramakrishnan U.; Ramdas Menon M.G. (1973). Studies on indian typhlocybinae (homoptera: Cicadellidae): 4. seven new genera with fourteen new species of erythroneurini, Oriental Insects, 7(1) DOI
1973 Kulkarni A.P.; Mehrotra K.N. (1973). Effects of dieldrin and sumithion on the amino acid nitrogen and proteins in the haemolymph of desert locust Schistocerca gregaria Forsk, Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, 3(4) DOI
1973 Gupta J.K.; Gupta Y.P.; Das N.B. (1973). Degradation of cellulosic materials by trichoderma viride cellulase, Agricultural and Biological Chemistry, 37(11) DOI
1973 Ahuja Y.R.; Sharma A.; Nampoothiri K.U.K. (1973). Evaluation of effects of high natural background radiation on some genetic traits in the inhabitants of Monazite Belt in Kerala, India, Human Biology, 45(2) DOI
1973 Bhatt J.G.; Indirakutty K.N. (1973). Salt uptake and salt tolerance by sunflower, Plant and Soil, 39(2) DOI
1973 Pareek R.P.; Gaur A.C. (1973). Organic acids in the rhizosphere of Zea mays and Phaseolus aureus plants, Plant and Soil, 39(2) DOI
1973 Kalia C.S.; Singh M.P. (1973). The effect of NMU and MNG on chromosome structure and mitotic activity under different PH and temperature conditions in allium cepa, Caryologia, 26(3) DOI
1973 Sahambi H.S.; Milne R.G.; Cook S.M.; Gibbs A.J.; Woods R.D. (1973). Broad bean wilt and Nasturtium ringspot Viruses are Related, Journal of Phytopathology, 76(2) DOI
1973 Gupta J.P.; Chatrath M.S. (1973). Radiation induced biochemical mutation in Colletotrichum gloeosporioides penz. causing anthracnose of guava (psidium guajava L), Mycopathologia (Mycopathologia et Mycologia Applicata), 51(02-Mar) DOI
1973 Guha-mukherjee S. (1973). Genotypic differences in the In Vitro formation of embryoids from rice pollen, Journal of Experimental Botany, 24(1) DOI
1972 Jauhar P.P. (1972). Induced interchange heterozygosity in pearl millet, Pennisetum typhoides (Burm.)Stapf et Hubb, Experientia, 28(6) DOI
1972 Swarup V.; Chatterjee S.S. (1972). Origin and genetic improvement of indian cauliflower, Economic Botany, 26(4) DOI
1972 Kaushik B.D.; Venkataraman G.S. (1972). Induced variations in microorganisms - II. The mutagenic effect of ethyl methanesulfonate on Rhizobium trifolii, Folia Microbiologica, 17(5) DOI
1972 Das P.K.; Jain H.K. (1972). Actinomycin-D and varietal adaptation in wheat, Euphytica, 21(2) DOI
1972 Das P.K.; Iyer R.D. (1972). Studies on trisomics in a Jute hybrid, Genetica, 43(4) DOI
1972 Singh H.B.; Arora R.K. (1972). Raishan (Digitaria sp.)-a minor millet of the Khasi Hills, India, Economic Botany, 26(4) DOI
1972 Maliwal G.L.; Paliwal K.V. (1972). Enzymic activity and synthesis of nucleic acids in okra (Abelmoschus esculantus) and spongegourd (Luffa cylindrica) grown in saline substrate, Plant and Soil, 37(1) DOI
1972 Laura R.D.; Idnani M.A. (1972). Effect on wheat yield and nitrogen uptake from manures made from spent-slurry, Plant and Soil, 37(2) DOI
1972 Iyer R.D.; Raina S.K. (1972). The early ontogeny of embryoids and callus from pollen and subsequent organogenesis in anther cultures of Datura metel and rice, Planta, 104(2) DOI
1972 Singh C.S.; Lakshmi-Kumari M.; Biswas A.; Subba Rao N.S. (1972). Nodulation of lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) under the influence of chlorides of magnesium and potassium, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Section B, 76(3) DOI
1972 Kaushik B.D.; Venkataraman G.S. (1972). Induced variations in microorganisms - I. The mutagenic effect of ultraviolet light on Rhizobium trifolii, Folia Microbiologica, 17(5) DOI
1972 Parkash V. (1972). Synergism between cytokinins and nitrate in induction of nitrate reductase activity in fenugreek cotyledons, Planta, 102(4) DOI
1972 Kaushik B.D.; Venkataraman G.S. (1972). Induced variations in microorganisms - III. Genetic transfer between intact cells of the mutants of Rhizobium trifolii, Folia Microbiologica, 17(5) DOI
1972 Murty U.R.; Satyavathi D. (1972). B-chromosomes in Iseilema laxum Hack. II. Genetics, Genetica, 43(4) DOI
1972 MEHROTRA K.N.; RAO P.J. (1972). PHAGOSTIMULANTS FOR LOCUSTS: STUDIES WITH EDIBLE OILS, Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 15(2) DOI
1972 Lakshmi‐Kumari M.; Vijayalakshmi K.; Rao N.S.S. (1972). Interaction between Azotobacter Species and Fungi: I. In vitro studies with Fusarium moniliforme Sheld., Journal of Phytopathology, 75(1) DOI
1972 Gupta J.K.; Das N.B.; Gupta Y.P. (1972). Effect of cultural conditions on cellulase formation by trichoderma viride, Agricultural and Biological Chemistry, 36(11) DOI
1972 Bhatia S.K.; Pradhan S. (1972). Studies on resistance to insecticides in Tribolium castaneum (Herbst)-V. Cross-resistance characteristics of a lindane-resistant strain, Journal of Stored Products Research, 8(2) DOI
1972 Nainawatee H.S.; Kartha A.R.S. (1972). Biosynthesis of oil in ripening seeds of higher plants, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 23(11) DOI
1972 Singh S.; Verma V.S. (1972). Mosaic of Boerhaavia diffusa L. — First Record from India, Journal of Phytopathology, 73(3) DOI
1972 Verma V.S.; Singh S. (1972). Mosaic of Achyranthes aspera L. — First Record from India, Journal of Phytopathology, 73(4) DOI
1972 Dasgupta D.R.; Deb D.L. (1972). Studies on Mineral Absorption and Translocation in Tomato plants inoculated with Root‐knot Nematodes, Meloidogyne javanica and M. arenaria separately and together with Special Reference to 32P, Journal of Phytopathology, 75(1) DOI
1972 Govil B.P.; Prasad R. (1972). Growth characters and yield of sorghum (Sorghum vulgare Pers.) as affected by contents of water-soluble P in triple superphosphate/dicalcium phosphate and triple superphosphate/rock phosphate mixtures, Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 79(3) DOI
1972 Gupta P.; Swarup G. (1972). Ear-Cockle and Yellow Ear-Rot Diseases of Wheat: II. Nematode Bacterial Association, Nematologica, 18(3) DOI
1972 Joshi M.G. (1972). Occurrence of genetic tumours in Triticum interspecies hybrids, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 42(5) DOI
1972 Rawson H.M.; Ruwali K.N. (1972). Branched ears in wheat and yield determination, Crop & Pasture Science (Australian Journal of Agricultural Research), 23(4) DOI
1972 Murty B.R.; Arunachalam V.; Doloi P.C.; Ram J. (1972). Effects of disruptive selection for flowering time in brassica campestris var. Brown sarson, Heredity, 28(3) DOI
1972 Sawhney S.K.; Prakash V.; Naik M.S. (1972). Nitrate and nitrite reductase activities in induced chlorophyll mutants of barley, FEBS Letters, 22(2) DOI
1972 Narain A.; Prakash S. (1972). Investigations on the artificial synthesis of amphidiploids of Brassica tournefortii Gouan with the other elementary species of Brassica. I. Genomic relationships, Genetica, 43(1) DOI
1972 Seetharam A.; Srinivasachar D. (1972). Cytomorphological studies in the genus linum, CYTOLOGIA, 37(4) DOI
1972 Das P.K. (1972). Studies on selection for yield in wheat. An application of genotypic and phenotypic correlations, path-coefficient analysis and discriminant functions, Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 79(3) DOI
1972 Sisodia K.P.S. (1972). Cytomorphological studies in pennisetum orientale rich, CYTOLOGIA, 37(2) DOI
1972 MEHROTRA K.N.; RAO P.J.; FAROOQI T.N.A. (1972). THE CONSUMPTION, DIGESTION AND UTILIZATION OF FOOD BY LOCUSTS, Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 15(1) DOI
1972 Khan E.; Saha M.; Seshadri A.R. (1972). KPlant Parasitic Nematodes from Kumaon Hills, India I. Two New Species of Paralongidorus (Nematoda: Longidorid Ae), Nematologica, 18(1) DOI
1972 Ramdas Menon M.G.; Katiyar K.N.; Kapoor V.C. (1972). Taxonomic identities of some indian species of the genus aulacophora chevrolat associated with cucurbitaceous plants (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae), Journal of Natural History, 6(1) DOI
1972 Sharma B.; Bansal H.C. (1972). The multiple-cluster mutation complex in mutagenesis with higher plants, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 42(1) DOI
1972 Prasad R.; Rajale G.B. (1972). The influence of nitrification inhibitors and slow release nitrogen materials on transformations of fertilizer nitrogen in soils of fluctuating moisture content, Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 4(4) DOI
1972 Roy M.K.; Chatrath M.S.; Mukewar P.M. (1972). Gamma Radiation in the Extension of Shelf‐life of Apples infected with Aspergillus niger Van Tieghem, Journal of Phytopathology, 75(1) DOI
1972 Rawson H.M.; Ruwali K.N. (1972). Ear branching as a means of increasing grain uniformity in wheat, Crop & Pasture Science (Australian Journal of Agricultural Research), 23(4) DOI
1972 Rao V.R.; Murty B.R. (1972). Fractional diallel analysis of regulation of recombination in triticum aestivum L., CYTOLOGIA, 37(1) DOI
1972 Naim M.; Phadke K.G. (1972). Flight range of apis cerana indica when enticed to a feeding dish, Journal of Apicultural Research, 11(3) DOI
1972 Mathur J.M.S. (1972). The glyceride structure of camphor (Cinnamomum camphora) seed fat, Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, 49(1) DOI
1972 Majumder P.K.; Mukherjee S.K. (1972). Aneuploidy in guava (psidium guajava L.), CYTOLOGIA, 37(4) DOI
1972 Seth M.L.; Dhanraj K.S. (1972). A New Strain of Tobacco Leaf Curl causing Enations in Chilli (Capsicum annuum L.), Journal of Phytopathology, 73(4) DOI
1972 Laura R.D.; Idnani M.A. (1972). Mineralization of nitrogen in manures made from spent-slurry, Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 4(2) DOI
1972 Gupta J.K.; Das N.B.; Gupta Y.P. (1972). Effect of Cultural Conditions on Cellulase Formation by Trichoderma viride, Agricultural and Biological Chemistry, 36(11) DOI
1972 Singh S.; Varma A.; Chenulu V.V.; Verma V.S. (1972). Pigweed Mosaic Virus, Journal of Phytopathology, 75(1) DOI
1972 Jain H.K.; Shukla P.T. (1972). Locus specificity of mutagens in drosophila, Mutation Research-Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, 14(4) DOI
1972 Lal O.P. (1972). Electronic Light Flashes Affecting some Biological and Physiological Activities of Lipaphis erysimi Kalt. (Hom.: Aphididae), Journal of Applied Entomology (Zeitschrift für Angewandte Entomologie), 72(01-Apr) DOI
1972 Singh C.B. (1972). Recombinational and mutational analyses of subspecific differentiation in Oryza sativa L., Mutation Research-Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, 16(3) DOI
1972 Verma V.S.; Singh S.; Mishra M.D.; Prakash N. (1972). Mosaic Disease of a Medicinal Plant Solanum khasianum Clarke from India, Journal of Phytopathology, 75(1) DOI
1972 Moharir A.V.; Sarma V.A.K.; Krishna Murti G.S.R. (1972). Spectrophotometric determination of titanium with Tiron, Microchemical Journal, 17(2) DOI
1972 Ramakrishnan U.; Ramdas Menon M.G. (1972). Studies on indian typhlocybinae (homoptera: Cicadellidae): Three new genera with four new species of typhlocybini, Oriental Insects, 6(2) DOI
1972 Iswaran V.; Sen A.; Singh N.P. (1972). Influence of sucrose spraying on nodulation and yield of Phaseolus aureus L., Plant and Soil, 36(1) DOI
1972 Ramakrishnan U.; Ramdas Menon M.G. (1972). Studies on indian typhlocybinae (homoptera: Cicadellidae): 2. ten new species of typhlocybini, Oriental Insects, 6(1) DOI
1972 Lorenzen H.; Venkataraman G.S. (1972). Synchrony in Blue-Green Algae, Methods in Cell Biology, 5(C) DOI
1972 Raj A.S.; Rao V.R. (1972). Cytological Studies in Vicia faba L. Treated with Lathyrogens, CYTOLOGIA, 37(2) DOI
1972 Siddiq E.A.; Nerkar Y.S.; Mehta S.L. (1972). Intra and inter subspecific variation in soluble proteins of Oryza sativa L., Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 42(8) DOI
1972 Shekhawat G.S.; Srivastava D.N. (1972). Mode of Infection in Bacterial Leaf Streak of Rice and Histology of the Diseased Leaf), Journal of Phytopathology, 74(1) DOI
1972 Prasad M.V.R. (1972). Studies on induced mutants with reference to species relationships in some tetraploid Triticums, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 42(4) DOI
1972 Mehta S.L.; Srivastava K.N.; Mali P.C.; Naik M.S. (1972). Changes in the nucleic acid and protein fractions in Opaque-2 maize kernels during development, Phytochemistry, 11(3) DOI
1971 Bhatt J.G.; Appukuttan E. (1971). Nutrient uptake in cotton in relation to plant architecture, Plant and Soil, 35(1) DOI
1971 Kapoor V.C. (1971). Four new species of fruitflies (tephritidae) from india, Oriental Insects, 5(4) DOI
1971 K. Bharadwaj R.; K. Banerjee S. (1971). The nervous system of the desert locust, schistocerca gregaria (Orthoptera: Acrididae) with a discussion on muscle innervation, Journal of Natural History, 5(2) DOI
1971 Mitra G.N.; Das N.B. (1971). Protein Quality of the High Yielding Varieties of Rice, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 19(5) DOI
1971 Michael A.M.; Pandya A.C. (1971). Water front advance in irrigation borders, Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research, 16(1) DOI
1971 Sivapalan K.; Subbiah B.V. (1971). RNA-turnover in high and low yielding wheat varieties, The International Journal Of Applied Radiation And Isotopes, 22(10) DOI
1971 Abrol Y.P.; Uprety D.C.; Ahuja V.P.; Naik M.S. (1971). Soil fertilizer levels and protein quality of wheat grains, Crop & Pasture Science (Australian Journal of Agricultural Research), 22(2) DOI
1971 Paroda R.S.; Hayes J.D. (1971). An investigation of genotype-environment interactions for rate of ear emergence in spring barley, Heredity, 26(2) DOI
1971 Gupta V.K.; Raychaudhuri S.P. (1971). Effect of the Leaf Extracts of some Woody Plants on the Infectivity of Potato Virus Y, Journal of Phytopathology, 71(3) DOI
1971 Agarwal R.A.; Singh J.P.; Tiwari C.B. (1971). Technique for screening of sugarcane varieties resistant to top borer, Scirpophaga nivella F., Entomophaga, 16(2) DOI
1971 Bajpai P.D.; Rao W.V.B.S. (1971). Phosphate solubilising bacteria: PART I. Solubilisation of Phosphate in Liquid Culture by Selected Bacteria as Affected by Different pH Values, Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 17(2) DOI
1971 Kannian K.; Jaequeline C.; Hrishi N. (1971). Studies on the induced mutation for high ginning out-turn in a Cambodia cotton, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Section B, 73(5) DOI
1971 Gaur A.C.; Bhardwaj K.K.R. (1971). Influence of sodium humate on the crop plants inoculated with bacteria of agricultural importance, Plant and Soil, 35(1) DOI
1971 Harinarayana G.; Murky B.R. (1971). Cytological Regulation of Recombination in Pennisetum and Brassica, CYTOLOGIA, 36(3) DOI
1971 Sundara Rao W.V.B. (1971). Field experiments on nitrogen fixation by nodulated legumes, Plant and Soil, 35(1) DOI
1971 Paul N.B.; Sundara Rao W.V.B. (1971). Phosphate-dissolving bacteria in the rhizosphere of some cultivated legumes, Plant and Soil, 35(1) DOI
1971 Prakash S.; Narain A. (1971). Genomic status of Brassica tournefortii Gouan, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 41(5) DOI
1971 Blake N.M.; Kirk R.L.; McDermid E.M.; Omoto K.; Ahuja Y.R. (1971). The distribution of serum protein and enzyme group systems among north indians, Human Heredity, 21(5) DOI
1971 Jayaprakash R.K.; Murty B.R. (1971). Cytological and Developmental Instabilities in Some Intraspecific Populations of Nicotiana rustica L, CYTOLOGIA, 36(2) DOI
1971 Kapoor V.C. (1971). A new species of the genus meracanthomyia hendel from india (tephritidae: Dacinae), Oriental Insects, 5(4) DOI
1971 Banerjee S.K. (1971). Isolation of viable F1 seeds of some interspecific crosses by X-ray photography, Euphytica, 20(3) DOI
1971 Chhonkar P.K.; Iswaran V.; Jauhri K.S. (1971). Seed pelleting in relation to nodulation and nitrogen fixation by Phaseolus aureus L. in a saline alkali soil, Plant and Soil, 35(1) DOI
1971 Kesavan P.C.; Swaminathan M.S. (1971). Cytotoxic and mutagenic effects of irradiated substrates and food material, Radiation Botany, 11(4) DOI
1971 Rao N.S.S.; Magu S.P.; Sarma K.S.B. (1971). The effect of gum arabic on infection and nodulation of cluster clover by Rhizobium, Archiv für Mikrobiologie, 77(1) DOI
1971 Mukherjee B.K.; Gupta N.P.; Singh S.B.; Singh N.N. (1971). Metroglyph analysis of Indian and exotic varieties of maize, Euphytica, 20(1) DOI
1971 Dang-Gabrani K. (1971). On the functions of intracellular symbiotes of Sitophilus oryzae linn, Experientia, 27(1) DOI
1971 Bhattacharya A.K.; Pant N.C. (1971). Factor inhibiting growth of Trogoderma granarium Everts (Coleoptera: Dermestidae) in lentil and French bean: Suppression by addition of natural diets, Journal of Stored Products Research, 6(4) DOI
1971 Paroda R.S.; Rees H. (1971). Nuclear DNA variation in Eu-Sorghums, Chromosoma, 32(4) DOI
1971 Kalia C.S.; Singh M.P.; Jain H.K.; Katiyar R.K. (1971). LSD induced genetic damage in barley, Chromosoma, 32(2) DOI
1971 Gaur A.C.; Sadasivam K.V.; Vimal O.P.; Mathur R.S. (1971). A study on the decomposition of organic matter in an alluvial soil: CO2 evolution, microbiological and chemical transformations, Plant and Soil, 35(1) DOI
1971 Chenulu V.V.; Sachchidananda J.; Prakash N. (1971). Safflower Mosaic, Journal of Phytopathology, 71(2) DOI
1971 Srinivasaghar D.; Mohandas T.K. (1971). Effect of the mutagens hydroxylamine, ethyl methane sulphonate and gamma rays separately and in combination on meiotic chromosomes, Caryologia, 24(1) DOI
1971 Punj G.K. (1971). The effect of certain artificial diets on the susceptibility to ethylene oxide of larvae of Trogoderma granarium Everts. (Coleoptera, Dermestidae), Journal of Stored Products Research, 6(4) DOI
1971 Rao N.S.S. (1971). The role of photoperiod and temperature in determining the efficiency of legume-Rhizobium symbiosis in cluster clover (Trifolium glomeratum), Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Section B, 74(2) DOI
1971 Ganguly B.; Raychaudhuri S.P. (1971). Purification of Wheat streak mosaic virus, Journal of Phytopathology, 70(1) DOI
1971 Jauhar P.P.; Singh U.; Alice C.J. (1971). Partial Desynapsis in Pennisetum Ramosum (Hochst.) Schweinf, CYTOLOGIA, 36(4) DOI
1971 Bhatia S.K.; Pradhan S. (1971). Studies on resistance to insecticides in Tribolium castaneum (Herbst)-III. Selection of a strain resistant to lindane and its biological characteristics, Journal of Stored Products Research, 6(4) DOI
1971 Paul Khurana S.M. (1971). Maxillae of an aphid carry sap transmissible virus, Archiv für die gesamte Virusforschung, 34(2) DOI
1971 Chatrath M.S.; Raychaudhuri S.P.; Gupta J.P. (1971). Irradiation induced physiological and morphological variation in Colletotrichum capsici, incitant of anthracnose of chillies, Mycopathologia (Mycopathologia et Mycologia Applicata), 43(2) DOI
1971 Ghildiyal M.C.; Sinha S.K. (1971). Transamination of glutamic acid during germination, growth and seed development in Bengal gram, Phytochemistry, 10(12) DOI
1971 Bhatia S.K.; Yadav T.D.; Mookherjee P.B. (1971). Malathion resistance in Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) in India, Journal of Stored Products Research, 7(3) DOI
1971 Michael A.M.; Pandya A.C. (1971). Hydraulic resistance relationships in irrigation borders, Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research, 16(1) DOI
1971 Murty U.R. (1971). A standardized cotton blue stain for pollen germination and growth in andropogoneae grasses, Biotechnic and Histochemistry, 46(5) DOI
1971 Srinivasachar D.; Seetharam A. (1971). Induction of resistance to rust, Melampsora lini, in flax, by gamma radiation, Radiation Botany, 11(2) DOI
1971 Krishna Murti G.S.R.; Satyanarayana K.V.S. (1971). Influence of chemical characteristics in the development of soil colour, Geoderma, 5(3) DOI
1971 Rawson H.M. (1971). Tillering patterns in wheat with special reference to the shoot at the coleoptile node, Australian Journal of Biological Sciences, 24(4) DOI
1971 Ramakrishnan U.; Ramdas Menon M.G. (1971). Studies on indian typhlocybinae (homoptera: Cicadellidae): I. five new genera and a new record of dikraneurini, Oriental Insects, 5(4) DOI
1971 Bhat B.K.; Dhawan N.L. (1971). The role of cytoplasm in the manifestation of quantitative characters of maize, Genetica, 42(1) DOI
1971 Wilson K.I.; Srivastava D.N. (1971). Studies on the Nature of Red Rot Resistance in Sugarcane II. Effect of chlorogenic acid on the spore germination of Colletotrichum falcatum Went, Journal of Phytopathology, 71(1) DOI
1971 Sisodia K.P.S. (1971). Studies on Cytogenetics of Some Species in Genus Urochloa L., CYTOLOGIA, 36(3) DOI
1971 Bajpai P.D.; Rao W.V.B.S. (1971). Phosphate solubilising bacteria: Part III. Soil Inoculation with Phosphorus Solubilising Bacteria, Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 17(2) DOI
1971 Laura R.D.; Idnani M.A. (1971). Increased production of biogas from cowdung by adding other agricultural waste materials, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 22(4) DOI
1971 Bajpai P.D.; Sundara Rao W.V.B. (1971). Phosphate solubilising bacteria: PART II. Extracellular Production of Organic Acids by Selected Bacteria Solubilising Insoluble Phosphate, Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 17(2) DOI
1971 Srivastava K.K.; Pai R.A.; Kolbhandari M.P.; Kant K. (1971). Cleidocranial dysostosis: A clinical and cytological study, Clinical Genetics, 2(2) DOI
1971 Prasad R.; Rajale G.B.; Lakhdive B.A. (1971). Nitrification Retarders and Slow-Release Nitrogen Fertilizers, Advances in Agronomy, 23(C) DOI
1970 Mathur J.M.S. (1970). Pathway of triglyceride biosynthesis during seed ripening, Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Society, 47(3) DOI
1970 Koshy P.K.; Swarup G.; Sethi C.L. (1970). Heterodera Zeae N. SP. (Nematoda: Heteroderidae), A Cyst-Forming Nematode on Zea Mays, Nematologica, 16(4) DOI
1970 Krishna Murti G.S.R.; Satyanarayana K.V.S. (1970). Discussion on the significance of magnesium and iron in montmorillonite formation from basic igneous rocks, Soil Science, 110(4) DOI
1970 Singh M.P.; Kalia C.S.; Jain H.K. (1970). Chromosomal aberrations induced in barley by LSD, Science, 169(3944) DOI
1970 Kartha A.R.S. (1970). the abnormal proportions of di-unsaturated glycerides in some pig deport fats, Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society, 47(2) DOI
1970 Singh J.P.; Arora R.S.; Dohare S.R.; Sengupta K. (1970). A spontaneous mutant for flower colour and shape in a white flowering dahlia, Euphytica, 19(2) DOI
1970 Sharma B. (1970). Radiosensitizing effect of extract from germinating Barley seeds, International Journal of Radiation Biology, 17(1) DOI
1970 Wilson K.I.; Srivastava D.N. (1970). Phenolic content of sugarcane in relation to red rot disease, Experientia, 26(10) DOI
1970 Paroda R.S.; Joshi A.B. (1970). Correlations, path-coefficients and the implication of discriminant function for selection in wheat (Triticum aestivum), Heredity, 25(3) DOI
1970 Rajan S.S.; Sengupta K. (1970). Location of a gene conditioning seed coat colour in linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) using chromosomal interchanges, Genetica, 41(1) DOI
1970 Gangrade G.A.; Pant N.C. (1970). Egg viability in cadra cautella – ii. Effect of sequential mating with normal and apholate-sterilised males, PANS Pest Articles and News Summaries, 16(2) DOI
1970 Kartha A.R.S. (1970). A standardized procedure for oxidative determination of fully saturated glycerides in natural fats, Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society, 47(9) DOI
1970 Kulkarni A.P.; Mehrotra K.N. (1970). Estimation of molecular parameters of proteins by gel chromatography on Sephadex G-150, Analytical Biochemistry, 38(1) DOI
1970 Siddio E.A.; Kaul A.K.; Puri R.P.; Singh V.P.; Swaminathan M.S. (1970). Mutagen-induced variablity in protein characters in Oryza sativa, Mutation Research-Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, 10(1) DOI
1970 Sisodia K.P.S. (1970). Cytological studies on some species in genus Pennisetum, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 40(1) DOI
1970 Kartha A.R.S.; Selvaraj Y. (1970). First double bond site distributions in 16 vegetable and six animal reserve fats, Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society, 47(9) DOI
1970 Sarma V.A.K.; Krishna Murti G.S.R. (1970). Plumbogummite minerals in Indian soils, Geoderma, 3(4) DOI
1970 Kapoor V.C. (1970). Indian tephritidae with their recorded hosts, Oriental Insects, 4(2) DOI
1970 Koshy P.K.; Swarup G.; Sethi C.L. (1970). Further notes on the pigeon-pea cyst nematode, heterodera cajani, Nematologica, 16(4) DOI
1970 Sharma R.P.; Prakash Grover R. (1970). Interaction of mutational lesions induced by ethyl methanesulphonate and γ-rays in males of drosophila, Mutation Research-Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, 10(3) DOI
1970 Bhat B.K.; Dhawan N.L. (1970). Threshold concentration of plasmon-sensitive polygenes in the expression of quantitative characters of maize (Zea mays L.), Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 40(8) DOI
1970 Lakhdive B.A.; Prasad R. (1970). Yield of a tall and a dwarf indica rice as affected by fertilizer nitrogen, with and without nitrification inhibitors, Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 75(3) DOI
1970 Pareek R.P.; Gaur A.C. (1970). Effect of dichloro diphenyl trichloro-ethane (DDT) on symbiosis of Rhizobium sp. with Phaseolus aureus (green gram), Plant and Soil, 33(1) DOI
1970 Jauhar P.P. (1970). Chromosome behaviour and fertility of the raw and evolved synthetic tetraploids of pearl millet, Pennisetum typhoides stapf et hubb., Genetica, 41(1) DOI
1970 Chatterjee R.K.; Jain J.K. (1970). Studies on aggregate formation with reference to cementing substances, Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 16(6) DOI
1970 Dasgupta D.R.; Nand S.; Seshadri A.R. (1970). Culturing, embryology and life history studies on the lance nematode, hoplolaimus indicus, Nematologica, 16(2) DOI
1970 K. Bharadwaj R.; K. Baxerjee S. (1970). Anatomy and histology of the circulatory system of the desert locust, schistocerca gregaria (Forskål) (orthoptera: Acrididae), Journal of Natural History, 4(3) DOI
1970 Iswaran V.; Jayasanker N.P.; Jauhri K.S.; Subba-Rao N.S. (1970). Nodulation of soybean as influenced by the liquid endosperm of coconut, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Section B, 72(5) DOI
1970 Punj G.K.; Verma A.N. (1970). Susceptibility to certain fumigants of male and female pupae of Trogoderma granarium Everts (Coleoptera, Dermestidae), Journal of Stored Products Research, 6(3) DOI
1970 Swamy Rao T. (1970). Effect of acute gamma irradiation on self-incompatibility and related characters in brown sarson, Radiation Botany, 10(6) DOI
1970 Singh H.N.; Mehrotra K.N. (1970). Esterases during postembryonic development of the larva of Chilo zonellus, Journal of Insect Physiology, 16(12) DOI
1970 Sharma S.K.; Prasada R. (1970). Somatic Recombinations in the Leaf Rust of Wheat caused by Puccinia recondita Rob. ex Desm., Journal of Phytopathology, 67(3) DOI
1970 Rao T.S. (1970). Heterosis for oil content in brown sarson (Brassica campestris var. Sarson), Euphytica, 19(4) DOI
1970 Khurana S.M.P.; Goswami B.K.; Raychaudhuri S.P. (1970). Interaction of Maize Mosaic with Root‐knot Nematode Meloidogyne incognita (Kofoid & White) Chitwood in Maize (Zea Mays L.), Journal of Phytopathology, 69(3) DOI
1970 Sisodia K.P.S. (1970). Cytology of Thelepogon elegans Roth ex Roem et Schult, CYTOLOGIA, 35(2) DOI
1970 Gangrade G.A.; Pant N.C. (1970). Egg viability in cadra cautella – i. Effect of competition between normal and apholate-sterilised males, PANS Pest Articles and News Summaries, 16(2) DOI
1970 Joshi B.C.; Sawhney R.N.; Singh D.; Kumar S. (1970). Genetic control of bipolar segregation of homologous chromosomes and integrity of the centromere in triticum, Caryologia, 23(3) DOI
1970 Jauhar P.P. (1970). Haploid meiosis and its bearing on the phylogeny of pearl millet, Pennisetum typhoides stapf et hubb., Genetica, 41(1) DOI
1970 Agrawal R.P.; Ramamoorthy B. (1970). Morphological and chemical characteristics of alkali and normal soils from black and red soils of India, Geoderma, 4(4) DOI
1970 Kesavan P.C.; Swaminathan M.S.; Sharma R.P. (1970). The time-dependence of the cytotoxic effects of irradiated sucrose solution, Radiation Botany, 10(2) DOI
1970 Katiyar R.K.; Kalia C.S.; Singh M.P. (1970). The effects of MNG and NMU on mitotic activities and DNA synthesis, Experientia, 26(6) DOI
1970 Bhowmik T.P.; Prasada R. (1970). Physiologic Specialization in Helminthosporium turcicum Pass. from India, Journal of Phytopathology, 68(1) DOI
1970 Sisodia K.P.S. (1970). An interchange heterozygote in Thelepogon elegans roth ex roem et schult., Genetica, 41(1) DOI
1970 Bhardwaj K.K.R.; Gaur A.C. (1970). The effect of humic and fulvic acids on the growth and efficiency of nitrogen fixation of Azotobacter chroococcum, Folia Microbiologica, 15(5) DOI
1970 Krishna Murti G.S.R.; Moharir A.V.; Sarma V.A.K. (1970). Spectrophotometric determination of iron with orthophenanthroline, Microchemical Journal, 15(4) DOI
1970 Murty B.R.; Arunachalam V.; Jain O.P. (1970). Factor analysis in relation to breeding system, Genetica, 41(1) DOI
1970 Kulkarni A.P.; Mehrotra K.N. (1970). Amino acid nitrogen and proteins in the haemolymph of adult desert locusts, Schistocerca gregaria, Journal of Insect Physiology, 16(11) DOI
1970 Punj G.K. (1970). The effect of nutrition on the susceptibility of larvae of Trogoderma granarium Everts (Coleoptera, Dermestidae) to certain fumigants, Journal of Stored Products Research, 6(2) DOI
1970 Roy N.N.; Murty B.R. (1970). A selection procedure in wheat for stress environment, Euphytica, 19(4) DOI
1970 Seshadri K.; Payak M.M. (1970). Nuclear structure and behaviour in the vegetative hyphae of Pythium aphanidermatum, Mycopathologia (Mycopathologia et Mycologia Applicata), 40(2) DOI
1969 Kartha A.R.S. (1969). Improvements in the azeleoglyceride analysis technique, Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society, 46(1) DOI
1969 Roy Sharma R.P.; Singh A. (1969). Effect of berseem (T. alexandrinum L.) on the growth of maize crop on artificially compacted soil, Plant and Soil, 31(1) DOI
1969 Rao B.R.S.; Rai P.S. (1969). Studies on the Indian species of the genus Coccophagus Westwood, 1883, Journal of Natural History, 3(3) DOI
1969 Bhattacharya A.K.; Pant N.C. (1969). Growth and development of khapra beetle, Trogoderma granarium Everts (Col., Dermestidae) on pulses, Bulletin of Entomological Research, 59(3) DOI
1969 Bose P.; Venkataraman G.S. (1969). Recombination in Rhizobium leguminosarum, Experientia, 25(7) DOI
1969 Jauhar P.P.; Joshi A.B. (1969). Cytotaxonomic investigations in the panicum maximum complex III, Cytologia, 34(2) DOI
1969 Pathak V.N.; Srivastava D.N. (1969). Epidemiology and Prevention of Diplodia Stem‐end Rot of Mango Fruits, Journal of Phytopathology, 65(2) DOI
1969 Basu A.N. (1969). Further records of new and little known aphids (Homoptera) from West Bengal, India, Oriental Insects, 3(4) DOI
1969 Deb D.L. (1969). Effect of adsorbed cations and anions at different levels of saturation on the utilisation of soil and fertiliser phosphorus by crops in three Indian soils - I. Neubauer experiments with rye and barley, Plant and Soil, 30(2) DOI
1969 Ramdas Menon M.G.; Ghai S. (1969). The oviparous form of Rhopalosiphum maidis (Fitch) (Homoptera), Oriental Insects, 3(4) DOI
1969 Kartha A.R.S.; Selvaraj Y. (1969). Factors governing the extent of overoxidation in permanganate oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids, Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, 46(12) DOI
1969 Magu S.P.; Sen A.N. (1969). Studies on the respiration of efficient and inefficient strains of Rhizobium, Archiv für Mikrobiologie, 68(4) DOI
1969 Singh M.P. (1969). Some radiation induced changes at ‘q’ locus in bread wheat: Triticum aestivum L., Caryologia, 22(2) DOI
1969 Bhattacharya A.K.; Pant N.C. (1969). Nutritional behaviour of Trogoderma granarium Everts (Coleoptera: Dermestidae) on leguminous seeds, Journal of Stored Products Research, 4(4) DOI
1969 Munjal R.L.; Kulshrestha D.D. (1969). Mystrosporiella: A new genus of hyphomycetes, Mycopathologia (Mycopathologia et Mycologia Applicata), 39(03-Apr) DOI
1969 Basu A.N. (1969). Four new genera and nine new species of Aphids (Homoptera) from West Bengal, India, Oriental Insects, 3(2) DOI
1969 Misra R.N.; Shastry S.V.S. (1969). Desynapsis and intragenomic differentiation in cultivated species of oryza, Cytologia, 34(1) DOI
1969 Jauhar P.P. (1969). Partial desynapsis in pearl millet - Pennisetum typhoides Stapf et Hubb., Die Naturwissenschaften, 56(11) DOI
1969 Kartha A.R.S. (1969). The quantitative separation of mono- and dibasic acids produced in the oxidative breakdown of unsaturated fatty acids, Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, 46(2) DOI
1969 Munjal R.L.; Kapoor J.N. (1969). Some Hyphomycetes from the Himalayas, Mycopathologia (Mycopathologia et Mycologia Applicata), 39(2) DOI
1969 Rana R.S.; Mathur H.C. (1969). Effect of dimethyl sulfoxide on the mutagenic efficiency of ethyl methanesulfonate in seed treatments, Mutation Research-Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, 8(3) DOI
1969 Mehrotra K.N.; Phokela A. (1969). A comparison of the affinity, phosphorylation and bimolecular rate constants of cholinesterases by organophosphates, Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry, 77(5) DOI
1969 Bhowal J.G.; Banerjee S.K.; Joshi M.G. (1969). The evolution of the phenol colour reaction gene in wheat, Japanese Journal of Genetics, 44(3) DOI
1969 Ghai S.; Ramdas Menon M.G. (1969). Taxonomic studies on Indian mites of the family Phytoseiidae (Acarina) II., Oriental Insects, 3(4) DOI
1969 Kartha A.R.S.; Nainawati H.S. (1969). In vivo ‘quantum’ synthesis of fat in ripening seeds of twentyfour plant species, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 20(1) DOI
1969 Kartha A.R.S. (1969). Quantitative separation of diazelaoglycerides from insoluble azelaoglycerides and its applications in glyceride structure studies, Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, 46(11) DOI
1969 Agarwal R.A. (1969). Morphological characteristics of sugarcane and insect resistance, Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 12(5) DOI
1969 Jauhar P.P. (1969). Induction of some rare somatic mutations in Solanum tuberosum L. by ionizing radiations and radiophosphorus, European Potato Journal, 12(1) DOI
1969 Jauhar P.P.; Singh U. (1969). Desynapsis and the blockage of meiosis in Pennisetum orientale Rich., Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 39(7) DOI
1969 Anand I.J.; Murty B.R. (1969). Serial analysis of combining ability in diallel and fractional diallel crosses in linseed, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 39(2) DOI
1969 Jain H.K.; Raut R.N.; Nerwal S.K. (1969). Nucleolar organiser as a hyperactive locus for RNA synthesis, Heredity, 24(1) DOI
1969 Murti G.S.R.K.; Satyanarayana K.V.S. (1969). Significance of magnesium and iron in montmorillonite formation from basic igneous rocks, Soil Science, 107(5) DOI
1969 Bhattacharya A.K.; Pant N.C. (1969). Nature of growth inhibitors for Trogoderma granarium Everts (Coleoptera: Dermestidae) in lentil (Lens esculenta Moench.) and French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), Journal of Stored Products Research, 5(4) DOI
1969 Khan E.; Chawla M.L.; Seshadri A.R. (1969). Diptenchus indicus n. gen., n. sp. (nematoda: Tylenchidae) from soil around roots of grapevine from delhi, India, Nematologica, 15(3) DOI
1969 Gaur A.C.; Pareek R.P. (1969). Effect of dichloro diphenyl trichloro-ethane (DDT) on leghemoglobin content of root nodules of Phaseolus aureus (Green Gram), Experientia, 25(7) DOI
1969 Dadhich K.S.; Varma A.K.; Venkataraman G.S. (1969). The effect of Calothrix inoculation on vegetable crops, Plant and Soil, 31(2) DOI
1969 Bharadwaj R.K.; Banerjee S.K. (1969). Anatomy and histology of the circulatory system of apis cerana indica, Journal of Apicultural Research, 8(3) DOI
1969 Asana R.D.; Parvatikar S.R.; Saxena N.P. (1969). Studies in Physiological Analysis of Yield. IX, Effect of Light Intensity on the Development of the Wheat Grain, Physiologia Plantarum, 22(5) DOI
1969 Sharma S.K.; Prasada R. (1969). Production of new races of puccinia graminis var. Tr1t1ci from mixtures of races on wheat seedlings, Crop & Pasture Science (Australian Journal of Agricultural Research), 20(6) DOI
1969 Verma V.S.; Raychaudhuri S.P.; Khan A.M. (1969). Vlastnosti a povaha inhibitorů bramborového viru X extrahovaných ze ětyř léěivých rostlin, Biologia Plantarum, 11(5) DOI
1969 Pathak V.N.; Srivastava D.N. (1969). Pectinolytic Enzymes of Diplodia natalensis Pole Evans, Journal of Phytopathology, 65(3) DOI
1968 Sethi C.L.; Swarup G. (1968). Plant parasitic nematodes of north-western India I. The genus Tylenchorhynchus, Nematologica, 14(1) DOI
1968 Hrishi N.; Marimuthammal S. (1968). Embryo culture of maize and sugarcane hybrids, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Section B, 68(6) DOI
1968 Gupta P.; Swarup G. (1968). Occurrence of living adult males and second stage larvae inside live adult females of anguina tritici, Nematologica, 14(1) DOI
1968 Mukhopadhyaya M.C.; Prasad S.K. (1968). Population dynamics of tylenchorhynchus, Nematologica, 14(3) DOI
1968 Rao B.H.K.; Prasad S.K. (1968). Eptc as a selective nematicide, Nematologica, 14(2) DOI
1968 Rao B.R.S.; Parshad B.; Ram A.; Singh R.P.; Srivastava M.L. (1968). Distribution of Empoasca devastans and its egg parasites in the Indian Union, Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 11(2) DOI
1968 Jauhar P.P.; Joshi A.B. (1968). Accessory Chromosomes in a new hexaploid species of panicum, Caryologia, 21(2) DOI
1968 Singh P. (1968). Amylase and polyphenol oxidase production by germinating conidia of Colletotrichum falcatum Went, Experientia, 24(2) DOI
1968 Krishnaswami R. (1968). Mutation induction by EMS in autotetraploid barley, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Section B, 67(3) DOI
1968 Verma V.S.; Raychaudhuri S.P. (1968). Effect of tannic acid and ellagic acid on the infectivity of potato virus X in tissue culture, Die Naturwissenschaften, 55(11) DOI
1968 Venkataraman G.S.; Goyal S.K. (1968). Influence of blue green algal inoculation on the crop yield of rice plants, Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 14(6) DOI
1968 Dass H.C.; Randhawa G.S. (1968). Response of Pusa Seedless Grape to 4‐CPA, Kinetin, Uracil and GA, Physiologia Plantarum, 21(2) DOI
1968 Kartha A.R.S.; Upadhyay G.S. (1968). Variability of degree of high order compositeness in fats from the same biological species: Fats from geographic varieties of pongamia glabra, Nerium thevetifolium and Moringa pterygosperma, Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, 45(11) DOI
1968 Narain A.; Singh P. (1968). Haploid meiosis and its bearing on the constitution of the castor oil plant, Journal of Heredity, 59(5) DOI
1968 Ramakrishnan N. (1968). Observations on the toxicity of Bacillus thuringiensis for the silkworm, Bombyx mori, Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 10(2) DOI
1968 Sethi R.P.; Subba-Rao N.S. (1968). Solubilization of tricalcium phosphate and calcium phytate by soil fungi, Journal of General and Applied Microbiology, 14(3) DOI
1968 Sethi R.P.; Subba-Rao N.S. (1968). Inhibitory or stimulatory effects of soil fungi on rhizobia, Journal of General and Applied Microbiology, 14(3) DOI
1968 Kartha A.R.S. (1968). Some deviations from 1,3-random 2-random distribution in natural fats, Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, 45(2) DOI
1968 Krishnaswami R. (1968). The relationship between response to radiations and nature of polyploidy in some crop plants, Caryologia, 21(4) DOI
1968 Sharma R.P.; Singh D. (1968). The effect of Actinomycin-D on chiasma frequency in Vicia faba, Chromosoma, 24(3) DOI
1968 Sarin M.N.; Narayanan A. (1968). Effects of Soil Salinity and Growth Regulators on Germination and Seedling Metabolism of Wheat, Physiologia Plantarum, 21(6) DOI
1968 Mukherjee S.K.; Singh R.N.; Majumder P.K.; Sharma D.K. (1968). Present position regarding breeding of mango (Mangifera indica L.) in India, Euphytica, 17(3) DOI
1968 Savin V.N.; Swaminathan M.S.; Sharma B. (1968). Enhancement of chemically-induced mutatin frequency in barley through alteration in the duration of pre-soaking of seeds, Mutation Research-Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, 6(1) DOI
1968 Prasad R. (1968). Dry-matter production and recovery of fertilizer nitrogen by rice as affected by nitrification retarders 'N-Serve' and 'AM', Plant and Soil, 29(2) DOI
1968 Edelman J.; Jefford T.G.; Singh S.P. (1968). Studies on the biochemical basis of physiological processes in the potato tuber - The pathway and control of translocation from the tuber, Planta, 84(1) DOI
1968 Raychaudhuri S.P.; Ganguly B. (1968). A Mosaic Streak of Wheat, Journal of Phytopathology, 62(1) DOI
1968 Bhattacharya A.K.; Pant N.C. (1968). Dietary efficiency of natural, semi-synthetic and synthetic diets with special reference to qualitative amino acid requirements of the Khapra beetle, Trogoderma granarium Everts (Coleoptera: Dermestidae), Journal of Stored Products Research, 4(3) DOI
1968 Subbiah B.V.; Mannikar N.D.; Dakshinamurti C. (1968). Nutrient uptake from compacted zones simulating pan-formations, The International Journal Of Applied Radiation And Isotopes, 19(3) DOI
1968 Subba-rao N.S.; Sarma K.S.B. (1968). Pectin methyl esterase activity of root exudates of legumes in relation to Rhizobia, Plant and Soil, 28(3) DOI
1968 Subbiah B.V.; Katyal J.C.; Narasimham R.L.; Dakshinamurti C. (1968). Preliminary investigations on root distribution of high yielding wheat varieties, The International Journal Of Applied Radiation And Isotopes, 19(4) DOI
1968 Nath K.; Sahai K.; Kehar N.D. (1968). A note on the effect of lime and calcium carbonate supplementation on the nutritive value of paddy (Oryza sativa) straw, Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 70(2) DOI
1968 Lambat A.K.; Chenulu V.V.; Chona B.L. (1968). Morphological variation in the sugarcane smut Ustilago scitaminea Syd, Mycopathologia (Mycopathologia et Mycologia Applicata), 36(03-Apr) DOI
1968 Lal B.M.; Verma S.C. (1968). Physiology of Bengal gram seed. III.—changes in the phosphorus compounds of the seed parts during ripening of the seed, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 19(2) DOI
1968 Siddiq E.A.; Swaminathan M.S. (1968). Mutational analysis of racial differentiation in Oryza sativa, Mutation Research-Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, 6(3) DOI
1968 Abrol I.P.; Srivastava R.C.; Abrol Y.P. (1968). An example of active transport of water through plants, Experientia, 24(3) DOI
1968 Kartha A.R.S. (1968). High‐order compositeness in randomly distributed natural fats: Glyceride structure of an arecanut fat, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 19(5) DOI
1968 Jauhar P.P. (1968). Inter- and intra-genomal chromosome pairing in an interspecific hybrid and its bearing on basic chromosome number in Pennisetum, Genetica, 39(1) DOI
1968 Chakraborty T.K.; Mani V.S. (1968). The fate of substituted urea herbicides in plants and soils - A review, Pest Articles and News Summaries, Section C: Weed Control, 14(4) DOI
1968 Lucas D.; Asana R.D. (1968). Effect of Defoliation on the Growth and Yield of Wheat, Physiologia Plantarum, 21(6) DOI
1968 Chenulu V.V.; Sachchidananda J.; Mehta S.C. (1968). Studies on a Mosaic Disease of Cowpea from India, Journal of Phytopathology, 63(4) DOI
1968 Singh A.; Roysharma R.P. (1968). Long term experiments with fertilizers and manures on sugarcane in India, Experimental Agriculture, 4(1) DOI
1968 Dey B.K.; Sen A.N.; Rao W.V.B.S. (1968). Effect of inoculation on the exudation of amino acids and sugars by berseem (Trifolium alexandrinum) and lucerne (Medicago sativa), Plant and Soil, 29(2) DOI
1968 Narain A.; Singh P. (1968). Colchicine induced chromosomal interchange in castor beans (Ricinus communis linn.), Experientia, 24(10) DOI
1968 Mani V.S.; Gautam K.C.; Chakraborty T.K. (1968). Losses in crop yield in india due to weed growth, Pest Articles and News Summaries, Section C: Weed Control, 14(2) DOI
1968 Dakshinamurti C.; Arora R.P. (1968). Note on controlled moisture condition for compacted minimum bulk density measurements, Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 14(6) DOI
1968 Sahni M.L. (1968). A preliminary report of an entomogenous fungus, Entomophthora exitialis, on the wheat aphid, Rhopalosiphum maidis, Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 10(2) DOI
1968 Jain H.K.; Raut R.N.; Khamankar Y.G. (1968). Base specific chemicals and mutation analysis in Lycopersicon, Heredity, 23(2) DOI
1968 Rana R.S.; Jain H.K. (1968). Gibberellin-induced expression of male potential in a stamen-less mutant of Cosmos, Die Naturwissenschaften, 55(6) DOI
1967 Iswaran V.; Subba-Rao N.S. (1967). Azotobacter chroococcum in the aerial roots of the banyan tree [21], Nature, 214(5090) DOI
1967 Seth M.L.; Raychaudhuri S.P.; Nath R. (1967). A New Mosaic Disease of Brinjal (Solarium melongena L.), Journal of Phytopathology, 59(4) DOI
1967 Rana R.S. (1967). A nullisomic plant in diploid Chrysanthemum, Experientia, 23(2) DOI
1967 Kumar S.; Aggarwal U.; Swaminathan M.S. (1967). Chromosome breakage induced in vicia faba by a monofunctional alkylating derivative of acridine, Mutation Research-Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, 4(2) DOI
1967 Raychaudhuri S.P. (1967). Plant Viruses in Tissue Culture, Advances in Virus Research, 12(C) DOI
1967 Khanna P.K. (1967). Inorganic soil phosphate fractions as related to soil-test values by common methods, Plant and Soil, 26(2) DOI
1967 SushilKumar; Natarajan A.T. (1967). Some postirradiation factors affecting the induction of chromosome aberrations by ionizing radiation: control of rejoining at sites, Mutation Research-Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, 4(5) DOI
1967 Chakravarty D.K.; Srivastava D.N. (1967). Pectic Enzymes of Pythium aphanidermatum (Eds.) Fitz. and Rhizopus stolonifer (Ehrenb. ex Fr.) Lind., Journal of Phytopathology, 59(1) DOI
1967 Murty B.R.; Arunachalam V.; Anand I.J. (1967). Diallel and partial diallel analysis of some yield factors in Linum Usitatissimum2, Heredity, 22(1) DOI
1967 Srivastava P.D.; Srivastava Y.N. (1967). Orthomorpha sp. - a new predatory millipede on Achatina fulica in Andamans, Experientia, 23(9) DOI
1967 Basak S.L.; Chaudhuki B.B. (1967). Gyenyetichyeskaya variabil{cyrillic small soft sign}nost{cyrillic small soft sign} i fyenotipichyeskaya plastichnost{cyrillic small soft sign} kornyei{cyrillic, short} dvukh kul{cyrillic small soft sign}turnykh sortov dzhutaCorchorus olitorius L. iC. capsulons L., Biologia Plantarum, 9(4) DOI
1967 Bastia D.; Swaminathan M.S. (1967). Ultrastructure of interphase chromosomes, Experimental Cell Research, 48(1) DOI
1967 Narain A.; Prakash S. (1967). Synthesis of a new amphidiploid species of Brassica: B. amarifolia Narain and Prakash [35], Nature, 213(5072) DOI
1967 Ghai S.; Ramdas Menon M.G. (1967). Taxonomic studies on Indian mites of the family Phytoseiidae (Acarina), Oriental Insects, 1(01-Feb) DOI
1967 Mathur S.B. (1967). Pycnidia Formation in Sclerotium bataticola Taub. on Sunflower, Journal of Phytopathology, 58(2) DOI
1967 Seth M.L.; Raychaudhuri S.P. (1967). Dal{cyrillic capital soft sign}nyeI{cyrillic, short}Shiye isslyedova niya mozaiki kukur uzy (Zea mays L.), Biologia Plantarum, 9(5) DOI
1967 Deb D.L.; Datta N.P. (1967). Effect of associating anions on phosphorus retention in soil - II. Under variable anion concentration, Plant and Soil, 26(3) DOI
1967 Rana R.S. (1967). Temperature sensitivity of polyploid wheats and their diploid relatives, The Japanese Journal of Genetics, 42(4) DOI
1967 Chopra C.L.; Subba-Rao N.S. (1967). Mutual relationships among bacterioids, leghaemoglobin and nitrogen content of Egyptian clover (Trifolium alexandrinum) and gram (Cicer arietinum), Archiv für Mikrobiologie, 58(1) DOI
1967 Kartha A.R.S.; Narayanan R. (1967). High order compositeness in natural fats. The glyceride structures of seed fats from Schleichera trijuga, Sapindus trifoliatus, and Mimusops elengi, Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, 44(6) DOI
1967 Singh M.P. (1967). Monosomic analysis in wheat, Heredity, 22(4) DOI
1967 Ramakrishnan N.; Tiwari L.D. (1967). Histological changes in Plusia orichalcea caused by Bacillus thuringiensis, Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 9(4) DOI
1967 Kartha A.R.S.; Narayanan R. (1967). Effect of varietal or subvarietal alterations on the high order compositeness status of fats from the same biological species. The glyceride structures of three Myristica malabarica mace fats, Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, 44(12) DOI
1967 Kesavan P.C.; Swaminathan M.S. (1967). Dose and time-dependence of the inhibitory effects of irradiated sucrose on germination and growth of pollen of Tropaeolum majus, Radiation Botany, 7(4) DOI
1967 Kumar S.; Sharma R.P. (1967). Chromosomal rearrangements induced in Drosophila salivary gland chromosomes by an acridine half mustard, Experientia, 23(4) DOI
1967 Venkataraman G.S.; Neelakantan S. (1967). Effect Of The Cellular Constituents Of The Nitrogen-Fixing Blue-Green Alga, Cylindrospermum Muscicola,On The Root Growth Of Rice Plants, The Journal of General and Applied Microbiology, 13(1) DOI
1967 MacRae I.C.; Castro T.F.; Raghu K. (1967). Persistence and Biodegradation of Four Common Isomers of Benzene Hexachloride in Submerged Soils, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 15(5) DOI
1967 Srinivasachar D.; Singh K.P. (1967). Induced allopolyploidization of autotetraploid Brassica campestris, Genetica, 38(1) DOI
1967 DIVEKAR C.B.; MANI V.S. (1967). Simazine Residues in Potato Tubers, Weed Research, 7(3) DOI
1967 Sen Gupta M.B. (1967). A study on the soil phosphate potential, Plant and Soil, 26(1) DOI
1967 Siddiq E.A. (1967). Colchic ineinduced chromosome mosaic in Sorghum vulgare L., Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Section B, 65(6) DOI
1967 Haque S.Q.; Chenulu V.V. (1967). Studies on the Relationship of Cowpea mosaic virus and its Vector Aphis cracdvora Koch, Journal of Phytopathology, 59(3) DOI
1967 Phatak H.C.; Verma V.S. (1967). A Strain of Tobacco mosaic virus from Potato, Journal of Phytopathology, 59(2) DOI
1967 Francis C.M. (1967). A chemical test for identification of lucerne (Medicago sativa) seeds, Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 7(27) DOI
1967 Deb D.L.; Datta N.P. (1967). Effect of associating anions on phosphorus retention in soil - I. Under variable phosphorus concentration, Plant and Soil, 26(2) DOI
1967 Kartha A.R.S. (1967). A New Kind of Structure Variability in GS3-Nil Vegetable Fats from Specific Biological Sources. The Glyceride Structures of Two Vateria indica Seed Fats, Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, 44(7) DOI
1967 Chakravarty D.K.; Srivastava D.N. (1967). Studies on the resistance of carrot roots to Pythium aphanidermatum (eds.) fitz., Annals of Botany, 31(4) DOI
1967 Khan E.; Prasad S.K.; Mathur V.K. (1967). Two new species of the genus Paratylenchus Micoletzky, 1922 (Nematoda: Criconematidae) from India, Nematologica, 13(1) DOI
1967 Chakravarty D.K.; Srivastava D.N. (1967). Mechanism of Resistance of Carrot Roots to Pythium aphanidermatum (Eds.) Fitz., Journal of Phytopathology, 60(3) DOI
1967 Singh M.P. (1967). Identification of Chromosomes Carrying Genes for Resistance to Race 15, 122 and 34 of Stem Rust (Puccinia Graminis Tritici) In Wheat Variety Yaqui-53, Caryologia, 20(1) DOI
1967 Siddiq E.A. (1967). A note on the induced hairiness in colchicine and colchicine-CUM-irradiated plants of Zea mays, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Section B, 65(4) DOI
1967 Pvyak M.M.; Joshi L.M.; Mehta S.C. (1967). Electron Microscopy of Urediospores of Puccinia graminis var. tritici, Journal of Phytopathology, 60(2) DOI
1967 Parkash V.; Abrol Y.P. (1967). Biochemical studies on ethyl methane sulfonateinduced chlorena mutant of triticum dicoccum var. khapli, Plant and Cell Physiology, 8(4) DOI
1967 Goud J.V. (1967). Induced polygenic mutations in hexaploid wheats, Radiation Botany, 7(4) DOI
1967 Jain H.K.; Singh U. (1967). Actinomycin D induced chromosome breakage and suppression of meiosis in the locust, Schistocerca gregaria, Chromosoma, 21(4) DOI
1967 KUMAR S.; PAI R.A.; SWAMINATHAN M.S. (1967). Consanguineous marriages and the genetic load due to lethal genes in Kerala, Annals of Human Genetics, 31(2) DOI
1966 Natarajan A.T.; Ramanna M.S. (1966). Modification of relative mutagenic efficiency in barley of mesyloxy esters by different treatments [34], Nature, 211(5053) DOI
1966 Bains S.S.; Singh K.N. (1966). Utilization of solar radiation in desalinization of ridged plantbeds on saline soils [53], Nature, 212(5068) DOI
1966 Mathur V.K.; Khan E.; Prasad S.K. (1966). Boleodoroides oryzae n. g., n. sp., (Nematoda: Boleodorinae) from Bihar, India, Nematologica, 12(3) DOI
1966 Banerjee S.K. (1966). Maximisation of the induced mutation frequency in wheat by radiations, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Section B, 64(1) DOI
1966 Pradhan S.; Rangarao P.V. (1966). A new physical theory of the mode of action of DDT, Experientia, 22(9) DOI
1966 Singh S.S.; Rama Moorthy B. (1966). Indices of calcium availability and degree of dispersion in soils, Plant and Soil, 25(2) DOI
1966 Jain H.K.; Raut R.N. (1966). Differential response of some tomato genes to base-specific mutagens [44], Nature, 211(5049) DOI
1966 Dakshinamurti C.; Pradhan C. (1966). Hydraulic conductivity as an index of soil structure, Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 12(4) DOI
1966 Lal K. (1966). Some aspects of the embryology of Tetrastichus pyrillae craw. (Eulophidae: Hymenoptera) - Part I. Organization of egg, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Section B, 64(1) DOI
1966 Adil M.L.; Kathavate Y.V.; Sen A. (1966). Changes in soil associated with continuous growth of some vegetation, Plant and Soil, 25(1) DOI
1966 Kumar S.; Natarajan A.T. (1966). Kinetics of two-break chromosome exchanges and the spatial arrangement of chromosome strands in interphase nucleus, Nature, 209(5025) DOI
1966 Kartha A.R.S. (1966). Validity of Gunstone's acyl group distribution theory in vegetable fats containing appreciable GS3, Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society, 43(10) DOI
1966 Dakshinamurti C.; Chandool D.E. (1966). Isoconductivity value and cation-exchange capacity of soils and clays, Soil Science, 102(2) DOI
1966 Misra R.N.; Shastry S.V.S. (1966). Pachytene Analysis in Oryza VII Chromosome pairing in an intervarietal hybrid of O. perennis Moench, CYTOLOGIA, 31(2) DOI
1966 Gupta K.G.; Sen A. (1966). Utilization of phosphates by Rhizobium spp. in relation to their efficiencies, Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 12(1) DOI
1966 Mathur S.B.; Srivastava R.P.; Subba Rao B.R. (1966). Beauveria densa, pathogenic for the larvae of Chilo zonellus, Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 8(2) DOI
1966 Singh P. (1966). Effect of colchicine on colletotrichum falcatum went, Mycopathologia (Mycopathologia et Mycologia Applicata), 28(01-Feb) DOI
1966 Sharma R.P. (1966). Chromosome breakage and enhancement in radiation sensitivity induced by 5-trifluoromethyl-2-deoxy-uridine in Vicia faba, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Section B, 64(1) DOI
1966 Rana R.S. (1966). Induced twinning in barley, Journal of Heredity, 57(6) DOI
1966 Mukherjee S.K.; De R.; Saxena P.N. (1966). Efficiency of utilization of soil- and foliar-applied nitrogen and phosphorus as revealed by tuber production and nutrient uptake of potatoes, Soil Science, 102(4) DOI
1966 Ramanna M.S.; Natarajan A.T. (1966). Chromosome breakage induced by alkyl-alkane-sulfonates under different physical treatment conditions, Chromosoma, 18(1) DOI
1966 Verma S.C.; Lal B.M. (1966). Physiology of bengal gram seed. II.— Changes in phosphorus compounds during ripening of the seed, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 17(1) DOI
1966 Nandi P.; Raychaudhuri S.P. (1966). Effect of iron on the concentration of potato virus X in tomato, American Potato Journal, 43(1) DOI
1966 Rana R.S. (1966). Physiological Characteristics Associated with Chromosomal Structure in Chrysanthemum Carinatum, CYTOLOGIA, 31(2) DOI
1966 Singh P. (1966). Studies on the effect of soil extract on the conidial germination in colletotrichum falcatum went, Mycopathologia (Mycopathologia et Mycologia Applicata), 28(4) DOI
1966 Jauhar P.P.; Joshi A.B. (1966). Cytological Studies in Some Species of Panicum, CYTOLOGIA, 31(2) DOI
1966 Srinivas T. (1966). Studies on the formation of leaf tumours in an interspecific Triticum hybrid, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Section B, 63(3) DOI
1966 Rana R.S. (1966). An induced bicarpel mutation in barley, Die Naturwissenschaften, 53(20) DOI
1966 Vasil I.K.; Hildebrandt A.C. (1966). Growth and chlorophyll production in plant callus tissues grown in vitro, Planta, 68(1) DOI
1965 Rana R.S. (1965). Radiation-induced variation in ray-floret characteristics of annual chrysanthemum, Euphytica, 14(3) DOI
1965 Kartha A.R.S. (1965). Mean first double bond distance in natural fat fatty acids and its influence on azelaoglyceride analysis, Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, 42(4) DOI
1965 SINGH P.; VASUDEVA R.S.; BAJAJ B.S. (1965). Seed bacterization and biological activity of bulbiformin, Annals of Applied Biology, 55(1) DOI
1965 SubbaRao B.R. (1965). A new genus of Encyrtidae from India (Hymenoptera), Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London. Series B, Taxonomy, 34(11-Dec) DOI
1965 Kumar S.; Natarajan A.T. (1965). On the distribution of two-break exchanges on the satellited chromosomes of barely, Mutation Research-Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, 2(5) DOI
1965 Prasad R. (1965). Determination of potentially available nitrogen in soils - A rapid procedure, Plant and Soil, 23(2) DOI
1965 Rana R.S. (1965). Monosomic interchange heterozygote of diploid Chrysanthemum [45], Nature, 206(4983) DOI
1965 Mehrotra K.N. (1965). Properties of glycylglycine dipeptidase from Sitophilus oryzae (L.), Journal of Insect Physiology, 11(9) DOI
1965 Singh P. (1965). Inhibition of conidial germination in colletotrichum falcatum went, Mycopathologia (Mycopathologia et Mycologia Applicata), 27(01-Feb) DOI
1965 Rana R.S. (1965). Somatic reduction in an intervarietal hybrid of chrysanthemum, The Japanese Journal of Genetics, 40(3) DOI
1965 Swaminathan M.S. (1965). Report of meeting, Radiation Botany, 5(1) DOI
1965 Shah S.S. (1965). Inter-relationships of chiasma frequencies in normal set bivalents in presence of extra heterochromatin and euchromatin in Dactylis glomerata subsp. Lusitanica, Heredity, 20(3) DOI
1965 Rao B.R.S. (1965). A key to species of Anicetus Howard, 1896 (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) and descriptions of new species from India, Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London. Series B, Taxonomy, 34(05-Jun) DOI
1965 Rana R.S.; Jain H.K. (1965). Adaptive role of interchange heterozygosity in the annual chrysanthemum, Heredity, 20(1) DOI
1965 Rana R.S. (1965). A Cytological Evaluation of Temperature Sensitivity in Diploid Wheat, Caryologia, 18(1) DOI
1965 Bhowal J.G.; Choudhury A.K.R. (1965). Estimation of the frequency of functioning gametes in monosomics [40], Nature, 206(4988) DOI
1965 Rao R.N.; Natarajan A.T. (1965). Effect of 9-β-D-Arabinofuranosyladenine on Vicia faba Chromosomes, Cancer Research, 25(10) DOI
1965 Parkash V.; Subbiah B.V. (1965). Radioisotopes in micronutrient studies, Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 11(1) DOI
1965 Ramamoorthy B.; Paliwal K.V. (1965). Potassium adsorption ratio of some soils in relation to their potassium availability to paddy, Soil Science, 99(4) DOI
1965 Paliwal Y.C.; Raychaudhuri S.P. (1965). Intracellular inclusions associated with maize mosaic virus infection, Experientia, 21(12) DOI
1965 Bansal H.C.; Kumar S.; Natarajan A.T. (1965). Karyotype Analysis of Species in Section Cerealia of Genus Hordeum with Special Reference to their Interrelationships, Caryologia, 18(2) DOI
1965 Iyer C.P.A.; Randhawa G.S. (1965). Increasing colchicine effectiveness in woody plants with special reference to fruit crops, Euphytica, 14(3) DOI
1965 Choudhury A.K.R.; Bhowal J.G. (1965). Estimation of the frequency of functioning gametes in monosomics [38], Nature, 208(5013) DOI
1965 Baldev B.; Lang A.; Agatep A.O. (1965). Gibberellin production in pea seeds developing in excised pods: Effect of growth retardant AMO-1618, Science, 147(3654) DOI
1965 Natarajan A.T.; Shivasankar G. (1965). Studies on modification of mutation response of barley seeds to ethyl methanesulfonate, Zeitschrift für Vererbungslehre, 96(1) DOI
1965 Rana R.S. (1965). Induced interchange heterozygosity in diploid Chrysanthemum, Chromosoma, 16(4) DOI
1965 Chopra V.L.; Pai R.A. (1965). Chromosomes of the Striped Indian Squirrel (Funambulus pennenti) [30], Nature, 207(5001) DOI
1965 Asanar R.D.; Williams F. (1965). The effect of temperature stress on grain development in wheat, Crop & Pasture Science (Australian Journal of Agricultural Research), 16(1) DOI
1965 Subba-Rao N.S.; Bajpai P.D. (1965). Fungi on the surface of legume root nodules and phosphate solubilization, Experientia, 21(7) DOI
1965 Singh P. (1965). Studies on the Enzyme Sucrase as Secreted by the Conidia of Colletotrichum falcatum Went), Journal of Phytopathology, 54(1) DOI
1965 Kumar S.; Natarajan A.T. (1965). Photodynamic action and post-irradiation modifying effects of methylene blue and acridine orange in barley and Vicia faba, Mutation Research-Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, 2(1) DOI
1965 Payak M.M. (1965). Berberis as the Aecial Host of Puccinia brachypodii in Simla Hills (India), Journal of Phytopathology, 52(1) DOI
1965 Jain H.K.; Raut R.N. (1965). Differential reaction of tomato chromosomes with hydroxylamine, Experientia, 21(6) DOI
1965 Parkash V.; Subbiah B.V. (1965). Distribution pattern of radiocalcium (Ca45) and radiosulphur (S35) in citrus seedlings under normal and deficient conditions of different micronutrient elements, Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 11(4) DOI
1965 Natarajan A.T.; Rao R.N. (1965). Chromosome breakage induced by fluorinated thymidine in secondary roots of Vicia faba, Experimental Cell Research, 38(3) DOI
1965 Kapoor M.L.; Joshi B.C.; Natarajan A.T. (1965). Effect of chronic gamma irradiation on epidermal hairs of some varieties of wheat and barley, Radiation Botany, 5(3) DOI
1965 Gupta K.G.; Sen A. (1965). The relationship between glucose consumption by Rhizobium spp. from some common cultivated legumes and their efficiencies, Plant and Soil, 22(2) DOI
1965 Rao R.N.; Natarajan A.T. (1965). Mutagenicity of some alkyl alkanesulfonates in barley, Mutation Research-Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, 2(2) DOI
1965 Raychaudhuri S.P.; Mishra M.D. (1965). Effect of some metabolites and their analogs on the infectivity of tobacco tissue culture containing chilli mosaic virus, Virology, 25(3) DOI
1965 Ramamoorthy B.; Paliwal K.V. (1965). Comparison of some rapid methods of determining potassium availability of paddy soils, Soil Science, 100(6) DOI
1965 Subba-Rao N.S.; Vasantha P. (1965). Fungi on the nodular surface of some legumes, Die Naturwissenschaften, 52(2) DOI
1964 Venkataraman G.S.; Yanagita T. (1964). Photosynthetic Activity as a Measure of Viability in Microalgae, Journal of General and Applied Microbiology, 10(1) DOI
1964 Kartha A.R.S. (1964). A study of the mobilization of free tocopherols in germinating seeds, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 15(11) DOI
1964 Verma S.C.; Lal B.M.; Parkash V. (1964). Changes in the chemical composition of the seed parts during ripening of Bengal gram (Cicer arietinum L.) seed, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 15(1) DOI
1964 Magoon M.L.; Manchanda P.L.; Ramanna M.S. (1964). Cytological and morphological studies in the genus sorghum, CYTOLOGIA, 29(1) DOI
1964 Barooah P.P.; Sen A. (1964). Nitrogen fixation by Beijerinckia in relation to slime formation, Archiv für Mikrobiologie, 48(4) DOI
1964 Shah S.S. (1964). Interrelationship of chiasma frequency in bivalents in Dactylis glomerata subsp. Lusitanica, Heredity, 19(4) DOI
1964 Kartha A.R.S.; Mathur J.M.S. (1964). Mobilisation of fats in germinating seeds: The in vivo “quantum” hydrolysis of triglycerides, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 15(12) DOI
1964 Jain H.K. (1964). Chromosomal control of nucleolar synthesis, Experientia, 20(3) DOI
1964 Shah S.S. (1964). A study of plants with meiotic abnormalities in dactylis glomerata subsp. lusitanica, CYTOLOGIA, 29(4) DOI
1964 Rana R.S. (1964). Radiation-induced chromosomal rearrangement in annual chrysanthemum, Experientia, 20(11) DOI
1964 Rana R.S. (1964). Phenotypic variability of an induced mutant of annual chrysanthemum, Genetica, 35(1) DOI
1964 Bhatia C.R.; Swaminathan M.S. (1964). An induced multiple carpel mutation in bread wheat, Genetica, 34(1) DOI
1964 Barooah P.P.; Sen A. (1964). Effect of Combined Nitrogen On Fixation of Atmospheric Nitrogen by Beijerinckia, Journal of General and Applied Microbiology, 10(3) DOI
1964 Basak S.L.; Jain H.K. (1964). The interchromosome distribution of chiasmata in interchange heterozygotes of Delphinium, Heredity, 19(1) DOI
1964 Kartha A.R.S. (1964). The configuration of the disaturated glycerides in Garcinia indica and Vateria indica seed fats, Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society, 41(6) DOI
1964 Rana R.S. (1964). A radiation-induced chimera in annual chrysanthemum, Die Naturwissenschaften, 51(24) DOI
1964 Agrawal B.L. (1964). Comment on “the burden of debt in indian agriculture”, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 46(1) DOI
1964 Reddy G.R. (1964). Effect of varying quantities of dicyandiamide on the utilization of nitrogen by several crops from sodium nitrate and ammonium sulphate, Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 62(1) DOI
1964 Kartha A.R.S. (1964). Biosynthesis of fat in ripening coconut: The in vivo ‘quantum’ synthesis of triglycerides, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 15(5) DOI
1964 Kumar S.; Natarajan A.T. (1964). Fast neutron induced leaf tumours in barley (Hordeum distichum), Radiation Botany, 4(1) DOI
1964 Rana R.S.; Jain H.K. (1964). Chromsomal polymorphism in annual chrysanthemum, Die Naturwissenschaften, 51(2) DOI
1964 Raski D.J.; Prasad S.K.; Swarup G. (1964). Telotylenchus Housei, a New Nematode Species From Mysore State, India (Tylenchidae: Nematoda), Nematologica, 10(1) DOI
1964 Shah S.S. (1964). Studies on a triploid, a tetrasomic triploid and a trisomic plant of Dactylis glomerata, Chromosoma, 15(4) DOI
1964 Natarajan A.T.; Upadhya M.D. (1964). Localized chromosome breakage induced by ethyl-methane-sulfonate and hydroxylamine in Vicia faba, Chromosoma, 15(2) DOI
1964 Iswaran V.; Rao W.V.B.S. (1964). Role of cobalt in nitrogen fixation by azotobacter chroococcum [45], Nature, 203(4944) DOI
1964 Chacko M.J. (1964). Effect of superparasitism in Bracon gelechiae Ashmead, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Section B, 60(1) DOI
1963 Kartha A.R.S. (1963). Variations in the proportions and iodine values of fats at different locations in the endosperm or embryo, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 14(7) DOI
1963 Jain S.K. (1963). Sex ratios under natural selection [45], Nature, 200(4913) DOI
1963 Jain S.K.; Suneson C.A. (1963). Male sterility for increased outbreeding in populations of barley, Nature, 199(4891) DOI
1963 Jain H.K.; Basak S.L. (1963). Interchromosome effects of chiasmata and crossing-over, Nature, 197(4868) DOI
1963 Das D.C.; Shastry S.V.S. (1963). Pachytene analysis in oryza, CYTOLOGIA, 28(1) DOI
1963 Ramanujam S.; Kumar S. (1963). Irregular meiosis associated with pollen sterility in vetiveria zizanioides (Linn.) nash, CYTOLOGIA, 28(3) DOI
1963 Shahare M.L.; Shastry S.V.S. (1963). Meiosis in garden roses, Chromosoma, 13(6) DOI
1963 Jain H.K.; Rana R.S. (1963). Temperature sensitivity of chromosomes in diploid and polyploid species of wheat [54], Nature, 200(4905) DOI
1963 Bhatia C.; Swaminathan M.S. (1963). Frequency and spectrum of mutations induced by radiations in some varieties of bread wheat, Euphytica, 12(1) DOI
1963 Jain H.K.; Vasudevan K.N.; Basak S.L. (1963). Experimental production of a new karyotype in Delphinium, Chromosoma, 14(5) DOI
1963 Magoon M.L.; Shambulingappa K.G. (1963). Cyto-morphological studies op some species and hybrids in the Eu-Sorghums, Chromosoma, 14(6) DOI
1963 Upadhya M.D.; Swaminathan M.S. (1963). Deoxyribonucleic acid and the ancestry of wheat [55], Nature, 200(4907) DOI
1963 Natarajan A.T.; Nirula S. (1963). Induction of mutations in barley with ultra-violet radiation [34], Nature, 199(4895) DOI
1963 Lal B.M.; Prakash V.; Verma S.C. (1963). The distribution of nutrients in the seed parts of bengal gram, Experientia, 19(3) DOI
1963 Upadhya M.D.; Swaminathan M.S. (1963). Genome analysis in Triticum zhukovskyi, a new hexaploid wheat, Chromosoma, 14(6) DOI
1963 Chopra V.L.; Natarajan A.T.; Swaminathan M.S. (1963). Cytological effects observed in plant material grown on irradiated fruit juices, Radiation Botany, 3(1) DOI
1963 Magoon M.L.; Khanna K.R. (1963). Haploids, Caryologia, 16(1) DOI
1963 VASUDEVA R.S.; SINGH P.; GUPTA P.K.S.; MAHMOOD M.; BAJAJ B.S. (1963). Further studies on the biological activity of bulbiformin, Annals of Applied Biology, 51(3) DOI
1963 Swaminathan M.S.; Nirula S.; Natarajan A.T.; Sharma R.P. (1963). Mutations: Incidence in Drosophila melanogaster reared on irradiated medium, Science, 141(3581) DOI
1963 Chopra V.L.; Swaminathan M.S. (1963). Sprout inhibition and radiomimetic properties in irradiated potatoes, Die Naturwissenschaften, 50(10) DOI
1963 Upadhya M.D.; Natarajan A.T. (1963). Structure of the secondary constriction region of the satellited chromosomes in triticinae, Die Naturwissenschaften, 50(10) DOI
1963 Nirula S. (1963). Studies on some nuclear factors controlling radiation sensitivity and the induced mutation rate in eu- and para-sorghum species, Radiation Botany, 3(4) DOI
1963 Ghose R.L.M.; Butany W.T.; Seetharaman R. (1963). Inheritance of anthocyanin pigmentation in leaf blade of rice (Oryza sativa L.), Journal of Genetics, 58(3) DOI
1963 Rao E.G.K.; Kahlon R.S.; Dakshinamurti C. (1963). Note on the mapping of ground-water movement, New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 6(4) DOI
1962 Kartha A.R.S. (1962). Glyceride type distribution rule calculations, Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society, 39(5) DOI
1962 Magoon M.L.; Shambulingappa K.G. (1962). Cytological and morphological studies on some interspecific hybrids in Eu-Sorghums, Zeitschrift für Vererbungslehre, 93(1) DOI
1962 Gupta K.G.; Sen A. (1962). Aggregation of soil due to growth of rhizobium sp. From some common, cultivated legumes, Soil Science, 94(5) DOI
1962 Basak S.L.; Jain H.K. (1962). Autonomous and interrelated formation of chiasmata in Delphinium chromosomes, Chromosoma, 13(5) DOI
1962 Bhaskaran S.; Swaminathan M.S. (1962). Polyploidy and radiosensitivity in wheat and barley - 1. Cytological and cytochemical studies, Genetica, 32(1) DOI
1962 Bhaskaran S.; Swaminathan M.S. (1962). Polyploidy and radiosensitivity in wheat and barley - 2. Survival, pollen and seed fertility and mutation frequency, Genetica, 32(1) DOI
1962 Roy B.B.; Barde N.K. (1962). Some characteristics of the black soils of india, Soil Science, 93(2) DOI
1962 Magoon M.L.; Shambulingappa K.G. (1962). Cyto-morphological studies on some species and species hybrids in the genus Sorgbum, Der Züchter, 32(7) DOI
1962 Kartha A.R.S. (1962). Some alleged errors in the azelaoglyceride technique, Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society, 39(11) DOI
1962 VASUDEVA R.S.; SINGH G.P.; IYENGAR M.R.S. (1962). Biological activity of bulbiformin in soil, Annals of Applied Biology, 50(1) DOI
1962 Tamhane R.V.; Subbiah B.V. (1962). Correlation of soil tests with pot and field trials in the evaluation of soil fertility, Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 8(3) DOI
1962 Oommen P.K.; Iswaran V. (1962). Comparative study of available potassium in indian soils as estimated by different extractants, Soil Science, 94(1) DOI
1962 Kartha A.R.S.; Narayanan R. (1962). The glyceride structure of erythrina indica seed fat, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 13(8) DOI
1962 Rana R.S.; Jain H.K. (1962). Differential Condensation of Chromosomes in Acroclinium, Caryologia, 15(2) DOI
1962 Jain S.K.; Jain K.B.L. (1962). The progress of inbreeding in a pedigree-bred population of barley, Euphytica, 11(3) DOI
1961 Pai R.A.; Upadhya M.D.; Bhaskaran S.; Swaminathan M.S. (1961). Chromosome diminution and evolution of polyploid species in triticum, Chromosoma, 12(1) DOI
1961 Jain H.K.; Maherchandani N. (1961). The control of intranuclear distribution of chiasmata in Delphinium, Heredity, 16(4) DOI
1961 Iswaran V.; Sen A. (1961). Azotobacter spp. in the rhizosphere of some agricultural crops, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Section B, 53(4) DOI
1961 Bhatia C.; Swaminathan M.S.; Gupta N. (1961). Induction of mutations for rust resistance in wheat, Euphytica, 10(3) DOI
1961 Shastry S.V.S.; Misra R.N. (1961). Pachytene analysis in oryza - II. Sterility in japonica-indica rice hybrids, Chromosoma, 12(1) DOI
1961 Nirula S.; Bhaskaran S.; Swaminathan M.S. (1961). Effect of linear differentiation of chromosomes on the proportionality between chromosome length and DNA content, Experimental Cell Research, 24(1) DOI
1961 Haque M.M.; Venkatraman T.V. (1961). Preliminary studies on the bioassay of degree of persistence of insecticidal spray deposits on cotton plant in pink bollworm control, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Section B, 54(2) DOI
1961 Jagathesan D.; Swaminathan M.S. (1961). Absence of individual chromosomes and radiation sensitivity of bread wheat, Die Naturwissenschaften, 48(9) DOI
1961 Jain S.K. (1961). Discriminant analysis in biometrical genetics, Nature, 191(4796) DOI
1961 Jain S.K. (1961). Stabilizing selection for heading time in a bulk-hybrid population of barley, Nature, 191(4793) DOI
1961 Swaminathan M.S.; Iyer R.D. (1961). Skewed recombination in a rare interspecific jute hybrid, Nature, 192(4805) DOI
1961 Narayanan E.S.; Lal K. (1961). Studies on Indian ichneumonidæ (Hymenoptera) Subfamily: Gelinæ - Part III. Tribe mesostenini, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Section B, 54(6) DOI
1961 Shastry S.V.S.; Rao D.R.R. (1961). Timing imbalance in the meiosis of the F1 hybrid Oryza sativa × O. australiensis, Genetical Research, 2(3) DOI
1961 Patil B.D.; Hardas M.W.; Joshi A.B. (1961). Auto-alloploid nature of Pennisetum squamulatum fresen, Nature, 189(4762) DOI
1961 Swaminathan M.S.; Magoon M.L. (1961). Origin and Cytogenetics of the Commercial Potato, Advances in Genetics, 10(C) DOI
1961 Magoon M.L.; Shambulingappa K.G. (1961). Karyomorphology of Sorghum propinquum and its bearing on the origin of 40-chromosome sorghum, Chromosoma, 12(1) DOI
1961 Magoon M.L.; Ramanna M.S. (1961). Comparative Karyomorphology of Eu-Sorghums, Caryologia, 14(3) DOI
1961 Narayanan E.S.; Lal K. (1961). Studies on Indian Ichneumonidæ (Hymenoptera) Subfamily: Gelinæ - Part II. Tribe mesostenini, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Section B, 53(4) DOI
1961 Dakshinamurti C.; Saxena P.N.; Rao E.G.K. (1961). Evaluation of effective rainfall and irrigation from ground-water measurements, Nature, 190(4781) DOI
1961 Bhaskaran S.; Swaminathan M.S. (1961). Chromosome aberrations, changes in DNA content and frequency and spectrum of mutations induced by X-rays and neutrons in polyploids, Radiation Botany, 1(C) DOI
1961 Jain H.K. (1961). Breakdown of division cycle and organisation of atypical spindles in fused pollen mother cells of Lolium, Chromosoma, 12(1) DOI
1961 Dakshinamurti C.; Mital O.P. (1961). Soil acidity and microelement status, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 25(3) DOI
1961 Jagathesan D.; Bhatia C.; Swaminathan M.S. (1961). Effect of induced awn mutations on yield in wheat, Nature, 190(4774) DOI
1961 Shastry S.V.S.; Rao P.K.M. (1961). Pachytene analysis in Oryza - IV. Chromosome morphology of O. australiensis, domin., O. glaberrima, steud. and O. stapfii, rosch, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Section B, 54(2) DOI
1961 Venkatraman T.V.; Chacko M.J. (1961). Some factors influencing the efficiency of Goniozus Marasmi Kurian, a parasite of the maize and jowar leaf roller, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Section B, 53(6) DOI
1961 Subba Rao B.R.; Gowda G.K.V. (1961). Effect of temperature and humidity of the fecundity and longevity of Chelonus rufus lyle (Braconidae: Hymenoptera), Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Section B, 54(5) DOI
1961 Chacko M.J.; Katiyar R.N. (1961). HADROPHANURUS KARNALENSIS SP. N. (HYMENOPTERA: SCELIONIDAE), A PARASITE OF BAGRADA CRUCIFERARUM KIRKALDY (HEMIPTERA: PENTATOMIDAE), Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London. Series B, Taxonomy, 30(11-Dec) DOI
1961 Nambiar M.C.; Upadhya M.D. (1961). Prestaining treatment and squashing for somatic chromosomes of the coconut palm, Biotechnic and Histochemistry, 36(1) DOI
1961 Natarajan A.T.; Ray M.; Swaminathan M.S. (1961). Cytogenetics of Some Haploid and Aneuploid Derivatives of Triticum Aestivum, Caryologia, 14(3) DOI
1961 Swaminathan M.S.; Nambiar M.C. (1961). Cytology and origin of the dwarf coconut palm, Nature, 192(4797) DOI
1961 Venkataraman G.S. (1961). A Method of Preserving Blue-Green Algae for Seeding Purposes, The Journal of General and Applied Microbiology, 7(2) DOI
1961 Magoon M.L.; Shambulingappa K.G.; Ramanna M.S. (1961). Chromosome Morphology and Meiosis in Some Eu-sorghums, CYTOLOGIA, 26(2) DOI
1961 Subba Rao B.R.; Gopinath K. (1961). The effects of temperature and humidity on the reproductive potential of Apanteles angaleti Muesebeck (Braconidae: Hymenoptera), Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 4(2) DOI
1960 Jain H.K. (1960). Induced neo-centric activity in chromosome ends, Chromosoma, 11(1) DOI
1960 Khanna K.R. (1960). The Haploid and the Spontaneous Diploid Race in Octoblepharum albidum Hedw, Cytologia, 25() DOI
1960 Hora T.S.; Iyengar M.R.S. (1960). Nitrification by soil fungi, Archiv für Mikrobiologie, 35(3) DOI
1960 Jain H.K. (1960). Experimental modification of centromere activity, Journal of Heredity, 51(2) DOI
1960 Iswaran V.; Sundara Rao W.V.B. (1960). The effect of trace elements on nitrogen fixation by Azotobacter, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Section B, 51(3) DOI
1960 Sundara Rao W.V.B.; Mathur S.P. (1960). The use of silica gel for the enumeration and isolation of Azotobacter in soil, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Section B, 51(4) DOI
1960 Jain H.K.; Bose A.K. (1960). Experimentally induced inter-bivalent redistribution of chiasmata in delphinium, Nature, 186(4720) DOI
1960 Patau K.; Srinivasachar D. (1960). A Microspectrophotometer for Measuring the DNA-Content of Nuclei by the Two Wave Length Method, Cytologia, 25(2) DOI
1960 Narayanan E.S. (1960). Two new species of chalcidoid parasites from India, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Section B, 52(4) DOI
1960 Pant N.C.; Gupta P.; Nayar J.K. (1960). Physiology of intracellular symbiotes of Stegobium paniceum L. with special reference to amino acid requirements of the host, Experientia, 16(7) DOI
1960 Iswaran V. (1960). Influence of combined nitrogen on fixation of nitrogen by Azotobacter, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Section B, 51(1) DOI
1960 Bhaskaran S.; Swaminathan M.S. (1960). Metaphase chromosome length and DNA content in relation to polyploidy in Triticum species, Experimental Cell Research, 20(3) DOI
1960 Subba Rao B.R. (1960). A new species of Xanthoencyrtus from India, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Section B, 51(6) DOI
1960 Swaminathan M.S.; Prabhakara Rao M.V. (1960). Frequency of mutations induced by radiations in hexaploid species of triticum, Science, 132(3442) DOI
1960 Dakshinamurti C. (1960). Studies on the conductivity of clay systems, Soil Science, 90(5) DOI
1960 Shastry S.V.S.; Sharma S.D.; Ranga Rao D.R. (1960). Cytology of an inter-sectional hybrid in oryza, Die Naturwissenschaften, 47(24) DOI
1960 Narayanan E.S.; Subba Rao B.R.; Ramachandra Rao M.; Sharma A.K. (1960). Biology and morphology of the immature stages of Microctonus indicus, new species (Braconidæ: Hymenoptera) a parasite of Phyllotreta cruciferæ goeze (Chrysomellidæ: Coleoptera), Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Section B, 51(6) DOI
1960 Bhaskaran S.; Swaminathan M.S. (1960). Polyploidy and radiosensitivity in wheat and barley - 1. Cytological and cytochemical studies, Genetica, 31(1) DOI
1960 Narayanan E.S.; Kaur R.B. (1960). Two new species of the genus Typhlodromus scheuten from India (Acarina: Phytoseiidae), Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Section B, 51(1) DOI
1960 Rao B.R.S.; Sharma A.K. (1960). Three new species of braconidae from India, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Section B, 51(2) DOI
1960 Jain H.K.; Gupta S.B. (1960). Genetic nature of self-incompatibility in annual chrysanthemum, Experientia, 16(8) DOI
1960 Sarin M.N. (1960). Physiological studies on salt tolerance of crop plants XV. Influence of sodium sulfate on chemical composition of cicer arietinum seedlines, Lloydia, 23(3) DOI
1960 Venkataraman G.S.; Mehta S.C. (1960). The thecal structure of peridinium cinctum, Lloydia, 23(4) DOI
1960 Joshi A.B. (1960). Report on the work done by the late Miss Georgette Birnie, Euphytica, 9(3) DOI
1960 Chopra V.L.; Swaminathan M.S. (1960). Induction of polyploidy in watermelon, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Section B, 51(2) DOI
1959 Subba Rao B.R.; Kaur R.B. (1959). Studies on Indian Mymaridæ-Part I, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Section B, 49(4) DOI
1959 Dakshinamurti C. (1959). Effective pore space measurements in porous media by ionic diffusion, Soil Science, 88(4) DOI
1959 Pai R.A.; Swaminathan M.S. (1959). Cytological behaviour of a nulli-haploid of bread wheat, Die Naturwissenschaften, 46(20) DOI
1959 Narayanan E.S.; Kaur R.B. (1959). A new species of Microphanurus Kieffer, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Section B, 49(2) DOI
1959 Sen A.; Iswaran V. (1959). Variation of characteristics and nitrogen-fixing capacities of azotobacter in some Indian soils, Soil Science, 87(1) DOI
1959 Narayanan E.S.; Rao B.R.S.; Chacko M.J. (1959). Aholcus euproctiscidis mani (Scelionidæ: Hymenoptera), an egg parasite of Euproctis lunata walker, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Section B, 49(1) DOI
1959 Iyengar M.R.S.; Hora T.S. (1959). Nitrite oxidation by soil fungi, Die Naturwissenschaften, 46(6) DOI
1959 Dainty J.; Verma R.D.; Simpson K. (1959). Studies on the uptake of phosphorus from 32P‐labelled superphosphate by crops. II.—Potatoes, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 10(2) DOI
1959 Narayanan E.S.; Lai R.; Rahalkar G.W.; Sethi G.R.; Saxena P.N. (1959). Labelling of adults of an insect parasite Bracon Gelechiæ ashmead with radioactive phosphorus (P32), Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Section B, 49(3) DOI
1959 Swaminathan M.S.; Sulbha K. (1959). Multivalent frequency and seed fertility in raw and evolved tetraploids of Brassica campestris var. toria, Zeitschrift für Vererbungslehre, 90(3) DOI
1959 Swaminathan M.S.; Ninan T.; Magoon M.L. (1959). Effects of virus infection on microsporogenesis and seed fertility in Capsicum, Genetica, 30(1) DOI
1959 GHAI R.M.a.S. (1959). A NEW SPECIES OF GAMPSOCORIS FUSS (HEMIPTERA: BERYTIDAE) FROM DELHI, Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London. Series B, Taxonomy, 28(07-Aug) DOI
1959 Swaminathan M.S.; Murty B.R. (1959). Effect of X-radiation on pollen tube growth and seed setting in crosses between Nicotiana tabacum and N. rustica, Zeitschrift für Vererbungslehre, 90(3) DOI
1959 Verma R.D.; Dainty J.; Simpson K. (1959). Studies on the uptake of phosphorus from 32P‐labelled superphosphate by crops. I.—Oats, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 10(2) DOI
1959 Narayanan E.S.; Rahalkar G.W.; Sethi G.R.; Saxena P.N. (1959). Studies on the effect of beta radiations on insects - I. The effect of beta radiations (irradiation of eggs and 1st instar larvæ) on the life-history of Corcyra cephalonica stainton, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Section B, 50(2) DOI
1959 Narayanan E.S.; Subba Rao B.R.; Kaur R.B. (1959). Host selection and oviposition response in Apanteles angaleti Muesebeck (Braconidæ: Hymenoptera), Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Section B, 49(2) DOI
1959 Swaminathan M.S.; Natarajan A.T. (1959). Effect of ultraviolet pretreatment on yield of mutations by x-rays in wheat, Science, 130(3386) DOI
1958 Narayanan E.S.; Lal K. (1958). Studies on Indian ichneumonidæ (Hymenoptera) - Part I. Subfamily Mesochorinæ Part II. Subfamily Diplazoninæ, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Section B, 48(6) DOI
1958 Ganesan A.T.; Swaminathan M.S. (1958). Staining the nucleus in yeasts, Biotechnic and Histochemistry, 33(3) DOI
1958 Sikka S.M.; Swaminathan M.S.; Mehta R.K. (1958). Induced polyploidy in Egyptian and Indian clovers, Nature, 181(4601) DOI
1958 Jain H.K. (1958). Correlated failure of synthetic activities in a wheat chromosome, Nature, 182(4647) DOI
1958 Natarajan A.T.; Swaminathan M.S. (1958). Haploidy induced by radiations in wheat, Experientia, 14(9) DOI
1958 Bhaskaran S.; Venkataraman G.S. (1958). Occurrence of a blue-green alga in the nodules of Trifolium alexandrinum [29], Nature, 181(4604) DOI
1958 Narayanan E.S.; Kundanlal (1958). Studies on Indian ichneumonidæ (Hymenoptera) Subfamily: Gelinae - Part I. Tribes Gelini and Echthrini, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Section B, 47(1) DOI
1958 Narayanan E.S.; Subba Rao B.R.; Sharma A.K. (1958). Studies on the Bracon hebetor-brevicornis complex (Hymenoptera: Braconidæ), Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Section B, 48(1) DOI
1958 Natarajan A.T.; Swaminathan M.S. (1958). An abnormal nucleolar condition induced in maize by radioactive phosphorus treatment, Die Naturwissenschaften, 45(20) DOI
1958 Swaminathan M.S.; Ganesan A.T. (1958). Kinetics of mitosis in yeasts, Nature, 182(4635) DOI
1958 Pant N.C.; Nayar J.K.; Gupta P. (1958). On the significance of amino acids in the larval development of khapra-beetle, Trogoderma granarium everts. (Coleoptera: Dermestidae), Experientia, 14(5) DOI
1958 Asana R.D.; Saini A.D.; Ray D. (1958). Studies in Physiological Analysis of Yield III. The Rate of Grain Development in Wheat in Relation to Photosynthetic Surface and Soil Moisture, Physiologia Plantarum, 11(4) DOI
1958 Crosse J.E.; Hingorani M.K. (1958). A method for isolating pseudomonas mors-prunorum phages from the soil [34], Nature, 181(4601) DOI
1958 Pai R.A.; Natarajan A.T. (1958). Karyotypes of some varieties of barley, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Section B, 48(3) DOI
1958 Asana R.D.; Saini A.D. (1958). Studies in Physiological Analysis of Yield IV. The Influence of Soil Drought on Grain Development, Photosynthetic Surface and Water Content of Wheat, Physiologia Plantarum, 11(4) DOI
1957 Pradhan S.; Rangarao P.V. (1957). Effect of post-treatment temperature on insect resistance to insecticidal sprays, Bulletin of Entomological Research, 48(2) DOI
1957 Narayanan E.S.; Lal K. (1957). Studies on Indian Ichneumonidæ (Hymenoptera) - Part I. Sub-family plectiscinæ Part II. Sub-family collyriinæ, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Section B, 45(2) DOI
1957 Narayanan E.S.; Subba Rao B.R.; Ramachandra Rao M. (1957). Hymenia recurvalis F. and its parasite complex, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Section B, 46(4) DOI
1957 Swaminathan M.S.; Natarajan A.T. (1957). Polyploidy and radiosensitivity, Nature, 179(4557) DOI
1957 Subba Rao B.R. (1957). Some new species of Indian hymenoptera, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Section B, 46(6) DOI
1957 Swaminathan M.S.; Natarajan A.T. (1957). Chromosome spreading induced by vegetable oils, Biotechnic and Histochemistry, 32(1) DOI
1957 Bhaskaran S.; Natarajan A.T.; Swaminathan M.S. (1957). Effect of mutagens on the content of nucleic acids in wheat, Experientia, 13(7) DOI
1957 Mukerji S.; Menon M.G.R.; Chatterjee. S.N. (1957). THE TAXONOMIC POSITION OF CARYEDON FUSCUS (GOEZE), C. GONAGER (FABRICIUS) AND C. LANGUIDUS (GYLLENHAL) (COLEOPTERA: BRUCHIDSE) BASED ON A STUDY OF THE GENITALIA., Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London. Series B, Taxonomy, 26(05-Jun) DOI
1957 Murty B.R.; Swaminathan M.S. (1957). Cytogenetic studies in derivatives of Nicotiana rustica x N. tabacum, Euphytica, 6(3) DOI
1957 Pradhan S.; Mundkur S.S. (1957). The Effect of Temperature on the Susceptibility of Mosquito (culex fatigans) Larvae to DDT Suspensions, Journal of Applied Entomology (Zeitschrift für Angewandte Entomologie), 40(3) DOI
1957 Narayanan E.S.; Chacko M.J. (1957). Superparasitism in Trichogramma Evanescens minutum riley (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae), an egg parasite of sugarcane and maize borers in India - I. Effect of superparasitism, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Section B, 45(3) DOI
1956 Joshi A.B.; Hardas M.W. (1956). A chromosome number new to Linum [23], Nature, 178(4531) DOI
1956 Pandey K.K. (1956). Studies in autotetraploids of linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.). I. Growth rate, Lloydia, 19(2) DOI
1956 Swaminathan M.S. (1956). Disomic and tetrasomic inheritance in a Solanum hybrid [20], Nature, 178(4533) DOI
1956 Narayanan E.S.; Subba Rao B.R.; Kaur R.B. (1956). Studies on the biology of the parasites of the pea leaf miner Phytomyza atricornis (Meigan), Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Section B, 44(3) DOI
1956 Joshi A.B.; Hardas M.W. (1956). Alloploid nature of okra, Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Monech [27], Nature, 178(4543) DOI
1956 Narayanan E.S.; Lai K. (1956). Studies on indian ichneumonidae (hymenoptera) - Sub-family: Banchinae. Part III. Tribe Banchini, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Section B, 43(3) DOI
1956 Ganesan A.T. (1956). The nucleus of yeast cell-a study of five-day old fermenting cultures, CYTOLOGIA, 21(2) DOI
1956 Pandey K.K. (1956). Studies in autotetraploids of linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.), II. Morphology and cytogenetics, Lloydia, 19(4) DOI
1956 Swaminathan M.S.; Nath J. (1956). Two new basic chromosome numbers in the genus pennisetum [16], Nature, 178(4544) DOI
1955 Bhaduri P.N.; Majumdar B.R. (1955). An improved pollen grain smear method for wheat, Biotechnic and Histochemistry, 30(2) DOI
1955 Asana R.D.; Mani V.S. (1955). Studies in Physiological Analysis of Yield. II. Further Observations on Varietal Differences in Photosynthesis in the Leaf, Stem and Ear of Wheat, Physiologia Plantarum, 8(1) DOI
1955 Sikka S.M.; Swaminathan M.S. (1955). Fifty years of botanical research at the Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Euphytica, 4(2) DOI
1955 Bhadur P.N.; Ghosh P.N. (1955). SAT-Chromosome of Triticum macha A Unique Feature Among Triticum Species, CYTOLOGIA, 20(2) DOI
1955 Swaminathan M.S. (1955). Overcoming cross-incompatibility among some mexican diploid species of solanum, Nature, 176(4488) DOI
1954 Narayanan E.S.; Lal K. (1954). Studies on Indian Ichneumonidae (Hymenoptera) - Subfamily Banchinae. Part II: tribe Lissonottni, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Section B, 40(6) DOI
1954 Bhaduri P.N.; Ghosh P.N. (1954). Chromosomal biotypes in emmer wheat [17], Nature, 174(4437) DOI
1954 Kartha A.R.S. (1954). The glyceride structure of natural fats. III. Factors governing the content of fully saturated glycerides, Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Society, 31(3) DOI
1954 Narayanan E.S.; Lal K. (1954). Studies on Indian ichneumonidae (Hymenoptera) - Sub-family: BanchinÆ. Part I. Tribe Glyptini, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Section B, 40(2) DOI
1954 Pradhan S.; Jotwani M.G. (1954). Studies on some aspects of bioassay of stomach poisons, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Section B, 39(2) DOI
1954 Narayanan E.S.; Chaudhuri R.P. (1954). Studies on stenobracon deesae (CAM.), a parasite of certain lepidopterous borers of graminaceous crops in India, Bulletin of Entomological Research, 45(4) DOI
1954 Narayanan E.S.; Angalet G.W.; Subba Rao B.R.; D'Souza G.I. (1954). Effect of refrigeration of the pupæ of microbracon brevicornis wesm. on the pigmentation of the adult, Nature, 173(4402) DOI
1954 Raheja P.C.; Sekhon G.S. (1954). Growth studies in Saccharum officinarum - VII. Number of stalks in the clump in relation to weight of plant, length of millable stalk and quality ratio of the crop, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Section B, 40(2) DOI
1954 Bhaduri P.N.; Ghosh P.N. (1954). Chromosome squashes in cereals, Biotechnic and Histochemistry, 29(5) DOI
1954 Venkatraman T.V.; Rao B.R.S. (1954). THE MECHANISM OF OVIPOSITION IN STENOBRACON DEESAE (CAM.) (HYMENOPTERA: BRACONIDAE)., Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London. Series A, General Entomology, 29(01-Mar) DOI
1953 Mukerji S.; Chatterjee S.N. (1953). Permeability of Insect Cuticle to Aqueous Stains and Vulnerability to Insecticides, Nature, 171(4342) DOI
1953 Parthasarathy N.; Rajan S.S. (1953). Studies on the fertility of autotetraploids of Brassica campestris var. Toria, Euphytica, 2(1) DOI
1953 Datta N.P.; Gurubasava Raj H. (1953). Effect of Boron and Molybdenum Fertilizers on Berseem (Trifolium alexandrinum), Nature, 171(4342) DOI
1953 Chatterjee B.G.; Ramamoorthy B.; Dakshinamurti G.; Gulati K.C. (1953). Determination of nicotine in tobaccos, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Section B, 37(1) DOI
1953 Kartha A.R.S. (1953). The glyceride structure of natural fats. II. The rule of glyceride type distribution of natural fats, Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society, 30(8) DOI
1953 Roy B.B.; Das S.C. (1953). Electrochemical properties of hydrogen clays from several Indian soils in relation to their mineralogical makeup, Soil Science, 76(2) DOI
1952 Ramamoorthy B.; Chatterjee B.G.; Dakshinamurti C.; Gulati K.C. (1952). A rapid routine method for the estimation of nicotine in tobacco, Nature, 169(4290) DOI
1952 Vasudeva R.S.; Azad R.N. (1952). Efficacy of certain fungicides against potato late blight and assessment of loss due to the disease, American Potato Journal, 29(3) DOI
1952 Dakshinamurti C. (1952). Role of ionic diffusion in the extraction of soil solutions, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Section A, 35(6) DOI
1952 Desai S.V.; Subbiah B.V. (1952). Relative value of nitrogen and phosphate in some organic manures and inorganic fertilisers and their combinations as judged by their recovery by crops, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Section B, 36(5) DOI
1952 Roy B.B.; Das S.C. (1952). Electrochemical properties of hydrogen clays from indian black cotton soil, Soil Science, 74(5) DOI
1952 Narayanan E.S.; Venkatraman T.V. (1952). Technique of mass multiplication of Tenobracon deesae (Cam.) hymenoptera: Braconidæ for use against sugarcane and maize borers, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Section B, 36(1) DOI
1952 Pradhan S.; Nair M.R.G.K.; Krishnaswami S. (1952). Lipoid solubility as a factor in the toxicity of contact insecticides, Nature, 170(4328) DOI
1951 Mukerji S.; Singh H. (1951). STUDIES ON THE CHAETOTAXY OF LARVAE OF PLUSIA SPECIES (LEPIDOPTERA: PHALAENIDAE), Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London. Series B, Taxonomy, 20(01-Feb) DOI
1951 Pradhan S.; Bhatia S.C. (1951). Specific Susceptibility to HCN and the amount of HCN recovered from Fumigated Insects, Bulletin of Entomological Research, 42(2) DOI
1951 Moorthy B.R. (1951). Minor elements in soil and their effect on forage and feeding cattle with special reference to their significance as tracers of evolution of some complex organic structures: as determined by application of goldschmidt's law, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Section B, 34(1) DOI
1951 Parthasarathy N. (1951). Chromosome elimination in saccharum, Nature, 168(4270) DOI
1951 Desai S.V.; Subbiah B.V. (1951). Nitrification in relation to cation absorption by plants, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Section B, 34(2) DOI
1951 Das Gupta N.N.; De M.L.; Raychaudhuri S.P. (1951). Structure of Sannhemp (Crotalaria juncea Linn.) mosaic virus with the electron microscope [4], Nature, 168(4264) DOI
1950 Asana R.D. (1950). Growth analysis of the sugar-cane crop in North Bihar (India): I. Seasonal variation in growth and yield in unmanured plots, Annals of Botany, 14(4) DOI
1950 Asana R.D.; Mani V.S. (1950). Studies in Physiological Analysis of Yield I. Varietal Differences in Photosynthesis in the Leaf, Stem, and Ear of Wheat, Physiologia Plantarum, 3(1) DOI
1950 Mukherji D.K. (1950). Height to node ratio of jute plants, Nature, 166(4232) DOI
1950 Asana R.D.; Verma G.; Mani V.S. (1950). Some Observations on the Influence of 2,4‐ Dichloro‐phenoxyacetic Acid (2,4‐D) on the Growth and Development of Two Varieties of Wheat., Physiologia Plantarum, 3(4) DOI
1950 Mukerji S.; Chatterjee S.N. (1950). DIAERETUS APHIDUM SP. N. (HEMIPTERA, APHIDIDAE) A PARASITE OF PTEROCHLORUS PERSICAE CHOLODKOVSKY ON PRUNUS PERSICA IN BALUCHISTAN., Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London. Series B, Taxonomy, 19(01-Feb) DOI
1949 Asana R.D.; Mani V.S. (1949). Photosynthesis in the ears of five varieties of wheat [18], Nature, 163(4142) DOI
1949 Vanselow A.P.; Datta N.P. (1949). Molybdenum deficiency of the citrus plant, Soil Science, 67(5) DOI
1948 Ramanujam S.; Joshi A.B. (1948). Chromosome number of Sesamum laciniatum klein [13], Nature, 161(4081) DOI
1948 Parthasarathy N. (1948). Origin of noble sugar-canes (Saccharum officinarum L.) [20], Nature, 161(4094) DOI
1948 Singh H.B.; Ramanujam S.; Pal B.P. (1948). Inheritance of sex forms in Luffa Acutangula roxb, Nature, 161(4098) DOI
1947 Mukherji S. (1947). Relation of total soluble solids in the cell sap of Sesamum species to the degree of susceptibility and resistance to Antigastra (Lepidoptera- Pyralidæ) attack [16], Nature, 160(4055) DOI
1947 Chinoy J.J. (1947). Correlation between yield of wheat and temperature during ripening of grain [15], Nature, 159(4039) DOI
1945 Ramamurthy B.; Nath B.V. (1945). Addendum, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Section A, 21(5) DOI
1945 Mhatre J.R.; Mundkur B.B. (1945). The Synchytria of India, Lloydia, 8(2) DOI
1945 Iyer P.V.K. (1945). The use of generalised Dirichlet's integral in solving some distribution problems of statistics, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Section A, 22(2) DOI
1944 Ramamurthy B.; Nath B.V. (1944). Spectroscopic analysis of soil colour, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Section A, 20(6) DOI
1944 Pal B.P.; Nath B.V. (1944). The accumulation and movement of nicotine in reciprocal grafts between tobacco and tomato plants, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Section B, 20(3) DOI
1941 Ramanujam S. (1941). A haploid plant in Toria (Brassica Campestris L.), Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Section B, 14(1) DOI
1940 Iyer P.V.K. (1940). The analysis of asymmetrical experiments with special reference to the partition of treatment sum of squares, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Section A, 11(4) DOI
1940 Ramanujam S. (1940). An apetalous mutation in turnip (Brassica campestris L.) [7], Nature, 145(3675) DOI
1940 Mehta K.C.; Pal B.P. (1940). Rust-resistant wheats for India [8], Nature, 146(3690) DOI
1940 Pal B.P.; Narayana Rao T. (1940). Ovule mortality in gram (Cicer arietinum L.), Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Section B, 12(2) DOI
1939 Pal B.P.; Ramanujam S. (1939). Induction of polyploidy in chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) by colchicine [12], Nature, 143(3615) DOI
1939 Pal B.P.; Mundkur B.B. (1939). Studies in Indian cereal smuts - I. Cereal smuts and their control by the development of resistant varieties, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Section B, 9(5) DOI
1938 Pal B.P.; Alam N. (1938). Errata, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Section B, 7(5) DOI
1938 Pal B.P.; Alam N. (1938). The effect of certain external factors upon the manifestation of hybrid vigour in wheat, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Section B, 7(3) DOI
1938 Pal B.P.; Alam N. (1938). Errata, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Section B, 7(4) DOI
1937 Krishna Iyer P.V. (1937). The distribution of the mean of Fisher's t2 for samples from a normal population, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Section A, 5(6) DOI
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