भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute

Campus Life

Student Help Center

Foreign Students’ Adviser
Dr. Anil Sirohi
Foreign Students' Advisor
Division of Nemato, New Delhi
Tel. 91-11-258466-1125835555 (R)

Lady Students’ Adviser
In-Charge, Placement Cell
Ph: 011-25847649, 25733888
E-mail: placementcell[at]iari[dot]res[dot]in

Student's and Faculty's Awards

ICAR-IARI's Ms. Vathsala V and Mr. Vivek Saurabh clinched the 3rd Rank (Second runner-up) at the Millet Ideation Hackathon during the International Conference on Millets for Achieving Nutritional and Economic Security (ICMANES 2023) held at NIFTEM-Kundli.


IARI with plethora of extracurricular activities provides students various opportunities to develop their social and management skills outside classroom enabling them to discover and achieve their talents and potential. The Institute encourages extracurricular activities that enrich cultural, physical and social life of students. Spacious playgrounds are provided near the student hostels and necessary facilities exist for outdoor games like cricket, football, hockey, volleyball, tennis, badminton and various athletic events.

Philanthropic Efforts

Sports Events

ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research

Pusa Campus,
New Delhi - 110012
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