भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute

Plant Containment Facility
The plant containment facilities comprise the greenhouses comprising controlled environment structures having a transparent ortranslucent covering and used for growing plants with plants or plant-associated organisms undercontained/closed conditions. The wide range of plant-associated organisms including viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, nematodes, insects, mites, and others can be handled in these facilities without the scope of the escape of the plant propagules/pollens (of GMOs) and the insect pests/vectors of plant pathogens (of exotic nature).
The “PLANT CONTAINMENT FACILITY” was established in the Division of Plant Pathology during the year 2014 at the Biosafety Level-III (BSL-III) by M/s Saveer Biotech Ltd. through the National Projects Construction Corporation Limited (NPCC; A Govt. of India Enterprise), under the ICAR-Outreach Programme.

Structures / Facilities Available
  • Light &Temperature controlled green houses
  • Light &Temperature controlled nursery rooms
  • Soil / pot-mixture autoclaving
  • Incinerator for the disposal of the wastes of GMOs and exotic materials
Scope of the Facility
  • The purpose of the plant containment is to restrict the spread of experimental plant propagules, their pollen, insect pests and vectors of the pathogens.
  • This facility presents opportunities to study plant growth and performance in a desired, controlled and contained environment.
  • Specifically used for Bio-technological studies and Quarantine purposes.
Services Being Provided
  • Seedlings of the experimental test plants for Plant Pathological / Plant Virological researches
  • Cultures of plant pathogens and their insect vectors
  • Decontamination by autoclaving the soil/pot-mixtures
  • Greenhouses for conducting the experiments on plants
  • Screening of crop germplasms for resistance to pathogens

Dr. Kajal Kumar Biswas
Incharge, Plant Virology Unit
Division of Plant Pathology
ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute
New Delhi – 110012
Mob: 9868796694

ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research

Pusa Campus,
New Delhi - 110012
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